Sun 2012-06-04

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No. 5532 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) www.thesundaily.




Fujitsu sees doubledigit PC sales growth


Sound of jazz lls the air

page 18

Sunbiz page 13

JUNE 4, 2012

not charge
hours of charging to travel a 200km distance. This means a trip to Penang or Johor Baru would take more than 20 hours. At this rate, charging stations need more beds than bays, Kong quipped. He was responding to Energy, Water and Green Technology Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kuis announcement last Tuesday that the government will soon announce a new National Automotive Policy which incorporates an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Roadmap to support the introduction of EVs in Malaysia. The roadmap includes a study of, among other things, installation of charging stations for EVs. Kong said based on an Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) Transportation Ministerial Meeting last year, which he attended, the global target is five years for changing stations to start operating. The whole idea is you go to a

> Electric vehicles: Swapping out depleted batteries more viable, says Kong

UTRAJAYA: In the future, drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) may get to swap their depleted batteries for fullycharged ones at any changing station such as petrol stations. Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said changing stations and not charging stations may be the best way forward for green automobiles. This is because the future of EVs depends on their ability to be as accessible and convenient as conventional fossil fuel vehicles, or the shift to EVs will never happen. Kong, in a recent exclusive interview with theSun, said charging stations are not the solution as they have many constraints. While I dont want to offend anybody ... it takes about five to six

changing station, you unload your depleted battery, and get a fullycharged battery put in, he said, adding that existing petrol stations can double as changing stations. This is something for the industry to take up and lead the way. Global manufacturers must collaborate and come to an understanding to use a common battery for all makes of cars, he said. In an immediate response, however, Chin said Kong is jumping the gun in making such a statement. It is too early at this juncture to propose such a measure, as a study on the matter is still ongoing. There are many different aspects to introduction of EVs ... charging station is just one option, he explained. Chin said the ongoing two-year EV pilot demonstration project in Putrajaya by national car maker TURN TO PAGE 02

BOY WARRIOR ... A boy, complete with the Iban

warrior attire, performing the Ngajat dance to welcome Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak at George Chungguts Nanga Nansang longhouse in Pakan, Sarikei, in conjunction with the Gawai harvest festival in Sarawak yesterday. Report on P02.




theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

GE13 win crucial for BN: DPM

> Muhyiddin says it is a question of life and death for Barisan


KUALA LUMPUR: The next general election is critical for the future of the Barisan Nasional (BN), Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday. This next election is a question of life and death for BN; it is do or die. It will be the deciding election of the success or ultimate failure of the coalition throughout the country, he said to a stadium of about 1,000 people from the coalitions component parties at the launch of the Federal Territory BN campaign machinery. Muhyiddin, who is also FT BN chairman, urged the people to be confident and united as they prepared for the 13th general election. You are not here to just listen to me; you are here to act on what I say when you get on the ground. Every constituency matters in this next election, he said. In the 2008 election, BN won only three of the 13 constituencies in the Federal Territory, namely Putrajaya, Setiawangsa and Labuan. It also lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament. Muhyiddin said the Opposition had begun a psychological war to gain

votes, and cited the Bersih 3.0 rally in April, which saw more than 80,000 people taking to the streets in a call for clean and fair elections. The Opposition has been saying the EC is not clean and is corrupt, even though we have a parliamentary select committee and changes made to the electoral system. They have been saying all along the elections will be dirty, corrupt and unfair, so even if BN does win, the people will say it isnt a clean process because theyve been convinced to think so, he said. Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on May 26 reportedly said Bersih 3.0 was a move by the Opposition to condition the people to reject a win by BN in GE13. He also claimed violence would follow if the Opposition loses in the polls following inspiration from the Arab Spring demonstrations. Muhyiddin questioned the need for demonstrations as the country is economically stable and on its way to becoming a high-income nation by 2020. Malaysia has gone forward and is looking to attain Vision 2020. We have delivered, and we will continue to deliver, he said, adding that BN is confident of winning.

PASs green gathering at the Alor Star city stadium on Friday.

PAS show of power and glitz


GEORGE TOWN: There was no shortage of fanfare during PASs great green gathering in Kedah last Friday to mark its march towards Putrajaya in the next general election. As though getting a 30,000-seater city stadium in Alor Star packed with green shirts was not enough, the party managed to fill up the entire field as well, with thousands more standing outside to watch the speeches on two giant screens. In a symbolic gimmick, former national footballer Radhi Mat Din volleyed 13 soccer balls into the air to signify the partys readiness to score in the 13th general election. It was a show of power both political and religious. The leadership was heralding their intent to take over the federal government. It was also in a way celebrating a triumph of its religious conviction. The mood was ominously threatening for the Barian Nasional and particularly Umno. But there was also

an unmistakable foreshadowing of religious and communal fervour. While being respectful of its partners in the Pakatan Rakyat the DAP and PKR the PAS leadership did not hide its excitement at the possibility of its Islamic core becoming part of a new federal government. But besides reiterating its focus towards a welfare state, there was little else said in terms of how the party envisions to manage the economy and bureaucracy. The focus was that PAS would soon take over from Umno as the main Malay-Muslim force in Malaysia. President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang stressed in his morning speech that the party needed to maintain its working relationship with PKR and DAP to strengthen the coalition. He spoke about PAS winning more seats in Perlis, Penang, Johor, Malacca and Negri Sembilan, and wresting back Perak and Terengganu. The Pakatan, Hadi said, must win at least 100 of the 165 parliamentary seats in the Peninsular. At a press conference, Hadi asserted that the prime minister under Pakatan

must be a Malay-Muslim, and this had been agreed to, through consultation, by all the Pakatan parties. There was also a strong pronouncement that PAS must increase its influence in Sabah and Sarawak. There were quite a few religious celebrities and ceremonial gimmicks to impress the Malay common folk who converged at the stadium. Literature laureate Datuk A Samad Said fired the masses with his poetic oratory. Singer Aishah (Wan Aishah Wan Ariffin), famed for songs like Janji Manismu and Pulanglah, said she was praying more artistes would atone for their wayward paths in life. Datuk Prof Dr Nik Mohd Zain Mohd Yusof, director-general of Ministry of Land and Cooperative Development from 1996 to 2002, handed over his party membership application to Hadi. But while presaging a possible new political landscape after the elections, there was no mistaking the partys deep Islamist zeal and the anticipation it now has to imbue this belief in the next government it may possibly help to make up.

Conventional cars still relevant, says expert

FROM FRONT PAGE Proton will help to determine driving habits of Malaysians and propose the supporting infrastructure. Once the pilot project is completed
next year, its findings will be handed over to the relevant agencies, including the Transport Ministry, said Chin. Meanwhile, automotive technology expert Datuk Zainuddin Che Din told theSun that changing batteries for EVs is just not feasible, unless all EVs are of the same make and function. Every manufacturer has its own considerations in terms of form, fit and function the design of the car, the technology, and the capacity of the cars battery. The industry is all about competition and proving that my technology is better than Brand X, he said. Otherwise, all the different brands of cars would not exist, he added. Nevertheless, the push for electric vehicles or hybrids does not mean conventional cars are on the way to being irrelevant. Zainuddin said manufacturers of conventional fuel cars have not been idle in recent years. Car manufacturers are not sleeping either. They are constantly researching and developing ways to make normal fuel cars more efficient, and to produce less emissions, he said. He added that in Europe, diesel cars are so efficient that around six out of 10 new cars sold are diesel cars. Conventional cars are far from becoming irrelevant, Zainuddin said.

Msia world model for racial unity

PAKAN (SARAWAK): Malaysias success in uniting the people of various races and religions can make the country a model for other nations of the world, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday. He said the success of uniting the people in every aspect has earned the admiration of world leaders, including from developed countries such as the United States. Malaysia can be a model for the world. This is not what the Barisan Nasional (BN) is saying, much less the Opposition. Outsiders are recognising our success. The success is a fact and a reality, he said when addressing the 3,000 residents of the Rumah George anak Chunggut Nanga Nansang longhouse and nearby areas here. He said two US senators who visited Malaysia recently had expressed admiration for the success of the BN government in maintaining harmony among the people. Najib said the 1Malaysia concept had been in existence for a long time among the various races, and was more obvious and evident in the lives of the people of Sarawak. Najib said the celebration of community festivals in the country, such as Gawai Dayak, reflected the diversity of cultures well accepted by the people. We celebrate the Gawai Dayak today, thankful that Malaysia is recognised as a successful country. Before I initiated the 1Malaysia concept, Sarawak had already been practising the concept, he said. He also said that in the three years that he has been the prime minister, much development and progress had been brought to Sarawak, including in the interior areas. To ensure that the development can continue, the BN should be given a fresh mandate in the next general election because the development required heavy expenditure and some time for implementation, he said. Also present at the event were Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party president and Sarawak Social Development Minister Tan Sri William Mawan Ikom. Bernama



theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012




theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

Govt retirees also bound by OSA: Muhyiddin

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday said retired civil servants are also bound by the Official Secrets Act which prohibits the exposing of government secrets. He was asked to comment on reports of several retired high-level civil servants joining opposition political parties, among them former Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Fauzi Shaari. The deputy prime minister had earlier launched the Federal Territory Barisan Nasional (BN) election machinery. He said he would let the people evaluate for themselves the action of these government retirees. Muhyiddin said it was the personal choice of the retirees but added that they should understand that while in the service of the government, they had been with the government in implementing its policies. If they had any dissatisfaction, it would not have to be that they have to leave (the government side) just because of one or two matters which may have caused the dissatisfaction, he said. To another question, Muhyiddin said PAS chose to hold the Himpunan Hijau ke Putrajaya (Green Rally to Putrajaya) in Alor Star, Kedah, because support for the party was waning in the state. Bernama

Let pressmen run the press


Bersih video by Wednesday

MUAR: The Home Ministry will release a video recording on the Bersih 3.0 rally on its website the latest by Wednesday for the public to judge and see, its minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said. He said the video, comprising clips from various sources, is to enable the public to get the correct perspective of what had happened during the April 28 rally. Speaking to reporters after a meet-thepeople session and the launch of a book titled Dian Desa 2012 at SK Ladang Mutiara, Kahang, here yesterday, he said the ministry is prepared to face any legal consequences from showing the video. He said the ministry does not have any reason to hide the truth in the visuals and pictures to be uploaded in the video. Bernama

THE World Press Freedom Day last month once again focused on the question of whether it is time Malaysia relaxed its shackles on the press. At present, the fourth estate in Malaysia is governed by licensing regulations and legislation, with all the major decisions made by the home minister. A recent forum held to commemorate World Press Freedom Day noted that in the era of the internet, it is time the pressmen run the press. Almost all countries have constitutions and laws that denote the freedom of the press and freedom of speech, including Malaysia, said academic Dr Ahmad Murad Merican. Murad, a professor at the Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, further said the government regulates the laws with extralegal methods to restrain the press. Centre for Independent Journalism executive officer Masjaliza Hamzah, however, said despite the laws, all countries should abide by Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights. The establishment, improvement and the encouragement of media that is independent, plural and free, is the pillar of development and strength of democracy, said Masjaliza. Human Rights Commission (Suhakam)

chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam noted that the issue of press freedom was re-ignited after the Bersih 3.0 rally in which several journalists and reporters were injured and their equipment, such as cameras and memory cards, confiscated or damaged by the authorities. The online media have total freedom and can print whatever they want. It is the print media, the press, which is limited by the law, added Murad. Another panellist, social media activist Fahmi Fadzil, said it is impossible to curb freedom of reporting in the internet and social media. The law is always used as a formal effort to deter news online, and some use informal methods like personal attacks and denial of service attacks. But there is always a backlash, he said. National Union of Journalists president Chin Sung Che said the most important thing for a journalist is truth, and currently there is a credibility deficit among the public for the press. Online media is preferred as gossip and rumours are more attractive, but the print media has a responsibility to the reader. News reports have to be balanced, said Chin. As Murad put it: Journalists and newspaper owners have a responsibility to educate the government and the people. No matter which way they lean they should only make justified criticisms and report the truth.

Veteran journalist Thomas Lee dies

PETALING JAYA: Veteran journalist and media consultant Thomas Lee Seng Hock (pix) passed away at his home in Shah Alam yesterday afternoon. He was 64. Lee, who had been undergoing treatment for bone and liver cancer at University Malaya Medical Centre for the past two months, died at 4.30pm, surrounded by his family members. A colourful and jovial character, Penang-born Lee had served at all the mainstream English newspapers, as well as stints at The Edge and MySinchew. com. He started his journalistic career at The Star Penang in 1975. He later joined the New Until he was stricken with cancer two months ago, Lee was working as a casual subeditor with theSun. He also studied theology in Australia and was a lay evangelical preacher. Lee had also served as media consultant to the Penang government to produce the state governments Bulletin Mutiara. He leaves behind wife Dolly Tan, 57, son Isaac and daughter Beverly. The wake will be at 8.30pm today at Fairy Park, Jalan Batu Tiga Lama. Lees funeral will be held at the Fairy Park Funeral Parlour tomorrow and the cortege will leave for the crematorium in Jalan Meru, Klang at 11am.

Straits Times before leaving for the Echo. He later rejoined The Star at their Kuala Lumpur headquarters before moving to theSun in early 1994. He went back to The Star and retired two years ago.

Bookshop manager to be charged with selling Manjis book


PETALING JAYA: The Muslim manager of a bookstore chain in Kuala Lumpur may be charged in syariah court for selling controversial writer Irshad Manjis book Allah Liberty & Love before the book was banned by the Home Ministry. Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (Jawi) director Datuk Che Mat Che Ali said yesterday the department would take the manager to court but declined to elaborate. Several Borders bookstore staff were summoned to the Jawi headquarters in KL last Wednesday to be questioned under Section 13 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territory) Act for distributing materials that contravene Islamic law. A staff member who declined to be named told theSun the Malay staff were questioned for about two hours and interrogated while nonMuslim staff were released after 15 minutes. He also said the manager of the Borders bookshop in The Gardens, Mid Valley, has been told to appear in court later this month. However, it is not known if any charge was

filed. On May 23, Jawi raided two Borders outlets in Kuala Lumpur and confiscated seven copies of Manjis book, which at that time was not banned by the ministry. Bernama reported that Jawi senior enforcement assistant principal director Wan Jaafar Wan Ahmad said the seizure was carried out according to the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act on offences relating to the sanctity of Islam and its institutions including publications against Islamic law. He said those who continue to sell the books, in any language, face a maximum fine of RM3,000 or a jail sentence of up to two years. The ministry banned the book and its Malay translation a day later, saying it misled the people and violated syariah laws. Last Tuesday, Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) officials raided the publishers of the Malay translation of Manjis book and seized about 180 copies. They also arrested ZI Publications director Ezra Zaid under Section 16(1)(a) of the Selangor Syariah Criminal Enactment for allegedly publishing contentious material in contravention of syariah laws.

theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012




theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012



MONTREAL: A Canadian porn star suspected of cutting off and mailing his lovers limbs is also accused of harassing the countrys prime minister and other lawmakers, according to an arrest warrant. Luka Rocco Magnotta remains at large after the gruesome killing of Chinese student Lin Jun, but the warrant issued Thursday and obtained by CBC News, alleges he caused Prime Minister Stephen Harper and members of parliament to reasonably fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them. The accusation likely stems from polices belief that after cutting off the limbs of his victim, Magnotta mailed a foot to Conservative Party headquarters and a hand to the Liberals, said the report published late Friday on the broadcasters website. AFP


CAIRO: Hundreds of demonstrators were occupying Cairos Tahrir Square yesterday in a protest against sentences handed down the day before to formerpresident Hosni Mubarak and his security chiefs. Some of the demonstrators had slept in tents or out in the open overnight in the iconic square, epicentre of a revolt that ousted Mubarak in 2011. We expect a lot more people to come, said protester Omar Abdelkader. About 20,000 people had taken to the vast intersection on Saturday after a judge sentenced Mubarak, 84, and his interior minister Habib al-Adly to life for their role in the deaths of more than 800 protesters during last years revolt, but acquitted six security chiefs on the same charges. AFP

Prince Charles (second left) and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (third left) join a street party in Piccadilly, central London, yesterday to mark the queens Diamond Jubilee.


BANGKOK: Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra called on his political supporters to oppose alleged efforts to unseat the current Thai government, media reports said yesterday. Thaksin is the de facto leader of the Pheu Thai Party that leads the government, headed by his sister Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. The process of robbing people has begun again, he told tens of thousands of his followers on Saturday night by video link from abroad, where he has lived since 2008 to avoid a prison sentence for corruption. He decried protests by his political opponents Friday that successfully blocked legislative debate on reconciliation bills and a Constitution Court decision to suspend a vote on charter amendments. dpa

Queen E joins giant jubilee armada

LONDON: Britains Queen Elizabeth joined an armada of 1,000 boats down Londons River Thames to the pealing of bells yesterday in a spectacular highlight of four days of nationwide celebrations to mark her 60th year on the throne. Hundreds of thousands of cheering people waving Union Jack flags and dressed in red, white and blue braved the wind and rain to pack the 11km route for one of the largest flotillas ever seen on the river. The queen, wearing a silver and white dress with a matching coat, smiled broadly and waved to large crowds before boarding the gilded royal barge, The Spirit of Chartwell, alongside her 90-yearold husband Prince Philip. Other members of the royal family on the barge included heir-tothe-throne Prince Charles, his eldest son Prince William and new wife Kate, a global fashion trendsetter who wore a vivid red Alexander McQueen dress and matching hat. Up and down the country, millions of people were due to attend diamond jubilee street parties over the long holiday weekend in honour of the 86-year-old, the only British monarch after Queen Victoria to have sat on the throne for 60 years. Leisure cruisers, rowing boats, yachts and canoes made up the colourful Thames armada that also featured vessels from the 1940 evacuation of British and Allied troops from Dunkirk in northern France a famous rescue performed by crafts of all shapes and sizes and a celebrated piece of British history. A typically inclement British summers day failed to dampen enthusiasm, with boisterous crowds massed along the banks of the Thames, watching giant TV screens showing black-and-white images of the queen from her childhood. Were English, we know what the weather is like. We really dont care if we get wet you know its the jubilee, its the queen, so its nice to come up and celebrate it, said Jackie, a 39-year-old sales consultant who travelled across southern England to watch the event. Organisers say Sundays river pageant is the largest of its kind in 350 years since a similar spectacle was held for King Charles II and his consort Catherine of Braganza in 1662. Other vessels in the flotilla include Motor Torpedo Boat 102 on which Allied Forces commander Gen Dwight Eisenhower and British prime minister Winston Churchill inspected warships before the 1944 D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied France. It travels under 14 bridges and past landmarks including the Houses of Parliament, St Pauls Cathedral, and the Tower of London. There havent been pageants like this on the River Thames for 300 years and that makes it extremely special, said Peter Warwick on board The Macaret launch with the flotilla. Another boat taking part, Amazon, featured in diamond jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria, Elizabeths greatgreat-grandmother, held in 1897 when Britains empire spanned much of the globe. Historians and commentators say the pomp and spectacle of British royal occasions gives the country a sense of national pride at a time when the economy is in recession and people face deep austerity measures. Across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, street parties were being held to mark the occasion. Prince Charles and his wife Camilla dropped into one in central London before the pageant. Celebrations will continue today with a pop concert outside Elizabeths London residence Buckingham Palace and conclude with a service of thanksgiving at St Pauls Cathedral tomorrow followed by a carriage procession. Reuters


WASHINGTON: A Minnesota 11-year-old has a good excuse for missing school and a note signed by the president of the United States, local media reported Saturday. Tyler Sullivan skipped school on Friday to attend a speech by President Barack Obama at a factory in the north central state and to see his father introduce the president. When Sullivan had a chance to shake Obamas hand he told him he was missing class, and the president promptly hand wrote an excuse for the teacher. Mr Ackerman, please excuse Tyler. He was with me! he wrote on stationary emblazoned with the presidential seal. dpa


YELWA (NIGERIA): A suicide bomber drove a car full of explosives into a church in northern Nigeria yesterday, killing 12 people in the latest deadly attack on Christian worshippers. Security forces at a road block nearby said the bomber forced his car through the checkpoint and drove into the church, on the outskirts of the city of Bauchi. It was not clear who was responsible for the attack, although churches have been targeted this year by militant Islamist group Boko Haram. Reuters


LAGOS: A plane carrying 153 passengers crashed yesterday in a densely populated district of Nigerias economic capital Lagos, the head of Civil Aviation Authority said. It was a Dana (airline) flight out of (the capital) Abuja to Lagos with about 153 people on board, Harold Demuren said. Lagos state police spokesman Joseph Jaiyeoba said the plane went down in the Iju neighbourhood on the mainland of the city where most of the citys population is concentrated. AFP

Cyber strikes a civilised option: UK

SINGAPORE: Pre-emptive cyber strikes against perceived national security threats are a civilised option to neutralise potential attacks, Britains armed forces minister said yesterday. Nick Harvey made the comment at the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit in Singapore in relation to reports that the US had launched cyber attacks to cripple Irans nuclear programme. I dont know about the specifics and Im not going to comment on them, Harvey said at the two-day meeting that ended yesterday. But what I would say is that if a government has arrived at the conclusion that it needs, out of its sense of national interest or national security, to deliver an effect against an adversary ... arguably this is quite a civilised option. A Russian computer firm said last week it had discovered a new computer virus with unprecedented destructive potential that chiefly targets Iran and could be used as a cyberweapon by the West and Israel. Kaspersky Lab said its experts discovered the virus known as Flame during an investigation prompted by the International Telecommunication Union. Iran appears to have been the main target of the attack and the announcement came just a month after the republic said it halted the spread of a data-deleting virus targeting computer servers in its oil sector. The New York Times reported on Friday that Obama accelerated cyberattacks on Irans nuclear programme using the Stuxnet virus, and expanded the assault even after the virus accidentally made its way onto the internet in 2010. Britains stance was supported by Canadian Defence Minister Peter Gordon MacKay, who likened a preemptive cyber strike to an insurance policy. Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said a cyber arms race was already under way. He urged members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to pool their resources to tackle increasingly complex cyber attacks which could paralyse a countrys IT systems. What remains disturbing is that cyber warfare need not to be waged by state-run organisations but could be conducted by non-state entities or even individuals with intent to cause disruptions to the affairs of the state. AFP

theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012




theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

Transit in Venus on Wednesday


GEORGE TOWN: The Transit in Venus event in which the Earth, Venus and the sun will align on Wednesday, can be watched by Malaysians along with millions worldwide. It can also be observed by people in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines, said Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Astronomy Club adviser Dr Chong Hon Yew. Describing it as the third rarest astronomical phenomenon in recent times, he said astronomers have waited eight years for this occurrence, after a similar alignment involving Venus was recorded in 2004. At 7.15am on Wednesday, a dark spot will be seen crossing the disk of the sun until 12.40pm, said Chong on Mutiara FM radio.

In what he called an appetiser, Malaysians should be able to see dark spots on the sun beginning today as the Earth casts shadows in space called the umbra and penumbra. In conjunction with this, the Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Gallery in USM will be organising astronomy-related activities to observe the event. On June 6, the observation of Venus will be from 7.30am to 1pm. Telescopes will be provided, he said. He added that the museum will also have internet live-streaming and other astronomy-related activities such as water-rocket making, planetarium shows, solar filter and pinhole demonstration. The next Venus transit is only expected to happen around December 2117. The public is warned not to view the event directly with the eyes, but to use solar filters.

Flame, the new internet stalker

> Sophisticated malware said to be part of a cyber espionage operation

MCA targets two FT seats


FEDERAL Territory (FT) MCA believes it has a good chance of retaking Wangsa Maju and Bandar Tun Razak, and has been working very hard to endear itself to the voters in the two constituencies. Oriental Daily News reported this yesterday, quoting an MCA source saying the party is focusing its firepower to recapture the two seats. The disclosure came a day after FT Umno liaison secretary Datuk Syed Ali Alhabshee said Umno was confident of winning back five seats in the next polls, namely Lembah Pantai, Batu, Titiwangsa, Wangsa Maju and

Bandar Tun Razak. MCA top guns held a walkabout in Bandar Tun Razak on March 30 and met party grassroots and voters in Wangsa Maju on May 27. The same attention has not been seen in three other FT seats MCA contested and lost in the 2008 general election Bukit Bintang, Cheras and Seputeh. The source said the party is putting their resources where they matter most in preparation for the next polls. In 2008, MCAs Datuk Yew Teong Look lost to Wee Choo Keong in Wangsa Maju by 105 votes. Wee is said to have done very little legwork in the constituency recently. In contrast, Yew has been working tirelessly at his service centre following the defeat.

PETALING JAYA: The next time you are in a coffee shop with free Wi-Fi access, think twice before using the service. A highly sophisticated malware (malicious software) has been recently identified and is believed to be part of a cyber espionage operation. Dubbed Flame, this malware is capable of cyber spying on almost any computer worldwide. The sophistication of Flame lies in its capabilities to collect information about the system and local network, record network connections, search and steal files based on name patterns, record audio, make screenshots, grab textual windows contents and scan for Bluetooth and wireless access devices. The discovery of Flame was the result of a research conducted by ITU-IMPACT with Russia-based firm Kaspersky Lab. There are many viruses that spread by exploiting vulnerabilities in the system. Computer users must be vigilant so that they do not install computer programmes or applications that may be malicious, said CyberSecurity Malaysia chief executive officer Prof Datuk Husin Jazri. He said the most important precaution one can take is to stay alert and to make sure their computers are safe and secure.

So far, there have not been any case of Flame infection reported in Malaysia. Kaspersky Lab chief malware expert Vitaly Kamluk explained the risks of being infected by Flame: Governments and military are at risk of losing classified information should their computers be infected. Private companies risk losing intellectual property and as for the public, they might risk becoming a part of a cyber spy chain which allows the attackers to infect someone they might know. He said Flame is an example of professional cyber espionage. One interesting feature of Flame is that it will perform some light checks and stay away from machines which have security solutions installed. Internet Society Malaysia Chapter chairman Julian Vincent told theSun the public should be aware of what is installed in their systems. The more careful and discriminate you are, the lower your risk. Be cautious when using public and/or free Wi-Fi. If you can, avoid them, he said.

How to protect yourself from malware.

Update antivirus programs; Scan all USB drives before transferring data; Beware of phishing sites; and Do not indiscriminately install, download, transfer data or programmes to your computer systems.

Msia needs 100,000 Indonesian maids

SEGAMAT: Malaysia needs about 100,000 maids from Indonesia following the lifting of the moratorium on the sending of its domestic workers here, said Human Resources Minister Datuk S. Subramaniam. He said to date, the ministry had received between 70,000 and 80,000 applications for Indonesian maids and the number kept growing. However, following high cost imposed on Indonesian agencies involved, they were more keen to provide maids to other countries offering higher salaries. They are now providing training to maids intended for South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, he told a news conference at the Segamat parliamentary service centre, here yesterday. Subramanian said there were over 200,000 domestic helpers in the country, of which 150,000 were from Indonesia, 30,000 from Cambodia and the rest from other countries. He said Malaysia was trying to get the second batch of Indonesian maids and the number was not known, Bernama reports. The ministry will continue to consult the Malaysian Association of Foreign Maid Agencies on domestic helper issues, he added.


Consumers should be proactive of rights: Ismail Sabri


SEMENYIH: Malaysians should be proactive in safeguarding their rights as consumers, said Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob. Such education should be given from an early age, he said. The government cannot be the sole protector of consumer rights. Consumers should take responsibility and protect themselves, Ismail said after closing the three-day National Consumer Month festival. He believed the ministrys target of 100,000 consumer rights clubs in schools and institutions of higher learning could be achieved by year-end. Asked on government protection measures such as the Consumer Tribunal, Ismail said the tribunal which was set up in 1999 has been successful, settling 90% of cases brought before it in 2011. He said all cases were settled within a 45day period in 2011, and the ministry had reduced the time frame to 40 days for this year.

The tribunal handles disputes of goods or services with a value not exceeding RM25,000. It costs RM5 to file a claim with the tribunal. I think we are one of the cheapest countries when it comes to filing a case before such a tribunal, he said. Ismail added the tidak apa attitude of consumers when it came to the tribunal contributed to abuses by businesses. For example, paying RM100 for a jersey that is ripped. When the consumer doesnt exercise his rights, the retailer will continue cheating consumers. He said another right of consumers was to buy products of their choice and advised people to choose wisely before buying. On investment schemes that seemed too good to be true, he advised consumers to check the company with the Companies Commission of Malaysia first before investing. He added consumers should use common sense and beware of schemes that sounded too good to be true. Special interest schemes must be registered and approved by the Companies Commission of Malaysia, he said.

theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012



theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

N May 1925, Victor Lustig decided to sell the rights to tear down the Eiffel Tower. He created documents to appoint himself deputy director-general of the French Ministry of Posts and Telecoms and then sent letters on official letterhead to five different scrap iron dealers. The letters invited them to his hotel suite to discuss a possible government contract. They turned up to hear the announcement that the government was scrapping the Eiffel Tower. Lustig told them it was a very controversial decision on the governments part, and so confidentiality was vital, failing which there would be a public outcry. Four days later, the dealers submitted their bids. Lustig named Andr Poisson as the successful tenderer and hinted at something like susah tapi boleh bikin (difficult but can be done). Poisson realised Lustig was asking for a bribe and reaching into his pocket, gave him a large sum of money to secure the deal. Lustig took the bribe and after the deal was

RTPJ 2: Bring culprits to book

closed, drove away to Austria to enjoy his ill-gotten gains. The Eiffel Tower was never scrapped and neither was there any intention to, and it remains one of the many iconic structures of the world. On the home front, someone tried do something along the same lines, but he or she unfortunately did not have the finesse to carry out an elaborate scam. It did not entail selling or scrapping anything, but the falsification of documents which would have brought about untold damage to the system of governance had it not been discovered. Officially, the local plan for Petaling Jaya was gazetted as Rancangan Tempatan Petaling Jaya 2 (RTPJ 2) No Gazette 139 on Jan 13 last year with areas demarcated for recreation, housing, agriculture etc. However, what was published and sold to the public by the Petaling Jaya City Council was totally different. Land earmarked for recreational purposes had been converted for commercial purposes; plot ratios and population densities had been amended, making them inconsistent with the local plan. In short, hidden hands were at work and the changes were made deliberately for commercial reasons and the rewards that come with them. It does not take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that it was an inside job perpetrated by those involved in the publication and sale of the local plan. Lets not fall back on the proverbial printers hantu (ghost). The printer is given the final artwork in the form of a soft copy which he transfers to a film and plate before mounting and printing. If it were a hard copy, he converts it into a PDF or JPEG file and reproduces it as it was given to him. There is no reason for the printer to make amendments or change the colour contained in the final artwork. Under these circumstances, it can be concluded that the printer reproduced what was given to him. Now comes the issue of who approved the final artwork and signed it off for printing. This person must take full responsibility because the buck stops with him or her. He or she must have ensured that the information contained in the artwork is a true reflection of the local plan which had been deliberated, approved and gazetted. If there are discrepancies between this and the version that was published and sold, then the person who signed it off has to answer.

Councillor Derek Fernandez who uncovered the scam must be commended for his vigilance and making a stand against the unauthorised, illicit and illegal version that has been published and sold. Wrongly, the knives may be out for the councillors, but when some council employees are willing to sell their souls for a few pieces of silver, there is little anyone can do. Councillors come and go as and when the government changes, but council employees are permanent fixtures. Many still consider themselves Little Napoleons who are untouchable. But Fernandez argues that the strength of the government depends on its ability not only to do the right thing but to remedy the wrong. This is not merely an attempt to sell a landmark like the one in Paris for scrap or a hoax. Someone has taken a serious crack at changing the city, its development and its future. Someone went to great lengths to create a situation whereby he or she could benefit monetarily. More importantly, it is an attempt to undermine the council and the people of Petaling Jaya. Now that the attempt to forge, tamper, amend or whatever you call it has come out in the open, no stone should remain unturned to bring the culprits to book and ensure they rot in jail for betraying the trust of the people who pay their salaries the ratepayers. R. Nadeswaran returned home after his 18-month sojourn in London to discover that the outlook, attitude and deportment of Little Napoleons will never change. He is editor (special and investigative reporting) at theSun and can be reached at:


Minimum wage must be strictly enforced

WE REFER to your many reports on minimum wages RM900 for West Malaysia and RM800 for East Malaysia. We fully support the implementation of a minimum wage in Malaysia and hope that the government will not only make it into law but strictly enforce it. The livelihood of about onethird of all working Malaysians who are getting below the minimum wage now, depends on government intervention. The lowest strata of the working population has almost zero bargaining power when it comes to wage negotiation. With about 3 million unskilled foreign workers in our midst, the lowest spectrum of our workers have experienced almost no real increase in wages in the last 10 years. Unless and until the government strictly regulates the entry of f o r e i g n workers, the w a g e prospects of our local unskilled workers will be nil. On top of increased wages, it is of paramount importance that the prices of goods and services remain constant. A corresponding increase in these will render a wage increase meaningless. In that case, more money will not buy more goods and consumers become poorer! Malaysia is not the first country in the world to implement a minimum wage in fact, most countries have minimum wage laws. We hope that through this state intervention, the gap between the rich and the poor will be narrowed. It must be noted that with the implementation of a minimum wage, many unproductive workers will be retrenched. We hope productivity will increase further as productivity increases, there is more justification for higher wages. That is, moving toward a high income society. Philip Wong Pak Ming Kuching


theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012



theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

JUNE 4, 2012
KLCI STI 1,573.59 2,745.71 7.08 26.83 Hang Seng 18,558.34 SCI 2,373.44 71.18 1.20

Business Editor Toh Lye Huat Tel (Editorial) 03-7784 6688 Fax 03-7785 2624/5 Email Tel (Advertising) 03-7784 8888 Fax 03-7784 4424 Email

Nikkei TSEC

8,440.25 7,106.09

102.48 195.41



8.96 12.40

S&P/ASX200 4,063.90

JUNE 1, 2012 STOCK GLOTEC KEYWEST SKPETRO-CB SKPETRO MTRONIC AMEDIA YTL FLONIC-OR DSCSOL PERMAJU VOL 38,854,400 25,368,000 14,411,500 14,039,100 12,926,200 12,294,900 12,030,200 10,766,200 10,738,000 10,498,800 CLSG (RM) +/- (RM) 0.10 0.075 0.205 2.23 0.125 0.37 1.89 0.005 0.165 0.755 -0.005 -0.04 +0.015 +0.02 -0.005 +0.005 +0.05 Unch -0.005 -0.035

Fujitsu sees doubledigit PC sales growth

> It is recruiting more resellers and increasing brand visibility among end-users

JUNE 1, 2012 INDICES FBM ACE FBM EMAS FBM KLCI FBM SHA CONSTRUCTION CONSUMER FINANCE INDUSTRIAL IND-PROD MINING PLANTATION PROPERTY TECHNOLOGY TRADING/SERVICES TURNOVER 654.352mil CHANGE 4,224.84 10,729.15 1,573.59 10,706.53 237.88 503.28 14,028.37 2,752.48 118.49 360.71 8,329.78 996.97 17.86 197.25 VALUE RM1.0004bil -30.32 -33.52 -7.08 -10.20 -0.46 -3.17 -95.37 -10.23 +0.16 +4.06 -48.73 -0.95 +0.19 +0.27

Rally to retreat on heels of institutional funds

RISING outflow of institutional funds is expected to ease the rally on the local bourse with the FBM KLCI trending lower towards the 1,560-1,550 points support level. Affin Investment Bank head of retail research Dr Nazri Khan said weaker commodities, falling ringgit, eurozone fears, absence of Chinas monetary stimulus and disappointing global economic data, are expected to dampen buying sentiment on Bursa Malaysia this week. The fact that global equities closed the month of May at their worst performance since September last year may likely weigh on the local index as we move into June. We expect borrowing costs for Spain and Italy to surge as Madrid attempts to rescue troubled lender, Bankia, and this will pose the biggest concern in the nearterm, he told Bernama. Nazri said there would be more volatility simply because investors do not see a credible resolution in the eurozone and do not find signs of re-acceleration in stable economies, especially in the US, China, India and Brazil. News that Indias gross domestic product growth dropped below 6% for the first time in three years and Brazils central bank cutting interest rates to historic lows also suggest that the eurozone crisis may have affected fast-rising emerging markets and global economies at large. We reckon there will be more weak conviction among investors about a near-term resolution of the eurozone debt problems and therefore we expect investors to flock out of equity and into government bonds, Nazri said. On the domestic front, he expects the market to start pricing in political concerns ahead of the 13th general election after the launch of Feldas prospectus. For last week, the market was mostly higher, despite cautious sentiment in the region due to uncertainty in the eurozone and weak data from the US. Bernama

PETALING JAYA: Fujitsu PC Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd (FPCA) expects growth in sales of personal computers (PC) and notebooks in Malaysia to jump from single-digit to double-digit this year, on the back of an increase in number of resellers and brand visibility. Its country manager for Malaysia, Yap Hui Hui, told SunBiz that the Japanese company is focusing on building its fundamentals here, by recruiting more resellers to push sales of its products concurrently with above-the-line marketing to create more product awareness among end-users. This is in line with its plans to increase revenue contribution from the consumer market to 50% this year, to be on par with that from the corporate market. The consumer market currently contributes 30% to the companys revenue and unit

shipment, and the corporate market makes up 70%. The corporate market actually relates back to the end-users. Information technology (IT) managers these days shop for company PCs and notebooks at IT stores and hence our intention to open more stores to meet the demand from the corporate market. We also want to invest in the consumer space, as we can tap into the tablet and smartphone market, bringing more brand visibility to consumers and home users, said Yap. She said the PC market is trending towards tablets and smartphones and FPCA does not want to lose out on the opportunity. We see this as a good time to capture the market. Even though growth has been stagnant for both PCs and notebooks, we believe we can still have our share of the pie, Yap said, adding that the company has seen year-on-year growth. It aims to be among the top 10 PC and notebook vendors in Malaysia this year. FPCA offers a range of PCs, notebooks and tablets in Malaysia and plans to include smartphones in the future. FPCA is the regional headquarters for the PC business of Fujitsu Ltd of Japan. Its

responsibilities include marketing and sales of a wide range of PCs for the corporate and end-user markets. In Malaysia, Fujitsus PCs and notebooks are shipped from the company to distributors, then to resellers who sell to end-users. We are targeting to have 300 resellers in Peninsular Malaysia by the end of 2013, from 60 resellers currently, as well as to have resellers in Sabah and Sarawak by year-end. The companys direction is to go to these channel partners by investing in concept stores and kiosks that are intended to increase the brand and product visibility among end-users, said Yap. She believes that with more resellers and brand visibility, end-users would be encouraged to try Fujitsus products, which will eventually lead to increased sales. This year, the company plans to open a 300-400 sq ft concept store in Digital Mall, Petaling Jaya and is on the lookout to open another outlet in the Klang Valley. Many of our users are loyal customers aged between 35 and 45. But we are now targeting the younger generation, from 18 to 45 years old, by introducing more trendy and stylish designs, Yap said.

Setia Haruman allots RM2.5b for Cyberjaya projects


CYBERJAYA: Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd, the master developer of Cyberjaya, will invest RM2.5 billion over the next five years in a new wave of developments planned for the intelligent city from now until 2016, said its chairman Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal Abu Bakar (pix). He said RM2.1 billion will be used for the development of four projects comprising two commercial projects called CBD Perdana 3 and 5, an APEX Residence featuring condominium and bungalow units, and a yet-to-be-named mixed-use residential project. The remaining RM400 million will be used to build infrastructure such as roads, drains, water reservoirs, drainage systems, sewage treatment plants as well as a fibreoptic cable network connecting the new developments. It will finance the new projects with internal funds. As of Dec 31, 2011, Setia Haruman had spent RM2.1 billion for

infrastructure development in Cyberjaya. In addition to the RM2.5 billion investment, Mustapha Kamal said Setia Haruman will undertake a series of initiatives in the second half of this year to accelerate new developments such as The Cyberjaya CEOs Xchange Forum, The Cyberjaya Corporate Tour Series, The Cyberjaya Property Carnival and The Exhibition and Seminar on Broadband Connectivity in Cyberjaya. However, he did not disclose the allocation for these initiatives. Cyberjaya has already experienced a (first) wave of developments. Property prices in this city have appreciated by about 30% in the last two years and early investors have enjoyed substantial gains. We anticipate an escalation in residential

growth and the population here to double to 100,000 by 2016, Mustapha Kamal told a media briefing on Friday. With the many developments being undertaken by various developers, we expect Cyberjaya to experience a new wave over the next five years and be transformed from a development hotspot into a vibrant and liveable city of the future, he added. Setia Haruman, which is 75% owned by Emkay Group and 25% by UEM Land Holdings Bhd, has been entrusted with designing, planning and developing the 2,817ha land in Cyberjaya. To date, 27% of the land has been developed, 48% will be developed over the next few years and the remaining 25% in the future.

Q1 corporate results disappointing

PETALING JAYA: The season for reporting first-quarter 2012 earnings ended last week, with disappointing corporate results and lukewarm assessments of the year ahead. Alliance Research Sdn Bhd said the Q1 results showed that the muchhoped-for earnings improvement in 2012 remained a pipe-dream as 34% of stocks monitored by it reported earnings below consensus estimates, a marked increase over the 24% negative earnings surprises for the fourth-quarter 2011 earnings season. The percentage of results coming in within expectation also fell from 56% to 49%, while the percentage of positive earnings surprises dipped from 20% to 17%, it said in a report last Friday. Q1 earnings season was a disappointment on two counts. Firstly, negative earnings surprises have increased given widespread earnings disappointment seen in the automotive, aviation, gaming, plantation, shipping and timber sectors. Secondly, the nascent earnings upgrade momentum since beginning of 2012 has reversed course with consensus earnings for the FBM KLCI being cut by 0.8% for 2012 and 0.4% for 2013, led by the plantation and gaming sectors, said Alliance. Despite a recent rebound in the benchmark FBM KLCI, the research firm believes the respite may be short-lived given overwhelming headwinds such as a heightening concern over the eurozone debt crisis as well as the impending 13th general election (GE). The FBM KLCI has rebounded by 3.2% since hitting a recent low of 1,532.46 points on May 18. We believe the stock market will consolidate in Q3 before staging a recovery in Q4 when there is more clarity on whether Greece will trigger a global credit crunch by exiting the eurozone, the extension of fiscal and monetary easing policies in US which are expiring by mid-2012, and the political landscape in Malaysia postGE, said Alliance. Its end-2012 FBM KLCI target remains unchanged at 1,630 points, which is pegged to a mean price-toearnings valuation of 15 times. The FBM KLCI closed 7.08 points lower at 1,573.59 on Friday. We are maintaining our sector calls as we continue to overweight banking, construction, consumer, gaming, oil and gas (O&G), and retail REIT which are beneficiaries of resilient domestic consumption and government spending, it said. Meanwhile, the sectors which had contributed to negative earnings surprises in Q1 were automotive due to weak demand, aviation due to high fuel cost, gaming due to poor luck factor and higher costs, plantation on lower production due to tree stress, shipping due to low rates and weak demand, and timber due to low prices. Meanwhile, the oil and gas sector has been a mixed bag, with fabricators posting positive earnings surprises while vessel players, negative earnings surprises. The only clear-cut outperforming sector was consumer with firm demand growth almost across the board, said Alliance.

Generali CEO ousted by shareholders

MILAN: Top shareholders at Italian insurance giant Generali ousted their CEO with a no-confidence vote Saturday after a public battle over Giovanni Perissinottos fate and offered his job to someone else. Shareholders frustrated by the companys poor performance on the stock market voted to show Perissinotto the exit, and Mario Greco, an executive of the Zurich Insurance Group, was offered his job. The board of directors of Assicurazioni Generali decided by a majority to revoke the powers conferred on Giovanni Perissinotto as managing director and group CEO, Generali said in a statement, adding Grecos appointment will take place after termination of his employment with the Zurich Insurance Group. AFP


theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012




No Lotus for Sarah

by Tony Pereira





Started as a manufacturer, trader and supplier of garments for retailers and distributors, Padini Holdings Bhd has grown into a leading textile and garment player in the country with its subsidiaries involved in the manufacturing and retailing of garments, shoes, ancillary products, and accessories. It has nine labels under the group and retails in 330 freestanding stores, franchised outlets and consignment counters in Malaysia and overseas especially in the Middle East and Asean countries. The nine labels are Padini, Padini Authentics, PDI, P&Co, Seed, Vincci, Vincci+, Vincci Accessories and Miki Kids.

Share price: 52-week range: Trailing 12-month EPS: Dividend yield: Net assets per share: Market value: RM1.78 82 sen to RM1.85 14.88 sen 3.4% 51 sen RM1.17 billion

Yong Pang Chaun Holdings Sdn Bhd (43.74%)

With the opening of more outlets like the Brands Outlet and Multi-brand Concept Stores, the company is set to register strong growth especially with Padini being seen as a good proxy to the resilient countrys economy. Higher consumer spending coupled with more shopping malls being opened are good news for the group. Its nine-month profit of RM79.78 million has beaten DBS Vickers Researchs expectation, accounting for 86% of the research houses FY12 forecast. The research house has raised its FY12 to FY14 earnings forecasts by 7-10% on higher same store sales growth and opening of new outlets. It has maintained a buy on the counter, and lifted its target price to RM2.10.

WILL never forget Sarah Ikeson. Blonde, slim and blessed with good looks. We were both rookie auditors at the time, auditing a big construction company called Costains in Maidenhead, outside London. As rookies, we were always broke. We relied on public transport to get to clients. When the client, in this case, Costains was based out of town, we relied on our senior colleagues to give us a ride. I got to travel with Ian Sargeant in his beat up blue Ford Cortina. Being a chain smoker that he was, I am surprised I did not develop lung cancer during our four week assignment. She got to ride with the manager on the assignment Ian Bowers. He owned a flashy metallic blue Lotus sports car meant for two. That memory came back as I read stories about the future of Lotus, now that Proton is back in private ownership. Who would have thought back then that Lotus would be owned by a Malaysian company. Proton and Lotus cars at the opposite end of the spectrum. Then again, two companies with the same problems. Why did Proton buy into Lotus? It was the grand idea of our previous prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He was also the one who developed the idea of a made-inMalaysia car the Proton. Mahathir continues to be involved in Proton as a special adviser. Thursday is his Proton day. He has an office at Proton and he spends the day speaking to various management team members about what

is happening at Proton and Lotus. You have to give credit to Mahathir as he does not simply take his adviser fees. He works hard for it. We need more people with his work ethic. It was Mahathir who suggested that Proton buy into Lotus, the iconic UK company of high performance cars, as a fast track way of getting access to leading edge technology. The price of Protons 63% share of Lotus was 38 million (RM186.8 million). If the price seems low, the previous owners of Lotus from 1986 to 1993, General Motors (GM) sold Lotus to Bugatti International after Lotus incurred losses of 50 million whilst GM was the parent company. Bugatti also could not turn the company around. Then came Proton. The accounts of Lotus Group International on March 31, 2011 shows an accumulated loss of 94 million. The loss for the year that ended March 2011 widened from 8.7 million in 2010 to 21.3 million in 2011. Turnover increased by 8% year on year but margins dropped and administrative expenses ballooned by more than a third. What is also interesting is that the emolument of the highest paid director increased from 623,000 in 2010 to 1.055 million in 2011. Headcount increased 4.5% year on year but admin headcount increased by 20% whilst headcount of the manufacturing and sales staff actually decreased by 5%. This is illogical. If Lotus was trying to grow its business, surely it should be investing in production and sales capacity and not administration headcount. Overall wages and salaries increased by 16% against an increase of only 8% in the top line. Considering that the group has been making losses consistently, it is difficult

to make sense of these figures. More importantly, it is difficult to understand what could be Protons plan to address these ongoing losses. If successive previous parent companies could not turn the company around, how are the new owners going to do so? The group is also in deep debt. Its most recently filed accounts in 2011 showed that its borrowings amounted to 116.1 million. Recently, its managing director Dany Bahar was suspended whilst the new owners of Proton carry out a review of the business. It continues to amaze me how Lotus has been allowed to get to the position it finds itself in. Despite the losses, banks continued to extend borrowings, guaranteed by the parent company. Reports now indicate that the banks that refinanced the companys outstanding borrowings as at March 2011, now want to call in their loans as a result of the company defaulting on its loan covenants. Dany Bahar must have a silver tongue to be able to convince his Malaysian paymasters of his value. My ex-colleague, Ian Bowers was smitten over Sarah Ikeson. We all were. Unfortunately, one wintry morning on the motorway to Maidenhead, Bowers was distracted by Sarahs perfume and did not notice that the beat up blue Ford Cortina in front of him had come to a stop. I remember looking at the side mirror of the Cortina and seeing a flashy silver Lotus disappear under us. It was a miracle that both driver and passenger of the Lotus survived. Group Lotus is also in need of a miracle to survive. Tony Pereira is a chartered accountant and CFO of a private venture fund.

DHL Express sees continued growth in O&G


KUALA LUMPUR: DHL Express (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd expects its logistics business in the fast-growing oil and gas (O&G) sector to continue to register double-digit revenue growth this year, given the buoyant activities in the industry. DHL Express managing director for Malaysia and Brunei, David Ng, said the company ships and transports equipment and spare parts for O&G companies to the world. We see the O&G sector, which is our second biggest revenue contributor, as one of the growing industries in Malaysia, besides the electrical and electronics industry which is our main contributor. We have experienced strong double-digit growth in the past years in this sector and it will still register doubledigit going forward, he told a media briefing on Friday. Most O&G activities are being carried out in developing countries and usually in more remote locations, and this is where DHLs capability and strength comes in, as we have a global presence in 220 countries, he added. DHL Express Malaysia services over 50 O&G companies here, including Petroliam Nasional Bhd and its contractors, subcontractors and vendors.

DHL Express managing director for Malaysia and Brunei, David Ng. This makes the company the market leader in Malaysia for express shipment requirements in the O&G sector. With new oil wells being developed in Malaysia, prospects look bright for DHL Express especially in activities concentrated in the Kemaman supply base and in Miri, Bintulu and Labuan where the major O&G players are. O&G is one of the key growth sectors under the Economic Transformation Programme that will provide the highest contribution to gross national income. Were actively supporting the O&G sector by delivering urgent spare parts to our customers in remote locations and minimising their downtime. In fact, we have set up dedicated O&G control towers to advise on pickups, transportation and urgent shipments. Ng said DHL will invest in improving and strengthening its IT infrastructure, vehicles, service centres and gateways over the next two years.

FRIDAYS article entitled OCBC revises 2012 growth forecast down to 4.2%, should read: OCBC Bank is reluctant to upgrade its gross domestic product (GDP) growth estimate for 2012 from the existing 4.2% to 4.6% despite the better-than-expected first quarter GDP growth data due to the external headwinds, and not as reported. The error is regretted.

theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


Asia struggles to avoid impact of crisis

SHANGHAI: Weak manufacturing activity in China and dismal growth data from India have underscored Asias vulnerability to the European turmoil and sparked fresh calls for government intervention. Asia was long considered a global bright spot, even a haven from Europes deepening crisis and the weak US recovery. But the continent is starting to feel the heat as overseas markets deteriorate. World Trade Organisation chief Pascal Lamy said on Thursday that the region was increasingly interconnected with the rest of the planet and I dont think this relative immunity will be forever. I would expect, given what is happening in other parts of the world economy, this region to be more affected than it has been so far, he said. Lamys fears were borne out within hours as the disappointing data stoked calls for Chinas and Indias governments to kick-start their economies to escape hard landings, which could worsen the already fragile global outlook. Chinas economic slowdown is more severe than expected. Export orders are continuing to fall, which is definitely related to Europes debt crisis, said Liao Qun, chief economist for Citic Bank International in Hong Kong. Uncertainty in Europe is high. China needs to move faster and more aggressively to speed up loosening of its monetary and fiscal policies. Chinas official purchasing managers index (PMI) for manufacturing indicated a sharper-than-expected slowdown in May, while PMI data released by UK bank HSBC showed a contraction for the same month. China has already cut bank reserve requirements three times since December as exports have stumbled, causing economic growth to weaken to its slowest pace in three years for the first quarter. There are signs that Beijing is ramping up spending with infrastructure projects, but officials and state media have ruled out a massive stimulus plan like a four-trillionyuan spending spree in 2008. Meanwhile, Indias economy grew at a nine-year low of 5.3% in the first quarter, data showed Thursday, as the global downturn hit the emerging market giant. The unexpectedly grim figure was well below analysts forecasts for 6.1% growth and coincided with Chinas bleak data, dimming hopes that emerging countries will power the global economy back to health. HSBCs chief India economist Leif Eskesen said Indias weakening economy was like a gasping elephant. The slowdown in growth has proven deeper than expected, he said. Elsewhere, South Koreas exports an indicator for the region declined yearon-year for a third straight month in May. Its shipments to the US dropped 16.5% and those to the European Union fell 16.4%. A PMI reading for resources giant Australia fell deep into negative territory while Taiwans HSBC PMI fell to 50.5 from 51.2, barely staying above the contraction level of 50. AFP

Foreign currency

JUNE 1, 2012

Bank sells Bank buys Bank buys TT/OD TT OD 1 US DOLLAR 3.2120 3.1490 3.1390 1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 3.1200 3.0410 3.0250 1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 2.4960 2.4430 2.4350 1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1190 3.0540 3.0420 1 EURO 3.9830 3.8840 3.8640 1 NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR 2.4340 2.3470 2.3310 1 PAPUA N GUINEA KINA 1.7270 1.4160 1.4000 1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.4955 2.4430 2.4350 1 STERLING POUND 4.9700 4.8700 4.8500 1 SWISS FRANC 3.3090 3.2400 3.2250 100 ARAB EMIRATES DIRHAM 88.8000 84.3800 84.1800 100 BANGLADESH TAKA 3.9850 3.7640 3.5640 100 CHINESE RENMINBI 50.5000 48.6000 N/A 100 DANISH KRONE 55.0800 50.7800 50.5800 100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 42.0000 39.9100 39.7100 100 INDIAN RUPEE 5.8140 5.5200 5.3200 100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 0.0346 0.0328 0.0278 100 JAPANESE YEN 4.0730 3.9880 3.9780 100 NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR N/A N/A N/A 100 NORWEGIAN KRONE 54.3700 50.0600 49.8600 100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 3.5100 3.2900 3.0900 100 PHILIPPINE PESO 7.5000 7.1100 6.9100 100 QATAR RIYAL 89.5300 85.1700 84.9700 100 SAUDI RIYAL 87.0100 82.6000 82.4000 100 SOUTH AFRICAN RAND 38.7600 35.7400 35.5400 100 SRI LANKA RUPEE 2.5200 2.3100 2.1100 100 SWEDISH KRONA 45.8400 41.8100 41.6100 100 THAI BAHT 10.7800 9.1700 8.7700
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama

Analysts price Spain rescue at 150-450 billion

MADRID: If Spain cries out for a financial rescue, analysts say the price could be 150-450 billion (RM595.93 billion to RM1.79 trillion) or, in the most worrying case, simply unknown territory. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoys conservative government refuses even to countenance a bailout. But markets are remorseless. Ten-year government bond yields, or interest, pierced 6.7% last week. When compared with German debt, the extra rate charged on Spanish bonds hit 5.48 percentage points on Friday, a euro-era record. Latest figures showed a net 97 billion of investors money fled Spain in the first three months of the year the highest on record. In such an environment, how can Madrid finance a banking rescue stricken lender Bankia alone is seeking a total of 23.5 billion and pay for the states new expenses and existing debts? Against this background, it now appears all but inevitable that Spain

will require a considerable bailout package to support its banks, if not the wider economy, said a report by London-based Capital Economics. The task is daunting: Spains economy is the fourth-biggest in the eurozone and accounts for 12% of the regions output twice that of heavily-indebted Ireland, Portugal and Greece combined. AFP


theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012




From left: Deputy Minister in the Prime Ministers Department, Datuk Ahmad Mazlan, Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at the launch of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhds IPO prospectus on Thursday.

Berjaya Corporation Bhd founder Tan Sri Vincent Tan (second from left) greeting Philippines Vice-President Jejomar C. Binay at the Malaysia-Philippines Business Council pro-tem committee luncheon at Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, last Monday. With them are Philippines ambassador to Malaysia J. Eduardo Malaya (left) and Alloy MTD Group president and CEO Datuk Azmil Khalili Khalid.

From left: Axiata Group Bhd president and group CEO Datuk Seri Jamaludin Ibrahim, SP Setia Bhd CEO Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Malayan Banking Bhd CEO Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar and PWC Malaysia managing partner Sridharan Nair at Invest Malaysia 2012s plenary session on Malaysia: Aseans Multinational Marketplace on Tuesday.

From left: Supermax Bhd executive director Datin Seri Cheryl Tan, executive chairman and group managing director Datuk Seri Stanley Thai and director of corporate affairs Denis Low at Invest Malaysia 2012 on Tuesday.

From left: Bursa Malaysia CEO Datuk Tajuddin Atan, Securities Commission chairman Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh, World Federation of Exhanges former secretary Thomas Krantz and Renmin University of Chinas Professor Dr Zhao XiJun at Invest Malaysia 2012s plenary session on Asean Economic Community: Single Market Multiple Benets? on Wednesday.


theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


Sweet spot
> Marketer and media agency nd a perfect place for their campaign execution
HEN Kraft Foods Malaysia sat down together with media agency Mindshare to launch their new product, they only had one thing on their minds: To plan a strategic campaign that would spread brand awareness for their product, fast and wide. The innovated chocolate chip cookie that contained less sugar needed a strategic platform that would help bring the message home to consumers quickly. Among the marketing mix that resulted was a print ad campaign that turned out to be so original and provocatively cute, it won last years Malaysian Media Awards (MMA) for Best Use of Newspapers. In an interview with theSun, Kraft Foods Malaysias head of Marketing Julie Chen and Mindshares associate director, client leader Eileen Chong allowed us a peek into the process they took in developing this very successful print campaign. Julie Chen Chen manages the entire portfolio of biscuit brands comprising Oreo, Jacobs, Tiger, Chipsmore and other biscuits, is responsible for delivering business objectives and growth and leads a strong and dynamic team of brand managers under her care. Chen shared the following on the campaign development. What spawned the creation of this new variant in the first place? These light Chipsmore cookies were created especially for mums who want a less sweet version of cookies but yet tastes really great. Hence, the Chipsmore Less Sweet variant was born. What was the thought process that resulted in that singular message that you chose to communicate to the consumer? As Chipsmore is the market leader in the segment we found it was quite straightforward for us to place a variant next to our original cookies to tell mums and other consumers that it contains 25% less sugar and yet tastes just as good. What did you feel would be the biggest pushparticularly for mothers, to encourage them to actually give it a try? For mums, taste is the most important factor

whilst selecting healthy options is the second most important factor when purchasing food. Hence, the biggest push for mothers to pick up Chipsmore Less Sweet is based on this insightthat despite the cookie containing less sugar, kids will love them just as much because they taste simply just as great as the original Chipsmore cookie. What was Kraft Foods Malaysias initial thoughts when a choosing a marketing medium for this new campaign? We selected our marketing media carefully based on the insights gained from our targeted audience. TheSun was able to create an innovative creative buy that is unique in the market to create awareness about Chipsmores brand proposition : less sugar, and kids love them just as much. In addition, this unique execution was strategically placed in the main news segment, instantly catching the readers attention. In every step, from conceptualisation to execution how involved was Kraft Foods Malaysia in the whole process? We were very involved in the process from the start. It was in essence, a strong and successful collaboration between both our creative agencies, Saatchi & Saatchi and media agency, Mindshare Malaysia. What are your thought on the success of this campaign and how does it affect your outlook on the print media? The Chipsmore Less Sweet Campaign was very successful as it broke through the clutter, generating a significant increase in Top of Mind awareness amongst the consumer, product trials increased to 74% and more consumers were buying Chipsmore more regularly too to 64% within the first month of launch. The creative buy in this campaign in the print media had not only broken through the clutter but had managed to deliver the key message of the campaign that is :Chipsmore Less Sweet, 25% less sugar, kids love them just as much as you can see in the creative execution of the ad that kids are climbing the editorial words with arms stretched out to reach for giant Chipsmore Less Sweet Cookie. How did the award drive your future brand awareness / marketing plans? The recognition accorded to this campaign has encouraged us to continue to be innovative in both creative & media execution in our future marketing plans.

Eileen Ooi heads the team that came out with this outstanding print ad campaign for Kraft Foods Malaysia. Passionate for innovative ideas and strong advocate for change, she had spearheaded many new firsts for clients and numerous strategic planning blueprints across clients. Ooi was also pleased to divulge some key thoughts on the award winning campaign.

Chipsmore, certainly won the readers hearts and minds. It met our objective of capturing interest and compelling prospects to read more about it. Naturally it meant we needed to work with a newspaper that allowed some flexibility and open to new ideas as it involved a break from the norm in the page layout and design. The News section was also a deliberate choice to reach the correct audience. Hence our In finding the best fits for the whole partnership with theSun worked out excellently. marketing campaign what were the Andy Miller, organizing chairman of deciding factors? MMA 2011 and 2012, when asked to comment The campaign execution was drawn up to be about the Chipsmore campaign said, It was holisticinvolving TVCs as well as in store truly an example of strategic brilliance, promotions as a first wave to create awareness innovation and outstanding result recognized and buzz about the new product. Then came the by the MMA 2011. task of informing and educating the parent - the The review and short-listing process saw one whom the campaign was ultimately seeking about 40 judges across media specialists, to engage with. For this, newspaper was seen by creative agencies, media owners and the as the best medium to educate mums. advertisers pour through over 300 entries The key messages being the reduced content to arrive at the finalists. of sugar and that it still retained its appeal with Running for the eighth year, the media kids, needed to be driven home to the actual industrys most prestigious awardMMA aims purchaser of the biscuits. Talking to to recognise, applaud and celebrate the sophisticated urban mums and dads also strategic brilliance, innovation and outstanding determined that the communication had to be results of media campaigns within the industry. precise, clear and yet infused with elements of Participants who wish to submit their emotional appeal in a clever way. entries for the MMA 2012 are reminded that while the deadline of June 1 has passed, there What pushed the team to think of an Ad that will be a one week window (until June 8 at 5pm) was the original and creative? to allow for late submissions. To exemplify what the whole idea was However, participants will all about, it called for a creative buy that have to pay double the fee would make the Ad and communicated now. Finalist certificates will message stand out from the clutter. The be issued to entries making emphasis was all along about the the shortlist. cookies desirable ratings that had not The Media Specialists slipped a notch even though it Associations 8th Malaysian contained less sugar. Media Awards ceremony Upon brainstorming with creative will be held on 13 July 2012 at agency, Saatchi & Saatchi and The Royale Chulan Hotel discussions with editors at theSun, the Kuala Lumpur. concept was finally decided upon. The For more information and kids climbing up the page to reach for a guidelines on submission, Chipsmore and another peeking out please log on to www.mymsa. Eileen Ooi from behind the page to grab a org/mma2012.

Carlsberg has found out who IS fan enough!!

THE exciting contest that was to see two lucky Malaysians win an all-expense paid trip to watch the semi-finals live in Ukraine has come to a very happy ending. Last Friday, despite a thunderstorm brewing in Petaling Jaya, the judges came together to theSuns headquarters to select the chosen ones from the pile of entries. It was not an easy one going by the number of incorrect entries that were received. Only less than 25 had both answers correct, guessing the exact position of the ball near the goal posts. Carlsberg Malaysia Marketing manager Wong Yat Chong joined the other two judges in the first round of selections which was to short-list the correct entries. In the second round the judges comprising Wong from Carlsberg, theSun Sports editor Navjeet Singh, Marketing Department executive Dixie Poh then had an even more difficult task deciding on who was really fan enough to win! Many sent in creative shots of themselves in their favourite teams jerseys and the judges were amazed by the length some had gone to, to stand out from the rest. When asked to comment on the contest, Wong said that he was encouraged to see the response and the level of passion displayed by the fans of football in Malaysia. It was quite obvious that football is a sport that is cherished regardless of race, creed , gender or age. Carlsberg Malaysia is really looking forward to taking the entourage of 100 winners on this journey of a lifetime to Ukraine and is sure, it will be a memorable one for each of them. The fans will be having a ball of a time (pun intended) with great company, good food and drinks with of course the ultimate experience of watching the semi-finals live, he added. The winners have been collated from various contests run by Carlsberg Malaysia in conjunction with Euro 2012. Fans of football who have missed out, need not worry as Carlsberg will be hosting exciting viewing parties in the major cities, to be announced soon. There will be ample chances to win football jerseys and limited edition Euro 2012 merchandise there . There are also plans to replicate the stadium experience so fans here can enjoy the virtual experience of being at the actual game Wong further shared. Carlsberg Malaysia has other exciting events and promotions in store in the last two quarters of the year, even after Euro 2012, so the good times, will go on. Winners will be awarded their prizes on Monday June 4th. So watch this space to see who the real fans are! - Ginny Lingam


Navjeet and Wong going through the entries.


theSun ON MONDAY | JUN 4, 2012

Sound of jazz lls the air

> It was truly a merry jazzy month in May as music fans were feted to various festivals

1 Somebody That I Used to Know Gotye, featuring Kimbra 2 Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen 3 Payphone Maroon 5, featuring Wiz Khalifa 4 We are Young fun., featuring Janelle Monae 5 Starships Nicki Minaj 6 Wild Ones Flo Rida, featuring Sia 7 What Makes You Beautiful One Direction 8 Glad You Came The Wanted 9 Boyfriend Justin Bieber 10 Drive By Train

HE MONTH of May has been filled with jazz festivals, beginning with the Borneo Jazz 2012 in Miri, Sarawak, followed by the Kuala Lumpur International Jazz Festival 2012, and reinforced by the World Youth Jazz Festival in Putrajaya. Borneo Jazz is into its seventh edition after being re-branded from the Miri International Jazz Festival last year. True to form, an eclectic and surprising mix of musicians were brought together, and they entertained festival goers over two nights by the South China Sea. SLIXs from Germany astounded the audience with an innovative vocal display of virtuosity and a capella arrangements. Neighbouring Thailand and Indonesia showcased their strong jazz traditions via Koh Saxman of Bangkok, who invoked thunder and breakneck phrases, and Nita Aartsen of Jakarta who demonstrated evocative piano work. From further afield, the Shalk Joubert Three Continents Sextet brought together musicians from Europe, North America and South Africa, concocting a high-energy melange of grooves and beats. The genres were diverse but always with improvisation in mind. As has become the norm, the crowd were energetic and buoyant, this year racking up the highest attendance yet, numbering around 8,000 according to the Sarawak Tourism Board. For a first edition event, the KL International Jazz Festival played it safe. It brought American jazz master Ahmad Jamal to our shores for the first time. The two-day programme revolved around Ahmad, one of the living grandmasters of jazz and piano, although he prefers to call himself a classical musician. Malaysias own jazz heritage was not ignored, and the first family of music, the Solianos, were represented by Irene, singing with the RTM Jazz Orchestra. Blues guitarist Trevor Jala and jazz veteran Michael Veerappan rounded off the Malaysian contingent, with Trevor belting out soulful blues and Michael playing more traditionally in the club/lounge style.

Germanys SLIXs at Borneo Jazz 2012.

Hiromi at KLIJ.
1 Part of Me Katy Perry 2 What Makes You Beautiful One Direction 3 Somebody That I Used to Know Gotye, featuring Kimbra 4 Set Fire in the Rain Adele 5 We are Young fun., featuring Janelle Monae 6 Boyfriend Justin Bieber 7 Give Me All Ur Luvin Madonna, featuring LMFAO 8 Eyes Open Taylor Swift 9 Hangover Taio Cruz 10 Everybody Talks Neon Trees

Poova at World Youth Jazz. Ahmad Jamal at KLIJ. Thailands Koh Saxman at Borneo Jazz 2012.

Michael Veerappan at KLIJ. Joe Alexander Sila at World Youth Jazz.
1 Somebody That I Used to Know Gotye, featuring Kimbra 2 What Makes You Beautiful One Direction 3 I Wont Give Up Jason Mraz 4 We are Young fun., featuring Janelle Monae 5 Drive By Train 6 Bright Lights Tinchy Stryder, featuring Pixie Lott 7 The A Team Ed Sheeran 8 Domino Jessie J 9 Payphone Maroon 5, featuring Wiz Khalifa 10 Wish You Were Here Avril Lavigne

Jazz heavyweights also took their turns in the ring, and the city was treated to performances by Ernie Watts (saxaphone), Everette Harp (funk/soul/saxaphone) and Hiromi, the young Japanese virtuoso mentored and managed by Ahmad. With such a stellar line-up this year, KLIJ has a lot to live up to at its next edition musically, and also to improve on attendance and interest. The gathering of a million youths at Putrajaya towards the end of May seemed a perfect opportunity to have a festival. The scope was ambitious music programmes over three days designed to allow youthful talent to

perform and gain exposure. The inaugural World Youth Jazz Festival in Putrajaya certainly lived up to such intentions when a young trio from Indonesia, Three Sons, took to the stage. Standout pianist Joe Alexander Sila, just eight years old, jammed with Dhruv (from India) one afternoon, before steaming it up with his two brothers the every same evening, impressing the crowd with their treatment of well-known standards. Our very own power divas, Dasha Logan and Poova, flew the flag proudly, dishing out a brace of vocal sets that demonstrated diversity and originality.

Perhaps, it was the distance, but better attendance could have been had with a more focused approach in the future. In summary, the Malaysian music festival scene has come of age. Anchored by the venerable Rainforest World Music Festival (held annually in July), we now claim host to all these other world stage events, which have incidentally called the month of May home. The potential for development is huge and the scope for improvement unlimited. Nobody should be resting on their laurels, perceived or otherwise, but seek to evolve and rise to even greater heights.

Michael Jacksons still Bad, 25 years on

MICHAEL JACKSONS Bad returns this September with new music and never-before-seen concert video in the first re-release of a full album from the king of pops catalogue since he died in 2009, Jacksons record company and estate said recently. The Bad 25 deluxe package, to be released on Sept 18, commemorates the 25th anniversary of the original, Grammy-winning album (far right) with hits like The Way You Make Me Feel, and it will include demos and songs that did not make the final cut of the original version. The new songs were recorded in Jacksons studio while he was making the album, and the package also offers a DVD of Jacksons performance for Britains Prince Charles, Lady Diana and 72,000 fans at Londons Wembley Stadium in 1988. The video was discovered in the singers personal collection, and thought to be the only copy of the performance, taped for Jacksons own use, the estate said. Jackson, a member of the Jackson Five family of singers and one of the best-selling pop stars of all time, died in 2009 of an overdose of the anaesthetic propofol and sedatives. His doctor at the time, Conrad Murray, is currently in jail after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the singers death. Craig Marks, editor of Popdust. com and co-author of I Want My MTV, said the Bad 25 anniversary package should highlight Jacksons legendary talents as a live performer and, perhaps, lure new fans. He said: It continues to focus fans attention on his music ... hopefully, it brings to the fore what an incredible live performer he was and his songbook, given that Bad was at the time considered to be very successful but was in the shadows of Thriller. Bad won two Grammy awards and sold more than 45 million copies around the world, fuelled by the popularity of singles such as Dirty Diana, Smooth Criminal and the album title track, Bad. It was the singers last collaboration with legendary M o t o w n producer Quincy Jones, who helmed the production on Jacksons solo album Off the Wall and the hit follow-up, Thriller, one of the best-selling albums in history. Marks believes Bad marked the end of an era for Jackson and Jones, and that Jackson used the record to explore deeper struggles following the phenomenal success of Thriller. The paranoid romantic hell hes in, his mini snapshots of how he felt being in the public eye so nakedly, and in some ways so alone, he wasnt able to trust many people and he felt very isolated. You can hear [all] that in the record, said Marks. To gear up Jackson fans ahead of September, the late singers record company will re-release the first single from the album, I Just Cant Stop Loving You tomorrow in the US. Reuters

theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


Shopping made easy

> At last, a satellite device is being developed to help men who hate spending more money at the supermarkets
EAL MEN dont shop. We make incursions into enemy territory. Locate supermarket. Access aisles. Liberate beer. Return to base. Mission accomplished. Cheers! During the mission, our main interest is keeping collateral damage to innocent parties, that is, the banknotes in our wallets, within an acceptable level. It is totally different for the women I know. Incredible but true, many females enjoy spending money. To me, bidding farewell to even the smallest banknotes is like losing a family member. When asked for cash at shop counters, I frequently feel the urge to say: Can you just take one of my uncles instead? Now, here is some astonishing news. Boffins are working on technology to help men shop. A new service allows a man to go to the supermarket and be guided directly to the product he wants by a Sat-Nav voice coming out of his phone. Sat-Nav: In five metres, turn left. Nearly there. Turn left now. On the second shelf on your right, youll find the can of beer you wanted. Enjoy it, you pathetic drunk. Me: What did you just call me? Sat-Nav: Nothing. The system was set up last year at a branch of Tesco supermarkets in the UK for trials, but the store has not released results. It is very suspicious. Rumour has it that executives want to destroy the technology after they noticed that people who use the system spent less money. It could be true. Shops do not want you to just get what you want. They want you to get 17 other things that you do not want as well. I mean, look at the way department store staircases or escalators never match up with each other. You go up one level and then the next staircase or escalator is miles away, often hidden in a separate wing of the building, or in the toilet corridor, or on an inaccessible ledge outside, so that you


SMELLING excrement may not be everyones idea of fun, but for those who like to push the boundaries, Australias most controversial new museum may be just what they are looking for. Dubbed the subversive adult Disneyland, the Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) is located in Tasmania and features around 400 works of art from Egyptian mummies to young British artists including Chris Ofili and Jenny Saville.

A UKRAINIAN womens rights activist stripped to the waist and seized the Euro 2012 football trophy while it was on public display in Kiev recently in a protest against the forthcoming month-long championship. Yulia Kovpachik, 23, is a member of the Kiev-based Femen womens rights group which believes the Euro tournament being played in Ukraine this month will encourage sex tourism.


TABLES have turned in US divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before, according to US lawyers. As women climb higher up the career ladder and outpace their exes in salary, when love goes wrong and marriages break up, they are being compelled to contribute to the livelihood of their former spouses.


have to pass every product on every shelf before you find it. I once was trapped on the fourth level of a department store in Tokyo and there did not seem to be any downward escalators at all. Many of the customers were elderly, and I began to suspect that they had arrived as young people 40 years earlier, probably at the stores opening party. Had I not found a cargo lift in the staff corridor, I would still be there today. On another matter, a reader who lives in Sri Lanka told me: My internet connection is so slow, it would probably be faster to fly to the Google headquarters, and ask them stuff in person. Meanwhile, residents of Delhi are playing US$200 (RM635) a month each to have trained langur monkeys pee around their homes. The reason is that the langur pee is so smelly that it scares off other monkeys, villains, etc, the New York Times India correspondent reported. So that time I lived near a bar and guys would visit my front yard on the way home, I should have paid them? By the way, did you know the latest stats suggest that half a billion Asians are overweight? Of course, those are just round figures. Send ideas and comments to lifestyle.nury@ A MAN who announced his change of address in a local newspaper sparked national media attention recently due to the unusual location of his new home six feet under the ground. Karl Albrecht, who died last month at the age of 88, penned the obituary himself in the style of a moving notice, inviting friends to a lively celebration at his new lodgings in a cemetery in Hamburg, northern Germany.


WANT a 170-year-old beer? Finnish researchers say they may be able to recreate beer from the 1840s after finding living bacteria in beer from a shipwreck near Aland islands.


SHOPPERS can buy a half-ton box of pasta at supermarkets in Turkey, but not in the worlds spaghetti capital of Italy. Too heavy and big for the shopping trolley, delivery is included in the price.


A GERMAN court has refused to allow a family to shed their foreign-sounding names for new German ones they said would protect them from discrimination and aid integration into a country becoming attractive for immigrants. The family, living in Germany under asylum after fleeing Azerbaijan, were given the opportunity to take on German versions of their names, some of which carry Islamic associations, the administrative court in Goettingen, in the state of Lower Saxony, said in a document. Reuters

Cast out negative thoughts

THE DETERMINATION to be peaceful means that I must always think well of myself and others, and not have negative thoughts. If my actions are good with selfless motives, then my mind will also be peaceful. Peace of mind translates into peaceful actions. Guilt and confusion contribute to wasteful thoughts which lead to wrong actions. People may, sometimes have feelings of jealousy, enmity or dislike for us. But if we maintain good wishes for them, and not react to their negativity, then their attitude towards us are bound to change one day. It takes time and effort. When I learn the art of being stable in the most negative of situations, I know how to use the treasures that are hidden feelings. When the conscience is clean, there will be peace. BY BRIDGET So, each one of MENEZES us must research and understand our The power of the mind, like the rays of the own inner truth. sun, dispels all negativity. When we are physically and mentally clean and within me. our activities are noble, we gain My mind is no longer confidence. disturbed with wasteful or There is drive, initiative and negative thoughts. enthusiasm in each and every I find it easy to face and transaction. learn from each and every Success is merged in every situation. action. You will not find When there is selflessness in anything difficult. every action, there is the ability to express the best that is within. Bridget Menezes is the author There are no demands, no of Self-Empowerment and expectations, no complaints, Spiritual Counsellor. Readers but good wishes only. can email her at lifestyle. Such a lifestyle will automatically generate peaceful

Motivating talk
WE ALL have an ongoing inner dialogue with ourselves, but a new study suggests what you might want to start saying to yourself when trying to learn a new skill. While the more positive among us may have motivational mantras (You can do it!) running through our heads when trying to accomplish a goal, even better is what is dubbed instructional self-talk, especially when learning something new. American magazine Time reports that instructional self-talk can enhance our attention, help us regulate our effort and make decisions about what to do and how to do it, and third, allows us to control our cognitive and emotional reactions, steadying us so we stay on task. A new study published this week in the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology finds that self-talk works best when you think about the goal for yourself and then make a mental plan for how to get there. In the study, Athanasios Kolovelonis and his team at the University of Thessaly

Be Light ...

in Greece looked at students learning to throw darts in a gym class. The top performers first developed a mental plan, then attempted to enact the plan when throwing darts. Afterward, they self-reflected on their performances, evaluating what happened and making adjustments for the next attempt. While self-talking aloud may seem a bit crazy, it can also have benefits. A recent study in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology showed that talking to yourself as you search for something could actually help you find the missing item faster. AFPRelaxnews


theSun ON MONDAY | JUN 4, 2012

A feast for the eyes

> LG Electronics newest line-up of Cinema 3D Smart TVs comes loaded with plenty of goodies
BY ANANSA JACOB G ELECTRONICS (LG) recently launched its newest line-up of Cinema 3D Smart TVs with upgraded and new 3D technologies, and there were some truly amazing cant believe your eyes moments. Already at an advantage as the industry leader in 3D TV sales at the moment, LG increased the available 3D content on its 3D World Smart TV app, which offers high quality 3D content across categories such as entertainment, sports, documentaries, children, lifestyle, travel, fitness or any other interest. The most noticeable thing about the TVs in the new range is the reduced border, with a bezel just 1mm thick, increasing the TV screen size and making it as close to an actual cinema screen as possible. Another common issue among 3D TV viewers that of flickering, headache-inducing 3D glasses has been solved by LGs use of passive, film pattern retarder (FPR) glasses that need no batteries and that can be comfortably worn for long periods of time. Each TV comes with a free set of four glasses, that otherwise would be priced at RM99. The best innovation so far has been the Dual Play glasses, which add a new dimension to 3D games. Previously, two players would have to play using a split-screen effect, that would shrink the viewing area by half. With the new Dual Play glasses, players can play 3D games in fullscreen view, thanks to a simple solution of putting two left-hand lenses in Player 1s glasses and two right-hand lenses into Player 2s glasses. Each player sees their own respective view of a full-screen game. The two Dual Player glasses are available as an accessory set for RM59. Other innovations to the Cinema 3D Smart TVs is the improved 2D-to-3D conversion engine, which reduces noise for a


MOZILLA has improved the way Firefox provides updates in its newest release, Version 12. Assuming a user has given his permission under Extras/Update, the programme is capable of providing updates automatically. Until now, a small pop-up window signals whether updates were available. The upgrades could only take effect after the push of a button. In addition, Mozilla reports that it has worked on its tools available for developers, reporting 85 improvements. The update is available for download now.


WHETHER you pick CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, hard drives or USB memory sticks, they all have one key difference from paper, which can easily last 100 years or longer. Most of the more modern digital formats cannot be read after a few years or decades. But there are now data solutions available with more longevity, such as DVDs with a more robust layer for writing data. They might last up to 1,000 years, only cost a few dollars and can be recorded with a standard DVD burner. Some custom options are even more secure, such as services that store data on a disc of unbreakable glass.

AUTOMATIC shutoff systems can save a lot of energy and money for owners of gaming consoles. Both the XBox 360 and the Playstation 3 consume significant amounts of energy when running non-stop, according to research carried out at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The automatic shutoff orders the console to power down after a certain period of inactivity. The function is disabled when XBox 360s and Playstation 3s are initially delivered. It can be found by exploring system settings and set to control whether the system shuts down after one or six hours of inactivity. XBox owners even have a Background Download option, which allows them to download data while the game player is not in use, and then shut itself down once the file has been downloaded.

more high-definition 3D image. There is also 3D Sound Zooming, which creates 3D sound that synchronises with the displayed 3D content, moving the sound from left to right for a more engaging 3D-viewing experience. On the software side, LGs Smart TV Home Dashboard has also been upgraded and is now customisable to make it more userfriendly and to accommodate the needs of diverse Smart TV users. Navigating the new Smart TV portal is easy, thanks to LGs Magic Remote, which has been enhanced to allow users to use voice commands instead of merely pushing buttons. There are also a variety of connectivity features through Smart Share Plus, where users can access content stored in external devices, such as desktops and notebook PCs, tablets and smartphones. Smart Share Plus also offers the screen-share function which streams TV content to external viewing devices, such as a

(top) LGs Cinema 3D Smart TVs. (clockwise, from above far left) ... The LM6700; LM7600; and LM9600 with the Magic Remote.

smartphone or tablet PC, via WiFi connection. There is also a wide range of new premium and local content and applications for consumers, including the newly-added K-Pop Zone that features music videos, video clips and music from popular K-Pop artistes for fans to enjoy, including LG ambassadors Super Junior. The 2012 Cinema 3D Smart TV range has a choice of several models, the most notable being the LM9600, LM7600, LM6700 and

the LM9500. The 55-inch LM9600 is priced at RM17,999; while the LM7600 is priced at RM12,999 for the 55-inch model and RM7,999 for the 47inch model. The LM6700 has three sizes the 55-inch (RM10,999), 47-inch (RM5,999) and the 42-inch (RM4,499). The biggest TV screen of the entire range is the 72-inch LM9500, which is priced at RM26,999. For more, go to my.


THE most recent instalment of the roleplaying game Diablo needs to have a stable internet connection. Diablo 3 only works with an internet connection, developer Blizzard says on its website. Even solo players need to set up an account on Battlenet and log in before play. That requires no extra fees. Diablo 3 is currently available from Blizzards website. A free demo version is also available under the name Starter Edition. dpa

Radiation-gauging smartphone
JAPAN mobile phone operator Softbank on May 29 unveiled a smartphone that can measure radiation as consumers in the country clamour for reassurance following last years Fukushima nuclear disaster. This is the worlds first smartphone featuring a nuclear radiation detector. Named Pantone 5, it is produced by Japanese electronics giant Sharp as part of Softbanks new lineup of handsets. This latest model in the firms Pantone series comes complete with a sensor that enables users to see at the touch of a button how much radiation they are being exposed to. The phone, which will be on general sale from July, can also keep a record of exposure in every location the phone has been to, Softbank said in a statement, adding that it can detect gamma rays in a range of 0.059.99 microsieverts per hour. Japans top operator NTT DoCoMo at a tech fair last year

Googles new Chromebox and Chromebook

GOOGLE is powering ahead with its cloud-based, web-centric computers and has taken the wraps off a next-generation Chromebook and a brandnew compact desktop machine called the Chromebox. These were made by Korean manufacturer Samsung and run on Googles Chrome OS an appcentric user interface based on Googles Chrome web browser. The computers were designed for people who live on the web and use cloud-based applications to complete tasks in the browser. Google introduced its first Chromebooks in 2011 but has since upgraded the hardware and revised the user interface. Theres no longer a question of sacrificing quality in hardware to live life on the cloud, said Louis Gray, Google+ product marketing manager, in a post on the site. Both the new Samsung Series 5 550 Chromebook and Samsung Series 3 550 Chromebox have Intel Core processors and are close to three times as fast as their predecessors. The new Chromebook boots in less than seven seconds and resumes instantly. With the Chromebox, you can be on a video conference while continuing to play your favourite role-playing game on the side, said Linus Upson, vice president of Engineering, and Caesar Sengupta, director of Product Management at Google. The Samsung Series 5 550 Chromebook features a 12.1in screen, a 1.3GHz dual-core Intel processor, 4GB of RAM, optional integrated 3G connectivity, 16GB of storage, a four-in-one memory card reader, a 1MP webcam and up to six hours of battery life. The Samsung Series 3 550 Chromebox has a 1.9GHz Intel dualcore processor, a 16GB SSD, 4GB

showcased a smartphone with a changeable jacket that measures radiation levels. DoCoMo at that time said it was undecided on the products commercial launch. Many Japanese remain concerned about radiation since the quake and tsunami of March 2011 sparked the worlds worst nuclear crisis in a generation at the Fukushima plant. Worries over the health implications of the radioactive leak have sent demand for radiationmeasuring devices soaring in Japan. AFP-Relaxnews

of RAM, a built-in mono speaker, six USB ports and two display ports. ReadWriteWeb compared the new Google Chromebook with a typical HP Laptop and found that were now at a point where an everyday consumer can weigh up a typical HP laptop with a Google Chromebook and not see much difference on the software side. For more, go to com/intl/en/chrome/devices/ buynow.html. AFP-Relaxnews

theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


Naked truth
SORIASIS causes itchy, flaky and scaly skin on the hands, legs and other body parts. Not only is this skin disease painful, it can also be socially disabling, and in rare instances, a life-threatening disease. Many who endure this condition are unaware of what it is and how it is caused. Psoriasis is a common skin disease that causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin, forming thick silvery scales and itchy, dry red patches that are sometimes painful. Normal skin cells mature and shed in an ongoing cycle of 28 to 30 days. In psoriasis, skin cells mature in just three or four days. When psoriasis is severe, it can grow over large areas of the body. Generally, the severity of psoriasis can be evaluated as severe if it covers more than 10% of the body; moderate (3% to 10%); and mild (less than 3%). The degree of severity can also be measured by a tool called the Psoriasis Area & Severity Index (Pasi). As with many geneticallyinfluenced diseases, psoriasis tends to run in families. However, hygiene is not a trigger for the onset of the disease. Still, there are certain lifestyle factors that are often involved in the prevalence of psoriasis. These include heavy smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary preferences and excessive weight gain. Managing psoriasis starts with accepting and acknowledging it as a chronic condition. Patients sometimes may not realise the severity of their condition and may mistake the issue as an allergic reaction, dry skin or a passing phase. Especially for patients who suffer from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, it is important to seek professional help from a doctor who can diagnose the

the skin and produce excessive amounts of inflammation. This results in rapid skin cell growth and the development of lesions also known as plaques. Biologics work in the immune system, by reducing the inflammation and inhibiting excessive and rapid skin growth. A doctor will typically prescribe a biologic medication when the condition is serious and cannot be contained with other psoriasis treatments. Although biologics are considered a safe and potentially a more effective treatment option for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis, it is not right for everyone. A visit to the doctor or dermatologist is mandatory. This educational article is contributed by pharmaceutical business Janssen as part of its community project.

> Not only is this skin disease painful, it can also be socially disabling

condition and advise the most suitable treatment option to alleviate the condition. Diagnosis is usually made after careful examination of the skin, followed by a biopsy. It is crucial for patients to discuss treatment options with their doctor or dermatologist to determine which would be the optimal treatment for them. Some of the treatment options are: Topical treatment creams, gels, lotions, sprays and shampoos; Phototherapy sunlight, UVB phototherapy, pulsed dye laser, combination light therapy; or Conventional systemic treatment Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, Hydroxyurea and Retinoids pills. It is important to remember that treatment options are personalised depending on the patients age, health and also the severity of the disease. In moderate to severe psoriasis, the above options may not be as effective and some patients may be contra-indicated or intolerated to these treatments. For such cases, the use of biologics is increasingly becoming a viable treatment option. While most medications are synthesised from chemicals, biologics are derived from natural proteins found in living cells. Currently, all biologics used for the treatment of psoriasis must be injected. Biologics work by targeting specific cells in the immune system. Cells, such as T cells, monitor the body for bacteria, viruses and other infections. When these immune cells encounter a foreign substance, they release chemical signals that trigger inflammation. For those with psoriasis, the immune system mistakenly activates T cells that migrate to

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Bananas for energy boost

WHEN it comes to the optimal mid-workout energy boost, how do bananas measure up against sports performance drinks? A recent study shows that the humble yellow fruit holds its own, as long as you do not mind the bloat. The study, which appeared earlier this month in the peerreviewed journal PLoS ONE, pitted bananas against a typical 6% carbohydrate sports drink while 14 well-trained cyclists performed a 75-kilometre time trial. Each cyclist completed two time trials while consuming 0.2 grammes of carbohydrate per kilogramme of body weight every 15 minutes. In one time trial, the carbohydrates came from bananas, and in the other, they came from a sports drink. The riders who ate bananas reported feeling more full and bloated, yet their blood glucose levels and performance did not differ between the two time trials. If you are looking for other low-cost energy boosters, Runners World magazine recommends packets of jelly or honey, or even candy, raisins, or pretzels. When taken with water, these modest foods work just as well as pricier energy bars and gels during your longer runs or rides. AFPRelaxnews

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theSun ON MONDAY | JUN 4, 2012

> Restore your leather handbag to its original beauty

BY SOO WERN JUN detailing and wanted to do more than restoring car leather seats and leather panels on car interior. This is how Atelier Leather (initially named Leather Centre) came about and Liew has been helping to save leather products, restoring them to mint condition since 2005. His interest and passion in this industry eventually led him into the world of leather and restoration while

F you have been looking for a place that you can send your designer handbag for restoration or repair, Atelier Leather Sdn Bhd in Desa Sri Hartamas takes away your burden of worry and sends you off with a smile. As an individual who has a keen eye for leather, Jesse Liew, 49, was inspired by his expertise in auto

Brenda Tan explaining the process of restoring a leather jacket.

also widening his knowledge as he goes in search of premium restoration materials. . When we first started the business we only restored car leather seats and today, we restore almost everything which involves leather materials including fashion apparels, shoes, home furniture, men and ladies handbags and wallets. We are still exploring more items to restore. We also treat non-leather items but primarily we deal with more leather products, said Liew, who is a certified leather restorer specialising in leather cleaning, colouring, repairs, stain removal and leather care. Leather cleaning is a lengthy and tedious process as the material that is being treated is delicate and because it is not easily obtained, you would want to treat it with care. Because there are so many leather types out there, it is important to know which method to apply on different leather pieces. It is important to know what type of leather you are treating in order to determine suitable products to be used for the restoring process. Restoring leather is a very precise process and there are specific tools and techniques applied during these processes. If you use the wrong tools and technique, the outcome is usually disastrous and you may not be able to save that damage which was caused Jesse Liew applying primer on a bag before putting it through by using the wrong technique and the recolouring process. products, added Liew. Apart from restoring and repairing, Atelier Leather also does leather recolouring. While most of us are still doubtful about the idea of injecting a different colour on your existing leather handbag or leather item, at Atelier it is possible. We have 17 different shades for customers to choose from and we have the knowledge to mix and match Restoration work done on a vintage Louis Vuitton sling messenger bag. a suitable colour as per request. Customers only have to bring in an small or tight areas to ensure a tidy example of the colour which they colouring process. Smaller items such desire to have, and we would mix the as wallets are usually colours to achieve the priced higher as it is requested colour, said If you use the much more challenging Brenda Tan, the coto colour hard-to-reach owner of Atelier wrong tools like the credit Leather. and technique, areascompartments in card The process and the outcome the wallet, she added. pricing for recolouring is usually Restoration prices vary in terms of the start from RM80 complication of disastrous. technique applied. Jesse Liew onwards and are based on the work done and Usually for wider the type of treatment surface items, it is less required. pricey as we do not have to wrap

Recolouring work done on a Bottega Veneta wallet.

My Bag Spa. Spinn Luxe Services.

Not just any ordinary cleaning service centre, Spin Luxe Services ( by Chia Foong Yee does cleaning for all types of materials including leather, canvas, suede, patent canvas, patent leather, nylon and untreated leather using a natural approach. Giving proper care for your handbags, Spinn Luxe Services uses environmental friendly products that are imported from Germany. Rejuvenating services include Bio-Cleaning (removal of moulds, stains and smell), polishing, colour touch-up, colour restoration, ink extraction, disinfection, metal polishing and leather treatment on handbags, wallets, shoes, briefcase and other leather goods. Just like a clinic, the products that you bring in are treated by applying several layers of cleaning and restoration steps. At Spinn Luxe Services, they aim to keep your leather or fabric goods stainfree and restored to its best original condition.


Learning from a painful lesson of looking at her own belongings scarred by stains and discolouration, Chan Pei Lin started My Bag Spa to keep a habit of cleaning her own handbags and leather goods. She also hopes to share a similar cleanliness habit at her outlets in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Bangsar Shopping Centre and One Utama Shopping Centre. Just like how we take care of ourselves, it is the same with our handbags and other belongings. From removing stains to colour restoration of leather articles, My Bag Spa ensures that all items that are treated look, feel and smell clean and fresh. With My Bag Spas cleaning products, you can even clean simple stains at the comfort of your home. Ensuring that the cleaning products have a pH level at an optimum 4.5 (the pH level of leather), these products are gentle on your leather goods as the leather materials are not subjected to harsh and unwelcome chemicals that ultimately destroy them.

Restoration work done on a pair of Bally court shoes.


Clean as new


theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


Sun protection
> A new sun protection lotion provides reliable defence against UV rays

HISEIDO, one of the pioneers in suncare, has once again unveiled a new product created with patent-pending breakthrough technology, the Shiseido Global Suncare (GSC) Perfect UV Protector SPF 50+ PA+++. Shiseido Suncare Innovator Yousuke Ikebe was recently specially brought in from Japan to demonstrate and illustrate the power of this new suncare product. Ikebe said Asian women are particularly cautious about UV protection these days. Eighty eight per cent of them consider UV care an important part daily life, and most women use sun protection with high SPF. They are intent on avoiding a suntan, and any kind of UV-related skin damage, he added. However, Shiseido recently discovered no matter how high an SPF you use, there are tiny creases and furrows on

(clockwise from right) Yousuke Ikebe; Perfect UV Protector SPF 50+ PA+++; and use a sunscreen to protect yourself. Profense CEL protects skin from future wrinkles and spots by protecting the skins inner layers against cellular and DNA damage, and defending against the enzyme activity that UV exposure triggers, he added. Perfect UV Protector is a very water-resistant sun protection lotion that provides reliable defence against UV rays while offering advanced skincare benefits. Ideal for face and body, and especially formulated for strong sunlight conditions, it retails at RM130 (50ml). Indispensable partner Playing beach volleyball means going up against UV rays every day. Players are constantly exposed to strong, direct sunlight, and sunburn is a hazard of the sport. But my first priority is winning the game. Over the years, Ive given in to sunburn because Ive had to focus on playing. But with Perfect UV protector, my skin colour this year is clearly different from last year. The results have been amazing. Even after I dive into the sand, my skin feels so smooth. Its tough against sweat, too. This product allows me to focus more on playing, without worrying about the sun exposure. Its become my indispensable partner, said Sayaka Mizoe, a beach volleyball player.

Equip your child with a pair of sunglasses.

Even kids need shades

AS summertime draws near, ophthalmologists are nudging adults to be sure their children are sporting a pair of sunglasses to protect their eyes from sun damage. The Vision Council, an industry group in the US, issued a report recently that claimed while 73% of adults slip on a pair of shades when its sunny, only 58% of parents offer a pair to their kids. And since many experts believe our eyes get 80% of their total lifetime exposure to the suns UV rays by age 18, there is plenty of good reason to keep a pair handy for your little one. When it comes to buying sunglasses for both yourself and your child, price isnt whats important. Rather, look for shades that offer protection from both UVA and UVB rays. Also, aim for comfort, and a bit of style. Get sunglasses that you feel you look good in, so you will wear them. Also considering youre likely to break or lose them anyway, its a good idea to buy several pairs to keep stored in your car, your purse, or in your sports bag. - AFP Relaxnews

your skins surface that until now, sun protection hasnt been able to reach evenly. Ikebe said the Perfect UV Protector uses two new technologies, namely SuperVeil-UV 360 (patent-pending technology) and Profense CEL, to meet worldwide concerns over spots, wrinkles and dullness. The SuperVeil-UV 360 is specifically designed to cover the microscopic ridges and furrows of skin, completely protecting skin from damaging UV rays. Meanwhile, the

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theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012
10.30am Festival Kesenian KanakKanak Antarabangsa 2011 11.30am 5 Tahun 5 Minit 12.30pm Discovery Project Earth 2pm Over the Hedge 4.05pm Khas Hari Gawai 4.30pm Kata Adik-Adikku 4.45pm Khabar Malaysia 6pm Biz Malaysia 7pm National Geographic 8.30pm National Tilawah Al Quran 2012 Opening Ceremony (live)

May 20 June 19 THE Gemini solar eclipse two weeks ago and the current Sagittarius eclipsed Full Moon are triggering numerous changes. Ordinarily that would be the end of it. Youd soon begin the process of reorganisation. But dont act too swiftly. Theres a rare, second, Gemini New Moon in two weeks time. June 20 July 21 SINCE mid-June youve been facing dramas, many involving difficulties with others and various obligations. Now that these are reaching a climax, certain individuals could attempt to make it seem their problems are, somehow, your responsibility. Those issues are theirs to deal with, not yours. July 22 Aug 21 DRAMAS involving loved ones arent that upsetting. In fact, you feel they clear the air. Besides, making up afterwards can be rather nice. Still, recent shakeups were so intense youre a little concerned about the fallout. While its true, restoring calm may take longer, what youve dealt with will be a huge relief. Aug 22 Sept 21 NO matter how carefully youve organised your plans, its unlikely youll have anticipated the events triggered by the current eclipsed Full Moon. Disruptive as the resulting unexpected developments may be, theyre breakthroughs, although perhaps in disguise. Explore everything. What you learn will be amazingly informative. Sept 22 Oct 22 LONG ago you learnt that while people may ask for advice, they arent necessarily interested in any actual guidance. Often their primary objective is finding somebody to complain to. Now, not only is that the case, certain individuals are looking for somebody to blame for their mistakes. Be careful it isnt you. Oct 23 Nov 20 ONE of your greatest virtues is your ability to keep your word. However, not everybody shares your views. In fact youve seen others make a promise with ease and forget it just as easily. Bear this in mind now, since somebody youre dealing with is approaching a joint venture with precisely this attitude. Nov 21 Dec 20 POWERFUL as the Sagittarius eclipsed Full Moon may be, the changes it triggers wont be recognisable for what they are right away. Some may even seem a nuisance. Still, when you look back on this period and what took place, youll realise events brought one chapter to a close and began another. Dec 21 Jan 19 YOU cope brilliantly with even the most disruptive of situations, as long as you know what youre facing. But with eclipses shaking things up, youre short of facts and increasingly long on anxiety. Doing nothing is the best option. Watch, look and listen. What you learn will be remarkably informative. Jan 20 Feb 18 SUDDEN and unsettling as the words and actions of close friends or loved ones may be, theyre far less worrying than you think. Talk things over the moment issues arise. The more swiftly theyre discussed, the sooner youll understand both what others have been thinking and reason for those manoeuvres. Feb 19 March 19 ECLIPSES are about breakthroughs, in the world around you and in your own life. But the current eclipse is also forcing you to view certain matters from a fresh perspective. While this wont be easy, at least initially, once you do, youll realise the degree to which your attitudes been restricting your options. March 20 April 18 SOMETIMES you can make plans and put them into action, all within a short period of time. But now, with the second of the current pair of eclipses shaking things up, even the simplest of plans wont last long. Thats fine. Focus on learning from events and encourage others to do the same. April 19 May 19 EVERY Full Moon brings issues to a head, and because this one accents the use of your resources, it could well highlight matters that already are a source of concern. Ironically, the intensity of your feelings could spur you to discuss these and, once you have, take the variety of decisive action thats needed.


11.30am 1.30pm 4pm 4.35pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 9pm 12.30am 1.30am

Taman Laut The Winning Tale Natchatra Mounamaana Neram White Lie The Building Blocks of Life 88 Kopitiam Roda-Roda KL Sara Akashah Tidak Pernah Kusesali


Being earnest about

CADEMY Award nominee Clive Owen and Academy Award winner Nicole Kidman star in the HBO Original Movie Hemingway & Gellhorn which premieres tonight at 7.15pm on HBO (Astro channel 411) and HBO HD (channel 431). Directed by Academy Award nominee Philip Kaufman, Hemingway & Gellhorn recounts one of the greatest romances of the last century the passionate love affair and tumultuous marriage of literary master Ernest Hemingway and trailblazing war correspondent Martha Gellhorn. Their combined magnetism ushered them into social circles that included the elite of Hollywood, the aristocracy of the literary world and the First Family of the United States. They covered all the great conflicts of their time, but the war they could not survive was the war between themselves. This movie also stars David Strathairn, Rodrigo Santoro, Molly Parker, Parker Posey, Joan Chen and Tony Shalhoub. In an interview transcript provided by HBO, Owen talks

about his role and what he did to get deep into character. You did quite a bit of research for this role. Why was this so important? I decided I needed time to immerse myself in everything Hemingway. I read everything he wrote. I went to Cuba and spent a week there and hung out with the people who run the Hemingway House. I went to Paris to all the haunts and places he had lived. I dont think you can take on a character like Hemingway and treat it like any other film. What did you find you related to most about him? I think what was pretty incredible was that in spite of the stories of the epic nights of boozing, there was the discipline of the work. He was up at the crack of dawn and writing for six to seven hours every day regardless of what had gone on the night before. And I felt very lucky to have been pushed into reading everything that he wrote and to realise how brilliant a writer he was. What do you think it was that drew him so strongly to Gellhorn? I think he met his match really. I think she was fiercely intelligent and she could drink as much as him which Im sure was a big attraction. ... She also had a great attack on life. And it was crazy and passionate and lasted only those seven years. But for me it was always a story of how he really set her on her journey of becoming a war correspondent. ... I think the tragedy for him is that hed have preferred that she had stayed with him and lived her life through him. Its an interesting ambiguity that he both pushed her towards that but then sabotaged her later on. I think it hurt him. He would have preferred her to live with him in Cuba and live her life through him a bit more. Another very interesting thing when you track their relationship is that when you look ... at pictures of them when they first got together and he looked strong. And by the end, you just wouldnt believe its only been seven years. It was a very epic and consuming relationship.

11.30am 12.02pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4.02pm 6pm 7pm 9pm 10pm 12.30am

5 Rencah 5 Rasa Wanita Hari Ini Laila Asyikin Putri Yang Ditukar Endless Love Nana Tanjung Boboiboy Seindah Sakura Indera Joned Sixty Million Dollar Man Scoreboard

> Clive Owen and Nicole Kidman play out one of the greatest romances of the last century in HBOs Hemingway & Gellhorn

10am 11am Noon 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.32pm 4.32pm 6.02pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 10pm

Fighting Spiders Bella My Girl Crime Buster X2 The Emperors Harem The Amazing Strategist Liu Bo Wen Taiwan Tornado A Tale of Two Cities Bola Mania IRT Deadliest Roads Unriddle 2


10.30am 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8.30pm 9.31pm 10.31pm 11.45pm

My Family My Love Love Super Idol Just in Singapore Hitman Reborn Dong Yi Family Harmony Palace Secret Garden NCIS Criminal Minds The X-Factor


11am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2pm 2.30pm 3pm 4pm 6.37pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.30pm 11.30pm

Ampang Medikal Nikita Heroman Bola Kampung Wonderpets Chalkzone Kappa Mikey Upin & Ipin 3 Hari 2 Malam Lara Hati Kaki Bola Kerana Suka Cinta Fitri

Flying McCoy

Real Life Adventures

Last War Heroes: D-Day

NAT GEO, 9PM: On June 6, 1944, Allied soldiers from Britain, the US and Canada land on five Normandy beaches nicknamed Gold, Sword, Utah, Omaha and Juno. This episode tells the heroic story of the soldiers who led the assault from the shoreline to the bluffs while encountering mines, machinegun and artillery fire and the bunkers.

theSun | MONDAY JUNE 4 2012







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The SunMegazine Monday, June 04, 2012


theSun | MONDAY JUNE 4 2012






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theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


Djokovic survives scare

> as Cibulkova downs top seed Azarenka at French Open
OVAK DJOKOVIC staged an epic French Open fourth round recovery to defeat Italys Andreas Seppi 4-6, 6-7 (5/7), 6-3, 7-5, 6-3 yesterday and salvage his dream of making Grand Slam history. The world No. 1, bidding to become just the third man to hold all four majors at the same time, and rst since 1969, struggled in the cold conditions on Philippe Chatrier court against a player hed beaten seven times in seven meetings. I played very badly, but I won thanks to my ghting spirit, said Djokovic. The 25-year-old Serb has never got beyond the semi-nals in Paris and saw a 43-match winning run ended by Roger Federer in 2011 at the last four stage as his love-hate relationship with the venue hit a new low. And for the rst two sets yesterday, he was heading for more misery and the biggest shock since Rafael Nadal had his perfect 31-match, fourtitle stretch smashed by Robin Soderling at the same stage in 2009. But the top seed regrouped to record his third win from two sets to love down after pulling off similar Houdini acts against Federer in the US Open semi-nal last year and Wimbledon second round against Guillermo Garcia Lopez in 2005. His reward, after a tie which featured 158 unforced errors, is a clash with either French fth seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga or Switzerlands Stanislas Wawrinka, the 18th seed, for a place in the seminals. Djokovic looked on course for a routine afternoons work when he broke in the second game of the rst set on his way to a 3-0 lead. But 22nd-seeded Seppi, playing in his rst Grand Slam fourth round match at the 29th attempt, and thriving in the bleak June weather, hit back in the fth game and broke again to nudge ahead at 5-4. A long forehand from Djokovic handed the 28year-old Italian the opener, only the third set he had won against the Serb in his seven previous



meetings. Djokovic continued to struggle with his timing and footwork in the second set and was broken to trail 2-3 with Seppi quickly backing it up with two love service games for a 5-3 lead. Seppi was pinned back to 5-5 as the Serb stopped the rot but the Italian, with his condence buoyed by a claycourt title in Belgrade in the runup to Paris, prevailed in the tiebreak when a lacklustre Djokovic netted a forehand. The heavy court continued to plague Djokovic and a break he carved out for a 3-2 lead in the third set was handed back in the sixth. But, from nowhere, he summoned breaks in the seventh and ninth games to capture the third set. He was 3-0 up in the fourth set, having won six

games in succcession, but Seppi refused to buckle and pulled back to 3-3. However, a pinpoint forehand crosscourt passing shot, picked up off his toes, gave Djokovic set point in the 12th game and the last 16 tie was level as Seppi could only nd the net. The decider was dominated by the Serb who broke for 4-2 as a wilting Seppi, who had played veset matches in the second and third rounds, double faulted.

After four hours and 18 minutes, Djokovic secured his 25th successive Grand Slam match victory courtesy of a big, swinging forehand. Earlier, Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia downed top seed Victoria Azarenka of Belarus to pull off a major upset in fourth round action at the French Open yesterday. The 15th seed won 6-2, 7-6 (7/4) to set up a quarternal match with either Samantha Stosur of Australia or Sloane Stephens of the United States. Azarenka won the Australian Open in January and had been expected to coast past Cibulkova having beaten her seven times out of eight previously. But the little Slovakian, who reached the seminals in 2009, handled the cold, windy conditions on the Suzanne Lenglen court far better than the tall Belarusian. After losing the rst set, Azarenka appeared to be getting back on track as she broke to lead 2-0 in the second, but 23-year-old Cibulkova dug deep to run off four games in a row. Azarenka levelled at 4-4, with the set then going to a tie-break which a pumped-up Cibulkova led from the start to pull off a stunning win. I am getting more mature and more tough mentally, said Cibulkova, explaining that she had learned from the experience of losing to Azarenka in Miami earlier this year when leading a set and 5-2. I managed to go through these emotions. She was 6-5 up, and I said, hey, come on, you have to play your game again and just make it. And for the tiebreak Im very, very proud of myself that I was still going for my shots, and I just made it because she would never give me the match. Azarenka said: It wasnt satisfying at all, not satisfying being out there playing like that. I do not know what to nd positive in that. No excuses, just a bad performance. Sara Errani of Italy and Angelique Kerber of Germany both reached the quarternals at Roland Garros for the rst time with straight sets wins. Errani, seeded 21, defeated Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia 6-0, 7-5, while 10th seed Kerber ousted Petra Martic of Croatia 6-3, 7-5. The pair will meet in the last eight in a top half of the draw which had also contained Azarenka. AFP


SPENCER LEVIN deed difcult gusting winds to post a three-under 69 yesterday to take the third-round lead of the USPGA Tours US$6.2 million (RM20.46m) Memorial tournament. Levin, seeking a rst tour victory, had a 54-hole total of eight-under 208, one shot in front of overnight leader Rory Sabbatini, who posted a one-under 71 for 209. Rickie Fowler carded a threeunder 69 to rise to third on 211, with 14-time major champion Tiger Woods alone in fourth after a one-over 73 for 212. Woods got off to a solid start, with two birdies on the front nine at Muireld Village. But Woods struggled coming in, making the last of his four bogeys at the par-four 18th. I got a little tired at the end, but so be it, Woods said. I had my opportunities to move up that board and I didnt do it. Im still in the ballgame, added Woods, a four-time Memorial winner. I need to grind it out and obviously post a good number (on Sunday). Japans Ryo Ishikawa carded a 71 to lead a trio on 213 that also included Swedens Henrik Stenson (71) and Jonathan Byrd (72). Levin chipped in for an eagle at the par-ve fth and for a birdie, as he posted one of just three rounds in the 60s in the blustery weather. His round put him in position to challenge again for his rst tour title. He had a six-shot lead after three rounds in Phoenix earlier this year but carded a nal-round 75 to nish third.


STACY LEWIS carded a second-straight six-under 65 yesterday to seize a six-shot lead going into the nal round of the LPGA ShopRite Classic. Lewis, who shared the overnight lead with Japans Mika Miyazato, had eight birdies to off-set a double-bogey six at the sixth hole. Her 36-hole total of 12-under 130 matched the tournament record set by Amy Benz in 1996 and matched by Denise Killeen in 2004. Lewis had a comfortable cushion in the 54-hole event over Swedens Anna Nordqvist, who posted a four-under 67 for 136. Nordqvists six birdies included three in a row from the 11th. Paula Creamer and So Yeon Ryu, the last two winners of the US womens Open, were in a group on 137.

MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT (USA UNLESS NOTED, PAR-72): 208 : Spencer Levin 67-72-69, 209 : Rory Sabbatini (RSA) 69-69-71, 211 : Rickie Fowler 71-71-69, 212 : Tiger Woods 70-69-73, 213 : Ryo Ishikawa (JPN) 72-70-71, Henrik Stenson (SWE) 74-68-71, Jonathan Byrd 71-70-72, 214 : Vijay Singh (FIJ) 72-73-69, Ryan Moore 70-73-71, Andres Romero (ARG) 69-73-72, Kyle Reifers 71-70-73, Aaron Baddeley (AUS) 69-72-73, Daniel Summerhays 69-71-74, Scott Stallings 66-73-75, 215 : David Hearn (CAN) 70-75-70, Matt Every 69-75-71, Dustin Johnson 71-71-73, Jim Furyk 72-68-75 SHOPRITE LPGA CLASSIC (USA UNLESS NOTED, PAR-71): 130 : Stacy Lewis 65-65, 136 : Anna Nordqvist (SWE) 69-67, 137 : Katherine Hull (AUS) 71-66, So Yeon Ryu (KOR) 70-67, Azahara Munoz (ESP) 69-68, Paula Creamer 67-70, 138 : Yani Tseng (TPE) 71-67, Hee-Won Han (KOR) 71-67, Mariajo Uribe (COL) 67-71, Mika Miyazato (JPN) 65-73



theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

Malaysian team to enter as Super GT wild card

MALAYSIAN Super GT fans rejoice, as a Malaysian wild card entry in the form of Thunder Asia Racing Team, lead by Fairuz Fauzy and Hikori Yoshida in a Mosler MT900m, will blaze the tarmac of the Sepang International Circuit on June 9 -10. Fairuz Fauzys participation ignites the national pride as the sole Malaysian driver to race in round 3 of the Super GT 2012. Touted as the FASTEST Grand Touring Race in the world, and the only Super GT race outside of Japan, Malaysian fans can now hope for a possibile of a podium nish. Fairuz is no stranger to the world of Malaysian motorsport. He has achieved remarkably well in past races. Its always an honour to represent Malaysia on the international stage. The Super GT is something new and exciting which will enable us to challenge ourselves. We certainly look forward to putting on a good show for our community, said Fairuz. To be part of the fastest grand touring race in the world is superb. I am absolutely thrilled to represent Malaysia and hope that more Malaysian fans will root for us. One of the highlights of this years Super GT Race will be a Extreme Street Dance Competition by 40 dance teams from various colleges in Klang Valley and Penang to showcase their astound dance choreography. The top two teams will be battle on the center stage to be judged by the international judges, Jr Boogaloo (USA) and Shay Normann (UK). The night of June 9th will feature a dance party to the hypnotic live spin beats of renowned DJ KC, DJ Fuzz, DJ Patricia Knudsen, DJ Joey G and DJ Goldsh! A Afn Bank Motorshow will be held with the participation of leading conglomerates such as Sime Darby Motors, NAZA World, Lamborghini, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Subaru, Hyundai, Mercedes Benz as well as aftermarket accessory makers like Motul, Denso, V Kool, Paint Shield, ENEOS, McKee Racing. Visitors can expect the nest collection of vehicles from exotic makers such as Ferrari, Maserati, and Porsche, Mercedes Mclaren SLR, Mercedes AMG C63 to performance automakers such as Alfa Romeo, BMW, Ford and even Land Rover, who provide alternatives for 4x4 lovers. Grandstand tickets are priced at RM100 each, and can be bought online at my or Every ticket purchased will stand a chance to

Tiras Wade (in white) is challenged by Beermens Nick Fazekas.

Dragons strike
> Homesters thump Beermen to win rst ever playoff

win lucky draw prizes such as 32 Panasonic LCD TVs, 43 Samsung Plasma TVs, 50 Panasonic Plasma TVs, Canon, Olympus & Fujilm cameras, Nikon DSLR, Samsung S2, Anti Virus Product by AVIRA, GARMIN GPS, V Kool Tinting Services, Paint Shield Detailing and also motorcycles from NAZA. This year, all these great prizes amount to more than RM40,000. Skybus will be providing shuttle services from KL Sentral to SIC (details can be found at http://

ESTPORTS MALAYSIA DRAGONS tied the playoff seminals series with the San Miguel Beermen at 1-1 after a 100-77 win in front of a packed MABA Stadium on Saturday. Play went back and forth in the third quarter but a strong defensive showing in the nal frame gave the Dragons their rst ever playoff win in three seasons of ABL basketball. Tiras Wade led all scorers with 34 points. Brian Williams nearly had a triple double with 26 points, 15 rebounds, and 7 assists. Patrick Cabahug scored 17 points for the Dragons. Duke Crews led the Beermen with 15 points. We know that our team is an offensive team, said coach Ariel. Today we proved that we can be a defensive team. We kept them below 80 points, which was our target. Our guys were exhausted but they dug deep. Home court advantage was huge for us. We have the best home court crowd. Every basket and position, they cheered for us. Duke Crews opened up the rst quarter with a layup but the Dragons led by as much as 13 in this period with Wade leading all scorers in the rst quarter with 13 points.

In the second, the Beermen used a 12-1 run to close out the half, including a 3pointer at the buzzer by Chris Banchero. But the Dragons still took a 45-42 lead at halfway, Wade leading all scorers with 16 points while Williams had 10 points, 7 rebounds, and 6 assists. Beermen are a good team, said Ariel. We expected them to come back. Brian was frustrated and we werent getting the calls. Beermen kept beating us in transition. We regrouped at halftime. We have leaders on this team that can bring our players together. In the third quarter, Roger Yap hit two free throws to give the Beermen their rst lead since they scored the rst basket of the game. The Beermen led by ve points after Chris Banchero knocked down two free throws. The Dragons did not allow their season to end as they closed out the third quarter on a 23-12 run. In the fourth, the Dragons went on a 24-5 run to seal the victory. This is a statement win and the rst playoffs win for the Dragons, said Ariel. Were too close to bringing this team to the next stage. We cant stop here. We want to get to the nals.


theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


> Five issues Rodgers must address

RENDAN RODGERS cut an impressive gure on his introduction as Liverpool manager. Assured, articulate and positive, he managed to keep his feet rmly on the ground without killing off the optimism that always accompanies the arrival of a new broom. But he must tread carefully to keep the Kop onside. Here we look at the most pressing issues he must tackle.

Aneld in-tray
Harry feels the heat at Spurs
IN the week that he might have expected to be taking England to the European Championship, Harry Redknapp is facing an uncertain future at Tottenham. The Spurs manager, whose contract runs out at the end of next season, wants another three years at the club, which the chairman Daniel Levy is reluctant to give him. It is understood that thereis disillusion among some members of the boardroom with Tottenhams disastrous end to the season. Having been denied a Champions League place by Chelseas win, Tottenham stand to lose some 30million (RM150m). That in turn affects transfer plans for the summer and makes them vulnerable to bids for star players like Luka Modric and Gareth Bale. Redknapp can point out that with one more goal in the April defeats by Norwich or Queens Park Rangers, his team would have nished third and rivals Arsenal would have been demoted to the Europa League. Tottenham held third place from November until March, a month after Redknapp was installed as shortpriced favourite to become the new England manager. He insisted that he was not affected by the speculation, but a run of one win in nine games meant dropping to fourth place. Top four, I couldnt be more pleased, Redknapp said before the Chelsea result. Its been a great season. Weve played some fantastic football. Wed love to have nished third, but over the season I dont think you could ask for a lot more than nishing fourth. The Independet


BRENDAN RODGERS clearly commands the devotion of his Swansea players: he has taken them up to the Premier League. But gaining the respect of millionaire superstars is rather different. They might wonder what Rodgers has done to earn this role, especially with no playing career behind him. Andre Villas-Boas, another bright young coach who never played, could not win over the Chelsea players. Rodgers must avoid the same fate at Liverpool.


IT is not always easy to mould players to your style of play. At Reading, Rodgers struggled to adapt a hard-running squad inherited from Steve Coppell, and was soon dismissed. At Swansea, Roberto Martinez and Paulo Sousa had already put the system in place. Liverpool have not played good football since Rafael Benitez left. Rodgers must undo the failings and teach his own game.

convince the fans he is the man to bring back the successes of the Benitez era. But if he is unpopular, the board might be as swift as they were with Hodgson.

Henderson might t into his new system but will the rest?


ROY HODGSON was never popular at Aneld, after a series of public mis-steps and poor displays. Rodgers must avoid both, and


HAD Kenny Dalglish bought better, he would still be in the job. Rodgers must either include Jose Enrique, Andy Carroll, Charlie Adam, Stewart Downing and Jordan Henderson or nd willing buyers.


RODGERS needs his midelders to keep the ball: at Swansea he used the precise talents of Joe Allen and Leon Britton. Gerrard is a huge gure at Liverpool but after three poor years Rodgers must wonder how wellequipped he is for that sort of work now. The Independent



theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

Messi sends Argies to the top

RGENTINAS decision to play their four world class forwards was fully justied in a crushing 4-0 win over Ecuador that put them top of the South American World Cup qualiers yesterday. Sergio Aguero, Gonzalo Higuain, Lionel Messi and Angel Di Maria all scored in the victory as the home side scored three goals in a devastating 11 minute period in the rst half that settled the outcome. Messi, replicating his Barcelona form more and more with each match for his country, was brilliant and may well have nally won over the crowd at the Monumental in Buenos Aires. We have to be a solid team, structured in

> As Uruguay draw against Venezuela

defence and accompany Lionel so he can express himself to the full, coach Alejandro Sabella told the post-match news conference. Argentina lead the South American group with 10 points from ve matches, one more point than Chile, who beat Bolivia 2-0 in La Paz, and two ahead of Uruguay and Venezuela who drew 1-1 in Montevideo. However, Argentina can be overtaken next weekend when they have a bye which they will spend playing arch-rivals and 2014 World Cup hosts Brazil in a friendly in the United States. Copa America holders Uruguay failed to end their Venezuela jinx, going Lionel Messi (centre) vies for the ball with Ecuador's defender Jairo Campos (left) and defender Jorge Guagua during their FIFA World Cup South American qualier match at the Monumental stadium in Buenos Aires yesterday. a fth World Cup qualier in succession without beating the regions former whipping boys. Diego Forlan put Uruguay ahead at the Centenario when he extended his national scoring record to 33 in the 39th minute. But, with little more than ve minutes left, a header by Venezuela striker Jose Salomon Rondon was helped into his own net by defender Diego Godin. Rondon hits it and it hits me, Godin told reporters who asked him whether he thought it was an own goal, as initially given by the South American Football Confederation.

None of us are pleased with what we showed, Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez told reporters speaking for the players and his staff. Chile served notice they are still a force despite initial problems that included coach Claudio Borghi suspending a quintet of players for breaking a curfew before a qualier against Uruguay last November. Borghis side notched up a third win as Chile made it three successive qualifying victories in the thin air of La Paz, absorbing pressure and hitting Bolivia on the break. Forward Charles Aranguiz put Chile ahead in rst half added time and Bolivias hopes took a further dive when defender Luis Gutierrez was sent off early in the second half for a foul on Alexis Sanchez. Reuters



Perak Turf Club

137 635 589 3137 7635 9589

3058 6588 6086 6639 9614 1944 2229 5987 0251 6202 0159 6593 5351 9536 6527 2659 4126 3819 5538 3652



8285 7491 2989

5648 1072 2956 8842 0533 4080 5568 4891 3631 4188 8534 2965 3148 7764 7016 2109 3315 1711 6051 7928

Drogba scores as Ivorians win

583/11 934/12 09/06/2011 03/06/2012 DIDIER DROGBA was again among the goals as the Ivory Coast led a list of former nalists in a winning start to World Cup qualication but new African champions Zambia lost their opening game on the road to Brazil. There was also a setback for Morocco, whose coach Eric Gerets job is now under severe threat after a 1-1 draw away at lowly-ranked Gambia. Drogba and his Chelsea teammate Salomon Kalou scored for the Ivory Coast as they beat Tanzania 2-0 at home less than a week after changing their coach. Algeria, Cameroon, Senegal and Tunisia also triumphed yesterday as 11 matches were played at the start of the group phase. It followed two matches on Friday and there will be seven more today. Both Senegal and Tunisia came from behind to win 3-1 at home in their respective group games. Cameroon, who have been to an African record six World Cups, needed a second half penalty from Eric Choupo Moting in an unconvincing win over the Democratic Republic of Congo in Yaounde. Striker El Arabi Soudani scored twice as Algeria had a routine 4-0 triumph over Rwanda in Blida. Zambia lost their rst competitive game since Februarys African Nations Cup success as Sudan beat them 2-0 in Khartoum. Second half goals from Mohamed Tahir and Seif Masawi brought the Zambians back to earth with a sudden jolt and makes next Saturdays home match against Ghana vital for the continents champions. Reuters

5,750,204.44 8285 8285 7491 7491 2989 2989 7491 2989 2989 8285 8285 7491


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7914 4104 0744 3250 2184 3256 1893 2150 9251 5292 4918 7272 9654 1925 3178 3022 5885 3869 2655 8728 1298 8176 4120

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Fab could make Italy opener Del Bosque

PLAYMAKER Cesc Fabregas (pix) may have shaken off his hamstring injury in time to feature in Spains Euro 2012 Group C opener against Italy on June 10, coach Vicente del Bosque said yesterday. They did some tests yesterday and the doctors saw that he (Fabregas) is in reasonably good shape, Del Bosque told a news conference in Seville previewing Spains nal warm-up match against China today. He will rejoin the rest of his teammates in training at some point and, possibly, be ready for the 10th, he added. Fabregas, who will be rested against China as a precaution, sustained the injury during Barcelonas 3-0 Kings Cup nal win over Athletic Bilbao last month before he was named in the world champions 23-man squad to defend their continental title in Poland and Ukraine. The former Arsenal captain was one of a number of Barca players who ended an intense season carrying injuries and central defender Carles Puyol has been ruled out of Euro 2012 after needing knee surgery. Mideld orchestrator Xavi, a key player in Spains triumphs at Euro 2008 and the 2010 World Cup, has been suffering from a persistent calf problem but told a separate news conference in Seville on Saturday he was back to full tness. I am in very good shape and very pleased, excited and physically ne, the 32-year-old said. Yesterday I trained (with the national team) for the rst time, I played the Kings Cup nal, and I was already feeling good at Real Betis on the nal day of the La Liga season (on May 12), he added. I am ready to compete and to make history again with the national team. Reuters

10 19 21 34 42 45

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11 21 22 27 30 36

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theSun ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012


NGLAND completed their preparations for Euro 2012 with a 1-0 friendly win over Belgium at Wembley yesterday, while the Netherlands romped to a 6-0 success over Northern Ireland in Amsterdam. Portugal, however, saw Cristiano Ronaldo fail to convert a penalty in a 3-1 loss at home to Turkey that left them without a win in three matches. England secured victory through a 36th-minute goal by Manchester United striker Danny Welbeck, his rst for his country, to register a second consecutive 1-0 success following an earlier win over Norway in Oslo in Roy Hodgsons rst game in charge. England open their Euro 2012 campaign against France in Donetsk on June 11 but although they showcased plenty of defensive resilience against an enterprising Belgium team, they will face a much stiffer examination from Laurent Blancs men. Indeed, Marc Wilmots side could even have returned home with a draw, but fullback Guillaume Gillets rasping 78th-

Unconvincing Lions
> England sign off for Euro with win as Dutch cruise
minute drive hit the post. The hosts also struck the woodwork late on, through substitute Jermain Defoe, while Wayne Rooneys assured late cameo underlined just how much he will be missed when he sits out Englands rst two games due to suspension. Having lost Frank Lampard and Gareth Barry to injury earlier this week, Hodgson also saw both his rst-choice centrebacks, Gary Cahill (jaw) and John Terry (hamstring), depart the fray early at Englands national stadium. Weve got another few injury concerns. Gary Cahill is slightly more of a concern because its a jaw injury, Hodgson said. We hope that the scan doesnt show any fracture and that he can still play in the tournament. John Terry felt his hamstring. It wasnt major but we still need to scan it to be 100 percent sure. Beaten nalists at the last World Cup, the Netherlands proved that they will once again be a force to be reckoned with in Poland and Ukraine by trouncing Northern Ireland 6-0 in their nal warm-up match. A brace from in-form Arsenal striker Robin van Persie, one a penalty, coupled with goals from Wesley Sneijder a 25-yard freekick and Ibrahim Afellay, put Holland 4-0 up at the break. Further goals in the second half from Barcelona forward Afellay and centreback Ron Vlaar added extra gloss to a one-sided victory. The Netherlands start the Euro against Denmark in Kharkiv on June 9 and the Danes also enjoyed victory yesterday, prevailing 2-0 against Australia thanks to a penalty by Liverpool defender Daniel Agger and a closerange Andreas Bjelland effort. Portual, who make up Group B along with Germany, wrapped up their preparations in disappointing fashion by losing to Turkey in Lisbon, having previously recorded a pair of goalless draws against Poland and Macedonia. Umut Bulut exploited hesitant home defending to put Turkey ahead in the 35th minute and the Toulouse striker had another mix-up at the back to thank for his second goal early in the second half. Nani pulled a goal back shortly after but Ronaldo then saw his penalty pushed away by Volkan Demirel and the night ended in farce for Paulo Bentos side as Ricardo Costas attempted clearance struck Pepe and trickled in for an 88th-minute own goal. Co-hosts Poland completed their preparations in style, crushing minnows Andorra 4-0 to extend their unbeaten run to four games a run during which they have not conceded a goal. Elsewhere, Croatia were denied victory by a closerange 92nd-minute header from Tarik Elyounoussi in a 11 draw against Norway. Shakhtar Donetsk striker Eduardo had broken the deadlock in the 79th minute for Croatia, who will face Italy, the Republic of Ireland and holders Spain in Group C. AFP

SIR ALEX FERGUSON has been told that Manchester United will have to pay a combined 72m (RM355m) to land his top targets but he will not splash out that amount on the t h r e e players. They are Tottenhams Luka Modric, 26, Evertons Leighton Baines, 27, and Newcastles Cheick Tiote, 25. MANCHESTER UNITED are aiming to sign Valencias Jordi Alba, 23, with a cash-plus-player deal involving their Brazilian midelder Anderson. THE EXIT of Liverpool forward Dirk Kuyt, 31, could be as part of a swap deal with Fiorentina for 12m (RM60m)-rated wingback Juan Manuel Vargas, 28. NEW LIVERPOOL manager Brendan Rodgers has conrmed his intention to make Gyl Sigurdsson, 22, his rst Aneld signing after the midelders 6.8m (RM34m) move to Swansea stalled. LIVERPOOL are also rumoured to be chasing Fulhams Clint Dempsey. MANCHESTER CITY will begin their summer spending with a 25m (RM125m) offer for Athletic Bilbaos 23-year-old defender Javier Martinez. ARSENAL chief executive Ivan Gazidis will meet 300 fans on Wednesday to explain the clubs transfer policy.

Cahill ruled out of Euros

ENGLAND defender Gary Cahill has been ruled out of Euro 2012 with a double fracture of the jaw, the Football Association (FA) announced yesterday. The 26-year-old who won the FA Cup and Champions League with Chelsea last season suffered the injury when he was shoved in the back by Belgiums Dries Mertens during the rst half of a 1-0 international friendly win at Wembley on Saturday and, as a result, collided with England goalkeeper Joe Hart. He was sent for X-rays and now he has become the third player to drop out of England manager Roy Hodgsons squad this week after midelders Gareth Barry and Frank Lampards hopes of playing in Poland and Ukraine were dashed by injury. Liverpools Martin Kelly was called up yesterdayday as a replacement, with Hodgson having already omitted veteran Manchester United centreback Rio Ferdinand from his original squad. An FA statement said: Gary Cahill has been withdrawn from Englands Euro 2012 squad following the injury he suffered in the match against Belgium. The Chelsea defender has two fractures of his jaw, one either side. The England medical team have been in close contact overnight with Cahills club doctors who will treat him moving forward. Liverpool defender Martin Kelly will be called into the squad subject to agreement from UEFAs medical team. Kelly trained with the England players last week and was part of the group that travelled to Norway (where England won 1-0 in Oslo to give Hodgson a win in his rst game as England boss). Some good news on the injury front did arrive yesterday when John Terry, Cahills Chelsea and England central defensive colleague, was passed t for the time being at least after suffering a hamstring problem against Belgium. John Terry has been scanned this morning and given the all-clear, the FA said. He will be re-assessed on Tuesday when the team regroup. Hodgson immediately feared the worst regarding Cahills injury, saying after the match: The referee gave him (Mertens) a yellow card, which he deserved. Unfortunately for us, the consequences might be a lot more than a yellow card because a fracture is a distinct possibility. Now Hodgson has been proved right and he heads to his rst major tournament as England manager minus several players from his original squad. AFP

England's striker Danny Welbeck (C) scores the opening goal during their international friendly match against Belgium at Wembley Stadium yesterday.

Dans the man for England says Rooney

WAYNE ROONEY has backed Manchester United teammate Danny Welbeck to re Englands attack in his absence at Euro 2012. Rooney is suspended for Englands rst two group matches against France and Sweden and Welbeck made a convincing case to deputise for the United star as he bagged his rst senior international goal to seal a 1-0 win over Belgium. Welbeck hadnt played for club or country since suffering a bruised ankle playing against Manchester City on April 30 and is currently taking antibiotics for a stomach complaint, but he still showed enough glimpses of his vast potential to suggest he is a more potent threat than Andy Carroll, who is his main rival for the targetman role in Roy Hodgsons side. The 21-year-old underlined all his qualities in both the build-up to and the eventual conversion of his goal. When Belgian midelder Dries Mertens dwelt on the ball in his own half, Welbeck showed he is willing to work for the team as he nipped in to clip the ball towards Steven Gerrard, who moved possession on to Ashley Young. Welbeck then showcased his pace as he surged past the Belgian rearguard to meet a slide-rule pass from Young before demonstrating his predatory instincts with a cool chip over advancing goalkeeper Simon Mignolet. That was more than enough to convince Rooney that Welbeck, who has improved signicantly since a loan spell at Sunderland in 2010-11, should be the focal point of Hodgsons forward line at the Euros. Dannys spell at Sunderland helped him. He came back bigger and stronger and started more games for United last season and coped really well, Rooney said. It was great to see him get his rst goal. I have seen enough to believe we will be ne without me for those games. Danny and Ashley (Young) have done very well and Alex (Oxlade-Chamberlain) came in and did brilliantly on the wing. I think we have got the players to get results in those rst two games. Whether he starts or not, Welbeck, who has made only ve appearances for England, admits the goal has whetted his appetite for his rst taste of a major international tournament. Its denitely a special moment for me. To get my rst England goal in that way, Im delighted, he said. It is a massive honour. Im just looking to build on that performance and get more games under my belt and more goals. AFP

QPR are set to offer Tottenham goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes, 31, the chance to resurrect his career by making the switch to Loftus Road. ARSENAL are interested in signing Crewes 10m-rated, 18-year-old striker Nick Powell. FORMER Hudderseld manager Lee Clark, 39, is on the Norwich shortlist to replace Paul Lambert, who has taken over at Aston Villa, at Carrow Road. BUT CARDIFF manager Malky Mackay, 40, and Birminghams Chris Hughton, 53, were installed as favourites for the Norwich vacancy. MANAGERLESS Swansea will move for Blackpool manager Ian Holloway, 49, if Wigan No. 2 Graeme Jones opts to stay at the DW Stadium. WIGAN manager Roberto Martinez, 38, has set his sights on the Tottenham job as Redknapp tries to sort out his White Hart Lane future. MANCHESTER UNITED defender Nemanja Vidic, 30, has received the all-clear to rejoin full training at the start of next month. TIME magazine has done little to raise England fans hopes for Euro 2012 after dubbing the national side the worlds most disappointing team.

ON MONDAY | JUNE 4, 2012

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