Engjune 09

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Ws 16

Reg. No. :

J 3910
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2009. Second Semester Civil Engineering HS 2161 TECHNICAL ENGLISH II

(Common to all branches of B.E./B.Tech.) (Regulation 2008) Time : Three hours

Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 2 = 20 marks)

B part for whole necessary nourishment

(4 (4

Maximum : 100 marks


Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B : A (a) (b) (c) (d) nutrition (i)

indispensable amphibian holistic

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

organism able to live both on land and in water

seeing as a whole
1 2


Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions : Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II Jaipur interested mathematics. He sought to observatory that was more accurate and permanent instruments his day. He constructed observatories India. Write purpose statements for TWO of the following : Refrigerator



was passionately create a gigantic than the brass five astronomical

(a) (b) (c)

Washing machine Constructing a by-pass road.

1 2

= 2)

= 2)

(2 1 = 2)

Ws 16


Use TWO of the following words in sentences of your own and show the difference in stress shift : (2 1 = 2) (a) (b) (c) Object Conduct Rebel.

Noun (a) (b) (c) (d) 6. electricity science


Person concerned


(4 (4 (4


Give the numerical expressions for the following :

e.g. a bottle with a capacity of 10 liters a ten-liter capacity bottle

(b) (c) (d) 7.

A project for 3 years

A motor bike of 100 kilograms A journey of 2500 kilometers.

Rewrite the following in reported speech :


(1 2 = 2)
1 2


A budget estimate of 5 lakhs

The officer said, We have to complete the task today. 8. 9. Give an extended definition of cell phone in four sentences : = 2)

Supply the appropriate prefix for the following words to match their

(a) (b) (c)

zero: less than zero. sonic: having a speed greater than that of sound. tension: abnormally high blood pressure.




red: having a wave length just below the red end of the spectrum.

Give four instructions to withdraw money from an ATM.

meanings :

1 2


Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of words given :


1 4

= 2)

= 2)

1 2

= 2)

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Ws 16

PART B (5 16 = 80 marks) 11. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end : Learning is a process that every single human being undergoes. It is not just a yearly or even monthly process, but a day-to-day one as well. We observe people around us-how they speak and act. In learning about others, we learn about ourselves in the bargain, and also how it is best to interact with other

people. We learn the true meaning of terms such as integrity, kindness, sincerity, dedication, love, acceptance, appreciation,


encouragement only from honest actions. Not just from words.

As students, we expect to learn these life lessons on campus both within and outside the classroom. Students play such an instrumental role in influencing and educating fellow students. Sadly, it is very difficult to find students true to their beliefs, firm in the stands they take and confident of their values. Many take the easy way out, rather than being whom they truly are, which is not as easy as it sounds. They slide into the easiest getaways camouflaged in the form of a group of close friends.

Yet why do these students feel such a sense of loneliness? Why is it that even though they appear to have things figured out, they are all still so alone? All that I choose to boldly say is that if being different means that you stand alone, then do not be afraid to be the only one brave enough to be the person everyone is secretly wishing that he/she was.

The real dilemma in our educational system is that many students are afraid to be who they really are. They have been taught by people around them that it is not acceptable to laugh at things that other people do not think are funny, that it is not proper for them to think differently from their parents and most


importantly, that it is not right to voice your own opinion. Sooner or later, you will look upon yourself wondering how much you have accomplished in life. However successful you may become, it is only the satisfaction of embracing what really makes you and appreciating what you really feel, that will make you genuinely happy. That is education at its best. 3/7



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Choose the correct answer : (i) What do we gain by learning about others? (1) (2) (3) (4) (ii) We learn about the environment We learn about the world We learn about our true self

(5 1 = 5)

What helps us to understand the meaning of kindness? (1) (3) Dishonest actions (2) Serious actions (4) Sincere actions

Daring actions.

(iii) Most students suffer a sense of loneliness because (1) (2) (3) (4) (iv) They do not study well

They do not have enough friends They do not get good education They are afraid of themselves.

What is the best education, according to the author? (1) (2) (3) (4) That which helps you to get a job

That which helps you to earn a lot of money That which makes you understand your true self That which makes you satisfied.


Who could be the author of the passage? (1) (3) A student A teacher (2) A parent A spiritual leader.


(i) (ii)

(iv) (v) (vi)

(iii) Students cannot educate other students. It is simple to find out who we really are.

Mention whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE : (6 1 = 6) Learning is common to all human beings. We do not learn the meaning of life from words alone.

To be different means to dress strangely. Most of our students are not courageous. 4/7


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We do not learn much.

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Choose the definition which best suits the given words as they are used in the text : (i) Instrumental (1) (3) (ii) Slide (1) (3) Unchanged (2) Fall into Rise up. musical interesting (2) (4) mechanical important. (5 1 = 5)

(iii) Camouflaged (1) (3) (iv) Comforted Controlled (2) (4)



Dilemma (1) (3) Advantage Solution (2) (4)

Problem Action.


Figured out (1) (3) Understood Discovered


Write two coherent paragraphs on ONE of the following : (a) The problems and benefits of technology. Or

Or 5/7

(2) Appreciated Imagined. (4) (1 16 = 16) (1 16 = 16) (1 16 = 16)

(b) 13. (a)

The best ways of protecting the environment. Write a letter of job application for the post of General Manager to the letter.


Suppose you are the Collector of a district. The Secretary of a College Student Union has invited you as the chief guest for the annual students function. Write a letter of acceptance to the secretary. Also send your curriculum vitae along with the letter for the purpose of introducing the chief guest at the time of the function.

Managing Director of a leading company. Add a suitable rsum to your

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Changed gradually (4)

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Write a set of eight recommendations for ONE of the following (a) To maintain vehicles in good condition. Or (b) To reduce unemployment problem.

(1 16 = 16)

paragraph : (a) (i)


We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways.

(iii) Annealing has a second advantage. (iv)

In the process known as annealing, we heat the steel above the critical temperature and permit it to cool very slowly. This causes the metal to become softer than before, and much easier to machine.


(vii) It helps to relieve any internal stresses, which exist in the metal. (viii) In the first place, steel, which contains very little carbon, will be milder than steel, which contains a higher percentage of carbon. Or



Engineering is the use of scientific principles to achieve a planned result.


The distinctions between science, engineering, and technology are not always clear.

(iii) Generally, science is the reasoned investigation or study of nature aimed at discovering enduring relationships among elements of the world.

(iv) (v)

In this sense, scientists and engineers may both be considered

technologists, but scientists less so. This knowledge then may be used by engineers to create artifacts, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology. 6/7



At this critical temperature, changes begin to take place on the molecular structures of the metal.


Secondly, we can heat the steel above a certain critical temperature, and then allow it to cool at different rates.

(1 16 =16)


Rearrange ONE set of the following jumbled sentences into a coherent

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However, technology broadly involves the uses and application of knowledge both formally and informally, to achieve some practical result.

(vii) It generally employs formal techniques, i.e., some set of established rules of procedure such as the scientific method. (viii) For example, science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors.


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