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Womens Walk 204 Community, Weve had four team meetings and the team is ready to complete this

new journey and meet these beautiful ladies that the Community is sending for us to love on. We have 35 beautiful ladies. Now is the time to watch how these ladies will be transformed. Thank you again Community for your love, your prayers, and for sending your pilgrims for us to love on.

De Colores

Praise God for all His Glory!!! In Christ, Annette Childers and the rest of Gods Team Hi Sky Emmaus, Midland, TX


Remember that you can keep up with all the updates from the walk by clicking the Walk Weekend Link on the Hi Sky Emmaus Homepage or following joining on facebook or twitter.

Prayer Vigil Signups

A copy of the prayer vigil signups has been posted on the website. We still have several slots where you can serve. Please take a moment to look over the list, pick a time to pray for the team and pilgrims during the walk, and email Rhett Lively at so he can get you added to the list and the prayer vigil poster. Thank you!

Chrysalis Edition

Boys Flight #48July 12-15, 2012 at Howard College, Big Spring, TX

My name is Kyle Groves and I have been called to serve as the Lay Director for the Guy's Chrysalis Flight #48 this summer. The Chrysalis will be July 12-15th at Howard College, in Big Spring. God has called a great team for Flight #48 and we are all anxious for the Chrysalis to arrive. Our youth are important in determining the outcome of future generations and so I would like to leave you with the following challenge. Let's make an investment in the future today by doing the three things I mentioned above to support both of the Chrysalis events this summer: (1) pray, (2) identify potential catIn the meantime, we just finished our first weekend of team erpillars, (3) prepare food/gift agape. meetings. The talks were moving and full of the Holy Spirit. The worship was sweet and brought us to the foot of the cross. And Lastly, if you would like to help out by feeding the team at our the food was off the charts (or very delicious if that doesn't last 2 team meetings, please contact me ASAP. They will be for compute). We laughed - we cried - and we experienced God as dinner at 6pm on Friday, June 29th at Second Baptist in Midland we fellowshipped. and for lunch at 11:45am on Saturday, June 30th at Howard College in Big Spring. I would like to extend an invitation for you to be a part of the Guy's Chrysalis this summer. First, we need your prayers. Fly with Christ, Please pray for each team member, caterpillar, the talks that will Kyle Groves be given, the chapel services, etc. Second, we need caterpillars. C: 853-6868 Please be thinking of teen- agers that you know - a Girls Flight #49 New neighbor, family member, July 26-29, 2012 at Howard College, Big Spring , TX Candlelight someone from church, a co-worker's kid. Please Location remember that a youth Please remember to pray for the girls Chrysalis that will be held at Howmust be at least 15 years ard College, Big Spring, TX, July 26-29. Remember it is open to young Due to scheduling conflicts, the old, or have completed women ages 15-19. The team also asks for your prayers as we prepare location for candlelight during our their freshman year of for the flight. First team meetings will be held June 29-30. Our prayer two flights has changed. We will high school, and can be up is that you will be blessed by sponsoring a girl for the flight. All agape is no longer be meeting at Christs to 19 years old in order to appreciated but specifically halos, bed tags, cups for room, agape sacks attend a Chrysalis. Third, (small and large), and agape letter bags to name a few are needed. If you Community Fellowship as previsign up for gift and food can help with these specific items, please contact me, Patty Schuelke, at ously mentioned. agape. Please be looking (432) 268-3499 and I will write you down. Please keep an eye out for an email for our yellow clipboards at the next Community Bless You Community, and notices on the website, faceMeeting and sign up for Patty Schuelke Flight #49 Lay Director book and twitter with the location some agape needs.

Since we will be using Howard College for the first time in a long while for our flights this year, here are a couple of maps to help you locate where you need to go for drop-off, chapel, etc. When you get to Big Spring, take exit 179 (Birdwell Lane. This is also the Business Exit on the east side of Big Spring.) Once you make the Uturn and get back to Birdwell, take a left and head South on Birdwell.


Pilgrims will be housed in the Womens Dorm South-East of the Dorthy Garret Coliseum. Park in the lot just east of the dorm/ coliseum as noted on the map (left).

Drop off Location for both flights!

The location for candlelight has changed, watch facebook, the website, twitter, and your email for more information about where candlelight will be held for both


Life with Christ is sustained by Gods grace as it interacts with our conscious thoughts. The Spirit of Christ continually acts upon us. However, we must open our conscious minds to Him if we are to receive the benefits of that grace. Think of your telephone. When it rings, you have a choice whether to answer the caller. When you do answer, there is a conversation. Similarly, the mind that is open to Christ engages in a conversation with the Spirit. Christ continually acts upon us and much of the time we are not conscious of it. That is prevenient grace. When we do open our minds (answer Him), grace becomes operative upon us. We respond, we engage in the vital dynamics of faith. line. Devotional practices are personal ways of receiving, nurturing, and enriching the relationship with God. The devotional practices are prayer, meditation, scripture study, and worship. I find one or more of these daily practices to be vital to a graceful relation with God and other people. Note, I wrote daily practices. It is as important as eating and sleeping. We can live a while without them, but soon we either starve or become unable to think coherently. So, how is your fourth day today? Are you feeding on the Spirit? Are you rested and refreshed with Christ? De colores, Larry Bailey
2012 Community Spiritual Director

We heard of how we can be open to Christ in the talk, Life of Piety during our Walk Weekend. I quote from the out-

A Note from the Community Lay Director

Be still and know that I AM GOD. Psalm 46:10. This will always be one of my favorite scriptures. It reassures me God is always there and convicts me God is always in control and not me. Thank goodness! Have you ever been told Youre never going to learn anything with your mouth open? I have. And if you know me, you know I am rarely without my mouth open. However, during my process to mature as a Christian, I am making myself be still and wait for the small quiet voice to guide and direct my path. And I am making myself not use my words in haste and asking (begging) the Holy Spirit to give me His words so that all I do or say is pleasing to my Father. I challenge each of you to do the same. The Hi Sky Emmaus Community has a busy summer ahead of us. In June we have Womens Walk #204, July we have the Boys and Girls Flights and August we will celebrate our 25th Anniversary! I encourage you to attend any or all of the upcoming activities. I am especially asking for support for our Chrysalis Flights which will be held at Howard College this year. Remember - our youth are our future!!! De Colores!!! Debbie BaxterCommunity Lay Director

From time to time, there is extra pieces of agape left over after a walk due to the walk not being full. Donna Fillip collects these items and brings them to community so that we can pick them up and use them again at future walks. Please make sure you check the bucket at each Community meeting and pick-up your leftover Agape.

MENS WALK 205September 20-23, 2012

GOD IS GOOD!! ALL THE TIME, GOOD IS GOOD!! This has been an exciting time for Men's Walk #205 (September 20-23, 2012 at Circle 6). After months of preparing to prepare, the time is now upon us. And I say us because this time is about us as a community rallying around a group of men to do battle in the spiritual realm against the evil that surrounds us and tempts us. The men of Men's Walk #205, both pilgrims and team, are preparing for an experience like none other in their lives, and an opportunity to be truly close to God in a unique and surprising way. Their lives will be changed by this experience and they will have opportunity to be sharpened as iron sharpens iron. It has been my prayer for months of preparing to prepare that God will shower his blessings of love and compassion on these men and will remove any obstacle that may get in their way of being a part of this experience. Our lives are on a collision course with abundant blessings and I know you will want a special man in your life to experience it. Remember your Walk? Remember the experience you had? Remember the period of silence? Remember meeting your table members that first time? Remember the talks? Remember the skits? Remember the music? Remember Dying Moments? Remember Candlelight Dinner and Candlelight? Remember the letters you received? Remember Closing? Remember your first community meeting? Remember your first reunion group meeting? Remember how the Walk changed your outlook of service at your church? Remember the friendships you've made because of the Walk? Remember the blessing the Walk has been in your life? Remember the first Walk you worked? These are all things God has showed me that I want to share with other men. Join me in showing who God is to you today. Shower a man in your life with the blessing of attending and being involved in a Walk to Emmaus. May God be with you as you share His good news today.

Patrick Mayers Cell - 432-528-9346

In God we Trust

Mens Walk 205 Send Off Lunch

Mens Walk 205 asks that everyone joins them for lunch on Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 11am in the Caf at Crestview Baptist Church located at Loop 250 and Thomason Dr. Please note: The caf does not accept credit or debit cards so be sure to bring a check or cash for your meal.

Community Prayer Needs

Bailey Lively, our community registrar will be having surgery on June 19th to remove a mass and part of her thyroid. The team and pilgrims of Womens Walk 204, June 14-17, 2012 The team and caterpillars of Boys Flight 48, July 12-15, 2012 The team and caterpillars of Girls Flight 49, July 26-29, 2012 The team and pilgrims of Mens Walk 205, September 20-23, 2012 The team and pilgrims of Womens Walk 206, November 1-4, 2012 For rain to come and heal out land! For God to reveal the lay directors and teams He has planned for 2013s walks and flights. For all those who are sick. For all those who are hurting. For anyone who feels alone in the crowd.

Community Notes
Help Wanted!
If you have given a talk on either a men's or women's walk since August, 2008 could you give a copy to Jimmy Smith? Our "example" pool is getting low. You can either email or give a copy to a hard copy to Jimmy. His email address is

Cutoff for registration for all walks and flights are on the Thursday before the walk is scheduled to begin. This gives those making agape time to personalize things like nametags and allows for the time needed to order specialized agape from vendors.
Walk Statuses as of June 10, 2012 Pilgrim Count 35 6 4 6 2 Registration Registration Closed July 5, 2012 July 19, 2012 September 13, 2012 October 25, 2012

Womens Walk 204 Boys Flight 48 Girls Flight 49 Mens Walk 205 Womens Walk 206

If you have a prayer request you would like listed here and/or on the website so our community can join you in prayer, please email Rhett Lively at

Celebrating 25 Years
This August is our 25th anniversary as a community. During the community gathering on August 28th, we will take time to celebrate this awesome milestone for the Hi-Sky Emmaus Community. The board asks that all past lay directors help in this celebration by bringing their walk cross to the gathering. Make plans to join us in fellowship and celebration of the work God has done through Hi Sky Emmaus in these past 25 years as well as what He will do in the next 25!

"Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there." - Matthew

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