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Definition As explained by the Living Dangerously website, the phrases "adventure sport" or "extreme sport" are used to classify

certain activities that feature a high level of danger. In fact, the website goes on to explain that "these activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and high specialized gear or spectacular stunts." These adventure sports can be competitive or non-competitive and often involve individual participants, rather than teams. The high danger associated with the activities places the participants at high risk for injury and/or death in the case of an accident or mistake.

Water Sports When surfing or bodyboarding, a participant tackles tantalizing ocean waves using only his body and a board. Surfers use an extremely long board, while bodyboarders use a much smaller board. If you want to ditch the board for a boat, opt for extreme canoeing or white water rafting. With both sports, participants use a boat and paddles to tackle the dangerous whitewater rapids. With extreme canoeing, the boat is typically narrow and wooden, while white water rafting involves a large inflatable raft. Other adventure water sports include cliff diving, barefoot water skiing, windsurfing and scuba diving. Mountain Sports The mountains are a prime place for adventure sports year-round. During the warm months when the snow has melted away, adventure sports athletes take to the mountains for mountain biking and rock climbing. On a mountain bike, riders tackle rough terrain and downhill trails. With rock climbing, climbers scale natural rock formations using their hands and a few pieces of specialized equipment to prevent fatal falls. Winter Sports If water is a bit too tame for your interests, take on its frigid, freezing sister. During the winter, adventure sports enthusiasts take on snow and ice in a variety of extreme winter sports. Similar to rock climbing, ice climbing involves scaling the side of a frozen waterfall or solid ice glacier. On the other hand, ice boating involves racing a boat fitted with skis over frozen waters. Although snowboarding is considered an adventure sport, some participants take it to the extreme by jumping out of a helicopter onto the snowy slopes. Other adventure winter sports include extreme skiing and snowmobiling. Air Sports If you prefer the feel of wind, rather than water or earth, try your hand at an extreme air sport. Generally, these sports involve throwing your body into the air at an extremely high elevation. BASE jumping or skydiving involves jumping from a building, antennae, bridge, cliff or airplane, and using a parachute to sail safely to the ground. Although bungee jumping also involves jumping into the air from a significant elevation, participants are connected to a large elastic cord, which prevents them from hitting the ground. Various other adventure air sports include hang gliding, sky surfing and high wire (tight rope) walking.

advantages Adventure sports refers to activities like mountain biking, rock climbing, mountaineering, or kayaking, scuba diving, base jumping, the list goes on and on. What these endeavors have in common is a degree of risk, uncertainty and self-discovery. Today, adventure sports are known to teach people self reliance, teamwork and to leave their comfort zone. These elements can result in better health, improved self esteem and increased confidence that translates into all aspects of one's life. Turning Exercise into Adventure Getting cardiovascular exercise and training with weights or other activity is a great way to manage your fitness. However, taking your workout outside is a terrific way to cross train. Simply running on trails

instead of an indoor track develops balance, uses more muscle groups and can take you on a journey in an uncontrolled environment that stimulates your brain with countless variables. Throw in some unpredictable weather and you'll recognize the thrill of beating the storm and making it back home safely.

Out of Your Comfort Zone Many people may be reluctant to try things like mountain biking or scuba diving, thinking they don't possess the skills or ability to enjoy it. According to, encouraging people to try new activities may result in them realizing things about themselves they did not know. A great way to build confidence and promote a positive attitude, getting out of your comfort zone is sometimes the only way you'll dig deep enough to break free of negative thinking.

Use What you Learn Many sports, like technical rock climbing, backcountry skiing or any other activity in a remote setting, rely on good communication skills, trust and teamwork. This helps people develop communication skills and learn to work together for a common goal. More often than not, in these tough conditions, those that help others are also helping themselves. According to, adventure is really about how you apply what you learn about yourself to other areas of your life. Benefits of Adventure True adventure lovers look for the opportunity to challenge themselves and learn from their experiences. The emotional and physical benefits of adventure sports are impressive such as improved problem solving, increased health and a positive thinking. According to, participants that complete their program of wilderness therapy finish with increased fitness, and a healthy emotional balance.

Explain any 3 in detail If you enjoy adrenaline rushes or thrilling adventures, then adventure sports could just be what the doctor ordered. Whether it's climbing the face of a mountain, jumping off a bridge, diving to see sharks or navigating through treacherous rapids, there is an adventure around most corners. Whitewater Rafting Whitewater rafting is the sport of navigating on rivers in an inflatable raft. Usually several people are in the raft, and each uses a paddle to help navigate. The categorization of rapids into six classes according to order of difficulty guides which whitewater experience is appropriate to attempt. Level I rapids, which are small, easy waves with no obstacles, do not require a guide. Level VI rapids are unrunnable waves that can be deadly, including waterfalls. If you are thinking about organizing a rafting adventure but don't know where to go, websites like are helpful resources. Rock Climbing If you aren't afraid of heights, rock climbing could be the adventure sport for you. The many types of rock climbing include free, trad, aid, solo, ice and mountain. Before you set out to climb, you'll need certain equipment. Carabiners connect your rope and your harness; the harness is needed to hold you up while you are climbing. Also critical are belay devices, used by climbers to feed the rope to one another. Climbing shoes made of vulcanized rubber, gloves and a helmet are also necessary equipment for climbing adventures.

Bungee Jumping Bungee jumping is the sport of jumping from tall structures such as bridges, buildings and towers with an elastic cord tied around your ankle. With the cord secured to the structure, bungee jumping gives you a sense of free falling until the cord reaches its end and snaps you back toward the top of the structure. The highest structure in the world for bungee jumping is China's Macau Tower, the launching pad for world-record drops. For bungee jumpers in the United States, a popular place is Bungee America, located in the Angeles National Forest in Los Angeles, California. Deep Sea Diving Special equipment and certifications are required before you can deep sea dive. Because of the pressure deep water can place on the human body, prospective divers must take classes offered by a certified scuba diving organization. They attend classroom sessions and practice in confined and then open water; they learn to use diving equipment and dive safely and effectively at various depths. Most beginners are limited to diving more than 130 feet. Basic equipment includes a mask, air tank, dry suit, gloves and flippers. precautionsI consider extreme sports is safety. If you are considering participating in any type of extreme sport, I want you to first reflect on and be aware of the tremendous importance of safety precautions that you must take in preparing yourself for involvement and participation. The word itself, extreme is a connotation of a word that represents danger and exemplifies the need for safety. As a whole, there are general rules for safety, when it comes to extreme sports participation. These include: wearing appropriate gear, having supervision and being in a safe locale. The most common injuries associated with extreme sports on an undivided basis of categories include: sprains, fractures, cuts, bruising and broken teeth. Other than the above, below are listed safety precautions that must be taken into account in order to assist in preventing either minor or major misfortunes from occurring as a result of extreme sports participation: Check and re-check your gear for wear and tear and durability. Check and familiarize yourself with the surface you are going to be competing or playing on. Wear padding, helmets and the appropriate clothing to the extreme sport you will be engaging in. Do not rush the learning curve! Know your limits and do not attempt to perform an act for which you do not have enough experience to do so. Wear proper footwear. Read and inform yourself of weather conditions that may affect your sport environment. Be in shape for your sport. Do not participate in your sport if you are physically tired and/or your emotions are not in check. As always, turn to us for your safety related questions, comments and answers. We welcome and look forward to them. Safe living,

Grandparents interview-

Sample Questions for 'Interviewing' Your Grandparents

1. Where were you born? What year? 2. What are the names and birthdates of your brothers and sisters? 3. Did you have a pet when you were growing up? 4. Did you get an allowance? 5. Who was more strict, your mom or dad? 6. What were your favorite games and activities? 7. What chores were assigned to you? 8. What did your house look like? Is it still the same? 9. Did your house have electricity when you were young? 10. What traditions did your family have? 11. Did your family have big reunions? 12. Did you like school? What kinds of grades did you get? 13. What were your favorite subjects? 14. When you were a teenager, what time did you have to be home at night? 15. How old were you when you met grandma/grandpa? 16. How old were you when you got married? 17. What was your first job? 18. Tell me about my mom/dad when he/she was growing up. 19. What makes you proud of my mom/dad? 20. Have you accomplished what you wanted in life? 21. What do you think the President should do for the country now? 22. What advice would you like to give me?

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