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SCM & Logistics ( starts )

The main requirements of supply chain management :

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Links between supply chain management and Logistics Why we need Supply chain management solution

E-business : 1. Front Desk ( e-commerce ) 2. Back office : ERP ( enterprise resource planning ) : all finical models Bring a Chart for ERP & SCM SCM : to manage to full cycle from the order to the door.

In any SCM the implementation starts from the inventory. The tracking issue is done by SCM ( I mean tracking order ).

Chapter 1
The Basics :

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1-Pervasiveness : ( manufacture, retailer, design, university, health services ). Most organizations function as part of a larger supply chain. The Definitions of supply chain : Networks of manufactures and service provides that works together to move goods from the raw material stage through to the end user linked through physical, information and monetary flows. 2- profitability and survival : manage their operations and supply chains to prosper and indeed survive !! P.S. ( what mix ? is a question the answer is 4P = price, promotions, place and products ). 3- operations Management : the planning, scheduling, and controlling . 4-operations function : the collection of people, technology , and systems within a company. Has primary responsibility. Providing the organizations products and / or services. 5- Viewing operations as transformation process 6-manufacturing : tangible products. Key decisions driven by physical characteristics of the products.

7- services : intangible product or services ( location, exchange ,. ). key decisions.


Active management and activities and relationships to maximize customers value and achieves a sustainable competitive advantage. Materials flows : links between supplier , disturber , and final customer. Supply chain issues : ( length of the chain, complexity, stability, physical, informational, and monetary flows ) . Supply chain operations Reference ( SCOR ) Model : Planning activities Sourcing activities make or production activities delivery activities return activities >>>> exam Question

wall-mart Early 1990s / Panera bread >> to read the case!! Important Trends : E-commerce , increasing competition and globalization, Relationship management. Operations and supply chain activities : Operations and supply chain management and you :

Chapter 2
This so important slide

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In the functional strategy ) slide 7 : Functional , coordination , direction and guidance. By 2012, one-third of analytic applications applied to business processes will be delivered through coarse-grained application mashups

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