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Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins ( Nanatsu no Daizai) series is a series of songs made by mothy, also known as Akuno-P. The series is currently slated to have at least eight major components, and the songs were put into the album Evils Kingdom which was released on December 22, 2010.


The characters of the Seven Deadly Sins Series.

The series focuses on the "cardinal Sins", the vices used since ancient Christian times in order to instruct on the morality of humanity. While more minor sins, "venial sins", could be easily forgiven through sacraments, the cardinal sins would lead one to eternal damnation if not absolved through Penance or perfect contrition. The theme is common in Catholic tradition. The definitions have changed throughout the years, but there is a general agreement on the current seven with their current Latin names.

Due to the events of the Original Sin series, the Seven Deadly Sins were spread around the world therefore tainting it with the sins. After their creation, the Sins were stored in different objects denominated the "Vessel of the Sins" and different persons, groups or organizations during that history tried to recollect them, each one with their own personal goal or intention. The series focus in 7 songs, 7 moments in The Evillious Chronicles when the Seven Deadly Sins reached their climax, causing massive suffering and death.

The Deadly Sins

Latin Name

Associations with VOCALOID Character Demons

Countries Related Item

Associated Akuno-P's Songs

Vanity/Pride Superbia


Precious Riliane "Daughter of Lucifen Kagamine stone / Four Evil"& Story Lucifenia Mirrors of Rin/Len d'Autriche of Evil series and Allen Lucifenia Avadonia MEIKO Banica Conchita Seeds / Glass Belzenia of Conchita Spring / Kayo's Scissors Flower / Venom Sword Soil / Marlon Spoon "Repulsive Food Eater Conchita" "The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka" "The Madness of Duke Venomania" "Judgement of Corruption"







Megurine Kayo Sudou Leviantha Luka




Kamui Gakupo

Sateriajis Asmodean Venomania





Gallerian Marlon





"Gift from the Wind / Hatsune Margarita Princess who Elphegort Clockwork Brought Miku Blankenheim Doll Sleep" GUMI Unknown Unknown




Forest / Unknown


Identifying the Songs

There has been confusion in the past as to what songs are the seven sins. This is simple; the songs share a group of characteristics that identify as a Seven Deadly Sin song. Those are:

They are tagged by mothy with their latin names (acedia, ira, etc.) They are sung by the appropriate vocaloid (Kaito is greed, Gumi is wrath, etc.) They begin with a phrase that looks like "Saa, [insert rest of phrase here]" o Example: "Saa, Nemurinasai..." or "Now, go to sleep..." (from Acedia) Their sin is portrayed in some way In the end, they kill or die as a direct consequence of their sin (With the exception of Luka's "envy" song) The official english name for that song has the name of the Demon associated to the Sin on it.

Any song that does not meet the above requirements is not a Seven Deadly Sins song. Last Revolver, while it is a good song, is not part of this series. Neither is Heartbeat Clocktower nor Miniature Garden Girl. Moonlit bear is not a Seven Deadly Sin song, nor is Madame Merry-go-round.

Songs Associated With The Deadly Sins

Superbia (Vanity/Pride): Daughter of Evil (Aku no Musume / )

Rin and Len Kagamine as Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and Allen Avadoni

Sung by Rin Kagamine Originally illustrated by Ichika The song "Daughter of Evil" was uploaded on April 6, 2008. This one spawned its own subseries of songs by Rin Kagamine, Len Kagamine, Haku Yowane and Hatsune Miku, known as the Story of Evil. The songs concern Lucifenia, a kingdom ruled by Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche (Kagamine Rin), a princess who, on top of being tyrannical, became jealous when Kyle Marlon (Kaito), the prince she fell in love with was in love with another girl, Michaela (Miku). Fueled by this, she orders the destruction of the girl's kingdom and the women in it. Her servant, Allen Avadonia (Kagamine Len), who is actually her twin brother, is so loyal to his sister that he will kill in order to keep her alive. She ruins the lives of many in order to keep her own goals alive - and is forced to become repentant when her brother finally sacrifices himself for her. Akuno-P gave keywords to this song:: ("Oh ho ho ho! Now,

bow before me!") This is also its initial phrase. The official English title of the song is "The Princess of Lucifer".

Gula (Gluttony): Repulsive Food Eater Conchita (Akujiki Musume Conchita / )

Meiko as Banica Conchita

Sung by Meiko, backup by Rin Kagamine and Len Kagamine Illustrated by Ichika The song was uploaded on March 3, 2009. The song concerns Banica Conchita (Meiko), a woman who, at one time, ate only the most delicious and exquisite food. Now, however, her tastes have evolved so that she wants something new and grotesque every day, and nothing enters or leaves her palace. The fifteenth personal chef of the year asks for a brief vacation, but she, angry, decides to eat him. Running out of food to eat, she ends up eating her butler and maid, and when everything has gone, she ends up eating herself which nobody else will ever know what it tastes like. Akuno-P gave keywords to this song: (Bow down and worship our great Conchita) and its initial phrase is ("Now, eat them out"). The official English title of the song is "Beelzebub Party".

Invidia (Envy): The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka (Enbizaka no Shitateya / )

Luka Megurine as Kayo Sudou

Sung by Luka Megurine Illustrated by Rgveta, Jiji Fuhimaru, Kurokino, Mizujun, Loft, ai, Yoiyami, Arisa, himi, Nyohonoko.,Mikan-fuumi, Coral, rakug. The song was uploaded on December 7, 2009. The song concerns Kayo Sudou (Luka Megurine), a tailor in the fictional city of Enbizaka (enbi = envy), who is known for her skill. The only thing she thinks about most of the time is the fact her "lover" is unfaithful and does not come "home". She sees him walking with a woman in a red kimono and murders her with her tailor scissors and takes the kimono, acting as if nothing had happened and that she is concerned about the rising murder rate. She later sees him with a girl in a green sash and does the same to the girl, taking the sash - the same happens with a girl with a yellow hairpin. The tailor dresses herself in the kimono, sash, and hairpin, thinking that she has made herself beautiful for him. But as it turns out, the man does not even know her; the three females were his wife and daughters, and so when he meets the tailor, he does not recognize her. Offended at this apparent lack of acknowledgment, the tailor murders him, too, and carries on with her work. Akuno-P gave keywords to this song: ("But I must persevere with my work.") and its initial phrase is (Now, I shall tailor). The official English title of the song is "Leviathan Slope".

Luxuria (Lust): The Madness of Duke Venomania (Venomania-kou no Kyouki / )

Kamui Gakupo as Duke Venomania

Sung by Gakupo Kamui, backup by Luka Megurine , Miku Hatsune ,Gumi (Megpoid) ,MEIKO and KAITO Illustrated by Suzunosuke The song was uploaded on July 25, 2010. The song is about a man, Duke Sateriajis Venomania (Gakupo), who, in his childhood, had been mocked and taunted by others. In adulthood, he made a deal with the devil to have an irresistible charisma to women. As a result, women are now flocking to his mansion's basement to create a harem for him. One of these women happens to be the one who "made him for a fool", his childhood friend, Gumina Glassred (Gumi). However, a jealous man, Kachees Crim (Kaito) who had lost his love to Venomania , came to his palace, disguised as a woman, and stabbed him in the chest with a poisoned knife. The charm now broken, the women flee from his mansion, and as Venomania dies, he sees a glimpse of his childhood friend, and reveals that he had truly loved her. Akuno-P gave keywords to this song,: (Let's dance in this harem) and its initial phrase is ("Now, Shall we dance?"). The official English title of the song is "Dance with Asmodeus".

Avaritia (Greed): Judgment of Corruption (Akutoku no Jajjimento / )

Kaito as Gallerian Marlon

Sung by Kaito Illustrated by Yuurin The song is focused on Gallerian Marlon (Kaito) , a young clever judge who is willing to receive bribes to make criminals "innocent". The reasons are to get the money and the resources needed to help to his handicapped "daughter" (Miku) and to achieve his goal of collecting the Seven Deadly Sins, needed to realize his wish of restoring the condition of his "daughter". Later, he is bribed by a general who is about to be sentenced to death for mass murdering. Although it is a capital offence, the general is deemed innocent. As a result, a civil war starts which kills the general. This also leads the burning of the judge's mansion along with him and his "daughter". Killed in the fire, the judge wakes up in the Afterlife with no clue if he is in Hell or Heaven. The "master of the hellish yard" (m.o.t.h.y.) tells him that he can be saved if he gives up his money, but he tells the "master of the hellish yard" that he will never give his fortunes to her, or anyone. He is later sent to Hell, hoping that the place will turn into "utopia" for himself and his "daughter" after he gathers his sins. The song is directly related to "Girl of a Miniature Garden" and "Heartbeat Clocktower". Akuno-P gave keywords to this song: ("Money is the best lawyer in hell") and its initial phrase is ("Now, let the trial begin"). The official English title of the song is "Mammon's Court".

Acedia (Sloth): Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep (Nemurase Hime Kara no Okurimono /)

Hatsune Miku as Margarita Blankenheim

Sung by Hatsune Miku. Illustrated by Ichika This song concerns Margarita Blankenheim (Miku Hatsune), shown as the daughter of a doctor, who is made to marry Caspar (Kaito), a man who is blinded by money. She learns from her friend Julia (Meiko) how to make a medicine which puts everybody to sleep. She then makes everyone drink her 'remedy', which in actual fact is just a poison. After putting everyone in the city to "sleep," in the end she commits suicide by drinking her own poison. At the end of the PV, a dialogue between Elluka Clockworker and Gmilia (both characters from mothy's Daughter of Evil novel) is shown, hinting the relationship of Margarita and Julia with Pere Noel. This song's keywords are: "For the sake of your happiness", and its initial phrase is ("Now, go to sleep..."). The official English title of the song is "Belphegor's Gift".

Ira (Wrath): Unknown Gumi song

"Heartbeat Clocktower" revealed this song would be sung by Gumi; however, nothing else is known.

Related songs
Heartbeat Clocktower ()

Kaito as GEAR in Heartbeat Clocktower

Sung by Kaito "Heartbeat Clocktower" was not the first of these songs to be released; it was released April 25, 2010, long after many of the songs had been released. However, it serves as an overarching theme for all of the songs, as well as establishing a background. It is the fourth song in the "Clockwork Lullaby" series. The song concerns a mysterious clocktower and its actual guardian, GEAR. The dead owner and former guardian of the clocktower, the "Collector" (Kaito/Gallerian Marlon), created a "Theater" for the "Collectibles" - they forever enact their story, while hapless visitors end up prey to the "Master of the Graveyard" (Meiko). The "collectibles" are presumably the representatives of the seven sins. There are four main parts to the clocktower, the "heavenly yard," the "hellish yard," the "graveyard," and "the court." GEARS main concern is to keep a young girl "with ugly burns on her body" (Miku) alive through the clocktower, and if it stops, she will die. He also describes other inhabitants of the clocktower, including a "pretentious" servant girl (Rin/Waitress) who "indulges in selfishness", but expresses sadness for the loss of her "other half" (Len/Irregular). He also mentions "blood-stained scissors" (Kayo's Scissors) and "a purple sword" (Venom Sword), neither of whom have "awakened" yet. The former guardian of the clocktower, which keeps the theater running, had been the embodiment of greed; the current guardian, realizing that the clock was going to stop soon, sacrificed himself to keep it running by taking out his own heart and using it to power the clocktower. The official English title of the song is "Clockwork Lullaby 4".

Chrono Story ()

Elluka Clockworker from Chrono Story Sung by Kagamine Rin/Len and Megurine Luka

A direct sequel to the songs Moonlit Bear and Okizari Tsukiyoshou, this song could be considered as a prequel for the Seven Deadly Sins series and possibly to all parts of the Akuno-P universe. After killing their foster mother by pushing her into the oven, the twins see how her Original Sin is split in seven parts, each one becoming one of the Seven Deadly Sins, represented by an object. The Lust becomes a Rose, the Gluttony becomes seeds, the Pride becomes a precious stone, the Envy becomes the Spring (represented as a jar), the Sloth becomes the Wind (represented along the clockwork doll from Hakoniwa no Shoujo), the Greed becomes the earth (represented inside of a sand clock) and finally the Wrath becomes the Forest itself (represented as the moon illuminating the woods). Then, the Seven Deadly Sins rise in the sky and are spread through the world. As this happens, the twins ask that someone clean the filth created by their "Mother". Seeing the current situation, the Eldoh's Tree, the forest's guardian, asks an old friend, an immortal witch named Elluka Clockworker, to retrieve the Seven Deadly Sins. The witch has some sort of tragic story, which gave her eternal life and caused the death of her loved one. With nothing to lose, the witch begins this quest. The song ends with no further explication, just showing the mansion seen in "The Madness of Duke Venomania" at the end of the PV, and a faint "Lu Li La" sung by the Kagamines along the final piano melody at the end of the song. Intrestingly, the gear shown at the end of the PV turns counterclockwise from six to four. At the time, only six deadly sins were out and the fourth to make its debut was Duke Venomania. The song's keywords are ("Time is limitless anyway"). The official English title of the song is "Clockwork Lullaby 5".

The Fifth: Pierrot (Gobanme no Piero/)

Len as Lemy Abelard (Pierrot) from Gonbame no Pierrot Sung by Kagamine Len Append (Note: On the CD "EVILS COURT", both Megurine Luka and GUMI also

This song focuses on the fifth member of Perre Noel, Pierrot (Len). It mentions seven of the members, but avoids mentioning member four, Rin. After the Magician (Luka/Elluka), member number seven, asks Len/Pierrot to run away with her, he rats her out to Santa (Meiko) and she dissapears. Len is killed by Sniper (Gumi) the next day. The keywords for this song are: ("From black to red"). The official English title of the song is "The End of Hansel". ~Members of Pre Nol~
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Santa (Meiko) Blue (Kaito) Princess Sleep-Bringer (Miku, dead before song start) ??? (Rin) Pierrot (Len) Samurai (Gakupo) Magician (Luka) Sniper (Gumi)

Connections to Overall Akuno-P Canon The name "Princess Sleep-Bringer" is "Nemurase-hime", indicating that Margarita Blankenheim from the song "The Gift from Princess Sleep-Bringer ~GIFT~" was part of this society. Also, she's dead before the song begins, as she dies in the aforementioned song. The "Magician" is no doubt Elluka Clockworker, the Sorceress trying to collect the seven deadly sins and cleanse them. Perre Noel is possibly the organisation that keeps getting the sins before her (as hinted at in GIFT's ending dialogue between Elluka and Gumillia). "Santa", or Meiko, is also mentioned in The Last Revolver, which supposedly tells of the demise of Sniper and the person she falls in love with. It is noteable that it takes place in Lucifenia, as the beginning of the PV says: E.C.610 Rolled-city Lucifenia, Lemy Abelard

At the very end of the PV, the words "The End of 'Hansel'" appear. This could tie into the songs "Okizari Tsukiyosyou" and "Chrono Story", where "Hansel and Gretel" (Len and Rin) throw the "Witch" (Miku) into the oven and create the Seven Sins. At the end of the PV, it shows that Julia's (Santa's) last name is Abelard, meaning that Lemy is probably the name of "Hansel," who was adopted along with his sister by Julia. It also shows an "Iliina/Iriina" Clockworker. This is probably Julia's real name.

Lu li la, Lu li la, the Resounding Song

Sung by Kagamine Rin and Len Append This song vaguely speaks of the items that each sin has, and how those ones changed from their form shown in Chrono Story to the one depicted in the the cover art of Evils Kingdom's Album. It also gives the general order in which things happen. At the end it says "They all return to the forest, with an uncontainable amount of anger," possibly referring to Wrath.

External Link

~Evils Kingdom~ Official Website


About the settings in which the songs take place: The songs take place in several countries, each one with each its name being derived from the Demons' name associated to the Deadly Sins. Those ones are Marlon=Mammon, Elphegort=Belphegor, Lucifenia=Lucifer, Levianta=Leviathan, Asmodean=Asmodeus, Belzenia=Beelzebub, and ???=Satan. The song Judgment of Corruption also suggests that some of those countries are now a Federation denominated U.S.E (Union State of Evillious). Asmodin was destroyed sometime prior to Daughter of Evil. Belzenia seems to mysteriously disappear by the time of Judgment of Corruption, although it is also possible that it is simply not part of the USE. It is confirmed by Evils' Kingdom booklet that rather than a country, Belzenia was an empire that conquered most of the other countries. It has lost most of its power shortly before the events of Daughter of Evil. o Each of the countries in the series seems to represent an existing country in our world. Lucifenia and Elphegort seem to represent alternate versions of France and Germany respectively. Levianta seems to represent an alternate Japan. Marlon seems to represent an alternate San Marino. Belzenia seems to represent an alternate Ancient Rome Empire. Asmodean seems to represent an alternate Great Britain. o Each character in the series also has an alternate leader/person. Riliane is an alternate Marie Antoinette. Conchita is possibly an alternate Queen Isabela II. Venomania may be an alternate Grigori Rasputin. About the Vessel of the Sins:
o o

Each item seems to have a symbolic relationship with the sin that they represent: Superbia/Vanity: The mirror is associated with narcissism which is the feminist form of pride.

Gula/Gluttony: The cup or glass is generally related with luxurious feasts and abundant banquets. Invidia/Envy: In the song, when they are separated the scythes of a scissor represent infidelity and jealousy that is caused by the other partner. Luxuria/Lust: In many cultures the sword is symbolically related with virility or has a phallic connotation. Greed/Avaritia: The spoon (particularly the Silver spoon) is related with wealth. Generally the wealthy people is considered to be greedy and avaricious. Sloth/Acedia: The Clockwork doll is incapable of movement or doing anything by itself unless you wind it up. Wrath/Ira: ???? About the song Repulsive Food Eater Conchita:

o o o

o o

It should be noted that the Mothy's song Master of the graveyard (which has no PV) has the "Repulsive Eater Girl" (the master of the graveyard) and her servants as the main character, crossing over Repulsive Food Eater Conchita and Heartbeat Clocktower. Heartbeat Clocktower itself briefly refers to the "Gluttonous Graveyard Master". This song takes place in Belzenia. This song takes place long after The Madness of Duke Venomania and long before Daughter of Evil. Conchita's name comes from the word "Caniba" (Latin word for "Canibal"). the song The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka:

Enbizaka is located in the country of Levianta. It should be noted that this is the only sin as of yet that the main character neither repents nor dies. Some (unofficial) versions of the PV imply that she commits suicide. This possibility was discarded, the Evils Kingdom's booklet explains that Kayo was possesed by Elluka Clockworker with her "Body Swap" technique. o This happens after Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep, but before Judgement of Corruption. About the song The Madness of Duke Venomania:

This one has a deeper link with the Story of Evil series. Asmodean is a country with which Lucifenia (from the Daughter of Evil novel) once fought against for supremacy. The leader of the Asmodeans is named "Gast Venom", possibly equating him to, or making him related in some way to, Duke Venomania. This song has been confirmed to come directly after Chrono Story in mothy's chronology and the Venomania mansion is shown at the end of the Chrono Story PV. The duke's mansion is apparently near Levianta, considering the appereance of the Vessel of Lust inside the "Daughter of Evil Worldguide".

In the PV, during the musical intermissions, appears some disappeared people posters with parody names of the female vocaloids, along their age and current ocupattion. These ones are: Lukana Octo, Age 20, Tailor. (Luka) Mikulia Greonio, Age 18, Peasant. (Miku) Lolan Eve, Age 32, Dancer. (LOLA) Mirigigan Adi, Age 28 , Fortune teller. (Miriam) Hakua Netsuma, Age 22, Unemployed. (Haku) Sonika Sonic, Age 19, Aristocrat. (Sonika) Priema Soap, Age 30 , Domestic servant. (Prima) Liluen Tarner, Age 24 , Baker. (Lily) Teto Cetera, Age 31, Soldier. (Teto) Gumina Glassred, Age 21 , Aristocrat. (Gumi) Meilis Belzenia, Age 22, 3rd Princess of the Bezenia's Empire. (MEIKO) Mikina Olpria, Age 19, Widow. (Miki) Ann Lee Sweets, Age 62, Florist. (Sween Ann) Neru Neru Nerune, Age 19, Spy. (Neru) Rindo Blume, Age (censored), Nun. (Rin) Yuki Kaina, Age (censored), Unemployed. (Kaai Yuki) Josephine Francois, Age (censored), Ocupation (censored). Yufina Marlon, Age 26, Queen of Marlon. (Yufu Sekka) o Venomania's name comes from the word "Satyriasis" (Abnormally intense sexual desire in men). o Some of the descendants of the previous women became relevant characters in The Evillious Chronicles. Some of them are: Gammon Octo (Cursed descendant of Lukana Octo and Sateriajis Venomania) Clarith (Descendant of Hakua Netsuma) Kyle Marlon and Gallerian Marlon (Descendants of Yufina Marlon) About the song Judgment of Corruption:
o o o

Apparently Gallerian Marlon himself lives in Levianta, making Marlon the only country in which a Seven Deadly Sins song does not take place. Gallerian Marlon possibly is the descendant of Kyle Marlon (from Daughter of Evil). His wardrobe seems to be much more modern than most other characters in the series. The newly released PV divides the song in Chapters, each one with their respective title. The names of those ones are: 1. The Corrupt Judge and His Sullied Court. 2. The Girl of the Miniature Garden and The Vessel of the Sin. 3. The Beginning of a Civil War and the End of His Judgment. 4. Master of the Hellish Yard and the Final Judgment.

o The PV for this song also implies that Gumi is the "Master of the Hellish Yard". This may be a reference to the fact that Satan is the Patron Demon of the sin

of Wrath, which is set to be represented by Gumi. Satan is generally portrayed as the ruler of Hell (i.e "Master of the Hellish Yard").

If the Master of the Hellish Yard is Satan, the Master of the Heavenly Yard would be God.

o o About

o This song is chronologically the last to occur in the Seven Deadly Sins series. In the PV, where Gallerian is 'falling into the bottom of hell' through a blue tunnel, you can see 5 colored circles in the tunnel's wall. The colors are in this order : purple, red, yellow, teal, and pink. It represents the order of the other 5 deadly sins in the series, with Lust (purple) occuring first and Envy (pink) occuring last. Marlon appears to be the only one of the series fully aware is comitting a sin. Gallerian's name comes from the word "Galleria" (Italian word for "Gallery"). the song Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep:

o The word "GIFT" in German translates to "POISON" and Margarita's name is also Germanic. This plus the fact that the second Daughter of Evil novel has a partially German title and names in the "Green Kingdom" are mostly Germanic hinted that Elphegort was the "Green Kingdom". This is later confirmed by the PV, more specifically, it takes place in Toragay city. o Julia (Santa), mentioned in The Fifth: Pierrot makes a brief apparition in the song during the minute 1:23 as cloaked figure with the nails varnished red, although her face isn't showed. o In the PV it gives several cut-off quotes telling the story in more detail. It mentions the Freesis foundation, relating this to the Daughter of Evil novels. The quotes are as follows. Marquis Blankenheim, passed away. Doctor Felix, in critical condition. 24 dead in the hospital, cause unknown. Toragay is plunged into panic by the mysterious sickness. Behind the scene is the criminal organization Pere Noel [unknown cut-off word]? Will the Elphegort government entrust the investigation to the Freesis house? The traffic between the capital Aceid and Toragay is now cut off. The Freesis Foundation and its investigation team head out for Toragay. Toragay is already in a state of ruins. o This song happens after Daughter of Evil, but before The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka. In Chrono Story, the fragments of the Seven Deadly Sins are represented by the colors of the Vocaloids who portray them (purple for Lust, red for Gluttony, yellow for Pride,etc.) but curiously Wrath is represented with the color white. This might have been to match it

with the moon, however. In the newly released PV for Judgement of Corruption they change this and Wrath is represented with Gumi's green color. In Akuno-P's recently released album, "Evils Court", there's a new song called "Caprishio Farce" which has been uploaded by Akuno-P. ALL of the VOCALOIDS that acted in the Deadly Sins Series sing. However, Caprishio Farce's official English title is "Clockwork Lullaby 6", which means that it's, in fact, a "Clockwork Lullaby Series " song.

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