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CFC Youth For Christ Chapter Heads Training Program Schedule Morning 8:00 8:30 8:30 9:00 9:00

00 9:30 9:30 9:45 9:45 10:25 10:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:45 11:45 12:00 12:00 - 12:05 12:05 12:30 12:30 1:30 1:30 1:45 1:45 2:45 Manual) 2:45 3:00 3:00 4:00 Track) 4:00 4:30 4:30 5:30 5:30 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 8:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 10:00 Arrival Worship Workshop Opening Worship Setting of the Training Objectives Session 1: The Beloveds Calling (Vision-Mission of Community Base) Ice Breaker Session 2: Portrait of a Leader (Roles and Responsibilities) Lunch Break The Angelus Afternoon Worship Communication Workshop (Appendix A) Ice Breaker How to Lead a Prayer Meeting Workshop (Using the Chapter Assembly Manual and Household Topic Ice Breaker Session 3: The Banquet (Structure and Cycle of Activities with the new formation Open Forum Session 4: On to Mission Preparation for the mass Holy Mass Dinner Break E-Night Closing Praisefest Home Sweet Home


Vision and Mission of YFC and Goals of Community-based Program Objective: To let the chapter heads own/embrace the mission and vision and make them personal To honor the calling that God has called them to be as a chapter head Speakers Profile: YFC MCG member Preferably, serving in community based. Has a personal vision in the community. Dynamics/Activity: After the talk, allow the chapter heads to create a drawing on how do they see there self, there family and there community for the next 20 years. Materials: Bond paper Drawing materials Talk Outline: What He requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love and to live in humble fellowship with our God. (Micah 6:8) Each one of us here right now is secured that God loves us very dearly. We are blessed to be chosen by God through His only son Jesus Christ. He chose to die on the cross to show us the most sincere, most consistent love you can ever imagine. He did all of this because we are Gods sons and daughters. God even chose us, to lead the flock in our chapter. THE BELOVEDS CALLING As his sons and daughters, we are simply called by God to give our entire selves to Himevery move and action that we make, every thought and word that we speak will only be for HIM. It is stated in Micah 6:8 what God asks of us, it says What He requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love and to live in humble fellowship with our God.

Let us respond together as Gods beloved in fulfilling our personal call for Him. We witness as His sons and daughters A son and daughter in our family A friend to your friends A leader for you to take good care of your chapter

CFC Vision/ Mission Vision: Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth Mission: Building the Church of the Home and Building the Church of the Poor (At this point, the speaker will have a personal sharing about the vision/mission. Explaining that this is not just a mere statement but a deeper and personal understanding) CFC Youth for Christ is a family ministry of Couples for Christ, a Catholic charismatic community and family life movement. It owes its existence identity, mission and vision to CFC, as it exists as a partner in evangelizing the young. YFC was formally launched on June of 1993, 13 years after CFC was established. YFC has 6 different programs: Campus based, High School Based, TORCH, SIGA, YCOM and Community based. Community based is the biggest and the first program of YFC aside from other programs. THE GOAL YFC COMMUNITY-BASED RENEWAL IN CHRIST THROUGH RAISING FAITH COMMUNITIES. Raising Christ Raising Christ Raising Christ Raising Christ faith communities is bringing and renewing our FAMILIES in faith communities is bringing and renewing our BARKADA in faith communities is bringing and renewing our CHAPTERS in faith communities is bringing and renewing our HOUSEHOLDS in

The goal of raising faith communities can only be fulfilled if each and every one of us will respond to Gods personal call for us. The reason why our community grows so much and reached this far is because there people ahead of us who stood up, believe and commit themselves to the vision.

What we need to do now is to: A. PRAY We need to pray. More than anything else, we need to seek Gods guidance and wisdom. We need to pray for this vision. B. ACT A C T actually stands for A Call To God always provides but He helps those who help themselves. WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING! C. SERVE Bring people to our Youth Camps and Prayer Meetings. Attend your household meetings. As members of Youth for Christ, as His beloveds we are called to be a witness for God, a fool for Christ. We dont need to become something or someone to be able to make a difference. As Chapter heads we believe that we are the best catalysts for change. Do your part in changing this world. Do it wellwith a passion unparalleled with EXCELLENCE for GOD! OUR PRAYER Lord, allow us to move and respond to your call with this vision not only in our minds but also in our hearts and in our hands. May you use each of us to really bring everyone closer to you everyday and together we will see the great promise you have in store for us individually and for this community.

After the talk, allow the chapter heads to create a drawing on how do they see there self, there family and there community for the next 20 years.


Roles and Responsibilities of Chapter Heads keep watch over all the flock which the Holy Spirit has placed in your care Acts 20:28 INTRODUCTION Do you remember your first experience of Gods love? Do you remember how it felt when God embraced you for the first time and whispered to you His words of love? Do you remember how it felt when He answered your prayer? When He healed you from your sickness? Or perhaps when He gave you a good grade in one of your difficult subjects? Remember how it felt? God wants us to do the same with our members over all the flock He has placed under our careour CHAPTER. THE CHAPTER God did not only give us His flock, but He has also given us a place where we can tend our sheepand that is, our CHAPTERS. Our chapter is the environment where our members first experience community life after their youth camp. This is where they begin their fun, exciting, and spirit-filled journey with God. It is also in the chapters where our members are given more opportunities to grow in their love for God. Thus, as chapter heads, it is our responsibility to provide our members with a strong, Christ-centered, support environment in our chapters. But first, it has to start with us as the CHAPTER HEADS. We need to understand first what our roles and responsibilities are so we can effectively take care of our members. TENDING THE SHEEP We have 3 major roles as CHAPTER HEADS: as a PRIEST; as a FRIEND; and as a SHEPHERD. 1. PRIEST Life of Prayer Looks after the spiritual needs of the chapter. We pray and intercede for all members in our chapter. Provides opportunities for members to grow more in their love for God.

Sets the example by living an active prayer life. Not only do we teach our members how to pray, but we should also show them how to live a life of prayer. Prayer time is very important to each chapter head as we lead the young people in our area. (leading a chapter will not be easy if we dont live a life of a prayer) Encourages members to serve and participate actively in YFC.

Strives to imitate Christ in his life. The best way to lead the members to God is to witness to them how it is to LIVE for Christ. Embodies and lives out the YFC core values. SEVEN CORE VALUES OF YFC Passion is our love for God, His work and His people Endurance in our mission Integrity in our person CREATIVITY in pursuing results EXCELLENCE in our service and studies EMPOWERMENT in our roles UNITY and TEAMWORK in our endeavors Co-pastor with the Chapter Coordinator to the unit heads. Makes sure that members attend regular households, assemblies, fellowship and other YFC gatherings. We look after their spiritual growth. Together with the Chapter Couple Coordinator prepares a pastoral plan for unit heads. As a PRIEST, Living a life with a PRAYER, is living a life of PURITY and becoming a Life to HOLINESS. 2. FRIEND BUILDING RELATIONSHIP More of a FRIEND. Be a friend to everyone. Get to know them, their concerns, their situation, and their victories. Be involved in their personal lives. Reaches out to all members in his chapter. Seek to always build relationships with your members. If they need anything, it is seldom

that they come to you for help. Reach out and offer help to them even if its difficult for you. Should be LOVING in relating with members. This is our highest calling as chapter heads, to love our members unconditionally. Source of ENCOURAGEMENT. Our members need our encouragement more than our judgments. Should be a LISTENER. Sometimes, its better that we listen to what our members have to say rather than disagree, argue and even sometimes, we tend to insist on what we think is right. They feel more loved when people listen to them. Should be AVAILABLE at all times. Always make time for your members. Spend time with them more. Serve with them, hear mass with them after assemblies, go out with them for fellowships. Our Coordinator is also our friends, our co-pastors and our parents in our chapter we need to build a deep relationship with them. Proper communication and respect in terms of decision making. Listening to our partner is very important in our partnership. We need each other, in pastoral matter, building relationship, and in term of decision. And be sensitive to the need of everyone. The Chapter provides a strong foundation for YFC members in the Communitybased program. A big part of a persons growth as a Christian depends on the support environment that he/she has and also the friendship he/she experiences from brothers and sisters in YFC. Friendship plays an important role in the life of the young people. They need real friends who can help and support them. Remember that our service comes second to our relationship with one another. Even with God, we serve because we have a relationship with Him. Its easy to serve without being relational but its much more fulfilling to serve God if we already have a relationship with Him. The same goes for our members, we serve them because we seek to build relationships with them. At all times, we are called to be a FRIEND to everyone. SHEPHERD LEADING THE FLOCK As a shepherd, the chapter head leads his flock. He should then know where hes bringing and leading the members. Should have a VISION. Know where youre leading your members. Together with the Chapter Couple Coordinator, he/she plans, organizes, and implements YFC activities such as youth camp, chapter assemblies, that will help our members grow in their spiritual life. 3.

Together with the Chapter Couple Coordinator he/she is responsible in preparing for the chapter assembly. We contact resource speakers and gather materials needed in the assembly. Makes sure that regular household with the members happen once every month. Monitors attendance in households and in all YFC activities. Leads the chapter service meetings with the couple coordinator. Keeps the directory of all the members in his chapter. It becomes easy for us to monitor our members if we have a directory. Groups the general membership into households and secures a list of the different household groupings. Consider age, maturity, and interest of members when grouping them into household. Strengthens relationship with the parish. We are responsible in sustaining good relationship with the parish/es in our chapter. Ensures involvement of his chapter to all general YFC activities (e.g. Mission trips, Conferences) Identifies, and trains household heads. In getting household heads, consider spiritual maturity and attitude towards service (i.e. willingness to learn, availability, commitment, etc.) Source of unity within the cluster. As a shepherd, he creates opportunities for his members to get to know other YFC members from different chapters in their cluster. Seeks nourishment from the cluster. It is very important for the chapter head to always seek guidance and nourishment from the elders so he can continually equip himself as he leads his flock. . CONCLUSION Our calling as Chapter heads Is Gods gift to all of us. We didnt choose to be chapter heads, but it is God who chose us. He personally chose YOU. He is counting on you. He calls each one of us to be a PRIEST, a FRIEND, and a SHEPHERD to our membersthe flock placed under our care. Dont let Him down. Remember, that He first became a PRIEST, FRIEND, and a SHEPHERD to all of us. Let us do the same with our members.


Structure and Cycle of Activities Objectives: 1. To make the YFC Chapter Heads appreciate the basic YFC structure and understand better the underlying principle behind the YFC activities. 2. To inspire the YFC Chapter Heads and move them into doing their best as the top leaders of their respective Chapters. Speakers Profile: 1. A YFC Community Based Leader (Cluster Head up) 2. He/she must be in YFC long enough to appreciate the different YFC activities. Preferably someone who held different YFC positions and underwent all the basic formation tracks. Note to the Speaker: activities. Stress the reasons behind the structure and

Suggested Video Support: Prepare a power point/flash presentation of the talk points and the structure and cycle of activities. I. INTRODUCTION

In life, there are things that are important for a human beings survival: food, shelter, clothing, to name a few. Among those mentioned, probably the most important is food. It is essential, nay, necessary for survival. Without it, the continuance of life wouldnt be possible. Food basically nourish usprovides us with the nutrients we need for growth; strengthen usfuels us to go through lifes daily demands; and make us bright and happy. In the same way, we sustain every YFC member by letting them partake in the banquet. The banquet includes the structure of grace and the platter of activities. II. STRUCTURES OF GRACE As a Christian community, YFCs strength lies in personal connection and relationship. It is about creating a family and building each other up. The structure of grace is the support group where every YFC member is taken cared of and the family who sees to it that they are loved and encouraged to their full potential. It is where the grace of god flows to each and every member of our community.


Excerpt from: STRUCTURES OF GRACE There are two elements that make up the YFC Community-based Program Structure: (1) Pastoral Structure, (2) Service/Functional Structure. A. The Pastoral Structure At the heart YFCs being, you will find that its basic mission is to care for and bring people to Christ. More than making sure that all activities and events in the YFC Program happen effectively and efficiently, YFC leaders are first called to genuinely love and care for their members. After all, we are in the business of loving. Thus, the first thing we need to prioritize in building and sustaining YFC Community is the PASTORAL STRUCTURE. 1. The Household As in all YFC groups, the most basic part of YFC Communitybased Program is the household. What is a HOUSEHOLD? The household is the most basic, concrete, and tangible expression of Gods love in Youth For Christ. It is a support group by nature and its main purpose is to foster a venue for growth in Christian maturity. It is where YFC members experience being cared for and learn how to care and give love. Our Couple Coordinators serve as the pastoral Household Heads of the YFC. They are primary in forming our YFCs because their experience and guidance as an adult is crucial. Although we say that our Couple Coordinators are the pastoral Household Heads of our youth, we still play an equally essential, crucial and necessary role in pastoring our YFCs, as their partners. We are Co-Pastors to our coordinators. B. The Service Structure The Chapter Heads are the channels of unity for the cluster. They should actively help build the cluster, not just their chapters. They are implementers in their own right of the Programs plans as well as the general directions of YFC. They are stewards of their territories and members. I. THE STRUCTURE A. The Community-Based Program of Vacouver is composed of 3 clusters with 4 mission areas (Kamloops, Terrace, Victoria and Whistler) Each Cluster has 3-5 chapters. 11

Each Chapter has 4-5 units. Each Units has 4-5 households B. Levels of Household Groups: 1. The Cluster Couple Coordinators are the household head of the Chapter Youth Heads with the Cluster Youth Heads as CoPastor. 2. The Chapter Couple Coordinators are the household head of the Unit Heads with the Chapter Youth Heads as Co-Pastor. 3. The Parent Coordinators Household Youth Heads directly pastor the members. NOTE: a. In Youth for Christ, we believe that the parents are the pastors of their children thus the Couple coordinators are semi-pastors. b. It doesnt follow that the service head is the pastoral head. In forming the household groups, we take into consideration the maturity needs and well-being of the person. C. Youth leaders with the Couple Coordinators In Community-Based Program we have YFC Couple Coordinators as service partners of the youth heads. In pastoral formation, the youth heads assists the YFC Couple Coordinators in pastoring the members of their core.

It is also essential to the life of every YFC that they GROW in their relationship with the Lord, GO in service to bring more people closer to God, and GLOW in love and joy together with the other YFC members. The platter of activities is the venue where the YFC members are nourished spiritually and motivated to grow in personal relationship with the Lord, where they are moved to share the love that they experienced and bring other young people closer to God, and where they can experience the fullness of life with God and His people. A. Annual Cycle of Activities Excerpt from: Cycle of Activities, A Plenary Session from the Cluster Heads Level Up Weekend


The activities of the YFC Community-Based are not an end in itself. They are not just created and implemented to provide the YFCs to have something to do. Significantly, they are venues for evangelization. They were designed to answer the needs of the YFC in the communitiesparishes, villages, public and private institutions among others. They are also made to help YFCs to remain true to their calling in evangelizing other people. They are opportunities to love and care for other people and for bringing Christ and His faithfulness to other people as well. When Jesus ascended to heaven, He commissioned Hid disciples to continue what He has started. In YFC, we are given the chance to answer Gods call through the activities that we have, and we can do. II. MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF CFC-YFC COMMUNITY-BASED Level-Up Cluster Heads Weekend (Yearly Cluster Heads Training) Chapter Heads Overnight (Yearly Chapter Heads Training) Red Carpet (Yearly Formal and Honoring Night for coordinators and youth heads) Chapter & Cluster Couple Coordinators Training Basic Couple Coordinators Training (BCCT) Chapter Heads must attend the following trainings 1. Summer House Training 2. YFC MCG Retreat (Entry point to all new MCG members) III. YEARLY CYCLE OF ACTIVITIES Our YFC Calendar always starts with the YFC International Leaders Conference (ILC). January YFC MCG Retreat February National Leaders Summit March Regional Youth Conference April Youth Camps International Leaders Conference May Cluster Heads Level Up Chapter Heads Overnight


July YFC National Conference August SHOUT

October Youth Camps *this is on top of the formation track B.2 Monthly Cycle for Community-Based Leaders 1st week: Chapter Assemblies 2nd week: Free Time 3rd week: Chapter Assemblies (Collective H.H. Assembly) 4th week: YFC MCG

For Chapter Heads, the Chapter Assemblies are the venue for them to take care of their members and see to it that they are good stewards of the flock entrusted to them. On the other hand, as one of the top leaders of YFC, they attend the YFC MCG Assembly because this is where they are nourished in fellowship with the other YFC leaders. Collective Household Assemblies are assemblies when the chapter gathers and people break-out into Households, after a topic or immediately after the worship if the household heads have their own prepared topics. B.2 Monthly Cycle for Community-Based Members 1st week: Chapter Assemblies 2nd week: FREE 3rd week: Chapter Assemblies (Collective H.H. Assembly) 4th week: FREE

Note: a) Sector will be conducted ONLY if there is a need. b) Our goal is for each YFC member to attend 2 households (including the collective H.H. assembly) and 1 assembly per month. Their other pastoral H.H. could be held on either FREE week. Every chapter MUST have the following activities, which are crucial to the formation and life of every YFC: a. Worship b. Teaching/Household/Sharing c. Fellowship d. Evangelization 14

IV. LIFE OF A CHAPTER The Community Based Chapter of YFC is concerned primarily in the growth and sustainability of the chapter. It is basically inward-looking, focusing on the strengthening of the fortress, as compared to the focus of the cluster, which is primarily outward-looking and concerned with linkages. The life of a chapter, just like the life of a human person, grows and develops through the years. Wherever our mind will take us, it is basic that we know that every activity of the chapter must embody the FOUR NONNEGOTIABLE ELEMENTS, namely: (4 Fs) Fun, Friendship, Faith, and Freedom. V. CONCLUSION As YFCs, we are not only served food to eat, we are being asked to partake in the banquet. The banquet is the feastthe ultimate showcase of food for us to savor and enjoy. And as Chapter Heads, lets us bring our members to the banquet and let them experience the joy of dining with the Lord.


Closing Exhortation So keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock which the Holy Spirit has placed in your care. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He made His own through the sacrificial death of His Son. (Acts 20:28) INTRODUCTION We have been chosen and called by God and now we are ready to respond to this calling through raising faith communities. By praying, acting on our calling, and serving God in our areas. We have also been reminded on how to tend the flock God gave us. It is by having a prayerful life, building relationships, and by being a servant-leader to our members. Indeed, this weekend has truly been an affirmation of Gods love and promise for all of us. His love is so generous that despite our shortcomings and inequities, he has still blessed us with far greater things than we can imagine even this privilege of serving Him in the areas He has appointed us into. Believe that your being a leader in your areas is truly a special anointing and it is only by Hid grace that we are where we are now. Know that we do not deserve anything; we are not even worthy of anything, but His grace still reaches us wherever or at whatever circumstance we are in. And He has entrusted us with even so much more. THE GOAL AND MISSION (Focus more on this. Explain in simple terms and have a personal sharing for each.) The goal of a renewed society through raising faith communities is not one mans dream or two or three, it is OUR dream. And Gods way of calling you in sharing in this vision is a manifestation that He will equip you, He will equip you with His love. And only by that love can we be moved to do our mission and allow others to share in it, too. How do we get to that dream? What is our mission? Building the Church of the Home and the Church of the Poor Building the church of the home The Lord is calling us to renew the lives of the people whom God has given us. He wants us to pursue the love He gave in every person, through building and restoring relationships. He is also inviting us to journey with Christ and making Him the center of our lives. Building the church of the poor


We must live by Christs example as he loved and served the people who need most of His love, the poor. We must let them feel how much God loves them and how He is willing to have a personal relationship with them. And most especially, He wants us to lead others in bringing back the hope to our world and letting everyone know that through Christ, we will rise up to the challenges our world is facing. COMMUNITY BASED THRUSTS Renewal of HeartsRestoration of RelationshipsRebuilding of the Nation RENEWAL OF HEARTS. Ask for a new heart. A young heart dreams. A young heart is expectant and hopeful. A new heart is open to how God will work, gives its best and leaves the rest to God. A renewed heart sees that everything is an opportunity, and thus works to harness a new synergy, a new vitalism, dynamism. A renewed heart moves forward. RESTORATION OF RELATIONSHIPS. We move, we pursue. We talk about the heart of the work with the people who matters in our lives (parents, brothers, and sisters, boyfriends, girlfriends, our youth leaders, our members, YFC coordinators, CFC leaders, the parents of our youth members, our relatives, etc.) REBUILDING THE NATION. Always look toward the future. Always think of your work as connected to CFC. Lead others to vigor, to the vision, not to despair and bitterness. See the vision and work towards the greater life for our SIGA youth. We build from what we have inherited. We move with the GRACE. Go on a higher level of searching. Its about the condition of our hearts that matters. Know that God is the eternal wellspring. Pray for a new seed. A new challenge. A new dynamism. A new purpose in your life. A revolutionized and more dynamic Community-Based Program through: Prayer Joy in the Lord of the service and not in the service of the Lord Creativity and resourcefulness in the sue of our talent, time and treasure Unconditional love NEW BEGINNINGS We believe that the Lord is revealing to us a promise. A promise to you and to the Community-Based Program. And He is calling us all to share in that promise. A promise that we should start achieving with a revolution of change. WE WILL REVOLUTIONIZE COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAM! And you are a part of this transformation. All it takes is for you to:


a. SURRENDER- There are certain things weights in life you simply cannot carry. Our Lord is asking us to set them down and trust Him. Know that in trusting God through prayer and faith, He will take good care of everything. He will always be with you. b. HOPE- We must know that God have great plans for you and everyone. Believe that the power behind us is greater than the task ahead. Persevere in loving everyone and know that everything can be done through Christ who strengthens you. c. ACTThe time to act is NOW. Make things happen for you and for everyone around you. Make the vision your own, and embrace it with a passion. When we pray, god gives the desires of His heart and gives us the grace to make it our own. Be an honest witness of Gods love and faithfulness in your life. Only when we are able to walk our talk, and are able to witness to all these things can we make others see and long to know Jesus as well in the same way that you do in this community. Make things happen for Community-Based. Take your commitment to a higher level. Go higher, deeper, and wider. Higher commitment to God and to His people. Deeper relationship with the Lord. Wider, going beyond yourself and your family, that is going out to the poor and be a light to them, bearers of hope and love. Then, you can make things happen for Community-Based. CONCLUSION Great things start from new beginnings. We are all meant for greater things. The Lord has made us special and for special purpose we are called to fulfill. Let us all fulfill it with a passion unparalleled. You are the new generation who will fulfill Gods promise. Take courage, brothers and sisters. We have a trusting Team Captain. A strong Commander-in-Chief. Just believe the unbelievable. Receive the inconceivable. Beyond your wildest imaginations. Come with great expectations before the Lord for your life, and for your areas. LET US WORK TOWARDS RENEWAL, RESTORATION, AND REBUILDING IN US, AMONG US, AND THROUGH US.


Objective: To know the importance of developing and practicing good communication skill through speaking, listening and giving feedback. Dynamics: 18

Activity: Role Playing (by twos) 1. One will be the cluster head and the partner will act either as: 1-co-cluster head/ partner-(discuss about your household topic) 2-parish priest (YFC presentation) 3-couple coordinator (talk about a member with studies or family concern) 4-non-YFC (invitation to youth camp) 2. Give at least 15 minutes Processing of the activity: (15 mins) Ask what happened in the activity. -Do they find it hard or easy? -How was the flow of communication? -Was the topic/message delivered properly? -Give feedback Talk Proper

Introduction Communication is integral for any relationship, be it at home, with friends, in school or at work. The foundation of solid interpersonal skills is not just making yourself be heard but also involves an understanding of where other people are coming from. Communication should be an act of love, which liberates all who take part in it. It is ultimately meant to glorify God. In that sense, all communication is an act of worship, praise to God through the shared word and action of a community living in the consciousness of Gods presence. Christian communication is challenged to witness to Gods transforming power in all areas of human life. In YFC , we communicate with our members, with our co-leaders, couple coordinators and with different people. Without communication skills we are unable to let others know what we think, feel, or want to accomplish. We are unable to build partnerships, motivate others, or resolve conflict.

I. There are two parts to communicating effectively. Speaker- one is being able to express yourself so that your message can be heard. Listener- the other is listening in order to understand the needs of others and what they are trying to say. I. TIPS FOR COMMUNICATION


A. WATCH WHAT YOU SAY (YOUR WORDS) 7% OF COMMUNICATION IS THROUGH ACTUAL WORDS SPOKEN. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" (Proverbs 25:11). "Grievous words stir up anger" (Proverbs 15:1b).

Choose your words carefully. Avoid mannerism utterance Avoid nagging (the act of reminding someone to do something when you know he or she hasn't forgotten). Avoid quarrels. No side comments Use words that are easy to understand Ignore insults. Be considerate, patient and kind. Know who are you talking to, so that you will know the kind of lingo to use

"A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it till afterward"(Proverbs 29:11). B. WATCH HOW YOU SAY IT (YOUR TONE OF VOICE) 38% OF COMMUNICATION IS THROUGH THE TONE OF VOICE. "A soft answer turneth away wrath" (Proverbs 15:1). "Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).

Wrap your words in the proper tone of voice. Avoid hysterics. Dont yell, mumble, ramble, talk too fast, or speak inaudibly. Avoid sarcastic intonation. "A soft tongue breaketh the bone"(Proverbs 25:15)

C. WATCH HOW YOU SAY IT (YOUR ACTIONS) 55% OF COMMUNICATION IS THROUGH ACTIONS. "A wicked man walketh with a perverse mouth. He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers" (Proverbs 6:12,13).


Facial Expressions (smile, show interest) Gestures (open, warm, natural, welcoming) Eye Contact (look into others eyes) Posture (relax, lean toward other person) Physical Contact (soft touch, hand clasp)

Negative actions include frowning, avoiding eye contact, angry gestures, glaring, turning away, crying, and tenseness. We often send confusing messages because our non-verbal communications contradict our words. D. WATCH WHEN YOU SAY IT (YOUR TIMING) "A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth; and a word spoken in due season, how good it is" (Proverbs 15:23).

Dont try to solve problems if you are hungry, exhausted, upset, or have a limited time before an appointment. Define the issue so you both will know what is involved. Set a definite time. The word later is not sufficient. Think through what you want to say and how you want to say it. Be prayerful. Learn to listen Avoid butting in. Let the person finish his point.

"Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips"(Psalm 141:3).


COMMUNICATION CHECK LIST Which of the following do I use in communication?


POSITIVE TACTICS Attentiveness Understanding Patience Kindness Warm gestures Eye contact Sharing of blame Sincere smile Soft voice Well chosen words Good timing Closeness Self control Prayer

NEGATIVE TACTICS Angry gestures Sarcasm Excessive talking Fake smile Avoid eye contact Silence, sulking Butting in Changing subject Dragging out "dirty linen." Pretending to be absorbed with TV Pretending to be asleep Faking a headache or fatigue Refusing to talk about the matter Loud voice Crying Excuses Shifting blame Nagging Belittling Nervous laugh Keep distance

THOUGHTS ON COMMUNICATION The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Nevill Never hold any one by the button or the hand in order to be heard out; for if people are unwilling to hear you, you had better hold your tongue than them. Chesterfield Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they would like to say something. Plato The talkative listen to no one, for they are ever speaking. And the first evil that attends those who know not how to be silent, is that they hear nothing. Plutarch We often say things because we can say them well, rather than because they are sound and reasonable. Landor The more ideas a man has the fewer words he takes to express them. Wise men never talk to make time; they talk to save it. Esek



Appendix B


Objectives 1. To provide a general knowledge about Prayer Meeting. 2. To give a background on how it is to be a Prayer Meeting Leader. Speakers profile - At least a Cluster Youth Head who has already led or supervised a YFC Prayer Meeting. Dynamics - This teaching will delivered as a plenary discussion. - After all the points are presented, an open forum will be conducted. Talk Proper I. Introduction YFC members are always excited to go out of their house and meet with their friends. Thats why whenever there are activities; they are always on the go. In YFC we provide them alternative set of friends and wholesome activity. We make sure that in all of our activities the 4Fs are experienced. This is not achieved in one time big time activity. For that reason, we make every gathering a great experience to YFC. We see to it that every prayer meeting will bring our members into Gods presence. II. Elements that make a Prayer Meeting A. Relationships The prayer meeting is a venue for everyone to build and nurture relationships. This is the opportunity for the new and old YFC members to see and bond with each other. At the same time this is also the chance for the coordinators to get to know the YFC members that they are taking care of and to be one with other couple coordinators. We encourage that the prayer meeting leader should have a good relationship with the people attending the meeting along with the other friendly YFC leaders and couple coordinators. B. Worship The worship is the time when the people get to be in Gods presence. This is when everyone couple coordinators and YFC members will have a personal experience with God. In our community, we worship with songs of praise and hear the message of the Lord.


The role of the worship leader is very crucial in leading the worship. His goal is to encourage and bring everyone to pray. Moreover, he will set the posture of the people of what the Lord wants to convey. (See brief teaching about Worship in Appendix A) C. Talk/ Activity The talk or the activity develops the whole message of the prayer meeting. It is important that this will be delivered in an easy-to-understand to the youth way. For chapter assemblies, the topics that will be given can be taken from the Chapter Topic Manual while for household prayer meeting it can be taken from the Household Topic Manual. D. Sharing The sharing is conducted to enhance the message of the prayer meeting. This will help the listeners understand and capture the points. It is encouraged that the sharers will be YFC members so that the listeners can easily relate with the message. This usually talks about the victories, challenges/trials, conversions of our members. During chapter assembly, the team can prepare two sharers and encourage more on the day itself. For those who are on-the-spot sharers, the team should listen first of the sharer before allowing it to share in front. E. Summary of the activity This is when the prayer meeting leader connects all the parts of the prayer meeting from the worship, talk/activity, and sharing. This is where the group prays, responds to God. If there are any birthday celebrants, this is also the part when we will pray for them. III. Types of Prayer Meeting Household (twice a month) - House to house prayer meeting is done from one house of HH member to another. Collective Household Assembly - Is a form of household wherein when the chapter gathers together in one assembly to worship and then disperses for household group sharings. Chapter Assembly (once a month activity) - is a form of prayer meeting wherein the chapter gathers in one assembly to worship and listen to the specific teachings.


IV. Prayer Meeting Program Set-up 1 hour Gathering/Teaching of Songs 30 mins. Exhortation & Worship 20 mins. Talk/Activity 45 mins. Sharings 30 mins. Summary/Closing Prayer 10 mins. V. The Prayer Meeting Leader A. Roles of a Prayer Meeting Leader 1. Welcomes the YFC members 2. Introduces the Worship Leader 3. Introduces the Speaker 4. Call on Sharers 5. Summarizes the whole prayer meeting activity 6. Calls on the Closing Prayer Leader 7. Announces the reminders 8. Makes sure that everyone is at ease and comfortable in the prayer meeting. 9. Brings people in Gods presence. B. Skills of a Prayer Meeting Leader 1. People Dynamics It is good that the prayer meeting leader knows what works best for people. It is better if he has a good stock of stories, jokes and anecdotes. One of his roles is to keep the attention of crowd and excite them of what is about to happen. 2. Getting people to share The prayer meeting leader is expected to say something encouraging (like a story or an experience) to get the members to want to share. He can call out names or site some exemplary members who are inspiring or had been struggling but still holding on to the Lord. 3. Listening The prayer meeting leader should be the most attentive in the prayer meeting. He needs to listen to sharers, speakers, and to the prophecy. Mainly because Gods Word is spread out in so many parts in the prayer meeting. He then connects all the points that God said during the whole meeting. Thats why it is important for the leader to listen intently. He can carry a pen and paper to scribble down sharings and important points in the talk


4. Exhortation The prayer meeting leader is expected to excite people and give them reason enough to give praise and thanksgiving to God in whatever state the crowd is at the moment. There are two kinds of exhortation: a. Exhort people to worship (3-5 mins) This exhortation can be a story from the bible or a personal experience. This will encourage people to be in the right posture for the worship to honor Him, listen to Him, and to praise Him. b. Summary based on the sharings and the talk This exhortation encourages people to respond to Gods word. It challenges the members to respond. The Prayer Meeting should say something like, This is what God said, and I believe brothers and sisters that HE is telling us to That should be ended with a prayer. VI. Important Notes A. The ideal seating arrangement in an assembly is square or oval where everyone can hear the speaker in front. B. Avoid having the listeners face the door or window so that they wont get distracted by the people entering/passing by. C. Gathering songs are intended to gather members---No matter how many people are there during the prayer meeting, the Music Ministry should start singing or teaching songs. D. Dont start with an apology, Start Confidently! E. Once people are gathered, before you introduce the start with the worship leader, introduce and recognize new people, freshmen students to the group. VII. Conclusion Now that we know the basic and essential parts of a prayer meeting, let us not keep this to our notebooks. Rather let this be our guiding formula. The Lord has provided us ways how we can have effective prayer meeting. This is His gift to us; let us make this gift a blessing to us and to other people especially to the youth.



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