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THE INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORS SUMMIT 2012 Business is undergoing a tremendous shift, with increased complexity, competition, regulation, liberalisation and volatility all in the mix. Indeed, the only certain thing about business today is its uncertainty. Technology revolution is placing dramatic new demands on Senior Management and Directors; from performance measurement to decision-making to changes in leadership style, the impact is profound and far-reaching. Corporate Entrepreneurship is not a new word in the business world. It refers to the formal and informal process of creating new businesses, products, services, and processes to create value and generate new business growth inside of existing organisations. Individuals that do this work are referred to as corporate entrepreneurs, intraprenerus, or mavericks. They are the pioneers, business builders, and change agents that initiate growth inside organisations. With that in mind, the Malaysian Directors Academy (MINDA) and ASLI teaming up to jointly organise the inaugural International Directors Summit 2012 which focused on the changing nature, perception, locus, and generators of risks and rewards and its implications for the business community; specifically in relation to what Directors need to know to keep up with the changing nature of risks associated with ITenabled technologies and the impact it can have on the success of any organisation as Malaysian businesses move in tandem with the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). The event was held at the Royale Chulan Hotel Kuala Lumpur on the 21-22 May 2012 and was officiated by the Minister of Finance II, The Hon. Dato Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah. Reengineering, benchmarking, continues improvements, total quality management, lean production, time-based competition these have all proven vital for survival. But getting better at what we do is just about keeping ourselves in the race its not winning the race. To win, we will need to get in front of the competition, decide where we should be going and make sure we get there first as stated by the Minister of Finance II, Dato Seri Husni. He added that the new leaders will not be content to sit back and let the cruise control do the driving. They will be looking forward, scanning the landscape, watching the competition, spotting emerging trends and new opportunities. He added that entrepreneurship has always been what successful businesses are known for. Yet, as companies grow in size, some of them lost the edge of entrepreneurship they are known when they were small. Two main factors that drive Corporate Entrepreneurship are Excellent Innovation and People programmes. In his concluding remarks, the Minister stated that Malaysian government is heavily invested in the countrys transformation process. However, the public sector must work hand-in-hand with the private sector if the NEM and ETP are to come to fruition. He urge everyone to support the evolution of the business services sector, which in turn will help build up the calibre and quality of the nation as it strives to join the high-income club. Among the distinguished speakers at the summit were Mr Henrik Clausen, CEO of DiGi Telecommunication; Mr Mark Rozario, CEO of Agensi Inovasi Malaysia; Mr Tanri Abeng, Chairman, Globe Media Group / Founder of Tanri Abeng University & Former Minister of StateOwned Enterprise, Indonesia; Datin Paduka Siti Sadiah Sheikh Bakir, MD of KPJ Healthcare Bhd; Mr Johan Mahmood Merican, CEO of Talent Corporation Malaysia Bhd; Mrs Nadia Tan Abdullah, People Director of AirAsiaX Sdn Bhd; Datuk Dr Paul Chan, Co-Founder / Vice Chancellor & President of HELP University; Mr Simon Galpin, Director-General of Invest Hong Kong; Mr Ravi Chaudhry, Fellow, World Business Academy / Founder & Chairman of CeNext Consulting & Investment Pvt. Ltd, India; Dato Ghazali Dato Mohd Yusoff, Founding Life Member of MID & Board Member of MIDA / Executive Chairman of Nusantara Technologies Snd Bhd; Mr Hood Osman, CEO of Kontena Nasional Berhah; Tan Sri Sulaiman Mahbob, Chairman of MIDA; Dato Nelson Kwok, Founder & MD of Nelsons Group of Companies / President of Malaysian Retailer-Chains Association (MRCA); Mr Indranil Roy, MD of International Leadership and Talent Consulting, Asia Pacific of Korn / Ferry International, Singapore and many more.

Finance Minister II, YB Dato Seri Husni Hanadzlah being greeted by Dato Aziz Bakar, CEO of MINDA, Dato Dr Michael Yeoh, CEO of ASLI, Dato Ahmad Pardas Senin, Chairman of MINDA and Ms Jean Wong, Senior Advisor of ASLI

Encik Johan Mahmood Merican, CEO of Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) during Q&A session while Datuk Dr Hamzah Kassim, Co-Founder & CEO of The iA Group looks on

Admiral (Rtd) Tan Sri Dato Sri Mohd Anwar Haji Mohd Nor, Former Chief of Malaysian Armed Forces & Chairman of the Armed Forces Fund Board (LTAT) introducing Mr Tanri Abeng, Chairman of Globe Media Group & Executive Centre for Global Leadership / Founder of Tanri Abeng University & Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of Indonesia

Mr Manoj Menon, Partner & Asia-Pacific Managing Director of Frost & Sullivan, Singapore, Dato Ghazi Sheikh Ramli, Founder & Chairman of Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundation & Founder & Special Advisor / Immediate Past President of Malaysian Association of Creativity & Innovation.




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ASLI organised its 2 National Conference on Greater KL with the theme Towards a World Class Sustainable Smart City on 22 May nd 2012 at Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur. This Annual Series of National Conference on Greater KL, now in its 2 year has been a premier gathering of key experts in city planning and development, policy formulators and decision makers, entrepreneurs and investors, foreign multinational corporations, universities, think tanks and civil society organizations to discuss how the Greater KL NKEA will benefit st the stakeholders and the business community. How can we become a smarter city of the 21 Century that will achieve social, economic and technological transformation of Greater KL and create a safer, modern metropolis. The Minister of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing, Senator Dato Raja Nong Chik delivered the Opening Keynote Address. The Minister, in his Opening Keynote Speech mentioned that many of the challenges and opportunities that are coming to define the early part of st the 21 Century are at their most visible in the cities in which a growing proportion of the worlds population now lives. We are looking at capitals that cover the people, knowledge, natural resources, technical infrastructure, finances, democratic and political aspects and cultural values that a city embodies. Using these capitals as a starting point, we could then examine how different cities around the world are developing their understanding of each form of capital and assessing how they can ensure that they develop the city intelligence to make the best use of the capitals they have and develop those which may be in shorter supply. The Minister also said that building cities that are green, inclusive and sustainable should be the foundation of any local and national transformation agenda. This requires better management of cities, mobilization of a global array of stakeholders, additional financing and strengthened partnerships, as well as specific strategic reform initiatives to allow competitiveness and efficient operations across urban transport, city planning and energy efficiency. In conclusion, the Minister mentioned that cities are a wonderful place to take advantage of being close to other humans. New technologies and globalization have increased the returns from being smart and we get smart by being around each other. We must remember, as quoted by Dale Carnegie, We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today. Speakers who spoke at the conference were Dato Ahmad Suhaili Idris, Director, NKRA & Urban Public Transportation, Performance Management & Delivery Unit (PEMANDU); Mr. Patrick Tay, Associate Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Leader, Greater KL NKEA; Mr. Tan Ching Meng, Chairman, Wilayah, REHDA; Mrs. Norliza Hashim, Secretary-General, EAROPH and Managing Director, AJM Planning & Urban Design Group; Mr. Foong Sew Bun, IBM Distinguished Engineer, CTO IBM Asean, Singapore; Dato Ir. Lim Chow Hock, Director, Division of River Basin and Coastal Zone Management, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia; Mr. Scott Dunn, Regional Managing Director, Planning, Design & Development for Southeast Asia, AECOM; Mr. N.K. Tong, Group Managing Director, Bukit Kiara Properties and Immediate Past Chairman, Wilayah of REHDA; Mr. Haris Fadzilah Hassan, Director of Stakeholders Relation, MRT Corporation; Mr. Ho Chin Soon, Ho Chin Soon Research; Datuk Nicholas Zefferys, Past President of American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Kumar Tharmalingham, CEO, Malaysia Property Inc; Mr. Tim Saw, Director, Communications and Alliances, InvestKL; Datuk Dr. Denision Jayasooria, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnic Studies, UKM; Mr. Jaswant Singh, Vice President 1, Bangsar Baru Residents Association and Ms. Jayanthi Devi Balaguru, Vice Chairman, Women Caucus, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats. About 150 participants attended this 1-day conference which was sponsored by Sunway Group, MKH Group and IBM. Companies was the Strategic Partner of the conference. Qi Group of

From left Dato Michael Yeoh, CEO of ASLI; YB Senator Dato Raja Nong Chik, Minister of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing; and Dato Razman Hashim, Director of ASLI during the Opening Ceremony.

The Panel for session on Investing in KL What Makes KL A Viable Business and Investment Destination. From left: Mr. Tim Saw, Director, Communications and Alliances, InvestKL; Mr. Kumar Tharmalingham, Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia Property Inc; Datuk Nicholas Zefferys, Past President, AmCham; and Dato Michael Yeoh; CEO of ASLI

The panel for session on River of Life Benefitting From The Revitalization. From left: Mr. N.K. Tong, Group Managing Director, Bukit Kiara Properties Sdn Bhd; Mr. Scott Dunn, Regional Managing Director, Planning, Design & Development for Southeast Asia, AECOM; Mr. Ho Hon Sang, Managing Director, Property, Sunway Group; and Dato Ir. Lim Chow Hock, Director, Division of River Basin and Coastal Zone Management, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia.

Minister with the Sponsors. From left: Ms Anita Devasahayam, Brand Systems & Communications Manager, IBM Malaysia; Datuk Eddy Chen, Group MD, MKH Berhad; Dato Michael Yeoh, CEO of ASLI; Minister; Dato Razman Hashim, Director of ASLI; Mr Chandragesan Suppiah, CEO, Wawasan QI Properties; and Mr Ho Hon Sang, MD, Property Sunway Group.

LUNCHEON IN HONOUR OF THE RT. HON. BARONESS SAYEEDA WARSI, MINISTER WITHOUT PORTFOLIO, UK AND COCHAIRMAN, BRITISH CONSERVATIVE PARTY ASLI recently had the honor of hosting a luncheon for the Right Honorable Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Minister without Portfolio, UK and CoChairman of the British Conservative Party. The Baroness visit to Malaysia follows on from Prime Minister David Camerons visit in April and reinforces efforts to increase bilateral ties with Malaysia. The luncheon was held on the 28h of May at the Hilton Kuala Lumpur. Baroness Warsi was kind enough to deliver a short speech and was effusive in her praise of Malaysia, highlighting that Malaysia was part of the worlds fastest growing region and markets. She commented that Malaysias plan to transform its economy was ambitious, but that great progress had been made - a tribute to hard word work of all Malaysians. Malaysia in its liberalization agenda has gone a long way in lowering trade barriers, most recently supporting the FTA between Europe and Malaysia. The FTA will allow the country to benefit from the best goods and services and to do business in the EU market. Besides the bilateral trade partnership, both countries have a shared history in education, common law and economy. She explained that it was evident that the relationship between the two countries was continuously moving in an upwards direction. During Prime Minister Camerons visit to Malaysia for the Global Movement for Moderates just last month, he made it clear that the, era of benign neglect from Britain was over. On an equally positive note, Dato Seri Najibs visit to London emphasized the importance of building strong relationships between the two countries. Baroness Warsi recognized the concerns of other nations over the EU, and the common perception that the EU was having problems of its own. Despite recent problems, the EU continues to be an important market in its own right and cannot afford to be ignored. She commented that the UK has recently adopted new strategies for growth, drawing lessons from the financial crisis. It realizes that it cannot rely on government spending fueled by debt. To this end, the government is encouraging more investment. The UK has also taken steps to cut back on the national deficit, before being forced to do so by the market. The crisis, she said, highlights the UKs need to rebalance the economy. The UKs economic plans go beyond the financial services sector the sector itself only accounting for 10% of the GDP. UK is also one of the top ten manufacturers in the world, with the seventh largest economy. It continues to take action to tackle trade barriers. The British PM has said that a national challenge is to export more, as the country had become over-reliant on the domestic market. To that end, the country is expanding trade with high growth economies, of which Malaysia is one. While Europe remains an important market, British businesses must look further afield to the ASEAN nations and Malaysia is an ideal market, with existing ties and business opportunities. The British government is determined to put the economy back on track, in

partnership with high growth economies such as Malaysia. The Baroness speech ended with her unique perspective as the sole Muslim woman in the British cabinet. She commented that the British government is demonstrating a new relationship with ethnic minorities. Their approach shows how different people can work together for the interest of one nation. The hope is that both countries will continue to learn from each other in this respect.

Keynote speech by The Rt. Hon Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Minister Without Portfolio, UK and Co-Chairman of the British Conservative Party

Dato Dr Michael Yeoh, CEO of ASLI with The Rt. Hon Baroness Sayeeda Warsi and Tan Sri Jeffery Cheah, Chairman of ASLI

Tan Sri Jeffery Cheah, Chairman of ASLI presenting a memento to The Rt. Hon Baroness Sayeeda Warsi while Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, Director of ASLI and Dato Dr Michael Yeoh, CEO of ASLI looks on

Group photo on stage with Tan Sri Jeffery Cheah, The Rt. Hon Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam and Dato Dr Michael Yeoh

PHILIPPINES MALAYSIA INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FORUM The Philippines-Malaysia Investment Partnership Forum 2012 aims to further enhance and explore economic cooperation between the two countries through exchange of ideas between some of the leading businessmen from the two countries. The business leaders from both the countries gathered at The Royale Chulan Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 29 for the inaugural Philippines-Malaysia Investment Partnership Forum with a mission to boost trade and investment opportunities. The Philippines-Malaysia Investment Partnership Forum was held in conjunction with the two day working visit by H.E. Jejomar C. Binay, the Vice President of the Philippines. It was co-organised by the Philippines Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) and Kelab AIM. The Forum was highlighted by a presentation on the Philippines investment climate and opportunities with the presence of more than 300 participants from both Philippines and Malaysia Y.B. Dato Seri Mustapa Mohamed, the Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia speech was read by his deputy YB Dato Mukhriz Tun Dr. Mahathir. Between January and March 2012, Malaysias total trade with the Philippines was worth RM3.94 billion. Malaysias total exports to the Philippines were valued at RM2.76billions and imports at RM1.17 billion. The Philippines-Malaysia Investment Partnership Forum has identified some main sectors in which representatives from the 34 Chief Executive Officers from leading Philippines companies have taken turn to identify priority sectors and to deliberate all the possible opportunities available in these sectors to be taken up at the Forum. Those sectors include Tourism and tourism infrastructure, Mass housing, Real-estate development, Business process outsourcing/Information technology services, Logistics and supply chain, Transportation, Islamic banking/finance, Energy/electricity and Agro-business. During the luncheon that afternoon, business tycoon and AIM founder Mr. Washington Sycip presented a lecture to formally inaugurate the professor Gabby Mendoza Management Lecture. The Investment Partnership Forum was sponsored by Genting Group and Resort World Manila respectively as the Main Sponsor and Luncheon Host, Petron as the Strategic Partner and AlloyMtd Group as the Corporate Sponsor.

The sponsors taking a group photo with the Vice President of the Philippines, H.E. Jejomar C. Binay and the organisers. From left: Datuk Azmil Khalid, President & CEO of AlloyMtd Group; Atty. Jesus Varela, Head of Philippines Business Delegation/ Chairman of Newlight Technologies Philippines Corp; Governor Oliver B. Butalid, Philippine Board of Investments; H.E. J. Eduardo Malaya, Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia; H.E. Jejomar C. Binay, Vice President of the Philippines, YB Dato Mukhriz Mahathir, Deputy Minister of International Trade & Industry Malaysia; Mr Mirzan Mahathir, President of ASLI; Hajji Zulkifly b. Baharom, President of Kelab AIM; Mr David Chua, President of Genting Hong Kong Ltd/ CEO, Travellers International Hotel Group Inc.; Mr Kingson Sian, President of Travellers International Hotel Group Inc. ; and Mr Jaime O. Lu, Country Manager of PETRON.

The arrival of Vice President of the Philippines accompanied by H.E. J. Eduardo Malaya, Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia, Dato Dr Michael Yeoh, CEO of ASLI, En Mirzan Mahathir, President of ASLI and Mr Max Say, Senior Vice President of ASLI

The VIP guests from the embassies and participants of the Forum

Dr. Washington Z. SyCip presenting the Dr. Washington Z. SyCip Award to Tun Ahmad Sarji



A CONFERENCE ON BUILDING INTEGRITY IN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR (Co-organised by PKNS and ASLI and Supported by Transparency International (M)) 11 June 2012 Shah Alam Convention Centre The Conference on Building Integrity in The Public and Private Sector is intended to share best practises on Ethical and Integrity Management and how adopting transparency and good ethics, makes good business sense and can lead to higher profit. The Conference will elucidate case studies of how Open Tenders can result in lower costs and how such transparency and good Corporate Governance can result in improved profits. In business, there is a case for high standards of integrity to be practiced and upheld. Corruption in business is an unnecessary cost of doing business and should be eliminated. Integrity in management will help reduce corrupt practised in the Public and Private Sector.

Date Venue Synopsis

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This Conference will address key questions such as: How Integrity in Management can result in improved bottom-line? How to successfully implement Integrity and best ethical practises in companies? Are Open Tenders effective and can lead to lower costs? How to further enhance good Corporate Governance? How can the Transparency Internationals Integrity Pact work? Topics Combating Corruption in the Commercial Sector - Key Measures to Take How PKNS Adoption of the Integrity Pact with Transparency International and Open Tender Systems have Resulted in Lower Costs Integrity in Management - How to Adopt and Implement Business Ethics Improving Corporate Governance What Works, What Matters, Whats Next


REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS (REIT) CONFERENCE REITs Reality 25 26 June 2012 Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur As REIT in Asia continues to grow across borders, it is imperative to keep a close watch on major issues such as current market updates, trends, developments, market forecast and regulation updates. The Malaysian government has been continuously taking measures to boost the REIT industry such as putting in place generous tax incentives and stamp duty exemption for REITs. This has created excitement in the industry and spurred property players and investors to grasp the emerging investment opportunities. REITs investment is viewed as one of most attractive investment vehicle due to its flexible and liquid nature. This investment with its attractive features which includes dividends that often increases from year to year, easy to buy, sell and follow demands constant attention from the regulatory bodies, asset managers, property developers, fund managers and investors to frequently monitor the REITS market. Get answers and concerns that are hitting the REITS market. Learn and engage with the real estate world in Asia to discover the latest movement in this sector as well as taking advantage of first hand information..

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HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CONFERENCE STAY abreast with the latest developments and market opportunities for REIT DISCOVER the issues involved in making REIT a success FIND OUT how to comply with the requirements to qualify as a REIT EXPLORE the prospects and challenges of Islamic REIT EXAMINE the different structure and types of properties suitable for investment by REIT LEARN key legal challenges and implications for REIT and ways to overcome them DISCOVER how to cater to investors demand, requirements and expectations for long-term returns TAP on the unique opportunity to network with top property players, leading lawyers and tax consultants as well as key property consultants Who Should Attend Managing Directors Presidents Chief Executive Officers Regional Directors Executive Directors General Managers Investment Directors/Managers Capital Debt Market Directors/Managers Corporate Planning Directors/Managers Real Estate Fund Directors/ Managers/Agents Property Developers Real Estate Investment Bankers Corporate Legal Counsel Tax Specialists Property Valuers Urban Planners From the following industries Property Asset Management Funds Management Real Estate Investment Funds Finance Banking

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THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CSR & SOCIAL BUSINESS 12 July 2012 Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur Malaysian companies have practiced Corporate Social Responsibility for a long time. CSR practices take many forms from contributions to charity, to providing educational scholarships, to providing medical aid. Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission have also promoted Corporate Social Responsibility. Khazanah Nasional has come up with specific guidelines and programmes for GLCs to implement CSR programmes. Increasingly, CSR is being linked to sustainability and sustainable development including adopting Green business practices and protecting the environment. Of late, there has been growing interest in Social Enterprises and the link between CSR and Social Business has been growing. Social Business or Social Enterprises can be increasingly regarded as a form of CSR for companies to support. Social Business is the wave of the future to address the needs of the bottom 40% of society and to help narrow the development gap. How can companies CSR programmes be aligned to support Social Enterprises or Social Business? The Conference will bring together leading experts and practitioners of CSR and Social Enterprises as well as Corporate Managers, Entrepreneurs, NGOs and Researchers in a meeting of minds to discuss and review the CSR Agenda. This is a must-attend Conference for all interested in enhancing their CSR programmes and initiatives as well as those interested in developing or promoting Social Enterprises.

This National Conference on CSR and Social Business will: provide sharing of best practices and ideas on CSR, sustainability and social enterprises; facilitate interchange of experiences and knowledge; promote discussions on how CSR can be more effective; illustrate how social business or social enterprises can be viable programmes for companies to support as part of CSR initiatives. Who Should Attend Owners, CEOs, and General Managers Business representatives: to learn more on CSR implementation Communications, Business Development and Marketing Directors Government officials: To exchange ideas on what kind of national support is needed Marketing, Marketing Communications and PR Managers, SRI Supply chain, Procurement and Finance Managers Wider stakeholders (NGO representatives, community leaders, scholars) Anyone who will benefit by being seen as socially responsible


david.selvan@asli.com.my / aini@asli.com.my / gentiankrasniqi@asli.com.my or contact us at 603 2093 5393 Special Group Discount if you register in a group of 3 persons or more!



The Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) is Malaysias leading independent private Think Tank which is committed to the development of Asian leadership and strategic thinking. ASLIs vision is to create a better society. ASLIs mission is to help organizations enhance competitiveness, leadership and strategic capabilities through its public programmes, conferences, publications, policy research, business councils and CEO peer groups. ASLI provides trusted insights to governments, businesses and the diplomatic community. It also acts as a knowledge channel through interaction and dialogues with thought leaders. ASLIs value propositions are its valuable insights, high-level interaction, thought-leadership and in-depth research studies. ASLI provides insights, ideas, implications and interactions. ASLIs events have been addressed by Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Senior Cabinet Ministers, Captains of Industry and prominent Strategic Thinkers to discuss issues of strategic importance to governments and businesses. ASLI has, over the years organised high-level programmes focusing on bilateral business partnerships in Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Japan, USA, Canada, Britain, Germany, China and South Africa. ASLI is also the Malaysian Secretariat of various bilateral Business Councils.

Disclaimer: ASLI reserves the right to alter the content and timing of the programmes in the best interest of the conferences/forums and is not responsible for cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances. Copyright Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) 2012. All rights reserved.

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