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Propose a new territorial assignment for Pilgrim Drug Company

Pham Le Minh

*Executive summary:
David Thomas, new sales manager of Syracuse Division (SD) of Pilgrim Drug Company was facing
the issue of territorial assignment for salesperson; after Brooks’s retirement. However, the territorial
reorganizing wasn’t easy because of 3 pressures: His boss Jackson wanted morale; Veteran Nelson
needed to be deserved; Young promising Taylor asked for challenge and fair competition.
* Analysis:
These are brief analysis of each current Sales Reps at SD in order to assign new territories:
(v: veteran; n: newer)
Rank Sales Rep Sales (000s) Evaluation
1 Murray (v) 3,780 Conservative, special relationship with Jackson
2 Simpson(v) 3,670 Complaint-maker for trivial things
3 Howard(n) 3,254 Increased sales through monthly
4 Taylor(n) 3,190 Ambitious, hardworking, active and remarkable output
5 Nelson(v) 3,168 Earnest, hard working, needs to update merchandising method
6 Miller(v) 2,724 Even-tempered, cooperative
7 Donnelly(n) 2,360 Too large territory to handle, needed proper guidance
8 Harrington(n) 1,450 Promising salesperson

* Note:
- 3 trainees would be
assigned to assist Nelson;
Taylor and Miller.

- Brooks’s territories would

be assigned for Nelson (2)
and Taylor (1). Both of them
need to share jobs and train 2
trainees as a condition for the
new accounts received.

- Taylor would share 1

territory with Donnelly to
overcome Donnelly’s
difficulties of large territory
and accounts and provide

- Miller would share jobs

with 1 trainee.

* Take away:
In order to achieve harmonization inside different generations of staffs; a manager not only must
respect veterans with large contribution, but also give opportunities and motivation for young and
promising newers. Fulfill this step will maintain the sale force morale at SD and overcome
shortcomings to enhance sales, as well as utilize territories’ accounts and available sales force.

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