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Statistical Paper

Phoenix University Statistical Application HCS/438

STATISTICAL PAPER Statistical Paper Statistic is a process of collecting, tabulating, analyzing and interpretation of data. It mainly associated with data which could be measurable or not measurable numerically. Well gathered statistical sample data can give help health care organization true estimate of their service population. When data is not managed well, it can give a wrong or misleading picture of the research thereby corrupting the entire organizational, operational and functional outlook of the health care organization. For health care organization to be well functional, it must utilize standardization while collecting statistical information in other to ensure its reliability. The need

for reliable information is pragmatic to analyzing data. However, adequate use of statistical tools will make us able to estimate variation, minimize error analyze demand and supply, optimize resources, and calculate the expected cost and effect of organizational mission. (quotation) The use of statistics helps to helps to provides answer to research questions not only in health care setting but also in virtually every aspect of life. At white memorial medical center where I work, Descriptive statistics as a registered nurse. We use descriptive statistics to convert data into picture of the information in a readily comprehensible manner during research. One of the most common descriptive statistics used at white memorial medical center is the Run Chart. This is a basic graph that use one line to show how something is behaving /measured over time. The vital sign graph sheet is a typical example of descriptive statistics. The information gathered can easily be used to identify the behavior of a patients temperature, heart rate and pain scale. This information is now used to assess the outcome or effect of medication administered. The inferential statistics helps to decide whether the outcome of the study is a result of facts planned within design of the study or determined by chance. The two approaches are often used sequentially in that first, data are described with descriptive statistics, then

STATISTICAL PAPER additional statistical manipulation are done to make inferences about the likelihood that the outcome was due to chance through inferential statistics.(Quote 2)

Since health statistics are based population, the information is collected and analyzed
within a given period of time. The use of geographical regions such as zip codes is used for determining disease prevalence and health insurance coverage. Socio economic is one of the factors plays a big role in determining the service population. .

White memorial hospital receives a lot of its medical and Medicare funding due to its geographical location and socioeconomic class of the population of the group in that region. This has become a major factor in the statistical data of the hospital. White memorial medical center uses health care statistics to measure a wide spectrum of health indicators for a group in its community. The collected data can be used to identify a disease that is most common to a particular group and how that group responds to treatment. A community can be the entire United States, a region, state, county, or city. Health data provide comparisons for clinical studies, can be used to assess costs of health care, can help identify needed prevention targets for such programs as Healthy People 2010, and are important for program planning and evaluation by finding a baseline against which to measure in the evaluation phase. (Quote #4 Phpartners.) There are four different levels of measurement used in statistical data analysis. These levels are important because they play vital role for research in the sense that helps in determining the mathematical and statistical arrangements that are displayed in the data. The four different levels of measurement are namely nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. (Quote3). At white memorial medical center, all four levels of measurement are used for statistical research. At nominal level

STATISTICAL PAPER of measurement the numbers, words and letters are used to classify the data. (Quote 3) For example if data about patients are being collected, it is usually classified under two genders. Under nominal level, F is used to represent Female and M to represent Male. Ordinal Level of measurement is used to reveal the relationship between the numbers of items in the data. The next level is interval which is used to ensure that the interval along the scale is corresponding

along the scale from low to high. (Qoute 3). Ratio is the level in which the interval between each item is equal to distance between for example 100 degrees celcus and 102 degrees Celcus. Recently, Human resources (HR) conducted an Employee Recognition Survey asking our people how they feel about the various events that are held at the hospital and the type of recognition received. The 345 respondents (46% clinical and 54% non clinical) shared positive responses when asked about current employee recognition events and awards. The graph indicated the total percentage of favorable responses (Keep doing it or cant always attend but appreciate the event). Based on the result of the survey, Human Resources plan to continue current recognition events. It is our goal to care for the caregiver by recognition events. It is our for the caregiver by recognition employee efforts and dedication to White Memorial Medical Center. Use of statistical information is of tremendous importance to my organization because among other things, it help to display the activities of every department of the organization in a simple summary form to training and decision making purposed. Without accurate statistical information, It will be very difficult for us to identify where the organization need some changes.



Rubalcava-Beck, S. (2012, March 1). Results of Employee Recognition Survey. Stat White Memorial Medical Center Employee Newsletter, p. .

1. Insert the paraphrased material (Rubalcava-Beck, 2012). 2. Rubalcava-Beck (2012) Insert the paraphrased material. 3. Insert the paraphrased material Insert the quotation (Rubalcava-Beck, 2012, p. ).


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