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Political Science Society 26th February 2012

Proposal for
Political Science Society Day Camp 2012


INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 3 KEY PERSONNEL ..................................................................................................... 3 NEEDS ..................................................................................................................... 3 GOALS .................................................................................................................... 4 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................. 4 TIMETABLE ............................................................................................................... 8 BUDGET................................................................................................................... 9 ENDORSEMENTS .................................................................................................. 10

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The idea of having a day camp was hatched together by the society. It was to address the need to bond with one another and having better team dynamics within the society hence allowing us to achieve our full potential as a whole. The day camp will thus be a prime opportunity for the juniors and seniors alike to get together and understand each other better. The day camp will not only foster teamwork, it will also allow the seniors to reach out to reach out to each other. Though the games in this program are intended for team-building and improvement of interpersonal skills, we will still try to insert political elements in order to establish a stronger link between this day program and the nature of our society.


Key Personnel
Head IC:
Grace Hong

Other ICs:
Nicole Phua Rini Sarvena Jia Ying


Needs Analysis
From the introductory sessions, the society feels that juniors will require a better established platform for bonding. The following reasons emphasise: They come from different classes They lack in confidence in themselves They need to understand each other better

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To BOND with their peers and also their seniors. To INCULCATE teamwork in the juniors. To FOSTER friendships along the way. To BRING OUT the best in them through the activities.


Scope of Work
Note: For ICs, please refer to TIMETABLE.

A. Frisbee/Captains Ball
Description: Frisbee will be played competitively; hence we will be dividing the society into separate groups for each round. This game will have 11 players per team. Each team will have to work together to pass the Frisbee from their own end to their opponents end in order to score a point. Captains ball will also have the same concept, except that to score a point, each team will have to work together to pass the ball from their opponents side to their own side.

This game aims to promote: Teamwork Social awareness Original Plan Venue: Field 1. Warm-ups 2. ICs to lead the juniors into the instructions and rules. 3. They will show them how to pass and score, etc. 4. 3-4 matches will be played 5. Final match for all to join: J1 versus J2. 6. Debrief and reflection. Wet Weather Plan 1. Warm-ups 2. The game will change to Captains Ball. 3. Nicole and Grace to lead the juniors into the instructions and rules. 4. They will show them how to pass and score, etc. 5. 3-4 matches will be played 6. Final match for all to join: J1 versus J2. 7. Debrief and reflection.

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B. The Web and Mind games:

This games aims to promote: Appreciation of your peers Social awareness Communication skills Confidence Venue: C-Block Classroom PART ONE: The Web 1. 2. 3. 4. Instructions ICs to lead the juniors into the instructions and rules. They will show them how to carry out the activity The web will end when twine is used up.

PART TWO: Mind games 1. ICs will ask all the remove chopsticks and tangle the web. 2. Team A will take Team Bs tangled twine and Team B will take Team As tangled twine. 3. ICs to lead juniors into the instructions and rules. 4. 3 minutes of planning and 5 minutes of gameplay. 5. Debrief and reflection.

C. The Minefield
This games aims to promote: Teamwork Communication Trust Confidence
Original Plan Venue: Field 1. Warm-ups 2. ICs to lead the juniors into the instructions and rules. 3. They will show them how to play. 4. 2 matches will be played (J1s) 5. Final match for all to join: J1 versus J2. 6. Debrief and reflection. Wet Weather Plan Venue: The Cave 1. Warm-ups 2. ICs to lead the juniors into the instructions and rules. 3. They will show them how to play. 4. 2 matches will be played (J1s) 5. Final match for all to join: J1 versus J2. 6. Debrief and reflection.

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D. Reflections
The reflection session will be facilitated by the same questions given for the reflections for the UNASMUN event. The questions are as follows: What happened today and what are your feelings about it? What is one new significant observation/learning experience that you had today? Did this help with your understanding of any academic concepts learnt in school? How did today's experience help you understand the people that you are helping better? Was there anything you could improve on today?

E. Lunch Arrangements
We will suggest that the teachers will help us order boxed set lunches through the school. This will be a lot easier and hygienic. No. of students: 35 students (inclusive of JC 1 and 2 students) Total Cost: $105 (Per box: $3)
JC 1 students: No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name Cheong Yi Lim Weisheng Marcus Chng Wan Hong Oscar Kwan Loei Petros Cheong Mei Lin Keely Yoon Ye Won Leung Yu Rong Rini Marinah Bte Muhammad Lee Sei Min Nguyen Tien Cuong Cheryl Sim Yin Ching Muhammad Thaqif Tan Jia Hui Mahnoor Rafiq Madakia Raymund Sandamurthi Michelle Quek Yohannes Mahardhika Nishta Ananda Nicole Ang Xin Pin Attending 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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JC 2 students:

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Name Grace Hong Hui Xia Tan Jia Ying Sarvena Ramanan Nicole Phua Lim Zhe Kang

NurulHuda Yussof
Chen Tian You Amos Heng Neo Jen Kiat Michael Utama Zachary Ong Amanda Yee

Present/Absent 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Activity Frisbee

Logistics Venue ICs 2 Frisbees Field Nicole and Grace Order of Events (Please refer to Scope of work for more information) 1. Warm-up 2. Instructions 3. Live Demo 4. Each game to last 16 minutes. 1. 2. Live Demo and Instructions ICs to facilitate the process.


0800 to 0915

The Web and Mind games.

2 large cotton twine Chopsticks/ disposable sticks

C-Block Classroom (one)

Rini and Jia Ying

0915 to 1000


C-Block Classroom

All ICs


Head IC will take charge of reflection and de-brief Lunch to last for an hour Watch a movie. (To be decided) Next activity will be closely related Instructions Live Demo Each pair entitled 2 minutes to achieve target. 2 rounds of 15 minutes. Head IC will take charge of reflection and de-brief All to be seated in a circle (or separate circles) and share about their thoughts

1500 to 1600


Food Catering


Jen Kiat and Amos Zhe Kang and Michael


1100 to 1200 1215 to 1415


Hotel Rwanda


1. 2.


2 boxes Plastic Bottles Bottle Caps Pails Pencils Ping pong balls


Jia Ying and Sarvena

1. 2. 3. 4.

1415 to 1500


Court near Grandstan d

All ICs


1500 to 1600


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Item 2 Frisbee

Price 0 Remarks Grace and Nicole will be bringing one each

4 large balls of cotton twine 25 pairs of chopsticks/ disposable sticks 2 boxes Plastic bottles Bottle caps First Aid Kit Lunch Catering 2 Pails 30 wooden pencils 14 Ping Pong balls Small plastic bags (water bomb) Trash bags Masking tape Miscellaneous Total

$8 0

0 0 0 0 96 0 $5 $7 $2 $2 $2 $5 $122

We will be getting it from the photocopying lady Using the bottle caps that will come along with the bottles To be borrowed from school $3 (per pax) x 32 2 J2 seniors to bring from home

Printing of papers

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Grace Hong Hui Xia

Proposal submitted by: NurulHuda Yussof

President Political Science Society

Head In-Charge Political Science Society

Proposal approved by: Mook Poh Yen Taryn Augustina Nur Adhana Mohamed Anwar

Teacher In-Charge Political Science Society

Teacher In-Charge Political Science Society

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