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Aswegearupforconferenceagainthisyear,wevemadesomechangestoourannualawards criteria.Inthespiritoftransparency,scalabilityandfairness,belowarethisyearsAnnualAwards criteria.Moreinformationontheapplicationprocesswillbecominginthemonthstocomehowever thecriteriabelowshouldhelpyouplan.

Passionateaboutmakingadifference|Findabetterway|WOWcustomerexperience|Admire people|MakingLivesBetter AllCoreValueandCorePurposeAwardswillbebasedonsubmissionsfromfranchisepartners.


Criteria: UsestheOnePagePlanningprocess(submitupdatedplan) Submits(accurate)monthlyscorecardsontime Attendsallregionalmeetingsandannualconference MaintainsannualNPIbenchmark(clients/staff) UsesStraightTalkwithHeartQuartersandstaff MaintainsannualCallMe!%under10% UtilizesNurseNextDoorscustomSalesforce(enterpriseedition)weekly Maintainsamaximumof35%ofemployeeswithopenavailability(0hoursworkedinthe month) FollowsBrandCheatSheet Meets%benchmarkyearoveryeargrowth Overallrevenue LivesandsharestheCoreValues Leadership(incl.FAC/Councils/Validationscalls,etc)

Criteria: Top10%insalesbasedonoverallrevenueperterritory Contributes,inaconstructiveway,tothebettermentoftheNurseNextDoorsystem ActionItems SowhatcanyoudotogiveyouthebestshotforaFoundersClubAward?Asidefromsigningupfor Salesforce(shoutouttoJulian!)andkickingbuttonhospitalmarketing. Alwaysaddavalidpostalorzipcodewhenaddinganewclient Updateallexistingclientsthathavemissingorinvalidpostalorzipcodes Page 1 of 11

Franchise Partner of the Year Core Purpose & Core Values

2011 Award Application Location: Partner(s): Due Date: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ August 17th, 2012

There are six awards that will be selected as part of this application: 1. Franchise Partners of the Year 2011 2. Core Purpose Award 3. Core Value Admire people 4. Core Value Wow customer experience 5. Core Value Find a better way 6. Core Value Passionate about making a difference Serving as an inspiration to partners across North America, Nurse Next Doors annual award winners showcase the heart and soul of our brand. Acknowledgement as our systems Franchise Partner of the Year, our top prize, further recognizes the dedication one particular franchise has towards our purpose and all of our core values in addition to their work in building a caring, community-based business. Of course numbers are important but theres more to it than that. Heres what were also looking for

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Criteria: UsestheOnePagePlanningprocess(submitupdatedplan) Submits(accurate)monthlyscorecardsontime Attendsallregionalmeetingsandannualconference MaintainsannualNPIbenchmark(clients/staff) UsesStraightTalkwithHeartQuartersandstaff MaintainsannualCallMe!%under10% UtilizesNurseNextDoorscustomSalesforce(enterpriseedition)weekly Maintainsamaximumof35%ofemployeeswithopenavailability(0hoursworkedinthe month) FollowsBrandCheatSheet Meets%benchmarkyearoveryeargrowth Overallrevenue LivesandsharestheCoreValues Leadership(incl.FAC/Councils/Validationscalls,etc)

*If you would only like to be considered for a Core Value Award skip ahead to that section (p.7)

Nine Key Characteristics Share your stories:

1. Uses a Business Planning Process
Has a current list of specific business goals with measurable outcomes Reviews the businesss actual performance against goals or performance indicators at least every 3 months.

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

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2. Uses their financial information for business intelligence

Has developed a detailed annual income and expense budget Uses business scorecard and dashboards to make business decisions Prepares accurate and timely financial records

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

3. Family is supportive of the business

Family members talk about the business in positive terms Family members are happy to help out in the business when needed

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

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4. Generates a motivating team environment for staff

Articulates an exciting vision for the business and encourages staff to embrace this Provides all staff with access to quarterly personal development activities o eg. Courses, team building Has ongoing incentives for staff and ensures they all receive regular positive feedback

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

INTERNAL: STAFF NPI SCORE ___________________________________________________________

5. Actively participates in the franchise program

Networks with and shares information with other franchisees Positively participates in all franchise meetings Supports and promotes the values of the franchise system

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

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6. Effectively resolves differences with others

Maintains good relationships with all business stakeholders o eg. Staff, suppliers, franchisor, franchisees Resolves conflicts diplomatically so that long term relationships with others are preserved

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

7. Relates well with Customers

Is outgoing, optimistic, and upbeat. Uses positive language when interacting with others Builds rapport and empathy with other people; has a reputation as a great person to deal with New customers regularly come through word of mouth

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):
INTERNAL: CLIENT NPI SCORE __________________________________________________________

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8. Maintains an openness to learning and change

Welcomes feedback from others on their strengths and weaknesses Accepts change as one of the necessary costs of keeping up with the market

Give a testimonial of how this characteristic is alive in your business (500 word max):

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Core Purpose Section:

Share a story of how your location lived our core value of Making Lives Better :

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Core Values Section:

Share a story of how your location lived our core purpose of Admire people:

Share a story of how your location lived our core value of Passionate about making a difference:

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Share a story of how your location lived our core value of Wow customer experience:

Share a story of how your location lived our core value of Find a better way:

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Founders Award Selection:

Criteria: Top10%insalesbasedonoverallrevenueperterritory Contributes,inaconstructiveway,tothebettermentoftheNurseNextDoorsystem ActionItems SowhatcanyoudotogiveyouthebestshotforaFoundersClubAward?Asidefromsigningupfor Salesforce(shoutouttoJulian!)andkickingbuttonhospitalmarketing. Alwaysaddavalidpostalorzipcodewhenaddinganewclient Updateallexistingclientsthathavemissingorinvalidpostalorzipcodes

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