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find a Needle?
Do not try to put the cap back on the needle. Do not snap, break or bend any part of the needle. Pick the needle up carefully. Use tongs, needle-nosed pliers or a gloved hand. Put the needle in a hard plastic container (peanut butter, pop, water). Seal it tightly and label it Needle. Do not use a glass container as it could break.

The Community Coalition United for the Protection of Children and Youth (CCUPCY) id organizing a Paint the Town Clean (Graffiti removal) on Saturday, June 16, 2012. Volunteers will gather at the Boys and Girls Club at 10:00AM to be assigned sites to paint over. We should be done by noon for a BBQ at the Boys and Girls Club. Fix up the Park - Picton Parkette - Thursday June 14 from 10 AM - 5 PM Free Art classes are starting Thursday evenings at 6 PM - Boys & Girls Club Room 221. Call Eugene at 767-7827 for more info; Free traditional beading classes are starting Wednesdays at 6 PM. Call Lori at 577-9036 for more information Planning is afoot for a celebration with a barbeque and music Watch for posters in the area!
Join in! The next Community
On May 31, our newly formed Community Action Group held a neighborhood clean-up and BarBQ in the Windsor/Picton/Bloucher area. With the help of Eco Superior, Alpha Court, The Boys and Girls Club, the Multicultural Youth Council, Eat Local Pizza, and Katimavik, it was a great success. Our volunteers completely covered this neighborhood and ended up with four half-ton truck loads of garbage going to the dump. Spirits were high and the neighborhood starting feeling a bit of community pride. The one sad note is that these wonderful young volunteers with Katimavik will be the last time youth from across Canada will come to our fair city and contribute their time and good will for three months. This due to the Harper Government cancelling the program. Our Community Action Group had the great pleasure of working with two groups of Katimavik volunteers over the last six months and we have been thrilled by their enthusiasm, dedication and hard work. Their final efforts in our community will be to fix up the Picton Parkette on June 14 followed by a fun evening for neighborhood kids at the Boys and Girls Club. We are truly sorry to see them go and saddened by Harpers cancelation of this very worthwhile and cost efficient program. We wish all the Katimavik volunteers the very best and a very BIG THANK YOU!

Call Superior Points at 625-8831 or 625-7996 to pick up the needle(s).

Action Group
Meeting will be held on June 21st at 3 PM in the Alpha Court office on the second floor of the Boys and Girls Club building. You are welcome and encouraged to attend. A Parenting Program will be offered by Serena Essex from the Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre. The program will be offered in Room 221 at the Boys and Girls Club building. Contact Serena for more details @ 345-5840 ext 222.

Crime Map for our neighbourhood May 10-June 10 2012

The Thunder Bay Police Service offer crime mapping as a way to share what is happening in our neighbourhood. Over the past thirty days there have been several weapons offenses that TBPS officers have responded to on Picton Avenue. Those are the grey markers on the map. On June 3 2012 there was a sexual assault reported on Blucher Avenue. As well there have been several breakins, and thefts, the B and T markers. The light blue markers are for multiple offenses. The Crime Map can be accessed online at Keeping our neighbourhood safe means working with the Thunder Bay Police Service and Crimestoppers. Thunder Bay Police Service 684-1200. Thunder Bay District Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS or 623-TIPS

Steve Mantis and Alana King Co-chairs, Community Action Group

Thanks to all our sponsors and helpers Thanks to Munzeroy Neeking for his cooking skills at our barbecue!

Knowing what is going on helps you and your family stay safer. Remember as the warmer weather starts, it is important to keep your doors locked, and to keep an eye out in the neighbourhood for suspicious activity.

Alpha Court Day Centre was officially opened

November 17th, 2011.

The Centre was implemented in response to the need and high demand for affordable, quality services and programs for adults with mental illness and/or addiction. The Alpha Court Day Centre holds a wide range of recreational, creative, and educational programs from Arts and Crafts, Aboriginal Beading, to
Over the past several months, as the Community Action Group has got rolling, there have been numerous meetings, and several very positive efforts at community engagement. The key to having a better neighbourhood is, after all in At the May 31st Community Clean up and barbeque, the Regional Multicultural Youth Council Several helped people with the Barbeque, and with music. commented that it was such fun that it needs to become a more regular event. Planning is Call 622-4666 or for to more get underway for more events like information The Regional Multicultural Youth Council is currently working out of Dennis Franklin Cromarty School and on Saturday Nights from seven to nine there is an opportunity for fun!
Over the course of the summer months, you might often hear your kids share with your Im bored! Usually that means there just isnt anything interesting that kids want to do at that moment. Some ideas over the summer

Teenagers having fun! If your teens are busy, they are less likely to get into trouble. Here, the Regional Multicultural Youth Council enjoy a night of music and a bonfire. And of course fun! For more information contact RMYC at 6224666!


Mission Statement and Vision:

Mission Statement: To live in a happy, healthy, safe, and connected community, in the Blucher, Picton, Windsor neighborhood. Vision: Increase community pride and involvement, and promote the holistic health of our residents, in a safe neighborhood, with positive opportunities.

Hide and seek, freeze-tag, hopscotch, road hockey, or touch football none of these things are any less fun now than they were when we were kids. Encourage your children to play outside, and teach them all the games you can think of or find on the Internet. If you do this, you probably won't hear the bored complaint so much, and if you do, you can always send them outside to find their own solution to the problem.

Boxing and Weight

Training to Addiction Education. Weve seen a great response from the community, and hope to continue to provide these services for many years to come. If you or someone you know may suffer from a mental illness and/or addiction, we welcome you to call Jesse James @ 683-7729 for more

your hands.
Working volunteers neighbourhood surveyed, with the has gathering Katimavik entire been your

What was also

As well, there are opportunities for The Key to having a better neighbourhood is in your hands!
Contact Steve Mantis or Alana

exciting was to see so many of the young people in the area helping to clean up the area.




involved and start things right in the neighbourhood!

input on what is needed. The Thunder Bay Northstars Hockey Team helped sponsor that effort providing free Northstars playoff tickets to interested people who helped by filling in surveys. It is your ideas for programs, and activities that are coming forward into our

Over the summer, often you might have last minute guests, or you dont have a lot of time to sweat it out in the kitchen, here is a recipe from Foodland Ontario that is fast to make. These skewers taste amazing and require minimal work. Tandoori paste is available at most grocery stores, but in a pinch any Indian paste can be used. The skewers are excellent with basmati rice as well.

Preparation Instructions: In medium bowl, whisk together yogurt, with tandoori paste and 1 tbsp (15 mL) lemon juice. Cut chicken into bite-size chunks; add to yogurt mixture and stir. Refrigerate, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes or covered overnight. Cut unpeeled peaches into 4 wedges each. In

Part of the solution for youth in the area is having positive activities to participate in. Fortunately, there are lots of choices. The Boys and Girls Club offers a number of programs, and

King. Steve can be reached at and Alana can be reached at You can also join our Facebook Group Just search on Facebook for Picton

Preparation Time: 20 minutes; Marinating Time: 30 bowl, toss together peaches, 1 tsp (5 mL) minutes; Cooking Time: 10 minutes -- Serves: 4 lemon juice, oil and 2 tbsp (25 mL) of the Ingredients:

information on how to
be referred into programs. The services are free, and referrals are confidential.

neighbourhood with a goal of

making the area a safer, more fun and better place.

also is a great community

asset that you can use.

Blutcher Windsor

coriander. Thread chicken onto 4 skewers; thread peaches onto remaining skewers. Sprinkle both with salt to taste. Place 1/4 cup (50 mL) plain yogurt chicken on greased grill over medium heat; grill, turning occasionally for 7 minutes. Add 4 tsp (20 mL) bottled tandoori paste peach skewers; grill until juices run clear 1 lemon when chicken is pierced and peaches are 1 lb (500 g) boneless skinless Ontario Chicken Breasts or Thighs warm, 2 to 4 minutes. During last minute of 3 firm but ripe Ontario Peaches or Nectarines cooking, grill naan if using. To serve, top each naan with 1 peach skewer, 1 chicken 1 tsp (5 mL) olive oil skewer and dollop of raita. Sprinkle with remaining coriander. 3 tbsp (45 mL) finely chopped fresh
coriander Salt 4 small naan bread (optional) Raita (homemade or store bought), optional

Tip: To prevent peaches from spinning when grilling, thread skewer through top and bottom of each wedge.

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