Jony Zero #1

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Jony Zero #1 By Robin Doyle

Jonas McCabe is a loser. He constantly fantasizes about a woman he will never have. He is 31 years old, has a dead end job, no friends and a negative attitude. Jonas lives in a world where only super villains exist. People with super powers always turn out to either be a sociopath or evil. This condition is called Evolutionary Psychosis (EP). The people rely on the Anti Evolutionary Psychosis Forces as a means of defense against EPs but they do not have a person with powers that they can call a hero. Until Jonas finds out that he can teleport. Can a depressed, immature man fight against villains who have powers superior to his own ?

Page 1

Panel 1.1


Dialog Caption: Central City bank. Main Branch 3:00pm High Street.


Long shot, high angle. The scene is inside a bank, art deco style with large windows for optimal lighting. It is a bright sunny afternoon. Jonas McCabe is standing in line waiting for his turn at the teller. He is part of a group of customers lined up within the waiting area. Jonas is out of shape and has unkempt hair. He doesnt look like someone who takes care of himself. He is talking to himself. Medium shot, eye level. Jonas is standing in line. He is talking to himself. The customer in front of him notices. Close up featuring just the customer and Jonas. The customer speaks to Jonas wondering if he was speaking to her. Jonas quickly composes himself while feeling embarrassed. (Close up of Jonas. there is a thought bubble with an image of Terry Tailorman, the target of Jonas obsession. A loud crash is heard off panel (sfx: CRASH !)

JONAS I love you so much. You are all I think about.


JONAS I just think that you and I can be together


CUSTOMER Excuse me ? JONAS Oh sorry... nothing


JONAS Terry...I love you so much

Page 2

Panel 2.1

Description Long shot, eye level. The large windowed door has been torn off and a man dressed as a Mexican wrestler appears. His name is Fuego Verde. He is Caucasian. His luchador mask covers his face. He points at the camera (towards the reader because the customers are off panel) Long shot, eye level. Right outside two police men have arrived at the scene. They had been patrolling nearby by foot so there is no police cruiser on the scene. One is radioing for help on a walkie talkie and the other is drawing out his gun. Medium shot. The 2 policemen have entered the bank. On continues to radio for backup while the has his gun pointed at Fuego.

Dialog Caption: A super villain appears to rob a bank. A well known clich FUEGO VERDE I am Fuego Verde ! Everyone on the floor ! This is a robbery !


Caption: Thankfully two cops on foot patrol happened to have arrived arrive at the scene...what a coincidence POLICEMAN #1 EP alert ! Central City bank !


POLICEMAN #1 EP Alert ! All available units to Central City Bank ! Corner High Street and South POLICEMAN #2 Freeze ! Police !


Long shot. Fuego shoots a jet of green flame at policeman #1 and burns up the walkie talkie along with part of policeman #1s hand. (sfx: Keprooosh !)

POLICEMAN #1 Aaaargh !

Page 3

Panel 3.1

Description This is an inset panel that has a close up of Jonas. Jonas is watching the action but he seems disinterested. he is not experiencing the fear that the other customers are. Fuego Verde is maniacally shooting streams of green fire out of his palms. he burns up a potted tree and puts a couch in the waiting area in flames. Customers are lieing on the floor around the bank in fear. Jonas is just standing there amongst the chaos....uninterested. A voice is heard off panel. Fuego looks up.

Dialog Caption: This man doesnt seem into it.


Caption: Maybe its because he knows that a hero will show up and save the day


OFF PANEL VOICE Your time is up villain !

Page 4

Panel 4.1

Description The skylight window was opened and through it came a handsome man dressed in clean white spandex. He is flapping his wings to remain afloat. There is a symbol of a Hawk on his chest. This is the introduction of Hawkflight. Hawkflight has all the physical features of a modern superhero. Muscular, tall, athletic with Nordic good looks and light brown hair. Hawkflight swoops down and punches Fuego Verde.

Dialog Caption: And thankfully that is what happens HAWKFLIGHT Hawkflight is here !


Page 5

Panel 5.1

Description Hawkflights attack has knocked Fuego off panel. (sfx CRASH !!!) Hawkflight lands on his feet in a crouched position stabilizing himself with his hands. (The way someone would land to make a quick stop) He quickly goes over to the policeman that was burnt Inset panel within #2. Closeup on Hawkflights arm as he picks up the gun. Long shot featuring Hawkflight and Policeman #2. Hawkflight calmly looks at Policeman #2. Policeman #2 is nervously pointing the gun at Hawkflight. Though Hawkflight has stopped the robbery, the policeman is still nervously pointing the gun at him. This is an eye level view with Hawkflight at one end of the panel and the policeman on the other. In this panel the two characters are in the same position as in #4. Hawkflight shoots Policeman #2 in the kneecap.






Caption: ...or maybe not.

Page 6

(6 panels) Jonas is off panel narrating through thought bubbles Description Medium shot. The Policeman who was shot in the kneecap is squirming on the floor, howling in pain. Dialog JONAS (thought) And while I was personally witnessing yet another EP wrecking havoc...

Panel 6.1


Medium shot. Hawkflight is standing there enjoying the chaos. He has a look of pleasure on in face, his eyes are closed as he tries to soak up all the pleasure he is feeling in this moment.

JONAS (thought) I understood how truly useless I was. HAWKFLIGHT Aaaw.. the sweet sound of a human screaming in pain. Not as sweet as the a death cry but at least it lasts longer


Long Shot. The two policeman are both suffering from their injuries. Policeman #2 is on the floor still suffering as he did in panel 1 and policeman #1 is on the floor sitting up against a wall in a sweat of pain because of the large burn on his arm. This is a medium shot which shows one of the fearful customers clutching to his daughter. The man is sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. His daughter is clutch tightly in his arms and she has he head pressed against his chest. Medium shot. Hawkflight is pointing the gun at the customers

JONAS (thought) I certainly was not a hero willing to risk his life


JONAS (thought) Or a family man who would be missed.


JONAS (thought) I am a waste of space HAWKFLIGHT In case you havent figured it out... it is time to get down on the floor. And you !

Page 6

(6 panels) Jonas is off panel narrating through thought bubbles Description Hawkflight points the gun at the teller Dialog

Panel 6.6

Page 7

(3 panels)

Panel 7.1

Description Hawkflight is pointing the gun at the teller who is cowering behind her desk. In this panel she is slowly getting up. Hawkflight turns around and points the gun at Jonas. Jonas is the only customer standing. Jonas doesnt seem to be affected by this. He is still standing in his bored stance with his shoulders slumped.

Dialog HAWKFLIGHT You saw what a good shot I am. So hurry up and get the money ready !


JONAS (though) I am ready HAWKFLIGHT Hey ! Did you not hear me !? I said get down !


Close up on Jonas, he doesnt move. He looks uninterested. There is no sign of him being nervous.

Page 8

(4 Panels)

Panel 8.1

Description Medium shot. Hawkflight shoots Jonas.(sfx: BANG !)

Dialog HAWKFLIGHT Ok then...


Medium shot. The bullet goes through Jonass left shoulder. He falls back. The line of the bullet is traced across the panel. Were seeing Jonas from the side. His eyes are closed and his teeth are clenched as he feels the impact of the bullet. Jonas is still falling backwards after being shot. This is another Medium shot where we are viewing him from the side. A top down high angle shot of the bank floor. Hawkflight is talking to the teller seemingly giving more commands. The customers are cowered in different parts of the bank and so are the employees. Jonas is on the floor with his face looking up at the sky. He is slowly bleeding. JONAS (thought) Thank You



JONAS (thought) Thank You

Page 9


Panel 9.1

Description Medium shot. This is a side shot of Jonas while he is on the floor.

Dialog HAWKFLIGHT (off panel) Ladies and gentleman.... JONAS (thought) It hurts but I dont care


Similar shot as the previous panel but the panel is darkened a bit. This effect will carry onto the other panels so it can give an impression of fading into black. The villains are talking off panel. there is a sound effect to represent Fuego Verdes attack (sfx Vrooosh !) Same shot but the panel is a little bit darker.

FUEGO VERDE (off panel) The money is mine ! Take that ! (swoosh effect) JONAS (thought) The pain is liberating


HAWKFLIGHT (off panel) You again ! Ill teach you to interfere ! JONAS Im finally free


This panel is black but there is still a dialogue bubble.

FUEGO VERDE (off panel) Muere !!!


This is a frontal shot of a television set. It takes up the the whole panel. It presents a news broadcast with a typical setting of an anchorwoman sitting at a desk with a digital stock photo on the top right corner of the screen that relates to the news story. In this case the picture is of a flaming skyscraper.

ANCHORWOMAN The EP threat took a drastic turn today when an EP who called herself Flame Fatale blew up Carrington Tower in downtown West City.

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Panel 9.6

Description Same panel as panel 5

Dialog ANCHORWOMAN Later today on Baxter Talks, Dr. Brighton lead researcher of genetic studies at Central City University, will discuss the EP threat with Bill Baxter. Stay tuned.

Page 10


Panel 10.1

Description Long shot. The location is Central City University Hospital. Jonas is in a hospital bed sitting upright. His left shoulder is bandaged. The TV is heard off panel. The position of the TVs dialogue bubble places it at the foot of Jonas hospital bed. The location is outdoors on a street. Jonas is walking by an audio visual store. In the store window we see a television set which is showing the Baxter Talks show.

Dialog T.V I am Bill Baxter. On todays show my guest will be Dr. Brighton, lead researcher and professor of genetic studies at CCU. Dr. Brighton will talk to us about EPs.


DR. BRIGHTON (on T.V) When we isolated the gene which provided those special abilities we discovered that its effects on the brain cause negative consequences such as psychosis, sociopathic behaviour and schizophrenia.


Jonas has arrived at a pharmacy counter. He is looking for his wallet while the attendant is looking at a small TV hanging on the ceiling.

BILL BAXTER (on TV) So is there a way to isolate the EP gene ? DR. BRIGHTON (on TV) The EP gene can easily be identified after one becomes an EP but before the emergence of special abilities it cannot be detected. BILL BAXTER It makes no sense, genes are determined from birth

Page 11


Panel 11.1

Description Long Shot. Jonas is walking into his apartment. The TV is heard in the background The door leads into a small hallway. There is a door to the right (that is Jonass room). The hallway leads into the living room. Patrick Pallard, Jonas roommate, is sitting on the couch watch TV. The TV is on the Baxter Talks show. Reverse shot (we are looking at Jonas from the position of the entrance to the apartment). Alexis, Patricks really hot girlfriend who is very well endowed, walks in the living room from another room in the apartment. Jonas is entering his room. Jonas is entering his room. His room is very messy. On his left against the wall is his computer desk. On the right near the window is his bed. Jonas is in the process of sitting down at his computer desk. The door is closed and behind it is his mini shrine to Terry. There are various photos and some newspaper clippings.

Dialog PATRICK PALLARD Rent is due JONAS I know


ALEXIS ABBOTT Hey where the hell were you ? Rent is due. JONAS I know


JONAS (thought) Terry, I just cant stop thinking about you.


JONAS I love you so much

Page 12


Panel 12.1

Description Jonas is sitting on his computer chair. He is looking at towards the direction of the door, presumably at the pictures of Terry on his door. On the computer screen the load up screen for Land of Loftratt is on. This is a frontal shot of Jonas sitting at his computer desk. His hand is on the mouse and there is a small click effect (sfx: click) The same shot as before except we have zoomed in a bit closer to Jonas face.

Dialog JONAS (thought) I just dont know what to do to get you to love me back. Its so hard, I dont know if I can continue anymore.


JONAS (thought) I was almost free


JONAS Free. Free of this worthless existence I call my life. I knew I was ready when that EP shot me. Maybe the reason I didnt die was because....


Similar panel as #2 but zoomed in a little closer.

JONAS It is my responsibility to do it. I shouldnt stand around waiting for it.

Page 13


Panel 13.1

Description Frontal shot of the CPU screen. It is a screenshot of the game in progress. There is a chat window in the bottom left of the screen. The panel is a close up of that corner of the CPU screen.

Dialog CHAT WINDOW BIHGMANN (text in chat window) Hi Trallent ! JONAS (thought) There are plenty of good reasons for me to die. At 31 I have accomplished nothing.


Same as panel #1

CHAT WINDOW TRALLENT Hi Bihg JONAS (thought) I have no friends and I hate my job. I feel like a punchline to a bad joke


Same as panel # 1

CHAT WINDOW BIHGMANN Are you ready for the raid on the human town ? JONAS (thought) I work at a video store. At my age my mom was already a doctor. Pathetic.


same as panel #1

CHAT WINDOW TRALLENT Not today, Im not up for it. JONAS (thought) Its such a sick feeling... knowing that at my funeral that no one will show up. Well perhaps maybe my mom so she could get some sympathy votes. Manipulative bitch.

Page 13


Panel 13.5

Description same as panel # 1

Dialog CHAT WINDOW BIHGMANN Hey man are you ok ? You seem down lately. JONAS (thought) Im tired of willing myself to be happy. The truth is Im not. Knowing that I am a waste of space and that my life will lead nowhere is not a reason to be happy


same as panel 1

CHAT WINDOW TRALLENT No Im good. Just got back from hospital CHAT WINDOW BIHGMANN Whoa man !!:( What Happened ??? JONAS That incident with the EP made it clear. I am ready to go. I am ready to accept that my life is a failure and that I must die.

Page 14


Panel 14.1

Description The location is a stylized office in a hi rise. It is a wide shot of this large office which has a plexi glass window for a wall. There is a gorgeous view of the city. Catherine Carrington is looking out into the city. In this panel we see her from the back. Ms. Carrington is dressed in an elegant v cut black evening dress. She wears this type of clothing even when she goes to work. She is the CEO of Carrington industries. Dr. Brighton (whom we saw on T.V) walks in. This is a medium Close up of Ms. Carrington. We are looking at here as if she was outside the window. She is still looking out the window we can see Dr. Brighton behind her. An over see the and Ms. looking the shoulder shot. We back of Dr. Brighton Carrington is still out the window.

Dialog DR. BRIGHTON Ms. Carrington. You called for me ?


MS. CARRINGTON I heard your team has completed the device to detect EPs


DR. BRIGHTON Yes but I isolated the two research teams. The engineering team has completed the task of creating a mechanism for detection.

Page 15


Panel 15.1

Description Medium shot of Ms. carrington looking out the window. We are watching her from behind.

Dialog MS. CARRINGTON You understand that with the incident at Carrington Tower in West City, I am even more anxious to provide a detection unit for the AEPS


Medium shot of Dr. Brighton

DR. BRIGHTON Like I said, the prototype has been completed and the device is ready for production. But that is not the goal of my personal research.


Close up on Ms. Carringtons face. View from the outside through the window. Long shot showing Dr. Brighton from the side and Ms. Carrington still looking out the window.



DR. BRIGHTON I am researching treatment for this genetic disease. Detection, thats just a contract obligation.


Medium close up on Dr. Brighton. Frontal

DR. BRIGHTON Having these abilities disrupts brain function. It tears away at a persons humanity. We deserve to be safe and these people deserve a chance at a normal life.


Ms Carrington has turned around and is now looking at Dr. Brighton.

MS. CARRINGTON And I understand that you are close to finding a viable treatment

Page 16


Panel 16.1

Description Medium frontal shot of Dr. Brighton

Dialog DR. BRIGHTON Well we do have a promising treatment. Stopping the gene itself is similar to other genetic diseases, in the sense that they are inevitable but we can treat the side effects which are the various mental diseases.


Over the shoulder shot from behind Dr. Brighton which focuses on Ms. Carrington

MS. CARRINGTON I was under the impression that the mental illnesses due to the EP gene were untreatable DR. BRIGHTON Yes but my research has discovered certain cocktails that can act like mental illness drugs and that may have an effect on EPs


Medium shot of Ms. Carrington

MS. CARRINGTON Who else knows about this ?


Medium shot of Dr. Brighton

DR. BRIGHTON Just me and my research assistants. We are working on writing a journal article to share this with the rest of the medical community.


This is a frontal shot of Dr. Brighton but zoomed out a little bit more. The Servant, a well dressed man in his sixties walks in.

SERVANT You needed to see me Madame ?

Page 17


Panel 17.1

Description This panel is a long shot that goes across the width of the page. Ms Carrington is on the right end of the Panel and Dr. Brighton is on the other but not completely because the Servant is slightly behind him. Ms. Carrington shoots Dr. Brighton with a small pistol equipped with a silencer. The bullet lands in his forehead. There is a sound effect mark that traces the path of the bullet (sfx. shpissh !) A slightly side view and medium shot of the Servant. He is standing calmly as Dr. Brighton staggers back from receiving a bullet to his head. This panel is a medium shot but only of Ms. Carringtons legs. Just to indicate that she is walking to the position where Dr. Brighton fell back. Ms. Carrington slowly leans down looking at the dying Dr. Brighton





MS. CARRINGTON Youre probably wondering why I did this... well I guess you will never find out.


Ms Carrington is now standing straight. The Servant is standing nearby.

MS. CARRINGTON Please clean this up. Make it look like an EP murder, destroy the research lab at CCU and eliminate the researchers.


Close up of the Servant

SERVANT Anything else madame ?


Close up of Ms. Carrington.


Page 18


Panel 18.1

Description This panel is a rectangle which shows Ms. Carrington posing and looking down at her shoes. So the panel is inset into panel # 2 and its shows Ms. Carrington from head to toe. The location is a street. It is the street in front of Terrys apartment but we do not know that yet. It is a panel that goes across the page. Jonas is walking down the street. He is talking to himself. Jonas is walking down of the same street but going the opposite direction.

Dialog MS. CARRINGTON What do you think of these new shoes ?


JONAS Hi Terry, How are you ?


JONAS Terry ! How are you ? Ummm hows your relationship ?... hes a lucky guy.


Jonas is pacing back up the same street. The shot is a little closer and he is going the opposite direction. He seems a little nervous. He is still talking to himself. He is rehearsing an anticipated conversation. This is a long shot. further down the street we see Terry Tailorman walking in Jonas direction. Jonas notices her. This is an inset panel within #5. It is a closeup of Jonas face because he has notice Terry. His eyes have widened and he seems nervous.

JONAS Hey I was just walking by going to go eat at Crapdonalds... wanna come... of course its just as friends so you dont have to worry about it.



Page 19


Panel 19.1

Description Over the shoulder long shot taken behind Terry. Jonas is walking towards her. A long shot with the camera pointed towards Terry so we can see her reaction. She doesnt seem very pleased to see him A medium shot featuring both Terry and Jonas.

Dialog JONAS Terry ! Hi !


TERRY Jonas...


JONAS I was ummm... Im really glad to see you. How are you ? TERRY Jonas.... you have to stop showing up like this.


Another medium shot similar to #3

JONAS Oh I was just walking by on my way to work TERRY Well youve been walking by a lot lately... coincidentally near where I live.... where I work and when Im out. And dont you work at Barfbuster ? Thats on the other side of town.


Medium shot same as before.

JONAS Look I just wanted to say hi. How is Zu ? Are you guys still going out ? TERRY That is none of your business. If you dont stop it with these unannounced visits, Im going to have to place a restraining order on you.


Same type of shot as #5. An off panel voice is heard coming from behind where Terry came from.

ZU (off panel) Terry !

Page 20


Panel 20.1

Description Zu Zhang catches up with Terry. He is a handsome Asian man who is slightly shorter than Terry and stands at about 55". He has model good looks and despite his short stature he displays an air of confidence. Zu now has his hand on Terrys back and he looks concerned. Jonas looks on. Zu and Terry kiss. Jonas is visibly hurt. Zu is holding Terry possessively and looking at Jonas.

Dialog ZU Is he bothering you ?



TERRY No its ok. Jonas was just saying hi.


This is a long shot. Zu and Terry are walking inside their apartment building (this is where this scene was taking place). Jonas just looks at them going inside together.

JONAS Well I guess Ill see you around

Page 21


Panel 21.1

Description This is a frontal shot of Jonas. He is still standing in the same spot as he was in the previous page.

Dialog Caption: Its painful when you realize that you are nothing but a punchline. And that no one cares about you.


Medium shot. Jonas is walking into Barfbuster video. He is coming in to work so he doesnt have his uniform on yet. This is a wide shot of Jonas getting dressed inside the employee locker room. He has just finished putting on his Barfbuster shirt. It is a beige greenish polo shirt with the word BARF ! one the right and he has a name tag on the left side. Jonas is at the counter of the video store. It is a long shot with a frontal side view of Jonas standing by the cash register and a customer at the counter. There is a line up ready to be served behind the customer. The customer is holding a video towards Jonas while yelling at him aggressively. Jonas has a defeated look on his face.

Caption: I guess someone has to be the loser. Someone has to be worth nothing.


Caption: I am 31 years old and I work a minimum wage job.


Caption: I dont have any friends, I have no goals, no purpose. CUSTOMER I paid my late fees !!!

Page 21


Panel 21.5

Description This is another wide shot of the same counter. Jonas is at the cash register. This is taken from another angle from the side where we can see the item sensor (to protect against shoplifting). The sensor is beeping (sfx: beep beep). There is a man who has just walked through the censor. It is obvious that he has items under his jacket. Jonas looks at him dejectedly.

Dialog Caption: Its true that I can work on making things better but Im tired.... JONAS Sir, may I please look in your Jacket

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Panel 22.1

Description Jonas is in the managers office. It is an over the shoulder shot behind him. The manager is in front of him. She is a bossy and butch looking woman named Maxine Maltern. She has the same uniform except that it is written "manager" under the word "BARF !" This is a frontal close up of Jonas who is still standing in the managers office listening to her talk. It is night time. This is a wide shot of the storefront of Barfbuster Video. The metal grids have been pulled down and Jonas is locking the door.

Dialog Caption: Im tired of pretending that I care. Im tired of forcing myself to be happy when Im not. MAXINE You have to be out on the floor and more vigilant. Your combo sales have been weak.


Caption: I want out.


Caption: Im ready


Jonas is inside a subway car. He is standing holding to a post. He looks depressed and into his thoughts. There are other people inside the car, but they are not paying attention to him. This is a long shot, high angle. We are looking down at Jonas walking along the walkway of the Central City Bridge.

Caption: I look forward to finally being at peace.


Caption: Im not scared. So Ill take that as a sign that it is the right thing to do.

Page 23


Panel 23.1

Description frontal wide shot of Jonas. He is standing facing the railing of the walkway of the bridge. he is looking down at the water. Jonas has climbed over the railing. He is at the edge holding one to the railing.

Dialog Caption: Some people just arent meant to be alive. Some people are a waste of space.


Caption: I am one of those people. And now its time to correct the mistake.


Jonas has let go of the railing. he is starting to fall. Jonas is falling. Jonas is falling. This is a zoomed out shot.

Caption: The mistake that is me...

23.4 23.5

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Panel 24.1

Description This is a wide shot of a garbage dump. Jonas is lying on his back on top of some plastic bags. Jonas looks stunned. A medium close up of Jonas. He sits up and he is shocked. he is looking around. Jonas stands up. Still looking confused. Jonas walks away JONAS ????




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