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FAR ahead of her time with her call (in 1949!) for natural childbirth, prenatal instruction, father participation in birth process, and rooming-in! Joyce Travelbee 1966 "Human to Human Relationship Model" Art and Science of Humanistic Nursing A theory A unique, irreplaceable individual"Human to Human Relationship Model" Travelbee's experience in initial psych nursing practice at a Catholic charity hospital led her to believe that the care given in these type of institutions lacked compassion. She felt nursing needed a "humanistic revolution" and a renewed focus on caring as central to nursing--she warned that if this didn't happen, consumers might seek a "new and different kind of health care worker." Travelbee's ideas have greatly influenced the hospice movement. Travelbee died tragically young at age 47 while beginning doctoral study. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The conceptual and theoretical nursing models help to provide knowledge to improve practice, guide research and curriculum and identify the goals of nursing practice. The state of art and science of nursing theory is one of continuing growth. Using the internet the nurses of the world can share ideas and knowledge, carrying on the work begun by nursing theorists and continue the growth and development of new nursing knowledge. It is important the nursing knowledge is learnt, used, and applied in the theory based practice for the profession and the continued development of nursing and academic discipline. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing is an important theory that strives to bring the focus of nursing back to therapeutic means of treatment. While the science of nursing has much to do with the quality of patient recovery, Joyce Travelbee's theory suggests that a positive nurse-patient relationship can bring about a favorable patient outcome. The paper presents an overview and critique of the theory and discusses how the theory can be used in professional practice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------In 1971, Joyce Travelbee declared, "A nurse does not only seek to alleviate physical pain or render physical care - she ministers to the whole person. The existence of suffering, whether physical, mental or spiritual is the proper concern of the nurse".4 (Travelbee, 1971: 159). Here we see clear evidence of a return to the traditional focus of nursing, a concern for the whole person. This focus is even more evident today.

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