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Answers to Continuous Evaluation New Biology — a modern


23 Growth and development (Extension)

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Answers to Continuous Evaluation New Biology — a modern

Class Practice

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Answers to Continuous Evaluation New Biology — a modern

23.1 Growth and development

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1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. T

23.2 Growth and development in humans

A. 1. D
2. C
3. C
B. 1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T

23.3 Seed germination

A. 1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
B. 1. (a) fresh mass
(b) dry mass
2. (c) starch
(d) cell walls
(e) respiration
(f) protein
(g) amino acids
3. (h) micropyle

23.4 Growth and development in plants

A 1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
B. 1. T
2. F

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3. F
4. T
5. F

23.5 Measurement of growth

A. Advantage Measuring method Disadvantage

most accurate method ● ● size ● ● kills the organisms

does not take into

quick and easy ● ● fresh mass of a plant ● ● account of the growth
in other dimensions

quick and more reliable ● ● dry mass ● ● you have to uproot it

B. 1. Measuring height/weight
2. Measuring dry mass/height
3. Measuring height/girth/area occupied

Exam Practice
A. Multiple Choice Questions
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. B

B. Structured Questions
1. (a) Xylem – for transport of water and mineral salts
Phloem – for transport of sugar

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(c) It increases the surface area for absorption of water and mineral salts.
(d) Root cap. It protects the growing point.
(e) C – differentiation
D – vacuolation / elongation
E – cell division
2. (a)
Dry mass of seedlings (g)


(b) Heat the seedlings in an oven until constant weight is obtained.

(c) The specimens have to be killed.
(d) The dry mass decreases during the first three weeks due to respiration of food
reserves in the seed.
(e) 40 g
(f) (i) photosynthesis
(ii) Green leaves have not yet developed until the 3rd week.
3. (a) Mitosis – it takes place in the oviduct.

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(b) Cell X and cell Y – 46 chromosomes

Cell Z – 0 chromosome
(b) Cell differentiation
(c) Bone marrow
(d) in the blood/ blood vessels
4. (a) In the spring, the temperature and light intensity are relatively low; this causes
slow growth in the plant. The growth curve thus has a gentle slope.
In the summer, the temperature is higher and there is more sunlight. This enhances
photosynthesis and growth. The growth curve thus has a steeper slope.
In the autumn, the temperature and amount of sunshine fall. Thus the rate of
photosynthesis and growth are reduced. The slope of the growth curve thus
becomes less steep.
In the winter, the plant has shed most of the leaves. This keeps the rate of
photosynthesis and growth at a minimum. The growth curve thus flattens out.
(b) The growth pattern of an annual plant is a sigmoid curve/ ends with a decline in the
curve. On the other hand, the growth pattern of a perennial plant is a series of
sigmoid curves/ continuous until death.

C. STS Connections
(a) No.
Hibernation is a form of dormancy in some amphibians, reptiles, birds and small
(b) Dormancy allows the plant to survive under unfavourable conditions, e.g. in winter.
(c) He is wrong. Photosynthesis did not take place until the leaves had developed. The
weight gain was caused by absorption of water from the moist cotton.

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Answers to Continuous Evaluation New Biology — a modern

24 Genetics
Class Practice
24.1 What is genetics?

24.2 Genes and inheritance

1. (a) heredity
2. (b) variation
3. (c) genetics
4. (d) homologous
5. (e) DNA
(f) deoxyribose sugar
(g) phosphoric acid
(h) double helix
(i) organic bases
6. (j) alleles

24.3 The pattern of inheritance

A. 1. D
2. E
3. A
4. H
5. B
6. I
7. C
8. F
9. G
B. 1. C
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. D

24.4 Variations
1. C

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2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. D

24.5 Inherited disorders in humans

1. D
2. A
3. A

24.6 Genetic engineering

1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F

Exam Practice
A. Multiple Choice Questions
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. B

B. Structured Questions
1. (a) black
(b) black male horse – Bb; reddish-brown female horse – bb

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(d) The theoretical ratio is based on probability. In other words, if an infinite number
of offspring are produced, the actual ratio will be very close to the expected one.
2. (a) (P) Gg X gg
(Q) Gg X Gg
(R) gg X gg
(S) GG X gg
(T) GG X GG / Gg X GG
(b) In cross (Q)
Only the heterozygous grey offspring will
produce white offspring when self-fertilised.
Therefore, it is 2/3.

(c) Cross it with a white one (gg). If all the offspring are grey, the offspring obtained
from (Q) is homozygous. If white offspring appear, then it is heterozygous.

(d) (i)

(ii) Phenotypic ratio grey : white = 3 : 1

Genotypic ratio GG : Gg : gg = 1 : 2 : 1
3. (a) Individual 11 does not have this trait and therefore he is homozygous. He has
received one recessive allele from each of his parents (3 and 4).
Individuals 3 and 4 both have a recessive allele. As they show the trait which is
dominant, they must be heterozygous (Aa).
(b) 3/4

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Answers to Continuous Evaluation New Biology — a modern

(c) The theoretical ratio is based on probability. In other words, if an infinite number
of offspring are produced, the actual ratio will be very close to the expected one.
4. (a) environment
(b) heredity
(c) environment
(d) heredity and environment

C. Structured questions
1. (a) Additional energy is required to produce fluorescence.
The fish will be spotted more easily by predators.
(b) Answers vary among students
(c) Fish can swim. Once they escape to other places, nothing can be done to capture
2. (a) The different colours of the silk produced from GM silkworms can be used to
make cloth with different colours.
(b) The white silkworm has a segment of DNA deleted in Y gene and thus it cannot
extract yellow carotenoids from mulberry leaves to produce yellow silk.
(c) Silk colour shows continuous variation.
The different silk colours are determined by the interaction of multiple gene pairs.

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