Use Cases

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Running head: Use Cases

Use Cases Gwendolyn Harris Strayer University CIS 210/ Week 4 Assignment

Running head: Use Cases

Introduction As an intern software developer for a retail bank, you have been tasked with developing use cases to support the ATM service.


Describe a use case, complete with typical and alternate courses, that documents the event of a bank customer withdrawing money from an ATM.

This use case describes how the Bank Customer uses the ATM to withdraw money his/her bank account. The actors are the bank customer and the bank. Some of the preconditions that already in us is that: (1) there is an active network connection to the Bank; and (2) the ATM has cash available.

Running head: Use Cases

In this use case the basic flow of events consists of the following: (1) the use case begins when bank customer inserts their bank card; (2) Use Case: Validate User is performed; (3) The ATM displays the different alternatives that are available on this unit. In this case the Bank Customer always selects Withdraw Cash; (4) the ATM prompts for an account; (5) the bank customer selects an account; (6) the ATM prompts for an amount: (7) the bank customer enters an amount; (8) card id, pin, amount and account is sent to Bank as a transaction. The Bank Consortium replies with a go/no go reply telling if the transaction is ok; (9) then money is dispensed; (10) the bank card is returned; (11) the receipt is printed; and finally (12) the use case ends successfully

Running head: Use Cases

Some alternative flows that might happen is (1) invalid user- if in step 2 of the basic flow bank customer the use case: validate user does not complete successfully, then the use case ends with a failure condition. (2) wrong account- if in step 8 of the basic flow the account selected by the Bank Customer is not associated with this bank card, then the ATM shall display the message Invalid Account please try again or the use case resumes at step 4. (3) wrong amount-if in step 7 in the basic flow, the Bank Customer enters an amount that can't be 'created' with the kind of in the ATM, then the ATM shall display a the message indicating that the amount must be a multiple of the bills on hand, and ask the bank customer to reenter the amount, then the use case resumes at step 7. (4) Amount exceeds withdrawal limit- if in step 7 in the basic flow, the bank customer enters an amount that exceeds the withdrawal limit, then the ATM shall display a warning message, and ask the bank customer to reenter the amount , then the use case resumes at step 7. (5) Amount Exceeds Daily Withdrawal Limit- if in step 8 in the basic flow, the Bank response indicates the daily withdrawal limit has been exceeded (this is determined by the Bank and depends upon the specific account), then the ATM shall display a warning message, and ask the Bank Customer to reenter the amount. (6) Insufficient Cash- if in step 7 in the basic flow, the Bank Customer enters an amount that exceeds the amount of cash available in the ATM, then the ATM will display a warning message, and ask the Bank Customer to reenter the amount. A successful completion is when the user has received their cash and the internal logs have been updated.

Illustrate the use case using Visio or a similar product.

Running head: Use Cases

-E n d 1 5 *

-E n d 5

N o d e -E n d 6 *

1 -E n d * 1 -n E d 2 * * -n E d 3 -E n d 4 * * * -E n d 8 C pe o on m t n 1

-n E d

Pa ag ce k

-E n d

9 * -E *d 1 n 0 -n E d -E n 1 d 2 1 1 Oc bt j e * 1 E n d 1 3 - n -4 E d 1 * * C p eI sn o on t c m t ae n n 1

-E n d

1 6

Describe a use case dependency for making an account deposit. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.

A deposit transaction is started from within a session when the customer chooses deposit from the menu of possible transaction types. The customer chooses a type of account to deposit to (e.g. checking) from a menu of possible accounts, and then chooses a dollar amount by typing it on the keyboard. The system sends the customer's card number, PIN, chosen account and amount to the bank, which either approves or disapproves the transaction. If the transaction is approved, the machine accepts an envelope from the customer containing cash and/or checks and then issues a receipt. (If the customer does not insert the envelope within a specified period of time, this operation times out and the deposit transaction is aborted.) If the transaction is disapproved due to an incorrect PIN, the Incorrect PIN extension is executed. All other disapprovals are reported to the session, which initiates the Failed Transaction Extension. The bank is notified whether or not an approved transaction was completed in its entirety by the machine; if it is completed then the bank

Running head: Use Cases

completes crediting the customer's account for the amount - contingent on manual verification of the deposit envelope contents by an operator later.

-n E d

-n E d N o d e 1 -n E d * 1

2 * Pa ag ce k 1 I t fc na ee r -n E d 1 * * -n E d 4 3

C pe n n o on s c m t t e nI a

-n E d

* -n E d 6

Cpe oo t mn n

-n E d

Describe a use case dependency for making an account transfer. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.

A transfer transaction is started from within a session when the customer chooses transfer from the menu of possible transaction types. The customer chooses a type of account to transfer from (e.g. checking) from a menu of possible accounts, chooses a different account to transfer to, and then chooses a dollar amount by typing it on the keyboard. The system sends the customer's card number, PIN, chosen account and amounts to the bank, which either approves or disapproves the transaction. If the transaction is approved, the machine issues a receipt. If the transaction is disapproved due to an incorrect PIN, the Incorrect PIN extension is executed. All other

Running head: Use Cases

disapprovals are reported to the session, which initiates the Failed Transaction Extension. The bank will consider the transaction complete once it has been approved.

-E n d *

1 1

-E n d *

-n E d

2 *

-E n d

-n d * E

5 -n E d

* 4

*E -n d

7 -n E d * -n E d 1 0 <ri a n ec o vi e t c o en * > 9

-n E d 8 -E n d 6 * *

-E n d

1 2

Identify and explain at least one (1) ethical issue that the use case exposes in connection with the development or use of the ATM system.

One ethical issue that the use case exposes with the use of the ATM system is that sometimes the system can be full of errors or out of order, which make the convenience of it not useful. A lot of customer like the fact that it convience and they dont have to stand in long line just to withdraw some money. Sometime the ATM will have errors that the customer and banks will have to deal with. Summary or Conclusion As the intern software developer, the use cases will help with people using the ATM. It is much is easier to go to the ATM to withdraw funds then to stand in a long line.

Running head: Use Cases

8 References

Shelly, Rosenblatt. (2012). Systems Analysis and Design (9th ed.). Boston: Thomson Course Technology. Irwin, G., & Turk, D. (2005). An Ontological Analysis of Use Case Modeling Grammar. Journal Of The Association For Information Systems, 6(1), 1-36. Senthil Kumaran, U. U., Arun Kumar, S. S., & Vijaya Kumar, K. K. (2011). An Approach to Automatic Generation of Test Cases Based on Use Cases in the Requirements Phase. International Journal On Computer Science & Engineering, 3(1), 102-113. SOM, S. S. (2010). FORMALIZATION OF TEXTUAL USE CASES BASED ON PETRI NETS. International Journal Of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, 20(5), 695-737.

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