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Do You Know Your Molecular Health Status?

Judging your health status based on annual health screening report does not guarantee that you are healthy at all times. This is true due to the fact that there are various reasons which contribute to the onset of a particular disease. For example, cancer is caused by the combined factors of genetic mutation, environmental hazards, lifestyle and diet.

What Can You Do for Early Detection and Prevention?

Advancement in healthcare technology empowers you to actively detect and manage cancer causing risks. The rst step lies with Molecular Screening. Molecular Screening for Cancer is a procedure to establish the Cancer Risk and Predisposition Proles through comprehensive Clinico-Molecular Correlation.

What will be Screened?

Molecular Screening for Cancer tests for 768 polymorphisms / mutations, representing 366 genes associated with 12 dierent types of cancers. The genes cover 4 major pathways of Cell Growth Signal Pathway (oncogenes), Cell Cycle Pathway (Tumor Suppressor Genes, DNA Repair genes), Cell to Cell Interaction Pathway and Xenobiotic Metabolizing Pathway.

1 Venipuncture

2 DNA Extraction

3 Puri cation and Concentration Check

4 Ampli cation

5 Dispensing the Ampli ed DNA

6 Hybridization

Why Do Genes Have Anything to Do with Cancer?

Genes are the blue print of our life. They direct the formation of proteins which controls bodily functions. For example, how eciently we process our food, detoxify poisons and respond to certain infections. Medical studies have revealed that there are signicant number of diseases that have their roots in our genes. For example, when the genes controlling the orderly replication of cells are damaged, it leads to the unrestrained reproduction of cell, more commonly known as tumor or cancer.

The Types of Cancers Screened Are:

- Breast cancer - Cervical cancer - Colorectal cancer - Gastric cancer - Leukemia - Liver cancer - Lung cancer - Nasopharnyngeal cancer - Oral cancer - Ovarian cancer - Prostate cancer - Thyroid cancer

The Molecular Screening Work ow

7 Washing and Drying

9 Post-Microarray Data Analysis

8 Scanning

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