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Griffin Mr.

Robert Griffin Students Name: 7th Grade History Class Thurday, May 24, 2012 Final Exam Review

Final Exam Monday, June 11, 2012

You are responsible for the year as a whole. This document will serve as a guide to the key areas of emphasis broadly, but just because a person, term, or idea doesnt appear in this guide does not mean you arent responsible for understanding it. Refer to past DOK study guides for more specificity on events, terms, people, etc. Resources: 1. Lecture and Discussion Notes 2. Handout Readings 3. 2-Column Notes 4. Recent Presentations on Middle East 5. Documentaries Islam: Empire of Faith; China in Revolution 6. Tanakh, Bible, and Koran Readings 7. In class discussion and PowerPoints 8. Textbook Readings on China 9. Past DOKs, Essays, etc. 10. TED Talks

Middle East
Islam The Five Pillars o Shahada Submit to Allah o Salat Pray 5 times a day o Zakat Give % of total worth o Sawm Fast during Ramadan o Hajj Pilgramage to Mecca o The Arabic Name o What it means Abraham and family

o Wife Rebecca o Sons Isaac With Rebecca Ishmael With Haggar o God told them to o First founding father of Judaism o Made covenant with God Kaaba o Box in Mecca o All Muslims pray towards it o Built by Abraham Restored by Muhammad Dome of the Rock o Abraham had to sacrifice Isaac there Muhammeds Life and Teachings o Born 570 CE o First revelation 610 CE o Ascends to heaven 622 CE in Jerusalem o Kadijah and Abu Talib die 619 CE o Takes Mecca in 630 CE o Dies 632 CE Koran o Holy book of Islam o Patches Old and New Testaments Imam o Head of Mosque o Religious leader Mosque o Center of Muslim community o Everyone prays there Caliphs o Successors of Muhammad Rise and Spread of Islam

Griffin Judaism Adam and Eve o First people on Earth Covenant o Abraham had covenant with God for the promised land Moses o Led Jews out of Egypt Exodus o Jews flee from Egypt Tabernacle o The Ark was stored there while the Jews were in the desert First Temple o Est. mid 900s BCE o Dest. 586 BCE By Babylonians Judah Second Temple o Started being built 537 BCE Jews liberated by Cyrus the Great o Completed 516 BCE o Destroyed 70 CE Jewish Diaspora o 586 Passover o Celebration of the Exodus Sukkot o Celebration of the trip across the desert Yom Kippur o Day of atonement Ark of the Covenant o Where the covenant, pot of manna, and Araans rod is stored Sabbath worship o The day of rest Kosher o Special set of eating guidelines that Jews must follow Tanakh o Torah Includes Torah and two other books

Torah o Genesis o Exodus o Leviticus o Numbers o Deuteronomy Promised Land and various names King David o First king of Canaan o Could not build temple Solomon o Son of David o Wise Rehoboam o Son of Solomon o Canaan split up into Israel and Judah under his rule Assyrians o Conquered Israel, 8th Century BCE o Jews die off Babylonians o Conquer Judah o Destroy temple, 586 BCE Two Kingdoms o Israel o Judah

Christianity Jesus o Messiah o Born year 0 Virgin Mary o Mother of Jesus Matthew Verses Stories in Childrens Bible Resurrection o Jesus comes back to life on Easter Good Friday o Jesus is crucified Easter o Holiday celebrating Jesuss

Griffin resurrection Christmas o Celebrates Jesuss birth Early Christians and Pharisees Council of Nicea o 325 CE Great East-West Schism of 1054 o Filioque o Papel Primacy kids Legalism o Many laws o Harsh laws o Used in Qin dynasty o Invented Warring States o Han Fe Tzu

Geography of East Asia Identify the countries and bodies of water of Asia (just as required in September) Eastern Religions and Philosophies Confucianism o Meritocracy o Confucius o 5 relationships Father to son Husband to wife Brother to brother Friend to friend Ruler to ruled o Used in Han dynasty o Invented in Warring States Daoism (Lao Tzu) o Meditation o Religion o The natural way o Invented Warring States Buddhism o India o Follows Hinduism o Practiced in China o 4 noble truths o Eightfold path o Age of Division o Transition confuses Chinese They think Buddhism is the same as Daoism o Mencius doesnt like them because Buddhists cant have

Terms from East Asia Kowtow Extraterritoriality o Foreigners get tried in their own courts for what they do in another country Mandate of Heaven and the Dynastic System o A dynasty starts to become corrupt, another dynasty takes over, is good for a while, then becomes corrupt, and loses the mandate of heaven Isolationism o China was isolated from the rest of the world Sun Yatsen o Doctor o Led the Nationalists o Starts revolution of 1911 o Dies in 1925 o Heir was Chiang Kai Shek Xia Qing Dynasties o Xia First dynasty Not much known We dont know if it existed Emperor Yu o Zhou Longest dynasty Rulers invaded China Ruled 800 years Established the mandate of Heaven 11th Century BCE to 256 BCE

Griffin o Qin Shi Huang Di was the first emperor Legalism Harsh laws No Confucianism Great Wall built Books burned All Aristocrats had to come together They could be watched 221-207 BCE Warring states period Population rises, famine

o Han

o o

206 BCE 220 CE Land gets divided amongst all All siblings split the land they inherit Meritocracy Examination System o Eventu ally the land gets very small Age of Division Dark age 220-589 CE Nepotism Meritocracy breaks down Tang and Song Confucianism Equal taxes Sons split land Ming Qing Manchus Fall begins in 1700s High taxes plagues the people

Shi Huang Di o Started ruling at age of 9 Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty Warring States Age of Division Opium Wars o Britain wins because they have better technology China had isolated itself They thought that they were better than the British o Trade imbalance Eventually, Brits force opium into China, addicting them Huge amounts of opium come to China o First one 1840 Guangzhou was fortified, but Brits attack Ningbo and Tianjin o Ends 1842 Treaty of Nanjing Government has to pay for dumped opium Hong Kong taken by British British can trade in more areas of China Extraterritorial ity o Foreig ners of treaty

Griffin ports are tried in their own courts Other countries can build in China First of Unequal Treaties

o Send one 1956 o Ends 1960 Beijing Convention Commissioner Lin Zexu o Dumps opium in the sea o Rounds up opium dealers Hong Xiuquan o Leads Taiping Rebellion Karl Marx o Wrote Communism book Civil Service Exam o Confucianism o Must remember Confucian texts Siddhartha Gautama o Started Buddhism o Buddha Ci Xi o Encouraged Boxer Rebellion Henry Puyi o Last Emperor Taiping Rebellion o Hong Xiuquan o 1860s o Starts in Southern China, most ravaged by the Opium War o Goal: to take over China o Kills all of the losers o Resisted by Zeng Guofan 120,000 join army Recruits are scholars o Leads a huge group of people o They are very successful at

first Boxer Rebellion o 1900 o They blame Chinas problems on foreigners o Ci Xi sides with Boxers o West fights Boxers o Ci Xi runs o Exam system cancelled 5 years in conflict areas o 450 million oz of silver to West Equal to 3 trillion dollars in todays money o Xenophobia Sino-Japanese War o Second one 1937-1945 World War II Time Nationalists and Communists unite to defeat them In the beginning the Communists arent involved The Nationalists needed the Communists to win o First one in the 1890s 1894-1895 Most Favored Nation clause They could build factories along with other Most Favored Nations Spheres of influence Revolution of 1911 o Qing ends

Griffin o Warlords start fighting o Sun cant get everyone under control o General Yuan Shikai wanted power o 1927 Nationalists turn on Communists Attack Shanghai Set up government Taiwan o Nationalists fled there after losing Tibet o Attacked by China Chiang Kai-shek o Started ruling Nationalists in 1925 Mao Zedong o Leader of Communists o Peasant o Organized with other peasants in 1927 o Led Long March o United with Communists afterwards The Korean War o 1950-1953 o North Korea Communism Supporters China Russia o South Korea Capitalism Supporters The Great Leap Forward o 1958-1961 o Failure o Attempt to catch China up quickly o People die from starvation The Cultural Revolution o 1959-1976 Deng Xiaoping o Four Modernizations

Science and Technology Better Military More industry Modernized agriculture o Moved away from Mao o Moves China further towards Capitalism o Top leader during the Tiananmen massacre o Leads China into its amazing rise Eightfold Path o Right o Understanding o Thought o Speech o Action o Effort o Mindfulness o Concentration 4 Noble Truths o Dukkha Life is suffering o Samudaya Cause of suffering o Nirodha There is a way to end suffering o Magga, the Eightfold Path, is the way to end it Three Principles of the People o Nationalism o Democracy o Livelihood Spheres of Influence o Starts at the first unequal treaty Most Favored Nation Clause o When one nation gains more power in China so do the others o Japan is a part of it When they gain rights to China in the

Griffin Sino-Japanese war all of the other countries get them Nationalist Party o Sun Yatsen Started it Even Communists like his ideas o Chiang Kai Shek Communist Party o Mao Zedong o Otto Braun Communism o Karl Marx o Communes o Everyone works together People's Republic of China o Communist China Proletariat o Industrial working class Bourgeoisie o Richest people Propaganda o Fake information put out by government to trick people Totalitarian state o Government controls everything Red Guards o Appointed by Communists o Cultural Revolution o Denounced enemies Tiananmen Square 1989 (aka Beijing Massacre) o Deng shot and killed thousands of protestors Jade Emperor o Property rights o Scientific revolution Foreigners advance farther than China o Work ethic Essay/paragraph writing MLA Formatting Citations Specs

General PROP 6 Killer Apps o Modern medicine o Competition o Consumer society

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