English Practice (1 Grade) Name: - Class: - A. Choose The Best Answers

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English Practice (1st Grade) Name : _____________________ Class : _____________________

7. Nine = a. Enam b. Sembilan 8.

c. Sepuluh

A. Choose the best answers 1. Hasna : Assalamualaikum Nanda Nanda : waalaikum salam Hasna. Hasna : Nanda : I am fine, thanks. a. Good afternoon c. how are you? b. Good bye 2. Hirzi : Faisal : my name is Haura. a. How old are you c. I am fine, thanks b. What is your name 3. Nazwa : good morning Nazwa. Yunan : a. Good bye c. I am fine, thanks. b. Good morning 4. It is a a. Chair b. Black board c. Table 5. That is pencil. a. b.

a. Book, clock, pencil case b. Pencil case, pencil, book c. Clock, book, pencil

9. Hitunglah benda di bawah ini

a. Nine pencil b. Seven pencil 10.

c. ten pencil

a. Head, mango, bag b. Bag, ruler, wastepaper basket c. Wastepaper basket, bag, head 11. Have 2 shoes a. To b. Too

c. Two


6. Four tables. a.

12. One, two, , four, , , seven. What number are missing? a. Five, six, seven b. Three, four, five c. Three, five, six 13. a. On b. In c. Over

b. 14. Re-arrange the words : (susun menjadi kalimat) Are today you how a. Are you how today b. How are today you c. How are you today



a. Walk b. Jump c. Swim

6. 10 = _ _ _ 7. Grapes in Indonesian is 8. =___G_

16. It is a a. Orange b. Pineapple c. Pencil case 17. These are the colours. a. Red, mango, grapes b. Green, red, orange c. Orange, grapes, apple. 18. These are school things. a. Bear, ruler, orange b. Ruler, Sunday, foot c. Bag, ruler, black board 19. These are the day. a. Morning, afternoon, night b. Sunday, Wednesday, Friday c. Orange, mango, Monday 20. What is that? That is a a. Table b. Chair c. Cupboard 9. =__S_

10. Rambut = _ _ I _

B. Essay 1. Good morning in Indonesia is 2. 9 = _ _ _ E 3. =P___I_ C__E





English Practice (3rd Grade) Name : _____________________ Class : _____________________

9. Pisang is a. Banana b. Grapes 10. What is that? That is a

c. melon

A. Choose the best answers 1. Haura : Good afternoon Nazwa : a. Good morning c. Good night b. Good afternoon 2. Nanda : Nabila : I am six years old a. What is your name b. How are you c. How old are you 3. Hasna : Hana : I am fine, thanks. a. What is your name b. How are you c. How old are you 4. Hirzi : where is your address? Yunan : a. I am fine, thanks. b. I live at Cikadut. c. My name is Yunan. 5. Faisal : Akmal : my name is Akmal a. What is your name b. How are you c. How old are you 6. Attaya : nice to meet you, good bye. Azam : a. Good morning c. Good night b. Good bye 7. She is a tall. a. b.

a. Mango b. Water melon c. Papaya 11. The snake is a. short b. long c. big 12. I like music. I listen the music with a. ear b. eyes c. nose 13. I have eyes. a. Three b. Two c. One 14. I write the letter on the a. Chair b. cupboard c. Table 15. 12 = a. Eleven

b. Twelve

c. Twenty

16. Fifty eight = a. 54 b. 56

c. 58

17. How many strawberry are there a. three b. two c. four 18. can smell with nose. a. They - her c. I - my b. He her 19. Ridho likes to a book. a. Listen b. Write c. Read



a. long hair b. Short hair c. Tall hair

20. Rizqy Vian

: what is your hobby? : my hobby is a. Playing football b. Swimming c. Jogging

28. Nita : nice to meet you. Ahmad : a. Nice to meet you too b. I am fine thanks c. My name is Ahmad 29. Rumambe : Rosano : yes please. a. Excuse me, may I go to the toilet b. What is your name c. Good morning 30. What is that? That is a

21. Re-arrange the words : (susun menjadi kalimat) Are today you how a. Are you how today b. How are today you c. How are you today 22. It is a a. Duster b. Pencil c. Pencil case 23. What is she? She is a a. Doctor b. Teacher c. Pilot 24. My father is ride the plane. He is a a. Doctor b. Teacher c. Pilot 25. These are the a. Two cars b. Three cars c. Five cars 26. I go to school with everyday. a. bycycle b. Bus c. Train 27. I am holiday in Bali, I go to bali with a. Ship b. Car c. Plane

a. T-shirt b. Short c. Shirt 31. Topi in English is a. shoes b. Hat

c. Tie

32. Dian is and he eat meat balls. a. Thirsty b. Hungry c. Sad 33. Ada lima jeruk di atas meja in English is a. There are five oranges on the table b. There is five orange on the table c. There are five orange on the table 34. Today is so hot, make she and he wants a glass of orange juice. a. Thirsty b. Hungry c. Sad 35. Adrian like orange. a. The b. an 36. The blackboard is a a. Black b. red 37. That is a a. Cow b. Buffalo c. Giraffe

c. a

c. Purple

38. The elephant is a a. Big b. Small

c. Tall

39. Hobi saya adalah menyanyi in English is a. My hobby is sing b. My name is Bagja c. My favorite drink is orange juice 40. Ayah saya seorang guru in English is a. My father is a teacher b. My father are a teacher c. My mother is a teacher

B. Essay Terjemahkan/rubah ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia 1. A green apple = 2. The girrafe is very tall = 3. I have twelve rabbits = Terjemahkan/rubah ke dalam Bahasa Inggris 4. Kake saya berumur 63 tahun = 5. Saya dapay melihat dengan mata saya = Re-arrange the words 6. To go I everyday school 7. Is my playing football hobby Missing Letter 8. Lapangan = _ I _ _ D 9. Dasi = _ I _ 10. Pesawat terbang = _ L _ _ E

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