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Yoli Better Body Fat BurninG SYStem! lose 7-15 lbs. in 7 days*.
Have you struggled to lose weight and keep it off? Dont give up hope! Yoli has the answer, and its faster and easier than you can ever imagine Eat the foods you love and still look the way you want! The Yoli Better BodyTM Fat Burning System will accelerate your Weight Loss Program and maXimiZe your results.


Give the Yoli Better BodY Fat BurninG SYStem 7 days, and heres what you can expect

eXtreme Fat BurninG

ose up to 7-15 pounds in the first L 7 days alone* Turn your body into a fat burning machine* Shrink your waistline in 7 days* Burn fat within 24 hours*

WeiGht manaGement
at the foods you enjoy and still E look the way you want* Reprogram your body to be a fat burning machine* Lose the weight and keep it off* Change your bodys set point*

*disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and drug administration. as with any dietary supplement, consult your health care practitioner before using any product, especially if youre pregnant, nursing, or under medical supervision. these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. individual results may vary. 2011 Yoli Corp. all rights reserved.

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Yoli essential Shakes

natural ProduCtS Prime Your BodY For WeiGht loSS & health
Before you get started, we want to introduce you to the nutritional supplements that you will use during your program and beyond. Products that will help you achieve optimal health and maintain your desired weight.

Ye SSustains healthy triglyceride levels*

Stimulates metabolism* obtains essential amino acids* improves muscle Strength*

Body ph enhancer

YoliS ProduCtS:

Increase your metabolism Promote weight loss Curb hunger Detoxify your system Gain energy Build lean muscle tissue Stabilize your blood sugar Allow your body to burn fat Contain no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, or flavors Balance body pH levels

Supports Bone health & Strength* Boosts energy & endurance* Promotes muscle Strength* improves recovery time*

re Pu maintains digestive Function*

digestive Formula

improves Gastrointestinal health* Supports immune Function* maintains Blood Sugar*

Yoli drinKS oPtimal hYdration

Hydration plays a critical role in your general health and weight loss efforts. Eliminate soda and juice drinks from your diet and replace them with PaSSion, truth and Fun.

Berry energy drink

natural thermogenic energy* Stimulates metabolism* improves mental Focus* Sugar Free*

he process of burning calories requires an T adequate supply of water. Dehydration slows down the fat-burning process. urning fat promotes the release of toxins in B the body. Water plays a vital role in flushing the toxins out. ehydration causes a reduction in blood D volume, which causes a reduction in supply of oxygen. This can make you feel tired.

Citrus health drink

Supports immune System* naturally rich in antioxidants* Promotes Weight loss* maintains health & Well-being*

lemon-lime Sports drink

healthy weight loss program includes a A significant amount of fiber. But while fiber is normally helpful to your digestive system, without adequate fluids, it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.

Funmaximizes Performance*
Boosts energy & endurance* Supports Body alkalization* Promotes muscle Strength*



Im down 15 pounds in less than 30 days, plus the fat continues to melt away. Im using a belt size I havent been at for years! - robert B.

What to eXPeCt Your FirSt 7 daYS

daYS 1 & 2 These days are the key to turning your body into a fat burning machine. Your body will be adjusting to burning fat as its primary fuel instead of carbohydrates, so you may experience some slight fatigue. Just realize that your body is adjusting, and its all part of the process. When you repeat the cycle, you feel amazing and find out that you really like how you feel on protein only days. The average person loses 3-8 lbs. in the first 48 hours!!! daY 3 You are introducing complex carbohydrates and veggies back into the program. The big key here is to realize that you wont see much, if any, weight loss when you weigh on the morning of day 4. The body is going to hold onto the carbohydrates and store them in the muscle as energy. The great news is that you get to eat lunch today! You will be amazed at how full you will be on 500 - 600 calories. daYS 4 - 7 Its only been 72 hours since you started the Yoli Better Body System, and your body is already functioning differently. You have flipped the switch from fat storer to fat burner. You will maintain or lose small amounts on days 5 and 7 (meal days) and larger losses on days 4 and 6 (protein only days). Once you get past the first cycle, and your body starts to function optimally, you may get bigger losses on meal days. By the end of 7 days, you have reprogrammed how your body responds to food and can be down as much as 7-15 lbs. Its recommended to repeat the fast track until your desired weight has been achieved. Then move on to the Fast Track Plus to maximize results.

15 lbs | 23 days*
I lost 7 pounds by my 3rd day, 12 pounds by the end of my first week, and over 20 inches over my body in 21 days. All with no exercise! - tulane B.

12 lbs | 7 days*
Just 20 days on Yolis Better Body System, and Im down 15 pounds. Just as exciting, the fat is melting off. Im already down from a size 36 to a 32 waist size! - roger t.

15 lbs | 20 days*
I have lost 9 pounds in 16 days and I feel amazing! More importantly, the fat loss has been remarkable! - Chaunda F.

9 lbs | 16 days*
Im down 20 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks and I feel GREAT! It was much easier than I ever anticipated. - dave h.

My results on the Better Body System have been dramatic. Ive lost 17 pounds in 28 days, and went from 22% to 17% body fat. - J Brad.

20 lbs | 17 days*

17 lbs | 28 days*


Protein onlY daYS

Most people have some type of insulin resistance and dietary habits, which have conditioned the body to become very efficient at storing fat. Our bodies have forgotten how to burn fat as a fuel source, and the only calories our bodies burn are the calories we eat. On days 1-2, we are forcing your body into a fat-burning mode by not eating any carbohydrates and depleting all of the sugars (glycogen) stored in the blood, liver and muscles. When your body kicks into fat-burning mode and starts burning fat the way it is supposed to, you will feel great! You will also notice fewer ups and downs in your energy levels. When our bodies are functioning the way they should be, our bodys best source of energy is fat. Because your body is burning fat, losing 5 or 10 pounds on this system will seem like 20 pounds lost on other programs because the inches you lose are from the stored fat around your midsection! The Yoli Better Body Fat Burning System is unlike any program you have experienced in your life! Protein-only days gives your body no choice but to burn fat as its primary fuel source. Protein-only days allow the caloric intake to be low without losing any muscle tissue. The protein assists in building and maintaining lean muscle tissue your most important asset for burning fat. Reality Check: We are what we eat! Foods high in sugar and bad fat cause our bodies to store a disproportionate amount of fat in our midsection. The first two days of this program are critical in changing our bodys response to food by controlling our bodys release of insulin. As a consequence, the initial fat loss you experience will come from your midsection. When you first start forcing your body to burn stored body fat, it may be a little uncomfortable. If you feel hungry, be sure to consume more protein, water and celery (see chart on pg. 8). The good news is that you are on your way to controlling your weight instead of letting your weight control you!

Why protein only days?

o deplete all of the carbohydrates in T the bloodstream. Allow the calories to be very low without losing any muscle tissue. Protein, unlike carbs, does not contain sugar, so it has very little impact on raising insulin levels in the body. For Better Body frequently asked questions, visit

maximize your results

ocument all your measurements. D Take a before and after picture. Use the shopping list on pg. 8 and make sure you have the appropriate food items to follow your program exactly as its written. Drink plenty of water - 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily (see page 8). Yoli PaSSion, truth and Fun can be counted as water intake.



Ive tried every weight loss program under the sun. To experience this kind of results in just 23 days is truly remarkable. - Susan m.

WhY meal daYS?

On meal days, you get to add complex carbs back into your program in addition to veggies and fruits with a sensible lunch containing 500600 calories. Choose a healthy meal that is low in fat and sugar. The goal of the Yoli Better Body Fat Burning System is to get your body to burn the stored fat in your body, not the fat you are eating in your diet. Between lunch and dinner, if you feel hungry, eat a pure protein snack and celery. For dinner, stick with protein only, like chicken, turkey, fish, etc. Eating protein for dinner is a great way to stay lean for life. Carbohydrates that are in your system when you go to bed will more than likely be stored as fat. Protein, however, is very difficult for the body to convert to fat. The body will use protein to repair and regenerate muscle tissue and other cells in your body, leaving nothing to store as fat. A general rule is to eat your complex carbohydrates early in the day so your body has the chance to use them for energy, and stick to protein later in the day and evening. realitY CheCK: Do not expect big weight loss on day 3. In fact, in some instances, you might see a slight weight gain from day 2 because your body will retain the carbohydrates and store them to use as energy. If your body weight stays the same, it means you are actually losing body fat because you are offsetting the carbohydrates that are being stored in the muscle. Even though it is tempting to skimp on the carbohydrates and stick with protein only for lunch, you will be hurting yourself in the long run. In order for the body to continue to lose weight, it has to feel comfortable and not feel threatened. On meal days, the calories are higher, which signals the body to give up the stored fat for energy. If you dont eat your carbohydrates, and you keep your calories low, you will slow your metabolism down and put your body into a protective mode. note: Make sure to eat good complex carbs. Avoid the bad/refined carbs. (see pg. 8 )

20 lbs | 23 days*
Ive lost 24 lbs in 3 weeks and I feel incredible! I cant wait until thousands and thousands of people get to experience this transformation for themselves - ryan Y.

24 lbs | 21 days*
SamPle 500 Calorie meal PlanS For meal daYS
(see pg. 8 for more details)
Calories Carbs Fat Protein

Choose proteins, carbs, veggies and good fats

Chicken Breast (4oz) Lettuce (1cup) Brown Rice (.5 cup) Apple (large) Tomatoes (2 Roma) Cheese (.10 Cup) totals: Turkey (4 oz) Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices) Tomato (1/2) Romaine Lettuce (.25 cup) Grapes (1 cup) Red Potato (1/2) Pickles (2 spears) Cheese (1 slice) totals:

165 8 108 110 70 46 507 120 138 12 2 62 150 10 45 537

0 2 22 29 14 0 57 4 26 2 0 16 15 2 4 69

4 0 1 0 0 4 9 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 5

31 1 3 1 2 3 41 24 5 1 0 1 2 0 4 37

You can find more great recipes by visiting 5


7 day Fast track Burn Cycle*

day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4


day 5

day 6

day 7

if you feel hungry, be sure to consume more protein and water. on protein only days, you can eat celery. Celery doesnt affect the results and adds texture and fiber to your diet.

Protein only day Schedule

days 1, 2, 4 and 6

meal day Schedule

days 3, 5 and 7

Wake up: 1 Passion drink and 2 Alkalete capsules 30 minutes later: 1 Yes shake

Wake up: 1 Passion drink and 2 Alkalete capsules 30 minutes later: 1 Yes shake

mid morning: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) lunch: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) mid-late afternoon: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) and 1 Passion drink dinner: 1 Yes shake Bed time: 2 Pure capsules and 2 Alkalete capsules

id morning: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) m lunch: 500 - 600 calorie complex carbs meal (4 - 6 oz of protein + veggies & fruit) mid-late afternoon: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) and 1 Passion drink + veggies dinner: 1 Yes shake Bed time: 2 Pure capsules and 2 Alkalete capsules

on Protein-onlY daYS
reCommendationS For Protein intaKe: Be sure to always read product labels. When choosing protein-rich foods, pay attention to what comes along with the protein. Some processed lunch meats such as hot dogs, bacon, or ham contain hidden sugars and preservatives. utiliZe healthY FatS: Nuts, avocados, healthy oils, seeds, peanut butter, almond butter, mayonnaise, spices, low-sugar salad dressings [i.e. blue cheese and ranch]) to add flavor, enjoyment and nutritional value. Avoid products with sugar and carbohydrates.

meal-onlY daY ChoiCeS

Protein ChoiCeS: Chicken, turkey, beef, roast beef, steak, omelets, jerky, salmon, tuna, halibut, tilapia, cod, shrimp, scallops, lobster, crab, eggs, canadian bacon, string cheese, cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese, swiss cheese, lowcarb plain yogurt, etc. (see pg. 8) veGGie & ComPleX CarB ChoiCeS: Asparagus, broccoli, green beans, brussels sprouts, spinach, mushrooms, onions, romaine lettuce, red/green/ yellow bell peppers, celery, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, yams, and baby red potatoes. dailY SChedule routine: Eat complex carbs & veggies during lunch on meal days 3, 5, & 7. Days 1, 2, 4 & 6, eat protein only with no carbs. When making your shakes, use water for best results.



7 day maintenance Burn Cycle*


day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 enJoY a Free daY on daY 7! (eat whatever you want)
Protein only day Schedule
days 1, 2, 4 and 6

meal day Schedule

days 3 and 5

WaKe uP: 1 Passion drink and 2 Alkalete capsules 30 minutes later: 1 Yes shake

WaKe uP: 1 Passion drink and 2 Alkalete capsules

30 minutes later: 1 Yes shake + fruit mid morning: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) lunch: 500 - 600 calorie complex carbs meal (4 - 6 oz of protein + veggies & fruit) mid-late afternoon: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) and 1 Passion drink + veggies dinner: 1 Yes shake Bed time: 2 Pure capsules and 2 Alkalete capsules

mid morning: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) lunch: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) mid-late afternoon: Protein snack (2 - 4 oz) and 1 Passion drink dinner: 1 Yes shake Bed time: 2 Pure capsules and 2 Alkalete capsules

7 day maintenance Burn Cycle You can add unlimited vegetables and 2 servings of fruit on meal days (1 piece or 1/2 cup). Plus, enJoY a Free daY on daY 7 to eat whatever you want!
enJoY a Free daY on daY 7: Eat whatever you want. The first four weeks, use a cheat meal instead of a free day. The weight gain you experience after your free day is to be expected as your body holds onto the extra carbohydrates in the muscle as energy. Typically, any weight you gain after your free day will be gone after your first protein only day. the PurPoSe Behind Free daYS: aving a free day once a week makes sure H your body doesnt go into protective mode. Increased calories stimulate the metabolism. Enjoying a great meal adds fun to the special events in our lives. ree days only work if you get right back on F the schedule. So if you havent been following the program, take a pass on the free day for the week. maGiC mini CourSe CorreCtion: We all have times when we eat more than we should: holidays, vacation, etc. Using the mini course correction is the perfect way to get back on track fast, reignite your metabolism, and get rid of pounds quickly. Use the 7 Day Maintenance Burn Cycle after a weekend, vacation, or short period of over indulging. Its recommended that if your eating has been off for more than one or two weeks, and you have gained a significant amount of weight, then you should repeat a minimum of one cycle of the 7 Day Fast Track Burn Cycle. This means no free day. (see pg. 6)


GuidelineS For dailY Yoli drinKS & Protein intaKe

Consume half your weight in ounces of water (this includes water in shakes and other Yoli drinks) and half your weight in grams of protein daily.
For optimal energy and hydration, enjoy PaSSion, truth and Fun. Current Weight Water needed oz Per day Protein needed Grams Per day

350 lbs 325 lbs 300 lbs 275 lbs 250 lbs 225 lbs 200 lbs 175 lbs 150 lbs 125 lbs 100 lbs

175 oz 163 oz 150 oz 138 oz 125 oz 113 oz 100 oz 88 oz 75 oz 63 oz 50 oz

175 Grams 163 Grams 150 Grams 138 Grams 125 Grams 113 Grams 100 Grams 88 Grams 75 Grams 63 Grams 50 Grams

Better BodY SYStem healthY Food ChoiCeS

(every day) Chicken breasts skinless Turkey breast Lean ground turkey Top sirloin steak Lean ground beef Lean ham Lean pork chops Lean boneless ribs Egg whites Egg substitutes Tuna in water Fresh swordfish Haddock steamed Salmon steamed Crab / lobster Shrimp / mussels Low-fat cottage cheese Tempeh / seitan / Tofu Low-carb jerky Low-carb protein bars Low-carb yogurt Turkey bacon String cheese Nuts

Complex Carbs
(meal day only) Sweet potatoes Baby red potato Squash Yams Quinoa Brown rice Wild rice Whole grain pasta Veggie pasta Egg noodles boiled Oatmeal High-fiber cereal Whole grain tortillas Whole grain breads 12 Grain bread Legumes Buckwheat Lentils Sprouts Black Beans Kidney Beans Split Peas Pinto Beans Navy Beans


(meal day only) Broccoli Asparagus Carrots Cauliflower Green beans Bell peppers Mushrooms Spinach Tomatoes Peas Onions Brussels sprouts Artichokes Cabbage Celery Pickles Zucchini Cucumbers Green leafy salads Hot peppers Leeks Rhubarb Beets Lettuce

Good Fats
(every day) Olives Olive oil Canola oil Sunflower oil Flax seed oil Fish oil Avocado Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Natural peanut butter Low-carb dairy Low-carb dressings Low-sodium nuts Unsweetened almond milk

Fats to avoid
Fried foods Saturated fats Hydrogenated oils Trans fats Cottonseed oil
SKU #DOC1025 v4.0 01312012


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