Temple of Elemental Evil E6 Quick

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Temple of Elemental Evil E6

Named NPCs have the non-elite array (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8).

Noticeable inhabitants
Elmo: human ranger 2, feats: improved shield bash, weapon focus: battleaxe, equipment: chainshirt, light wooden shield, masterwork battleaxe, longbow, 20 arrows, 20 alchemical silver arrows, 404 gp. Ostler the innkeeper: human warrior 1, feats: alertness, negotiator, equipment: longsword, scalemail, light wooden shield. Zert: human warrior 1, feats: toughness, weapon focus: longsword, equipment: scalemail, heavy wooden shield, longsword. Spugnoir: human enchanter 1 (banned necromancy & evocation), focused specialist ACF (banned transmutation), feats: spell focus: enchantment, unsettling enchantment, equipment: dagger, spellbook, spells: 3+2, 1+2, spells known: read magic, sleep Furnok: human rogue 1, feats: skill focus: sleight of hand, deft hands, skills: sleight of hands +10 equipment: dagger, masterwork shortsword. Kobort: half-orc fighter 1, feats: power attack, cleave, equipment, chainmail, greataxe. Turuko: human monk 1, feats: power attack, flying kick, equipment: quarterstaff. Brother Smith: human expert 1 / adept 1, feats: skill focus: profession (Smith), skill focus: craft (weapons)[+10 weapons, +7 armor], equipment: leather armor, quarterstaff, spells: 3, 1. Rannos Davl: human rogue 3, feats: deceitful, improved initiative, weapon finesse, equipment: leather armor +1, shortsword +1, ring of protection +1. Gremag: human rogue 1 / fighter 1, drow rogue ACF (+poison use, -trapfinding), drow fighter ACF (+2 init, +dex damage vs flat-footed, -heavy armor, -tower shield) feats: stealthy, improved initiative, weapon finesse, equipment: chainshirt +1, dagger +1, medium spider venom (3 doses). Melubb the moneychanger: human expert 2, feats: skill focus: appraise, diligent, equipment: dagger +1, ring of protection +1. Calmer: human cleric 1, feats: negotiator, toughness, equipment: chainmail, heavy steel shield, heavy mace, spells: 3, 1+1. Terjon: human cleric 3, feats: brew potion, divine spell power, scribe scroll, equipment: light steel shield +1, heavy mace +1, breastplate, 4 potions of holy water, spells: 4, 2+1, 1+1.

Jaroo Ashstaff: human druid 4, feats: spell focus: conjuration, augment summoning, craft wondrous item, equipment: padded armor, ring of protection +1, scimitar +1, quarterstaff, spells: 5, 3, 2, animal companion: black bear, 1 bonus trick, link, share spells. Burne: human conjurer 4, banned schools: enchantment, evocation, focused specialist ACF (banned illusion, abrubt jaunt ACF, feats: spell focus: conjuration, greater spell focus: conjuration, craft wondrous item, equipment: ring of protection +1, dagger +1, spellbook, spells: 4+2, 3+2, 2+2, known spells: mage armor, cause fear, grease, shield, feather fall, glitterdust, melfs acid arrow, web, scare. Rufus: human fighter 3, feats: shield specialization, improved shield bash, agile shield fighter, shield ward, shield charge, equipment: shield +1, chainmail +1, masterwork battleaxe. New Encounter: Missing woodcutter, the wife of the local woodcutter is very worried about her husband. He is usually always home by nightfall, but he didnt come home last night. She asks the PCs if they are willing to go look for him, she directs them to the part of the nearby forests he was supposed to be in. The woodcutter has fallen down an old well, which was only covered by old rotten planks, and a thin layer of dirt, his one leg is badly hurt, and has kept him from trying to climb up himself. If a pc lowers himself into the well, he will notice some odd stonework near the bottom of the well, it could look like a walled-up door? If no PCs enter the well, the woodcutter will mention it, and the fact that the well is completely dry, and in his estimation, it is an odd place for a well... The well is in fact a secret entrance to an old temple, devoted to the elemental cult. It is now populated by several small monstrous centipedes, two skeletons (former acolytes in the temple), and an allip (the former leader of the temple). Minor treasure can be found, as well as small hints about the elemental cult and asberdies.

Noticeable inhabitants
Dire Weasel in guard tower - serves as mount for the kobold sergeant. (5) Kobold, 1st-Level Warrior, hp: 4, 3, 5, 4, 4 Kobold, 1st-Level Fighter - sergeant, hp: 10, feats: weapon focus: Great Spear (1d10), improved initiative. (4) Kobold, 1st-Level Warrior, hp: 2, 3, 5, 4 Kobold 2nd-Level Battle-Sorcerer - leader, hp: 12, feats: point blank shot, spells per day 5/5, spells known: Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Lesser orb of Acid, equipment: small chain shirt, small longsword.

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