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See the world of Internet come alive with Tata Communications Broadband/Extra/Wi-Fi

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Your Tata Communications Broadband Bill

Aarvee Associates Consultants Pvt Ltd Hno 8- 3- 976/93,Shalivahana Nagar Srinagar Colony Opp Satya Sai Negamagamamu Lane Yellareddyguda Hyderabad - 500073 Ac c ount Number Bill Number Bill Date Plan Name Bill Period Sec urity Deposit Credit Limit Previous Dues (Rs.) 4324.73 Payment Rec eived (Rs.) 4325.00 Adjustments (Rs.) Debits()/Credits(+) 0.00 Current Charges (Rs.) 3314.62 Amount Due Before Due Date (Rs.) 3314.35 ACC000821777 May/2012/3/059/00000015770 21- May- 12 Power Flash 1.5 Mbps 21- Apr- 12 to 20- May- 12 Rs. Rs. 3279 Amount Due After Due Date (Rs.) 3364.35 Payment Due Date 05/06/2012

Summary of Current Charges (Rs.) Installation Charges (Rs.) Plan & Internet Usage Charges Value Added Servic es Charges Other Charges (Less) Disc ounts/ waivers Total 2950.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2950.00

Servic e tax @ 12.36% Educ ation Cess on Servic e Tax @ 2% Higher Educ ation Cess on Servic e Tax @ 1% Total Current Charges

354.00 7.08 3.54 3314.62

Please examine your bill upon rec eipt. If no c omplaint is reported within 15 days from bill date, the bill will be c onsidered c orrec t. Servic e Tax Registration No. : AAACV2808CST008 Servic e Tax Category : ITS PAN No. : AAACV2808C Registered Offic e : Tata Communic ations Limited, VSB, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 India This is a c omputer generated bill, henc e no signature is required. Convenient Modes to Pay Your Bill You c an pay your bill in a number of ways. Selec t the one whic h is most c onvenient to you.

1. Pay online using your Credit Card or Net Banking Ac c ount. Fast - Convenient Sec ure mode of payment. c lic k here to pay now. 2. Make a c heque/ DD favouring 'TATA COMMUNICATIONS LTD - ACC000821777' Mention your login ID and ac c ount number on the reverse and drop at a drop



See the world of Internet come alive with Tata Communications Broadband/Extra/Wi-Fi

Mention your login ID and ac c ount number on the reverse and drop at a drop box c losest to you. For a list of drop boxes, c lic k here.

Plan and Internet Usage Charges _________________ Plan and Service Details Period __________________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Minimum Monthly Charges(Rs.) (A) 2950.0 Excess (Hrs) 0.0 Excess (MB) 0.0 Access Charges(Rs.) (B) 0.0 Total(Rs.) (A+B) 2950.0

Power Flash 1.5 Mbps 21/04/2012 to 20/06/2012 Broadband Charges

Dial Up Ac c ess Charges WiFi Ac c ess Charges CyberCafe Ac c ess Charges Total Internet Access Charges

21- Apr- 12 to 20- May- 12 21- Apr- 12 to 20- May- 12 21- Apr- 12 to 20- May- 12

0.00 0.00 0.00 2950.0

Value Added Services Charges Details

Service Global Roaming Ac tivation Charges

Period 21- Apr- 12 to 20- May- 12

Amount (Rs.)

Other Charges

Item TAL Charges Shift Of Loc ation Charges Suspension Charges Change CPE Charges ReAc tivation Charges Late Payment Charges Order Proc essing Charges Deferred Charges Cpe Charge AddOn Pac k Rental Night Unlimited Rental 21- Apr- 12 to 20- May- 12

Amount (Rs.) 0

Discounts and Adjustments

Item Adjustments for WIFI c hange of plan

Amount (Rs.)



See the world of Internet come alive with Tata Communications Broadband/Extra/Wi-Fi

Total Disc ounts and Adjustments Inc entive towards advanc e rentals paid 0

For queries pertaining to billing, c hange of address or any other queries, please write to c ustomerservic e@tatac ommunic ations.c om Note: You c an c hange your plan to any tariff plan available. The new tariff plan will be effec tive from the next billing c yc le. All c harges levied on your ac c ount are with your c onsent as you are required to enter your unique User Name and Password to do any transac tion. Should you wish to disc ontinue using Tata Communic ations Broadband, your Sec urity Deposit with us (if any) will be refunded after adjusting Pending Dues (if any) within 60 days of servic e c losure. To know the Customer Servic e details in your c ity, c lic k here.

Tata Communic ations offers a range of SME c onnec tivity servic es and applic ations. To know more the links below ILL | VoIP | Sec urity& Storage | Broadband | Biz Apps | INSTA CC | DOMAIN& HOSTING | INSTAOFFICE | INSTACOMPUTE | Wi- FI | CO- LOCATION & MANAED SERVICES Copyright 2012 Tata Communic ations. All rights reserved.


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