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Dept of Electrical &Electronics Engineering Assignment I I Year EE


OHMS LAW 1). For the network of Fig 1 a. Find the currents I and I6. b. Find the voltages V1 and V5. c. Find the power delivered to the 6 k resistor

4). Using branch-current analysis, find the current through each resistor for the networks of Fig. 4. The resistors are all standard values

2). For the series-parallel network of Fig. 2 a. Find the current I. b. Find the currents I3 and I9. c. Find the current I8. d. Find the voltage Vab

5). For the networks of Fig.5, determine the current I2 using branch-current analysis, and then find the voltage Vab.

3). For the network of Fig. 3 a. Determine the current I1. b. Calculate the currents I2 and I3. c. Determine the voltage levels Va and Vb.

6). For the networks of Fig.5, determine the current I2 using branch-current analysis, and then find the current through 5 resistor


networks of Fig. 7). Write the mesh equations for each of the networks of Fig.6 solve for the loop currents in each network. Use clockwise mesh currents

8). Write the mesh equations for each of the networks of Fig.6 solve for the loop currents in each network. Use clockwise mesh currents

12). Determine the nodal voltages for the networks of Fig.

STAR-DELTA TRANSFORMATION 9). For the networks of Fig., determine the current I2 using mesh-current analysis, and then find the voltage across 5 resistor 13).Using STAR-DELTA transformation, find the current I

NODE VOLTAGE ANALYSIS 10). Determine the nodal voltages for the networks of Fig.

11). Determine the nodal voltages for the

THEVENINS THEOREM AND NORTONS THEOREM 15, Using Thevenins Theorem and Nortons theorem, find its equivalent circuit to find the current passing through the load resistance

SUPER POSITION THEOREM 14). Using the principle of superposition, find the current I2 through the 12-k resistor of Fig.

16, Using Thevenins Theorem and Nortons theorem, find the current through 6 resistor

17, Using Thevenins Theorem and Nortons theorem, find its equivalent circuit

MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM 18, Find the unknown value of resistance R if maximum power is transferred. What is the maximum power/

TWO MARK QUESTIONS 1. State Ohms law. 2. State Kirchhoffs voltage law. 3. State Kirchhoffs Current law. 4. Mention the limitations of Ohms Law. 5. Give two applications of both series and parallel combination. 6. State two salient points of a series combination of resistance. 7. State two salient points of a parallel combination of resistance. 8. Explain how voltage source with a source resistance can be converted into an equivalent current source. 9. Define an ideal voltage source. 10. Define an ideal current source. 11. Name the four different types of dependent sources in electric circuits. 12. What is meant by Unilateral and bilateral element? 13. What is meant by linear and nonlinear elements? 14. What is meant by active and Passive elements? 15. State Superposition theorem. 16. State Thevenins theorem. 17. State Nortons theorem. 18. State Maximum power transfer theorem. 19. State reciprocity theorem. 20. Three resistors Rab, Rbc and Rca are connected in STAR. Write the expression for resistors in equivalent DELTA. 21. Three resistors Rab, Rbc and Rca are connected in delta. Write the expression for resistors in equivalent star. 22. Give the limitations of using Superposition theorem. 23. Write some applications of Maximum power transfer theorem. 24. Define the current division rule. 25. Write the voltage division rule.

RECIPROCITY THEOREM 19, Verify the Reciprocity Theorem for the given circuits/

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