Magnetic Force Gravitational Force

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Form 2 Chapter Dynamic

1. Force a push / a pull - cant see a force - can see and feel the effect of the force 2. Pushing and pulling are actions. When applying a force to push oor pull an object, we are said to exert a force on object. 3. A push and pull are force. Change its shape What force can do to an object?? Increase or decrease it speed

Change its speed Stop/Move

Change its position or direction

Gravitational Force

Magnetic Force


Electrostatic Force

Frictional Force

Gravitational Force 1. The force that makes things fall to the ground. 2. The gravitational force acting on an object is equal to the weigh of the object. Magnetic Force 1. Force which acts only on iron, steel and a few of other metals. 2. Magnet either can push or pull each other apart. Electrostatic Force 1. A polythene strip can be given an electrical chage by rubbing its against a woolen cloth. 2. This force due to electrical charge is known a electrostatic force. 3. This force can attract a trickling stream of water and small pieces of paper without touching them.

Form 2 Chapter Dynamic

Frictional Force 1. Force acting on the surface of an object when it moves against the surface of another object. 2. Always acts in the direction apposite to the direction of movement. 3. Can slow down and stop the movement of an objects.

Measurement of force 1. 2. 3. 4. A strength of force is measured in Newton (N). Apparatus used to measured an exerted force: Spring balance and Newton balance 1 Kg = 10N For a typical spring balance, the greater the stretching force applied, the larger the extension. Application of Frictional Force 1. Friction opposes the movement of objects which rub against one another. pull Friction Frictional force can slow down and stop a moving object. The directin of the frictional force is parallel to the surface and in and in a direction that opposes the slipping of the two surfaces on one another. The rougher the surface, the greater the frictional force. Advantages of friction - enables us to carry out our daily activities. - allows us to drive cars or die bicycle - make our shoes grip the ground, to prevent slipping. - enable to hold things. - produce sound. Musical instruments such as guitar violin - Braking system allowed slowing down and stopping vehicles. disadvantages of frictional force - Slow down moving object. For example ship. This caused extra large engine needed to fight against the frictional force. - wear out machine part and produce heat which can damaged the engine. - Shoes and Tyre wear out, caused slipping and vehicles skid and will accident. - caused noise pollution. Application to increased friction(by increase the roughness of contact surface) - Used rubber pads or knobs fixed on the base of the household. - given a deep treads or grooves for tyre and shoes. - brake pads are used to slow down or stop vehicles. - Using rough surface for staircases and floor. Application to decrease the frictional force - Used round and smooth spherical objects such as rollers or ball bearing. - A streamlined shape allowing objects to move more easily through liquid and gasses. - A layer of air between two contact surfaces reduced friction. e.g. hydrofoils - conveyor belt move on wheel or roller.e.g used in airport to transport luggage.


3. 4.




Form 2 Chapter Dynamic

Lubricant oil Application of work and power When force moves something, work is done on the thing. work= force X distance moved (in the direction of the force. 1J = 1 N x 1m = 1Nm Power is the rate at which work is done Power = work done,J time taken,s 1 watt = 1Js1

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Eg. 1 -

A horizontal force of 50 N is applied to push an object a sistance of 2.0m on a table. What is the work done by the force?

E.g 2 - A boy climbs up a 5m high ladder. If the weight of the boy is 450N, what is the work done to climb up the ladder?

E.g3 - A man done 1500J of work to lift a box to a height of 2m. What is the weight of the box?

Form 2 Chapter Dynamic

E.g 4 - A motor can lift an object weighing 200N to a height of 5m in 10s. What is the power

delivered by the motor?

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