Phi Delta Theta - Alpha Star Fall 2011

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Alpha Star

Phi Delta Theta

Presidents Report
Brothers in the Bond, It is so nice to address you all once again as we enter into another exciting year over here at California Alpha! So many things have happened over the summer and great strides have been made in regards to both the chapter house and the chapter members. With regard to the chapter house, the building fund donations have allowed us to build an amazing back deck that attaches the house to the Jacuzzi and allows us to have a usable backyard. In fact, we recently used the back deck for our final recruitment event, formal dinner, and it was the perfect setting. With regard to our chapter members, we recently completed one of our most successful recruitments led by our awesome recruitment chair, Steven Shuken. Brothers Shuken, Dugar, Richman, and Mueller have all attended national Phi Delta Theta conferences and have brought back new and su cc e ssf ul rec ru i tme nt techniques for the chapter. Under the leadership of Brother Shuken and thanks to the hard work and long hours put in by the entire chapter, 15 Phikeias were inducted this semester! Brother Shuken was also instrumental in recruiting last Springs seven man pledge class. Phikeia educator, Alex Iwanicki, helped teach the new members the history and values of our Fraternity, and I am proud to call each of them my brother. Brother Lawler from Spring 2011 has stepped into an officer position and will be our new Alumni Secretary. Andrew Kim, who is a new brother, will also take a leadership role as our new Scholarship Chair. Although separated by distance, we are all connected by the beliefs we share and the brotherhood we are a part of. As the semester progresses, I hope each one of you has an opportunity to stop by the chapter house and meet our current members, check out the new house improvements, and talk to us about your experiences as a Phi Delt. Duck Dinner is just around the corner and soon enough well be celebrating the defeat of that community college across the bay as brothers again. I hope to see you all soon and of course, Go Bears! Yours in the Bond, Corey Jacoby #1350 President

Fall 2011


Alpha Star

Inside this issue: Scholarship Update Fall Rush Philanthropy Report Game Days Annual Meeting Lost Phis House Renovations 2 3 3 4 6 7 7

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070

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Phi Delta Theta Current Officers President Corey Jacoby #1350 Vice President Nathan Roberts #1349 Secretary Alfredo Figueroa #1363 Treasurer Alex Williams #1326 Alumni Secretary Glendan Lawler #1360

Scholarship Update
Sound learning is one of three cardinal principles upon which this fraternity was founded. As Scholarship Chair of the California Alpha Chapter, I plan to further enhance the importance of this value by continuing the weekly study nights at the chapter house as well as the study rooms available to us in the library. Study nights are not just important for brothers to assist and receive assistance from their peers but also for brothers and new Phikeia members alike to bond. On top of the weekly study nights, I plan on continuing the collection of old test materials. These old exams are another resource for brothers and pledges to use to enhance their studies. Having hard copies of test materials are great, but an additional feature I want to add to this test collecting program is creating an online database where old exams can be found at the Cal Alpha Chapters website. An online database will allow easy access to the past exams making this resource more accessible for brothers and pledges that live outside the chapter house. Lastly, I plan on expanding our scholarship program that will not only grant scholarship money to brothers and pledges that demonstrates excellence in sound learning, but also to incoming freshmen and transfers. Through this program we can provide both an incentive for students to thrive in their academics as well as get our fraternity name across to incoming students. Hopefully with the continuation and the establishment of these programs, Phi Delta Theta can continue to improve on its respected academic record and be recognized as the fraternity with one of the top GPAs. Yours in the Bond, Andrew Kim # 1364 Scholarship Chair

California Alpha Association Board of Directors President Adam Garfinkle #1203 Vice President Drew Roberts #1030 Secretary Terry Maiken #1060 Treasurer King Tuck #860 Chapter Advisor Eric Michal #1307 Directors Mike Moore #1197 Derek Molnar #1191 Decker Flynn #1139 Corey Jacoby #1350

My ELI Experience
It wasnt surprising to me when I found out that I was one of the only seniors attending this years Emerging Leaders Institute. What was surprising to me, however, was the amount I learned even after my two and a half years as a member of Phi Delta Theta. Four successful speakers enlightened me as to how to change my daily routine to become more of a leader. Running a 5K around the University of Miami and visiting the original Phi Delta Theta Chapter truly gave me a sense of pride in the history of the fraternity. Finally, working with other members of the fraternity from across the nation and learning their financial and event planning methods has broadened my views of how the fraternity should be run. Although I am nearing the end of my undergraduate career, I am thankful that I had the honor to attend this years ELI and that it showed me how to be a better Phi. Yours in the Bond, Matt Mueller #1345 Phikeia Educator

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070


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15 Men in the Spotlight

As we all know, last semester was one of the most successful Rush Weeks that this house has seen. We used the strategies and devices taught at the winter Recruitment Workshop; we, by obeying the IFCs dry rush policies, were able to improve the quality and impressiveness of our events; and we employed concrete Admission Standards to improve the overall quality of our recruits. With that, we ended up with seven new initiates at the end of the semester. However, there were some lessons to be learned from Spring rush. The events were sometimes flawed; for example, our Saturday night dry poker night had almost no attendees, since most rushees were out attending non-IFC-recognized frat rush parties. There were other mistakes that cost us money and time, and ultimately I was pulling too much of the weightleaving my studies and sleep schedule behindwithout sufficiently including the brothers and encouraging them to participate. This semester was a completely different story. With some changes to the rush schedule, every event had higher-thanexpected attendance; our rush schedule hanging in front of the house, instead of a shoddy painted sign, was an officiallooking printed banner with large text; one of our pledges, while rushing, said that our events and our image were enough to sell the house completely to him. At Formal Dinner at the end of the week, making my speech to all our brothers and our fifteen awesome new pledges, I didnt say, Im so glad that all my work has paid off and I met my goal. I said instead, Im ecstatic that the entire house worked so hard that my goal of ten pledges was far exceeded. At the time of writing this article, I am on top of my studies, well rested, and very impressed (and thankful) that the house was so receptive of my delegation. The brothers dutifully helped at the IFC Greek Life Carnival on Sproul; they handed out cards and sat at the table at the IFC Rush kickoff; and they routinely contacted interested potentials, recruiting without any direct intervention of mine. Finally, perhaps the most important victory of Rush week: none of our new pledges were iffy- or charity-bids, and their dedication to the house is already evident. Rush was a great way to start the semester, and the results bode very well for the future of the house. Yours in the Bond, Steven Shuken #1358 Rush Chair

Im ecstatic that the entire house worked so hard that my goal of ten pledges was far exceeded.

San Francisco Alumni Club

The SF Alumni Club holds a luncheon on the first Friday of every month. Lunch is served at the famous Schroeder's Restaurant, which is located at 240 Front St. in downtown San Francisco. The lunch is informal and begins at noon. Alumni are encouraged to attend. The next one will be on October 7th.

Phi-lanthropic Endeavors
This semester, the Brothers of Phi Delta Theta at the University of California, Berkeley are aiming to strengthen qualities of moral rectitude by participating in many different community service and philanthropic events. Asides from helping out with Rebuilding Together Oakland and Habitat for Humanity, the Brothers plan to participate and have a huge role in the upcoming East Bay Walk to Defeat ALS by volunteering, walking, and raising money for the cause in order to honor our Brother, Lou Gehrig. On October 9th, 2011, the Brothers will be heading out to Heather Farm's Park in Walnut Creek, California early in the morning in order to participate in this walk for a great cause by both walking and volunteering. We would be honored if you could help our cause by either registering as a walker and joining us at this amazing event that day, or by making a kind donation to our team, UC Berkeley Phi Delts. Your support is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Michael Nguyen, at (714) 501-3940. Yours in the Bond, Michael Nguyen #1359 Philanthropy Chair

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070

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Game Day News

As you probably already know, good ol Memorial Stadium is undergoing some major renovations earthquake retrofitting so it doesnt collapse on us, more seats, more facilities, the whole nine yards. While this is excellent news, cranes and bulldozers on a dirt field dont make for good football, so home games will be at AT&T Park in San Francisco this season. Unfortunately, this makes fraternizing before the game and getting there from Berkeley much more difficult than the convenient walk up to Memorial. However, we will still be barbecuing burgers and dogs before the games, and alumni are both welcome and encouraged to come over, have a bite, and hang out with the current brothers. We are also discussing tailgates in San Francisco, but logistics make that a little difficult. We havent nixed the idea and are trying to come up with a fun and cost-effective solution, so stay posted for possible news on this front. Housing Corps is also trying to put together a gathering at a bar in San Francisco near AT&T Park before a game or two. Currently it is in the works for the Utah game on October 22nd, but nothing is set in stone yet so please keep a look out for forthcoming information on that. We are open to any and all ideas or suggestions any of you might have for tailgating or any other pre-game functions please feel free to send me an email at: If you are interested in receiving updates, please send me an email as well. We dont want a little stadium change to get in the way of having fun on gamedays. Hope to see you all this season, and go Bears!! Yours in the Bond, Nathan Roberts #1349 Vice President

9/3 9/17

W 36-21 2:30 pm

Fresno State Presbyterian USC Utah Washington State Oregon State

10/13 6:00 pm 10/22 TBA 11/5 11/12 TBA TBA

California Golden Bears

As a reminder, all remaining home games this year will be held at AT&T Park in San Francisco.

Home Schedule 2011

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070


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Thank You from Cal Alpha

We would like to thank the brothers listed to the right for their generous gifts to the Building fund last semester. We hope that you will consider a contribution to the California Alpha Building Fund as part of your annual donations.
594 657 662 665 671 699 722 741 787 788 798 803 805 875 Mr. Charles F. Gray Jr. Mr. Charles H. Manning Jr. Mr. Richard W. Strong Mr. Paul A. Carothers Jr. Mr. Howard J. Martin Jr. Mr. Charles R. Way Mr, Sydney R. Petersen Mr. Donald F. Dorward Mr. John N. Lawton Jr. Mr. Lee A. Miller Mr. Richard C. ORear Mr. Jerry L. Becker Mr. Earl T. Conrad Jr. Mr. Robert C. Weiss 894 903 930 1026 1030 1036 1050 1060 1093 1125 1126 1139 1203 Mr. Allen H. Cox III Mr. L. Dieter Voegele Mr. Scott S. Johnston Mr. Douglas J. Schenk Mr. Andrew N. Roberts Mr. David W. Krauter Mr. Rodney S. Pimentel Mr. Terrence T. Maiken Mr. David J. Afinowicz Mr. Jeffrey T Han Mr. David C. Levy Mr. Decker A. Flynn Mr. Adam Garfinkle

Yes! I would like to make a lasting commitment to the Brothers of Phi Delta Theta, Cal Alpha!

Please accept my donation of:




$____________ Please make your check payable to the California Alpha Association, with a memo entry of Building Fund and mail to California Alpha Association at P.O. Box 4338 Berkeley, CA 94704
2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070

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Duck Dinner
A Meal for Phis of All Ages to Enjoy Together

Where: The Faculty Club When: Thursday, November 17th, 2010 Cost: $ 60
Mark your calendars: the Annual Phi Delta Theta Duck Dinner is right around the corner! We are hoping for a great turnout like last year, so come enjoy a fantastic dinner with your fellow Phis. If you plan on attending, please return this form or send an email to We look forward to seeing everybody there. Yes, I will be attending Duck Dinner. Enclosed is my check for $60.


Roast Duck



House Furnishings Got Junk?

The Chapter house is constantly in need of new supplies and we graciously accept donations of furniture and other equipment in working condition. We are continually trying to improve the appearance of the house and would gladly accept any donations. If you would like to make a contribution please contact Glendan Lalwer at (510) 541-0070 or at We could use the following:

Kitchen Appliances - Furniture Electronic Appliances - Tools

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070


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Lost Phis
Bond # Name
627 649 661 667 691 710 721 736 757 818 829 832 868 897 918 954 957 959 965

Please help us locate the following Phis. If you know their current address, please send it in the enclosed envelope or email it to 1128 1159 1267 1314 1320 Mr. Lasse B. Kjelsaas Mr. John M. Houkom Mr. Marc L. Shapiro Mr. Arthur S. Agag Mr. Charles P. Litchfield

Mr. Jack D. Griffith Mr. Gordon W. Nelson Mr. Richard W. Henley Mr. George A. Leatherman Jr. Mr. Ben E. Foster Mr. Ruben L. Navarro Mr. James R. Payne Mr. Nathaniel M. Ball Mr. Robert A. Smith Mr. Donald B. Shea Mr. Donald M. Howard Mr. James D. Rhoades Mr. John B. Nance Mr. William E. Dempsey Mr. Jeffrey M. Brennan Mr. Joseph A. Wharton Mr. Richard A. Potts Mr. Alan C. Doscher Mr. Craig S. Nelson

Brothers, Take a close look at the names on the list. Every year this list becomes smaller. Lets make sure that every Phi is found!

Home Improvement
The deck is a perfect example of the meaningful ways in which we can improve the chapter facility as a place for us all to gather.

Thanks to your generous donations, we recently completed construction of a spacious and beautiful redwood deck which encompasses most of the back yard. Huge thanks go out to Brother Decker Flynn, who oversaw not only the planning of the deck, but also its completion. Without him, this fantastic new part of the house might not have come to fruition. Since it has gone in, it has become a tremendous asset to the house. Brothers can constantly be found milling about, talking and soaking

up the beautiful late summer weather. The deck is a perfect example of the meaningful ways in which we can improve the chapter facility as a place for us all to gather. That deck will stand long after all of us have graduated, and in all likelihood, it will be a place we can take our own future legacies. The next project we are looking to complete is to re-shingle the roof, so as to stop the leaking which has developed. I recently had the good fortune to speak with some alumni, who in their time in the house were the last

ones to fix the roof. With our numbers increasing and the house thriving, we think that a professionally done roof is a sound investment in the future of Phi Delta Theta. We hope that you, the alumni, also feel this way. All donations are appreciated, no matter the size. Together, we can keep the house beautiful and sound. Yours in the Bond, Cody Gaynor #1354 House Manager

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070

Alpha Star

Return Address: PO Box 4338 Berkeley, CA 94704

2726 Channing Way Berkeley California (510) 541-0070

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