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Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J.

Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties

Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland

MPC 2010

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


1 Introduction

2 Action systems

3 Enforced properties

4 Example

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


Sequential program derivation (Dijkstra, 1975) Safety-based concurrent program derivation (Feijen and van Gasteren, 1999) Progress-based concurrent program derivation (Dongol and Mooij, 2006 & 2008) Enforced properties (Dongol and Hayes, 2009), (Dongol, 2009) - PhD thesis

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

This paper

Goals 1. Calculational development 2. Incremental trace renement 3. Compositionally address safety and progress 4. Simplify existing rules


Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

This paper

Goals 1. Calculational development 2. Incremental trace renement 3. Compositionally address safety and progress 4. Simplify existing rules

Techniques Weakest precondition

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

This paper

Goals 1. Calculational development 2. Incremental trace renement 3. Compositionally address safety and progress 4. Simplify existing rules

Techniques Weakest precondition Enforced properties and frames

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

This paper

Goals 1. Calculational development 2. Incremental trace renement 3. Compositionally address safety and progress 4. Simplify existing rules

Techniques Weakest precondition Enforced properties and frames Temporal logic on relations

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

This paper

Goals 1. Calculational development 2. Incremental trace renement 3. Compositionally address safety and progress 4. Simplify existing rules

Techniques Weakest precondition Enforced properties and frames Temporal logic on relations Action systems framework

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


Statements and actions S ::= diverge | skip | x := E | x : V | S1 ; S2 | x [[S]] A ::= b S | A1 A2 | x [[A]] Action systems A = A0 ; do A od is an action system with initialisation action A0 and main action A

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


If x is a variable of type T:

x [[S]] = S ; x : T x [[b S]] = b x [[S]] x [[A1 A2 ]] = x [[A1 ]] x [[A2 ]]

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


If x is a variable of type T:

x [[S]] = S ; x : T x [[b S]] = b x [[S]] x [[A1 A2 ]] = x [[A1 ]] x [[A2 ]]

Frames allow introduction of new (internal) variables

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


If x is a variable of type T:

x [[S]] = S ; x : T x [[b S]] = b x [[S]] x [[A1 A2 ]] = x [[A1 ]] x [[A2 ]]

Frames allow introduction of new (internal) variables Frames can be turned into statements by renement

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


Suppose s seq.. We assume

rL.s removes local variables from each state in s rS.s removes stuttering in s

Denition (Trace renement) A Tr C = t : Tr.C s : Tr.A rS.(rL.s) = rS.(rL.t)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example


Suppose s seq.. We assume

rL.s removes local variables from each state in s rS.s removes stuttering in s

Denition (Trace renement) A Tr C = t : Tr.C s : Tr.A rS.(rL.s) = rS.(rL.t) Lemma If Tr.C Tr.A , then A Tr C .

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

A temporal logic on relations

Linear temporal logic (LTL)
(Manna and Pnueli, 1992) always ( ), eventually ( ), until (U ), unless (W ) dened for formulas on single-state predicates

Relational linear temporal logic (RLTL)

Dened over two-state relations
Semantics mostly the same as LTL Difference: For sequence of states s and RLTL formula Q,

(s, u) Q v : dom.s v u v + 1 dom.s (s, v) Q

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Denition (Enforced property)

Suppose, A is an action system and R is a RLTL formula. Action system A with enforced property R, denoted A ?R, is an action system such that

Tr.(A ?R) = {s : Tr.A | s R}

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Given an initial action system A , suppose we want to derive an action system that satises RLTL property R

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Given an initial action system A , suppose we want to derive an action system that satises RLTL property R 1. Enforce property R on A to obtain A ?R

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Given an initial action system A , suppose we want to derive an action system that satises RLTL property R 1. Enforce property R on A to obtain A ?R 2. Derive B such that A ?R Tr B and Tr.B |= R

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Given an initial action system A , suppose we want to derive an action system that satises RLTL property R 1. Enforce property R on A to obtain A ?R 2. Derive B such that A ?R Tr B and Tr.B |= R 3. Hence, B satises R and furthermore does not need to enforce R

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Given an initial action system A , suppose we want to derive an action system that satises RLTL property R 1. Enforce property R on A to obtain A ?R 2. Derive B such that A ?R Tr B and Tr.B |= R 3. Hence, B satises R and furthermore does not need to enforce R We have rules that allow

introduction of new enforced properties manipulation of existing enforced properties introduction of new variables (via frames) introduction and modication of actions

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

Given an initial action system A , suppose we want to derive an action system that satises RLTL property R 1. Enforce property R on A to obtain A ?R 2. Derive B such that A ?R Tr B and Tr.B |= R 3. Hence, B satises R and furthermore does not need to enforce R We have rules that allow

introduction of new enforced properties manipulation of existing enforced properties introduction of new variables (via frames) introduction and modication of actions

Each rule ensures trace renement

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

For action systems A and C , and RLTL formulae R and R each of the following holds: a. A Tr A ?R b. A ?R Tr A ?R provided R R c. A ?R Tr C ?R provided A Tr C d. A ?R Tr A provided Tr.A |= R e. A ? (R R ) Tr (A ?R)?R

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

For action systems A and C , and RLTL formulae R and R each of the following holds: a. A Tr A ?R b. A ?R Tr A ?R provided R R c. A ?R Tr C ?R provided A Tr C d. A ?R Tr A provided Tr.A |= R e. A ? (R R ) Tr (A ?R)?R

Proof. If Tr.C Tr.A , then A Tr C (from previous lemma).

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

If A is an action, p is a predicate, and r a relation, then

A!p = [p] ; A ; [p] A!r = rel.A r

A!p blocks if p does not hold prior to executing A, or the execution of A does not establish p A!r blocks if no execution of A can satisfy r

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Enforced properties

For actions A, A1 , and A2 ; predicates p, p1 , and p2 ; and relations r, r1 , and r2 , each of the following holds: a. A!(p1 p2 ) = (A!p1 )!p2 b. A!(r1 r2 ) = (A!r1 )!r2 c. A!p = [p] ; A provided p A.p d. A!r = A provided rel.A r e. (A1 A2 )!p = (A1 !p) (A2 !p) f. (A1 A2 )!r = (A1 !r) (A2 !r)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Example - Industrial press

top Weight pnr motor bot

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Example - Industrial press

top Weight pnr motor bot

Program variables: locked and motor Environment variables: top, pnr,bot, and pressed

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Safety requirements:
(1) (locked top motor = Off ) (locked (locked W pressed)) (2) (locked motor = Off (3) (locked motor = Off ) W ((bot pnr) pressed))

(pnr motor = Off ((pnr motor = Off ) W (bot pressed))) (motor = On (motor = On W locked))
Progress requirements: we say p

(4) (5)

( p q)
(6) (7) (8)

(locked pressed) locked (locked pnr pressed) motor = On (bot pressed) motor = On

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes

Assumptions on the environment

Safety assumptions:
Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

(top pnr bot) (bot pnr)


top, pnr, bot | (top pnr bot ) (top pnr bot ) (10) (pnr top ) (bot pnr )

Progress assumptions:

(locked motor = Off ) top pnr bot (11) (motor = On) top bot pnr (12)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Initial program

Safe = (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Prog = (6) (7) (8) RelyProg = (11) (12) env = pressed [[ (10) ]] !(9) do true env true motor, locked [[skip]] od ?(Safe Prog RelyProg)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Calculational rules

Lemma (Unless) (p (p W q)) holds provided (p q p q )

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Derivation - replace unless properties

(2) {denition} (locked locked W pressed) {Lemma (unless)} (locked pressed (locked pressed )) {logic} (locked locked pressed) =

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Apply similar calculation to (3), (4), (5) to obtain Safe . Safe Safe Recall A ?R Tr A ?R provided R R

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Apply similar calculation to (3), (4), (5) to obtain Safe . Safe Safe Recall A ?R Tr A ?R provided R R

do true env true motor, locked [[skip]] od ?(Safe Prog RelyProg)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Apply similar calculation to (3), (4), (5) to obtain Safe . Safe Safe Recall A ?R Tr A ?R provided R R

do true env true motor, locked [[skip]] od ?(Safe Prog RelyProg)

do true env true motor, locked [[skip]] od ?(Safe Prog RelyProg)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Deriving actions
Consider action that turns the motor on

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Deriving actions
Consider action that turns the motor on From calculation wp.(motor := On).Safe , we obtain:

(motor = Off (bot pnr ) pressed ) locked

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Deriving actions
Consider action that turns the motor on From calculation wp.(motor := On).Safe , we obtain:

(motor = Off (bot pnr ) pressed ) locked

Because controller does not modify bot, pnr, and pressed we get action:

motor = Off (bot pnr) pressed locked motor := On

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Deriving actions
Consider action that turns the motor on From calculation wp.(motor := On).Safe , we obtain:

(motor = Off (bot pnr ) pressed ) locked

Because controller does not modify bot, pnr, and pressed we get action:

motor = Off (bot pnr) pressed locked motor := On

Similarly, we get for actions that turn motor off and modify lock

motor = On top motor, locked := Off , true locked motor = Off pressed locked := false

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Deriving actions
Consider action that turns the motor on From calculation wp.(motor := On).Safe , we obtain:

(motor = Off (bot pnr ) pressed ) locked

Because controller does not modify bot, pnr, and pressed we get action:

motor = Off (bot pnr) pressed locked motor := On

Similarly, we get for actions that turn motor off and modify lock

motor = On top motor, locked := Off , true locked motor = Off pressed locked := false
These actions are guaranteed to satisfy Safe

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Action introduction

If grd.(A!p) grd.(A!p) b

do A (true x [[skip]]) od ? p do A (b x := v) od ? p

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Action introduction
Recalling that A ?R Tr C ?R provided A Tr C , we obtain:

do true env true motor, locked [[skip]] od ?(Safe Prog RelyProg)

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Action introduction
Recalling that A ?R Tr C ?R provided A Tr C , we obtain:

do true env true motor, locked [[skip]] od ?(Safe Prog RelyProg)

do true env motor = Off (bot pnr) pressed locked motor := On motor = On top motor, locked := Off , true locked motor = Off pressed locked := false od ?(Prog RelyProg) Safe

Compositional Action System Derivation Using Enforced Properties Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes


In this paper:
Introduction Action systems Enforced properties Example

Rules for calculational proofs of temporal formulae Frames and enforced properties work together to allow

incremental renement
Relational linear temporal logic supports compositionality Theory supports proofs of safety and progress properties Fairness assumptions can be encoded using enforced


Future work:
Real-time controllers - teleo-reactive programs, sampling

Tool support

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