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Safety Inspection

Checklist - Canteen
Worksite managers are required to conduct a safety inspection on at least an annual basis. Extreme or high risk hazards identified must be addressed immediately. Other hazards and/or issues identified during safety inspections must be corrected at the time, or, included on an OHS&W Action Plan. An action plan should be prepared in conjunction with this checklist and the hazards and/or issues identified addressed in accordance with their level of risk. This checklist provides guidance only. It is not intended as a definitive list for the identification of all hazards. Sites are advised to modify this list as needed in accordance with their own circumstances.

Site: Person/s completing Checklist:


Fire Safety and Emergency Response (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 2.7 and the departments OHS&W Manual. Are safety rules, emergency information and evacuation routes prominently displayed? Can the alarm be heard in this area (when applicable)? Are doorways, walkways and evacuation exits kept clear and at least 600 mm wide? Can external exit doors be opened from the inside without a key and are they identified with an appropriate sign? Is fire control equipment easily accessible, signed, regularly tested and of the appropriate type? Is emergency lighting available if necessary? (e.g. cold room) Does the facility have emergency isolation for gas? Is an approved first aid kit readily available and stocked appropriately? (Refer to the Code of Practice for Occupational First Aid) Management Procedures (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 3&4 and the departments OHS&W Manual.) Are safe operating procedures displayed with all potentially hazardous equipment? [3.2.16] Is required personal protective equipment available and in good condition?[4.3.7] Do all workstations comply with SAFEGUARD, GS 66/1 Computer Workstations Design Guidelines? (See /uploaded_files/gs661i.pdf Buildings (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 2 and the departments OHS&W Manual) Is the area clean and tidy? Is there sufficient space for each person to perform their work safely? Are floor surfaces maintained in a safe condition and suitable for the type of activities conducted? Are walls, ceilings and roofs safe and in good condition?

Action if Required

Action if Required

Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist Canteens This safety inspection checklist is based on the OHS&W Regulations 1995 and the departments OHS&W Manual and Procedures.

Are steps/stairs/ramps in a safe condition with non-slip surface, and secure handrails where needed? Are doors, windows, locks and latches in good condition and working order? Is guarding (mesh fitted) and signage in place for any fragile roof area/s? [2.3.3] Is there adequate ventilation? [2.17] Are fly screens fitted to windows and doors? Are the sinks and drains clear (i.e. not blocked)? Is the lighting adequate to work safely? [2.8] Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 4.3 & Schedule 1) Is all furniture safe and in good condition? Are light fittings/fixtures and ceiling fans in good condition and working order? Are all bench surfaces in good condition (no cracks, damaged laminex etc)? Storage (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 2.15, 2.9, and departmental OHS&W Manual.) Is flammable material stored and handled in a safe manner? Are required resources and equipment stored safely? Are free standing shelves/cupboards secured to ensure stability? Are storage areas labeled appropriately? Are waste containers readily available and labeled appropriately? Hazardous Substances (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 1.3.2-5, 3.2, 4 and the hazardous Substances Procedure.) Are current (within 5 years) material safety data sheets readily available for hazardous substances? Are hazardous substances stored and labeled appropriately? (See the Hazardous Substances Procedure for further information.) Are spill control systems in place i.e. absorbing materials etc? Electrical (Refer to OHS&W Regulations 1995, Division 2.5and the departments OHS&W Manual and procedure.) Is electrical equipment in good condition and tested as required by the departments electrical testing procedure? Are power boards, air pumps, power cords and power outlets at least 200 mm above any source of water? Do all power boards have an overload switch? Does the area have Residual Current Device (RCD) protection? [5.12.16] Do stoves/cookers have an isolation switch? Are electrical cables/cords kept clear of walkways etc? Plant (Refer to OHS&W Regulations, 1995, Divisions 3.3.3) Are manuals available for operating equipment and machinery? Action if Required Action if Required Action if Required Action if Required Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist Canteens This safety inspection checklist is based on the OHS&W Regulations 1995 and the departments OHS&W Manual and Procedures.

Is a maintenance register in place for all equipment and machinery that requires regular maintenance? Are the moving parts of all machinery and equipment guarded in accordance with the regulations? [3.3.3] Are all machines fitted with the appropriate safety signs and SOPs? [3.2.16 and 39] Is any machinery and equipment hazardous due to noise, fumes or other factors? [3.3] Cold Rooms Can cold room doors be opened from the inside without a key? Is there lighting and a light switch available in the cold room? Is the cold room/refrigerator at the recommended temperature/s? General (Refer to OHS&W Regulations, 1995, Divisions 1, 2, 3 and departmental OHS&W Manual.) Have any other hazards such as sharps, glare, noise, fumes or vermin been identified? Are hand-washing facilities available? [2.2.6] Are all gas and water pipes clearly labelled? Do all hot liquid containers have lids to prevent scalds? Are heat resistant gloves/mitts available? Is a fume extraction system in place where required? [2.17.1] Are isolation valves readily accessible and clearly labelled? Other Issues Action if Required Action if Required

Action if Required

Safety Inspection Checklist Canteens This safety inspection checklist is based on the OHS&W Regulations 1995 and the departments OHS&W Manual and Procedures.

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