Choosing God's Best

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Choosing Gods Best 2004 The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All italicizing of words and phrases in Scripture quotations are added by the author for emphasis. BACK TO THE BIBLE P.O. Box 82808 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Produced with the assistance of The Livingstone Corporation ( Project staff: Neil Wilson and Katherine Cloyd. Editorial Assistance: Allen Bean, Susan Hertzler, Rebecca Holmstedt, Mindy Kroesche, Tami Weissert Cover and Interior Design: Laura Poe Cover Photo: Additional copies of this book are available from Back to the Bible. You may order in the U.S. by calling 1-800-759-2425 or through our Web site at In Canada, call 1-800-663-2425 or visit ISBN 0-8474-6030-4 Printed in the United States of America.

Meet With God Series

Gods Best

Woodrow Kroll

As we begin this months Meet With God study booklet, I welcome you to a time of learning together! We hope this series will continue to help you choose the best God has to offer. The biblical insights you are about to consider have been selected from the radio teaching ministry of Woodrow Kroll. We trust these lessons will provide an ongoing and encouraging extension of the ministry of Back to the Bible in your walk with Christ. You dont have to listen to Back to the Bible to use your study booklet. But if you can listen, the study will be even more powerful. We hope this series will not only encourage you to read the Bible, but also to study it. On the following pages youll find devotional readings, questions to help you review and meditate on Scripture passages, and practical suggestions for applying the truth of the Bible to your everyday living. Our prayer is that as you use the Meet With God series you will experience rich dividends of biblical knowledge and spiritual growth.

From the Author

Life is about making choices. On average, an adult spends hours each day just making decisions. We must decide what to wear, what to eat, when to get up, where to drive, what floor we want the elevator to stop at, whether well overlook an insult or not, whether we will consciously love the unlovable. The choices we make range from the important to the mundanebut they all require our time and concentration. This month takes us through some of the most vital choices we can make in life: choosing to withhold revenge, choosing to run after the Lord, choosing to move on after a mistake and choosing to move out in order to follow Gods will. Well examine both the decision-making process and the consequences of certain choices in the lives of the people who had to make them. I am pleased that you have made the choice to study along with us this month. May your decision be supported and strengthened by what you learn. It is my prayer that as we make each daily decision, our sensitivity will continue to grow in accordance to Gods will.

Remember It
Answer the following questions on the passage you read this week. See answers below. 1. Isaac went to Egypt during the famine. True/False 2. Isaac told the men of ___________ that Rebekah was his sister. 3. The LORD made Isaac a wealthy man. True/False 4. The _____________ stopped up the wells made by Abrahams servants. 5. Isaacs servants and the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled over the well at a. Rehoboth b. Sitnah c. Shebah d. Beersheba

Week One
This week, think about how to show love toward those who mistreat you.

Our First Response

Key Passage: Read Genesis 26 So he made them a feast, and they ate and drank (Gen. 26:30). How ironic that our first inclination after being mistreated is to do the same hurtful thing right back! We proudly hold our flawless character up for public sympathy while privately plotting vengeance. This kind of behavior hides an unbiblical attitude behind a hypocritical mask. The truth is for every wrong that has been served to us, we have likely spread equal portions to others at one time or another. This detail rarely makes it to the front of our minds when we feel wronged. Just think of Isaac. He grew a little too rich for the local landowner, so he was callously banished from the country. Rarely will any of us experience mistreatment of this magnitude. Obviously, Isaac had ample motivation to respond to Abimelech in anger. In verses 2629, Abimelech gave Isaac the perfect opportunity for payback. Abimelech came pleading for a peace treaty because he sensed that a greater power was with Isaac. Instead of responding with hostility, however, Isaac chose to

Answers: 1. False (Gen. 26:26) 2. Gerar (Gen. 26:67) 3. True (Gen. 26:1213) 4. Philistines (Gen. 26:15) 5. b (Gen. 26:21)

treat his guest and his request with charity and hospitality. Just think of the alternative. If Isaac had snapped, he would have been placing himself as judge over Abimelech. Yet Isaac himself certainly had been no model of honesty and forthrightnesshe had misled Abimelech about his relationship with Rebekah (see verses 711). Fortunately, at the crucial moment when Abimelech came to him, Isaac chose wisely and forgave Abimelech. Clearly, the trouble with taking revenge when were mistreated is that none of us can claim complete innocence. When we feel wronged, we need to remember our own guilt in Gods eyes and His continual forgiveness. This gives us all the reason we need to forgive others.
As you read through Genesis 26, reflect on the following questions:

Apply It
Is there someone in your life against whom you continue to hold bitterness? Pray that God will help you forgive and release that person. Since our first response to mistreatment is often to react with vengeance, make a plan right now to counter your initial reaction to future mistreatment with love and gentleness. Write your plan in the space below.
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

1. How did Isaac and his herdsmen deal with opposition and mistreatment in a gracious manner? 2. What specific consequences might Isaac have faced if he had not forgiven Abimelech? 3. In what ways did Isaac demonstrate his complete forgiveness through the peace treaty with Abimelech? 4. In verse 28, Abimelech notes that he could clearly see that the LORD was with Isaac. What attributes in Isaacs life would have brought Abimelech to this conclusion?

Express It
Lord Jesus, You have forgiven me for so much. I have no right to withhold forgiveness from anyone else. When others say or do hurtful things, help me to choose an attitude of love.

Remember It
Answer the following questions on the passage you read this week. See answers below. 1. When Mary Magdalene first saw Jesus, she thought He was _____ _______________. 2. The disciples met in secret because a. Jesus had told them to. b. they wanted to overthrow the government. c. they were afraid of the Jews. d. none of the above 3. Thomas believed that Jesus had risen from the dead even before he saw Him. True/False 4. Jesus asked Peter ___________ times if Peter loved Him. 5. Everything that Jesus did is recorded in the Bible. True/False

Week Two
This week we will look at the kinds of people Jesus chose to follow Him.

Hope for the Bankrupt Heart

Key Passage: Read John 2021 So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these? He said to Him, Yes, Lord; You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My lambs (John 21:15). Doubt. Betrayal. Unbelief. Not quite the qualities you look for in a close friend. But Jesus selected men and women with these weaknesses. Even more, He took extra measures to help them believe. And when they still disappointed Him, He forgave them and placed them in charge of His whole church. Sounds incredible, doesnt it? These two chapters of Johns Gospel report on two men with serious flaws. Thomas had trust issues and Peter was scared of commitment. To us, these men display setbacks and headaches more than they display support for Christs ministry on earth. So why did Jesus choose them? The first answer is simplewhom else could Jesus have chosen? All of us come with our own unique baggage that constantly trips us up in our walk with the Lord. If

Answers: 1. the gardener (John 20:15) 2. c (John 20:19) 3. False (John 20:2429) 4. three (John 21:1517) 5. False (John 21:25)

not Thomass doubting and Peters betrayal, we would be reading about Jesus grace concerning another disciples faults and weaknesses. The second answer is more hopeful. Jesus knows us and He loves us still. He actually enjoys giving us the opportunity to do great things, despite our weaknesses. Even after we make monumental mistakes, He sticks with us as we stumble along. Hes right there cheering for us when all other fans lose heart. It doesnt matter how many times we lose in life because Jesus has won alreadyfor us. Jesus is alive. His victory over death gives us hope for our bankrupt hearts.
As you read through John 20 and 21, reflect on the following questions:

Apply It
List some of your spiritual weak points. How have you allowed these weaknesses to dishearten you?
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

1. According to 2 Corinthians 12:9, Gods strength is made perfect in peoples weaknesses. How does this verse apply to the lives of Peter and Thomas? 2. What did Jesus say to prompt Peter to take personal responsibility for his actions? 3. How did Jesus acknowledge Thomass weakness while offering him grace and love? 4. Beginning with Jesus resurrection, find several instances of active faith and active doubt in John 2021.

Remember that Jesus strength is all you need let Him change your weaknesses into opportunities to display His power.

Express It
Almighty God, I admit that I am weak. When I think about all my failings in this life, I dont know why You would choose me for Your servant. But You did choose me. Thank You for giving hope to my bankrupt heart. I praise You for giving me strength through my weaknesses so that I can serve You.

Remember It
Answer the following questions on the passage you read this week. See answers below. 1. Laban changed Jacobs wages _______ times. 2. Rachel and Leah were reluctant to leave their father. True/False 3. When Jacob fled from Laban, he took only his family. True/False 4. Rachel had stolen the household _________ from her father. 5. Jacob and Laban swore an oath that a. Jacob would not mistreat Rachel and Leah. b. Jacob would not take other wives. c. neither of them would pass beyond the heap of stones. d. all of the above.

Week Three
This week, we will examine how to wisely move on in our lives, while maintaining integrity.

Leaving With Integrity

Key Passage: Read Genesis 31 Then the LORD said to Jacob, Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you (Gen. 31:3). Jacobs mission was clearGod was telling him to return to his home. His real home. For 20 years he had been living in the old country with his father-in-law Laban and Labans two daughters whom he had married. The situation turned sour, and now God was telling Jacob to return to his true homeland. Jacob made the decision to follow Gods direction (good decision). However, his method of departure left something to be desired. No good-byes. He just packed up his household and fled (bad decision). When their hasty departure was discovered, Laban furiously pursued them. While this was not the best plan for escape, Jacobs actions teach us valuable lessons about leaving. Considering the family ties, the hindrances to Jacobs leaving seemed insurmountable. In the end, Jacobs sneaky departure showed lack of faith in Gods protection. But at least he had been wise

Answers: 1. ten (Gen. 31:7) 2. False (Gen. 31:1416) 3. False (Gen. 31:21) 4. idols/gods (Gen. 31:19,34) 5. d (Gen. 31:4852)

enough to follow Gods instructions, no matter how hard it seemed. And God intervened, helping him come to terms with Laban. Moving on in our lives is always easier said than done. Often we arent good at leaving with integrity. People leave jobs by taking everything that isnt nailed down or, even worse, they attempt some kind of sabotage. If were fired or laid off, pride gets in the way. Instead, we should look at such a situation as Gods sign for us to move on, and then see what He has for us. If we need to resign, we may be afraid to take the leap. Like Jacob, we should follow God, trusting Him to clear the way. We cant always part with others in peace; but when we sense Gods clear guidance to move on, we should make an attempt to do so with integrity and wisdom. God will do the rest.
As you read through Genesis 31, reflect on the following questions:

Apply It
Have you ever needed to get out of a certain situation? Could you have accomplished this with more grace and love for everyone involved? If so, how?
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

1. What would have been a better way for Jacob to leave Laban and still obey God? 2. In what ways did both Laban and Jacob succeed and fall short in demonstrating integrity? 3. What would Jacob have forfeited if he had refused to leave Laban and follow God? 4. How did Jacob defend his actions to Laban? What was Labans response?

Express It
Lord, give me the wisdom to know when I need to step out of situations. Also, give me the strength to treat those who have hurt me with grace. As I leave, may You surround all the people involved with Your love.

Remember It
Answer the following questions on the passage you read this week. See answers below. 1. Esau brought ______ men with him to meet Jacob. 2. Jacob sent gifts of __________ to Esau. a. goats b. camels c. sheep d. all of the above 3. Jacob hoped his presents would appease Esau. True/False 4. Jacobs name was changed to ____________. 5. The Angel of the Lord did not tell Jacob His name. True/False

Week Four
This week seek Gods blessing first before facing your most pressing troubles.

Shifting Our Focus

Key Passage: Read Genesis 32 Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day (Gen. 32:24). Jacob made frantic preparations for a battle against his estranged brother. Instead, he ended up facing someone quite different. Jacobs encounter with the Angel of the Lord remains one of the most fascinating and inexplicable passages in the Bible. This passage does not merely describe a cosmic wrestling match. It teaches us an important lesson about connecting with God before we connect with our destiny. Jacob assumed his brother Esau would meet him in wrath. In fact, Jacobs mind was so consumed with fear that he went to great lengths to protect himself and his family. In the end, it took an all-night struggle with the Angel of the Lord to shift Jacobs focus from managing an outward relationship to discovering a deep interaction with God. When he finally understood that God was in control, his perspective changed. He then persisted in asking for a blessing and wrestled until he got it.

Answers: 1. 400 (Gen. 32:6) 2. d (Gen. 32:1315) 3. True (Gen. 32:20) 4. Israel (Gen. 32:28) 5. True (Gen. 32:29)

Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that, in all of our struggles in life, we are not fighting against flesh and bloodthe true battle takes place in a spiritual realm. God had no problem handling Esau and his anger. He has no problem taking care of our troubles either. Jacobs story teaches us that our first response to pressures should be to move our perspective toward God and seek His blessing.
As you read through Genesis 32, reflect on the following questions:

Apply It
When you think about the struggles in your life right now, how might you turn toward God and connect with Him first before tackling anything else? Dont only wish you could connect with Godfight for His blessing with your whole self until you receive it.
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

1. Notice the specific interactions between Jacob and God throughout the chapter. How did these encounters strengthen Jacobs faith? 2. Why do you think the Angel of the Lord put Jacobs hip out of place at the end of the match? 3. Jacobs new name Israel means a prince with God. In what ways does this name also apply to the entire Israelite nation? 4. How did Jacob try to buy his brothers favor? What finally resolved Esaus anger at Jacob?

Express It
Lord Jesus Christ, if only I could keep my priorities straight! I constantly allow myself to be drawn into my problems until they consume me. Help me to refocus on You and Your power whenever I begin to look away.


Remember to Pray for:

Family Friends Pastor Missionaries Government Officials Salvation of Unbelievers Back to the Bible Christians Worldwide Revival

Prayer Journal
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Additional Scriptures for Study

Psalm 25:5 Psalm 31:3 Psalm 32:89 Psalm 48:14 Psalm 73:24 Psalm 139:910 Psalm 143:10 Isaiah 49:10 Isaiah 58:11 John 16:13 James 1:5

Learn more about this months topic: Jacob: Reaping What You SowBack to the Bible radio series Cassettes (set of 2) Item #5143-7

*Suggested donation $8.00 Canadian price $10.80

CDs (set of 4) Item #8683-4

*Suggested donation $12.00 Canadian price $16.20 Transcripts of this series are available at
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Theodore Epps masterful study of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will show you how God uses ordinary vessels of clay to accomplish His great plans and purposes. Discover that God can use your ordinary life to bring glory to His name.
Item #1286-5

357 pages, softcover *Suggested donation $13.00 Canadian price $17.55 To order: U.S.: call 1-800-759-2425 or visit Canada: call 1-800-663-2425 or visit

Choose the best God has to offer.

Life is about making choices. Each day, we all make hundreds of themwhat to wear, what to eat, when to get up, whether to get angry, whether to love.The choices we make range from the important to the mundanebut they all require our time and concentration. Through studies in the books of Genesis and John, well explore some of the most vital choices we can make in life: choosing to withhold revenge, choosing to run after the Lord, choosing to move on after a mistake and choosing to move out in order to follow Gods will.Together, well examine the decision-making process and the consequences of certain choices. And ultimately, well learn how to choose the best that God has to offer.

Woodrow Krolls speaking, writing and radio ministries have clearly proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ for more than 30 years. He serves as President of the international ministry Back to the Bible and is heard daily on the nationally-syndicated radio broadcasts Back to the Bible and The Bible Minute. His numerous books include The I Am God, When God Doesnt Answer, Empowered to Pray and 7 Secrets to Spiritual Success. Back to the Bible is a worldwide ministry dedicated to leading people into a dynamic relationship with God. Using radio,TV, the Internet and other media, we share the Gospel message and help Christians grow to spiritual maturity. With broadcasts in 23 languages and an Internet reach to millions, Back to the Bible teaches the Word and touches the world. 0-8474-6030-4

Contact us for more information about Back to the Bible or this series:

1-800-759-2425 P.O. Box 82808, Lincoln, NE 68501 In Canada: 1-800-663-2425 P.O. Box 10, Winnipeg MB R3C 2G2

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