Gas Insulated Switchgear and GIS Substation Essentials1

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A 2-Day Professional Development Seminar on

Gas Insulated Switchgear and GIS Substation Essentials

8-9 MARCH 2010 Rydges World Square

30-31 MARCH 2010 Stamford Plaza Hotel 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Your True Partner in Attaining Professional Excellence

There is a continuous increase in the application of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) into Electric Power Transmission and Distribution substations. Gas Insulated Switchgear is the most modern form of High Voltage Switchgear. The superior dielectric and arc quenching properties of the SF6 gas allow a substantial reduction in the size of the switchgear. GIS substations can therefore be smaller than conventional air-insulated substations. In a GIS, the active parts are metal enclosed and this increases the safety and reliability of the substation. Since the development of the first gas insulated switchgear in the late sixties, GIS technology has been used in both MV and HV switchgear. This seminar aims to provide an overview of the most technical issues regarding GIS from both a manufacturer and user perspective. It is intended to assist engineers involved in the design, specification, installation, testing and maintenance of Gas Insulated Switchgear and substations. It covers many of the relevant topics in Gas Insulated Switchgear technology such as the understanding of the design and operation of the switchgear elements e.g. the Circuit Breaker, Disconnectors and Earth-Switches. The course also addresses GIS substation topics such as installation, substation design, insulation coordination, grounding, testing and condition monitoring.

Course Leaders Profile

Dr Jose Lopez-Roldan received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from
the University of Barcelona in 1993 and 1997 respectively. During his PhD studies he was visiting-researcher at the R&D centers of Ontario-Hydro (Toronto), Schneider-Electric (Grenoble) and EDF (Paris) where he did research on Electrical Insulation of High Voltage Switchgear. He worked at VA TECH-Reyrolle in the UK from 1996 to 2000 as a senior engineer engaged in the development of Gas Insulated Switchgear. He joined Pauwels in Belgium in 2000 as R&D project manager in the Transformer division and from 2002 to 2006 as engineering manager of the Projects division, responsible of the engineering of substations. He moved to Australia in 2006 to work for Powerlink Queensland, where he acts as Principal Consultant in Gas Insulated Switchgear. All those professional experiences working for manufacturers, contractors and utilities have provided him with a privileged perspective of the GIS technology. Jose has co-authored more than 30 papers in High Voltage Switchgear, Substations and Electrical Insulation. He is a senior member of the IEEE and the international working groups of the CIGRE D1.03 (Insulating gases) and A3.24 (Internal arc and current withstand in HV equipment). He is lecturing on circuit breakers and switchgear at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Who Should Attend?

Technical personnel who are involved in the design, installation, operation and maintenance of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and GIS Substations, such as

Power System Planners Electrical Engineers Power System Managers and Technical Officers Construction and Project Managers Power System O&M Engineers Power System Consultants


Fax your registration form to (02) 9410 0030

1. Switchgear Fundamentals

Current Interruption Electrical Insulation Electro-Magnetic Forces Thermal Behaviour

Effect of GIS Transient Overvoltages in Associated Substation Plant such as Cables and Transformers Problems Associated with Bus-bar Switching by GIS Disconnectors: Arc Break-Out

7. Grounding of GIS Substations and EMC 2. Element of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Particularities of Earthing in GIS Description of GIS : Main Components Switching Components: Functions and Applica- Low Frequency Earthing High Frequency Earthing: Transient Ground tions Potential Rise (TGPR) Technical Evolution Electromagnetic Compatibility of Substation: Gas Circuit Breakers Sources of Interferences, their Influence on Disconnectors and Earth-Switches Secondary Equipment and Decoupling Meth Structural Components: Bus-bars and Support ods Insulators 8. Testing of GIS 3. High Voltage GIS Substations Type Tests and Routine Tests Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) versus GIS International Standards substations Temperature-Rise Tests Basic GIS Substation Lay-outs Mechanical Endurance and Climatic Test Indoor and Outdoor GIS Hybrid Switchgear as An Alternative to GIS Sub- High Voltage Testing Short-Circuit Testing stations Internal Arc-Fault and Pressure Rise Special GIS Substations: Mobile and Temporary Substations 8. Condition Monitoring 4. Applications of GIS in Medium Voltage Sub- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) GIS Condition Monitoring stations GIS Insulation Monitoring by partial discharge diagnostics 5. The SF6 Gas

Why SF6?: Analysis of Fundamental Properties 9. Trends in GIS Technology and Comparison with Air and Other Gases Reaction with Electric Arc and Decomposition Products Humidity and Acidity Factors Affecting the Performance of SF6 Environmental Aspects CPD Recognition This technical seminar is designed to meet the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs of participants. A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded at the end of the program. This serves as evidence of your personal and professional commitment to your career.

6. Insulation Coordination in GIS Substations Basics of Insulation Coordination Surge Propagation in GIS Substations Lightning Surges Specific Switching Transients in GIS: Very Fast Transient Overvoltages




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Please register the following delegates for the event -


SYDNEY, 8-9 March 2010, Rydges World Square

AUCKLAND, 30-31 March 2010, Stamford Plaza Hotel

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*GST not applicable to New Zealand course Early-Bird Registration Fee : Save $100.00 Register by 22 January 2010. AUD 1280.00 + AUD 128.00(GST) = AUD 1408.00 per delegate. Standard Registration Fee : Register af ter 22 January 2010. AUD 1380.00 + AUD 138.00 (GST) = AUD 1518.00 per delegate. Group Registration Benefit: Enjoy 10% discount off the Standard Registration Fee f or each delegate if y our register 3 or more delegates at the same time. Only either one of the discounts (Early -Bird or Group Discount) can be claimed at any single ev ent. Payment Terms : Pay ment is required bef ore the ev ent. Delegates may be ref used admission if pay ment is not receiv ed prior to the ev ent. Registration Fee includes lunch, ref reshments and training documentation/notes. Cancellation : Any cancellation of registration must be made in writing. An administration charge of 25% will be lev ied for any cancellation receiv ed up to 2 weeks bef ore the ev ent commences. We regret that there will b e no ref und f or any cancellation made less than 2 weeks bef ore the ev ent commences. A substitute or replacement is alway s welcome at no additional charge. Accommodation : Arrangements f or accommodation are the responsibility of participants and costs are not included in the course f ee. Accommodation is av ailable at the v enue/close by and inf ormation can be made av ailable to interested registrants. Note : The orga niser reserv es the right to make changes to the ev ent schedule, contents and v enue. The v iews expressed in the ev ent are not necessarily those of CPD International Pty Ltd. -- - ABN 49 108 072 162 ACN 108 072 162

Address : Lev el 20, Tower A, Zenith Centre, 821 Pacif ic Highway , Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia Tel : (02) 8448 2078 Fax: (02 ) 9410 0030

Your True Partner in Attaining Professional Excellence


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