Betrayal - Mayandree Michel

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Book One The Descendants Series

Mayandree Michel PUBLISHED BY Mayandree Michel Betrayal Copyright 2011 by Mayandree Michel. All rights are reserved. This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the authors imagination, or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the author. Cover design by Samantha Oyola Model: Giselle Elyse Lopez *****

For Blake and Kale, and my mother, Andree, whom I miss very much

Without the assistance of my treasured few, my story would still be locked away in my laptop. To my husband, and action flick enthusiast, Aaron, for understanding that the story of The Descendants had to be told, and for your approval of every action scene. To my angels, Blake and Kale, for not fussing too much when it was time to go to bed, because you knew mommy had to write. I am blessed to have you both and love you with all of my heart. To my baby sis, Adrienne, for reading each draft and loving the story more each time. To Mary Mamouche Stone, for all of your encouragement from beginning to end. To Samantha, for reading my story, and for an incredibly stunning cover design. To Giselle Elyse Lopez, for lending your beauty. ***** Where there is love and power, there is always Betrayal

Two Weeks Earlier
The thunder grumbled louder than the ancient Bergnum steam engine train, on one of its weekend tours. I shielded my eyes from the torrential downpour, but it was futile. Through the deluge, I vaguely made out the bright headlights of the C Street Line bus, cautiously approaching my bus stop. I cursed my cheap umbrella for succumbing to the forceful wind gusts, and flipping upward several times, as I ran the half a block to the stop. Already soaked through my shirt, with still a quarter of a block to go, I decided to abandon my now rectangle shaped umbrella. Thunder rolled and crashed, halting me midstep. I hated thunder storms because of my debilitating fear of getting struck by lightning, yet tonight there wasnt any. The sky was black as singed coal, devoid of any light. I waved my hand in the air hoping Fred, the bus driver, noticed me, and would wait. I couldnt hang around for twenty minutes in this downpour for the next bus. Only a few yards away from my stop, I was forced to immediately stop running again as if I slammed into a brick wall. This time it wasnt because of the thunder or because of the deep puddle I just splashed through. I froze when I saw the giant shadow emerge from the sidewalk in an upright position. The silhouette stood a few yards ahead of me, obstructing the entire view of the bus. I squinted upward, trying to make out what it was. The shadow appeared to be of a giant man towering at least eight or so feet. A man on stilts, maybe? The shadows coat or cape, I couldnt tell in the haze of the buss headlights, which outlined the figure, whipped around like a swarm of furious bats exiting a cave. As it began moving toward me in slow motion, I realized the figure wasnt a man or a person at all, but an enormous shadow. I was rooted where I stood under the pouring rain, unable to breathe with a strange and unfamiliar clenching in my chest. As if on cue with my heightened fear, the creature spread out its flickering cape with a snap, and inched toward me in a swift pace. I couldnt move as if my feet where an extension of the wood boarded sidewalk. The shadow lurched forward, and a rush of stinging and stifling heat arose from somewhere deep within the core of my body. I began to tremble uncontrollably when crackling lightning bolts shot from my fingertips, eyes, ears, and burst from my chest in long crooked, blinding rays. The rays which seemed to retaliate against the chorus of bellowing thunder in the sky were aimed at the shadow which had been silent up until this point. The silhouette recoiled into the sidewalk with a screech as if the lighting had caused it excruciating pain. I woke up two days later with eyelids that seemed to weigh a ton a piece. I tried to focus, and barely made out the view of the Nickel City playground from my window. I had no idea where I was until I noticed the shocking, stark white sheets covering me on the stiff bed I laid on. To my left, I saw my mom sitting in a chair beside me. I watched the corners of her mouth curl up a little. Without warning, she started rambling about how Id been asleep in the Nickel City Hospital for the last two days after being struck by lightning, before running out of the hospital room to get a nurse. Everything came rushing back to me as if a plug had been yanked out of my head. I wondered if anyone knew what really happened that night. After a dozen or so tests, the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me, so I was discharged. As the days crawled by, my mom and dad never brought up the night of the storm or mentioned a thing about me being struck by lightning. I hadnt forgotten although, it wasnt as my mom had explained it. Lightning didn't strike me. It had been the other way around. One Reverie Once again, I peered at the clock on the wall. My heart sank. Only two minutes had passed since I last checked. It was ten minutes to quitting time, and the shop was empty. I hated cashiering at Clarksons Gift Shoppe and being surrounded by Old West collectables reminders of a sluggish era. The hours seemed to drag from the moment I punched in for work. But working here was a small sacrifice, and my only shot at an escape from this dawdling town. I planned to flee before my graduation cap descended from the toss. Nickel City High, the only high school in Nickel City, Nevada, was where I served my sentence. Nickel City was a tiny town where everyone knew everyone and their family, so my plight of taking mass transit for the last three years was common knowledge amongst the entire senior class. Kudos to them for finding some way to obtain the most coveted item a car to park in the senior parking lot. No one cared how you got the vehicle; whether you inherited the car from a generous uncle, earned it from an afterschool job, or mommy and daddys checkbook, your status was catapulted. I didnt care about status, or the real estate of the much fought over senior parking spaces. A car meant money being spent on insurance and gas. Id ride the bus for another year, and be teased and called a bus rat by my fellow classmates, if it meant I could defect from this dreary town promptly after graduation. I jumped from the startling crackle and chime of the bells hanging on the etched glass door as a group of rowdy kids stumbled into the gift shop. My eyes glanced instantly at the clock as the heat filled my head and my nostrils flared. What the heck were they thinking coming in here now? The shop would be closing in eight minutes. The raucous group, a familiar bunch from Nickel Citys only junior high school, was armed with skateboards in hand and colorful skull caps strategically placed askew on their heads. I wondered if the little slackers had come in precisely at this time to tick me off. If they had, their plan had worked. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my teeth when the goofy quartet started zooming up and down my freshly straightened greeting card aisles.

Hey, you can't ride your skateboards in here, I yelled, leaning over the counter, but they ignored me. I began to have one of those out of body experiences where you see yourself do something erratic and so out of character that it shocks you. I saw myself leap over the counter, smack every one of those knuckleheads hard across the face, and then throw them out of the shop by the seat of their pants. Aaahhhhhhhhh, so satisfying, I thought. Mr. Clarkson, my boss, was a short butterball of a man, and owner of the gift shop. He waddled out of his office, closing the door behind him. He watched, with an exaggerated frown which was strictly for my benefit, as the group of greeting card snatching buffoons grabbed a couple packs of chewing gum from the candy stand by my register. They argued for a minute about who was actually going to pay. Listening to them bicker, must have shaved at least a year off my life. Chain smoking had to be safer than being stuck in a room with a bunch of asinine junior high kids. At last, a couple of crumpled up dollars landed on the counter. I looked past the knuckleheads to my perfectly aligned greeting cards which were now a flipped over and smeared mess. I almost hurled their change at them. They finally left the shop grinning at me with their future perfect teeth, thanks to the gunmetal tracks. I narrowed my eyes and mouthed some choice words of profanity at them. Finally, Mr. Clarkson and I began closing up. Tonight that consisted of Mr. Clarkson locking my cash drawer away in the safe, and me aligning the greeting cards, again. It took us all of five minutes. I snatched my messenger bag from the stock room, grabbed my text book on World History, which I hid under the counter to sneak and study while there werent any customers. I waved goodnight to my boss, and was out the door. The second I stepped out of the gift shop, I saw my bus gliding down C Street, the towns main street. I still felt apprehensive about the half a block walk to my stop although, it was a clear evening, and it had been two weeks since the galactic thunderstorm. Good Evenin' Delia, Fred chirped from behind the wheel. He was as plump as a Thanksgiving Day turkey, and scrutinized my every step as I entered the bus and swiped my bus card. Since the night of the tempest, Fred seemed wary of me, and me of him. Although, he never uttered a word about that night, I feared he had seen what happened, yet I couldn't be sure. Lately, he looked at me with anxious eyes as if he were a parent watching a toddlers first steps with the anticipation of an inevitable fall. Even though he seemed cautious of me, he always had a beaming smile the ear to ear kind. Hi Fred. I did my best impression of a smile, and edged passed him. As I eased down the aisle between the bus seats, I glanced at the same faces I'd been looking at three nights a week for the past two years. They all gazed up at me to either smile, grunt, or reshut their eyes for another quick doze. I shuffled along to my favorite seat in the rear by the exit doors. I could almost feel my front door knob twisting open as I anticipated getting home. I looked out the grimy and smudged window of the bus, and beyond it was the wondrous and breathtaking view of the looming Sierra Nevadas, a mountain range stretching from Nevada to Northern California. The view, in my opinion, was the only perk of growing up and living in Nickel City. I never tired of the serene and sandy brown peaks that, right now as the sun set, made it difficult to differentiate where the mountains ended, and the pinkish tangerine sky began. I looked out the windshield of the bus to the familiar main street. The towns wood planked sidewalks littered with gifts shops, old saloons, bed and breakfasts, and shabby restaurants, was home to a population of just a thousand or so strong, unlike its glory days over a hundred years ago, during the gold rush. I've heard time after time how Nickel City, once a bustling mining town, had a crowded population of twenty thousand. I couldn't imagine residing here then. That much activity, in such a minute town, had to have been chaotic. The legend remains, Nickel City practically appeared overnight with the discovery of gleaming silver in its lakes and mines. The mining era had been a prosperous time, but equally dangerous. Greedy and at times murderous prospectors from all over the U.S. and abroad, heard that the roads were practically paved with the sparkly and lucrative minerals. They came in droves; pick axes and shovels in hand, to stake a claim on their fortune. One look at this dilapidated town now, you'd know that those days were gone. Today our town is thought of as an ancient ghost town although; I haven't seen one specter yet. You would expect the ghost stories would keep the tourists away. But in fact, they lured them in. The sightseers traveled far to observe and hear all the nostalgia this dull town had to offer. They showed up in Nickel City every weekend to tour the inactive mines which havent produced a nickels worth of silver, no pun intended, since the turn of the century. The day trippers toured the poorly preserved mansions and sagging buildings (where they believed we kept all the ghosts), the oldfashioned saloons on C Street, and rode the archaic Bergnum Steam Engine Railroad. Our towns organizers saw the opportunity to reap the cash flow, and catered to the tourists by putting on ridiculous 'Old West' reenactments at the aged Whitney Opera House Theater, once a home to musicals, orchestras, and plays. If you asked the tourists what their favorite attraction was, theyd tell you that its not the plays, the parades, or the steam engine train ride. Most would agree that it was a tossup between the hysterical outhouse race (not so artfully painted outhouses raced up and down C Street like gocarts) and the camel race, what I believe to be the overall pleaser, keeping everyone, the travelers and the locals, in stitches. Picture it: dopey camels saddled up with clumsy jockeys that did an awful job staying seated while they prompted the animals to gallop at maximum speed. The longer I stared out of the bus grimy windows I couldnt fathom another eight months of suffering in this town. I guess visiting here could be a fun experience. But the vacationers got to go home, back to their metropolises, mega movie theaters, and super malls. The closest movie theater and mall were in Reno. The psychological livelihood of a teen like me with no tangible escape route was incomprehensible. More times than I could bear, Ive felt trapped in a time warp as if Ive stepped back in time, a hundred years. The nostalgia was lost on me. Finally home, I tip toed into the kitchen through the back door. My mom and dad's voices filtered into the kitchen from the living room. They were watching a sitcom; I guessed hearing the audiences prerecorded laughter. I sat my bag on the granite counter, sniffing beef stew as I pulled the lid off the large pot. I wasnt that hungry so I picked an apple from the fruit bowl, grabbed my messenger bag, and headed up the back staircase. After taking a shower, I put on my comfiest tshirt and lounge pants. I opened the drawer to my desk and pulled out several college applications.

They were all out of state universities and each at least a thousand miles from Nickel City. I had no desire to watch another camel race for as long as I had the ability to breathe. I reviewed the applications; considering each states environment. I wasnt about to select a college located in a state with a dry and sticky climate above ninety degrees for two thirds of the year. That would be Nevada all over again. So the universities in Arizona and Texas got balled up and tossed into my wastebasket. I wanted to go away and study where there was a distinct variance in the seasons which you could feel and see. Maybe somewhere on the east coast, New York and Massachusetts were possibilities. Ugh, I grunted, loudly. My nose should be wedged deep in Greek Mythology for my quiz tomorrow. I tucked the applications back into my drawer. Filling them out would have to be delayed until tomorrow, but no later, I vowed. A low buzz and vibration caught my attention. It was my cell phone. I snatched it off the corner of my desk before it dove for the floor. Hi Mom. I detected fear in my moms shaky voice. Where are you? Up in my room, I answered. When did you get home? We didn't here you come in and thought that maybe... something... happened to you. Remnants of the night of the storm still lingered in her mind. Oh, sorry, I got home about a half an hour ago, mom. I chuckled to ease the stress that mustve been building. Every now and again, my parents would throw fretting hints about that night and safety in general. I hated to make them worry, but sometimes I required a dose of silence, and evaded their inquiries regarding the snore provoking events of my day. Did you have dinner? I wasn't that hungry, so I had an apple. There was a short pause before my mom continued. A little stew wont hurt your slim frame, Mom said. Are you sure you dont want anything else? Id had a piece of fruit because it was all that I had been hungry for. No, mom, I said, gritting my teeth, and then lightened my voice a bit. I'm studying. Ok, night, hon. 'Night, mom, I said, mashing the END button on my cell. I poured over my notes on how Hades had abducted Persephone from her mother, the Goddess Demeter, and forced the young goddess to be his wife by keeping her prisoner in the Underworld. I found Greek mythology fascinating, but a low and drawn out yawn caught me off guard. After the fourth yawn, the battle to keep my eyes open was lost. I closed my text book, and crawled into bed. I don't know when I fell asleep but the dream began the same way it always did. I hadn't realized how much I missed him and desired him until he was with me again. We walked palminpalm down the slopes of the moonlit mountains, and into the heart of the forest of towering pine trees, invigorated by the refreshing scent of the evergreens. The inclined terrain of moist dirt, cracked branches, and unsettled stones made it a little difficult to navigate in the dark, but that didnt stop us. Through the darkness, with only the midnight moonlight streaming through the long prickly branches, we barely saw each others faces. We paused every few moments to enjoy each others kiss. We stopped again, and the beautiful dark haired boy, who stood a few inches taller than I, pressed his lips against mine. It was all the confirmation I needed. In return, I surrendered my seventeen year old heart to him. He pulled away for a second, his tender kiss leaving me weak and breathless. I shivered, and he removed the jacket of his three piece suit, and placed it over my shoulders. He took my face in his hands, and stared into my eyes. I could feel his heartbeat, and it pulsed in unison with my own as if we were fused together. In between feather soft pecks which he placed on my forehead, the tip of my nose, and ardently on my anxious lips, he whispered, Cordelia, my love grows for you with every night we steal to be together. I allowed his crystal blue eyes to swallow me whole. I want you to hold me like this forever, I said. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck, and leaned my yearning body into his as I pressed my lips against his warm mouth. We stayed that way, intertwined for a long time. Suddenly, he stopped kissing me, and my lips rejected the cool air. The dark haired boy jerked his head upward, first to the left, then to the right. His eyebrows were wrinkled in the center of his forehead. His eyes, reminded me of the tides in an ocean wave, azure currents darting everywhere. They searched as if he expected to see something burst from behind a tree. Did you hear that? Half of his face appeared somewhat illuminated by the moons glow and slightly overcast, adding a sinister edge to his beauty. What? I searched his eyes for a hint. I read the danger in them. What he had heard from somewhere far off in the distance, were the howls I heard now. Uh! Oh no! I gasped, my mouth gaping. High pitched cries sliced through the frigid night air like a sword. The howls seemed to be coming from the direction of the caves where the bristle pines grew, at least half a mile away. Besides our whispers, and the broken weathered branches that snapped without warning beneath our feet with our every step, the bone chilling wails were the only other sound in the dim forest. I looked deep into the dark haired boys eyes, and knew we had very little time left. My lips beckoned him to kiss me once more, and he lowered his head, brushing a tendril of hair away from my forehead with a finger, and kissed me.

We couldn't ignore the piercing barks any longer. He grabbed my hand, and said, We must go now. The pack is getting closer, and they are ravenous. He tugged at my hand, and began running. We were sprinting past the trees, darting this way and that to avoid being struck by any low limbs. We leapt over petrified tree logs that had fallen ages ago. The ravenous wolves were just as fast, and were closing the gap. Their razor sharp claws scraped against the scattered rocks and boulders sending shivers up and down my spine as they leapt over them. The barks were thunderous, and the wolves were quickly gaining on us. I fought arduously to keep up with the dark haired boy. One of wolves viciously tore at the edge of my lace fringed dress, salivating. My heightened voice pierced into the night; a night flooded by the light of a full moon a wolfsbeacon. Theyre right behind us. Faster The dark haired boy hissed between gasps. Breathless and panting, we were nearly at the entrance of the forest, our passage home. Our escape was uncertain as ferocious growls, through chomping fangs, now came from the entrance of the forest. We were trapped. We ran so fast that it almost felt like flying, and then I didn't feel the ground beneath my feet anymore. We glided straight to the top of one of the tallest pine trees in the entire forest. We were so high up that the pale moon seemed within our reach. The wolves began climbing the tree, and were half way up before I knew what was happening. I watched my lover descend with incredible speed to the ground where he baited the wolves. Left alone, standing on a gnarled branch, I did my best balancing act. The dark haired boy fought effortlessly with the monstrous pack. His strength was without bounds. He was no longer the gentle boy whose kiss guaranteed the need for more. In a whisper that I knew he could hear I said, Be careful, my love. My heart was thudding against my chest as I bellowed, No, behind you. One of the largest wolves jumped on the dark haired boy's back. The palm of my hand flew to my mouth in horror. The beasts sharp teeth dug into my lovers flesh, and the blood began to slowly stain his shirt and vest like a scarlet rose bud blossoming to full bloom. No! My shrill voice echoed through the forest and rippled across the nearby lake, possibly fetching more wolves to feast. The dark haired boy's eyes met my gaze, and the light in them fed me strength, making him seem only an inch or two away. I reached out to touch his cheek, and his skin was as smooth as velvet. Then he was where he had been all along, on the ground battling the fierce beasts. I realized the number of wolves had multiplied to a dozen, and shouted, You must come back up. You're out numbered. But the dark haired boy ignored me, flinging a bearsized wolf biting into his shoulder onto the ground where it landed on its back. My throat tightened as the dark haired boy snatched another sizable wolf in midair as it tried to lunge for his beautiful face. With what seemed to be the strength of a dozen men, he tossed the wolf. It spiraled in the air, and slamming against a tree, whimpering in pain as it slid down the gnarled trunk. It was permanently wounded. The large wolf slowly began transforming. The creatures thick fur thinned into smooth tanned skin while the menacing, snarling mouth disappeared into the face of a young woman about my age. I shuddered at the sight of her naked, slumped over the trunk of the pine tree, lifeless. Her death seemed to fuel the other relentless wolves. Ravenous and relentless with the intent to kill, they endured the dark haired boys blows. Their mission not yet fulfilled. He snatched them as they came at him, one after the other, flinging them across the lake bordering the eastern side of the forest. In the air they whirled and spun out of control, hitting numerous trees on the way. From every more, massive wolves arrived. They leapt high into the air, and almost reached the branch I stood on. My eyes bulged in horror, and I wavered, nearly losing my footing. Cordelia, stay there. He yelled. I gripped the tree bark with one hand, and waved them away with the other. One by one, as if my arm had the power of a magician's wand, I sent them flying backwards several yards. But still they returned. One of the relentless beasts jumped so high that he was almost at my feet. Help! I screamed. Cordelia hold on! I lost my balance, and began to fall. No, Cordelia, no! I was descending fast, and the stone and branch littered ground was coming closer and closer at an alarming rate. As the wind whipped across my face, the skin on my bare arms burned as it tore against the branches. The evil eyes of the wolves, blood red with the intent to kill, and mouths full of fangs opened wide, awaited my decent. I grabbed at a branch, and willed it to grab hold of me. The branch seemed to spring to life. Parts of the branch's extended limbs became intertwined fingers forming a gigantic hand which I clutched desperately. The dark haired boy gazed up at me with yet another monstrous wolf lunging at his back. He grimaced in pain as the wolf's fangs ripped into his flesh. I looked at my lover's face, and the stab of a knife into my heart would've ached less. But he didn't succumb to the agony. Instead, he grabbed two wolves that leaped up into the air by their furry necks, and bashed their skulls together. In one sweeping motion, he flung the wolf clawing at his back to the ground. The dark haired boy jumped up, and grabbed my hand as the trees intertwined limbs, which held me, unfolded. Evan... no! The wolves mouths seemed opened wide enough to swallow both of us whole. The air was hitting us in waves as we began to fall. I held on to Evan's hand as the spiral of water flew out of his other palm like an aquatic tornado flooding the wolves. They flipped over in the tidal wave, jumping out of this new river to devour us. I woke up startled. I sat straight up in my bed staring straight ahead at the tall book shelf against the wall. I shuddered and panted and tried to catch my breath as I vividly recalled what I had experienced. It was a dream. I whispered to myself. Just a dream, I tried to convince myself.

The same dream. This time the dream had been a little different. This time I got close enough to smell the wolves breath, and this time I had
spoken the dark haired boys name.

I loved the sound of his name on my lips now, tranquil and valiant at the same time. I missed him already.

My cotton camisole was soaking wet. At first I figured it was perspiration, but I was wrong. My long and wavy auburn hair was drenched as if I just shampooed it. Droplets of water that smelled like the sea streaked my face as I ran my fingers through my hair. A sudden sting on my right arm below my elbow startled me. I turned my arm upward, and was shocked at the long gash taking up the entire length of my forearm, revealing my blood. The cut was slightly open from one end to the other. The skin surrounding it was bright pink, and smeared with a thin layer of my blood which seeped from the slash. I touched it with the tip of my finger, and the sting was replaced with searing pain. I winced, gasped, and almost screamed. I eyed the gash on my forearm suspiciously as if it knew something I didn't. This can't be possible. How could something like this happen? How could I get hurt in a dream, and have the wound when I woke up? Am I still dreaming? Pause. No. I was fully awake. I knew this for sure. Through my window, the dim moonlight flooded my bedroom, and stretched across my carpeted floor in one straight column. I got out of bed, and padded into the bathroom. I took great care in bandaging the gash with gauze using my one good arm, and my front teeth. This was by no way a simple task, but somehow I got the wound covered. The last thing I wanted to do was wake my parents, so I tiptoed back into my room. I sunk back into my sheets, carefully maneuvering my injured arm so that it didn't touch anything, having a very low threshold for pain. I let out a sigh of relief and exhaustion, but I still couldn't fall asleep with these inconceivable thoughts in my head. Why do I keep dreaming of werewolves hunting me, and this boy with super human strength, and the ability to pour a river out of his hand? Why do I feel unbridled love for him? Why was I so captivated by him when I could barely see his face, and only hear his mesmerizing voice? I've had the same dream every night for the past two weeks since the thunderstorm. And now I have woken up with a wound to show for it. I analyzed my bandage, confused and afraid of the unknown answer. I was very apprehensive about falling back to sleep, yet I did before I could think of an answer to my questions, or make any sense of this nightmare.

Two Souvenir
I woke up the next morning, forgetting the reality of my dream, until I suffered the sting of my souvenir. The slightly swollen gash throbbed like a heartbeat. I slid out of bed, and sauntered over to the bay window. The dry desert heat warmed my face. As I took in the beauty of the mountains, sparsely covered in dried sage bush and bordered by the pine tree forest I had dreamt about, I hoped that somewhere beyond my window I would find the explanation to what happened last night, and what happened on the night of the storm. I read the time on the clock, and knew I needed to hurry, but dragged instead. I paused when I saw my reflection in the mirror, and stuck my tongue out at myself like a five year old. The uncharacteristic dark circles under my almond shaped eyes made my usually tan complexion appear sallow. My heart shaped face looked angular and thin, and my full lips appeared dry and cracked. Today, the green in my eyes reminded me more of the moss youd find at the root of a tree dense with no vibrancy, than an emerald jewel sparkling. I looked as though I hadnt slept at all. After flushing my face with cool water, I pinched my cheeks hoping for color, and sort of resembled myself a little more somewhere between pretty and attractive. I decided on a long sleeved button down shirt, even though the weather would undoubtedly be insufferable in a tank top. Today would be a typical Nevada day, a scorching, dry, ninety plus degree day. But I didn't have a choice; my unexplainable wound had to stay hidden. I pulled on my favorite jeans, grabbed my messenger bag, and headed downstairs. I found my mom in the kitchen, perched on a stool at our breakfast nook, having coffee with buttered wheat toast. She had the Territorial Enterprise, our towns only newspaper, opened in front of her to the sale pages. She started reading aloud the moment I entered the kitchen. Between munching and sipping she said, It says here, theres a sale at Dillard's. Her eyes smiled brighter than the sun ablaze beyond the kitchen window. We should go to the Summit tomorrow. We can go when you get home from work. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she patted my hair which was still wet from the dream. Sure mom, maybe. Maybe? I mean I dont know. I might meet up with Bethany. Her eyes darkened from their usual bright sky blue to cobalt as she turned her attention back to the sale ad. Oh, ok, well you let me know what your plans are. My mom had one love that nearly superseded her love for me and dad. Shopping. She had Dillard's and Talbots, all she needed to make her day

worthwhile, and both were located at the Summit Mall in Reno. Mom put the paper down, and started eyeing the shadowy circles under my eyes. A frown formed on her lips. Look at you honey. Did you sleep alright? She said. Maybe you should let me put some concealer under those eyes. I rolled my eyes at her, and said, Mom, I slept fine and no, I dont need any concealer. I wasnt a fan of makeup so I didnt bother covering the circles up myself. I tried to smile so her feelings wouldnt be hurt and winced instead from the soreness of my injured arm. She didnt seem to notice my pained grimace. I snatched a piece of toast from her plate and listened for a horn blowing. I got a ride to school most mornings from my best friend Bethany, who had a car. She shouldve been here ten minutes ago, though. I decided to change the subject to what plagued my mind. Mom, can I ask you something? I tried not to sound distressed because if I did, her parental instincts would pick up like radar and she'd begin to worry. Sure hon, whats up? She said, not tearing her eyes from the sale ads. What do you think it means when someone has the same dream, every night? I held my breath and hoped she knew the answer and wouldnt pry any further. Its the same every night? She asked. Yeah. I believe it's called a recurring dream, she answered. Uh oh. One of her eye bows raised and she had a suspicious light in her eyes like she had just discovered a secret. Yeah, I know but... I paused for a second or two. Are recurring dreams normal? I tried to sound calm, but needed her to confirm that I wasn't going nuts. Anyone could have them. I believe it's perfectly normal. She set her coffee cup down on the counter top and went back to scanning the sale ads. Im pretty sure that mom wasnt the authority on recurring dreams, and I wasnt about to share my romantic, frightening, nightmarish reverie with her. The dream and my bandaged wound wouldn't make any more sense to her than it did to me and worse, the cut would scare her a hell of a lot more than it scared me. Though I was desperate to talk to someone, my mom couldn't handle this one. I couldn't stop thinking about him, Evan, who I was almost sure I was falling in love with, I think. I went to bed with his beautiful face tattooed on my mind and woke up with the imprint still there. I couldn't escape him, and I wasnt certain that I wanted to. I experienced things while I dreamt that Id never known before, in all my seventeen years. It may have been just a kiss but there was an immeasurable intensity when our lips touched that Ive only read or heard about, never actually experienced. I found myself, wanting to go to sleep to experience it all over again. I needed to be held by him, wrapped in his arms, and I wanted to drown in the sweet smell of him. His voice alone consumed me. Could this be love? How pathetic. Could my silly fear of talking to boys, due to my acute case of tonguetied syndrome, have caused me to manufacture a romance in my mind? How could I fall in love with someone who's a figment of my imagination? The visions felt so incredible; his touch and his words of promise made me want to stay in the dream until we heard the howls of ravenous wolves and had to run for our lives. That part, I could do without knowing my life was about to end. My heart always felt like it was going to explode. My teeth would chatter, and my blood ran ice cold with fear when the wolves came. I got hurt in the dream and woke up injured. What would happen if I died in the dream? In reality, would I never wake up? Last night, I had gotten pretty damn close. Should I risk going to sleep tonight? I shuddered as the questions swirled in my head. But it all had to mean something, the walking shadow, the lightning coming out of me, the dreams that started the night I came home from the hospital, and lastly the bleeding souvenir that I had to keep incognito. I still wanted to know. I needed to know. But how would I go about finding out? I wasn't sure that I could tell anyone about these occurrences. My parents believed everything was back to normal but of course they were wrong. If my parents had an inkling of what Id been through, they'd have me start seeing a shrink, and then Id finally labeled a freak. I had the sudden urge to scream at the top of my lungs until all the windows and glass in the house shattered. But I didn't. That would only provide proof of my freak status. So I kept my anxiety tucked away deep within me along with my puzzling secret. I jolted when I heard the sound of a horn blaring from the front of the house. I hopped of the stool and took my piece of toast with me. I have to go mom, Im late. I gave her a peck on the cheek, threw my messenger bag over my shoulder and headed for the front door. Okay, but what about your dream? She asked. I yelled over my shoulder as I grabbed the front door knob, Its not my dream, it was just a question. Will you be working tonight? Mom asked. Yeah, Ill be home by nine. Love you. Bye. I sighed.

The minute I stepped outside, I knew the temperature would hit over a hundred degrees on this late October day. It already felt like ninety. Nevada, notorious for extreme desert heat, lived up to the hype. I'd be forced to enjoy the blaze in this insufferable long sleeved top, the price of avoiding intrusive questions. I stifled a groan. Bethany honked the horn one last time as I shut the front door behind me, and smiled when she saw me in the driveway. Although her golden blond hair was piled high on the top of her head, some of the wisps that escaped the bun blew softly in the warm breeze like feathers, making her appear angelic. Sorry Im late. I had trouble starting this thing again. Bethany referred to her black Plymouth Neon. She looked in the rear view mirror and backed the car out of my driveway as I listened to the gravel sputter everywhere. She turned her gaze to me for a second before turning back to the road. You look really tired Delia. I sighed and rolled my eyes in her direction for pointing my dark circles out as my mom already had. Yeah, I said. I havent been sleeping well. Bethany kept her eyes glued to the road but her eyebrows were furrowed in the center of her face. Is something bothering you? No, I lied. I wanted to tell her about the dreams so badly, but I wasnt sure this was a good time to bring it up. You look like you're a trillion miles away, Bethany said. I sighed again. Bethany knew me so well. She knew that I was preoccupied with something. Im still here, I said. Ive been thinking. You should join me in the parade this Sunday. Bethany said, throwing a quick glance at me. Who me? No way, I laughed. The parade Bethany referred to was the Living Legends Parade, a bizarre spectacle of the towns folk dressed up in historical costumes dated back a hundred and fifty years or so. The parade always drew a large crowd. Bethany always participated and seemed to really enjoy dressing up in corsets and prairie dresses. I couldnt be bothered with all the frilly outfits and the gawking tourists. Bethany giggled. The parade will be great fun. Ill pass if you dont mind, Beth. Besides, I have to work all day Sunday. We pulled into the senior parking lot. I closed the passenger side door and fell into step with her as we made our way through the lot. Her long, flowing, ankle length skirt whipped in the delicate breeze. I checked the time on my cell phone and groaned. We were twelve minutes late and Mrs. Biden, our History teacher, would have our heads. Suddenly, something flashed in the corner of my eye, and I stopped where I stood. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Whatever I thought I saw disappeared the second I turned around. Although the hallway was empty, it felt like Bethany I werent alone as we stood in front of Mrs. Bidens classroom door. Bethany raised an eyebrow at me and said, Is there something wrong? Its nothing I mean well talk at lunch, ok. I didn't want to rush through my explanation of my sacred visions. Bethany cocked her head to one side and said, Are you sure? Yep, I said, stepping in front of her and twisting the door knob. Wed better get in there, or shell give us detention for sure. In History we reviewed the ways of life of women in America at the turn of the century. The subject usually held my attention because it caused quite a stir with the girls. We couldnt see ourselves living in such an unprogressive time without a voice which equaled inequality. Today, I found concentrating on what Mrs. Biden discussed impossible. My mind was drawn to my arm. I couldn't get past the inconceivability of my injury. I peered at my hand resting on the opened page of my text, and realized that I was trembling. I jumped when Mrs. Biden called me by my full first name. Cordelia, if you're done daydreaming, would you please tell the class what the suffrage movement was about. Mrs. Bidens harsh tone brought me back into the classroom. I answered as best as I could and strategically avoided one of her humiliating and tactless rants. For the rest of the morning I went from one class to the next reliving what I recollected from the night before. When it was lunch time, I made sure Bethany and I didnt sit at our usual table of chatty classmates. If anyone overheard our conversation, Im betting by the time the final bell rang, the entire student body would label me a freak. I decided to tell Bethany everything, the night of the storm and what I dreamt. Telling her would be a gamble. I barely waited for Bethany to sit down with her lunch tray before I began blurting my suppressed emotions. I scooted my chair closer to the table and leaned in toward her. My heart was pounding against my ribs and I felt the perspiration pooling in my shirt. Ive had this disturbing dream every night for the past two weeks, I whispered. With a crooked smile, she whispered back, Why are you whispering? I sighed and shot a look to the ceiling in frustration. If Bethany didnt let me tell her now, then I feared I may never tell her. Again, in a whisper, I said, Just listen. Ive been having a really strange dream. Every night, for two weeks? Bethany asked. Yeah, since the thunderstorm.

You mean when you fainted, right? Well, no not exactly. Bethany raised an eye brow and asked. What do you mean by not exactly? My hands trembled and knots formed in my stomach as I contemplated telling Bethany the whole truth. She raised both her eyebrows and encouraged me to continue. Oh my God, I cant believe Im about to say this, I said, as I clasped my hands together in front of my face as if I was about to pray, but blew into them instead. Youre going to think Im going mad but I stalled again. No, Im not. Bethany promised. Ive never been so nervous talking to Bethany about anything before today. I shook with fear because I knew what I wanted to tell her would sound incredulous. She would think I cracked, and then shed stop being my friend because shed be afraid of me. How can you be so sure? You havent even heard what Im about to tell you. Youre right, I have no idea what youre about to tell me, but Im your friend, you can tell me anything. I looked Bethany in the eyes and she willed me to go on. I prayed that she wouldnt judge me or think that I belonged in a psych ward. Ok, I sighed. On the night of the thunderstorm, I didnt faint. Thats just what my parents told everyone. They didnt want anyone to know Id been struck by lightning. Bethany repeated my words, but paused after each word. Struck by lightning. Yeah, but no. I took another deep breath. The truth is I wasnt struck by lightning. The lightning came out of me. I paused as I watched Bethany. She didnt even flinch. Long jagged bolts of electricity came out of me. There, I said it. Bethanys reaction wasnt what I expected. She just sat there, as motionless as a sculpture, and stared at me, her expression unreadable. Maybe she didnt hear me. Did you hear what I just said? I asked. Bethany nodded slowly and said, Yes, I heard you. I knew it. You think Im crazy dont you? No. The idea may seem crazy, but I dont believe you are. My hands stopped shaking and the tightening in my chest subsided and allowed me to breathe again. I had told someone, and they didnt believe I needed to seek a psychiatrist. This was good. Bethany had stopped eating her lunch altogether, but she didnt think I was out of my mind. So tell me about the dreams. More like a nightmares, and really terrifying, and strange. They started the night I came home from the hospital. Why are they strange? Bethany asked. They're so real and vivid, and I just wonder why I keep having them and what it all means. I mean its the same every night. I watched for her expression, and again there wasnt one. Bethany was like a closed book. Tell me about it, Bethany said, in a flat tone. I took a deep breath, and kept folding and unfolding, and refolding my paper napkin. Yeah um the dream is the same but it lengthens and gets scarier each night. Bethany looked pokerfaced, but urged me to finish. Go on. Im with this boy, and were madly in love and everything, our feelings for each other are genuine, and intense. Were strolling through the forest surrounding these mountains. I said, motioning to the cafeteria windows where the Sierra mountain range was visible. Suddenly these huge, vicious, and ravenous wolves start chasing us, and then they turn back into human beings when theyre killed. I explained in a hushed tone so that only Bethany could hear me. She listened intently, and stared at me, narrowing her eyes slightly at the mention of the idea of werewolves. The boys face is kind of shadowed in the darkness, but his features become clearer each night as if the moon is shining brighter. But the dream also becomes deadlier each night. I barely survive in it. I pause for a second to catch my breath. Bethany is staring at me and sitting sort of frozen but I know shes listening. Evan, thats the boys name in my dream, fights off these savage wolves with his super human strength. His strength is equivalent to a super heros or something. I had swarming bees in my stomach and chuckled at how ridiculous I must sound saying this out loud. Last night while I dreamt, I fell out of one of the pine trees. While I was falling, I got hit and cut by the branches. This morning I woke up with this. My eyes searched the entire cafeteria for a pair of eyes staring back at me, but were met only by Bethanys blue ones. No one seemed to be listening to us. All the other students appeared to be engrossed in their own conversations. I felt the blood rushing back into my cheeks as I

unbuttoned the cuff of my sleeve, and pulled it up as far as my elbow. Again, I took one last look around the room, and then I removed my poorly applied bandage. A loud gasp caught the attention of a few students, but after a second or two and a few odd glares, they found something more interesting to gawk at. The gasp had come from me. Bethany shifted her eyes from mine and stared at my forearm. She stared for a long moment as if waiting for the cut to appear, but it was gone. My stomach did flips and my heart was crashing against my ribcage as Bethany met my gaze again, looking even more perplexed than before. Neither one of us spoke for a few seconds. Im not crazy. I said. I had a deep scar right here. I pointed to where my gash had been as I battled the urge to wail. Bethany cleared her throat, and then said in an even tone, What did you say the boys name was? She asked very slowly as if I was a five year old and she didnt want to confuse me. His name is Evan. I mean I.... uh... called him Evan in the dream. Her face became ashen, and I wondered why this piece of information mattered to her. Bethany looked as if she had seen the waking of the dead. All of a sudden, she pushed her chair back, stood up and sprinted out of the cafeteria. Had I scared her so badly that she couldnt bear to be around me? Oh God. I jumped up and ran after her. I needed her to understand that I wasnt losing my mind, that these things really did happen, and that she didnt have to be afraid of me. By the time I reached the double doors of the cafeteria, and stepped out into the corridor, she was gone. I let the doors close behind me. How could she have made it down the hall so fast? The hallway was vacant. Not a sound could be heard but the low roar coming from inside the cafeteria. I threw my hands over my eyes, and turned my head from left to right several times, and wept in silence. I dabbed my eyes with my sleeve, and then searched my arm again. Could I have imagined the gash and the pain? I sobbed, wiped the tears away again, and went back into the cafeteria. I tried to look inconspicuous but met a few curious glances from the student body. I kept my eyes on the checkered linoleum. They saw the spectacle and wondered what happened. I prayed no one would ask me. No one did. Everyone reverted back to chatting. By the end of the day, Im sure the tale will be tall and along the lines of hair pulling. The pit in my stomach ached worse than the scar had, and I regretted telling Bethany anything. I couldnt tell another soul or Id undoubtedly be confined to an institution for the mentally insane. There I would probably live out the rest of my days chased by werewolves. Once I was back at our table, I noticed Bethany had left her cell phone beside her tray. Fantastic, I thought. I couldn't call her. I snatched the phone and the blemish free, crumpled ribbon of gauze and threw them into my bag. I dumped both our trays, and left the cafeteria. My first stop was the parking lot. Bethany's car was parked in the same spot shed parked in this morning. I went to all my afternoon classes in a daze waiting outside of each, hoping to run into Bethany. But she never showed up to any of them. At some point I checked with our school nurse. She assured me that Bethany hadnt been in to see her at all today. Finally the last hour was over. I waited a half hour by Bethany's car. I would have waited longer had I not been scheduled to work tonight. I called her home several times but only got the answering machine. I left a couple messages, but she didnt return any of my calls. I walked the eight blocks to the gift shop. The hours dragged longer than usual. I thought about going over to Bethanys house, but was skeptical of what her reaction would be of me showing up uninvited. I thought better of it, and caught the bus home as usual. I entered my house through the backdoor, and tip toed into the kitchen. I wasnt prepared to be tackled with a barrage of questions regarding my day. From the living room, I heard the grumbles and low whistles escape my dads nose as the sports caster summed up the game. I detected a soft pattern of footsteps above my head. Mom preferred working out in her bedroom, and in the evening. The aroma in the kitchen was savory, something cheesy with plenty of onions; yet again I didn't have an appetite. A bright yellow Post It stuck to the center of a covered dish on the kitchen table, caught my eye. I got close enough to read the message without being seen from the living room. Bethany had called, and my mom took the message. Why hadnt she call me on my cell? The note read: Delia Bethany called. She said shell pick you up tomorrow after work. She asked that you hold onto her phone. Nice, I thought. No explanation on her disappearing act. I didnt know what to think, but I was relieved that she wanted to meet up. We were still friends. I needed her, and I couldnt bear losing her friendship. I was drained, and had no desire to dwell on it anymore tonight. I gave my dad a feathery peck on the forehead. He stirred a bit, but didnt wake up. I heard the shower come on and knew Id better get to my room, or risk running into my mom. I slipped into my bedroom unnoticed, and pretended to be asleep when my mom checked in on me. My light was off so she poked her head in for a quick second, and then shut my door. I was extremely apprehensive about falling asleep, and afraid that I may not survive the dream this time. A chill coursed through my body from the

base of my neck to the tip of my toes. Although I was thoroughly exhausted from the accounts of the day, I planned to stay up all night. I spent the next couple of hours filling out my college applications each one on the east coast, thousands of miles away from Nickel City. No one in this town would blame me for running. Fleeing this place was on every seniors mind; even the juniors were prepping escape routes. We all had the same plan. Kick this old boomtowns dust off of our converse and start living. As soon as I was done with the applications, I sealed them in separate envelopes, added a stamp to each and tucked them into my messenger bag. I would mail them in the morning. Both of my parents had finally gone to bed, so I turned my television on. I tried to find a movie that would get my mind off Bethany, the nightmares, and the current inside me. I scanned the channels and was thrilled that Somewhere in Time was airing tonight. It was an old movie I saw and fell in love with. Im a hopeless romantic so of course its a love story. I loved it so much; I ran out and bought Bid Time Return, the book it was based on. Its a story about a young writer, who sacrifices his life in the present by time traveling to the past to find his true love, who awaits him there. I cry like a fool every time I watch it, and Ive read the book at least half a dozen times. Theres just something about the power of love, and how it transcended across time that was nothing short of mindblowing to me. I must have been an hour into it when exhaustion took over, and I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning feeling indolent. Groggy wouldve been an understatement. I blinked and blinked feeling like I was missing something. Like a smack across the face, it hit me, and I realized what was different. It was the first morning, in two weeks, that I hadnt woken up frightened and gripping my sheets. I tried to recall the last time I woke up without having to shrug off the remnants of fear from being chased, and I couldnt. I wouldve expected to be relieved but I wasnt. I ached to be kissed, and held, and to be in love. Id be willing to subject myself to the horrors of being nearly eaten alive just to see him up close, and to touch his smooth face again. I mourned the chance of it being over; Id never see Evan again. I rolled over and peered at the digital clock radio. It read SAT 8:30 AM. I sat up with a jolt. Ugh! I forgot to set the clock. If I sat in bed for a moment longer, I would be late for work and Mr. Clarkson would be crabby all day. I did my best to bring myself to the speed I needed to get to work on time. I grabbed my bag, making sure my applications were tucked in it, and left the house. The sun seared my skin and I welcomed the warmth with a smile, but the suns rays werent what made me feel somewhat fortunate right now. Bethany was to blame for my optimism, even after dashing out of the cafeteria, obviously petrified. She probably acted accordingly with the madness I burdened her with. Clearly, Bethany realized she had gotten all weird, and that Im still her friend no matter how daunting my mind seemed. She had always faced every challenging situation head on, composed and with an unruffled approach. This time shed been blindsided. Well be meeting up when I get off of work today, as she requested. I was somewhat relieved now, and wanted to tell Bethany that the nightmares had ended, but I never got the chance. Today at exactly 12:08pm, I died.

Three Ghosts and Gargoyles

As I stared at myself on the hot asphalt stained with my blood, I resisted what the chorus of sorrowful voices surrounding me stated. I wouldnt confront the obvious. I wanted to jump back into the body I recently began to accept; seeing the curves Id been waiting for since puberty. To be anywhere, but here, like this, laid out in the middle of C Street, would be the answer to my prayers. Before it happened, Id been on my lunch break. Id had a taste for ice cream, I know its an odd choice for lunch, but I craved nutty banana chocolate chip crunch, my alltime favorite flavor. Ninety degree Nevada heat was ideal for a sinfully sweet, icy cold, high calorie treat. So I headed to Nellys Ice Creamery. As I approached the curb and waited for the light to change, I noticed him immediately. He stood motionless, like a mounted statue, on the curb directly across the street from where I stood. Id never seen him before, and I was certain of that. If I had, I wouldve remembered those eyes, shimmering steel. When our eyes met, they locked for a brief moment. It had been brief because I was nervous and unsure, as usual, with having the unworthy attention of a good looking guy, so I shied away. But his presence tugged at me, with a luring gaze, for some unknown reason, and drew me in like a magnet. His eyes were unwavering, and my nerves were like a tangled mess of electrical wires with the awareness of this mysterious guy appraising me. I hadnt known what to do with my jittery and uncooperative hands. His inscrutable expression had made me uneasy. He must be looking at someone behind me, someone who could capture the curiosity of someone who resembled such striking beauty as he did, I had thought. But when I turned around to investigate, thered been no one standing remotely close to me. I had held this mysterious guys interest, with no clue as to how to handle the stupefying situation. He reminded me of someone someone so irresistible and exquisite that had captivated me while I slumbered, but it wasnt him. The differences were staggering. The eyes were wrong. They should be as clear and blue as the ocean, and as warm as melted butter spread on a freshly baked muffin. The lips should be inviting, and not pursed and void of any expression. The skin would have been tan, and not pasty. As I regarded him now, I wondered what it had been that first made me think of the lover from my dreams. This guy didnt look like the boys I went to school with; wholesome, yet regrettably ordinary. Hed blend in a small town like Nickel City about as much as a shiny silver spoon would in a drawer full of plastic ones. He certainly stood out on a sweltering hot day like this, dressed in all black, from his fitted buttoned down shirt to his metal tipped cowboy boots. His jet black hair had shone in the brilliant afternoon sun, and his thick eyebrows framed his handsome face. Although he stood across the two lane street, his eyes had shimmered like melted titanium. His delectable lips had me desiring one thing to be kissed. Possibly new in town, Id expect, or visiting probable. But a fresh face wouldve provoked frantic chatter regarding where he and his family were from. His stunning features wouldnt have gone unnoticed. If he was a transfer, the entire student body wouldnt have the power to contain themselves.

The girls would be swooning and hoping for a second glance while the guys would resent him, becoming obnoxious due to all the attention hed be enjoying from the girls. People milled around us, but it was as if we were the only two beings in the universe. At least thats what it felt like to me. I had wanted to stop staring, but succumbed to his trance. Somehow, and from somewhere, I had mustered the courage to smile, but instantly regretted it. His ambiguous expression hadnt broken, and he had the nerve to keep staring at me. My cheeks had become flushed, and the banging in my chest became erratic. I had turned away, and fixed my eyes on the wood planks surrounding me. He must think Im some kind of grinning idiot, I had thought, but that's what we small town folk did when a new face appeared. It was our way of welcoming the newcomer, so they would feel at ease when spilling their life's juicy details, which would be spread like peanut butter throughout Nickel City. After what had seemed like a torturous eternity, the streetlight finally changed. I needed that ice cream more than ever now. I wanted to expunge this guy from my memory, obviously a jerk for snubbing me. I had required a deep breath to gather myself so that I could concentrate on not looking at his irresistible face. I proceeded to cross the street. I dont think I had taken three full steps before gazing up at him again. I realized then that he hadnt taken one step forward, and still stood motionless on the curb as if he intended to wait for me there. For the first time since I had seen him, I noticed the menacing look which gripped me in those platinum eyes. I had already been halfway across the road when I heard the earsplitting horn blare. Unable to tear my eyes away from the mysterious stranger, I never saw the jeep approaching me at an accelerated speed; I had only heard the blasting of the horn. When I finally broke the stare, which felt more like a spell, I turned just in time to see the drivers face. A resounding gasped escaped my lips. The driver was the guy with the liquid steel eyes who had captivated me for the early part of my lunch break. But how did he get into that car, and what happened to those beautiful eyes? From behind the windshield, he glared at me wickedly with glowing crimson eyes, intent on killing me. Paralyzed where I stood by his perverse smile, I was too late, and the silver jeep plowed into me. The crush of my bones had echoed in my ears as the air in my lungs exploded out of my mouth. I was in the air in a matter of a second, and dead the next. Dead on impact I had heard a man say. Right now, as I stare at myself in macabre, the weather seemed to react to my death. Gloomy clouds rolled onto the cerulean blue sky like shaken dice, masking it in several shades of gray. The rumbles of thunder seemed to protest my demise. Groups of people, layers of them, gawked at me in shock from the balconies above the shops and saloons. I wasnt sure if it was the cluster of thunder, or the wailing siren of the sheriffs cruiser, or maybe the ambulance that brought the crowd of people out of the businesses which split the real estate on C Street. They huddled around my body, wanting the details of the gruesome tragedy. Many onlookers winced, and turned away, completely traumatized as the police tried to bar them from getting too close. But tourists will be tourists, I thought, as several took pictures and videotaped my gruesome corpse with their digitally enhanced cell phones. There was no doubt that Id be uploaded within seconds onto a video sharing network across the internet. It pained me to listen to the stunned screams and muffled wheezing from my neighbors and tourists. I heard everyone around me, every individual voice, as I glared down at myself. I wasnt an onlooker, but a ghost standing amongst the living. I watched some of the reactions. A whole lot of flinching as no one stared back at me. They saw me dead, not the ghost. Everyone seemed to ask the same questions. Where had the jeep come from? Why hadn't I moved? I had a question of my own. Why did this happen to me? I wanted so badly to turn back time, so that I could continue crossing the street. I stared down at myself, and screamed to deaf ears around me. Why me? Why? Why? Why? I detested being seen this way. My face was still recognizable but frozen with an empty stare. My thin arms stretched out and twisted, and my bare legs were shattered and mangled. I was utterly grotesque, and drenched in blood. There was so much blood. I nearly applauded the person who finally put a dark and weighted fabric over me. Now you could only make out the shape of my body, and observe the puddle seeping through the heavy cloth. Whoever covered me up didnt bother to cover my left foot which was twisted and looked somewhat like a detached extension of my leg. My new strappy, white, espadrille, an ideal match for my new dress; my mother had insisted we buy on our last shopping trip, laid about two feet away from my body. It was polkadotted with numerous splotches of blood. Ive never been a vain person, but I was kind of annoyed that my new dress was ruined; the idea had actually crossed my mind. Unfortunately, no one could admire my new dress now, sopping in all my blood which could easily be confused for cherry syrup if you were unaware of the carcass under the fabric. The dress had been picked out by me, but suggested by my mom who demanded I get one dress instead of jeans again, while browsing the racks at Dillard's. Get something pretty. Get a dress Delia, Mom said, demanding loosely. What's wrong with jeans? I asked. I owned over two dozen pairs. Maybe they weren't pretty, but they were all worn and comfortable, and I lived in them. Nothing, but youre becoming this beautiful young woman trapped in denim. She faked being disgusted by furrowing her eyebrows and flashing an impish grin. Fine. I said, placating her. Mom had wanted me to emulate her by being in vogue with the most fashionable clothes and heaps of makeup. I just couldnt be bothered with all the superficial crap, and being girly had never been my style or a priority.

This morning while I dressed for work, I had to face it; Mom had been right. A dress was a nice change, and it was pretty. More than I had cared to admit to her while she sipped her coffee. I couldnt help but feel attractive in it. The periwinkle empire mini dress was made of delicate cotton, and was perfect for this profusely obscene weather. Practically every girl around my age wore a similar version these days. Im kind of surprised right now at how emotional I am about the dress, and that I cared what these people thought of my new dress. But for some reason I did. I guessed it was partly because the dress had made my mom deliriously happy when she saw me in it. She had beamed from ear to ear. I ran out of the house before she could make me do a runway walk. The crashing thunder forced me and everyone else to look up at the charred sky of violent clouds that resembled brutes in a fist match. Suddenly the shrieking cries from somewhere behind my ghost body seized, my attention. No! No! Nooo! The cries wailed uncontrollably. The voice was shrill and quivered like a vibrating guitar string. Something dashed right through me. Right through me! The vapor Im composed of now, sensed the being that penetrated me. This person went through my phantom body, with only one desire, reaching my crushed and lifeless form. The person was wracked with agony yet it wasnt the cries that demonstrated this fact, but the torment they left behind that mingled with my mist. Only one emotion could exude such grief, and it was love. I recognized the person the moment I saw her waver and then drop like a damp towel to her knees, on the asphalt beside my blanketed body. Oh no... oh mom. She cried and screamed irrepressibly. The anguish seemed to overwhelm her, and could be sensed through her sobs. Tears streamed down the faces of many bystanders who watched my mom as she tore the blanket away from my head. She lovingly touched my blood streaked face, and stroked my scraped cheek. She was as unresponsive to the two deputies who tried to pull her away from me, as my hollow green eyes were, staring up at her. My auburn hair was now a sodden, bloody, burgundy and black mess, in her hand as she raised my head up. My mothers screams, at that point, would have probably woken me up had this been just a horrible nightmare. But it wasnt. I really lay there in her arms eternally lifeless. Please! I must be with her! Shes my baby. Oh God, Oh God... My mom wailed, hysterically. Please let me stay with her. I was astounded by the raw feelings that ripped through me as a phantom. I shook with sobs. Dont take her away from me. I said, blubbering. No one heard me, and I never felt more alone. I reached down to where she was crouched on the ground. I touched her face, wet with tears, but I couldnt feel her. Her lips quivered as she continued to weep. Mom was still so pretty with what was once perfectly applied mascara, now dark smudges and chalky streaks down her cheeks. Oddly, I looked nothing like my mom, and vaguely like my dad. I often wondered, since I differed from their features so much, them both being so fair with shockingly bright blond hair, and me sort of olive in tone and brunette, if I had been adopted, but of course a birth certificate couldnt lie, nor their unconditional love for me. I wrapped my arms around her, and hungered for her motherly touch. Im here mommy. Im right here, I whispered against her cheek, but she was oblivious to my presence. Suddenly my dad wrapped his arms around me. His intention, of course, had been to hug my mom. I wanted it to stay that way sandwiched between them like that forever. I couldnt bear my father letting go of my mom, and ultimately letting go of me. I couldnt differentiate their cries. They were deep, aching murmurs. My dad slowly let go of my mom, and virtually let go of me. I watched him as he led her to our car, opened the passenger side door, and sat her down. Shes gone. My dad whispered. The words stung. Somehow I was in tune with the heart that was still in my lifeless body, not beating, but still loving. My mom laid her head on the passenger side headrest, and slowly rolled her head back and forth, from left to right, unaccepting. Her eyes were closed. Mom didnt flinch when the drum roll of thunder erupted again. A deputy who seemed bent on getting some order in place whispered something to my dad, and motioned for my parents to leave. My dad, sounding hoarse and exhausted, said he wouldnt leave until they moved me. I was comforted that my parents were going to stay with me. The rain finally started which sent many of the spectators to take cover under the numerous awnings which lined C Street. My blood was becoming slightly diluted, but still looked like sticky syrup on the asphalt. The humidity rose with the steady drizzle as the thunder bellowed above everyone. The harsh charcoal sky reminded me of the night of the thunder storm. I didnt want to reflect on that night, or the horrors which had followed, but I couldnt help comparing the thunderous, murky skies, both void of any lightning. One of the deputies came over, his face expressionless and detached as he told my father that they would be moving me to the morgue. He also said that it was best that my parents head there to formally identify me for the record. My dad slid into the drivers seat just as I quickly glided into the back seat. My body was now in the back of the coroners van and no longer laid out directly in front of Nellys. The ice cream shop was practically empty now, due to all of its patrons gathered on the sidewalk speculating about my accident. Daddy, start the car. I want to go home. Please... just take us home I said, in a desperate whisper. But dad heard nothing, just moms sniffles and heart tugging moans. Dads hands shook as he clutched the steering wheel, bowed his head, and cried. He bawled shamelessly. Mom reached over to embrace him, and they remained like that, in an unbreakable hold, while the van taking my body away edged into traffic. How will my parents survive without me?

I had too many questions that were never going to be answered. For one, how can I be dead when Ive hardly lived? I wont get to graduate. I said, in a whisper to myself. My plans of getting as far away as I could from this old, dusty, desert town had perished with my last breath. I would be buried here. Ive never been in love, and my recurring dream didnt count. The mini crushes which never developed into what I wished for endless love, didnt count. The tally was dismal. More than anything, I wanted to fall in love, be in love, and have love reciprocated, at least once. I wanted to be kissed by someone special, someone that I couldnt breathe without, who cherished me. Id only been on a couple of dates, which were forgettable. I cant accept dying without falling in love, an unfathomable injustice. The coroners siren wailed, and I plunged back into my new reality, my body being hauled to the morgue. C Street had been blocked off on one side at the corner of Union Street so that the traffic could flow through the main street. Many remained at the scene, and didnt seem to mind getting wet in order to see it all; tourist and residents alike. One of the deputies directed them back to their jobs, back into the luncheonettes, and back to whatever they had been doing before tragedy struck this diminutive town. I spotted my boss, well former boss, Mr. Clarkson, as he shielded his grief stricken face. I would miss him. I recognized quite a few kids from school that I knew, although not very well, sprinkled throughout the mob. A few of them had weekend jobs on the main street as I had. I wasnt by far the most popular kid at Nickel City High, yet they all looked dazed and miserable at the loss of a fellow student. The revelation of my death seemed to age my classmates. So many identifiable faces gawked at the ambulance as it skirted away from the curbside. Then it dawned on me. Amongst all those faces, I hadnt seen Bethanys. From where I sat in the backseat of my parents car, I scanned the crowd for her honey blond hair, piled high at the crown of her head, but she was nowhere in sight. She toiled away, happily I might add, every weekend at the Victorian Outfitter, the costume rental shop, which was only a few streets down on the main street. Im certain by now, she would have heard about the accident. We had planned to meet after work. Had she not come to work today? Surely Bethany must know what happened to me. Everyone else seemed aware. The entire town of Nickel City had crowded around to speculate. Fortunately, unexplainable things like this didnt happen often here. Fatalities usually occurred by natural causes, old age, or terminal illnesses. My end was considered bizarre and unforeseen. I imagined the headlines in tomorrows edition of The Territorial Enterprise, Tetherson Girl Mowed Down by Phantom Jeep I overheard several people who witnessed the accident say that the jeep disappeared right after hitting me at the corner of Union Street. They seemed to agree that it vanished at some point between the corner of Union Street and Taylor Street. Vehicles dont just disappear. Countless bystanders remarked on how implausibly odd my accident was, and how it reminded them of some of the strange and old folklore they had heard passed down from generation to generation. They noted ancient stories dating as far back as over a hundred years ago. They spoke in hushed tones about inconceivable accounts, including bizarre deaths, disappearances, unproven hauntings, and gruesome attacks by unknown entities. I hardly thought a hit and run could compare to some of the ghosts stories they rambled about. But only one question clotted my head. How had that mysterious guy been ogling me from the curb one second then running me over the next? Had I been so overcome by the mysterious guys beauty that I saw him everywhere? Had he been a hallucination? No, not at all. But no one could be in two places at once. It was as if he had become someone else when he floored that jeep. The splendor of his eyes had altered, from cool chrome to searing scarlet, ominous and lethal. As I sat there in the backseat of my parents car completely dumbfounded, I saw my father twist the key in the ignition, and felt the juddering of the car's engine coming to life. Then I felt something else entirely. Heat. Extreme heat roasting the right side my face as if the sun was just inches away. Although the rain had subsided, the suns corona was eclipsed by the leaden clouds that continued to battle brutally against one another. What felt like a blaze against my cheek, was hot enough to scorch metal. If I wasnt a ghost right now, and had skin, I was certain I would have melted away into the cars upholstery. My parents seemed totally unaffected, oblivious to the microwave we were sitting in. I turned in the direction of where the heat seemed to originate from as it gradually intensified. My eyes fell directly on the mysterious guy that had somehow been in two places at the same time. He stood about four feet away from the car door closest to where I sat. The heat seemed to radiate from his eyes which burned like glowing coals. I've seen eyes like that before, and shuddered remembering. The mysterious guys eyes were hungry like the wolves that haunted me every night for the last two weeks of my life. His expression took on a hideous gargoyles scowl, but some of the beauty still remained making his face ghastly like a disfigured angels face. But the longer I stared at him; his facial features became more twisted. The thick eyebrows that had once framed his handsome face were severely arched forming a unibrow that started at his hair line, and connected at the bridge of his pug nose and flared nostrils. His fleshy lips curled downward at either end, and contorted. His face looked like it hurt to look that revolting, dragon like. He glowered at me, and I gasped. Can he actually see me? Was he looking through me like a window, and at someone or something else? Instinctively, I turned around and examined what was directly behind me. Nothing, but pedestrians. He was definitely glaring at me with pure evil intentions. I felt the frantic urge to jump out of the car, right through the window, if I had to. He glided towards me as if on wheels, all the while never taking his glowing ruby eyes off me. As if on cue, my dad eased the car forward into traffic, directly behind the ambulance. By doing so, the gargoyle faced guy halted. I turned around,

and faced him through the back window. His penetrating eyes fastened on mine as he watched our car wedge deeper into the steady flow of traffic. He drifted slowly down the street in the same direction our car headed, but stayed about a cars length behind. He never broke his unwavering stare. Thinking for a split second that it was safe to, I allowed a sigh of relief to escape my lips. Then it happened, and I was proven wrong. Safety couldnt be more out of reach. A current of fear shook through me as he appeared. Floating right outside the car window, he threw his head back so far that his neck should have snapped, but didnt. Then he jerked his head forward with his mouth opened wider than any mouth could naturally stretch open. It looked as if his upper lip and lower lip were being pulled apart. He let out a malicious and deafening roar, causing my dad to nearly lose control of our car. My dad wasnt the only driver who fought to regain control of their vehicle as pretty much every other car on the road swerved in every direction from the shock of the unexpected growl. Instantaneously, everyone strolling down the sidewalks as well as those who had returned to their shopping in the shops cupped their hands over their ears to ward of the piercing sound. The roar seemed to go on forever, drowning the residual raucous of the thunder. The earsplitting cry shattered every glass window on the main street into millions of pieces. Whether it was a car or shop window, a traffic light or vintage light post, every piece of glass was cracked or completely busted and blown out. It appeared as if a bomb loaded with enough C4 to wipe out ten city blocks had gone off. I braced myself, cringing in acute fear as I turned once again to face the gargoyle faced guy. Suddenly the shadows that hovered on the walls of the buildings directly behind the gruesome guy became indistinct shapes. The shadows seemed to come to life and slid off the building walls. They crept up as slow as molasses, inching across a china plate. The sinister shaped shadows swarmed together forming the shape of a giant man. The massive silhouettes flickering cape brought back the horrid memory of that inexplicable night when electrical currents flowed through my veins like blood. Great, I thought. The gargoyle guy didnt work alone. The evil shadow has come for me again. Maybe they were here to take me to hell. This was it. But what had I done to merit an eternity in hell? The ghastly faced guy glowered down at me. He must have read the feared expression on my face as I stared up at the looming shadow and its cape flickering violently like a flame fighting to survive against a harsh gust of wind. The guy turned around to face the huge figure that lowered its head and shoulders over him. Suddenly, curling flames shot out of the guys mouth as if hed swallowed a lit torch. He leapt backwards as if he hadnt expected the shadow to be there. I detected that it was dread washing over the guys face, bringing his features back to their gorgeous state. His black shirt melted, disappearing into his pale white skin like an Oreo cookie drowning in a glass of milk. Not a second had past when he spread his brawny arms out wide at his sides. With a loud snap like a sail flapping forcefully in protest of harsh winds, massive reptile like webbed wings sprouted from beneath his arms. He soared into the dismal gray sky like a hawk. He was gone, and with his departure, so was the creepy shadow. My eyes darted all over C Street. Every vehicle had stopped. Every driver and passenger stood outside of their vehicle inspecting the damage to their windshields and windows in utter disbelief. Every window was shattered completely or partially blown out. People were trickling out of the shops appearing alarmed and dazed. Groups of tourists watched the chaos in the street from the balconies of the saloons, restaurants, and bed and breakfasts. There was no way of making any sense of the destruction. I kept hearing the same word thrown around. This is so bizarre every window smashed. How bizarre.the piercing sound hurt my ears. How could this be its bizarre. The word was at the tip of everyones tongue. But no one mentioned seeing a guy dressed in all black with a horrid gargoyles face and penetrating demonic ruby eyes. No one saw a man fly into the sky with wings of a dragon. Not even my parents. Was he also a figment of my imagination? Was he a ghost like me? His dragon like wings made me think of some sort of dark angel. Either way I seemed to be the only one who had seen him although everyone had positively heard him. I turned to face my parents, whom had opted to stay in the car. How bizarre. My mom said, carefully brushing the shards of the windshield off the dashboard, off her lap, and out of her hair. Yes, bizarre. My dad said. Lets go. Dad started the car again, and swerved around a couple of vehicles. Then he mounted onto the curb, scaring a few tourists, and made a right turn onto Taylor Street. Dad headed to the morgue, averting the madness erupting on the main street. Throughout all the commotion, he hadnt forgotten the business of identifying his only daughters dead body.

Five Trusting Liars

Upon my parents return home from the heartbreaking endeavor of identifying me at the morgue, they broke down all over again. Thunder resounded lightly after a second shower finally tapered off into a mist. Surprisingly, the sun made an encore appearance. There was nothing left for me to do

now but roam our tiny home. Would that be considered haunting it? I spent the remainder of the afternoon following my parents around, listening to the warm breeze flood the house since my parents barely spoke to each other. Mom stayed in my bedroom clutching my favorite stuffed animal, and weeping and rocking back in forth on my bed like a helpless child. Dad exiled himself to their bedroom, and sat at the edge of the bed gazing out the window at the Sierras, as if the mountain range could somehow make sense of his loss. There would be no dinner prepared tonight as puffs of orange cotton candy spread across the sky, and the punishable sun slid low behind the mountains. My parents remained in their respective spots. I hung out in the living room for a while feeling despondent. I reminisced while eyeing the few scattered photos of me framed on the fireplace mantle and those held by quirky magnets on the refrigerator door, trying to relive the moments in the pictures. Thanks to my parents who notoriously forgot to bring along a camera to all my special events, there werent many photographs of me. I took a closer look, scrutinizing each picture, and noticed that something was happening to me in the photos. I appeared to be fading away, literally disappearing from the photos, all of them in fact. I appeared vapor like, ghostly. Whatever was directly behind me in the pictures, whether it was a tree or another person could be seen right through my smiling image. Why was I vanishing from all of our pictures? It was as if I was being erased. Maybe it was because I was dead, and its how I saw myself. A tremor ran through what was left of me as I recognized the emotions I still experienced while lifeless. Listening in on my mother, as she tearfully informed our relatives and friends of my sudden death, was a poignant and definitive moment. I made the decision to leave the house for a while when mom made the disturbing call to the funeral home. I wanted nothing more but to soothe my parents, but I couldn't, I was no longer a human being; a part of their communicative world. Although I couldnt breathe, a suffocating feeling enveloped me, and I had to escape the house. I couldn't bear to witness the details of my closed casket arrangements. The finality of my moms specific instructions was like a choke hold. I staggered out the front door, well through it, and was met with a blur of glimmering flower petals and shinyribboned plush toys. Some of my neighbors and friends had left lit candles, flowers bouquets, and stuffed bears on my porch. I don't believe my parents were aware of the make shift vigil on their doorstep. I couldnt feel it, but I saw the evening mist sparkling when I looked upward toward the violet sky. I guess there was no chance of my temperamental hair frizzing up. What I wouldnt give for another bad hair day. My feet guided me toward C Street, as my mind deliberated the cons of being dead. No more friends, no more ice cream, no more running off to a far away state, just to name a few. I strolled passed people I knew whom didn't have a clue I walked amongst them, just a ghost getting some air. It had to be the first time I ever walked into town where no one said hello to me or wished me a pleasant evening. This was a small town where everybody knew everyone, and it was second nature to greet everyone like an old friend. Right now the feeling was alien. I felt so alone and desperate for a human connection. The questions emerged incessantly. Does a person, well a ghost just wander around forever? Were there others like me floating around aimlessly? If there were others, how would I know them from the living? Maybe they would just come up to me, and start a conversation. Actually, that would be more daunting than being alone. Could that peculiar guy with the gorgeous face which later morphed into an ominous gargoyles face be a ghost too? I shuddered at the chance of another encounter with him. But perhaps, if he was a ghost, it would explain why no one in town had noticed him. But then how is it that I saw him before I died? Before he killed me. I couldn't make any sense of any of this as I realized how strange the main street appeared, busier than usual. The majority of the shops would have concluded businesses for the day by this hour, but not on this night. Tonight, C Street shone like the Vegas strip while the store keepers rushed to secure their store front windows. I glided passed the gift shop where I worked correction, used to work, it looked as odd as the other shops with the store front windows gaping wide open like jaws edged with sharp glass fangs where windows should be. Every owner hoped looters wouldnt prevail. I doubted any of them had figured out what caused the wreckage. I threw myself in with the lot of confused and bewildered towns people. As I passed several saloons, it wasnt the usual laughter filtering out onto the boarded sidewalks that stopped me, but the loud voices in full discussion covering everything which had transpired this afternoon. The taverns had to be filled to capacity. It didnt take much to shake up this tiny town, and todays events were nothing short of a mystery. How would this quiet town ever recover? I blocked out the noisy voices from the bars, letting my eyes take in the shadowy mass of mountains looming ahead. The bleak and rocky structure seemed foreboding, and the enormity of it made the town seem even more infinitesimal. I continued south on the main street, lacking direction, and found myself on B Street, also known as Millionaires Row because of all the old mansions erected so long ago by the millionaires who supposedly built this town. These new millionaires built their homes on the town's highest ground in order to keep a trained eye on their lucrative mines. But it was the block Bethany lived on. I knew I would be safe there close to my best friend, even though she wouldnt be able to see or hear me. I never had the chance to say goodbye to her. I didnt want to. I missed her terribly. I wondered how Bethany was dealing with the news of my passing. Although she has always been resilient, my death had to be devastating. We were like sisters. I had cringed in pain as my mom told Bethany the bad news. Their phone conversation had been unexpectedly brief. She spoke to Bethany through an avalanche of tears as my friend of two years listened with a strangely calm tone. Bethany had already known so my mom had proceeded in asking her if she would like to say a few words at my service, which was scheduled for Tuesday morning two days away. Bethany accepted, and told my mom she had to go. Where, I had thought. My mom said she understood and thanked Beth for being an incredible friend to me. In the streetlamp lit darkness, sudden images of the mammoth and fluttering caped shadow emerged in my head, sending ice cubes through me. I quickly glided down the oak tree lined street. I couldnt wait to be amongst my friends. Bethany, along with her older brother Nikolas, moved here

from Bedwyn City, one of Nickel Citys neighboring towns, about two years ago after losing their parents in a tragic car accident. She and her brother lived in what used to be their great grandparents house. I noticed that the front windows to their huge house were lit behind the sheer curtains, the lone light shining on the long block like a warning beacon. The homes, appearing obscure, were probably due to most of the residents still hanging out in town, rehashing the events of the day over foam topped and throat scorching beverages, of course. I observed the moving silhouettes in the living room as they paused, as if on cue. I noticed a third figure. It was the silhouette of a male. He was tall but not nearly as tall as Nikolas whose towering presence I recognized almost immediately. One of the three shadows was definitely Bethany, who wore her hair pinned high on her head, her staple. I literally walked right through the towering wrought iron gates which wrapped around the entire property, the abnormal perks of my new existence as a specter. I headed up the narrow cobblestone walkway leading up to the wide front porch. I paused once I was at the base of the two Grecian columns, which always reminded me of some of the historical monuments of Ancient Greece, like the Parthenon in Athens. Only one other mansion on the lengthy block was styled similar to Bethany and Nikolas enormous property. It stood across the street, but about half a block south. Both Grecian styled mansions stood out architecturally amongst all the Victorians. The other Grecian designed estate appeared freshly built, compared to Bethanys weathered home. The other home had immaculately landscaped grounds which were half a block long in length, as all the properties, although it was rumored to be vacant of any occupants. So of course, the ghost stories surfaced weekly with the arrival of tourists. I wondered if I would actually meet any of the ghosts. Terrified of the possibilities surrounding the pristine mansion, I quickly climbed the stone steps to Bethanys home. The spacious portico wrapped around the entire north end of the mansion. The porch was free of any potted plants or flowers which usually adorned every porch of pretty much every house, in this town, at this time of the year. Besides the fact that the house was one of the largest amongst all the others, which stood tall along B Street since the late nineteenth century, it was practically in ruins, including all the acres surrounding it. A huge yard large enough to build a sizable home surrounded the eastern and southern region of the house. It shouldve been flourishing with foliage as the other gardens surrounding the neighboring mansions. Instead, the garden lay barren and neglected. Even the vacant barn behind the house looked battered. Architecturally, the house was quite stunning, but the lack of renovations and upkeep made the other neighboring mansions appear more prestigious. Besides all the structural beauty surrounding Bethanys ghastly home, I never judged her nor her brother for how their mansion compared. It was unfortunate that they had inherited it that way, decayed and withered, as if it was staged for Halloween. It certainly didn't suit two teenagers. The house would be virtually impossible for an adult to maintain much less a pair of minors. Bethany said the house had been built by her great great great grandfather in the mid nineteenth century. Though the structural design was impressive inside and out, the house didnt seem to have been updated since her ancestors resided here. Many believed the house was preoccupied with various apparitions. Bethany ignored the rumors. Now I was about to make the silly stories a fact. I turned to go into Bethanys house, and noticed a couple that appeared to be gawking at me from across the street. Well, at least I believed they were watching me. There was something odd about them. They were dressed as if they were doing a play set in the Victorian era. I gasped when I saw them making their way towards me, practically gliding across the street. Once they sauntered through the gates as I had, I knew what they were. Ghosts! They had to be, and even worse, they wanted to make contact with me! I wasnt ready to adjust to my new way of not existing. I turned and flew right through the front door. After a few moments of frenzied anxiety, I realized the couple hadnt followed me into Bethanys house. As I stood in the foyer, the enormity of it halted me where I stood. The house seemed way too vast and unfurnished to feel homey. It was large enough for a family of twelve. Suddenly it dawned on me that I had only been inside the house a couple of times. Each visit had been very short, less than ten minutes. It was weird how Bethany had always found an excuse to vacate it the moment I arrived. Being in the enormous manor had always felt strange almost creepy. Quite a few rooms in the house were unfurnished, except for the two bedrooms Bethany and Nikolas used, the living room, and the spacious kitchen. They didn't seem to have any use for the other six bedrooms, library, dining room, study, sun room, the second kitchen, or what used to be the servants quarters below the house. Each and every one of those rooms remained completely unfurnished. I walked further down the dimmed foyer, and paused under the archway leading into the living room. I thought it odd that no one was in there when only a moment ago shadows could be seen from the porch. I was about to leave the living room, but stopped abruptly when I picked up on familiar voices. They seemed to trickle in from down the hall. Nikolas voice boomed first, deep as usual. Victors senses have heightened considerably. He has tracked her to this point in time. Victor will send for his disciples, and they will attract the Apolluon. What Nikolas spoke of made absolutely no sense to me. Either way, he sounded desperate. We must go to her now. Please, or itll be too late. We have less than twenty four hours, Bethany said, wailing. She spoke of how vivid her visions had been, how the dreams lengthened each night, and how she had awakened with wounds from them. Bethany was talking about me, and those horrifying dreams. She remembers. Nikolas said.

Well, shes beginning to. Bethany said, her normally calm voice quivering. She shouldnt be alone when her memory returns. Cordelia will be lost and confused if she doesnt retain what she knows now of this era. The Gods will never forgive us. Bethany wasnt making a bit of sense to me, and the urgency in her voice worried me more than what she had uttered. She spoke of me as if I were still alive although, she had spoken to my mother less than an hour ago. Bethany knew I had died today. I had no idea of what I was supposed to be remembering, and her use of my full first name was unusual for her, and kind of threw me off. She had sounded as if she had read it off of an important document. No one ever called me Cordelia. Actually, the last person who had called me by my complete first name had been the boy in my dream, but that didnt count. We should have foreseen her death. Nikolas said, remorsefully. Obviously, Victor has discovered a way to mask his scent therefore, his presence went undetected by us, but we are not to blame for that. The Gods know our intentions and our loyalty to them, Bethany. Ok, so they do know that Im dead, but Nikolas sounded even more puzzling than his sister, with all this talk about gods. Theres other ways to detect the son of Iptian. Nikolas added. That means well have to wait until hes within the vicinity to detect his aura, which hes incapable of concealing. His aura will cause the temperature to rise, Bethany said, sounding many years older than seventeen. Thats correct. Nikolas said. But that only provides a brief moment of escape, Bethany countered, impatiently. An icy chill slipped through me, and I stood frozen in its wake when I overheard the next voice a familiar one. The voice of an angel deep, rich, and mesmerizing. The voice Ive never heard while awake, only as I slept... as I dreamt. It was the voice that held my heart captive every night for the last two weeks of my life. I could never mistaken it for another. It had to be him, the boy who made those hellish nights bearable. But he wasnt real. He was just a figment of a love starved girls imagination. The voice drew me in now as it did in the dream. Im well aware of the eminent danger she is in. We will find her. Weve already joined our forces to bring her to us. Shell come to us. Im certain of this. The damage Victor has done is not irreversible, and impunity is not an option for him. He has defied the Gods. The voice his voice was uniquely the same intense and enthralling. But there was one discernable difference the arctic edge. The Gods havent intervened thus far. We are to do battle alone. They dont hear our invocations, Bethany said argumentatively. Do they no longer feed off of our devotion? Keep faith Beth. There was that enchanting voice again. The Gods are always guarding over the family, and they will intervene when necessary. My need to make certain, who in fact possessed the voice, as if it could belong to anyone other than my angel and protector, was crucial to any hopes of maintaining my sanity, at this precise moment. The alluring voice drew me into the unfurnished dining room. There the three of them stood in the far right corner of the dining room, facing the large floor to ceiling windows. It was my best friend, my former crush, and the boy of my dreams in the flesh. I walked to the center of the room, and stood on the once opulent and now worn area rug which adorned the mahogany parquet floor where a dining room table should have stood. Neither of them appeared to see or hear me come in, as I had expected since I was a ghost, but they knew I was amongst them. They spun around in unison, and faced me. I wanted to see Bethanys reaction to my sudden presence in her home, and I had to overcome the urge to hug Nikolas, who I thought of as a big brother, because I was dead, but instead, I instantaneously, like a moth to a flickering flame, locked eyes with Evan, and it happened at once. A rush of heat stirred then shook through my soul like a tornado spiraling out of control. The blinding white currents blasted out in long jagged rods from my fingertips the same way they exited my body on the night of the storm. And just like that, with one last loud crackle, the lightning recoiled and diminished to mini stars on the tips of my fingers. My head swayed as the room dimmed. Questions raced through my mindless soul as I began to fall. How could this boy, who I created in my mind, stand before me in flesh and bone? Thankfully to Evan's accelerated speed, I never hit the floor, which I believe I probably would have sunk through. In a fraction of a second, Evan dashed across the room, and I lay in his brawny arms. I found the entire scenario to be surreal. I wasn't sure if I had in fact fainted. Could it be deemed fainting if youre dead? Just another inconceivable question to add to the mounting list. Clearly I must be dreaming again, since he was rescuing me again it was the logical answer. It made sense, although not perfect. I gazed up at Evan. He was a vision of perfection, his flawless skin, no longer hidden by the shadows of the pines under the moonlight, made me want to reach up and touch his face. His eyes, turquoise in the slightly dimmed room, had the power to make me melt. He was far more beautiful in person than my memory of him in the dreams. His intense gaze sucked me in as I drowned in it. He smiled and stared at me adoringly. Then he turned away from me, and grinned at Bethany and Nikolas, knowingly. Nikolas and Bethany stood gaping at Evan in disbelief. Evan effortlessly carried me into the living room, and laid me down on the long chaise lounge as if I were a breakable and costly piece of sculpture. Then he stood back, and appraised me, automatically making me jumpy. You are as beautiful as the day you left. Evan said, in the most delicate tone. I couldnt believe my eyes or my ears, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. Was I dreaming? I was speechless, numb, and terrified a complex combination.

as the day you left Is what Evan had said, actually speaking to me, a dead person, he, the figment of my imagination. The fact that he had

spoken to me made what he meant by the statement somewhat unimportant right now.
I shut my eyes really tight, and told myself to wake up. When I reopened them a few seconds later, it was as it was before I had closed them. Three pair of eyes fixed on me. No, cant be, I thought. I must be asleep, tucked snug in my warm bed. I had to be dreaming. I never died. But the notion was futile. I knew the certainty of my death. She came to us just as you said she would, Evan. Bethany said, jubilantly. She leaned closer to the chaise lounge where I lay, still staring up at Evans immaculately chiseled face. All the while they peered at me with the curiosity of little children whove made the sudden discovery of a brand new toy. Bethany turned to Nikolas with a radiant smile, and said, It's time. We must prepare to make our return. Yes, of course, except what does she remember? Perhaps we should determine that first. She looks to be in shock. Nikolas was the voice of reason at that particular moment. He stepped closer to where I lay, and towered over me. I must be dreaming. I said to myself. No, youre not dreaming. Bethany said, responding to what I hadnt realized I said out loud. I searched her flawless face for answers, for an explanation, for an escape from the hysteria gradually taking over what remained of my sanity. Beth, whats happened to me? How can you see wait a minute is he real? I said. I had finally found my voice, and blurted out the words in haste. They tumbled out in a staccato jumble like marbles out of a bag. All the while I eyed Evan suspiciously and tried to sit up. Their faces revealed the same sudden despondency. The dead silence in the room made me tremble. I waited for an answer but Bethany said nothing, Nikolas shifted his eyes from me, and found something quite interesting with the lamp on the nearby table. Finally Evan answered, well sort of. Yes, Cordelia, of course Im real, and we are all together now... once again. Evans voice was gripping. Every word he spoke held me like a vice, which I couldnt free myself of. I could only shake my head in bewilderment.

Im realwe are all together now once again.

Once again? I asked, and then swerved my gaze to Bethany in despair. Bethplease. Whats going on? Evan reached out his hand to help me sit up comfortably. How is it that he can feel me? I know you are confused and drained from everything that has transpired. See, heres the thing, I said, in the weakest whimper, void of any genuine conviction. I dont understand what happened or is happening. Your memory, particularly the memory of who you are, has not returned but will soon. Evan said, with an unwavering gaze. I know who I am. I said, this time with enough conviction to spare. I don't know who or what you are, and how it is that you can see me. I am dead arent I? I sat up straight and swung my legs off the chaise, demanding an answer. My words reverberated around the room as if they swung at them with invisible bats. I had to know how they were aware of my presence. Yes, you are dead... but. Bethany said, trailing off, and looking to Evan for guidance or to be rescued. But? I would be choking right now if I was still able to breathe. I will do my best to answer all of your questions, in time. In the interim, I only ask for your patience since we are running out of time, Evan said, as he was about to begin stroking my hair. I pulled away abruptly, and his hand was left hanging in midair. Youve got to answer one, I demanded, staring him straight in the eyes the allure of their depth hadnt any hold on me for that moment. Evan sighed, but it seemed out of desperation, and not frustration. Yes, of course, one. Am I dead? I asked, already knowing the answer Yes. He said, eyeing me cautiously. I guess he was expecting me to be overcome with sobs or something. Who are you? I asked, as I watched the corners of Evans lips sag. I presumed that I had offended him by my inquiry. Maybe I was annoying him for going over the limit on the questions, but at this point, I didnt allow whatever he may be feeling to deter me. Please tell me. Sadness flooded Evans face as he answered me. My name is Evander, and I have come a long way to guarantee your secure return. He looked me intently in the eyes, and this time I was swallowed up by the cobalt abyss, and felt the need to bolt out of the room, but my legs failed me. Ok, great, nice to meet you, Evander. The crazy thing is I can only remember you from a dream. Dont fret, you will remember me. Evan said, with a halfsmile that brightened the entire room. The temperature is rising, Nikolas said, anxiously to Evan. Ares must be proud of his last descendant. Nikolas added as he marched to the other

end of the chaise and stood by the large windows as if it were cooler there. Yes, well it doesnt take much to perk Ares interest. A little violence keeps everything balanced, according to him. Victor has indeed pleased him. Evan said with a light chuckle. His broad smile was infectious and Nikolas chortled along with him. Gentlemen, Victor is producing more heat than usual, and at a faster rate. Bethanys voice quivered. He and his disciples must be on the hill. We must leave now. I can feel the heat as well. Evan said, calmly. Who is Victor? I directed my question to Bethany, and suddenly recalled the name from my dream. Could he be the same Victor, whose pack of beastly wolves chased Evan and I through the forest? Whoever he was, they seemed to fear him. Bethany completely ignored my question. Bethany? I said, pleading to her with my eyes to answer me. She looked away as Evan began to speak. Nikolas, assure that our departure is successful before you transport. Evan said. It sounded like an order. No! Bethany said, in a harsh wail. Nikolas can't stay behind, no one should. Evan, we must all leave together. Bethany was adamant about not leaving her brother behind. Her hands were unsteady, and her normally tanned face became chalky. The heat continued to build drastically, and could actually be seen in waves as if the room was engulfed in flames. Any human being wouldve been burnt ashes in the wind like leaves in a bonfire floating up into the sky. I wondered how they were able to sustain this turkey roast as I stood in the center of them, feeling trapped in a three point cell. They conversed amongst each other as if I wasnt there. All of a sudden, I felt a wave of fear and panic wash over me like a bucket of frigid water being poured over my head. Where were they taking me? Before I could ask, Nikolas spoke up. It's alright, Nikolas said, smiling and winking at Bethany. I can handle it. Nikolas nodded in agreement with Evan then peeked through the window curtains as if he suspected a prowler lurking by. Shockingly, Bethany jolted across the room. She moved like static, quicker than the flap of a bees wings. She kept the same stance, and was now standing directly behind Nikolas. Sensing someone behind him, Nikolas spun around to face her. His expression was softened by her presence before him. Nikolas reached down, and brushed the subtle roundness of Bethanys cheek with the back of his large hand. He traced her jaw line with his fingertip. Bethany wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He lowered his neck, and she whispered something into his ear that provoked smiles to emerge across their faces. I gasped when she kissed him. It was a kiss that lovers shared long, passionate, and familiar, and I felt like I was intruding by watching them, in shock might I add. Evan picked up on the look of astonishment on my face. Bethany is my sister, not Nikolas, he said, confirming my earlier suspicions regarding their contrasting looks. I had always wondered and thought it peculiar that Bethany and Nikolas didnt share one physical characteristic. Nikolas and I favored each other more than he and Bethany did. Although Nikolas smooth coppery tone made Bethanys tan complexion appear pale. His long wavy hair, which extended down his back, and always wore in a ponytail, reminded me of the color of chestnuts splashed with shocks of Indian gold, starkly contrasting her wavy blond hair. Evan didnt lie. Bethanys blue eyes mirrored his more than Nikolas piercing steel hued irises. Nikolas facial features were long, jagged, yet sculpted while Bethanys features were small, soft, rounded, and similar to Evans. Hugged Although it pains me to break this up, I must, Evan said, impatiently. Victor is near. This room is well over two hundred degrees. Bethany and Nikolas were instantly beside me. I looked at my best friend and her lover, the fake older brother who I had grown to consider as my own, and wondered what else they had lied about. Bethany, please tell me what the hell is going on How is it that the three of you can stand this inferno? Why arent you burnt to a crisp already? Are you alive or ghostslike me? I said a lot louder than I had planned, and certainly harsher than Bethany was used to. Please Cordelia, now is not the time. You must trust us. Everything will be clear soon. Bethany said, calmly. Trust you? I don't even know you. I said, as I suspiciously eyed all three of them. Bethany clenched her jaw but held her tongue. I desperately wanted to trust her, but for the first time since wed become friends, I was apprehensive in doing so. I had been under the impression that there were no secrets between us, but I wasnt certain of anything anymore. Not even the status of my death. The signs were there yesterday when she dashed from the cafeteria. I wasnt about to accept Bethanys evasiveness as the new normalcy. Of course you know us. Now were running out of time. Bethany said, stepping closer to me as if she feared that I might make a run for it. The idea had already crisscrossed my mind a hundred times, and counting. We must take you back. Our lives depend on it. She added. Our lives? I asked, confused and prepared to bolt. I no longer have a life. We know that you cant comprehend the danger we are facing but its imperative that you place your trust in each of us. Your safety is the priority. Please allow us to begin our journey home. Evan said, practically pleading. Bethany was correct when she said our lives depend on our return home. Your life, especially. While Evan spoke, his eyes penetrated mine, and drew me in the way they had in the dream. I found myself wanting to trust him. But was it wise to

put your faith in someone who just moments ago had only been someone you knew in a dream? The question itself was an enigma and unanswerable. No matter how hard I tried, I found his existence daunting. If I didn't go with them, where would I go? I certainly couldnt continue to wander the streets of Nickel City, a ghost hoping that this Victor person never caught up with me. I think the decision had already been made. They were leaving, and they werent going without me. Cordelia, do you trust me? Evan asked, prompting with a trace of trepidation. With very little success, he attempted to hide his desperation. Perceptibly, his genuine intent was to safeguard me. I just want to know from whom. I heard myself answer, Yes. And, surprisingly enough, I meant it. Thank you. Evan said with a sigh of relief. I will keep my promise to you. His vivid smile kept me rapt for a moment until I considered the craziness of his existence before me. His gaze seemed hypnotic, but I aimed at not being preoccupied and overwhelmed by his beauty and lure. I was relieved when Evan turned away to speak with Nikolas. Evan stood a staggering six foot maybe one or two inches over with a slim yet rippling muscular frame which bulged beneath his buttoned down shirt and boot cut jeans. Nikolas surpassed him with another five inches or so looking mighty enough to conquer an ox, yet when they spoke, Nikolas treated Evan like his elder. You will secure the room. Evan ordered lightly. I will. Nikolas said, obediently with a low nod. You are safe to go. Plenty of wine awaits your return. Evan promised. We will drink to Victors demise. Nikolas snickered. I will see you soon my friend. My brother. Evan said, correcting Nikolas affectionately, and shook his hand. Brothers. Nikolas said, agreeing. They stood with their hands clasped in a vice grip for a few seconds, nodding once more, and acknowledging the profound agreement they were making. One vested his life in the other while the other accepted full responsibility for a life other than his own. It was an extraordinary example of trust and devotion, the makings of an ironclad friendship. Then Nikolas looked over at Bethany, and the look could not be confused for anything other than true love. Bethany answered with a slight nod. She was trying her best to appear strong, yet I have never seen such a heart wrenching look on Bethanys face before. It was vulnerability. They embraced quickly, slipping in a kiss for good measure, and then Bethany glided over to the chaise lounge where Evan and I waited, within a blink of an eye. I could do nothing but stare at her and marvel at the magic I had just witnessed. Bethany and I faced each other with Evan standing between us about a foot apart from each of us. He held his arms out, and gently placed one hand on either of our foreheads. I couldn't feel his hand, a downfall to being deceased. Then it came all at once, and happened so recklessly. I dont know where the water came. I forced my eyes open, and realized I was submerged in a tsunami. I wriggled my legs and arms automatically trying to swim. My body floated weightless in the vortex, spinning with the tidal currents. At first I thought I was alone in the water. But then I started to make out figures made out of water. An aquatic make up of Evans body still had its hand planted firmly against my forehead. I searched passed Evans figure, and saw that Bethany was also completely made up of water. I could barely make out her face. Evans hand on my forehead was like a suction cup, and I was unable to pull away. The splashing around me was excruciatingly loud, like the sound of an Olympic sized pool worth of water being sucked down a drain in a matter of seconds. I treaded, trembling violently in the water that seemed to originate from Evans body as I fought against the pull of a drain.

Five Realization
Nikolas was left to be the sentinel. He secured the room as he watched Evan, Bethany, and I disappear from his view. My body was dropping, and I felt weightless as a floating feather. Finally, I felt the floor beneath my feet again. It took me a few seconds to recover from the turbulence. All of my senses were still a bit hazy. The water had finally dissipated into a mist, and I felt nothing but temperate air. My body didnt feel drenched at all. Since I couldn't feel the suction of Evan's hand on my forehead anymore, I thought it was safe to open my eyes. And when I did, I wasnt prepared for what I saw. First of all, I was bone dry. Secondly, I was alone. And lastly, I stood in the living room of Bethany and Nikolas mansion. We hadnt gone anywhere. The room was the same the same old elegant moldings and coffered ceiling, but surprisingly different. The interior had drastically changed. The chipped and peeling bare walls were now covered in busy floral patterned wallpaper and a variety of highend paintings in gilt frames. It was definitely the same room but now jammed with bright clusters of nineteenth century furniture, miniature statues, and glass enclosed curio cabinets cluttered with trinket boxes and knickknacks. Everything looked brand new but significantly old. The tufted velvet sofas, all in rich hues of ivory, gold and burgundies, all magnificently crafted in mahogany frames, sat in the center of the room guarded by soaring potted palms and an audience of various sized potted ferns. It felt like I was trapped in one of Nickel Citys preserved historical homes. I almost expected a sea of gawking tourists to flock in and start peering at the antiques,

braving the ghosts. The sun was trying to peak through the heavy velvet drapes that hung over intricate lace curtains. The room was littered with several small tables, covered in runners bordered with some kind of fringe and beads. Although the oil lamps were lit, the room was still a bit dim. I had the sudden urge to fling the drapes wide open. What the hell is going on? I whispered to myself, still observing the changes in the room. I thought I was going home. I stared at the center wall of the large room where the marble fireplace stood. The once dusty, cracked, and bare mantle was now refurbished and decorated with colorful figurines. It was an ostentatious clutter of wealth. I felt a jolt as if an electric current had gone through my body when someone nudged my shoulder. I spun around and my eyes fell on Bethany. She smiled, dressed in what looked like one of the Victorian dresses from the costume shop she worked in. Bethany looked refined, sophisticated, and severely out of date. She wore a dress made of bright emerald satin that was long enough to shield her feet. The bodice of her dress appeared too tight against her ribs, and I wondered how she could even breathe. The dress looked like it was from the turn of the nineteenth century. The entire hem of the skirt and the hem of the cuffs of her sleeves were lavishly trimmed with frilly lace and woven ribbons. She reminded me of a beautiful life sized Victorian collectable doll that should be kept dust free on a shelf, strictly for display. As usual, Bethanys hair was swept up in a loose bun, but now the bun was secured by a stunning jeweled comb. Along with her clothing, something in her face had changed. She looked mature and more like a woman and barely like the friend, the teenager I had known before I died. Suddenly, Evan walked up to Bethany and me. He had a look of adoration on his face. He had also changed from the buttondown shirt and jeans he wore before the waterworks. It had only been a couple seconds since the water disappeared, yet they were dressed in different clothes. Evan looked the way he had looked in my dream gorgeous in a formal suit that seemed as dated as Bethanys gown. He wore an impeccably tailored pair of trousers, a dark single breasted jacket over a silver gray vest, a crisp white dress shirt, and an ascot held by a tear drop shaped sapphire pin. I was about to ask them what the deal was with the costumes when Evan reached for my hand and waited patiently for me to take it. My entire soul quivered with apprehension. Here was this guy who I had only known as I dreamt now standing before me in the flesh. Evan's liquid blue eyes practically leapt out at me. I don't bite, he said, in the most soothing voice, still waiting for my hand. I had no control over my shaky hand as I took his. His skin was warm and smooth. Evan led me to the sofa facing the windows and sat beside me. Then he took both of my hands in his. The firm yet feathery texture of his skin transmitted ripples through my core when he wrapped his hands around mine. With every touch, I seemed to become more alive. The gentle stroke of his hands induced a windfall of emotions washing over me. I couldn't decipher all the sensations traveling through my skin, into my bones, finally settling somewhere in my soul. You are alive again, Evan said, beaming. I rubbed my arms and I could feel my goose bumped arms as a chill crept through me. I could suck in the air through my nose again. My hair felt silky as the strands wove between my fingers. My heart raced and my tear ducts betrayed my commands. All I could do was nod as the sobs rolled in the back of my throat. The sensations were so overwhelming that I had to pull my hands out of his. Evan looked down at his hands with a frown as if they had done something to offend me. I pulled the skirt to my mini dress as far over my thighs as I could, and fought not to look in his direction. From the corner of my eye I saw his hand moving toward me. With caution, Evan affectionately swept my cheek with the back of his hand. Instantaneously, my eyes closed and I let his smooth fingertips linger against my skin for a moment. I don't know why I allowed him this pleasure or myself. I opened my eyes and awkwardly looked into his. My pulse quickened which I prayed went unnoticed. A smile crept across his inviting lips as he gazed back at me. Oh for goodness sake Evan, here. Bethany said, smiling as she thrust an ivory lace handkerchief at him. I hadnt noticed until that moment that he had tears in his eyes. Bethany handed me her handkerchief, instead. Ill use one of my own, he said, never taking his eyes off me as he pulled out a monogrammed handkerchief and dabbed his eyes. I wasnt sure why he was crying. He suddenly seemed embarrassed by it. I read the fancy letters EC, and wondered what the C stood for. I looked over at Bethany who had taken a seat across from Evan and me. Without a sound escaping my lips, I screamed out to her through my eyes, Please tell me what is happening to me, I said, while the tears continued to rain down my face. Cordelia, Evan said, softly. I don't expect your memory to take very long to return, but as promised, I will explain what has happened. The sound of my full first name sounded foreign to me. Im so used to being called Delia that I forgot how pretty my name really was. But it never sounded more beautiful coming from any other pair of lips. My one true hope was that those lips could somehow make me understand what was taking place around me. I will do my best to describe the life you lived here, and who you are. I believe it will help you to remember. Evan spoke slowly, softly, and very matteroffact. I listened as if my life depended on his every word. Today is October 24th, and the year is 1891. We are in my home in Nickel City. Evan said, and then paused as if he was waiting for this inconceivable information to sink in.

1891? I asked. My throat became very dry and my stomach soured.

Yes, Evan confirmed. You want me to believe that its 1891. I said, chuckling. The information wasnt sinking in. In fact I felt like I was sinking into a bottomless abyss where the lights were quickly being snuffed out. These people were loons. I looked over at Bethany, and she nodded a yes to me. Sure. I said nodding. Of course it is. Then I rose from the couch and practically ran over to the large windows. I flung back the curtain and my stomach dropped to my sandaled feet. I looked through the window as if I was in search of the diminishing light, but it had really been snuffed out. Beyond the porch which was now stark white as if itd been freshly painted, were flourishing rose bushes in full bloom. A chill crept up my back as I took in the lush front garden and the view beyond the entrance gates. There were horse and buggies parked all along the sidewalk instead of cars. Horse drawn carriages rolled up and down the dirt road that used to be a tarred street. There had always been a couple of old fashioned stage coaches parked on the main street, strictly for rides offered to the tourists who wanted to enjoy a genuine Old West experience, in town. But neither of those carriages had looked as authentic and as novel as the ones I observed going by. I spied a couple exiting the mansion across the way and they were dressed in the same dated style as Evan and Bethany were. There was a group of gossiping girls who looked to be around my age strolling passed the large mansion. They appeared to be deep in conversation, gossip no doubt. Someone must have said something amusing because they all tittered discreetly a lace or ivory gloved hand over a modest mouth. I observed them and listened to them giggle in that hushed way. They each wore long dresses similar to Bethanys, very ladylike and flouncy with a flood of fabric at their feet and huge bumps of draped fabric on their butts. I forgot what those ridiculous things are called. Oh yeah, bustles. Their thick heeled shoes were covered in the dirt and dust from the street which swirled around the hem of their dresses like little tumble weeds. I couldnt help but wonder why anyone would dress so elegantly to be covered in dirt after a walk into town. As I watched them go by, I swear each dress got fancier with more ribbons, bows, and lace than the last. They were competing. Every accessory matched the fabric patterns of their dresses. They each wore a frilly bonnet that covered an infallible bun on the top of their head, but that wasnt enough; a fancy parasol was also needed as a shield from the punishable rays of the Nevada sun. Shade was a priority in this stifling climate. I watched the chatty group of girls until they were no longer in sight. I must be delusional, I thought. All that water must have clogged my brain. I tried blinking a few times but everything had changed, and in a bad way, and the view made me nauseous. This was beyond strange, and too crazy to believe. Is this some kind of joke? I said, spinning around to face the two culprits. The dream which you told my sister about wasnt a dream at all. Its a memory of your life here with me Evan explained. I watched Evans mouth moving as he spoke, and I swayed as a flash back from the dream, of when Evan kissed me, consumed my thoughts momentarily. I caught only some of what he said.

dream not a dreamdream is a memory...

Breathe, breathe, I told myself. I took a deep breath, gulped, and tried my damnedest to allow all of this to sink in. As I still stood with my back to the windows and facing Evan, I spotted an antique styled telephone sitting on one of the tables. I walked over to it, and touched the ornate stem and handle which were made of polished brass. The weird mouth piece looked like an upside down trumpet. Tragically, I missed my cell phone. I looked at the porcelain based oil lamps and tried to remember if electricity existed in 1891. It did, yet I wasnt sure if it was being utilized in this house. The nausea in my belly was mounting. I wanted to scream my head off and tear all of this ancient furniture apart. Well, if this is the year 1891 as you say it is, then I demand that you take me back to the future. Now. I said, challenging both Evan and Bethany, who looked away from me and stared at her brother. Obviously he was running this charade. At this moment I expected more from Bethany. She was my best friend. Evan looked at me for a long moment before he said a word. I couldnt read his expression. His face was void of any emotion. His eyes led me to believe that there wasnt a chance in hell that I would escape this house or this time period. I cant do that. Evan said, gravely. Not what I wanted to hear, but what I had expected. Of course you can. If you brought me here, then you can bring me back. I said marching over to where he sat on the couch. I bent toward him, grabbed his hand, and placed it on my forehead as he had when we had left this room only to return to this room. Please just please take me back. I said, begging with no shame. The tears came again and ran down my face. I wasnt even embarrassed, just desperate. Cordelia, there is no going back. This is where you belong. Evan removed his hand and stood up. I straightened up and took a couple steps back from him. Then it was his turn to seek assistance. He turned to Bethany, who in turn stood up.

My head began to spin and I was on the verge of hurling all over the fancy rug. The large room seemed to be getting smaller as the dizziness numbed me. Evans face was pained. He was quiet for a long moment as he observed me. His words still lingered in the air. The silence around us was interrupted by the constant sounds of the quick trot of what couldnt be confused with anything other than horses pulling carriages. Evan was wrong I didnt belong here now. I didnt belong in this town ever. I looked around the room at the portraits and photographs of people I didn't recognize who seemed to be staring at me. I took a deep breath before peering through the heavy drapes and fancy lace curtains again. I could see from the reflection in the window that someone was standing behind me. I wanted to ignore them; wish them away. Better yet, wish myself away. Cordelia, there is so much that you need to know about yourself. Evans unsure voice proved that wishes didnt come true. He was still there and worst of all, I was too. Please sit down so that I can explain, Evan said, leading me back to the couch. What do I need to know about myself that I don't already know? I know that Im stuck in the year 1891. Right? I said, raising a challenging eyebrow in his direction. Im also aware that you have the power to take me back to the future, but wont. So what else is there? I said sarcastically to both Evan and his deceiving sister. I was angry and didnt care whose feelings got hurt. Ignoring my nasty attitude, Evans tone was firm although, he seemed a little apprehensive at the idea of actually telling me what it was that I supposedly needed to know. Its imperative that you know as much as possible in order to adjust, and in order to survive. Survive? My voice was heavy and I had to gulp just to get the question out. I glanced over at Bethany, who all the while, kept her silence. She was letting Evan do all the driving. You are an Ischero, one of the Powerful and direct descendants of the Greek gods. Evan said, with his eyes locked on mine as if he were gaging how well I was absorbing this ludicrous notion. I was numb, but listening intently. When I say powerful, I'm not speaking of our wealth. I mean powerful in strength of the mind, the spirit, and of the physical. Ish e roe? What is that? I wasnt sure if I had even pronounced the foreign sounding word correctly. Ischero. You pronounced it correctly. We are the ancient bloodline, an empire of families, all descending from the gods. Evan said, proudly. You are the first daughter of the Tieron family, the first family of our kind. Youre the empress of our Empire; well you will be in a few days when you are crowned the Empress of Ischera. I tried to process what he was saying. My last name wasnt Tetherson anymore. My identity was ripped out from under me. I didn't want to be the first daughter of anything and especially had no desire to be an empress of any kind. I just wanted the life I had back. I decided to say nothing and just listen. Bethanys eyes danced between my reaction and how Evan pieced my life together. So Im an empress or soon to be one. Who or what are you? I asked curiously. Im the first son of the Capius family, the second family of the Ischeros Empire. He said. Bethany is my younger sister. Only younger by a year. Bethany scolded with a chuckle. Beth was sent to the future to protect you. She made sure that you were never in any danger. Evan revealed. Bethany spoke sincerely. I didnt do my job, my visions failed me, and you ended up getting killed. Im deeply sorry Delia. Bethany apologized with tears in her eyes. I held her gaze and tears flowed from my eyes again not out of sadness but from lovelove of a friend. I believed our friendship could sustain anything. Even murder. It's alright. I choked up in a whisper as Bethany walked over to me and hugged me. Evan smiled, nodded, and began again. Our kind is persecuted by entities with limitations to their power, those who thirst for more, for the ultimate, for your power, Cordelia. This is why you were sent far into the future. It was primarily a safety precaution. Unfortunately that couldnt be helped. Bethany added. By entities, do you mean Victor? Hes the gargoyle, right? I asked as my voice quivered as if the gargoyle boy was in the room with us. The name and its weight hung in the air. Yes, but unfortunately he is one in many. I didn't like the sound of that. That sounded like no possible escape. Victor is pure evil! Bethany said with conviction. And why hasn't Nikolas returned yet? She asked changing the subject. Bethany, please. Evan pleaded. Youre scaring her. Im ok, I dont scare that easily. I tried to sound brave but I was shaken. I'm sorry, Cordelia, but Nikolas should have returned by now. Bethany apologized minus the conviction. I had forgotten that Nikolas had stayed behind to guard our departure.

Nikolas is both wise and incredibly strong. He can handle himself. Have faith. Evan tried reassuring Bethany who still had a worried look painted on her face. Evan continued with a sigh. Bethany is correct. Victor is of the purest evil. He is the strongest of a small army of devoted disciples. Victor has steadily built his army and controls them for the sole purpose of garnishing your power, and possibly destroying the earth in order to stake his claim on it. He wants to be the Emperor of the Ischeros. Hes an Ischeros too? I asked, shocked. No, but he used to be. Ill tell you more about that later. Evan promised. I tried to calm my nerves before I asked Evan the question that I was afraid to hear the answer too. I felt moisture suddenly form on my forehead. I went from ice cold to hot in a matter of seconds. Did Victor kill me in the future? Evan stared at me for a brief moment. I wasn't sure if he was going to answer the question. He looked perplexed. Didn't I have a right to know? Yes, he drove the car that killed you. He wanted and needed your soul but he only had twenty four hours to abduct you. But why me? You because you are the strongest that has ever been of our kind. Without your soul the gateway to your powers, he can never do the damage that he desires to do. He explained. We are immortal and can never truly die. We can always be revived. And thats what you did to me? But when? I asked. I revived you through the passage of time. This is incredible. I mumbled to myself. Is it? Evan asked. Of course it is. Youre speaking of mythological beings and immortality. No one could grasp such absurdity.

Absurd? Bethany cut me off. And you? Do you think immortality is absurd or that were absurd? Bethany asked, with a detectible edge to her tone. I dont know what to think. I mean come on Bethany; its all toomuch. I said. Bethany stood with her icy blue eyes fixed on my face for a second. She didnt appear angry, just frustrated with me. Evan interrupted Bethanys stare down. Victor wasnt able to obtain your soul in time because he lost track of you. Evan said clearing his throat. He watched me and took my silence as a sign to continue. We are Ischeros. It will take a lot more than a jeep to end your life. Youll remember in time, once your memory is restored. He promised, as he rubbed my hand gently then let it go. I was too dazed to even nod. No one said a word for a moment. Something else was troubling me. Ok, so I was born in 1875, and Im still seventeen, right. Yes. We, the Ischeros physically age yearly through our early teens. Evan explained. Then we begin aging gradually by the decade for the remaining years of our lives. This dilatory process begins at eighteen. He appeared to detect the expression of shock in my face. I contemplated what he said. I chewed and chewed on the information, but couldnt swallow. I cleared my throat. I needed some clarity on the whole aging issue. So, youre saying that Im seventeen now and once I turn eighteen, Ill slowly age for an entire decade before turning nineteen. Is that right? I asked. And so on with every coming decade. Evan explained, while he squeezed my hand. I pulled my hand away, and he recovered quickly and nodded. So, Ill be eighteen for ten whole years? My voice was a surprisingly high shriek as I faced this boy who held all the secrets of my existence. Yes, its a gift, Cordelia. Those who dont possess our gift, age the way they consider to be normal, physically aging older every year of their lives, Evan explained. I understand how this may be difficult to comprehend and accept although you already know this. It was the gift that would keep giving. I guess I should be happy not to age. Isnt that what every person wanted, perpetual youth, yet I was scared to death of the possibility. Youre unlike anyone in the world and no other as divine. Youre very... special. You, and only you, possess unique and extraordinary attributes, capabilities that no other being could possibly manage. Not I, not any other Ischeros. Evan said, practically in one breath. Umokbut what does that mean? What kind of unique and extraordinary capabilities do I have? I said getting up and walking over to the fireplace. For some reason I was antsy and couldnt stop moving around. Im sure by now Evan and Bethany noticed how hyper I was. I didnt fully get what Evan was trying to explain but I had to admit that I was intrigued. I wondered if I could turn myself into water and spin like a whirlpool too. Let me explain. Evan said, clearing his throat. You have the strength of all the Ischeros combined, the speed of light, the wisdom and insight to guide, the power to read everyones thoughts with your mind left unread. There is so much more to you that only you will know and may choose to grace us with. I have the power to read minds? I asked, baffled. I almost chortled. Almost because I didnt think it was funny to have my leg pulled, especially since I was standing up. Can I read your mind now? Your powers will surface once your memory is restored. Evan said. I sat next to him again and stared off in disbelief as to what he was so adamantly trying to get me to understand and accept. He continued as I wondered just how plausible this all could be. You are a part of something that is greater than this earth, and older. As the Empress of the Ischeros, your sole purpose, your ultimate objective is to protect and defend your empire, the members of your family. Evan said, almost in a whisper. His voice was soft and crisp at the same time as he continued. These special gifts are envied and desired by the world's most evil entities. These beings will stop at nothing until they possess your soul, which is the door to your power and ultimate control of the elements of the world. Evan spoke evenly, watching me cautiously. I wanted him to stop talking. The information was daunting and I couldnt be the person he spoke of. This had to be a case of mistaken identity. Let me get this straight. I need to regain my memory of my so called life in this time period so that I will have powers that evil entities will eventually come after me for. Why me? I... I don't understand. Im better off not remembering. Whatever memories I was expected to remember felt lost forever and Id be in less danger not recalling a thing. You, because you are. It is not something we can question but only what we must accept, you must assume, as our leader. Evan said proudly, and then taking a moment to pause. When will my memory return? I asked, anxiously. Evan seemed to be contemplating if he should answer. I expected that he knew the answer. It's only a matter of time. I expect soon. I would like to tell you a little more about yourself. If that's alright? He asked, and paused, waiting for clearance. Ok. I said knowing that I really didn't have much of a choice. Evan was about to continue when suddenly iridescent like sand materialized in the center of the room like a tornado funnel. The twister of sand spun rapidly in the air taking the shape of a very tall half man half horse. The sand was becoming more and more human until we were all looking at Nikolas.

Why had we seen a horse man? He still wore his dark jeans and tshirt. He smiled then began talking breathless and fast. Victor was in the house I barely escaped. Nikolas panted. I need a drink. Bethany rushed to his side but then stopped abruptly almost as if she was cautious of him. She then asked Nikolas a strange question that sounded more like a riddle. A cloak is for debris if? She asked. Armor shields the heart. Nikolas answered, and she threw her arms around him, squeezing him fiercely as if she expected him to disappear in sparkling sand as he had appeared. He welcomed her tiny body, in comparison to his own, in a warm embrace then began talking again. He walked over to the bar and fixed himself a glass of wine and gulped the full contents of his glass. Then, to my surprise, but to no one elses, he poured another than another. The dragon boy is unable to transport without great concentration or he would be here now, Nikolas said, sipping the fourth glass of wine, but whos counting. He is hell bent on Cordelia's whereabouts and killing her. The heinous one even claimed to be able to smell her. Nikolas directed all of his words to Evan, who listened carefully. You took a while. What happened? Bethany said, now calm. She was no longer anxious now that Nikolas had returned. I knew I wouldn't have time to teleport, and I didn't want to risk it, and be intercepted. Therefore, I chose to stay and wait. I knew better than to expect one of his devotees. Cordelia is too crucial to Victor. I figured he would rather handle her abduction himself than to leave it to his spineless subjects. Nikolas chuckled. See for yourself. Nikolas raised his very long muscular arm and pointed to the wall with the least framed pictures and paintings. A spark suddenly streamed from the tip of Nikolas index finger, of his right hand. It was magic. A mirage appeared on the wall, and I thought an old movie projector had been placed not too far behind us. But there was no projector. We were watching a movie that looked like it was playing on a wall made of water that faded into the patterned wall paper. It was crazy. I saw myself submerged in water, in the same living room, but before we landed back here. I floated in the whirlpool along with some sort of liquid hologram of Evan and Bethany. They were the water and were standing as I was floating outward perpendicular to them. Evan had his watery hand planted on my forehead. Then we evaporated, along with the deafening sucking and slurping sound, into a tiny crystal drop of water that vanished into the air. My mouth practically dropped to the wood floor. Nikolas was left alone in the sparsely furnished living room. Not a second had passed since disappearing when the walls began to buckle from the blazing temperature in the room. Out of nowhere appeared the gorgeous boy who had killed me. My body began to tremble as I had another opportunity to look him in those malicious eyes. Selfassured, he stood tall and muscular with a menacing look in his eyes that clearly stated why he was there; obviously to kill again. He snarled and paused at the entrance of the living room opposite where Nikolas waited. Nikolas was the taller and larger of the two. He wasted no time in letting Nikolas know why he was there. I know she is here, I can smell her. He said as fire spewed from his mouth. IT ENDS HERE! IT ENDS NOW! He seethed with deadly intent. I watched in complete horror. This boy wanted to kill me. I understood more now than ever just how badly. Hello Victor. You're late. Nikolas taunted with a chuckle. Tardiness is never rewarded. Victor's eyes were furious with pure rage. He moved at an accelerated speed and lunged at Nikolas. Within a second his face morphed into a gargoyle. With one crushing blow to Nikolas' chest, Victor sent him flying backward. Nikolas slammed into the oversized gilt framed mirror that hung on the far left wall. It shattered into a thousand jagged pieces. Victor roared thunderously as fire spilled from his twisted lips. He was hideous and prepared to trounce Nikolas. Nikolas shook of the impact and stood up unfazed by Victors blow. Suddenly Nikolas form began to change as he stood up. His shirt disappeared into his skin revealing an incredibly muscled torso like that of a body builder. Below his torso, the body of a stallion, minus the head, emerged. I gasped in shock. Nikolas was half man and half horse a centaur. I couldnt contain my amazement and almost missed what happened next as I turned and stared at Nikolas who stood next to Bethany now. I stared at his two human legs. He saw me watching him and winked then, with his head, motioned for me to keep watching. Once Nikolas had transformed, which took a fraction of a second, he looked Victor dead in the eyes. Is that all youve got? Nikolas said as he trotted slowly trying to anticipate Victors next move. A stampede of steeds couldnt defeat me, junior centaur! Victor said, as massive ivory horns emerged from his head and his clothes dissolved into his body which was now the shape of a huge black monstrous bull.

Nikolas instantly kicked up a large part of the broken mirror that lay on the floor with one of his front hooves. The mirror flipped into the air as Nikolas reached out with one arm and grabbed it. He used it as a shield to block the flames that Victor, the bull, spit at him. Nikolas cracked the mirror against a hoof, and clenched the large shard of the broken mirror concealed in his hand. The bull eyes were blood red and it lowered its head. Its huge nostrils flared. Its long, curved, and sharp horns were in position to gore Nikolas. The brawny bulls muscular body twisted to one side as its tail curled about like a lash, whipping incessantly. The bull angrily prepared to charge as Nikolas backed up a few yards. The expression on Nikolas face was intense but not fearful. More like anticipation. As I watched the centaur move in one direction, the bull slightly moved forward as it swept one hoof across the floor from front to back over and over again. The centaur trotted backward ever so slowly. I tried to prepare myself for what would not disappoint in being a brutal fight even though Nikolas stood in this living room now seemingly unscathed. The bull charged forward, hard and deliberate, as if he saw red. Simultaneously, Nikolas galloped forward toward the charging beast and kicked his front hooves into the air with an ominous growl. Nikolas leaped in the air high and over the bull, brutally stabbing it on the right side of its neck with the shard of mirror. Just as the bull was wounded, large flames spewed from its mouth torching the chaise lounge, which I had laid on. Nikolas knew that the bull was only wounded temporarily. He knew that it was now or never. The bull grunted wickedly as if laughing at the large daggerlike shard of glass embedded in its neck. Now injured, the bull transformed back into human form. Victor stood, fully clothed in all black as before, but this time with the glimmering shard of mirror sticking straight up and out the side of his neck. He yanked it out with one swift movement, yelping out in pain and ending in a monstrous yet gleeful chuckle. The shock and pain lasted only a moment, long enough to distract Victor and allow Nikolas to begin teleporting himself. Nikolas stood in the center of the room with both arms at his sides, kicked up his front hooves and willed himself to disappear. Victor's wicked laughter turned into a ferocious roar when he realized Nikolas plan to escape. COWARD, FIGHT ME! Victor wailed, flying upward to grab at the fetlocks of Nikolas hind legs which had begun to turn into ankles and feet. He was too late. Nikolas vanished right before Victors eyes like sand in the wind. This time Victor's thunderous roar could be heard for miles leaving every window and piece of glass shattered throughout the town once again. And just as before, the gruesome shadows appeared out of nowhere, screeching and crawling as slow as molasses as Victors webbed wings catapulted him through the ceiling. The mirage disappeared and I was at a loss for words. Id never seen anything so brutal except for what Id seen in movies. Nikolas was a centaur. A centaur! And Victor a monstrous fire spewing bull. You handled yourself well brother. Evan shook Nikolas hand firmly and partially embraced him. Did you ever have any doubt? Nikolas said, with a confident smirk. Never. Evan assured. Since Cordelia is here now, Victor will stop at nothing. Also there have been quite a few developments since you both have been away. Evan said motioning to his sister. Do tell. Nikolas demanded, gulping from his glass. Well, while the bullocks been sniffing around for her, Evan sneered referring sarcastically to Victor as being a baby bull. There have been more attacks. Victors devotees have been having a little fun with the mortals here and in Bedwyn City. The mortals are frightened and becoming frustrated with the lack of answers. They will organize a gang of vigilantes soon. The attacks are vicious. Both men and woman found in the forest with what looks to be attacked by wolves and something else. I listened quietly as they seemed to forget that I was still sitting here. I was mortified at the horror story I was privy to. I wanted out of here. I wanted to be as far away from this town, which I wouldnt miss, and as far away from this trio as possible. But who would protect me from what was coming; what would never rest until my soul belonged to them? I was overcome with despair and fought off the urge to scream. I bit my tongue instead. The blood tasted salty and warm and the pain faded quickly. Something else? Nikolas asked. Bethany didnt allow Evan to clarify, Something else, you mean? While you both have been away, Victor along with his disciples have begun terrorizing both towns. He has brought on the attention of the Apolluon, Evan said, cautiously. The wolves havent worked alone. We believe the Apolluon are near. No! Bethany yelled. Weve been away too long. Calm down, Beth. Cordelia is here now. The situation will be under control soon. Nikolas explained. What? How could I help this situation? I was helpless as long as I had no clue as to what they were talking about. No memory equals no power. No power equals I watched Nikolas stroll over to the large intricately carved and framed mirror hanging on the wall. He eyed himself for a second or two, then turned around and was elegantly dressed in the same kind of formal wear that Evan wore. I was startled by the transformation. Nikolas walked past the Queen Anne chair and over to the towering grandfather clock where Bethany stood waiting for him. They embraced again.

Bethany looked like a doll next to Nikolas who towered over pretty much everyone. I was still trying to get used to the idea of them as a couple. I pushed the disturbing incestuous thoughts that kept creeping up every now and again out of my head. We are prepared. Nikolas declared. Yes we are. Evan's words of confirmation didn't make me feel any safer from this evil person. I stayed quiet as I had been since arriving here and listened to the both of them discuss how we would prevail. Nikolas walked over to the bar and fixed himself another drink. He emptied his glass and poured another, emptied it again and was about to pour yet another when Bethany stopped him. I dont remember Nikolas ever drinking that much. Actually I dont remember Nikolas drinking ever. Its been two long years since Ive had a drink Beth. Im allowed to now. Besides I dont get drunk. Nikolas laughed yet sounded like someone in Alcoholics Anonymous. I wondered what was up with that. Yes, I know but I can certainly do without the belching, my love. Bethany said giggling and playfully patting Nikolas on the belly. Drink up, Niko. Youve waited long enough. Evan guffawed. I didnt see the humor in any of this. What did it all mean? If Evan was the Aqua man, Bethany the Aqua woman, and Nikolas a centaur, then what did that make me? Did I really want to know? No. Yes I did. I didnt know what I wanted. I wanted to remember who they claim I am and at the same time I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in my bedroom. I didnt know if I was transparent or if he was just that in tune with what I was feeling acute despair, but Evan allowed Nikolas and Bethany to ramble on with the conversation of just how much alcohol was Nikolas allowed to indulge before noon, and plopped down next to me on the sofa. He sat about half a foot away from me. He didnt say a word, not for a few seconds that seemed like minutes. When he finally did, he did so as he stared down at his feet as if he felt sad about something. Cordelia, there is so much more to tell you. We will talk again later. Evan promised. Right now, I think its bestfamiliarize yourselfyour surroundings... go upstairs see your room change into something moresuitable for the present time. Do you agree? Huh? Uhyeahsure. I only half heard what he had said. I was trying to focus but it was impossible. Something about his voice or was it the liquid coolness of his eyes or was it both. I had no clue but something about him was causing me to be in some kind of stupor. Evan moved a bit closer, and then leaned even closer and brushed my cheek. I was already flushed, which Im sure he noticed. He whispered softly into my ear. Our love for each other is strong and unbreakable. I have missed you terribly, Cordelia. Welcome back, my love, my heart. He touched my cheek with rosebud lips that lingered, slightly opened, allowing his sweet breath to warm my cheek. The indescribable sensation occurred once more. I felt so invigorated so alive. He smelled like sandalwood; pleasant and not pungent. I heard every word he said this time and I remembered what I felt like in the dream but what I felt right now was different In the dream I suppose what I felt was true love as if my heart would burst every time I was near him, as if I wouldnt be allowed another breath of air unless I was with him. I dont feel anything like that now, but I do feel drawn to him. Like I saidI cant put my finger on it but the attraction, whatever it was, was undeniable. Right now I was not in love with this boy, my dream lover. I felt the need to tear myself away from him as if my life depended on it. It was like two parts of me fighting to win in an arm wrestle. One side needing to be suspended in his aura while the other side, the critical one, took two giant steps back to further investigate. I sat there, on the sofa now only a few inches away, incredibly still solid as ice. If I didnt then I may very well just melt into a puddle on the floor if I allowed myself to feel these new emotions that were beginning to arise within me. Instead of melting, I backed away a bit, so that we were about a foot apart. I was unable to reciprocate what he felt for me. Evan didn't seem to be upset with my lack of feelings for him. Instead he looked at me and nodded, appearing to accept the fact that I wasn't in love with someone that I didnt know. I stood up, a little too abruptly and then Evan stood up too. We were face to face. There was a familiar feeling that radiated from his intense gaze. It held me captive the way it had every night for weeks. Evan looked at me like something he would never tire of looking at. As if I would always remain the exciting and dazzling new toy. Amazingly, I didn't feel shy around Evan, just unsure. I'm not accustomed to tragically dying and being brought back to life by the man of my dreams literally It was all inconceivable to me yet I was here now and living it. I didnt know what if anything I could have done to be dealt this hand to play out. I felt the sudden urge, although underlying, to run out of the room. But where would I run to? Helpless and alone, I knew no one but the three teenagers that stood in front of me. I looked over at Bethany and Nikolas again. They looked genuinely happy. I didnt remember ever seeing them more exultant. I wished that their feeling of elation was contagious so that I could have a genuine desire to smile. Nikolas and Bethany appeared relieved to be back. Watching them carrying on now, like two little kids, proved how difficult it must have been for them to live a lie for two whole years just for my benefit. Just so I could live pleasantly in my fake life. The idea of being alive again was unfathomable yet I felt alive through all of my senses even if I was dying inside. I want more than anything to be alive and living anywhere even here Nickel City, but in the future where everything made complete sense. I cant believe Im going to say this but I miss my boring, monotonous, and uneventful life so much I could cry, but Ive maxed out my tears. In the future my life may have been somewhat pathetic, but Id rather that than this daunting new lease on life. My wish for living has been granted but

the jokes on me. I quietly began to pray for my memory, which I hoped would return soon. I reflected on what Evan said. What does it mean to be the first daughter of Tieron, the Empress of the Ischeros? Fearful and curious, I wonder. Am I really expected to rule over a group of people? Am I supposed to be bowed to? Evan said once I begin to remember my past, my gifts and powers will return. In fact, Im the most powerful person on the earth. Yeah, right. Anyone who really knew me would never ever believe such a ridiculous notion. Im just not a confrontational person, and have never been in a physical fight. I hated and avoided confrontation if I could. I've always tried to be a person who spoke up for what I believed in. Im willing to fight for what I believe to be worth the battle but my punches will be thrown on paper, in written word. The idea of fighting evil with my bare hands was not what I had in mind. I was equal parts punk and wuss. Those qualities could not be expected of the most powerful person on the earth. So they had to be wrong about me. I knew they were erroneous from the core of my soul. I needed air. I felt claustrophobic and queasy. There was so much to try to grasp, like the fact that I was being hunted. Evan, observant and overly attentive, noticed what must have come across as a look of confusion. Or did he detect despair and desperation? I sauntered passed Bethany and Nikolas and went to the window again. I looked out to an ancient Victorian world that I couldnt relate to. Remembering what I learned over the years in history class regarding the way of life for the people living at the turn of the nineteenth century was not enough to prepare me to live it. I wasn't even sure if there was electricity and indoor plumbing. Ugh! Don't despair. Please try to be patient. Evan pleaded softly as I turned my beseeching gaze to Bethany. I wanted her to tell me something that would help make sense of the farce that was taking place. Delia, we love you and want you to feel safe with us as you always have. I know this is extremely difficult to comprehend but please try to understand. Bethany wiped tears from her eyes. The anguish you feel is felt through us as well. I heard every word Bethany said and I trembled all the while I listened. I couldnt take my eyes off her dress. The way she looked in it; perfect. My best friend, my only friend, belonged here. They all did. Nikolas was finally free to be himself, an incredibly good looking wine guzzling teenager who just happened to be a fierce centaur. Come with me Delia. I will help you to dress, and then I will show you around the house. Perhaps viewing the rest of the house will help you to remember a little. Bethany was sympathetic as she took my hand and led me out of the room. I took one last look at Evan before following Bethany out of the living room. He and Nikolas were speaking in hushed tones across the room. Evan was leaving the room, and heading through the opposite archway that led to the library with Nikolas following closely behind him. They walked through the draped archway and vanished before my eyes. With a gasp, I quickly turned to see if Bethany saw what I had just seen. Did you just see that? They disappeared like ghosts, like vapor. I whispered utterly stunned by their magic. Where did they go? Bethany gave me that smirk I was used to, and looked at me knowingly. Yes I saw them. They are going to meet with the elders to notify them of your safe return. Everyone will be overjoyed. Thats what they were whispering about. You heard them? I didnt bother hiding the wonder in my tone. Of course. Its in our nature to heighten all of our senses, just one of the many gifts we possess. She smiled. Her eyes looked deceptive shadowed. Bethany had to know, that in my head, I was officially losing it right now. But if she did, she sure didn't allow herself to show it. She wasnt the Bethany I had been close friends with for the last two years. Just the day before, she had been a fun loving modern day teen without a care in the world. I stared at her, trying to understand how she had become this elegant young Victorianesque teenager with supernatural talents. I shivered, at the prospect of learning more.

Six My First Visitor

Bethany, the happy hostess, was all smiles as she led me into the grand foyer. The transformation was galling. Every corner had a piece of fancy furniture or a potted fern or palm. And the echo was gone, although it was quiet; an eerie kind of quiet as if at any moment something lurking in a corner, or from behind a piece of perfectly carved furniture may pop out, and make itself known. I did my best to focus on what I was seeing, and not what may be therewaiting. No matter how beautifully decorated this house looked I still felt the vacantness of it. Something wasnt right. Along the walls of the spacious foyer were gilded frames that housed paintings or photographs of a person I'm sure I should remember, but couldnt. They were all strangers with eyes that surveyed your every move. I followed Bethany up the winding staircase. As I ascended, my eyes were met with more of the same perfectly placed paintings of landscapes, portraits, or vintage looking photographs in various sizes. Halfway up the stairs, I was forced to stop, abruptly like I hit a wall. I felt bolted to the step I stood on. One particular photograph caught and held my attention, causing a frosty surge through my bones. It was a rather large photograph that took up a quarter of the museum like exhibit. The portrait was of a young woman dressed perfectly for this time period. The eyes of the young woman bore into mine as if she could see me; judge me. I stared into hers. I couldn't steer my eyes away from her. Dear God, she was me. It was a black and white photograph of me. I knew I had never

been photographed dressed like that; looking like a product of this day. Maybe it was a twin that I didnt know I had. Impossible, I thought. But anything was possible here and now. By now, Bethany was at the top of the next landing, and had just come to realize that I was not following her. Before I could bat my eyes or ponder another wild suggestion to how I was trapped in that photo, Bethany was at my side. I quickly recovered from the blustery downward current of air; the aftershock of Bethanys accelerated speed hitting me in the face. Although impressive; no sense in wasting a special gift by walking down the stairs, it explained how she had immediately vanished when she had run out of the cafeteria the day before. You sat for that photograph two days before you went to the future. You were very content with it, although everyone agrees that you are much more beautiful in person. She paused for a moment as she evaluated the photograph. I think it captured your innocence while expressing and defining your blossoming maturity. You were very happy that day. Her eyes lit up as she eyed the photograph. I spoke the only words that came to my fragile and exhausted mind. Why was I happy that day? I asked. Bethany turned to me, and smiled. You were excited about your fifteenth birthday celebration. Oh, I gulped. The photograph was a commemoration, Bethany said, turning her gaze back to the oval shaped frame. It's bizarre. I wouldn't allow this photograph to confirm that I had been here before. Bethany took my hand, and guided me up the stairs. When we finally arrived at the second landing, she led me down a long hallway with four sets of double doors. Evanders bedroom is first, and then mine, Bethany said, and then as we passed the third set of double doors, Bethany said, This is Nikolas. On the third floor are the childrens rooms, and my parents room. The guest bedrooms are also on the third floor. I had no idea which children she spoke of, and couldnt imagine children living in this eerie house. Bethany opened the last set of double doors with an old fashioned skeleton key, revealing two large rooms equal in size. This is your chambers. She nodded for me to enter. The two rooms were divided by a set of opened French doors covered with busy lace curtains. One of the rooms was furnished as a sitting room. The other was furnished as a bedroom. They were the most elegantly decorated rooms Id ever seen although; it wasn't the first time Id been in these rooms. About two years ago in the future, I had visited Bethany, and had been in these two rooms. I had just arrived at her house, and was in her bedroom when we heard someone knocking at the front door. Bethany had left me in her bedroom and had gone to see who it could be. We were the only people in her house so I thought it strange when I heard voices in the hallway, which seemed to be in conversation. I left her bedroom, and went to check it out. In the hallway, I saw no one. I went further down the hall, and realized that the voices were coming from behind another set of double doors a couple rooms away; my set of rooms now. The doors to the room were slightly cracked open. Being the curious person that I sometimes wished I wasn't, I peered into the room. Ive never forgotten the spinechilling feeling I experienced the moment I entered the room, as If I wasn't alone. But the room was vacant of anyone, and unfurnished. I was a hundred percent certain that I had heard voices coming from within the room. I spun around to run out, and slammed right into Bethany. I blurted something out to her, and the echo of my voice reverberated throughout the room. The unnerving thing was that when Bethany spoke, there was no echo of her voice. It gave me the creeps. I havent been in these rooms since then. I tried to push the creepy memory out of my mind because the room looked so different now a lot less creepy but not totally inviting. At the far end of the two rooms, there was a king sized four poster bed of dark carved cherry wood. It was majestic, and fit for a queen or an empress; I flirted with the thought then quickly erased it from my mind. The notion was just too far off. Staring at the huge bed, I sauntered up to it, carefully eyeing the luxurious fabric that made up the bedding. It was ivory quilted satin with lush velvet accents and fringed borders. Bethany watched as I looked around. Take your time dinner wont be for another hour. I hadnt thought about food since dying. Now that Bethany had mentioned eating, I felt a bit hungry. I nodded and continued to take in the poshness of my new digs. I checked out the large matching vanity and two massive dressers. There wasnt a flake of dust on any of them. By the far right wall was a screen divider embroidered with rose colored flowers that I figured was changing screen. Bethany sat in one of two large ivory tufted chairs and continued to watch me as I toured the room. Between the two chairs was a small table covered in fringed fabric. Opposite the two chairs was a chaise lounge covered in the prettiest rose colored brocade fabric. It faced the ornate fireplace that had looked like a gaping black hole, covered in dust, the last time Id seen it. Bethany smoothed the fabric of her dress with her hands and gazed out the second set of French doors which led to the balcony. She jumped up, opened the doors, and stepped out onto the balcony. I followed, not wanting to be left alone in the room. The view was as breathtaking as it always had been. The majestic Sierras were even more beautiful than I remembered greener in many parts with iced snow caps further behind. I was floored by the site of the town below. To the right, I could see a small portion of the main street. There were many people riding horseback, and many horse and buggies riding up and down the dusty dirt road where cars shouldve been. The view resembled a scene from my dads favorite childhood western television show, Bonanza. Do you remember any of this? Bethany prodded looking down at the town.

I do, but not like this. It's just too much change. I don't know how to feel about it. I'm confused. I had a lump in my throat as I tried not to cry. Just then I noticed someone looking at us from a veranda from the large Victorian mansion across the two vast gardens, which stretched the length of two houses. I couldn't see the persons face clearly. It looked to be a boy about my age. He seemed to be staring directly at us. I didnt expect him to wave, but he did. As I started to wave back, Bethany suddenly grabbed my arm, nearly dislocating it, and whisked me back into the sitting room. We moved so fast that the breeze she conjured up literally formed a loose tornado around us. A second could not have past. What's wrong? Who was that? I tried to recover. Nothing shocked me anymore, especially not Bethany's erratic behavior. No one... just Gerald Bergnum, no one of any importance that is. Ugh! He's always staring. It's so rude and juvenile. Bethany blurted out, standing in the center of the room. Whenever Bethany was nervous or uneasy, she couldn't keep her hands still. I could tell she was uncomfortable by the way she kept smoothing her dress. I guess some things never change, no matter the time or era. Do I... did Iknow him? I questioned as I tried to peer out the French doors to see if he was still there. It was blurry looking through the thick lace curtains. I could still see a figure standing on the balcony. Was he waiting for our return after such a hasty exit? Everyone knows the Bergnum family. Ms. Bergnum, the lady of the house, is Gerald's grandmother. She sits up on this hill with her nose in the clouds. She believes everyone is beneath her selfproclaimed stature since her family owns the Bergnum Railroad Company as well as several banks in both California and New York. Bethany rolled her eyes, obviously unimpressed. Well, what about him? I said a little annoyed that Bethany had basically avoided answering my question. Well, her beloved grandson has not fallen far from the Bergnum tree, if you must know. Actually, you found him to be annoying and never liked him or his brother, whom died last year of a laudanum overdose, quite the scandal. Bethany said in that You didnt hear it from me tone. Ms. Bergnum, who has spent most of her life gossiping and judging everyone in this town couldnt shield her own family from scrutiny. Bethany explained. Obviously, Bethany was bored with the subject, therefore quickly changing it as she busily began fluffing the embroidered pillows on the chairs. More importantly, I want to help you get settled. This is your chambers. I think you will find it quite comfortable, you did when you moved in before you left two years ago. Bethany commented. I forgot about the boy for a moment and noted the change in Bethanys articulation and choice of words. There was a distinct change in her diction, she sounded way too mature. Well what do you think of your chambers, Delia? Bethany inquired after a short pause. She seemed to be grateful that I didn't prod any further. I love it, I lied. I was overwhelmed by the opulence of both rooms and repulsed by the fact that I once lived in them. The creepy feeling was still within reach. Suddenly, a glimmer from the fireplace mantle caught my eye. It was one of the gilded picture frames. As I got closer to the fireplace, I saw two more photographs of myself. They were portraits, all in oval shaped frames. One of me at maybe ten or eleven years old and the other I would guess was taken recently. They were faded and in black and white. I was dressed in the fashion of the day. There was a third picture; one of a baby. Is this me? I asked Bethany as I held up the photograph of the baby. Bethany nodded as she walked over to where I stood. Of course, she confirmed. I realized then that I had never seen a baby picture of myself nor of one of me as a child while in the future. Only pictures of myself as a teenager. My parents had claimed that they had lost a set of picture albums, but never could specifically explain how. As I remembered this, the sadness of my reality caused me to gasp. It appeared to be true. I really did live in the past. This only confirmed my imprisonment now. I just stared at the babys chubby cheeks, my cheeks, and unconsciously rubbed my face. I watched Bethany open the closet doors and randomly pull out an arm full of dresses in an array of jewel tone colors that every girly girl would love to choose from. I felt sick as if tennis balls bounced around in my stomach. She laid each dress out on the bed and went back into the closet and returned with a laced up thing that I believed to be a corset and several full length slips. Whats that I asked with alarm in my voice. I know she wasnt thinking that I was going to wear them. I wouldnt be caught dead in the dresses or those ridiculous undergarments. This is a corset. The brassiere has yet to be invented. She paused for a second. Her right eyebrow was raised as if she challenged me to disprove that fact. Those are petticoats She pointed to the slips. Bethany went into the top drawer of one of the dressers and pulled out several pairs of stockings as I picked up the corset and felt the bone wires sewn into it, which created the contoured shape. I flung it right back on the bed. With a sigh as if she had been laboring for hours, she sat on the bench positioned at the foot of my bed. Im not wearing that thing, I declared, and dared Bethany to test me.

What the corset? How else do you expect to fit your dresses? She asked with a giggle. Why cant I just keep what Ive got on right now? I referred to the dress I had picked out with my mother. Stop being difficult, Delia. That dress is unacceptable today. You know that. I could do without the condescending attitude. I have to admit I rather enjoyed wearing denims and tshirts too, it was very freeing, I suppose. I do wish we could dress that way now, but it's not who we are. Today we dress like a lady and more importantly we behave like one. It's time to refamiliarize with our way of doing things. Now these are some of your loveliest dresses. Bethany smiled as she ran her hand over the sumptuous fabric of one of the dresses. I wasn't ready to start dressing. I had Bethany all to myself and I wanted this opportunity to pump as much information out of her as I could. But first I had to ask her one question. I hoped for an honest answer. "Why did you run out of the cafeteria instead of just telling me what the dream meant?" I asked. She sighed as she pulled out a white handkerchief and sort of waved it around her face as if to surrender any chance of dodging the question. She blotted away any perspiration that may have formed on her forehead and neck. Could I blame her? It was warm, at least ninety degrees, she had to be roasting like a rotisserie chicken in that getup. I wanted to tell you everything. I wanted to tell you who you are, who I am, about my brother, Evan, and about my relationship with Nikolas. Bethany's eyes filled with tears. When you told me about your dream, I knew you would soon remember. I also knew that it was difficult for you to tell me and that you were in need of a friend. Bethany stood up from the bench. My eyes followed her across the room and over to the vanity. She stopped and turned to look at me again. There was so much pain in her eyes, so much sorrow. But I couldnt tell you of your true identity. Just knowing would have jeopardized your safety. I was afraid that if I had told you of your past that your memory would fully return and you would not understand the life around you. So I ran. I ran to Nikolas. She said desperately. I tried to understand that she had been in a precarious position. Although her decision made sense, it left me with a more million questions and uncertainty. Bethany walked toward me, and said something I didnt consider before. I also didn't tell you because I thought you simply wouldnt have believed me. She was right, I thought. I would have never believed her. Not in a trillion years. I had no idea that Victor knew where to find you. Bethany said, reclaiming her seat next to me on the bench. I believed her wholeheartedly. I understand. You had no choice. I paused for a moment then the tears came again. I'm scared Beth. I don't understand any of this. Why me? I asked, petrified of being responsible for the security of an empire. Bethany pulled a handkerchief from a hidden pocket in her dress and handed it to me. She waited as I dabbed my eyes and blew my nose. All the while she patted and rubbed my shoulder the way a best friend should when her friend is hurt or depressed about some dilemma. Its simple. Its not for us to determine why. We cant help who we are or the families we are born into. In your case you are the most fortunate being in the entire world. Right now it may seem like a curse, but youll soon remember the great fortune of your gift. Bethany tried to sound reassuring. It wasnt working. Her sympathetic tone was not enough. As warm as it was both inside and outside of my room, I had goose bumps all over; shivering actually. Its a gift that you must accept and that you have accepted before you were sent into the future, Bethany continued. Our kind has waited for the one who will save us from the evil that has plagued us for centuries. Due to the strength of your particular bloodline, this responsibility ultimately and timely is with you. Hence, you must be patient, with the return of your memory; all of this will be significant. I looked at her with her hair piled high on the top of her head. She was genuinely ecstatic to be home and looked the part. I couldnt help but wonder Was I happy living here in the past? I asked with apprehension. Yes, I believe so, Cordelia. This was and is your home, and what you know. You were happy, full of life, and jovial. You embraced what you were destined to be. Dont be afraid. Just give it a little time. Youre safe here. It's difficult now because you have not regained your memory. Bethany explained and patted my hand. Will I? The desperation in my voice could not be masked. I wasnt trying to disguise it. Of course you will. And you will remember who you are now as well. Bethany assured me as she gave me a hug. I held onto her for a moment. I needed the feeling of comfort from someone I knew. I let go of Bethany and stood up to walk to the window once again. I was always drawn to the view of the Sierras, and now to the intense sunlight that streamed into the sizeable room. As I peeked through the lace curtains, my mind began to wonder. My thoughts were tangled. I wanted to remember who I was am. I wanted to stop feeling confused and disconnected. If it weren't for the fact that I didn't remember then perhaps, I wouldn't want to leap from this balcony, head first into the stone walkway that bordered the gardens below. What does it really mean to be an Empress anyway? I mean am I supposed to rule a bunch of people? I asked and Bethany seemed to lighten up.

Delia, its better to wait. Explaining will only confuse you further. Lets just wait for your memory to return then everything will come naturally to you. Just give me an idea. I want to know. Its not that simple. I cant explain it in detail. Well, all of your actions and decisions will depend on the circumstances surrounding the empire. Although you will have the elders as advisors, your decree is law. But how does that work here, in Nickel City? Dont we follow the regular laws of the state and country? We do follow the laws of this country in order to blend in, but we also live with our own laws that must be followed or there will be consequences. What kind of laws do we have? Well, one is that we are not allowed to use our powers in the public eye. Another is that we must never reveal what we are to a mortal. Although, all of our members are scattered throughout the west, we must respect the levels of power within the empire. We are not allowed to steal from or murder another of our kind. This also goes for the mortals as well. Bethany explained. But I thought we cant be murdered. I speculated. We can be murdered on Earth, and if were not brought back to life in twentyfour hours, then our soul will exist in the Underworld, and never to be released by Hades. The mention of Hades scared me enough not to delve into it. What would be the punishment for using your power in public? The crime of displaying your power in public may be the confiscation of your powers for a period of time, which would leave an Ischeros vulnerable to attacks. The crime of murder depends on if it was the murder of an Ischeros or a mortal, Bethany said. For a mortal, the punishment may be exile for a period of years without power and to live as a mortal. The elders usually make that decision with the approval of the reigning empress or emperor. If its a demigod, the governing emperor or empress, you, must sentence the member. In the past, our leaders have sentenced offenders to eternal banishment in the Underworld. Only twice has a leader extinguished the offenders existence, including their soul. The idea that I would have the power to pass judgment on someone was intimidating. I couldnt see myself ruling over a pet much less a person or a god or whatever we supposedly were. I dont see the point of having powers if we arent allowed to use them. I remarked. I didnt say that we arent allowed to use them. I said that we arent allowed to display them in the public eye, the mortals eye, Bethany corrected with a sigh. That would be revealing what we are, and more importantly what we are not. Bethany added, eyeing me closely. Not human? I asked knowing well what she meant and how incredulous and sickening it was at the same time. I just needed her to say it. We are descendants of the gods. We are demigods, part human and fortunately part god. Bethany said proudly. So, were goddesses? I said, pointing back and forth from Bethany to myself. Yes, demigoddesses to be exact, divine, nonetheless. Bethany confirmed. She had a look on her face that couldnt be mistaken with anything other than grandeur. Bethany was impressed with what she claimed to be. I on the other hand, was speechless and blown away. No matter how hard I tried, my brain wouldnt let the truth settle there. It was as if my mind was a metal detector and this implausible concept was a huge chunk of iron. The alarm in my head kept going off with each attempt to compute it. Denial was my friend. I rubbed my face in my hands, then my temples as if I had an excruciating migraine. Bethany just sat and watched me with an inquisitive expression on her face, and said nothing. So I dont get my powers until I remember who I am, right? I asked. Bethany began smoothing the silky ribbons woven into the edge of her emerald jewel toned dress. The powers that you will soon possess are supreme and will never be matched by any other entity, ever. Bethany said in a strangely subtle tone. As far as what youre capable of, Delia you are the dominant force; the most powerful of any Ischeros that has ever existed or ever will. All of your capabilities have yet to be revealed. The most powerful being was a daunting idea. It was too overwhelming. To possess powers was beyond my realm of normalcy and logic. I must summon your housemaid. I will return momentarily, she said, evenly avoiding any eye contact. She quickly walked passed me, and then vanished from the room, and there was that brisk breeze again that seemed to always follow Bethanys rapid movements. I have my own housemaid? Just who do these people think they are? I dont need a housemaid. I went over to the fireplace and stared at the pictures of myself again. It was strange, seeing myself that way and trying to see an Empress; a descendant of gods. I jumped when I heard the doors close behind me. Bethany was back and was instructing a young Native Indian girl, who looked about our age, to prepare my bath. This is Sun Paw. Bethany announced, motioning to the girl. I eyed her for a moment. Sun Paws jet black hair was parted down the middle and twisted into a braided bun at the nape of her neck, and away from her heart shaped face. The terra cotta tone of her smooth skin shone in the sunlight with eyes the shade of iridescent amber. Sun Paw was stunning without even trying. She wore her uniform, a long black dress with a long white apron over the front.

Hi I said. Sun Paw didnt say hi back, instead she nodded almost obediently. Sun Paw is here to help you dress, assist you with all that you need around the house, and to run errands for you. Bethany said. Basically it was Sun Paws primary duty to be available at my every beck and call. I pulled Bethany aside, and insisted that I didn't need a servant, but she said that it was customary and that if I didn't make use of Sun Paw, then she would be let go. The thought of Sun Paw ending up jobless made me cringe, so I agreed. Bethany explained that she as well as her mother also had personal housemaids. Bethanys housemaids name was Moon Rose, Sun Paws older sister. Beths mothers housemaid was Sun Paws mother. Her name was Light Shine. I thought their names were beautiful and wondered if they had meanings as most Native Indian names did. Bethany explained, They have been with our family for years, even before Evan and I were born. Sun Paws family has always been treated fairly, and has stayed on with my family when many other members of the tribe moved on. Sun Paw, along with her mother, brother, and sister, live in the lower floors of the house, just above the storage rooms. Yeah real fair, I thought. But I guess if they chose to work for the Capius willingly, then who was I to judge? Bethany gave Sun Paw precise instructions on my bath. Sun Paw looked at me as if I was an enigma that she couldnt decipher. I felt selfconscious for a couple of minutes as we stared at each other. Sun Paw eyed my new mini sundress as if puzzled to see a young woman expose her body, mainly my legs, which was unacceptable today. She seemed to stare in disbelief. Rudely (no point in being respectful to the help), Bethany explained to Sun Paw that I wore a new style of petticoat and that her job was to assist me and not to gawk at me. I felt embarrassed for Sun Paw. I could never speak to her in that way. I hoped that I had never spoken to her in such a belittling way, before I left. Bethany deliberately spoke down to Sun Paw. I was disgusted with her behavior. It's alright. I know I look strange to you but I will be dressed in what you are used to seeing me in. I smiled at Sun Paw as she led me to the bathroom. I could tell that she was surprised at my tone. It led me to believe that I may not have been so nice to Sun Paw when I knew her. I promised myself to treat her with respect from now on. The bathroom was a small room, adjacent to my bedroom. I checked out the roomy claw foot tub. I was deep and looked comfortable. I almost couldnt contain myself when I saw the porcelain toilet. It actually flushed! Yes! Indoor plumbing whoohoo! Are you alright Miss Cordelia? Sun Paw asked due to my boisterous outburst. I hadnt realized that I had exclaimed out loud. Her English was nearly perfect, but I found being called Miss ridiculous, especially by a girl my age. I had to clear my throat from embarrassment. Ahemuhyes. Im great. Sun Paw looked leery of me. Later Bethany explained that the plumbing was possible due to the pipe running from the toilet to a wooden box about two feet above it. She called the box a water closet. I called it, and considered it a miracle; the first good thing that has come about since Id been brought back. There was also a sink with running water and another vanity table. I was so ecstatic about these phenomenal and advanced accommodations, for this day and age. I really had to focus to control my glee. Bethany left my room saying that she would return once I was ready to get dressed. As Sun Paw ran my bath, I decided to ask her the question that I wondered about since being introduced to her. Sun Paw, does your name have a meaning? I hoped that I wasnt being intrusive, or made her feel uncomfortable. I knew that Native Indian names had special meanings. I just wanted to know a little bit about her since she was here because of me. Makes Life, she answered, while checking the temperature of the water. She seemed pleased with it and didnt bother asking me to test it. The meaning of her mane was an interesting one, and I wondered what it meant. You mean as in a mother and child? I asked. Yes, she smiled slightly. It means that someday I will bear many children. She seemed happy with the prospect. I see. I said, taking a seat on a small bench against the wall right below a small painting of a meadow full of yellow lilies. At this point how could I be surprised that the bathroom had been ornately decorated? What kind of Native Indian are you? I mean, do you belong to a particular tribe? My tribe is Paiute. We were once a part of the Paiute tribe. She answered. I will leave you now. I will return when you are ready to be dressed. Sun Paw said leaving me alone. I looked at the bath that she had drawn. Ugh! I couldnt see the bottom of the tub through the extremely cloudy water. I undressed and carefully dipped my foot into the hazy water. I did this while saying a silent prayer that something didn't snatch my leg from underneath. The water was tepid and fragranced with lavender. I would have preferred it to be a lot warmer. So far so good. My leg was still attached to my body. I went for it, and dipped my other foot in, and then slowly lowered myself. I quickly bathed with soap that never lathered. Only one word came to my mind... torture. After my tepid bath of odorless soap, and thankfully no hidden underwater creatures, I began the grueling process of getting dressedwith Sun Paws assistance of course. I asked Bethany to stay in the room because I wasn't comfortable with Sun Paw seeing me naked. The petticoat was first. Only one since its still very warm. Bethany whispered as I slipped into the frilly white slip. I sighed and decided it would be best not to fight something that was inevitable. Sun Paw started helping me with my corset, an unforgivable contraption. She pulled at the lacing in

the back and cinched my waist until I had to scream out because I was unable to respire. This is unbearable. I remember reading about woman... I trailed off when I saw the alarmed look on Bethany's face as her eyes darted from me to Sun Paw and back to me again. It is customary, besides you are used to it. Now take another deep breath. Bethany ordered, as Sun Paw appeared to ignore us. She didn't seem to be listening, but I was convinced that she was. Um uh ... I mean... these things... are... so... uncomfortable. I said trying unsuccessfully to catch my breath in between words and not alert Sun Paw. After nearly crushing my ribcage, Sun Paw finally had me fitted in my corset. I was actually thankful for the petticoat, a slight buffer for my skin from the contoured bone like wires of the corset. The corset created cleavage I didnt know I had, yet I still couldnt see why a bustle was necessary. I knew not to complain or even question it in the presence of Sun Paw so after finally getting the ridiculous bustle in place, I chose a lavender taffeta dress. It had the least embellishments of lace frills and bows, a scooped neckline and threequarter sleeves. Sun Paw helped me get into that too. The dress fit seamlessly. It was like it was made for me. Ironically it had been the year I left for the future. Once I was finished dressing, I wanted Sun Paw to leave my room so that I could talk to Bethany again, alone. I think I can manage from here. Thank you, Sun Paw. I said, managing a beaming smile although, I could barely breathe. Of course, Miss Cordelia. I will be in the kitchen if you need me. Sun Paw said, nodded, with a blank expression as she quickly departed. I tried to walk in the dress and found my feet shuffling amongst the abundance of fabric that made up the layers of the skirts hem. I felt as if my ankles were tied up in vines. I decided to move around as little as possible, and sort of dragged myself to my vanity, and then sat in front of the mirror. Bethany passed me a pair of matching lavender, satin, one and a half inch, heeled shoes. They fit perfectly. I peered at myself reflection in the mirror. Although my features hadnt changed, it was the same heart shaped face, clear tanned skin, full lips, and emerald green eyes, yet I didnt know who it was that was looking back. I stared at the pretty fabric that made up my dress, which looked more like a gown, and felt completely uncomfortable donned in it. I picked up the gilded hair brush, monogrammed with the letters CT, which were my initials now as it had been in the future. The thick bristled brush was set between its matching gold comb and hand mirror. I began brushing my deep auburn hair, and noticed something different almost immediately as I brushed my hair. I moved a little closer to the mirror and stared at my reflection I wasnt sure if what I was seeing was accurate, but my caramel highlights were gone. I had just gotten them done a week ago at the beauty salon in the Summit Mall. My hair is different. My highlights are gone. I said thoroughly shocked and deflated. I stared at the strands of my hair, and caught Bethany looking at me in my reflection. Bethany held out her hand to me. Let me. She took the brush from me and pulled open one of the drawers of the vanity, revealing an array of sparkling jeweled hair combs and satin ribbons. Nothing from the future exists now. So your hair is at its natural state, as it was before. Bethany explained as she brushed my hair and pulled it into a loose bun. She secured the bun with a jeweled comb at the top of my head. I observed my reflection in the mirror. I looked exactly like I did in the pictures. Sitting there for a moment, completely motionless, and staring at myself, the tears welled up in my emerald green eyes, all over again. Got to stop crying, damn it. Got to stop. I wasnt crying about the highlights. Hair treatments and make up didnt matter to me, never had. It had been my moms idea. I let her take me to the salon just to make her happy. Wed gotten highlights, manicures, and pedicures. At first Id been apprehensive about the whole beauty day thing, but Id seen my moms face so happy with the prospect of glamming me up so I went along with it, for her. It just felt like everything I had in the future was slipping away. I fought an unsuccessful battle to yield my tears from rolling down my cheeks. I surrendered to my uncontrolled emotion and held my face in my hands. I... Ifeel so... so out of place, Beth. Why cant I remember this so called life that I lived? I miss my parents, my family. Since Im alive now, can't I just go back home? You can send me back, and no one has to know. Maybe no one will find me, this time. I said my voice breaking into sobs. Bethanys expression was doleful but her words were concise and inflicted pain. You belong here. Those people were not your parents. Bethany scolded lightly. She quickly changed her tone when she saw the wounded look on my face. We are your family. She added in order to attenuate the damage. But the damage was done. My stomach dropped to my feet and I began to feel vertiginous.

WHAT? What do you mean not my parents? I demanded. Our eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. She saw the anger exuding from my
eyes. She turned around and walked away from me. I was not prepared for the bomb my best friend dropped next. Bethany cleared her throat. Memories were implanted so that the transition to the future could be successful. Everyone has already forgotten you. They have moved on. That was part of the plan, Bethany declared, her voice unwavering with the blow she delivered like a champion kick boxer.

Whos plan? The highest members of the council. They know what is best. But the entire town watched me grow up here... I muttered, through sobs, visibly shaking. Stunned and deeply wounded by Bethany's razor edged words, I wept quietly. How could she be so heartless? If the mother and father I had in the future are not my parents, then who are? How can all of my memories be bogus? Were my first day of school, and when my dad taught me how to ride a bike fake? How could you people be so cruel? I accused. These people only knew what we implanted. Nothing more. It's all been erased. She confessed. Where there is no memory there is also no pain. They are all better off not remembering. Don't you agree? Bethany said squeezing my shoulders, in an ineffective attempt to reassure me of the pain that my family and loved ones wouldn't endure.

These people were strangers to her. Yet, they were spared of any sadness or pain. Why wasn't I? I am her best friend. I was left totally unshielded
from anguish and sorrow By the way, I couldnt send you to the future if I wanted too. I dont possess the power to transport, Bethany added. Hearing that, I sank lower into the abyss, drowning actually. I hadnt expected her to transport me although, Id invested in hope. Bethany told me that no one except the members of the Ischeros knew where I had gone. The story was that I had spent the last two years in France, visiting my fictitious Aunt Guinevere. It all happened too fast your death. It was unexpected. Then you found us before we found you. We had no time to erase your programmed memory especially not knowing if your true memory had returned. Bethany's voice was solemn as she passed me a handkerchief. Wipe your tears. Youre stronger than this. Look, I know the truth hurts quite a bit, but I love you too much not to be truthful. Bethany added as she stroked my hair. I stared into her glassy blue eyes, in the reflection in the mirror. I felt betrayed, duped, and mortified. It was unacceptable. Bethany busied herself with tying shiny ribbons in my hair. Then she clipped a pair of sparkling amethyst, teardrop earrings on my ears. The brilliant stones picked up the sun light streaming in from the partially opened French doors and gleamed. All the while I never took my eyes off the girl I thought I knew so well. This time when our eyes met our eyes met in my reflection, she caught the piercing glare I returned to her curious one, and quickly looked away. My tears had long dried but the feeling of desolation was still shattering me into fragments. I felt so alone and deceived, like the world had been invaded with aliens that were once humans, and I'm the only human left being forced to succumb to their foreign way of life. Bethany walked over to the dresser across the room, closest to my bed and began picking through more accessories that I would be forced to wear. It was fitting that I was left at the vanity table, alone exactly how I felt. I stared at my reflection through a glaze, due to my endless tears, and didnt notice the familiar figure that appeared in the mirror, at first. The figure dashed from the French doors to where I sat in a split second. The hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention like soldiers, and a sharp gasp escaped my quivering lips. Victor was standing very closely behind me. His pitch black eyes pierced through mine. There was that feeling again like something was pulling me toward him, like gravity. Something hypnotic that had me emotionally over powered and dependent on it. It was as if I was without air in my lungs and Victor was the last person on this earth with an oxygen tank. The feeling was severe, shattering, and undeniably evident to him. He knew what he was doing to me. I was inconceivably drawn to him like a moth to a lit match, perfectly content with getting burned in order to be within reach of him. He frightened the air right out of my lungs. Placing scorching hands on my nearly exposed shoulders, Victor dug his long and jagged nails into the flesh of my shoulders, stabbing through the dainty fabric. A twinge of searing pain made me wince as I heard my skin sizzle from the burn. He drew blood that began to stain the intricate lace fabric bordering my shoulder bone. For some reason I couldnt yell, or scream, or make an audible sound. I was silenced. When Victor brought his face closer to mine, so close that I could smell him; the aroma was recognizable fresh burnt cinders. The wicked half smile swept across his gorgeous face, making me wonder how someone so beautiful could be so ugly at the same time. Victors face was becoming that of a heinous gargoyle again. The transformation was fast and grotesque. His eyes were red as glimmering rubies. I couldnt turn away even if I had triedI didnt try. Being on the receiving end of Victors hypnotic like stare, I was stone. His fierce grip on my shoulders was paralyzing and I couldnt breathe. Victor sniffed the delicate curve of my neck while I fought unsuccessfully to break his penetrating stare. You do not belong heeerrre. You must wonder where their loyalties lay my love. You belong to meeeeee, mmmyyyy Corde liiiaaa. He hissed maliciously into my ear. His voice was just above a whisper and menacing. Your sweet, tender soul is miiiine, as is your heart. No one can take you away from me. Youuuuu are my destiny. Victor proclaimed in a bone burning purr that sent blistering sparks down my back. The heat that seemed to generate from Victors body must have broken Fahrenheit records across the globe. Why couldnt Bethany feel the heat and rescue be from being barbecued? While fighting Victors trancelike glare to get a glimpse of Bethany, I watched him laugh bitterly as he surveyed my frightened reflection. Frightened, but yielding to him. I tried to scream to stop the overwhelming need of him but no sound left my mouth. He began to slide his hand toward my chest. His long claw like fingernails burned and pierced through the fabric of my bodice so forcibly that I believed they were going to puncture through my skin. I heard my skin sizzle beneath his touch and I cringed in pain. All the while the heat had not subsided; only intensified

around me. He is here to kill me, I thought. I am going to die all over again, by a bull morphing demigod. This time it wont be instantly. Why wasnt Bethany fighting him off of me? As if reading my desperate thoughts and hearing her cue, Bethany finally reacted to the sight of me in distress. Nooo! Bethany let out a partial shriek like gasp. Her eyes went completely black then red. She moved as fast as light and was by my side within an unpredictable second, but not quick enough to stop Victor from slamming her against the wall with a suffocating grip to her neck. He held her there and leaned in close enough to kiss her. Bethanyyy, you make me hotttt all over The heat intensified in the room as he mouthed the word hot. To taste youagain would be so sweet, but you are not the girl for me. Victor grimaced as he continued to torment. Taste you again? What the hell did that mean? Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Both Victor and Bethany didnt seem to notice it. Victor ran his hand across the fabric against Bethany's hip, then thigh. Victor gripped the fabric of her dress, sliding it upward to reveal Bethanys thigh all the while tightening his grip around her neck and sliding her up the wall. GET... OFF... ME! Bethany growled like an animal. Victor looked Bethany dead in the eyes and spewed fire into her face as she instantaneously shifted into water while keeping her natural shape, minus the dress. By Bethany turning into water, Victor lost his grip around her neck, and his hand splashed into the wall. He swiped at her liquid form, apparently pissed off that she had doused his flames. Bethany, water and all suddenly disappeared. Victor instantly flipped around so that his back was now against the wall where he just had Bethany pinned. Out of the blue, Bethany reappeared still fleshed out in water, and now had Victor pinned against the wall. Somehow the water that made up her entire form was capable of grasping onto a solid, but not for long. Victor forced himself free of Bethanys aquatic vice and stood in the center of the room. I watched him, and I was completely terrified of this teenage monster. I couldnt move. It was truly a battle of strength between fire and water. They were both so powerful. Victor began spewing fire in all directions including mine, which had me scared to death of being burned alive. I also thought that he would transform into a bull again, but he didnt. Instead, Bethany anticipated his targets, and doused them before he could set them ablaze, leaving everything perfectly untouched and surprisingly dry. I would forever be grateful to her for not letting this barely legal monster, who I felt undeniably drawn too, turn me into ashes. Another rap at the door, this time much louder, stunned us all. More visitors upon your return, Divine One? Victor teased as his ominous ogle swept over me. Although his stare was prolonged and desirous, he was voracious and seemed to want to kill me now more than ever. But to my surprise, he didnt attack. Instead, he vanished, leaving behind a thick vapor of black smoke as a low and wicked cackle echoed throughout the room, reverberating from my ear to Bethany's, and then over by the French doors. The dreadful sound seeped out into the searing desert heat, which was no match for Victors.

Seven Warning
The hypnotic attraction to Victor, if thats what Id been consumed by, while in his presence, was gone the moment he disappeared. I couldnt stop shaking, and my neck felt incredibly stiff. I desperately needed an escape from thisthis HELL! I watched Bethany in disbelief, and reflected on what had just taken place, but I was so dazed that I didnt really see her, just a satin emerald blur of fabric. She had already transformed back into human form from the aquatic creature. I felt cold and hot all at once. My mind focused on running out of the room, running out of this house, running out of this point in time, running to someplace where I didnt feel like screaming at the top of my lungs. Stop rocking, Bethany demanded, startling me. I didnt realize that Id been rocking violently back and forth, with my arms wrapped around me in a cocoon like hug. She grabbed my shoulders and stared back at me; her eyes had returned to their normal ocean hue from the vibrant crimson that seemed to look right through you. Are you alright? She asked. Uh... I had to think about it for a second. Was I alright? No, I was a mess. The knocking at the door came in rapid and loud raps now. Both Bethany and I jumped. Who is it? Bethany inquired hesitantly. I didn't want her to answer it although; I knew it couldn't be Victor. Surely that demon wouldn't be inclined to knock. It's Evan, Beth. Evan said taking her inquiry as an invitation and flinging the doors open. Didnt either of you hear me knocking? His eyes searched us both for an answer. He looked at me with kind eyes. I needed kind eyes right now after just looking into the most evil eyes I had ever seen; vindictive and full of dread. I couldn't deny the instant feeling of safety I sensed whenever Evan was near. I stood up from the vanity. He walked toward me but stopped in front of Bethany instead. Her emotions were evident. She looked anxious as if she had done something wrong, and was about to be reprimanded. Evan turned to look at me, obviously still unaware of what had just happened but curious as to why we were visibly traumatized.

I would like a moment alone with Cordelia. Evan said, with his eyes trained on me even though he spoke to his sister. I sighed and looked down at my hands. Nikolas is waiting for you in the parlor. Evan, Victor was just here. Bethany blurted out. The silence in the room was deafening as her words hung in the air. What do you mean by just here? Evans tone went icy. In this house, in this room. Bethany gulped. I didn't see him enter. I was over by the dresser, and he had his hands on Cordelia right over her chest. I think he was going to tear her heart out had you not knocked at that moment Bethany's voice was strained as she trailed off with the idea of what could have happened while her brother stood on the other side of the double doors. I tried to keep him Are you alright? Did he hurt you in anyway? Evan asked me calmly, and cutting Bethany words off like a light switch, as he held my face in his hands. I'm fine. I lied. Really, he didnt hurt me. I lied again. When Victor had put his hands on my shoulders, his claw like nails had burned so bad at first that I thought I might pass out from the pain. I didn't feel it at all now and they didnt seem to notice any damage to the neckline of my dress. And you Beth? Evan demanded softly noticing that his sister looked a bit stunned. I'm fine. I looked at Bethany's neck. She didn't lie. It was clean of any marks; flawless ivory like an unused canvas. I looked around the room for a moment staring at each piece of furniture expecting everything to be drenched with the remnants of Bethanys tidal wave, but all of the furnishings were stark dry. I wondered where all the water had gone? Victor is becoming audacious and is developing a sense of instinct as to where you are, Evan said harshly. The venomous outcast is also aware that you dont remember him; hence he knows that you have not developed your powers. This leaves you extremely vulnerable. He will be back, and it will be soon. Evan said keeping his eyes on me as he stepped away from me. Hes very aware that time is running out. Evans vibrant and concerned eyes swept over me from head to toe as if he were looking for a wound or some sign that Id been hurt. He was talking to her. He told her something. What did he say to you, Delia? Bethany questioned with panic evident in her trembling voice. Why are you concerned about him speaking to me? Who cares what he said, as long as he didnt kill me, right? Forgive me for being happy to have lived through his visit. I mean really, how many leases do I get on life anyway? They both stared at me but said nothing for a moment as I tried to decide whether to tell them what Victor had declared. His words had been precise. His message very clear. Killing me and taking my soul was his destiny, his right. I could still hear Victors shrill bone chilling laugh. I don't believe that I would survive another encounter with him. This had to be his last visit or I may as well end my life now. Tell me Cordelia. Dont be afraid. Its imperative that I know. Evan pleaded though he looked as if he already knew what had been said, but still needed to hear it from me. I was hesitant to speak the words. If I did, I would be forced to relive the entire ordeal. The goose bumps were back. He said that I belonged to him and that I didn't belong here. I paused, gulped, and looked at Evan. Evan nodded and prodded me with his endearing voice. Was there anything else? He said that my soul is his, that this is his destiny, and that he won't be stopped. I managed to somehow get most of it out, and skipped the part about loyalty. I knew that Victor couldnt be trusted, but I wondered what he was insinuating. In MY house? Evan asked icily, but not explaining what Victor had meant. Neither Bethany nor I dared to speak. Evan's eyes and body language spoke volumes. He clenched his fists and his pupils grew black then fire red as he stared right through Bethany and I. Evans auburn hair, which had suddenly become soaked, began to whip across his face as if a strong breeze was blowing through it. His clothing became drenched as if he had been in the line of Bethanys fire. His entire body became engulfed in a wave of water, and he was completely fleshed out in it. I could no longer make out the impeccable features of his face. I felt the cold and vicious wind gusts blow passed my face as my furniture rattled brutally. The deafening sounds of hurricane winds and a tornado of water filled the two rooms. I fought to hold on to a piece of furniture as everything in the room became soaked. Bethany stood as if nothing was happening. Her brother had his head tilted completely back, and said the words that I would never forget. Each word was filled with vengeance and thundered throughout the entire room. I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I KILL THE COWARDICE SON OF IPTIAN! Evan appeared as if he was possessed, like some demon had taken over his body. He began to levitate as the diamond patterned ceiling swallowed him whole along with the swirling typhoon that followed him. EVANDER! Panic painted Bethany's face. I felt like screaming too, but I would have to hire a search party to find my voice. I was too shocked to make an audible sound. Bethany knew her brother was serious. He was going to hunt Victor down to kill himor be killed. I knew that it was the latter suggestion that worried her. Evan literally disappeared through the ceiling leaving no apparent sign of his departure, not a solitary drop of water which had originated from him. My room was arid once again. The ceiling looked exactly as it had looked before Evan went through it, in a perfect rhombus pattern. I was glued to the spot where I stood. My eyes stayed fixed on the ceiling, as if I expected Evan to return through it the same way he had left. After all that I had seen, anything was probable. Suddenly Bethany grabbed my arm and forced me to look her in the face.

Do not leave this room! I must get Nikolas. Bethany demanded. I will return, shortly. Please don't leave me! I screamed to an empty room. Just like that, I was all alone. I felt a chill that crept right into my bones and camped there. What if Victor returned? Why the heck would they think it was safe to leave me alone with a monster hungry for my soul? Victor would surely kill me knowing that I was all alone and powerless, with neither of the mighty trio to defend me. I sat down on my bed and shivered to my core as I broke out into a feverish sweat. My hands were clammy, and I wrapped myself in my arms and unconsciously began rocking back and forth, as if I was sitting in a rocking chair. I rocked like that for what seemed like a long, long time letting fear overwhelm me. It was an impossible notion that I struggled with, but I had to stop thinking of Victor. I couldn't get the image of Victor's handsome face transforming into a hideous gargoyle out of my mind. His face seemed to appear everywhere I looked. I concentrated as hard as I could to extinguish his evil face from my psyche. No one would blame me after all that I had witnessed and heard. This was nothing short of a nightmare. What scared me the most was the yearning feeling I felt within his presence. It was consuming. I couldnt deny that I was drawn to him for reasons I didnt understand and wasnt certain that I ever would. Victors words played over and over in my head. I fought the urge to scream in order to get them to stop. Instead, I tried to think of Evan, who made me feel safe even though I didn't even know him, this guy who claims to be irrevocably in love with me, whoever I really was. Evans feelings for me frightened me, and I wasnt sure why. Could it be the fact that I didnt know him and was expected to? Or could it be that I didnt know what he really expected from me? Either way, I felt strangely secure around him. Somehow, I knew that he would never knowingly hurt me, and would probably give his life for me. I actually believed that. I dont know why, but I could gamble my life on it. Here was this perfect looking guy who looked like he had just stepped of the pages of GQ magazine. A perfect gentleman who spoke with perfect articulation, certainly not the norm for Nickel City folk, which proved a level of maturity which was well beyond the age which he looked to be. Yet on the flip side, he is capable of manufacturing a maximum force tsunami out of the dry desert air. I was astounded by his extraordinary power. The power that he claimed I could out match. For the first time, since finding out that I have powers, I was intrigued. My hands shook with fear every time the idea entered my mind, but I was fascinated nonetheless. Bethany startled me when she appeared out of nowhere. She was back. I sighed. But Nikolas wasnt with her. I realized only a couple of minutes had passed since she had left. She walked toward me. Its time for dinner. Bethany said practically ignoring me while she smoothed her hair and looked herself over in the tall gilt framed mirror, which stood in the far left corner of my bedroom. She looked beautiful as always, whether she was in a slim fitting tshirt or this Victorian ensemble, she was a stunner and she knew it. Come with me, everyone is expecting you. Bethany added. I was in no mood for food. I was still shaken by Victors visit, and didnt want to be anywhere in this house much less being forced to a sit down dinner in it. Why was Bethany acting like nothing happened? Where was Nikolas? Didn't she just leave to get him? And Evan where was he? Her brother had just levitated out of here a moment ago on a mission to rid the world of one of its prime evil tormenters. What's going on? Where are Evan and Nikolas? I practically stumbled over the hem of my dress trying to get over to the full length mirror where Bethany was still checking herself out. Victor has gone back into hiding. Humph... a coward always does, she snorted, knowingly. He is petrified of my brother, as he should be. Evan has sent Victor a warning through his disciple, Lucas. You dont need to worry. Bethany assured. So what does that mean, Victor wont be coming back? I was hopeful but knew better. Somehow I knew this wasnt the end. I wondered what kind of warning Evan had sent. Would it be enough to keep Victor away? Would it keep him away long enough, so that I could regain my memory? Once he believes that Evan isn't watching, hell be back. Not the answer I wanted to hear. I shuddered at the thought. I dreaded ever having to look into those evil eyes again. They practically put me into a trance, making me need to be close to him. But while I was close to him I was terrified for my life. According to Bethany it would only be a matter of time before Victor would be back to try and kill me bysnatching my beating heart out of my chest. Bethany had guessed he had come to do just that earlier, but hadnt gotten the chance. He could very well burn me alive with his touch alone or set me on fire since the guy actually spits flames from his mouth like some dragon. Do you need help to change into something else? Victor ruined your dress. No, I said calmly. Well Ill be in the dining room with the others. Its not polite to keep dinner waiting. Bethany said, over shoulder as she quickly exited my room. Unconsciously I traced the tears in my dress, where Victor had dug his nails. After a few minutes of unbuttoning tiny buttons, I was successful in getting out of the dress. I decided to keep the corset on only because I couldn't figure out how to get out of the contraption. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. My hand unconsciously rubbed the skin on my shoulders. I no longer felt the sting of the burns. Thats when I noticed that the brutally inflicted gashes were gone. Not a scratch or a bruise was evident on my shoulders. The wounds had healed. I stood there for a long time marveling as to how this could be. I didnt want to believe Evan and Bethany, but I knew that everything was pointing to the truth about whom and what I really am. There was a faint knock on the door. I wasnt dressed and wasnt prepared to answer it, so I ignored it for a moment while I stepped into the cramped closet and

started sifting through the dozens of dresses. I heard the knock again. This time followed by Sun Paw's voice. I quickly grabbed the closest dress. Miss Cordelia, I've come to see if you need my assistance in preparing for dinner? Sun Paw asked, behind the closed door. No....uh....I will be out in a moment. Thank you. I answered; tugging and twisting into the royal blue taffeta dress with more of the same bells and whistles sewn all over it. Anxiously, I listened to hear her footsteps leaving. Sun Paw waited for a brief moment, and finally gave up, and left. I finished dressing, put on the pair of royal blue satin shoes that matched the dress I chose, and hurried out of my bedroom and down the long stark hallway. I carefully descended the staircase but had to pause once again at the largeaslife photograph of me. It freaked me out in ways so unimaginable. I practically lost my footing looking at it, me. I did my best not to trip as I continued down the staircase in the irritatingly long gown edged in ruffles upon ruffles. Once I was on the first floor I breathed a sigh of relief. It was quite an achievement. I walked down the lengthy foyer, but stopped when I overheard voices. They seemed to be coming from the pantry; whispers in the Paiute dialect. I was astounded that I understood every word being spoken. I recognized Sun Paws voice but not the other. After listening for a short moment I realized it was Moon Rose, Sun Paws older sister. I stood hidden in a dark corner a few steps away from the wide doorway to the pantry. I didnt want to eavesdrop on them, but once I heard what they were talking about, it just couldnt be helped. Well, I overheard Master Evander and Master Nikolas talking, and apparently she was killed in the far away time, and they have brought her back so that she could be revived, Moon Rose revealed in an amusing yet cunning voice. I was under the impression that their kind couldnt be killed, but I guess I was wrong. Sarcasm dripped from Moon Roses lips. I was surprised to hear them speaking about the Ischeros, and their capabilities. I was shocked that they knew what Evan and Bethany had claimed they were. I barely know her. Sun Paw said, firmly. Before she left for the far away time, she had only been in this house for one moon. Sun Paw noted. When she lived with her parents in their home, her last servant said that she could be very arduous at times, and quite mischievous. Moon Rose said knowingly. Well, Im getting to know her now, and I dont see her that way. She is very delicate, unsure, and without any power. She is very pleasant toward me. Unlike, Miss Bethany. Sun Paw said. I heard Moon Rose sigh of aggravation at the mention of Bethanys name. She may be grieving the life she lost in the far away time, since she doesnt know who or what she is, therefore shes pleasant toward you now, Moon Rose explained. But Sun Paw said, before being cut off by her sister. Sun Paw, she left to soon before any of us could have an opportunity to see her in action. Do not be nave, little sister. She is the strongest one of these beings, and has yet to really know who she is according to Master Evander and Master Nikolas. All that delicateness and insecurity will be gone with the realization that is sure to come. Moon Rose warned. I really dont like this girl, I thought. She doesnt even know me. Oh Moon Rose, please stop. Sun Paw demanded with a hiss. You do not know what you speak of. No. You stop. Stop being a little girl, and open your eyes. Im only asking that you be cautious. They all have dark auras at times. Some more frequent than the others. Moon Roses voice became guarded and more hushed. I really had to strain to hear her. The family has always been fair to us. She is no different. She is one of them, and they trust us with their secret, and protect us from the night creatures. We must honor that. Mother says that she is the purist of them all and the most sacred. Sun Paw informed, as I wondered, in fear, what the hell she meant by night creatures? But shes Moon Rose never finished her sentence when a woman's voice, deeper and authoritative, coming from the direction of the kitchen, ended their little chat. Hush. Enough of this whispering. You both have plenty to do. Sun Paw, tend to the dining room. Moon Rose, you will help me in the kitchen. It is almost time to serve dinner. I have to admit that I was annoyed by the interruption. I was intrigued by what Id just heard. Something stuck out in what Moon Rose had said.

They all have dark auras at times. Some more frequent than the others. I can only imagine what Moon Rose meant by that, and knew that I would
soon find out. Sun Paw walked right past me as I squeezed myself further into the darkened corner. Moon Rose reluctantly followed the woman who I guessed to be their mother into the kitchen. I continued to occupy my hiding place for a moment while I thought about the sisters conversation. The sisters seemed to know everything. They knew about me and what Im supposed to be. They knew more than I knew, and they were trusted with the secret of the Ischeros. Moon Rose had made it no secret to her sister that she didnt think very highly of me, and she seemed to have her mind made up. The feeling was mutual. I had decided then and there that I didnt like Moon Rose very much. Im glad that I wasnt stuck with her as my servant. Sun Paw seemed genuinely sweet. I couldnt help wondering why Moon Rose felt that she needed to warn her little sister to be cautious of me since she admitted to not knowing much about me before I had left. I quietly made my way back through the foyer and pretended to have just descended the stairs. I was heading to the dining room when I spotted Sun

Paw in the parlor, dusting knickknacks on the fireplace mantle. Her gaze stopped me in mid step. Something had changed. She looked at me oddly with her head cocked to one side. I wondered if she was aware of me spying on her. I couldnt tell by her expression. Maybe she was considering what her sister had said, which left me pondering if there was any truth to Moon Roses words.

Eight Unexpected Guests

Walking into the warm glow of the dining room, I was surprised by how different it looked since I had last seen it. The cold, dim, and unfurnished room was now a vision of opulence; a place for the grandest of dining and entertaining. I just couldnt get over how elegant the room looked; how vibrant. I didnt realize that it had this much potential. Jumbo potted ferns, taller than I, stood in every corner of the room as if standing watch over the guests. Three magnificent crystal vases were perfectly placed on the enormous table holding the most breathtaking arrangement of completely opened and full red, coral, and fuchsia roses. I noticed two elegant candelabras lit at either end of the enormous table under crystal raindrops that dripped from the voluminous gilded chandelier. The glow from the chandeliers crystals projected dancing stars on the crimson wallpapered walls. This must be some kind of dinner party, I dreaded. More than likely, in my honor. The dining room table was set for a feast. The etched crystal and engraved silver bowls, pitchers, and platters glistened from the brilliance of the chandelier, and were full of a variety of foods. An array of meats and vegetables, both roasted and raw, breads, and fruit covered the enormous table. If they eat like this every night, Ill certainly be forced to go up a dress size. This kind of dining was novel to me. I was accustomed to having dinner late in my room most nights after work. I honestly dont remember the last time I sat down with my parents for dinner. Thanksgiving, maybe. Even then our dinner of turkey, stuffing and sweet potatoes wasnt as elaborate as this setting. A man and a woman looking to be in their midforties sat on either ends of the table, smiling at me. Bethany seemed to favor the man, having the same ocean blue eyes but heart shaped face as the woman. Evan favored the womans features but had the strong jaw line of the man, as well as the ocean blue eyes. They must be their parents, I thought. But wait a minutethat cant be. Bethany had said that her parents had been killed. Did she lie? If so, I wondered why. I couldnt understand why she felt she needed to lie to meabout something so horrible. If that was the case, I would be so deeply hurt by this new revelation. Evan pulled out the empty chair closest to him and I sat down. Across from me were Nikolas, Bethany, a young boy, and a little girl. The boy looked to be about twelve, and the girl looked about six or maybe seven. I wondered who they were. I guessed them to be Evan and Bethanys younger siblings since we were in their home. Both kids stared at me expectantly, smiling. I smiled back and that seemed to make their day. Suddenly, as I tried to get comfortable in my seat, and adjusted the skirt of my dress, a man and woman materialized out of nowhere. They appeared to have come through the wall. Everyone except the kids seemed to notice them instantly. Something about them was familiar, but I couldnt figure out what. I stared at them and they stared back. Then it hit me. I knew who they were. They were the ghost couple that followed me through the gates of Bethanys house. I prayed that they werent haunting it. The couple looked at me endearingly. I looked from one to the other. The woman looked like an older version of me with the same jade green eyes. My stomach did a flip. The woman spoke first, her expression was doleful. My darling Cordelia, we are your parents. We miss you and love you dearly. Please accept the role which you must take on. I was too stunned by their presence and words to reply. The man spoke next. He sounded very matteroffact, yet very sincere, but still as glum as the woman. Our home is the Underworld now and we must go. And with those final words they both vanished right before my eyes. I sat there like stone unable to feel anything or even move. The Underworld? I croaked, losing my breath and voice altogether. That was your mother and father. Evan whispered, leaning closer to me as he looked at the two kids, whom he seemed to not want to overhear. It was confirmed. The kids hadnt seen the couple enter the room, and were oblivious to the whole encounter. Theyve gone to the Underworld, where all lost souls go. They wanted to give you closure so that you may ease back into your role here. Closure? Are they dead? I questioned, my voice was loud and grabbed everyones attention. Eyes from all around the table peered at me, and subsequently at the older man for approval. He appeared to be surprised to hear me speak. Evan cleared his throat before he answered. Yes, Cordelia, I know you dont remember them and what happened to them. Perhaps it is better that you dont, for now. I felt like I was hit with a brick. My parents, my real parents, that I couldnt remember, were dead, and it was their ghosts that had spoken to me. I was shocked and found it harder to breathe, and could only nod. The room was getting increasingly stifling. Already warm in this dress, which was totally inappropriate for this temperate October weather, I felt the perspiration beginning to pool in my corset. I detested perspiring, and immediately felt itchy.

I missed my other parents, the parents I left in the future, who as far as I was concerned were all that mattered to me. My future parents were imposters, unbeknownst to them of course, therefore to no fault of their own. I still felt connected to them now since loving them unconditionally for what I thought was a life time. Well, seventeen years that drastically turned out to be only two. Although, I didn't know these people, I didn't completely doubt that they were my real parents. At this moment, I just wished that I could recall some memory of them, anything. Unfortunately nothing came flooding back. I couldnt remember ever knowing them. I felt the tears begin to well up beneath my eyelids and I cursed myself for my excess of wimpy emotions. I had never been much of a crier so this new tendency of weeping was infuriating due to the sudden lack of control I have over it. I tried to conceal my tears by staring down at the sparkling silverware. I caught my new dainty and fancy resemblance, which mirrored the woman who had just vanished, in my empty china plate. We shared so many of the same facial features, so the truth was hard to deny. I thought about how Id always tried, unsuccessfully, to find a similar physical attribute to the only mother I remember knowing. My dark wavy hair was a stark contrast to her curly blond hair. Her oval face was pale compared to my heart shaped, deeply tanned face. Both of my future parents had deep brown eyes, which certainly didnt mirror my green eyes. As far as body types go, forget about it. My future mom was petite at only five feet and one inch tall. My dad was average for a man at five feet nine inches. How could they end up with a daughter who was five foot eight inches tall? These strange characteristics had always plagued me. I was feeling unstable and glared at the faces around the table, the familiar ones and the unfamiliar ones. They smiled and nodded as if trying to provide the strength needed to accept it all. In my despair I caught Evan staring at me oddly from my peripheral view. He grabbed my hand under the table and gently squeezed it. I immediately pulled my hand away from his warm clutch. It was a sudden reflex like that of being grabbed by a complete stranger. In which Evan was to me. He must have seen something in my expression when he asked, Are you feeling alright? I wasnt, but said, in a harsh whisper, As well as to be expected. Evan decided it was time to introduce his parents which made sense since I was stricken with a sudden bout of amnesia. Cordelia, this is Thaddeus and Alexandria Capius, my parents. I threw a bitter glance at Bethany who pretended to miss it entirely, as Evan motioned to the two adults who sat at either end of the dining table. Alexandria stood up from her thrown like chair, and upon doing that every man at the table stood up, including the little boy who still had his eyes on me. She practically glided over to me. Sweet darling, please know that you are safe now. We've promised your mother and father that in any event that either of them was ever taken away from you, Thaddeus and I would look after you as one of our own, she said smiling to me than to her husband. We will keep that promise, my dear. Alexandria hugged and kissed me on the cheek. She was slender and beautiful in a regal sort of way, reminding me of a queen. Her hair was dark auburn like Evan's and her lips were full like his. She gently stroked my perfectly coiffed hair while her husband began to speak. You are our daughter now, Thaddeus voice was a combination of authority and kindness. He kissed my hand, and rubbed it for a brief moment. Considerably uncomfortable with his touch, I wanted to pull away, but didnt dare insult him. With his head held up, and his chest thrust outward, Thaddeus composure was that of a man of greatness. I saw a lot of him in Evan, although Thaddeus hair was as pale as Bethany's. These two strangers, that for the life of me I couldnt remember any more than the two that had vanished, seemed genuinely kind caring. The way one would be if they had found a bird with a broken wing and nursed it until it healed, and then let it resume its freedom by allowing it to fly away. I doubt this bunch would ever let me go. Hello... umthanks. I barely muttered. I was suddenly tongue tied with a nervous affliction. My eyes went to my empty plate again then to the beautiful roses. Evan's parents finally headed back to their seats. Evan introduced the children, who sat uncharacteristically for kids; quiet and well behaved. This is Christopher, your younger brother. Chris is ten years old. Phoebe is your little sister and is seven years old, Evan said motioning to the two children. I couldnt disguise my shock of learning that kids were my siblings? They have missed you terribly. Bethany added. I ignored her. Both of the kids faces beamed as they raced each other to my chair. Then they both stopped abruptly, appearing unsure if it was alright to hug the big sister who didn't remember them. I eyed them carefully, softening my expression into a smile, and extended my arms out to them, giving them the clearance they desired. I was smothered with kisses and hugs from my new little brother and sister. They both giggled uncontrollably. Their laughter was infectious and I giggled along with them, finally feeling something somewhat remotely close to being happy since arriving in the past. Ive always wanted siblings. I immediately felt a sisterly bond to them both. Phoebe resembled me a bit but had hazel eyes and strawberry blond hair. It was so sweet the way she held on to me for a long time before finally letting go, ever so slowly, as if she didnt want me to leave again. Then she said it; the words that nearly broke my heart. Please don't ever leave again, Cordelia. she hugged me again. Ever. The pureness in her immature whisper of a voice melted my heart a

hundred times. How arduous it must have been for these kids to lose their parents, and then to lose me too. I promise. I said, before realizing the words that had escaped my lips. Christopher, whose eyes were as green as my own and whose dark auburn hair matched mine, didn't leave my side either. His face was jovial the way a young boys face looked opening a new toy car on Christmas morning. I understood it well. My return was a gift to them. Children, Cordelia must be hungry as we are surely famished with the days promising events. Thaddeus said. Obviously, Thaddeus was unaware of what had transpired in my room a short while ago, or he wouldnt consider the days events to be promising. Please take your seats, children. Thaddeus ordered, kindly. He waited for the both of them to be seated, and then he strolled over to me once again. My heart rate quickened. Something about Thaddeus made me nervous. He reached into his breast pocket, and pulled out a small burgundy velvet piece of fabric. This is your family heirloom. It was given to you by your parents on your fifteenth birth year, as it is given to every Ischeros on their fifteenth birth year, Thaddeus said, unfolding the fabric from the center, lifting the four pointed edges outward until the fabric was a perfect square revealing a sparkling medallion and glimmering silver necklace. The medallion is the Eye of the Ischeros; a guide if ever in danger, or if ever you wish to speak with the gods. Yours, as everyones, has a symbol of their direct god. Then he gently placed the necklace around my neck... The jewel was stunning, and barely had any weight to it. The medallion had a diamond eye in the center of it with a smaller diamond as the pupil of the eye. That smaller diamond was the color of the sky, and shaped like a lightning bolt. The bolt flashed every time the light from the chandeliers hit it as if it had the power of a lightning bolt. The twinkling stone felt so cool and smooth as I rubbed it with my fingers. I felt a tranquil feeling wash over me as I held the medallion. It seemed to draw from my energy, and was like a magnet drawn to my touch. Bethany pulled her heirloom out from the neckline of her bodice, as Evan and Nikolas pulled their medallions from under their crisp shirts. Bethanys had an ice blue diamond tear drop in the center. Evans had a darker blue stone that resembled a whirling twister and Nikolas had an onyx bow and arrow inside of a garnet stone. The children looked at all four of us in awe. Probably anticipating the day theyll be gifted with their own medallions. Cordelia, do you remember receiving the medallion? Bethany asked anxiously. No. I answered honestly, while dropping it into the bodice of my dress. I loved the way the medallion felt against my skin like an extension of me. Your medallion has a diamond which represents your parents sacred bloodline. The lightning bolt is yours. The Tieron family is the first family of the Ischeros. Thaddeus explained. Lightning bolt? I asked timidly. Yes, Cordelia. I will explain shortly. Thaddeus said, opening his linen napkin over his lap. Dinner was served by Sun Paw and Moon Rose. I hadnt really gotten a good look at Moon Rose earlier, when I had spied on them. She was as pretty as Sun Paw. When she stood behind Bethany and placed a bowl of food on the table, she took a quick glance at me. It was as if she was playing poker because, I couldnt read her expression. We began to eat once the sisters left the room. I was told that the meat was venison. It was a bit too rare for my taste but still somewhat edible, and served with baby potatoes and carrots. What kind of meat is this? I whispered to Evan. Its venison, a young deer. I nodded slowly, and immediately felt guilty, thinking of Bambi, and vowed to never eat venison again. Suddenly Thaddeus stood up and raised his glass. We shall toast to Cordelia's safe and eagerly awaited return. All the glasses at the table shot up, including my own, although hesitantly. Everyone took a slow sip of the dry bitter wine, including the children. I watched curiously as Nikolas guzzled his in one sip and poured another glass full. He really needed to slow down on the drinking. I continued to move my food around on my plate, and made a halfhearted attempt to eat some of it. The food kept coming and coming; twelve courses to be exact. Everyone ate quickly and with minimal conversation. The little conversation there was, seemed lively although a bit strained. I got the impression that there was so much waiting to be said, yet a real fear of vocalizing it. I hope that you find your chambers to be comfortable Cordelia. Please come to me if you require anything at all. I understand that youll need a little time. Alexandria said firmly. Im certain that you will be reacquainted with your surroundings, and more importantly with the family very soon. Although Alexandria Capius was smiling when she spoke, there was a hint of something in her eyes that gave me the impression that her statement was in fact an order. She expected me to familiarize myself with this way of life quickly. Thank you. I hope so. I said tying to sound gracious. Hope is what one relies on when one has no control of ones fate. We, my dear, have nothing in common with those who rely on hope, Thaddeus proclaimed.

Mother, did you find the ride into town today resourceful? Evan asked as his mother kept her eyes trained on me for a moment too long. It was obvious to me that Evan was trying to change the subject, and save me at the same time. Alexandria was making me nervous with that shadowy smile of hers. Her face appeared darkened when she smiled as if the lit candle in front of her had been blown out. Yes, my darling. As a matter of fact it was. Harpers Hall must be as it was last year, with exquisite and grand dcor. The Ball will be magnificent, she quipped. It will be even better than last years, Mother, Evan confirmed. And all the more special now that Cordelia has returned. Bethany added. I looked up at the mention of my name. All eyes were on me every pair, sparkling with enthusiasm. I had no idea what they spoke of. I was familiar with Harpers Hall. I believe the hall was built around this time. It was an old venue for parties. I guess there was going to be a party of some kind, but I wasnt up for much partying or even discussing the dcor for one. This years Masquerade Ball will be glorious, Bethany beamed. Its when you will be crowned the new Empress of Ischera. Bethany said, jubilantly to me. My stomach went sour and I could almost taste the bile in my mouth. They chatted a little more about the Masquerade Ball, while I felt like I was withering away in my chair. Finally coffee and dessert was served; lemon cake. After that the kids were unhappily excused from the table to retire for the evening. They seemed to want to be in my presence. Sun Paw and Moon Rose came in to escort them to their respective rooms, as Alexandria wished everyone a good night, and excused herself explaining that she had an early morning. Thaddeus decided that the time was right, and his voice boomed across the table in my direction. Your emergence today was unexpected but on time. Although, time is something we dont have, my child. Therefore what Im about to tell you, must be taken seriously; fore it may save your life.

Nine Immortal
Our families go back thousands of years, Thaddeus said as his voice grew, demanding my attention. I suspected that he knew that he sort of scared me. We are the Ischeros, the Powerful; direct descendants of the Gods. Thaddeus added triumphantly, repeating what Evan had told me just a couple hours earlier. Had I not seen Evan, Bethany, Nikolas, and unfortunately Victor in action, and heard Sun Paws and Moon Roses conversation, I would have expected the prankster who put these people up to this to leap out from behind the enormous grandfather clock, confirming that Im on candid camera. But seeing had me believing somewhat, so I knew there had to be some truth to what Thaddeus explained no matter how incredulous it sounded. Everyones eyes were on me. Bethany gave me a look that I took as pay attention. Evan looked at me, and nodded reassuringly. I had to concentrate to tear my eyes away from his face. When my eyes met Thaddeus again, I couldnt tell if his expression was that of annoyance or the need for Preparation H. He looked extremely uncomfortable, but continued anyway. Our Empire of families, originate from the Twelve Olympians. Each family is a direct descendant of one of the twelve, mine being Poseidon. We are the second family. Thaddeus explained. Our Empire has taken great lengths to have endured this long. We stand at only a hundred or so family members remaining in our empire. Thaddeus explained. Id been reading about Greek mythology this year in Mrs. Holdens Ancient Cultures class. I learned all about how the great Titans had been taken down by the almighty Zeus, the God of the sky, and his Olympians. I had loved the beautiful and horrific stories about these mythical beings that supposedly existed, living in the clouds on Mount Olympus above the people of ancient Greece. Everyone believed that they were just that; myths, stories. So when you say empire, do you mean an actual kingdom? I tried to camouflage my skepticism. Yes, in a way. He paused, and scratched his beard for a moment as if he were mulling it over. We no longer reside in Greece as we did a very long time ago. Our kingdom, Ischera, was destroyed centuries ago, Thaddeus answered. I see. I said not knowing how else to reply. I think my face revealed my astonishment because Thaddeus looked at me and said, You know all of this already, my child. It is your ancestry, your sacred line of divinity. You only need to look within yourself to remember. I nodded and he continued. The most powerful family is yours, the only family directly deriving from Zeus. Zeus has never wished to live amongst the humans, but has allowed his children to. Your parents and your parents parents and well you get the idea. They are all his descendants. Thaddeus looked over at me admiringly, cleared his throat, and took another sip from his cup. And you are a descendant of Poseidon? I asked, thoroughly intrigued. Yes, the god of the seas. Alexandria is as well. We are both demigods, as our children are. Thaddeus breakdown of the intricate family trees was

fascinating. It all made perfect sense; Evans morphing into a twister made up of a tidal wave and Bethany becoming water. I looked over at Bethany and smiled, slightly. I could never stay mad at her for long. She smiled back, looking pleased. Im a water siren, and I can become and channel water, but I cant transport by it like Evander. Evan can transport me but only If Im made up of water. Thats right, as well as by air. Evan chimed in. Im part human, water, and air. I guess you could say that Im multitalented. Evan said with a slight grin. I also have visions, and can sometimes see into the future, but I dont have full control of them as of yet, Bethany added. And Nikolas is a centaur? I said. Yes, Niko is also your distant cousin on your mothers side. Evan added. Im a warrior and a descendant of the Dionysus, the joyful God of Wine. On that note, will someone please pass me the bottle of wine? Nikolas said, with a wink as he grabbed his empty glass. It was just too wild, yet I had seen him with my own eyes in the mirage. Centaurs have always appeared beastly, but were extremely powerful warriors with a penchant to drink, along with the satyrs. I was happy that Nikolas turned out to be my cousin. He was probably the only person at the table that didnt make me tense. I was ecstatic to learn that we are related. He is really like the older, protective brother I had always wanted. I smiled at Nikolas, who filled his empty glass. He definitely had the qualities of a warrior; unafraid and brave. I couldnt help but wonder what my specialty was. And me? What am I? What do I transform into? I said just above a whisper. I almost regretted asking the question when I saw everyones serious expressions. You are perfection; redeemed of any vices. Evan answered, gazing at me admiringly. Im not perfect. I said with conviction. I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I quickly looked down at my hands. Cordelia, your capabilities werent completely realized before you left for the future therefore, your abilities will not be revealed until your memory is restored, and when it is, you must do as we have and thats keep the secret of your identity and your strengths hidden in order to survive in these modern and compromising times. Modern times? I asked to no one in general. I was just surprised that they thought this period was modern. The year 1891 could hardly be considered modern. Compared to what the days of cavemen and Vikings? Indeed. Weve existed long before them. Thaddeus was staring deeply into my face, and I was finding it harder and harder to focus on what he way saying. Forecasting into the future can be a hindrance to progress. It is the case with you. It has caused your mind to lapse for longer than any of us anticipated. Thaddeus added. So that was it. I had been in the future to long. And now I couldnt even remember myself. If they knew all of this then why did they leave me there so long? I was annoyed with the idea that all of this confusion could have been avoided. But I figured whats done was done, and it wasnt going to help any by pointing fingers, so I decided to say nothing and let Thaddeus finish. The gods watch over us from the crest of Mt. Olympus, and have fortified us with the necessary powers therefore; its our responsibility to not call upon them to interfere. We have survived by concealing who we are and what we are capable of for centuries by living as the mortals do, Thaddeus said, continuing with the history lesson. We came to this quiet town and made our lives here. We've always had an understanding of how the mortals think. They can only trust what they know. Any secret of any kind whether its where you are from, or how you earn your living, is only a door left open to suspicion. Where there is suspicion, speculation will follow, and almost always ends in persecution. Thaddeus stated as he lit a cigar. I guess that made sense. When some people cant get at the truth, they will dig and dig. If they are unable to find anything juicy, then theyll make something fictitious up, and use the lies to discriminate against you. There must always be a credible trace to where ones financial status derives from. Therefore we used our power to place the now very lucrative and deadly minerals into the mines that make this town the booming mining town of silver that it is. Thaddeus boasted as he blew smoke rings that slowly dissipated before reaching the patterned ceiling. The Ischeros, known to the townsfolk as just common, but wealthy folk, own the mines in this town and are respected by the people residing here. Although, after a few more decades we will be forced to move on so that we can continue to conceal our resistance to age. Thaddeus said with a glimmer in his eye and a soft chuckle. Not aging could certainly be considered a perk I guess until people start noticing that youre not aging naturally, as they are. I was going to be a teenager for a long, long time which consequently meant being young for decades. I was definitely warming to the idea. How is silver deadly? I asked Thaddeus. Despite the fortunes that have been made with silver by some of the townsfolk, and the droves of prospectors whove migrated to Nickel City, its

been our primary weapon against certain beasts that appear during a full moon and creatures that hunt for blood at night. I speak of the Lykanos and the Apolluon? Thaddeus said. What are the Lycanos and the Apo lawn? I said looking passed Thaddeus to the others, hoping I pronounced the words correctly. He means werewolves and vampires. Nikolas said, winking at me before taking a sip from his glass. I didnt know if he was joking or not. Then I remembered the wolves that chased me in the dream, which Evan had said, really happened. I thought of the wolf that Evan hurled into the tree which had transformed into a teenage girl, and shuddered. Their demise is inevitable if in contact with silver. Bullets are made out of the precious mineral and youll hear more buck shots at every full moon. Thaddeus decided to take the history lesson to a darker chapter. It was what I had dreaded learning about, and what I desperately needed to absorb. Evil lives and breathes in this world in constant pursuit to destroy everything in its path, in order to obtain control over all. Thaddeus said, still puffing away on his putrid cigar. His voice was deeper now and demanded my undivided attention. His eyes stayed on mine. I speak of the Apolluon, the Destroyers, a powerful empire of thousands of dead souls whom till this day, still hunt us, Thaddeus said, pausing for a split second. The Apolluon is the army governed by Hades, Zeus bitter and jealous brother. Hades is known to all as the Ruler of the Underworld, and the enemy of all life. I remembered some of the stories about Hades. Of all the Gods, he is liked the least. Even the other Gods themselves have an aversion to him. His threats of starting a war never made it any easier for him. The Underworld was where my real parents had said they were going. What did that mean exactly? I was alarmed, and looked at Bethany who looked at her father with admiration as he narrated. I looked over at Evan who seemed to eye his father cautiously. I turned to Nikolas and he nodded then guzzled the remaining drop of wine and belched; definitely the beastly side of this centaur. Do you follow me, Cordelia? Thaddeus asked, and now everyone stared at me. I nodded absentmindedly. I was following every word, and as he continued the words created a world of gloom and evil that I once thought were just myths. I didnt want any part of it. Hades rules the dead with the assistance of various demonic creatures such as Charon the ferry man who escorts you across the river Styx, and his hound Cerberus that guards the adamantine gates to Hades kingdom beneath the earth. The Underworld also known as the Land of Shadows is a place resembling the fires off hell. Hades realm and abode for the dead, where death is just the beginning, is where the exiled gods, demigods, and the most malevolent mortals are sent. Some return as the undead. They are monsters to the mortals who have been unfortunate to witness them, but to us they are just dead souls that have taken the shape of shadows by the day and blood hunters by night. Hearing long tales about Nickel City's past was common for kids during Halloween. The stories included fatal attacks at every full moon by werewolves, vicious assaults by large felines, and monstrous fanged beings that preyed on the towns people in the wee hours of the night. But never in my wildest dreams would I have thought any of it was true. Yet still, even after listening to Thaddeus narrative and remembering my recurring dream, I still found it difficult to believe that these creatures existed. I tried to digest this shocking information as best as I could. I should be able to believe anything at this point since I was killed and am alive again. Seeing Evan and Bethany and Nikolas in action was also a testament. Your parents dont belong in the Underworld, but have been gifted to Hades as payment for more power. Thaddeus said, angrily. The Apolluon have trackers who only search for the Ischeros. They leave the Land of Shadows every day to track us. They are the shadows in the day. Hades has always been desirous of Zeus power, and his greed has made our empire a direct target for destruction once again. Thaddeus said, eyeing me carefully as he continued. He didnt have to worry because I hung on every word. The information was terrifying as it was gripping. I dont think that I fully understand what you mean by the shadows in the day. I asked. The Apolluon are the shadows you see cast on everything. They lie dormant until they witness displays of power. Once they do, they rise up off of the surfaces they shaded and attack. A flash back of Victor in town, with the shadows moving behind him, and the shadow I saw on the night of the storm, sent icy chills up and down my back. I understood why the shadows the Apolluon went after Victor, since he had displayed power, but I didnt get why they had come after me when I was only running for the bus. I didnt care much for shadows, especially the monstrous kind, but I sure am glad they showed up for Victor when they had. If what Thaddeus explained was true, then we were surrounded by Hades evil, every day. Under Hades command, the Apolluon have been patiently nicking away at our once sizable empire for centuries. Waiting for the right moment to destroy what they cannot possess. Thaddeus said, with a sneer as if he dared the Apolluon to try. The Apolluon are threatened by us although they have always outnumbered us. Our superior power has only enraged Hades, and fuels his desire to completely annihilate the families. The gods will not interfere. They know that we have the key to our ultimate survival. Thaddeus smiled at me knowingly. He didnt have to say it. I knew what was meant by the cunning way he smiled. I was the key. Thaddeus got comfortable in his chair, lit another cigar, and puffed a few perfect rings up to the ceiling before he continued. While the Apolluon track us, they also hunt for what they no longer have the blood of the living which strengthens them. They roam the earth at night quite ravenous to fulfill their unquenchable thirst. I was so numb with shock. Vampires really exist? I asked in a whisper.

All creatures are created by the gods, and Hades has contributed in an ominous way. Vampires are what they are called by the mortals, but as I stated, they are just the undead souls controlled by Hades. Can they hurt us as shadows? I asked. They are more of a threat to us as shadows than as hunters at twilight. As shadows they will render an Ischero powerless, and ultimately well be defenseless. As the walking undead, they are powerful in strength once they have feed, and can put up quite a battle. Yet they wont drink our blood which is poisonous to them. A long time ago, many Ischeros perished at the hands of an Apolluon vampire, until now. Now we have an abundance of silver and they are aware of that fact. Theyve employed shifters of the Lykanos kind; the wolf. But unfortunately the Lykanos are also susceptible to silver, therefore not really heightening the Apolluons defenses. Thaddeus said, pausing for a brief moment. It allowed terrifying thoughts to clog my head. After over a hundred years of evading them, they have become aware of us in the west. The dude was scaring me, but I nodded and kept my mouth shut. I understood but was shocked at what I was listening to. I wanted out of this family, this empire, everything. However, I knew the chances of leaving was nonexistent, so I had to have a full understanding of my existence, my purpose, and of those who surrounded me those who make up this ancient empire. I especially needed to know everything about the evil beings who wanted to destroy it. Is there anyone that can defeat Hades? I asked. Thaddeus cleared his throat but said nothing for a moment. The room remained quiet as he appeared to be thinking of a response. I guess it was the million dollar question. I believe that person is you, Cordelia. Why else would Zeus give you the power of his bolt? You are the only descendant to ever possess such a gift from Zeus, who is the only being that can rid the world of Hades, but wont. Father, you dont know that. You have no idea why Zeus had granted her that gift. Evan said with an edge to his voice. He was definitely challenging his father. Thaddeus ignored Evans interruption. There has never been another Ischeros to possess the magnitude of power that you possess, Cordelia. Do you follow me, dear? Thaddeus asked me in an authoritative yet endearing tone. I nodded without allowing my eyes to meet his. Very good. Then I shall continue. Thaddeus said sternly, and then threw Evan a withering look, which was my first glimpse of the dynamics of their relationship. I braced myself for whatever else Evans dad had in store. I had a wrenching feeling that it was only going to get more complicated. The Apolluon can sense us as we can sense them. Thaddeus said. As long as we dont allow any displays of power in public, then we are potentially safe from attracting unwanted attention from them. I had to interrupt. I had to know. What about displays of power in private, like in the house and behind closed doors? Everyone looked up at me because they knew exactly where I was going with my question. They all had shown off their powers; they all had done it not just once but several times, but indoors. Evan cleared his throat and answered me. The Apolluon are rendered powerless in our dwellings. They dissipate upon trying to enter. Before I had a chance to comment or ask another question, Bethany added In any case we still limit the amount of power that we use in our homes. As father said, we dont want any unnecessary attention from our neighbors as well. Thaddeus smiled at his daughter who in turn seemed to bask in her fathers adoration.

So how do we get rid of the Apolluon? I asked wanting to hear a solution to the growing problem. Thaddeus jumped on it. Over time, the families have survived the mounting evil of the resilient Apolluon due to a sacred vow to honor a creed, an oath if you will, to stay true to our light; each families individual deity the giver of such gifts. We vow only to use our powers to protect, and as a defense when there is no other choice. Thaddeus paused. At the chance of a sighting by these creatures, they will seize a deity, render them powerless and take you to the gates of the underworld where you will be eagerly greeted by Cerberus. Hades hound. I acknowledged, as Thaddeus smiled. The creature will only allow you to enter but never leave. You are the only deity with immunity to them. The long winded Thaddeus barely stopped to breathe. Them? All of them, even Cerberuspossibly Hades himself. There was some friction around the table as Thaddeus said this. Its your purpose. You are here to save us from the evil that has persecuted us for centuries. Thaddeus said, making it almost sound as a challenge. But you must remember something, perhaps its just one thing. What? I asked anxiously. Only you know. Ten The Iptians My head hurt as I tried to figure out what Thaddeus claimed that only I knew. Whatever it was must have been left behind in the future, because I had absolutely no clue what it could be. I had to wonder if the man was just messing with me. Something had me believing that he wasnt. He didnt seem to take our existence and safety lightly. You must search within yourself for the answer. The fallen son is becoming restless. He will not stop until he kills you. Thaddeus said, and I felt my stomach drop. I adjusted myself in my chair, trying not to appear sick. He wont get the chance. Evan vowed. I second that, brother. Nikolas raised his partially filled glass as Bethany eyed it cautiously. I wasnt sure if she was concerned with the gallon of wine Nikolas had already burped up this evening, or the chances of him accidently spilling it on her dress. Either way she kept her eyes fixed on the sparkling crystal. Yes well, we all hope that he doesnt get the opportunity. The unforgettable words Evan yelled when he rocketed out of my room earlier rang in my head: I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I KILL THE COWARDICE SON OF IPTIAN! Why does Victor, thats who youre referring to right? Yes, my child. Thaddeus answered. Why is he the fallen son? I asked, as Thaddeus took a few brief moments before answering. As Ive told you, we use our strengths only when necessary, and when it cant be detected, although over time, several of our members have been obsessed with power. One family, former members of our pantheon, the Iptian family in particular, was consumed by greed. They are descendants of Ares, the god of war, the true figure behind every form of violence. Murder has always been his proclivity as is his descendants. The Iptians had broken the rules and used their powers to gain status and ultimate control. Thaddeus spoke evenly. Everyone appeared to be paying very close attention to him, even though they already understood; they seemed to hang onto his every word. But I knew they secretly watched me, waiting to witness my reaction. Actually, I was enthralled, and scared out of my mind. I had been waiting to hear about Victor this whole time. I wanted to know about his family. More than anything, I wanted to know why he was banished. Is he half bull and half man? I still couldnt believe what I had seen in the mirage. No, that would be the Minotaur, the evil beast who feeds on human flesh Thaddeus chuckled to himself. I remembered the awful story of the Minotaur. He was imprisoned in a labyrinth built just for him, due to the shame his parents felt for having a beast for a child. I guess you couldnt blame his parents after their offspring fed on their friends and relatives. That story is one of the points in the quiz I was scheduled to take onhow quickly Id forgotten where I am. No, Victor is all man, well boy. Thaddeus chuckled again at his own little joke. Nikolas and Bethany snickered along with him. Evans face stayed expressionless. Victor can shift into any animal, but prefers the bull as does Ares, his ancestor. Thaddeus continued. Thaddeus eyes looked inclement as if a tempest was brewing behind them. He was a descendant of Poseidon, who was known to have an ever changing temperament like the weather. I bet his tsunami was more powerful than the seismic waves I had just witnessed compliments of my dream warrior here; I threw a look at Evan, who didnt see it. He sat beside me, and looked to be somewhere other than at this table.

Thaddeus voice stole my attention from Evan. The Iptian family became weak with their lust for power. Theyve always had an appetite for it, and began murdering the other members so that they could reign in power, and have supreme control. I must admit that the desire for so much can be appealing, why even tempting. Thaddeus shocked me by his admission of craving power. Yet it is ultimately destructive, and will always end in evil exploits that cannot be reversed, and will indeed bring on attacks from the Apolluon, as it has for years. Thaddeus paused, but only for a moment. The story of Victors family sounded a bit biased, but I had no choice but to believe it after seeing Victor up close and personal. I dont think I could ever forget the vehemence in his eyes. Victors ancestors, live in Victor. He thrives off of avenging them. He has proven to stop at nothing, and has grown in power that only you can exceed, Cordelia. Thaddeus paused and cleared his throat, gently running his fingers through his graying goatee. My approval to continue was suddenly needed, so with a short nod, I granted it, even though I had a feeling that my nod might have been interpreted as an acceptance to the duty of getting rid of Victor. Your parents lived to protect you. Its not only because you were their daughter. They were great contributors to our kind. They knew with your survival we would all survive any attack from the Apolluon. They understood your purpose. They realized that you are our life source. Life source? Does that mean that I can give life or does it mean that if I die, then you all die? I asked, as I played unconsciously with my napkin. Both They all four answered simultaneously. Oh I uttered. I knew that they all had detected the quiver in my voice. Victor is aware of this as well. Nikolas added. Great, I thought. That just makes me all the more popular. I needed something to calm my erratic nerves so I grabbed my nearly full glass of red wine. I gulp it in three swallows. My hand trembled as I placed the wine glass back onto the table. They all tried not to stare at me. They knew that I was on the verge of freaking out. The room was quiet for a moment too quiet. For once I actually wanted to hear Thaddeus voice break up the awkward pause. I could hear the warm breeze waft into the dining room from the large windows behind us. I closed my eyes, and said a prayer that when I opened them again that I would be back home in the future, in my bedroom listening to my IPod. A second or two more I lifted my eyelids very slowly as if they weighed a hundred pounds between them. So much for powers, I thought. Nikolas gave me an odd look and gestured for me to hand him my wine glass, so that he could replenish it with the bitter wine. I shook my head telling him no. He smiled and filled his own then Bethanys. I fixed my eyes on Evan. He winked at me. I guess his mind was back in this room again, and not far off somewhere, brooding. Thaddeus cleared his throat once again. Everyone expected that Victor had perished along with his family. You see, no one, no Ischero knew of Victor's existence. Therefore, we were unprepared. His family may have failed to educate him about the Apolluon, since their banishment took place when he was at a very young age but his family made him quite aware of your importance. I believe that he does know about the Apolluon? I said. Tell me why. Thaddeus demanded obviously intrigued. When Victor tried to attack me after I was killed in the car accident, the shadows, The Apolluon, crept up and stood over him. They took the shape of monsters. The expression on Victors face became fearful. Almost as quickly as the shadows showed up, Victor grew wings, and flew into the sky and disappeared. I had everyones attention with my little interjection. Appalling! Thaddeus exclaimed. It only proves how callous Victor really is. He knows what the Apolluon are capable of, and yet he doesnt give a damn as to those creatures becoming aware of our location. They can devour him as well. Hades works alone. Hades protects no one. We are, once again, in grave danger as we were when his family was alive. He stopped long enough to glare at Evan. Evan didnt miss a beat and glared right back at his father. Then Thaddeus stood up and began pacing the floor surrounding the dining table. Victor has been busy since his unexpected arrival in Nickel City, Thaddeus said. He has built an army, although small now but steadily growing. His disciples, as he calls them; I prefer gang of bandits and murderers, have been gifted with secondary power through him. They are powerful as long as he is. They make him stronger by number, yet weaker alone. He needs our power, a higher commanding familys power, in order to rebuild the strength he has lost in building his legion. Thaddeus practically growled with indignation. His tone sounded as if a small monster had been aroused somewhere deep in his chest. Since Victors arrival in Nickel City, he has declared himself emperor and is stronger than he has ever been. You see Cordelia, there has been quite a bit of bloodshed while youve been away. We've tried to keep him at bay, but they have followed his trail. The death toll has risen considerably and it is time to liberate this town, the world of his evil. With more bloodshed, he will draw the Apolluon, and they will begin a war that will not end. They will kill Ischeros as well as mortals. We know that the Apolluon are near because of the attacks that have left the mortals baffled and in fear. Do the towns people believe that there are vampires? I mean monsters in Nickel City? Seeing has been deemed proof enough, my child. Theyre discovering ravaged, blood drained corpses allover our forests, and our neighboring town, Bedwyn City. Some bodies have been discarded further than the Bergnum Railroad can take these mortals. All found with punctured necks and limbs. It can be none other than The Apolluon vampires. Thaddeus said.

Couldnt it be Victors disciples? I asked, not wanting to believe that vampires really exist. Noits definitely not their handy work. They are into savagely beating, maiming, and straight forward murder. Nikolas answered crossing his arms across his barrel of a chest. Before you departed for the future, Thaddeus said, making it sound as though I had gotten on a plane. Your abilities were at an immature state, not fully realized, therefore we could not risk Victor's next attack. We were certain his next attack would be on you. Thaddeus stopped pacing, and sat in the chair opposite mine, directly opposite Evan. He spoke to me but looked at Evan. Victor, like his father, Malcolm Iptian, has never been of the patient kind. Why not go after Evan, or Bethany, or myself? Thaddeus asked as he prepared to answer the question himself but Evan interrupted. Yes, why not go after you? Evan said, and seemed to direct the question at his father, almost as if he were implying that Victor should, and then paused for a split second. Bethany and Nikolas appeared to be a bit nervous. Bethany played with her dinner napkin while Nikolas got up, sauntered over to the side bar and fixed himself a drink, while eyeing Evan and Thaddeus cautiously. No, he'd rather kill off the source, you, Cordelia, before youre at the height of unparalleled power, Evan said, practically groaned glaring at his father whom returned a silencing glare. I had no idea what was going on between Evan and his long winded father, but it was obvious that they had some issues. Evan held his fathers gaze, unwavering. My attention was quickly summoned by Thaddeus once again. Thaddeus sighed heavily, turning his angry stare into a softer one as he turned to look at me. Therefore, my dear, you were transported to a time where we figured Victor Iptian would never find you. As a safety provision, Bethany and Nikolas followed. Evander stayed behind in order to lead the members in tracking Victor and his disciples movements. We expected that he would be searching every inch of the earth for you. We had hoped that we could destroy him then bring you back safely. We certainly had not foreseen him jumping time. Did I detect a bit of amusement in Thaddeus voice? His cerulean blue eyes twinkled like the crystal vases on the dining room table. We tried, unsuccessfully, to discover Victors hiding places. All of his dwellings are secluded, and rumored to change as quickly as the weather. Evan said. Therefore, unable to execute the plan to terminate him. Somehow, he still eludes our efforts. Thaddeus added as he glowered at Evan. Evan, with smoldering cheeks, looked away then down at his hands, which were in his lap. Our lack of success is what kept you in the future longer than we had anticipated. We still have no idea how he found you. We know that finding you was not a fortuitous act on his part. We will find out who advised him of your whereabouts. Thaddeus appeared to be tired with eyes drooping every so often. He may have shrouded himself this time, that evasive bastard, a genuine coward at heart, but well flush him out soon enough. Nikolas commented. We will capture him, Father. Bethany added. I wondered why they all spoke as if it were up to us to capture Victor. Were just kids, not even legal yet. Well not Bethany and I. But still, why wasnt Thaddeus out there flipping over rocks looking for that snake, himself? He had better start because from the sound of it, I was a goner. Hopefully, Thaddeus sympathized. Before the Apolluon discover us first. The integral part in finding and destroying Victor is you, Cordelia, regaining and mastering your power. Thaddeus bluntly advised. His sleepy eyes pierced right through me. It was he and not his words that left me feeling uncomfortable. It is best that Cordelia remain in this house until her power is restored. She is safe here. Thaddeus suggested firmly. It was more of a command than a precautionary suggestion. But he was dead wrong. I wasnt safe here at all. Victor had already paid me an unexpected visit. I unconsciously rubbed the spots on my shoulders where he had pierced until I bled. I didnt want to stay in this house. I observed Evan, Bethany and Nikolas suspiciously. They all three looked at me as if they prayed that I wouldnt let the cat out of the bag. I was tempted to, but I kept my mouth shut. Bethany had said that they had the situation under control. I hoped for my life that she was telling the truth, because the thought of having to stay in this house made my stomach sour. If I didnt get out of this house soon I was sure to suffocate. Why I couldnt stay in the house I had grew up in? I didnt dare ask Thaddeus this. I planned to ask Bethany or Evan instead. I turned my eyes away from Thaddeus and looked at my right hand which rested on the table. It was shaking. I was trembling from head to toe all brought on by what I was hearing. I caught Evan watching me again. Evan noticed everything. Evan cupped my hand, and again I pulled away. I didnt care much for his attempt at consoling me. Thaddeus saw how I rejected his son and exchanged an odd look with Evan, a questioning look. I had to ask the question that had been on my mind since Thaddeus had first begun speaking of the gods and the doom that seemed inevitable for the Ischeros. Since Zeus is the god of the sky and the ruler of all mankind, why doesnt he stop Victor and the Apolluon? Doesnt he care what may happen to us? Dont any of the gods care? Those are all good questions, my dear. Thaddeus remarked but didnt answer. Evan sat up suddenly and said, Its not that Zeus, or the rest of the gods havent any concerns. They have fortified us with great power and wisdom,

so that we can live without their intrusion. Zeus will not interfere or allow the other gods to fight a war which we can handle, nor will he war with Hades. Zeus will not be culpable for the destruction to the entire world that a war with Hades would bring. I see. I said, but I didnt. It seemed so cruel to watch your descendants being hunted. I wondered if the gods were just sitting on Mt. Olympus laughing all the while. I shall retire now. Cordelia, I expect that after all the events of the day that you will sleep well. This information is not meant to be onerous. Thaddeus sighed, a long and tired kind of sigh, and got up so slowly from his chair. He looked as if he were to take another step; he would fall into a deep sleep on the fringed rug. I was relieved to see him go. I was overwhelmed and petrified of what my life would be like now. How can I live up to their expectations if I dont have an inkling as to when I will remember any of this? There was a sudden uncomfortable silence in the room a chill to be exact. Everyone seemed tense. I fingered my medallion, I guess out of nervousness, feeling its icy coolness. It soothed me almost immediately. Suddenly, one of the rose filled crystal vases jumped up from the table, and sailed across the room at the speed of a blink, crashing loudly against the molding of the archway, which Thaddeus had just walked through. Eleven Double Headed Coin The crash happened so fast that I nearly vaulted out of my seat, as did Bethany and Nikolas. The beautiful, velvety, water dotted, roses scattered onto the wood floor just as the water from the smashed vase began to seep through the area rug. The tension in the air had intensified. Both Nikolas and Bethany glared at Evan, whose eyes were blood red. Evan leaned back in his chair, his chest heaving. Then as quickly as his eyes were blazing, they returned to their natural penetrating azure. I calmed along with him although, I was taken aback by his actions. I tried like hell not to convey my uneasiness. Nikolas and Bethany appeared somewhat stupefied, if only for a moment. Dont be upset with him Evan. He feels helpless. He wants this thing with Victor to end. The equanimity of Bethanys voice was soothing. Father is this way because he can no longer do what we are capable of. What Bethany just revealed hit me like a thud. Is Thaddeus powerless? I asked. I couldnt conceal my curiosity after listening to him for over an hour. The man had scared me at several distinct points while he revealed the world of terror surrounding me. It had never occurred to me that he was powerless within this world. As demigods, our powers begin at adolescence and mature at the age of seventeen, Bethany said. But then, dreadfully, they decrease substantially once we physically age past fifty. We live hundreds of years with power then live hundreds of years without. Bethany tried to explain where her father's hostility stemmed from. Her face was somber as she looked at the archway her father had just gone through. For some it is a reality that is very difficult to... accept. It is as Zeus intended. Nikolas added. My parents live vicariously through the power of their children as all the elders do. The elders are sought for guidance, wisdom, and are respected and admired for the world theyve kept safe for us. We, the children fight the wars as they had for their parents and so on and so on. We must keep the world safe so that our children may not have to fight any wars. I suddenly felt really bad for Thaddeus and Alexandria. They must feel so helpless. Wow. This all seems more like a curse than a gift. I waited for a response but no one said a word. It led me to believe that they saw it that way too, and maybe that was Zeuss intent. Maybe he was punishing us. Evan commented on what Bethany had said, and acted as If he didnt hear me. That does not give him the right to be condescending and accusatory. The anger didnt show on Evans face but there was an unmistakable trace of pure venom in his voice. There definitely was a whole other side to Evan; a mystery. Father is patient, and he trusts you, Evan, Bethany said. You know that father is not accustomed to being without any power or control. I watched Bethany who showed so many signs of maturity. She spoke with such wisdom. She was so different from the easy going teenager I befriended two years ago. She was a woman with insight. I had to come to terms with the fact that I really didnt know her. Listen Evander, I think the warning will be well received. Lucas' corpse is a direct message. Nikolas was standing up and leaning over Bethany to get closer to Evan. Corpse? Who is Lucas I asked. Again they ignored me. It was as if I wasnt even in the room. The warning certainly shows that we can and will get close enough to avenge his extremely bad decision of coming here. He will know that we dont take kindly to threats although, the warning will not go unanswered. The forgotten son will try unrelentingly to get what he believes to be his. Evan said, confidently. Something in his expression came across wicked, and I was taken aback. I looked at Evan and then at Nikolas. I saw two boys who were behaving like grown men. It was the way they spoke, so self assured, so mature, and so deadly. It came off rather natural, but left a strange and bitter taste in your mouth. Lucas' first mistake was thinking that Evan's visit was an attack, Nikolas said. His second, he actually believed his second hand powers were a match for a genuine Ischero, a demigod. Its actually amusing if you think about it. Nikolas chuckled, and gulped what was left of his wine. I had no

idea what Nikolas was talking about, or if I should remember any of it. Who is Lucas? I asked again, this time a lot louder. Neither Evan nor Nikolas said a word. Bethany decided to answer. It turns out, after Evan disappeared through my ceiling, he had paid an unexpected visit to Victor's notorious head disciple, Lucas, a thick muscled brute. Evan thought it best to send a verbal message to Victor through Lucas. Why is it that when you talk about Lucas, you speak of him in the past tense? I think Cordelia should know what transpired with Lucas this evening Nikolas said, nodding to Evan. Yes. I agree with Niko. She should be aware of what we are up against. Bethany added, staring at Evan. Then she looked at me, as if challenging me, as if perhaps I couldnt handle the details. We locked eyes for a moment. She was right. I should be aware of whats going on. But she was underestimating me if she thought that I was a wimp. I was prepared for whatever they were about to tell me. At this point I was ready for anything. I dug deep inside of me, searched for strength, and braced myself. Both Nikolas and Bethany waited for Evan, for what I guessed to be his approval. He shrugged as if he didn't have a care in the world if I knew what had happened. Tonight, Lucas was stealing a quiet moment in the parlor of the lone mansion that sits behind Gold Hill; an unusual place for a mansion actually. All the other wealthy families live on Millionaires Row, looking over the town. The rest reside across from Gold Hill. Lucas home is very large, and thats not accounting for the acres of land surrounding it. He inherited the house and its land from his adoptive parents. Tonight he wasnt home alone. Sacha, his twin sister, was also home, preparing herself for what I'm sure would be a long evening at the saloons, Nikolas said, smirking. Lucas was Victors most trusted, most loyal, and most powerful disciple. Whatever Victor says, Lucas does. Youd expect to see marionette strings attached to the overgrown thug, Bethany explained. Her aquamarine eyes sparkled as she described Lucas. Lucas features were striking, but a sharp contrast to most of the residents of this town. Where ever Lucas went, he stood out. Not because he was colored, but because he wasnt entirely colored. Lucas skin was the color of sand And his soul was as gritty. Because he was extremely muscular, he had a false sense of confidence. Nikolas added. His roguish exterior made him one of the most feared men in Nickel City, besides Victor himself. Lucas was born and raised here. Bethany said, leaning over the table as if she was revealing a wellguarded secret. Nikolas, I think it is best that you show Cordelia what happened. Bethany suggested. Nikolas nodded and pointed his finger to the far right wall, and again I was in awe of the magic. It was another mirage. I wondered if they could all do this or was Nikolas the only one with the gift. Looking at the mirage was like looking into another room that had a sparkling lining edging its entrance. The parlor was dimly lit by several oil lamps, and appeared as large as the one in this mansion. The major difference was that everything seemed to be made of shiny ivory marble or onyx. The floors, the tables, even the massive fireplace were made of marble or onyx or a combination of both. It made the room appear frigid. A young man, about my age Id guess, sat relaxing in a chocolate brown, leather tufted smoking chair. He was dressed in the customary gentleman's attire. I knew it was Lucas the moment I saw him. Bethany's description of him was exact. Lucas was very muscular in a bulky way, and extremely handsome. He reminded me of the former wrestler turned actor, The Rock. Lucas eyes were closed, and he leaned his head against the back of the chair. He appeared to be dozing, but he wasnt. Lucas raised his drink to his lips, and sipped it then casually shook the glass from time to time causing the ice chips to clink. I guess he was one of the few who owned an ice box. Out of nowhere Evan appeared in the room like an apparition or something, first appearing like a vapor then fleshing out into a person. Evan stood tall and genuinely gorgeous. He made himself comfortable, opposite Lucas, in an identical chair to the one Lucas rested in. Is it bedtime already? Evan questioned his adversarys evil cohort. I would have expected you to be out terrorizing the town at this hour. Startled, even if only for a second; Lucas looked directly at Evan with intense hazel eyes. Where are your manners, Evander? Don't you know that its customary to knock? Lucas responded in a deep voice similar to the low growl of a Rottweiler. Knock? Why would I want to confuse you by giving you a false impression of respect for you? The sarcasm rolled off of Evan's tongue as he casually got up, walked over to the onyx and marble bar, fixed himself a drink, strolled back to the chair, and sat back down. Evans arrogance clearly antagonized Lucas, who watched Evan all the while, as a thick vein appeared at his left temple. Lucas was definitely stewing. Lucas cleared his throat and smiled. AhhI am a hospitable man. My door is always open, especially for the Divine One. I hear she is back from her... trip. Perhaps I should swing by your place unexpected. Is the Empress of Ischera free tonight? Lucas was being facetious, and allowed a vindictive chuckle to escape his lips as he crossed his legs. The ice chips in his glass clinked again as if applauding him for his clever retort. Evan's eyes blazed red for a split second with Lucas' reference of me, but somehow he was able to stay composed. It was obvious that Evan wasn't there for a fight.

Tread carefully, son of a streetwalker. My battle is not with you. Evan eyed Lucas scornfully, yet cautiously, the way one would regard a slithering snake that at any moment could strike at you unexpectedly. I guess you can never be too sure. Although, Im enjoying this conversation immensely, I cant stand the suspense any longer. Why are you here? Ahhh let me guess. You have yet to find Lord Victor, the true emperor of the Ischeros Lucas laughed, sounding more like a growl. Lord, as in master? Evan chortled, lightly. Well, your master may believe that he has secluded himself, but its only a matter of time before he is found and terminated. Its inevitable. And any slave riding his coat tails will go down with him, Evan said, watching Lucas tense up at the idea of being referred to as Victors property. Im no ones slave. I choose to serve the real leader of the Ischeros. Lucas said, uncrossing and recrossing his legs. His face was beginning to redden. Its fitting that he leads an army of primitive brutes. What could a troglodyte know of reigning an empire? He knows nothing. Your Lord, as you call him, is no longer an Ischero. Evans voice was climbing as his hand gripped the glass fiercely. You and your clan should beware of the inevitable take over. Join us now, Evander, before its too late, and youre forced to kneel to the true Emperor. Whoa Victors really got you under his thumb. Do you hear yourself Lucas? We are stronger and will defeat the Ischeros. Evan laughed heartily. Of course you will. Since youre already accustomed to taking orders, give your lord a message for me. I take orders from no one. Lucas seethed glass still in hand, but no more clinking. The ice had melted. You and I both know that you will do as I say. You let your master know that he should stay away from my house, and all who reside there. There was a significant trace of malice in Evans tone that quieted Lucas for a moment. I will be the one to end him, and anyone who does his dirty work, if they dare to come near Cordelia or my family again. Evan warned icily. Lucas hazel eyes could barely be seen as he narrowed them. Oh, Evander, Evander, Evander. Tsk, tsk. Lucas said, shaking his head slowly from left to right. Victor does not take kindly to threats and neither do I. Fine. Dont take it as a threat. Its a promise, and Ill clarify so that there is no confusion. I dont break promises. Evan said casually getting up from the large leather chair, and walking over to the bar. I thought I was ready, but I wasn't. How could anyone prepare for what was in store? You wont come into my house, and exploit my hospitality! Lucas snarled, and then got up from his chair. Lucas was taller and larger than I had expected. He had to be at least six foot six inches tall. His suit actually strained against his broad chest and bulging arms. He stood a few inches taller than Evan. Sit down Lucas, and finish your drink. Evan ordered as he drained his glass and sat it down on the counter of the bar. Dont order me around Evander; Im not one of your foolish minions. Being the brash fool that Bethany described him as, Lucas acted impulsively. In one swift move, Lucas flew across the parlor to where Evan stood at the bar, and lunged for Evan's neck. I couldn't believe the rate of speed in which Lucas moved. It was like watching a flash of light, but with a whole lot of muscle. But Evan was the quicker of the two well dressed young men. In a matter of an immeasurable second, Evan was now behind Lucas. Using the strength of what must have been ten men, I figured it would take that many to stop Lucas, Evan punched Lucas in the back. The forceful and equally thunderous blow connected, and I nearly jumped out of my chair as I watched in disbelief as Lucas leaped several feet forward. Just then Nikolas appeared out of nowhere like a ghost, unbeknownst to both Lucas and Evan. Nikolas glided at an accelerated speed to catch Lucas' bloody and grotesque and still beating heart in his hands just as it burst through Lucas chest right before he slammed into the marble bar in one booming crash. A white cloud of dust like the ash of a volcano filled the air momentarily with the crumble of crushed marble. Not a sound had escaped Lucas lips as he landed on the bar. He was a hulking heap covered in white dust. The surprised look of terror on Lucas face was frozen forever. The crash could surely be heard throughout the house. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I hadn't realized it, but at some point I had put my hands over my mouth in shock. My hands were still positioned there now. As it looked, Lucas was obviously dead. Dead, by Evan's hand. Oh my God! Now I know why Evan didnt want Nikolas to show me what had happened. He was afraid that I would think of him as a monster.

The truth was I didnt know how I saw Evan. I didnt know him. What I was slowly learning about him, all of them was that I didnt want to be like them, and live this way. They may be demigods, but they were also murderers. The fear of knowing myself rose in me. Please GodI dont want to be a murderer. Perhaps Im praying to the wrong God. I shut my eyes for a moment. I had seen enough. My stomach churned as I tried to overcome the urge to vomit. When I opened my eyes again, I looked over at Evan who was looking directly at me. His eyes were intense as if he could see right through me. His expression was difficult to read. He must have been watching my reaction the entire time the horror movie played. I turned away, but still felt his gaze boring into me; into my soul. Tears welled up in my eyes as I couldnt see how I could have been in love with this boy. What I saw next, blew my mind. In the mirage, I watched Evan move aside as Nikolas carefully stepped over Lucas' dead body; well his legs, and tossed his heart into the roaring flames of the elegant onyx fireplace. I was startled by the loud crackle that erupted from the flames. Nikolas looked down at his hands and Lucas blood washed away like a bucket of water had been poured over them. Lucas, what was that noise? A womans voice sailed through the house from the floor above. Evan looked upward toward the ceiling then at Nikolas. This was not my plan. I didnt come here to kill him. Evan eyes were back to their natural hue. Lucas got what he deserved. Nikolas sympathized. Victor's army must be dismantled. We agreed on that. Who better to start with? Nikolas expression was dead serious. Evan began to walk away then stopped abruptly. He turned to face Nikolas. Why are you here? Evans tone changed to annoyance. I didnt follow you, because I thought you were in need of my help. Again why are you here? Evan demanded. I know that Lucas is no match for your skill. Your sister on the other hand would have come herself had I not. Nikolas amended. Evan nodded and said, I shouldve known. I love your sister, more than life itself, but she can be as stubborn as a mule at times; this being one of them. Bethany snorted and Nikolas winked at her in a seductive way that made me instantly uncomfortable for witnessing it. Both Evan and Nikolas vanished just as they neared the front doors of the large estate. The same womans voice echoed as footsteps could be heard descending the grand marble staircase. Lucas, are you here? I guessed that the voice belonged to Sacha, and she was investigating the loud thud for herself, since her dead twin hadnt answered her. The mirage suddenly moved to the entrance, so I never saw who came down the stairs. The mirage showed the front of the house from the outside. Evan and Nikolas walked side by side, and disappeared into the night once again. Painfully shrill cries of a woman could be heard echoing into the still, dry, and warm night air just as several horse and buggies going by nearly slowed to a stop. Once they realized where the screams came from, they quickly sped away. I stared at the wall long after the mirage had disappeared. Nikolas broke the silence. I didnt intend to scare you, Cordelia. I just thought that it would be better to show you. What you must understand is that were not monsters although; there are circumstances that arise where we must act in order to survive them. Lucas was a cold blooded, murderous, hot head. He never backed down from any opponent, even if he knew that he was in over his arrogant head. Its a commendable trait, but foolish nonetheless. Nikolas added. Lucas twin sister, Sacha, lived with him. The twins were orphaned at the tender age of eight when their mother, a shifter, one of the most dangerous kinds, and an under nourished and under paid prostitute, never returned home one night, Bethany said, in a solemn tone. A shifter? So she changes into things, right? Her family history is very old, not as old as ours, but ancient none the less. Her greatgreatgreatgreat grandmother was raped, and later coupled with a feline. What? A Feline? Is that possible? Of course it is. Lucas and Sacha are proof. Being that their mother was a prostitute, and a colored one at that, she wasnt thought of as any value to some of these men seeking her services. She would attack the clients, who wouldnt pay, and well one client got a shot off his Smith & Wesson, and she was killed. Thats so sad. So everyone found out what she was? I anxiously played with the diamond medallion around my neck. Its coolness soothed me. No, upon her death, she shifted back into a human, Bethany said, very matter of fact. The authorities found deep scratches on the shooters body resembling that of what an animal with huge claws would make, but no one could understand how they had gotten there since the man died from the injuries before he could inform anyone. Bethany sighed.

What happened to Lucas and Sacha? The secret stayed with the twins. Her narrative had every ones ear except Evan's. He seemed to be far off somewhere outside of this room, and this house, maybe even this town, possibly the state. Bethany saw that Evan wasnt paying her any mind, but continued anyway. How do you know about them being? Werepanthers, part human, and part panther. Its one of our keenest attributes. We can detect all beings whether divine or monstrous. Bethany explained. Unfortunately, there wasnt an investigation held for their mothers death. Why not? I asked, surprised. The mortals who ran this town then didnt give a damn about a dead and colored prostitute. Since Lucas and Sacha had never met, or ever knew who their father was. He could very well be any of the numerous white men who sought their mothers services, didnt pay, and was mauled to death. Therefore, arrangements were made, and the twins were to be sent to the towns' only orphanage. But Lucas and Sacha had other plans. They hid where they could, and lived on the streets. Bethany said gravely. When we were children, I actually remember seeing them in town stealing food from the mercantile and grocers. I wanted to help them then. Now I know better. Bethany noted. Who cares what the color of their skin was. Someone should have taken them in. I was really saddened by the story. It was heartbreaking, unfortunate, yet fascinating. As Bethany continued to tell it, in just above a whisper, I leaned in closer so that I wouldnt miss a beat. Well to everyones surprise, they were taken in by a kind and wealthy couple who loved charity cases and perusing the Territorial Enterprise to see their names mentioned with praise. Bethany paused for emphasis. I was kind of surprised to learn just how long the towns newspaper has been in publication. The Haydens, a prominent couple of Nickel Citys aristocracy, knew all the right people in the right places, due to having some of the oldest money in town strictly from banking and not entrepreneurial mining. They were believed to be unable to have children of their own. Therefore, out of the genuine goodness of their hearts, after witnessing the twins rummaging through trash for half eaten and spoiled food, The Hayden couple legally adopted, cleaned up, and enrolled Lucas and Sacha in the Nickel City Elementary school. Thats great. The twins must have been happy living wholesome lives which every kid deserves. I was beaming. I was genuinely pleased to hear that Lucas and Sacha finally had somewhere to live, and had loving parents to care for them. My remarks got Evans attention for a moment. Then he went back to staring off into space. Was it that I had spoken, or what I had chosen to say that caught his attention? Indeed and as a result, everyone publically accepted the twins although privately, that was a whole other matter. Bethany said. I was curious to know how Lucas ended up running with the likes of the uninvited visitor. Victor must have used his powers to brainwash poor Lucas. So what went wrong? Why Is Lucas hanging with the likes of Victor? Bethany answered, almost anxiously, as I hung on every animated word. As young children they adjusted well to school and etiquette, learning all the does and donts. At first, they seemed to ignore some of the snubbing they received in school on a daily basis, but soon realized that nothing had really changed. They knew that they were only accepted because of who their new parents were. Hence, as the years went by the apples had proved to not have fallen far from the tree, Bethany said, nodding knowingly. Kids can be so cruel, I declared. They both were constantly reprimanded by their teachers and their new regretful parents for rebellious and inappropriate behavior with the opposite sex. Bethany leaned closer as she raised a knowing eyebrow. Worse, was that they were both past the age of adolescence, and were equally promiscuous, and had begun shifting and killing. I couldnt believe what I was hearing. Lucas whom had grown to be huge and dominating in size had also become aggressive and violent both at school, and at home although, he never allowed anyone to know that he and Sacha were shifters. He was expelled from school and Sacha soon followed. The Haydens were humiliated, and practically living in fear of him, Bethany revealed. The towns people are partially at fault to whatever happened to Sacha and Lucas. Had they not been prejudiced with such backward thinking, the twins would have thrived. Equality just doesnt exist now, and my gut wrenched with that reality. I dont think I could hate Lucas or Sacha if I tried. This time period was a colossal factor. For years, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden were at their wits end at steering the twins in the right direction, Bethany added, as she stood up and glided to one of the windows. She peered through the drapery and heavy lace curtain as if she expected to see something unusual beyond the glass. Then the couple mysteriously disappeared, Nikolas said, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his huge chest. Mysteriously? It was obvious as to what might have happened to the Haydens. Bethany sauntered back to her chair as nothing seemed to perk her interest outside. She nodded and said, Yes, although we know the truth.

When asked by family friends, the townsfolk, and the towns leaders on the couples whereabouts, the twins would answer with a variety of places their parents were either vacationing or visiting relatives. Explaining the Hayden's whereabouts seemed to serve the twins as a form of amusement and entertainment. Wow thats just crazy. I guess Victor didnt have to brain wash them after all. It seems like Lucas and Sacha already had a penchant for crime, and an incredibly lethal secret. After a while everyone stopped asking, and the twins decided scandal and killing would be their only entertainment. Bethany was practically breathless as she told the story. Did anyone investigate The Haydens disappearance? The sheriffs still investigating, and has not given up although, he has come up with nothing. Not a trail to follow or a trace of them. Meanwhile, Lucas and Sacha live off of the Haydens estate since they are the beneficiaries. Bethany said. By then they were sixteen and practically feared by everyone in town, including the sheriff, except for those who run in their circle, and one lonesome drifter who mysteriously showed up in his hometown one day, destined to find us. Nikolas nodded as the clue sunk in. He gulped down his tenth or eleventh glass of wine; Id lost count. I was baffled by the fact that he drank and drank and never got drunk, as if he were drinking water. Victor. I whispered as if he would appear if he overheard me. Give the lady her prize. Nikolas winked as he confirmed my correct answer. I gazed over at Evan, who hadn't said a word since Bethany started filling me in on the evil twins. I would guess that he wasn't listening to a word. He was still staring off into another galaxy possibly. Perhaps, he was someplace where dangerous monsters with eyes red as blood, and the intent to kill didn't lurk. I wanted to be in that place too. Cordelia, are you listening? Bethany asked although it sounded more like a command. Nikolas continued as he got up to pour himself something a lot stronger than wine. Victor was their age and knew a thing or two about being an orphan, and survival. At first Lucas must have thought they were putting together a gang that would eventually run the town out of fear. Once Lucas proved that he could be trusted, and that he wasn't above murder, he realized that he was wrong. This was no ordinary violent gang. Nikolas snickered, and made a grimace. Lucas learned the truth about Victors talents, and shared some of his own. He also discovered what motivated Victor, and that this was much deeper than just everyday robbing, looting, raping, and killing. This was about an endless appetite for greed, and an unmatched physical power so enticing, especially due to the unequivocal rewards they would enjoy. It wasn't long before Lucas became Victor's first and closest disciple. Nikolas paused, and took a sip of brandy. He paused as he let the smooth liquid coat his throat before continuing. For Lucas, a rogue opportunist, this must have felt like striking enough silver to purchase an entire town, which was just what Lucas had always wanted; to run Nickel City. In his eyes, this town had killed his mother, left him and his sister to nearly die on its streets, then turned its nose up to them. Nikolas explained. I didnt want to hear anymore but Nikolas continued the tale of the evil Hansel & Gretel. Sacha, whom is thought to be one of the most beautiful girl's in Nickel City, was still shunned all the same. Three reasons actually. In this town she is considered a halfbreed, half white and half colored equals all wrong, therefore no man will be seen with her, in public. Even the coloreds dont want her. They see her as used goods so they dont want anything to do with her. She is Victors main girl but never his lone love interest. Victor parades her around town as his girl not giving half a damn what the towns people think. Unfortunately, that is the only honorable thing Victor has ever done for the poor girl. Their relationship seems to thrive on mutual infidelities. Beautiful? Poor girl, Bethany snapped, glaring at Nikolas for his choice of words at describing Sacha. She lacks decorum, and shes a whore. She looks for the company of any cowboy. Sacha doesnt appear to mind that all of Nickel City thinks of her as a woman of the evening like her mother once was. Shell do just about anything to make Victor jealous. Awe, come on Beth, she can never parallel your beauty, Nikolas amended, quickly. Although, she is still the physically beautiful side of the heinous, double headed coin. Lucas protected his twin from everything and everyone but Victor. Sacha was one of the ways Lucas had paid for the powers he possessed and abused. Bethany painted a sweet smile on her face and decided that she was better at telling it. Victor has a penchant for variety in the opposite sex which makes for the volatile relationship he and Sacha endure. One girl cant seem to fill his insatiable appetite and No is never an option. If another girl is with him its because she fears for her life and her families lives, not because she wants to sleep with Victor or sought to fill Sacha's shoes. The way these kids lived symbolizes just how out of place I really was. A simple date and kissing was about all I could relate too. I thought that Bethany was as inexperienced as I was. It was obvious that she was way ahead of me just by the way she spoke of Sacha and Victor. She wasnt just telling the story she could relate to their relationship. Sacha is very jealous and has gone as far as murder in order to maintain her position as Victor's girl. Shell never understand that these other girls are forced to accommodate him. Bethany explained as she finished her coffee. I watched her, the way she held her cup and it was like watching a stranger. Happily ever after doesnt seem to be in the cards for Victor and Sacha but they are together. Lucas was such a fool to allow that union. Bethany snorted. They were not Ischeros and that meant that they were inferior.

I couldn't believe how grown up everyone appeared to be. They threw words like murder around as if it was as ordinary an act as eating or sleeping. This was so far from the regular high school drama of who was going out with whom, and who stole who's girlfriend or boyfriend. I was completely lost in this world of greed, violence, power and deceit. I felt like a child amongst adults. The lump in my throat was preventing me from speaking so I just nodded like a cooperative child. I understood but I couldnt relate. I stole a glance at Evan. He was sitting rigid in his chair, combing his long fingers through his thick wavy hair. I couldn't read the look in his eyes. He appeared to be studying the fancy table cloth. Then, without a word to anyone, Evan stood up and walked out of the dining room. The uncomfortable silence was back. I turned my gaze to Bethany who fingered her diamond medallion vigorously. The medallion sparkled as it picked up the glow of the chandelier and sent rays of light across the room and onto the walls. Her expression revealed nothing. I couldnt tell if she was angry or shocked by her brothers behavior. Nikolas looked at the broken vase on the floor. I had forgotten all about the jagged pieces of fine crystal, beautiful scattered roses, and the puddle of water that had saturated the fringed rug. I began to hear pieces of glass clinking together. I peered over the edge of the table, just passed the fringe of the table cloth, to see the shattered pieces of crystal slowly, piece by piece, becoming the vase again. Every drop of water that had splashed onto the floor, floated in the air, and poured back into the vase as the long stemmed roses danced up one by one, and dropped into the opening of the vase. I watched in utter disbelief. In a matter seconds, the vase was back on the table as if it had never moved. If I hadn't seen the vase smash against the wall, I would never have believed it had been shattered. This definitely beats an afternoon of gluing it back together with crazy glue. Once Evan has calmed down, he will undoubtedly be angered with himself for smashing one of his mother's most cherished pieces of crystal. I'll spare him that. Nikolas smiled at me with a twinkle in his eye. I tried to smile back, but I made a very poor attempt. I was still in shock from what I had just seen. I didnt mean the reconstruction of the vase, but what I saw in the mirage. Bethany reached over, and gently squeezed Nikolas hand. Then she stood up to excuse herself from the table. Nikolas quickly stood up and waited. Where are your parents, Nikolas? I asked, not realizing the weight of the question. Theyre dead. Nikolas said, without a trace of emotion in his voice. I wished I hadnt asked, and found myself more accepting to the answer than the lack of emotion in his voice. Oh. I'm sorry Nikolas, I didnt know. I felt like an idiot for asking. No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. My mother and father were killed in an attack by several Apolluon members as my parents tried to defend Victors family whom had somehow alerted the Apolluons attention. It happened shortly after my seventh birthday which is why I was raised by your parents, and why the Iptian family was finally banished. The Apolluon are horrible. I said in a whisper, saddened by what Nikolas must have gone through. Nikolas spoke very matteroffact. Yes, absolutely, but extinguishable regardless. We looked at each other for a moment. Nikolas softened the mood with a smile. He always had a way of making someone feel comfortable at an awkward moment. I was astounded by the amount of alcohol he drank but more so shocked by his lucid disposition. We should retire. It has been a long and tiresome day. Bethany noted smiling at Nikolas and me. Cordelia, you must be exhausted; its late. There is no need to fetch Sun Paw, she and Moon Rose will be in shortly to clear the table. I will help you undress for bed. Bethany added. Ok. I agreed. Goodnight Nikolas. I smiled. Good night cousin. Nikolas smiled boyishly as he hugged me, and then slowly walked into the dimly lit foyer. I was exhausted, but not because it was late. My exhaustion was due to the implausible events of the day. I died today. Id been brought back to life today, by the boy of my dreams. Id been attacked and nearly killed again today. The most intriguing and shocking moment of the day was finding out that Im the descendant of the most powerful deity. The most powerful descendant. Me. It was a ridiculous notion that would take some time getting used too. Yes, it had been quite an exhausting day, but it had also been a profoundly life altering one. I was both terrified and anxious to see what tomorrow would bring, if I got through the night. Twelve Invisible

Only a prayer would save me from a tumble on the unfamiliar staircase. How clumsy I must appear in this long and flouncy gown. I repeatedly stepped on the hem and almost tripped up the stairs a couple of times. The banister was my crutch. Closing in on me was the step where the portrait was hung. I looked at her me. There was a perpetual light in her jade green eyes as if I had been happy when I sat for that picture. Perhaps that is what the photographer wanted to translate. But was it an accurate translation? Only time would tell. I quickened my step to keep up with Bethany, who seemed to glide up the steps. I wanted this opportunity to talk with her alone like the best friends we once were. I wanted Bethanys take of the days twisted events. I hoped she would give me honest answers, even if they werent what I wanted to hear. Bethany opened the double doors to my sitting room, and then swung the doors open to my adjoining bedroom. There were half a dozen oil lamps scattered on the little doily covered, marble topped tables, throughout the two rooms. Bethany quickly started lighting the numerous lamps, which adequately brightened the large space. You won't need them all once you are ready for bed. Bethany said, assisting me with unbuttoning over a dozen, miniature, pearl buttons that were on the back of my dress. Once I was out of the brace of a corset, I could breathe again. What a freeing feeling to be rid of that horrid rib splitting contraption, even if just for the night. Bethany threw my dress over the embroidered screen divider. Sun Paw will take care of it when she comes to wake you early in the morning for our morning ride. Bethany informed. Id never ridden a horse, so I hoped that it wasnt what she meant when she said morning ride. Dont get me wrong, I loved horses the beauty of them, yet the idea of getting on one, and being violently thrown off one, and then landing bones shattered on the gritty dirt, didnt perk my interest one bit. The idea quickly left my mind when Bethany looked at me for a moment. It was as if she knew I was on the verge of inquiring about something which she wasn't sure she could or wanted to answer. She was right. There were questions that were causing knots in my stomach. I would like to see the house that I grew up in. It would probably No, I dont think thats a good idea. I wasnt allowed to finish my thought with Bethanys rude interruption. Why not? I practically hissed, surprised. Because, it isnt safe there. Not safe? I dont seem to be too safe here either, I noted. Ive already been attacked once. The look on Bethanys face was lethal. What are you saying? You dont think that well protect you. No, its not that I I sighed. Why was Bethany suddenly so argumentative? Why was she changing the subject? It had been a simple request. Why couldnt I see the house I supposedly grew up in? Then what? Bethany asked, with one hand on her hip. Great, I thought. Now Ill probably never get her calm enough to answer the rest of my questions. I just think that maybe being in the house, where I grew up, for a little while, may actually help me to remember who I am. I didnt mean that I would stay there. I clarified. Bethany appeared to relax a bit but said nothing for a moment. She smoothed her dress and finally began speaking. There is nothing left. The house is empty. It would be pointless really. I listened to the sound her hand made as it rubbed against the stiff ruffled fabric of her dress. Oh I was deflated. Why is it empty? Well, most of your things are here, and most of your parents belongings were destroyed by Victors disciples, Bethany said. Honestly, I dont see how a bunch of empty rooms will help you to remember since being surrounded by your own personal possessions hasnt helped. Bethany had a point but I still wanted and needed to see the house. Maybe being in the house will bring something back. Even a morsel of a memory could help. Bethany must have noticed the look on my face because she decided to clean up her insensitive reply. Look, I just think its too soon after Evans warning to Victor to be out where his disciples may see you before we see them. Fine, enough said. Ill stay here. I lied. I had every intension of seeing that house, one way or another. I will not be a prisoner in this one. I decided to change the subject to an even more important one. This question was sure to have Bethany squirming, but I didnt care. She was in the hot seat now. Why did you lie to me about your parents? Whyd you tell me that they were dead? I hoped that she would be honest with me. I needed a straightforward answer. As expected, Bethany needed a moment to think or get her lie together. Anyway she took a fleeting one before answering. I took a deep breath, and waited. I cant apologize for what I told you. It was what I was ordered to do. Bethany said. I do apologize for how you must feel. I want you to know that you can trust me. I am your friend.

Why were you ordered to lie? I wanted to believe Bethany. Her eyes radiated the sincerity that her tone projected. I needed her. I wanted my best friend back. I was told to tell you that my parents were dead so that it wouldnt look suspicious that I didnt have parents, being that Im only seventeen. I decided to change the subject and ask another question that disturbed me. Why did Evan have to kill Lucas? I get it; Lucas was bad, but... I asked shakily, unable to hide the fact that I was still stunned by the idea of Evan killing someone. She didn't answer immediately. I didn't expect her to. This was a difficult question that perhaps, I should have saved for Evan himself. I was actually pissed at her for wanting me to see the brutal, violent, and murderous attack, which was the after dinner show. Appearing to be in full control, Bethany slammed me with words that hit harder than the jeep. Wake up Cordelia, you are no longer portraying the frightful senior at Nickel City High. We battle the worst forms of evil. Our way of survival is kill or be killed. Lucas would have killed Evan, had he not killed Lucas first. The evil entities that we face, that you may soon face, will stop at nothing until we are extinguished. They wont accept the peaceful approach as you witnessed. Evan did what he had to do. He did it for you. And he will do it again and again to protect us all. Bethany declared, scornfully in a heightened voice, and with both hands on her hips this time. Her face was ashen and red at the same time. Her icy blue eyes were a shade or two darker than their usual hue, and pierced deep into my eyes carving a path into my soul. Was she actually pissed that I dared to ask the question? Or was she pissed because she thought that I didn't appreciate her brothers efforts to protect me? She had it all wrong. I did appreciate the attempt, but I didnt feel killing a human being was necessary. I didnt want anyone killed because of me. I dont want people dying because of me. There just has to be another way. I challenged, with a creeping edge to my voice. I never pulled my eyes away from Bethanys unrelinquishing hold. I held my own ground, and she knew it. I wouldn't accept her answer. There is NOT. There has never been. We are Ischeros. We are all forced to be adults at an early age. Heathens...monstrous... murderers. We've been called many things, but we've made the majority of the vulnerable safer. Right now you are not who you really are. Bethany said. Therefore Im not upset with you. Right now you lack the understanding. Its not your fault. The Cordelia I know, understands this. She has accepted her purpose. She is a warrior; a protector. The Cordelia I know, who her family needs desperately, is willing to do what is necessary to accomplish it. Please allow yourself to remember why you truly grace this earth. Bethany was out of breath and agitated. She was practically trembling. I just needed her to understand how I felt. I believed that peace has always been the victorious route. I wasnt the Cordelia she spoke of. I wasnt sure I would ever be again. I decided not to speak another word about it, the attack on Lucas, at least for now. I didn't want to fight with Bethany. I needed her right now. I was afraid of everything including myself. Whoever I was. I changed the subject to another, which I thought shed be able to shed some light on. I feel so bad about what happened to Nikolas, when he was a boy. I said watching Bethany's reaction closely, as I sat down on the bed. Yes, as do I. Bethany said. It was tragic. Your parents stepped in immediately, and raised him. Bethany explained admiringly. I was happy to see her sit down on the bench at the edge of my bed because, I wanted to talk some more. Does Nikolas have any brothers or sisters? I probed a bit. Yes and no. Bethany said, and then quickly clarified once seeing my puzzled expression. She stood up, and walked toward the balcony. Nikolas is not the first born. He is the second in line after a still born brother was birthed. Nikolas possesses exceptional capabilities as I, but we are both not as powerful as you and my brother are. We are second in the bloodline, therefore Nikolas is my equal. Bethany further explained. Her eyes were distracted as she turned away from me and gazed into the night sky through the French doors, leading out to the balcony. Im happy that you and Nikolas are together. I commented, and smiled when Bethany turned to look at me. She smiled too. Good, we were in a good place again. It was very difficult keeping it from you, but we had to. I wanted to tell you the truth about Nikolas and I, many times. Bethany admitted. That's ok. Really, I get it. I nodded. Would you like me to turn one or two out for you? Bethany half yawned while motioning to the numerous lamps., I like the light. I said. She must have thought that I was afraid of the dark. My smile gave Bethany the indication that I would be alright for my first night sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, with demons lurking just outside my windows, waiting for the first opportunity that I be left alone. Id better stop, or Ill never get any sleep. Alright, sleep well. Bethany said, and gave me a hug. Wait. I had to ask one more. Nikolas drinks so much. How is it that he doesnt get drunk? Nikolas is a child of Dionysus. Wine and alcohol, in general, have a different effect on him then it does on others. It doesnt affect him the way it does satyrs. Those beasts stay drunk and go wild, becoming obnoxious and dancing around like fools. Drinking makes Nikolas wiser. He is as astute as his ancestor, Chiron, a teacher and a son of the Titan, Cronus.

Zeus father, right? Correct. Thats incredible, I said. Indeed. Our ancestry is to be cherished and honored. We must do right by those who came before us. My powers, they came back that night in the storm, didnt they? I needed to know the truth about that night. Surprisingly, Bethany didnt look shocked by the change in direction of the conversation. She actually looked relieved. Yes, in a way it did. You are made up of immeasurable energy. It is the strongest kind. But I do wonder what provoked it. There hadnt been any lightning to go with the thunder that night. I noticed this because the sky stayed black, and never lit up with lightning as it usually would. Id been running to my bus stop when I noticed the bus nearing my stop. Then I saw this shadow of a man, well I thought it was a man, but as I got a better look, it appeared monstrous. I was scared out of my mind. The thing lunged at me, and thats when the crackling lightning bolts emerged out of my eyes, ears, fingers, chest, and hair. The shadow thing disappeared as soon as it saw the light. So, you knew what happened to me all along, didnt you? I had an idea, but I wasnt sure. Bethany admitted, in a solemn tone. It wouldve been nice to have had someone to talk to about it, Bethany. I suffered for two whole weeks with that truth. Im sorry Delia, but I couldnt tell you the truth. Was it the Apolluon? Yes, and somehow you sensed the danger you were in, and you reacted. Im not surprised. Im thankful. Me too, I guess. I sighed deeply, and so did she. Goodnight, Delia. Night, Beth. Just as Bethany smiled and left the room, Evan walked in. I was surprised by his presence, his beauty and his everything. With his eyes never leaving mine, his hands behind his back, and his back against the doors, he shut them both. My right hand instantaneously flew up to my medallion and it seemed to calm me with its iciness. Evan smiled slightly and appeared nervous. I couldn't get past how incredibly gorgeous this boy was. He was still fully dressed in his suit. I became aware of myself right then. I quickly looked down at myself, and realized that I was only wearing my sheer petticoat. To my chagrin, the slip was practically transparent. He was doing his best to keep his eyes on my face. All I wanted to do was disappear. Then unexpectedly, a ripple of laughter filled the room. Well, I see that some of your powers have returned. Evan chuckled some more, nodding with an ear to ear smile on his face. His voice was deep, but just above a whisper. I suppose I can speak to you without seeing you. He continued chuckling lightly. What? I asked, totally bemused. You've rendered yourself invisible, sweetheart. I looked down at hands, and they were visible, sort of see through, like a thin transparent veil. Even the necklace and medallion were as clear as a piece of crystal. This was amazing! Am I really invisible? I asked, astonished. I quivered as I let out a nervous giggle. The thought of disappearing had just occurred to me in my mind, and now I was invisible. Id been so embarrassed with the thought of Evan seeing me in this transparent slip that I willed myself invisible? But now I felt like I was being rude. My hands were fleshed out again. Evan looked away as I reappeared. A true gentleman, I thought. I wondered if hed ever seen me naked before. I didnt want to know the answer. I hoped that my innocence was preserved in this time as it had been in the future. I wasnt ready or planning on changing that anytime soon. I quickly darted behind the dressing screen and threw on my silk robe. All the while, he spoke with his back to me while looking at the painting on my wall, which was a few inches from the double doors. I'm so sorry. I ... uh. Its late, and I shouldn't have come at this time. I promise not to take up much more of your time. I would like to speak with you for a moment if I may? He asked in the softest, sweetest voice. It's ok. You can turn around I whispered, as I came out from behind the screen. He seemed to hesitate for a moment then slowly turned to face me, and then gazed into my eyes. Suddenly, I felt the strange desire to touch him, to feel his flawless tanned skin beneath my fingertips, but I dared not, still uncertain of what I felt or how I felt for him. I had to admit, although puzzled, I knew that I was emotionally connected to him. I wondered if he was aware of the emotional tie I felt for him, right now. He could probably detect my nervousness and sense my attraction to him. His powers had to give

him that advantage. He took one step closer then stopped. We were still at least two feet apart. Please forgive me for what you watched tonight, what you saw Nikolas and I do. Without your memory restored, I know that you cant comprehend what we are faced with, and how we choose to handle it. It was wrong to allow you to see any of it. I Im not a monster, he said, and then paused and cleared his throat. Youre a protector, I said. After talking with Bethany, I wanted to put him at ease. Cordelia, I would never hurt anyone or anything unless my safety or the safety of others was compromised. He spoke softly, and terribly honest as he stared into my eyes. The whole time he spoke he never took his eyes off of my face. He was beginning to have a strange effect on me. I understand. I said, nodding. I owe you an apology for my behavior tonight, after dinner. It was a tantrum and it was childish and unfair to you; actually to everyone at the table. I was angry with my father. Im sorry. I truly hope that you can find a way to forgive me. Evan paused. His concern for my feelings for him, and how I perceived him, struck me to my core. He then said in a whisper, I want you to remember who I am, so badly. I felt sorry for him and myself. No teenager should have the weight of defending the world of evil on his or her shoulders. It was an incredulous situation to fathom, and quickly becoming my reality. I thought about Victors visit earlier, his threatening words, and what Evan had done to avenge me. He was a protector, mine. Evan. I spoke his name, and he seemed to hold his breath as he waited to hear what I might have to say. I don't understand everything. I mean everything that is expected of me, and you, and us, but I do know that you are trying, and doing your best to safeguard me; to defend us all. For that, I thank you. Phew. My voice was a little shaky, but I got it all out. Evan held my gaze, and took another step closer. The space between us could easily be erased, but Evan was a gentleman, and kept his eyes on mine the entire time. He took my hand in his and raised it to his lips. He closed his eyes as a kiss as soft as a breeze touched the skin on the back of my hand. He opened his eyes and looked into mine again, then his eyes moved from mine to my lips, back to my eyes, and then back to my lips again but he didn't kiss me. I knew that he wanted to desperately. I couldn't believe how much I wanted him too. Where were these emotions stemming from? I barely knew this boy, and I didnt want to feel this way for him, not now, not this soon, but I couldnt stop it. The feelings were stirring up from somewhere deep within me. I didnt want them to surface, and I think he realized what was going on. Was it part of my memory returning? It had to be. Feeling didnt just materialize that quickly. Sweet dreams. Evan whispered, letting go of my hand. Then he spun around, hastily, and walked out of my room, shutting the doors behind him, without ever looking back. It was as if he knew something mightve happened if he had stayed in here any longer something that he was aware that I wasnt prepared for, but something he desired from the depths of his soul to initiate. The way I felt just now with him, Id never felt with anyone before in my life. It had to be the memory, and all the emotions surfacing from within me had to be the feelings that had been cached. I was just not a believer I the whole love at first sight theory. I walked over to my double doors, and listened to his footsteps descend down the wide hallway. Then I heard the doors to his bedroom snap shut. I stood there with my back glued to the double doors, dazed by his touch. I stood there like that for a while rubbing the back of my hand where his lips had graced. Thirteen Hiding Places Through the French doors leading out to the balcony, the full moon gleamed like a luminous beacon calling to all that was wild and ravenous tonight. The howls seemed to originate from the forest. What lurked in the dark unlit corners of the night clouded my mind. Although this night seemed calm and peaceful, creatures with sharp fangs that had a taste for blood, probably the same ones from my dream or memory as Evan said, and the ones who were shadows by day, needed to feed. The air was dry, but stifling as usual with barely any humidity. The illuminating moonlight streamed across the ridged and vast mountains, and made its way over to the garden. The road beyond the garden was pitchblack. I could barely make out any light from the gaslights in town below. Nonetheless, I decided to stick to my plan. In haste, I grabbed my dress, which Bethany had flung over the top of the dressing screen, and struggled back into it. I thought it best to skip the corset and bustle all together, I decided; getting into them would only slow me down. I pressed my ear to my bedroom doors. Not a sound. I cracked them ever so slowly, and peered out, like a sneaky mouse sniffing for cheese, into the desolate hallway. The light from my room was the only light casting my shadow on the second landing. After a short prayer and a deep breath, I stepped out into the hallway, along with an unlit oil lamp, and closed my doors behind me, as softly as I possibly could. My attempt to silently tip toe down the hall was abruptly interrupted by a sharp creaky cry from a spot on the wood floor that I had yet to be familiar with. I made a mental note of the spot, and crept forward. I was three quarters of the way down the lengthy staircase when I heard voices. Crap!

It sounded like Thaddeus and a man with a heavy Paiute accent. I was annoyed with the fact that Thaddeus was still up and entertaining after he had said he was turning in, over an hour ago. He was old, hundreds of years old according to my calculations, and should be resting, and not up all night chatting. I had to make a decision at that very moment. It was a do or die moment. I crept down the stairs to the foyer, and cursed to myself as the voices grew louder. There was a faint light streaming out from the parlor into the foyer, so I walked close to the opposite wall where it was shadowy. I cracked the front door just a few inches wide enough to squeeze my slim frame through the opening. Had I been wearing that awkwardly shaped bustle, I wouldve had to open the door a lot wider. That would have allowed the full moons light to spill further into the foyer, which may have caught someones attention, and I wouldve been busted. I held my breath and quietly closed the front door behind me. The street was a bit of a distance away from the front doors due to the large front grounds. I would have to cross the dusty dirt path where the horse and buggy was parked, and then cross the front garden to get to the towering, ornate entrance gates. Once I was across the garden, I surveyed the street while still within the property. The street was barren. I tried to look past the Bergnum estate, the huge Victorian styled mansion next door, if you could consider nearly half a block away being next door. It was hard to make out very much because it had become darker since I had stood on my veranda just minutes ago. The Bergnum property stood directly across the street from the mansion I had supposedly grown up, which was my destination. I slipped out the gates and quickly headed in the direction of the Bergnum mansion, constantly checking over my shoulder to see if anyone or anything was following me. I saw nothing. Several oak trees were scattered along the sidewalk so I prayed nothing was lurking behind them or within them. I quivered with fear, but proceeded. Once I was halfway to the Bergnums house, I noticed that the lights were on in the front of the house, Im guessing the parlor. Its front gates were tall and foreboding. Healthy vines that looked more like spider webs crept along the right side of the large manor and ran all the way up to the roof. As I stood in front of the mansion I stared at the grim mansion across the street and was now petrified with the thought of going in. The fact that I had supposedly grown up in it didnt comfort me at all. Suddenly a familiar bone chilling sound halted me dead cold, and almost sent me sprinting back to the Capius mansion. Howling werewolves. They seemed a little closer now that I was of off the Capius property. The vision of demonic red eyes and drool, hanging from ferocious, sharp teeth, paralyzed me where I stood. As suddenly as the howling had started, it stopped, and then started again. I tried to block out my fear, and tried to focus on why I was out here in the dark, at this dangerous hour in the first place. I took another deep breath to calm my raging nerves. It was now or never, so dont be a punk, I thought. I stared at the huge mansion before me and finally crossed the narrow dirt road. The Tieron estate was enormous, appearing somewhat larger than the Capius mansion, with grounds that took up a little more than half the block. The landscaping was neglected, and in need of immediate attention. Even though it was quite dark, I could see that the flowers had long died, and there was nothing left but some dried weeds and sun burnt shrubs. Besides the dismal outlook of the front garden, the house itself was gloomy and deserted, yet mysterious. Anyone seeing the house this way would guess that it was uninhabited and threatening. It was a ghost of a house which was once a home. I seemed even darker on the inside, since all of the curtains were drawn shut. I had figured that the house would be poorly lit, if at all, which was the need for the oil lamp in the first place. Once more, I looked up and down the barren and murky street. I boldly stepped up to the intimidating gates, and was fixed where I stood. The tall gates were virtually covered with dried and tangled vines. I pushed open the gates, and they instantly gave way as some of the dried and twisted vines snapped and tore free. I closed the gates behind me, and began the dreaded walk up the wide path to the wraparound porch. Up close, the mansion looked even more daunting. The black solid oak doors stood out like a gaping black hole that could swallow a person up. I hoped that once I crossed the threshold of the mansion, I would learn all of the secrets to my existence on the other side. No matter how horrible, frightening or devastating the secrets may be, I had to know the truth. I needed to know if there was more to what Thaddeus explained. I wouldnt exactly go as far as refuting it. Id seen enough in a day to know that I was amongst very powerful beings, and that I may very well be one myself. But, I had to know why I wasnt allowed to go to the house I had grown up in; my parents final home. There also had to be more to the passing of my parents, besides the fact that they were dead. I was convinced that the answers were within the walls of this house. Then it hit me. How am I going to go about getting within the walls of this house? I didnt have a key. I took a couple steps back, and surveyed the front door again. The dead silence was deafening. I thought that maybe a key may be hidden somewhere around the entrance. I reached up and swept my hand across the top of the frame. There was nothing there and now my hand was covered in two years worth of dust and dirt. Perhaps a key was concealed underneath a flower pot the way my mom used to keep one for me for all the times I would lose my keys. I looked around the porch for a moment. It was completely bare of any flower pots, planters, or anything at all. I reached for the huge brass door knob, and realized my hand was shaking. I wasnt exactly afraid, just anxious. As my hand was about to make contact with the doorknob, something let out a low sigh. I instantly jerked my hand back, and stepped about a foot away from the double doors. It sounded as if the exhalation or moan had come from the house itself; as if it could actually breathe. All of a sudden the doors cracked open about halfway without my ever touching them. Did the door really just open on its own? Oh Christ, what am I doing here? Was there someone in there? I stood at the entrance still a foot away from the doors. I was deathly afraid to take a step further as I looked into the darkness of the house. Is there someone there? I said, just above a whisper. Dead silence, just as before. The wolves had stopped howling, and there was no breeze. The air was as still as the Sierras in the distance. I

surveyed the porch, the front walk, as well as the dirt road once more. I saw no one, and heard nothing. The last thing I needed was someone going by, and witnessing me lurking around my own house, and not going in. I seriously had to work myself up to enter the house. I stepped in slowly, and the darkness enveloped me immediately. I quickly shut the front doors. I fought off the urge to run back out, and waited a few seconds so that my vision could adjust to the abyss of blackness. The house smelled musty, and needed to be aired out. Finally, I could make out the spacious foyer. I could barely make out some type of desk or dresser placed against the wall on my right. I walked toward the bulky object, and set down my lamp. Once I had it lit the spacious foyer was instantly flooded with the dim light. My eyes darted around quickly as I tried to take in all that surrounded me. I could see that the lamp was actually resting on a sidebar. The sidebar was empty besides a chunky layer of dust and thick cobwebs. Unlike the Capius estate, the walls were bare of any paintings or photographs. The mahogany molding gave the cream colored walls the appearance of an empty picture frame. The tap of the sole of my shoes echoed on the marble floor and throughout the house as I walked down the foyer. I went through the first archway on my left. I was in what I guessed to be the parlor. The huge room was void of any furniture except for the long and darkly hued drapes that hung against the five floortoceiling windows. Luckily the drapes were drawn shut, or my lamp would be easy to detect tonight by anyone passing by the house or anyone looking out of the huge windows of the Bergnum mansion, across the way. I tiptoed throughout the first floor, through the dining room where a chandelier hung covered in a fur made out of dust and cobwebs, the study where there were still shelves up against the walls, the enormous sunroom where shadows from beyond the windows scared me right out of the room, and then into several small rooms that I had no idea how they had been used. I stopped once I reached the kitchen. Every room was the same; vacant and extremely dusty. I fought the urge to sneeze several times, and lost the battle as I exited the kitchen. Whatever I had hoped to find wasnt going to be found on the first floor. Nothing here triggered my memory, and I was puzzled by that fact. Here I was standing in the house that I grew up in, the place that I had once called home, and not a blur of a memory came to me. Upon coming here, I had expected a flood of flashbacks to hit me once I entered the house. Why couldn't I remember a damn thing? I said, and listened to my voice echo. Maybe Id have better luck on the second floor. I tiptoed up the stairs, carrying the lamp, and tried not to let my shoes tap against the steps of the winding marble staircase. I didnt want to make any noise even though I believed that I was alone in the house. Once I was on the second floor, I went into the bedrooms. They were huge and quite a few, so I wasnt sure which one was mine. I gave each room a complete walk through. I even checked out the closets. It was the same as the first floor; void of any furniture with a carpeting of thick dust as if the house hadnt been lived in for the past ten years; not two. The last room was decorated with a combination of mint and ivory striped wallpaper, which I immediately liked. Even the walls of the walkincloset had been wall papered in the same refreshing print. Stepping further into the spacious closet, I was distracted by a rickety floor board beneath my foot. The floorboard was about a foot long and six inches wide. The slightly raised board wasnt perfectly aligned with the others. After I tapped on it a few times, I saw that it was completely loose, and practically coming up from the floor. I bent down to push the panel back into place and lifted it. Ugh! I screamed, as I fell backward, causing the loose floor board to shift onto the board that adjacent to it. Once I calmed myself down, which took some doing; I peered into the space where the floorboard had been placed. I realized that the hideously hairy spider, as black as freshly poured tar, had scurried somewhere into the foundation of the flooring beneath the floorboards. I was thankful that the creepy thing was gone. Ugh. I didnt really care for the whole Its more afraid of you than you are of it theory. Suddenly, my eye caught a glimpse of something else in the open space between the floorboards boards. Something was tucked underneath the floorboard which was parallel to the loose one. I siked myself up, and lowered my hand slowly and carefully into the open space, hoping that the nasty spider was long gone and weaving a web elsewhere. Whatever was wedged under the board felt like a box or a block or something. I tugged and slid the object toward the opening, and then wiped the icky dust off of my hands and onto the skirt of my dress. It turned out to be a stack of chocolate brown, leather bound books. There were four in total. The stack was tied with an ivory silk ribbon the way you would tie up a gift. I untied and removed the delicate ribbon. Before I opened one of the books, I listened to hear if there were any sounds coming from anywhere around the house. Other than my rapid breathing, which was probably due to the excitement of finally finding something in this huge house, there wasn't another sound. I wiped the dust off the books with the hem of my ruffled skirt. The leather was worn and supple. I moved the lamp closer and saw that the pages were edged in gold. I opened one of the books. Although the first page was blank, I realized that it was a journal. When I turned to the second page, I was stunned by the penmanship. It was in my handwriting. I flipped through each of the books from cover to cover. The entries were all written in my hand. When I looked at the back covers, I found my very own signature. It was flawless; an exact match. The diaries were mine. Obviously this must have been my room. I guess it made perfect sense that I loved the wallpaper. I had to take the diaries with me, but didnt want to have to explain the diaries, or worse, give them up. So I gathered the journals, and wrapped the stack in the skirt of my petticoat, tying the ribbon around them as if it was a sack. The makeshift sack hung against the outer side of my thigh. No one would ever detect that I had a stack of books under my skirt if I got busted leaving my house, or entering the Capius mansion. I put the loose floor board back in its place. I could see how someone could miss that floor board. You would have to step deep into the closet and step onto the board to know that it was loose. It appeared perfectly positioned between the four other boards surrounding it. I quietly headed back down the stairs, this time with a bit of urgency. My mind was preoccupied with those little leather bound journals. I knew that they would help jumpstart my memory, and I was dying to know what had been written in them. Maybe some or all of my questions will be answered

at last. Maybe it was a real mirror of who I really was and am. Neither Bethany nor Evan could possibly know my deepest thoughts. As I made my way down the long staircase, I was suddenly jolted by a thunderous rumble. The noise caused the house to momentarily vibrate. I paused at the bottom of the stairs. Then I heard a horses neigh. My heart began to race. Someone was in front of the house. Why would someone come here at this time of the night? Why would someone come to an empty house? I didn't know what to do. Dont panic, I told myself over and over. I couldnt let anyone catch me here, although it was my house. I had been ordered not to leave the Capius estate. I was told over and over how I would be in danger if I left the mansion, alone. Now theyd be proven right. I thought to hide, but where? I heard the doorknob turn from left to right then back again, but the door didnt open. I was certain that I hadn't locked it from the inside. I turned out the flame in my lamp, and ran into the parlor. I couldnt hide behind any furniture because there wasnt any. Why the hell had I chosen to hide in here? Obviously, because the parlor was the closest room. If I had tried to make it to the rear of the house, the person on the other side of the door would definitely be in the foyer by then, and would have surely heard me or worse, seen me scurrying through the house. I leaned against the far left wall where I wouldn't be seen from the archway. I prayed that the visitor would bypass the parlor all together and head towards the back of the mansion, into one of the other numerous rooms, or even better, head upstairs. That way I could flee out the front door, and escape the danger I had been warned about all along. Damn it, I could kick myself right about now. I had to wonder if the risk of coming here was worth the chance of getting captured or, I dread to even think it, killedagain. Finding the journals had yet to prove their worth. I wished like hell that I would live through this night to find out if they were. I heard the doorknob click open. A long and slim shadow of an overcoat blowing in the dry breeze was cast onto the floor of the foyer by the cascading light of the moon. I nervously held onto my medallion and involuntarily pressed my body firmly against the wall. Suddenly, the wall melted away and I fell through it. I landed hard on my back, on the cold and rough dirt floor. It took all of my strength not to shriek in pain. Amazingly, I still had a firm grip on the oil lamp. I set it down on the ground next to me, and sat up. Where ever I was, was pitch black, and had a faint smell of burnt coal. My vision was having a hard time adjusting to the darkness. I reached into my pocket for another match. Once I had the lamp lit, the medallion picked up its glow which ricochet the rays all over the walls. I could see my surroundings. I was in a small cave like place. The walls were of dirt and clusters of rock; unfinished and uneven. I stood up, and stepped closer to the wall where I had fallen in. The panel I had fallen through must be a secret passage to somewhere, or in my case an escape from someone or something. I pushed against the area of the wall where I had fallen through, and it wouldnt budge. I pressed my ear against the cold, dirt wall. I could hear the continuous tip tap of footsteps across the parlors marble floor. The footsteps were coming closer and closer. I stepped back from the wall and stopped breathing. The footsteps stopped once they were directly in front of the spot where I stood. I continued to hold my breath. I wished I could see what was on the other side of the rock wall. Then as if looking into one of Nikolas mirages, I looked into the parlor. I observed a shadow of a man that reminded me of the one I had seen approaching me in the thunder storm. It was tall, and wore a dark, long over coat. I was unable to see the face because he wore the collars of his coat turned upward. The figure turned its head upward, and I could see the strong contrast of the paleness of the skin and it was paler than the moon. The caped figure walked around slowly, and stopped every few steps as if it was aware of me. Then it suddenly turned around as two other shadows appeared from nowhere. The second one was a shadow of another man, taller, wearing a Stetson, and the third shadow was a figure of a woman. Their faces were as pasty as chalk. I finally saw glimpses of their faces, and they were unfamiliar and uncharacteristically flawless perfect cheek bones and thin lips. Their eyes were liquid pools of onyx, void of any white. Someone is here Matthias. I can smell the blood. It smells like a scrumptious nectar, perfectly ripe. The womans voice was a low and raspy drawl. Definitely a Nickel City native. Yes my love, I can smell it as well. If someone is here, we will find him or her. The first man answered. Apolluon vampires. Ugh! They could actually smell my blood. I am so famished. I must feed. You know what I need, lover. The smell is intoxicating. The womans voice was filled with rapture. Patience, Driella. Split up and search the house. There was a light in the window on the second floor that was quickly extinguished. Someone is here. Find them now! The three Apolluon vampires practically spun as they began to hunt for me. After a brief moment that felt like a couple of seconds, the footsteps resumed their crisp tip tap across the floor. My heart was beating so hard and fast that I was sure that the Apolluon vampires could hear it pounding. At certain moments they appeared to lock eyes with me, but it was obvious that they couldnt see me. It was like I was watching them from behind a two way mirrors. Finally they floated away with their footsteps gradually fading away. It wasnt until I heard the faint sound of the front door slam shut that I believed that they were gone I was astonished by the turn of events. I had escaped death tonight. I had a dull feeling in my gut that this was just the beginning of my treacherous fate. I held the lamp up high and looked up at where a ceiling should have been. It was as if there was no ceiling. The cave seemed to go on forever. I decided to try the wall again. I put some light pressure against it, and the wall melted away as if it was made of air. I blew out the oil lamp, and

stepped back into the parlor. I spun around to look at the panel that I had just walked though. There wasnt one. The wall was one individual panel. Unconsciously, I ran my hand over the wall papered wall, pushing against it firmly, trying to prompt the wall to open up again, but it was futile. The wall was just that; a wall. I tiptoed over to one of the tall windows that faced out onto the street. I pulled back one of the drapery panels just wide enough to allow my eyes to survey the front of the house. I wanted to be certain that the Apolluon vampires were gone. I didnt see anyone or anything, but I was fearful of leaving the house the same house I had been deathly afraid to enter. There was one thing that I knew for sure, I wasnt spending the night in this house. Think, think, I told myself. Maybe I should leave out the back through the rear of the house, and through the abandoned garden. But what if those gates were locked? I had to go out the same way I had come in. I crept through the foyer, as if at any moment I expected the Apolluon vampires to pop out, and eat me alive. I couldnt catch my breath, and shivered uncontrollably as I faced the front door. My right hand shook violently as I tried to grip the doorknob. I gulped a few times to slow down my breathing, and erratic heartbeat before turning the knob. The door knob released, and I slid it open slowly. I surveyed the porch, the front walk, and barren garden and saw nothing. No movements. With a deep breath, I slipped out the aperture, and closed the door behind me. They had waited. The three ravenous looking shadows with stark pale faces stared me down, hungry and delighted. They glided toward me at an alarmingly fast rate as if they were riding magic carpets. They were thirsty. Their gleaming white fangs were exposed and partially stained with the blood of their last victim. Get her! shouted the vampiress. One of the Apolluon vampires eyes glowed like coals in a barbecue grill, edged in flames. I can almost taste her He seethed in a growling tone. They moved as fast as I had seen Evan, Bethany, and Nikolas move; as fast as a flash of light. I was frozen. My heart was in my throat. The vampires blocked the gates. I thought to sprint back into the house, but when I turned around to run they were in front of me again, facing me off. The angry hissing sound they made left me paralyzed. I wasnt sure if it was because they wanted to express their annoyance that I tried to escape, or interest in feasting on me. Either way they scared the crap out of me. All three Apolluon vampires were within a few inches of me and edging closer. I finally swallowed the knot in my throat, and thought that I would pass out. They began circling me like vultures ready to snatch their prey. I want her Matthias. The vampiress drawled and panted. She is different.. Her bloodhmmm smells delicious. She reached out, and touched my hair. The vampireress coiled a tendril of my hair around her finger without actually touching it as though she controlled every single strand. Her eyes were black, and were widening as the edges engulfed in flames. I must have her. She said salivating. She is mine, you boys can feed elsewhere. Before I knew it, the vampiress pounced on me, leaving the other two vampires snarling in her wake. The sharp points of her fangs punctured through the skin of my neck. I had expected searing pain, and screamed out, but something else happened instead. I felt the heat surging from within me, and the lightening nearly blinded me when it shot out of my eyes, ears, fingertips, chest, and through the puncture marks that the vampiress inflicted on me. Driella threw her head back, retracted her teeth and screamed out, Im burning! Im burning up inside me. IM BURNING! The sparks took over Driellas body and she sizzled and popped and shriveled up in electric currents, and then in flames. What is she! Her voice faded while she spun around like a blazing tornado. The vampiress turned into ashes that had electric current snapping through them as the ashes dissipated in the breeze. The lightning burned out as quickly as it had ignited. The two other vampires looked at me for a moment. They cocked their heads to the side, yet seemed to know the answer to the vampiress' question. The one the Apolluon vampiress called Matthias, actually voiced it. She is the lost Empress of the Gods, The new Queen of Ischera! I watched the second vampire make the full realization. They both spun around, and then disappeared. And just like that I was a believer. But damn it, how do I control this lightning bolt thing? I stood motionless, still in shock, in the barren garden, and wanted nothing more than to feel safe in the Capius house. All of a sudden, with that thought, I was across the street in a split second, and at the Capius estates gates even faster than that. I didnt even remember arriving at the Capius front door but somehow I was now standing in the foyer. The house was dim, due to a glimmer of light coming from down the long hall. I didnt care to know from where exactly, or who was still awake. It wasnt until I closed the double doors to my bedroom that I realized what had just happened. The reality hit me, and I was forced to take a seat on my chaise in order to collect myself. I didnt know how I did it, but I just killed an Apolluon vampire.

Fourteen Dear Diary Could killing an Apolluon vampire really be considered an evil act? I mean, they were already dead, so it wasnt really killing; just ending their immortality. They had smelled my blood. They were thirsty for it and that was beyond what I considered to be scary. There is something to be said about being the object of ones desire, that you have all the control, but being craved by a blood thirsty vampire is the doom of any soul. The vampires words were etched into my brain forever. I still couldnt grasp how I had escaped them, death altogether, really. Bethanys words ricochet in my head like a bullet hitting several points before its target. I think I finally got it now. Kill or be dragged into the Underworld. Emotionally, I was a mess. I feared the consequences of the abysmal act of killing an Apolluon vampiress, yet I felt invigorated because I had the ability to. Somehow my instincts set off powers to protect myself. Mentally, I was still trying to make some sense of what I escaped tonight, and what I did unknowingly. Physically, I felt incredible, pumped up like a prize fighter. I felt like I could take on the strongest and most evil opponent even if I wasnt able to control the power. What happened tonight was as extraordinary as it was appalling. I needed to talk to someone about it. I wanted to seek advice from Evan, Bethany, and Nikolas, but couldnt. That would mean revealing the fact that I had left the house tonight. Thaddeus would have a fit if he ever found out that I had defied him. He would, without a doubt, dub me as selfish to have risked the empire. Right now, the house was quiet. I believe everyone had gone to bed. I had to take advantage of the time that I had alone. In all the weirdness, and absolute craziness of what just transpired, I had forgotten all about my discovery. I remembered when I felt the warm stack of journals nudge my thigh. Id been desperate to read the journals since discovering them. Perhaps, they would conjure up a memory. Hopefully, the diaries would lend me some insight on this family, and all the things that they needed me to remember. I was prepared to devour the diaries for what was left of the night. I adjusted my sheets and quilts which were frigid since they hadnt been slept in since I supposedly disappeared two years ago. I pulled the covers up as far as my stomach, and felt the chill of the diamond medallion against my chest. It felt like an ice chip against my skin. I opened one of the journals, feeling the warm contrast of the leather book jacket, which was a soft as butter. The first entry was written about three years ago. 16, March 1888 Dearest Diary, Today, at the luncheon, Harriet Maxwells bonnet levitated above her head, and she was forced to chase it around the table. She looked like a buffoon. Mother said Im no longer allowed to attend the luncheons. I almost thanked her, but knew better. Im trying to behave, although rather unsuccessfully. It's isnt as if I levitated Ms. Bergnums horse and buggy again. The wretched woman nearly had a stroke when she finally stepped out of the carriage. So deserving. The meddlesome old biddy watched me like a hawk every time I was in her home, as if she were leery of me stealing something. Im a powerful prankster? I muffled a giggle. Daddy, on the other hand, would have found it all very amusing, but would have sided with mother in the end. I know what he really thinks of the luncheons; a gathering of the gossips, the ladies of Nickel Citys aristocracy. Mother says she finds the gossiping all quite irritating, but its all part of blending in. Im so happy that Daddy has returned home from France. I missed him so. This time Daddy brought back the most magnificent French marble and ormolu lyre timepiece as a gift to me. Its made of white marble and gilt ormolu French lyre. It is exceptional, and looks splendid on my mantle. Daddy beat me again, this morning. This time he beat me by only a tenth of a mile. Gypsy is gaining confidence in her master finally. She is such a graceful and glorious mare. A few more rides and Daddy will be left in all of the towns dust. I must try to spend more time with Gypsy in the stables. I promise to. Riding her twice a week is not enough. I stopped reading, and looked over at the mantle. I pushed back the covers, and got out of bed, journal in hand, and I padded over to the fireplace. The clock was beautiful, and just as described in the journal. I didn't bother getting back into bed. I made myself comfortable on the plush chaise and continued to read. 17, March 1888 Dearest Diary, I slipped out again last night, long after Mother and Daddy retired for bed. They would be outraged that we had not followed their strict rule of never venturing out at night. They bored me constantly about all the evil forces that could be a threat. Well Im not afraid of the Apolluon, and neither is Evan, my love. Besides, we are never alone during the day. This is the only way we can see each other, and be ourselves, not the future warriors of the world. Evan waited for me at the entrance of the forest. He told me, for the first time, that he has fallen quite hard over me. I wanted to tell him what I had been feeling for him as well, how much I loved him, but I couldn't find the words. Even in the dark, Evans eyes had shown such honesty and depth as he spoke those unforgettable words to me. When we kiss, my heart feels like it could actually leap from my chest. The taste of Evans kiss was

warm and sweet, and his touch made my skin tingle, waking up something that I was unaware of, which existed inside of me. The excitement left me riddled with goose flesh therefore, Evan lent me his jacket, thinking I was cold. Everything had been perfect. Then suddenly, everything drastically changed. We were being chased by werewolves. We barely got away, this time. I endured a few cuts on my arm, when I fell from the tree, but my injuries healed in a matter of seconds hence, nothing to hide from Mother and Daddy. There isnt any indication that Ive been gone for most of the night. We flew back to my house, and then Evan left me at my door, but not before he kissed me goodnight the way that Ive wanted him to. I wanted him to kiss me like we were lovers. Im so in love with Evan that I may burst! Perhaps, we should tell our parents of Victors recent boldness and his new ability to control weaker beings, but that would end our midnight rendezvous, our only time of normalcy. We decided not to worry them. Especially after what Evan did to Victors pack of relentless werewolves; drowning them just in time. The werewolves were clearly no match for Evans strength. In time, I will be able to do what Evan has so magnificently mastered and more. My powers are strengthening. One day, soon, I will bring Victor to his knees, and Evan and I will live blissfully from that day forward. The dream was real. Evan and I had really been chased by werewolves, and I was able to heal myself. Evan and I are in love. Fool heartedly in love. We were so much in love that we risked everything, including our own lives and the future of the empire to be together. It was so romantic. I do realize one particular onerous element in our irrepressible desire to express our love to each other, privately. Our secrecy prompted our carelessness. We elected to deprive our once powerful parents of knowing how much power Victor wielded. We were selfishly in love. We had behaved recklessly. We should have told our parents the truth. Perhaps, they would have been prepared for Victor. Were my parents dead because I had broken the rules? A knot formed in my gut, and I was beside myself with guilt. We were both to blame. I had escaped blame by being in the future. Evan had not. It was obvious tonight during dinner. Apparently, Thaddeus blames Evan for how bad things have become. Poor Evan. There was too much weight on his shoulders. He really needed me. I needed to remember my past in order to alleviate some of that stress. I leafed through the journal. I wrote in it almost every day. I read the next few entries which pretty much stated the same. Evan and I were learning to use our powers. We continued to defy our parents and meet in the forest at nightfall. We challenged Apolluon vampires, werewolves, and somehow made it home alive in time for sunrise. It appeared to be a very necessary indulgence, in order to feel some sort of normalcy with the person you loved, in a world of evil which we were both unfortunately born into. I stretched my legs, and read more of the first journal. The next entry was disconcerting. 24, July 1888 Dearest Diary, Daddy has decided to announce the merging of the two families at the Annual Masquerade Ball. Mother prefers a long engagement therefore the nuptials will not take place for a year or so. Im both happy and sad. My love for Evan grows each day. Being able to talk to him regarding everything including the gifts we are acquiring is foremost the most comforting part of our relationship. He trusts me and I trust him. He doesn't feel threatened by my friendship with Gerald. Gerald is a true friend, a confidant. I enjoy his company immensely. This is why Im sad. I've stopped reading Geralds thoughts so that Im truly surprised when he says something witty and thought provoking. Its nice to talk to someone who is not one of our kind, someone other than Bethany. She doesnt know how to be objective about her brother. She also doesnt like the idea of having friends who arent of Ischero divinity. Gerald and I met at his home today, and enjoyed lemonade over a refreshing conversation regarding his family in New York. We must always meet at his home because Mother wont hesitate to remind me that it is inappropriate for a lady, who is set to marry, to have another gentleman caller. How ridiculous. Gerald isnt a caller. Hes a friend. I only wished his grandmother would stop giving me harsh looks as if I should feel inferior. She is a wretched old thing. I utilize all of my strengths to not strike her with my bolt. Wow. I closed my eyes, and reflected on what I had just read. I was shocked by so many things in that entry. First of all, Im engaged to be married to Evan. I had to catch my breath. Whoa. I should have seen that one coming. I wish I could remember what led up to the proposal. Actually, I wish I could remember the proposal. I can't really see myself married now, at seventeen. But then again its normal for a girl my age to be married in this day and age. Married with children. Oh my goodness, Im so not ready. Funny thing Ive never heard anyone mention children. Obviously the Ischeros have children but it doesnt look like they start that early. So now that Im back, am I still expected to marry Evan? Second, Bethany had lied. I had a friendship with Gerald Bergnum. She said that I had found him to be annoying, and never liked him. What I just read sounds hardly like what she described. Why would she lie about it? Only one thing came to mind. Maybe Bethany didnt know of my friendship with Gerald. But then why did she yank me away the minute she saw him? Bethany must have believed that Gerald was a threat to her brother. Why would a friend be a threat? He wasnt even an Ischero. Well, Im actually happy to know that he and I are friends were friends. This also explains the way he looked at me. Like he had missed me, and was genuinely glad to see me again. More importantly he wasn't a part of this family. He was normal, human, a mortal, and I wrote that I liked that about him. How would I go about seeing Gerald? Would it be possible to visit him? I had to find a way. The sooner the better, I thought. I couldnt exactly show up at his house in the middle of the night. How can I escape this house during the day? I didnt know, but I couldnt stay in the dark any longer. I would like to meet with him tomorrow. Hmmm that may be too soon. Suppose, Gerald starts mentioning specific events and occurrences, and I can't remember anything he's talking about. Suppose I do? Maybe he is the key to my memory. I must see Gerald. There has to be a way. Bethany said that everyone in town, other than the Ischeros, believes that I went to France with my parents for studies. They also didnt know of my

parents death. Its believed that my parents decided to stay abroad, while I returned home without them. I guess no one would think it odd since my father seemed to travel to France so often. In a little less than an hour I was finished with the first journal, and still couldnt remember anything. I wasnt about to allow a pessimistic thought into my head. I plunged into the second diary. 2 September 1888 Dearest Diary, I knew what was coming. I had sensed it as I chose the fabrics my seamstress required to construct my ball gown for the Halloween Masquerade Ball. I have to admit that I was slightly anxious, but I focused, and didn't show it. I made sure to exit out the back door, instead of the front of the mercantile, unbeknownst to the shopkeeper of course. Daddy had taught me well. I used all of my senses. But they had anticipated my strategy, and were waiting for me in the vacant alley between the mercantile and the cobblers shop. Three of Victors disciples, all new faces in his army. They greeted me with venom in their eyes. Rather confidently, they figured that I was outnumbered. They were wrong, and I never allowed them to strike their mark. The only dilemma was that I had to conjure up a reason as to why I was coming in from the alley therefore; I made the shopkeeper aware that I had just witnessed three dead males in his back alley by screaming innocently. The shopkeeper presumed that I accidentally ran into the three after they had their necks broken, and were left for dead by whoever had long fled the scene. The shopkeeper was horrified by the sight of the dead bodies, and blamed it on the band of outlaw cowboys who had recently begun terrorizing the townsfolk. He meant Victors army, unknowingly. Luckily, he didnt appear to notice the tears in the embroidered fabric under my left sleeve, or ask any questions. I quickly boarded my carriage, and headed for home. They were my first. I was no longer a virgin. What I've done today would be considered murder to some, yet I merely rid the earth of unwanted evil. Heathen... monstrous... murderer Heathen... monstrous... murderer Heathen... monstrous... murderer Bethany's words rang like cathedral bells in my skull because, this time it wasnt ending immortality an Apolluon vampire. These were mortals. Victors disciples were mortals who had been given secondary powers. They were people human beings. I ran to the bathroom, and vomited. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I flushed my face with tepid water. When I looked at myself in the mirror, the girl in the reflection looked defeated puffy red rimmed green eyes, quivering lips and incapable of murder. Who am I? I didnt want to find out anymore. I snuck back into my room, and I sobbed again. I wept for several reasons. I couldnt believe that I was capable of killing another human being, regardless of what they had done or were about to do. Obviously I had it in me to murder. I blubbered like a baby because, I couldn't change the past. I also bawled because I knew I may soon be in a position to have to do it again. I didn't want to be a monster. What will happen to my soul? I suddenly felt cold freezing cold, like it was the middle of winter. I wrapped my arms around myself, and cracked opened the doors to the veranda to let in the warm night air. What the ? Just as I sat down on chaise lounge, and was about to reopen the second journal, I caught a glimpse of the back of someones head short, bluntly cut blond hair leaving my room through the French doors and out onto the veranda. I jumped up, and ran over to the doors, and stood in the doorway. A bitter, ice cold breeze whipped though my hair and petticoat. My teeth immediately began to chatter. I expected to see someone, a man possibly with blond hair, but I was alone on the balcony. I couldnt explain it, but I knew that I saw someone something. Something must be disconnected between my eyes, and my brain to have conjured up something that freaky. Something was happening to me; maybe Im visualizing things. Im seeing things that arent really there. I went back inside, and shut the doors behind me. Strangely, the room was warm again. The icy cold air that had just engulfed my room seemed to follow the person out onto the veranda. I knew that I hadnt imagined the frostiness in the room. I shook of the strange feeling, and got back into bed. I pulled the covers up to my shoulders as if I was cozying up to a great novel. I wished that was the case. Being divine may not be all that its cracked up to be. With great apprehension, to what else I may find out about myself, I proceeded to finish reading the journals. 3, September 1888 Dearest Diary, Gerald and I picnicked today under Old Oak, where the valley meets the edge of the forest. I like visiting with Gerald. Our conversations are lively. As usual, he makes me laugh until my stomach aches. Everything was going wonderfully until he did the most unexpected, the most in appropriate and most shocking thing. He kissed me on my lips. It was delicious, and before I knew it, I returned the kiss. I was stunned with Gerald's improper behavior, and more so my own, and ran off and left him sitting there like a lump on a log, a very handsome lump. Oh goodness, I must stop. I feel like such a child for acting that way. Gerald must think so as well. How could Gerald put me in such an awkward position? Luckily we were alone.

Everyone, including Gerald, knows that Im engaged to marry Evan. If someone did see us, this could get back to Mother and Daddy, or worse Evan. They will believe Gerald and I kiss all the time. The last thing I need Gerald to think is that I truly enjoyed the kiss. My feelings for Gerald are changing, and I dont know what to do about it. I don't want to lose his friendship, but more importantly, I dont want to put my engagement to Evan in jeopardy. I will wait a few days, and then I will tell him that if he wants to continue our friendship, he must never act that way towards me again. Whoa! Well that explains Bethanys reaction to seeing Gerald today. Now I knew I had to meet him. And now I was more nervous of meeting with him then I was before. He seemed so pleased when we saw each other across the garden. I wondered just how close Gerald and I really got before I left. I read a few more entries, and had to stop reading when I read this one. 29 October 1888 Dearest Diary, I received another letter today, hand delivered by Rutherford, Gerald's butler. It was another invitation for tea. It is customary, but not a requirement that I accept therefore, in hopes that my feelings will cease, Ive avoided Gerald by not accepting his invitations. I continue to submerge myself in bringing my powers to full potential. I've spent a lot of time underground, beneath the mines, with Evan, Nikolas, Bethany, Julius, and Hedea, rigorously working to enhance our abilities. Its the most promising distraction and essential as our enemies increase their threats. Im becoming more and more powerful controlling living things within my presence, reading minds, shape shifting into any living thing. Strength without bounds is mediocre to what I will someday be capable of, yet I cannot control my feelings for Gerald. I must admit, I dread what is happening. Im utterly powerless when it comes to my growing affection for Gerald, and the mounting emotions of betrayal I'm burdened with for Evan. I want it to be as it was. Evan and I are meant to be. My feelings for Gerald must subside. This time I accepted Geralds invitation. Tomorrow I will tell him that my heart belongs to Evan, and that we will never be together. I hate having to break his heart. Although my strengths have matured, I doubt that I will have enough to do so. In my life, in this time, Im in love with two boys. I thought about Evan, the boy that I still dont feel that I know. The little I do know about him, Ive based on his actions toward me. I believe that Evan would be devastated if he knew that I was in love with someone else. I dont remember Gerald a bit, but considering what Ive read, I would guess that he may be in love with me too. I feel awfully depressed for a boy I dont remember ever knowing. I continued reading with the entry that was written the next day. 30 October 1888 Dearest Diary, I tried to tell Gerald that I felt nothing but a friendly fondness for him, and that we could only be friends, but the words wouldn't come out. The moment I walked into the Bergnums estate and saw his handsome face, appearing relieved to see me, the words I had rehearsed a hundred times this morning in front of the vanity, were never spoken. My lips failed me. Gerald admits to being in love with me. He asked me how I felt about him. I thought I knew, but when I was asked the question, instead of lying to him, and telling him that I felt nothing at all, I kissed him. My heart opened up, and I forgot about Evan, my beautiful Evan, who didnt exist at that moment. Im so lost in my emotions. Do I really love Evan if I spent the better part of my afternoon hidden in the barn kissing Gerald? Perhaps, I love them both. Im so confused. How could I be so selfish? Im supposed to marry Evan. Yes. That is what I want. We are destined to each other. So much depends on our union. We will do great things together. I want that very much. Yet, when Im with Gerald, I feel like a different person. Demons lurking, waiting for an opportunity to kill me, dont exist when Im with Gerald. I dont feel the need to have my senses heightened when Im with Gerald. I feel so free, without a care in the world. I feel like a normal young woman, if only for a few hours. I never realized how much I needed that. I dont want an awkward situation at the Halloween Masquerade Ball tomorrow evening therefore, I must see Gerald beforehand.

The last pages I read were spotted with dried, circle shaped water marks. I must have been crying as I wrote that last entry. Even though I dont remember the experience of being caught in a love triangle, I could somehow relate to what I must have gone through then. Im the same person then, as Im now, laying here reading this journal. If it were now, my heart would be torn between Evan and Gerald, simply because I hated being the cause of someone elses pain. I sniffled and wiped away the tears that streamed down my cheeks now. Oddly, I couldnt help feeling somehow emotionally attached to both Evan and Gerald. Yet, I still dont remember being with either of them. 31 October 1888 Dearest Diary, I cried myself to sleep last night. I wept because of the pain I knew I would inflict on Gerald. Im a coward. I sent him a letter rather than meet with him. I knew that if I met with him, and saw his face, I may never have said the words that I planned to say. The letter will hurt him. If he truly loves me as he said over and over again the day before, then he will indeed accept my position, and stay away. If he loves me then he will understand that he and I are not meant to share our lives together. I doubt that he will attend the Masquerade Ball tonight after reading the letter. A piece of my heart is breaking now as a piece broke when I wrote the letter. Something else happened. I didnt realize when I kissed Gerald as I left the barn, that I was being watched. Bethany can be as stubborn as a mule. She promises to tell Evan what she saw if Gerald and I see each other again. I cant and dont blame her for being harsh. I know that she means well, and wants to protect her brother, our future, and ultimately the empire. I told her about the letter. It seemed to placate her. I don't want to lose Evan. I also dont want to defy my parents and go against what is expected of me as an empress. I love Evan, deeply. That is my reason for ending my friendship with Gerald, not because Bethany threatened to tell. My marriage to Evan is far too important. Hopefully I will stop crying over Gerald someday. Sadly, my powers are useless for heartache. I was a woman, not a girl. Bethany had it right about being an adult at an early age. I was so in love with Evan, his strength, his valor, the ancient bond we shared, and his tenderness toward me. I wanted to marry him because it was what we were destined to do, yet I couldnt help being human and falling in love with a close friend. How do you stop yourself from falling in love? I had undoubtedly fallen in love with Gerald. I don't understand how or why but it happened to two people that could not be together. It made sense that I would treasure the normalcy Gerald offered. With Gerald, I could enjoy the simple things that life had to offer. I didn't have to think about the realm of evil that I was surrounded by. I was an adult because I had a tough choice to make and I made the right one, I think. Clearly, I did not love Gerald enough to leave Evan. Evan was my soul mate. Perhaps Gerald was the test. I flew through the second diary and was now beginning the third. 1 January 1889 Dearest Diary, The gods are shining on me once again. Im growing stronger; Zeus has anointed me with strength and dominance as he has in the past to the chosen emperors and empresses before me. Mother and Daddy say that I will be ready soon. Ready to reign when my parents are no longer able too. I spoke with Athena again last night. She came to me as she always does when I need her. She always provides the most divine wisdom. I hope that Hera is not jealous. I didnt seek her advice, although she is the goddess of marriage. I felt Athena would relate best regarding the choice I had to make between Evan and Gerald. Im ready to marry Evan now. Our wedding is set for early spring. Evan seems as delighted as I am. We will be married twice, once amongst my empire through the anointment of Zeus, and a second time so that it can be recognized amongst the mortals. Mother says its necessary that the residents of Nickel City see that we are one of them. I dont see why its necessary when we have the power to Glamour their thoughts. One look in the eyes or a whisper in the ear and we assess their thoughts, and then Glamour them into believing what we wish or doing what we command. Mother is busily making the event the most sought after invitation in all of Nickel City's history and among its aristocracy. Secretly, I believe both she and Alexandria simply love throwing the grandest of galas. I personally can do without all of the festivities. I just want to be Evan's wife, finally. Mother and I spent the afternoon picking the fabric for my wedding gown. She can be so pretentious when it comes to deciding on a selection of fabric. Although it was my wedding gown, I couldn't prevent her from making all the choices. On occasion she would allow me to voice my opinion but in the end, nine times out of ten it was her opinion that prevailed. She was enjoying the planning too much. At midnight Evan and I kissed to welcome in the New Year. It was wonderful. We promised to love and protect each other forever. Afterwards, and only momentarily, my mind drifted to Gerald. I wondered how he was and who he was kissing this New Years night. I couldn't help thinking of him. A part of me hoped that he wasnt alone while another part of me was suddenly jealous of the idea of him kissing someone else. Of course, that was the selfish part of me. It has been three months since Gerald and I have formally spoken. He never responded to my letter. I had asked him not to, and he had obeyed my wishes. I see him once in a while when Im in the front garden, and he looks away, pretending not to see me at all. Obviously, he is still hurting, or he wouldnt put an effort in ignoring me. It pains me as well. He still has a portion of my heart. I just wish we could Glamour a mortals deepest emotions. That would certainly solve my dilemma with Gerald. I wish that I could Glamour him to fall out of love with me. I was in tears. It was all so amazing, and I didnt know where to begin. I had been all of fourteen when I fell in love with two boys who had fallen in love with me. Was that too young to fall in love, or know what love is? How young had Juliet been when she fell in love with Romeo? Just fourteen. I guess love didnt discriminate when it came to age, or between mortals and immortals. The emotions I had felt, and experiences I had gone through were intense and had changed aged me emotionally. By the time I finished reading the third diary, I learned that I spent a lot of time with Evan and spent a lot of time thinking about Gerald. I read about

all the ways I plotted to avoid Gerald, like rearranging my riding schedule, and trips to town. I felt so guilty around Evan, and awful of the decision I was forced to make, even though I believed it to be the right one. In the life I actually remembered living; I had never really had a boyfriend. I had lived a completely different life in the future. Now that I think of it. No matter who I liked, or who liked me, we could never find the time to date. I just believed that it wasnt meant to be. Thats what Bethany would say when I explained to her how all my dates never worked out. Possibly, thats what the family had planned all along; no chance of a relationship between me, and another boy. Just how much control over me, and my life does the family really have? It is imperative that I find out. During the memorable two years I have been away, Evans love for me never died. He was devoted to me, and clearly understood what our union would bring; the merging of the two most powerful families and infinite power. While Ive been gone, Gerald believed that I went to France. I felt compelled to meet with Gerald. I felt very apprehensive as well. I had no idea how he felt about me now. I wished that I could remember what I had written in the letter. I wasn't sure if I would be able to talk to him without a morsel of a memory of him other than what I just read. The part about changing the thoughts of mortals, Glamouring, was incredible. If I had a nickel for every time Id wished I possessed the power to alter another persons mind, Id be knee deep in nickels. I continued with the last of the journals, and discovered that thereve been more attacks on several of the families. Victor was building an army of disciples to be reckoned with. He promised total destruction if the families didnt concede their powers. He was relentless. The gods were watching, but wouldnt intervene as Thaddeus had explained. Hades Apolluon were becoming more aware of our aura. They knew something was here, something powerful. Victors exploits were leading them right to us. More and more corpses were found in the forest, in the valley, and around town. They were devoured by ravenous werewolves, panthers, and by the Apolluon vampires. The presence of the Apolluon was becoming evident with every ravaged body, as if their antennas had been raised with every display of power. The final entry was written the night before a big party was scheduled for my fifteenth birthday. More than half of the journal was empty following that last entry. Its now four in the morning, and I needed some sleep. At this late hour, or should I say early hour, I doubt I would get much. I searched for a clever place in my room to hide the diaries. I tucked them beneath a stack of petticoats in one of the drawers of my dresser for now until I could think of a better place. I decided it was time and sat at my desk. I opened the drawer where my personalized monogrammed stationary was kept, and began to write my note. I just couldn't put it off any longer, Gerald and I had to meet. I believe its going to take someone from outside of this house to charge my memory, and give it a little boost. But what would I say to him? I just cant go up to him and say: Hey Gerald, did ya miss me? I dont remember a darn thing about you, but say, do you know anything about me being a demigod? Yeah, I didnt think so either. My mind was spinning with scenarios of what would happen when I met with him. The possibilities were endless. First of all, Gerald doesn't know the truth about the families. Second, I don't know how he feels about my leaving to go to France without even saying goodbye. Maybe this isn't such a great idea. Who am I kidding? I dont have a choice. I have to meet with Gerald. I decided to keep the note short. I struggled with the ink and pen, which looked more like an artists paint brush. It was difficult at first. I dug the razor sharp point of the pen into the paper and tore it a little. This happened a few times until I figured out the correct way to hold the pen. Finally, after several attempts, I began to write fluidly without tearing the page. My hand shook with every word I wrote. I scribbled a variation of the same message on several sheets of stationary before I was finally confident with one. I planned to have it hand delivered to Gerald at his home tomorrow. In the note, I basically ask that Gerald and I meet for tea at his home. Im sure he would reply immediately, since that was considered proper etiquette. What if he didn't reply? Worse, what if he said screw etiquette, and didn't accept my invitation? What do I do then? I felt a knot forming in the pit of the core of my belly. He had to accept. Right now, I couldn't contemplate the idea of Gerald not accepting my invitation. I suppose it all depends on how hurt he felt when I didn't say goodbye. If he only knew what was really going on. Ha! I should be so lucky to know. The only promising aspect is that he didn't appear angry when Bethany and I saw him on the veranda. He had actually waved to us. We had been the rude ones. Gerald must have thought it to be since etiquette was the rage. He probably thought I had no interest in him. Obviously thats what Bethany was going for. She didnt want me near him. Gerald was dangerous. He wasnt dangerous the way Victor and the Apolluon were, but in her eyes Gerald was lethal to the union between Evan and I. He was a direct threat. After reading my journals, and finding out the secret relationship Gerald and I had developed, I knew that it was crucial that we meet. Gerald may be vital in unlocking my memory. I tucked the note in the drawer with the rest of my stationary and finally went to bed. Fifteen Morning Ride

The bold rays of the sun flooded into my room, and made the floating dust particles resemble a glistening mist, while the lace curtains of my windows danced in the early morning breeze. I didnt know what time it was, but it was too early. This morning I found myself in the midst of a deep depression. Worse than the funk I woke up in yesterday, when I was still in the future, and realized that I hadnt had the dream. Today I didnt wake up to find that it had all been a terribly dreadful dream. Nope. I had truly forgotten where I was until Sun Paw nudged me awake. My vision was blurry, and I had thought that she was an angel, or some kind of apparition, or my mom until I saw her pretty tanned face. I figured I was still asleep, and that she was part of a dream that I was having at the moment. Then I felt the light pressure of her shoving my shoulder in that annoying way that makes you want to throw something at the person whos poking you. My vision began to clear like the fog had finally lifted its veil before my eyes. Once I saw Sun Paws face, sort of smiling yet concerned, reality slapped me hard enough to make my teeth rattle. All that had happened the day before came rushing back, fast and brutally. It was all real and my gut wrenched and twisted. I looked around my large bedroom, and it suddenly felt like it was shrinking. Victorian furniture seemed to be closing in on me as the room began to spin. The paintings hanging on the walls looked like they were in 3D, and all the photographs appeared to be glaring at me suspiciously. My head was spinning in the opposite direction of the vortex of the room. I rushed passed Sun Paw, and ran into the bathroom, nearly banging myself into the molding on the way there, to vomit. Sun Paw stood beside me, and held my hair back as I rinsed my face in the bathroom sink. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror as well as Sun Paws reflection. She looked sad. She left me alone for a while. Yes it was too early. It was too early for someone who had spent the early part of the night prowling around an abandoned mansion, barely escaping a gruesome death by the fangs of blood thirsty Apolluon vampires. After that, I guess staying up to read four journals for the better part of the night wasnt very smart either, but necessary. After all that I had seen the day before, one thing was pretty clear, this was anything but the life of an average teenager. I must really be a deity, a demigod, someone with unexplainable super natural powers. But I still cant remember anything about my life. I knew that I have powers but I couldnt control the lightning that comes from somewhere within my core. I couldnt control it the night of the horrible thunder storm, or last night in front of the Apolluon vampires. I didnt know how to make it start, or how to make it stop. It just seemed to happen when I felt threatened. Revealing what happened to Evan, Bethany, and Nikolas would mean having to admit that I had snuck out last night. They were way too protective of me, and would flip out. Worst of all I would never be able to slip them again, and sneak away to meet Gerald. Meeting Gerald was very important to me. Although he was a mortal wow now I was classifying people as mortals and immortals. I guess I really accepted what was happening to me. Anyway, since Gerald was a mortal and knew nothing of my true existence of being an empress and all, I still believed that our connection may help jog my memory a bit, I hoped. I just had a feeling. I allowed myself to hope even if Thaddeus sees hoping as a weakness. He was clearly a strange man, and a powerless one. I didnt know how long I was in the bathroom, but once I returned to my room, Sun Paw already had my riding clothes laid out across the freshly made bed. After I was dressed, Sun Paw informed me that breakfast would be served momentarily. I had to act quickly. I didn't bother putting on a hat or gloves, and never gave a thought to my parasol. Those accessories would only provoke questions. I quietly walked down the never ending stair case, praying that I wouldn't trip on the hem of my dress or run into anyone. When I finally got to the door, the house cat, a Siamese named Argos, popped out from nowhere, and nearly scared me half to death. He stood firmly in front of the door meowing at maximum volume. It was as if the stealthy feline was deliberately trying to prevent me from leaving. Shoo Argos, shoo I hissed in a whisper, waving Argos away. Argos slowly walked up to me, purred around the hem of my dress, and bolted up the stairs. Anxious and not breathing, I wrapped my hand around the large door knob, and slowly opened the front door. I heard footsteps approaching the top of the staircase along with some more meowing from Argos, and almost slammed the door shut. Argos had sold me out, rotten, spoiled cat. It was a do or die moment. With one quick movement I slipped out. I hope that I did so unnoticed. I quietly pulled the door behind me, not allowing it to close completely so that I could slip back in. The air was thick and opaque making the four mansions on the street barely visible. I lifted the latch of the gates once I surveyed the block. I couldnt make out a soul through the early morning fog. It was still quite early therefore, the street was vacant. I forced the heavy gates open, and eased through the narrow opening, sprinting as fast as I could in the direction of the Bergnum Estate. My dress was twisting around my ankles along with a whirlpool of dirt, so I cinched the fabric at my hips, which raised the hem a bit. By doing that, it enabled me to widen my stride. I also didnt want to return with the evidence of dirt on my skirt. I slowed down as I approached the Bergnums mansion, and turned around to make sure that I hadn't been seen, or followed. I could see the balconies of the Capius Estate from where I stood. I saw no one. I breathed a sigh of relief. Once inside the Bergnums gates, I pulled out the little envelope with my note enclosed from the cuff of my sleeve, and knocked on the door using the large lion's head shaped knocker. Within a few seconds, a tall, watery eyed, middleaged man answered the door. The wiry man seemed to recognize me immediately although his foul expression led me to believe that he wasnt pleased by my presence. Good day Miss Tieron. He said in a raspy even tone. Yes, uh... good morning sir. I said nervously. I had forgotten that Tieron was my real last name. My hand was shaking and I couldn't will it to stop. The teary eyed man in the tuxedo and tails continued to stare at me as if he was preparing to slam the door in my face. If you are here to see Master Gerald, he is out for his morning ride, and won't be returning for another hour. He stated quite matteroffact.

No... I uh dont wish to see Gerald, uh..., I stammered. Could you make sure that he gets this? I mumbled, thrusting the note at the butler. He snatched it, and asked if that would be all. I immediately said yes and fled. I halfwalked and halfjogged all the way back to the house. Fortunately, I didn't run into anyone. If I had, I would simply have lied about my whereabouts. I wouldve said that I went for a quick walk to clear my head. I stopped running as I got close to the Capius house, so that I could slow down my breathing. If I appeared out of breath, then my morning walk excuse wouldn't float. My jaw dropped as the realization of something that I hadnt considered before was staring me in the face. I had purposely left the gates open about an inch or two so that I could slip back in. Someone must have noticed that it had been left opened, and closed them. I tried to raise the heavy latch but it wouldnt budge. The gates rattled loudly but the latch felt like it was bolted down, and couldnt be lifted from the outside. You would need to be on the inside in order to slide it all the way up. Dont panic, I thought to myself. I looked around, and knew that I had to think fast. I cursed the fact that I couldnt climb over these enormous gates in this ridiculous dress. Maybe I should try the entrance gates at the rear of grounds that enclosed the garden. I wouldnt allow myself to think that the gates at the edge of the garden may also be locked. I wouldnt consider this tragic ending to my perfectly planned outing. Before I made the trek to the rear of the house, I tried the gate again. My attempt was futile. I walked briskly to the back of the house, through the dry dirt walkway between the Capius abundant garden and the Bergnums beautifully landscaped grounds. I couldnt see into the Capius garden due to the dense foliage that formed its own gate against the wrought iron bars of the actual gate. It was the same with the Bergnums grounds. Tall, fortress like hedges enclosed the perimeter of their property, keeping nosy peepers intrigued with all that took place on the inside. Unexpectedly, I spotted Bethany exiting the barn which was located a few yards away from the house and garden, but not enclosed within the estates gates. A tall and very attractive young man, who I guessed to be the stable hand, followed her out of the barn with a beautiful mahogany mare in tow. I pretended to be exiting the rear entrance gates, and walked over to them. Are you ready? Bethany asked, sounding jubilant. Uh I was at a loss for words. I had forgotten both Bethanys and Sun Paws mention of a morning ride. As it turns out, Bethany did mean a horse. When I first walked up to the mahogany mare, I detected some apprehension from her as well. She stood tall and confident, an absolutely stunning animal, and I was a trembling mess. Maybe she sensed my fear of riding her. Perhaps, she sensed a stranger. The stable hand stepped back as I approached the horse. She seemed to tense up when I held my hand out to pet her. I stopped abruptly when she whinnied disconcertingly shaking her glossy jet black mane at me as if to say You are not worthy. She eyed me carefully with liquid mocha eyes, as I tried to appear cool and collected. I didnt think I was fooling anyone, especially not the horse. The sun was beaming, and leaving black spots in my vision if I dared to stare it in the face. The dry air was already relatively warm, which wasnt unusual for this time of day at this time of the year, early fall. The residents of Nickel City, all of Nevada actually, were accustomed to sweating the day through from dawn into dusk. But sweating in a corset wasnt a joking matter. I would do just about anything for a tshirt and a pair of jeans right about now. The stable hand was watching me intently on the other side of the horse. He had the same smooth bronze complexion that Sun Paw and Moon Rose's had, and I wondered if he was their brother. If he was, I assumed he must be a few years older. He wore a traditional Native American tunic styled shirt over a pair of beaded cowhide leggings and moccasins. He walked around the front of the horse, and released the mare to me by handing me the reins. All the while, Bethany mounted her horse, side saddle. The full skirt of her riding habit was delicately draped to one side of the horse. She nodded. She wanted me to get on my horse. Id never ridden a horse before and didnt have the faintest idea how to get on. Night Wind takes excellent care of Gypsy, Bethany said motioning to the mare. And Topaz, my horse, and the other horses, as well. Bethany said looking at the stable hand. Night Wind nodded to me. Hes Moon Roses and Sun Paws older brother. Bethany watched Night Wind quickly walk back into the barn. Once he was out of sight, I whispered just loud enough so that only Bethany would hear. Beth, Im not getting on this horse, ok. Certainly you are. Now mount her before we lose the coolest part of the morning. Bethany ordered, lightly, but had her serious face on, pursed lips topped with furrowed eyebrows. I wasnt so sure that putting up a fight would change her mind. But I had to try something. Please show me how to get on, or at least help me to. I insisted, thoroughly embarrassed as I noticed Night Wind peering at me from the wooden doors of the barn. He had a perplexed look on his face, as if baffled as to why I still hadnt mounted my own horse. Hes staring. I said, as I let my eyes direct Bethany to Night Wind. You already know how to get on. Bethany assured. I dont, I said gruffly under my breath. Night Wind strode towards me, his long bone straight hair, which shone like onyx and hung on both sides of his chiseled face, was caught in the early morning breeze which made it look like a cape. His intense copper toned eyes never left mine.

I will help you. Give me your hand, Miss Cordelia, Night Wind said, patiently. His heavy Paiute accent was thick and rough, yet his voice was like silk. He stood next to Gypsy, his shoulders broad, staring at me. Then he stretched out with his long muscular arm like a sword. Still quite self conscious, I looked at Night Wind timidly, whose eyes were serene, then at Bethany who nodded her approval. Sure. I said, with some hesitation as my hand instinctively reached up for my medallion. When I placed my hand in his, and placed my foot into the stirrup, Night Wind lifted me up onto the horse. I didnt feel safe as I sat on Gypsy sidesaddle. The position felt awkward, as if I could just slide off. I immediately felt scared as I looked down at Night Wind, and then onto the dirt road behind me that led into the lush and yellowygreen valley which stretched out beside the forest of pines. Night Wind handed me the reins. Then it happened. My fear dissipated, and it all came back like a forgotten memory or an old dream. It felt as familiar as sitting on a bike. I held the reins with one hand, and leaned over towards Gypsy's head, and tenderly stroked her lustrous jet black mane. She remembered me, raising her neck, and letting me know that she had missed me. We were old friends. I trusted her, and she trusted me. I sat up squarely, and distributed my weight evenly on her. I slid the reins in the direction that I wanted to go, and nudged her firmly with my right leg. Gypsy trotted slowly passed Bethany who had the widest smile I'd ever seen on her pretty face. She nodded her approval once more. With another nudge of my leg Gypsy transitioned into a canter. With one final nudge, we were galloping through the beckoning valley, and entering the forest. Yaah! Yaah! I shouted. Gypsy and I were one, jumping and negotiating the rugged terrain, skirting pine trees at a full gallop. Riding Gypsy was like second nature. I've never felt so free and in such control. The gentle wind blowing across my face was invigorating as was the view of the Sierras above. I forgot all about Bethany. I had no idea how far behind she was. It didnt matter. Gypsy and I were the only two in the world right now. Youre doing good, girl. We rode for a little while longer, and stopped when we reached Old Oak, the only oak tree in a forest densely populated with pines, which stood guard at the south end and entrance of the forest beside the lake. Gypsy could have gone the distance but she relied on me not to exhaust her. We slowed down to a halt. I stroked her chestnut, velvet smooth coat, and she calmed considerably. My Gypsy was happy to be reacquainted with me again. We stood in the shade of the hefty branches of Old Oak. I knew it was only a matter of time before the old Cordelia would grace us with her presence, Bethany said, laughing and slowing down to a stop next to Gypsy and I. Bethany smiled knowingly, as she remained seated on her horse. You looked wonderful riding. Youve always loved riding. Were all grateful to Poseidon, for creating such a magnificent creature. Gypsy is an exceptional Arabian mare with excellent breeding, as is my stallion, Topaz, she praised, as she stroked the gray toned coat of her horse. I marveled at the mighty god of the seas superb contribution to the world. Gypsy was an extraordinary animal, and she was mine. I remembered what I had written about her in the diary. I felt that fondness now as I stroked her. Does this mean that its all coming back? I asked, feeling so alive, like I could live forever as long as I was in the company of Gypsy. I really loved this horse. The bond wasnt immediate, but it had surfaced. I remembered when my father gave me Gypsy. I was five. It was a birthday gift. The best one I ever got, and I remembered. Slowly, yet surely, Bethany said, beaming from ear to ear. Finally I thought. I think this was the happiest Bethanys been since I returned. This was the Bethany I knew. I was unaware when the tears came, but tasted the saltiness of them as they streamed down my face. At last, it was happening. I was remembering something. I wish I couldve made a connection this strong with the Ischeros family. Bethany nodded when she noticed my tears. Thats when I noticed hers. We locked eyes for a moment. Two close friends sharing a profound secret. We both got off of our horses, and pulled them to the edge of the lake to drink. You always loved riding in the valley. You called it the green oasis, Bethany said, taking in the breathtaking view of the green multicolored blades of grass which stretched for miles before meeting the end of the forest, where the forest met the mountains. Did I? I asked following her gaze. While in the future, I always thought that this never ending patch of grass looked like a whole bunch of nothing. I had to admit that I did appreciate Bethanys spin on it. Yes, you loved the wide open space, and you always said it opened your mind. Wow, this is incredible. Before today I really didnt remember ever riding a horse, and now I feel like Ive been riding all of my life, I said, choking up. You see, patience is all you need. It will all come back. Its inevitable, and its who you are, Bethany assured. I cleared my throat, wiping away my tears, and was about to tell Bethany something, but never got the chance when I heard another horse neigh nearby. We werent alone anymore. From behind Old Oak, a familiar young man appeared, saddled on a gorgeous golden Palomino mare that had a striking ivory mane and tail. It was Lucas. I was stunned by his presence. Lucas was back from the dead and sidled right up to us. I suddenly got a

flashback of him slamming into the marble bar in his parlor. I shook off the mental picture of his dead face. In person, Lucas was huge. He had a massive chest and his arms looked like they were going to bust out of his shirt. Well look at who we have here. He eyed Bethany first, and then stared me down as if I was a succulent ribeye steak. Bethany reacted immediately. Shouldnt you be dead? She asked, with an icy smirk on her face. With so much left undone? Im here to stay. Lucas said, in a husky drawl. Get on your horse, Delia, Bethany said, calmly. What do you want, Lucas? Why is it that you always assume that I want something? Because you always do. So Bethany prodded. Is this the Divine one? Why yes, it is. Did you know that the leader of the vampire clans wife was torched last night? Lucas asked, never taking his eyes off me. I tried like hell to mount Gypsy but the second the words vampire left his mouth, I seemed to have forgotten how to. Are you now the town gossip, Lucas? What do vampires have to do with us? Hmm I was wondering if the Divine One would like to accompany me tonight. It seems that she is a bit of a night owl like myself. He said, as he dismounted his horse, and strode confidently in my direction. Oh no! How does he know? Keep your distance Lucas or Ill kill you myself. Bethany threatened. Lucas stopped walking, and stood a couple yards away. Ill even keep your heart as a trophy. A low growl left Lucas lips as his eyes went from hazel to bright yellow. Huge fangs appeared in his mouth. My eyes automatically went to his hands that now had curled claws. Not so fast you brute. As his face stretched and made a painful, ghastly, grimace, Lucas knelt down in slow motion, and his body elongated grotesquely with limbs extending into hind legs and paws. His clothes disappeared into a shiny black coat of fur. The huge black panthers eyes were bright yellow and a louder growl tumbled out of his mouth revealing even longer fangs long and glistening whiskers. What the fu I had forgotten that Lucas was a shapeshifter, a werepanther. Cordelia, get on the horse now! Bethany hissed cutting me off as the panther went into a pouncing position. I stuck my foot in the stirrup and finally mounted Gypsy just as another, slightly smaller panther glided out from behind Old Oak. The second panther stood before us as if we were trespassing on her territory. Youve got to be kidding me. My voice shook with acute fear. The second panthers piercing and blood curdling growl seemed louder than Lucas. I was as stiff as a stone, staring at its huge long fangs and fluorescent yellow eyes. I needed to be away from here and these panthers this very second. How the hell were we going to get out of this alive? I knew after watching the large felines chase down zebras on the Discovery Channel that there was absolutely no way, our horses could out run either of these cats. The smaller eased closer, and then got into a pouncing stance. Gypsy began to get agitated. I could sense her fear, as I bounced around on her. Please be still girl. Please. I said. I didnt want either of us to get mauled to death by these panthers. I watched Bethany as she inched toward the two felines. The smaller one leapt into the air as Bethany smacked it away. Gypsy neighed, kicking her front hooves into the air and then all hell broke loose. Calm down girl, calm down. I screamed, as I couldnt believe my eyes. The larger panther was already in the air, and had knocked Bethany down. It stood on top of her, and I never felt so helpless in all of my life, as I watched Bethany brace herself before being eaten alive by this enormous feline. But thats not what was happening. Bethany was talking to it, and all of a sudden, it was like the hands of the clock turned counter clock wise. The large panther transformed back into Lucas. Lucas huge muscular frame lay naked on top of Bethany for a split second before she pushed him off of her. He lay still on the grass, and began snoring as if he were in a deep sleep. Bethany was about to get up when I saw the smaller panther leap towards me. Bethany! I shouted, throwing my arms up as Gypsy instinctively kicked up her front legs. The panther growled fiercely in midair, as Bethany moved with the speed of light and snatched it by the back of its neck. The cat looked the way a kitten looked being held by the neck by its mother. The

feline fought to break free. Is that all youve got Sacha? Bethany asked, and then just let the panther go. Sacha? Of course. Lucas twin sister. Sacha, or the panther rather, roared, and pounced again and this time Bethany stopped her with her hand. It was unbelievable. It was as if the panther was frozen in the air. Gypsy whinnied again, and distracted me, but only for a second. I watched as Bethany lowered the panther to the ground. Then Bethany did the strangest thing courageous as hell, and bent down until she was face to face with the roaring panther. Oh my God! I couldnt believe what I was witnessing. Bethany looked into the glowing yellow eyes of the black feline and spoke to it as she had done to the larger one. I heard her say something that sounded like, You will go sleep now. You are extremely tired. Im not sure of what else Bethany said because she was practically whispering. Even before Bethany was done talking, the transformation was complete from a stealthy black panther into a beautiful young woman with long spiraling brownish reddish hair. She was naked as she knelt on all fours. Her skin tone was as tan as Lucas and her eyes had reverted back to their natural hazel. Bethany stood up, turned around, and walked toward me. Her expression was blank. She mounted Topaz, and all the while, I watched intently as Sacha sauntered over to Lucas, with her eyes practically closed, and lay next to him. She was snoring softly within a few seconds. We have to get back to the house now. Lets go. Bethany said, snapping me to attention. It was then that I noticed the red stained slits in the sleeves of her cream colored blouse. She followed my eyes, and it was obvious that she hadnt noticed the scars which the panther had inflicted. Her blood had stained the fabric, but as Bethany peered through the slashed material, whatever scratches she had endured were long gone. Im fine. Lets go. Ok, I said, profoundly shocked by the entire encounter, and how Bethany handled it. But how did you stop them from attacking us? What did you do to them? I asked anxiously. Not now Cordelia, we have only a few minutes, or so before the duo wakes up and remembers what just happened. You first, Bethany said, motioning for me to ride ahead of her. Full speed, Delia, she commanded. We headed back to the stables. I pushed Gypsy as much as I could, and was impressed with her speed. Bethany rode behind me as if blocking any chance of another attack by the twins. Once Night Wind took the horses into the barn, and we were back in Bethanys house I attacked Bethany with questions. Are you going to tell me what you did to Lucas and Sacha? Why did they fall asleep like that? How did you make them change back? I asked hovering behind her. I changed their thinking, they became tired, and all they wanted to do was sleep. You mean you Glamoured them. By now, Bethany was heading up the stairs. She stopped in mid step, and turned around. A sparkling bold smile spread across her face. You remember. Oh Delia, thats wonderful! Bethany exclaimed, and literally flew down the stairs in a matter of a second. Whats all the commotion about? Neither Bethany nor I heard Nikolas come into the foyer. Do tell Cordelia is getting her memory back! Isnt that just wonderful? Bethany spoke as if the air had been drained from her lungs. Superb. Of course thats wonderful. How did it happen? Nikolas asked, and then noticed the slashes in Bethanys sleeves. His face became pallid as his eyes narrowed. What happened to you? What did that to you, Beth? Oh that? Bethany said, shrugging of the seriousness of being attacked by not one, but two ferocious panthers in the middle of the valley. Yes that. Nikolas mimicked Bethanys high pitched voice. I tried not to laugh. For some reason I thought Nikolas reaction was hysterical. It could be because I found being alive right now to hear Bethany tell the story, and not being brutally mauled by a panther exhilarating. Its nothing to worry about Niko, Bethany said. We stopped for a quick break after riding up to Old Oak, and were met by Sacha and Lucas. Lucas is alive? Yes, very much. Lucas shifted into a panther, and Sacha followed suit, Bethany said. Theyre taking a cat nap. Bethany giggled. I wanted to laugh too, but held my joy. Just then I Evan entered the foyer from down the hall. His eyes locked with mine, and I had to turn away. Those blue eyes were so intense. Unfortunately, not before they had a chance to do this. Evan said, standing beside Bethany, and rubbing a small portion of the ripped fabric

between his fingers. Evan had his eyes on me the entire time. It was amazing, I said. The way Lucas and Sacha shifted into panthers, and the way Bethany fought them off. She was incredible. My hero. I said, smiling at Bethany. Stop it, Delia, Bethany said, with a serious edge to her tone. I stopped smiling immediately. Its much too soon for Cordelia to take morning rides through the valley. Who allowed it? Evan asked Bethany in a condescending tone. No one allowed it. I just thought that It wasnt a good idea Beth, Evan said, silencing her. Cordelia could have been killed, and so could you. I Glamoured them, and I handled the situation, Evan. She was safe the entire time. Bethany said, nervously. Her hands were shaking. Evan, Lucas is Nikolas chimed in. His voice was serious. Alive. I heard. Evan nodded. Lucas rebirth means only one thing, that Victor taught Sacha well. What do you mean? Nikolas and Bethany said, in unison. I didnt understand what he meant either. None of us heard, or saw Thaddeus descending the long staircase until he spoke. What Evander means is, Sacha retrieved Lucas heart before it burned, and Victor has gained the power to resurrect a soul. He will be unstoppable soon. Thaddeus said, in an even, yet bitter tone. When he spoke the last part about Victor being unstoppable, he was glaring at me. Both Bethany and I went to our rooms to change out of our riding habits, and into our daytime dresses. I decided to lounge for a while in my tub. The temperature of the water was just warm enough to put you to sleep. Sun Paw quickly gathered my riding garments, and laid out what I had chosen to wear this afternoon. It was hard to believe that I was starting to remember. Real memories. The ride with Gypsy was proof of that, not the part about knowing about Bethany Glamouring Lucas and Sacha. That I had learned from the journals. I wondered though, how Lucas knew about me killing that Apolluon vampiress the head Apolluon vampires wife. Does Bethany know too? I doubt it, or she definitely would have said something to me, or Evan about it downstairs. Killing a vampire cant be that bad. One less vampire means a much safer night for someone. And if I hadnt gone to my house, then I wouldve never known about the journals. I also would have been clueless to the nifty trick Bethany pulled on Lucas and Sacha. Glamouring them was ingenious, and it had saved our lives. I tried like hell to shut the idea of killing out of my mind. The water was very relaxing but I still couldnt extinguish the horrendous thoughts from my psyche. I closed my eyes for a moment, and they emerged, the perfect pale faces and blood stained fangs of the Apolluon vampires, thirsty and more seductive then the glowing yellow eyes of the panthers. My eyes couldnt have been shut for thirty seconds when I was startled by light knocking on the bathroom door. Crap! I hissed. Miss Cordelia, breakfast will be served soon, Sun Paw said, through the door. Ill be right out, I said, standing up, and grabbing my silk robe. I had been careful not to get my hair wet. If I had, I would miss breakfast entirely by trying to get it dry enough to style into a suitable bun. I wasnt sure if wearing my hair loose was an option these days. Standing in front of my full length mirror, after Sun Paw finished helping me dress, permitted me to truly see the beauty of my lavender gingham dress. Id still rather be wearing a pair of my comfy jeans, but I had to admit that I couldnt get passed how elegant and demure I seemed. I found it strange that it was my own reflection. Was this really me? I still felt so out of place. The bustle was ridiculous and made my ass look beyond enormous, but it was the fashion of the day. No girl of my stature in this rural high society life, would ever be caught dead sporting a skirt without one. It would be a real Victorian faux pas. For a brief moment, I wondered what my mom; the one who wouldnt know me now if she ran into me on the main street, would think if she saw me dressed like this. She wouldve probably thought that I was performing in one of the Living Legend parades for the tourists on the weekends. I fought the urge to cry. I missed her. Did you enjoy your ride? Sun Paw asked while getting my matching shoes from the closet. I thought about my morning ride, minus the kitty cat drama, it had been exceptionally good. Yes, it was great. I smiled, and Sun Paw returned it. ***Once I was in the dining room, I realized that I was late for breakfast. Everyone was already seated, and munching on what smelled delicious. I gulped, and walked toward the empty chair. Thaddeus and Alexandria sat patiently staring. I looked away and smoothed the skirt of my dress as I took my seat. Thaddeus moved his eyes back to his plate, and stuck his fork into a piece of fruit. Then he asked me the fated question. He certainly wasnt a man who beat around a bush. Cordelia, where did you go before your morning ride with Bethany? He looked me dead in the eyes while sticking the piece of fruit into his mouth. I turned away from him, and saw everyones surprised expression. Obviously he was the only person at that table who knew that I had been out before meeting Bethany at the stables. I went out for a short walk. That's alright isn't it?' I said, challenging Thaddeus in a flat tone. I wasn't about to become a prisoner in this house; unable to come, and go as I felt necessary. I expected some freedom. Christopher and Phoebe looked at me with admiration in their eyes, and

crooked little smiles. They appreciated a little mischief. Both Evan and Nikolas looked shocked, and concerned. Then there were the suspicious set of eyes that belonged to Bethany. Here we go, I thought. No, it is not alright. Thaddeus voice was firm. Let us not forget, young lady, that you are the target of malignant forces that wait patiently for the opportunity to capture you when you are most vulnerable, hence my rule of remaining in the house. We have provided you with a safe haven while your memory and powers are restored. It is in your best interest that you stay in this house. If an outing is necessary, you will be accompanied by either Evander or Nikolas. Thaddeus gave an accusatory look at Bethany. He was still annoyed about the morning ride. You are to never leave this house alone. Is that understood? Thaddeus demanded. I was about to let out a sigh, but Thaddeus wasnt done. Without you, Cordelia, we will be rendered powerless and imperiled with what Victor or any other evil entity may have set forth for us. It was almost as If he could read my mind. Forgive me, for I do not wish to sound contemptuous, nor have my words misconstrued. We must consider the nature of our peril. Thaddeus was adamant as he was desperate to have me understand that I was screwing things up for the family as a whole. I get it. I waited a moment before I answered. I didn't know this man before a day ago. Despite the circumstances of my fate, and what my purpose here was, I didn't appreciate his tone, or his words. I held his gaze and decided to be good for now, and gave him the answer he expected. No need to alert the watchdog. I knew I would sneak out again to visit Gerald if he accepted my invitation, which I was certain he would. Sixteen Blooming Garden After breakfast, I spent the rest of the morning in my bedroom, hoping for a message with an answer from Gerald. At some point I had dozed off on the chaise. I thought it odd how no one bothered to come and check up on me, when I woke up, and saw that the clock on the fireplace mantle read one oclock in the afternoon. I left my bedroom and headed for the dining room, and nearly careened into Sun Paw at the foot of the stairs. Pardon me please, Miss Cordelia Im so sorry, I Sun Paw stammered, as she quickly stepped nearly two yards away from me as if she were afraid of me. Dont be sorry, you didnt see me coming, and I didnt notice you either. I chuckled. I couldnt understand why she was nervous. Were you coming to see me? Yes, I was coming to tell you that lunch is being served in the garden. Thank you, Sun Paw. Without another word, she hurried in to my bedroom then into my bathroom. She wasted no time in cleaning up after me. I walked into the sun room, through which you could enter the garden. The sun room was practically enclosed in glass walls divided every six or so feet by floor to ceiling Grecian columns. The glass walls were covered with wispy silk and linen curtains. The sheer curtains blew gently in the dry warm breeze that came in through the two huge opened French doors. Most of the color in the room came from the garden, and the array of elaborately embroidered pillows, which were strategically placed on the dark brown wicker furnishings. The spacious room was airy and bright due to its absorption of sunlight. Unexpectedly, the temperature was cooler in this room than the rest of the house. I suppose it must be due to the abundance of potted ferns and potted palms that stood at a variety of heights anywhere from three to seven feet. Besides that, there were a number of potted ferns, resting on several small tables. The room gave you the feeling of being in a conservatory. It was quickly becoming my favorite room in the entire house. I noticed Evan leaning against the frame of the French doors. His appraisal of me was nerve wracking and undue. His radiant smile literally beckoned me through the doors. His smile competed with the beaming sun, which was especially bright today. The sun made Evans deep auburn hair appear coppery as if singed by its rays. How are you, today? Evan asked as he held out his hand. I rested my palm in his and stepped outside, and was overwhelmed by the exuberant floral garden. Before I could answer, the aromatic infusion of the botanicals hit me the moment the sun warmed my skin. My eyes widened and swept over the lush greenery and the cornucopia of flowers. White to blush peonies bloomed along with, tulips in a variety of pastel hues, patches of wild orchids, and a perpetual abundance of red, white, coral, yellow, and pink rose bushes. Something quite strange and magical was happening. The flowers appeared to be blooming over and over again from buds to full bloom. It was as if they had eternal life. I was breathless and in awe. The flowerskeep blooming, I said, reaching out to a cluster of my favorite flower, the rose. The petals felt like water in my hand, but left my fingertips dry. Perpetual foliage is a gift from Demeter. Do you mean the Goddess of the harvest? I asked. I felt like I was walking through an enchanted garden. It was a mystery to me how these flowers flourished in this harsh, dry, desert heat. We barely got enough rain here, and the sun seared us on a regular bases. That she is. Evan smiled bowing his head to get a better look at my face as I peered closer at the roses. When my eyes met Evans, I didnt know which I was more dumbfounded by, the never dying flowers or his eyes. Peering into them was like watching a tidal wave in his irises as if he actually had an ocean splashing in his eyes. I gulped quietly and turned away before I fell into a trance. I focused on the garden, which quickly had my undivided attention again. The immaculately landscaped hedges bordered and sort of hid the large statues that I hadnt really noticed before. The ancient looking monuments seemed to be the real focal point of this mystical garden now. Oddly, the marble statues werent slightly weathered or cracked as most statues usually were. They glimmered in the sunlight as if they had been recently

polished. They were practically glittering. The imposing statues towered as tall as the ornamental wrought iron gates which enclosed the entire courtyard. I wondered why the statues couldnt be seen clearly from my balcony. It was like they had arrived just in time for lunch. Evan stared in the direction of the statues then gazed back at me. His jovial disposition was contagious, so I smiled back. It was effortless which was new for me lately. Do you recognize any them? He asked. I observed the first couple of statues closest to where Evan and I stood, still near the entrance of the garden. I knew that they were images of Greek gods the moment I first laid my eyes on them. Yes, I think do, actually. I answered, as Evan beamed. I detected his excitement was due to him believing that my answer stemmed from memories of being an Ischero. Well, Ive been studying Greek mythology this semester in school, I clarified. I could tell that my answer wasnt what Evan had anticipated by the solemn look in his eyes. I never expected what Id been studying to come in handy someday, unless of course I was auditioning for Jeopardy. I missed high school as I have never in my whole life. I had never really enjoyed school, but certain subjects had perked my interest. Two subjects in particular, my World History class, and more so my class on Ancient Cultures, especially the portion on Greek mythology. How could I ever have known that the sometimes tragic mythological world I had sucked up like a sponge would be the bases of my existence? I had long planned on fleeing this town, and was now stuck here indefinitely. There is nothing that I wouldnt give to be back in a classroom right now. Every Ischeros family has effigies of the Gods represented in their home in one way or another. They can only be seen by us. Evan said as he led me down the cobblestone path. Funny, I thought. I didnt see any statues or anything representing the gods at my house. The place had been cleaned out, but luckily for me, it wasnt done thoroughly. I smiled inwardly about my discovery of my diaries. It makes it that much easier to see them and communicate with them. How do you communicate with statues? Besides praying to them, I mean. Well actually, we do pray to them, and that is what they feed on. As far as communicating, youll soon see. Oh. I said, not fully comprehending what he meant. Maybe, he meant when my memory returns. There are twelve in total, Evan said, as he looked further down the path. Each represents one of the Twelve Olympians. The statues didnt have pedestals beneath them. Their feet marbleized feet stood on the grass, as if they could just walk away when the mood struck them. I recognized the first deity instantly, the goddess Athena was rather easy to identify due to the helmet and suit of armor she was clad in. Athena Nike. Evan revealed. Athena, the Victorious, I translated. The goddess of wisdom whipped Poseidon, your um father, in a contest of which deity would be named the patron deity of an unnamed city ruled and judged by a mythical king of ancient Greece. Pretty cool, huh? I could tell that Evan was impressed. His smile broadened. Yes, King Cecrops, but of course, hes not a myth, and Poseidon was quite upset over that competition. Yeah, he flooded the Athenians for choosing Athenas olive tree, and not his salty sea water. I added, smirking. By the way, Athena is your sister; she is also a child of Zeus, Evan said, sounding amused. You share a lot of the same qualities. My sister? I just couldnt grasp the idea of having a goddess as a sibling. Im still having a hard time accepting that Im one. Suddenly, a vision came to me. Athena and I had spoken before. I could see her. She wore a toga styled sheath without her armor. I was dressed as I am now huge gown but I looked to be about fourteen or fifteen, not so different than I look now. We were talking in what looked to be a sun room but not the one in the Capius estate, possibly the one in my house. And just like that, just as it had appeared, the vision was gone. I couldnt believe what I was looking at or should I say what was looking at me. The gleaming marble of the statue of Athena turned into tanned skin, and Athena came to life. She looked just as she had looked in the vision, tall and regal. She nodded to me, in an approving way, and walked further down the path, and then vanished. My mouth dropped to the floor. Is she real? Where where did she go? I stammered barely getting the questions out. Yes, she is returning to Mt.Olympus. Ohright, I agreed, pretending to be calm about seeing a statue come to life, but really freaking out on the inside. At this point I knew that I had to expect the unexpected in this garden. Next to Evan stood the statue of Apollo, who held a bow at his side. The lyre he carried on his back was also a dead giveaway. He faced the statue of Poseidon, whose stature was magnificent. His trident stood taller than he did. Poseidons muscular frame was barely covered by a slip of fabric, conveniently draped across his pelvis.

Come. I will tell you about the rest, Evan said as he led me a little further down the path. No, I will tell you. I said, confidently. Evan smiled that amazing smile, and nodded. Beside Poseidon, partially wrapped in foliage, was Demeter. How could I forget her? She was the reason for this abundant and endlessly flourishing garden. She is the goddess Demeter. She lost her daughter, Persephone, to Hades, who abducted her. Hades tricked Persephone into eating a pomegranate in the Underworld, where eating is forbidden, and now keeps her prisoner there. It pissed Demeter off so much that she caused a drought causing all plant life to wither away. Yes, and Zeus, who is Persephones father made a deal with his brother, and Hades agreed to allow Persephone to leave the Underworld for six months every year. This pleased Demeter. Thank goodness, or we wouldnt have spring and summer. I noted. Evan locked eyes with me, and looked at me in such a way that made my blood flood my cheeks. But, I wasnt so sure of what part of my memory banked that information. Was it the part that retained what I had learned in class, or the part that knows because Im an Ischero? Either way, Evan was thoroughly elated. Next to Demeter was another of the three great goddesses, the sparkling sculpture of Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, meaning the foundation of family, and not the flooring of a fireplace. Hestia, right? I asked, but didnt wait for Evanss answer. She is a senior goddess, and the eldest daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. I said. She has a strong sense of family. Too bad I didnt get the chance to take that quiz. I would have aced it. Both goddesses are lovely, revered, and exude strength, but neither is as beautiful and as delicate as the next one. Evan whispered, as if he didnt want the other goddesses to hear him. Aphrodite I paused in front of the statue. Something about her angelic smile reminded me of Bethany. We continued down the path as it curved, but something something forceful was pulling me back. I spun around, and I wasnt prepared, although I had witnessed the same magic earlier with the transformation of Athena. The statues of Apollo, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, and Aphrodite were staring at me. I had to blink a few times to make sure that my eyes werent playing tricks on me. Their ashen stone eyes had altered and had irises and pupils. The eyes of the statues actually blinked and followed my every move as they witnessed my shock. They were all coming to life. Apollo stepped into the path of a ray of the sun, and vanished. Poseidon did as Evan had done before, and spiraled into a whirlpool of water. The water disappeared into the pond, at the center of the garden. Hestia and Aphrodite walked up into the sky as if there was a real stairway leading into the heavens. A nearby rosebush, amongst the dozens scattered around the garden, began to shake. Then the rose bush opened up, and Demeter stepped into it and disappeared as the bush closed and continued to flourish. Her body literally shifted into part of the rose bush. And I was completely and irrevocably floored. Evan was beside me again. He must have noticed that I wasnt with him, when I started following the deities around in shock. Now that they know you have returned, they are content. Did they all return to Mt.Olympus? I asked, feeling incredulous, even after all I had just seen. All, except for Poseidon. Right, I nodded. His home is the ocean. The gods have taken the shape of sculptures this time. Evan mused. What other shapes can they take? I blurted out. I was so amazed that I could barely contain myself. Whatever they wish. Such as? I probed. You may see them in the flesh or you may see their image come to life in a painting, or through a mirage. They marvel at you. Evan beamed. He had the look of a proud father on his face. Marvel at me? Why would the gods be impressed with me? You are the most divine of all demigods, Zeus most unique creation, Delia, and they are well aware of that fact. Dont be afraid. You may speak to them. Speak to them? Was he kidding?

Evan had a distinct twinkle in his eye that shined brighter than the afternoon sun, and it proved just how much he wasnt kidding. Since I was strolling through a numinous place where magic actually existed, my fear at the moment was that they may actually talk to me. I wouldnt know what to say to any of them Relax. You dont have to say anything. They will not be offended. My hope is that being here, and seeing them will help you to regain your memory, but I know this is quite awkward and surprising for you therefore, you dont have to utter a word. Ok, I said, and felt relieved. I just wasnt ready or open to the inconceivable thought of conversing with the gods right now. It was like being asked to have a chat with the Easter bunny who you have always known isnt real, yet is standing right in front of you. A warm breeze blew a few loose tendrils of my hair into my eyes. I brushed them away with the back of my hand. I closed my eyes, and sniffed the intoxicating aroma of the floral bushes surrounding the stone path. It was exhilarating for the senses. Although I couldnt quite voice how I felt about what I had just seen, I was intrigued to see what else this stone path would lead too. I quickened my pace around a bend to keep up with Evan. The next pair of statues was positioned on either side of a beautifully carved stone bench. Ares and Artemis seemed to be standing guard over the sumptuous foliage, and whoever chose to sit on the bench. Besides his helmet, a shield, and a spear in hand, Ares wore nothing, and his marbleized nakedness commanded attention. I remembered all the different pictures of statues I had seen in my text book. I also recalled how the kids in my class had giggled and made suggestive comments when they were forced to try to look past the statues private parts. Just thinking of that now, put a smile on my face. I couldnt help but laugh out loud. Whats so funny? Evan asked smiling curiously. It doesnt leave much to the imagination does it? My eyes guided Evan to the scantily dressed statue of Ares. It was the topic of discussion a few times in class. I giggled a little more. Evan blushed as if he were the one who was naked. The body is nothing to be ashamed of, plus, Ares loves the attention, he whispered as though he didnt want the statue of the warrior to hear him. I smiled an blushed too, keeping my eyes on Ares face the whole time. I gazed at the marble bird bath. It was to the left of the dominating statue of Ares, and next to a sizable wrought iron gazebo, somewhat hidden by clusters of entwined vines and multicolored roses in full bloom. Does he really have a throne upholstered with human skin? I asked just as Ares stone body shifted, making a bone chilling, nails down the blackboard kind of sound, and became human. He raised his spear which magically became stained with blood. Yes, the skin of those he has defeated in war. Evan said, and then directed his next statement to Ares himself. She is only curious, my lord. Ares lowered the spear and looked at me guardedly. It was then that I realized that I was holding my breath. Breathe, Delia, he will not hurt you. Ares kind of marched off, and vanished behind one of the tall hedges. Im trying, I said. Believe me Im trying. I just cant believe that Im standing here amongst the gods. Amongst family, Evan corrected. Easier said than it was to truly believe. I slowly twirled around in a full circle, taking stock of what Id seen. The beauty of the garden and the presence of these divine beings were overwhelming, but Ive never felt so alive and at peace. Being here, and seeing the foliage from above, from my balcony, were to completely different views. From above it looked like a lovely garden, but being in it, and walking through it was enchanting. It had to be one of the most fascinating places in the world. They are a part of us and we are a part of them. Evan remarked, looking into my eyes. Its alright to feel the wonder of their presence, and to be captivated by them. They are why the members of the Ischeros exist. And why we have powers, right. They created us in their glory. Their power is just a small part of what we have inherited. I nodded in awe, unable to say anything. We continued to stroll down the path that seemed to go on forever. I had no idea that the garden was this enormous. The hem of my dress swept across the cobblestones; as I listened to my shoes make clickityclack sounds against it. Artemis had also come to life when Ares had and watched patiently, smiling while Evan led me further down the path. She is a huntress and Apollos twin sister, right. I whispered, not wanting Artemis to hear me. The goddess of the hunt, hence the bow and arrows she hauls on her back. I said. Evan nodded, seeming pleased. Just as Artemis disappeared with a wave of her hand, she literally turned into what looked to be pixie dust. I looked on in amazement, once again. Opposite the gazebo was a sculpture completely comprised of metal like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz, but weirder with muscles and a beard. This time it took me a few seconds but the realization surfaced. It was Hephaestus, the god of fire and metallurgy, which I think basically, means that he is a metal smith. Although, Hephaestus wasnt good looking like the majority of the other male gods, he had married the stunning Aphrodite which proved that beauty was in the eye of the beholder. But still, its too bad that Aphrodite was a bit of a floozy, and couldnt completely devote herself to him. She was too busy chasing that cutie Adonis. Hephaestus metal body began to melt into skin. The real Hephaestus was present although, still quite unattractive. He picked up an axe that I

hadnt seen lying on the grass. Then he vanished into the cobblestone walkway right in front of the glimmering statue of the always jovial god of wine, Dionysus, Nikolas ancestor. A small statue of a satyr peeked out from behind him. Next to Dionysus was the statue of Hermes. He was the only Olympian god who was authorized, by Zeus, to visit Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld. In my opinion Hermes had the worst job, which was also given to him by Zeus. Upon death, Hermes leads the illfated souls to Charon, the ferryman, who then takes the souls across the river Styx to the entry gates of the Underworld, for a price. I gawked in amazement as the wings on Hermes shoes became feathered and began fluttering about like the wings of a bird. He winked at me, grabbed something from the gazebo, and flew upward into the cloudless sky. His ascent was faster than the speed of light. It didnt matter that I had already seen several gods come to life, and disappear before my eyes. I was downright dazed by it all. Evan looked lost while he poked around the vacant gazebo. I wonder what Hermes stole from in here, Evan said, looking suspicious. Id forgotten about Hermes penchant for thievery. The god of thieves, no doubt. Suddenly the wreath which Dionysus wore on his head became vibrant, intertwined ivy. Dionysus took in a deep breath and turned his gaze from the gazebo, chuckled, and sipped from a golden chalice. I guess he thought Hermes stealing something from the gazebo to be amusing. I couldnt help but smile at the presence of the jolly god. His round belly shook as he chuckled, sort of reminding me of Santa Claus if he were donned in a toga. Appearing out from behind the snow ball white hydrangea bushes, were two dancing satyrs and a beautiful, woman in a sheer slip holding a basket of overflowing red and white grapes. They stood at Dionysus side as he glided upward just above the gardens gates, and looked to be headed straight for the forest of pines. Where did they come from? Who is she? Dionysus called on them. He doesnt reside on Mt.Olympus therefore; he enjoys the company and entertainment of the satyrs and beautiful maenads on his travels. Evan said, giving up his search in the gazebo. Evan took my hand in his, and I immediately became nervous. We strolled a little further down the path, and stopped in front of the goddess Hera, Zeus jealous wife (her jealousy stemmed from Zeus reputation of being a cheat), and sister. Incestuous and as ghastly as that may seem, marrying your brother wasnt that unusual for the gods, yet it had sent the classroom into a repulsive fit. I dont know why, but my mind went to the entry I had written in my journal about Hera possibly being jealous that I had sought the advice of Athena about the choice I made between Evan and Gerald. I couldnt tell how she felt as she eyed me closely now, once taking on her human form. Hera gestured to me to follow her. I let go of Evans hand and did. After just a few steps she disappeared just as the others did. I was no longer paying attention to where I was going; my clumsiness was partly a result of the hysteria going on in my head at the moment of Heras vanishing. I stopped abruptly when I nearly bumped into the largest statue of them all. It was the luminous sculpt of Zeus. He stood taller than all the others gods. I guess as he should since he is the selfdeclared King of Mt.Olympus, and their leader. I looked up at his large face as his head tilted upward causing his curly beard to swirl around in spirals. He was now in human form. His broad chest added to the magnitude of his stature. His emerald hued eyes, which reminded me of my own, met mine. Then something really strange happened. The medallion, which was resting on my chest, began to rise upward as if an invisible person was holding it. The sky blue diamond shaped like a lightning bolt seemed to pull in the light from Zeus eyes. I looked up at him, and he stared down at me for a brief moment then suddenly turned his head upward and away from me in the way one would turn to snub someone. Simultaneously, the light dissipated, and my medallion dropped back onto my chest. Zeus was gone as If he had never been there. What just happened was obvious; I had been rebuffed by Zeus. I stood there dumbfounded as I pondered the significance of his actions. I was jolted by Evans crisp voice. He is waiting for you to acknowledge him. Dont take it personal. Evan reached out, and tenderly pulled my chin to face him. He can be arrogant at times. He whispered. I smoothed the front of my dress as I tried to calm my rattled nerves. I was beside myself with anger. I didnt understand what I had done wrong. I didnt know how I was supposed to go about acknowledging him. What did I do wrong? I asked, grabbing Evans arm lightly as he began to walk further into the garden. Actually, youve done nothing wrong, he said stopping to turn and face me. He looked into my eyes as if they were a portal into my soul. You are not at fault. I dont get it. How was I supposed to acknowledge him? I asked. You couldnt. Youre talking in riddles. I dont understand what you mean. I said, sounding every bit of frustrated as a hamster in a maze. The only way of acknowledging Zeus, or any of the Olympians, would be remembering them, and accepting your purpose. Not to acknowledge them and not accepting your purpose, is defying them. What Evan said was an awakening. I needed to regain my memory, soon because I couldnt fathom what the consequences would be for defying the gods, especially the king of the gods.

I tried not to let my timorous disposition show on my face as Evan led me to the marble topped, stone patio table. Just a few yards away from the table was the breathtaking pond which Poseidon had sunk into. In the pond were several schools of glittering multicolored fish. At the center of the pond was a mischievous looking cherubic angel that served as a fountain, trickling water into it. I waited for it to smile, wink, or do something that would prove that it too was alive, but it just trickled water into the pond as if it couldnt be bothered for a little interaction. That ones just a fountain. Evan chuckled, lightly as his eyes followed mine to the cherub. Oh I said, feeling the blood return to my face. I tried to giggle because I was a little embarrassed at how transparent I was. I smiled at the children, Nikolas, and Bethany when they joined Evan, and I at the patio table. The table was spread like a buffet with fresh, sliced fruit, sliced breads, cheeses, and sliced meats. What I wouldnt do for a cheese burger deluxe with fries right now. Everyone was chatting all at once. I did my best to focus on what everyone had to say, but it was difficult after all that I had just witnessed. Nikolas, who sat next to me, whispered in my ear. The gods are happy to have you back as much as we are. I said nothing, and just nodded as I shoved a fork full of greens into my mouth. Aunt Alexandria says that I must begin dance instruction in order to thoroughly enjoy the balls, Christopher said, pouting Cotillions! Phoebe added, jubilantly. It was obvious that she couldnt wait to be old enough to attend the extravagant and formal balls. Just looking at Phoebe as she gazed into the sky, she appeared to be far off somewhere, probably dressed in the most magnificent of ball gowns, waltzing around a glittering ball room with her knight in shining armor. I couldnt help but smile at her pretty innocent face. She was a true girly girl, and I loved it. Well Id much rather, ride a stallion around the ball room than dance like one as though I was in full gallop, Christopher said, as he grimaced, jumped out the wicker chair, and pretended to gallop like a wild steed around the patio table. Everyone giggled, and seemed relaxed. I tried to relax too, but the thought of defying the gods had me wanting to run away and hide in a deep hole where no one, especially an Ischero, could ever find me. I looked around the table. Everyone was acting their age. I had to admit that it was reassuring to see everyone in another light. Suddenly Nikolas jumped up, threw off the oxford pinstripe jacket to his three piece suit, and galloped around like a horse in an exaggerated way, as Christopher did. I was just glad that he didnt shift into one. As he galloped around the table, he appeared drunk, but I knew that he wasnt. Nikolas and Christopher joined hands, and formed a ridiculous looking couple waltzing with a funny high step. The mockery was hysterical. I loved Nikolas for his immaturity at that moment. His laughter thundered above everyone elses. It was contagious. I laughed and laughed as the awkwardly paired couple whirled around the garden. With his head thrown back, Evan laughed at the mock waltz Nikolas and Christopher performed for our entertainment. Id never seen Evan laugh the way he was laughing right now. Actually Id never seen him laugh. I cant recall ever witnessing him appear so happy. So far hes always appeared moody and sullen. I guess it made sense with the weight of the worlds evil resting on his shoulders, although muscular ones, it had to be a burden for any eighteen year old. I continued to watch the hilarious spectacle. Phoebe, not to be outdone by her older brother, couldnt resist jumping out of her chair and joining in. To my surprise, Bethany got up, grabbed Phoebe's hand and they were off galloping around together as a couple. Their flouncy dresses twirled swiftly around their ankles looking like vortices of taffeta and lace. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Evan hop out of his chair. He ran around the table to where I sat, and grabbed my hand. He jerked me out of my chair while I begged him profusely not too. I laughed as I gave in. We whipped around and galloped and laughed uncontrollably at the joke Christopher started. There wasn't a dry eye in the garden as everyone tried to catch their breath. We held our aching bellies from pure joy. In that elating moment, I forgot all the hideous and downright outlandish things Id seen and experienced in the last day and a half. My mind was free of the fear of being caught up in this unfamiliar time. I forgot all the foreboding, forever looming, ominous creatures, and circumstances which had very much become my present. It felt wonderful to laugh. It seemed like ages since I had. I guess it had been ages if you consider the fact that I time travelled over a hundred years backwards. I wondered just how long the feeling of happiness would last. Seventeen Listening In After lunch, everyone, except Evan and I, retreated into the house. Evan gave me one of his mesmerizing smiles, which practically made my knees buckle every time I saw it. I smiled back catching my breath, knowing that I had to focus to breathe. His smile hadnt faded as he held out his hand for mine, and I obliged. We strolled, hand in hand, back up the stone path, in the direction of the house, which led us back to the rose entwined gazebo. There was no trace of the statues, no imprint of their marbleized feet in the grass, nothing. I wondered if what I had seen and experienced had really happened. I tried to focus on the pure beauty of the garden, and on what Evan may have to say. The clusters of fragrant roses and thick vines wrapped around the gazebo like yarn. The rays of the sun fought to peek though the vines. Evan and I sat just a few inches apart on the charming wrought iron settee, silent for a moment. I wanted to tell him so much. I should just plunge head first as if I were diving into an Olympic pool and tell Evan about the Apolluon vampire that I killed the night before, and about finding the journals, and how I remembered how to ride Gypsy and but the words wouldnt come out. I didnt make a sound; instead I rolled my medallion in between my fingers, letting its iciness numb the tips of my fingers, and watched as the diamond reflected the sunlight onto the tangled vines.

A family of playful cardinals, chirping and tweeting at full volume in the birdbath, and the steady flow of the water trickling from the fountain were the only sounds in the garden. I allowed my senses to take in all the garden had to offer including absorbing the pungent aroma of the flowers, the sounds of nature, and the raw beauty of the perpetual flourish of the foliage. Evan seemed to do the same. It wasn't an awkward moment; just a peaceful one being shared. Evan turned to me, and gently removed a wisp of hair from my face which had fallen astray from my bun. I sat still, not wanting to move, while he did this. He abruptly moved his hand away from my face then chuckled nervously, turning away and looking at his feet. He seemed nervous, and I was kind of glad that he was, but didnt want him to interpret my stiffness as brushing him off. He had to know that I was tense as well. That was amazing back thereseeing the gods. I said playing with the intricate beading on one of the numerous layers of my skirt. To a mortals eye they are statues but when in the presence of an immortal, an Ischero, they can be called upon, willed into taking human form, although a vessel is not always necessary. Evan explained. So you dont need to have a statue, or a replica of them to call on them? No, although its easier, otherwise they are present, but difficult to see. Sometimes theyll just appear as an orb of light. By having a replica, their image is clear. Its best to call on them only when necessary. We always try to solve our issues without their grace. Do the gods actually talk back to you? Of course, He said, looking at me intently. I hope that youre not frightened. They are our ancestors. They guide and protect us. Im not frightened; just a little shocked, I mean before coming back I only remembered reading about them, and believing that they were just myths. You shouldnt be shocked at this point Cordelia. Evan said, as he kept his eyes me. Ill be honest with you. I said, hesitantly. Please do. Im counting on your honesty. Well at first I thought that maybe you were just performing some kind of magic but then something in me changed. I saw something. I couldnt read Evans face, but I think he took what I said the wrong way. We dont have to resort to imagery and magic tricks. We are divine. You will see what is real in your own time. I knew it. Evan took my skepticism as an insult. I didnt mean it that way. Look, I dont know what to believe. Ive been told who I am, and told many other things about my existence, but I hadnt seen any real proof until Until last night? Last night? No, I meant today I had a vision, and I saw myself having a conversation with Athena. I see. I thought you meant last night, when you killed the head Apolluon vampires wife, Evan said, still looking me in the eyes. It was like someone had let the air out of my lungs like a tire. I was stunned speechless for a brief moment. How how did you know that? I stammered. I was there, Evan declared, in just above a whisper. What? Wait a minute you saw what happened with the vampires. The shock in my voice couldnt be concealed. Evan looked at me, but his face appeared constricted as if he was holding back his anger. I know what you did. I didnt actually see you do it. Evans voice was even. I tried to detect some anger, but I believe he was hiding his real emotions about me sneaking out in the first place. So how do you know it was me? Only you have the ability to do that to an Apolluon. I dont even know how I did it. It just happened. I couldnt control it, Evan. I explained, trembling like a leaf on a blustery day. I know. You dont remember how to. It will come. Hopefully sooner than later either way, I assure you, it will come. I nodded repeatedly, and could feel the tears in my eyes about to overflow onto my cheeks. Besides my powers, I couldnt control my tears either. I had hoped that Matthias couldnt identify you, but he is a little over two thousand years old, and is well aware that only one kind can kill a vampire that old; only an emperor or an empress of the Ischero has that kind of power. Oh my God. What does all this mean?

Gods. Right, of course. Well, it means that I have to speak to Matthias. He has to know that this wasnt a direct attack. Speak to him? Why would you talk to a vampire? Wouldnt he try to kill you? Technically, no, and he wont. Matthias is not like the other Apolluon vampires. His soul no longer belongs to Hades. He is free to roam and dwell where he pleases, and doesnt have a quota of dead souls to fill and send to the Underworld. That was the deal he made when he turned two thousand years old. How old was his wife? I dared to ask. She was about a thousand years old, give or take a hundred years. Driella was not free and officially still belonged to Hades. Therefore, Matthias must be stopped before informing Hades that the queen has been killed here. He is obligated, because Hades still owns the Queens soul. If we dont prevent Matthias, then it will bring more Apolluon, and we will be grossly out numbered. Being that Lucas knows, then it suggests that Victor knows. Only time will tell not if but when Victor will attempt to sell this information to Hades for immunity. I never even considered what this could mean for Victor. A sour feeling swept over my stomach. Ive put this family into more danger than they were in before. I prayed that I would get my memory back soon. Do you think Victor will tell Hades what I did? Its a very strong possibility. Victor believes that he has leverage now. He may ask Hermes to send the proposition to Hades since Hermes is the liaison between Zeus and Hades. Although I doubt that Hermes will interfere, it wont hurt to ask him to deny Victors request. So I will. No matter what happens, I can and will protect you. Damn it! Why cant I remember? Why is it taking so long? I loathed waiting. I detested the feeling of being so vulnerable, and I despised sobbing in front of anyone. Cordelia Evan took a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his jacket, and dabbed at the tears that slid down my face, and then took my hands in his. Its only been a day. Patience is key, sweetheart. Im so sorry. I should have listened. I shouldnt have left the house. Honestly, its expected. Id imagine that I would have wanted to search my house if I was told by a room of strangers that I needed to stay in their house. Id be curious as well. Evan spoke tenderly and truthfully. Does Thaddeus know? No, he doesnt. If he did, breakfast wouldnt have been such a delight. Evan smiled referring to Thaddeus outburst about my short walk. By the way, where did you go this morning? I looked away because I knew that I had to lie to Evan. I wasnt good at lying in the life I remembered having, so I knew Id bomb at lying now. But how could I tell Evan the truth about where I had really gone. He couldnt know that I had been to Geralds house. I went for a short walk through the valley. I looked at him, but couldnt look him square in the eye, so I stared down at my hands. I could feel Evans intense blue eyes on me. There was a long pause before Evan spoke again. When he did, he changed the subject. I was relieved although, I knew he was onto me. When we were children, we used to scamper through the pond, splashing the cool water all over ourselves as well as all over the garden. My mother could have killed us a hundred times. Evan laughed, as he reminisced and gazed at the small fish pond. We were pretty rambunctious, huh? I asked, smiling at the idea of running around, free as birds, without a care in the world. Yes, we were, and there werent any fish then, Evan said, with a sublime grin, while recollecting. There werent? I said, a little surprised, looking over at the pond, and then at Evan, who shook his head from left to right. Mother wanted a gate erected around the pond, but father said it would not appear to be natural, hence the fish. I guess that makes sense. We were in awe of the tiny fish, so beautiful in all the colors of a rainbow. We named them and stayed out of the pond from that moment on. Mother got what she desired and well we continued to play hide and seek. Evan mused. Evan turned to face me once again as my face began to feel warm. I knew that I was blushing. He just sat there, just a few inches away, and watched me blush. Finally he spoke. I loved hearing your laugh this afternoon. It brought back so many fond memories. He whispered, softly with his sweet breath grazing my cheek like

the lightest feather. I looked into Evans eyes. They were warm, honest, and full of what I perceived was raw desire. His eyes would leave mine every other second to gaze at my slightly parted lips. The warmest feeling washed over me. He had a way of looking at me as if I was the most interesting thing on the planet. I was forced to look away; his eyes were too intense as they bore through me, searching for the love that I couldnt remember feeling and the love he so desperately craved. We both sat quietly for a moment listening to the birds chirping. Evan broke the silence. I treasure the time I spend sitting out here. It's peaceful. It helps to clear my thoughts, and I have a fresh outlook for the day. It is likely my most favorite part of the entire house. Evan admitted. The garden is beautiful. I declared in just above a whisper. The flowers are intoxicating, I added, as I quickly stole a glance of him perfection embodied in human form. We were quiet again. Evan almost appeared to be meditating, then he spoke again in a very low whisper that was barely even a voice. I want to tell you so much; how I feel. What I miss. I want to kiss you so badly, and remind you of what you used to feel. Im trying so hard right now not to. I dont know how or why, but no one has touched me so deep inside. Sweetheart, I love you so much. I was blown away by Evans admission. His feelings for me were intense. He wanted to kiss me. My face was warming again. What is it that you want to tell me so much? I asked. Now he was looking at me again; looking at me oddly. Im sorry what do you mean? You just said that you wanted to tell me so much and that you wanted, I said, as I cleared my throat. Toumtell me how you feel. I barely got out the last part. I had to turn away slightly just to say it. Evan looked at me with his head cocked to one side and his eyebrows furrowed in the middle, almost causing them to form a unibrow. I didnt actually say that. A crooked smile crept across his Evans face. I thought it, he smiled, and blushed all at once. Cordelia, you read my thoughts. Wh what? But I heard you are you sure? I mean how? I half spoke and half stammered. Its just one of the powers you possess. Right, of course, I know but how did I do it? I couldnt believe that I had read Evans mind. It was just like listening in on a conversation; rude and intrusive. It was wrong. Besides that I couldnt get past his actual thought. Would you like to try it again? He looked at me earnestly. I I dont know if I can. What was he doing? I couldnt read his mind. Try it right now, please. Um ok. I said. He looked like he was meditating. I concentrated for a moment. His mouth didnt move yet the words came out in the same whisper like voice and stunned me the moment I heard them. May I kiss you? Evan hadnt said a word. He gazed at me, his blushing expression, and the smoldering look of his eyes, indicated that he knew all too well that I had heard his question loud and clear. I wasnt sure if he was expecting me to answer it. I couldnt, so I pretended to have not heard anything. Im waiting for your answer. I heard his thoughts again. I looked down at my hands. This time when I heard his voice it was from his lips. Its alright if you would rather that I didnt. Evan looked me in the eyes. I tried like hell to fake it. Didnt what? Its alright, youre not ready. Im prepared to wait for you to come to me when you are. I gulped but said nothing. I was overwhelmed by his feelings for me. But I still didnt feel what he was feeling. I just couldnt reciprocate what I didnt feel. He knew that I wasnt ready. Cordelia, you and I both know the truth. You are what we say you are. You cant deny that now with what youve just experienced here with me. Evan wasnt upset just stating the facts. I nodded. And he was right. I couldnt deny what had just happened. For some reason, Id been able to read his mind. It was nothing short of incredible, although at this very second, I couldnt hear anything. I wondered if he were able to block me from reading his thoughts. Was I being intrusive by attempting too? Sadly, I didnt have any control over it at all. It just came and went. The fact that it comes is mindblowing. But it seems like every time I display some form of power, its not within my control. I sighed with frustration. I had to avert my eyes from Evan, so I looked up at the vines that intertwined with the strips of iron which made up the top of the gazebo. I felt Evan take my hand, and turn it palm side up. I couldnt breathe as I watched him lower his head. He placed a kiss as delicate as a warm breeze on my wrist, and then gently kissed the palm of my hand. They were innocent, yet sensuous kisses that sent ripples of soft waves throughout my entire body. Evan wove his smooth fingers through mine, and we sat there like that, quietly, for what seemed like a long time. All the while I felt totally

comfortable with Evan, for the first time. It was as if his kiss had the power to calm my nerves. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and he stared forward, seeming to take in the lovely landscape of the garden. I refused to read his thoughts the entire time and more importantly, he couldnt read mine. I wasnt sure what I felt for him, but what I was sure of at that very moment was that I didnt want to let go of his hand, so I didnt. It felt right, as if our hands belonged intertwined, as if nothing was ever going to be powerful enough to pry them apart. Perhaps, it was the comfort of being intimate with someone that clouded my mind. I didnt know for sure, but I enjoyed sitting here in this romantic gazebo with Evan. I wondered if he could sense that. We left the gazebo, with our hands still interlocked, slightly swinging our arms to and fro. Upon entering the house, it was quiet. Too quiet, like no one was home, and Evan and I were alone in the world. Realizing that two hours had gone by; Evan said that he needed to catch up with his father and Nikolas. With a languid kiss on my hand, Evan was up the stairs and out of sight. There was no doubt in my mind that they would be discussing a strategy to stop Victor and that Apolluon Vampire named Matthias. I felt so helpless, and guilty of the mess I had made of things. I decided to stay in the sun room for a while. I listened to the only sounds in the room; two love birds swinging separately on two mini swings. They swung in unison in their oversized, gilded cage. I walked over to the cage, and peered at the two birds, wondering if they were truly smitten with each other. Eighteen Town Trip After only a few solitary minutes, Bethany dashed into the sun room with an invitation that I couldnt resist. A trip into town. I was pleasantly surprised that she would want to venture out after the strict reprimand she and I had received for the early morning ride, but she was ready to go. Bethany had on a matching bonnet, and was fastening the single pearl button at the wrist of her lace gloves. Were going into town to choose the fabric needed to have our Masquerade Ball gowns made. She ignored my look of concern and fear. Oh dont worry. Night Wind will escort us. No, its not that, well its not only that. I dont think that Im ready for my anointment as the Empress of this empire. You will be. Bethany assured. Shall we? She prompted me, impatiently as she motioned to the archway leading out of sunroom and into the foyer. I ignored her. No I dont think so. My memory, whatever it is that Im supposed to recall, hasnt returned. I argued, and unconsciously grabbed my medallion. Somehow it always seemed to calm me with its cool temperature. Your memory should be restored by then. Bethany said, smoothing her dress. How do you know that? Look, blocking it, wont help, Cordelia. Please allow it to happen, Bethany snapped. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was blocking the memories. Maybe, unconsciously, I didnt want to remember. No, thats not true. I was desperate to remember. Shes wrong. Bethanys dead wrong. Im not the reason that I cant recall anything from my past. Something else must be blocking it. Just dont think about it, alright, Bethany advised. That was easier said than done. Impossible really. Bethany summoned Night Wind, who besides being the stable hand, was also our driver. She instructed him to bring the carriage around, as Sun Paw brought me my matching accessories; a bonnet, a pair of lace gloves, and a parasol. In no time, we were seated in the dim, yet lush velvet interior of the completely enclosed carriage. The ride was fairly bumpy due to the uneven sandy terrain of the dirt road. Behind the fringed velvet curtain, I spied the busy town below. I felt consumed by an eerie feeling. It was hard to believe how different and how similar the streets looked compared to how they will look a century later. As we made our way down the road, I kept my nose pressed to the carriage window. I stared out at all the houses, remembering how aged and deteriorated they were in the future. I was surprised at how pristine they all looked now. People were sitting on their porches drinking beverages, and standing in their front yards waving as they watched us go by. Our carriage made its way onto what could be considered the main street. I noticed some of the town folk gawking at our carriage, and it felt like we were an overly attractive float in a parade. This town, in the future, had been somewhat preserved with minor renovations for a recent revival to showcase Nickel City's historic lore. But it was impossible to fully capture the atmosphere I saw now. The town was bustling with people coming and going into and out of the mercantile, the post office, the bank, the saloons, the restaurants, the hotel, the lumber yard, and the tinsmiths. It was like being in a whole different town not just era. I dont remember ever seeing this much traffic by foot or by car on C Street. I cant believe this many people live in Nickel City, I said with my nose still pressed up to the carriage window. There were more people in town now than there was when the tourist would flock here for the tours on the weekends. Its as my father had explained, we, put silver in the mines and they came. Indeed, they came in droves, Bethany said, eyeing the town folk skeptically. It will be better once we prevent Victor and the Apolluon from destroying this town and the entire west.

Everything looks so brand new. Everything is brand new. I remember when Nikolas and I arrived in the future, shortly after you did. We were immediately saddened by the ruins. Its a shame really. Bethany sighed. Id been so depressed, being stuck in this unfamiliar time, but seeing the town now all brand new and busy just knowing how much it will changed for the worse was even more depressing. The balconies and awnings were partly what made this towns architecture unique due to the sophisticated, carved detailing. The shabby and droopy balconies and awnings, which I was used to seeing every day, where no longer depreciated from time and weather. They were now freshly painted and ornate. It was awesome. The carriage jerked my body a little as the wheels rolled over the uneven terrain of the main street. It was enough to make a person with motion sickness toss their cookies. There were saddled horses, horse and buggies, although none as ornate as ours, parked like cars along the street. This town was a whole different world to me. We rode passed dozens and dozens of people dressed in the fashions of the day, milling through the wide and crowded street. Some didnt wear outfits as fancy as ours. Obviously everyone didnt strike it rich by mining. But I wasnt going to make an ass out of myself by assuming that because someone was dressed plainly, and not lavishly that it meant that they didnt have the means. I knew better than that. I spotted quite a few AfricanAmericans, Native Indians, and Asians. Everyone milled about as I was amazed at how everyone interacted, and went about their business. The Native Indians were either dressed in their traditional dress, cowhide pants, long aprons over loose fitting tunic styled shirts and moccasins, or in denims, vests, button down shirts, and cowboy boots. Strangely, the Native Indians who did wear denims, didnt wear holsters with pistols, proving that they werent quite ready to adapt to that choice of weaponry. The Asians which I guessed were Chinese because of their customary bamboo straw hats, wore mandarin neck tunics, pants, and slippers. They worked diligently doing laundry in an alley. The African Americans and the Caucasians dressed mostly either in three piece suits, or leather vests and denims, keeping their guns holstered to their hips as if at any moment they could be challenged to a draw. Practically every man wore a hat of some style. Some little round bowl shaped hats, while most wore Stetsons, except for the Native Indians, who wore nothing on their heads. Besides riding around on their horses or standing around in small groupings talking, laughing, and tipping their hats as they exchanged pleasantries to acquaintances and passersby, the men spent a lot of time spitting. Chewing tobacco was one of the vices of choice and such a nasty habit. The women chatted in small groups while they walked in and out of the shops; some with children trailing behind. I watched in a daze as people darted in and out of the traffic of carriages that rode up and down the main Street. Bethany snapped her fingers snapping me back from my daze. I didnt realize that there were so many people of different backgrounds living here in this period of time. Of course there are. You cant believe everything you read in a text book. As Im sure you already know, the Native Indians, mostly the Paiute tribe, were here first, then around the forties, about the same time that our kind migrated from Europe, mortals of diverse ethnicities began settling here. Bethany explained. Except for the Native Indian, everyone settled here in this new frontier, in hopes to strike silver. Fascinating. Bethany nodded in agreement, and then pulled a chord that hung next to the window of the door closest to her. It let out the sound of a clunky bell that notified Night Wind that we were ready to stop and exit the carriage. Night Wind opened the door to Bethany's side, and extended a hand to help her step down. When he extended his hand to me, I saw a trace of a smile and a glint of amusement in his eyes. He held my gaze for a moment. I wouldn't allow myself to appear attracted to him. I looked away, and stepped down onto the dusty road. I pretended to smooth my dress as Night Wind retreated to ensuring the horses got enough water. The sights and sounds amazed me. I stared in wonder at my little ancient town bustling in what was known to be its glory days, the days of getting rich quick. The days where miners mined day and night for the precious silver as thieves and looters waited to boost it. It was a very advantageous, yet dangerous time. The average thief was no longer just a thief. The riches produced today caused a thief to upgrade to a murderer. I snapped to attention with the sound of several gunshots ripping through the air. I was practically deaf for a few seconds. Bethany grabbed my hand as if she thought I would run off like a scared child. I followed the sharp popping sound with my eyes, as everyone else did, to where we all thought it originated from. My eyes fell on a grubby looking man who appeared to be drunk and waving a pistol over his head and into the air. His expression was pure glee. He looked to be anywhere in his thirties, and was dressed in a dirt smeared shirt, a dusty brown leather vest, sooty chaps, and shiny silver spurs tacked onto his mud coated boots. He waved a pistol in one hand and drank long gulping sips from a bottle with the other. He was causing a disturbance that wasnt going unnoticed. The man literally had everyones attention. Some folks were laughing while others shook their heads in disgust, as if he was sullying the town with his spectacle. Another man with salt and pepper hair, slightly hidden underneath his tall black Stetson, and a salt and pepper curled mustache to match, who was dressed in a tailored black suit, tried to keep the shooter at bay. The suns vibrant rays ricochet off of the gold star on his chest. The drunken man spun around, causing everyone to back up, and duck as he let off a couple more rounds for good measure. Then he stumbled in the middle of the road on account of an out of place stone, and fell to the ground. Fortunately, all this was done without blowing anyones face off. Everyone, including me breathed a sigh of relief. The sheriff smiled at everyone, and announced that all was well and that everyone could go back to carrying on their business. Never a dull moment. Bethany sighed.

This town has never been more exciting. I agreed. The inebriated man passed out in the street. He looked as if he might be dead, but of course he wasnt. He was toasted. Two men dressed in what looked to be matching vests and holsters, picked him up by his arms and legs and carried him back into the saloon he had come out of. Perfect I thought. He can get even drunker when he comes to. The doors to the saloon, etched with the words Bucket o Blood Saloon opened, and cheerful ragtime music flowed out onto the street along with the sounds of high pitched laughter and shrieks of delight. The sounds grew faint as the swinging doors swung closed. Next door to the saloon was another bar like establishment. The fancy sign swinging read Madame Clairys Secret. I presumed that Madame Clairy was a fortune teller. I was tempted to go in, and find out just what her secret was when Bethany, still with a firm grasp of my hand, whisked me into the shop that we had parked the carriage in front of. Once inside, all eyes were on me. I received some truly shocking stares. A short, slightly portly woman quickly shuffled up to us. Her face reminded me of a baby chick, eyes deep set into a round fuzzy face with a beaklike nose. She must be the shopkeeper since she came out from behind the counter, totally ignoring the customers who she had just been waiting on. Her welcome smile was broad and full of decaying chipped teeth. I guess yearly trips to the dentist just werent a priority these days. Oh, Miss Tieron, I didnt know that you were back in town? Oh my, how was your trip? Is Mrs. Tieron here with you The shopkeeper asked in a high pitched pig squeal that fit her portly figure. Everyone in the shop seemed to wait with bated breath for my response. I was caught off guard and couldnt seem to put an answer together. I felt weird being referred to as Miss Tieron, the name still didnt feel like it was mine. Hello, please call me Del Mrs. Hickam, Bethany interrupted. We have an appointment with our seamstress and are in a bit of a hurry. Please show us your newest bolts from Italy, and the Orient. We are interested in your finest silk, satin, lace, and tulle. We only want to see your brightest hues. Of course Miss Capius, Miss Tieron. Please, follow me... Mrs. Hickam practically jumped. It was as if Bethany and I were royalty or something. We have just received several new bolts of silk from the Orient that may interest you. Mrs. Hickam said, appearing embarrassed by how Bethany spoke to her, yet she seemed used to it. I didn't know the woman, but I was embarrassed for her and pissed at Bethany. After sifting through numerous bolts of luxurious fabrics in an array of bold colors and prints, Bethany finally approved of two satins, three lace patterns, after disapproving of all the silk fabrications Mrs. Hickam allowed us to preview. It was exhausting. I couldn't care less which fabric was which or the color it came in. Every shade and color made no difference to me. I couldnt see the point in looking pretty yet feeling grossly uncomfortable in a corset and bustle. All the while we shopped, I was the object of everyones attention. I think I kind of had an idea of how celebrities felt when they were gawked at. I just wanted to leave the shop of peering eyes. Outside we watched Night Wind load the bolts of fabric onto the top of the carriage. We have company Miss Bethany Night Winds face became contorted. I followed his eyes to the right of us about a yard away from where we stood on the boarded side walk. Sauntering toward us in chocolate brown cowhide pants, a tight matching vest worn like a corset minus the blouse which exposed her full cleavage, and a Stetson, was Sacha, and she wasnt alone. She had an entourage of about six people with her, and they all were dressed pretty much the same mostly in dark colors. The men, who made up five of her crew, were unshaven and grimy looking. There was only one other woman and she looked as tough as Sacha. Every pair of eyes was fixed on me. I was the bulls eye. Only Sachas intense gaze danced between Bethany and me. She watched Bethany carefully. She knew better after that little episode this morning. She made sure not to get to close to Bethany and kept her distance; at least two feet between them. She wasnt looking to be sent home to doze again. Bethany didnt act phased at Sachas presence. Night Wind, are we ready. Yes Miss Bethany. Bethany proceeded to enter the carriage as Night Wind held the door open. People were quickly getting out of the way and steering clear of Sacha and her gang of wannabe Ischeros. The women snatched their children, and the men watched with a curious light in their eyes. They were anticipating some kind of brawl. Sachas backup seemed antsy. They looked to me to be itching for a battle. Sachas didnt seem to appreciate the fact that we were departing. Her vibrant hazel eyes flashed hatred. A vicious wind was picking up tremendous speed. The turbulent wind seemed to surround only Sacha and her gang, whipping the hair from beneath their Stetsons across their faces. The hem of my dress, as well as Bethanys flew up causing me to bend slightly to push it back down; I was too modest to expose my petticoat. The wind reminded me of the tornado, minus the water, that erupted from out of nowhere when Evan had vanished through my bedroom ceiling. Sacha looked ready to pounce on us. I prayed that she didnt dare to shapeshift into a panther, again. Would Sacha take a risk and shapeshift in public? No way. She wouldnt dare. Although, she need not fear the Apolluon; anyone with a pistol would shoot her dead on the spot. Shed be riddled with bullets from the looks of it. Nearly every man sported a holster & a gun, as did a few women. Bethany mightve been considering this the notion of Sacha shifting as well. She stepped in front of me, shielding me behind her. I figured as long as Sachas eyes didnt change from hazel to bright yellow then we might be safe, but you never knew with someone so evil.

Your brother will pay with his life for attempting to kill my brother, but not before I kill you, and that pathetic excuse for an empress, Sacha promised in a high shrill voice. I gasped as I heard her insulting reference of me. The nerve. Did you enjoy your nap Sacha? The bags under your eyes lead me to believe that you had not. Perhaps, you need another. Bethanys sneer and words caused Sacha to smile, but the liveliness didnt reach those wicked eyes. To think, I had felt sorry for her and her twin when first hearing of their unfortunate beginnings. Youre wrong, Sacha. The debt is your suitors to pay, Bethany informed, in a whisper that only Sacha and her posse could hear. It was obvious that Bethany didnt want the town folk eavesdropping. As mortals they could never understand this conversation. I hoped for a quick exit out of this altercation but it didnt look probable. Sachas backup was inching closer as if they desired to get a better look at me. Look at you, Sacha said, giving me a once over. Like a scared little rabbit standing there in your pretty little dress. Sacha sneered, and then took a step closer. I could kill you right now if I wanted to. But I wont deny Victor that joy. Sacha cackled, and her posse chuckled along with her. I gulped as I thought of being devoured by a panther. You? You are nothing. Neither you nor Victor will get a chance. The anger in Bethanys voice was detectable although calm. Now Sacha stared both Bethany and I down. You actually think that you are better than I am. Never forget that I know what your kind is capable of. The both of you are no better than I am. Sacha bellowed. Death will be your destiny if you continue to fulfill your boyfriend's orders. Bethany declared fiercely, Ha! Sachas wicked snicker had me on edge. I wanted to run and hide in the carriage. Oh yes, you know my suitor very well. But she doesn't know you and what surrounds her. Sacha pointed a jeweled finger at me. Probably all stolen, I figured, by her gang of thieves, or maybe she looted them herself. But why should I care? As far as I'm concerned, you both deserve death. I'm quite sure I don't know what you're insinuating, but as usual youre proving to be a waste of my time. Bethany hissed clearly passed the stage of annoyance. I was confused by what Sacha meant. At first everyone stood around enthralled in what was transpiring between Bethany and Sacha. They all appeared to anticipate this gun less duel, as if they had seen it before yet like a train wreck they couldnt tear their eyes away. I knew that Bethany would never allow these people to see her lose control, and expose what she is. Sacha mustve known this. But would Sacha be willing to expose her secret? Does she fear the Apolluon, or at least the frenzy that would take over this town if they knew what she was? Im sure Bethany must wonder. Because If Sacha is foolish enough to shapeshift into a panther here, Bethany would have no choice but to react. Sacha stood only a few feet away now, her stunning face was enraged with pure evil. She was thirsty for a fight. Bethany was still standing angled between Sacha and me, so I couldnt see Bethanys face although, I could feel the energy radiating from her body. She was almost vibrating. We are not that different, you and I. Sacha gave Bethany another once over as she dared to step even closer. My heart was beating so fast, as I remembered the black stealthy panther that dove onto Bethany earlier. We are going to kill to achieve what we want. You are devoted to your gods as I am devoted to mine. I am nothing like you. Youre an animal, and out of control. Two things which I most certainly am not. Bethany looked at Night Wind, who took his seat up front. She then pulled me forward towards the carriage; ending the conversation. Youre right, and Ill tear your beautiful little head off, and eat it for supper. Sacha said as I ambled to get into the carriage. I am feeling a bit hungry. Sacha said as she narrowed her eyes. A malicious smile spread across her lips, sending chills up my spine. Her gang chuckled eagerly. They wanted to attack us as bad as I wanted to escape. You got lucky this morning. How long do you think Victor will allow you and your family to babysit the little Queen here? Sacha added. You shouldnt make idle treats, and Victors only concern should be how long Evan will allow him to breathe, Bethany said over her shoulder as she inched toward the carriage. Sacha couldnt help herself, and lunged like an animal at the mention of her lovers name, making me wonder if perhaps she was the out of control side to the double headed coin. It was as if I was weightless in Bethanys firm grasp as she shoved me into the carriage. I slammed up against the opposite side door, Owww I yelped. Bethany had already boarded when Sacha landed on the very same spot where Bethany had just been standing. Sacha was fast, but Bethany was faster. When Bethany got into the carriage, she didnt seem the least bit concerned about my shoulder which was throbbing with pain, but only for a second. Now the pain was gone. I loved this healing power. I was still stunned by Bethanys strength. She had practically picked up my entire body by my one arm. Luckily the carriage had somewhat concealed the displays of power both girls had revealed. I dont think any of the town folk saw anything with the huge carriage blocking the way. I hoped. The town folk, who were too nosey to go on about their business, stared in what I guessed to be fascination, as Sacha and her sidekicks completely surrounded our carriage, blocking Night Wind an escape route. From the window of the carriage, I watched one of Sachas gaunt looking sidekicks. He stared at me with evil steel gray eyes as he blew kisses at me, winked, and began mouthing the words Im going to kill you, bitch. I turned away instantly, as he laughed. He scared me, yet I wanted to offer him a home cooked meal. He was skin and bones, and didnt look like he could kill a fly. Suddenly the sidewalk grew dark then black, as if a storm was approaching. I automatically knew what was happening, and panicked. It was the

Apolluon shadows. They moved in slowly, causing a distinct overcast shadow of claws and arms that began reaching out toward Sacha, her entourage, and our carriage. Bethanys eyes were opened wide. She saw the shadows too, and knew that we had to escape that very second. Night Wind, NOW! Bethany yelled. Night Wind commanded the horses to take off, trampling one of Victors disciples. I peered out the back window of the carriage, through the velvet curtains. A feeling of dj vu came over me. Images of the foreboding shadows, which I had witnessed for the first time from out the back window of my parents car. It was the same. They crept up the way they had crept up behind Victor, reaching out to consume him with their claws. All of a sudden chaos broke out. The town folk began running in all directions. They saw the shadows too. They fled leaving their carriages, jumping on horses, or seeking refuge in the shops, saloons, and pretty much anywhere indoors. I could hear their screams loud and clear from inside the carriage. Run, Run! Grab the children Save yourselves from the black shadows! The shadows will devour you whole! They knew. They all knew. They were deathly afraid of the growling and clawing shadows. They had seen the Apolluon and knew what they could do to anyone within their talons reach. Sachas eyes bulged as she observed the Apolluon shadows that quickly approached her, and Victors other disciples. She didnt warn them. She didnt try to save them. She only saved her herself. She sprinted with accelerated speed as her posse dispersed behind her. I couldnt help but wonder what would happen if they didnt get away in time. Maybe the shadows would swallow them up. I got to see it first hand as Night Wind spun our carriage around. From a distance, the evil shadows looked like dense and shapeless black smog on a chase. The scrawny one who had mouthed those unforgettable and obscene words to me only a few seconds ago, lagged behind. His skinny legs tried to speedily carry him away and escape when the Apolluon grabbed him and tossed him around in the air. The boy screamed at the top of his lungs in agonizing yelps that sent shivers up and down my vertebrae. His long gangly arms reached out to anyone or anything in a futile effort to possibly save him from meeting Cerberus at the gates of the Underworld. Unfortunately, he didnt have a chance; his date with Hades was set. The Apolluon shadows growled like hungry beasts, and then sunk into the ground looking like a black abyss in the dirt road. They dragged Victors shrieking disciple into the earth along with their obscure murkiness. I pitied him, and almost wished the gods would save him, but I knew better than to conjure up such an improbable notion. I couldnt help wondering though, if and when the disciple returned to the earth, as one of the Apolluon vampires to hunt for blood at dusk, if he would retain the memory of those he once knew. Nineteen

Smothered We violently bumped along the uneven road back to the house, and I finally stopped staring out the back window. Will he return as an Apolluon shadow? Im sorry, who? Bethany seemed a million miles away from the carriage we rode in. Victors disciple, the one who was just gobbled up by the shadows. I couldnt help sounding annoyed as I anxiously waited for an answer. Hmm, Bethany murmured, with her eyes closed. Only if Hades finds him worthy. From the looks of him, I doubt it. Hades likes them thoroughly evil. Hell probably go straight to hell. Oh my God. Gods. Right, I sighed. Weve arrived. Bethany said. The gates had been left open for our return. Night Wind pulled the carriage up to the entrance of the large estate. Are we still going to the seamstress? I asked, as I took Night Winds hand and descended down the carriage. I will have her pay us a visit tomorrow afternoon. For now we must stay indoors. I didn't say another word until we were in the foyer of the house. We removed our hats, gloves and gave them along with our parasols to Sun Paw and Moon Rose. I followed Bethany into the parlor. She walked over to the bar, poured herself a glass of wine from the crystal wine jug, and took a seat on the long chaise. I felt like I could use a glass myself, but no offers came my way. I sat across from Bethany on the velvet sofa and stared at her. She was staring out the window, but her mind was miles and miles away from the here. I stared at her intensely. It was that onetime. He had looked exactly like him. In a low whisper that no ordinary person could have heard, Bethany spoke in a voice that sounded like a scared child; shaky and unsure. How could I have known? I should have ,it wasnot Nikolas. But even the kiss had felt the same. Victor must have told her, and now Sacha knows that he and I made love. All the while Bethanys mouth never moved, and her eyes never left the window. I was hearing her thoughts, intruding on them. I was sure of it, and blown away by what I was hearing. Bethany and Victor? No way! But it was exactly what she was thinking. Something about her not realizing that it wasnt Nikolas she had made love to but Victor, because Victor had looked just like Nikolas? Thats crazy. I must have it all wrong. It doesnt make any sense. How could Victor look just like Nikolas? I thought about some of the things that Sacha had said to Bethany. Oh yes, you know my suitor very well. That must be what she meant by knowing Victor very well. Obviously, no one knew about this, and Bethany mustve been hoping that no one ever found out. She was shocked that Sacha knew. I decided not to bring it up. I wouldnt know how to. For now Id rather not let Bethany know that I have gained the power to hear her thoughts even though I have no idea how to turn it on or off. Something else Sacha had said was also bothering me. she doesn't know you and what surrounds her I had to know what she meant by that. No sense in beating around the bush, I thought. What did Sacha mean when she said that I didn't know you, or what surrounds me? Bethany almost jumped when she heard my voice. It was as if she had no idea that I was still in the parlor with her. Her pretty face darkened as if one of the dreadful shadows had just passed in front of her. She stared directly at me, and then sighed with fake exhaustion. Oh Cordelia, Bethany sighed, a second time. Did I detect a hint of annoyance? You can't take anything that cheap tramp says seriously. It didn't sound like just anything. It sounded like an accusation to me. I responded, getting a bit annoyed. I was going to get to the bottom of this whether Bethany liked it or not. Her track record on the truth had been kind of shaky as of late. I got the feeling that she was withholding something. What are you saying, Cordelia? Do you believe Sacha over me? Shes a pathetic slave to an evil predator who wants you dead, might I remind you. I mean... are you serious? Bethany challenged. She opened her eyes really wide, and stared at me in disbelief, as if I had defected to the other side. You havent said anything, so I dont know who or what to believe. Are you going to answer my question, or would you rather I make my own assumptions? I said replaying Sacha's choice of words in my head.

she doesn't know you and what surrounds her she doesn't know you what surrounds her The words were deliberate and precise. She definitely meant something by them. I have already answered you. Bethany sat up. I don't know why Sacha said what she said. Certainly you can't expect me to enlighten you on what goes on in that sadist mind of hers. Bethany tried to clarify, but only ended up sounding evasive. Really, Cordelia, this conversation is ridiculous? Bethany was being defensive and intended to make nothing out of what Sacha had implied; that I may not know the truth about the Ischero family. I wasn't buying her ambiguous answer for a second, but I decided to back off for now. Perhaps, Sacha was just blowing smoke in my eyes, although I doubted it. Its not that I dont trust Bethany; its just that I know that Bethany isnt telling me the truth right now. The look in Sachas eyes had been intense and evil, but not exactly dishonest. Why would Sacha care if I was safe or not? It was as if Sacha had a score to settle with Bethany. Id bet that Victor made Sacha aware that I hadnt regained my memory, so maybe she thought discrediting Bethany, to me, would hurt her. She was right. Bethany watched me very closely from her spot on the chaise. She still tried to look poised, but I knew that our conversation had left her a bit ruffled. I decided to change the subject. Sacha knew about the shadows, I said. The second she knew that they were there, she panicked and fled. The Apolluon doesnt discriminate, and yes, Victors gang is quite aware of the Apolluons increasing presence. They know that Hades is not allowed on this earth, and they are aware of how powerful his disciples are. We only hope that Victor doesnt notify Hades of the death of the queen vampiress. Bethany and I locked eyes as I realized that she knew what happened last night too. It was my turn to sigh. If Victor makes a pact with Hades, then the Apolluon will come straight for us. Then theyll kill us, I whispered to myself. Indeed, once they know our aura and exact location. Only you can defend us against them and Hades What? How am I supposed to stop Hades? You wont have to. Hades cannot see what transpires here on earth, and is forbidden to rise above the realms of his Underworld, as per his pact with Zeus and Poseidon, Bethany said, confidently. Therefore, Hades sends the undead souls to track us. But the Apolluon cannot see an Ischero until they feel the aura of power. Our fight is with the Apolluon. I see. Sometimes I wish the Apolluon could terrorize the traditional way. Strictly Smith & Wesson. Bethany said, with her eyes closed. But obviously that would be useless to them since bullets cannot harm us. Ive heard that when they overpower you it feels like fire, burning you to your soul. Since you havent regained your memory, we must get to Victor first. I didnt believe Bethany meant to make me feel helpless, but I did. How do we do that? We must locate his hiding places. Hes rumored to have several. She said sighing while ringing a small bell which summoned Moon Rose. After a few moments, Moon Rose entered the parlor, and her expression was blank but pleasant enough, I guess. I smiled, and tried not to appear as if I had overheard her harsh words of warning to her sister regarding me. She smiled back, but it was forced, and never reached her eyes. The eyes told the truth, and Moon Rose was cautious of me. Bethany told Moon Rose that she wished to take a bath before dinner. Moon Rose quickly departed, and went upstairs. Bethany got up slowly, and started to leave the room but not before turning around to say one last thing. Cordelia, please try not to hinder your chances of regaining your memory with foolish thoughts. Sacha was trying to distract you. Remember who your family is, and where your loyalties lie. There was a trace of malice in Bethanys voice that I had never heard before. We stared at each other for a brief moment before she spun around and walked out of the room. I listened to her satin shoes make clicking sounds against the wood floor, and up the long staircase. She was definitely hiding something, and it wasnt the thoughts that I had heard. I knew it in my gut. The fogginess in her eyes made them completely unreadable. That was proof enough for me. I knew Bethany well enough to know that no eye contact meant no truth. Sacha's words rang in my head over and over. She had looked Bethany in the eyes when she had spoken them. The reference was a direct message to me. I was determined to figure out what Sacha meant, and hoped that Bethany was right that Sacha was only trying to distract me. She doesn't know you and what surrounds her The only thing thats been surrounding me is the family. My mind was plagued with questions. What if Sacha wasnt blowing smoke? What if the Ischeros, Bethany and Evan included, were hiding something? What if the family, the only family I had, couldnt be trusted? Just the thought of this made me nauseous. If Sachas plan was to mess with my head, she had been successful. Maybe shes the one I should be meeting with.

But how? If I tried to contact Sacha, she wouldn't miss the opportunity to have Victor kill me, or perhaps, she would have the pleasure of killing me herself; tearing me apart, limb to limb. Either scenario was just plain bad, but Id much rather die by Victor hands than be Sachas or Lucas next meal. I knew that I couldn't bother to ask Bethany again. Things between us were different since my return. This Bethany was differentindifferent, calculating, and mysterious. I wasn't sure of what to expect from her anymore. There seemed to be so much more to Bethany than the sweet, fun, and sincere person I thought I knew. She didnt talk candidly to me anymore. Now that I think about it, during the time we were friends in the future, we never really talked about her. Our conversations were always about everything else, and anything else but her. We always seemed to be talking about school, my parttime job, my dream of leaving Nickel City. We never discussed her hopes and dreams. She never really seemed to have any. Whenever I would ask her something personal like if there was someone she was into at school she would brush the question off with a question of who I might like. And once I told her, she would hack that person down to nothing as if they werent even worthy of a thought. Why am I just realizing this? Bethany had plenty of secrets, and possibly Evan did too. What about Nikolas and their parents and I was at a loss. Damn Sacha. Damn her for putting abstruse thoughts into my head. I leaned my head back, and closed my eyes to clear my mind. The lace trim on my collar felt like barbed wire against the back of my neck, so I removed the pins in my hair, and allowed my hair to tumble down into the collar of my dress. It was the perfect cushion. I daydreamed of stuffing my hands into the pockets of my cozy jeans and padding around in my worn navy Converse. I didn't hear Nikolas enter the room. It wasnt until he spoke that I realized that I wasnt alone, and that he was standing in front of me, a full glass of wine in hand. How was your first trip into town? I always felt comfortable around Nikolas, but the subject made me uncomfortable. It was interesting. I sighed. My mind was on the altercation. I wasn't sure if I wanted to reveal all that had taken place in town today. I know it must have felt strange, to you. Its so different from what you've seen for the past two years. Yeah. Thanks to Sacha and her posse, Id forgotten about the town's rebirth of the ruins I remembered growing up around. So what did you do exactly? Nikolas inquired casually as he sat opposite me, and exactly where Bethany had sat. Bethany and I picked out the fabric for our ball gowns. Well, Bethany did most of the picking really. I tried to forget about the people staring at me all the while we shopped. I tried to smile at Nikolas, and seem interested in what we were talking about. I think he bought it. Yes. Well youve been gone for two years. Everyone in town was probably surprised to see you. I watched Nikolas, who I still was having trouble seeing in a suit since I was so used to him in jeans and cowboy boots. He sipped his wine, and didnt gulp it as hed done before. I guess. I mumbled, absentmindedly. It was a rather short trip. I must say, I expected you both to be gone for a couple of hours. Nikolas said, while he lit a cigar, which was stranger than seeing him in a suit. Seeing Nikolas, my best friends once big brother who looked all of eighteen years old, act like a distinguished gentleman, was weird. I wanted to laugh, and almost did, but I didn't want to embarrass him. We were quiet for a moment, and I let my mind drift to what happened in town again. My expression may have revealed my thoughts, and I think Nikolas was on to me. Is something the matter? You look to be a million miles away. There was evident concern in Nikolas deep and crisp voice as he puffed away on his cigar. Maybe I should drill him with questions. Perhaps he could fill me in on what Sacha might have meant. Well something strange happened, I blurted, before I could stop myself. I needed to talk to someone. Really? What? he asked rather coolly, but I had his full attention. Nikolas looked into my eyes with an unwavering gaze. We ran into Sacha, and some of Victors disciples. I could tell Nikolas was alarmed at my reference to Sacha because his jaw tightened and he was no longer smiling. Sacha seemed to have a lot to say. And then the Apolluon shadows showed up, and everyone ran, including Sacha and the rest of Victors disciples. Nikolas face went ash when I mentioned the shadows. Where is Bethany now? Nikolas asked, getting up from the chaise. My guess was that he didn't like the idea that Bethany had been confronted by one of Victor's disciples, so I spoke quickly in order to calm him down. She went upstairs to take a bath. It worked. He sat back down in the chair. Are you alright? I nodded a yes, and Nikolas seemed satisfied with that. What did Sacha have to say? He demanded in a subdued voice. I explained everything in detail, all that was said. Nikolas listened attentively, and appeared content with the fact that Bethany handled the situation, and no one got hurt. He then said the same thing I heard just minutes before from his girlfriend. You can't take anything Sacha says seriously. I had been wrong in thinking that he would shed some light. Maybe there wasnt anything to Sachas

comments. Perhaps I was blowing it all out of proportion. But something was nagging me in my gut, and when I had a tugging feeling like that, I knew that it wouldnt cease until I figured out what it was. Did the Apolluon smother Victors girl? Smother? I guess thats what happened to the skinny disciple. Uh no, but the shadows did drag one of the disciples into the ground. I answered calmly although, I was shaken by the idea of being smothered by shadows. They must have thought he had potential if he was only dragged to the Underworld. I had no idea what Nikolas meant. Potential for what? To track us as a shadow at day break, and roam as an undead, preying on the breathing at night. Hades appreciates mortals who turn to evil. He thinks that their malevolent acts pay homage to him. And if they thought he didnt have potential The disciple would have been devoured and his soul would be sent to Tartarus, the realm beneath the Underworld where a soul is never to be returned to earth as the undead or as a shadow. Tartarus is the ultimate imprisonment, and is entirely inaccessible to all, but Hades himself. It is Hell, Cordelia. Oh my god, I said, catching my breath. Gods, Nikolas said, correcting me. Yeah, yeah, I know. I shook my head, agreeing. But Sacha got away. Nikolas dropped an octave, clearly disappointed. At least one of them was taken. The important thing is that you weren't hurt. Bethany is a force to be reckoned with. She would have never allowed that to happen. Nikolas said, very matter of fact. What does he Hades do to us, the Ischeros who are sent to the Underworld? I thought of my real parents who were prisoners there now. Did he make them into the Apolluon shadows? Did my parents have the horrible fate of being forced to hunt for blood in the dark? We are trophies to Hades. Therefore, our souls are allowed to roam his dominion for eternity under his control. Our imprisonment, he believes, is proof that he will eventually conquer his brothers. Has an Ischeros ever been busted out of the Underworld? Nikolas looked at me as if intrigued at the notion. No. But a demigod did escaped once. He is our distant relative. He defeated Cerberus. He is the only one to ever get passed that nasty pooch. I speak of Hercules. The Spiro family are his descendants, and are the strongest Ischeros there are. Do you remember them? Uh no, Im sorry, but I dont. Well you did strength training with them when you were about twelve or thirteen, if I remember correctly. You showed a lot of promise when you threw Heracio, the eldest in the family around. Nikolas smiled at the memory that was as foreign to me as vacationing on the planet Mars. Im still unable to lift him. Nikolas laughed a hearty laugh. Nikolas, I dont remember anything. Im afraid that I may never recall a thing. I said, holding back tears. Having the ability to read minds, and sporadically unleash deadly bolts of lightning without any control, wasnt enough. I wanted to truly know, and understand what it meant to be an Ischero, a demigod, and more importantly, an empress. Of course you will. Nikolas said out loud, but in his mind he said, Im extremely worried to, we all are, but I am here for you. Then Nikolas got up and patted me on the shoulder, and excused himself. I sat on the sofa for a while, and pondered the days developments. The gods had enlightened me with their presence, and their magic. I had no other choice but to believe that I was a part of something pretty huge. Im a demigod. I just wasnt sure that I could handle it. What would it take to make me remember? Evan came to mind. Beautiful, handsome, patient, and strong willed Evan. I thought about the way he had made me feel today in the gazebo. I was beginning to want to get closer to him, and wanted to know him inside out. Besides the chance to escape death, Evan was one of the biggest reasons I wanted my memory to return. The intimacy I felt with him this afternoon was something I had never known. It was bliss, and I had to admit, I didnt want it to end. Im not even sure where it all began, but I was beginning to feel an emotional connection to Evan. But could trust him? I couldnt help wondering what secrets he held. And then there was Bethany an enigma. The more time I spent with her the more I realized how little I really knew her. I knew without a doubt, that for as long as I didn't have any memory of living at this time, I would never know the truth. My best friend was keeping secrets from me a secret that was tearing her apart. It was the major secret that she was faced with today, when Sacha called her out on it. Bethany and Victor had been lovers. She had betrayed Nikolas, the entire family, and the entire empire. How could she sleep with the enemy? I replayed her thought in my mind. ... He had looked exactly like him. How could I have known?

...It was not Nikolas Victor must have told her he and I made love. There had to be a good reason why she would do such a thing. How could I get her to confide in me? Then there was the Apolluon and their power to smother anything breathing mortal or immortal. The idea of this plagued me, but my mind was racked with one question in particular. What if Victor isnt found in time, makes a deal with Hades, and then takes over and allows Hades to imprison us all in the Underworld? That would be pointless. Who would Victor have left to rule over? Then it hit me right when the headache began. Maybe Victors sites arent really set on ruling the empire. Perhaps, he wants something else entirely. If so, then what? Twenty Meetings On my way up to my bedroom, I decided to see what Bethany was up to. When I got to her room, I rapped on her double doors a couple of times, but there was no answer. Did she know that it was me, and didnt want my company? I stood in the hallway for a moment before deciding to try the doorknobs. The doors were unlocked, to my surprise for a girl who kept secrets, so I stepped into the elegantly decorated sitting room and bedroom. The lavender and cream colored rooms, which were nearly identical to my own except for the choice in the colors, were empty. Bethany was nowhere in sight. For some unknown reason, I wasn't surprised that she wasn't there. I left her room and decided to search for her around the house. I did something I couldnt resist. I sat on the railing of the long staircase, slid, and descended in one quick swoop. I felt like a kid. Sun Paw met me at the foot of the stairs. I wasn't expecting her, or anyone to be there. We both looked at each other shocked for a second, and then she giggled. Her laugh was infectious, and I couldnt help but join her. She had caught me being normal, and I think she appreciated it. Dinner is in an hour, Miss Cordelia. Shall I draw you a bath? She asked, trying to stifle her giggle. Ohyes, please. I will be right up in a moment. I planned to continue looking for Bethany. Sun Paw nodded and headed up the stairs. I resumed my search the moment Sun Paw was at the top of the stairs. I walked into each room. In the kitchen I found Moon Rose and her mother preparing dinner. It smelled delicious. I realized then that I was actually very hungry. The children had already eaten, and were already stowed away in their bedrooms. I knew that Thaddeus and Alexandria were upstairs preparing for an evening out. They will be dining with another couple who were also elders, powerless. I shook my head and thought how unfortunate they were. I found Evan in the library but I didn't allow him to see me. He was talking to someone in a hushed tone. It was probably Nikolas. Nikolas must be telling him about the trip into town. This was my chance to find out as much as I could. I stood behind the slightly cracked doorway, and strained to eavesdrop on their conversation. A bad habit Id developed, but what was a girl to do when she was left in the dark. I mean really, how the hell was I ever going to uncover anything that may lead me to the truth, or jog my memory? I couldnt petition Ares, since he is unwilling to punish one of his own descendants. But we have his word that he wont come to Victors aide if Victor calls upon him to fortify his strength. Nikolas said. Ares has great respect for his father, which I hope will overpower his desire to see bloodshed. Evan commented. Hell never defy Zeus. With advisement from Athena, Ive dispatched the Octavius, Leonidas, and Hepolis families to uncover Victors whereabouts. Are you sure that is enough? Evan asked, sounding a bit skeptical. We are severely pressed for time with the ball approaching. Victor will surely strike by then. I understand that. There is twentyeight between the three warrior families. Nikolas said. Theyre all shifters as you know. Therefore, they are the best for night combat against any werewolves, werepanthers, and the undead. They are to report to me in the morning. Is there anything else that you need taken care of? Nikolas asked Evan. Bethany, did you speak with Hermes? Evan asked. I have. Hermes will not interfere, but he believes that Charon may be willing to deliver a message to Hades if Victor should request it, for a price of course. Bethany informed. Of course, Evan said, and sighed. Niko, have you contacted Matthias? I had forgotten about the head vampire, and Evans desire to talk to him about the night his wife the night I killed her. Evan sounded very eager to meet with him. Yes I have sire Evan cut Nikolas off midsentence. Please, dont call me that. Evan demanded gruffly, but not angrily, more like frustrated. What you mean, Sire? I dont feel very much like an emperor these past couple days. Evan explained, sounding every bit as a teenager should sound and feel exasperated as Im sure he had to be, with the load he carried. The way they spoke to each other proved the magnitude of their positions.

Fine, Evander, I stopped in at the Bucket o Blood, and made arrangements for you to meet with Matthias there tomorrow evening. You will accompany me. If you wish siuh Evander, Nikolas said, correcting himself. Put the drink down, Evan. How many have you had already? Bethany asked, in an authoritative voice. There was a long pause where no one said a word then Evan spoke again. Why dont you hassle Niko when hes guzzling wine by the jug full? You will stop behaving like a spoiled child. Youre not a centaur; Nikolas doesnt get drunk, but you do. What good are you to us drunk? Bethany scolded. Why cant she remember anything? Its never taken this long. The memory usually returns within an hour, Evan said, changing the subject, and sounding defeated. I couldnt believe that he just said an hour. Ive been in limbo for a day and a half, and Ive got absolutely nothing but sudden flashes and random occurrences of power, which were of no help since Id have better luck in controlling the weather. Perhaps, the trauma of being killed has slowed down Cordelias restoration, Bethany speculated. It wasnt a concrete theory. Its still too long. Even the elders are getting anxious, especially since Victor has been in this house. His disciples brazen attacks, as of late, has everyone on edge. Sacha and Lucas are just getting started, Evan said. The stress of having to defend an empire on his own was devouring Evan quicker than the Apolluon ever could. I felt the sudden desire to comfort him. This is my fault. I heard him say. Evan, please stop, Bethany begged. It was my idea not to tell anyone of Victors new capabilities. I should have told the elders what Cordelia and I saw that night in the forest. If I hadnt told her not to tell her parents, then they would be alive right now, and she would have never been sent away. Whats past is past, Nikolas said, solemnly. And you couldnt have predicted what Victors plans were. No one could have. Everyone knew that Victor was steadily building his army, including the elders. Victor got lucky. Thats all. Blaming yourself isnt going to help Cordelia. Bethany added. I dont know how to help her, Beth. I feel so helpless when Im around her. She looks as if shed have more regard for a stranger. I think shes afraid of me. She probably despises me for bringing her back, Evan said. I was so surprised by his honesty and vulnerability. But he was wrong. Please stop this selfloathing. She needs you. Shes confused right now, and she doesnt know what she feels. Everything will be as it was once she remembers. Bethany showed such sensitivity towards her brother. I almost forgave her for keeping secrets from me although, she didnt show any of that towards me. I wondered if she was annoyed with me for not being able to remember, and wasnt admitting it to them. Dont you mean if she remembers? Evan said, slamming something down. I guessed it to be a glass after I heard ice rattle. They were silent for a moment. Then Evan spoke again in the sweetest voice. I love her, Beth. Ive missed her, and I want to protect her. I know Evan, Bethany said, as I jumped up at least a foot off the floor, and nearly slammed my face into the oak doors when I noticed Moon Rose coming down the hall. What on earth was that? I heard Bethany say. My nerves were rattled. It served me right for spying. Moon Rose definitely saw me eavesdropping. I was late in trying to cover up that fact. I tried to smile at her, but the kind gesture was not returned. I stopped Moon Rose as she tried to walk passed me. Moon Rose, have you seen Bethany? I'm looking for her. I said just above a whisper so that no one in the library would hear us. Yes I have. Moon Rose said, as she tried to walk passed me, but I blocked her by standing in front of her. Well at least she acknowledged my question. I waited for her to finish answering me. She was striking me to be a real pain. I wasn't about to let this girl, who was just a servant, get under my skin. I was irritated a little, but I did my best not to show it. Instead, my plan was to overwhelm her with kindness, so I smiled, sweetly. She said nothing. Do you know where she is? I kept my voice light; I was pissed at her for looking at me like I was the help. She is behind the doors you just had your ear pressed up against. Moon Rose said, sarcastically. I had to suppress the strong urge to deck her. Its a good thing that I didnt sock her because just then, the mighty trio exited the library doors. They all appeared a little surprised to see Moon Rose and I standing in the middle of the wide hallway. I wondered how much of our exchange had they heard, if anything at all. Cordelia, is there something wrong? Bethany said, eyeing Moon Rose with contempt. I somehow found it somewhere in my core to feel sorry for Moon Rose. I hoped that Bethany wouldnt find a reason to lay into her. No, no problem. Moon Rose was just giving me a tour or the rooms. I explained. Right, Moon Rose? Moon Rose didn't say a word. She just nodded slightly with an unreadable expression on her face.

I believe dinner is being served, am I correct Moon Rose? Bethany inquired. Oops. Obviously, Moon Rose must have been on her way to notify them of just that. Why would she give me a tour? I may have just gotten her into trouble, or made myself look like a liar a bad one. Yes, Miss Bethany. Moon Rose answered obediently. Well then, let us all regroup in the dining room. It will be just us four. Mother and Father are dining with the Viniturins, and Christopher and Phoebe have already had dinner. Evan announced as Moon Rose excused herself. Shall we? Nikolas said to Bethany holding out his arm. Yes, of course, my love. She replied, and hooked her arm into his, nuzzling her nose into his shoulder. I watched as they sauntered down the hall. I guess that leaves us. Evan said to me with a smile, but it wasnt his winning smile. Caution seemed to have hardened his lips, and the look in his eyes made my heart skip a couple beats. I didnt want Evan to believe that I hated him, because I didnt. Yes it does. I smiled, brightly, and wove my arm into his, following his lead. It was already dark. Buckets of rain poured, and the clap of the downpour smacked against the dining room windows causing them to rattle occasionally. The thunder crackled like numerous firecrackers exploding at once. Anyone going out now had better think twice. Luckily, the Capius left early enough to beat the nasty storm. The four of us sat quietly, nibbling on our dinner with very little conversation. It had been a precariously eventful day, and they were doing it again. They were acting as if nothing had occurred this morning, and this afternoon. It was as if I had imagined it all. Evan and I stole glances from time to time. I would catch him peering at me, and the moment I did, he would steer his eyes either back to his full plate of food, or to the paintings on the wall; gazing at nothing in particular. This time he pretended to be interested in a painting of a young girl who wore a yellow ribbon in her hair, and sat beside a murky lake. Since overhearing the conversation between Evan and Bethany just a few minutes ago in the library, I couldnt help but regard Evan in a whole different light. At first, I had resented him for bringing me here, and couldnt get passed the fact that he had murdered someone. Yet now that I knew that I had killed in the past, still a gut wrenching certainty to come to terms with, and have killed since coming back, I understood Evan a little more. I knew that he did what he did to survive and to protect his own. We were both tortured souls. It was the one grave fact that I didnt want to remember feeling once my memory returned, if my memory ever did as Evan had so painfully pointed out. I didnt want Evan to be or feel alone in this. I wasnt declaring any feelings for him. I just felt a connection to him that left me both intrigued, and melancholy at times. Since Bethany hadnt answered Evan about my memory ever being restored, it only proved that there was the chance that I may never remember who I was, and all that comes with being Cordelia Tieron, the Empress. I was instantly ill, and thought to excuse myself from the table since Id already lost my appetite. My lower lip quivered from the thought of such an unacceptable fate. I took another peek at Evan, and eyes didnt really see what he was looking at. He appeared deep in thought; oceans away from here. He appeared to be having a rough bout, probably thinking of the hell that would soon cross his path. Im sure that my lack of feelings for him was the icing on the cake. Unsure of what I was feeling, I was frustrated. I needed to figure out who I was before I could focus on my emotions, yet something inside of me was changing; growing actually. The need to be close to Evan was surfacing. Something had awakened in me this afternoon that I hadnt believed existed between us. But I couldnt yield to it just yet To the left of me, Nikolas and Bethany were laughing lightly about something. As I watched them, I couldnt fathom what they found humorous, with all the looming doom which surrounded us. I tried to tune into whatever it was that they were giggling about, but apparently it was an inside joke. Bethany and Nikolas seemed to have found a way to forget, if only for a moment although, I knew they had to be worried. There empire was about to be lost to a traitor who had leverage. I envied them for being able to forget even if only for a few minutes. After a brief moment, Nikolas and Bethany finally stopped chatting amongst themselves and started discussing strategies. According to Nikolas, an attack on the house would come soon. Evan agreed, and thought a meeting of the council, as well as the rest of the members, was necessary. I found out for the first time just how many Ischeros there were. The council consisted of the elders, a total of twenty lesser powered, due to age, they were high ranking authorities with the right to vote, and the right to bully their offspring into doing things the old fashioned way; kill all evil, and the innocent if it meant getting closer to ridding the evil. The rest of the empire consisted of the offspring who possessed different levels of power, with Evan being the most powerful with my absence of power. A variety of strengths and gifts was spread out evenly through the fortress of twelve separate family trees. Each family of Ischeros had a special and unique power. Some families were strictly shapeshifters, from weredragons to werecougars. Some were Seers with the sight to see into the future and past, some delved into the minds of those outside of the empire mortals, while others had immeasurable strength. No one had all the powers combined, except of course for yours truly. I possessed them all and then some. The meeting would be held in a remote area that was never revealed until a minute before it was to begin. It was the only time that every member had the power to teleport, which was given by the reigning or in this case, acting emperor. Everyone had just that minute to make their appearance or the proverbial door would be shut, and they would be shut out, and have to deal with the consequences of being tardy. A minute to arrive at a remote place that you just found out about, in a minute before you were expected to arrive, would sound ridiculous to the average person, but not to

this crew. These rules were not written but known by all, honored, and followed by all. This was so that there was never a breech in the security, especially with Victors army progressively growing. Once dinner was over, and it sounded like the rain had finally subsided into a light drizzle, Evan and Nikolas excused themselves, and disappeared into the parlor. Bethany fought off a yawn that claimed its victory when she announced that she would be retiring for the night. Basically, she was doing a great job of avoiding me. I suppose shes still a little pissed off because I expected an explanation regarding what Sacha may have implied. I didnt care. If she wanted to be pissed, then she had the right. I retired as well, but was suddenly bursting with energy, and had no desire to sleep. I wondered why I hadnt received a response from Gerald. I wondered if someone had intercepted my note. As I began to undress, and pondered the possibilities, I heard a light tapping at the door. At first I thought that the rain had started falling again, and the tapping was the rain on my window panes, but I was wrong. I feel a little tired and would like to go to bed. I said over my shoulder, as I stood in front of the French doors that opened onto the veranda, hoping to maybe spot Gerald. . Initially, I planned to discover a way to jog my memory. Something or someone had to help me jump start it. If I could speak to you for just a minute? Evan pleaded. I was surprised to hear his voice. Why is it that I cant resist that voice? I felt compelled to let Evan into my room. I had expected it to be Sun Paw asking to assist me with getting undressed even though, I had already told her that I wouldnt be in need of her help tonight. I pulled my dress back on and quickly fastened the miniature buttons. I probably missed a couple. Sure, come on in. Evan walked into the room, and I shut the doors. He didn't have his jacket on. I could see his muscular arms through the sleeves of his gray toned shirt. I never realized how massive they were. I had to stay focused, and stop staring at his biceps. I hope that my father didn't upset you earlier today at breakfast. He can be very bull headed at times, well most of the time. Evan came across sympathetically as he walked over to my fireplace. Something told me that he wasnt paying me a visit to apologize for his father, but I played along, unable to steady myself around him. No he didn't. I lied. Yes, he did. I knew that I hadnt sounded convincing enough. I sucked at lying, and for some reason became angry. Are you here to argue, or was there something you wanted to tell me? I said a little too harshly, as I sauntered over to my fireplace and faced him. I know you quite well, Cordelia. Youre feisty, you can be stubborn, and you never back down, not from anyone. Not even to your mother and father. Therefore, you can understand my surprise when you stepped down to mine. This act of passiveness does not suit you. That gutsiness is what I love about you... most. His tender and soothing voice trailed off. Evans face was turning a blush shade of red. He was embarrassed. I played those words a couple of times in my head. is what I love about you ...most. I felt hot. The temperature in my body must have risen at least a hundred degrees. My face was blazing. I'm sure Evan noticed that I was blushing too. I found myself unable to speak; my throat felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls or something. I had to walk away from Evan in order to focus. I was so confused about how and what I may be feeling for him. I know that Im feeling something. Im not so sure that I had control over my emotions when I was in his presence. I still felt like I barely knew Evan. Its only been a day and a half. I want, so desperately, to kiss you. Every moment of the day my mind is consumed by you, the sweet fragrance of your skin, the Oh nohe was doing it. Please... stop. I cut him off abruptly. I couldnt listen to another word out of fear that I might just jump into his arms, and kiss him. My mind flashed back to the time we had spent together in the gazebo. Everything had felt so nice then so normal. The feelings started and I'm sorry. This is very difficult for me. I just wish you could remember how it used to be between us. He apologized, admitting what I already knew. A flash of the dream that haunted me for a couple weeks, engulfed me momentarily. I tasted his sweet kiss, and felt the chill of the night air in the forest. I had been warmed by his body, pressed up firmly against mineand then the howling. I blinked hard to shake the reverie off. Evan did his best to conceal his frustration, but he did very poorly at disguising it. I thought about what I heard him say to Bethany while they were in the library last night. I love her I just want to protect her. I had to get it together. Focus! Well I don't. I don't remember anything. I don't remember you. I don't remember us. I don't even remember myself! This is all too fast, and way too crazy. I said louder than I had really wanted to. Cant you see that? His pain was evident in his eyes, and I was the reason why, but I wasnt concerned about Evans feelings right now. When is it supposed to happen? Huh? When am I supposed to get my memory back? How do you expect me to just start acting like your girlfriendfianc, when you are a stranger to me? I said, my arms flailing about. It will happen, my love. You must be patient. It is the only way, Evan said, with a strange sense of calm as he stepped closer to me, and started to

stroke my cheek. Please, don't do that. I snapped, as I pulled away from him, precipitately. Corde No. That's all I ever hear from you. Be patient. Patient? I've been patient. You said I would be able to remember everything by now. All I remember is the life I had before I was brought back. I want the truth. Did something go wrong when you brought me back? Is there a chance that I may never remember? I was trembling, and I couldnt stop. I was seething with anger and frustration. I wanted to calm down but couldnt. I had no idea that I would blow up this way. Evan watched me intently, and didnt appear surprised by my aggravation and choice words. Our eyes were locked as we stood only a foot apart. We were the only two people who existed in this dangerous world right now, and we were emotionally clashing harder than the Titans and Olympians had. Evans gaze remained soft as he tried to explain. Everything I have told you is true, but I dont know how long it will take for your memory to return completely, yet Im certain that it will. Evan sat down on one of the plush ivory chairs. I was annoyed with him for not leveling with me and telling me what he really thought, and I didnt want him to sit and make himself comfortable. I think that you are as scared as I am, and that you havent the faintest idea if and when Ill begin to recall my life here. I would like to be alone, if you don't mind. I stated firmly as I turned away from him to stare out the French doors. The room is quiet with a stillness that made me believe for just a second that the world had stopped turning. Except for the warm breeze that wafted in through the French doors, and blew the intricate lace curtains a couple feet in the air, there was no movement. I remembered just then that Im in the company of a being that could vanish with the breeze, so I turned around to make sure that Evan was still in the room. He hadnt disappeared. We stared at each other, again. Im not afraid. The circumstances of your return has slowed the process a bit, but it hasnt halted it. Ill leave, if thats what you want. But I didnt come here to fight with you. Im here to fight for you. Evan said softly, yet firmly, causing something to stir inside of me as I caught my breath. His words were simple, yet they grounded me where I stood. He stood up, and slowly walked to the double doors as if he hoped that I would stop him before he reached them. Once he was at my doors, he turned around, and we stared at each other again. It is what I want, I said, with as much conviction as I could muster. Evans expression grew dismal, but he wouldnt allow himself to show his vulnerable side, which I knew he had since providing me a glimpse of it today in the garden. He walked out without saying another word, and I was relieved to see him go. I knew that in another moment I might have begged him to stay, and I wouldnt even know where the feeling was really stemming from, and that frightened me. The need to know my past was stronger still. As I started to relax, and release the anxiety that had crept up, a knock at my door caused me to curse under my breath. I couldn't believe it. Why couldn't he just back off for a minute? Had a minute even gone by? I continued cursing as I grabbed both door knobs at once, and flung them open. Sun Paw flinched backward when she saw my face in a half snarl. Oh, Sun Paw, its you. I thought you were someone else. I said, to my chagrin. I didnt mean to scare you. I started to giggle out of embarrassment as she walked into the sitting room. I stuck my head into the hallway, peering to see if Evan was still around. The hall was dim and vacant. I closed the doors, and faced Sun Paw, who looked at me strangely. I was a little tired of everyone's odd facial expressions every time I did anything. Is there something wrong? I asked, thoroughly annoyed, again. I wasnt annoyed with poor Sun Paw, but she would have to be the recipient of my pissedoff mood for the moment. No, Miss Cordelia, I have come to deliver this. She handed me a small sealed envelope with just my name addressed on the front of it. Thank you, Sun Paw. Is there anything else? I asked, dismissing her as I practically snatched the thin envelope, and cupped it into my hand. I was prepared to guard it with my life. No, Miss. Sun Paw said, backing away and making a quick exit. The drum beating in my chest seemed loud enough to be heard throughout the entire house. Hastily, I locked my doors, sat on the chaise, and tore open the envelope. I yanked the note out and began to read. Dearest Cordelia, I request the pleasure of your company tomorrow afternoon at 1oclock. I look forward to meeting with you. Fondly, Gerald Bergnum III I read the note over and over, tracing the perfect penmanship with my index finger. Finally, I would meet Gerald. TwentyOne Old Acquaintances

Ouch! I shouted, and then marveled at how quickly the pain subsided. Just stay still. Bethany scolded, as Miss Cuttwright, the seamstress, mistook me for a pin cushion. Miss Cuttwright, had a very plain exterior, and appeared to be in her midthirties. She was considered a spinster because she had never married. In the future she would be considered a career woman. I thought her name was perfectly fitting for her profession. I had to giggle a bit when Bethany first introduced us. She was in the process of fitting me for my Masquerade Ball gown. Ouch. I yelped again, and turned around to face Miss Cuttwright. Do you mind? Even though the pain subsided quickly, initially it hurt like hell. Please forgive me Miss Tieron, but you must stay still. Im not moving. I said, correcting her through clenched teeth. Stop fidgeting. Bethany reprimanded me again, as she sat in one of the velvet tufted chairs, working on a piece of needle point. If someone had told me, that Bethany could needle point two weeks ago, I would have laughed pretty damn loudly in their face. Even now it seemed strange although, this was the Victorian era where needle point, I suppose, was the craze. It was rather odd really. Bethany, a demigod, who Id seen do some incredibly amazing things was sitting, and gracefully stitching an intricate floral pattern into a piece of fabric about the size of a handkerchief. Im not fidgeting I said over my shoulder. Im not moving at all. She just keeps sticking me. Miss Cuttwright was really pissing me off. She was acting more like a witch doctor than a seamstress, and inflicting pain on her life sized voodoo doll. Ouch! Are we done? I practically yelled. That time I was sure she drew blood. I really needed some powers to block the initial pain. Bethany sighed. Miss Cuttwright, are you about finished? Yes, Miss Capius, Miss Cuttwright said, packing up her tools and supplies into her carpetbag. She slipped the muslin dress, a stiff linen prototype of my dress which she will use as a guide when making my actual gown, over my head. I quickly stepped down from the foot stool, and threw my day dress back on. I had to make a quick exit or I would be late for my visit with Gerald. I slipped out of Bethanys sitting room while she handed Miss Cuttwright four heavy bolts of carefully chosen fabric, before she noticed me escaping. I bolted down the stairs. Finally out of the house, and slightly out of breath, I stood in front of the Bergnums front door. The knocker on the door appeared larger since the last time I had stood on their front porch. The head of the lion looked ferocious and sinister; like a forewarning of what may be looming behind the door. With trepidation, I knocked on the door then took a quick look behind me to check if anyone was spying on me. I stared at my house across the street while I waited. I thought about what happened there that night and shuddered at the memory of how the vampire had burst into flames then turned into cinders. Suddenly, in my peripheral, a figure emerged from the west side of my house and stood in the front garden. He was dressed in all black with skin paler than the ivory handkerchief I had chosen to carry along with me in my drawstring purse. He looked directly at me, actually through me as he stood in the weeds that seemed to climb up his legs. The intensity of his eyes reminded me of the way Victor had glared at me when I waited for the light to change on the main street, wild but contained. He began to move closer to the entrance gates as if he was trying to get a better look at me, moving in static as if he were made of currents. The dark clothing he wore, a gentlemans suit all black including the button down shirt, led me to believe that he was one of Victors disciples. They all seemed to share the same penchant for wearing clothing better suited for mourning. It was as if they wanted to disappear into the shadows; what they actually should avoid at all costs. But this man came across as unusual and sinister. He was as chalky as a ghost where Victors disciples always appeared to be alive. His movements were jumpy, not footsteps. He appeared closer to the gates of my house now, and his intense stare burrowed into my face like the sun. I wasnt sure that Id be keeping my appointment with Gerald. I was unsure that I could even make it out the Bergnums entrance gates before it was upon me; my first instinct was to run. Then I heard the door creak open behind me, and an ice cold chill filled the air, it literally felt like the temperature dropped fifty degrees from the warm eighty. I spun around to see a young man, probably a few years older than I, impeccably dressed as the sons of the aristocracy usually were these days. He had golden blond hair the color of corn silk, and stared down at me with strange vacant eyes. I felt like Id been caught trespassing on sacred ground or something. I turned to see if the darkly attired man came out of the vine encrusted gates, but to my surprise he was gone as if the door being opened had scared him away. I turned back around, and goose bumps rose on my skin. The goose bumps werent from the appearance of the man across the street, or from his quick departure. The hairs on the back of my neck had risen from that enlightenment. I was freezing in my three quarter sleeve, linen and lace dress, and it was all due to the arctic blast that came with the Bergnums door being opened. The cold air was coming from inside the Bergnum estate. I did my best to shake off the image of the disappearing phantom, and tried to focus on the boy standing right in front of me, the boy who I hoped would help me to remember who I was. For a few seconds, we both stood there, motionless, staring at each other. I couldnt help but wonder if he too had seen the man gawking at me from the deserted garden. I was about to speak but he spoke first. Well...well... well..., hello Cordelia. Its good of you to visit. An impish smile spread across his face. It wasnt exactly the greeting I had been expecting. Hello Gerald. I said, cheerfully not wanting to show any indication of how nervous I was. I watched as a peculiar look washed over his handsome face.

Even though I had only seen Gerald once from across the length of two huge yards, Gerald looked less angelic than I had expected. There was a mischievous look to him as if he should be watched carefully, or youd run the risk of ending up with a strategically placed rattlesnake or frog in your pocket. Gerald? Dear girl, has it been that long? Do you not recognize me? He said leaning his head to one side, raising an eyebrow in a sharp arc. As he spoke, another young man suddenly appeared beside him in the door way. The realization hit me like a thud on the head. The second boy was definitely younger with brighter, gentler brown eyes. His hair was a paler shade of corn silk. He was Gerald and he was standing in the doorway beside his older brother, Winston his dead older brother. Gerald gave no indication that he knew that his brother was standing right next to him. He couldnt see Winston. The remarkable thing was that I could. The morbidity of this revelation nearly sent me sprinting from the Bergnums property. Winston watched me closely with a smirk surfacing across his face. Winston looked only a couple years older than Gerald. Even though Gerald was a couple inches taller than Winston, the brothers resembled each other so much that they could possibly pass for twins. They both towered a few inches over six feet. But unlike his younger brother's honest eyes, his were bleak with no spark, and without depth. I remembered why Winston was dead. He had been a laudanum junkie, and after a couple of years of abusing the serum, he died tragically of an overdose. Cordelia. Geralds voice was crisp yet boyish, sounding much softer than Winstons. Im the only one here and I didn't hear anyone knock at the door. Oh I didn't know what to say as Gerald wondered how I was standing in his doorway with the door wide open. I eyed Winston who was stifling a wicked chuckle, obviously amused by his brothers lack of understanding of the tricks of the dead. I knocked a couple of times. When no one answered, I tried the doorknob, and found the door open. I lied, as my voice quivered a bit from the icy air that Gerald didnt seem to notice. Im sorry I didnt mean to intrude. I added looking over at Winston, who lost it and threw his head back and laughed out load. I couldnt help but stare at him. Gerald followed my eyes to where his brother was standing, and saw nothing but the oaken door, and then looked back at me oddly. Strange. Gerald mused, while he stood appraising me for a long moment. How rude of me, please come in, Cordelia. May I take your parasol? Gerald said, realizing that this was poor behavior for a host. Luckily, he seemed too distracted by my presence to care much about doors being left open. Yes, thank you. I handed Gerald my parasol, and we locked eyes for a short, awkward, yet bizarrely familiar moment. Gerald and I stood about a foot apart and I could actually remember the smoothness of his cheek the warmth of it. It was a tender feeling, and it was dear to my heart; a genuine memory. Gerald finally broke the stare. Although it is a rather warm day, Rutherford has driven my grandmother into town, therefore Im home alone. You do recall how grandmother enjoys her trips into town, at least once a week, to watch the less fortunate mill around. A nervous chortle escaped his lips. I nodded a yes but didnt remember Geralds grandmother at all. Please, shall we go into the parlor? There is tea waiting. Gerald ushered me into the spacious room. It was a lovely room, full of pretty much the same Victorian style furnishing, and a variety of gilt framed paintings and photographs. I was as if the Bergnums and the Capius shared the same interior decorator one with a flair for velvet, doilies, and ferns. I stopped at a table which was displayed with numerous gilt framed photographs, which I guessed to be Gerald's family tree. I spotted a photo of him where he appeared to be close to the age he was now. The picture was of course in black and white but you could still see the warm color in his cheeks and the softness of his eyes. He was extremely handsome in a very boyish way. I also spotted a photo of Winston. In the photo he looked to be in his early teens. He wasnt smiling, and his eyes seemed distracted, but he looked pleasant enough, handsome but rougher around the edges. It must have been the prelaudanum and prefloozy chasing years. You'll notice that not very much has changed. Gerald said, motioning for me to take a seat on the large crimson, patterned, velvet sofa. I could hear Winston's feet shuffling behind us. I refused to look at him. I didn't want to be distracted. He was freaking me out at this point, and I couldnt let Gerald think that something was wrong. I sat down on one of the sofas while Gerald poured freshly brewed tea. Normally the idea of sipping steaming hot tea in this weather, with only the comfort of my fancy hand fan and no air conditioning, would have been insufferable, but it was the perfect choice with the frigid air that seemed to only exist in this house. Finally, Gerald sat down on the sofa, just a few inches from where I was sitting. Winston stood tall and lean in a gray suit in front of the large bay windows as if he was spying on the house directly across the street my house. I eagerly sipped the tasteless tea hoping that it would assist in calming my nerves. The tea scorched the tip of my tongue. I stifled the urge to swear, and tried to disguise my pain with a dab of my handkerchief to the corners of my mouth, all while Gerald observed me on the sly, blowing into his teacup. Ah, yes, the pain subsided, thankfully. Are you cold? Gerald asked, eyeing me closely with his head cocked to one side, as I rubbed my upper arms with my hands. Gerald couldn't feel the arctic chill of his deceased brother's presence. Then it hit me. It made perfect sense. It had been him. It was the back of Winstons pale blond head that I had glimpsed heading out of my sitting room and out onto my balcony, my first night at the Capius mansion. I remembered how the rooms temperature had plummeted while I read through my journals. The arctic blast was the same now. No. I'm fine. Really? It is rather chilly in this room right now, but the chill seems to come and go in this drafty house. It hasnt always been this way. We can move

into another room if you like, but Im afraid the draft moves along with me sometimes. I cant seem to escape it at times. No, I mean yes, Im fine, and the chill doesnt bother me that much. My grandmother, who wasnt always the superstitious type, actually believes its a ghost, my father or perhaps, my older brother. Gerald chuckled. I believe its her old age, and possibly the fear of dying. Gerald should listen to his grandmother more, I thought. Her inkling was dead on, no pun intended. Gerald doesn't know where youve really been. Dare you tell him? Winston challenged, while he still held his pose by the window. He actually believes that you have been living in Paris. I pity my gullible baby brother, but, then again, how could he know? I was shocked by Winston's interjection concerning my make believe trip to France. I was more so astounded by how much he knew about me. Its startling to say the least. What else does he know? I turned around to face him, but his eyes were still fixed on my house. My brother doesn't know that you have absolutely no recollection of him, although he has not for one single moment, of every day since you have been away, stopped pining for you. Winston sneered. I turned my gaze back to Gerald. He stared at the spot where Winston stood. I almost thought for a second that he had heard his dead brothers comments. But he hadnt, thankfully. Since your house has been put up for sale, does this mean your parents dont plan to return to Nickel City? Will you be staying with the Capius family permanently? Gerald asked, as Winston grunted obscenely. Sale? Why was my house up for sale? Even though my parents were dead, I couldnt imagine why my house had been put up for sale, if I was expected to return. It didnt make any sense. I didnt want to appear unaware of this new information, so I decided to answer his second question instead. At this point I didn't know what Id find out about myself by visiting Gerald. It would take forever to find anything out with the conversation continuing down this route. My parents love France. They plan to visit as much as they can. Father has a lot of work there. I'm with the Capius' for now. They are my family. I like it there. I have my own room. What the heck was that all about? Why was I rambling? I see. Gerald said, looking uneasy. His face fell when I mentioned that I would be staying with the Capius. He looked crushed. It was totally understandable. Evan was the competition, and I just announced that the competition and I were living under the same roof. This wasnt going well. Then Gerald decided to change the subject. Tell me about your stay in Paris? I had kind of hoped to hear from you at some point or another, he said, taking a sip from his teacup. I noticed that Geralds hands were trembling. His tan face was turning a reddish rose, and he wasnt making any eye contact with me as he spoke. He wasnt wasting any time with laying on the guilt trip. I enjoyed my time there, but it wasnt anything special. Im sorry that I didnt keep in touch. I lost track of time, I guess. How were things here while I was away? I asked, trying to change the direction of the conversation, and hoping he wouldn't require more details about my fake trip. I didnt want to have to keep lying. But Gerald wasnt going to be steered away that easily. I'm sorry to hear that your stay wasnt special. I would have expected it to be worth your while being that you disappeared that night without as much as a goodbye. I would think that it was something quite special that took you there and kept you there without any correspondence or so much as a word for two entire years. Geralds tone was somewhat icy, and chilled me to the core, more so than his brothers morbid presence. I couldn't think of anything to say. Everything wasnt as it seemed. Gerald thought I hadnt kept in touch on purpose. If I could only tell him the truth, that I was brainwashed, sent into the future to live for the last two years, and have returned now feeling like an amnesiac. If only I could explain, and then maybe he would understand and not hate me right now. I wanted to tell Gerald where Id really been, but how could I? Hes wasnt an Ischero, and there were laws to follow, excluding mortals from knowing the real identities of the Ischero, and he would never understand something as bizarre as being a demigod with supernatural powers. I also couldnt tell him anything because of the simple fact that I wasnt certain what Id been told was a certainty. I had to come to terms with the simple fact that I didnt have a single friend. I was alone in this world, and Ive never felt so deserted. I wasnt sure of anything, so I said the only thing that I could think of to say under the circumstances. Im sorry. I said, and carefully lowered my tea cup to the table, and sat it back on its saucer. Gerald was quiet. I took a quick glance at him. Gerald just stared at the sparkling marble floor. One day, soon, youll have to tell him the truth. One day, youll have to decide what it is that you really want. Winston said, with a significant edge in his voice. I shivered from the last burst of cold air that filled the room as Winston disappeared through the wall. The rooms temperature instantly rose with Winstons absence. Maybe I should leave. I said, slowly rising from the sofa. It was obvious that Gerald was hurting, and wanted me to rectify his pain. I didnt know Gerald, and I didnt know how to do that, but I did know that he was once a good friend, and an important part of my life. My being here right now seemed to be causing him more pain. I no longer believed that he would be helpful in jolting my memory; to no fault of his own. I had snuck out of the house again, breaking Thaddeus strict rules again, so that I could meet up with Gerald. I believed that now to be a big mistake. Tears began to well up in my eyes, and I felt an immediate need to escape Geralds house. I got up, and walked passed him, and headed for the foyer. I wanted to use my inaccessible powers to disappear right now. How perfect it would be to disappear this very second, so that Gerald wouldn't see my tears of

frustration and hopelessness. But disappearing would be revealing something he couldnt handle. Cordelia, don't go. I'm truly sorry. I was harsh. I apologize for my rude behavior. Im sure that your leaving to go to France wasnt up to you. I know that it was out of your control. Gerald pleaded. His words halted me at the draped archway. Taking my shoulders in his hands, he turned me around to face him. His doe like bark hued eyes were transparent to the depths of his soul. There was no doubt that Gerald was in love with me. I could somehow here his heart racing, or was that my own? He lowered his head to kiss me, but my instincts took over and I pulled away. His expression was doleful. He had looked this way before. All of a sudden I felt a wave of heat, and then I saw a vision of myself in Gerald's arms. We were in a barn, lying on the coarse hay. I love you for more reasons than I can express. Gerald said, boring his eyes, and soul into mine. I didn't answer, and instead kissed him in a devouring way. Do you love me, Cordelia? If you do then we can leave Nickel City, make a life for ourselves, where no one can interfere. Tell me that you love me. Gerald pleaded pulling me in closer, practically mashing himself into me. I stroked his face gently at first, and then stopped abruptly. We can't. I said, pushing him off of me, and struggling to get up from the pillow of hay. A horse whinnied somewhere in the back of the barn. Gerald's face looked miserable. I ran out of the barn before he could grab a hold of me. The last thing I saw and felt was the hot sun on my face and the shock of pain in my eyes from being exposed to the searing light of the sun, as I tried to shield my eyes as I left the dark barn. Now I was back in Geralds house, in his parlor again, lying on the sofa, feeling fairly dazed. I must have passed out. Why else would I be sprawled out on the sofa like this? I sat up and felt a tad light headed. The vision had knocked the wind out of me. To my chagrin, Gerald was by my side, peering at me peculiarly. He offered me a glass of water which he instructed me to drink. My mouth was surprisingly dry, so the tepid water was actually refreshing. I thought about the vision for a moment, how I felt for him and it was clear. I was never in love with Gerald. He had been my temporary escape from my complicated life as an Ischero, and an unfortunate mistake. I felt terrible for using him that way. I had been heartless. Do you feel alright? Yes. I answered. Gerald tried to make some sense of what had just happened. One second you were heading out the door, and the next second, you fainted. What happened? I Im not sure what happened, I answered. It must be the heat, I lied. He nodded, and asked, Will you excuse me for a moment? Uh... yes, of course. I answered nervously. The frigid blast was back, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be left alone in the room. As Gerald left the parlor, I noticed Winston by the window again. He seriously creeped me out as he stared out into a world which he was no longer a part of. His unwavering gaze was fixed on my house once again. I was still thirsty after finishing the glass of water, so I sat up and reached for my tea. The fancy porcelain tea cup felt cool with no steam rising from it. I couldnt help making a face as I sipped from it, the lukewarm liquid tasted bland. I felt Winstons penetrating gaze on me. You shouldn't consider my brother to be foolish for loving someone that he doesn't realize he will never have. Winston said, knowingly, still staring out the window. I decided right then and there that I didn't care for him much I had no desire to be judged by some knowitall specter that had played Russian roulette with his own life. I don't consider Gerald to be foolish. I didn't know where this conversation was going, and I really wanted to do the steering. He doesn't know your secret. But I do. Being dead does have its perks. I was speechless. I wasn't even sure of which secret Winston referred to. There were so many. My secret? I wasn't trying to play dumb. I really had no idea what he was aiming at. Lets see, Winston mused. So you've lost your memory. A demigod without a memory equals a demigod without any divine powers. Well actually, shame on me, you have managed to gain a couple back, but youre hopelessly without any clue as to how to control them, or you may not have killed that vampiress the other night. He said with a knowing glare followed by a wicked chuckle. Why Darling girl, are you surprised? I know all there is to know about you, and your kind. Your family secrets as well as the secrets you keep from them. Ive been privy to them all. It is too bad that you can't remember. How could you know everything? I was unable to conceal my curiosity.

I died a couple months before you disappeared. I dreamed of dying so many times while I was alive, always dreaming the same thing although I never anticipated dying at the tender age of twenty. I would see myself going off into some kind of clouded heaven with beautiful disrobed angels dancing around me, wanting nothing more but to please me in every way a man should be. Not once had I thought I would die, and be forced to hang around this dreary house indefinitely. It is a mean trick really and an utter bore. Winston stared at me. Whenever I wanted to get away from this house I would spend time across the street, at your former home; your parents' home. I would spend a lot of time with you. I would watch you sometimes just to see what it was that my innocent little brother loved so much about you. At first you were annoyed by me but slowly you warmed up to my company. I shifted on the sofa, and turned away from his gaze in shock. Am I making you uncomfortable? Honestly, its not my intention. You should feel at ease with me fore I am your only friend and the answer to your prayers. I was stunned speechless. I couldnt get my thoughts together to speak. Here I was sitting in the Bergnums estate hoping to make some kind of connection with Gerald that would jump start my memory when its Winston, his deceased brother who according to him had befriended me as a ghost before I was sent away, who may actually shed some light. It was strange that I never really mentioned Winston in my diaries. Winston was right. He may just be my only friend. He knew who and what I really was, and he was not an Ischero which lent a whole different aspect to my existence. I guess the most important question was; can I trust him? Someone with Winstons track record of recklessness, deceit, and selfishness, may be looking for some sort of payment. I don't remember anything. I admitted, cautiously. I need your help. Winston purred as sweet as a kitten with nails as sharp as a tigers. I may be of some assistance although I do wonder how you will repay me. BINGO! Some things never change, and in Winstons case, he was the same old opportunist in death as he had been known to be for all of his short life. Im not sure I understand what you mean. Winston moved really close to me, close enough to kiss me standing only an inch or two away from me, tall and dominating, bringing with him more of the frosty air. The roguish look on his face was now one of satisfaction as he vanished into thin air. Wait! I jumped up from the sofa reaching out with my hand as if I could grab Winstons phantom arm before he disappeared completely. Cordelia, are you alright? What are you doing? Who were you speaking to? I was startled by Gerald's voice. He had been silent when he reentered the parlor. The perplexed look on his sunkissed face, and his barrage of questions was overwhelming. I didn't want Winston to leave. He was the window into my life. Gerald slammed it shut when he walked back into the room. Gerald was still standing in front of the archway. I'm over here, and you appear to be talking to the window or the wall. Are you alright? Yes. Yes, Im fine, and I'd better be going now. I got up, and quickly marched past a startled Gerald, and into the hallway. I grabbed my parasol, and didn't bother putting on my hat. I was out the door as Gerald stared after me in the doorway. I never looked back. Once out of the Bergnums entrance gates, I heard his front door shut, and I noticed it was getting darker out with every step. No, not darker just over cast, although the sun was still shining above me from the right. I stopped walking, and turned around and noticed nothing at first, until I looked down at the dusty dirt road. The warm breeze picked up around the hem of my dress and I noticed my shadow was cast to the left of me in an elongated dark twin of myself. Upon noticing my own shadow, I became aware of the Apolluon shadows a few yards behind me, slowly creeping upward off of the ground as if they were trying to stand up. I felt bonded to where I stood as the shadows stood upright. The Apolluon had begun to form a semicircle around me with only a thin opening to the circle left where my shadow was cast. It was as if they couldnt touch my shadow. I was at least several yards from The Capius estate. Run, I thought, run as fast as you can. I did, and was at the Capius entrance gates in a matter of a heartbeat just as I felt searing hot claws grab my arms. The second the Apolluon touched me they recoiled instantly and began vibrating as if I had shocked them with a Taser gun. A high pitched shriek reverberated throughout the sinister looking silhouettes. They became a charcoal gray fog that turned into the curly spirals of smoke dissipating into the clear afternoon air. They were gone, for now. TwentyTwo Sisters and Riddles The minute I stepped into the house, I was ambushed by Bethany. Have you lost your mind? Why did you leave this house? Why were you at the Bergnums estate? You are hell bent on risking everyones safety especially your own! Bethany hissed. The bombardment of questions and accusations made my head spin, and I couldnt think let alone formulate answers. What? I backed up as much as I could, and tried not to bump into the huge mahogany side bar.

Its too dangerous to be out of this house right now, especially alone. You cant defend yourself. I guess telling her how I was nearly smothered by the Apolluon would not be a good idea right now. Besides that horror, I still didnt know who that man was, staring at me, dressed in all black, and standing in the desolate garden of my house. I was beginning to believe that he may be a vampire, but how is it that he was out and about in the daylight? Nothing happened. I lied. Luckily it didnt seem like Bethany was aware of the Apolluons ambush and my escape. Why were you at the Bergnum's estate? Bethany demanded. Her voice sounded harsh and decreased in volume. Maybe she didnt want anyone to hear her scolding me like a child. I... I... uh... I stammered. I couldn't get my thoughts together. I was still rattled by the Apolluon shadows as Bethany edged my every step. I was cornered, and basically couldn't move. Did my father not make himself clear, when he said that you are not to leave this house alone? How could you disregard our attempts at keeping you safe? You are putting yourself at risk. You are putting us all at risk. Could you really be this selfish? Bethany stomped the floor around me; her arms waving about emphasizing certain words. Her pretty face was twisted in a scowl. Actually Bethany didnt look pretty at all right now. I'm sorry. I just needed some air. I went for a walk, and ran into Gerald, who then invited me in for tea. I thought it would be rude to say no. I explained, but mostly lied. You're lying, Bethany accused, as her eyes narrowed into slits. I wanted to slap her. At this point I didn't care if she believed me or not. I thought about all the questions Bethany asked. The nerve of her. She was the liar. She lied about everything from the first time I met her. She said it was all to protect me, yet I ended up dead? And she's been lying ever since. She lied to me about her parents and about knowing Gerald. I didn't trust her. What was she hiding? Besides, I had just escaped the Apolluon by the skin of my teeth. I was in no mood for this interrogation. What gives you the right to question me? I challenged. Bethany's face turned beet red and revealed the shock to my question as well as anger. I beg your pardon? She said in a huff. Oh cut the lady like crap. Ive heard you swear dozens of times, and I'm exhausted with your perfect diction and etiquette. Answer me Cordelia, why were you there? Wouldnt you like to know? I asked with a hint of a smile. It was my turn to keep secrets. Lets see how she likes that. So I take it that you want to start keeping secrets again. Ha! Me? Keeping secrets? Are you kidding me Beth? I know nothing. You know all the answers and all the secrets. I was trying to stay calm, but Bethany was really testing my patience. Your secrets will put you in a difficult position, Bethany barked. I hope that you didnt reveal anything to Gerald. It will only jeopardize his safety. Safety from whom or what? I asked. I knew exactly what she meant. If Gerald ever found out about the familys secret, he would be a threat to the Ischeros, and he would only be unsafe from us. But did this mean that he would be killed? I suppose that was why Bethany said that I would be put in a difficult position. The position of being forced to choose sides. First of all, Gerald is not a secret. He is my friend, so I still dont get why my meeting with him is such a big deal. Second He isnt dangerous and he isnt a threat to the family. I wouldnt dare reveal our little secret and get him killed. Why is she doing this? Why is she seeing him again? Why cant she just follow the rules? Hes a mortal for the Gods sake, and isnt worth the trouble that would ensue. Evan would be so hurt if he knew that she was doing this behind his back. I was reading Bethanys thoughts again. The girl was torturing herself without cause. Our little secret? You make it sound like something dirty when it is completely the opposite. We are the purist and the most superior of all beings. You should be honored to be the daughter of the almighty Zeus. Bethany proclaimed fiercely. I said nothing as Bethanys words hung in the air. It was the contrary actually. I didnt feel honored at all. I felt cursed. Im only concerned with your safety, and I hope that you are telling me the truth, Bethany said, although I wasn't convinced. Wait a minute. I thought you said you ran into Gerald, and he then invited you in for tea. Did you plan this meeting? Bethany asked icily. We locked eyes for a moment. Even though I said nothing, Bethany knew the truth. Bethany turned away, and slowly sauntered into the parlor. She waited for me to enter the room before she closed the double doors which closed us off from the rest of the enormous house. I watched her suspiciously. She appeared to be serene, and not at all irate as she had proved to be just a couple minutes ago, when she expected to be in control of our exchange.

Bethany's lovely face was poised now. She stood in front of the unlit fireplace. It was much too warm to have a fire going. I didn't feel it was necessary to tell you about an old childhood friendship which would only cause uncertainty in a time when the priority is to help you regain your strengths. Bethany elucidated. I watched Bethany's elusive eyes dart around the room; darting to numerous paintings that hung on the patterned wallpaper. She only made eye contact with me for one split second before her eyes flitted away like the panicked wings of a butterfly. Bethany began pacing from one point of the parlor to another like some scheming caged animal. My best friend of two long years was still keeping something. Is that it... is that all? I asked. No, I wish it was. Of course thats not all. You couldnt comprehend it all. And Im stuck baby sitting you. We all are. Meanwhile youre out gallivanting with a mortal. Do you wish to hurt my brother? Why must you hurt him so? Bethanys thoughts came in waves, and I perceived them clearly. She looked me dead in the eyes, attempting to hide her frazzled nerves. She thought that I was out with Gerald so that I could rekindle whatever it was that we once had. One minor transgression, and Im held guilty for an eternity. I knew Bethany well. She was definitely rattled. She needed to be in control more than she needed to be correct. Well, this is your chance to be straight with me Bethany. I said patiently. Bethany was temporarily hushed. With her head tipped downward she proceeded to appear distraught. I walked up to the fireplace where Bethany stood. I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me. I looked her in the eyes as I spoke to her. Im waiting. You fell in love. Bethany said, freeing herself of my pathetic grip. You broke the laws of the Ischeros when you stepped out of our circle, and sought a relationship with a mortal, hence, ultimately betraying my brother. You kept the secret from me, from everyone. I dont remember what I felt then, Beth, but Im sure that I didnt look for a relationship with Gerald. It just couldnt be helped. It wasnt intentional. How could you know this now? Bethany looked at me incredulously. I dont know how I know, I lied. I just know thats all. Well you knew then. You knew, and understood the consequences and you knew that the union between you and Evan was imperative to our future. It still is. Dont forget the part when you threatened to tell Evan. Silence. Ah, the missing chapter from the book of Bethany. How do you know that? Did Gerald tell you that, or are you remembering it? No he didnt. I guess my memory is coming back after all. I would never tell Bethany about my diaries. I suppose best friends did keep secrets from each other, sometimes. I was protecting my brother. But I guess youve made your choice. Bethanys eyes narrowed and a scowl emerged on her heart shaped face. Her expression was lethal. Im not saying that Im making any choices because as far as Im concerned I dont feel anything for either Gerald or Evan right now, but it would ultimately be my choice. I proclaimed. I wished that I could scream it from the peaks of the Sierra Mountains. Oh grow up, Cordelia, and realize one thing; your loyalties are to this family. You are the Empress of the Ischeros, the divine daughter of Zeus, and that wont change. Doesnt that mean anything to you? Does that mean that I dont have any right to choose who I fall in love with? We dont have to choose. We are drawn to our matches, and are destined to be with our matches. Its a feeling, a connection so strong that no other feeling or attraction could break it. The connection is permanent, and what the gods have set into motion. Besides, you already made your choice, the correct one. My brother did nothing but love you in return. I said nothing, and the room was hushed again. I felt like I was a hostage, stowed away in this huge mansion, with my heart already claimed. I knew what Bethany was saying was true, because I had read my own words of love and devotion for Evan, yet my brain, without the actual precious memories of feeling and knowing the love that pulsed between Evan and I, couldnt comprehend the idea of a forced union whether the both of us had really accepted it or not. Bethany broke the silence, and I was forced to focus on her again. If you continue frequenting with the wrong kind, you will get us all killed. We are all here to protect you. Being out of this house on your own is extremely perilous. You are also putting Gerald in danger. Victor will go after anyone and will use anyone to get to you. Bethany reconfirmed. I hadnt actually thought about that possibility. Delia, please trust me. I dont want to sound like your guardian, or a parent, but this is for your own good and for the survival of our people. Your relationship with Gerald, whatever it was, is over, and has been since before you left. So leave it at that. It was a mistake to begin with. You are in love with Evan, and were planning to marry him, not Gerald Bergnum. Evan is your fianc. Bethany

declared. Trust her? Bethany was out of her freakin mind. I've known you for two years, and honestly, Bethany, I don't know who you are anymore. I'm starting to believe that I never really knew you. I don't know that I can trust you, Beth. You should have just told me the truth from the very beginning when I was brought back here. I dont know why you felt like you needed to treat me like some infant. I couldve handled it. I was trying to make things easier, and make things right. Unlike you, who was out having your cake, and having a taste as well. You were playing a dangerous and selfish game that would only end badly. And you are doing it again now. We can only be with one of our own. You are behaving like a slut Cordelia. How could she call me a slut? Gerald and I never Well I guess it takes one to know one. I hissed, Pardon me? Bethany asked, innocently. The act was a waste. I knew what she had done, and I wasnt about to spare her feelings. Gerald and I have never done anything but kiss. But you you and Victor. Youand Victor? I stammered. The blood flooded Bethanys face as the heat reached her eyes pure horror. She knew exactly what I was getting at. Silence engulfed the parlor. Bethany fell into the chaise lounge, hung her head over the back of the sofa, allowing her face to fall over the side, and then cried. She sobbed like a lost child. I felt awful. I had only wanted to hurt Bethany because she had hurt me. I sat down beside her, and said nothing as I patted her shoulder, trying desperately to comfort her after taking her to the point of tears. The room was quiet except for Bethanys heavy sobs. I honestly didnt remember ever witnessing Bethany cry like this. This was a pivotal moment. I just wished that I wasnt the culprit. Are you alright? I didnt mean to My insides ached for her. But you did. Bethany looked up at me with glassy sky blue eyes and a tear stained face. How did you know? It happened while you were in the future. In the future? Yesterday, you were sitting exactly where you are sitting now, and you were thinking about it, and I read your thoughts. Bethanys face went ash gray to pale white. I didnt mean to. I was suddenly able to. I heard what you were thinking. Im sorry I didnt mean to intrude on your thoughts. I tried to explain, but I was a jumble of nerves juggling words. When we came back? Yeah, from buying the fabric for our gowns. You were reflecting on what Sacha had said to you about you knowing Victor very well. Bethany nodded and gulped all at once. It was true, and she was humiliated. I love Nikolas. I would never knowingly hurt him. Knowingly? I didnt know I was in bed with Victor until it was over. Huh? Thats when he exposed his true self to me. I know what youre thinking. I was thinking that I had no idea what she was talking about. How could she not know who she is with? I dont understand. How could you not know that it was Victor? Bethany sighed, sat up, and began to explain. There was a battle ensuing here in the now while you, Nikolas, and I were in the future the night before you were hit by the jeep. Nikolas was needed and was called back by Evan to battle Victors disciples who had targeted the children of four of the families. They were being held hostage for a trade for you. Bethany paused and pulled out a handkerchief to blow her nose. She even did that with a dainty flair. I stayed in the future to guard you. Nikolas was gone for just a few hours, or so I thought. I was in my bed when Nikolas came to me. I had been worried about him and couldnt sleep. I had been overjoyed with his safe return, and well we made love that night for the first time, but Bethany had to pause again. Her lower lip trembled as she tried to speak. But, it wasnt Nikolas. Bethany broke down all over again. I was heartbroken for her although I was still a bit confused as to how Victor was Nikolas or how Nikolas was Victor. All I got so far was that her first time was with Victor, the boy she loathed indefinitely, and not with her soul mate. I was crying too. Something that sacred, should never be exploited. It was Victor, and he had staged the whole kidnapping of the children perfectly. He knew that Evan would seek his strongest disciples, and he knew he took a chance in believing that only one of us would be called on and the other would have to stay behind to protect you. Somehow he had known that it would be Nikolas. Somehow he found out which point in time Nikolas and I were hiding you. He knew once he found us, he would find you, and then kill you. The information was incredible. So thats how Victor found me. Yes. While we were in bed, he was Nikolas and he asked where you were. I thought nothing of it. I told him. I told Victor where you were. You were killed the following afternoon. Bethany broke into sobs again. I hugged her, and her tears flowed onto my shoulder. She was a mess of quivers, and now I understood why she was always full of angst. The poor

thing was wracked with guilt. Im so sorry Cordelia. I should have known. He shifted into Nikolas. He used Nikolas body, but only his body, not his mind. He looked exactly like him, spoke like him, and even kissed like him. I was a fool. The empire is in peril because of me, and no one knows it. And no one ever will. I vowed. Bethany looked at me, and sobbed even harder. She cried for a minute, and looked up at me. Im so pleased that we are friends again, sisters as before. Me too, sis. I smiled broadly. I wanted to cheer her up, but didnt know how to, then something struck me. How is Victor able to change into another person? It is one of the gifts which he has acquired. Victor has developed a power that is above what was expected of him. Some of us are gifted with a special device, and Victor has the gift of the Chameleon. We are all baffled by his growth in power. He has surpassed the magnitude of power that he should have, and has done this without killing another Ischeros after your parents. He is extremely powerful. The other families are aware of this gift because he has used it before. Does Victor have to Glamour the person? No, but he has to have wounded them once. He only loses it when the person he is impersonating looks him in the eye. When did he wound Nikolas? When we were children, and we were all a happy family. Bethany said gazing up at the patterned ceiling as if she was reminiscing about the good old days. Nikolas and Victor were seven years old and training. Victor accidently wounded Nikolas in a mock sword fight. Nikolas still has the scar; a small nick right below his chest. Who would have ever expected Victor to be a Chameleon, or expect him to use the gift so cleverly? Is there anyone that he cant impersonate? Oh yes, Bethany assured. Anyone with a higher grade of power, that leaves Evan and you. We were both quiet for a while. After a few moments, Bethany grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Im exhausted. Im going to go up for a nap. Ill see you at dinner. She was up and headed for the foyer. Sure. I said. But before you go, can I ask you something? Of course. How do you know thats its really Nikolas when you see him now? I watched Bethanys lower lip quiver, and I knew that I shouldnt have asked. Im so sorry Beth, Im just curious. No its alright, really. She sauntered toward me. Ever since that night Ive asked Nikolas to answer a riddle that only he and I know the answer to. We change the riddle every time he leaves me. He doesnt know the real reason why we do it, but I never want to doubt that its Nikolas again. I know it sounds silly but I remembered the first time I saw them together after arriving in the past. Bethany had asked Nikolas a question before embracing him, and he had answered it. I would have never thought that this was the reason for the riddle. I guess it made sense. It was so sad. No its not silly at all. Its genius. I said. Bethany nodded, and headed to her bedroom. Look about this afternoon, I want you know why I went to see Gerald. Stop. Its understandable Delia. Youre curious. In all honesty, if I were in your satin shoes, I would be too. Bethany said, with a glimpse of a smile. Dont let me keep you. I said. With a short nod, Bethany was gone. I exhaled and plopped down on the chaise lounge. Within a few minutes, I decided to do the same, and went up to my bedroom. I didnt need a nap, just some time alone to think. I witnessed an entirely different side of Bethany today, and it was heart breaking, yet refreshing. I hoped that our talk would make things less stressed between us. I needed a friend. Just then, Winston came to mind. I needed to speak with him. I would have to arrange for another meeting with Gerald. I would really be pressing my luck with leaving the house again, but I had no other options. I could either sit idle and wait for my memory which may never come back, or have Winston fill me in on everything he knew about me, the family, and whatever else there was. My mind was made up. I leaned back, stretched my legs out on my chaise, and closed my eyes and tried to relaxed. When I opened them again I noticed some movement in my peripheral. By the French doors to my veranda, a tall, beautiful woman robed in what appeared to be white silk, blew in with the temperate breeze. She looked like a glowing angel, well what I expected an angel would look like. Had I fallen asleep? I bat my eyelashes a few times just to be sure that I hadnt fallen asleep to another strange dream. She appeared closer this time, about a foot or so away from my chair. She was real, I think. It was further confirmed when she spoke. Do you remember me? She asked in a voice that sounded almost symphonic, and was just above a whisper. I knew that I had seen her before, and wondered when and where. The glow surrounding her began to dissipate as she moved closer to me. She was now standing right in front of me, only a few inches away.

Yes. You are the Goddess Athena. She stood regal, minus the helmet and shield. We are sisters, you and I, and it is time that you return to us. It is within yourself that you will find the answers, young empress. You have the strength were you lack the aspiration. No other being has the ability to assist you. Everything stems from you through your father. Zeus wishes you to embark upon this alone. Athena was looking down at me with intent in her luminous eyes. You are the leader of the Ischeros, our earthen empire, and descendants of the Olympians. The empire stands to perish without your strengths. Everyone in your kingdom is aware of this certainty. Hades disciples search for the strongest in power. He knows that his disciples are close to finding this high power. That high power is you. Hades is driving his disciples hard, and has dispatched another battalion. It is imperative that you accept all that you are destined to be for your soul is in grave danger, as are the souls of the members of the empire. In a matter of days your soul will be snatched away from this earth, and sent to the Underworld, if you do not make the realization. A biting chill raised the hairs on the back of my neck as I contemplated my soul being snatched, and being sent to the Underworld to dwell for an eternity. I was terrified. The thought alone was debilitating. I was thankful that I was sitting down. Im trying to remember, yet nothing I try seems to help. I dont remember anything. What should I do? How do I find the strength? I asked Athena, anxiously. Please tell me. The answers are within. You must free yourself from what you know. Those words left me feeling profoundly mystified; puzzled to my core. And with that the Goddess Athena turned and walked out onto the veranda, and vanished into the cloudless sky. She was gone. Her words still hung in the air and played in my head over and over again like a scratched cd. It is within yourself that you will find the answers You have the strength were you lack the aspiration Free yourself from what you know. You hold the strength were you lack the aspiration Was this a riddle? Did Athena mean that I supposedly have the strength, but I didnt want it? Perhaps shes right. No other being possesses the ability to assist you. That was simple and straight forward although her next statement was a little tricky. Everything stems from you through your father. By everything, did Athena mean survival or power? Probably both. Zeus wishes you to embark upon this alone. Zeus wants me to do it alone. I didnt believe that I could, and didnt quite get why I had to, but I guess I was expected to comply. I didnt know when I got up, but I was now out on my balcony. The blistering sun bore down on me as I leaned against the wrought iron railing which posed to be the only obstacle to landing head first onto the stone path below. I expected to see all of the twelve below again, moving about gracefully through the garden, but it was as it was before when Ive looked down into this mystical garden; a perpetual abundance of Demeters gift. But only that. No statues. No gods. I sucked in a deep breath as if it were my last; taking in the familiar view of the Sierras, and below that, the minute town that resembled a scene of an old western film that I would never have selected to watch. All the while, and for the umpteenth time, I wondered why Id been chosen to save an entire kingdom of powerful descendants of gods. With my fists balled up, I fought to expunge tortured thoughts of suicide that steadily invaded my mind, whenever I stood in this spot. The drop from up here could do permanent damage, but it still wasnt high enough; just two stories up from the garden. I was forced to turn away, but not before I allowed the golden haired boy into my view. Gerald was where I knew he would be, hoping to see me. He stood across from me, alone on his veranda. His hair fanned away from his face with the gentle and early evening breeze. He waved and I waved back. Then I walked back into my room. I could totally see how I could fall for a guy like that. Besides the fact that the boy was gorgeous, his kindness and vulnerability was evident, even with the distance of the two gardens between us. Gerald was beautiful inside out. I automatically felt guilty for the way I had treated him before I was thrust into the future. I had used him, knowing that a relationship with him could never go anywhere. Gerald may have brought about the much needed illusion of normalcy, but I no longer knew what normal was. At some point I knew that I would have to make things right with him, and tell him how I feel once I knew what I was feeling. But right now I had to plan a visit, and use him again. I had no other way of making contact with Winston. Winston was the real enigma. I was dying to find out what he knew and he seemed just as eager to tell it. Another visit to the Bergnum estate was crucial in gaining the knowledge I believed would ultimately get my memory back and essentially save my soul. But Im scared to death of leaving this house. I wasnt so sure that the Apolluon couldnt hurt me after hearing Athenas warning. I couldnt shake her words. The probability of running into the Apolluon again was a certainty.

Dinner was quiet tonight. Bethany decided to have dinner in her sitting room. She complained of a headache. I knew better. If I were her, I guess I would want as little contact with everyone for one night. The children ate quickly and were sent up to their rooms as usual. Thaddeus and Alexandria barely spoke to me, anyone at the table, or to each other. I couldnt help but wonder what that was about. To no fault of my own, I was beginning to feel like a selfcentered person; believing that everything had something to do with me. I couldnt help wondering if their lack of banter had to do with their evident disappointment of me returning as a disobedient amnesiac. It was pointless to worry about how they felt at the moment. It cant be any worse than the rollercoaster of emotions Im riding, and have been on for the past three days. Has it only been three days? It was obvious that Evans mind was preoccupied as he played with the food on his plate. I guess it can't be easy to have the love of your life reject you. Like a little boy forced to eat veggies, he continued to play hockey with his Brussels sprouts. I wanted to talk to Evan about my encounter with Athena, but every time I thought to bring it up, Thaddeus would begin talking about the mines, and how much silver they were extracting each day. The man seemed a little obsessed with the lucrative minerals. I chewed my food quickly as I tuned in and out of the conversation regarding all the silver that was being hauled to Bedwyn City through Gold Hill on the Bergnum railroad. It was a different side of Thaddeus that even Evan appeared to be tuning out. After dinner, Thaddeus and Alexandria excused themselves as did Evan and Nikolas, so I never got the chance to divulge what Athena had proclaimed. I wondered, with the sensation of icicles slipping down my back, if my memory would return before my soul could be snatched. TwentyThree The Femme Fatale I fell asleep quickly, every ligament exhausted, to wake up from my slumber with the room still dark. The wispy fingers of the moons haze delicately clawed through the lace curtain panels, bringing in inadequate light. I peered at the marble and gold clock, and was surprised to read that it was only three in the morning. Lying still for a moment, no longer feeling sleepy at all, but strangely full of energy, I wonder what, if anything had awakened me. I didn't hear anything; not a sound. The house was tranquil. The dead silence was only broken by my own uneven breathing. It's not unusual for me to wake in the middle of the night but whenever I did, Id be groggy and desperate to fall back to sleep. This night was antithetic because I was bursting with unexplainable energy. I jumped out of bed and began to pace the wooden floor. Athenas words rang like chimes in my head. I was running out of time. My memory should have been restored an hour after I got here, and it has been three days since I time travelled, and only bits and pieces have returned; nothing substantial. Ive prayed every night that I would wake up the next morning either back in the future with this nightmare long forgotten, or if I woke up in the past I would wake knowing everything about myself. I prayed that when I woke I would have all my hopes, fears, emotions in check. Instead Ive awakened every morning with neither prayer answered. Existing in a fog for months or years like some terminal amnesiac is not what I considered to be living. Thats if I got to live. According to Athena, I was doomed. Hades had plans for the strongest Ischeros once the Apolluon figured out whom that was. I stopped pacing and sat on the bench at the foot of my bed. I held my head in my hands, and pressed my elbows into my thighs. I had contemplated mentioning my brief encounter with Athena to Evan last night, but thanks to the long winded and silver boasting Thaddeus Capius, I never got the chance. Evan should be privy to the timetable of my capture and death. I expected that he would know what to do. Evan would protect me. Surely he had a plan. Perhaps Zeus will jump in and save me from his evil brother. Surely a father wouldnt hesitate to defend his daughter. He wouldnt allow his daughter to die and be sent to the Land of the Shadows. Had I been praying to the wrong God? Now that Ive accepted the idea of Zeus as my father, its brought on thoughts of my fake parents and the ill feeling that wouldnt subside. They won't remember my existence, and would probably not acknowledge me if they saw me now. I still missed my fake parents terribly; more so the normalcy that comes with powerless, nondeities as parents. Damn it. Here I go again. The tears rolled, and my cheeks were damp. I held my face in my hands and cried. I would have wailed, but that would risk waking the entire household. Stop it, I scolded myself. Im tired of crying about things that I couldn't change. Evan came to mind; Evan, my resurrector. Evan, my powerful werewolf slayer. Evan, my soul mate. Evan, my fianc. Could I fall in love with someone I genuinely felt I didnt know? Was that even possible? I knew that I felt something, and it was dangerously surfacing. A part of me wanted to express what I was feeling for him, yet the other part of me, the stronger part of me, that wanted to know more; a lot more, fought for control. During dinner last night, it was obvious how I had hurt Evan. He had sat wounded, not saying a word. He had kept his eyes on his plate, and his hands busily shifting his food around. Making amends was a concern but not a chief one. I knew if I tried to make amends now, he might that as a sign to start wherever we had left off two years ago. Because I didnt remember being in a relationship with him, I felt inexperienced since I had never really had a real boyfriend. I felt like a nervous kid learning to ride a bike with training wheels, and beside me was an impatient parent who kept suggesting that the training wheels be taken off. I wasn't ready to remove my training wheels. Evan would have to wait if his feelings were sincere. At this time I wasn't able to offer him any other choice. I watched the lace curtains on my windows as they lifted gently in the faint breeze that was barely a breeze at all. It made the lack of air conditioners in this point in time almost unlivable. Usually, during autumn, the days were still very warm, and the evenings only slightly cooler, but pleasant. This night was as antithetic as the last. I was thirsty, so I decided to get a drink of water. I stretched upward with my arms extended above my head, and my feet taut like a ballerinas as I got up from the bench, and slipped my feet into my uncomfortably toasty slippers. I threw on my silk robe, padded across the large room to the double doors, and cracked one of them open. I was halted immediately by what I saw in the aperture. Quickly

minimizing the open space between the two doors, so that I wouldn't be noticed, I slyly peered through, and saw Bethany quietly making her way to her bedroom. She was wearing the same dress she had worn yesterday and the matching bonnet to her dress, so I presumed that she must be coming home from somewhere. At three in the morning? She moved at a snail's pace, and appeared to be gliding on a slow motion belt similar to the ones you grab your luggage off of at the airport. She disappeared into her room through her doors without ever opening them. I stood at my door for a long moment wondering where she could be coming from at this hour. I finally closed both my doors when I couldn't come up with a conclusion. I opened the doors to my veranda and the aroma of the roses, freesia, lilac, and orange blossoms wrapped around me like a tender hug, and flooded my senses. I focused, and looked down at the dim town below. The light posts were all lit, but I was too far above town to see anything, or hear any sounds coming from C Street. The only places known to be open on the main street at this time of night, were the saloons. Bethany wasnt the type that hung out at all hours of the night at a saloon. I left the veranda, and cracked my bedroom doors open once more. I stuck my head out this time, and noticed the light coming from under Nikolas bedroom door. I couldnt be sure if his light had been on when I saw Bethany come in. There was light streaming out from under Bethany's as well. I looked down the opposite end of the long and wide hallway to Evan's room, and saw that his lights were out. The silence was abolished when I began to hear faint voices. I tried not to breathe so that I could be sure. Even though they were muffled, I was absolutely certain I heard voices. I tiptoed out into the hallway, and stopped when I was right outside Bethany's doors. Once I realized that the voices weren't coming from there, I cautiously tiptoed in the direction of Nikolas room. With my ear against one of the double doors to his bedroom, I heard Bethanys and Nikolas voices clearly. Why were you with that whore? Bethany hissed. Calm down Beth, or you will alert everyone in this house. Nikolas demanded, in a gruff whisper. Calm down? I will not calm down. Bethany challenged angrily. That harlot has been stalking Cordelia and I. When I heard my name mentioned I almost ran back to my room, but eavesdropping was quickly becoming a passion of mine. I felt guilty doing it, but it seemed to be the only way I ever found anything out. Everyone seemed hell bent on keeping me out of the loop. I know, Nikolas said, sounding exhausted. But, right now, you're behaving like a child. It's not what you think Beth. Nikolas tried to explain defensively. He didnt appreciate Bethanys accusatory questioning, and I could tell that he was getting angrier as his tone dropped about forty degrees. And what am I thinking Niko? It was obvious that Bethany was irritated by Nikolas' icy tone, because hers sent chills down my spine. Your gifts dont include mind reading therefore, don't presume to know what I think Nikolas! I saw you leave her house! Did you follow me? Nikolas demanded. No... I didnt follow you. My visions, when they do come, have never betrayed me. So tell me, why are you paying her visits? Your visions you say? Well then you should have all the answers. Nikolas acknowledged sarcastically. Ugh! Bethany screamed. Im thoroughly disgusted with you. The vision was only of you ascending from her house, and nothing else. Thats because there is nothing more. May I remind you that she is panthoras. If she had shifted, she could have had the advantage. You took an unnecessary risk. She would not have known she had killed you until she was human again. Bethany explained. I wasnt so sure that Bethanys angst was only motivated by Nikolas speaking to Sacha and the threat against the family. Bethany may be fearing what Sacha may disclose to Nikolas about his beloved. First of all, Sacha would never have had the advantage. Im a lot stronger than I look. Nikolas soft chuckle cut through the air. She would never have had an advantage over me. My strength is ten times her strength which she only has after she has shifted. Therefore, I thank you for the vote of confidence. Besides, she was drunk. There wasnt a chance of her transforming into a panther. Nikolas paused to gulp something, and I shuddered just hearing Nikolas reference of Sacha shifting into that huge black panther. Secondly, it had nothing to do with Sachas attempted attack on Cordelia and yourself. Another gulp. And lastly, I didn't pay her a visit. I just took her to her home. It was an entirely different matter. Nikolas added, in a controlled and low voice that I had to really strain to hear. And what entirely different matter may I ask was Sacha privy too? You know that I was on my way to meet with Matthias, at his saloon, to discuss the death of his beloved, Driella. I ran into Sacha on my way into the saloon. And If you will let me finish, Nikolas snapped. Please do, Bethany sighed. As I was saying, I was on my way into the Bucket o Blood, and Sacha stumbled out of the saloon and practically fell on top of me as I was about to

enter. Nikolas sighed heavily. Sacha was rambling. She wasnt making very much sense. Then she realized that it was me. Nikolas paused. Go on, Bethany prodded. She began to fight me, but was too inebriated to even mount her horse. I saw an opportunity therefore, I transported her to her house. There, I gave her a warning. I told her that she will end up dead if she continues to follow Victor's commands. I told her that this was her chance to defect. She broke down and admitted to being under some sort of spell by Victor. Nikolas concluded. I handled the situation. Neither Cordelia nor I was hurt. I dont see why you felt it necessary to escort her to her home. She can take care of herself, Bethany said, raising her voice slightly. She seemed beside herself with anger. Wanting to see as well as hear, I went beyond eavesdropping, and took the position of a peepingtom. I crouched down low enough to comfortably peer through the keyhole. I could see Nikolas pacing, disappearing every so often as he went too far to the left or right of my view from my peephole. Bethany stood in the center of the room with her back towards the doors. I could only see her expressions when she turned either left or right to follow Nikolas pacing. I prayed that I didnt get caught snooping. It would be utterly embarrassing, yet the thought of that happening wasnt mortifying enough to get me up from where I knelt. I didn't move an inch away from the doors. I was barely breathing as I anticipated what would be said next. Why are her reasons of devotion to Victor now your concern? She is the enemy whether she is the leader or working for him. I don't care if she is miserable. Her dilemmas are not yours. You are to stay away from her, Nikolas. Bethany demanded, and was on the verge of screaming. You have no reason to be jealous, Bethany? Nikolas assured. JEALOUS? Bethany screamed, as she clenched her fists. This was going to be bad, I thought. Indeed. Nikolas confirmed, no longer pacing, now face to face with Bethany, and facing his bedroom doors. I hoped he couldnt see my peeping eye taking in the dramatic lover's quarrel. I have no reason to be jealous of Sacha, and Im not. Im looking out for this family. I wish you would do the same. Bethany said, now sounding like she was in tears. Look. Nikolas said, as the lights in the room suddenly went out, transforming the room into a modern day cinema atmosphere, as a mirage emerged, and played on the wall directly across from the doors I knelt behind. Bethany and Nikolas stood side by side, but at the left of the mirage, allowing me a camera man's view. The image of the main street was dim, lit only by the incandescent gaslights. I was looking at the entrance to the rowdy Bucket o Blood saloon, still famous in the future due to the rumors surrounding a nocturnal outlaw who built it around this time. Trickling out from the saloon, was loud ragtime music, lively laughter, and sudden growls from men either winning or losing their hand in whatever card game they were playing. I watched as a tall guy dressed in a suit, with long dark hair tied in a ponytail, made his way to the front doors of the saloon. It was Nikolas. As he was about to enter the tavern, Sacha, scantily dressed in a black lace trimmed red dress, revealing too much cleavage and not enough modesty, stumbled out, nearly knocking Nikolas down. Nikolas looked as if he were carrying her. He put her down as she looked up at him, and then began swearing. Apparently, she was drunker than a sailor on his last night before heading out to sea. She called him a murderer, I think. She was loud, and her words slurred so much that it was difficult to make out a single word, let alone an entire sentence. Several of the town folk stood by laughing as this strange spectacle drew unwanted attention for Nikolas. Like a flip of a switch, Sacha began crying and explaining to Nikolas as to why she hated Bethany and me. She went on for a moment about how we thought we were better than she was, and that were trying to take the only boy shes ever loved away from her. I watched Bethanys reaction carefully. Since knowing her secret, I could detect the fear that was slowly enveloping her. She feared Sacha saying too much. Thats enough Nikolas, Ive seen enough. The anxiety in Bethanys voice surprised Nikolas. No, you wanted to know what happened. Im showing you. Now watch. By now the crowd had grown bored, waved her off, and had begun retreating back into the saloon. Nikolas stood on the wooden planked side walk alone with Sacha. Evidently, no one seemed to care if a girl like Sacha wept in the street. While Sacha knelt on the sidewalk with her hands covering her face as she cried, Nikolas noticed that there was no one around no one to witness a display of power. Nikolas snatched her up, and they disappeared into a haze of sparkling pixie like dust, and then suddenly reappeared in her parlor. I recognized the room immediately. It was the same masculine looking parlor that I had seen when Nikolas revealed what had happened to Lucas. Where is your twin? Nikolas asked as he laid Sacha down on the leather sofa. Hes at Rileys saloon. Sachas normal drawl was slurred. Please... help... me... Nikolas. Im not... evil. I... don't wish... to live... this way Nikolas turned to walk away, and then stopped abruptly. If you continue to associate yourself with Victor, then you will certainly die, sooner than later.

I... I know this. Sacha said, in an inaudible whimper. I... deserve to die... but I... don't want to. You can leave Victor anytime you want, Nikolas said, a bit agitated. Perhaps he wasn't buying Sacha's desperate act, or was it that he was not comfortable being there since Sacha was known to be a liar. Im sure the thought of Lucas returning to his home with a few more disciples had crossed Nikolas mind. Even if Lucas returned alone, as a centaur, Nikolas would be outnumbered by one too many panthers. That's not true. He will kill me and Lucas if I leave him. Please help me. Sacha blubbered, attempting to sit up. The cap sleeves of her dress falling somewhat seductively. Nikolas noticed, and once again began to turn away. Why would I help you? I dont know why you would. Ive hurt a lot of people mortals mostly. I just wish that you would. Sacha stood up, and walked towards Nikolas, a bit wobbly in her steps. You can protect me. She said, throwing her arms around his neck as she plunged her head into his chest. She tried to reach up, pursing her lips to kiss him, her hazel eyes possibly alluring although clouded with alcohol. Bethany flinched, but kept her eyes pasted to the mirage. Ill tell you where Victor hides. We can make a deal. Nikolas rebuffed her advances instantly, and threw her back on the sofa in one quick movement. She landed on her stomach with her face against the arm of the sofa. Slowly, Sacha raised herself off of the sofa, but only to fall on the floor with her head just a foot away from the steel toe of Nikolas boot. You owe me. She pleaded grabbing at Nikolas ankles as he stepped back, naturally, and kicked her just hard enough to get her to free his legs. Owe you? Nikolas said, sounding incredulous. You killed my brother, and left him for dead. Had I not found his heart in the cinders, he would still be dead. Nikolas was getting angry, but wasn't leaving. Your brother got what he deserved. He would have done the same to Evander and I, if he were strong enough. His demise was and still is inevitable, as is yours. I braced myself for Sacha's next words in response to Nikolas lack of remorse. It's not that I thought he should be. I just knew it would strike a nerve, and the evil Sacha would make an appearance. I know... I was astounded with Sachas agreeable response. Lucas has done some... unforgivable things. He knew that someday... he would die. He was... bad... that way because he was hurting deep inside where no one could reach to soothe the pain. Not even me. She stammered as she labored to stand up. Your brother makes calculated decisions the same way you have. What makes you any different from him? You are two sides of the same coin. Id kill him again if given the opportunity. How dare you. Sacha cried out, and tried to lunge at Nikolas, but ended up face down on the floor, again. There she is. I was wondering when the real Sacha Hayden was going to show up. Nikolas chuckled, and turned to leave again. NO! Please help me, please. I promise I will tell you where Victorhides. But only if you, protect me and Lucas. What is this? Buy one and get the second for double the aggravation. Nikolas laughed again, but this time it came out like a roar. Sacha stood up again, and stumbled close to where Nikolas stood. I'm not... a bad person. I've just done... some... bad... things. Deep down... to to my soul... I didn't want to. When I was younger... I did whatever Lucas did. Hes my twin and all I loved and... had. Now I do what I'm told. Tears ran down Sacha's face all over again followed by sobs. Bethany sighed in exhaustion, yet kept watching. I was as enthralled with this spectacle as she was. Lucas, my only twin brother.... gave me to Victor so that he could have power. It was his... payment. He sold me. Victor... owns me and... tortures me if I don't do... as he demands. I don't want to spend the rest of my life... as Victor's... slave or as a saloon... girl at the mercy of a paying man like mymy mother was. More sobs. I am... begging you.... I will be dead before I turn nineteen if you dont help me. She looked so frail standing in the center of the room with her arms crossed over her stomach as if she were in extreme pain. You are the only one who can help me. Please.... say you will. Both Bethany and I held our breath as we waited to see what happened next. Nikolas looked at Sacha, and took a deep breath. If I help you, I will be breaking the laws of the Ischeros. I heard Bethany gasp, and turn her head to stare at Nikolas. He ignored her. Surprisingly, Bethany said nothing, and turned her gaze back to the mirage. Your loyalty to your family is... commendable... but I always believed that the Ischeros fought for the good... and the exploited. Sacha reminded Nikolas with minimal slurring. I know that Victor's parents killed... I know what Victors parents did to your... parents, and Im deeply sorry. Nikolas tensed up, and became rigid with the mention of his parents. He looked enraged. All I ask is that you don't... punish me for how he, and his family have hurt you. Sacha said dropping to her knees as if she were about to go into prayer. I doubt if she even knew how to pray. This discussion is over. Nikolas practically growled. I took a quick peek behind me, and saw that there wasnt a sign of anyone. I continued to peep through the keyhole.

Nikolas, Sacha whispered as Nikolas disappeared, leaving more sparkling pixie dust in the air. Sacha crumpled to the floor in a heaving lump, and cried hysterically as the mirage dissipated into the stripe patterned wallpapered wall, and the oil lamps magically turned back on, and her image was gone. I observed the body language between Bethany and Nikolas closely. Nikolas had proved that he was a hundred percent loyal to the family, and even more so to Bethany. I watched Bethany stare at the wall. Nikolas moved away from her, and walked over to the mantle of the fireplace where he lit a cigar, and then refilled his glass with a coppery colored liquid. He took a few puffs from the cigar I could already smell its stale distinctive odor wafting up from beneath the door, and into my nostrils. Are you satisfied? Nikolas voice was laced with vexation. At first Bethany didn't answer. She looked poised, forever in control of herself, and turned to Nikolas. Her face was beautiful, calm, and vulnerable. She had certainly seen enough. The facts were in, and her secret was still a secret, and Nikolas was a gentleman. Now she was apparently embarrassed by her recent ranting. She had practically accused Nikolas of betraying her and the family his family. She had been wrong, and she knew it. Nikolas turned away, and didn't bother to wait for her answer. I would like to be alone. Nikolas' tone was once again as cold as ice with no chance of thawing on the horizon. Bethany had thoroughly pissed him off. I'm sorry, Niko. I shouldn't have doubted you. You've never given me reason to. Bethany whispered. I felt bad for my Nikolas. He didn't deserve the third degree that he had endured, and being forced to prove himself when he had done nothing wrong was nothing short of ignominy. Yet when he turned to look at Bethany, his deep love for her was very evident in his eyes, along with the hurt, and he wasnt ready to forgive her just yet. Please Bethany, don't torture yourself. It's not very becoming. It's been a long day, darling, and I wish to retire. Nikolas said, his tone softening yet still maintaining a frosty edge as he dismissed her, all the while looking her in the eyes. It was evident that he was furious, yet he still continued to maintain the peace. He was a gentleman. Yes it has, my love. Bethany sighed A long day indeed. She knew it was best to let Nikolas have a moment. Sleep well, sweetheart. she waited for a second or two probably hoping that he would wish her a good nights sleep as well, but the silence was more than she could bear. I scrambled for a minute as I expected her to come through the same doors I spied through, but instead, she walked through the wall, and disappeared into the bathroom that she and Nikolas shared. The lover's quarrel appeared to be over. I could now hear Bethany in her room as her light went out under her door. I figured I better get to my room as well. Uh... I gasped. I was about to get busted. Nikolas was walking toward his bedroom doors, and I was still kneeling behind them. In my haste and clumsiness, I fell backward onto my back, and into a compromising position the skirt of my petticoat and robe around my waist. I didn't rebound fast enough, and heard the click of the door as I scrambled up to my feet. To my surprise and relief, Nikolas didnt come out of his room, but locked the doors shut. I vowed to be done with the super sleuth life style, and scurried back to my room, gently shutting my doors with as little noise as possible. What I had just seen and heard was one for the books. Suspiciously at first, I was kind of leery of Nikolas new turn the other cheek approach when he decided to take Sacha home. Sacha was beautifully lethal. He could have walked right into a trap. She was too close to the prime evil that I've been told we must never find ourselves unprepared for. Luckily Sacha was sincere in her misery although, I don't think she should be trusted no matter how miserable she appears. I guess Bethany's jealousy was expected only she should have trusted Nikolas. It's hard to imagine him knowingly putting the family in jeopardy. For as long as I have known him, when I was under the impression that he was Bethany's brother, and not her boyfriend, he was always super protective over her and me. Nikolas is loyal to the end. Bethany was probably worried about Sacha exposing her. Then there was the mention of the Apolluon vampire that owned the Bucket o Blood saloon. I found the name for the saloon perfectly fitting. I wondered what happened at that meeting. The idea of demigods conversing with vampires would have been inconceivable pre death, but now it was as normal as I wasnt sure what the criteria for normal was anymore. Suddenly, my parched throat reminded me that I had never gotten that drink of water. I was awfully thirsty. I looked at the clock, and the time read four o'clock. I decided to give it another shot. I didnt like the idea of drinking the water from the bathroom, so I slipped out of my room, and tip toed down the long staircase. Once I was on the first floor, I saw that a few lamps had been left lit so I began my trek to the kitchen. By now my throat was so dry that it hurt. I just made it passed the parlor when I heard voices again. Male voices. Dammit! Was I ever going to get some water? Doesnt anyone ever go to bed in this house? I guess someone has to always be on watch for any evil entities hoping to invade the house. I plastered myself against the wall. I knew the voices all too well. It was Evan and Nikolas. I listened intently, and hoped that they couldn't sense me. I didn't want them to think that I was snooping. I stopped the mirage before Beth could hear Sacha's proposition. Nikolas informed, to my surprise.. You know as well as I, that Bethany would not have agreed to it. I come to you brother. I believe this could be the opportunity we've been waiting for. Are you sure she was convinced that you really left Sacha's house? Evan asked, anxiously. We wouldn't want Beth paying Sacha a visit. I tried to concentrate on what he said, and not his captivating voice. Yes, Im certain. Good. Show me. All of the oil lamps were snuffed out instantly, and a sparkling light streamed into the foyer. I peered into the parlor, and saw that Evan and Nikolas

were watching a mirage. It was of Nikolas and Sacha in Sacha's house again. But this was different from what Nikolas had shown Bethany. It was a continuation. Nikolas stood over Sacha as she cried in never ending sobs into the marble floor. Get up. Nikolas demanded. Sacha continued to cry; apparently she didnt hear him or see him reappear in her parlor. I said get up... whore. Nikolas voice was malicious. Sacha's head rose up slowly. She had a surprised look on her tear stained, but still a beautiful face. A conniving face if you didn't allow the beauty to fool you. Im not a whore... not anymore. Sacha looked and sounded wounded. Her voice trembled. You have a good heart... I hoped you would return. I know... you feel that I am not... worthy. Tell me where Victor is. Nikolas said, still standing over Sacha, who was slowly getting to her feet. Will you help me? Sacha asked, anxiously. That depends. I thought you said that helping me... would be breaking your family's rules. Why do you want to... help me now? I don't. What I do want is Victor dead. You know where he is, don't you? Yes... but you must protect me. If you promise to help me, I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that I was worth it. Sacha said, reaching for Nikolas large hand, and gently cupping it. Nikolas pulled his hand out of Sacha's tender grip, and stepped back. Are you afraid of me? She asked, with a slight seductive hint in her tone. I could very well kill you right now, without a second thought. The look in Nikolas eyes was intense, yet they maintained their natural hue. Sacha eyes bulged. She looked shocked and terrified. Will you protect me? Evan watched Sacha intently. He didnt appear moved at all by her. Enough Evan said. I've seen enough. Just tell me. The mirage vanished. I quickly hid in the hallway again, pressed up closely against the wall. She says that she will lead us to Victor's hideout, but she wont know ahead of time, since he moves around constantly. She informed me that its always an unexpected move. Nikolas explained. Well thats convenient. Evan said, sounding annoyed. He was beginning to think that this was a waste of time. Always the coward with a dozen hiding places yet he calls us weak. Our residence is public knowledge. Evan noted, sarcastically. It's pathetic really. He's not even being hunted... yet. If he doesn't trust anyone then how can we be sure that she can lead us to him? Sacha says that she has always been led to the designated hiding place blindfolded, because Victor trusts no one, but Lucas to the routes of his hideouts. She is prepared to lead us to Victor once he summons for her. She will notify us once she is summoned. We will then follow her. Nikolas informed. I see. Evan mused as he took a sip of something. My mouth began to water. No, I dont like it. We could be led to our deaths. It could be a trap. The boys were quiet for a moment before Evan spoke again. Im sure she wants something. She has only one request. Nikolas said, with a deep long sigh as he took a seat in the large leather smoking chair. Shes in no position to make requests. Evan said. She tried to attack Cordelia and Bethany. Sacha will only lead us to him if we agree to protect her indefinitely. Nikolas explained further. And Lucas? Thats not part of the deal, and she is well aware of that. She will never defect from her brother. Her twin brother. Sacha is a major risk. I saw what happened, and I'm not convinced. Sacha has always been violent, corrupt, and we know that its not only because she is under Victor's control. Yes. Shes a major risk. Nikolas sighed deeply in agreement. But you saw her. She is genuinely afraid of him. Yes, but her fear of Victor does not guarantee her loyalty to us. Evan reasoned. Ive spoken to Julius. He has reported another attack by Victors army. They have begun slaughtering the elders. Your parents are in danger. Evan, Victors power will continue to grow with every drop of our blood. You know this better than I. Cordelias memory is taking much longer than we expected to be restored. We must do something.

More silence. The silence was broken by ice clinking in a glass. I was so thirsty. I had a strong desire to barge into the room, grab that glass, no matter what vile liquid it contained, and empty it. I was forced to suppress this desire immediately in order to find out what they would decide to do. Im well aware of the escalation of attacks, Niko. Why do you feel that we can trust her? Is there something that you're not telling me? Did you feel her emotions? Evan asked curiously. I was also curious to hear Nikolas reasoning. I read her emotions, and she is deathly petrified of Victor, and desperate to escape him, yet she loves her brother more than she loves herself. There was a lot of selfloathing there. Nikolas said, flatly. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other causing the floor to make a light creaking sound. I held my breath. There was no doubt that they heard it too. For a short while no one spoke, and I thought that perhaps they knew that I was listening. I wasn't sure if I could make it back up the stairs without being seen or heard. Suddenly Evan started talking which gave me the clearance to breathe again. We have to approach this cautiously, if we do decide to go forward with using Sacha to get to Victor. We have to bring this to the council. Of course. Nikolas sighed. Well since you missed our meeting with Matthias, Ill fill you in. Im listening. Nikolas said. I was forced to tell Matthias that Cordelia has her powers although, she wasnt aware that they had resurfaced. Therefore she didnt realize what she had done to Driella. And he believed that? Nikolas asked, with a large dose of skepticism. Surprisingly he did. Matthias told me that he saw Cordelia yesterday. Evan said. My ears perked up with the mention of my name and the head vampires name in the same sentence. What? Where? Nikolas asked, shocked. He was outside, in the front garden of her parents estate. She was being ushered into the Bergnums home. Apparently she was expected there. Evan paused, and took a sip from his glass as I almost fainted. Matthias said that she saw him as well, and she didnt seem to know who he was. Due to this unexpected encounter, Matthias understands that the killing wasnt premeditated. Evan knew. He spoke of my visit with Gerald so casually, yet I knew he had to be hurt or upset. Either emotion was expected, and probably both were hidden away beneath the surface. I see. So Matthias is a sun walker? He is now, now that hes been freed from Hades. With my persuasion, and my promise of protection, he has decided not to inform Hades of the death of Driella. But he wants to be certain that Victor will not send the message of his wifes death to Hades. He wants us to kill Victor promptly. I assured him that it is a top priority. Matthias will do anything to prevent Hades from finding out about one of his highest undead being killed under his watch. He doesnt want to be forced to return to the Underworld. Matthias is also sure that Hades will not make a deal with Victor. He is certain of this? Yes. How can he be absolutely sure? Nikolas asked. Hades vowed to Matthias, and several older undead a century ago that he wants to hunt all Ischeros, and will not negotiate one for another. He wants every last descendant of every Olympian. He is as adamant about it today as he was then. As expected, I suppose. Indeed. Evan confirmed. I'm concerned about Cordelia's memory, as Im sure you are with the threats and the Masquerade Ball for her crowning scheduled in just a few days. Its taking surprisingly longer than we had anticipated. Is there any plausible reason why her memory is delayed? Nikolas asked. Im plagued with that same question, Nikolas. There is so much as stake. Cordelias as well as our lives for one, and of course the crowning of the Empress. Unfortunately the crowning must be made on the New Year, or we would postpone it. If she doesnt have her memory by then to receive the fortifying bolt from Zeus, it will be the first time in our history that we go into a new year without a reigning heir, ultimately powerless. Evan explained, solemnly. I was numb. It all made sense now. They were in a severely precarious situation. The members, every single Ischero, would be rendered powerless without my anointment. The empire would be defenseless to the Apolluon. But what about Victor? Would he be powerless too? He was an Ischero once. If he was aware of this then why would he want to kill me? Doesnt he want to keep his powers? Maybe he isnt aware that his powers would be diminished as well, or maybe he believed by killing me, he would be emperor.

Ive spoken with the elders at length, and they are convinced that all will go as planned, Evan said optimistically. Theyve asked me, so I will ask it of you. I ask that you have faith and patience. Yes, of course, Nikolas agreed. Why was Delia at the Bergnums home? She is searching for something. Searching for what? Her memory, perhaps? Perhaps, she doesnt feel comfortable here, thats understandable. Possibly, she doesnt trust us. I really cant be sure. Evan said, sounding defeated. I immediately felt guilty, but only for a moment. Shes putting herself in harms way by leaving this house. Nikolas said sounding angry. Yes. Presumably, acts of desperation. She is afraid as she is curious, Evan said. Ive felt her emotions, and your right, she doesnt trust us, naturally. She is petrified of what she is, yet she is desperate to understand it. She feels as lost as a castaway adrift on a deserted island. I expected her instincts to be heightened. I expected her to feel at least a connection to us all. Nikolas explained, sadly. His tone was low and subdued. Why doesnt she trust us? Evan asked. Come on, Evan. How would you feel if you were told that the life you know, the only life you remember, wasnt real, and that you must rely on a group of strangers who claim to be your family in a time so foreign, that it feels like you may be in another kingdom or realm? Evan said nothing at first as he pondered Nikolas suggestion. Strangers? Thats what we are to her. Nikolas added. I guess youre right, trust would be impossible. I couldn't bring myself to listen to anymore. I felt nauseated. I crept back upstairs and into my room, unnoticed. I got back into bed, ignoring the cotton balls in my throat. I pulled the covers, which were still warm, over my head. I shut my eyes tightly, but the tears leaked out anyway. TwentyFour A Matter of Time The next morning when Sun Paw woke me up, I didn't get out of bed. I was exhausted from being up in the middle of the night, and was prepared to miss my morning ride with Bethany. When Sun Paw informed me that Bethany had said she felt we should take a break from riding today, I snuggled back up to my pillow with a smile on my face. When I finally decided to get up it was after eleven in the morning. I found a sealed note on my bed side table with just my first name on it. I recognized the handwriting. It was from Gerald. He wanted to meet for brunch today. I didnt know what to expect from him, but I intended to accept the invite. This was going to piss a few people off, but I had to be there. I couldnt pass up the opportunity to speak with Winston. I bathed and dressed as quickly as I could, putting on the first dress I saw in the closet. I was getting a little better at fastening the corset by myself. I crept down the stairs to the foyer, and then escaped the house full of voices, all dining in the sun room, in haste. I speedily made my way down the street to Gerald's house. In a matter of seconds, I was at the Bergnum's front door. This time I would apologize to Gerald for how I acted running off the way I did the day before. But, more importantly, I wanted to plan a private meeting for Winston and me. I'm sure it could be arranged being that he was a ghost, and could be anywhere at any time. The same tall wiry middleaged man answered the door Rutherford, the butler. Once again he recognized me, and once again he didn't look pleased to see me. Master Gerald awaits you in the parlor. Follow me. He commanded, in the same raspy flat tone as he took my parasol and hat. I followed him as ordered. Miss Cordelia Tieron, Master Gerald. Rutherford announced with a hint of annoyance as he ushered me into the sun lit parlor. I quickly scanned the room for Winston, but he was nowhere in sight. I should have known he wasn't around since the room wasnt bitter cold. Gerald rose from a velvet tufted chair. He smiled from ear to ear. He had obviously forgiven me for my silly display the day before. I would still apologize although it may not be necessary. Beside Gerald was an elderly woman who looked at me in disdain. She sat in a large wicker backed chair that she seemed confined to. It was Geralds grandmother, Ms.Hortance Bergnum, the upper crust of Nickel City's affluent aristocracy who believed that her money, old money from generations who came before her, not the newly acquired wealth generated from the mines, was the only money worth anything. The old woman was pallid, scrawny, and appeared to be about eighty years old, give or take a wrinkle or age spot. Her prune like face was one of those faces that you knew was once very pretty, but her arrogance overshadowed any chance of that prettiness ever coming through. Her once vibrant blue eyes were now empty and fogged with contempt. Ms. Bergnum wore all black as if she were in mourning. Black from the lace doily pinned to her severe bun, to the black satin jewel encrusted shoes. She was drenched in twinkling stones. They dangled from her neck, down to her gaunt wrists, and sparkled blindingly as the sunlight ricocheted off of her blanched face unto every piece of jewelry. Her speckled neck was partially concealed by a high lace collar which was also covered with miniature stones as glittery as the larger ones on her wrists and fingers. She appraised me as I observed her gaudiness. Gerald

made the awkward, yet unavoidable introductions while stepping closer to me. Grandmother, of course you remember Cordelia Tieron. She has returned from her trip to France. She will be having brunch with us, Gerald beamed. The old womans welcoming glare was as warm as a glacier. I was not aware that we were having company for brunch. Ms. Bergnum said, scornfully in a surprisingly clear and crisp voice as she eyed me as cautiously, as one would eye a rattlesnake. I suppose she thought that my plan was to slither in here, and take her grandson away. I'm sure I mentioned that Cordelia would be joining us. Gerald confirmed, nervously. I may be an old and withering woman, with more aches in my deteriorating bones than I care to admit, but my mind, my dear grandchild, is not. My aches have returned, and Im in no mood to entertain, Ms. Bergnum said, frigidly then rang a tiny bell which summoned Rutherford. As Rutherford walked into the room, Ms. Bergnum began speaking. Rutherford, I will be dining in here. Please arrange for a table to be brought in. Yes, Madam. Ruthorford said, expressionless. Grandmother It's already been arranged, please carry on with your guest, Gerald. And just like that we were dismissed. Yes, Grandmother. Gerald agreed, obediently as he ushered me out of the parlor and into the adjacent sun room. The sun room wasn't a sun room at all. More like a green house. There were so many tall potted ferns along the glass walls that the sun was only allowed in through the few inches left exposed close to the ceiling. What a waste I thought. Why have glass walls then cover them up? I peered through the ferns along the wall, and saw the top half of Evan's home above the tall hedges that secured the Bergnums garden. Evans house was magnificently huge larger than I remember it in the future, but still not as large as my house. I could see the roof of the beautiful rose entwined gazebo. I wondered if Gerald could see the entire gazebo from his balcony, because if he could, then there was a good chance that he witnessed Evan and I. Cordelia, please have a seat. I walked over to the attractively set table for two, and sat in the chair which Gerald had pulled out for me. He sat directly across from me. I smoothed my satin dress, and decided to say what I came to say. There is something that I would like to say. Gerald seemed to be listening intently. I just want to apologize for running out of here the way I did. It was childish. I smiled, timidly. So did Gerald, exposing an even more handsome face. I've already forgotten about yesterday. Today is a new day, and Im delighted that you accepted my invitation. Please, enjoy. Gerald smiled again, but watched me cautiously as if I might try to run out again. I tried to relax, and enjoy the crab cakes. I'm sorry about my grandmother. It's not you. In her opinion, no one is good enough. He explained as he took a bite of his crab cakes. Thats alright, really. Personally, I don't think shes ready to be left alone in this huge house. Rutherford has been with my family for a little over forty years but he's not quite the chatty companion, and grandmother enjoys plenty of conversation. What will you do when you do find someone? I was curious. I already have. He declared triumphantly shoving another bite into his mouth. You have? I stopped chewing but kept my eyes on my plate. I hoped that he meant someone other than me. Yes, I have someone in mind. Gerald hinted with a wink. I was consumed by the beauty of his smile, but didn't allow myself to return the smile. I knew all along that that he had meant me, and smiling would be confirming that I was accepting it. It was imperative that I not lead him on. I tried to focus, and continued with the tasty crab cakes. I wonder who that could be. Winston pretended to muse, finally making an appearance, and bringing along the arctic blast. The feeling of relief washed over me with the chill. I began to shiver, and hoped my teeth wouldn't start chattering, or Gerald will surely think that Im anemic or something. I decided the sunroom for brunch, expecting the room to feel temperate, yet its colder in here than it was in the parlor. Gerald commented. Its fine, Im comfortable. I said, still shivering. Winston knew his brother better than anyone. He knew for a fact that Gerald had meant me. If Winston really knew the truth about me, then he also knew that Gerald and I could never be together. Waiting for an opportunity to speak with Winston was driving me mad. With Gerald sitting opposite me, I doubt that I would get the chance. Despite feeling awful about using Gerald for an opportunity to communicate with his brother, I was overcome with a genuine feeling of desperation to do something that would force Gerald to leave the room, even if it was only for a moment. I continued to shiver.

Winston leaned against the only wall in the sun room that wasn't made of glass, with his arms folded across his chest. He wore the same gray pinstriped suit that he wore the day before; his eternal attire. How is Bethany? Gerald asked, seeming only mildly interested. She's well. Shes engaged to marry Nikolas. I announced, trying to appear informed, and trying to hide the fact that I was freezing. Strangely as cold as that room felt, my crab cakes were still quite warm. They shall be happy, I suppose. Nikolas is a fine gentleman. I wasn't sure if he meant that sarcastically, but I suspected that he did. I suppose he knew that Bethany had interfered, and forced me to stop seeing him. Yes, I'm sure they will be, and yes he is. I agreed. I predict in about a year that I will be married as well. Gerald said, gazing into my eyes. So, youre engaged. I said, knowing that he wasnt, and hoping that he was. Im not. Oh. I nodded slowly. Cordelia, Ive missed you, you must know that. Ive missed you terribly... Gerald laid his hand on mine and clasped it tenderly. I wanted to pull my hand away but couldnt as if my hand wasnt a part of my body and I had no control of it. Gerald I I was stunned momentarily as Gerald pressed his index finger lightly to my lips No, please let me finish. I expect that you will marry soon as well. It is no secret that Evander has waited for you. But so have I. I havent stopped loving you and I have to marry Evan. I blurted. It was all I could think to say, as I watched the light in Geralds eyes diminish from a bright and glimmering beacon to a slowly flickering gaslight. Id snuffed out any hope of us ever being together with that statement. But I didnt feel anything for him, but the sadness of delivering bad news. I certainly didnt feel the sadness of losing a lover. You dont have to do anything that you dont want to do. Gerald tried to reassure me with his eyes. I will marry Evan. Cordelia, that isnt what you want. How do you know what I want? You loved me once. You didnt have to tell me. I knew. Gerald, this is not what I came here for. This isnt what I want. I said, firmly sitting back in the large wicker chair. This? Yeah. You declaring your love for me someone that can never be with you that way. Im sorry. Gerald let go of my hand. He sat back in his chair, and stared at me for a moment. I wasnt sure what was going on in his mind right now. Then the whispers came and I knew that I was hearing Geralds thoughts. Why dont you want me? Why cant you see how much I love you? Why are you doing this to me? Why did you come here? I dont want to be friends. Please dont make me hate youI cant. Ill only hate myself for not being who you want. Please love me. I felt guilty, being the source of his pain. Im sorry too. Gerald said, solemnly. He averted his eyes to the glass wall beside him. I desperately wanted to leave, but I had not had a chance to talk to Winston. I glanced at Winston who was stifling a yawn. He looked bored. He didnt seem to care that I was breaking his brothers heart. I felt sorry for him at that moment. He was dead, and forced to spend an eternity haunting this large house. Along with that, he was surrounded by a bitter old woman who didn't seem to have anything nice to say, and a younger, more handsome brother, who was full of life, reminding him of all the things hed be missing out on. Winston was unpleasant simply because his soul was tortured with regret. I pitied him. A fool in love. Winston said, as he deliberately knocked Gerald's glass over, spilling the full glass of tepid water onto Gerald's pants. Gerald, who had still been staring forlornly at the wall, instantaneously jumped up, and grabbed a table linen to dab at his pants. The upper portion of Gerald's pants was soaked, and the stain looked obscene, as if Gerald had urinated on himself. To Geralds chagrin, he caught me staring at the drenched spot as I tried to quickly avert my eyes. I... I don't know how this happened, please excuse me Cordelia, I will return momentarily. Gerald stammered, obviously abashed, and completely dumbfounded at how his glass tipped over.

Winston stared at me with a triumphant look. Poor Gerald had no idea of the supernatural forces that were working around him. I was secretly thankful that Winston did something to rescue me from that awkward situation. Now I could finally have an opportunity to speak to him. I want to talk to you. I said. I expect that you would want to. Fine, talk. Winston said, in a flat tone. I need you to tell me everything you know about me, and my family, and Victor. I said in a whisper, as my teeth chattered. Winston was now a few inches from where I sat at the table. I watched as a smirk emerged on his lips. The kind that usually paved the way for a sarcastic comment. Pour quoi avezvous besoin de moi? Winston asked in French, why I would need him. Youre not the only one whos been to France, he added. The journals were right; I guess I was fluent in every language. Nous pouvons nous rencontrons dans la salle m ce soir huit heures. I asked Winston to meet me this evening in my room at eight o'clock. Although I felt a bit apprehensive inviting a ghost over to the Capius house not knowing if they would be able to detect his presence, I had to speak to him uninterrupted. Dinner should be over by then, and if not, then I would fake a headache, and excuse myself. Winston stood over me, and brought his face close enough to plant his dead lips on my vibrant ones. He had one sinister eyebrow raised as he spoke in a whisper. One does not turn down an invitation by such a divine beauty. Yet I must admit, I do wonder what is in it for me, beautiful Empress of the Ischeros? Winston leered. I don't know what you mean? I sat as far back in my chair as I could to lengthen the space between us. Is it my question that has left you confused or my statement? Winston quizzed. Your question. I answered feeling slightly annoyed. Ah. That's right I haven't actually made my demands. And they are? I know what you are capable of. Not your kind just you. You can do anything with your mind. I want what any man in my position would want. We will meet this evening. He said, never taking his eyes off of my own. He scared me a little because I didn't know what he was capable of. Will you tell me about Evans meeting with the Apothe vampire? I wasnt sure if Winston knew the depth of the existence and history of the Ischeros, particularly, the Apolluon. I saw Nikolas just outside the Bucket o Blood last night helping the infamous town harlot, Sacha. That apple didn't fall to far from the tree did it? HmmSacha, she could be a lot of fun. Winston reminisced. She was drunk, as usual, but he was kind to her. Im sure you know that the majority of the people in this town would have left her on the ground where she had tumbled. Ahhh Nikolas is a fine fellow. Winston confirmed with a snicker. I never doubted Nikolas. He was an Ischero to the end, and saw an opportunity to use Sacha to get to Victor, although it may have looked like something else entirely; something juicy to gossip about. Then I saw Evander at the Bucket o Blood. Evander spent some time at the roulette table then later followed the owner of the saloon, Matthias Vittadini, the two thousand yearold head vampire, who was once a prince of Romania, into a back room when his father, Thaddeus, finally came in. Nikolas never made it to the saloon, Winston informed. Therefore the meeting was between Evander, Thaddeus, and Matthias. Ok so I waved my hand in a circular motion so that Winston could get on with it. Patience, Divine One, Winston ordered, lightly. Evander told the head vampire that you have your powers now, which is a lie of course. Winston sneered knowingly. He also told Matthias that you didnt know that you had them when you killed his wife. It was obvious that Matthias wasnt completely convinced. But he had his own dilemma. Now that he knows that there is a divine being that can kill him, hes used the leverage of his wifes murder to demand protection from you, the being in question who is the only one who can kill him. I was dumbfounded by the idea of a vampire as old and as powerful as Matthias actually fearing me. Meanwhile Im afraid of my own shadow. Shadows period. Ok. Tell me about We shall speak again tonight. Winston said, cutting me of abruptly. Yes. I agreed. Winston turned away and disappeared. I was suddenly feeling nervous. My nervousness had little to do with Winston personally. My jittery nerves stemmed from my anticipation of finally learning the whole truth tonight. Only a moment ago, I was wondering if I was making a bad decision having this ghost boy over tonight. But he was willing, and I was in need, so this was the only way. I want what any man in my position would want. That could only mean one thing. Winston wanted to be alive again. I couldnt blame him. It was what I wanted when I had died. He was pretty sure

that I could make it happen. I felt like I should be outfitted in a turban, balloon pants, elf shoes, and take on the role of a full time genie. Poof. I mean really. Could I actually restore his life? Just then Gerald walked briskly into the room outfitted in a completely different suit. I didn't expect him to change his entire suit over a pair of wet trousers. He had changed from a deep charcoal gray suit to a heather gray one as if the heather gray pants wouldnt have matched the charcoal gray jacket. I couldnt get over how proper these boys were, and how they took the whole dressed to impress thing to the next level. Would you like to go for a walk? Gerald asked, with bright anxious eyes. I dont want you to leave me. I cant stand to be without you. I heard his thoughts again, and I really didnt want to. Actually I have to go. Im expected back at the Capius, I said, regretfully. I felt bad about cutting out on Gerald but I didn't lie. If I didnt get back to Evans, Im pretty certain that they would dispatch a search party for me. I see. You dont want to keep him waiting. Well thank you for the visit. Gerald was upset. He jingled a small gold bell that summoned Rutherford. Would you kindly show Ms. Tieron out. Gerald said to Rutherford. These days, it was impolite not to walk a guest to the door, and Gerald had basically turned his back to me, and stared out the glass doors as if something had summoned him from the garden. Unsure that I would ever see Gerald again, I turned to look at him one last time before I exited the room. He stared out the French doors with his arms ridged at his sides. I hoped that someday he would understand. The only thing accomplished by meeting Gerald was discovering his arrogant older brother's ghost. I wasn't sure that I could trust him to shed some light on my existence here, but how else was I to find out about myself? Was I complicating things? I knew the answer to that. I hated the fact that I was snooping around, eavesdropping on everyone's conversations, and sneaking off, and risking my safety. I was knowingly sabotaging their efforts to protect me because, I didn't want to be kept in the dark about things that seemed to be extremely crucial, and that had everything to do with me. From what I did remember of myself, the self I thought I was, Id always been sensitive to the feelings of others. I didn't want to make things complicated or difficult. I just couldn't deal with not knowing the whole truth. Patience, a virtue, was the one commendable quality that I didnt seem to possess. I couldnt do as Evan and Bethany had asked; wait for my memory and powers to return on their own. I didnt totally trust them, and I wasnt sure why. It wasnt that I didnt feel that I knew them well enough. It was more of a feeling of not being told everything that there was to know from the beginning. They said that they thought not telling me was protecting me. For whatever reason though I didnt trust them, completely. As soon as I was out the door, Rutherford shut the door with a thud. I quickly slipped out of the tall gates of the Bergnums mansion. I anticipated something coming after me so I wasted no time getting back. I glided passed unfamiliar faces, extending pleasantries wishing me a wonderful day, in haste. It was so strange how I blended right in, and stood out all at the same time. I got lucky this time. No Apolluon shadows pouncing on me on this glorious afternoon. Once back at the Capius house, I started to go up the stairs as Evan appeared in the hallway from the parlor. He looked saddened by something. Did he know where I'd been? Did he think that Id rejected him by visiting Gerald? Evan is obviously hurt, and feels that I have betrayed him. He couldnt be more wrong. It was a fact that I may not be able to prove to him any time soon. I would never have thought that I would be caught in a love triangle. My need to learn about myself has consumed me so much that I refuse to allow any emotions to surface. I either had to regain my memory, or find out as much as I could about my life here and this family through my new dead friend, Winston. I couldnt allow myself to feel anything for either of these boys. You've been gone for a while. We expected you... well, I was hoping that you would have joined us for brunch. If you dont mind my asking, where did you go? Evan asked, looking genuinely concerned. He looked as blue as his startling eyes which he bore into my quickly averting ones. I found it very difficult to lie to him. I didn't want to. I decided to tell him the truth, but not because I felt obligated to tell him my comings and goings, but because I knew he deserved the truth. I took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly. I was invited to brunch by Gerald Bergnum, at his home. I accepted the invitation. I admitted, skittishly, yet relieved not to be lying. Evans eyes grew bluer as I mentioned Gerald's name. It was an incredibly beautiful change that literally took my breath away. They went from light sky blue to a deep turquoise. I see. Evan noted, casually. He acted like it didn't matter where I had spent my morning, and early afternoon. He acted as if meeting with Gerald was totally acceptable. I knew better. Did you enjoy yourself? Evan asked. He was hurt, and was doing a horrible job at masking his vulnerability. It was that vulnerability which drew me to him. He didnt wait for my answer as I averted my eyes from his glare. Evan turned around, and slowly walked back into the sunny parlor. All of the curtains in the large room were drawn open, allowing the oppressive afternoon sun in. I stood at the entrance of the beautifully decorated room for a moment, unsure if I made the right choice in telling Evan, my supposed soul mate, whom has done everything in his power to protect me, that Id spent the better part of my morning and afternoon with another guy, someone outside of the family. Specifically, a guy who had feelings for me, and who I had shown feelings for, before I left to be stashed away in the future.

It mustve seemed like I was throwing it in his face. Perhaps it would have been wiser to lie even if he probably knew where Id been. Maybe Evan was testing me in order to determine if I would admit where Id been, and what Id been doing. Maybe he thought that I still had feelings for Gerald. Realizing that I had been romantic with Gerald, is what made me believe that the strong connection could possibly jolt my memory. But now that I have spent some time with Gerald, I had only found a fondness for him but nothing more. Evan had nothing to worry about in that regard. My shoes clicked and clacked against the shiny, wood floor. I made my way into the parlor behind him, but stopped abruptly a few steps in. I felt like a selfish fool. I didn't want to hurt him anymore, and I knew that I had. I had hurt him the other night when I rejected him, and now I was doing it again. My desire to remember was intense. I was painfully confused. Evan sat in the same chair that I spied him sitting in last night while he and Nikolas had their after hours discussion. His eyes were closed. It was as if he wanted me to believe that he was snoozing. Strangely, I could hear his heartbeat. I knew it wasn't my own because it seemed to be coming from the leather tufted chair which Evan lounged in. I placed my hand on my chest, and the rhythm of our heartbeats was the same exactly the same fast; a beat that reminded me of a ticking time bomb prepared to explode at any second. Since reading the journals, I knew just how much in love I once was with Evan, and I knew just how overwhelmed I felt with the burden of eliminating the worlds evil. So much that Id found a sort of peace with Gerald that was forbidden, yet refreshing. But I still behaved like a selfish little jerk then. Now it must seem like I was doing it all over again. Finally seeing Bethanys point of view, knots formed in my stomach. As I stared at Evan, his eyes still shut, I wondered if he was reading my mind, and then I remembered that he was unable to. No one could. That was a definite plus in this madness. Evan looked at peace, but I knew he wasn't. He was planning an attack on Victor before Victor could have a chance to attack the head of the family me. The sour feeling in my stomach churned on. I don't want to lie to you Evan. I don't want to upset you either. I said, as my hands began to tremble. I thought by visiting Gerald, I might remember more of myself. I know that he was a friend to me, in my past, and I desperately need to remember. Im only human. I want so badly to understand this life. I finished with a small tremble in my voice. Don't cry, I told myself, and willed the tears that were forming beneath my eyelids to subside. I wanted Evan to open his eyes, and acknowledge my sincere words. But he kept them tightly shut, as if they were cemented. Evan sat that way silent eyes shut for what seemed like minutes, but where only seconds. The ticktock of the opulent gilded clock sounded amplified, and felt as if it wasnt resting on the mantle of the fireplace, but on my shoulder at the moment. My heart was beating so fast, and the palms of my hands were moist with sweat. The knots in my stomach were tightening. The thought to turn around, and run up the stairs to my room had just entered my mind when Evan finally spoke eyes still shut, voice hypnotizing as usual crisp, yet tender. Half human, not only human. Evan corrected. During the time you were away I was human too. Im of flesh and blood, and capable of mistakes. Its only damaging when we dont learn from them. The feeling of safety intensified as he spoke. Whenever Evan spoke to me it was as if whatever was going horribly bad at that particular moment became all better. My world went quiet when he graced me with his voice. I'm not upset. It's only a matter of time; therefore, I will wait forever for you if that's how long it takes for you to see what we have. I plan to patiently wait for my fianc to return to me. I hope that you will. Evan said, and then sighed softly as if he were satisfied. I struggled to control my urge to cry again, after hearing what Evan had said. The emotion poured like rain from his lips, and I made a small gasp which appeared to go unnoticed by him, his eyes still closed, his head still leaning back against the large chair. I don't want you to feel obligated due to your role in the family. It is not your fault that you were born into this life. I too have felt overwhelmed at times. I only ask one thing of you. Evan paused momentarily his body motionless, as I waited to hear his request with bated breath. I had no idea what he was going to ask of me. I was afraid of what it might be, and wondered if I would be able to honor his request. Only a few seconds went by in complete silence, although it felt like long, drudging minutes. If it is I that you want, the moment you know it, please dont hesitate. Come to me. I will love you until my heart no longer beats. If it is not I... Evan gulped. Then the moment you know it, go to him. Evan said with a pained strain in his voice. I was stunned by what Evan asked, and without any air in my lungs. It felt like the air had been sucked out by a hose. I was so moved by Evan's words that uncontrollable tears streamed down my face. He wanted me to know, and understand that he didn't just love me, but that he loved me enough to let me go if I felt I would be happier with someone else. His words were simple, pure, courageous, the most beautiful words Id ever heard spoken by anyone. They were stronger than the words I Love You, and meant more to me than anything. How could I be so lucky to have someone as gorgeous, and as sensitive and as selfless as him, loving me? Could I be so lucky to have had a love as boundless as his? I had lost the love of two sets of parents which left me lonely, and without guidance in a world controlled by evil and the gifted few to defend them. I was lost, and here was this boy, this man, my knight, who wanted nothing more, but to have his love for me reciprocated if that's what my heart willed. Evan thought I was the precious prize. He had it all wrong. Evan was immeasurable perfection, and I was flawed. I had behaved like the ungrateful winner. He was what every girl hoped for. I didn't feel worthy of him. I took a deep breath, and tried to refill my lungs, and the air got caught in my throat. Evan opened his eyes, and gazed up at me as I coughed lightly. Still standing in the entryway of the parlor, I tried to dry my tears with my hands realizing that I still had on my gloves. But it was too late. Evans face was of great concern. The tears had already soaked my chin as I did my best to wipe them away. He was up, and out of his chair in an instant, and I was in his arms willingly. My emotions were a tangled ball of yarn. He tenderly kissed my tear drenched cheeks. We held each others gazes for a moment.

Words couldn't describe what I felt because, I was still unsure of what it was that I felt. We held each other close, and no one else existed in our world. But then a strange feeling came over me. This seemed incomplete. Something was missing My heart belongs to you. It always will if you want it, But only if you do. I want you to be happy Delia. Evan said in a whisper slowly rubbing his cheek against mine. I yearned for his petal soft lips, but he didnt surrender them to me. I could read into his soul through those peaceful ocean eyes. His was a pure soul. He would wait until I was ready. Suddenly, Evan stepped back, and looked at me adoringly. Then he walked out of the parlor. I headed up the stairs. Once in my sunlit bedroom, Evan removed his jacket, vest, and gold timepiece, while I removed my satin pumps. We lounged, side by side on sofa with our feet propped up on my coffee table. Do you remember the first time that I told you that I love you? Evan asked, blushing to the color of pastel pink. Taken back by the question, and since I didnt know the answer I said, No I dont. You told me that if I still did, in five years, then you would have to marry me. Evan chuckled. Ok I will. I don't want you to worry. I know that you are afraid and well, I would deduce that anyone in your position being killed then revived, losing the only family you remember, being brought back into an unfamiliar point in time, and then forced to understand this complex, yet gift of life, would be right to be frightened. I think that youre brave, Cordelia. I've always admired you for your bravery, more so now. Evan said looking into my eyes, and feathering a kiss on my forehead as he held me tenderly, but firmly as if he never wanted to ever have to let me go. I didnt want to go, or be anywhere but here right now. I finally felt a calm I hadn't felt since returning to the past. Evan felt to me the way one feels like after a lengthy aggravating trip, and an even more aggravatingly long and grueling commute. He felt like home. I looked up at Evans beautiful face, as I cuddled up to his granite hard chest. Feeling his muscular frame though his now wrinkled shirt, made me only want to invite him in further into my heart. I realized then that I didnt need to let Evan into my heart because hed always been there Sun Paws insistent nudges woke me. I blinked, and looked around my bedroom. I sat up on my slightly rumpled bed. Just passed her petite frame, I could see that the sun had already set. I had fallen asleep. The last thing I remembered was climbing the stairs to my bedroom after Evan left the parlor. But Id been alone when I climbed the stairs, yet I remember him being in my sitting room. Had Evan really been in my room, or had I dreamt it? Although confusion engulfed me, I still felt all tingly from the experience, whether it was real or not. I wanted to relish it. Dinner will be served soon, Miss Cordelia. Sun Paw said, bringing me back to reality. Id like to take dinner alone in my room tonight. Would you mind bringing up my plate, Sun Paw? Of course, Miss. Sun Paw said, nodding and turning to walk out of my room. Sun Paw, wait. I said, as she turned to face me. If anyone asks, could you tell them that Im tired, and that I dont want to be disturbed. As you wish, Miss. Sun Paw walked out of my room. I hoped that everyone would honor my request. I was tired, and feeling a little whipped from what I just went through. I didnt want to have to carry on conversations, or be forced to listen to Thaddeus and Alexandria chat about how much was hauled from the mines, or about the upcoming ball. I just wanted to be alone for a while. That couldnt be too much to ask, could it? I laid back down for a moment, and closed my eyes. The feeling of Evan lounging in my sitting room with me had felt so real. Like it really happened, like an actual memory. Was it a memory? But we had been dressed as we are today; me in this emerald taffeta dress, and Evan in his impeccably tailored slate suit. It was while I watched Sun Paw set my dinner down on one of the small tables in my sitting room, and as I swung my legs over the side of my bed that the precise and neat penmanship caught my eye. The envelope was leaning against the floral printed ceramic based oil lamp on my bedside table. The penmanship was different from the notes Id received from Gerald. It was sealed with red wax which was stamped with the calligraphic letters EC. It was from Evan. I opened it carefully, and read the simple note over and over again. My darling Cordelia, I will wait forever for you. Loving you eternally, Evan Sigh. I focused, desperately not wanting to permit a pessimistic thought to invade my head. I allowed myself to be dreamy, and fantasize about weddings, and happily ever after. I allowed myself to look fondly into an uncertain future. I allowed myself to feel something that I had vowed not to succumb to, at least not yet. There was only one question to consider. Was I falling in love with a boy that I barely remembered?

TwentyFive Demands I barely ate my dinner which consisted of some type of meat wrapped in green leafy spinach with a creamy type of sauce dripped over it. I sat in front of my vanity, and stared at myself. I removed the gemstone encrusted comb from my hair, and watched the waves gently tumble down passed my shoulders, hanging halfway down my back. I fiddled with the lace trim that edged the scooped neckline of my taffeta dress. I traced the lace over and over with my fingers. I marveled how the hue of my dress brought out the emerald in my eyes. Looking at myself I noticed the crooked smile on my face as my thoughts continued to linger on Evan. Against my better judgment, at one point I allowed a pessimistic thought to corrupt my psyche. I thought joy and happiness may never exist for Evan and I, if fate had an entirely different plan for us. So much evil surrounded us. We weren't the average teenagers of this day or anytime period. We looked like teenagers with centuries and centuries of knowledge regarding the entities that desire the power which had been vested in Evan, and especially the powers vested in me by the gods. Could we survive this precarious life? Could love keep us sane? I didn't know the answers and neither did Evan, but he was willing to make any and all the sacrifices necessary to see to my happiness and my safety. I was pleasantly surprised by his devotion to me, but more for his devotion to protect this earth from evil. Evans passion for his family was extraordinary. His strength was a major attraction for me since the first time I had seen Evan in my dream. I felt safe when I was with him. I couldnt look into his eyes, and not bask in the warmth that emanated from them. When Evan held me in the parlor, I thought that I would melt away into a pool of water. I was thinking that Id be fine with that being that he was a son of Poseidon. I didnt want to rush this whatever this was. I still needed to hear what Winston had to say. I picked up my gilded hair brush, and ran it through my silky auburn hair. I pinned it back up with a sparkling gem stoned comb, and admired at how good Id gotten at pinning a perfect bun. I was proud of myself for being able to imitate the style perfectly. I felt it, and winced. The sharp frosty chill crept up my spine, and filled the room. Then I saw it. The image appeared in my mirror like a veil blowing in the wind. It was a misty vapor that took on an opaque shape. Now the opaque vapor filled out into the distinctive shape of a tall young man. He was here in my room. The room had grown frigid as any room did when he was in it. Winston was here to tell me what he knew I was still so desperate to know. But I needed something else from him as well. I hoped that he was willing to help me. I hope that I'm not tardy for our meeting? Winston said, doing his worst impression at being coy after appearing unexpectedly by my fireplace. I got up from the vanity, and quickly threw a couple of logs into it, and lit the fireplace without saying a word. The fire crackled loudly as if in protest of Winstons presence. He leaned nonchalantly against the mantle, and looked at the clock my father had brought back from his trip to France. I was starting to thaw though slowly. No, youre right on time, Winston. I sat in the chair closest to the fireplace. I motioned for him to take a seat as well, and he did. I wanted to get right down to business with this odd specter. I would like you to fill me in on what you know about my family. I understand clearly that there is a price for this. I said, flatly. We are friends are we not? Id hardly consider us to be friends, Winston. No? We can help each other, I said. Certainly. We can do this cordially I believe. He said, with an aggressive edge to his voice which he quickly tried to mask. I didnt care for the idea of him beating around the bush. Name your price Winston. I demanded, lightly and expressionless. I tried very hard to maintain a poker face. I know that once you have assessed your powers, your capabilities will not be matched by any other. Winston declared. I didn't say a word, and instead stared him down as he chortled nervously. I want to live again, but of course you already know that. Winston continued smugly. What a way to win me over I thought. I guess I did. I admitted, casually. He appeared a little more relaxed now that the cat was out of the bag. How do I know that once I tell you everything that I know, that youll honor your part of the agreement? Winston asked, as he eyed me cautiously. I wondered why Winston didn't trust me. Had I done something in the past that deemed me untrustworthy? I doubt it. Well the feeling was mutual. Winston was known to be a pompous knowsitall, a habitual liar, and a thief. But this time he was right. I had no intention of giving him a renewal on a life which he had been so careless with. I guess the same way that I know that all you tell me is true. I don't. I suppose it's a risk we both have to take. I answered, coldly watching his every move. Undoubtedly, Winston was more desperate than I was, and we both knew it. The truth about my existence would undoubtedly be revealed sooner or later. The truth always had an amusing way of doing so. The notion that I may be willing to wait, and find the truth on my own, seemed to frighten

Winston. What he wanted was greatly out of reach. According to the Capius, Im the only Ischero, who could grant Winston what he starved for every second of his horrifying existence as a ghost, spirit, specter whichever he preferred to be called. I suppose, I don't have a choice. Ill tell you everything but first Ill take you to where they are meeting tonight. Who? The families. Your family. My mouth dropped. I was aware that there would be a meeting; a council is what Evan had called it the other night when I overheard him and Nikolas conversing. I just had no idea when and where it would be taking place. These meetings were top secret, and where never announced until they were about to take place. Now? Yes, the meeting is already underway. Its being held beneath the Tieron mine, the mine belonging to your family. Shall we? Winston said, as he started walking toward the doors. Beneath the mine? Winston held out his arm so that I could weave my arm through it. I wondered if this was such a good idea. I had no idea how wed be getting there. I eyed Winston suspiciously, and then loosely wove my arm through his as he walked through the wall. Surprisingly, I was able to walk through it too. On the other side of the wall, I found myself standing next to Winston in a dark cave like mine dimly lit by lanterns which hung from chunky nails. The nails were hammered into thick wooden beams along the dirt and stone walls. Somehow I knew that it was the same place I had fallen into from the virtual door of the parlor in the house that I grew up in, on the night I made the discovery of the diaries. It was just one of the numerous mines which belonged to my family. Its tunnels ran beneath the Sierras. Winston and I stood on the tracks where mule trains, basically wagons on wheels, ran in and out of the mine. The mule trains hauled silver to the refining mills to extract the precious and desperately coveted metals that had made quite a few greedy people in this town into millionaires. These people would have been considered billionaires in the future. Your family has many, many secrets. Many which have been purposely kept from you. Winston whispered. I will tell you just one bit of information that they dont want you to know. A ripple of fear ran through my veins as nausea made a home in my belly. Winston didnt seem to spare any of the horrific details. Victor killed your parents. He ripped their hearts out while they slept. It is the only way your kind can die. I was suddenly engulfed with sorrow for my parents, and was almost at the point of retching after hearing what had been done to them although, I still couldn't evoke any memories of knowing them. No one deserved to die that way. How could someone commit such an evil act? It is rumored that Cerberus, Hades monstrous threeheaded dog that guards the Underworld, dined on your parents hearts, which was a gift to Hades, thus making it virtually impossible to revive your parents. Without their hearts, their power source, they will never walk this earth again. I couldnt believe that this was the world that I was a part of. My face must have looked twisted or something. Winston saw my reaction and said, As I said, that is the rumor, but the truth is that Cerberus has not tasted your parents hearts. Victor has them hidden somewhere. Winston said very matteroffact, and void of any trace of emotion. Unfortunately, I dont know where that is, but someone Suddenly there was a loud thud coming from somewhere deep in the mine. I shivered uncomfortably standing so close to Winston, but instinctively moved closer to the wintry cold out of fear. I will tell you more, later, but first; the Ischeros meeting is in full swing at center of this mine, between two tunnels that intersect. Follow me and watch your footing on the tracks. There were beams above our heads and along the mountain walls of rock. I followed Winston but distanced myself a bit, and it instantly became a lot warmer as we went further into the mine. I was careful in my steps, negotiating across the rock foundation, but almost stumbled a couple of times as I went passed the dimmer lit curves, which after passing, made what was ahead of you barely visible. The lanterns cast shadows that wouldnt scare the average person, but after youve seen shadows get up and lunge at you, youd be as jumpy as I was. The length of this dress didn't help at all. I didn't think Winston noticed my clumsy display until he turned to look at me in an alarming way, and put one finger to his mouth, instructing me to be quiet while he stood beside a lantern. The glow of the light from the lantern illuminated his face, making it appear as if he was made up of a glittery mist. Are you ok back there? Winston whispered. Uh yeah just a lot of shadows. I whispered back. Dont worry, these are the nice ones, Winston said, chuckling lightly. Well, lets move it along, we dont want to miss the whole show. Winston, I don't want to be seen. I said nearly tripping over a portion of the wooden track only to be saved by slamming my hand onto a beam and feeling the splinters rip into the flesh of my palm. Somehow I didn't make a sound as I felt the searing pain travel up my arm, and then slowly ease away. You won't be. Winston assured. I nodded. Im afraid that you wont be able to actually see anyone, or what is happening at the risk of being seen, only the shadows cast on these walls, but you can hear everything from here. Winston informed easing me back between two large boulders that were attached vertically to the walls. We can only get this close or they will detect my presence, my chill factor. But you mustn't make a sound. Every Ischeros at this meeting has the acute ability to hear over a hundred feet away. Winston warned.

Im almost afraid to breathe. I whispered. Well at least one of us can. The sarcasm was hard to miss. I stayed within a few inches of Winston because being within a foot of him felt cool, and the temperature in this mine was well over a hundred degrees, and rapidly escalating. As I tried to stay hidden between the two large boulders, I began to hear voices that echoed in the distance. Some voices were shouting as others were just above a whisper. I couldn't identify any of them. Regardless, I listened intently. He has asked for protection from the Empress in return for not informing Hades that the Empress killed one of his queen. He believes that she has gained her powers and but wasnt aware of the fact when she killed the vampiress. I recognized Evans crisp voice as if it were my own. Where would he get that idea? That raspy voice wasnt recognizable at all. It was even toned, but laced with authority. It must be an elder; powerless but respected. It is what I told him. Evan answered, firmly. Why should we trust an Apolluon undead? A different voice asked. It was the voice of a woman, and definitely an elder by the weight of her tone. I guess Evan was giving them his proposal on his strategy. Former Apolluon undead. He is over two thousand years old. Hades has set him free. Evan explained. Fine, for arguments sake, is he trustworthy? The woman asked. If Hades believes that everything on earth is under control, as far as his disciples, then he will allow Mathias to remain here. Nikolas chimed in, in his usual gruff nononsense voice. Matthias does not wish to ever return to the Underworld. He hasnt had a taste of freedom for more than two thousand years. He will not do anything to jeopardize that. Does he have any insight as to Victors plans or strategy? I recognized that all business voice instantly, it was Thaddeus. Victor cant seek contact with Hades without permission the help of Hermes, who has declined to interfere, therefore Victor went to Matthias. He asked Matthias to inform Hades of Driellas death, and to notify Hades that he, Victor, promises to bring the Empress heart to him. Victors only request is that Hades lets him rule without any further attacks from the Apolluon. Evan explained. He also offered Matthias protection but the vampire knows better. Matthias turned him down for two reasons. One: Matthias knows that only the Empress is strong enough to kill him. Two: Hades will never negotiate, even for the chance of annihilating the Empress. He wants every last Ischero demigod as his eternal prisoners, including Victor. Victor shows the lack of guidance that his wretched parents failed to provide. He doesnt understand Hades agenda. Thaddeus added. And what about hisgirl? Another elder asked. I wasnt sure of whom he asked about. The girl shouldn't be trusted. She should be put to death for obviously trying to set a trap. A male voice shouted with contempt, followed by a raspy voice. I agree. She is not to be trusted. Never could be. I requested your attendance tonight, not because I want your opinion. Evan's voice was raised to a low thunder. His shadow moved forward. I was almost compelled to move back a step or two, but the wall wouldnt permit it. Evan continued, The consequences have already been weighed, and the decision has already been made. We are here tonight to plan the ambush. Is that understood, my Knights of Ischera? Evan spoke with an authority well beyond his eighteen years. He quieted everyone into nods of approval which shadowed bobbing heads on the walls. It is Lucas that we want. Lucas is the key. He knows where Victor hides. Sacha admitted that much. Nikolas added. As far as we know, Lucas has gone underground. Another voice spoke up, but younger, definitely not an elder. Lucas is expected to return on the night before the Masquerade Ball. Julius, has this been confirmed? If so, by whom? Evan asked, directing the question to the youthful voice, a peer. Lucas is a creature of habit. This is his usual break. Victor had ordered him to return on the eve of the ball. They have something planned. It was confirmed by his twin sister. Julius. I will send an alert once we have the location. Nikolas said. We expect movement soon. Sacha has informed me that Victor, and his disciples plan to attack and seize Cordelia any night now. This of course may bring some very unwanted attention of the Apolluon. We must be prepared Ischeros. Evan commanded. Will Cordelia attend the Ball? My ears perked up with the mention of my name spoken by a female voice. Yes, Hedea. Evan answered, confidently. What followed Evan's reply was a sea of voices. Some alarmed, others shocked. Sire, this sounds too dangerous. Especially since our trackers have traced Apolluon in Nickel City on two occasions. A gruff male voice said. Perhaps it is best to postpone the anointment.

I agree, The Empresses powers have not been fully restored, Sire. A young woman noted in a shrilly voice. This could end very badly Sire. Another voice commented. I believe I heard Evan sigh at the words that echoed and bounced off the walls like handballs being smacked over and over again. If a cave full of powerful demigods were in fear, then how could I not be? My knees began to get weak. I feared them buckling and causing enough noise to alert the entire roster of my presence. As long as this mission is executed cautiously, Hades disciples will not be alerted. Our position remains the same. Victor's execution is our first and last priority. Cordelia will attend the Ball as planned. Evan said, evenly. And with that everyone piped down, and accepted his wishes. He commanded respect from all of the members of the empire, from the elders down to the younger demigods, and received it. But the Masquerade Ball was only two nights away. I was scared to death of the idea of seeing Victor and his disciples. I would much rather jump off of the highest peak of the Sierras than attend that Ball. I looked at Winston who appeared to be listening intently as well. I carefully tiptoed passed him. Where are you ? Winston hissed. Shh. I leaned to the right passed another wooden beam. I hoped that they wouldn't see me. Whoawell... I hadn't realized that some of your powers had in fact been restored. Youre invisible. Winston noted, thoroughly amused. Again I had made myself invisible, and hadnt realized it. I figured I might as well take advantage of my power to vanish. I took a couple of more steps deeper into the mine. It must have been the deepest point because the space was wide, dim, and the smell of dampness lingered in the air. I was facing a room of a hundred or so members, all dressed in ivory cloaks that were draped with a sash. Each member donned a sash in one of several shades of either garnet or violet. The male members wore their sash draped from one shoulder to the other forming a cowl under their necks. The female members wore their sash around the waists cinched by one knot. They were all facing Evan, whose back was to me. He stood high above them levitating. His sash was bright crimson and edged in gold. Nikolas, whom stood just left of Evan, wore a sash in a deep shade of garnet as did Bethany who stood next to Evan, gazing up admiringly at her brother. An outer circle of members, older, looking to be in their midforties to early fifties, stood wearing maroon hued sashes. Amongst them were Thaddeus and Alexandria Capius who wore deep crimson sashes. They watched their son, proudly; the highest ranking Ischero, as he governed this all powerful empire. An empire, which would soon disperse and blend right back into the mortal world. Suddenly everyone started looking around them as if they were sensing something, like a pungent odor. Just then I heard Nikolas voice. There is a powerful presence in this room, and it is not you Sire. Nikolas thundered, alarmingly as he turned around, and looked directly at me. Everyone's eyes turned blood red, and Evan turned and seemed to look directly at me too. Oh crap! They know that Im here. Winston grabbed my hand, and we flew right through the dirt wall, and magically walked right back into my bedroom. Ugh! I gasped, in shock as I saw a figure in my sitting room. It was Evan, and he was standing in front of the French doors to the balcony. How did he get here faster than Winston and I? I turned to the right of me, where I expected Winston to be, but he was gone. I had to catch my breath. Winston must have disappeared the second we went through the dirt wall. I looked at Evan whom had followed my gaze as I searched the room for Winston. Are you looking for someone? Evan appraised me, and smiled. He no longer wore the cloak. He was dressed in one of his many impeccably tailored suits. No, uh what are you doing here? May I? Evan asked if he could come into the bedroom portion of the two rooms, and didnt answer me. Uh sure. I tried to act unshaken by his sudden appearance. Have you been in this room the entire evening? Evan asked, as he ambled through the opened French doors that separated my two rooms. We were now standing about two feet apart. Evan started walking around my bed as if he were interested in seeing what was on my bedside table but all the while he was scanning the bottom of my dress. I followed his gaze, and noticed the dirt stains all over the hem of my emerald taffeta dress. I was busted. I gulped as I was certain that it was obvious to him what the answer was. No. I admitted in a whisper. The mines are almost impossible to navigate with the lamps being so dim. I would suppose that if one did not remember the route, then one would need the help of someone, or something in order to make the journey to the depth of the mine possible. Evan looked at me as if intrigued as to how I would react, or what I might say.

I suppose one would. I played along knowing that Evan was on to me. He chuckled. How is Winston these days? Still dead? I didnt know if I should laugh, or be shocked at Evan's clarity on what Id been up to. He walked over to where I still stood at the edge of my bed. The goose bumps on my arm were the evidence of my astonishment. They subsided with his warm gaze. Yes, hes still quite dead. I cleared my throat. How did you know about the assemblage of the entire family? I felt like I was being interrogated by a seasoned detective who was totally trying to trip me up. Winston told me. My admission left a slightly surprised look across Evan's angelic face. He looked at me for a long second then looked downward at his feet, and sort of half chuckled. Did you ask Winston to take you? Yes. Why? What do you mean why? Im a part of this family, arent I? The most important part, so Ive been led to believe. Shouldnt I have at least been invited? I said it all so fast, all in one breath, with real conviction, but Evan didnt seem taken aback at all. He looked amused. The meeting was set to lay out the strategic plan to finally take down Victor. Weve decided to put pressure on Lucas. He knows all of Victors hiding places. That much I heard. I said, kind of angrily. I was angry. Who did he think he was, coming in here, and asking me all these questions like I answer to him? My intention was not to shut you out. I wasn't certain that you were ready. I thought that with your memory not quite restored, that it may be premature, and overwhelming. Evan said, staring me straight in the eyes. I guess what he said made sense. I fought with myself not to drown in the beautiful oasis of his eyes. I couldnt allow my growing feelings for him to distract me from my agenda. I'm not so... fragile. I stated under my breath. And I don't see you that way. Evan's eyes were intense. The corners of his mouth looked as if they were about to turn upward into a smile. And then they did. His smile was as mesmerizing as always. I was captivated by the warmth of it. What amazed me was how something as simple as a smile could transform the feelings of the recipient of the smile. A few moments went by as we stared at each other. I knew that he wanted to kiss me. I read his thoughts, unintentionally, again, and it was what I wanted, but I couldnt allow that to happen yet, if ever. I needed more information from Winston. Evan was a distraction to any progress of my memory being restored. If what we shared earlier was real and not a dream, incredible as it was, then I felt that we were moving too fast. I just couldnt catch my breath. It was like being swept away in turbulence. I had to know if it was a dream. Earlier today, after we spoke in the parlor, did you spend time with me in here? Yes, and you fell asleep. He answered. I replayed the moment in my mind, and Evan just stood across from me and watched me intently. I love to see you smile, Delia, its my favorite moments of each day. I hadnt realized that I was smiling as I thought of the time Evan and I spent together today. The room stayed quiet as neither of us spoke. I couldnt hear his thoughts, and I really wanted to, and I tried and nothing. Again it felt like we were the only two people in the world. I had to turn away, so I walked over to the window, and peered out through the lace curtains as I could feel Evans eyes on my back. The garden was a blur of Demeters blossoms, and their continuous rebirth. It was like looking at a kaleidoscope made up of pastel flowers. I relaxed a little as the aroma of the blooming buds wafted in. The lilacs seemed most intoxicating at this particular moment. I pondered Evans last remark, and turned around to face him. I then found the nerve to ask him a question that I needed an honest answer too. How do you see me? Evan's eyes changed from sapphire to reveal the clearest boldest sky blue. I was stunned by their dramatic change and waited patiently for his reply. He took a moment before answering. When I look at you... I don't only see the most beautiful girl woman... in the world. I see the strongest in will and heart although, understandably shy. I see an iron clad devotion to her purpose in this world although, she may still feel unsure to what that is exactly. Evan's gorgeous face was the same shade as some of the budding roses in the garden blush pink. It's late. We'll talk tomorrow. As fast as a current of electricity, he was beside me. Goodnight Cordelia. Evan whispered in my ear. I felt the warmth of his sweet breath against my cheek. The kiss was so light that I barely felt it. Goodnight. I said, as I watched him walk out of my bedroom doors. I was blown away by Evan's words, and speechless. He thought that I was beautiful beyond compare, inside as well as on the surface. I truly wanted to live up to who he saw, but Evan was right, deep down I still didn't know who that was.

TwentySix Abduction I woke with a start, again. It was still dark, and I was restless. If I slumbered at all, it was in brief spurts. I dreamt violently of Victor ripping my heart out as he had done to my parents. I dreamt of the Masquerade Ball, and being surrounded by hideous masquerade masks and, deadly cloaked mavericks without faces, floating in a purple haze. Perhaps the nightmares were a forewarning of the evening to come. I wasnt looking forward to the Masquerade Ball. I loathed anything that had to do with disguises, including clowns, and mimes. Something about not knowing beforehand whom I was looking at and talking to freaked me out. I woke up every hour with thoughts that felt like mental obstacles. I thought about Athenas riddle. I still hadnt figured out what the goddess my sister had meant. Her words were forever engraved in my mind, and impossible to decipher. You have the strength were you lack the aspiration Free yourself from what you know. I knew that I would never fall back to sleep if I kept rattling Athenas words off in my head, so I allowed my mind to drift. I thought of Winston. I needed to see him again, soon. Hopefully, Winston would try to make contact before the Ball. He hadnt had the opportunity to divulge much, thanks to Evans unexpected appearance. And just like that, my mind was consumed with Evan. I couldnt help but feel nervous around him. What Im feeling had to be based on the memory of what I had felt for Evan before I left. I couldnt be falling for him in the now knowing him, however little I knew, in only four days. It just wasnt possible to fall for someone that quickly. There have been several moments since my return that felt so incredibly familiar, like when we were alone together the day before in the parlor and he held me close to him and kissed my cheeks, and while we sat together in my sitting room, just thinking about it made me want to see him right now, and while we sat in the gazebo and he tenderly feathered kisses on the inner part of my wrist and hand. In those infinite moments, I felt like Id known his touch, the feel of his lips, and the intensity of his gaze for centuries. At some point I fell asleep again, but it wasnt a sound sleep. With every toss and turn, in my rumpled sheets, the members faces appeared as if they were in my room with me, but they werent. They were led by Nikolas and Bethany, and were all shifters of some kind. Some were divine shifters of the elements and forces of nature. Bethany, was water of course. Olympia of the Leonidas family, whose rust colored hair matched the light sprinkle of freckles on the bridge of her slim nose, which contrasted her milky complexion, was a shifter of air tornados were her specialty. Bertrand of the Octavius family was burly with skin as olive as the oil from the branches of the Goddess Athenas tree, was a shifter of fire, the element alone. The others were shifters of magnificent strength, yet terribly brutal creatures, such as Nikolas, a centaur and Julius and his sister Hedea of the Hepolis family. The Hepolis family were winged creatures of flight. Julius, who had to be at least six and a half feet tall with skin the color and texture of smooth chocolate, was a fire spewing weredragon as his mother. His younger sister, Hedea, had the warm complexion in the shade of honey with eyes that shimmered like iridescent gold. She was a werevulture, an overseer like her father. Even though they all had different dimensions of strength and capabilities, they were all there to achieve one common goal; the objective was to prevent an abduction; mine. I saw them all standing outside of the grim lone mansion that sat behind Gold Hill. Suddenly everything felt sinister, yet familiar. I knew whose house it was, and I suspected that I was dreaming. The members of the empire, the warriors, were dressed in their impeccable attire as always, and as expected, invaded the scarcely lit house. Through the gloominess, they seemed to determine where the hallways led as if they lived there. It happened quickly and decisively. The warriors split into two teams. One team led by Nikolas and the other by Bethany. The teams headed in two different quarters of the spacious house. I could see both teams working simultaneously, navigating their way through the darkness until they met their destinations. Lucas was first. Hedeas transformation took an instant. Her razor sharp talons jabbed into Lucas linebacker sized neck as he lay slumbering in his bed. His snores broke instantly into a groggy, yet shocked response to the huge vultures beak which was just a few inches from his face. Hedea proceeded to Glamour Lucas, and the thought to shift into a panther was obliterated as if it was never even a thought in Lucas mind at all. Hedea flew upward and away from Lucas, and perched herself on the edge of his huge bed, and transformed back into human form, dressed as she had come in, bustle and all. The four warriors looked at each other awkwardly as Lucas was exposed wearing only his birthday suit. He proceeded to follow Hedeas strict orders. Lucas had his clothes on in less than a minute, and held his hand out to be shackled with silver cuffs; the antidote to shifting. All the while, in another room, further down the hall, the smell of stale perfume was as fierce as a smack in the face. With Sacha, the abduction wasnt as simple as it had been with her twin. The warriors couldnt be sure that if it had been the severe pinch of Hedeas talons that woke Lucas, or Sachas high pitch scream. She had been sitting at her vanity, brushing her silky tangle of curls, while clad in nothing but a corset and bloomers as she sang a ragtime tune about the joy of squandering some pathetic fools gold. Sacha was startled, as could be expected with four powerful demigods entering her room uninvited. Her recovery was quick and the attempt to shift was complete. The ferocious panther didnt hesitate to pounce on Bethany who shifted simultaneously into her aquatic form. The panther sliced through the deluge of Bethanys body, exiting totally drenched as the French doors magically flung open on their own. Olympia spun the nights soft breeze into a forceful twister which sent the panther clawing and spinning out of control. But the four demigods had their orders, and Victors disciples were not to be killed, just seized. Therefore Olympia lowered the feline. The disoriented feline shifted back to her original human form.

Now Sacha was on all fours completely human, completely naked, and still mildly dizzy from the vortex of Olympias harsh winds. Julius began to Glamour Sacha while Bethany transformed back into her human form. Sacha was instructed to dress quickly. She behaved as any hypnotized person would, obediently. She almost appeared meek. The teams exited the mansion separately, heading for the same location, while keeping the two prisoners apart. The strategy was to never allow one prisoner to know that the other was a prisoner as well. The mine was dark and dank; the smell of sulfur rose in the air, heightened by the heat. He was there when they all arrived. Evan looked pleased as he knew the plan had been executed without any errors or casualties. His eyes flashed a menacing glare at Lucas, and then Evans eyes turned crimson as blood and bright as the yet to be invented street light. Lucas was shackled to the dirt and stone wall as was Sacha in another portion of the mine, both unable to hear the other, and more importantly unable to shift. Evan went for Lucas first. Lucas was no longer in the hypnotic Glamour mode. Unfortunately, unlike all the other mortals, because he and his sister were of the supernatural kind, the hypnotic state only lasted a few minutes, and couldnt be used more than once within a twenty four hour period. Evan questioned him. All questions pertaining to Victors whereabouts. Lucas sneered but wouldnt divulge a morsel of information a devoted disciple. You will tell me where Victor hides. Evan smiled at Lucas. Oh I will, will I. But the malicious grin on Lucas face slowly changed to a look of curiosity as the screams and profane language arose. Julius, Hedea, Olympia, and Bethany led Sacha to where Evan, Nikolas, and Bertrand held Lucas. Lucas eyes bulged at the unexpected sight of his sibling in shackles, and twisting about. Sacha looked to Lucas through an avalanche of sobs as she lost her footing, and nearly tripped over the wooden tracks. The heel of her shoe broke. Lucas tried to wriggle free. His fresh crisp shirt was smeared with dirt as sweat dripped from his face. You bastards! Let her go! She doesnt know anything! Lucas bellowed furiously. The indignant expression on his sweaty face brought on mild laughter from Evan, and then Nikolas. Bethany and Julius and the rest, soon got the joke. We know that your twin doesnt have the faintest idea as to where your master hides. Let her go or Ill Kill you all! Lucas said, between clenched teeth. He fought the chains that dug into his flesh, but it was futile. He wasnt strong enough to break them. Pipe down, Lucas. Who said anything about killingyet? But since you brought it up, lets discuss it. Evan said, evenly as Bertrand walked an imaginary tight rope around Sacha, leaving a burned circular imprint on the ground. Sacha looked exhausted as she whimpered. She looked to her brutal twin for help, but he was proving to be no help at all unless Tell us where he is, and I wont hurt a delicate curl on her pretty little head. Evan pulled one of Sachas spirally tendrils, and sniffed it, and then let it slide between his fingers quickly. He then twisted his face into a scrunched up expression as if Sachas hair had a displeasing odor. Perhaps a bath to begin with. Sacha spit in Evans direction. Youre bluffing! Lucas yelled. Lucas please! Sacha begged. Dont let them kill me. They wont, sis. Lucas tried to assure Sacha. Suddenly the circular imprint of the imaginary tight rope began to crumble making a circular platform where Sacha stood. It was obvious to everyone what was happening. Sacha was caving into the floor of the mine, as the platform dropped to the point where the part surrounding her was up to her knees. She was being dropped into a hole. Bertrand stepped forward and fire shot out of his eyes, and lined a circle of flames around Sacha. NO! Sacha and Lucas screamed simultaneously. Tears streamed down Sachas face as she tried to stand on her tip toes to avoid being scorched by the climbing flames. Ill tell you. Ill tell you where he is. Lucas promised. Stop! Stop! Dont burn her. He demanded. Sacha looked at her brother, and cried hard shaky sobs. Evan raised his hand and the fire disappeared from Bertrands eyes, but the flames that wrapped around Sacha continued to climb. She coughed uncontrollably, and her body could barely be seen through the circular wall of fire. She looked as if she was being lowered into the fiery pits of Hell. Well lets get on with it Bethany snapped at Lucas. It feels like an inferno in here. Lucas finally spilled the beans. He described three different dens where Victor isolated himself. Bethany doused the flames into pungent smog. Sacha was now strung up against the wall opposite the one her brother was shackled to. She was complaining that her eyes were burning from the smoke. Everyone but Lucas ignored her. Evan immediately dispatched Olympia, Bertrand, and Julius to gather three small armies for the ambush which he planned to lead. The members were satisfied, and dispersed. Only Evan stayed behind.

I told you were he is. You have to let us go. Lucas demanded as he rattled the chains, and beat his back against the dirt wall. He looked like a restless animal. I never said anything about letting you go. Evan reminded Lucas as he brushed off the imaginary lint on his tailored suit. Bastard! Lucas seethed. Bastards, Evan said, smirking as he eyed Lucas. Or beauty, Evan said, turning to Sacha. Theyre both seen through the eye of the beholder. Evan added. Besides, I know who my father is. Evan snickered. He then turned to walk away, but stopped and turned and faced Sacha. Youd better hope your brother has told me the truth, or Ill take great pleasure in watching my sister tear you one limp at a time. Evan said, and then turned to Lucas. And if youve lied to me about the locations, or somehow send a message to warn Victor ahead of time, I promise you Lucas Hayden, you will beg the Gods for mercy while I kill you with my bear hands. This time it will be permanent. With that Evan followed the tracks out of the mine and vanished into the interior. Sacha looked at her brother and began crying. Luc, please tell me you told him the truth. Lucas looked into his twins tear glazed hazel eyes, gulped, but said nothing. Sun Paw woke me, and I immediately started coughing, smelling the smoke as if I had been inhaling it. I remembered every moment of the dream as if I had participated in it in some way, and it was an actual memory of an actual event. It had been intense; as intense as the dream of being chased by werewolves with Evan. I sat up, and stretched my arms out. It was the day before the Masquerade Ball and I would do anything for the power to fast forward to the day after the Ball. I should be able to use my powers to do that; forward time. In that case, Id forward myself right back to the future. My gut did flips and whirls like a pro gymnast. A very cool breeze blew in through my windows. I instantly looked for Winston, but his ghostly frame never appeared. I realized that the temperature this morning was a lot cooler than usual. I bathed, dressed, and hurried downstairs to breakfast. Everyone was chatting incessantly at the table, except for Evan, who gazed out into the garden, appearing to be far off somewhere, and Nikolas, who was eager to fill that bottomless pit of a stomach he had. Nikolas chomped away at his breakfast, the one meal where he drank something other than wine. For breakfast it was coffee. I was greeted with the customary Good Morning from everyone, then everyone went right back to their lively conversations regarding the Ball. The topic of the day was the Masquerade Ball. Bethany and Alexandria discussed the gowns, and the specially custom made, matching hand fans and masks. Thaddeus and Nikolas were animated as they explained to Christopher and Phoebe how exciting it will be for them when they are old enough to attend the Masquerade Ball. Evans expression was frustratingly unreadable. I tried unsuccessfully to seize his gaze several times, and was utterly ignored. This was very odd. Evan was always watching me when he thought I was unaware of him watching me not in a creepy stalker kind of way, more of a are you ok? kind of way. After a week of constant attention from him, youd expect that I might be at the point of elation, with this many pairs of eyes averted away from me, but I wasn't. Why was no one talking to me? Was I invisible? Hardly yet, nobody would make eye contact with me. All of a sudden Thaddeus, as if he was reading my mind, and Im sure he wished he could, spoke and his voice shook me out of my thoughts. I was forced to look in his direction in rapid reflex. I hoped that he wouldnt commence with a long history lesson on the Ball. Cordelia, Thaddeus said, evenly as he looked at me guardedly. I felt the nausea begin to build in my stomach, and I wanted to push my plate of uneaten fruit away. Today is a day of solace. We prepare for our new dawn and the festivities planned for tomorrow evening. It is the Ischeros celebration of our New Year and your anointment, and everything must go as planned my dear. We must preserve our energy for the ceremonies of the day ahead. You are expected to stay in your chambers for the remainder of the day to rest as we all will be resting. Tomorrow we will begin our festivities at dusk. New Year? I directed my question to Evan, who didn't seem to be listening to what his father had just vaguely explained. I put my fork down, and waited for someone, to break down this whole New Year thing to me. I wasnt surprised when Thaddeus spoke up again. He seemed to relish having the floor. His deep voice lightly growled forward like a steam train leaving the station. I would have thought my son might have shared this information with you since you have yet... to recall... very much. Thaddeus expressed slightly icily. So he was upset with my lack of recollection. As if I had something to do with the lack of it. It wasn't my idea to erase it in the first place. They had all predicted that I would regain all that Id ever known by now, yet I sat here with already a week gone by remembering close to nothing. I really dont need this sarcastic windbag looking down at me. The nerve of him. Remembering was all I wanted, if you didn't count my desire to speed time up a hundred and twenty years. I simply wanted to be at peace with my life, whether it would be taking place now or a hundred years ahead. I still needed to know more. I needed to somehow contact Winston. I caught Evan watching me, and he sort of smiled. Ok, so he wasnt mad at me. He then made a grimace at his father, who seemed oblivious to it, as well as everyone else. The silly expression caught me off guard, and I muffled a giggled. Most of my efforts were now spent on trying to mask what was surfacing between Evan and me. I hoped no one in attendance at the table had taken notice. I doubted it this morning, with all the discussion about the Ball, but trying not to stare at Evan was most difficult. I would forget about concentrating on my memory once his face came into view. After the time we spent together yesterday and all that was spoken between us, I couldn't focus on anything. How pathetic of me I thought for a moment, letting this boy occupy so much of my mind, but I just couldnt help it. Being consumed with a boy was so unlike me, but then again, Id never felt such an intense lure to anyone before Evan.

My eyes were drawn to his flawless and exquisite face the perfect bone structure mixed with delicateness. Evans hair was the perfect shade of auburn, and gently curled upward at his collar. I had the most uncontrollable urge to run my fingers through the waves. His muscular build, armor like in his cream colored shirt and chocolate pinstriped vest, made me want to wrap myself up in him. Evan caught me staring at him, and I turned away, a bit too abruptly, which must have revealed what I was feeling. I forced my mind back to the discussion taking place at the table. I knew that he was watching me now, making up for the time hed lost when I first sat down. I took a quick peek at him, pretending to peer over at Nikolas, and saw that he was still gazing at me, admiringly. I ate quickly, wanting badly for this meal to end. I was so nervous that I bit my tongue twice. Thankfully, the pain subsided almost instantly. After breakfast, I headed up the stairs to my bedroom, where I would spend the rest of the day, sequestered. I was instructed to remain there in order to avoid an unexpected attack, and also to rest in anticipation of my anointment at the Masquerade Ball. I couldn't fathom how staying in my room the same room where Victor had paid me a visit only a few days before could be innocuous. The abdicable idea of Victor sent a creeping Nordic chill up my spine. I tried with every grain of my being to shake it off. I relaxed, and let my mind wander. What the heck was I going to do, a prisoner in my room, all day? Its not like I could watch TV or go online. Sadly Id have to wait nearly sixty years to watch television and a hundred to use a computer. I wondered how I would go about occupying my time. I pulled out the stack of little leather bound journals from their hiding place. I sat at my desk and took out the small bottle of pungent black ink and pen. I opened the last of the diaries to the first blank page following the last entry, and began writing. Oct. 30,1891 Dear Diary, I couldnt think of anything else to do so I decided to write to you. I have no one to talk to. I havent a friend in the whole wide world who could possibly understand what Im going through. Is there anyone out there in this great big universe who could honestly identify with the anguish and fear Im feeling right now? I really doubt it. Im pretty sure that there isnt another soul whod been killed then reborn at the exact age, and then told that they are a demigod, with no memory of their existence as one, and hunted by evil beings and forced to live in another point in time. Im not just sure that there isnt another soul out there; Id be willing to bet the empire on it. Diary, Im so afraid of every hour of each day that I live in this point in time surrounded by so much that I dont remember. I seem to be hitting road blocks every time I try to find out about my past and about the empire. I dont trust anyone a hundred percent. Not even Bethany. There seems to be quite a few secrets hidden from me and I dont understand why they are hidden from me when I am the empress of the empire. I do believe that Im what they say I am; a demigod. Ive seen small amounts of proof that totally makes this all too real, yet Im still very cautious of what I may remember when I finally dohopefully do. Also I think that Im falling in lo Suddenly, there was a light rapping on the door. I quickly closed the journal and put it away along with the rest, back in their hiding place. The light rapping seemed too delicate for a man, so I expected to see Bethany or Sun Paw, but it was Evan divine and statuesque. He stood before me towering, but not overpowering. I gulped, and felt my heart pounding in my chest as it began to race. Hi. I invited him in, and sat down on the comfortable chaise lounge. I removed my shoes and put my feet up. I didnt realize how good my feet felt now that Id taken those narrow satin pumps off. Hello. He said, as he took a seat in one of the large ivory velvet chairs across from me. You look so delicate there; I wouldn't believe you fostered the powers you do, had I not been exposed to them before. Evan said. getting up unexpectedly, and walking toward me. His alluring smile was contagious, and made me weak, but I had to smile back. Once he was in front of the chaise, he gently lifted my feet and slid onto the open end of the chaise, lowering my feet on his stone hard lap. There was more than enough room for the both of us on the chaise lounge. I adjusted myself and leaned back onto the arm of the long chair. As he tenderly rubbed my stocking clad feet, the tingling feeling rose upward from my toes to my calf muscles to my knees then to my thighs. By the time the feeling reached my chest, I was completely relaxed. It had to be the most sensual moment I had ever experienced. All the while Evan massaged my feet, he would peer at me with the slight curl of the corners of his mouth, making me want to kiss him. I tried to keep my eyes on his hands, which worked effortlessly to calm me, but found myself drawn to his penetrating eyes. He continued to gently rub my feet for a while before he finally spoke. I believe that things will be different after tomorrow night. Evan said.

Because of the New Year, right? I asked. That does have something to do with it. He turned his gaze to me. The intensity in his eyes burrowed into my soul. For once I didnt feel nervous with him looking at me as if he could read my thoughts. I believe that your crowning may in fact bring your memory back. I tried to focus on Evans words, and not the tenderness of his touch. The confidence in Evans voice wasnt contagious. Although, I was kind of low on faith these days, I was intrigued by the notion. Maybe, finally, this nightmare would be over. Really? I knew Evan detected the skepticism in my voice. Indeed, I do. Evan said, as he caressed my feet. How will it make me remember? I couldnt shake the doubt in my voice. I cant tell you that. I just believe that your crowning is essential. But I thought I needed my memory in order to be crowned an empress. I reminded Evan. In the past it has always been that way. Every demigod set to reign had already had their memory intact. Your circumstance is a very unique one. This is the first time that an Ischero to be crowned doesnt have their memory. The crowning fortifies your soul in a profound way. Therefore I believe that the crowning may be the missing link. And if it doesnt? Please think positively, Delia. It will make the transition to power that much more successful. I nodded and said, Ok, Ill try. I thank you on behalf of every member of the empire. Evan said, chuckling quietly. I guess saving everyone is the least I can do. I said, giggling. Its the most, my love. Evan said, smiling that mesmerizing smile that always quickened my heart rate. After a minute or two, Evan stopped massaging my feet, and looked me in the eyes and took a deep breath. Cordelia, there are some things that I feel that you should be aware of. The empire is in dire need of your presence. When my father explained to you, a few days ago, about the peril we are in, you may have thought that he was being brash or blunt. But in actuality he explained it quite mildly. What do you mean? I said, thinking that this conversation had come to a fork in the road and that it could go one of two very different ways either down the perilous path or continue down the enjoyable one we were about to get off of. Somehow I knew which way Evan was headed and I wanted to get up from the chaise. While Victor is a threat, he is a great one. He is accessing more power at an alarming rate. Evan said, as I sighed. How is he able to do that? I asked in a whisper. He has killed two more elders, and has forced the twenty left, including my parents, into seclusion. Evan said gravely. How did he kill them? It doesnt really matter how. I want to know. I said, firmly. Im sure that you dont. Tell me. I said, reaching out to touch his arm. Evan stared down at my hand and placed his hand over it. He stayed like that, motionless, staring at his hand over mine for a brief moment. The elders are demigods of lesser power if any at all since aging. Victor requires their hearts so that his strength can be magnified. The elders offspring guarded them because they were vulnerable, yet Victor was able to get to them, somehow. Evan explained vaguely and skirted giving me the full details. How did he kill them? I asked, impatiently, as Evan sighed. He tore their beating hearts out of their chests. Evan said, staring me in the face. His voice never wavered as he spoke of the grotesque deaths of the oldest members of the empire. His eyes lingered. I gulped and pressed on. I could handle this, I thought. How much power does he have? I asked, as the feeling of anxiety began to rise in me like the temperature on a hot summer day. Victor has surpassed my level of power. Evan said, angrily then paused. Yours is the only power he cannot exceed. Im afraid that time is not on our side, Evan added for good measure. Without your strength, he can seize our empire by force and in numbers.

Do you really believe that my memory will be restored when Im crowned? I asked, sitting up, swinging my legs off Evans lap, and dropping my feet onto the ornate rug. I need you to believe it. Evan said looking me straight in the eyes. Like water going down a drain I felt the color leave my cheeks. Evan was trying to get me to understand that the power was in me. That is also what Athena had meant. We sat that way, paralyzed in a gaze, for a long moment before either of us uttered a word. Since I was at a loss for words, Evan finally spoke. For Victor, the conquest is just that, a conquest. He just wants to win. There is no significance to his agenda. He is as greedy, if not greedier than his parents were. Does he want to rule the empire? He doesnt give a damn about this family or our empire therefore, if we cede to him, ruling our empire would become a bore for him, Evan said, sounding heated and out of breath. So what would happen to us? We would either be fed to his newly acquired pack of werewolves, the largest and strongest pack, since he killed Donatella, the leader of the Lykaon. But were stronger than werewolves, right? I mean you nearly defeated an entire pack in my dream, I mean when you and I were in the forest that night. Yes, well I may be stronger, but many of our members would be slaughtered leaving us outnumbered. Evan said, solemnly. By then the Apolluon will have sensed our aura once we try to defend ourselves, and since the only power to stop them has been well you understand, Evan said, almost in a whisper. I gulped as if on cue, and noticed the goose bumps on my arm, that for once, were not a result of Winstons presence, but from the icy chill in my spine by what Evan explained. The Apolluons consumption of us would not cease with us. It wouldnt? I thought that they only hunted the Ischeros. Victor is still an Ischeros in Hades eyes even if we dont accept him. He is too blinded by greed to see that the end result will be his own demise, and ultimately Hades will have all of our souls. Evans face was flushed with emotion. Would Zeus allow us all to die? Zeus will not have to interfere because we will not let this escalate. Evan declared. The room was quiet as we both allowed Evans last words to hang in the air. I decided to break the silence. I decided it was a good a time as any to bring it up. I had a dream last night, and you were in it. I blurted, and looked down at my hands. Delia, Evan said, as he touched my cheek then gently lifting my chin so that he could look me in the eyes. Was it that bad? It was so real. I woke up feeling like Id been where the dream took place like a memory or something. I rambled. Do you want to tell me about it? Evan said, letting go of my chin and then taking my hands in his. I trembled in his touch and then eventually calmed down. Yeah, I do, I gulped, and plunged right in. Like I said, you were in it and so were Bethany and Nikolas and several other Ischero members. I knew them by name, Olympia, Hedea, Julius, Bertrand, and I knew them well. You were all at Lucas and Sachas house. Well, you werent. You came later. I said, pausing as Evan seemed to hang on my every word. Anyway the members abducted Lucas and Sacha by Glamouring them. I said, as I watched Evans eyes twinkle as I mentioned the word Glamouring. Then they took them to a mine where you were waiting for them. Evan eyes never left my face. Surprisingly, I no longer felt nervous talking to him. It was a familiar feeling, like two old friends reminiscing. Once the members brought them to the mine, Lucas was forced to tell you were Victor was hiding because you threatened to kill his sister. And there was blazing fire. Bertrand is a fire shifter. He almost burned Sacha alive. This is going to sound crazy but, I actually woke up choking from the smoke. At first Evan said nothing. He looked at me, admiringly, then shifted his eyes to a strand of hair that he moved away from my eye and away from my face. What you just described actually took place last night. I was dumbfounded and began stammering. Wwhat? Did I dream it? Yes and no. Yes you saw it as a dream, but somehow your mind saw it through someones eyes. Im not sure whose eyes. You named everyone who was there. Obviously someone else was there and the others didnt pick up on this beings presence.

A being? It sounded creepy, especially when you didnt know what being it was. Yes. But how could I do that from a dream? I suppose you may have called upon someone in the subconscious, Im not sure since none of us; no other Ischero has the capability to see an occurrence from their sub conscious mind, Evan said. As you regain your strengths, we will learn what you are truly capable of. So what happened? Victor wasnt found at any of the locations Lucas provided, but we have confirmed that they are his hideouts, Evan stated, very matteroffactly. But weve made it impossible for him to find a place to hide. He will surface soon, and well be prepared for him. So thats what you meant by things being different after tomorrow night? I asked sounding breathless. Yes. Evan said, and I almost beamed that this horrible ordeal was almost over, but was it? I prayed that Evan was right about me regaining my memory once I was crowned empress. Despair began to rise up in my core again, and just like that the spark of hope had been doused like a match in the rain. I was trying my hand at being diligent. I did, for the first time, truly believe in who I once was, and that I will have my memory restored. Patience is the key. Let's not talk about this now. Let's just rest. Evan smiled sweetly. Ok, but I didn't expect to see you till this evening for dinner. We wont see each other this evening. Everyone will dine exclusively in their own chambers. Its what my father meant by solace. Evan let out a low sigh. I leaned back against the back of the chaise, and enjoyed the oddly familiar touch as Evan continued to rub my feet in his large, toasty hands. He had done this for me before. I was sure of it. Knowing this, I closed my eyes and tried to place the occurrence, but nothing came. I had no control over the visions that seemed to have a mind of their own and came and went as they pleased... I wanted some control. I felt like a prisoner within myself. What are you thinking about? I dont know. I just wish I remembered who I was. I want some control over whats happening to me. I feel kind of lost still. I want to help you. What can I do to make you feel ? I dont want you to do anything. I dont need you to rescue me. Im just telling you how I feel. I said, a bit harshly. I hadnt wanted it to come out that way. Im sorry, I didnt mean to upset you, or make you feel in anyway weak. Im not upset, well not with you anymore. I admitted, and watched his expression of recognition. I dont know. Im just frustrated and worried about tomorrow night, I guess. I know you are. I guess I would be too, If I were you, and had gone through what youve gone through these past few days. Everything will be fine, Evan said, as he took my hands in his. His hands were warm and strong and soft, all at the same time. I nodded because I felt safe with Evan although, I didnt totally believe everything would be fine. How can you be so sure? I asked. What? That everything will be fine, or that I know that youre worried? About everything being fine. To be honest with you, Im not sure of everything, but Im sure of one thing, and I promise you this, I will make sure that you are safe. I want you to trust me, my love. I dont want you to worry. I need you to think positively for tomorrow night. Please trust me. Evan pleaded, as he took my face in his hands. As I gazed into the blue pools of his eyes, something was blocking me from trusting him entirely. I couldnt help the slight feeling of apprehension at his request, although I wanted to trust him. I just wasnt able to let my guard down although; I was exhausted with being afraid. Damn near scared of my own shadow, of any shadows, period. I was crippled with fear. We sat quietly for a while. Evan had resumed massaging my feet. The foot rub was so comforting, that I closed my eyes, and for the first time visions of Victor, the Apolluon as smothering shadows and as blood thirsty vampires, ravenous wolves and stealthy panthers didnt appear. Evan stroked my cheek and I rubbed my cheek into his hand as he cupped my face. I closed my eyes. I didnt want to lose the feeling of him soothing me. It felt so good like the promise of love unconditionally. When I opened my eyes, Evans beautiful face was literally an inch away from mine. I looked deeply into his eyes and I knew then that I could trust him.

I did what felt so natural to me at the time. It felt perfectly right. I leaned in, and kissed him, tasted the sweet and saltiness of his lips, and felt the warmth radiating from his body. I wove my fingers through his thick hair, which Id been yearning to stroke since seeing him in my dream, and lost myself somewhere between Evan and the chaise lounge, never wanting to be found unless it was in his arms. Evan kissed me back, devoured me with two years worth of love. With the flick of his tongue he parted my lips and pushed his lips down on mine. We held each other, one not wanting to lose the other. Evan broke for air and said, DeliaDelia, I love you. I love you so very much. I kept my eyes shut and didnt want to let go of him. It was as if we were fused together with a magnitude emotions coursing through our veins like electricity. When I opened my eyes, my room was dimly lit by the setting sun. It took only a second or two to get my vision into focus. I sat up, and realized that I was loosely covered with a rose colored chenille blanket that I clutched for dear life. Disturbingly, I was alone. I must have fallen asleep or did I dream it all again? No. It was real, as it was the day before. I wanted nothing more but to be kissing Evan this very second, and I wondered why and when he had left my room. The last thing I remember before the kiss was Evan asking me to trust him, and closing my eyes as he rubbed my feet. The sudden crackling from the fireplace was the only sound in my sitting room. I got up from the chaise and began turning on several of the oil lamps when a low rap on the door brought in Sun Paw with my dinner. Id forgotten that everyone would be dining alone this evening. I suddenly felt so alone that I almost asked Sun Paw to join me. Sun Paw cleared one of the small tables, and placed my dinner plate, utensils, and wine glass on it. I ate only half of my meal braised herb chicken, roasted potatoes and squash. I wasn't feeling very hungry. The only thing on my mind was what Evan had spoken of. I hoped like my life depended on it, and I was sure that it did, that tomorrow night would be the end of living in fear. I sat back in my chair, and placed my napkin back on the table, and contemplated this. It just seemed too good to put all of my faith in it, but of course I would. I had no other choice. Once Sun Paw returned to retrieve my unfinished meal, she drew me a bath. After a long relaxing soak, I crept into bed. It was just passed eight, and I fell asleep before I knew it. The nightmares that flooded my head that night were of masks and faces in disguise. Some of the masks where jovial, while the ones that chased me, the ominous looking ones, looked like Gerald. TwentySeven Voyeur The annoying and familiar racket of Sun Paw bustling around my room woke me the next morning. She was fussing specifically with my ball gown. It had been delivered this morning by Miss Cuttwright. Even through blurred and sleepy eyes, the gown looked stunning; fit for a princess, or in my case, an empress. Miss Cuttwright created an amazing work of art out of the luxurious bolts of fabric that Bethany and I, well mostly Bethany, had picked out in town just four days ago. Miss Cuttwright constructed the gown in record time, and with only one fitting. Sun Paw hung the gown on the back of my embroidered dressing screen. I blinked excessively as I stared at the sumptuous layers of draped and embroidered champagnetoned gold and ivory satin and tulle. Bethany thought it perfect to design a gown inspired by the fashions seen in France. I guess that made sense since I had supposedly spent the last two years there. But the gown was as ghastly as it was beautiful. I wondered who Ive become and who Id been all at the same time. I hoped that I could pull this thing off, not so much the gown but being crowned the Empress of the Ischeros. I really wasnt looking forward to the Masquerade Ball tonight. My last memory of the night before was of kissing Evan. My heart raced with the thought, and I felt the rush of warm blood to my cheeks, and I wondered if Sun Paw noticed me blushing. Evan had made the first move by taking my face into his toasty hands and forced me to drown deep into the endless abyss of his eyes. Then it was as if Id known him for a hundred years or more, the familiarity of his touch and the alluring scent of him were all comforts of a lover. I obliged him with the kiss that sealed the deal for me. I didnt know how this happened or when exactly, but I dared not to even say it to myself. How could this be? Ive started to believe it. Ive started to believe that I may have fallen in love with him. I couldnt remember anything about our relationship in the past, besides he and I being chased in the forest, yet I felt like Ive known him forever. This made sense and no sense at the same time. Strangely, I didn't remember him leaving my room or when I got into bed. I knew that I dreamt some disturbing dreams, but I couldnt remember any of them. I continued to watch Sun Paw, who was engrossed with arranging things around the room to notice that I had awakened. I stretched a little; not ready to rise out of my warm covers. A long, sleep induced yawn made me contemplate throwing the covers over my head to steal a few more Zzz's. After hearing my roar of a yawn, which had sounded much noisier than I had anticipated, Sun Paw realized that I was indeed awake. Great, I thought, now she'll start fussing with me. I didnt believe that I needed a servant at my every beck and call. Actually, I never really ever beckoned her. She was just always there. I pulled by hair into a loose bun fastened with a jeweled comb, after getting into my floral embroidered, mint green, silk robe. A knock at the door startled me even though I already knew who it was. Sun Paw let Bethany in. Good morning, Cordelia. Oh look! Bethany exclaimed loudly, sprinting in her lavender silk embroidered robe to where my gown hung. Your gown arrived! I was worried that it wouldn't be ready in time due to all the intricate details, but honestly I envy you. Miss Cuttwright must have finished my gown in a hurry then devoted all of her time to yours. I'm definitely jealous; it is far more stunning than mine. Bethany brushed her hand lightly over the luxurious gold fabric as she beamed her sunny smile. You will look breathtaking in it. It is beautiful. I hope that I can pull the look off. Doesnt it feel sumptuous? Bethany asked, as I ran my hand over the fabrics. The gown practically glowed as it basked in the early morning suns

rays cascading through the windows. Sun Paw, please give us a moment. Yes, of course, Miss Bethany. Sun Paw left the bedroom and exited the sitting room. Bethany grabbed my hand, and walked me over to the sofa where we both sat down. She cinched her lavender silk robe a little tighter as she crossed her legs, allowing a healed lavender silk slipper to dangle off of her slim foot. I sat barefooted and anticipated what Bethany would say next. Tonight is a very special night. Youre crowning means so much to us all. Even the gods have been patiently waiting for this divine day. Bethany gave me a hug and a squeeze. They have? Certainly they have. The gods love to see how their greatness is glorified. Always remember that without the gods, we are nothing, mere mortals imperfections. This celebration is as much theirs as it is ours. Bethany proclaimed. Will I still be crowned even though I don't remember my past? I asked apprehensively and already knowing the answer. The ceremony must take place on the Ischeros New Year, Bethany said, confirming my fears. But I dont remember anything. How can I reign if Im not prepared? I know that youre nervous. Well all be there. Its not like Im going to the prom, Beth. What should I expect? If all goes as planned, which it will, you will be summoned at midnight by Athena. Then Zeus will ignite you with his bolt. It will strengthen the one that is already lit within you. What do you mean by ignite? All I saw was visions of flames. He's not going to set you on fire, Delia. Bethany said, looking as if she wanted to smack me for my stupidity. You shouldn't be afraid. You didn't answer my question. Zeus will simply touch you. And I shouldn't be afraid? I said, imagining the larger than life King of the Gods my father, actually tapping me on the shoulder. The vision was surreal. No, you should not. Right. I rolled my eyes and nodded. Then why am I shaking with the thought of it? Look, I said to Bethany, as I held up my hand. Im freakin shaking. Im freakin out! Try to relax Cordelia. Are you kidding? How can I relax? This is way too overwhelming. Too much is expected of me. Too much that I know nothing about. Too much that I still cant recall. Dont fret. We'll all be there with you. Evan, Nikolas, my parents, the elders, all of the members, and me. I'll be there right beside you, all the while. I promise. I tried to accept Bethanys support but it wasnt an easy task. I didn't realize the importance of the day. At first when you had mentioned a Masquerade Ball, I had thought that it was for Halloween. I veered off into another direction in an effort to shut out my negative thinking. Now its an anointment ceremony and a New Year. Yes, Halloween happens to be our New Year, and the new governing goddess must be put in place. Bethany noted. If the Masquerade Ball is for the New Year of the Ischeros, then why are the town's people invited? This made no sense to me, and needed some clarifying. We've always tried to blend in with the mortals, but we haven't invited everyone, just the aristocracy, and the who's who, of Nickel City, Gold Hill, and Bedwyn City. The mortals have always accepted the years most coveted invitation, and wouldn't dream of missing the Masquerade Ball. Bethany beamed her brilliant smile. The rays of the warm sun shone on her face making her look angelic. I couldn't help basking in her glow. We, the members, arrive an hour earlier than the mortals, and toast the New Year. Of course for obvious reasons they don't know that the celebration is for your crowning and our New Year. For the mortals it's just the grandest, most elaborate, and most magnificent Ball. The real celebration doesn't begin until every mortal has left. That's usually around two in the morning, when theyve enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Bethany giggled. I tried to smile, but it was a sad imitation of the smile that graced Bethanys face. I knew it appeared fabricated and fake. Will everyone be wearing masks?

Yes, of course, it is a Masquerade Ball. Bethany confirmed with a chortle, and then became real serious, furrowed brows and all. No one is allowed to reveal their identity before supper is served at ten oclock. She added. Once an invited guest enters Harper's Hall, their name will be checked off by Ischeros guardsmen. They are familiar with everyone who will be attending this evening. It will be impossible for anyone from Victor's coven to penetrate the security detail. This bit of info calmed me considerably, but not totally because Victor had powers to appear without any warning. What if Victor decides to crash the party? I asked, anxiously. Bethany didnt skip a beat. Thats not going to happen. Victor would be grossly out numbered. She said, confidently with her slim neck thrusting her head in the air. For the first time I felt somewhat relaxed, yet I still didnt look forward to the soiree. What time will it begin? The ball will begin around sundown. So we have several hours. I said, pondering that I had just a few hours to sike myself up for the charade. That's exactly what I thought of it, a charade, a mockery, a ridiculous spoof: The crowning of an average girl who they hoped to pass off as an empress. You will enjoy yourself. We'll dine like royalty and dance like Am I expected to dance... much? My apprehension could be heard a mile away. Yes... and you'll be great. You were always so graceful in the ballroom. You've always commanded everyone's attention. Trust me, it will be as it was when you remembered how to ride Gypsy. She assured, and I nodded although, I wasn't convinced, just hopeful that she was right. Upon entering the ballroom, Evan will procure a program for you, meaning he will introduce you to the members of the family, who will place their names on your card for the opportunity to engage in a dance with you. Oh, so Ill know who Im going to dance with by the names on my card? Yes. Itll be your dance card. Ok. I agreed, yet I was already exhausted by the idea of being obligated to dance with strangers just because a silly card stated so. The actual dance will begin with all the couples lined up in promenade order. Bethany said. I couldnt help but think of everyone prancing, and galloping like stallions as Christopher had put it, around the hall. This is called the Grand March. Then everyone will commence with the First Waltz and dance and mingle and dance some more until about ten oclock. I guess thats when all the revelers would gladly break for supper. Then we will eat a wonderful meal followed by scrumptious desserts, and wash it all down with our drink of choice. And if you haven't fallen out by then, it will be back to the dance floor until about two in the morning. Bethany explained, animatedly. I expected by then that the strains of the last symphony would finally echo into the hills and over the highest peak of the Sierras, and thankfully the guests would pack up their buggies and head home. It was to be a long and hopefully uneventful night for my sake I hoped desperately. I had never danced in a gown. I loathed dresses; especially gowns made of layers and layers of itchy fabric, and despised dances even more. I'd never felt comfortable on a dance floor since I have an acute rhythm deficiency. This dance would be that much more arduous than all the modern ones that Id dodged in the future, being that the dances of this day were choreographed in precise steps. All it would take is one wrong footstep in the wrong direction, and both dance partners would be sent tumbling to the floor, entangled in layers and layers of itchy fabric, with the probable notion that many other couples would go down with them. I tried to block out all the ballroom casualties that would indeed prove that I was not their empress although, I knew better I belonged to them. I eyed Bethany closely. She wasn't trying to hide her joy and wallow along with me in my misery like a best friend should. She saw nothing wrong with my lack of memory, or my fear of being crowned and ignited by the highest god of all. She seemed jubilant, almost dreamy, with the thought of the nights festivities. I really didn't want to ruin this for her, so I kept the rest of my skeptical thoughts to myself. Although, I was still apprehensive about actually waltzing across the dance floor with Evan or with any other boy, Bethany felt it was necessary to brief me on ballroom etiquette a few more times. I understood all of the basics like waiting to be asked to dance, and then being escorted to the dance floor. She expected my dance card to be quite full, since I would no doubt be the most popular girl in the hall. Bethany further explained the proper way to refuse a dance. She said that I couldnt refuse the invitation of a gentleman to dance, unless I had already accepted that of another. If I did refuse, I would be guilty of an incivility. Rudeness was a no no, and considered breeching proper etiquette. I sighed in defeat. There was no way out of this. Bethany got up and sauntered over to where my gown hung. She admired it as she lifted layers upon layers of fabric. Then she walked to the door. Her silk robe flowed in the back, extended by a train. Breakfast is set. We mustn't keep Light Shine waiting. She detests it if we are late, Bethany informed me, with an airy giggle as she left my room to get dressed. I dressed quickly in one of my day dresses, which I once thought was fancy with way to many woven ribbons and bows, but not anymore after seeing my ball gown. I proceeded to head down the stairs, and there he was at the top of the stairway looking so incredibly handsome. My heart literally

skipped a beat, which meant that I had to concentrate on my breathing just to be sure that I did breathe. He was talking to Bethany and wasn't looking my way until he heard my doors close shut. Evan turned and gazed at me with the kind of smile that woke the sleeping butterflies in my stomach. I walked toward him as he took me in with his eyes, appraising me indulgently. Bethany smiled at the both of us, kissed her big brother on the cheek, and made her way down the stairs. I was hoping to have a moment alone with you before breakfast, Evan said. I wasn't sure of what to expect but I allowed him to take my hand, and lead me back into my room. I guess Light Shine would be pissed but I couldnt care less in the company of such perfection. Once we were in my sitting room, Evan began. I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Actually, I wanted to be the first to do so. The depth of his eyes went on and on. He held both of my hands in his and feathered a kiss on my forehead. Happy New Year. My eyes were closed as I waited for his lips to reach mine. A short moment had past. Once I realized he was watching me and not going to kiss me, as I had wrongly anticipated, my eyes fluttered open. To my chagrin, the flow of blood to my cheeks was rapid and impossible to hide. I owned up to it, redfaced, and smiled and watched his eyes reciprocate the smile. Happy New Year to you, I said, just above a whisper. I smell sausage. Light Shine makes the most delicious sausage, and I'm famished. Let's join the rest of the family. I followed Evan out of my room, and we walked side by side down the wide stairs. I paused inconspicuously at my portrait. It no longer looked foreign and alien to me. It was me. If I didn't know where the dining room was, not to worry, I could just follow the chatter and laughter as well as the aroma of fried sausages which filled the house. Everyone was already seated and heaping forks full of Light Shines famous links, scrambled eggs, and buttermilk biscuits into their mouths. They all appeared thoroughly rested, and prepared to take on the grandest of parties. Thaddeus watched both Evan and I carefully, and then began talking. My apologies to the love birds, on behalf of everyone, Thaddeus said, motioning to Evan and me, as we entered the brightly, sun lit room. Honestly, we did try to wait, but had no choice, but to surrender to Light Shines succulent sausages. Somehow, we managed to save you both a few links. Thaddeus admitted laughing while almost choking with his mouthful. It all looks and smells yummy. I said, sitting down in the chair Evan pulled out for me. He sat beside me, and started filling his plate immediately. I wasn't hungry but piled my plate as well. I guess for some unknown reason, I felt the need to prove that I was as excited about the sacred day as they were. You have quite an appetite this morning. Alexandria remarked as she scrutinized my plate. Evan's warm cheek brushed mine as he whispered into my ear. You don't have to eat that much if you don't want to. I followed his gaze to the heap of eggs on my plate. I know. I whispered back, before quickly stuffing a forkful into my mouth. Delia, I've got dibs on your last piece of sausage! Nikolas' usual deep and crisp voice was gruff due to a mouth full of food. It's yours Nikolas! I squealed, not realizing that I had until it was too late. Everyone laughed while they all observed the lonely sausage link on my plate. Nikolas got up, leaned across the table, and stabbed his fork into my sausage, causing it to explode its hot and savory juices into my face through the perforations in the sausage casing made by his fork. Everyone gasped and Nikolas looked deflated. Meanwhile, I laughed at all of their shocked expressions. Once they realized that I found the explosion to be amusing, they all relaxed and chuckled as well. Using my linen napkin, I dabbed at the warm juices, which had begun to stream my cheek. The kids were beaming. They both ate rapidly as if they expected the banquet of food to disappear at any given moment. Christopher practically inhaled his food as Phoebe battled to show that she could keep up with her older brother. I giggled at my little brothers and sisters victorious finish. It was a tie! Although they weren't allowed to attend the Masquerade Ball, they seemed in the highest of spirits. Maybe they were happy that they werent attending the ball I should be so blessed. I knew for a fact that Christopher was ecstatic at the prospect of staying home. Tonight, while the adults will be out enjoying the divine festivities, all the children under the age of thirteen will be in their respective homes, guarded by Ischeros guards. Everyone finished eating and retired for a quick nap. We would all be awakened later that afternoon, ultimately feeling rejuvenated and ready to begin dressing. I couldn't rest. My mind was whirling with all of the fears that I was consumed with at the moment. I was still worried about the threat of being killed by Victor of course. His vision was engraved in my psyche. Even though Ill be surrounded by the entire empire of members, I was terrified. I didn't think that I'd ever feel totally safe until I knew for sure that he was... dead. Evan said that after tonight everything will be better. I dreaded the thought of Evan being wrong. Being wrong was not an option. I'll be crowned the Empress of the Ischeros tonight. I was intimidated by the idea of meeting the members, which would be like meeting them for the first time since I couldn't remember them more than likely, an awkward situation. Maybe I was afraid that I wouldn't live up to their standards of what they believed an empress should be. I really don't know what an empress does or what they expect. I definitely need a tutorial on that.

I had hoped that Winston would've tried to make contact with me by now. He had promised to tell me everything that he knew. I really didn't want to go into this party tonight feeling like Id been blindfolded. He had made it seem like there was something imperative that I needed to know. Then he disappeared and I hadn't heard from him since. I knew that he wasn't confined to just haunting his house because I'd seen him on my veranda. I closed my eyes, and tried to take a nap, finally feeling tired. Cordelia... Cordelia... Cor I must be dreaming I thought, as I heard my name being called over and over again in a faint whisper. It had to be a dream if Gerald was kneeling at my bedside right now. He spoke in a whisper, Are you awake? I realized then that Gerald was indeed in my room, and that I had finally fallen asleep, and it was still the day of the Masquerade Ball. What... time... is it? My words were caught in a yawn. A quarter past three, Gerald answered. The house was quiet. Everyone must still be enjoying their afternoon naps. Then it dawned on me. What was Gerald doing in my room? Cordelia Gerald said, slightly above a whisper as he rubbed my shoulder. What are you Shhh, Gerald placed his index finger gently against my lips. I crossed my eyes to look at his finger as he let it remain on my lips for a moment. Then I pushed myself up against my head board. What are you doing here? How did you get in here? Does anyone know that you're here? I was louder than I had wanted to sound, still recovering from the shock of Gerald kneeling beside me. Gerald inched his face an inch or two closer to mine, and I could smell his sweet breath. I wanted and needed to speak with you. I didn't think you would visit me if I sent you an invitation. Therefore, I snuck in through the garden, and once I found the kitchen, I hid in the pantry until I knew it was safe to come out. I waited as everyone retreated to their rooms. He placed his hand over mine. Impulsively, I yanked mine away a little too abruptly as if he had burned me to the touch. Ok so... I lightly prodded. I could tell from his change of expression which went from eager puppy to shock and confusion that he was stressed out about something. I might as well let him get to it. Suddenly, the icy chill embraced me, and ignoring Winston was proving to be difficult since my teeth were already beginning to chatter from his frigid presence. I tried to focus on Gerald. He cleared his throat. Would you do me the honor, and allow me to escort you to the Masquerade Ball this evening. His eyes were opened wide and beckoned me to answer, but my throat shut down, I was unable to speak. I didn't expect him here next to me and I sure didnt expect an invite to the ball. I hadn't realized that Gerald would be attending the ball, until now. His question was bold but his demeanor didn't exude confidence. Instead his face looked timid, and his caramel toned eyes appeared unsure. I'm sorry, but I can't accept, I'm already going with Evan. I blurted out. I would have liked to go with you but I already promised Of course, I understand. Im an idiot for waiting until now to ask. Forgive me if I have bothered you in any way. I shouldn't have come here. It was too late to hope that he wasn't hurt. His eyes had saddened immediately once I mouthed the word sorry. I heard Winston snicker. When I looked passed Gerald to glare at him, Winston was grinning, obviously enjoying his brother's rejection. Gerald was already on his feet, and quickly heading toward the double doors anticipating a stealthy exit. I hope my answer won't prevent you from attending. I said honestly. I hope to see you there. I will save a dance for you. I added. I wouldn't miss it. His words didn't sound convincing. I watched Gerald leave my room, and quietly close the doors. My eyes darted around the room until they fell upon Winston whom stood casually against the mantle of my fireplace in my sitting room. A wicked smile swept across his face displaying his barely hidden amusement. I hadnt seen him since the night he took me into the mine. He had disappeared the moment Evan had made his unexpected appearance in my room, I guess for the obvious reason. Winston must be wondering if I was going to live up to my end of the bargain. Arent you going to thank me for last night? Winston said. It was getting colder as he left the sitting room, entered my bedroom, and approached my bed. Last night? I narrowed my eyes at Winston. They couldnt detect me this time. I made sure it. He said, triumphantly. Who couldnt detect you? What are you talking about? I asked, dumbfounded. Winston spoke in riddles, and I was in no mood for any more. Last night, at the Hayden twins home, behind the hill, with the others; dont you recall? Now it was all coming together in my mind, what had taken place last night, had been seen through someone elses eyes. Evan had been right; Winston was the voyeur which Evan had spoken of. I had witnessed the abduction vicariously through Winstons eyes. How did you do it? I was deeply intrigued with the power this ghost possessed. How did you let me see it all through your eyes? Me? Winston pretended to appear shocked by slapping his chest with the palm of his hand. I followed your lead, my dear. You showed me the way. I was a gentleman, and obliged.

What? Me? But how? I was up and out of my bed now. I had been spending some quality time in one of my favorite locales, one of the towns seediest brothels, Madame Clairys Secret. Youve seen it, havent you? I remembered the place well. It was located next door to the Bucket o Blood saloon. I had no idea that it was a sleazy brothel. So that was Madame Clairys Secret. She wasnt in the business of fortune telling after all; it seemed more like fortune taking. Yes, I think I might have noticed the place when I went into town. Good, well I was observing some old friends of mine, no one you knew of course, squandering away their weeks stipend, and maybe their months worth, on cheap harlots when I felt you enter the brothel. You could imagine my surprise. All I was thinking at the time was, what was a divine goddess doing in such an undivine place as this? You saw me at the brothel? You made your presence known only to me. Winston confirmed with an impish smile, as if my secret of brothel hopping was safe with him. Thats just crazy. I dont remember being there. And just like that, Madame Clairys secret was spilled in my mind. The scene of the brothel became very vivid. I could visualize the interiors of it, the dark wood paneled walls to the shoddy furnishings, in what I would expect to be the waiting room. The place was barely lit with dimmed oil lamps. The front room was filled with the pungent odor of rank and copious cigar smoke, as if the cigars were never put out and burned infinitely. As I walked through the foul fog, Madame Clairys women came into view in various ages there were girls who looked to be around my age. The women were of all walks of life, and scantily dressed in provocative attire barely there lace negligees and fishnet stockings. The ladies of the night hung onto the clientele as if the men needed coaxing. Clearly, if a man was caught in a place as sordid as Madame Clairys, you could make the correct assumption that he wasnt lost. I never said that I saw you. I felt your presence when you began communicating with me. Go on. I prodded anxiously with the notion of my out of body experience. Although you were asleep, here in your bed. On the chaise. Fine, you were asleep on the chaise. You were very persuasive, and before I knew it, you and I were at the Haydens mansion, overseeing the abduction. How did we get there? Was it like when we travelled to the mines? Somewhat. I I cant believe that Im capable of doing something like that, especially while Im asleep. I cant even imagine doing it while Im awake. How did I know what was taking place at the Haydens mansion last night? Your subconscious seems to be aware of quite a bit. Youre just unable to tap into what you already know while youre awake I suppose because your memory is on a hiatus. Winston sat at the edge of my bed looking up at me. And no one knew you were there? No one knew either of us was there. You blocked their senses. I was rather impressed, actually. It has been a while since Id seen you at work. Winston chuckled lightly. What did I do exactly? I mean, how did I communicate with you? What did I say? Whoa one question at a time. You spoke to me and said that you needed my eyes, and that you werent ready to do it on your own yet. I was more than pleased to accommodate although, I believe you chose me only because no one living could have crashed that party. Its incredible. I shook my head from left to right, unable to grasp the idea of communication with Winston telepathically. Indeed, Winston agreed. After a long sigh, Winston laid back on the edge of my bed. No need for a ghost to worry about ruining a suit, even though hes been wearing it for the past three years. You failed to tell my smitten brother the truth, how you dont have any feelings for him nor do you find enjoyment in his pining for you? Winston spoke in a bored and sleepy voice. So now youre pretending to be concerned about your brother's feelings? You were mean to him before you ki before you died. I said, once again thoroughly annoyed with him. How dare he judge me? How dare he question my choices? He was no one, a dead reflection of a guy who had spent the latter part of his life indulging in selfdestruction, not caring how he hurt himself or his loving younger brother, and entire family. As I looked at him I felt nothing but pity for him. Im his older brother; of course I care about him. Winston paused. Actually your right, I'm here for a less complicated matter. His words were crisp and concise.

This time, Winston got to the point. He glared at me, smiling his customary wicked smile that I was getting used to. Im still powerless Winston. I said as I walked past him. I am aware of your unfortunate status. Im here to confirm that payment will be made on your end of our deal. He was up and hovering over me as I slipped my shoes on. Do you mind? You're hovering and it's a bit creepy. I'm dead. I'm supposed to be creepy. Winston chuckled lightly. Then youre doing a superb job. Do we still have a deal? His tone was now a serious one. Yes, but there are conditions, I said, walking into my sitting room. Unexpectedly Winston vaporized in front of me, and took on his human form again. He looked angry. Conditions? What conditions? We were now face to face, but a couple feet apart. With his bleak eyes, he challenged me to name them. As promised, once I regain my powers, I will grant you a second chance at life. I paused at the weight of my words. I will grant you a second chance at life. I was playing God, or finally acting like one. Winston had ended his life because he had such little respect for it. Why would I waste this godly, god given power or so I hoped it was given by a god on someone who didn't deserve it. I cleared my throat and continued ruling the world. I will do this under two conditions. One: You must have more respect for life. Respect for life? That's easy, Winston said. He nodded and sniffed, as if he were able to breathe. Mainly yours, I added, holding his stare as he held mine. He was silent, and then lowered his eyes to the ornate rug. And second: You must never return to Nickel City, Gold Hill, or Bedwyn City. Your brother, grandmother, not anyone in any of these towns can ever see you alive. You can't have any contact with anyone who might have known you before you died. I instructed as Winston appeared to be faint. Take all the time you need to think this over. He looked as if the idea had never crossed his mind. He obviously had not thought this through. His family had buried him. The entire aristocracy of this town had attended his funeral as well as gossiped about the circumstances of his death. His returning would be inconceivable. Everyone in this town would think he was a ghost, a zombie even. The persecution to destroy him, whatever they believed he was, would cause his family too much harm. He wouldn't survive it. Winston appeared to be thinking this through for the first time. He was actually seeing the reality of his predicament for the very first time. No, I don't need any time to think it over. I've never wanted anything as much as I want to live and breathe. He turned away from me, and disappeared through the wall. I was stunned by Winstons abrupt departure. I guess the truth was shattering for the deceased as well as the living, and Winston was no exception. It was lonely being dead. I knew that feeling first hand, and all too well. I had felt a loneliness that I had never known before. It was as if I had been ripped out from the planet, and forced to watch everyone continue living from another planet which was void of any life at all. I would never have survived being unable to feel another persons touch. A loud thump on the door startled me. Not nearly as bad as Gerald had by appearing at my bedside unannounced the way he did. After a deep breath, I answered the door. It was Bethany. Her expression was joyous as it had been earlier this morning. She breezed in smelling of roses. I told Sun Paw to prepare your bath. Once you are finished bathing, I will help you groom. Sun Paw will help you into your gown. I nodded, solemnly. The excitement in Bethanys voice was infectious but I had the antidote no memory, and I still hadnt warmed to the whole idea of the ball and all it represented. I was still uncertain about the crowning, feeling that it may be premature, and felt a little queasy about the dancing. I expected to feel uneasy for most of the day, even when I would be whisked away, like a princess, to the Masquerade Ball. I soaked for a while, thoroughly enjoying the rose scented water, thanks to a vase full of it given to me by Sun Paw, as instructed by Bethany. An abundance of rose petals had been slowly boiled in water the day before and allowed to cool so that I could make use of it today as my perfume. It smelled wonderful, and somehow the exuberant scent made me feel alluring and seductive. It was a feeling I had never known. I praised Demeter and Persephone. Sun Paw began to assist me in putting on my corset and bustle, since I was able to manage my petticoat on my own. I was slowly getting used to these undergarments very slowly. When it was time for Bethany to do my hair, she sat me down at my vanity table, but turned me away from the mirror as if she didn't want me to witness the steps taken. Then she applied my makeup which was minimal and consisted only of some foundation powder made in France and beet juice for my lips, which she applied with a painters brush.

At last, I was allowed to check myself out in the mirror. I was taken aback by my reflection. I looked so different. So refined. My face was my natural tan, so I wondered why she had fussed with the powder at all, and my lips were slightly rosy. My hair was piled high on my head, and pinned with a delicate diamond and gold comb. Bethany made spirals out of my hair which she pinned into the triple bun she originally pinned up. My hair looked elegant, and looked like it took hours to create. The girl had a hidden talent. Youre beautiful, absolutely beautiful, Cordelia. My brother will fall in love with you all over again. Bethany said, with admiration. Thank you, Beth. I feel beautiful. I continued to admire my new look. Alright, my work here is done. Im going to get dressed. Moon Rose, Moon Rose Bethany bellowed as she walked out of my room. Sun Paw helped me get into my exquisite champagne gold and ivory beaded gown. The golden colored tulle bodice had a sweetheart cut, which made the corset thrust my breasts out further than I would have liked. The bodice was laced up in the back with a thick ribbon of the same satin fabric of the dress. The champagne hued gown which was hand embroidered with sparkly gold, crystal, and ivory colored spangles, was tight in the bodice all the way through to my hip and was symbolic to how repressed women were in this day and society; unable to feel free and say what we feel and express ourselves or feel relaxed. The gown finally loosened slightly around my hips where the fabric ballooned out into a full skirt of layers upon layers of more of the gold, crystal, and ivory combination of hand sewn beads. The gown was dramatically longer than all of the other dresses Id worn this week. It had a train in the back hem that swept across the floor. All in all, the gown was unforgettably gorgeous. My look was complete once I had my accessories. My elbow length ivory satin gloves were edged with crystal and ivory beads which matched perfectly with the elaborate beaded and jeweled gold satin mask, and gown. I decided not to put the mask on until we arrived at the hall. Sun Paw helped me with my beaded shawl as I looked myself over in the full length mirror. I was astounded by my striking transformation, a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly. Once I had my ivory hand fan and beaded drawstring purse in hand, I was ready to go. I made my way down the stairs carefully balancing each step, so that the full skirt of my gown wouldn't cause me to topple over and plummet down the stairs. My descent was difficult due to everyone watching me from the first floor. My heart began to race and I trembled a little with every set of eyes appraising me. Bethany stood beside her mother. Both she and Alexandria wore stunning gowns which were as elaborate as my own. Bethanys gown was a teal and silver floral pattern draped and edged in silver tulle and fringe, which I was used to seeing at the edge of curtains. Somehow the fringe made the dress look even more glamorous. Alexandria wore a slate colored gown accented with turquoise and teal embroidered beads and delicate feathers. I locked eyes with the most beautiful male of the group. Evans eyes widened as he took the vision of me coming toward him in. His eyes spoke volumes of his love for me as well as his attraction to me, and I found myself pacing my breathing as I gazed at him. His perfect smile mirrored the brightness of any afternoon sun. Evan was immaculately dressed in a black tuxedo with tales, as was Nikolas and Thaddeus. Their waistcoats were low in the front, exposing their vests and stark white shirts which were accented with diamond or pearl buttons, and thin white bow ties. They each wore a sash across their vests which made me think of a royal family rulers of a monarchy. Evans and Thaddeus sashes were the same color combination, teal edged with silver. Nikolas was burgundy edged with gold. Dangling from each of their vests were glistening gold watch chains. All three looked devastatingly handsome in their own way, yet Evan stood out and looked beyond my expectations, he was perfection. I noticed, as Evan was putting on his top hat and cloak, that his usually loose wavy hair was slicked back behind his ears. I have never seen him look more dazzling. Why is Nikolas sash in a different color than Evans and your fathers? I whispered to Bethany, once I was on the first floor. Each god has their favorite hue. Since each family originates from a particular god, we celebrate our divine gods preference of color. Bethany explained. Which color does my family wear? I asked while I looked over my gold and ivory hued dress, and realized that already knew the answer. Isnt it obvious? Zeus prefers shimmering gold and the purity of ivory. We rode in three separate open top carriages with Evans parents leading the way. Evan and I followed, while Bethany and Nikolas rode in the last buggy as the caboose to the train we formed heading to Harpers Hall, like true royalty, for the annual Halloween Masquerade Ball. TwentyEight Divinity Shimmering like a pearl in the navy starless sky, the full moon provided just enough luminosity to guide us into town. The night seemed magical until the cool night air was shattered by an occasional high pitched howl. I tried to shut out the incessant cries of wolves but after the third or fourth howl, I stiffened like a statue, hands clenching the delicate satin of my dress. The carriage rolled forward, and Evan swayed beside me and immediately noticed my discomfort. We will be arriving momentarily, he said, taking my satin gloved hand into his pale white gloved one. The howls remind me of when we were being chased, I said, somewhat calmer now that Evan held my hand. I remember that night, Evan stated, and squeezed my hand. But, I tend not to focus on that part. I cant seem to think of anything else but the wolves chasing us and biting you. What part do you think of? I asked. Evan paused a minute before answering, and let his eyes rest on my slightly parted lips.

The taste of your kiss; so sweet and addictive, is what I remember most. I tried to disguise the heat that began to rise in my cheeks but I was unsuccessful. Evan didnt try to disguise his as he blushed openly staring at me with an alluring smile. That night was dangerous but Id be willing to fight off Victors pack a thousand times if it guaranteed an opportunity to kiss you again. I wanted to open my hand fan, and fan myself due to the heat ignited in me by Evans penetrating stare. The piercing look of Evans oceanic eyes pulled me deep into them. I felt like I could drown in his pupils as if I was being dragged underwater at sea. I forgot all about the wolves both in the dream and howling in the distance. I leaned over and gazed deeper into Evans eyes then lowered my eyes to his slightly opened mouth and pressed my eager lips against his. I combed my tightly gloved fingers through his thick hair. The epiphany of desire leapt out of my heart, struck me through my bones, and rocked deep into my soul. Finally I knew it at the precise moment when I slowly pulled away even though, I was aware of his desire to kiss me again. What I felt for Evan was true love at its purist. It was not caring that the world has stopped turning, or that no one else existed but the two of us. The profound connection I felt with Evan was worth what Id gone through this past week. I wondered what it would cost to keep it. My, my. A gruff voice called from behind. Perhaps, a quick stopover at the local inn for you two love birds? Both Evan and I turned around to see and hear Nikolas guffawing along with a radiant Bethany in giggles. Evan raised a fist in the air as if to let Nikolas know that he would deck him, all the while his expression was the most jovial I remember ever seeing it. Ive been waiting a long time for you to come back to me, and you finally have. I can roll over and die now but I wont, he said, with a nervous chuckle. Im glad that you wont, because I need you. I admitted. I needed him like a flower needed rain. Evan appeared stunned by my admission. I need you too, he whispered, and kissed me soothingly on my cheek. He lingered against my cheek for a brief moment, a moment that I knew I would treasure just as enthusiastically as the moment we just shared as we kissed. We were quiet for the rest of the way, and held hands, understandably oblivious now to the howls that seemed to roll over the hill and through the forest behind us. As we basked in the soaring emotions we were both feeling, I wasnt afraid anymore with my knight in dapper tux sitting closely beside me. Finally, as we descended the hill, I could easily make out the hall which lit up the main street like a Christmas tree. Harper's Hall, the grandest and only ball room in Nickel City, stood magnificently, adjacent to Whitney's Opera House. When our carriages pulled up in front of the hall, our footman, an Ischeros guardsman, speedily ushered us in. Evan and I were escorted in first, and the halls euphoric glow nearly knocked me off my feet. I had never seen Harpers Hall look as glorious and as majestic as it did this evening. It was alive and full of life. Tonight, the hall was in its prime. The foyer was brilliantly lit with gilded chandeliers that were suspended from the ceiling and dripping with huge crystal prisms that looked like falling rain drops. The ceiling rises to fortyfive feet. Evan said, as I finally lowered my gaze from the carved and gilded patterned paneling on the ceiling. Its amazing. Simply glorious, Bethany said, breathlessly behind me. The walls were of carved and gilded, cream colored oak panels and adorned with gilt oil lamps and gilt framed mirrors large enough to step through. The elegant interior reminded me of the colorful and glamorous stories I had heard surrounding the festive holiday parties, sophisticated balls, and cotillions that had once been held here. This was far from the cracked, peeling paint and weak foundation that could be seen easily from the exterior and boarded up windows that I recalled from the future. In the foyer, which turned out to be the receiving room, we were met by three burly young men that looked indisputably like the other. They werent identical triplets, but they had to be brothers, or related in some way. They were eloquently dressed in tuxedos, and wore sashes just as Evan, Nikolas, and Thaddeus did. Their sashes were in the combination of emerald green edged with canary yellow. Good evening, everyone. The three said in unison, as they bowed gracefully. As they did this, they each eyed me with what I took as admiration and curiosity. Cordelia, this is Heracio, Dimitri, and Patrick. They are the descendants of Hercules. I realized then that Heracio was the one which Nikolas had spoken of when he mentioned me strength training as a kid. I couldnt imagine throwing a child around, at any age, and certainly couldnt fathom possessing the strength it would take to flip either of these beefy guys today, yet I held this power. If only I could remember. Pleased to meet you, I said, offering my hand the way Bethany had taught me to. One after the other, they each took my gloved hand, and kissed it as they bowed saying, The honor is ours, Empress Cordelia. I nodded, not knowing what else to do or say. It felt a little strange with them calling me empress when I hadnt been crowned yet. The three sons of Hercules took our shawls, cloaks, top hats, and Thaddeus gold tipped cane. They carried the accessories and outerwear off to a nearby cloak room that was just a few feet away. When the three brothers returned, one of them, led us passed the cloak room to a huge and beautiful, shimmering gold table carved in a leaf motif. On the table were numerous small stacks of white gloves. Above each stack was a small cream colored card with a name engraved on it. There were also empty spaces where name cards stood alone. Thaddeus, Evan, and Nikolas, handed their gloves to Heracio, the brother who had led us to the table. He placed each set below their respective name card. Why did you bring so many pairs? I whispered to Evan. We must change our gloves with each lady we dance with. Its a customary tradition with the mortals.

Evans devotion of blending in with the world of the mortals, my former world, was a means of survival; a strategic play. We were then greeted by two exceptionally beautiful young women. Their flawless brown skin, heartshaped faces, and sparkling goldish green kaleidoscope eyes drew each of us in with the power of magnetism, or something. They each wore coral satin gowns, either embellished in sparkling beads, jewel tone stones, ribbons, or a combination of all three. The two stunners bowed to us with their greetings. Good evening, everyone. They said, in unison. Cordelia, this is Ophelia and Felicity, the descendants of Aphrodite. Thaddeus said, as he beamed at the two girls. It is a pleasure to meet you both. I said, equally awestruck by their extraordinarily good looks. The two girls bowed, and smiled at me. We are honored. They spoke again in unison. Please, follow us. We will escort you to the salon, Felicity said, smiling broadly. Evan held out his muscular arm for me and smiled that mesmerizing smile that always made my knees tremble. I wove my arm through his and smiled back. We all followed the daughters of Aphrodite down the long corridor that led to a large mezzanine with two twisted marble staircases on either side. Each staircase led up to the second floor balcony where the salon, ballroom, and dining room were located. Gentle man, if you please, Felicity said, leading the men to the left stairway. Ladies, please follow me, Ophelia said. Bethany, Alexandria, and I followed Ophelia up the stairway on the right. Once we were all on the second floor, the men were led to a room down the hall on the left where cigar smoke escaped every time the door opened. Ophelia escorted us to a room at the end of the hallway on the right. The room turned out to be a powder room large enough for a couple plush sofas, a round shaped sectional sofa, and several gilt framed chairs. A couple chandeliers dripped from the ceiling and gilt framed mirrors adorned the cream toned gilt paneled walls. In the rear of the room was a smaller room which housed the toilet and sink. After looking ourselves over in the huge mirrors, Alexandria said in an authoritative tone that I didnt really care for. Ophelia, we are ready to be escorted to the salon now. Ophelia led us back down the hall where we met up with Felicity and the boys. At that moment, the two daughters of Aphrodite excused themselves then gracefully walked back down the stairs in such a way that they appeared to be floating. They literally caught and held every mans attention for at least one enamored moment. As I basked in Evans smile, I didnt notice the tall and handsome, olive skinned boy, who I guessed to be around my age, in a black tuxedo and a shiny rust colored sash standing in front of two huge ornately carved and gilded paneled double doors, until now. The tall boy bowed in front of me. Good evening, Empress Cordelia. Im honored to serve you. The boy took my gloved hand and kissed it, as if I were royalty. Good Evening, and thank you, I said graciously. Good evening, Sire. The tall boy said, bowing to Evan. Good evening to you, Balthazar Evan said, graciously. Lord and Lady Capius, Bethany, Nikolas, Balthazar said, nodding and bowing. He waited as everyone nodded and greeted him. Good evening, Balthazar, I will presume that everyone has arrived, Thaddeus said authoritatively, almost as if he didnt appreciate his son being addressed like a king and he being ignored. Yes, mostly everyone has arrived, he answered, confidently as he opened the doors to the salon. I was immediately blown away by the brilliant luminosity of the luxurious and spacious room. Several enormous crystal chandeliers were scattered throughout the room. A dozen or so gold hued, velvet sofas were arranged against the walls of the massive room. Three four piece velvet round sofas sat in the center of the marble floor. Several dozen beautifully carved chairs and a half a dozen mini gold painted tables were strategically placed in between the sofas. I had never seen such an elegant room. Upon entering the salon of high pitched laughter, giggles, and clinking glasses. Everyone was dressed as glamorously as we were, the women in beautiful gowns of sumptuous fabrics and the men in tailored tuxedos and sashes in an array of colors. They all seemed to be having an enjoyable time. There wasn't a hand that didn't have a filled champagne glass attached to it. As we entered the shimmering room, the members of the empire turned and stared in my direction. Everyone found a place to set their champagne glasses, and commenced in clapping adoringly. Of course they knew who we were. We were the highest ranking members, and the greeting was fit for royalty. I had almost forgotten that all of the members were expected to be here before the whos who of the town arrived. I stood stiff not moving, and held Evan's arm firmly. He seemed to be conscious of my nervousness and tenderly, reassuringly, rubbed my hand as I continued to furiously grip his arm. I heard a crowd of people entering the foyer below us. I turned to see a large group chatting enthusiastically and laughing boisterously. The elegantly dressed mob appeared to be impatient, excited, and anticipating a long night of entertainment. Dont be nervous, Delia. Everyone here is in awe of you and is here for you. Try to relax. Evan whispered into my ear.

I wish it were that easy. I apologize, my love. I understand that this is very overwhelming and I want to comfort you, and make you feel at ease. Evan whispered and patted my hand again. The room was filled with people of all ages of adulthood. Some as young as I, and some who appeared to be as old as the earth. There was something startlingly common about all the faces that were poised and staring at me. Every single face was extremely attractive, with the daughters of Aphrodite leading the pack. I couldnt find an unattractive face amongst any of them. I took in all of the admiring gazes. Some of the striking faces seemed familiar, while others were as foreign as an extra terrestrial. The familiar faces were of the warriors who had abducted the Hayden twins. The gorgeous Hedea, her brother, the towering and handsome Julius, the lovely Olympia, and the huskily handsome Bertrand, were sprinkled throughout the crowd. I searched the sea of a little over a hundred or so faces, scanning for one with a look of contempt and came up short. More bubbling champagne was poured as glasses were quickly passed around, and soon we were all holding one. Of course, Nikolas had already downed a glass, while quickly grabbing another while the waiter passed by. Thaddeus walked to the center of the room just as someone passed him a sparkling crystal glass. My beloved brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the mighty Olympians, Thaddeus said. There was no need for a microphone. His voice thundered, and quieted the room of demigods. We Ischeros gather here tonight on this sacred and glorious day, our seventeen hundredth and fifth New Year. Everyone erupted in ecstatic cheers as Thaddeus nodded approvingly. He waited as everyone piped down before he continued. We are looking forward to our eternal future. As we do, we shall never forget those who have perished before us, he said, and then paused while everyone nodded in agreement. They all looked at him with respect and the highest regard. Thaddeus continued. On this very significant night we welcome our most precious and beloved daughter, sister, and true leader, our empress, Cordelia Tieron. He held up his glass in my direction, and walked towards me as everyone else held up their glasses in waiting. Thaddeus stood in front of me, handed Evan his glass, and took my face in his hands and kissed me on either side of my face. He then whispered, You belong to us. For some strange reason that I couldn't pin point at that moment, I got a strange jolt something eerie. I tried to brush it off but it took some doing to shake the unnerving feeling. Thaddeus glass was back in his hand, and everyone lifted their glasses higher as he toasted. The Divine One, our Empress of Ischera. He proclaimed in a booming voice as he raised his glass high. Everyone repeated his words and sipped their champagne. I stood still, and finally took a sip from my full glass. Then to my dismay, all of the family members started lining up to greet me. They did so by revealing their name and bowing courteously to me. I desperately wanted them to stop, but had the feeling that it would insult them. So there I stood, trying to be gracious and cordial, not yet accepting my new role as the leader of this sacred coven, and nodded after each member lowered their head. I was overwhelmed by it all. I dug into my soul with every fiber of my being for the strength to continue to stand in the middle of that huge glittering room while member after member acknowledged me as their savior. Alexandria and Thaddeus stood beside me as guardians. My eyes search earnestly for Evan. He was half way across the room by the entrance, probably guarding it in case I tried to escape, talking to members. Nikolas and Bethany mingled around the luxurious room embracing the other members family. Every member was a stranger to me, and not one person seemed familiar in any capacity. They were all strangers claiming to be family. They gave me their name, and then told me what an honor it will be to serve me. Each members unwavering attention to me was tortuous. I guess one in my position would treasure the moment when her disciples showed their devotion to her, but I, one who is not used to a spectacle being made in her honor, was seriously considering the quickest getaway. My mind raced with exit strategies, and I was earnestly contemplating hurling Alexandria to the floor, as a distraction while I fled out the double doors. Instead, I nodded numbly as each member stepped forward and hoped that they couldnt see the anxiety in my eyes. I felt out of place, like an imposter as if in a moment, the real Cordelia Tieron would burst into the room, and call me out and I would be sent back to the future. It was pretty pathetic and unfortunate for the members to have such a sad excuse for an empress. Although they didnt seem to, surely as they bowed to me, they must realize. They must be aware of how incredulous it is too have an amnesiac lead their family. I allowed my eyes to wander, but only briefly to the array of mirrors which covered most of the walls. The reflection of the line of members was moving so fast that it looked like someone was pressing the fastforward button. I absorbed the swiftness of every demigod bowing and speaking hurriedly, but at a normal speed. The introduction of over a hundred or so people would have taken over an hour for mortals, but took only a few minutes for us mighty Ischeros. As they walked away from me one by one, I watched the members take their places around the large room, and spotted Nikolas walking over to me. He reminded me of a handsome prince; gallant with every stride he took towards me. His genial smile was like a ray of sunshine breaking through storm clouds. Nikolas took my hand and bowed cordially. He actually appeared to have tears in his eyes. Weve all been waiting two long years for this moment. Were all genuinely fortunate for the blessing of your presence before us tonight, my empress. Thank you, Nikolas. I nodded and smiled. With his final bow I was allowed to breathe again. I wished that I had been prepped for this part of the party. Bethany was in front of me now, and I whispered so that only she would hear the nervousness in my voice. That felt like an ambush. It was perfect, Father was wonderful, and everyone is delighted, Bethany gushed. You should feel honored. She added almost as if she dared

me to feel otherwise. Its not that I dont feel honored, I said, hesitantly. Im flattered, but overwhelmed. Actually overwhelmed is an understatement. Flabbergasted maybe Try to relax, and welcome the love and praise. You are amongst your disciples, your family. She assured, beaming from ear to ear like a little girl who just got the gift of a pony for her birthday. Suddenly it came rushing back to me like a tidal wave; a genuine memory. Bethany did get a pony for her eighth birthday. I remembered her birthday party like it was yesterday. I remembered how Thaddeus had brought Topaz, a colt at the time, out from the barn, and marched him right up to Bethany who was enraptured with squeals of delight. I exhaled in relief. Finally a tangible chunk of memory had surfaced as it had with Gypsy when I rode her for the first time after my return. I hadn't realized what this really meant to the coven. They had me up on a pedestal; their divine savior. It was all very clear and there was no going back. I was about to be crowned. Without me there was no coven. My purpose was to govern them, protect them, guide them, and teach them. If only I had some background. Recalling my growth and learning of my kind was essential. Void of the ability to recollect my past made it incomprehensible. I fought to expunge the urge to explode right here in this majestic room full of exuberant people whose joyous spirit flowed toward me from somewhere deep within their hearts. Unconsciously I started biting my lower lip, and tasted the salty blood. My gloved hand went for the medallion which hung low between my breasts and hidden from everyone. Unfortunately, due to the glove I wore, I couldnt sense its cool calming factor, so my nerves stayed frazzled for a moment longer. Evan was walking toward me, and I could feel the goose bumps rise on my shoulders and arms. He was bringing someone with him. The boy walking beside Evan was enormous in height, and I recognized him immediately. It was Julius Hepolis, whom I had seen for the first time in the vision I saw through Winstons eyes. Julius was easily the tallest person in the room, but didnt look awkward and disproportioned. He towered over Nikolas whom I regarded as a giant in his own right. As Evan and Julius came closer, Nikolas stretched out a hand to his fellow gargantuan and they partially embraced exchanging brotherly terms of endearment. Cordelia, you may or may not remember this fine gentleman, but we spent many summers playing in the gardens, ponds, and the mines... shh... it's still our secret. Julius is one of your most favored confidants. Evan said, beaming at the stunning darkskinned warrior. Empress Cordelia, it has been worth the wait for your return. You look especially beautiful this evening. Im at your service eternally. Julius took my hands in his, and bowed on one knee as if he was about to propose. Even kneeling he was still at least five and a half feet tall. I felt my cheeks flush for the hundredth time this evening. Julius was up as quickly as he had knelt down. Thank you. I said gazing up at his flawless and creamy skin. His eyes were as black as onyx, and his hair was tight black curls. Hey thats my fianc youre talking too, Evan said, pretending to box with Julius. Ill take on the winner. My stash of silvers on the dragon. Nikolas said, leaning close to me, and chuckling. He had me laughing along with him. Suddenly the breathtaking Ophelia appeared, and stepped beside Julius who was still play boxing with Evan. She wedged herself between the two fighters, and took Julius hand. Julius immediately halted and was entranced with her beauty which could only be rivaled by maybe her sister. Evan stepped back and stood next to me, slipping his hand into mine. With our fingers intertwined, we breathed in unison Ophelia gazed up at Julius, revealing the slim and elegant neck of a swan. She gave Julius a look that was seductive as it was loving, and his response was pure devotion. It was obvious that they were romantically involved. Then she turned around, her hand still in his. Ophelia faced everyone and said, The mortals are arriving. I ask that everyone place their masks on at this time. Evan turned to face me again and assisted me with my mask. Once my mask was in place, I checked myself out in one of the many mirrors. Suddenly, I felt a wave of claustrophobia go through me as I looked through the mask. With the mask, you lost partial of your peripheral vision which forced you to turn your head completely to the left or right of you to view what was there. I looked at Bethany, whose exquisite mask made her look like she had eyes of a feline. Then I looked at Alexandria, whose mask hid the little crows feet that were beginning to creep around her eyes. Thankfully the sudden sense of claustrophobia, and being trapped in a room small enough for just yourself had passed as quick as the feeling had surfaced. The boys masks matched their sashes. Evans was a simple shimmery black mask trimmed with teal piping. Thaddeus wore a silver mask with teal piping while Nikolas mask was silver with burgundy piping. Everyone's mask was elaborate in design and unlike any other. Some were adorned with colorful feathers from exotic birds, others were Venetian styled in a reflective metallic to look like wings, and some had jewels and tassels on them. Evan moved close enough to kiss me but instead whispered, Your mask is lovely, yet I must admit that I already miss your beautiful face. Evan wore his mask and the idea of him hiding any portion of his perfect face was the real injustice. Im grateful that its only a partial mask. He added. Ophelia mumbled a few words, but I didnt hear her because I was busily staring at Evan. He was the most beautiful thing in the room. As a hundred or so of the towns people arrived, and were ushered into the lounge by the sons of Hercules, the two sets of double doors leading into the gleaming breathtaking ballroom were finally opened. Everyone entered the immense ballroom, walked across the glass like marble floors and lined up against the gilt paneled ivory walls which were ornamented by numerous enormous gilt framed mirrors beneath spiraling crystal chandeliers. Evan held out his arm and we made our way in. I watched the faces of the towns people, and that of the members of the family. Their expressions couldnt be confused with anything other than genuine exhilaration. Tonight was Nickel City's greatest night of the year, and the revelers were ready to party until the wee hours of the night. I was not, yet I didn't allow anyone to be privy to the bees that swarmed angrily in my belly. I stood rigid as the Grecian inspired columns standing at each

corner of the room, and eyed the guests who began to line up in promenade order preparing for the First Waltz. Stay where you are. I will guide you through the quadrille. Evan whispered, and then walked away from me. He stopped once he was about six or seven feet away, and standing opposite me. In the center of the ballroom nearly a quarter of the guests were lined up in promenade order. The women were on one side and the men were lined up opposite them. On either side of me was Bethany and Alexandria. Opposite them were Nikolas and Thaddeus. Just beyond Alexandria, were some of the women of Nickel Citys aristocracy mixed in with the female members of the Ischeros. The buzz of excitement throughout the room, from guests who were lined up to dance and those who were lined up against the walls, was electric, and couldnt be pacified; everyone wanted to dance. Suddenly, the men stepped forward appearing chivalrous as princes which many were, since they were demigods. Evan took my hand, and held it up. Just as he did, the harmonious sounds of violins, cellos and harpsichords floated through the air. It was as if the symphony of musical notes waltzed around the ballroom floor alongside the dancers. I wasn't prepared for what came next, and was positive that I must be dreaming to have such good fortune, but like magic it happened, just as Bethany had promised. It was instantaneous with my first step as Evan led me around the ballroom floor. The steps came naturally, and I felt like I was floating above the marble floor as if my feet werent actually controlled by my mind. Amazing. Its as if youve never left. Evan beamed, adoringly. I dont know how its happening, but Im grateful to whatever magic it is thats responsible, I said, gliding and following Evans lead. I waltzed effortlessly as someone who has ballroom danced for years. Its not magic, my love. Evan whispered and his sweet breath warmed the curve of my neck. Youve always been a delightful dancer. I promised that it would all come back, and although its been painstakingly sluggish, what you know is surfacing. Im beginning to believe that. I said, breathlessly. I was still in shock of how naturally I was able to move across the floor. You must believe. I mean just look at us. Evan said, as I followed his intense gaze to the reflection in the mirrors of what looked like to accomplished ballroom dancers. Simply splendid. I agreed but said nothing as I stared at our radiant reflection and sighed. It was as if the air around us lifted us up; I felt so free in Evans arms. It felt incredible to move with such fluidity like a swan making delicate ripples in a pond. All I wanted to do was listen to the beautiful symphony, dance and bask beneath the warm glow of the chandeliers above. Evan smiled knowingly, and he danced as if he was the weight of a feather while leading me in full command. I was prepared to dance the entire night. It was time to change partners once the music paused for a brief moment. The ladies curtsied as the men bowed, and thanked their partner for the dance. They are just as nervous to dance with the new empress as you are to dance with them, Evan said. My expression must have read as apprehensive. Even if he was right, I still felt quite uneasy, but I gave him a reassuring smile and accepted the offer to dance with Thaddeus. Darling Cordelia, Ive waited a long time for this night. You will rule with the guidance of your guardians. Alexandria and I will be with you every step of the way. Thaddeus promised. I tried to hide my true feelings of not wanting him around me with a sheepish smile and kind words. I will do my best to be an empress that will make my parents proud, I said, letting him know that I didnt think of both he and his wife as my guardians. Yes of course, yet you will need the guidance of your elders; both Alexandria and I will take you under our wings. He declared, staring me straight in the eyes, this time with an authoritative tone to his voice, as if he dared me to object. Our eyes were locked for a long moment as we twirled around the ballroom. I suddenly had the need to escape his intense gaze, but I didnt. Instead, I bore through them and read his mind. Dont you dare challenge me, girl. Without me you cannot rule. You best respect your elders, girl. It was as if he knew that I was listening in on what he was thinking because it sounded more like a message than just random thoughts. I felt trapped in his grip as he spun me around the ballroom. All the while we continued to dance, I fought to stop reading his mind as to not allow this powerless old man the opportunity to corrupt my evening. May I? Evan said, taking my hand. His asking permission to steal me away from his father as a different piece of music was introduced, was perfect timing. Yes, of course, Thaddeus answered, hesitantly before I could while relinquishing his hold on me. I couldnt be wrong about the look in Thaddeus eyes, especially after hearing his thoughts. They were the look of possessiveness, I being the prize of course. It was almost as if he wanted me more than his son did. I would love to dance with you again Evan. I said relieved. A genuine smile was smeared across my face as Evan and I walked away. Are you enjoying yourself? Evan asked, as he we began to waltz again. You looked a bit uncomfortable with my father. No, it was nothing. Actually it was nice. I lied because I didnt want to ruin Evans evening. It was? What did the old man have to say?

Oh he was just congratulating me on being crowned and stuff. Hmm is that all? Evan asked, and whirled me passed a couple who looked like they were moving way too fast for the music. Yeah. Why the third degree? I asked, wondering what Evan meant. He obviously knew of his fathers pushiness better than most. Im sorry. I dont know. My fathers been acting kind of strange lately. I thought maybe he might have said something. Look, not to worry, its nothing to trouble you about. What is nothing to trouble me about? Cordelia, its nothing. Evan, if Im going to be the Empress then I want to know whats going on. Tell me. My demand caught Evan by surprise as well as the sternness in my voice. Evan paused for a moment as he looked me in the eyes. We havent been able to locate Victor is all, and father is furious about it. Hes had a few glasses of champagne, and that can sometimes fuel the arrogant and impatient beast in him. Oh, I see. I said, thinking about the reality of the situation, the genuine reason for this gala. I looked up to watch Evans reaction to my next question. Are you worried that we may not find him? Well yes and no. Yes because I would hate for you to begin your reign with him still on the loose. Evan said, as if he were referring to Victor as a wild animal who escaped the zoo, and not a teenager like him and I. And no because I know that we will eventually apprehend him. I just wish that we were past all this. I want to begin our lives together. Yeah, me too. I sighed. Thank you, Evan. For what? Evan asked. For confiding in me. Evan smiled. I shouldnt be hogging you all to myself since you havent had a chance to dance with anyone other than my father and I. Thats ok. Im having difficulty keeping track of all the masks since no one is allowed to remove their masks until supper is served. And no one did or seemed to even remember that they were wearing one. I hate not knowing whos who. Here comes someone now. I turned to see who Evan was staring at behind us. It was Nikolas. Empress, may I have this dance? Nikolas asked as he bowed. Id be delighted. I smiled with a curtsy, and switched hands and took Nikolas as I released Evans. Evan bowed and thanked me for the dance, and then walked away. Evan looked like a soldier; his head held high and his shoulders squared. He walked over to another girl, and asked her to dance. She was beyond beautiful and when she turned in my direction, I recognized her as Felicity. I danced with Nikolas, and then with several other boys though out the evening. They all wished me a sincere welcome, and thoroughly wore me out. Deciding to take a seat in the salon for a little while, I made my way through the sea of twirling couples. Just as I was about to leave the crowded ballroom, someone stepped into my path and took my hand. I'd know you anywhere, Gerald said, recognizing me through my elaborate gold mask. May I have this dance? He asked, waiting patiently for my answer. I didnt think he would attend after what happened earlier, and was pleasantly surprised. Well I was about to take a little break in the lounge. I tried to answer but was cut off by Geralds impatience. Please, Cordelia, just one dance. No mask could disguise the voice and yet something was different about Gerald when I looked into his eyes. There was something in them that I didnt recall ever seeing in them before. It wasn't desperation. In fact, I couldn't put my finger on it. Gerald was undoubtedly handsome as always and even more so in his tuxedo and tails. His blond hair shone in the glow of the prisms in the chandeliers. For some reason I was grasping for air and drawn to him in an animalistic way. I was actually beginning to perspire with of sweat pooling in my corset. I fought the overpowering urge to throw my arms around his neck, and devour him in a kiss, shamelessly in front of Evan, all the members of my family, and the aristocratic mortals of Nickel City. I lacked control. My unexpected emotions for Gerald, was uncharacteristic and I couldnt make any sense of how I was consumed by him. Yes. I accepted his offer, and didnt care to scan the crowded ballroom for Evan. I was with Gerald, and my heart was racing a mile a millisecond. Gerald led me back onto the dance floor. Just over his shoulder I observed Evan dancing with his mother as she talked his ear off. All I wanted, and needed as badly as oxygen, was to be with Gerald, and with no one else, and nowhere else. I didnt give a damn that Evan hadnt noticed that I was being propositioned by the boy who once may have stood in the way of our union. I did catch Bethany's gaze passed all of the other masked faces, and the pained look she was sending from across the ballroom floor didnt matter a bit. I was in a trancelike state, and prayed this dance would last

forever. Gerald and I glided around the ballroom for a moment in silence only half listening to the music and somehow keeping in step to it. Suddenly snapping me back to attention, Gerald stopped leading and stopped dancing altogether. Come with me, he demanded, lightly. I have something I would like to tell you, and it's much too noisy in here, he said, smiling and lightly tugging at my gloved hand. Without even a quick scan of the ballroom, I agreed with a discreet nod. Although I knew that this would be frowned upon by Evan, Bethany, and their parents, I was already heading out the rear doors of the ballroom, and down a long brightly lit corridor lined with more gilded framed paintings and mirrors. All the while, I clasped Geralds hand as if for dear life. Were almost there, he assured, as if we were lost. Ok, Im with you. I said, anxiously waiting to hear what Gerald had to say. After passing several sets of double doors, he stopped in front of the only single door in the hallway. I didnt like the lack of peripheral vision so I let go of Geralds hand and removed my mask as I waited for him to open the door. Come inside. He instructed, and led me into a small cloak room which was exquisitely decorated to look as elegant as the lounge. It was as if the rooms dcor had to parallel the haute couture of cloaks and capes which hung in there. The cloak room was packed so tight with tagged outerwear that Gerald and I were practically sandwiched together. What is it that you wanted to tell me? My hands began to shake. I was suddenly feeling nervous now that we were enclosed inside the vibrantly lit room, and facing each other. Gerald didnt answer me, and shocked me by clenching me close against him and kissing me instead. The feel of his warm lips pressed against mine caused a spark to ignite. The light blinded me, but only momentarily, yet it felt exhilarating. The kiss coursed through my body like a rocket from the tip of my head to my toes. I didnt want to fight him, and before I knew it, I was kissing him back. It was breathtaking and the closest connection I had ever felt to another person. Ive never been kissed like that before and wanted more and more. Suddenly, Gerald pulled away from me, chuckling. Things began to change, slowly at first. The oil lamps on the walls dimmed on their own giving of a soft glow as if romantic music would follow and complete the setting. Then the changes sped up drastically tragic, as I was convinced that my eyes were playing tricks on me. Gerald's honey gold hair began to darken until it was jet black as asphalt. His chestnut brown eyes took on the shimmering color of steel. The eyes were familiar and I knew I had looked into them before. Gerald, whats happening to you? Whats going on? I gasped, and tried to back away from him. I couldnt get further enough as the garments barred the walls and seemed to push me against him. Gerald looked me in the eye and said, Finally, we meet again. He carefully removed his mask and the hairs on the back of my neck stood as tall as the pine trees in the forest, once his face was revealed. It was the wrong face terribly wrong. A wicked smile spread across Victors devilishly gorgeous face just as a snarl escaped his lips, and Gerald was gone. Victor had the gift of the chameleon just as Bethany had known all too well, and he had used the gift again. One thing was certain at this very moment. Victor had me and no one knew it. Those who witnessed me leaving the ballroom saw me exit with Gerald Bergnum. Victor leaned his face into mine, and my body went numb corpse like frozen with fear. I want to kiss you again, Victor said, whispering into my ear. But, Im afraid youll get greedy and we dont have time. Get away from me! I hissed. Arent you excited to see me. You seemed thoroughly enthralled only a few seconds ago. You cant believe that you were kissing that mortal. That was all me, my sweet. Victor panted as I felt something blistering hot and moist flicking my ear. No! I screamed smacking away at Victors tongue. What have you done to Gerald? I snapped, remembering what Bethany had explained to me about Victors newly acquired gift. That he is only able to transform into another person if he has wounded them. I felt the tears brimming with the reality of poor Gerald being hurt because me. I tried to back away again, but there was no way to flee. Oh that poor mortal, he should be meeting up with his brother as we speak. The razor edge of Victors words cut into me, leaving the saliva in my mouth tasting like blood. I couldnt think straight imagining Gerald being dead. You beast! Call me what you wish. I know you enjoyed our kiss, but it doesnt have to be our last. You certainly cant get that passion from Poseidons boy, he said, leaning even closer so that I could feel his blazing breath on my cheek, as the oil in the lamps began to blaze, and the temperature in the room rose to an astronomical level. And might I add, you smell even more delicious than you look my soon to be departed empress. I didnt know what to do, and I couldn't breathe or think. My only thought was that I was going to die... again. A second chance at an existence was about to end badly. With his face just an inch from my own, he grabbed both my arms and jerked me harshly downward. Instantaneously, the floor opened up to opaque darkness with nothing but blackness enveloping us. Before I could get a good hysterical scream out, the air in my chest was practically sucked out of me. I was falling at an accelerated speed down a pitch black hole, and no longer felt Victors fierce grip on my arms. I couldn't see anything, and tried like hell to wriggle my arms and legs as I continued to fall. The pull downward was intense and impossible to fight against. I finally landed hard on an ice cold and flat surface. The thud of my body rang in my ears until I could hear and see nothing at all.

TwentyNine Bound I must have passed out, I thought, as I sluggishly tried to wake up. My vision was distorted as if my sight was actually impaired. A few feet above me were dimmed lights that looked like huge, fuzzy, crystalized balls that danced interlocked like the five Olympic rings. I blinked incessantly and noticed fast moving shadows circling me. I had no idea where I was, and the loud thud was all I could remember. Then everything came rushing back once I heard a familiar voice Victor's voice. His voice was muffled, almost inaudible, yet still identifiable. He thundered distinct orders to someone that I couldn't see. Secure the room. She is not to be harmed or touched. Im preparing, and will return momentarily. The back of my head was throbbing while I tried to make out the other voices I heard. Yes, my lord. A gruff and familiar male voice said. That voice was followed by a soft womans voice. I will make certain that she is not touched, my lord. The voiced hissed provocatively. More whispers were emerging further away from where I lay, and the more I tried to figure out what they were saying the more they became mangled and indistinct. I could barely turn my head due to the frigid metal choker that prevented me from lifting my head. I tried to wriggle my arms, which were stretched out at arms length, but I was restricted by more cold metal cuffs on my wrists. My ankles were also bound by irons. It was obvious that Victor wasnt taking any chances and had bolted me to this altar with no way of escaping. Although I could barely raise my head, I realized that I was still in my ball gown. The exhaustion of trying to move was debilitating, and I decided to stop trying for now. My vision finally began to clear, and I could see that the fuzzy crystal balls were actually lit candles hanging from chandeliers high above everything in the gray toned room. Unfortunately the numerous flames didnt warm up the frigid room and I could see my own breath. The museum like room was of marble walls that climbed to the high ceiling. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see marble pillars with gilt bases to the left and right of me. I had the strange inclination that I had been here before, but couldn't be sure. The shadows were now very visible and stood guard all around the perimeters of the huge room. To my surprise, instead of being chained like the animal that she was, deep in the mines along with her brother, Sacha sat in one of two identical majestic gold detailed, marble thrones. The other throne was empty. Victors girlfriend eyed me as if I was a repulsive slug. I guess that was to be expected. Some of the other faces were also familiar. They were the disciples that had Sachas back when Bethany and I had gone into town. They stood gaping at me in bright ivory cloak like robes. Since Sacha was present and accounted for, I expected Lucas to pop his head in soon enough since they always seemed to be together. As if on cue, Lucas appeared beside me, and spoke in his usual rough tone. Are you comfortable, your highness? I could tell by Lucas aggravated expression and sarcasm that he was still sore about being chained up. Dont you mean Empress? Sachas chuckle was laced with pure venom. Oh thats right, Empress. Lucas joined in on the laughter as cackles and hisses filled the room. But wait, youre not an Empress are you. You havent been crowned, have you? Where is your almighty Zeus now? I didnt bother answering Sacha while she stared down at me with nothing but thoughts of my death running through her head. Lucas, shes nothing. There is nothing divine about her. If youre so powerful, odivine one, lets see you crack those shackles or call upon the many gods that fortify you, Sacha said, jumping off the throne, and laughing and rattling the chains that were hooked onto the cuffs. She was acting cagey and paced the floor. Yeah lets see you break out of these? Lucas roared in amusement. Wheres your big, tough boyfriend, now, huh? Yeah, where is Evander and his even tougher little sister? I bet theyll never find you, not alive anyway, Sacha said, knowingly. And they consider themselves to be gods. Ha! Dead again, Lucas sneered, as I tried to wriggle free. Look at her my, darling brother..., she can't even move. Where are your powers, divine one? Still cant remember anything? Sachas vibrant hazel eyes proved her hatred for me. And you think that were pathetic? She is quite beautiful though, Lucas remarked, as he eyed me with a new found interest, and paced around the altar which felt more like an ice cold slab of rock. Suddenly Sacha lunged forward, and was beside me. Let's just kill her. You can admire her rare beauty while I rip out her heart. I wasnt shocked by the horror of Sachas words, or the conviction in them. As she eyed me like a ravenous animal that hadnt eaten in a week, I hoped that Evan would come busting through a door or wall, and rescue me. I also wondered why the Olympians wouldnt interfere and stop this. They wouldnt be able to feed off of the devout worship from their descendants if they allowed the fallen demigod of Iptian, or these twin felines to kill me. Calm down Sacha, Lucas ordered, cautiously throwing his arm in front of his sister, barring her, without tearing his eyes away from me to look at her.

It was as if he believed that if he did steer his vigilant gaze away from me for even a second, I might just dissolve into the air, and disappear, leading one to wonder if I had ever been here at all. Oh... for goodness sake, you guys are all the same; so easily reduced to little boys whenever a pretty gal comes along, Sacha said, leaning over me. I was forced to take in her exotic scent jasmine. The scent of the delicate flower didnt suit the iniquitous girl who glared at me with derision, as if I might suddenly garner the power to crack these shackles. Kill me already, if thats what you plan to do. The daring words spilled out like water from a fountain spout while I thrashed, and fought like a caged animal to break free of the fetters. Suddenly I heard my name being called. It was faint and barely audible, but I was sure I had heard my name called over and over for a few seconds. Then it stopped. My attention was drawn back to Sacha. I watched Sacha circle me like a voracious predator that has finally trapped its prey. She didnt like me baiting her, especially since she knew that I was well aware of Victors orders not to kill me. As a matter of fact, she had explicit orders which prevented her of even touching me. Sachas face was livid as her bright hazel eyes scanned my face. Oh dont worry pretty girl, youll die soon enough. She promised with a wink. Sis, be still. Lucas demanded, but Sacha didnt hear him. She had only one thing on her mind, and her desire to slaughter me was clouding her brain. Look at you, Cor delia, Sacha drawled. Youre as scared as a little bunny rabbit about to be scarfed down by a panther. I can't remember the last time I saw such a scared little rabbit. Last night, in the forest, sis. Remember? The appetizer. Yes, of course, that was delicious, but I was thinking back to that day in town when she hid behind Goldilocks. When will you stand up for yourself, Cordelia? Im not afraid of you, I asserted, attempting to come off as threatening and the least bit daunted as anyone could be, bound like a prisoner. You looked pretty scared yourself that day when the shadows nearly scarfed you up whole. I wondered if she could hear my heart beating rapidly beneath the corset and bodice of my ball gown. I know youre afraid of me, as you very well should be. Your beloved Ischeros clan won't come to your rescue now, little rabbit, Sacha said, unfazed. Her wicked laugh echoed throughout the frosty room in ripples that sent shivers up and down my spine. Victor will kill you, and he will hold the greatest power in the world and I will be at his side. I will be empress and be loved by all, She said, walking away triumphantly with her arms waving about as if she had metamorphosed into a butterfly. Better a butterfly than a roaring panther, I thought. Sacha sat in one of the thrones again. The fact that Sacha wasn't a pure Ischeros made that statement fallacious. Her powers, what little she had, were granted by Victor, and her ancient bloodline of felines which could all be relieved by me if I could only regain my own power. I was compelled to set her straight. You'll never be a true empress. The gods will never allow it. You may be feared, but youll never be loved. I couldnt understand why the gods were letting this take place me being murdered again. Surely they cant allow mere shape shifters to kill me the daughter of Zeus. Suddenly Sacha jumped out of her seat and pounced. That's not going to matter is it? Lucas thundered stepping in front of Sacha like a barricade as she seemed to dash for my throat. Noticeably flinching, I silently thanked Lucas for saving me from his twin. For a moment Sacha didn't say a word and just growled, seething. I listened intently as Sachas breathing decelerated, and she seemed to calm down with Lucas' intervention. Hes right though. Whether Sachas loved or hated isnt going to matter if Victor takes over, and makes her his wife. I glanced away from Sachas icy glower for a second to witness the look on Lucas' face go from interest to menacing. He smiled at me in an evil way, yet I dont think he was trying to be mean, he just had a mean look to him. The other disciples stood still, but closed in on me a bit, standing guard, as if they were weary of what Sacha may be able to achieve, murder. Suddenly the twins walked away, and headed toward the buttresses in the far corner. Using my peripheral vision, I saw that they were far enough to not be heard, or so they thought. But they were wrong if they believed that their whispers couldnt be heard by me. It was as If they were whispering right into my ears. And from what they were saying, they were worried. Victor is taking too long, Lucas said, in an annoyed whisper. Id like to get this over and done with. Yes, I know, and he said so himself. The new Divinity must be crowned tonight, Sacha noted. Time is of the essence, Lucas agreed. If any more time is wasted, Evan and the others may have time to track her. I think that when Victor returns, she should already be dead, Sacha declared, looking over at me with smoldering eyes. I shuddered uncontrollably realizing that they may actually disobey Victor and not follow his orders.

We should do it. Just rip her heart out, Sacha instructed, in a shrill voice that sounded far above a whisper. I dont think thats a wise idea, Lucas considered. Victor may not be the one to kill us. What if the gods banish us to the Underworld for killing her? She is their chosen one their purist descendant. I hadnt thought of that, Sacha said, sounding dejected and hoarse. I wasnt surprised that she hadnt considered the consequences. She was a blistering hot head, and never seemed to think anything through. Besides, Victor once told me that a ceremony must be performed to solidify his reign and to guarantee her death, Lucas explained. Ugh! I hate this this waiting, and these immortals, and their ceremonies, and ridiculous rules. Sacha stomped her boot, creating a nerve frenzying sound when her silver spur scraped against the marble floor. She then threw her black suede Stetson down onto the marble floor like a spoiled child. Where is Victor anyway? What is more important than killing her right now? Nothing, Sacha said, shaking her head from left to right, ultimately answering her own question. She was just too impatient and wound up to let Lucas answer it. Her antics were beginning to rattle him. Enough! Lucas demanded harshly. If we kill her, the gods will damn us and we will be doomed to burn before Hades. It's a risk, but I think we should take it, Sacha prodded, as she began pulling on Lucas' huge forearm. NO! Lucas yelped, yanking his arm away and stepping away from his excitable sister. We can't and we wont. I've been dead, and I wont go there again. Being there once myself I knew the feeling. Lucas was afraid, as expected, due to his recent and unexpected stint with death. I wondered for the first time what he had seen while being one of the departed. I would guess that perhaps Lucas had a little taste of Hell, or perhaps a glimpse of Hades himself. But then again, had Lucas had the misfortune of meeting Hades, he wouldnt be here now. Hades was greedy, and would never allow a soul to escape. Oh Luc Im so sorry, Sacha said, regrettably. I wasnt thinking. I just want this to be all over too. Sacha brushed her brothers cheek with the palm of her hand. Its all right. I know your nature, and I know how badly you want to feel secure, but we must act wisely and that is to practice some patience. I was astonished by Lucas level headed behavior. He knew that his sister was going off the deep end. All of a sudden I heard the echo of footsteps clicking in the distance. It was obvious that I was the only one in the room who heard them. As the sound arose, and came closer, Lucas and Sacha immediately ended their heated conversation. The echo of footsteps also halted the movements of the other disciples who guarded me. I began to panic. My time was up. I twisted and wriggled slightly but it was pointless. The irons cut into my wrists, neck, and ankles with every move I made. The pain made me wince as I felt my wounds heal as quickly as they appeared. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a grotesque shadow, the gliding figure of a dragon, long, and serpent like with an elongated tail, sweeping across the shimmering stone walls. Then the shadow shifted into a person cloaked in a cape. For a moment I expected the Apolluon. I couldnt see the face because it was shadowed by the hood of the cape. The person removed the hood and it was Victor. He was back. The room was instantaneously darkened as if his dark and evil soul eclipsed every flame in the room. Victors gaze automatically fell on me. His eyes didnt attempt to conceal the evil that ran through his veins. I suppose his parents would be proud of their son for seeking vengeance in their honor. I tried not to move as his tormenting stare shifted to the twins while he glided passed them. The look seemed to leave them both practically paralyzed with dread. I was astonished at the power he wielded over his devotees. The wicked game of power had changed hands. If I wasn't so damn scared right now, I wouldve let out a satisfying chuckle due to the twins quick change of disposition; they were the scared little rabbits now. Victor stood just a couple of feet from the stone altar, and I held my breath unconsciously, yet somehow I was able to speak. So you want to be Emperor. Well youre dynamic duo here, I said, directing my eyes to Lucas and Sacha. Almost killed me, and robbed you the honor. Surprisingly I didnt stammer. Both Sacha and Lucas looked at me with identical stunned caramel hazel eyes. They had to be wondering how it is that I heard there whispers from across the room. You lying bitch! Sacha screamed. Shes lying! Sacha said desperately to Victor, and quick stepped toward me just as her brother charged forward in the same direction. He appeared to be trying to stop her once again. No, my sweet tabby, she is not. And with a wave of Victors hand, both Sacha and her brother were paralyzed in mid step, resembling statues of racing sprinters. Their wide eyes stared nervously at Victor who had a knowing smile smeared across his face. I should kill you both, you worthless, overzealous fools. I would think that my oldest and most trusted disciples would understand the importance of this night to me, Victor bellowed. I observed his other disciples who reacted to his hollering by staring straight ahead as if hoping not to summon his attention. Im about to be the Emperor and you both thought to rob me of that right, after all the work Ive put into my ascension. Victor moved like static as the temperature of the room became scalding hot. From the corner of my eye, I saw that Victor was now positioned right in front of them; a couple feet away, give or take an inch. Sachas and Lucas looks of panic could not be masked. Their lord, as they had referred to him earlier, held his arms out to them and levitated them almost to the height of the ceiling, which was far above everyone in the rooms heads. Victor held them in the air as they screamed in excruciating pain. This lasted over a minute. Then he relinquished his hold on them and gravity won. Sacha and Lucas fell, making a thudding boom once their bodies slammed into the glossy marble floor. They were knocked out for a few seconds, and then started gaining consciousness, slowly, as if every bone of their skeletal frame ached.

Victor turned around and seemed to direct his attention to the cuffs at my ankles, and then to my hands, and then to the choker that restricted me from turning my neck. He glided toward me as if he were surfing on air. His eyes beckoned to me, but I fought not to look into the malicious oasis the door to his hardened soul. I hated myself at that moment for being fooled by Victor when he Chameleoned Gerald. When Gerald had asked me to the dance in my room earlier, the look in his eyes had been gentle and honest. But at the dance, all I knew and felt when I looked into Geralds eyes was an unexplainable lure and desire for him, and it had been animalistic, and instinctive. It was a feeling I have never felt with Gerald before. I had no clue of what had been brewing behind those fake brown eyes. I knew that I shouldn't torture myself but at this moment I couldn't help it. I still blamed myself. My powers should have kicked in or at least my intuition. As Victor glided toward me, I closed my eyes, and wondered what was being done to save me, if anything at all. I had no idea of how long I'd been in this frigid room. Surely the family must have realized that I was missing by now. Without warning a vision came to me. I watched myself hurrying through the corridors of Harpers Hall with Gerald. Then I saw Bethany floating down the same hallway that Gerald and I had just walked through. She was moving slowly and lingered back to spy on us. A minute after Gerald shut the cloak room door; Bethany slid up to it but stood about a foot away from it to eavesdrop. Why cant I hear through this door? Its only made of oak, Bethany asked herself. Patience was a virtue that Bethanys didnt possess so after only a few moments she stepped back a few feet, narrowed her eyes, and flung the door wide open. Ugh! Bethany shrieked and shuddered as she watched the black hole in the floor of the cloak room close up before her eyes. She knew the moment the murky abyss dissolved into marble that it wasn't Gerald at all who had danced me. Every member of the Ischeros family heard Bethanys shriek over the jovial laughter and orchestra. They all were on alert as every pair of eyes darted in every direction to try and place me in the ballroom or lounge. Bethany was alone in the hallway, so utilizing her power to move at an accelerated speed to find her brother and Nikolas went unnoticed. Upon entering the ballroom she caught Evan's eye, and the alarm in her pastel blue irises spoke volumes to him. Evan, as well as his parents, Nikolas and twenty elders frantically made their way to Bethany, startling quite a few guests as they rudely brushed passed them although, the family moved rather slower than they would have had the guests not been there at all. They were all assembled outside of the cloak room door listening intently as Bethany explained what she had just observed. I followed them. I dont know why but I I didn't like the idea of them being alone together, Bethany rambled, as she stared at Evan, sadly. Who? Thaddeus asked. Cordelia and Gerald Bergnum, or so I thought it was him, Bethany answered. You thought it was him? Evan asked. It wasnt Gerald, Bethany whimpered, slightly. I saw her dancing with Gerald, myself, Nikolas confirmed. It was Victor, Bethany cried. Are you sure? Alexandria asked in a shocked voice. How could he get in here? Did you actually see him? One of the elders asked Bethany. I didnt have to. I know it was him. When did you know this? Evan asked, anxiously. I How could Victor be Gerald Bergnum? Nikolas wailed cutting Bethany off. Alright, Thaddeus said, as he held up his hand. We dont have much time. Bethany, start from the beginning, and dont leave anything out, no matter how unimportant you believe it to be. Bethany took a deep breath and collected herself. I heard the cloak room door shut, and that's how I knew what direction they had taken. Victor was still Gerald then. And? Evan prodded, impatiently when Bethany paused. I tried to listen to what was being said, but it was odd, I couldnt hear anything yet I could feel Cordelias presence behind the door. I opened the door and thats when I realized that there wasn't a floor. It was a bottomless pitch black hole that quickly reverted back into this marble floor, Bethany said, while she tapped her satin shoe on the marble. Everyone stared down at the floor. They all came to the conclusion that Victor was able to teleport me. By their expressions of horror, it was obvious that they had no idea to where. Victor has acquired the rare gift of the Chameleon, as Ares bestowed onto his son, Thaddeus said, sternly. This means, that he can transform into anyone, an Ischeros or a mortal, once he has wounded them. I wish we had known of Victors ascension sooner. The Iptians son of Ares possesses a power that only the highest divinities hold. Alexandria added.

Surely Victor will begin the ritual of removing the empress heart immediately, said an elder with a thick copper colored beard. The ritual requires some time, but unfortunately not very much, said another elder who had yet to remove his mask. By now, everyone in that hallway had removed their masks. The ritual can be performed in under an hour, Thaddeus said, as he pulled out a blue diamond encrusted gold watch from his vest pocket. Id say we have approximately three quarters of an hour left. We must act expeditiously or she may die. Another elder said, grimly. No! She will not die, Evan shouted. Bethany, you have the strength to feel her aura. Ive been trying to, and Ill try again. Bethany threw her head back as a blinding stream of iridescent light shot out from her forehead. Her eyes were closed but her eyelids fluttered like the wings of a beetle. Everyone stood perfectly still as they waited for Bethany to make some kind of contact with me. Tiny starbursts floated around everyone like glittery dust then swirled upward and throughout the entire hall. The mortals continued dancing, oblivious to what had happened as well as to the pixie like dust floating around them. Cordelia, Cordelia, Cordelia. Bethany called out in a whisper trying to make contact with me. Then she called out again. Cordelia, Cordelia, Cordeliaaaaaa. The other members of the Ischeros left the mortals in the ball room, and began congregating in the lounge. Suddenly the light was extinguished and all the starburst disappeared. Bethany looked at Evan with tears in her eyes. I saw her. Shes alive! She is bound in irons, and shes lying on a stone altar but that is all I saw. Is she hurt? Alexandria anxiously asked. I dont think so, Bethany replied, breathlessly. Can you describe what you saw around her? Evan demanded. Uh shes surrounded by marble pillars, Bethany recalled. And its brightly lit yet over cast by shadows. The Apolluon? There was gravity in Thaddeus question because it was obvious that they were all thinking the same thing was I being smothered by hideous shadows and dragged to the Underworld to be held prisoner by Hades for an eternity. No, the shadows seemed to be guarding her. They were shadows that resembled people, Bethany explained, hastily. Did you see Victor? Nikolas asked anxiously. No, just the shadows. Im guessing his disciples. The doors of the ballroom flew open, and Julius walked up to the group and delivered the news that no one seemed the least bit surprised to hear. Lucas and Sacha have escaped. I didnt see them, Bethany said. But theyre the least of our problems. Bethany and I will search underwater for her, Evan said. Nikolas, take Olympia and Bertrand and search on land. Yes, Sire, Nikolas nodded, and disappeared. Julius, take your sister, and search from above, Evan ordered. Both you and Hedea should be able to cover quite a bit of ground from the sky. As you wish, Sire, Julius nodded, and quickly headed toward the lounge to fetch his sister. Ill have Heracio, Dimitri, and Patrick dispatch several warriors to guard Victors hide outs. Evan said. Everyone nodded. Fix this once and for all, Evander. Thaddeus practically growled, as he grabbed Evans arm. Evan glared at his father, shook off his hold, but said nothing. Do you think that hell go to any of them? Bethany asked referring to the hideouts. No, Evan answered. But you can never be too sure. Should we end the festivities and send the mortals home, Lord Evander? asked one of the elders. Yes. Thaddeus answered for Evan. Victor may use the mortals as leverage against us. I agree, but what shall we tell them? Alexandria asked. Mother, please, Bethany exclaimed, angrily.

Bethany, I will not look like a fool in this community. Alexandria protested. Bethany was shocked and wondered, with the Ischeros being in peril and all, if her mother could possibly be pondering the miniscule dilemma of how fast the gossip of the Masquerade Ball ending before the guests were served dinner would spread through town. It doesnt matter. Glamour them if you have to. Just get them out of here, Bethany shouted. Mother, we may no longer exist in any community after this night, if we dont prepare for the worst therefore, please have the guest leave as soon as possible, Evan said, scolding his mother, and then paused realizing that she may be frightened of what may happen to them all, and she may be using the ball as a distraction. Her somber expression had him believing that he and Bethany had been too harsh. Please, just do what you must. With that Evan and Bethany disappeared. Victors voice jolted me out of the safety of the vision, and I was back to feeling frozen on the altar, yet thankful that the family was searching for me. I will be emperor. Im destined to be, he proclaimed. You dont have to kill me, you know. You can be emperor if you want. I dont want to be the empress, I said, and hoped he would reconsider his plan to murder me. All the while the dumbfounding attraction to him started to surface again, and I hated it. What you want, or dont want is of no concern of mine, Victor said, leaning over me while eyeing me curiously. Evander aims to please, just like a faithful hound, Victor laughed. I'm no one's lap dog. You still have to die, that is the price to be paid. Paid to whom? To my family, of course. One never forgets family no matter how much time has lapsed. I know I havent forgotten what was done to mine. I had nothing to do with that. True, but that doesnt matter, Victor said, without a trace of remorse. What matters is what is dear to them your family, and that is you. Your death will guarantee my reign. Once I am emperor, I will punish all the rest. Thats so unfair. I tried to yell but my throat was sore from the neck cuff grinding into it. I could hear the disciples snickering and chuckling with delight at my despair. True again, but why should I care? No one ever gave a damn about me. I don't need them to. I've waited a long time for this, Cordelia, Victor announced, crisply. Ive woken up to and fallen asleep to the vision of your beating heart in my hand. Nothing you say will prevent me from killing you; therefore you can stop this pathetic attempt to stall me. With that being said, Victor snatched the Eye of the Ischeros medallion from my neck with one swift movement. I dont have one of these. Victor scrutinized the diamonds on the pendant. The bolt may belong to Zeus, but I will soon wield it. You have no right to that. I hissed at Victor, realizing that playing nice wasn't going to prevent my death. Still, he didnt find me threatening at all. Instead, he placed my medallion around his own neck and winked. Both Sacha and Lucas were now standing just a few steps behind him, looking complacent. Behind them were several other disciples wearing the same smug expressions. I guess they figured their time had finally come. What I have done, and what I'm about to do is within my right. I AM THE DIVINE ONE, He declared, in a menacing roar. You didn't really believe that I could just be cast aside, and not expect that one day I would claim what is rightfully mine. The gods will never honor you as emperor; you know that, I said, trying to stall him in hopes that Evan and the others would gain some time to locate me. The gods have nothing to do with what the family has committed. You're prolonged lack of memory is puzzling, and has been beneficial for me. But the family, your devoted disciples, has you believing that you and Evan are betrothed when in fact it is you and I. It has always been you and I, my love, Victor professed. You and I? Thats ridiculous. Is it? Evan is my You are destined to be my wife, Victor bellowed, as my face went sour. Dont look so appalled. My family was second in line, not the Capius family. I was confused and shocked, and I wasnt sure if I should believe him. Victor leaned in, and continued as Sacha stewed. And since youre not willing to give me your heart, I'll take it by force, he said, nonchalantly. I cringed knowing that he meant that in the literal sense. How could your family be next in line? The Capius are descendants of Poseidon. Yes they are descendants of Poseidon, but Ares has gained Zeus trust, and has been placed at the right of his throne. Ares was named second in power when Poseidon quarreled with Zeus for the umpteenth time. All of this was established ages ago.

I was blown away by what Victor explained. It couldnt be true since Evan was no doubt my match. I knew it in my heart, yet I couldnt help wondering why Victor would need to lie about something like that when he intends to kill me anyway. Its not like hes planning to run away with me. Victor paused to stroke my hair, and I felt the uncontrollable urge to kiss him again. It was a frightening feeling, and I couldnt understand where it was originating from. This boy wanted to kill me in the most savage way, and here I was consumed by him. I fought the unexplainable urges as he watched me try to turn away from him. I could barely turn my neck beneath the vice as Victor smiled maliciously at my discomfort. Ultimate power is too much for a mere girl like you. You will do nothing but shield it from everyone. Power would be wasted with you. The Apolluon will finally know who rules this world. The Ischeros will finally kneel to me, he proclaimed, in a deeply rich and venomous tone while he never took his empty eyes off me. So your plan is to abuse it, I challenged. Thats where youre wrong. I plan to unleash it. Victor said. And lure more of the Apolluon to Nickel City. Too late theyre already here. And you wont have an empire to rule over once the Apolluon carry all of the members off to the Underworld. I will destroy the Apolluon. Victor said adamantly. So its that simple? Yes and I expect to do it immediately, but first my beautiful lovely, I will taste your lips, once more, Victor said, lowering his face closer to mine as I cringed on the outside, and fought the incomprehensible desire I felt on the inside, to kiss him. Don't be afraid. Your lips have always been mine to taste eternally, Victor purred, lowering his face until it was just an inch above mine then stroked my hair and cheek tenderly. Please, I said, breathlessly. I It was as if two different people were fighting inside of my head. One wanted to spit into his face, and pleaded with the gods to send him away while the other had already succumbed to him. Victor Sacha shrieked angrily, jealous no doubt. Silence, he muttered, with a wave of his free hand. Sacha couldn't help herself, and grimaced, but leaned in for a better look. Her beau was preparing to kiss the girl who she wanted dead. Victors lips on mine were smoldering and opened up something inside of me, a part of me that could never get enough. My body wanted more but my mind couldnt accept him. I loathed him. Victor raised his face, and looked me in the eyes, in a dreamy sort of trance inducing way as If he were trying to put me under a spell. You felt that didnt you? I couldnt reply because I couldnt deny what I had just felt. The kiss had been intoxicating, and I couldnt deny that there was definitely something there. It was something that I had never felt before, not even with Evan. I now had a reason to believe what he had said about he and I being betrothed. I was immediately saddened by that realization as unexpected tears filled my eyes. Sacha looked painfully hurt as well, but stood guard, devoted to the end. Please let me go. I beg you. I will do whatever you want, I whispered, hoarsely as I tried like hell not to cry. How intriguing. You will do whatever I want. Victors triumphant laugh echoed throughout the dreary room. It was as though hed been waiting to hear those words all his life. I was almost hopeful for a full minute. Maybe he would consider keeping me alive for a little longer. I wish you had told me that sooner. Dont get me wrong Cordelia, I do want you. There is no doubt of that since kissing you. I could have my way with you since the search party thats been dispatched to find you will never succeed in finding you here. I guarantee that. I do wonder if you could pleasure me as well as Bethany had. I ignored the last part about Bethany. He seemed a little surprised that I didnt react to it. What did he expect? Jealousy? Sacha had that department on lock. I went for the sympathy tactic instead. Please, I pleaded, again. I didn't want to die again. Not this way. Not in anyway. Ill marry you if thats what you want. It came out so fast that I wanted to gobble up the words the moment I heard them spill out like cereal. You would? Do you mean you would give yourself to me willingly? Every one of his disciples quieted with the new direction of our conversation. Sacha appeared outraged, and was breathing in rapid heaves. Yes, I barely whispered. But only out of desperation, is that right? I must say, the Cordelia I used to know would never beg, he commented. I dont know who that is. I guess amnesia has its perks. You are delicious now, but the old Cordelia showed true potential of being a supreme empress unlike you. This is pathetic.

It's as if you've been the victim of a lobotomy. And you have no idea who the mad scientist is. Mad scientist? I asked, unsure of what he was insinuating. You've returned to me like a frightened little child which is fine for me, but must be rather disappointing for the fools who sent you away in the first place. I suppose they didn't expect your memory and powers to take a complete leave of absence. Dont you ever wonder why they really sent you away? Victor quizzed animatedly moving his hands as he spoke reminding me of a magician preparing to reveal the climax of his clever trick. I was surprised by the question and didn't know how to answer it. He knew this, and decided not to wait for one. Your new guardians need you more than they let on. Your union to their son will ultimately complete his level of ascension of power, and keep them at a higher level of control over the empire. They were also aware of your love for the mortal who lives across the street from your former estate, Victor nodded. Yes, the poor fellow I used as my Masquerade mask, this evening. I swallowed hard. This made no sense to me. I knew that the Capius had sent me away to safeguard me from Victor. It couldn't have had anything to do with Gerald, or them needing me for power. They already led the council. You have Bethany, that's right, your closest friend to thank for that morsel of information. I heard Sacha snicker in the background. Without her constant urging regarding your blooming relationship with that mortal, your new guardians would never have known. You're lying. I was sent to the future because of you. They knew you wanted me dead. Well of course I did, but that is not the reason they kept you away as your parents were being buried in a tomb. They are as heartless as your parents at this moment, pardon the pun, he chuckled, wickedly. I didn't say a word. This information was fictitious, and just a way to try and hurt and confuse me. Kill her now, my love. She is too foolish to believe you. Sacha whispered in Victor's ear knowing that she intended for everyone in that room to hear her. Step away from me. This has nothing to do with you, he said, throwing a disgusted look at her. Sachas face turned crimson from embarrassment, although she was used to his cruelty. Sacha shrunk away somewhere out of my view. Victor's eyes were now on me with his back to his coven of disciples. He was arrogant enough to know that none of them would ever try to attack him although, he was easily out numbered. Surely their powers combined could overpower him. Shockingly, he unlocked the brace on my neck, and I was finally able to turn my head. My neck was sore from the pressure from the edges of the metal cuff. Why are you telling me this? These lies, I asked. Lies? I only thought you deserved to die knowing the truth. I know the truth, I stated as angrily as I could muster, being tied down, and only able to turn my head. You are hungry for power, and you killed my parents in order to get it, and now you plan on killing me. I was tired of the game and was willing to die if it meant that I wouldn't have to listen to any more of his lies. Victor appeared to ponder this for a moment before saying anything. I have to admit it was a little strange watching him. He seemed at a loss for words. I guessed that he was surprised that I would speak to him so matter of factly as I did. Well you have two out of three right. I do plan to kill you, but only because killing you will end this wretched empire, and that is my only desire tonight, Victor said, walking away from me. And yes, I do love power, but there are others in this empire that love it more, far more. Your death will end them, finally. As for your parents, well I am not to blame. Your parents death wasnt my idea. I raised my head, which took all of my strength, and yelled, Liar! I didnt get why he couldnt admit to his evil deeds. Victor stopped walking and spun around. His eyes pierced through me. I tried not to waver, and stared back, and took in his cold glare. I wanted him to admit that he had killed my parents. I wanted him to own up to it. He was a cold blooded murderer who was now playing it like he wasn't guilty of the unfathomable crimes. Cordelia Cordelia, surely a bright young lady such as yourself, with such a fortunate upbringing, does possess the proper manners, and wouldn't insult her host, Victor countered, coyly, yet appearing ominous. You are a LIAR and a MURDERER. How's that for manners? I screamed. I shook my arms and legs causing the chains attached to the cuffs to slam against the marble of the altar. The noise was earsplitting, and I clearly had everyone's attention. The room of brightly cloaked disciples waited with baited breath, either to see if I indeed possessed the power to free myself of these chains, or to witness Victor finally kill me. Now there's a glimpse of the old Cordelia I once pined for, although I was only seven. What puzzles me is your distorted information. You seem to be under the impression that I murdered your mommy and daddy.

You killed my parents, and you owe it to me to admit it, I demanded. First of all my divine one, I owe you nothing. Victor's tone took on an even nastier edge. Secondly I didn't have the honor or the pleasure of doing the unforgivable deed. COWARD. Tell the truth, I demanded, although, I was starting to believe that he may just be. Victor had never struck me for being the humble type. It seemed that if he had indeed murdered my parents, he would be more than ecstatic to shout it from the highest peak of the Sierras. I glanced at the others in the frigid room; they were entranced as if under hypnosis with the exchange being played out between their leader and the girl they had sought for so long. Their eyes bounced to and from Victor and I, and it reminding me of spectators at a Wimbledon tournament. My time is not to be wasted on childish bickering. Perhaps you wish to stall my preparations in hopes that your followers will save you in time. They will never find you. Not in time anyway. In the meantime, you may believe what you wish, but it is as I stated, I didn't kill your parents. I would have loved too, but they were already dead when I found them, Victor said, turning away from me, once again. I watched him glide over to another marble altar that was slightly behind, and just to the right of the one I lay on. I hadn't noticed it before due to the restriction of the neck brace. Something oddly shaped sat on the altar and was covered with a matte purple fabric. Victor held his arms up at his side as the fabric disappeared, revealing three medium sized glass domes about a foot tall, half a foot wide in circumference with gilded bases. At first I couldn't make out what was inside the first two domes. Whatever it was appeared to glow in a shimmering red haze. I stared at the objects, and gasped in shock when I realized what I was looking at. It appeared to be human hearts. The hearts were suspended within the domes, and above golden platforms. The organs appeared to be crystalized. If you stared deep within the prisms, you could detect that they were actually beating. I came to the painful conclusion that the two beating hearts belonged to my departed parents. Their hearts beat in unison. The last dome was empty. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the last dome was where Victor would house my beating heart. I could feel my heart beating through the bodice of my gown as it fell into rhythm with theirs. I was consumed with a plethora of emotions. They ranged from outrage, to sorrow, to fear, and finally despair. I couldn't make out when one ended, and the other took over, but the changes were significant. Unexpectedly dizzy, and still freezing from the icy temperature of the room now that Victor stood a distance away from me, and I couldnt feel the stifling heat that radiated from him, I watched in a blur as he began removing the glass dome covers from each encased heart. Now I could hear the hearts beating and as I did, I thought I heard voices coming from them as well. I was sure I could hear voices, words whispering to me. It was my parents, and I knew their voices like I knew my own, precise, calming, and almost therapeutic. Had it been there voiced I heard just minutes ago? No. That voice was familiar as well but it wasnt my parents. Right now, my mother and father were asking me to remember what they had told me the very last time we spoke. I tried to. We were in our home, in the parlor, and the warm sun was baking us from the partially draped front window. Mother was radiant in a blush rose and gold gown. Her glorious chestnut hair was brushed back smoothly, allowing several wispy strands to escape her tight bun. A tear rolled down her cheek, and I lovingly wiped it away, wondering why my mother was crying. Daddy stood behind her in a tuxedo jacket with tails, a playful smile curled up at the left corner of his mouth beneath a thick mustache that curled upward at the ends. Delia darling, sit for a moment. Daddy said, motioning to the sofa. We wish to speak with you before our guests arrive and the party commences. I nodded, let go of my mother's hand, and did as I was told. Mother, have a seat, and please stop weeping. You're going to worry Cordelia without reason, Daddy demanded, without conviction. I'm... sorry. I... don't know what's gotten into me. Forgive me my darlings, Mother said, to both Daddy and I. Delia, its your fifteenth birthday and were so very proud of you. Youve become a beautiful young lady, and will someday be the governing force of the family, Daddy gushed. I remembered feeling honored and frightened at the idea of being the next empress. Delia, you are our oldest child, our guiding light in a world that can be so dark at pivotal times. Youve made us incredibly proud with your progress as you come of age. As the heir to the Ischeros you will find no limit to the power you are fostered with, Father said, as another tear streamed down mothers perfectly chiseled cheek bone. On this birthday my love, we shall guide you through various extraordinary changes. Never forget that our connection is unbreakable even if our breath no longer mingles with the sweet air of the living. My back stiffened with the new direction of the conversation in the vision. Tomorrow and every day following this day, know to the depths of your soul that your power is always beckoning for its master although, it may seem out of reach. You are its master, and not the other way around. Remember this, and youll never witness a moment, in an hour of any day, where you can be compromised. Daddy's words frightened me. His words sounded final. Daddy, why are you telling me all of this... now? I asked, curiously as I shivered. I didnt want to disrespect him in anyway yet this seemed a little premature since I wouldnt be crowned empress for another three years. Youre scaring me, a little. Has there been another threat from The Underworld? Is it the Apolluon? I couldnt conceal my fears. No need to worry my dearest, were only beginning to prepare you. There will come a day when we no longer walk this earth with you, Daddy said, smiling cautiously.

Before I could say a word or shed a tear, a bell chimed in the distance. We all stood up. It was the first of the many guest invited to help in celebrating my birthday. It wasn't until after the party had ended, and our guests had left, that I realized that my parents weren't in the house. Alexandria came for me. She said that I, along with Christopher and Phoebe, would be spending the night at her house with her family. I thought this strange at first, since weve never spent the night at her home before. When I asked Alexandria why, she said that it was what my parents had intended, and that no questions need to be asked. She only explained that my parents would come by in the morning to fetch us. I recalled the anxiety that enveloped with the idea of sleeping under the same roof as Evan. The notion both scared me and excited me although; I let no one know the frenzy of butterflies in my stomach, not even Bethany. Evan and I wouldn't have to sneak to our forest to kiss under the engaging moonlight. My heart raced as I wondered if the love of my life would be so bold as to pay me a visit with his parents sleeping nearby. The concept was unladylike, and would guarantee punishment for us both if anyone ever made such a discovery, but I was beside myself with delight. It would be our secret to add to so many others tucked away deep in our memories. I had planned to wait up for him, but Evan never came to me that night. Even though Id been thoroughly exhausted from the party, I waited up, but had fallen asleep at some point during the earliest hours of the morning. I didnt wake up disappointed or sad. In fact, I awakened refreshed to my perfect view of the Sierras from my bay window. Then I headed down the stairs of a modern house, wished a new mother a good morning, and proceeded to begin the day as a freshman in the same town, totally oblivious to the fact that it was now over a century into the future. Thirty Exiled My parents had died the night of my fifteenth birthday, and I had gone on living, and never grieving a single moment for them. I had to keep my tears in check. I felt like a fool, not knowing what had really happened when everyone else had known. All these secrets, supposedly kept from me to protect me. I didn't even know where my parents were buried. I'm not sure what Im capable of at this moment but I remember everything that has ever happened in the life I was meant to live, and the life I was unknowingly thrust into. I remembered everything. The first thought in my mind was of the first time Evan had told me that he loved me. I was fourteen and he was fifteen. It had been so such a sweet and profound moment. I knew then that I could finally begin to show him how much I loved him too. I remembered our first kiss. We were at the center of the Capius mines, practicing our invisibility powers. He had disappeared for a few moments causing the flames in the oil lanterns to flicker magically. After a few seconds he reappeared, but this time, right in front of me, less than two inches away. I had felt a slow tremble run through my body when he stared into my eyes. Neither of us had uttered a word, and then Evan slowly took my face in his hands and gently pressed his soft full lips into mine, and there was no turning back. I knew that I would love him for a life time and longer. Everything was rushing back. Every memory. I remembered when Evan proposed to me, how nervous he had appeared, as if he thought for a moment that I wouldnt accept. On one knee, in the rose entwined gazebo in his garden, which had looked particularly lovely that afternoon, Evan asked me the question Id been hoping for. I need you to know that my heart is about to burst right now. Evan said lowering himself to one knee. I want your permission to be your husband and to prove everyday how much I love you and cannot live without you. Oh Evan I said as he took my trembling hand and placed a breathtaking blue diamond ring on my finger. Delia, will you marry me? Yes, Oh yes Evan, I blubbered. I felt the tears now as I continued to watch my old playmate and present nemesis, which were one in the same. I remembered him, too. I remembered when we were children, playing in the garden. Victor had always been the bashful one amongst the other boys, but still a joy to be around. I recalled having a bit of an enamored crush on him when we were the tender age of six or maybe seven. I also remembered when he and his sister left and never returned. I remembered the incredible sadness and emptiness I had felt, as if someone had taken my heart and drained it. But he was back now and the reunion wasnt what I would have expected then. Then, I had wished he would return someday wanting my heart. I guess you really have to be cautious in what you wish for, because Victor did want my heart, literally. He wasnt that shy little boy anymore. He was nothing short of a monster. He stood over the domes which housed my parent's hearts, and I was in turmoil as I could actually feel their hearts beat rapidly. Now that the domes were removed, Victor glided out from behind the altar and floated toward his disciples. He levitated and opened his arms out wide, and began speaking to them. My coven of devoted followers, the moment has come that will catapult us into an untouchable, unattainable realm of ultimate power my ultimate power, Victor shouted. At Victors command, his disciples slowly rose up almost as high as he floated. Join me now, and we will never know fear, we will rule this earth, and shall have full ownership of it! Join me now, and you will have all the riches you desire! Join me now, and you will have power that is without limitations! Join me now, and we will kill the Ischeros one by one, and I will reign as I am the true royalty!

Victors thunderous voice literally shook the gray, marble, stone walls. The room was no longer frigid. It was warming up like a sauna. The robes worn by each of his disciples flickered and blew about with the whirlpool of wind that was beneath Victors levitated body. His cloak swirled and spiraled into a point at the center of the whirlpool. The disciples began chanting Yes Sire in unison as they circled him slowly at first, and then steadily picking up momentum. So much speed that they became an ivory blur of satin spinning and chanting. Victor was facing me now, and his eyes became blood red. His booming roar was deafening. He descended as did his disciples. Something about them was different. The disciples eyes were blood red and glowing. They had an unquestionable arrogance that I could smell from where I still lay. Every pair of eyes was on me, ravenous and greedy for power. Victor had brought them to his level of power since he was about to possess my power. He had built a very powerful army, an army comparable to the Ischeros. If Evan and the other members ever showed up, they would surely be in for a battle. I watched Victor and his battalion closing in on me just as crumbling and ear drum shattering crashing reverberated throughout the room. It sounded like a wrecking ball was demolishing the outer structure of this room. It had to be Evan and the others breaking in, I thought. Every disciple, as well as Victor, swerved their eyes in all directions. Victor quickly dispatched his disciples to investigate, leaving only Lucas and Sacha at his side. He was now at my alter chanting in the ancient language of Ischera, ancient Greek. I understood every word that rumbled from Victor's lips. He spoke quickly as his time was running out. Bestow the forces of the fallen unto thyself! Victor chanted in a high pitched voice, over and over. As he chanted the compelling words, his two favored disciples stared at me lying on the altar as I writhed about helpless. The evil pair was eager to finally witness my demise. I wriggled my body vigorously, but the efforts were proving to be useless. I looked into Victors enraged crimson pupils, and hoped that I would see Evan again, I didnt want to die without telling him how much I still loved him. Victor appeared oblivious to my wasted attempts at liberating myself. I knew that my powers still hadnt surfaced, and so did he. He started ripping open the bodice of my gold gown with his bare hands, revealing the vise like corset which helped accentuate my breasts as well as conceal them. No I screamed, but Victor continued, ignoring me. To my horror, he produced a large foot long crystal prism that looked more like a dagger from somewhere beneath his robe. The dagger gleamed brightly, picking up the light of the flickering candles in the chandeliers that hung just above the altar. I couldnt take my eyes off of the sparkling dagger, which would soon be thrust into my chest. The point seemed as sharp as a hunting knife. Bestow the forces of the fallen unto thyself! Victor wailed, and with both hands clutching the dagger, he raised it high above his head, and continued chanting wildly. He was doing it! He was really going to kill me! Crimson rays radiated from my parents hearts as they appeared to be beating faster. The crashing and booming sounds were getting louder, and the ceiling was beginning to crack. Tiny particles of stone and dust were falling like snowflakes. The entire room was vibrating, and I wasnt sure if it was the crashing sounds or Victors words that was causing it. The roar of his tone had not wavered as the walls began to crack in leafless tree patterns. Still it was only the four of us in the room. The other disciples hadnt returned, and there was still no sign of Evan and the other members of the family coming to my rescue. Fear that I couldn't possibly express in words engulfed me as I watched Victor slowly lower the dagger. No, Please! I begged, shamelessly. Bestow the forces of the fallen unto thyself! Victor continued to bellow as if he were possessed. His blood red eyes exuded an insufferable heat. Please dont kill me, please, I pleaded. I felt the searing hot blade of the dagger slightly pierce into the flesh of my chest and run a straight line from just below my collar bone to my ribs. He had made an incision as if he were going to surgically remove my heart. Nooo! I cried out, as the excruciating pain began and ended almost immediately. But it wasn't the pain that had made me scream, or the reality of having to die again. I was enraged that no one had come to my rescue. My body felt weightless when just a minute before it had felt like it was beginning to stiffen into the marble of the altar. Suddenly a shimmering white light began to flow from the incision Victor had made in my chest. It sprung upward, and Victor stopped chanting instantly. His demonic ruby eyes bulged as he stepped back, and observed the stream of light as it continued to flow from my chest, and then veer over to the other alter where my parents hearts were on display. I was afraid of turning my gaze away from Victor or his dagger, but I was drawn to the translucent light like a moth to a blaze. The dazzling white light split into two columns like a fork in a road, with each line of light leading to either of my parents hearts. I watched in amazement as the beams of light engulfed their hearts. Just then I realized that the wrecking ball sounds had died down to a complete stop. The room was consumed by silence and it was deafening. Sacha gasped just as her brother grabbed her and pulled her near him. I could see genuine fear in his eyes. He obviously knew that this wasnt what was supposed to happen. Victor stood in awe of the bright beaming hearts, speechless and stunned. Whats happening? Sacha asked, anxiously. No one said a word. Then the walls came crashing and plummeting down at once and a blinding light encircled the entire floor of the room and rose up to the ceiling. Once again, youre in the way, whore! Bethany bellowed.

Sacha gasped as Bethany flew above her sending Sacha flying away from her brother. It happened incredibly fast. I could barely keep up. I had to blink a few times when I saw Sacha shift into a black panther and land on her feet in a pouncing position, preventing a fall. This change didn't faze Bethany who transformed into a water form of herself. Lucas was one step ahead, now a full grown panther, leaping at Julius. Julius shape shifted into a gigantic weredragon of over ten feet with webbed wings which spanned out fifteen feet wide on either side. Victor wasnt wasting any time watching his devotees battle Julius. He held the dagger over his head once again and roared the chant. Bestow the forces of the fallen unto thyself! Julius spewed crackling flames at the large feline. Suddenly Lucas flew backward roaring in pain. But he was relentless as was his sister and they circled Julius both taking turns lunging theirs claws deep into the reptilian skin of the back of the dragon. The dragon roared in pain, and whipped its long scaled tale back and forth knocking the panthers on their backs repeatedly then finally torching them both into ashes. Victor saw what happened to his girlfriend and most trusted confidant. He had known that even paired, the panthers were no match for a fire spewing dragon, yet he didnt try to save them. In fact, Victor showed no emotion at the loss of his two most faithful disciples. They had foolishly given their lives for him. Victor turned his attention back to me. As quickly as Bethany had shape shifted into water, she was transformed back to her original shape dressed in her stunning ball gown. Back off Victor, Bethany ordered. Youre out of time. Nooo! I screamed, as Victor was all set to plunge the dagger but stopped. Victor's arms seemed frozen in midair. He had a glazed look on his face. Out of the blue, and to my relief, Evan stepped up to the altar, and stared down at me. His face was angelic. He was my angel. He had come to save me. I let out a sigh of relief before I passed out thinking of the words the Goddess Athena had spoken to me. It all came full circle as her words played in my mind again like my favorite song synced to my mp3 player. Her words were simple and brought me clarity. When Athena had first spoken them I didnt understand the part about having strength where I lacked aspiration. At that moment in my bedroom I wanted to remember who I was more than anything in the world, except maybe going back to the future. Thats was the problem. You have the strength were you lack the aspiration. All this time, I wanted to remember who I was, but more so, I wanted to be sent back to the future. Free yourself from what you know... I needed to forget the future and live in the past. It is within yourself that you will find the answers It was as my father had said; I am the master of my power. And just like that I had solved the riddle, and was as free as a bird and could sail out of this dungeon if it was what I wished at this very moment. I could very well spread my wings as far and as wide as I needed and fly out into the horizon. I knew this now as Ive always known it but wouldnt allow myself to believe. I opened my eyes, and saw the battle that ensued. They were equals in power. Victor had shape shifted into a larger dragon than Julius, and was trying to set them all ablaze. Julius retaliated with more sky high flames. Bethany, now back to her water form, took the shape of a shield carried by Nikolas, who was trying to extinguish Victors flames, or inevitably be torched. The mighty centaur unleashed perfectly aimed arrows at Victor, but he set fire to them before they made their mark. Julius was no match for Victor. Victors fire power was stronger, and burned higher and hotter. Victor appeared stronger than the three of them combined. Cordelia, you must take the light back in, Evan instructed, referring to the light that was still coursing out of the score Victor had cut into my chest. The light continued to radiate from me as I understood what Evan had said. I needed the light. I couldnt allow it to leave my body or I would be drained of my power. All of my strength seemed out of my reach, as if it were locked away in a room which I didnt possess the key to. You are one with me, and I am one with you, thy light of thy father. My words caused the shimmering light to crackle crisply into a blinding lightning bolt being sucked back into my chest. I traced the laceration with my finger tip and it was gone. I touched the shredded luxurious fabric of my bodice and it wove into a forgotten memory. I looked at my shackles and willed the iron pins in them to slide out, and then I slipped my hands and feet out of them. Evan! Bethany screamed as an enormous sphere of fire ignited Evans back. He was engulfed in a blaze. Victor had a twenty foot wall of fire wrapped around the altar that Bethanys whirlpool couldnt douse or penetrate. She, as well as Nikolas and Julius were held at bay behind the wall trapping both Evan and I within it. Evan was now made up of water with huge patches of flames that fought to take over his body. Finally with an eruption, like a geyser as icy as a glacier, water won. Evan shifted back into his human form and looked up at me as I stood on the altar. The moment our eyes met, Victor lurched through the wall of fire, in human form. He smiled wickedly at Evan and I. Evan appeared to be preparing to deliver a deadly blow when I held my hand up and said the words that practically immobilized him. Dont touch him. I demanded in an even tone. The anger in Evans crimson pupils melted somewhat to be replaced with confusion. Then it was replaced again with elation, though he quickly masked it. He knew that I had all the facets of my abilities. Victor seemed unsure of what to do next. He certainly wasnt about to take orders from me as well. Evan took a step back, and his tuxedo jacket

was slightly scorched by the towering flames. I lowered my hand and the wall of flames disappeared into the floor, revealing the shocked faces of Bethany, Julius, and Nikolas who were surrounded by the Apolluon shadows. The Apolluon detected supernatural activity and followed it to the source. They were being closed into a malignant looking smoke circle and they were helpless, cornered and on the verge of being smothered. Dont move an inch I said telepathically to the three of them and Evan who just noticed what was going on. Even Victor knew to stay still. The Apolluon would stay calm if it couldnt detect any more activity. Behind Bethany, Julius, and Nikolas, and just beyond the Apolluon, and the recently crumbled marble walls, was a dark and densely wooded fortress of evergreen pines which surrounded the dungeon. You literally couldnt walk through the pines. They were a seamless wall that only a shadow could creep through. The potent aroma of the evergreens mixed with the smell of the burning candles in the chandeliers. It was remarkable how the marble ceiling hung in place without the walls to hold it up. I raised my arms, and was about to descend from the altar when the shadows took the form of a nine foot man wearing a cape, reminding me very much of that night in the storm when they had approach me. It looked exactly the same with a cape that whipped around violently like bats flying out of a hell hole into a wind storm. The towering shadow lunged in my direction, and I couldnt wield the power of the bolt to strike it so I thought to rise up above it, but the shadow rose taller and met my height. I had nowhere to go but down. The Apolluon lunged forward to smother me and I rendered myself invisible, and it went right through me. I suddenly remembered why I couldnt summon the bolt. I wasnt outside. I needed to draw the energy from the sky and Zeus himself. I saw the panicked look on everyones face as they saw my dilemma. They knew that I was still in the room but they couldnt risk moving an inch, or theyd be smothered. Suddenly, the ceiling shook violently then flipped upward, and spun around like a flying saucer, giving me a perfect opening of the sky which was the beautiful shade of violet clouds. I would thank Evan later. I reached upward as if I was reaching for the sky and the heat within me rose. Branch shaped lightning bolts shot out from my eyes, ears, finger tips and chest. Each bolt crackled loudly like static in the direction of the shadows that circled my disciples. With an earsplitting screech the Apolluon recoiled, disappearing somewhere beyond the fortress of pines. The bolts withdrew slowly back into my body to their home in my center. Everyone relaxed for a split second, but just for that long. The Apolluon were a minor distraction from the real evil we faced. Everyones eyes were back on Victor as he inched backward, and eyed me cautiously, as if contemplating an escape. Welcome back, Victor chuckled. He knew that his time had run out, and that he was no match for me after what he just witnessed. Of course I knew this as well. We locked eyes, and his suddenly bulged, furiously. I am a son of Ares, I wont be discarded. We both were aware of the event playing out. He trembled violently, his muscular build protesting then finally succumbed. He was motionless for a moment, eyes darting above as if expecting his warrior father, Ares to bestow more power unto him, but he knew better. The gods wouldnt interfere. Victor tried to blast a flame across the room but it was as if someone had blown out a match a wisp of a cloud of smoke curled through the air and blew away. The others knew it too. I could read their thoughts of jubilation. Victor was rendered powerless, a former demigod, a mere mortal amongst his former peers. Ares would have to accept that, as Zeus would not object. Now tell me Victor, did you kill my parents? The question seemed to intrigue the members as they all looked up at me, and then at Victor for a response. He must have known deep within that hateful cancerous core of his soul that he was in no position to lie, that his death would come sooner than later, and that he would soon be residing with Hades. He stared, and said nothing. I figured he wanted to play this out the hard way. I began cutting his flesh revealing painful lacerations, with my eyes. Victor yelled and suffered in agony, but wouldn't succumb to it. I asked the question again. Did you kill my parents? Answer me. I demanded. This time he spoke up. Evan must have anticipated that he would, and took a step closer to the altar. I didn't... kill... your parents. Victor yelled breathlessly. Im... just the... keeper of their... hearts. He confessed. You must believe me Cor Cordelia. Bethany looked at Nikolas, and then at Julius, who then looked at Evan, who in turn looked at me. They all revealed the same bewildered expression. Liar. Bethany hissed. It was obvious that they didn't believe him, but I did. I was able to read his mind. Then who killed them? I asked patiently. Thinkempress, you should already know. Victor let his words hang in the air as everyone looked perplexed at hearing the statement. Again, he was telling the truth. I relinquished my hold on him, allowing him to plunge to the floor. He collapsed with exhaustion like a heap of laundry. Bethany walked over to him. She reached down and yanked my Eye of the Ischero medallion from around his neck. You have no need for this. This is only to be worn by a child of Zeus, besides you ceased to be an Ischeros a long time ago. Bethany said, with satisfaction. A glint of light flickered off of the diamond bolt center. Your family stole from mine. Victor said trying to get up, unsuccessfully. Where are they buried Victor? I demanded. Let me... live... and I will tell you! He shouted. I was wrong. I had yet to make an honest man out of him. Let you live? I almost laughed, but didn't. I haven't forgotten that you killed me, that sunny afternoon, while I was on my lunch break. Sorry, no dice Victor. I knew that he didn't know the answer to the question. With his back to Evan and the others, Victor stood up, but didnt say a word. He answered the question in a riddle that only I could hear, since Im

the only one who could listen to his thoughts. Perhaps you should ask those who had you banished in the first place. They are the ones who should burn before Hades. Your enemies surround you like wolves pretending to safeguard you but they are waiting for the first chance to eat you alive. I won't tell you who fore Im certain that you have an inkling. Only you, empress, can presume who that may be. If you don't then you will be the next to fall as I, only aspiring to avenge my parent's demise. With that being said well thought, I looked Victor in the eyes. There was only one thing left to say. This is the price to be paid. I said, as Victor had declared earlier. Victor vanished subsequently as I mouthed the words that sentenced him. He disappeared to a place where only I would know of, officially exiled. He would live in a place that was inescapable, in a time where he would have to learn to adjust. He would never return. Not ever. ThirtyOne A Promise is a Promise I watched the corners of my disciples mouths curl upward although, only slightly, and I knew that they were pleased. I wasnt so sure that the corners of my mouth would ever turn upward again. Victor's last words were the truth, and they left an incredibly vile taste in my mouth. they are waiting for the first chance to eat you alive. I had a feeling that my persecutors may be a part of the Ischeros family, but now I was sure. I just wasn't sure who. I needed Athenas help. I wanted to call on the gods, but I realized that they would never intervene. This matter was of the human world. Your enemies surround you The words rattled in my head over and over. It could be any member of the family. your enemies surround you like wolves pretending... to guard you Your enemies surround you... Perhaps I should render the entire family powerless in order to weed out the culprit. That would take a considerable amount of time, and would allow the offender to devise a plan. I wont allow a murderer to get away with killing my parents, and betraying the family. Therefore, I will have to use every opportunity, every resource, and every bit of strength of my being to make this right. Someone would pay. My emotions were at an incredible high and I had to collect myself. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes. I had my back to the four of them, and they were as silent as mice. They waited patiently for me. I wanted to gather my thoughts before I faced them. They were expecting a leader, but was that all they needed and wanted from me? I turned around and faced them now, and the five of us stared at each other for a very long time, without an utterance of any kind. I couldn't really be sure but it seemed that no one wanted to move or say anything in fear that if we were indeed dreaming, then this horrid nightmare had not finally ended. It may be over for them, but unfortunately it wasnt for me. The hurt I endured plummeted to my core. I held out my hand, and Bethany knew what I wanted. She sauntered over to where I stood next to the altar that I had been shackled to, and handed over the diamond medallion my bolt, the true symbol of the power vested in me by Zeus himself. I fingered the dime sized diamond bolt, and the cool calming feeling it once exuded was now replaced with the feeling of empowerment. I turned away from my disciples, hopefully my friends, and stared at the altar that Mothers and Daddy's hearts floated above, beating in unison. I could hear them calling out to me. My disciples followed my eyes. The sadness in their eyes was noted. I required a moment alone. I had to express, though sadly only through words, how much I loved them, missed them, and needed their guidance. It has been two years that felt like a lifetime, the entire life time of another teenager a betrayed teenager. It had been two years since I had spoken to either of my parents. I did my best to mask the pain in front of Evan and the others, but the suffrage was unbearable. I bit my bottom lip, and fought the tears that brimmed beneath my lashes. I was so caught up in the emotions I was harboring, that I flinched when I heard Evan's sweet and soothing voice. I don't need to ask. My darling, I know that youre not ready to leave this place. I didn't reply, but looked at him. I stared into the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen, and knew the truth as Id known it deep within, all along. Evan loved me with every fiber of his being. I gazed into the eyes and soul of someone that I could trust with my life, always. Im not. He pulled me close in an embrace and our foreheads touched. We stood totally removed from everyone and everything in the universe. My love for him was immeasurable at that particular moment, but it had to get in line behind all the other indistinguishable emotions I was feeling. I slowly pulled away from Evan as he tried to hold on a little longer, and gave me the smile that usually made all that was miserable and blistering disappear. This tragedy would require something of a higher magnitude then the power of my lovers smile. What amount of power would it take to dispel the

anguish that coursed through me? I'm adjusting. It's all familiar now, I whispered, without emotion. It was as you had said, my love, but I was never the most patient person, was I? I was sure that Nikolas, Bethany, and Julius had heard every word. You did well. I never had a doubt. Evan beamed although he also spoke in a whisper. His eyes glistened, but not from tears, possibly victory. I glanced at Nikolas standing close to Bethany. He took her hand in his. She looked at him with moist eyes, and smiled ever so slightly. In their facial expressions they also shared something else. Possibly relief. Somehow, I had expected all of my questions to be answered at this point. Im still unfulfilled, I sighed, looking back at Evan who held my gaze, but the expression he wore now was perplexed. I wanted to pour all of my emotions out like a pale of water, but I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me. It was imperative that I focus. I'm so sorry that I took so long, baby. I didn't realize what had happened to you until Bethany informed me, Evan admitted. I can't imagine how scared you must have been to have that monster Evans emotions got the best of him and he choked up for a moment then collected himself. Im sorry. Evan grabbed my hand and held it to his chest. I closed my eyes and paced my heartbeat to his, and we were one. I felt like such a fool. It was my turn to make an admission. I didn't realize what was happening until it happened, I said, as Evan lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. Can you tell us exactly what happened, Empress? Nikolas asked in that gruff, yet comforting voice that always put me at ease. Delia, I sighed, and smiled. Empress, always, Nikolas argued, softly and bowed his head, and then winked. To my chagrin, I knew that I would have to tell the disturbing tale at some point. I dreaded it none the less. I sighed, breathlessly then took a deep breath. I was about to leave the ballroom to take a short break in the lounge. On my way there, Gerald, well Victor approached me. It was incredible, he was Gerald. I searched Evans eyes for a glimpse of anger or jealousy, and only found encouragement to go on. In fact, every pair of eyes was reassuring as I explained one of the most unforgettable moments of the night. They all seemed entranced as they listened. I didn't feel any danger. As I stated, I thought it was Gerald, a friend. He asked me to dance and I accepted. A minute or two after we began dancing, Gerald told me that he had something to tell me, and that it was too noisy in the ballroom. He then led me into one of the cloak rooms. I had to stop for a moment to gain my composure. The next part was still quite traumatic, as I recalled the moment of realization. Not a word was said as the mornings earliest light began to filter in from somewhere above the dungeon. My little audience waited patiently for me to continue. Once we were in the cloak room, Gerald shifted back into Victor. I felt no need to include the part about the kiss although; I would never forget the power of it, the immeasurable intensity of the kiss. That information could never be divulged. I knew that I had made a major mistake, but it was too late. Just then, the floor beneath my feet opened up from under me, and before I could think another thought I was falling into pitch blackness, and then I was here... laying on the altar... bound in shackles. When did you regain your powers? Bethany inquired, anxiously. She wanted the nittygritty, as always my sometimes overbearing best friend. Before I could answer her, I had to think, and they all seemed to wait with baited breath. I remembered who I was, and everything that had ever happened to me, before and after being sent to the future, after I recalled the last conversation I had with my parents. My father had told me something specific. It was the night of my fifteenth birthday, the night they were murdered. I gulped and they all gaped at me, appearing to be in a trancelike state. What did your father say? Evan asked, giving in to curiosity. Im sorry, but his words were only meant for me to hear. I sounded a bit hostile protective. Evan seemed a little wounded, but healed quickly. I didn't mean for it to sound that way. But I couldn't worry about that right now. I just didn't feel that they should pry into something that was private. I wanted to protect everything about my parents right now. I believe I regained my powers the moment I understood Athenas riddle. Riddle? Bethany queried, puzzled as I was when Athena had stunned me with her presence. My sister, Athena, advised me that I must free myself from what I know, meaning liberating my mind of everything of the life I led in the future. I paused while my disciples let it sink in. She also told me that it is within myself that I would find the answers, meaning what I have always known of my life with my parents is all that I needed to remember, and lastly, that I have the strength were I lack the aspiration, meaning that the power resides in me if Im willing to call upon it. Thats remarkable. Evan said, nodding. Then finally the question I had been waiting for was asked. Not surprisingly, it came from Bethany. Where did you send the evil turd? Bethany was not hiding her excitement over Victor's departure. She never hid the fact that she loathed him.

I didn't feel like pretending that I was satisfied. It wasnt over. My mind was overwhelmed and preoccupied with the fact that my parents were dead. I never had the opportunity to grieve them. It was absurd that everyone in this town believed that they had decided to extend their stay in France. I was outraged. Let me worry about that. I replied. Bethany seemed taken aback, but she knew the rules. Only a governing ruler could send a disciple into exile, and only the ruler would know where. We must know where he's been exiled. Bethany demanded with an edge to her voice. I couldnt believe that she was probing the issue. He's gone. I eyed them all, with my gaze focusing on my best friend. Gone? He's not gone Cordelia. You didn't kill him. Bethany almost yelled. He didn't kill my parents, and he doesn't know where they are buried. I didn't think it was necessary. I countered, sounding annoyed. She had no right to question my sentencing. Well, we should all be privy to that piece of information, Cordelia. How else are we to stay one step ahead? Bethany said in an octave that I didnt much care for. Hes not a threat to the family or to anyone else. I fumed. How could you know that? She said loudly, stepping closer to me. Evan became rigid as did Nikolas and Julius. They all knew that Bethany could be passionate to the point of being offensive. They were anticipating her next choice of words. Victor is powerless. Where he is, he can hurt no one.' I said preparing to silence Bethany for the duration of this forum and preparing myself to lose a friendship. Hes not going to easily accept being a powerless mortal. He will seek another Ischeros family to gain his powers back. Bethany warned. I have considered everything, and of course he will want to seek an Ischero although, he will discover that if he does it will be a futile task. I replied coldly. No Ischero will acknowledge him and go against an empress wishes. Evan said to Bethany, stepping into an argument that was getting to the point of no return. It would be the end of an Ischero to betray the family in such a way. We don't know that no one would help him therefore, we should all know his whereabouts at all times. We should dispatch a tracker. Bethany suggested angrily. A tracker? Let me make sure that I understand your suggestion. You want to dispatch a tracker whose sole purpose is to trace the footsteps of an exiled and powerless mortal. Evan challenged. All eyes were on Bethany, except mine. As far as I was concerned, the matter had concluded, but it was obvious from the looks she got from Nikolas, Evan, and Julius that she was flirting with her own banishment. As far as I could tell, the rest were pleased with the fact that Victor was powerless and exiled. They didn't seem to think Bethany's plan of action to be necessary. Besides, trackers were only used to track a potential threat or a sequestered member for their own protection, as I had been in the future. Not a powerless mortal. Do you really believe that someone in the family would allow him back in after what he has done, or perhaps there is something else that youre concerned about? I challenged Bethany. Her eyes glared in my direction. She lowered the flame in them a notch after looking into my eyes, and was now on the defensive. I beg your pardon? You will soon be begging for my forgiveness, child of Poseidon. You carry a torch to your fathers volatile tide. Ebb your tide, Bethany, I said, calmly. I'm thinking of the family's protection and preservation. Bethany protested, in a slightly subdued tone. Ive just made that a certainty. I said. Bethany reluctantly backed down. Her fist which had at some point become clenched now loosened at her sides. I didn't want this tension. I wanted answers. I didn't have time to waste feeding Bethany's need to control everything. She knew better as she always had, never to push me too far. I guess in the last two years I spent damn near lobotomized, she had forgotten her place in the chain of command. Delia, take all the time you need. Evan said, knowing that I needed to finally be alone with my parents. He touched my bare arm. His touch had a profound effect on me. I was as delicate as a rose petal when he was near me. We should all head back. Evan said to the others. The family is concerned and should be notified of the promising developments. Yes, I could use a celebratory drink. Nikolas chuckled. He had been quiet for the strained exchange between Bethany and I. This place has to be destroyed. Nikolas added, anxiously and suddenly serious again. I'll take care of it, I said. Nikolas nodded and smiled, forever cheering me on.

Evan must have felt that by leaving, he would be abandoning me. He was forever the boy who would never cease to play the rescuer in my life, although I had rescued myself tonight, but not to his lack of effort. He seemed worried and cagey, pacing the floor, and then finally asked me what had been at the tip of his tongue for quite some time. Would you like me to stay with you? I want you here, but I need to be alone with them. You understand dont you? I smoothed the softness of his cheek with the back of my hand. I could feel his heartbeat quicken tentatively as mine followed the pace he set. Yes, I understand Evan bowed his face, and pressed his warm lips against mine, pulling me close as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his hands into the small of my back. I threw my arms around his neck, pressing my body into his, and parted my lips, kissing him back, opening up something in me that wanted him more than anything else in the world. After a few languid moments, he pulled away and looked into my eyes as if he wanted to fall into them. w a. Evan spoke in Greek. My lower lip trembled as I repeated Evans profound words back to him, meaning every syllable. I love you, I am yours forever. My heart wrenched to have him stay with me. The tears flowed freely as we pressed our cheeks together. The tears that moistened my face werent just my own. I smiled up at Evan, kissing him tenderly on the chin. My memories were clear now, and I remembered that Evan could be as fragile as a delicate petal as well. We held each other for another moment that I didnt want to end, but that I knew had to. He pulled away, but not before he planted the most endearing kiss on my forehead, and then turned around and walked away. He sauntered gracefully turning back only once to look at me before disappearing into the beckoning horizon. I stood by the altar where I once lay bound and paused. I picked up a portion of a broken shackle and it crumbled into dust through my fingers, no longer fortified by Victors plot for vengeance. Then the entire altar crumpled and left a pyramid of sand on the marble floor. I pursed my lips together and blew away the sand in the breeze I created. Then I finally stood before the altar that held my parents crystalized hearts. My mind went to some of the most memorable moments in my life, all moments that my parents were a very large part of. Like when I first learned to ride a horse Gypsy, my fifth birthday present. I had been so excited when my dad had brought her out of the barn for the first time. I wasnt afraid of her, although the gorgeous mare was larger than life and whinnying uncontrollably. She had the most mesmerizing and calming brown eyes, hence the name Gypsy. I always felt that I was under her spell when I rode her. My parents were strict with me as well, Mother especially. She had only been an empress because my father was the Emperor. She taught me to stand up for what I believed in, and made sure that I behaved like a lady at all times, even when I was learning to use and control my powers, saying that wielding my power should never circumvent the proper behavior of a lady. Daddy although an Emperor, always made time to be silly. This could steer Mother crazy at times, but she would always surrender to our games. Staring at their hearts the loving symbols of the two most valuable people in the entire universe to me, strangely felt comforting in a saturating way. I was submerged in their love. I miss you both. Mommy... Daddy....? I waited a second and hoped to hear their voices again. I broke down leaning over the altar, shaking with sobs. I didnt even try to suppress my grief. Suddenly, their crystal hearts began to glow with an intense luminosity that spiraled around me. And weve missed you all the while, darling girl. My Mother's voice said sweetly. I'm so sorry... I didn't know what happened to you. I... couldn't... remember you and I didn't understand. Please... forgive me. I sobbed uncontrollably. You've done nothing wrong. You've shown great strength. Were very proud of you. Were here to guide you. Our death is through no fault of yours. Daddy's voice was tender, comforting as his bear hugs had always been, and I wished for one that moment. Where are you? I want to bring you back. I pleaded. Our souls are in the Underworld. Unfortunately we dont know where our bodies are buried, but we roam in the paths which you make. Daddy assured. Am I shutting you out? I asked, utterly confused. No, of course not, but my darling, you must let go of the anger and the rage. You must move on. You must prepare to reign. Reign? Reign! I can't do that without you! I shouted. I hated breaking down like this, completely helpless and weak, so uncharacteristic for a new empress but I couldn't help it. I needed their guidance in human form. I had no experience ruling an empire. Who did this to you? Please... please tell me. I have to know, I pleaded, in between sobs. Revenge will not bring us back. Daddy proclaimed. You don't understand. Don't you see? I threw my arms up. If I knew who did this to you, then I could find out where youre buried. Please... I can't do this without you. Of course you can. You must? Daddy demanded, harshly.

Dont you know who did this to you? Yes, and it won't make a difference. You cant terminate them. It will only bring enormous pain to the other members. I promise that I wont terminate anyone. You have my word. It was no secret that you would be the most powerful ruler and the giver of immortality. You were betrothed to the next in line of power, Victor. His family, the Iptians, was second in the bloodline. Daddy explained. Its true? I asked, stunned, my head swirling. Victor had not been lying after all. The Iptian family was banished many years ago when you were a child, practically a baby, therefore the next family in line, the Capius family ascended in the blood line, second in power. Once one family is exiled by the governing Ischeros, the next family automatically rises and strengthens in power. Even the elders? Indeed, elders lose a considerable amount of power as they age, but it takes longer to lose it once your offspring acquires more. That explained a lot. Power was so beguiling; I was astounded that the other families, possessing lesser forms of power, werent offing each other. Clearly, they feared the wraths of the gods in the end. I see, but why would the gods allow this? I asked almost belligerent, although I already knew the answer. You know all too well. We are of the human world, demigods, the gods will only advise if and when called upon. Interfering is against their laws. It is what Zeus intended in our creation. He looks down upon us and surveys. Like a game of chess. I grunted. Show some respect for our creators, my child, Daddy said, sternly. With Victors death, as well as his immediate familys end, the third families first born son is next in line as your suitor, whom will have great ascension of abilities. I listened to Daddys voice echo throughout what was left of the dungeon. It was sinking in and so was I, in a pit of rage. The Iptians were made to look like murdering thieves, a deliberate scheme of betrayal by the patriarch and matriarch of the Capius family. I gasped realizing that this was what Winston wanted to tell me. The Capius were the real threat originated. Yes, theyve murdered many, including Nikolas parents. Nikolas spent his teenage years believing that Victors family had murdered his parents, when in fact; he was residing with the killers. For the love of the gods! Poor Nikolas. I gulped back a sob. Yes indeed its devastating that they committed such horrible offenses, but they have. Poor Nikolas must know the truth. You must inform him. He is never safe with the Capius I will. I promised, but I wasn't sure how. Ugh! I felt sick as my stomach twisted into knots, and then my heart began to pound. What about Evan? Oh my dear Gods, my divine guardians, please not him, not my love. Its not possible; its inconceivable that Evan would be involved. When this all took place, he was a child too, both he and Bethany. I was incapable of grasping my thoughts. But Evan hes innocent right? He would never go along with this. I pleaded with Daddy to confirm what I believed in my heart, while I held onto the altar for support. Evander is unaware of his parents schemes. I sighed, relieved. Hes a pawn in their strategic play to become the first and most powerful family. Thaddeus left the task of terminating Victor to Evander. Its not for lack of effort, because Evan's efforts are commendable. Victor and his steadily growing army eluded his hunters, and ultimately brought on the constant attention of the Apolluon. Victor was believed to be dead along with his family who were banished by my mother, the reigning empress at the time, but of course as you know, as we never foreseen, we were terribly wrong. You see, Victor and Evangelia were just children when their entire world came to an end. Their parents felt that they were wrongly accused and no longer had faith in the family; therefore they wouldnt allow their children to be raised by an Ischero. They bound their own children to their sides and accepted the sentence, indefinite exile death. How did Victor survive? Suddenly a strange feeling of compassion came over me. I thought of Victor, and forgot about his twisted gargoyle guise and demonic words. I remembered my forgotten playmate. His own parents had been robbed and in turn, robbed him and his sister of a life. Evidently, he didnt see it that way. His parents must have relinquished their hold on him, but not his sister, I suppose, Mother said, sadly. Its a mystery that well never know. Victor survived and sought revenge. He knew what the Capius had done, and he was aware of what they needed most of all. Daddy explained. Your union to Evander. Mother added. Victor also knew that if he killed you, the entire empire would succumb being that he would be the most powerful Ischero, far more powerful than Evander, who was originally betrothed to Evangelia. I winced hearing that Evan could belong to someone

else. So, the empire would be his to control, therefore putting an end to the Capius family, ultimately avenging his family. I said the words but still couldnt believe how Evanss parents had fooled everyone. Thaddeus and Alexandria were masterful at covering up the fact that they had set Victors family up to take the fall. It was as if Daddy had read my mind, but I knew that he could only do that if he was in the physical form. My heart bled a little more. The Capius were pretty clever. Indeed. When Victor returned, he hid, began building his army, chaos erupted. And then he one night he came to me. Daddy said solemnly. What? Yes, he told me what his parents had told him. It all made sense. He said that he wouldnt start a war if the Ischero made everything right. You could imagine my sorrow for him. I was dedicated from that moment on to making things right by Victor. I planned a meeting with the council of elders, excluding the Capius, the evening following your fifteenth birthday, although I didnt inform them of the reason for the meeting. Daddy paused. So what happened? I was beyond anxious. Did the elders not believe him? We never got as far as the meeting. Daddys voice was composed as he hinted as to why the meeting never happened. So much happened within twentyfour hours. Somehow Thaddeus was informed of my discovery, and told Victor that his parents demise was set up by us. I suppose Victor didnt know whom to believe and soon devised his own plan to hunt you. Shortly after that, Thaddeus poisoned us, putting your mother and I to sleep, and then killed us. He couldnt trust another Ischero to do the deed so he did it on his own. Thaddeus sent me away to another time, away from everything I knew and everyone I loved. The angry heat was manifesting itself within in me, boiling over. It guaranteed Thaddeus adequate time to have Victor killed before Victor could kill you. Mother said in an even tone. I was at the point of screaming. And upon my return, I would never have known Victors genuine motivation to kill me, but he found me in the future and killed me there. We tried countless times to try to reach you, Mother said, as her voice wavered, and then cracked. We tried to make some kind of contact with you in the future but your memory was wiped clear as a piece of crystal, and we ran out of time. Daddy added. No, dont do that, my death is no fault of yours. I know who is to blame. I never would have suspected Thaddeus and Alexandria of such an unforgivable betrayal for greed and status. Theyd been so kind, generous, and caring to me. But I guess that was their plan. Have me believe them to be devoted guardians. Thaddeus and Alexandria were going to get what they deserved for defying the gods, betraying the empire, having my parents killed, as well as Nikolas, for sending me away to the future where I couldnt be with Evan, and lastly for robbing Victor of a family and destroying his life. Does anyone else know about this? Any of the other elders? No. They definitely worked alone. They were extremely careful. Once again I asked, Are you sure? I had to be one hundred percent sure to go with my plan of action. Now that we're members of the non living, we can see everything crystal clear, but only of the past and the present. Mother clarified. We were all silent for a long moment while I digested everything. I feel your emotions, Cordelia, they are brutal, Mother acknowledged. Thats not how you want your reign to begin. You may wish to use them as examples. At first I thought Daddy was making a suggestion. But I thought wrong. That makes a lot of sense, but you must be sensible. The way of the Ischeros has always been to use death as the last alternative in defense, not as the punishment. I intend to make this right. I declared in a clear and mature voice. Not the voice my parents had been used to. Cordelia, youre young and you don't fully understand the burden of greed and rage. It controls every thought you have, compels you to take, and to sometimes take with brutality. Alexandria and Thaddeus Capius did these things because they could no longer control there greed. I nodded, but I was still keeping to my plan. You must let go of the rage. Dont allow it to consume you, hence seeing nothing else but the rage. What I must do, is avenge you. No, its not the way. Daddys voice was deep and his crystalized heart went from a goldish red to a deep shade of burgundy. Daddy, please dont be angry with me. I couldnt be angry with you, precious. I need you to look at what rage did to Victor. He was tormented. The wrath didn't allow him to breath and be

a young man. It made him a monster. It will suffocate you as well. You may never find yourself. But thats just the thing. I have found myself. Finally, I thought. I remember every single thing that has ever happened to me, the good things and especially the bad. I shouted. I didnt mean to be, but I was cross with two people who meant the world to me. Why couldnt they understand that I needed them? Im so alone and scared, and unsure, and We know that youre hurting. We want to be here for you. You must look to yourself to find the strength to go forward. Mother was as she always was, encouraging, but I was frustrated with doing what was right. I wanted to do what I know would feel satisfying. They destroyed my family. I almost lost Evan when Victor killed me. But I cant blame Victor. He was cheated. He didn't know of any other way to repay them for annihilating his whole world. I was secretly thankful that I had not killed him, even if he did intend to kill me. I know now that it wasnt personal, although he was almost successful the second time. I could now see through Victors eyes. I love you both, but I have to go now, I sobbed. Remember you must keep your promise. Mother demanded. A promise is a promise. Don't worry. I will not disappoint you, I said, my voice cracking. With that I sealed their hearts within the glass domes and they disappeared to where I would keep them safe, until it was time to place them back where they belonged. I stood in the center of what was left of the marble room, assessing the damage. All that remained was the partial ceiling, two and a half walls which were cracked and six others that were completely demolished and exposed the pine tree forge beyond the walls. My eyes continued to survey the room that I now realized was in the shape of an octagon. I listened to the dungeon that poor Victor had built, as it crumbled into mounds of powdery sand, and watched it all disappear into a breeze. Then I felt safe enough to shut my eyes. ThirtyTwo Honor Thy Mother and Father When I opened my eyes, the silence of Harpers Hall was deafening. It was as if a ball hadnt taken place here at all. My satin shoes clicked against the glossy marble floors as I came closer to the set of double doors, leading into the ballroom. I took a deep breath, actually two, before I flung open the doors to be met by a sea of startled ruby red eyes. They were on guard, hence the heightened senses, and prepared for anything at this point. They were all there; my disciples. Their very existence and future depended on my survival, and my presence was a confirmation that they would. If Victor had been successful and ascended to Emperor, there wouldnt be the dramatic reversal of crimson eye color to their natural hue, revealing calm emotions, or any warm and inviting smiles as I saw before me now. But am I truly their leader? Or am I just a puppet to be manipulated by two callus monsters who have betrayed my entire empire all in the name of greed. Everyone in this room believed that it was the Iptians that tainted the Ischeros Empire, when the malignant evil, watches me now. My presence at that moment sealed the deal for them, so they presumed. Thaddeus and Alexandria knew that I defeated Victor as I stood before them now. Thaddeus narrow eyes swept over me until Bethany's pretty face blocked his view. She drew me into a hug which brought Thaddeus back into my view. He was shaking hands vigorously with Stephan Hepolis, an elder and Julius and Hedeas father. I wasn't going to let Thaddeus in on the fact that I was privy to all that had transpired just a little over two years ago. What took you so long? Weve been waiting for you, impatiently I might add. Father almost sent Evan to fetch you. A giggle tumbled out of Bethany lips. Im here now I tried to smile although, my guise of happiness was sure to wear off soon enough. Evan took my hand and led me away from Bethany, and to the center of the room. He was preparing to make an announcement to the members whom had formed a semicircle. Perfect, I thought as he cleared his throat. I watched the boy, who was very much a man in my eyes, the man I would forever devote my heart too; present me to our disciples as their beloved Empress. Evan slowly opened his arms wide and shouted, Our Empress has returned. The entire ballroom lowered itself into a quiet bow. I give you our purist example of divinity, Empress Cordelia Tieron. My eyes moistened listening to him. We had a true emotional connection in a way that made me believe we were almost one entity. I loved Evan with every thread of my being as it was and always will be confirmed to my core. I ached like hell to know that we were not meant to be, not in the eyes of the gods. I prepared to defy them. Evans unscrupulous parents altered our fates, and may have robbed us both of ever being truly happy because everything will be different now. The boy I grew to love more than life is not mine to have. It felt like a knife was piercing through my chest and carving out my heart. I was speechless as I devoured the beauty of his spirit which flourished on his face. I felt hopeless for the both of us. I pushed the tears back. I bit my lower lip to stop it from trembling, and waited as everyone slowly raised their heads before I spoke. It's been a long journey. Please accept my simple words of gratitude to you all for your uncompromised patience. My eyes darted around the room observing the smiles and additional bows that came in waves. I've learned so much about myself. Im the girl I was before I was thrust into the future, as well as the girl I was forced to become in the future. We are one. My voice was strong, and even as I watched Alexandria take Evans hand, the way a mother grasps the golden child she doesnt ever want to be out of her reach. I immediately felt the heat brimming within me. I am prepared to reign, and to rule with fairness. I vow, in the names of your beloved former emperor, Constantyn Tieron, my mother Thalia Tieron and lastly my father Zeus, to protect the empire with diligence. I will conquer any entity that stands in the way of our survival as a whole, whether it be an entity from outside of our ranks, or from within our ranks. I wont stand for treachery, or the member who rises above the laws of this family in order to tip the scale of power. He or she, I said, eyeing Thaddeus and Alexandria briefly, but cautiously. Will not go unpunished.

Roaring cheers and boisterous clapping erupted to my chagrin. I suddenly felt nervous. The eruption was overwhelming as their devotion to me, their long awaited leader, was immeasurable. The joy couldn't be contained in this room. I peered over at Evan and he was beaming as were all the members, including his contemptible parents. My comment had gone right over their heads. Bethany inched closer to them, with both hands clasped together firmly in front of her face as if she was praying. My hope was that she was indeed praying hard. Bethanys blue eyes glistened like perfectly shined silverware and the tears that you would expect to see pouring from a proud mothers eyes overflowed from hers. I didn't want to lose her; she was my sister and had sort of taken on the role of a mother while she watched over me in the future. But, once Bethany and Evan knew the truth, I knew that I would be sympathetic to their reaction and feelings, yet I couldnt allow their anguish to distract me and waver in my decisions. For that reason I was trembling and apprehensive. I thought to reconsider. Perhaps my parents were right. I held my hands up to quiet everyone down. The volume in the room was lowered to silence. I gulped to clear my throat. I figure since we are all here together now for just a little bit longer, that I will not let the opportunity pass to personally thank two very extraordinary people. I searched the crowd, and witnessed their two faces, cheek to cheek, gracious. Ah, the scent of betrayal was camouflaged by the scent of victory. I thought of my parents. My gut was raw with rage. I held their gaze and they continued to beam teeth white and glistening. They have done their best to guide me so that I could be here tonight. Thaddeus and Alexandria knew that I was referring to them, and appeared to be enjoying the tribute. The crowd also knew that I spoke of the duo, but they thought nothing but admiral thoughts. I listened to the accolades of commendation as I swept through their minds. Not one member had a bitter conception of the Capius. Was it fair to shatter their empire with tales of blatant deceit? I battled within myself for a split second, and then resumed. Damn right it was. My disciples deserved to know. They skillfully put all the pieces into play, guaranteeing my place in this empire as well their childrens. Every demigods pair of unwavering eyes was on me, and every set of ears perked up at attention. My devoted loved ones, the plan was devised many years ago, when I was just a mere child playing in the pond of the Capius garden along with their own children, as were many of you here tonight. I glanced at Julius, his sister, Hedea, Bertrand, Olympia, Heracio and his brothers, and Ophelia and her sister Felicity, and they all nodded joyously. Including, the Iptian children. Everyones eyes revealed surprise, and then both sorrow and angst when I spoke of Victor and Evangelia. Indeed a strategic plan was put into play, a successful attempt to corrupt a family name. One of our own. My voice climbed effectively grabbing everyones attention. Thaddeus eyes bulged, and then narrowed. He couldnt be sure of what he had just heard, as I read his thoughts. Alexandrias heart rate accelerated slightly, but she blamed it on too much champagne. Our family. The Iptian family, the second family of power, following my family in the chain of command. Isn't that right Thaddeus? My voice rang out high above the crowd, stronger than I ever remembered it, fortified by my mother and fathers words. The Capius' were blindsided. Everyone was. A symphony of gasps from all around the room had subsided; the entire ballroom was as quiet as a morgue. In fact a mortician couldnt put the color back into Alexandrias cheeks. She and her husband stared at their daring new leader in disbelief, and to their horror; everyone in turn stared at them. They were as infectious as the plague as every member stepped away from them. A path opened up as I glided within two feet of them, but the couple were stone and couldnt move as if they were cemented to the marble floor. Where there is love and power, there is always betrayal. Greed, jealousy, and envy equal murder. Killing was just the beginning in acquiring the power possessed by the Iptian's. Thats correct, I said, as I nodded my head up and down at the Capius, and then at my disciples who nodded shocked nos in return. You convinced the entire empire that the Iptians were a cancer to the family, and had them sentenced along with their two innocent children. It didnt matter that Evangelia Iptian was betrothed to your son. My eyes went to Evan who returned my gaze with a horrified glare, but I was seething by now and couldnt console him and tell him that this fact made no difference as to how much my heart belonged to him. He didnt know what was going on, but soon would. I stared at Thaddeus as if I would put him through the marble walls of the ballroom. But Evangelia wasn't the right match. I informed the members. No she wasnt. So you had a child murdered because you preferred Evan to marry me. My stature was promising. Evans power would ascend which would guarantee that your power wouldnt diminish like the other elders would. Have I got it right so far, Alexandria? Alexandria looked a second or two away from fainting. Thaddeus looked prepared to take me on. Its a lie! Thaddeus roared as Alexandria tried to grab one of his flailing arms. They looked at each other, and then to their fellow members who stared back in devastation and incredulity. The ballroom was quiet besides the shuffling of fine fabric. Evan and Bethany stared from me to their parents, lost. The hatred for unveiling them was evident in Thaddeus eyes. I looked at him with disgust. I sent him a message that only he could hear. Denial will get you nowhere old man. Lies? I sneered. May the gods have pity on you, but I wont. You murdered my mother and father and led everyone to believe that it was Victor by sending him their hearts so that when he killed me, he could burn them all together and be rid of us once and for all. The gasps rippled throughout

the sea of Ischeros disciples once again to lastly fall on the shocked and infuriated eyes of Thaddeus and Alexandria. Go right on ahead and deny it! I dared, but they said nothing. What the hell could they say? You killed Nikolas' parents, and who knows how many others. Its your fault that the Apolluon have found us, not Victors! My scream shook the mirrors on the walls, and several cracked in fractured lines. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a boy version of Nikolas for a split second, and it tore the already shredded fragments of my heart into more pieces. He looked at me, ghostly, and I calmed down long enough to nod sadly, and apologetically for letting him know like this. His numb gaze was fixed on Thaddeus and Alexandria. He stood still as if without any emotion at all then twisted his head to look me in the eyes. Not a word from Nikolas lips as his eyes spoke to me. They must die now. I felt Bethany's eyes pierce through my soul, and I could feel the shock traveling through her quickly stiffening body. She was enraged at the wrong person at this moment. I felt dreadful but I was determined to expose the betrayal. She is my best friend, and I loved her almost as much as I loved Evan, yet I had chosen to divulge their parents disloyalty, and hurt them in the process. She wanted to know why. Evan wasn't even reacting. He was stunned speechless. I refused to look at him. It would have felt better to have knocked his teeth out. That couple of seconds of pain would be more welcoming than this torment. I had wanted desperately to spare them the humiliation but they deserved better. They deserved the truth. I hoped that they would understand why this had to be done, and would forgive me someday. They would have all the time they needed, in all the centuries that would come. My accusations were of colossal proportions, and it seemed that everyone in the ballroom waited for a reply from the Capius'. One of the elders from another family, a close confidant of the Capius, the Viniturin, spoke up. Lucien was slightly older than Thaddeus and grayer with a steely disposition, he was also Ophelias and Felicitys father. When he spoke, he was precise with his question, clearly demanding. Thaddeus, Alexandria, the Empress has made some extreme and grossly troubling accusations. Is any of it true? Lucien probed, with an overcast demeanor. Both Alexandria and Thaddeus appeared somewhat shaken, by the words of one of their closest family members. Their eyes pleaded to Lucien, as well as the entire family to believe them over me. I wouldn't allow them to escape. Thaddeus cleared his throat. These accusations are an insult to both Alexandria and I. We are innocent in the eyes of the gods. Its obvious that Victor got to her. Hes put these ridiculous notions into her mind. With those words, Alexandria gravely shied away from her husband, knowing better. She wouldnt dare to try and manipulate the coven again. Her eyes were down cast and disapproving. If only she had acted this way when the plan was being set, perhaps, she wouldnt be in this precarious situation. There is one person who should be here to defend himself. At that moment, Victor's presence in the ballroom sent a turbulent shock wave throughout the entire roster of members, especially the Capius all of them, including Evan and Bethany. Low growls, viper like hisses, and glowing crimson eyes were like daggers in his direction. The greeting was as expected after two years of Victors evil plotting, and random attacks to destroy their empire. Victor stood next to me, still in his tux, still powerless, and very vulnerable. He looked strangely youthful with his natural steel eyes finally shining through the once pitch black irises that had harbored so much malicious angst. His expression was unreadable but his thoughts werent. I hope you know what youre doing, Delia. I dont want to die by the hands of so many. You have no reason to be afraid or to fear anyone in this room or to be feared by anyone here. I stated to him as well as all of my disciples. We are your family. He is our brother. Once fallen, which we cant hold him to blame. He needs the guidance he was robbed of. I don't know that I wouldnt have chosen the same reckless path upon knowing my familys demise was caused by members of this empire. Im delivering this message from the gods. I ask you all to look into your hearts and for a moment put yourself in Victor's place. How would you have reacted at his age, with these circumstances? I made eye contact with nearly every member. But it wasnt going to be that easy. I flipped through their minds, and there were many who couldnt grasp the idea of forgiving him, instead succumbing to the harbored feelings of hatred for him. Lucien held his hand up. With your permission, Empress? I granted it because as mine, Luciens patience was thin. Thaddeus? Alexandria? Its been a long evening and morning. We all wait for your answer. You may not think much of your peers but, Evander and Bethany are owed that much. Its isnt true. Thaddeus, the fool, lied, and I was beside myself. Are you calling me a liar? Are you saying that I stood here before my disciples and wove this treacherous and deceitful tale? I screamed. You you killed my mother and father a sitting Emperor! You killed Nikolas parents! You destroyed the Iptian family.

I lost it then. Tell them the TRUTH or you WILL SUFFER the WRATHE of the UNDERWORLD! My screeching voice caused the mirrors that had already cracked to shatter. The crowd began to quickly move away from Thaddeus and Alexandria. They had been abandoned. Only Evan and Bethany stood fixed to the marble floor. It is true. Everything is TRUE. Im so sorry. Please forgive me. Alexandria said, falling to her knees in front of Evan, and pleading for his forgiveness. I hoped that he didnt fall for the act, although I knew he would, she was his mother, and he had her on a pedestal. Evan loved his mother dearly. I tried to stay out of his head. The Capius took a moment, but I guess it was inevitable that it would go this way. Bethany closed her eyes, and turned away from her mother. Alexandria, broken and officially abandoned, felt the consequences of her actions for the first time as she stared up at Evan, who followed his sister, and did the same. Alexandria whimpered then sobbed uncontrollably, dropping to the floor like a wet sack. Bethany peered sadly at her father, and then took Evan's hand which he had held out for her. They both deserted their parents. Ignoring the cries of his wife, Thaddeus stood with a furious scowl on his face. He refused to admit his crimes. That suited me just fine. Evan looked his father squarely in the eye and took the floor. For as long as I can remember, I've tried to emulate you, and you've always found a way to make me feel as if I was never strong enough, and would never be as strong as you. You pushed me to excel at my strengths, and when I did, I still wasn't good enough. You are nothing but a selfish coward. Evan stopped. He was heaving and practically out of breath. Then he looked at me with the saddest most vacant eyes Ive ever looked into before turning back to his father. Youve stolen enough from me! I knew instantly what he meant. Oh no! I felt week and my heart ached as if a thousand forks had been stabbed into it. Please, Aphrodite, I called on the goddess of love, dont let this happen. I wont survive without his love. Son Evan cut Thaddeus' off knowing it was sure to be a pathetic plea. I am NOT your son! You are a MURDERER! Evan's body leaned forward as if he was going to strike his father, but he stopped just short of doing so. Thaddeus appeared frightened for the first time ever. Evander Alexandria cried out to her enraged son. Evan walked over to his mother and knelt next to her. I know he made you go along with his deceitful crimes as he has always controlled you. You will remain in my heart although, I don't know if I can save you... Alexandria wept silently in Evans massive arms. Let me go, I made my decision to support you father centuries ago. I knew it was wrong and I knew that there would be consequences. I betrayed you. Evander , Then she stopped and looked over at Bethany. Bethany, if you can find it in your hearts, please forgive me and let me go. Alexandria rubbed Evan's cheek as she looked lovingly at Bethany who continued to cry into Nikolas chest. Seeing the boy I loved and my closest friend in agony had me wondering if I had made the right decision in confronting their parents without warning either of them first. After a second of thought I knew the answer to that. They had to see how their parents had altered their fates. I could understand them hating me, though I hoped that they wouldnt. Evan and Bethany's turmoil could be felt by the members' whose heartbroken expressions dimmed the room. Again for the second time in a century, the members were forced to banish another couple. This time wouldnt be any easier than the last. This time, in the midst of two more young members, they would do what was asked of them and bar the existence of Thaddeus and Alexandria from their thoughts, indefinitely. Nikolas and Victor, as well as I, had an idea of what Bethany and Evan felt since we had all lost our parents horrifically although, their parents were the first to deserve being taken away. Evan walked over to me, and the room was quiet. No one existed but us. The look in his eyes, distant and vacant, had me fighting back tears. I forgot that Evan had the rare ability to block his thoughts from being read therefore, I was afraid of what he might have to say. He spoke in an incredibly calm voice. I will not ask that you pardon him. I feel that he should pay the price for what he has done. I only ask that you spare my mother's life. She was powerless against this man's hold. Before I could agree, Lucien stepped forward and blindsided me. They both must be punished. I believe the rest of the elders will agree with me as Alexandria agreed when Andromeda was on trial, and wasnt spared when she begged for a chance. Great, I thought. I would be overruled if I tried to save Evans mother. Perhaps a lighter sentence? I offered, in just above a whisper. She must suffer as Andromeda did. Desdemona, Luciens wife, spoke up, her iridescent gold eyes flashed hatred in Alexandrias direction. I eyed the council members, and they werent budging. Mercy was not a part of the deal. I looked at Evan, and he sighed, nodded, and then turned away. He knew that I tried, and he knew that I had only for his sake, because the truth was that I agreed with the council.

Lucien came forward, and extended a hand to Victor. Everyone watched, including Thaddeus who couldnt understand how this could have happened to him after all his clever planning. Victor hesitated for a second as Luciens hand hung in the air. Then to the eruption of sharp clapping, Victor took Luciens hand, and shook it. You are a son of Ares, therefore a son of the Ischeros. Would you like to come home, son? Victor said nothing at first and a few seconds lapsed. When he did speak, his answer was poignant and touched every elder in the room. I never wanted to leave. I stopped breathing altogether when Evan walked over to Victor. I didnt know what to expect. I was only able to read Victors thoughts because Evan was blocking his. Victors thoughts were erratic. His jealousy for Evan was elevated but he didnt hate Evan. He was just surprised and scared since he had no powers although; he was still prepared to battle if he had to. Welcome back brother. Evan said, with his hand extended towards Victor. I guess he understood how Victor felt. I knew that Evan could read Victors thoughts now that Victor was the only demigod in the room, besides the Capius, that was powerless. If Evan was reading Victors thoughts and emotions right now, he would perceive that Victor felt totally alone, and deeply sorry. I always thought that Evan was probably the kindest person I knew besides my own father, and now he confirmed my theory. Victor took Evans hand and shook it. Thats when I saw Evan look passed Victor, and eyed his father. The look on Thaddeus face was pure fury. Desdemona, as well as everyone else, started greeting Victor. I watched in amazement as they embraced him the way Ischeros never forget their own. Victor was overwhelmed, and relieved all at the same time. He didnt have expectations when I first used my mind to call him when I first left the dungeon. He had expressed great gratitude through his thoughts for the second chance I had granted him. He then waited in the lounge until I sent him the message to enter the ballroom. Evan watched me from across the room and I held his unwavering gaze, hitting the road blocks in his mind. His expression was unreadable and I was lost as to what he was feeling and thinking. I didnt think that I could bear any more of this. I was so captivated by Evan that I didnt notice Bethany standing beside me. She was somewhat composed. I tried to get into her head but something was blocking it. It wasnt her, she didnt possess the power to do that. I looked over at Evan and again he was staring at me. He was guarding his sisters thoughts. I took a deep breath, mostly to steady my tears. I was losing him, I was losing my heart. I know that you lost your parents, and that its my parent's fault. She cleared her throat. But, please spare both of them She saddened me as she eyed her father. Hes very sorry about everything. I couldnt believe what Bethany was asking of me, and even crazier, I couldnt fathom that I was actually contemplating it. Perhaps it was the suicidal look in Bethanys diffused eyes. Maybe those were the thoughts that Evan blocked. Evan knew me well, and he knew that I would probably spare his father if I thought Bethany was serious about taking her own life. Thaddeus being pardoned was something that Evan wouldnt permit. There was only one way that I would ever think to save their father. I had only one question to ask Thaddeus and depending on how he answered well maybe Where are my parents buried? I asked Thaddeus, as I got close enough for him to hear me. There was a calm that fell upon the room with the question I asked. Thaddeus stared at me for a long moment. He was even more devious than I could have imagined. Not only would he not tell me. He wouldnt allow himself to think it, knowing that Id read him like an open book. Thaddeus was the only person who knew where my parents were improperly laid to rest, and the bastard planned take the crucial information with him to the Underworld. Now you need me. Are you offering me a deal, Empress? I dont make deals? I combed his mind, and it was clear of anything to do with my parents. In that case, Ill take my punishment now. He said with a sneer. The heat was rising in me, and I fought the unladylike behavior to spit on him. I wasnt sure if any of the other members could detect my trembling, but I was losing in a bare knuckle battle with my rage. I was really losing. I may just kill him. I thought of my parents and the only thing that they had asked of me. I couldnt let this monster get the best of me even if he did epitomize the evil we dreaded when trying to evade the Apolluon. My body was cooling and I felt the rage begin to vacate my body as I contemplated what I would do next. I made a promise, and I plan keep it. My words were directed to the fiends in question. You will never be seen or heard from again. You will not have each other to soothe. I banish you as if you had never existed. No. Bethany sobbed and buried her head into Evans chest as her father looked to her for the very last time. Evan released Bethany, and handed her over to Nikolas. I was finally able to listen to his thoughts, and he wanted to witness his fathers demise. Thaddeus turned his glare to me then disappeared just as Alexandria tried to grab a hold of him. It was futile; he vaporized, and slipped through her fingers like a cool breeze. At that moment, she didnt realize it, but she was disappearing as well with only the wisp of a hand reaching out to her son and the most frantic look in her eyes. Not a second went by before she was gone. Sigh. I had kept my promise and had not killed them, just transported them to where they wouldnt remember who they once were.

This night would never be forgotten. I didn't want to dwell on the passing of a master mind murderer nor his weak wife, but everyone else stood still, staring at the spot where the two had stood. Lucien and a few other elders glided up to me with unreadable expressions. Their thoughts revealed their best wishes for me, but I was well aware of the practice of falsifying thoughts when in the presence of a mind reader so I was on my guard, and wasnt ready to fully trust anyone. Empress Cordelia, this event will be stricken and wont mark your reign. We feel that you have proven a great injustice on our empire, and we owe you our gratitude. Thank you ladies and gentleman of the council, your gratitude is noted. Everyone, please, your attention please. I spoke to the entire ballroom. I only ask that you all return to your homes, and continue living in the peace that is a gift which I will fight with my every breath to continue to possess. It is our greatest possession. Not our exceptional capabilities. It is the day to day living, and loving that we do without violent and brutal interruption. That alone is our greatest, most powerful, and most coveted possession. I will summon you all soon, and we will work out a new strategy to rid the Apolluons persecution forever. But for now, please go and enjoy what is dear and precious to us all, peace. Guard each other as I vow to guard you. For the love of the gods, may we, the Ischeros, the Powerful, continue to bask in their glory. Everyone chanted in agreement. For the love of the gods! Hail the new Empress. All hail! They all bowed in waves, and began disappearing one by one once they were done exchanging their final pleasantries for the night. Before I knew it pretty much everyone was gone, including Evan and Bethany, and I was deeply saddened with their absence. I was halted by the excruciating hollowness in my heart. Cousin, the strength you have shown here this night cannot be paralleled within this universe. Im in awe and forever at your service. Nikolas bowed. Thank you Nikolas. I took his hand in mine. I saw Victor in my peripheral and he walked toward me. Where is home? He asked in a whisper as Nikolas stepped back, respectfully. Victor, Im sorry. I hadnt realized. He may stay with us, temporarily. Lucien said, walking toward us. Thank you. Then he left the traditional way, through the ballroom doors with Lucien and Desdemona. Nikolas and I were alone now. He stared at me for a long time. I finally broke the silence. I need you to know that I didn't want you to find out the way you did. It wouldn't have hurt any less, Delia. Still, Im so very sorry, I said, rubbing Nikolas hand. Dont be. The responsibility to have to tell someone something that devastating is never an easy task. I probably wouldve buckled under that kind of pressure. Nikolas smiled slightly. He was doing his best at being brave. I knew that he was dying inside at the mere mention of his beloved parents. I hated having to drudge up those painful feelings. I was so overwhelmed at that point, that I couldn't feel my feet beneath me. Nikolas must have noticed me wavering or something and drew me into one of his bear hugs. Or maybe he just knew that I needed one or the other way around. Either way I welcomed the familiar feeling of comfort. I finally let the tears that had been corked inside me flood onto the lapel of his tuxedo jacket. I cried even harder when I felt some of the moist spots where Bethany's tears had not yet dried. We stood that way for what seemed like an eternity and not nearly long enough to heal, with Nikolas holding me close, and never saying a word.

The tailor must have asked himself just how daring of a young woman I was to consider wearing a pair of dungarees around town. He had snorted facetiously, and wrinkled his brow when I approached him about taking in the pair I donned now a bit at the waist. What are you going to do with those? He had asked, skeptically. What did he think I was going to do with them? Wear them as a shawl? With one look, I had silenced him for the rest of our appointment. But could I really blame him? It was 1891, and these days, jeans were worn mostly by dung scooping, cattle ranchers, and greedy silver miners. The mere idea of a girl in a pair of dungarees was perceived as graceless, unladylike, and perfect for me. Therefore when I venture into town today, Im sure itll be quite the scandal with the nosey folks of Nickel City. Theyll entertain themselves by gossiping about the Tieron girl, and the death of my high society Victorian fashion sense. I tucked my thumbs into the front loops of my jeans, and admired the not so contoured fit of them. The fabric felt like burlap against my skin, but I figured after a few wears theyd be broken in and fit well enough. All hail Mr. Levi Straus I sighed. Since my recent stint in the future, long flouncy dresses, all the petticoats that went under them, corsets that reminded you of bandage and matching eyelet lace parasols didnt suit me anymore. Id rather sleep in these rigid denims than to suffer in the sweat that pooled in my corset. But I have to be honest, if the occasion called for it, and only if, I wouldnt mind wearing a luxurious gown from time to time. I tucked one of my delicate, buttondown, cotton blouses into the leather belted waist of my jeans, leaving a few of the buttons, undone, primarily for air conditioning purposes. Then I layered on the worn leather vest and pulled on my new topstitched cowboy boots, silver spurs and all. Only one accessory was needed, and my ensemble would be complete. I removed the jeweled comb, letting my hair tumble down my back and placed the leather Stetson on my head, pulling the brim down a little in front. I previewed myself in my full length gilt framed mirror. The reflection was rough and rugged, yet still feminine. I approved, and thats really all that mattered. No more of that sidesaddle crap. This was the new me, and everyone had no choice but to accept it. I headed down the wide hallway then down the long, winding staircase, and out the door. As I began crossing the street, my eyes were drawn to the Capius Estate. It stood gloomily with darkened windows where light had always been present. The remaining residents still held my heart. After the night of the Masquerade Ball, things had changed in many, many ways. Some things changed for the better, and unfortunately others for the worse. Id considered returning to the Capius mansion. To be fair, staying there, even if only for a week which had felt like a life time had been somewhat comforting. Being that close to Evan had made me feel secure, but that wasnt enough. It wasnt home, and never would be. I couldnt fathom living in the house that my parents murderers had called 'home'. I made a clean break. All my of my belongings, as well as Christopher's and Phoebe's things had been moved to our home, back to the Tieron Estate, which I had removed from the For Sale list in the Territorial Enterprise. We moved back directly across the street from the Bergnum's estate. When I pushed open the rusted gates, the dried vines cracked and snapped nearly distracting me from the patchy brown grass, and sun burnt flowers in the front garden. It looked nowhere near what it had looked like on the day of my fifteenth birthday party. The Grecian architecture was hidden by creepy vines that spread across the exterior like an open fan. The first thing I noticed, seeing the interior for the first time during daylight hours since returning, were the small cracks and holes in the bare walls where paintings and photographs had once hung. A thick carpeting of dust adorned the dull marble floors. I twitched my nose as the musty smell, a combination of dampness and mold, fought against the fresh air that filtered in from the front door. With the invigorating light wind came the memories. I watched myself as a rambunctious little girl darting through the foyer, with Bethany not too far behind, as we chased Victor and Evan and a shiny, bouncing red ball that the boys refused to allow us to play with. I followed the infinite laughter and giggles into the flourishing garden where they met up with Nikolas and Victors younger sister Evangelia. We played together, carefree and ignorant to our destinies, the sacrifices, and the mounting dangers that would arise with them. I walked back into the parlor, and I saw myself at the awkward age of thirteen. Mother and Daddy were trying to explain the levels and changes that I would begin transitioning through. Not the whole becoming a woman speech. It was the speech that very few on this earth would ever get to hear. My parents explained my purpose on this earth, which was to secure our place on this earth, and to protect the empire. My heart rate had quickened, and the adrenaline soured to my brain. I couldnt wait for my powers to ascend. Something in me woke up that day, and every day following, I couldnt contain the rush of blood pumping in my veins. Meanwhile, I plunged deeper and deeper in love with Evan. Of course by then Thaddeus plan had already been in play, Victor and Evangelia had long disappeared, and Nikolas had been living with my family for a few years, and was practically my brother. Living everyday like the ordinary mortals took great control in veiling our power, which grew with each day. But it was the only way to survive against the evil that plagued us. None the less, we were proud of the strengths and talents we possessed, even if we had to conceal them. We were honored to be the descendants of the mighty Olympians. I wracked my brain to comprehend the eradication of the memory of who I was. I suppose it was partly due to the monotony of life as an average high school senior that had obliterated it all. I had already been dead from the desperate search of something more in life from this former booming town of ruins, whether it be a purpose or love, when Victor had killed me. Before being sent to the future to hide, Id never known the hollow feeling of loneliness. In fact, Id always felt adequately loved by the family and I knew firsthand about the heart wrenching twinges of falling in love with someone. But how could one be bored with all the gifts that have been

vested in us by the gods? In all the days that I lived up until that fateful night when the Capius took my parents away from me, I had never looked for anything more in my life. I had always felt completely fulfilled, until now. Now I felt incomplete. I still felt like that girl in the future, lacking. And I knew why. For one, my parents were out of my reach, and belonged here now in the physical guiding me through my early decades of reigning. I wasnt quite ready to put the past behind me. I vowed to never stop searching for them. Second, Ive considered breaking one of the oldest laws of the Ischeros, the Law of Betrothement. The law states that one is to marry and mate with their Gods appointed match. Only in the case of death may one marry the next in line or newly appointed match, if he or she has not yet married and mated. Because Victor was believed to be dead an unwise and uninvestigated assumption, Evan had been next in line. Ive fallen madly and deeply in love with Evan, and he with me therefore, I believed he to be worth it, although, in the eyes of the gods Zeus to be exact, it was an offense. Supposed I didnt oppose the rule? I could never love Victor? I couldnt. Evan had my whole heart and there was no room for another. The council said that it was up to me to make it right. Evan and my union would never be blessed by the gods. Yet only I would pay the price. Whatever the price was, I would gladly pay it in full. I wonder what the gods must have thought as they watched the family dismantle itself in a battle of demons within it. The battle caused my anointment to be postponed. The sacred ceremony is set for the first of the year, strangely the mortals New Year. The elders didnt want the betrayal of the Capius to overshadow my reign. All of the gods will be present, and Zeus will finally ignite my bolt. I eagerly anticipated the ceremony and feared it all the same. I feared it simply because I didnt have enough time to find my parents. Ive actually considered defying the gods, and possibly postponing the sacred engagement until I find them, but I knew that my beloved parents would never approve of it. There wasnt anything that would justify changing the date of my anointment. Zeus was just anal that way. I continued to ponder all of this as I continued to roam my house. Today, there is a blanket of throat clogging dust on the floors and the walls. The cob webs were draped in the corners, and on the stair railings like heavy curtains. I was relieved that Id decided to tour the house alone, this time in the daylight hours, before bringing my younger brother and sister along. It took only a couple of seconds to make the necessary changes. The power of remembrance filled the huge rooms as they used to be in elegant and tasteful furnishings. There wasnt a speck of dust except the motes floating in the suns rays filtering in from the windows. Mother had decorated our home in a fanciful manner. She had taken such care in making it look and feel like a loving abode. I kept everything as it was because I knew that I would find them, restore their hearts, and bring them home. The house was almost ready. I asked Sun Paw if she would like to come and live with my family. At first, a glimmer of a smile emerged at the corner of her mouth. Miss Cordelia, I had hoped you would ask me. I must first ask my mother and Master Evan for permission. I waited for Sun Paw outside of Evans house gates, while she spoke with them. Several minutes went by and I could hear Sun Paws mother, Light Shine, in their native tribal dialect, telling Sun Paw that she should be honored with the request. Then I heard Light Shine talking with Evan. He said he appreciated her asking him for permission but said the decision was up to Light Shine. Evan never failed when it came to diplomacy. But Moon Rose had her own opinion to divulge. She practically attacked her mother and Sun Paw in the parlor with her words. She wont be safe there. Moon Rose said. The empress is hunted prey. Sun Paw must stay here where we can protect her. Mother, if you allow her to leave, you may regret it. Light Shine slammed her fist on the table, scaring both Moon Rose and Sun Paw. Sun Paw, the empress is the purist of their kind, and she is fair. She will protect you as long as you protect her secret as we have all along. Go my child. The distance between is only a heartbeat. As for you, Light Shine said, confronting Moon Rose. Im the first and last word in our family. You are not Sun Paws mother. You are her sister. Act like one. A few more minutes past, and then Sun Paw emerged with Evan. He looked at me and winked. I smiled because it came naturally, along with the desire to kiss him. He smiled back then turned to Sun Paw. Evan extended his hand. Your service to us has been appreciated. I understand that you are needed elsewhere. Sun Paw nodded with a nervous smile then walked over to me where I stood outside of the entrance gates. I patted Sun Paw on the shoulder, trying to make her feel comfortable with the transition. Ill take good care of her. I said. Evan nodded and winked. I expect Sun Paw will do the same. Sun Paw smiled at Evan then at me. Her thoughts about the move, and working with me and my family came through in a wide grin, and her beautiful face was like a good omen. Besides, my brother, sister, and Sun Paw, a few more additions were vital. Of course Nikolas would be joining us again, not yet ready to live in the home his parents had built. And then there was the newest house guest. Victor needed protection from the Apolluon trackers as a mortal. They would smell the scent of his aura now that he had been stripped of the shield of immortality. Therefore, as long as he was in the home of an Ischeros he would be safe. Unfortunately, Victor hadnt proved himself in the eyes of the council; it has only been a day. The elders barred him from being reinstated as an immortal. Of course, I could override there ruling, but I too was skeptical therefore, mortal he stayed, for now or forever was the question. Only Victor

knew the answer to that. He would have to prove himself before he could truly be accepted by the members of the empire. When I first suggested it, Victor had shuffled his feet, and kept his eyes down cast at first, but knew he couldn't be left alone. He walked around the parlor now, browsing photographs of my parents, my brother and sister, and me, probably recalling the last time hed been here. I remember when we were six years old. Victor said picking up a picture of me when I was about that age. You had been trying so very hard to hide the crush you had on me when suddenly, Bethany blurted out the top secret information. Your face had turned as red as a cherry. I looked him in the eyes. Things have changed since then. To my chagrin, I felt the blood creeping up in my cheeks, and I tried to stifle it, remembering those simple days all too well. Victors crisp voice brought me back to the present. Cordelia, this is ridiculous. You cant expect me to live in your house. I can live in my own house. No, you cant. Quit being difficult. I demanded, lightly. You arent safe alone, as a mortal. Then transform me. He tried to hide his smirk. I pretended not to hear or see him, and he knew it. The Apolluon will track you in no time. Suppose one of our brothers and sisters, one who doesnt totally agree with my decision to accept you back into the family, feels that we are better off without you? Victors eyes became overshadowed, and his mind clouded with regret. You hurt a lot of people when you were on your own agenda. Although, Ive asked everyone to forgive your transgressions, Im positive that they havent forgotten your crimes against them. You must prove yourself first. Sorry, you have stay in this beautiful mansion for now. You know that Im the only one who can protect you. Dont you mean the only one willing to? Victor asked, noticeably saddened. I didnt say that. You didnt have to. Besides, I dont need any protection. Im not afraid. Perhaps, not. I humored him, but I knew better. Look, Im not doing this because I feel sorry for you or because I think that youre afraid. Your strength is greater than Evans if used properly, and not distributed to a renegade gang of disciples. The Ischeros need you. Give us some time, alright? He nodded, and we locked eyes for longer than I wanted to, but not long enough for him. I hadnt forgotten that afternoon on C Street when Id been craving ice cream for lunch. My mind lingered on the moments just before Victor plowed the jeep into me. I had looked into his eyes then, and they were sinister, focused, yet intensely alluring. The eyes I looked into now were kind, vulnerable, beautiful, yet still intensely alluring. It was odd now that he, who was once my predator, needed my protection. What a strange twist of fate. I will prove myself, Delia. I have every right to a place in this empire as much as all the other members have. Also, I must make things right in every accord. I was robbed, and so I made a lot of mistakes. I wasnt thinking while I was killing. I was pulsating, breathing, and existing in my rage. I know this now, and Im deeply regretful. Victor eyes never wavered as he spoke, and his mind had already been read, so I knew that he spoke from a thawed heart. I will also make things right with us. I heard him loud and clear and tried to deflect the rest of his thoughts. I tried to focus on the topic at hand. I know that youre genuinely sorry, but living here with us is necessary, for now. And Evander agrees with your new living arrangement? Victor raised an eyebrow displaying I small glimpse of his old wicked ways. Of course not, you tried to kill me. You came pretty damn close too. He hasnt forgotten what happened just a day ago, or what took place in the future, not for one second. But he understands. And this is the same Evander who is aware that were betrothed, right? Victor maintained a serious expression, but I knew he was smiling beneath the facade. Our eyes met again, and he didnt turn away, but I had to. For some reason I couldnt look into Victors eyes for a long period of time. I could read his thoughts, and there was always something there. The thoughts were new intense feelings that were re kindling the old ones. It was something that would grow stronger if I wasnt careful. This intense connection of some extraordinary kind, that I had known the very first time I had seen him as a child, was stronger than anything on this earth, and that much harder to resist now. My powers fell second to whatever it was between Victor and I. It would have to be ignored indefinitely. What I have with Evan is what I need, and what I deserve. Once betrothed. I corrected him. Always. Victor said, holding my gaze. I did my best to ignore him, and turned away. I wanted so badly to be Evan's wife someday. My heart felt like it could burst from the immeasurable love that I felt for him. He meant everything to me. Evan had brought me home and protected me from the moment I arrived up until now. Understandably, Evan was truly disgruntled with my move back to the Tieron Estate. Early that fateful morning, about an hour after his parents had been exiled; Evan came to me and told me that he could never hold any harsh feelings towards me. He understood what I did and why I had to do it.

This is a moment of honesty, he said. Ill take the lead. I wish to express all that comes to me and, my love, if you wish to say anything, there isnt a more appropriate time. Evan said, tenderly holding my face in his hands. Youve given me love that Ive never known, ever, and I deserve it, I know that I do. The love you give, I cant ignore. I need it to survive. Evan said, as tears filled his eyes. I want you too. I whispered, needing his kiss as much as the human part of me needed air to breathe. I want to make you my wife. We can do the unimaginable, and change things. It may make us unforgivable, but Ill risk it, to be with you, Evan said, referring to the painful fact that we werent betrothed in the eyes of our creators. It scarred us to know that the gods cursed our union, now that Victor was back in the empire. For a second I thought to banish him again, but couldnt punish him any more then hed already been. If you want me, Im willing. I sighed. Im completely devoted to you as Id been long before this day. Im prepared to cherish you as my wife, and more importantly, serve you as my divine leader. What more could the gods want? Im your first disciple. I don't care that we are not betrothed. We are meant to be together. His eyes were moist, and his voice was slightly hoarse chafing. Evans heart was genuine as I knew it would always be. Please stay with me. Its no longer my father's manor. I am making it my home our home. I want to stay with you. I want you, Evan, but I cant stay in that house. I must return to the Tieron Estate, and make it my home again. Please try to understand, I said, and sighed. I have to make a home for my brother and sister. A home where they will remember their mother and father, and expect them soon. Evans expression sent chills up and down my spine, in an exhilarating way. He let me into his mind, and it was no surprise to learn that he was dying to kiss me. The short distance will not change how I feel for you, nor will whomever Im living with. I love you, I said, and pressed my lips against his petal soft lips. Once he pulled me close and gently held the nape of my neck, I knew it would be impossible to stop. The taste and smell of him kept me enraptured. Delia Evan sighed, and then I did too. I couldnt look into his eyes without having to gasp. The shock of iridescent azure always gripped me. I love you. Here, touch me, I whispered, placing his hand on my heart. You live in my heart. It belongs to you. And you live in mine. I love you, and I trust you. Good. A giggle caught in my throat. Im not content with your living arrangement, and Ill probably voice this quite a bit, although I know you are doing what you feel is right. It is what is right, I said, nodding. I cant help but not agree with it. I know that he has to be protected, and that youve given him a second chance and a place in our empire. Why not let him stay at my house? I dont think Bethany would agree. Besides, Ive already made up my mind. You said that you trust me. He was getting really good at blocking his thoughts, I noted. I just want you near me at all times. I wish I could be with you every second, of every minute, of every hour, and of every day. He pulled me into him, and kissed me, taking my breath away and when he pulled away; I was ready to beg him for more. My whole body tingled and floated on air although, my feet where still planted to the ground. I wanted every part of him. I had to come down from the high when we stopped kissing. Things were definitely a lot different now. My desire for Evan overflowed. I had to put a cap on it, or things would start to move at a rapid speed. I couldnt allow that yet. I had to stay focused on finding my parents. Evan was a sweet, yet compromising distraction. He had finally accepted me leaving his house. That was one of the things that had changed for the better. This should be interesting. Victor commented on the new living arrangement, and once again bringing my thoughts back to the present. Nikolas will be just down the hall from you. Evan isnt worried. I smirked raising my eyebrow, wickedly. Oh come on, Delia youve rendered me powerless. What could I possibly do? Im just a harmless mortal. Besides Evan would have my head if he so much as thought that I was thinking of you in an impure way. Victor chuckled. But I knew better. Evan could never get into Victors head, I made sure of that. Only I knew the secret thoughts that lay there. You will play nice. I commanded with a slight trace of annoyance in my voice. I faked it so that Victor would take me seriously, Evan, and what he believes to be his, meaning you, have nothing to worry about. Although, I am the more gorgeous, handsome, stud arent I? Let Nikolas know that he can relax. Victor continued to chuckle and the bad boy in him lives on. Thats the Victor I remember all too well. Welcome back. I said, softly. Victors face suddenly took on a solemn look. Thank you Cordelia, he said, knowing all too well his position within the empire, and the risk everyone believed Ive taken to restore his place within it. Youre welcome, Victor. Dont make me look like a fool. He gazed into my eyes and held them for a short moment. I couldnt help reading his

thoughts, and he knew I would. He also knew that I couldnt wipe them away. I quickly looked away. Im always relaxed. Nikolas informed. Welcome back brother. Neither of us had heard Nikolas enter the parlor. He was walking toward Victor and I, with one hand stretched out. Thank you, Nikolas. That means a lot coming from you. Victor replied shaking Nikolas hand. I watched as my protective and towering cousin shook the hand of our former nemesis. Why is that? I tried to kill you. Ah, yes, well you tried. You were bull headed, and a glutton for power then, Nikolas chortled. But thats all changed, right? Nikolas smirked as he eyed Victor, cautiously. Indeed, now Im looking to better days where I can serve the divine Empress in whichever way she deems me worthy to. Flattery will get you nowhere. I chuckled. Who would have thought this day would come after years of turmoil within the family. Nikolas thoughts were kind and genuine towards Victor. I could only hope that the rest of the members would truly accept Victor as Nikolas seemed to. I wondered if Nikolas acceptance of Victor could be due to the fact that they were both orphaned at a young age at the hands of the same man and woman. Come on, Ill show you to your chamber. Nikolas led Victor out of the parlor. Its the one furthest from Cordelias. Nikolas laugh, thunderous and boisterous, echoed though the foyer. It was music to my ears. Victor and I couldnt help laughing at Nikolas joke. Then he looked at me and half smiled, and I couldnt help doing it again. He was thinking that he would be forever grateful that I had saved his life. I smiled back. Nikolas had stated that he would never stay at the Capius house again. It was decided then that he would live in my house. My house was certainly large enough, much larger than Evans home. The Tieron estate boasted nine bedrooms, four baths, two kitchens, a wellstocked library, wine cellar, and a sun room that led out to our grand garden. The garden was slightly larger than the Capius garden, but had become barren in some spots and overgrown in others due to the lack of care. It would be wonderful if the Goddess Demeter paid this garden a visit. With a bat of my eyelash, Demeter walked past the sparse hedges. With every step she took, the sun burned foliage became lush and green again. It was like a before and after scene as she sauntered passed the various rose bushes, gardenias, freesia, orchids, and violets. They were all blooming in the pale sunlight. I shouldve been mesmerized by Demeter gracing the garden, the raw beauty of the lush foliage, and delighted by the aromatic perfume of the flowers, but instead a sudden and debilitating sadness washed over me. This was my mothers garden, which she had taken more pride in cultivating than the refined interior of the house. I stifled the tears, watching Demeter walk the narrow path that led to the fortress like gates that enclosed the garden. She vanished before reaching them. I took one last look around before re entering the house. Everything was falling back into place. Everything was right. I only wish that I could say the same for my severely strained relationship with Bethany. After last night, Beth had only spoken a few words to me. Her words had been well chosen and precise. I knew that they were true and I also knew that she wouldn't allow herself to say what she really wanted to say. Cordelia, I'm here to serve you as it is my duty. After a quick bow, she turned to walk away. Please Beth, thats not necessary. I didn't like her bowing to me. It made everything that was once so casual between us now business as usual. I hated this, the awkward feeling between us. But I knew that I couldn't make everyone happy all of the time. I didn't want this, and I certainly didnt want you to find out the way you did, in front of everyone, without any warning. I know that you think its partly my fault for your pain but you must realize that I never meant to hurt you. Our friendship was and still is most important to me Beth. We are sisters. I waited for her to agree with me. Bethany was truly more than my best friend. She is my sister. I couldn't see her in any other way. I dont know what you want me to say, Bethany said, looking me in the eye then steering her eyes away. Say what youre thinking. You already know what Im thinking. I promise to never pry into your thoughts. Delia, I have nothing else to say. Alright, fine. I said, and just as I was turning to walk away, Bethany unloaded. You say that you didnt want this. Youre lying. You were angry, and you wanted revenge, no matter who it hurt. Bethany said, harshly. And youre wrong. I dont think thats its partly your fault. I think its entirely your fault. You had a choice, and you made it. How can we be sisters now? You took away two people I loved dearly, and you call yourself my sister? She was an emotional wreck now, half crying and half screaming.

I didnt want this. Your parents had this coming, Bethany, I said, trying to remain composed. Im beyond explaining what has transpired. My parents were murdered at the hands and orders of your parents, and I havent blamed anyone but them. Why are you blaming me for what theyve done? Im not blaming you for what they did. You could have overruled the council, but you didnt want to, therefore you sent them into exile indefinitely and worse, you split them up. There was a dead silence between us with only Bethanys wheezing and gasps. I did what I had to do, what I felt was best, and if I had to do it all over again, I wouldnt change a thing, I said, as I felt the heavy palpitations in my blouse. Im sorry you feel that way, she said, with despair in her eyes like that of a lost child. She had tears in them. And Im sorry that your parents chose the path that they did. I dont believe for a second that what they did is a reflection of who you and Evan are. Im certain that you know in your heart that Im right, but I suppose you have to be angry at someone. What can I do? I want you to leave me alone for a while. As the words came out of her mouth, I noted them. I would grant her request. Bethany quickly turned away, and I was whipped by the train of her skirt as she vanished to her home, alone and parentless. I watched her disappear as my outstretched arms fell to my sides. I didnt want to believe that our friendship was over, but knew that she may never forgive me for the sentencing I gave her parents. She just couldn't see the weight of what her parents had committed. Her parents had murdered mine. Perhaps someday she could but that day was nowhere in sight. All in all I knew that I would never regret the decisions I made that night. I walked across the street to Gerald's house, fearless of anyone seeing me. I ignored the frowns, raised eyebrows, and muffled gasps, all poor reviews of my new attire, and nothing to do with me visiting Gerald. A smile crept across my face. Let them spread it from here to Bedwyn City and back, for all I care. Gossip was the allure and entertainment of all small towns. I concentrated on the matter at hand, my friend. I hadnt forgotten about Gerald. I had been distracted with getting my little brother and sister settled, as well as myself. This morning Evan told me some very heart wrenching news. Evan had taken my hand and said, Gerald nearly died last night. He fought bravely but Victor's disciples beat him within an inch of his last breath. Evans eyed me warily. My body swayed and my thoughts were fogged. Oh no. He is comatose, and at his home with his grandmother by his side, but I dont know how much longer I have to see him. Hes my friend. Evan clenched his teeth, and said nothing. Then I pressed my lips to his and he seemed to relax a bit. I understand. Through the partially drawn curtains, I could see that it was dark inside. The urgency of my rapid knocks using the foreboding lion head door knocker went ignored for what seemed like forever. I was about to transport into the Bergnums estate, even at the risk of being noticed doing so, when Rutherford finally answered the door with eyes as welcoming as a bullet. I read his thoughts, and tried to conceal the urge to smack the sneer off his face. Hello Rutherford. I'm here to see Gerald. His eyes flickered disinterest. He is not accepting visitors at this time, Miss Tieron. Hes dying. Please let me in. Miss Tieron, Master Gerald will not be receiving any... I spun around and left Rutherford standing at the door. When I heard him shut the door, I was already standing on the second landing hallway, right outside Geralds bedroom. Now I was in Gerald's room. The morning suns rays lit up the spacious room, and a tepid breeze flooded my face, wafting in through the opened French doors which led out to his balcony. It was the same one which Gerald waved to me from across the gardens only a week ago when I first noticed him after being away. Gerald didnt move or stir in his enormous king size bed. I could hear the faint beating of his heart like the slow drip of a faucet. When I stepped further into the room, goose bumps layered my skin and Winston emerged in my peripheral. I met his gaze and a half smirk curled at the edge of his lips. Empress, it moves me to see you here. My unexpected friend was beside me. He wanted to tell me the truth about my family, the hidden secrets that had nearly destroyed me, for a price. I guess that made him more of a business associate. I adjusted to the iciness emitting from Winston and said, I didnt know what happened to him until this morning. Winstons smirk was replaced with a frown. Im sure he has no idea why he was attacked on his way to Harpers Hall. I knew that Winston blamed me. I had no idea that your brother would be targeted. Through clenched teeth and fists, Winston said, Regardless, he was almost killed because of you at the hands of your kind. Anyone you form a relationship with on any level is a target. Winstons rant was justified. Im hurting as well. Daggers shot from Winstons eyes.

Then, I wouldve expected you here sooner. I nodded, knelt beside Geralds bed, and said, I'm here now. Winstons expression was unreadable, yet his emotions radiated helplessness due to not having any manner of a connecting with his brother. Winston also knew that if he did have contact it would mean that his little brother had joined him in death. I brushed the golden loose strands away from Geralds sweaty brow and hair slipped through my fingers like silk. Geralds ashen face was riddled with violet splotches and bruises. My fingertips grazed the smooth and bruised planes of his face as I leaned in and touched his lips with my own. Then I waited, and waited and heard nothing, but the ticking clock on Geralds bedside table. I prayed to my gods that they would help me right now although, they would never answer the call for a mere mortal. Winstons eyes narrowed. I see even with your memory you still lack the ultimate power. I took a deep breath, and ignored Winston. The rapid movement beneath Geralds eyelids seized my attention first. Then Gerald began to stir, turning his head from left to right as his feet tapped the foot board. I tipped my head to his ear and said, Gerald. Can you hear me? Time seemed to stand still. Gerald's eyes fluttered open into a constant blink. I ignored Winstons gasp which mixed in with the violent gust that blew into the room. The scent of Zeus answer couldnt be ignored. There would be rain and plenty of it. The muscles in my face relaxed into a smile, seeing those soft brown eyes darting all over my face. Gerald bared his teeth in a smile, with eyes still sagging at the corners, and fatigued lids. The tan had returned to his face and had erased the shiners and bruises. His mouth opened, and at first only air came out. Then the words dragged, and finally he said, Cor...Cordelia. I... I know. Don't try to talk. You must rest. I took his hand, and heard his heartbeat quicken with my touch. Winston cooled the air surrounding his brother and me. The expression on his face, which he fought with whatever ghost strength he had, won the battle and his teeth came into view. I've... I've had eeenough re rest. I feel like Ive been asleep for days. No, just one, I said. I had a dream. I heard my brothers voice. He spoke to me. He said he was sorry for dying and leaving me alone to get hurt. Winstons expression of disbelief had been put on ice. He stood frozen and looked at his brother with glazed eyes. Meanwhile, Gerald tried to prop himself up on his elbows. I dont know what happened? I remember these... people, they moved so incredibly fast. They said it was time for me to die. Then they said something that didnt make any sense. What did they say? I was anxious to hear what Victor and disciples had disclosed. There were a few of them, but the one with the red eyes said that you would never be an empress. My throat tightened, and then I allowed a chuckle to tumble out. What? That sounds silly. Yes, but I tried to defend you... Gerald eyes were downcast; his face began to blush from defeat although he had fought valiantly to defend an honor that he didnt even know I had. He had been driven by his love for me, and I hated that he had been in that position; having to defend a girl he loved who didnt love him back. I couldnt resist brushing the silken wisps of hair that hung over his eye. I know. Then everything went black and now... youre here. Where else would I be? Youre my friend. But my words drew more blood than a sword would have. I tasted some of my own as I released my lower lip. Gerald searched my face then said, Why would anyone want to hurt you? Then he continued his search, piercing my eyes for an explanation. I knew that I would have to give him one, but not an honest one. I couldn't tell Gerald that a reformed evil incarnate nearly took his life in order to get to the empress of an ancient empire who just happens to be the girl hes in love with. Even if I wanted to, the laws of my people wouldnt allow me enlightening Gerald with my world. Mortals lived in darkness, completely oblivious to all the divinity and evil entities surrounding them on a daily bases and thats the oblivion that Gerald will have to continue to reside in. He stared into my face and I did what was necessary to put an end to the questions. Pardon me, what did you say? I asked. Would you care to join me for lunch? Gerald grinned. Hey thats quite a hat. He added widening his grin. Then the bedframe creaked, and before I could reply, Gerald bounced off the bed and dashed out of his room and into the bathroom. I took off my Stetson and threw my head back allowing my hair to extend further down my back. Winston suddenly sprung from the tufted leather chair hed recently sat in with a perplexed look on his face. He threw his arms up and said, Lunch? Whats he talking about? Wait. Did you Glamour him? Winston appeared chalkier than usual. He has a right to know what happened.

Geralds horrific memory of last night had been irrevocably wiped away, and gone was the memory of the pain he endured. I understood Winstons concern but I knew what was better for his brother than he did. The truth would only be a burden. Now that the demigod in you has finally surfaced you not only want to control the members of your empire, but the minds of the mortals as well. I ignored Winstons need to pass judgment. I wonder what your plans for my brother are now. Lets see. Will you, A: String him along, B: make him a promise of friendship, or C: Give him what hes always wanted, you. With every suggestion, Winston mocked me by pretending to hold a wand in his hand, insinuating that I was some kind of fairy. I sighed long and deep. How I felt about Gerald and where I thought our relationship should progress was none of Winstons business therefore, I disregarded the comment. So what are your plans? Winston eyed me carefully. I would have expected you to be more concerned with your own affairs, I said, staring Winston in the face. Winston let a partial smile curl up at the left corner of his mouth. Thats the old Cordelia Ive missed, business as usual. Indeed we do have a few loose ends to tie. Winston had helped me when I had no one to turn to, and I had every intention of honoring my end of the deal. Im sure you remember the conditions of our agreement? I reminded him. Winstons eyebrows furrowed, and the partial smile turned into a frown as he considered the notion of being brought back to life just to be exiled from Nickel City and everyone he knew. Winstons behavior toward me had changed. He still faced me but stood a couple feet away. When I took a step forward, he took a step backward as if he feared me. I havent forgotten. Is it my only option? My theory is if you are ever seen by anyone who knows that you died, especially those who witnessed you being buried, it would be devastating to the person who discovered you, and the gift would be reversed. Winston held my unwavering gaze with dead eyes that were already empty, yet seemed to diminish even more. The thought of being dead again seemed to be too much for poor Winston. The room was quiet for a moment except for the muffled sounds of Gerald fumbling around in his bathroom. He must have dropped a bottle of something; the crash cut through the silence in the room. So I believe you have a few choices to choose from. A: Lurk here for an eternity, B: A second chance at life although it will be in an unfamiliar place with people who know nothing of you and vice versa, or C: Finally join the other damned souls in hell. I understand if you need more Winston held his right hand up as if he were about to swear on a bible, and cleared his throat. No, I dont need any more time. Winston pretended to do a drum roll then finally said, I choose life. And it doesnt bother you that you will know no one. It doesnt matter. Ill be fine no matter where I am. Ill be a part of the living. Besides, the one person I needed to know how I felt knows. Ill be fine. Just promise me one thing. Well that depends. A ghostly vapor of a tear seemed to be lodged in the corner of his eye. Just promise me that youll take better care of him than I did. I nodded and said, I promise. With all of my heart, I truly meant it. I walked up to Winston and stopped when I was just a couple of inches away from him. This time he didnt step away from me. I leaned up toward his face, and carefully placed a simple kiss upon his mist textured lips. He disappeared a couple of seconds after our lips touched and for some reason I knew that I would see him again somewhere in time. I would miss him a little until then. Suddenly, I heard a low chuckle and saw Gerald in my peripheral, but it was too late. What are you doing? Gerald asked. He was fully dressed in a dark brown suit, and standing in the doorway of his bedroom. I was unable to disguise the shock of his sudden presence. Pardon me? Its odd, actually. The way you had your lips puckered, it looked as though you were kissing someone who isnt there. With a broad smile, he said, You dont need to practice when you could have the real me. I hadnt realized that I was still on my toes with my lips pursed. I felt my face grow warm. I took a deep breath and sighed to collect myself. Gerald had caught me off guard, and I really didnt have an explanation for my actions. Who were you talking too? He asked. I could have sworn that I heard your voice. It took me a second to recover and answer. Oh, uh it was Ruthorford, checking in on you. I lied. The heat rushed to my face again as I had forgotten about Glamouring him. Ruthorford checking on him made absolutely no sense. I swear that old man needs a hobby. Checking in on me as if I were a child, Gerald said, as he straightened his tie and scoffed. There was a long pause while Gerald looked me over. Thats quite an outfit youve got there. Whats the occasion? Cattle run?

This is how I feel most comfortable. Well, it suits you. But then again, you would look lovely in anything. Gerald smiled and appraised. Thank you. Gerald appeared to be searching for words. I already knew what he wanted to tell me. I was prepared. Ive decided to leave Nickel City. I will be moving to New York. New York? Why New York? I tried to sound surprised. Gerald looked at me as if he were puzzled by my question. Why not? My family owns a bank there. I think its time that I learned the family business. I have family there offering me their hospitality. Of course they barely know me, or are aware of my annoying habits. Gerald chuckled again. Either way, I will impose on their fine generosity until I purchase a home. Family is good. I said. But a home? Is this a permanent move? A house, yes. Itll never be a home without the person I love. Geralds gentle brown eyes met mine and his thoughts were intense. He was still in love with me and wanted more than anything for me to go away with him to New York, but he would never ask me too. If I chose to, he wanted it to be a choice initiated by me with no pressure from him. He was trying his hardest to look and sound optimistic. He needed this clean break from Nickel City. He needed a clean break from the responsibility of caring for his spiteful grandmother. He needed a clean break from the girl he knew he could never have. When will you leave? Gerald half laughed and said, Already in a rush to be rid of me? Geralds friendship meant a lot to me, and I didnt want him to go away, but I also didnt want him to be hurt every time he saw me with Evan. He and I would never be and should have never started in the first place. That had been a very regrettable mistake, and was the cause of his pain. He was doing the right thing, by leaving. There was nothing left for him in Nickel City. Of course not, youre a wonderful friend, and if you leave, I will miss you. Gerald swallowed hard. Promise to visit me sometime. I promise, I said, and gave him a hug. We embraced for a long moment with the understanding that his departure wouldnt be the death of friendship. We had arrived at a bifurcation and made the heartfelt decision to go our separate ways. It was inevitable. I should be leaving. Oh, I almost forgot. Ive moved back into my house. So make sure that you mail those post cards from New York to the right address, I said, laughing nervously. He didnt laugh along with me as I had expected. Instead, he looked confused, and then his eyes shined bright with what I believed was hope. Youre not residing with the Capius anymore? No, Im not. I knew what he was pondering, and I needed to clarify. I just want to get the house prepared for my parents return. Theyll be coming home soon, and when they do, Evan and I will move into our own home. Gerald nodded, tried to smile, but didnt utter a sound. It wasnt a lie. I knew that I would find my parents soon, and I knew that Evan and I would marry shortly after. I should be going. Gerald followed me down the stairs. As I walked through the foyer, we passed Rutherford. His eyes widened when he saw me and widened even more when he saw Gerald. Miss Tieron! How did you get in here? Master Gerald youve awakened. Ruthorford nearly fell backward. What are you doing out of bed? I stopped abruptly, and Gerald almost careened into me. I walked over to Ruthorford and stared at the wiry old man just long enough and said, Thank you. Then I turned to Gerald and stared him in the eyes. It was done. Neither of them would remember a thing. Gerald, is that you? I heard Mrs. Bergnums scratchy voice wail from the parlor, How could this be? Ruthorford, my chair. She demanded. Gerald Gerald? I didnt bother to Glamour Mrs. Bergnum. I didnt care if both Gerald and Ruthorford thought the old woman was going insane with the ridiculous idea of Gerald being in a coma. She would start doubting herself soon enough. Gerald grimaced in the direction of the parlor and yelled over his shoulder. Ill be with you in a moment Grandmother. He was already thinking of purchasing his train ticket to New York. As I stepped out onto the porch, the sun was shadowed by my Stetson. I turned to Gerald and said, Good But Gerald placed his finger on my lips, and held it there for a second before pulling it away. No good byes. I nodded in agreement, and made an about face. I followed the wide path bordered by fragrant gardenias blooming all over the front garden, and turned to wave at Gerald. He waved back, and then his mind shifted to New York and all that the new city promised. He would finally be free of this vine encrusted prison with the elderly and watchful warden. I would miss him more than he could imagine.

As I crossed the abundant garden, and was nearly out of the gates, I paused with the sensation of someone beckoning me from the east side of the Bergnums sprawling estate. It was the only person that could make my heart skip a beat and cause me to fumble a little in my step. Evan hesitated mid step as he was about to enter his home. He faced me, standing confidently, beautiful. Evans acute sense of my presence was intensifying. I basked in Evans ocean blue eyes, as he smiled at me, summoning from a distance. Instantaneously, I smiled back, overjoyed to see him. Strangely, I couldnt ignore the tall figure moving like molasses in my peripheral, directly across from the Bergnum mansion. I slowly turned away from Evans gaze to stare the elongated figure head on. It was Victor. He leaned his muscular frame against one of the columns on my porch. He looked devilishly gorgeous, arms crossed against his chest, but relaxed. Our eyes met and locked. He appeared to be waiting for me. They both waited for me, anticipating my next destination as the smoldering shadows approached, boundless, waiting as well. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mayandree Michel is the author of Betrayal, the first in the exciting series: The Descendants. Mayandree grew up in Brooklyn, and now lives in Queens, New York with her husband and two adorable sons. When she's not writing, she's playing with her boys, reading, or sketching. To learn more about Mayandree, visit:, and

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