Final Project Report

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Economic growth of any country depends on its energy resources. If a country is self sufficient on its cheapest energy production then they can easily compete to any market of the world. Especially the continuous and cheap electric make big difference in production and supply of goods. Thats a reason that the countries who are self sufficient in the electricity can compete the world market. Source of energy is the biggest problem for the developing countries. Countries like Pakistan; most of energy is produce by hydro power. Reduction of capacity of water in the dams due to silt, their production capacity reduces by half and increases of population and industry increase the demand of electricity. In the past three decayed, not a single big dam is build that can fulfill the demand of electricity. Therefore another source is from oil, gas and coal. This is also another question, that production of electricity from oil; gas and coal also affect the environment. Burning of this fossil fuel, not only reduce the natural resources but also increase the foreign debts, as there is a not sufficient oil resource in Pakistan. Thats a reason that Pakistan is spending a lot of foreign currency on buying oil for the production of electricity. While in the case of gas and coal, Pakistan has sufficient reserves, but here is the question arise that how long its going to be lasting. While in the case of wind energy Pakistan has a very long coastal side and high mountains on the northern side where wind pressure is sufficient for the production of wind energy. It is the non polluted and inexpensive way of energy production. And also Wind energy is the fastest growing, eco friendly energy source all over the world. Therefore Pakistan can easily produce electricity by using wind and without disturbing environment and play their role in the global warming and also compete with world in the way of economic growth of a country.


To check if the wind pressure is low, then the voltage should be drop. To overcome this problem, using power electronic in wind turbine. How to convert the wind energy to electrical energy ECO friendly environment power generation.


Using wind as a source of energy is not a new idea. One can trace the marks of this energy in the history as well. Men have been using this gift of nature from centuries. In early days we can find the use of wind to propel ships, driving wind turbines to grind grain and pump the water. However, with the introduction of less expensive and large number of petroleum products, one can notice the lack of interest in wind power mainly because of its two major economic disadvantages to the final consumer which are uncertainty and high capital cost. Now, when the mankind has realized the fact that the time of less expensive and plentiful petroleum is about to over, it certainly became the most important issue for whole mankind in general and for developing and underdeveloped countries in particular to find out new source of energy and to reinvent the old techniques of producing energy. It is widely believed that beside petroleum and natural gas there are two more long lasting energy sources which are coal reserves and nuclear energy. Looking deep in to the matter we soon come to know that because of high technology cost, very expensive raw material, expensive maintenance and health hazard for the workers and population nuclear energy is not a valid option for most of underdeveloped and developing countries, considering the international politics, emphasis on environmental problems and other factors nuclear energy is not even a worth while option for developed countries as well. On the other side producing energy from coal has its own limitations and demerits like large scale mining operations, leaving the land useless and almost impossible to utilize for any other purpose and also the environmental problem as combustion of coal may ultimately rise the planets temperature if it become the major source of producing energy, additionally the production of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide may also affect the planets geo-environmental conditions and the ability of soul to produce food for the people. In this situation producing wind energy is certainly a very good option to work for and this method is not a new one for the humanity as we have been using this method of energy for sailing ships form a long time in fact it would be appropriate to say that

wind was almost the only source of producing energy before the invention of steam engine in eighteenth century. On the ground however the history of wind turbines is as old as Babylonian civilization (Seventh Century B.C.) is when the Babylonian civilizations famous emperor Hammurabi planned to use wind turbines for irrigation purposes. In the third century B.C. hero of Alexandria described a simple horizontal axis wind turbine which with four sails which was used to blow an organ. In the middle of seventh century A.D. the Persian were also using wind turbines on a large scale but there model of turbine was a vertical axis machine with a number of sails. There is no doubt that these early machines were mechanically less efficient and crude still they were able to serve the purpose good enough for many centuries. These machines were made of local and domestic materials by cheap labor. This domestically available material probably also determined the size of these machines. The maintenance of these machines might have been problem which must be served by keeping number of people at work, and it can also be assumed that the need of more power was met by building more wind turbine rather than larger ones. In the modern world the less developed and developing countries can profitably use such low cost machines to produce wind energy since large amounts of cheap and unskilled labor is easily available in those countries. Wind can be a very good source of clean and green energy especially for the third world countries that often face difficulty in managing their financial resources to purchase and then maintain high technology machines. In England, we can trace the marks of first wind turbine in 12 th century although Holland was the country where the first corn-grinding was built in 15 th century. Afterwards with the passage of time we can mark the technological development in making wind turbines. The tower mill was the most common from of wind turbine in 17th century, the purpose of this machine was to grind or mill grain. This application became so common that all wind turbines are usually called windmills even when these were used to pump the water or to perform some other function. The tower of this wind mill was usually made by bricks or stones in a cylindrical shape, but was occasionally made of woo, and polygonal in cross section. The tower mill had a fixed supporting tower with rotatable cap which carried the wind rotor. In other models, the cap had a support or tail extending out and down to ground level. The tower was surrounded by a circle of posts at the same place where the support

touched the ground so that miller would be able to make desirable changes in the position of wind mill according to direction of wind. Turning the rotor out was the solution of the high winds or extreme windy conditions. It must have took a long time to optimize usage of rotor shape its really interesting to see that many of the Dutch mills have a rotor which is twisted and tapered in the pretty much similar way as we have in the modern world. This twisted and tapered shape helps to maximize efficiency and also provides almost perfect aerodynamic parameters. Though the rotors on the tower mills are not really date back to actual construction of the tower but they surely shows high quality aerodynamic engineering of a time much earlier than the present period. In 18th century migrants from Holland brought this type of wind turbine to America and it became quite common but not as much as it was in Europe. Afterwards in the mid of 1800s there was a need developed for a smaller wind turbine to pump water. In western America there were huge areas of good grazing lands without any surface water but with plenty of ground water only few meters beneath the ground. This situation leads the people to the development of a distinctive wind turbine latter known as American Multiband wind turbine. This kind of turbine has high starting torque and sufficient efficiency which serve the objective of pumping the water very well. In case of low or no windy conditions the pump could be operated by hand. Since this area has reasonable good windy conditions thats why need of hand pumping was rarely arisen. Amazingly within the time period of only fifty years (1880-1930) almost 6.5 million units of Multiband wind turbine were built in the United States by the number of companies. Many of them are still in satisfactory condition and operational. This turbine has played a very vital and important role in settling the American West by providing water for the livestock.


Europe took the lead in the diversified use of wind as Denmark was the first country to use wind as a source of generating electricity. In the year 1890 the Danes were using a wind turbine, having a diameter of 23m, to generate electricity. Within a very limited time period of around twenty years there was a rapid growth in the numbers of these units in Denmark which are capable of producing electricity from 5 to 25 kW. Year 1925 was a very important for American markets as commercial wind-electric plants were appeared in the market. These plants have two or three bladed propellers. The common brands were Win charger (200 to 1200 W) and Jacobs (1.5 to 3 kW). The general use of these plants was to charge storage batteries on the farms which were then used to make small home appliances operational like radio and lights with voltage rating ranging from 12 to 120 volts. A good selection of 32 Vdc appliances was developed by industry to meet this demand. In 1936 Congress established the Rural Electric Administration (REA) which had provided low interest loans to the organizations in order to make sure that necessary transmission and distribution lines could be constructed to supply farmers with electricity. Consequently in around 1940, which were early days of REA, electricity could be supplies to the rural consumer at a cost as low as 3 to 6 cents per kWh where as the cost of home generated wind energy was around 12 to 30 cents including interest, depreciation and maintenance. Ultimately the lower cost of electricity produced by central utility with off course greater reliability led to the rapid fall in the trend of producing electricity by a home wind electric generator. After 1940, the slow decline in the cost of utility generated electricity continued as the number of end consumer keeps growing and the economy of scale factor makes the cost even dipping under 3 cents per kWh in the start of 1970s. The trend of declining electricity cost while other costs are increasing couldnt last very long, and the cost of utility generated electricity started to incline in the early 1970s and reached the 1949 cost level in a very short span of time i.e. around 1976. The cost was not the only factor, of course it was accompanied by the consumer complaints which were largely unjustified if we consider the long term performance of the utilities with a very low cost level and reliability.

Access of the home wind electric generation added a number of utilities built larger wind turbine around the globe to supply electric power to their consumers. Before 1970s the largest wind turbine built Grandpas Knob, near Rutland, Vermont which has a capacity of 1250 kW in 1941. The concept of the machine was started in 1934 when an engineer, Palmer C. Putnam, wanted to reduce the cost of electricity to his Cape Cod home and for this purpose he started to look at wind electric generators. The said engineer Putnam shared his idea and initial working with the S. Morgan Smith Company of York, Pennsylvania which shows a keen interest to finance a wind-energy project and so Smith-Putnam wind turbine experiment was came in to existence. The wind machine was to be connected into the Central Vermont Public Service Corporations network. This utility was a good combination of some hydroelectric capacity so that water can be saved when the conditions are windy and can b utilized afterwards when there was no wind. The tower which was built for Smith-Putnam machine was 34m high and the diameter of the rotor was 53m. The rotor had a chord of 3.45m. The two blades were weighing around 7300kg and were made by stainless steel ribs covered by stainless steel skin. The pitch of the blade was adjustable to maintain a constant rotor speed of 28.7 rpm. This rotational speed was maintained even when speed of the wind is as high as 32 m/s. At further speed, the blades were feathered and the machine stopped. The rotor turned an ac synchronous generator that produced 1250 kW of electrical power at wind speed of more than 13 m/s. This machine was accumulated around 1100 hours of operation during the time period of 1942 and 1945. It was expected to accumulate even more but could not since some critical parts had not been repaired during the war. One of the blades failed in 1945 the failure was more because of inadequate design rather then because of technological limitations. This project was surly rated in the history as technologically successful. At that point in time it was difficult to justify building of more machines as it was not as economical as other sources of power generations like oil and coal were, so the project was stopped and wind machine was dismantled. Though this project was closed but the technical outcomes of the Smith-Putnam wind turbine caused Percy H. Thomas, who was an engineer with Federal Power Generation, to spend a long time in a through analysis of Wind Power Electric Generation. Thomas, after using economic data from the Smith-Putnam machine,

concluded that this source of power generation was economically more viable if a larger machine can be made. Thomas designed two large machines in the size range which was best in his opinion. One was 6500 kW and the other was 7500 kW in size. According to his design the tower height of the first machine was to 145 m with two rotors each 61 m in diameter. Each rotor was to drive a dc generator. This dc power was used to drive a dc synchronous convertor which was connected to the power grid. As per the analysis of Thomas the estimated capital cost for his machine was $75 per installed kW. This cost was low enough to make the project worthwhile and also to create interest for the concern authorities. So Federal Power Commission decided to ask funding from government and approached congress to finance prototype of this machine. This was the year 1951 and congress decided not to fund prototype because of Korean War. The project was later canceled as the matter of fact this was the end of American wind power research for over two decade until there was a problem of fuel supply. However other countries continued their research to generate power from wind for a longer period of time. Gedser wind turbine was built by Denmark in 1957; this machine had a capability to produce 200 kW in a 15 m/s. This turbine was connected to the Danish public power system and produced approximately 400,000 kWh per year. The tower of this turbine was 26 m high and it had a single rotor having a diameter of 24 m. The generator was located in the housing on the top of the tower.


The main components of wind turbine system are given below. 1. Turbine rotor

2. Gearbox

3. Generator 4. Transformer 5. Power electronics

Power Electronics for Modern Wind Turbines

Purpose of turbine rotor change wind energy into a mechanical energy, than the generator converts that mechanical energy into an electrical energy and then change into the grid through a transformer and transmission line.

Wind turbines confine the power from the wind by method of aerodynamically intended blades and change it to revolving mechanical power. There are three numbers of blades and the speed of revolving is decreases as the radius of the blades increases. For range of megawatt wind turbines the revolving speed will be 10-15 rpm. The weight proficiently converting high speed to low torque and low-speed to high torque power to electrical power is to use a gearbox and a generator with average speed. The gearboxes get used to the low speed of the turbine rotor to the high speed of the generator. The gearbox may be not obligatory for various generator systems. The generator transfers one form of energy into energy (mechanical to electrical). This is eminent through a power electronic converter, and transformer with circuit breakers and electricity meter. The association of wind turbines to the grid is practicable at high voltage, medium voltage, low voltage and constant at the extra high voltage system since the transmissible power of an electricity system frequently increases with increasing the voltage level. Mainly of the turbines are associated to the medium voltage system, large offshore wind farms are associated to high extra high voltage level. The electrical losses come into the fatalities because to the production of power, and the losses occur autonomously of the power manufacture of wind turbines and also the energy used for heating and light. The fatalities due to the power generator of the wind turbines are mostly losses in the cable and the transformer. The low-voltage cable must be short so as to keep away from high losses. In present wind turbines system, every turbine has its personal transformer to increase voltage from the stage of voltage level of the wind turbine (400 or 690 V) to the

medium voltage. The transformer is usually positioned close to the wind turbines to keep away from extended low-voltage cables. Only small wind turbines are associated directly to the low voltage line devoid of a transformer or a number of small wind turbines are coupled to one transformer in a wind farms may have a segregate substation to intensify the voltage from a medium voltage system to a high voltage system. The medium voltage system could be associated as a radial feeder or a ring feeder. At the top of common pairing linking the single wind turbine or the wind farm and the grid, these are a circuit breaker for the detachment of the complete wind farm or of the wind turbines. In addition the electricity measuring mechanism is setting up with their own voltage and current transformer. The electrical suspicious technique of wind turbine system necessities to defend the wind turbine and as well as reliable the sheltered procedure of the system under all situations For the wind turbine fortification, the short circuits, overvoltage, and overproduction will be restricted to keep away from maybe perilous harm to the wind turbine system. Also the system supposed to pursue the grid necessities to decide whether the wind turbine should be reserved in association or disconnection method or as a self-governing unit in an isolated part of the arrangement due to the process of security devices. The change of wind power to the mechanical power is equipped aerodynamically as aforementioned. It is important to manage and limit the changed mechanical power at higher wind speed, as the control in the wind is a cube of the wind speed. The power restriction may be done by booth control, active booth control, or pitch control.


There are different types of wind turbines, such as changeable speed wind turbine system, use power electronic system as boundary. From the time when the wind turbine operates at inconsistent revolving speed, the electric occurrence of the generator varies and must therefore be decoupled from the occurrence of the grid. This can be achieved by using a power electronic converter system. Yet in a fixed speed system where the wind turbines may be directly associated to the grid, thrusters are used as soft-starters.


Power electronics distorted very fast during last three decades and the number of amplifications has been getting higher, mostly due to the expansion of semiconductor devices and microprocessor expertise. For both cases top performance is progressively specified for the similar region of silicon, and at the similar time the price of the devices is endlessly sinking. Three major troubles are of fret in using a power electronic system. These are steadfastness, effectiveness, and rate. At the moment the price of power semiconductor devices is declining 25% each year for the area where the enhancement is still continuing. The only power device that is no longer under progress is the silicon-based bipolar transistor for the reason that MOS- gated devices are preferable in the logic of uncomplicated control. The breakdown voltage and/or current carrying potential of the mechanism are also incessantly rising. Also vital investigation is going on to revolutionize the objects from silicon to silicon

carbide. This may vividly raise the power compactness of power converters, but silicon carbide based transistors on a marketable basis, with a cutthroat price, will still take some year to come into sight on the market.

Generator systems for wind turbines:

Induction and synchronous generator can be used for wind turbine organism. Induction generators can be used in a fixed-speed system or a variable-speed system, whereas synchronous generators are habitually used in power electronic interfaced variable speed systems. Generally three types of induction generators are used in wind power swap systems. Cage rotor, wound rotor with slip control by changing rotor confrontation, and extra fed induction generators. The cage rotor induction appliance can be directly connected into an ac system and manage at a horizontal impetus or uses a full-rated power electronic organism to work at an erratic speed. The wound rotor generator with rotor-resistance-slip systematize is frequently straight associated to an ac system, but the slip arrange provides the capacity of changing the route speed in a persuaded array. The doubly fed induction generators offer a plentiful range of speed dissimilarity depending on the dimensions of power electronic converter system.

Fixed-speed wind turbines

In fixed-speed wind turbines, the generator is unswervingly related to the chief supply grid. The incidence concludes the rotational speed of the generator and as a result of the rotor. The generator speed depends on the integer of ray pairs and the occurrence of the grid. The Danish Concept, of directly linking wind turbines to the grid, is comprehensively used for power ratings up to 2.3MW. The design consists of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator (SCIG), associated via a transformer to grid. The wind turbine system by means of cage rotor induction generators approximately control at a fixed speed (1%-2% variation). The power can be

constrained aerodynamically by booth control, active booth control, or by pitch control. The gain of wind turbine with induction generators is the unproblematic and inexpensive construction. In addition, no synchronization device is obligatory. These systems are eyecatching due to price tag and reliability, but they are not sufficient to manage the active power. There are some other drawbacks also, the wind turbine has to work at firm speed, it requires a rigid power grid to sanction firm operation, and it may require a more costly mechanical formation in standardize to absorb high mechanical strain since wind gusts may cause torque pulsations in the drive train and the gearbox. Other disadvantages with the induction generators are high preliminary currents and their demand for reckless power. They need a reckless power compensator to weaken the reactive power demand from the turbine generators to the grid. It is generally done by persistently switching capacitor banks following the production deviation. Connecting the induction generators to power system construct transients that are short extent, very high inrush currents causing both disorders to the grid and high torque spikes in the drive train of wind turbines with a straight connects induction generator. Unless special shelter procedures are taken, the inrush currents can be up to 5-7 times the rated current of the generator, though, after a very short period (less then 100ms), the current pinnacle may be considerably higher, up to 18 times the normal rated current. A fleeting like this disturbs the grid and restrictions the adequate number of value of all wind turbines. The current limiter, or soft starter, based on thyristor technology, usually limits the highest rms value of the inrush current to a altitude that is two times below that of the generator rated current. The soft starter has a constrained thermal aptitude and so it is short circuited by a contactor, which carries the full pile current when the alliance to the grid has been accomplished. In addition to sinking the impact on the grid, the soft starter also effectively depend the torque peaks associated with the peak current and hence reduce the loads on the gearbox.

Variable-Speed Wind Turbines

In variable-speed system the generator is usually connected to the grid by a power electronic system. For synchronous generators and for induction generators without rotor windings, a fullrated power electronic system is allied between the stator of the generator and the grid, where the total power construction must be fed through the power electronic system. For induction generator with rotor windings, the stator of the generator is associated to the grid directly. Only the rotor of the generator is associated through a power electronic system. This gives the

advantage that only a part of the power production is fed through the power electronic converter may be 30% of the power rating of the wind turbines, enabling a rotor speed disparity in the range of 30% of the nominal speed. By scheming the active power of the converter, it is possible to contrast the rotational speed of the generator and thus of the rotor of the wind turbines.

Full Scale Power Electronic Converter Integrated System.

The wind turbines with a full-scale power converter the generator and the grid give the extra technical performance the wind turbine system with a cage rotor induction generator and fullrated power electronic converters. Habitually, a back-to-back voltage source converter is used in order to accomplish full control of the active and reactive power. The synchronous generator requests a small power converter for field excitation. Multiple system with the synchronous generator without a gear. We are using everlasting magnets, which are becoming cheaper and thereby attractive. All system has almost same convenient characteristics since the generator is decoupled from the grid by a dc link. The power converter to the grid enables the system to organize active and reactive power very fast. However, the disadvantage is a more complex system with more responsive electronic parts.

Control Of Wind Turbines

Overall, the power can be constrained by means of the aerodynamic arrangement and has to pursue a set point given by a send off center or locally, with the goal to capitalize on the production based on the obtainable wind power. The power control system should also be able to limit the power. Controlling a wind turbine involves both fast and slow control.

Active Stall Wind Turbine With Cage Rotor Induction Generators

In principle, an active stall wind turbine is a booth turbine with an uneven pitch position. The main difference between a stall turbine and active stall turbine is a pitch organism for variable pitch position, which allows the stall effect to be proscribed. An active booth wind turbine has to field in a negative direction to border the power when the electrical power of the wind turbine exceeds standard power. The active booth system fundamentally maintains all the uniqueness of a stall-regulated system. Large wind farms such as nested have been built with active booth wind turbines. The generator of an active booth turbine can be an uncomplicated miser cage induction generator straight connected to the grid. In order to reimburse for the output power factor, a capacitor bank is used. A supple starter is only for the duration of the startup string of the generator in order to limit the inrush currents therefore condense the high starting torque. The utmost power output of the active booth turbines can be maintained at a unvarying value. In addition, the aerodynamic competence Cp can be optimized to a convinced degree. The active booth control can advance the competence of the overall system. The supple coupling of the blades to the hub also facilitates urgent situation stopping and start up. One shortcoming of the active stall controlled wind turbine compared to the flaccid stall one is the higher price, which is due to the pitching mechanism and its controller. The implemented active stall wind turbine controller attains superior power yield with a minimum of pitch actions. Once on the whole mean wind speed is at a unvarying level, pitch angle adjustment are seldom necessary, allowing the controller to optimize the pitch angle as often as possible. Depending on the pitch arrangement, the lost power may be vindicated by condensed stress and wear in the pitch system and reduced exhaustion loads on the

wind turbine. This applies both to power optimization, where the controller endeavor for highest power yield by using the moving standard of the wind speed indication to find the suitable pitch angle in a lookup table, and to power constraint where the power output is proscribed in a closed control loop. With a slow control system, generous over-power in the power constraint mode may cause a problem. This may be keep away from by an over-power fortification attribute.

Integration of Wind Turbines into Power Systems

Large-scale integration of turbines can put huge impacts on the power system operations. In the initial era wind turbine are not used in the in the frequency and voltage control. However, in the modern era the attention have been diverted on wing farm performance in power system. Consequently, some grid coders have been defined to specify the requirement that wind turbines must meet in order to be connected to the grid.

Frequency and Active Power Control

Todays electrical supply and distribution system used in most countries of the world is based on the ac system (50 to 60 Hz). The frequency of a power system is proportional to the rotating speed of the synchronous generators operating in the system. The generators which are used in the ac system run in the same speed. The ultimate result of the increasing electrical load will slow down the generators and frequency as well. The main task of the frequency control is to keep the generators in the running form in the specific frequency which is required. Resources are really important in the wind turbine system and the most important source in the wind turbine system is the wind because the whole system works through the wind. And other way to improve the situation is the use of energy storage technologies, such as batteries, pump storage and fuel cells and the speed depend upon the energy storage technologies. So far large-scale, cost-effective energy storage technologies are yet to be developed.

Short Circuit Power Level and Voltage Variations

The short circuit power altitude is used for the gauge of potency in the electrical complex, its not straight associated to the eminence organize but it has momentous pressure. The aptitude of grid to soak up instability is directly allied to the short circuit power level. Considering a point in the complex, the voltage far away from the point may not be inclined by the circumstances at this point. Zk is equivalent impedance between the apprehensive point and the isolated location. Uk is a nominal voltage of the point, and the short circuit power level Sk in MVA can be found as U2k/Zk strong and weak grids are terms frequently used in connection with power installations. If the impedance Zk is small, the voltage variations at PCC will be small, but if Zk is large, the voltage variation will be large. Demonstrate an equivalent wind power generation unit, associated to a network with short circuit impedance Zk. the network voltage at the unspecified remote bus bar and the voltage at the point of familiar coupling are Us and Ug, correspondingly. The output power and reactive power of the generation unit are Pg and Qg, which communicate to a current Lg. Lg = (Sg/Ug) *= Pg jQg/Us The voltage difference U between the system and connection point is given by Ug Us = U = ZkLg = (Rk + j Xk) (Pg jQg/Ug) = RkPg + XkQg/Ug + j PgXk - QgRk/Ug = Up + j Uq U is associated to the short circuit impedance, the real and reactive power output of the wind power generation unit. It is clear that the distinctions of the generated power will result in variations of output of the wind power generation unit. It is clear that the variations of the generated power will result in variations of the voltage at PCC. The relationship between the voltage and the power conveyed into the system. U can be premeditated with load flow methods as well as with other recreation techniques. The voltage at PCC should be maintained with utility regulatory limits. Operation of wind turbines may affect the voltage in the associated network. If necessary, suitable safety measures should be taken to make sure that the wind turbine mechanism does not bring the magnitude of the voltage outside the required limits.

Reactive Power Control

Energy stored in capacitive and inductive components in a power system in the conventional reactive power concepts is associated with the oscillation.. Reactive power is produced in capacitive components and consumed in inductive components. The current associated with the reactive power flow causes system voltage drop and also the loss of power in the system and the result of the large reactive currents flowing in a power system will be in the form of voltage instability in the network due to the associated voltage drops in the transmission lines. In the whole scnerio the recative power control is really important. The induction generator based wind turbines are the consumer of reactive power. The wind turbines work through a demand which is given by the local utility nad distribution companies,this also help the wing turbine to minimize the power loss and increase the voltage stability. For wind turbines with PWM converter systems, connvortrs are use to control the power reactive power. For example, these wind turbines can have a power factor of 1.00 and also have the possibility to control voltage by controlling the reactive power.

Sometimes the fault in the networking system result in the form of network instability, such as tripping of transmission line, loss of production capacity, and short circuits. All these faults disturbed the whole system and the flow of the power. Large voltage drops may occur suddenly due to the inadequacy of the operating generators. The reactive power flowing through new paths in a highly loaded transmission grid may force the voltage of the network in the area down beyond the border of stability. Sometimes the result of the low voltage comes in the form of complete loss of the power and the loss in the production capacity will imbalance the power in the operating system. This imbalance should be recovered in the very short time because the generators used in the system are not loaded to their maximum capacity. The solution of this is to disconnect the supply to some ares or the large customers until the system is not fully recovered.

Short circuit have a many forms,like the one-phase earth fault which is caused by trees, and the three-phase short circuit with low impedance in the short circuit path. Many of these faults are cleared by the relay protection of the transmission system, by the disconnection of supply or the fast reclouser.or by disconnection of the equestion after a few hundred milliseconds. In all the situations, the result is a short period with low or no voltage followed by a period when the voltage restores. In this situation the large grid wind farm may be disconnected from the grid due to the inefficient control is implemented. This leads to the situation loss of production capacity. The disconnection of the wind farm will futher aggravate the situation and therefore, in some grid codes, wind turbines is required to have the ability of ride through.

Voltage Fluctuations
Flicker emission has two types; first the flicker emission during continuous operation and the second is flicker emission due to generator and capacitor switching. One of these types will be predominating. Its should work through a proper system and The flicker emissions from a wind turbine installation should be limited to comply with the flicker Emission limits.

Continuous operation
The flicker emission from a signal wind turbine during continuous operation may be estimated by Pst = cf(k, va) sn/sk Where cf(k, va) is the flicker coefficient of the wind turbine for the given network impedance phase angle k at the PCC and for the given annual average wind speed va at hub-height of the wind turbine. A table of data produced from the measurement at a number of specified impedance angle and wind speeds can be provided by wind turbine manufactures. From the table, the flicker coefficient of the wind turbine for the actual k and va at the site may be found by applying linear interpolation.

Where cf,i(k, va) is the flicker coefficient of the individual wind turbine , s n,i is the rated apparent power of the individual wind turbine, and Nwt is the number of wind turbines connected to the PCC.

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