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Chorionic Sampling (CVS) | have a family history of genetic anomalies, I'm over 35 years and my husband and | are carriers of genetic defects. We will use suction to gather cells from around the growing placenta. May be done as early as the &th week. This test is usually done between the 10th and 12th week. Ib may be done trangcervically or transabdominally. The family should receive genetic counseling prior to the procedure. After the procedure, check vital signe and observe for vaginal bleeding. Spotting may occur, that’s normal. If mother is Rh-, then immunoglobulin is administered to avoid possibility of isoimmunization Diagnostic Teats 128 © 2008 Nursing Eduction Memory Notebook of Nursing: Pharmacology & Diagnostics Constants ho Mhsres Guanre's “Occult Blood Now!” aby couple drops ~ yf my magic an Presto-change 0} Prepare to be amaze watch as | bake these seemingly normal stool specimens... feb the x blue appear’ ) é ee Occult means nonvisible or hidden. When there |s blood in the feces it indicates blood in the Gl system. Bright red blood usually comes from the lower intestine while dark tarry stools (or a loss of >50ml) is usually from the upper Gl tract. A negative test means no color medium geen in stool. 124 Diagnostic Tests Memory Notebook of Nurelag: Pharmacology & Diagnostics Spinal Fluid Analysis The spinal fluid... Brought to you from the Cerebral Spinal Sack. We'll look for the color to be clear, pressure to be < 20cm H,0, protein 15-45mg/dL, glucose 50-75mg/dL, minimal WBC’s and there should be no bacteria: What will you look for? comer, Keep client in supine position for 4-8 hours, may turn from side to side. Encourage fluids, check for headache and leakage at the puncture site. CSF leakage can be a complication, notify doctor for leakage of clear fluid at puncture site. Label specimens inthe order. drawn, (© 2008 Nursing Easton Diagnostic Teste Memory Notebook of Nursing: Pharmacology & Diagnostics

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