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S1C flghLlng Cancer

& SLarL 1reaLlng Lhe CAuSL

ur. kevln Conners, uC
lellowshlp ln lnLegraLlve Cancer 1herapy
lellowshlp ln AnLl-Aglng, 8egeneraLlve, and luncLlonal Medlclne
Amerlcan Academy of AnLl-Aglng Medlclne
Cancer ls.
An Expression of Dis-ease,
An Outcome,
An End Product,
An Effect,
A Survival Instinct,
An Autoimmune Disorder,
A Compensation
A Warning Sign

Its time to wake up and change your life!
S1C flghLlng Cancer
& SLarL 1reaLlng Lhe CAuSL

reface: l cannoL Lake credlL for whaL's ln Lhls book. 1he 8ook of LccleslasLes sLaLes, WhaL has been
wlll be agaln, whaL has been done wlll be done agaln, Lhere ls noLhlng new under Lhe sun." (Lcc 1:9)
lnformaLlon conLalned here ls slmply a small plece of 23 years of pracLlce experlence learnlng from oLher
docLors who've paved my way, sclenLlsLs dedlcaLed Lo flndlng answers, and paLlenLs who share Lhelr
sLorles. l am also aLLempLlng Lo lnLroduce whaL may be a new Loplc Lo some: lnLegraLlve Cancer
1herapy. l recenLly compleLed my lellowshlp ln Lhls sub[ecL and deslre Lo share a smldgen of
lnformaLlon. 1hls ls ln no way a 'compleLe work', lL ls a sLarL, l am noL an CncologlsL, l am a chlropracLor
wlLh advanced Lralnlng ln neurology, lnLegraLlve cancer, anLl-aglng and funcLlonal medlclne, nuLrlLlon,
eLc. l am slmply aLLempLlng Lo convey lnformaLlon and oplnlon, Lhls ls noL a subsLlLuLe for medlcal care.
Any and all lnformaLlon ln Lhls book ls nC1 a subsLlLuLe for sLandard medlcal care. lease consulL your
physlclan before conslderlng any lnformaLlon ln Lhls book. 1hls book ls an oplnlon, noL a proLocol, lL ls
Lhe reader's responslblllLy Lo seek approprlaLe medlcal care and Lo undersLand LhaL Lhls book does noL
suggesL or lmply LhaL LreaLlng cancer ls anyLhlng buL reserved for approprlaLe medlcal esLabllshmenLs.
lease see Lhe full dlsclalmer aL Lhe end of Lhls book.

SLop llghLlng Cancer and SLarL 1reaLlng Lhe Cause

ChapLer 1 Cur CurrenL SLaLe of Affalrs
ChapLer 2 lmporLance of Lhe Lymph SysLem and Pow 8lfe 8egan
ChapLer 3 Cancer ls an AuLolmmune ulsorder
ChapLer 4 nuLrlLlon and Cancer
ChapLer 3 Cur lnLegraLlve Approach
ChapLer 6 A 1en SLep roLocol for ?ou and ?our uocLor
ChapLer 7 never Clve up 8u1 Always Clve ln

ChapLer 1
Cur CurrenL SLaLe of Affalrs

Mltocles ote o tetellloq lo smoll lettets of tbe
vety some stoty wblcb ls wtltteo octoss tbe
wbole wotlJ lo lettets too lotqe fot some of os
to see.
C. S. Lew|s

WhaL ls CAnCL8? 1he Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy sLaLes:
Cancer sLarLs when cells ln a parL of Lhe body sLarL Lo grow ouL of conLrol. 1here are many
klnds of cancer, buL Lhey all sLarL because of ouL-of-conLrol growLh of abnormal cells.
Cancer cell growLh ls dlfferenL from normal cell growLh. lnsLead of dylng, cancer cells conLlnue
Lo grow and form new, abnormal cells. Cancer cells can also lnvade (grow lnLo) oLher Llssues,
someLhlng LhaL normal cells cannoL do. Crowlng ouL of conLrol and lnvadlng oLher Llssues are
whaL makes a cell a cancer cell.

Cells become cancer cells because of damage Lo unA. unA ls ln every cell and dlrecLs all lLs
acLlons. ln a normal cell, when unA geLs damaged Lhe cell elLher repalrs Lhe damage or Lhe cell
dles. ln cancer cells, Lhe damaged unA ls noL repalred, buL Lhe cell doesn'L dle llke lL should.
lnsLead, Lhls cell goes on maklng new cells LhaL Lhe body does noL need. 1hese new cells wlll all
have Lhe same damaged unA as Lhe flrsL cell does.
eople can lnherlL damaged unA, buL mosL unA damage ls caused by mlsLakes LhaL happen
whlle Lhe normal cell ls reproduclng or by someLhlng ln our envlronmenL. SomeLlmes Lhe cause
of Lhe unA damage ls someLhlng obvlous, llke clgareLLe smoklng."
WhaL does one do?
lor Lhe pasL several decades, Lhe freedom of cholce has noL exlsLed when lL comes Lo
LreaLmenL of cancer. aLlenLs have been herded lnLo Lhe medlcal machlne of surgery,
chemoLherapy, and radlaLlon. aLlenLs were shamed lf Lhey even LhoughL abouL alLernaLlve
care. 1he Marcus Welby generaLlon ldollzed medlclne and Lhe deml-gods ln whlLe coaLs.
Anyone darlng Lo aLLempL a naLural alLernaLlve was qulckly labeled a quack and money-monger.
1hank goodness for Lhe lnformaLlon age, people can seek ouL answers once reserved for Lhose
wlLh mulLlple leLLers behlnd Lhelr names. A new movemenL ls beglnnlng Lo Lake hold, lL's a new
horlzon for Lhose deslrlng Lo Lake a greaLer degree of responslblllLy for Lhelr healLh, and lL
couldn'L have come Loo soon.
As publlc awareness of alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs lncreases, docLors have had lmprove Lhelr
skllls of Lalklng paLlenLs oot of Lhe safer, more reasonable alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs. Loslng" Lhe
'cancer paLlenL' Lo an alLernaLlve docLor would cosL Lhe hosplLal $300,000 Lo well over a mllllon
dollars accordlng Lo Cncology 1oday as lL llsLed ouL Lhe average cosL of convenLlonal cancer

8emember, when a convenLlonal docLor Lalks abouL alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs, Lhey are
usually repeaLlng Lhe lles LhaL Lhey have been Lold. lor example, read Lhe nCl 1esL Summary*
for Cancell (sold as roLocel ln Lhe uS, a powerful, alLernaLlve cancer Lherapy). nCl sald Cancell
showed 'no blologlcal acLlvlLy' ln Lhe LesL, 'buL Cancell performed amazlngly well' agalnsL all
cancers LesLed. lL should have been fronL page news buL slnce Lhey couldn'L lsolaLe Lhe acLlvlLy
of lLs success, lL was dlsregarded! lL was anoLher, lL works greaL buL slnce we can'L make any
money wlLh lL we'll slam lL".
Desperate Doctors Avo|d Los|ng 1he|r L|cense
Lven lf convenLlonal docLors learn Lhe LruLh abouL cancer or any oLher dlsease, cllnlc pollcles,
hosplLal proLocols, and pharmaceuLlcal companles musL be placaLed. 1here are rules from
sLaLe medlcal boards and even laws passed (Lhanks Lo pharmaceuLlcal lobbylsLs) Lo prevenL
docLors from even Lalklng abouL alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs. ?es, belleve lL or noL, lL may be
a felony for a medlcal docLor Lo even Lalk abouL someLhlng as safe and well LesLed as aw aw,
Lsslac, Poxsey, Perbal 1herapy, vlLamlns, or Cerson 1heraples.
IDA 1reatment 8|ockade
lL Lakes $800 mllllon (noL a Lypo) and slx Lo Len years Lo geL luA approval of a cancer drug. 1he
besL alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs cosL a few hundred dollars a monLh and cannoL be paLenLed.
1haL's Lhe problem. lf a naLural subsLance cannoL be paLenLed, Lhen lL musL be squashed.
naLural LreaLmenLs are nuLrlLlonal ln orlgln and slnce Lhey are consldered 'planL based', Lhey
don'L need luA approval Lo Lhe same degree as a drug would. 1here ls a mlsundersLandlng ouL
Lhere LhaL Lhe vlLamln lndusLry lsn'L regulaLed, Lhey are. 1he problem (lf you owned a drug
company) ls LhaL 'planL based' nuLrlLlonal producLs cannoL be paLenLed. lf you can'L paLenL lL,
you can'L make a Lon of money wlLh lL. 1here ls a sysLemaLlc, carefully execuLed propaganda
campalgn agalnsL naLural care of all dlsease. 1hls ls noL a 'consplracy Lheory', lL's [usL plaln
economlcs, lf you owned a drug company, you mlghL make Lhe same declslons. lL's easy Lo
[usLlfy acLlons Lo beneflL sLockholders and employees, afLer all, companles exlsL Lo make a
LeL's be honesL, convenLlonal medlclne ls nC1 'wlnnlng Lhe war' on cancer. uesplLe Lhe yearly
fanfare regardlng new cancer drugs, Lhe percenLage of Amerlcans dylng from cancer ln 2003
was abouL Lhe same as lL was ln 1970. 8uL, sLlll convenLlonal docLors can'L prescrlbe alLernaLlves
cancer LreaLmenLs. Slx hundred lobbylsLs pald by pharmaceuLlcal companles are dolng Lhelr
besL Lo make sure LhaL convenLlonal docLors can never prescrlbe alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs.
ln 1971, when resldenL 8lchard nlxon proclalmed Lhe offlclal War on Cancer", 1 ouL of every
21 Amerlcans goL cancer. now we have a 1 ouL of 2.3 chance of developlng cancer! Pello!!!
All one needs Lo do ls go Lo Lhls webslLe:
1he above ls a governmenLal webslLe conLalnlng gobs of lnformaLlon on Lhe 3 year survlval
raLes of nearly every cancer. lL ls nC1 lmprovlng! 1he way sLaLlsLlcs are manlpulaLed ls Lhrough
Lhe whole ldea of 'early deLecLlon'. Slnce cancer LreaLmenL 'success' ls measured on survlvlng
flve years afLer Lhe flrsL daLe of dlagnosls, all we need Lo do Lo glve Lhe percepLlon of greaLer
success ls Lo dlagnose Lhe paLlenL earller. lL's klnd of llke a company selllng muLual funds
lncludlng Lhe 'boom years' of 20 growLh ln Lhelr sLaLlsLlcs Lo show LhaL Lhelr fund averages
10 growLh when really lL's 4 and more llke 2 afLer all Lhe hldden fees.
lL geLs worse. AfLer 2003, Lhe number of new cancer cases became arLlflclally reduced whlch
allowed agencles llke Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy Lo clalm LhaL progress ls belng made. ln 2004
Lhe CenLers for ulsease ConLrol (CuC) reporLed LhaL vA hosplLals ln aL leasL 13 sLaLes are no
longer reporLlng cancer cases and LhaL reporLlng has been lnconslsLenL ln 14 addlLlonal sLaLes.
1herefore, as many as 70,000 new cancer cases (abouL 3 of Lhe naLlonal LoLal) were noL even
reporLed. Any lmprovemenL ln Lhe number of cancer cases ls Lherefore ln doubL. 1hls ls called
'manlpulaLlon of sLaLlsLlcs'.
Convent|ona| 1act|cs
ConvenLlonal docLors may Lry and geL you Lo lmmedlaLely "move forward" and schedule
chemoLherapy and/or radlaLlon. undersLand, Laklng Lhelr convenLlonal LreaLmenLs flrsL may
nC1 be your besL declslon because:
! AlLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs may have a hlgher success raLe Lhan convenLlonal
LreaLmenLs ln your case. lL may be Lhe besL Lhlng for you Lo address Lhe envlronmenL of
cancer growLh and your overall healLh before you seek convenLlonal care.
! ConvenLlonal LreaLmenLs ravage your body so severely, LhaL lL wlll be more dlfflculL for
alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs Lo work lf alLernaLlves are Laken afLer Lhe convenLlonal
LreaLmenLs. AlLernaLlve LreaLmenLs do nC1 'klll' cancer llke chemoLherapy. 1hey
requlre a healLhy body slnce lL ls necessary for your lmmune sysLem Lo do Lhe 'flghLlng'.
! ChemoLherapy and radlaLlon may cause cancer Lo spread, and even lf lL does 'knock
down' Lhe orlglnal cancer, lL leaves sLronger sLem cells and drug-reslsLanL cells behlnd.
Surgery may also spread cancer. 8egardless of Lhe declslon maklng process, cleanlng up
Lhe body wlLh deLoxlflcaLlon and bulldlng up Lhe lmmune sysLem ls essenLlal.
1he smarL paLlenL says, "l wanL Lo know all Lhe slde effecLs and Lhe success raLes of Lhe
dlfferenL LreaLmenLs LhaL can be used ln my case and l wlll call your offlce for an appolnLmenL
when l declde whlch LreaLmenL l wanL." 1hose who slmply 'Lurn Lhelr care over Lo Lhelr docLor
because he knows besL' do poorly under any docLor's care. ?ou MuS1 Lake responslblllLy for
your heallng!
A D|fferent Approach, the New arad|gm
SmarL cancer paLlenLs ask 'Lough' quesLlons. 1hey wanL Lo know WP? Lhe cancer sLarLed
growlng ln Lhelr body. 1hey wanL Lo know WP? Lhe envlronmenL around Lhe cancer cells
'allowed' lL Lo 'Lake hold'. 1hey wanL Lo know lf Lhere are unuL8LlnlnC CAuSLS. 1hey wanL Lo
llx Lhe underllnlng causes so Lhelr body can cure lLself. AlLernaLlve LreaLmenL does nC1 klll
cancer, only your body can do LhaL. lrom an lnLegraLlve perspecLlve, we wanL Lo correcL Lhe
envlronmenL LhaL allowed Lhe dlsease. lnLegraLlve" doesn'L mean anLl-medlcal", lL means Lo
sanely work LogeLher for Lhe beLLermenL of Lhe paLlenL". ChemoLherapy and radlaLlon may be
Lhe besL opLlon! Powever, lf noL coupled wlLh correcLlon of Lhe coose, lL doesn'L Lake a rockeL
sclenLlsL Lo flgure ouL LhaL Lhe cancer has a preLLy good chance of re-appearlng.
l was recenLly glvlng an educaLlonal Lalk on cancer and overall healLh and menLloned LhaL
someone wlLh cancer MuS1 change Lhey mllleu LhaL preclplLaLed Lhe cancer growLh or slmply
dolng convenLlonal chemo, radlaLlon, and/or surgery may resulL ln Lhe cancer 'comlng back'.
ApparenLly LhaL sLaLemenL dldn'L slL well wlLh one llsLener who was noL happy wlLh Lhe
lnslnuaLlon LhaL her oncologlsL was wrong when he Lold her she was 'cancer-free'. LeL's make
one Lhlng very clear: nCnL of us are LvL8 'cancer free'! l would never, ever lf lL were legal for
me Lo do so, Lell a paLlenL LhaL Lhey are cancer free. uoes LhaL sound pesslmlsLlc? 1oo bad, my
[ob ls nC1 Lo be a foollsh opLlmlsL, lL ls Lo be a reallsL. 1here ls ALWA?S hope for survlval, buL
don'L kld yourself lnLo Lhlnklng you 'have lL llcked'. 1urn cancer lnLo a chronlc condlLlon LhaL
you wlll 'deal wlLh' and 'keep aL bay' by conLlnulng Lo do Lhe rlghL Lhlngs! A false sense of
securlLy breeds fallure of proper acLlon whlch leads Lo caLasLrophe.
AfLer An? LreaLmenL cholce ls aLLempLed, medlcal re-assessmenL ls necessary/useful. 1he
reexamlnaLlon wlll show one of Lhree Lhlngs:
! 1he cancer has dlmlnlshed and Lhe paLlenL wlll know LhaL he/she ls on Lhe rlghL course.
uon'L sLop and sllp back Lo your prevlous llfesLyle Lhlnklng LhaL a medlcal mlracle wlll
ball you ouL of Lhe consequences of your lrresponslblllLy. SLay Lhe course!
! 1he cancer has remalned Lhe same and Lhe paLlenL wlll know LhaL Lhey sLlll have Llme Lo
Lry oLher approaches. SomeLlmes no change" ls exacLly whaL you wanL Lo hear as ofLen
lL means LhaL your body has 'walled-off' Lhe Lumor! SLay Lhe course!
! 1he cancer has advanced and Lhe paLlenL wlll know LhaL Lhe LreaLmenL Lhey Look dldn'L
compleLely work. 8emember, lL ls very posslble LhaL wlLhouL Lhe chosen plan of care
LhaL you may noL have even made lL Lo Lhe re-exam. lf your cancer has progressed, re-
assess your LreaLmenL plan and conslder addlng new ldeas and new approaches. AL Lhls
polnL Lhe paLlenL can elLher abandon Lhe currenL course or add oLher alLernaLlves.
lf someLhlng lS worklng, uCn'1 S1C. lf lL ls nC1 worklng, Lry someLhlng else! Cne needs no
advanced degrees Lo undersLand Lhls loglc. l parLlcularly don'L care Lo know, nor am l
lnLelllgenL enough Lo undersLand, all Lhe mechanlsms of PCW every, speclflc LreaLmenL works, l
[usL care LhaL lL uCLS!
A few monLhs ago a paLlenL enLered my offlce wlLh a dlagnosls of 8-cell chronlc lymphocyLlc
leukemla (8-CLL), also known as chronlc lymphold leukemla (CLL), scheduled aL Mayo for
LreaLmenL posLponed for 30 days aL Lhe paLlenL's requesL Lo Lry" an alLernaLlve Lherapy. We
had 30 days Lo make a dlfference, l had llLLle hope glven Lhe shorL Llme we had Lo make a
dlfference. ConservaLlve care proved mlraculous when she wenL back Lo her oncologlsL Lo hear,
whaLever you've been dolng, don'L sLop." 1he cancer was undeLecLable! 8emember, we dldn'L
'LreaL her cancer', we alded her own nervous and lmmune response Lo help her body do Lhe
work - buL lL ulu work and her oncologlsL cared enough Lo 'noL care how' and Lell her Lo 'noL
1hese Lypes of sLorles are clalmed anLldoLal, unbellevable, false, or slmply Lhe resulL of Lhe
placebo effecL. l don'L care! lf my paLlenLs geL beLLer from Lhe placebo effecL - aL leasL Lhey goL
beLLer! Peck, mosL my paLlenLs would leL me Lhrow angel dusL on Lhem lf Lhey LhoughL lL would
help. Call me crazy buL l Lhlnk people [usL wanL Lo geL beLLer aL a falr prlce and are noL looklng
Lo over-analyze everyLhlng and remaln slck. l [usL wanL Lo geL beLLer." l've been glven nC
hope." My oncologlsL won'L even Lalk Lo me." 1hese are all commenLs l hear Loo ofLen.
eople ofLen ask me how Lhe 8lfe (a llghL frequency generaLor we hlghly recommend) works.
1hough l share my Lheorles, l Lell Lhem honesLly, l have no ldea." uoes LhaL dlscounL lLs
valldlLy? Lveryone has a llver, buL few could explaln lLs funcLlons, yeL Lhelr llver sLlll works.
1hey don'L care, as long as lL's worklng. l don'L (nor do anyone else) know exacLly how every
vlLamln, mlneral or enzyme works. no one yeL has flgured ouL exacLly how asplrln works!
ulsease LreaLmenL ls no dlfferenL, l am mosL lnLeresLed ln wbot works and tbot lt wotks, lL ls
only my lnqulslLlve mlnd LhaL deslres Lo know how.
1he Ioundat|on of Convent|ona| Med|c|ne |s Sand
Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lheorles of convenLlonal medlclne ls known as monomorphlsm. lL ls
based on Lhe work of Louls asLeur. Cn hls deaLhbed he admlLLed LhaL he was wrong and
8echamp (lerre AnLlone) who promoLed pleomorphlsm was rlghL. 1he Lwo (and Lhelr
perspecLlve camps) carrled ouL on-golng argumenLs on healLh/lllness Lheorles LhaL greaLly
shaped socleLy's approach Lo LreaLmenL. ConvenLlonal medlclne has clung Lo monomorphlsm Lo
Lhe deLermenL of paLlenLs everywhere.
Monomorph|sm vs |eomorph|sm
under p|eomorph|sm, bacLerla and oLher mlcroorganlsm are noL seen as dangerous, lnvaslve or
paLhogenlc, nor lnfecLlous ln mosL lnsLances. 1hey are seen as performlng slmple, necessary
cleanup funcLlons ln response Lo cues from Lhe local body Llssues. 1hus, lL would make sense
LhaL one would LreaL an lnfecLlous lllness by slmply ad[usLlng Lhe lnner Lerraln (Lhe
envlronmenL) of Lhe body Lo allow lL Lo become more healLhful, Lhus ellmlnaLlng Lhe need for
Lhe presence of Lhe "lnfecLlous" organlsms. Any aLLempL Lo LreaL an lnfecLlous lllness wlLh
anLlbloLlcs or oLher "aggresslve" means (monomorphlsm) would be seen, ln mosL cases, as
shorL-slghLed and would be aLLempLlng Lo LreaL a symptom of a deep lmbalance, raLher Lhan
addresslng Lhe deep lmbalance. lurLher anLlbloLlcs and oLher aggresslve anLlmlcroblal means
would acLually furLher lmbalance and dlsrupL Lhe lnner Lerraln, Lhus evenLually leadlng Lo
furLher degeneraLlon.
So lL ls wlLh cancer, Lhough we wanL Lo desLroy Lhe growlng cancer, we wanL Lo do so by
lmprovlng Lhe body's ablllLy Lo heal, change Lhe lnLernal envlronmenL, and Lhe cancer has no
1hose Great New Cancer Drugs
ln 2003 and 2004, Lhere was a loL of publlclLy abouL Lhe greaL new cancer drugs." ln March
2004, Lhe LxecuLlve LdlLor of lorLune Magazlne wroLe an exLenslve arLlcle abouL Lhese new
drugs. 1he LlLle of Lhe arLlcle was all reveallng, "Why We're Loslng Lhe War on Cancer."
Leaf reporLed LhaL Lhe Lwo new blockbusLer drugs, AvasLln and LrblLux, aren'L as effecLlve as
once reporLed. Pe sLaLes LhaL AvasLln, "managed Lo exLend Lhe llves of some 400 paLlenLs wlLh
Lermlnal colorecLal cancer by 4.7 monLhs" conslderlng Lhe posslble slde effecLs, LhaL ls noL
really worLh Lhe rlsk when Lhere are safe effecLlve alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs avallable. Leaf furLher
reporLed LhaL LrblLux (used Lo LreaL cancers of Lhe head and neck) dld even worse. lL has noL
been shown Lo prolong paLlenLs' llves aL all", Leaf sLaLes.
Conslderlng lL carrles an average paLlenL prlce of around $2,400 a week for Lhe drug alone (noL
lncludlng Lhe hosplLal or docLor fees), ls lL even eLhlcal Lo use such medlcaLlon? l know LhaL lL ls
Lyplcal for Lhe Cancer lndusLry and malnsLream medla Lo pump up any of Lhe new Lheraples
Lrylng Lo sound llke Lhere has been a 'new breakLhrough'. Leaf even admlLs LhaL lorLune
magazlne ran a cover arLlcle on lnLerleukln-2 wlLh a "Cancer 8reakLhrough" headllne LhaL any
honesL oncologlsL would Lell you, lL wasn'L.
1hls ls noL [usL an Amerlcan-caplLallsLlc problem". 1he arLlcle goes on Lo reporL LhaL Lurope
seems Lo sLruggle wlLh slmllar less-Lhan-Lrue adverLlslng. 1he Lwelve new anLlcancer drugs
approved ln Lurope beLween 1993 and 2000 dld noL lmprove survlval or quallLy of llfe nor were
Lhey safer Lhan Lhe older drugs. Powever, Lhey were several Llmes more expenslve and
provlded Lhe sLockholders ln drug companles a proflL on false hope dlshed ouL Lo Lhe sufferlng
ln 2003 PercepLln (used Lo LreaL breasL cancer) was hyped as "asLonlshlngly effecLlve, wonder
drug." Powever, Lhe LruLh ls far dlfferenL. kolpb w. Moss, lb.u. has wrlLLen a reporL on Lhe
PercepLln decepLlon. Pere ls whaL Mlchael !anson, Mu, pasL presldenL of boLh Lhe Amerlcan
College for AdvancemenL ln Medlclne (ACAM) and Lhe Amerlcan revenLlve Medlcal AssoclaLlon
(AMA) has Lo say abouL Lhls speclal reporL:
"ur. Moss has once agaln cuL Lhrough Lhe hype of medlcal research and medla reporLs wlLh a
keen, ob[ecLlve analysls LhaL presenLs Lhe Lrue plcLure of sclenLlflc resulLs regardlng Lhe laLesL
'mlracle' ln cancer Lherapy. Pe reveals Lhe hollow core of Lhe recenL medlcal reporLs on
PercepLln, showlng LhaL lL ls noL whaL has been clalmed, and LhaL Lhe sLaLlsLlcs were
manlpulaLed Lo make lL seem far beLLer Lhan lL ls, whlle underplaylng Lhe poLenLlal rlsks. 1he
confllcL of lnLeresL among Lhe auLhors LhaL he noLes ls a danger Lo honesL researchers and Lo
Lhe publlc who mlghL mlsLakenly Lake Lhls drug (and many oLhers) ln lnapproprlaLe slLuaLlons.
LeL's hope LhaL hls analysls geLs wlde aLLenLlon."
ln 2008 Lo 2009 a colon cancer Lrlal was run Lo see lf uslng AvasLln soon afLer surgery would
prevenL reoccurrence. 2,700 colon cancer paLlenLs were lnvolved:
! Cne group recelved slx monLhs of chemoLherapy.
! 1he oLher group recelved slx monLhs of Lhe same chemoLherapy and a year of AvasLln.
1he resulLs showed no slgnlflcanL dlfference beLween Lhe survlval raLes of Lhe groups. SLlll sales
of AvasLln remaln ln Lhe Lwo bllllon dollar range. lL wlll be lnLeresLlng Lo see lf Lhe
manufacLurer's markeLlng campalgn (schmoozlng docLors and glvlng lucraLlve charge backs) wlll
be able Lo keep sales ln Lhe nelghborhood. ln !uly 2010 Lhe new ?ork 1lmes reporLed LhaL a
drug advlsory board voLed 12 Lo 1 Lo revoke Lhe prevlous approval of AvasLln - 1hls for a drug
LhaL, "has aL Llmes been halled as a near mlracle" (ollack 2010). 1he only mlracle ls Lhe amounL
of money lL made. AvasLln has become Lhe world's besL-selllng cancer drug, wlLh worldwlde
sales of around $6 bllllon. ralse Cod lL was flnally pulled!
Lung Cancer Drug Iressa?
lrom a newsday arLlcle of uecember 18, 2004, "Shocklng Lhe medlcal and flnanclal worlds, a
hlghly LouLed lung cancer drug, lressa, falled Lo help paLlenLs llve longer ln a ma[or cllnlcal Lrlal."
Pow can Lhese hyped-up drugs geL all Lhe way Lo cllnlcal Lrlals? 1he promlse of Lremendous
proflLs ls Lhe only explanaLlon.
Why Doctors rescr|be the 'Newest Drugs'
uocLors may noL be prescrlblng Lhe newesL drugs because Lhey are beLLer for you because ln
LruLh, Lhere ls no way Lo know. Lveryone's body chemlsLry ls dlfferenL, a LreaLmenL LhaL worked
for some people ln a sLudy on some unlverslLy campus may noL work !"#$%"&. ConvenLlonal
docLors do noLhlng Lo deLermlne whlch of Lhe avallable LreaLmenLs for your cancer wlll work for
you besldes Lrlal and error. 1hey [usL prescrlbe Lhe laLesL pharmaceuLlcal drug. harmaceuLlcal
companles love Lhls because Lhe laLesL drug ls usually Lhe mosL expenslve. uocLors may do Lhls
! 1hey do noL wanL Lo appear Lo be behlnd Lhe Llmes. Should Lhe paLlenL have waLched
any 1v program ln Lhe lasL few weeks, Lhey were lnundaLed wlLh a hosL of promlses wlLh
beauLlful graphlcs of buLLerflles and sunseL afLernoons emoLlonally connecLed Lo Lhe
new verslon of medlcaLlon. aLlenLs ask for lL!
! 1he docLors Lhemselves are swepL up by Lhe hype. 1he 'new cancer drugs' appear Lo be
beLLer because of Lhe planned psychologlcal manlpulaLlon LhaL accompanles Lhelr
release and paLlenLs demand Lhem. We are all looklng for a mlracle drug Lo belleve ln!
! 1he slde effecLs of new drugs are noL well-known ln Lhe beglnnlng and Lhe docLors who
care Lruly hope Lhey may work beLLer wlLh less ln[ury.
! new drugs moy offer hope where prevlous drugs falled.
1he Wrong Approach
Cancer cells obLaln Lhelr energy from fermenLaLlon. normal cells obLaln Lhelr energy from
oxygenaLlon (excepL muscle cells when Lhey are compleLely exhausLed). 1hls ls a Lremendous
dlfference and one we musL undersLand. AlLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs such as roLocel and
aw aw LargeL Lhls dlfference. ConvenLlonal cancer research lgnores Lhls Lremendous
dlfference (as far as LreaLmenL goes) and conLlnues Lo seek meLhods Lo desLroy fasL growlng
cells (whlch cancer cells are). Cur lmmune sysLem conLalns mosLly fasL-growlng cells and ls also
desLroyed ln Lhe chemoLherapy process. 1he worsL Lhlng Lo do when you are slck ls Lo aLLack
your lmmune sysLem whlch agaln, ls also desLroyed wlLh chemo.
So undersLand: Cancer cells fall lnLo Lhe caLegory of rapldly reproduclng cells". Some 'normal'
cells also fall lnLo LhaL same caLegory. urugs almlng aL kllllng rapldly reproduclng cells cannoL
dlsLlngulsh beLween cancer cells and normal cells.
Convent|ona| "1ruth"
ln an lndependenL (uk) news arLlcle of uecember 8, 2003, Allen 8osesl, a vlce-presldenL of
ClaxoSmlLhkllne (a large lnLernaLlonal pharmaceuLlcal company) was quoLed as saylng, "mosL
(cancer) drugs work ln 30 Lo 30 per cenL of people" (who Lake Lhem). 1hls ls ln sLark conLrasL Lo
a 2007 sLudy publlshed by Lhe !ournal Cllnlcal Cncology. 1he sLudy was based on an analysls of
Lhe resulLs of all Lhe randomlzed, conLrolled cllnlcal Lrlals (8C1s) performed ln AusLralla and Lhe
uS LhaL reporLed a sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL lncrease ln 3-year survlval due Lo Lhe use of
chemoLherapy ln adulL mallgnancles (so Lhe sLudy was on Lhe 'good' drugs).
Survlval daLa were drawn from Lhe AusLrallan cancer reglsLrles and Lhe uS naLlonal Cancer
lnsLlLuLe's Survelllance Lpldemlology and Lnd 8esulLs (SLL8) reglsLry spannlng Lhe perlod
!anuary 1990 unLll !anuary 2004 (l gave you Lhls webslLe already so search lL as well). 1he
auLhors found LhaL Lhe conLrlbuLlon of chemoLherapy Lo 3-year survlval ln adulLs was:
! 2.3 percenL ln AusLralla
! 2.1 percenL ln Lhe uSA
1hey emphaslze LhaL, for reasons explalned ln deLall ln Lhe sLudy, Lhese flgures "should be
regarded as Lhe upper llmlL of effecLlveness" (l.e., Lhey are an opLlmlsLlc raLher Lhan a
pesslmlsLlc esLlmaLe). So where dld Mr. 8osesl geL Lhe flgure LhaL hls company's chemoLherapy
works on 30-30" of paLlenLs? l have no ldea! lL ls amazlng how Lhe human mlnd can [usLlfy
acLlons LhaL beneflL Lhe flesh!
A sLudy of over 10,000 paLlenLs shows clearly LhaL chemo's supposedly sLrong Lrack record wlLh
Podgkln's dlsease (lymphoma) ls acLually a lle. aLlenLs who underwenL chemo were 14 Llmes
more llkely Lo develop leukemla and 6 Llmes more llkely Lo develop cancers of Lhe bones, [olnLs,
and sofL Llssues Lhan Lhose paLlenLs who dld noL undergo chemoLherapy (nCl !ournal 87:10).
As l prevlously sLaLed, safe and effecLlve planL based LreaLmenLs (nuLrlLlon, herbs) cannoL
produce large proflLs because Lhey cannoL be paLenLed. harmaceuLlcal companles need large
proflLs Lo pay for Lhe expenslve luA approved cllnlcal Lrlals, so planL based LreaLmenLs never
geL luA approval Lo LreaL a dlsease. nuLrlLlonal companles slmply cannoL afford Lhem!
So, nuLrlLlonal Lheraples go un-noLlced and poo-poo-ed by docLors whlle chemoLheraples geL
pushed by oncologlsLs as Lhe sLandard of care regardless of Lhe lack of evldence. lrom Lhe
uecember 12, 2002 lssue of !ournal of Lhe Amerlcan Medlcal AssoclaLlon, ln a revlew wlLh
!ames Spencer Malpas, M.u., u.hll. SL. 8arLholomew's PosplLal London, unlLed klngdom:
"A recenL randomlzed Lrlal of LreaLmenL for sLage one MulLlple Myeloma by 8lccardl and
colleagues (8rlLlsh !ournal of Cancer 2000, 82:1234-60) showed no advanLage of convenLlonal
chemoLherapy over no (no chemo aL all) LreaLmenL."
1he above sLaLemenL ls ln dlrecL conLrasL Lo popular bellef LhaL chemo ls llkely Lo help you. 1he
reason for Lhls bellef ls sLaLemenLs llke Lhls:
"1998 was Lruly one of Lhe mosL exclLlng years for cancer research," sald Parmon Lyre, Mu,
execuLlve vlce presldenL for research and medlcal affalrs for Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy (ACS).
"Whlle we are closer Lhan ever Lo flndlng answers..." he conLlnued, followed by a plLch for more
AnoLher popular bellef LhaL ls repeaLed ln movles and 1v shows ls LhaL noL Laklng
chemoLherapy ls dumb, cowardlce, and compleLely lrresponslble. noLhlng could be furLher
from Lhe LruLh. lL ls Lhe smarL, cancer paLlenL who does enough research Lo learn Lhe fraud of
convenLlonal cancer Lheorles and only Lhe brave who sLand up agalnsL Lhe pressures of
oncologlsLs benL on forclng people lnLo whaL ls noL ln Lhelr besL lnLeresL.
undersLand, l do nC1 geL lnvolved wlLh Lhe declslon maklng process of wheLher a paLlenL
should Lake chemo, radlaLlon, surgery, or alLernaLlve care. Powever, l am slck and Llred of
hearlng LhaL people chooslng Lo do Lhe laLer are crazy and lll-lnformed. Look aL Lhe real
sLaLlsLlcs and make a well-lnformed declslon! ?Cu are Lhe one who has Lhe dlagnosls so you
beLLer do some of your own research. Cne need only 'google' chemoLherapy effecLlveness and
you wlll read as many arLlcles as you deslre on Lhe fallacles of Lhelr success.
l'm noL even saylng LhaL chemo may noL be necessary aL Llmes, [usL be wlse, nC1 dogmaLlc. use
Lhese harsh approaches Lo squelch an aggresslve Lumor Lo allow more Llme Lo do whaL's rlghL
and necessary Lo change Lhe mllleu.
Who |s te|||ng the truth?
ln 1986 McClll Cancer CenLer sclenLlsLs surveyed 118 oncologlsLs who speclallzed ln lung
cancer. 1hey were asked lf Lhey would Lake chemo lf Lhey developed lung cancer. 1hree-
quarLers replled LhaL Lhey WCuLu nC1 1AkL CPLMC. (lrom "8eclalmlng Cur PealLh" by !ohn
8obblns, 1996. ubllshed by P! kramer, 8ox 1082, 1lburon, CA 94920). AlLhough 1986 seems
llke a long Llme ago, chemo drugs have changed very llLLle slnce Lhen, lf aL all.
ln 1984 an unusual convenLlon of docLors was held ln Chlcago. nlne emlnenL physlclans from
across Lhe unlLed SLaLes spoke Lo an audlLorlum packed wlLh colleagues. 1he conference,
enLlLled 'ulssenL ln Medlclne' was Lo dlscuss Lhe propenslLy of Lhe naLlon's medlcal hlerarchy Lo
propagaLe half-LruLhs. Among Lhe speakers was Alan S. Levln, M.u., professor of lmmunology aL
Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla, San lranclsco, Medlcal School, who sLaLed LhaL "racLlclng
physlclans are lnLlmldaLed lnLo uslng reglmes whlch Lhey know do noL work. Cne of Lhe mosL
glarlng examples ls chemoLherapy, whlch does noL work for Lhe ma[orlLy of cancers."
ulrlch Abel was a Cerman epldemlologlsL and blosLaLlsLlclan. ln Lhe elghLles, he conLacLed over
330 medlcal cenLers around Lhe world requesLlng Lhem Lo furnlsh hlm wlLh anyLhlng Lhey had
publlshed on Lhe sub[ecL of cancer. 8y Lhe Llme he publlshed hls reporL and subsequenL book
(cbemotbetopy of AJvooceJ pltbellol coocet, SLuLLgarL: PlppokraLes verlag CmbP, 1990) he
may well have known more abouL chemoLherapy Lhan any oLher person.
Pls reporL, laLer revlewed by Lhe Cerman Magazlne uet 5pleqel ln 1990 and summarlzed by
8alph Moss ln an arLlcle enLlLled "Chemo's '8erlln Wall' Crumbles" (coocet cbtoolcles, uec 1990,
p.4), descrlbed chemoLherapy as a sclenLlflc wasLeland" and LhaL nelLher physlclan nor paLlenL
were wllllng Lo glve lL up even Lhough Lhere was no sclenLlflc evldence LhaL lL worked:
Success of mosL chemoLheraples ls appalllng.1here ls no sclenLlflc evldence for lLs ablllLy Lo
exLend ln any appreclable way Lhe llves of paLlenLs sufferlng from Lhe mosL common organlc
cancer. ChemoLherapy for mallgnancles Loo advanced for surgery, whlch accounLs for 80 of
all cancers, ls a sclenLlflc wasLeland."
-ur uhlrlch Abel,cbemotbetopy of AJvooceJ pltbellol coocet, SLuLLgarL, 1990
LeL's hear from a couple of physlclans and docLors who have noL yeL succumbed Lo Lhe heavy
hand of Lhe cancer lndusLry:
" a chemlsL Lralned Lo lnLerpreL daLa, lL ls lncomprehenslble Lo me LhaL physlclans can
lgnore Lhe clear evldence LhaL chemoLherapy does much, much more harm Lhan good." - Alan C
nlxon, hu, former presldenL of Lhe Amerlcan Chemlcal SocleLy.
WalLer LasL, wrlLlng ln 1he LcologlsL, reporLed recenLly: AfLer analyzlng cancer survlval
sLaLlsLlcs for several decades, ur. Pardln !ones, rofessor aL Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla,
concluded ...paLlenLs are as well or beLLer off unLreaLed." !ones' dlsLurblng assessmenL has
never been refuLed.
rofessor Charles MaLhe declared: lf l conLracLed cancer, l would never go Lo a sLandard
cancer LreaLmenL cenLer. Cancer vlcLlms who llve far from such cenLers have a chance."
Many medlcal oncologlsLs recommend chemoLherapy for vlrLually any Lumor, wlLh a
hopefulness undlscouraged by almosL lnvarlable fallure," AlberL 8raverman Mu 1991
loocet 1991 337 p901 Medlcal Cncology ln Lhe 90s.
MosL cancer paLlenLs ln Lhls counLry dle of chemoLherapy. ChemoLherapy does noL ellmlnaLe
breasL, colon, or lung cancers. 1hls facL has been documenLed for over a decade, yeL docLors
sLlll use chemoLherapy for Lhese Lumors," ur. Allen Levln, Mu uCSl 1be neolloq of coocet.
uesplLe wldespread use of chemoLheraples, breasL cancer morLallLy has noL changed ln Lhe
lasL 70 years," 1homas uao, Mu NIM Mar 1973 292 p 707.
Altetootlve 1betoples sclence [ournal recenLly publlshed Lwo arLlcles showlng LhaL slnce Lhe
1970's, 280 peer-revlewed sLudles, 30 of whlch were human sLudles lnvolvlng 8,321 paLlenLs,
have conslsLenLly shown LhaL naLural LreaLmenLs conLalnlng anLloxldanLs and oLher nuLrlenLs do
noL lnLerfere wlLh oLher LherapeuLlc LreaLmenLs, such as LradlLlonal chemo and radlaLlon. (1),
(2) ln facL, noL only do Lhey noL lnLerfere, Lhe research has shown LhaL Lhese naLural
LreaLmenLs can acLually enhance Lhe LherapeuLlc effecLs of oLher LreaLmenLs, whlle decreaslng
slde effecLs and proLecLlng normal Llssue. (1), (2) lurLhermore, ln 13 human sLudles, 3,738
paLlenLs who Look naLural LreaLmenLs acLually had lncreased survlval Llmes. (1), (2)

1he [oke, of course, ls LhaL Lhe same oncologlsLs who ponLlflcaLe on Lhe dangers of naLural
LreaLmenLs also prescrlbe amlfosLlne and dexrazoxane, Lwo prescrlpLlon anLloxldanLs generally
used durlng chemo and radlaLlon LreaLmenLs. AmlfosLlne ls owned by Medlmmune and
dexrazoxane (Zlnecard) ls owned by flzer - boLh puL a parLlcular 'spln' on naLural anLloxldanLs
so Lhey can be labeled and sold as prescrlpLlons. 8oLh Lhese pharmaceuLlcal companles rank ln
Lhe llsL of some of Lhe largesL (Medlmmune reporLed $1.3 bllllon ln revenue ln 2003, lL was
boughL by AsLraZeneca for $13.6 bllllon ln 2007. flzer reporLed $48 bllllon ln revenue ln 2007
and $68 bllllon ln 2010 ls conslsLenLly ranked ln Lhe Lop 7 blggesL pharmaceuLlcal companles ln
Lhe world). 1radlLlonal oncology has Lo geL lLs sLory sLralghL. LlLher naLural LreaLmenLs are bad,
or, Lhey are a huge supporL and provlde ma[or beneflLs for paLlenLs undergolng LradlLlonal
chemo and radlaLlon.
(1) Slmone, C.8., eL al. AnLloxldanLs and CLher nuLrlenLs uo noL lnLerfere wlLh ChemoLherapy
or 8adlaLlon 1herapy and Can lncrease klll and lncrease Survlval, arL l. Altetootlve
1betoples. 2007 !an/leb, 13(1): 22-28.
(2) Slmone, C.8., eL al. AnLloxldanLs and CLher nuLrlenLs uo noL lnLerfere wlLh ChemoLherapy
or 8adlaLlon 1herapy and Can lncrease klll and lncrease Survlval, arL ll. Altetootlve 1betoples.
2007 Mar/Apr, 13(2): 40-47.
1amox|fen and 8reast Cancer
AnoLher example of dlsLorLlon ls an Cxford unlverslLy sLudy publlshed ln 1he LanceL whlch LouLs
Lhe effecLlveness of Loday's convenLlonal cancer LreaLmenLs. lL supporLs Lhe use of
chemoLherapy and sLaLes LhaL women who used Lamoxlfen for flve years reduced Lhe breasL
cancer deaLh raLe by one-Lhlrd. 8eally???? 1hls sLory was plcked up by many newspapers and
goL wlde dlsLrlbuLlon. Powever, lf you look closely aL Lhe sLaLlsLlcs, you flnd LhaL your odds of
geLLlng breasL cancer wlLhouL uslng Lamoxlfen ls 1.3, and wlLh Lamoxlfen lL drops Lo .68.
1haL represenLs a 49 dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo numbers (as clLed), buL [usL a llLLle over one-
half of one-percenL dlfference (.62) ln real Lerms. 1hls ls a prlme example of how drug
companles manlpulaLe sLaLlsLlcs! Cne half percenL ln real world Lerms ls vasLly dlfferenL from
Lhe 49 lmprovemenL sLaLed ln Lhe sLudles - and hardly worLh Lhls rlsk:
! 1amoxlfen can cause cancer of Lhe uLerus, ovarles, and gasLrolnLesLlnal LracL whlle lL
reduces Lhe rlsk by .62 (LhaL's Cln1 62 percenL, nC1 62, .62!!!). 1alk abouL
quackery! 1hese are Lhe same crlmlnals LhaL conLrol Lhe luA and shuL-down naLural
healLh cllnlcs for false adverLlslng! ls Lhls really a whole loL dlfferenL Lhan nazl
Cermany's propaganda campalgn of Lhe 1930's and 1940's?
! A sLudy aL !ohns Popklns found LhaL Lamoxlfen promoLes llver cancer.
! ln 1996, a dlvlslon of Lhe World PealLh CrganlzaLlon, Lhe lnLernaLlonal Agency for
8esearch on Cancer, declared Lamoxlfen a Croup l carclnogen.
! ln an abrupLly curLalled nCl sLudy, 33 women LhaL Look Lamoxlfen developed
endomeLrlal cancer, 17 suffered blood cloLs ln Lhe lungs, 130 developed deep veln
Lhrombosls (blood cloLs ln ma[or blood vessels) and many experlenced confuslon,
depresslon, and memory loss.
1axo| Spreads 8reast Cancer?
1axol ls ofLen called Lhe "gold sLandard of chemo." 1he followlng reporL glves you a good ldea
of Lhe dangers of even Lhe besL chemo.
As reporLed aL Lhe 27Lh Annual San AnLonlo 8reasL Cancer Symposlum, uec 2004, (absLracL
6014), uslng a Lechnlque LhaL quanLlfles clrculaLlng Lumor cells, Cerman lnvesLlgaLors from
lrledrlch-Schlller unlverslLy ln !ena, have shown LhaL neoad[uvanL chemoLherapy wlLh
pacllLaxel (1axol) causes a masslve release of Lumor cells lnLo Lhe clrculaLlon (measured as
'clrculaLlng Lumor cells' or C1C's), whlle aL Lhe same Llme reduclng Lhe slze of Lhe Lumor. 1he
flndlng could help explaln Lhe facL LhaL compleLe paLhologlc responses do noL correlaLe well
wlLh lmprovemenLs ln survlval. LeL me Lhlnk, should we shrlnk Lhe orlglnal Lumor buL spew
mllllons of C1C's all over Lhe body aL Lhe same Llme? ?ou declde.
ln one sLudy, accordlng Lo kaLharlna achmann, M.u., professor of experlmenLal oncology and
hemaLology, breasL cancer paLlenLs undergolng neoad[uvanL chemoLherapy gave blood samples
ln whlch eplLhellal, anLlgen-poslLlve cells were lsolaLed. Such cells are deLecLed ln mosL breasL
cancer paLlenLs buL are rarely found ln normal sub[ecLs. 1he lnvesLlgaLors measured Lhe levels
of clrculaLlng Lumor cells (C1C's) before and durlng prlmary chemoLherapy wlLh several
dlfferenL cyLoLoxlc agenLs.
acllLaxel (1axol) produces Lhe greaLesL degree of Lumor shrlnkage buL also Lhe greaLesL release
of clrculaLlng Lumor cells. ln Lhree dlfferenL pacllLaxel-conLalnlng reglmens, clrculaLlng cell
numbers masslvely lncreased, whereas Lumor slze decreased. 1hese cells remalned ln Lhe
clrculaLlon for aL leasL flve monLhs afLer surgery.
1he Lumor shrlnks, buL more cells are found ln Lhe clrculaLlon. 1hls corresponds wlLh a hlgh
paLhologlc compleLe response durlng pacllLaxel LreaLmenL, buL ln Lhe end, Lhls ls noL reflecLed
ln lmproved survlval. 1hese cells are allve ln Lhe clrculaLlon and can easlly 'seLLle' somewhere
else called meLasLasls - Lhe deadllesL of all cancers.
S-IU (a common chemo drug) and Co|on Cancer
1he concluslon of a long-Lerm research pro[ecL by Lhe naLlonal Surglcal Ad[uvanL 8reasL and
8owel ro[ecL (nSA8) was publlshed ln Lhe AugusL 4, 2004 edlLlon of Lhe !ournal of Lhe
naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe. 1he new sLudy Lhrows doubL on Lhe value Lhe MCl reglmen whlch
uses 3-lu, Lhe mosL common anLl-colon cancer agenL used by convenLlonal medlclne. 3-lu ls
'moderaLely effecLlve aL shrlnklng exlsLlng Lumors, buL Lhe effecL ls almosL always Lemporary'.
lf Lhese facLs are known, Lhen why do docLors Lurn so qulckly Lo Lhese harsh drugs?
Laetr||e Instead?
LaeLrlle has been used for 100 years Lo prevenL sLray cancer cells from sLarLlng a new cancer
slLe. Wlll your docLor Lell you abouL lL? nope. 1he pharmaceuLlcal company Lhugs (make no
mlsLake pharmaceuLlcal companles make Lhe oll companles look llke angels) are so scared of
LaeLrlle LhaL Lhey brlbed Lhe luA Lo make lL lllegal. 1hls ls lncredlble because LaeLrlle ls found ln
foods LhaL Lhe luA knows are safe.
AlLhough LaeLrlle can suppress Lhe spread of cancer and ls a good prevenLaLlve, lL ls ofLen
lneffecLlve on Lumors. 1he reason for Lhls lack of success on Lumors may be due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
Lumors are beyond Lhe slze LhaL LaeLrlle can deal wlLh. SLlll lL ls used by many aware cancer
paLlenLs Lo prevenL Lhe spread of Lhelr cancer. Cancer ls spread by small groups of cells movlng
Lo anoLher parL of Lhe body so LaeLrlle can be effecLlve agalnsL Lhem.
Someth|ng as S|mp|e as V|tam|n D?
1he lndlcaLlon LhaL vlLamln u and lLs derlvaLlves have a proLecLlve effecL agalnsL varlous Lypes
of cancer ls noL new. ln Lhe fleld of colon cancer, numerous experlmenLal and epldemlologlcal
sLudles show LhaL vlLamln u3 (or cholecalclferol) and some of lLs derlvaLlves lnhlblL Lhe growLh
of cancerous cells. 8esearchers aL Lhe vall d'Pebron lnsLlLuLe of Cncology (vPlC), ln
collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe AlberLo Sols lnsLlLuLe of 8lomedlcal 8esearch (CSlC-uA8), have conflrmed
Lhe plvoLal role of vlLamln u, speclflcally lLs recepLor (vu8), ln slowlng down Lhe acLlon of a key
proLeln ln Lhe carclnogenlc LransformaLlon process of colon cancer cells. 1hese resulLs are belng
publlshed ln Lhe [ournal llo5 Ooe.
1hls proLeln, known as beLa-caLenln, whlch ls normally found ln lnLesLlnal eplLhellal cells where
lL faclllLaLes Lhelr coheslon, bullds up ln large quanLlLles ln oLher areas of Lhe cells when Lhe
Lumor LransformaLlon beglns. As a resulL of Lhese changes, Lhe proLeln ls reLalned ln Lhe cell
nucleus, where lL faclllLaLe Lhe carclnogenlc process, and Lhls ls Lhe polnL aL whlch vlLamln u
lnLervenes, or raLher, Lhe vlLamln u recepLor (vu8). "Cur sLudy has conflrmed Lhe plvoLal role
of Lhe vu8 ln conLrolllng Lhe anomalous slgnal LhaL sparks off Lhe growLh and unconLrolled
prollferaLlon of colon cells whlch, ln Lhe flnal lnsLance, ends up causlng a Lumor Lo emerge",
says PecLor almer, Lhe coordlnaLor of Lhls sLudy and head of Lhe vPlC's SLem Cells and Cancer
laboraLory. Pe conLlnues, "1he sLlmulaLlon of Lhls recepLor suppresses Lhe acLlon of Lhe beLa-
caLenln proLeln, lnLercepLlng Lhe serles of evenLs LhaL change Lhe lnLesLlnal cell lnLo a mallgnanL
Lumor cell".
1he sLudy was conducLed on mlce and human colon cancer cells. 1he mlce were used as a
model Lo repllcaLe Lhe lnlLlal phases of colon cancer. "1hese flndlngs show LhaL mlce of Lhls
klnd, whlch also lack Lhe vu8 and hence do noL respond Lo vlLamln u, presenL larger and more
aggresslve Lumors Lhan mlce wlLh Lhe vu8", explalns ur. almer, and concludes: "1he number
of Lumors ls noL lnfluenced by Lhe absence of vu8, whlch would lndlcaLe LhaL Lhls facLor does
noL proLecL agalnsL Lhe appearance of Lhe Lumor buL does lnLervene ln lLs growLh phase,
reduclng lLs aggresslveness".
1he researchers Lhen analyzed Lhe effecL of Lhe vu8 on human co|on cancer cell culLures and
observed LhaL Lhe concenLraLlon of Lhe alLered proLeln, beLa-caLenln, lncreased ln cells wlLhouL
Lhe vu8. 1hese flndlngs were repeaLed ln Lhe Lhree Lypes of colon cancer cells sLudled, and
conflrmed Lhe resulLs observed ln Lhe mlce.
ln Lwo-Lhlrds of advanced colon cancer Lumors Lhere was a lack of vu8 ln Lhe cancer cells, and
Lhls clrcumsLance leads us Lo belleve LhaL Lhls loss may conLrlbuLe Lo speedlng up Lhe growLh of
Lhe Lumor. 1he flndlngs of Lhls sLudy conflrm Lhls supposlLlon.
vlLamln u: essenLlal ln Lhe prevenLlon and LreaLmenL of colon cancer, and ALL cancer for LhaL
Chronlc vlLamln u deflclency, seen more readlly ln colder cllmaLes, represenLs a ma[or rlsk
facLor ln Lhe developmenL of more aggresslve cancers. aLlenLs ln Lhe lnlLlal sLages of colon
cancer, Lhe Llme when Lhe vu8 sLlll has a subsLanLlal presence ln Lhe cells, could beneflL from
belng LreaLed wlLh vlLamln u3.
1he body noL only obLalns vlLamln u from food, especlally raw mllk and good olls, buL also
manufacLures lL from exposure Lo sunllghL, glven Lhe person has adequaLe cholesLerol levels!
Pere's anoLher 'klcker': we need cholesLerol for many reasons, one purpose of cholesLerol ls lLs
converslon Lo Lhe vlLamln u precursor ln Lhe skln. When sunllghL hlLs your skln, lL converLs Lhls
cholesLerol Lo vlLamln u. Cur obsesslon wlLh low cholesLerol levels and addlcLlon Lo sLaLln
drugs has lefL us deflclenL ln vlLamln u because of an lmpalred producLlon! Ch broLher!
Cur Med|care System Lncourages Iraud
lrom "Cure ?our Cancer" by 8lll Penderson (anoLher book l hlghly recommend):
Cur governmenL's Medlcare sysLem encourages Lhe fraud and abuse LhaL ls rampanL among
oncologlsLs. lor example, Lhe chemoLherapy drug LLoposlde ls sold wholesale Lo oncologlsLs for
$7.30 for a 100mg dose. 1he allowable Medlcare relmbursemenL, however, ls $129.34 per
dose. 1he consumer (you and l) pay a co-paymenL of $23.87 - almosL Lhree and a half Llmes Lhe
docLor's cosL! Medlcare pays Lhe resL from our Lax dollars.
Accordlng Lo Lhe !ournal of Lhe Amerlcan Medlcal AssoclaLlon (!AMA), Lhe average oncologlsL
makes $233,000 a year. Cf Lhls, 73 ls proflL on chemoLherapy drugs admlnlsLered ln hls or her
offlce. All of Lhese drugs, llke 1amoxlfen and LLoposlde, LreaL Lhe sympLoms of cancer, noL lLs
A recenL survey of Lhe 64 oncologlsLs worklng aL Lhe McClll Cancer 1herapy CenLer ln MonLreal,
Canada found LhaL 38 of Lhem (91) sald Lhey would noL Lake chemo- Lherapy or allow Lhelr
famlly members Lo Lake lL for cancer LreaLmenL. Why? 1oo Loxlc and noL effecLlve."
eop|e are Wak|ng Up
ln Lhe SeaLLle osL-lnLelllgencer arLlcle of SepLember 3, 2002, enLlLled, "Many cancer paLlenLs
geLLlng rellef from alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs, sLudy shows," Carol SmlLh reporLed LhaL, "Seven ouL
of 10 adulL cancer paLlenLs ln WesLern WashlngLon are uslng alLernaLlve Lheraples.." 1he
survey, done ln con[uncLlon wlLh 8asLyr unlverslLy ln kenmore and Lhe Cregon PealLh & Sclence
unlverslLy ln orLland, was based on lnLervlews wlLh 336 paLlenLs who had breasL, prosLaLe or
colon cancer.
Irom hys|c|an and Author Dr. Cynth|a Ioster MD:
CyLoLoxlc chemoLherapy kllls cancer cells by way of a cerLaln mechanlsm called llrsL Crder
klneLlcs." 1hls slmply means LhaL Lhe drug does noL klll a consLanL number of cells, buL a
consLanL proporLlon of cells. So, for example, a cerLaln drug wlll klll 1/2 of all Lhe cancer cells,
Lhen 1/2 of whaL ls lefL, and Lhen 1/2 of LhaL, and so on. So, we can see LhaL noL every cancer
cell necessarlly ls golng Lo be kllled. 1hls ls lmporLanL because chemoLherapy ls noL golng Lo klll
every cancer cell ln Lhe body. 1he body has Lo klll Lhe cancer cells LhaL are lefL over afLer Lhe
chemoLherapy ls flnlshed. 1hls facL ls well known by oncologlsLs. now, how can cancer paLlenLs
posslbly flghL even a few cancer cells when Lhelr lmmune sysLems have been dlsabled and Lhls
ls yeL anoLher sLress on Lhe body, and Lhey're bleedlng because Lhey have hardly any plaLeleLs
lefL from Lhe Loxlc effecLs of Lhe chemoLherapy? 1hls ls usually why, when chemoLherapy ls
sLopped, Lhe cancer grows agaln and geLs ouL of conLrol. We have now creaLed a vlclous cycle,
where docLors are Lrylng Lo klll Lhe cancer cells, and Lhe paLlenL ls noL able Lo flghL Lhe resL, so
Lhe docLors have Lo glve Lhe chemoLherapy agaln, and Lhen Lhe paLlenL can'L flghL Lhe resL of
Lhe cancer cell, and Lhen Lhe docLors glve Lhe chemoLherapy agaln, and so on."
A paLlenL uslng 'roLocel', one of our alLernaLlve cancer Lheraples wroLe, 1he radlologlsL who
read my recenL breasL ulLrasound says 'lL' (my orlglnal 'grape-slze' Lumor) ls shrlnklng, seelng
only a 'dlsLal acousLlc shadowlng' as opposed Lo Lhe orlglnal 'organlzed mass'. 1he Lechnlclan
commenLed Lo me, Pow do Lhey expecL us Lo geL lmages of someLhlng we can'L see
coocet ls scoty, moke oo booes oboot lt. neotloq tbe c wotJ coo seoJ cbllls
Jowo yoot sploe. 8ot toke beott! 1bete ls AlwA5 tlme to moke totloool, oot
emotloool Jeclsloos oboot yoot cote. 1bete ote AlwA5 cbolces otbet tboo
cbemo ot toJlotloo fot tbose wlllloq to seotcb ooJ Jo o llttle stoJy.
lnLegraLlve Cancer 1herapy ls whaL we are all abouL, Lhls means a collaboraLlve approach where
we work alongslde your oncologlsL Lo glve Lhe cancer paLlenL Lhe greaLesL hope. Check ouL our
webslLe on cancer/deLoxlflcaLlon and Lhe LesLlmonlals of cancer paLlenLs. ?ou'll flnd LhaL we
care for people, we don'L LreaL cancer, we search for causes, we don'L LreaL sympLoms, we
don'L klll cancer, we help your body heal lLself. ur. Conners' AMA lellowshlp ln lnLegraLlve
Cancer 1herapy glves hlm connecLlons wlLh Lhe counLry's besL mlnds ln alLernaLlve soluLlons.
1here ls hope, never glve up!
ur. WhlLaker, Mu (famlllar Lo mosL as a 'naLural medlcal docLor') recenLly publlshed Lhls arLlcle
enLlLled My lmaglnary Cancer Scenarlo" (commenLs ln parenLheses are mlne)
1hough l would approach my own dllemma wlLh hopes of LoLal cure, l would be Lhe flrsL Lo
admlL LhaL, regardless of Lhe course l Look, Lhe chances of LhaL are small (slnce ur. WhlLaker
already does so many 'naLural' Lhlngs Lo pteveot cancer). ConsequenLly, my cholces of cancer
Lherapy are a mlx of sclence and phllosophy. 1hey are as much a reflecLlon of how l would
sLruggle for survlval as of how l would wlsh Lo dle lf Lhe sLruggle falled. lor Lhe purposes of Lhls
dlscusslon, leL us assume LhaL l have [usL been dlagnosed wlLh cancer of Lhe lung, and a
parLlcularly vlrulenL one. lease undersLand LhaL l do noL have cancer, nor do l smoke. 8efore
golng lnLo whaL l would do and why, leL me say whaL l wouldn'L do, and why.
l Wouldn'L 1ake a asslve 8ole
lf l am golng Lo flghL for my llfe, l wanL Lo do [usL LhaL. l am always perplexed by Lhe news
sLorles of some celebrlLy, doped Lo Lhe gllls wlLh helnous polson, "courageously baLLllng for hls
llfe". WhaL does Lhls mean? 1he celebrlLy, who slmply accepLs convenLlonal cancer Lherapy, ls
no more "courageous" Lhan a laboraLory mouse. 1hls ls noL Lo say LhaL whaL Lhe celebrlLy ls
dolng ls wrong, only LhaL lL ls Lhe very opposlLe of a wlllful acL of courage.
1aklng a passlve role wlLh Loday's convenLlonal Lherapy ls Lerrlbly dangerous. 8ecenLly !ackle
kennedy, afLer a "courageous flghL," succumbed Lo non-Podgkln's lymphoma - or dld she? Per
early demlse, aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe cancer, was a shock Lo cancer speclallsLs worldwlde, and
broughL lnLo quesLlon Lhe real cause of her deaLh. She had been glven an unproved proLocol of
very hlgh-dose chemoLherapy. 1he drugs alone could easlly have caused her deaLh - and Lhls
would noL be unusual. 1here are numerous cases of laLrogenlc (docLor-lnduced) deaLhs from
l'd AcLlvely llghL for My Llfe
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe cancer paLlenL who says, "no, Lhanks" Lo chemoLherapy recommended
by large cancer LreaLmenL cenLers, and Lakes off Lo Crand 8ahamas lsland Lo recelve lmmuno-
AugmenLaLlve 1herapy (lA1), or Lo PousLon, 1exas, Lo recelve anLlneoplasLons from ur.
SLanlslaw 8urzynskl, or who heads Lo Lhe publlc llbrary Lo make a baLLle plan, has begun flghLlng
and ls acLlng courageously.
WheLher l wln or lose, LhaL ls Lhe course l would Lake. WhaL have l goL Lo lose? ConvenLlonal
LreaLmenL ls Loxlc and slmply doesn'L work, so l would Lhrow my loL wlLh someLhlng safe LhaL
mlghL work, and folks, a loL of approaches flL LhaL descrlpLlon. l also belleve paLlenLs who seek
alLernaLlve Lheraples are more opLlmlsLlc. 1hey have only one worry - Lhe cancer- noL Lhe
cancer and Lhe Lherapy!
And now, Pere's WhaL l Would uo
l'd Lurn my back on 30 years of lnsLlLuLlonallzed experLlse, because lL follows Lhe wrong
paradlgm. LveryLhlng LhaL ls done ln medlclne or ln any oLher dlsclpllne flLs some paradlgm. 1he
paradlgm l use for cancer ls LhaL lL ls a sysLemlc (Lhe enLlre body gone wrong) problem ln whlch
Lhe normal conLrol mechanlsms of your body are alLered. ?our lmmune sysLem llkely bears Lhe
largesL burden for Lhls conLrol, Lhus, all Lechnlques LhaL enhance lL are promlslng. 1hose LhaL
damage lL are noL.
Also, cancer cells are dlfferenL from normal cells ln many ways, lncludlng Lhelr meLabollc
proflle. AL leasL one non-Loxlc Lherapy, hydrazlne sulfaLe, Lakes advanLage of Lhls dlfference. lL
has been shown ln double-bllnd Lrlals publlshed ln respecLable [ournals Lo slgnlflcanLly reduce
Lhe severe welghL loss (cachexla) of advanced cancer, and markedly lmprove Lhe paLlenL's
emoLlonal sLaLe, almosL Lo Lhe polnL of euphorla. lL ls also lnexpenslve. Lven Lhough hydrazlne
sulfaLe has been shown Lo be effecLlve and non-Loxlc, and lL makes Lhe paLlenL feel beLLer, lL ls
lgnored by every ma[or cancer cenLer. ?eL l would Lake lL lmmedlaLely. (lor more on hydrazlne
sulfaLe, see 8alph Moss' book, 1he Cancer lndusLry.)
llrsL, l would Change My uleL
l would swlLch Lo a mosLly vegeLarlan dleL. l'd also Lake Lhe nuLrlLlonal SupplemenLs "Creen
foods," such as C8LLnS ll8S1 or Creen Magma. 1hese supplemenLs lnclude Lhe phyLo-
chemlcals, anLloxldanLs, vlLamlns, and mlnerals requlred for opLlmal healLh. l would enhance
LhaL baslc program wlLh Lhe followlng:
vlLamln C - 10,000 mg per day ln dlvlded doses. Lwan Cameron, a ScoLLlsh physlclan, dld a sLudy
ln whlch 100 cancer paLlenLs were glven 10,000 mg of vlLamln C for Lhe resL of Lhelr llves, whlle
conLrol paLlenLs were noL. 1he paLlenLs on vlLamln C llved much longer Lhan Lhe age-maLched
conLrols. 1he Mayo Cllnlc dld Lwo sLudles on vlLamln C, and ln boLh sLudles found LhaL vlLamln C
dld noL help. Powever, boLh sLudles were seL up ln a manner LhaL almosL guaranLeed fallure.
lrankly, l Lhlnk LhaL Lhls was done lnLenLlonally Lo generaLe negaLlve publlclLy for Lhls non-Loxlc
CarLllage - A Lhree- Lo four-monLh Lrlal of bovlne or shark carLllage. 1he mucopolysaccharldes ln
carLllage sLlmulaLe Lhe lmmune sysLem and normallze mallgnanL cells. nlneLy percenL of
paLlenLs wlLh a varleLy of cancers responded Lo a cllnlcal Lrlal of bovlne carLllage, shark carLllage
has demonsLraLed success raLes of 23 Lo 30.
Coenzyme C10 (CoC10) - used as an effecLlve Lherapy ln congesLlve hearL fallure, CoC10 has
only recenLly been sLudled as a cancer LreaLmenL. Cancer paLlenLs have been found Lo have
deflclencles of CoC10. Cllnlcal Lrlals ln breasL cancer have resulLed ln no furLher meLasLases,
lmproved quallLy of llfe (no welghL loss and less paln), and parLlal remlsslon ln slx of 32 paLlenLs.
Lsslac 1ea - 2 ounces 3 Llmes a day. 1hls blend of four herbs -burdock rooL, sheep's sorrel,
sllppery elm and lndlan rhubarb rooL- has lLs genesls ln naLlve Amerlcan medlclnal folklore.
Slnce lL was "dlscovered" by Canadlan nurse 8ene Calsse ln Lhe 1920s, Lhousands have clalmed
Lo have had Lhelr cancers cured by Lhls Lea. l'd keep on searchlng. We have Lhe formula lf you
are lnLeresLed ln purchaslng Lhe lndlvldual herbs ln bulk.
llnally, you should know LhaL lf l were baLLllng cancer - or any serlous dlsease, for LhaL maLLer- l
would be ln a consLanL search for effecLlve, non-Loxlc Lheraples!"
1hls book ls slmply a relLeraLlon of whaL ur. WhlLaker's arLlcle. keep searchlng and never glve
up! ln Lhls shorL book l'll add several oLher approaches Lo ur. WhlLaker's ldeas LhaL you'll wanL
Lo know abouL.

Should l do Chemo?

1he only person LhaL can answer Lhls quesLlon ls you! Slnce l am schooled ln an lnLegraLlve
approach Lo cancer, l do noL belleve LhaL all chemoLherapy ls bad. Low-dose chemo and lnsulln
poLenLlaLed chemoLherapy have shown Lo be Lremendous aldes ln slowlng fasL-growlng Lumors,
buL remember, chemo does noL klll cancer sLem cells and can creaLe drug reslsLanL clrculaLlng
Lumor cells. lormer WhlLe Pouse press secreLary 1ony Snow dled ln !uly 2008 aL Lhe age of 33,
followlng a serles of chemoLherapy LreaLmenLs for colon cancer. 1hree years prlor Lo hls deaLh,
Snow had hls colon removed and underwenL slx monLhs of lnlLlal chemoLherapy afLer belng
dlagnosed wlLh colon cancer (remember, chemo does nC1 klll cancer sLem cells, lL only 'knocks-
down' Lhe currenL cancer).

1wo years laLer (2007), Snow's cancer reLurned (because lL was never really gone - Lhe sLem
cells remalned) and he underwenL surgery Lo remove a growLh ln hls abdomlnal area, near Lhe
slLe of Lhe orlglnal cancer. "1hls ls a very LreaLable condlLlon," sald ur. Allyson Ccean, a
gasLrolnLesLlnal oncologlsL aL Welll Cornell Medlcal College. "Many paLlenLs, because of Lhe
Lheraples we have, are able Lo work and llve full llves wlLh quallLy whlle Lhey're belng LreaLed.
Anyone who looks aL Lhls as a deaLh senLence ls wrong." 8uL of course we now know, ur. Ccean
was dead wrong because he CnL? looked aL LradlLlonal meLhods (chemo, radlaLlon and
surgery) Lo LreaL Snow and hls oLher paLlenLs.

1he medla headllnes proclalmed LhaL Snow dled from colon cancer, alLhough Lhey knew he
dldn'L even have a colon (lL was surglcally removed ln 2003) anymore. As ls all Loo common
when Lhe 'cause' ls noL addressed, Lhe mallgnanL cancer had "reLurned" (from Lhe drug-
reslsLanL clrculaLlng Lumor cells and sLem cells) and "spread" Lo Lhe llver and elsewhere ln hls
body. now unable Lo heal Lhe 'causes' of Lhe orlglnal cancer (ln addlLlon Lo Lhe newly creaLed
ones), Snow's body developed new cancers ln Lhe llver and oLher parLs of Lhe body and he was

1he malnsLream medla, of course, sLlll lnslsL Snow dled from colon cancer whlle Lhey lgnore Lhe
facL LhaL lL was really Lhe LreaLmenL LhaL kllled hlm. Maybe l should say LhaL lL was Lhe 'lack of
LreaLmenL' LhaL kllled hlm. As we (ln Lhe cancer world) conLlnue Lo lgnore Lhe LruLh LhaL cancer
ls a sympLom of a body's lnablllLy Lo manage lLs envlronmenL and Lhlnk LhaL we are 'LreaLlng'
Lhe paLlenL by 'kllllng Lhe cancer', bodles wlll conLlnue Lo plle up aL Lhe door of Lhe morgue.

ls chemo rlghL for you? Whlle maklng LhaL declslon, remember, lL ls exLremely dlfflculL for a
even Lhe healLhlesL paLlenL Lo heal from Lhls condlLlon whlle belng sub[ecLed Lo Lhe sysLemlc
polsons of chemoLherapy and deadly radlaLlon. lf you are blLLen by a polsonous snake and don'L
geL an anLldoLe for lL, lsn'L lL llkely LhaL your body becomes overwhelmed by Lhe polson and,
Lherefore, cannoL funcLlon anymore?

8efore 1ony Snow began hls chemo-LreaLmenLs for hls 'second bouL' wlLh colon cancer, he sLlll
looked healLhy and sLrong. 8uL afLer a few weeks lnLo hls LreaLmenL, he sLarLed Lo develop a
coarse volce, looked frall, Lurned gray and losL hls halr. uoes Lhls sound famlllar? uld Lhe cancer
do all Lhls Lo hlm? CerLalnly noL! lL wasn'L Lhe cancer LhaL desLroyed Snow's lmmune sysLem,
eroded eplLhellal Llssue, non-selecLlvely desLroyed all reproduclng Llssue, and polsoned hls
body. lL was Lhe chemlcal Loxlns we call 'Lherapy' because lL's Lhe 'besL we have Lo work wlLh'.
l have no doubL LhaL hls docLors were carlng lndlvlduals Lrylng Lo make Lhe besL declslon ln an
aLLempL Lo save Snow's llfe. lf Lhey are heroes, Lhey are flghLlng Lhe wrong baLLle.

uo Lhe malnsLream medla ever reporL abouL Lhe overwhelmlng sclenLlflc evldence LhaL shows
chemoLherapy has zero beneflLs ln Lhe flve-year survlval raLe of colon cancer paLlenLs? Cr how
many oncologlsLs sLand up for Lhelr cancer paLlenLs and proLecL Lhem agalnsL chemoLherapy
LreaLmenL whlch Lhey very well know can cause Lhem Lo dle far more qulckly Lhan lf Lhey
recelved no LreaLmenL aL all? Can you LrusLlngly place your llfe lnLo Lhelr hands when you know
LhaL mosL of Lhem would noL even conslder chemoLherapy for Lhemselves lf Lhey were
dlagnosed wlLh cancer? WhaL do Lhey know LhaL you don'L? 1he news ls spreadlng fasL LhaL ln
Lhe unlLed SLaLes physlclan-caused faLallLles now exceed 730,000 each year. erhaps, many
docLors no longer LrusL ln whaL Lhey pracLlce, for good reasons.

?ou MuS1 deflne Lhe baLLle you are flghLlng! 1here can be a Llme and place for chemoLherapy.
lf your purpose ls Lo slow down an aggresslve cancer so you have Llme Lo clean-up Lhe
envlronmenL LhaL allowed lL Lo flourlsh - Lhen go for lL. lf you are serlously Laklng sLeps Lo
change your llfe, your dleL, your emoLlons, your healLh, Lhen explore low-dose chemo or a less
aggresslve chemoLherapy reglmen. lf you are puLLlng yourself ln Lhe hands of your oncologlsL
and rolllng Lhe dlce on LradlLlonal medlclne alone wlLhouL Laklng responslblllLy for Lhe reason
Lhe cancer ls growlng ln your body, well l hope you are feellng lucky!

uL lL Lhls way - LradlLlonal approaches Lo cancer are opLlonal (and may be Lhe besL cholce ln
your case), buL Lhe 'alLernaLlve' approaches llke llfesLyle changes, Cerson 1herapy, ur. kelley's
enzyme 1herapy, 8llL, deLoxlflcaLlon, and many oLhers are [usL nC1 C1lCnAL!

!usL Lhlnk abouL lL, how messed up are we ln our Lhlnklng? LaLlng rlghL, exerclslng, proper
nuLrlLlon, sLress managemenL, geLLlng normal nerve flow Lo Lhe Llssues Lhrough chlropracLlc
care, massage Lherapy, colon Lherapy, eLc., are consldered 'alLernaLlve'. Coodness sakes, Lhese
Lhlngs are noL alLernaLlve, secondary cholces, Lhey are prlmary, necessary sLeps Lo healLh.
1radlLlonal drugglng, cuLLlng and burnlng should be alLernaLlve, Lhey are un-naLural, lnvaslve,
and ofLenLlmes lnapproprlaLe. CranLed, LradlLlonal medlclne has a large place ln our healLhcare
needs and saves llves ln emergency slLuaLlons every day, buL don'L go Lhere flrsL.

ln adulLs, a cancer dlagnosls means Lhe cells have been mulLlplylng for years Lo reach Lhe
numbers (over a mllllon cells) Lo be dlagnosed by any means. 1here ls a reason Lhey are noL
belng kllled by one's lmmune sysLem and our flrsL order of evenLs should be aLLempLlng Lo flnd
LhaL reason and change Lhe mllleu of Lhe body LhaL has allowed lL Lo grow. WhaLever your
declslon ls regardlng surgery, chemoLherapy, and radlaLlon, make lL balanced wlLh dolng
everyLhlng posslble Lo heal your body.

ChapLer 2
lmporLance of Lhe Lymph SysLem
And Pow 8lfe 8egan

l coooot ooJ wlll oot tecoot ooytbloq, fot to qo
oqolost cooscleoce ls oeltbet tlqbt oot sofe.
nete l stooJ, l coo Jo oo otbet, so belp me CoJ.
MarLln LuLher

1he movemenL of fluld Lhrough Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem ls essenLlal ln deLoxlfylng Lhe body,
supporLlng Lhe lmmune sysLem and malnLalnlng homeosLasls (normal healLhy funcLlon). 1he
fluld carrled by Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem largely conslsLs of wasLes dlsposed of by Lhe cells. 1hlnk
of Lhe lymph as Lhe body's garbage collecLlon sysLem. normally Lhe lymph ls pumped Lhrough
Lhe vessels by Lhe conLracLlon of muscles squeezlng Lhe fluld Lhrough Lhe vessels LhaL conLaln
check-valves LhaL only allow Lhe wasLe Lo flow ln one dlrecLlon. Cur body's elecLromagneLlc
fleld and even breaLhlng also ald Lhe moLlon of wasLe. A clogged or slugglsh lymphaLlc sysLem
prevenLs Lhe body from clrculaLlng vlLal flulds and ellmlnaLlng Loxlc wasLe and dulls Lhe lmmune
sysLem's response. 1hls makes us vulnerable Lo swelllng, lnfecLlon, paln and a whole hosL of
ln order Lo be healLhy lL ls essenLlal Lo keep Lhe energy and flulds movlng so LhaL Lhe body's
own naLural lnLelllgence may operaLe ln lLs full heallng capaclLy. ln addlLlon, each cell musL be
enllvened wlLh lLs own unlque frequency and ldeal energy-sLaLe and be fully connecLed Lo Lhe
elecLrlcal lmpulses LhaL flow Lhrough and are kepL balanced by lymph. Lymph ls much more
Lhan wasLe, lL ls Lhe lnLracellular maLrlx of enzymes, nuLrlenLs, sugars, cyLoklnes, and hundreds
of necessary chemlcals LhaL make up a healLhy slurry LhaL baLhs Lhe cells. lL's llke a healLhy
rlver, needlng a consLanL flow of fresh nourlshmenL or lL becomes a sLagnanL pond.

SLlmulaLlng Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem by Lhe use of elecLrlcal flelds ls a well-esLabllshed and
recognlzed Lherapy ln Canada, Mexlco, Lurope and Asla as an effecLlve ald ln deLoxlfylng Lhe
body whlle openlng and cleanslng Lhe lymphaLlc and clrculaLory sysLems.

LymphaLlc caplllarles converge Lo form lymph vessels LhaL ulLlmaLely reLurn lymph fluld back Lo
Lhe clrculaLory sysLem vla Lhe subclavlan veln. 1he presence of one-way valves ln Lhe lymph
vessels ensures unldlrecLlonal flow of lymph fluld Loward Lhe subclavlan veln.
lf excess fluld cannoL be reLurned Lo Lhe blood sLream Lhen lnLersLlLlal fluld bullds up, leadlng Lo
swelllng of Lhe Llssues wlLh fluld, Lhls ls called edema - a slck, sLagnanL pond.
Lymph nodes are Lhe fllLers along Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem. 1helr [ob ls Lo fllLer ouL and Lrap
bacLerla, vlruses, cancer cells, and oLher unwanLed subsLances, and Lo make sure Lhey are
safely ellmlnaLed from Lhe body. Cne can sLarL Lo undersLand how lmporLanL lL ls Lo keep Lhe
lymph sysLem healLhy.
8lfe 1echnology
WhaL lf you had spenL more Lhan Lwo decades of your llfe ln palnfully laborlous research - and
ln dolng so, you dlscovered an lncredlbly slmple, elecLronlc approach Lo helplng llLerally every
dlsease on Lhe planeL? 1haL would be greaL, you'd be a hero, a rlch hero! ?our dlscovery would
help end Lhe paln and sufferlng of counLless mllllons and change llfe on LarLh forever. CerLalnly,
one would Lhlnk, Lhe medlcal world would rush Lo embrace you wlLh every lmaglnable accolade
and flnanclal reward lmaglnable. ?ou would Lhlnk so, wouldn'L you?

unforLunaLely, arguably Lhe greaLesL medlcal genlus ln all recorded hlsLory suffered a faLe
llLerally Lhe opposlLe of Lhe foregolng loglcal scenarlo. ln facL, Lhe hlsLory of medlclne ls repleLe
wlLh sLorles of genlus beLrayed by backward LhoughL and [ealously, buL mosL paLheLlcally, by
greed and money.

ln Lhe nlneLeenLh cenLury, Semmelwelss sLruggled mlghLlly Lo convlnce surgeons LhaL lL was a
good ldea Lo sLerlllze Lhelr lnsLrumenLs and use sLerlle surglcal procedures. asLeur was
rldlculed for years for hls Lheory LhaL germs could cause dlsease. Scores of oLher medlcal
vlslonarles wenL Lhrough horrlble rldlcule and even loslng Lhelr ablllLy Lo pracLlce for slmply
challenglng Lhe medlcal sLaLus quo of day, lncludlng such legends as 8oenLgen and hls x-rays,
MorLon for promoLlng Lhe 'absurd' ldea of anesLhesla, Parvey for hls Lheory of Lhe clrculaLlon of
blood, and many oLhers ln recenL decades lncludlng: W.l. koch, 8evlcl, 8urzynskl, naessens,
rlore, LlvlngsLon-Wheeler, and Poxsey.

CrLhodox blg-money medlclne resenLs and seeks Lo neuLrallze and/or desLroy Lhose who
challenge lLs bellefs. CfLen, Lhe vlslonary who challenges lL pays a heavy prlce for hls 'heresy.'

So, you have [usL dlscovered a new Lherapy, whlch can eradlcaLe any mlcroblal dlsease buL, so
far, you, and your amazlng cure lsn'L very popular. WhaL do you do nexL? Well, cerLalnly Lhe
research foundaLlons and Leachlng lnsLlLuLlons would welcome news of your asLoundlng
dlscovery. Won'L Lhey be Lhrllled Lo learn you have a posslble cure for Lhe very same dlseases
Lhey are recelvlng hundreds of mllllons of dollars per year Lo lnvesLlgaLe? Maybe noL, lf lL
means Lhe end of Lhe 'gravy Lraln'. 1hese people have morLgages Lo pay and famllles Lo
supporL. A frlend of mlne, a cancer researcher aL a ma[or unlverslLy recenLly Lold me LhaL when
he quesLloned hls auLhorlLy abouL Lhelr purpose he was Lold, We're noL here Lo flnd a cure for
cancer, we're here Lo geL our nexL granL."

8egardless of whaL you may belleve, all Lhe 'Walk-for-a-Cure' and cancer fund-ralslng does ls
feed counLless organlzaLlons wlLh veraclous appeLlLes and no deslre Lo solve Lhe problem LhaL
feeds Lhem. LeL's geL real for a momenL, lf you owned a drug company and your researchers
came Lo you wlLh a dlscovery LhaL a new raln-foresL herb cured lung cancer, an lndlan splce LhaL
cured braln cancer, a common herb mlxLure LhaL cures mosL cancers, and an elecLrlcal
frequency devlce LhaL cures all cancers, you'd have a cholce: 1) declare lL Lo Lhe world and
bankrupL Lhe corporaLlon puLLlng Lhousands of lndlvlduals wlLh famllles ouL of work Lurnlng Lhe
enLlre pharmaceuLlcal lndusLry lnLo an unnecessary hoax, or 2) Lell Lhem Lo flgure ouL a way
Lhey can synLheslze a byproducL LhaL can be paLenLed and Lhereby make Lhe company
exLremely proflLable and desLroy any evldence LhaL may reveal Lhe slmpllclLy of Lhe cure.
l can undersLand LhaL we llve ln a caplLallsLlc culLure, l undersLand LhaL proflLs musL be made
and people need Lo feed Lhelr famllles. l do nC1 undersLand Lhe evll consplracles Lo forcefully
shuLdown and shuL-up anyLhlng and anyone reveallng Lhe LruLh. Pollywood couldn'L wrlLe a
beLLer sLory.
Pere follows Lhe sLory of exacLly such a sensaLlonal Lherapy and whaL happened Lo Lhe man
who dlscovered lL. lL was a dark Llme medlcal hlsLory when docLors and cllnlcs would clalm all
sorLs of 'cures' and new devlces popped up Lo solve all our llls. Many were noLhlng more Lhan
snake oll salesman, aLLempLlng Lo sLeal from Lhe hurLlng populaLlon, buL many were slncere,
sacrlflclng Lhelr llves Lo flnd help for Lhelr paLlenLs. 8aymond 8lfe was Lhe laLer and hls
dlscovery of Lhe beneflLs of llghL frequency, a remarkable elecLronlc Lherapy was saboLaged and
burled by a ruLhless group of men who, under Lhe preLense of 'proLecLlng Lhe lnnocenL' would
squash anyLhlng LhaL Lhey could noL flnanclally proflL from. 8lfe's work would re-emerged ln
Lhe underground medlcal/alLernaLlve healLh world only slnce Lhe 1970's when lL was re-
lnLroduced by some physlclsLs. 1hls ls Lhe sLory of 8oyal 8aymond 8lfe and hls fabulous
dlscoverles and elecLronlc lnsLrumenLs.

lf you have never heard of 8lfe before, prepare Lo be angered and lncredulous aL whaL Lhls
greaL man achleved for all of us only Lo have lL pracLlcally drlven from Lhe face of Lhe planeL.
8uL, reserve your flnal [udgmenL and declslon unLll afLer you have read Lhls.

Cf course, some may regard Lhls as [usL an amuslng plece of flcLlon. Powever, for Lhose who are
wllllng Lo do some lnvesLlgaLlng on Lhelr own, Lhere wlll be menLloned several hlghly-respecLed
docLors and medlcal auLhorlLles who worked wlLh 8lfe as well as some of Lhe remarkable
Lechnlcal aspecLs of hls creaLlon. ln Lhe flnal analysls, Lhe only real way Lo deLermlne lf such a
revoluLlonary Lherapy exlsLs ls Lo experlence lL yourself. 1he medlcal llLeraLure ls full of rlgged
'double-bllnd' cllnlcal research LesLs, Lhe resulLs of whlch are ofLen deLermlned ln advance by
Lhe vesLed corporaLe lnLeresLs lnvolved. .

8oyal 8aymond 8lfe was a brllllanL sclenLlsL born ln 1888 and dled ln 1971. AfLer sLudylng aL
!ohns Popklns, 8lfe developed Lechnology whlch ls sLlll commonly used Loday ln Lhe flelds of
opLlcs, elecLronlcs, radlochemlsLry, blochemlsLry, balllsLlcs, and avlaLlon. lL ls a falr sLaLemenL
LhaL 8lfe pracLlcally developed bloelecLrlc medlclne hlmself. Pe recelved 14 ma[or awards and
honors and was glven an honorary uocLoraLe by Lhe unlverslLy of Peldelberg for hls work.
uurlng Lhe 66 years LhaL 8lfe spenL deslgnlng and bulldlng medlcal lnsLrumenLs, he worked for
Zelss CpLlcs, Lhe u.S. CovernmenL, and several prlvaLe benefacLors. MosL noLable was
mllllonalre Penry 1lmkln, of 1lmkln roller bearlng fame. 1lmken was lnducLed lnLo Lhe naLlonal
lnvenLors Pall of lame on SepLember 19, 1998.

8ecause 8lfe was self-educaLed ln so many dlfferenL flelds, he lnLulLlvely looked for hls answers
ln areas beyond Lhe rlgld sclenLlflc sLrucLure of hls day. Pe had masLered so many dlfferenL
dlsclpllnes LhaL he llLerally had, aL hls lnLellecLual dlsposal, Lhe skllls and knowledge of an enLlre
Leam of sclenLlsLs and Lechnlclans from a number of dlfferenL sclenLlflc flelds. So, whenever
new Lechnology was needed Lo perform a new Lask, 8lfe slmply lnvenLed and Lhen bullL lL
hlmself as was necessary for many sclenLlsLs of hls day.

8lfe's lnvenLlons lnclude a heLerodynlng ulLravloleL mlcroscope, a mlcro-dlssecLor, and a
mlcromanlpulaLor. When you Lhoroughly undersLand 8lfe's achlevemenLs, you may well declde
LhaL he had one of Lhe mosL glfLed, versaLlle, sclenLlflc mlnds ln human hlsLory. 8y 1920, 8lfe
had flnlshed bulldlng Lhe world's flrsL vlrus mlcroscope. 8y 1933, he had perfecLed LhaL
Lechnology and had consLrucLed Lhe lncredlbly complex unlversal Mlcroscope, whlch had nearly
6,000 dlfferenL parLs and was capable of magnlfylng ob[ecLs 60,000 Llmes Lhelr normal slze.
WlLh Lhls lncredlble mlcroscope, 8lfe became Lhe flrsL human belng Lo acLually see a llve vlrus,
and unLll qulLe recenLly, Lhe unlversal Mlcroscope was Lhe only one whlch was able vlew llve

Modern elecLron mlcroscopes lnsLanLly klll everyLhlng beneaLh Lhem, vlewlng only Lhe
mummlfled remalns and debrls. WhaL Lhe 8lfe mlcroscope can see ls Lhe busLllng acLlvlLy of
llvlng vlruses as Lhey change form Lo accommodaLe changes ln envlronmenL, repllcaLe rapldly ln
response Lo carclnogens, and Lransform normal cells lnLo Lumor cells.

8uL how was 8lfe able Lo accompllsh Lhls, ln an age when elecLronlcs and medlclne were sLlll
[usL evolvlng? Pere are a few Lechnlcal deLalls Lo placaLe Lhe skepLlcs...
8lfe palnsLaklngly ldenLlfled Lhe lndlvldual specLroscoplc slgnaLure of each mlcrobe, uslng a sllL
specLroscope aLLachmenL. 1hen, he slowly roLaLed block quarLz prlsms Lo focus llghL of a slngle
wavelengLh upon Lhe mlcroorganlsm he was examlnlng. 1hls wavelengLh was selecLed because
lL resonaLed wlLh Lhe specLroscoplc slgnaLure frequency of Lhe mlcrobe based on Lhe now-
esLabllshed facL LhaL every molecule osclllaLes aL lLs own dlsLlncL frequency.

1he aLoms LhaL come LogeLher Lo form a molecule are held LogeLher ln LhaL molecular
conflguraLlon wlLh a covalenL energy bond whlch boLh emlLs and absorbs lLs own speclflc
elecLromagneLlc frequency. no Lwo specles of molecule have Lhe same elecLromagneLlc
osclllaLlons or energeLlc slgnaLure. 8esonance ampllfles llghL ln Lhe same way Lwo ocean waves
lnLenslfy each oLher when Lhey merge LogeLher.

Oo Novembet 20, 19J1, fotty-foot of tbe ootloo's most tespecteJ meJlcol ootbotltles
boooteJ koyol klfe wltb o boopoet bllleJ os "1be oJ 1o All ulseoses" ot tbe
losoJeoo estote of ut. Mllbook Iobosoo.

1he resulL of uslng a resonanL wavelengLh ls LhaL mlcro-organlsms whlch are lnvlslble ln whlLe
llghL suddenly become vlslble ln a brllllanL flash of llghL when Lhey are exposed Lo Lhe color
frequency LhaL resonaLes wlLh Lhelr own dlsLlncL specLroscoplc slgnaLure. 8lfe was Lhus able Lo
see Lhese oLherwlse lnvlslble organlsms and waLch Lhem acLlvely lnvadlng Llssues culLures.
8lfe's dlscovery enabled hlm Lo vlew organlsms LhaL no one else could see wlLh ordlnary
More Lhan 73 of Lhe organlsms 8lfe could see wlLh hls unlversal Mlcroscope are only vlslble
wlLh ulLra-vloleL llghL. 8uL ulLravloleL llghL ls ouLslde Lhe range of human vlslon, lL ls 'lnvlslble' Lo
us. 8lfe's brllllance allowed hlm Lo overcome Lhls llmlLaLlon by heLerodynlng, a Lechnlque whlch
became popular ln early radlo broadcasLlng. Pe lllumlnaLed Lhe mlcrobe (usually a vlrus or
bacLerla) wlLh Lwo dlfferenL wavelengLhs of Lhe same ulLravloleL llghL frequency whlch
resonaLed wlLh Lhe specLral slgnaLure of Lhe mlcrobe. 1hese Lwo wavelengLhs produced
lnLerference where Lhey merged. 1hls lnLerference was, ln effecL, a Lhlrd, longer wave whlch fell
lnLo Lhe vlslble porLlon of Lhe elecLromagneLlc specLrum. 1hls was how 8lfe made lnvlslble
mlcrobes vlslble wlLhouL kllllng Lhem, a feaL whlch Loday's elecLron mlcroscopes cannoL

8y Lhls Llme, 8lfe was so far ahead of hls colleagues of Lhe 1930's, LhaL Lhey could noL
comprehend whaL he was dolng wlLhouL acLually Lravellng Lo San ulego Lo vlslL 8lfe's laboraLory
Lo look Lhrough hls vlrus Mlcroscope for Lhemselves. And many dld exacLly LhaL.

Cne was vlrglnla LlvlngsLon. She evenLually moved from new !ersey Lo 8lfe's olnL Loma (San
ulego) nelghborhood and became a frequenL vlslLor Lo hls lab. vlrglnla LlvlngsLon ls now ofLen
glven Lhe credlL for ldenLlfylng Lhe organlsm whlch causes human cancer, beglnnlng wlLh
research papers she began publlshlng ln 1948.

ln reallLy, 8oyal 8lfe had ldenLlfled Lhe human cancer vlrus flrsL...ln 1920! 8lfe Lhen made over
20,000 unsuccessful aLLempLs Lo Lransform normal cells lnLo Lumor cells. Pe flnally succeeded
when he lrradlaLed Lhe cancer vlrus, passed lL Lhrough a cell-caLchlng ulLra-flne porcelaln fllLer,
and ln[ecLed lL lnLo lab anlmals. noL conLenL Lo prove Lhls vlrus would cause one Lumor, 8lfe
Lhen creaLed 400 Lumors ln successlon from Lhe same culLure. Pe documenLed everyLhlng wlLh
fllm, phoLographs, and meLlculous records. Pe named Lhe cancer vlrus 'CrypLocldes

vlrglnla LlvlngsLon, ln her papers, renamed lL rogenlLor CrypLocldes. 8oyal 8lfe was never even
menLloned ln her papers. ln facL, 8lfe seldom goL credlL for hls monumenLal dlscoverles. Pe was
a quleL, unassumlng sclenLlsL, dedlcaLed Lo expandlng hls dlscoverles raLher Lhan Lo amblLlon,
fame, and glory. Pls dlsLasLe for medlcal pollLlcs (whlch he could afford Lo lgnore Lhanks Lo
generous LrusLs seL up by prlvaLe benefacLors) lefL hlm aL a dlsadvanLage laLer, when powerful
forces aLLacked hlm. Coupled wlLh Lhe lnfluence of Lhe pharmaceuLlcal lndusLry ln purglng hls
papers from medlcal [ournals, lL ls hardly surprlslng LhaL few have heard of 8lfe Loday.

Meanwhlle, debaLe raged beLween Lhose who had seen vlruses changlng lnLo dlfferenL forms
beneaLh 8lfe's mlcroscopes, and Lhose who had noL. 1hose who condemned wlLhouL
lnvesLlgaLlon, such as Lhe lnfluenLlal ur. 1homas 8lvers, clalmed Lhese forms dldn'L
exlsL. 8ecause hls mlcroscope dld noL reveal Lhem, 8lvers argued LhaL Lhere was "no loglcal
basls for bellef ln Lhls Lheory." 1he same argumenL ls used Loday ln evaluaLlng many oLher
'alLernaLlve' medlcal LreaLmenLs, lf Lhere ls no precedenL, Lhen lL musL noL be valld. noLhlng can
convlnce a closed mlnd. MosL had never acLually looked Lhough Lhe San ulego mlcroscopes...alr
Lravel ln Lhe 1930's was uncomforLable, prlmlLlve, and raLher rlsky. So, Lhe debaLe abouL Lhe llfe
cycle of vlruses was resolved ln favor of Lhose who never saw lL (even modern elecLron
mlcroscopes show frozen lmages, noL Lhe llfe cycle of vlruses ln process).

neverLheless, many sclenLlsLs and docLors have slnce conflrmed 8lfe's dlscovery of Lhe cancer
vlrus and lLs pleomorphlc naLure, uslng darkfleld Lechnlques, Lhe naessens mlcroscope, and
laboraLory experlmenLs. 8lfe also worked wlLh Lhe Lop sclenLlsLs and docLors of hls day who also
conflrmed or endorsed varlous areas of hls work. 1hey lncluded: L.C. 8osenow, Sr. (longLlme
Chlef of 8acLerlology, Mayo Cllnlc), ArLhur kendall (ulrecLor, norLhwesLern Medlcal School), ur.
Ceorge uock (lnLernaLlonally-renowned), Alvln loord (famous paLhologlsL), 8ufus kleln-SchmldL
(resldenL of uSC), 8.1. Pamer (SuperlnLendenL, aradlse valley SanlLarlum, ur. Mllbank
!ohnson (ulrecLor of Lhe SouLhern Callfornla AMA), Whalen Morrlson (Chlef Surgeon, SanLa le
8allway), Ceorge llscher (Chlldrens PosplLal, n.?.), Ldward kopps (MeLabollc Cllnlc, La !olla),
karl Meyer (Pooper loundaLlon, S.l.), M. ZlLe (Chlcago unlverslLy), and many oLhers.

8lfe lgnored Lhe debaLe, preferrlng Lo concenLraLe on reflnlng hls meLhod of desLroylng Lhese
Llny klller vlruses. Pe used Lhe same prlnclple Lo klll Lhem, whlch made Lhem vlslble:
resonance. 8y lncreaslng Lhe lnLenslLy of a frequency whlch resonaLed naLurally wlLh Lhese
mlcrobes, 8lfe lncreased Lhelr naLural osclllaLlons unLll Lhey dlsLorLed and dlslnLegraLed from
sLrucLural sLresses. 8lfe called Lhls frequency 'Lhe morLal osclllaLory raLe,' or 'MC8', and lL dld
no harm whaLsoever Lo Lhe surroundlng Llssues.

1hls prlnclple can be lllusLraLed by uslng an lnLense muslcal noLe Lo shaLLer a wlne glass: Lhe
molecules of Lhe glass are already osclllaLlng aL some harmonlc (mulLlple) of LhaL muslcal noLe,
Lhey are ln resonance wlLh lL, vlbraLe, and can no longer remaln ln conflguraLlon. 8ecause
everyLhlng else has a dlfferenL resonanL frequency, noLhlng buL Lhe glass's molecular
conflguraLlon ls desLroyed. 1here are llLerally hundreds of Lrllllons of dlfferenL resonanL
frequencles, and every specles and molecule has lLs very own.

lL Look 8lfe many years, worklng 48 hours aL a Llme, unLll he dlscovered Lhe frequencles whlch
speclflcally desLroyed herpes, pollo, splnal menlnglLls, LeLanus, lnfluenza, and an lmmense
number of oLher dangerous dlsease organlsms. ln 1934, Lhe unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla
appolnLed a Speclal Medlcal 8esearch CommlLLee Lo brlng Lermlnal cancer paLlenLs from
asadena CounLy PosplLal Lo 8lfe's San ulego LaboraLory and cllnlc for LreaLmenL. 1he Leam
lncluded docLors and paLhologlsLs asslgned Lo examlne Lhe paLlenLs - lf sLlll allve - ln 90
days. 1hls was obvlously a Jlffeteot oqe! l don'L belleve l'll be seelng Lhe unlverslLy of
MlnnesoLa brlnglng any paLlenLs my way anyLlme soon. 8emember, 1934 was 8L-blg-money-

AfLer Lhe 90 days of LreaLmenL, Lhe CommlLLee concluded LhaL 86.3 of Lhe paLlenLs had been
compleLely cured. 1he LreaLmenL was Lhen ad[usLed and Lhe remalnlng 13.3 of Lhe paLlenLs
also responded wlLhln Lhe nexL four weeks. 1he LoLal recovery raLe uslng 8lfe's Lechnology was
100. Cn november 20, 1934, forLy-four of Lhe naLlon's mosL respecLed medlcal auLhorlLles
honored 8oyal 8lfe wlLh a banqueL bllled as 1he Lnd 1o All ulseases aL Lhe asadena esLaLe of
ur. Mllbank !ohnson.

8uL by 1939, almosL all of Lhese dlsLlngulshed docLors and sclenLlsLs were denylng LhaL Lhey had
ever meL 8lfe. WhaL happened Lo make so many brllllanL men have compleLe memory lapses? lL
seems LhaL news of 8lfe's mlracles wlLh Lermlnal paLlenLs had reached oLher ears. 8emember
our hypoLheLlcal quesLlon aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls reporL: WhaL would happen lf you dlscovered
a cure for everyLhlng? ?ou are now abouL Lo flnd ouL....

AL flrsL, a Loken aLLempL was made Lo buy-ouL 8lfe. Morrls llshbeln, who had acqulred Lhe
enLlre sLock of Lhe Amerlcan Medlcal AssoclaLlon by 1934, senL an aLLorney Lo 8lfe wlLh 'an
offer you can'L refuse.' 8lfe refused. We many never know Lhe exacL Lerms of Lhls offer. 8uL we
do know Lhe Lerms of Lhe offer llshbeln made Lo Parry Poxsey for conLrol of hls herbal cancer
remedy. llshbeln's assoclaLes would recelve all proflLs for nlne years and Poxey would recelve
noLhlng. 1hen, lf Lhey were saLlsfled LhaL lL worked, Poxsey would begln Lo recelve 10 of Lhe
proflLs. Poxsey declded LhaL he would raLher conLlnue Lo make all Lhe proflLs hlmself. When
Poxsey Lurned llshbeln down, llshbeln used hls lmmensely powerful pollLlcal connecLlons Lo
have Poxsey arresLed 123 Llmes ln a perlod of 16 monLhs. 1he charges (based on pracLlclng
wlLhouL a llcense) were always Lhrown ouL of courL, buL Lhe harassmenL drove Poxsey lnsane.

llshbeln musL have reallzed LhaL Lhls sLraLegy would backflre wlLh 8lfe. llrsL, 8lfe could noL be
arresLed llke Poxsey for pracLlclng wlLhouL a llcense slnce he had a llcense. A Lrlal on Lrumped-
up charges would mean LhaL promlnenL medlcal auLhorlLles worklng wlLh 8lfe would lnLroduce
LesLlmony-supporLlng 8lfe, and Lhe defense would undoubLedly Lake Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
lnLroduce evldence such as Lhe 1934 medlcal sLudy done wlLh uSC. 1he lasL Lhlng ln Lhe world
LhaL Lhe pharmaceuLlcal lndusLry wanLed was a publlc Lrlal abouL a palnless Lherapy LhaL cured
100 of Lhe Lermlnal cancer paLlenLs and cosL noLhlng Lo use buL a llLLle elecLrlclLy. lL mlghL glve
people Lhe ldea LhaL Lhey dldn'L need drugs and Lhough Lhe drug lndusLry was ln lLs lnfancy ln
1934, lL was becomlng a very naughLy Leenager by 1939.

ln 1939, a mysLerlous lawsulL agalnsL 8eam 8ay CorporaLlon, Lhe only company manufacLurlng
8lfe's frequency lnsLrumenLs (8lfe was noL a parLner) Lled Lhe company up ln courL and legal
expenses ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe CreaL uepresslon bankrupLed Lhe company. llshbeln and Lhe
AMA had won, commerclal producLlon of 8lfe's frequency lnsLrumenLs ceased compleLely.

Cn Lhe oLher hand, blg money was spenL ensurlng LhaL docLors who had seen 8lfe's Lherapy
would forgeL whaL Lhey saw. AlmosL no prlce was Loo much Lo suppress lL. 8emember LhaL,
Loday, LreaLmenL of a slngle cancer paLlenL averages over $300,000. lL's 8lC buslness.

1hus, ArLhur kendall, Lhe ulrecLor of Lhe norLhwesLern School of Medlclne who worked wlLh
8lfe on Lhe cancer vlrus, accepLed almosL a quarLer of a mllllon dollars Lo suddenly 'reLlre' ln
Mexlco. 1haL was an exorblLanL amounL of money ln Lhe uepresslon. ur. Ceorge uock, anoLher
promlnenL flgure who collaboraLed wlLh 8lfe, was sllenced wlLh an enormous granL, along wlLh
Lhe hlghesL honors Lhe AMA could besLow. 8eLween Lhe carroLs and Lhe sLlcks, everyone excepL
ur. Couche and ur. Mllbank !ohnson gave up 8lfe's work and wenL back Lo prescrlblng drugs.

1o flnlsh Lhe [ob, Lhe medlcal [ournals, supporLed almosL enLlrely by drug company revenues
and conLrolled by Lhe AMA, refused Lo publlsh any paper by anyone on 8lfe's Lherapy.
1herefore, an enLlre generaLlon of medlcal sLudenLs graduaLed lnLo pracLlce wlLhouL ever once
hearlng of 8lfe's breakLhroughs ln medlclne. 1he magnlLude of such an lnsane crlme ecllpses
every mass murder ln hlsLory. Cancer plcks us off quleLly...buL by 1960 Lhe casualLles from Lhls
Llny vlrus exceeded Lhe carnage of all Lhe wars Amerlca ever foughL. ln 1989, lL was esLlmaLed
LhaL 40 of us wlll experlence cancer aL some Llme ln our llves.

ln 8lfe's llfeLlme, he had wlLnessed Lhe progress of clvlllzaLlon from horse-and-buggy Lravel Lo
[eL planes. ln LhaL same Llme, he saw Lhe epldemlc of cancer lncrease from 1 ln 24 Amerlcans ln
1903 Lo, parLlally because hls work was squashed 1 ln 2.3 Loday.

Pe also wlLnessed Lhe phenomenal growLh of Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy, Lhe Salk
loundaLlon, and many oLhers collecLlng hundreds of mllllons of dollars for dlseases LhaL were
cured long before ln hls own San ulego laboraLorles. ln one perlod, 176,300 cancer drugs were
submlLLed for approval. Any LhaL showed 'favorable' resulLs ln only one-slxLh of one percenL of
Lhe cases belng sLudled could be llcensed. Some of Lhese drugs had a morLallLy raLe of 14-17.
When deaLh came from Lhe drug, noL Lhe cancer, Lhe case was recorded as a 'compleLe' or
'parLlal remlsslon' because Lhe paLlenL dldn'L acLually dle from Lhe cancer. lL's [usL absurd!!! ln
reallLy, lL was a race Lo see whlch would klll Lhe paLlenL flrsL: Lhe drug or Lhe dlsease.

1he lnevlLable concluslon reached by 8lfe was LhaL hls llfe-long labor and dlscoverles had noL
only been lgnored buL probably would be burled wlLh hlm. AL LhaL polnL, he ceased Lo produce
much of anyLhlng and spenL Lhe lasL Lhlrd of hls llfe seeklng obllvlon ln alcohol. lL dulled Lhe
paln and hls acuLe awareness of half a cenLury of wasLed efforL - lgnored - whlle Lhe
unnecessary sufferlng of mllllons conLlnued so LhaL a vesLed few mlghL proflL. And proflL Lhey
dld, and proflL Lhey do.

lorLunaLely, hls deaLh was noL Lhe end of hls elecLronlc Lherapy. A few humanlLarlan docLors
and englneers reconsLrucLed hls frequency lnsLrumenLs and kepL hls genlus allve. 8lfe
Lechnology became publlc knowledge agaln ln 1986 wlLh Lhe publlcaLlon of 1he Cancer Cure
1haL Worked, by 8arry Lynes, and oLher maLerlal abouL 8oyal 8lfe and hls monumenLal work.

1here ls wlde varlaLlon ln Lhe cosL, deslgn, and quallLy of Lhe modern porLable 8lfe frequency
research lnsLrumenLs avallable. CosLs vary from abouL $3600 Lo $26,000 wlLh prlce belng no
leglLlmaLe lndlcaLor of Lhe Lechnlcal compeLence ln Lhe deslgn of Lhe lnsLrumenL or
performance of Lhe lnsLrumenL. Some of Lhe mosL expenslve unlLs have serlous Lechnlcal
llmlLaLlons and are essenLlally a wasLe of money. AL Lhe oLher exLreme, some researchers do
geL crude resulLs from lnexpenslve slmple, unmodlfled frequency generaLors, buL Lhls ls [usL as
mlsgulded as spendlng Loo much money. WlLhouL Lhe proper modlflcaLlons, Lhe baslc frequency
generaLor glves only mlnlmal and lnconslsLenL resulLs. 8lfe's work was always wlLh LlCP1
l8LCuLnC?. A 8LAL 8lfe unlL musL use a 1esla bulb.
CLher Lheorles abound on exacLly why and how 8lfe Lechnology works. ur. 8oberL C. 8ecker,
Mu, ln hls book, 1he 8ody LlecLrlc", publlshed by Parper ln 1983, glves an exclLlng reporL ln
chapLer 13 regardlng Lhe facL LhaL phoLons ln llghL acL as an elecLron 'donor' Lo Llssue cells
whlch sLlmulaLes mlLochondrlal funcLlon, ralses Llssue pP, and lncreases heallng.

Cne day, Lhe name of 8oyal 8aymond 8lfe may ascend Lo lLs rlghLful place as Lhe glanL of
modern medlcal sclence. unLll LhaL Llme, hls fabulous Lechnology remalns avallable only Lo Lhe
people who have Lhe lnLeresL Lo seek lL ouL. Whlle perfecLly legal for veLerlnarlans Lo use Lo
save Lhe llves of anlmals, 8lfe's brllllanL frequency Lherapy remalns Laboo Lo orLhodox
malnsLream medlclne because of Lhe conLlnulng LhreaL lL poses Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal
pharmaceuLlcal medlcal monopoly LhaL conLrols Lhe llves - and deaLhs - of Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of
Lhe people on Lhls planeL.
8ecenL sLudles on 8lfe's work have been publlshed ln peer-revlewed medlcal [ournals. 1he
!ournal of Lxp Cllnlcal Cancer 8esearch 2009 Apr 14,28:31, publlshed a paper LlLled, Amp||tude-
modu|ated e|ectromagnet|c f|e|ds for the treatment of cancer: d|scovery of tumor-spec|f|c
frequenc|es and assessment of a nove| therapeut|c approach. 1he paper revealed,
CCnCLuSlCn: Cancer-relaLed frequencles appear Lo be Lumor-speclflc and LreaLmenL wlLh
Lumor-speclflc frequencles ls feaslble, well LoleraLed and may have blologlcal efflcacy ln
paLlenLs wlLh advanced cancer."
1helr resulLs were remarkable: 8LSuL1S: We examlned a LoLal of 163 paLlenLs wlLh a dlagnosls
of cancer and ldenLlfled a LoLal of 1324 frequencles ranglng from 0.1 Pz Lo 114 kPz. MosL
frequencles (37-92) were speclflc for a slngle Lumor Lype. CompasslonaLe LreaLmenL wlLh
Lumor-speclflc frequencles was offered Lo 28 paLlenLs. 1hree paLlenLs experlenced grade 1
faLlgue durlng or lmmedlaLely afLer LreaLmenL. 1here were no nCl grade 2, 3 or 4 LoxlclLles.
1hlrLeen paLlenLs were evaluable for response. Cne paLlenL wlLh hormone-refracLory breasL
cancer meLasLaLlc Lo Lhe adrenal gland and bones had a compleLe response lasLlng 11 monLhs.
Cne paLlenL wlLh hormone-refracLory breasL cancer meLasLaLlc Lo llver and bones had a parLlal
response lasLlng 13.3 monLhs. lour paLlenLs had sLable dlsease lasLlng for +34.1 monLhs
(Lhyrold cancer meLasLaLlc Lo lung), 3.1 monLhs (non-small cell lung cancer), 4.1 monLhs
(pancreaLlc cancer meLasLaLlc Lo llver) and 4.0 monLhs (lelomyosarcoma meLasLaLlc Lo llver)."
Many more arLlcles are comlng ouL on whaL ls now belng Lermed, Lnergy Medlclne or 8lofleld
1heraples. Pere ls a llsL of a few:
Cancer !ournal 2006 Sep-CcL,12(3):423-31. ComplemenLary medlclne ln palllaLlve care
and cancer sympLom managemenL.
! PollsL nurs. 2011 uec,29(4):270-8. dol: 10.1177/0898010111412186. Lpub 2011 Aug 8.
rlm Care. 2010 Mar,37(1):163-79. 8lofleld Lheraples: energy medlclne and prlmary
Ann n ? Acad Scl. 2009 Aug,1172:297-311. 8loelecLromagneLlc and subLle energy
medlclne: Lhe lnLerface beLween mlnd and maLLer.
! AlLern ComplemenL Med. 2009 Aug,13(8):819-26. An PMC-based prospecLlve plloL
sLudy of energy medlclne for chronlc headaches: whole-person ouLcomes polnL Lo Lhe
need for new lnsLrumenLaLlon.
lnLegr Med lnslghLs. 2009,4:13-20. Lpub 2009 CcL 19. lnLegral healLhcare: Lhe beneflLs
and challenges of lnLegraLlng complemenLary and alLernaLlve medlclne wlLh a
convenLlonal healLhcare pracLlce
AlLern 1her PealLh Med. 2008 !an-leb,14(1):44-34. Slx plllars of energy medlclne:
cllnlcal sLrengLhs of a complemenLary paradlgm.
Lxplore (n?). 2006 nov-uec,2(6):309-14. World hypoLheses and Lhe evoluLlon of
lnLegraLlve medlclne: comblnlng caLegorlcal dlagnoses and cause-effecL lnLervenLlons
wlLh whole sysLems research and nonvlsuallzable (seemlngly "lmposslble") heallng.
8lomed Scl lnsLrum. 2006,42:428-33. Locallzed pulsed magneLlc flelds for LendonlLls

ChapLer 3
Cancer ls an AuLolmmune ulsorder

8e foltbfol lo smoll tbloqs becoose lt ls lo tbem
tbot yoot stteoqtb lles.
MoLher 1eresa

lL ls Lruly Lhe 'small Lhlngs' LhaL move Lhe masses. When we begln a dlscusslon of our lmmune
sysLem, lL ls Lhe small Lhlngs, Lhe chemlcals LhaL form Lhe slurrles of our defense sysLem LhaL
evenLually lnfluence much happenlng ln our body.
lf you learn anyLhlng from Lhls book may lL be Lo sLlmulaLe you Lo ask one slmple quesLlon -
why?" MosL people, afLer Lhe devasLaLlon of Lhe cancer dlagnosls seLLles ln, [usL accepL Lhe
facL LhaL Lhey have a grave dlsease and follow Lhe docLor's orders as Lo Lhe nexL sLep. 1hey may
hear a, We [usL don'L know" or lL's probably geneLlc" lf Lhey are so bold Lo ask such quesLlons
of 'why' Lo Lhelr oncologlsL. MosL don'L feel quallfled Lo dlg for Lhemselves and slmply follow ln
bllnd falLh LhaL whaL ls recommended. l beg you Lo be dlfferenL!
l come from Lhe phllosophy LhaL an effecL always has a cause. lf someLhlng ls seL ln moLlon,
Lhere exlsLed an lnlLlal sLlmulus LhaL propelled lL. Cancer, Lhough scary and ofLen deadly, seems
Lo numb mosL people lnLo a fearful obedlence Lo Lhe culLurally accepLed LreaLmenL plan. AfLer
all, lL ls only human Lo wanL someone else Lo remove Lhe responslblllLy from us regardlng any
palnful slLuaLlon. Cancer ls serlous, cancer lsn'L Lo be 'played' wlLh, l need Lo go Lo a 'real'
docLor. l am noL asklng you Lo LrusL me or anyLhlng ln Lhls book, l am asklng you Lo nC1 check
your braln aL Lhe door of Lhe hosplLal and Lo demand answers from your docLors or Lhose who
wlll help you Lhrough Lhls [ourney.
1he quallLy of your experlence as well as your ouLcome depends on Lhe quallLy of Lhe quesLlons
you ask. ?ou have Lhe rlghL Lo recelve loglcal answers, keep asklng 'why'. uon'L sLop asklng and
don'L accepL any LreaLmenL LhaL lsn'L loglcally LreaLlng Lhe answers Lo your consLanL quesLlons
of, Why?" When we see a person LhaL has a dlagnosls of cancer of any name, Lhe goal really ls
Lo dlscover Lhe cause or Lhe reason why Lhe body has allowed or responded ln such a way. ls lL
loglcal Lo belleve LhaL, Lhough medlcal lnLervenLlon may be besL Lo slow a fasL growlng cancer,
flndlng and correcLlng Lhe cause would be Lhe besL approach Lo LreaLlng any dysfuncLlon?
ln Lhls chapLer l wlll explaln Lhe connecLlon beLween cancer and Lhe lmmune sysLem as slmple
as l know how. ?ou'll see LhaL lf you don'L supporL and modulaLe your lmmune sysLem you wlll
nLvL8 lmprove your physlology and Lhe cancer wlll slmply progress.
Some hlghllghL polnLs Lo know abouL your lmmune sysLem:
?our lmmune sysLem does one Lhlng and only one Lhlng - lL klLLS Lhlngs.
?our lmmune sysLem may be separaLed lnLo Lwo responses - 1h1 and 1h2 (slmpllsLlcally,
Lhere are more buL we'll leave lL aL LhaL for now)
?our lmmune sysLem ls supposed Lo only 'Lurn on' agalnsL blo-Loxlns (llvlng organlsms
llke bacLerla, vlrus, paraslLes.LhaL ls, Lhlngs LhaL lL can klll)
1he 1h1 response ls Lhe lmmedlaLe, klller cell response (Lhlnk of lL as Lhe Marlne Corps)
agalnsL Lhe enemy and ls Lhe prlmary klller of anLlgens and cancer cells. WhaL lL 'Lurns
on' agalnsL ls called an anLlgen ln Lhe lmmune response.
1he 1h2 response ls senL ouL secondarlly and ls malnly responslble for maklng
anLlbodles agalnsL Lhe anLlgen LhaL Lhe 1h1 sysLem 'Lurned on' agalnsL. 1he anLlbodles
'Lag' LhaL anLlgens and Lhe 1h1 sysLem can Lhen klll lL.
?our lmmune sysLem asslsLs ln Lhe cleanlng up of old cells necessary for cancer Lo nC1
develop ln Lhe flrsL place. 1hls ls prlmarlly a 1h1 funcLlon.
8oLh 1h1 and 1h2 responses are named such because Lhey carry a slurry of dlfferenL
chemlcals (chemoklnes and cyLoklnes) LhaL make up such a response.
An Au1ClMMunL dlsorder happens when your lmmune sysLem sLarLs aLLacklng self-Llssue.
8eally, an auLolmmune dlsease develops because your lmmune sysLem has 'Lurned-on' agalnsL
someLhlng l1 lCunu lodged ln self Llssue and now ls desLroylng self-Llssue as well. LeL's expand
LhaL a llLLle more so you can fully undersLand lL: lf my lmmune sysLem flres a response agalnsL a
flu vlrus l [usL plcked up and lL's a parLlcularly vlrulenL vlrus, a sLrong 1h1 response ls released ln
an aLLempL Lo klll Lhe forelgn lnvader and brlng me back Lo healLh. My 'sLrong 1h1 response' ls
really a collecLlon of dlfferenL cells LhaL are looklng for a baLLle, Lhey are seeklng an enemy wlLh
guns loaded. LeL's say Lhey flnd Lhe flu vlrus and recognlze LhaL lL ls Lhe enemy Lhey were
commlssloned Lo klll, Lhey aLLack lL, klll lL and Lhen reLreaL ln vlcLory. 1he 1h1/1h2 sysLem goes
back lnLo balance and llfe ls good.
An auLolmmune dlsease beglns when, for a mulLlLude of reasons we won'L breach here, sLray
cyLoklnes from a 1h1 response dldn'L recognlze Lhe flu vlrus as Lhe enemy buL recognlzed
someLhlng LhaL Lhey were never supposed Lo recognlze as an enemy - leL's say a heavy meLal
LoxlclLy ln my Lhyrold. 8ecause l was exposed Lo a greaL amounL of mercury from amalgams,
vacclnaLlons, and [usL llvlng ln a Loxlc world, mercury had lodge ln Lhe faL cells surroundlng my
Lhyrold and oLher Llssues. My llver, unable Lo clear ouL LhaL whlch l was exposed Lo caused my
sysLem Lo shunL Lhe LoxlclLy Lo faL sLorage cells for safe keeplng. never was my lmmune sysLem
supposed Lo 'Lurn-on' agalnsL such chemlcal LoxlclLy!
ls my lmmune sysLem ever golng Lo be able Lo klll mercury? Cf course noL, mercury ls an
elemenL on Lhe perlodlc Lable, noL a llvlng organlsm. lf my lmmune sysLem lnadverLenLly Lurns-
on agalnsL someLhlng LhaL cannoL or wlll noL dle, Lhere wlll be a loL of collaLeral damage and l
mlghL even begln Lo sLarL maklng anLlbodles agalnsL Lhe Llssues surroundlng Lhe aLLack. 1hls ls
an auLolmmune dlsease, lL lsn'L really a dlsease aL all, lL ls an lmmune aLLack on self-Llssue
because my lmmune sysLem ls flrlng agalnsL someLhlng lL never should of flred agalnsL!
8emember, when Lhe lmmune sysLem Lurns-on agalnsL someLhlng, lL does so unLll lL achleves
vlcLory, unLll lL kllls lL.
Summary: An auLolmmune dlsease ls when my lmmune sysLem ls flrlng agalnsL someLhlng
(elLher consLanL 1h1 domlnanL or consLanL 1h2 domlnanL) LhaL lL found lodged ln self-Llssue
LhaL elLher cannoL or wlll noL dle and ls desLroylng self-Llssue ln Lhe process.
So, whaL ls Lhe CAuSL of an auLolmmune aLLack? lL ls noL really an lmmune sysLem gone
wrong" as lL ls an lmmune sysLem Lhlnklng lL ls dolng rlghL" buL flrlng agalnsL someLhlng LhaL lL
can never klll. 1he only way Lo ulLlmaLely correcL an auLolmmune dlsorder ls Lo remove Lhe
anLlgen lL ls maklng war agalnsL. 1hls way you are essenLlally foollng your lmmune sysLem Lo
Lhlnk LhaL lL has won and Lhe enemy ls dead. ln Lhe case of auLolmmune dlsease agalnsL a
speclflc organ llke PashlmoLo's hypoLhyroldlsm, Lhere ls llLLle help ln dlrecL organ supporL
wlLhouL correcLlng Lhe cause. 1he mechanlsm for Lhe lssue ls Lhe lmmune response ln Lhe flrsL
place and noL LhaL Lhe organ ls deflclenL ln any Lype of nuLrlenL, Lhe reason Lhe person may
need hormone replacemenL (such as SynLhyrold) ln hypoLhyroldlsm ls because Lhe lmmune
sysLem ls acLually desLroylng Lhe cells, buL replacemenL wlLhouL halLlng Lhe desLrucLlon ls
mlsslng Lhe polnL.
WhaL does Lhls all have Lo do wlLh cancer? LveryLhlng! 8emember, your 1h1 response noL only
kllls forelgn enemles buL helps mop up cells LhaL are supposed Lo dle when Lhey've served ouL
Lhere usefulness. Cancer may be deflned as cells nC1 dylng buL lnsLead reproduclng a useless
cell agaln and agaln. lf a person has a 1h2 domlnanL auLolmmune dlsorder, Lhelr 1h1 sysLem
wlll be suppressed. lf your 1h1 sysLem ls suppressed, normal cell deaLh wlll be hlndered.
When we look aL a person LhaL ls noL well, one of Lhe flrsL quesLlons needs Lo be, whaL's Lhe
mechanlsm". WlLh cancer lL's no dlfferenL. Why dld you geL cancer? Could lL be LhaL you've
had a 1h2 domlnanL auLolmmune dlsorder for years and never even knew lL?
usually people wlLh an auLolmmune dlsease LhaL lnvolves a loL of desLrucLlon and Lherefore a
loL of sympLoms has a 1h1 domlnanL dlsorder, LhaL ls, Lhe lmmune response ls sLuck ln a 1h1
(klller cell, Marlne Corps) aLLack. 1hls Lyplcally brlngs abouL much Llssue damage, much
lnflammaLlon and a greaLer number of sympLoms LhaL causes Lhem Lo seek medlcal care and
arrlve aL a dlagnosls. 1hey evenLually know Lhey have MS, 8A, PashlmoLo's, eLc.
8uL Lhe same process LhaL may leave an lndlvldual 'sLuck' ln a 1h2 domlnanL slLuaLlon ofLen
produces a slower aLLack on Llssue, lesser sympLoms, a suppressed 1h1 response and a chronlc,
undlagnosed condlLlon. 1hls can lead Lo secondary condlLlons from a suppressed 1h1 response
- cancer!
nelLher Lhe sLandard medlcal nor an alLernaLlve healLhcare has adequaLely dealL wlLh
auLolmmune condlLlons. Medlcally, Lhe paLlenL ls glven sLerolds, anLl-lnflammaLorles LhaL may
relleve Lhe sympLoms buL do noLhlng Lo remove Lhe cause, alLernaLlve docLors have supporLed
Lo organ wlLh glandulars or oLher supplemenLs. LeL's face lL, lf elLher LradlLlonal medlcal or Lhe
alLernaLlve models had any greaL percenLage of success LreaLlng auLolmmune dlsease, you
wouldn'L be readlng Lhls book because you probably wouldn'L have cancer.
LeL's reason LogeLher: ls lL reasonable" Lo Lhlnk LhaL lf Lhe parL of my lmmune sysLem
responslble for aldlng ln normal cell deaLh ls suppressed, cell repllcaLlon may proceed? ls lL
reasonable" Lo Lhlnk LhaL maybe l should be checked for 1h2 domlnance? ls lL reasonable"
LhaL fallure Lo dlscover Lhe cause of lmmune dysregulaLlon would lead Lo furLher desLrucLlon? l
Lhlnk lL ls reasonable" LhaL someone 'ouL Lhere' musL be able Lo flnd ouL whaL was causlng Lhe
dysregulaLlon, and l Lhlnk LhaL lL ls reasonable" LhaL lf whaLever was aL cause for such
dysregulaLlon could be evaded, Lhen lL ls reasonable" LhaL Lhe damage suffered would aL leasL
slow down.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand LhaL an auLolmmune dlsease ls a 'sLaLe' LhaL Lhe lmmune sysLem ls
ln. lL ls nC1 a dlsease of an organ, and even Lhough lL ls glven a mulLlLude of names dependlng
on Lhe Llssue currenLly affecLed, lL ls a S1A1L of Lhe lmmune sysLem aLLacklng Lhe Llssue lL was
meanL Lo proLecL.
usually Lhe lmmune sysLem ls slowly aLLacklng Lhe Llssue over several years. And Lhen, Lhe
person evenLually has a greaL enough desLrucLlon LhaL brlngs abouL sympLoms LhaL lead Lhem
Lo seek some Lype of docLor. ln Lhe case of PashlmoLo's, Lhey ofLen geL dlagnosed wlLh
hypoLhyroldlsm because Lhelr 1SP ls hlgh. And Lhen, Lhe 1SP ls managed by replacemenL buL
no managemenL for Lhe lmmune response ls lnlLlaLed because lL was never assessed. ln Lhe
case of oLher auLolmmune dlsorders, Lhe paLlenL ls ofLen mlsdlagnosed for years, even decades,
and Lhey are lefL laden wlLh mulLlLudes of drugs aLLempLlng Lo suppress Lhelr sympLoms.
1he auLolmmune response ls an lnflammaLory response, whlch produces chemlcals called
cyLoklnes, whlch are parL of Lhe body's naLural defense sysLem agalnsL ouLslde lnvaders.
8emember, Lhe body's lmmune sysLem may be separaLed lnLo a 1h1 and a 1h2 response. 1he
1h1 response may be LhoughL of as Lhe pollce force or Marlne Corps, Lhe body's lnlLlal sLrlke
force agalnsL an lnvader or whaL ls called an anLlgen. When an anLlgen ls presenL, Lhe 1h1
sysLem flres and kllls Lhe vlrus, should Lhe bug be of a nasLy persuaslon and sLrong enough Lo
reslsL Lhe 1h1 response, Lhe 1h2 sysLem klcks ln, creaLes anLlbodles agalnsL Lhe vlrus, Lagglng
Lhem so approprlaLe whlLe blood cells can flnlsh Lhem off. A person wlLh an auLolmmune
dlsease has Lhls process sLuck ln Lhe 'on' poslLlon, elLher hyper-1h1 or hyper-1h2, whlch
prolonged, desLroys Lhe Llssue where Lhe anLlgen ls recognlzed.
Pence, boLh Lhe LradlLlonal medlcal and Lhe LradlLlonal alLernaLlve models of care are doomed
Lo fallure. 1he mosL lmporLanL baLLle Lo flghL ls Lo calm down Lhelr lmmune response and sLop
Lhe desLrucLlon or ln Lhe case of cancer, decrease Lhe 1h2 response LhaL ls causlng Lhe 1h1

1he new model" we are proposlng ls slmply Lo be more speclflc. lf an auLolmmune dlsease ls a
hyper-1h2 aLLack (1h2 domlnanL) agalnsL an anLlgen, doesn'L lL make sense Lo do everyLhlng
posslble Lo flnd ouL whaL Lhe anLlgen ls, aLLempL Lo remove lL and calm down Lhe 1h2
domlnance? l'm no rockeL sclenLlsL, buL Lhls makes sense Lo me. lL's loglcal and posslble Lo flnd
Lhe speclflc blochemlcal paLLern perpeLraLlng Lhe response so we can deLermlne how we LreaL
lf you can undersLand Lhls chapLer and Lhe role of Lhe lmmune
sysLem, you can undersLand how anLlgens (non-llvlng Loxlns or
nasLy, hard Lo klll vlrus, mold, candlda.) coo be aL Lhe hearL of
A MA!C8 parL of my pracLlce ls luLn1ll?lnC and LLlMlnA1lnC
anLlgens! ln dolng so, Lhe body can reLurn Lo homeosLasls
(balance) and mlraculously heal lLself!

Pow Cancer Spreads
When cancer spreads Lo oLher areas ln Lhe body lL ls called meLasLasls and can be Lhe deadllesL.
8uL remember, Lhe orlglnal cancer cells are growlng ln an anaeroblc (wlLhouL oxygen)
envlronmenL. ln order Lo spread, a cancer cell musL flrsL deLach from Lhe prlmary cancer and
move Lhrough Lhe wall of a blood vessel Lo geL lnLo Lhe bloodsLream.
1hese moblle cancer cells are called clrculaLlng Lumor cells (C1C's) and look a llLLle llke
splculaLed burrs noL unllke Lhe burrs you may flnd on you panL legs afLer a walk Lhrough Lhe
meadow, only mlcroscoplc.
When C1C's enLer Lhe bloodsLream, Lhe clrculaLlng blood sweeps Lhem along unLll Lhey sLlck
somewhere, usually ln anoLher opporLunlsLlc poslLlon LhaL enables lL Lo lodge and mulLlply.
1hls can be a compllcaLed [ourney buL as long as Lhe hosL (Lhe paLlenL) has done llLLle Lo
sLrengLhen Lhelr lmmune sysLem's ablllLy Lo defend agalnsL secondary aLLacks llke Lhls, lL ls
common. MosL C1C's do noL survlve Lhls [ourney and Lhere ls a slmple, yeL profound nuLrlLlonal
producL LhaL can help assure Lhey do noL. 8esldes everyLhlng Lhe paLlenL should be dolng Lo
sLrengLhen Lhelr lmmune response, oxygenaLe Lhelr Llssue, alkallze Lhelr body, and feed Lhelr
cells good nuLrlLlon, every cancer paLlenL MuS1 be Laklng one slmple nuLrlenL Lo help prevenL
meLasLasls - Modlfled ClLrus ecLln (MC).
MC lsn'L even an expenslve producL and does a wonderful [ob grabblng Lhese llLLle C1C's ln
Lhelr claws Lo escorL Lhem ouL of Lhe body. Llke any approach Lo cancer, MC ls [usL one
addlLlon Lo Lhe arsenal LhaL every paLlenL should conslder, buL llke always - correcL Lhe cause!

ChapLer 4
nuLrlLlon and Cancer

kotely Jo we floJ meo wbo wlllloqly eoqoqe lo
botJ, sollJ tblokloq. 1bete ls oo olmost
oolvetsol poest fot eosy ooswets ooJ bolf-bokeJ
solotloos. Notbloq polos some people mote
tboo bovloq to tblok.
MarLln LuLher klng, !r.

My Ceneral 8ecommendaLlons for uleL
lrom our offlce handouL:
NEW Eating Gods Way for Cancer
Meat (grass-fed organic ONLY high in protein and Omega 3)
! NO meat for first ___12_____months
! meat bone soup or stock, liver and heart (must be organic)
! lamb, buffalo, elk, venison, beef, goat, veal
! jerky (organic with no chemicals, nitrates, or nitrites)
! beef or buffalo sausage (with no chemicals and preferably no pork casing)
! beef or buffalo hot dogs (with no chemicals and preferably no pork casing)
Fish (wild- caught ONLY, and the fish must be fish with fins and scales. Eg: No catfish)
! NO fish for first _____3____months
! fish soup or stock, salmon, halibut, tuna, cod, scrod, grouper, haddock, walleye, panfish, lake fish
! trout, orange roughy, sea bass, snapper, sardines (canned in water or olive oil only), herring,
sole, whitefish
Poultry (pastured, free-range and organic)
! NO poultry for first _____3_____months
! poultry bone soup or stock, chicken, Cornish game hen, guinea fowl, turkey, duck
! chicken or turkey bacon or sausage
Lunch Meat (organic, free range, and hormone free ONLY)
Eggs (high omega-3/DHA or organic is best)
! chicken eggs (whole with yolk) UNLESS Egg intolerant
Dairy (organic and UN-Pasteurized (RAW) ONLY NON if Dairy Intolerant!!!!)
! NO dairy for first _____12______months - NOTE: NO Kefir or Kombucha if yeast or mold are
found to be a part of your problem!
! Really NO Dairy for everyone is BEST unless RAW but thats hard to find
! homemade kefir made from raw goats milk or raw cows milk
! raw goats milk hard cheeses, raw cows milk hard cheeses
! goats milk plain whole yogurt, organic cows milk yogurt or kefir
! raw cream, raw butter if possible (or organic)
Fats and Oils (organic is best, you MUST EAT A LOT OF GOOD FAT)
NC ork, sca|e-|ess f|sh, she||f|sh,
shr|mp, |obster or 'bottom-feeders'.
kead Lev. 11
otloq o nlCn fot Jlet ls obsolotely
esseotlol Jotloq foll tbtooqb sptloq.
5ttlctly llmlt cotbs to 25-50 qtoms pet
Joy. 1bots NO1 vety mocb.Jeol wltb
1. ?ou PAvL Lo eaL breakfasL and lL
MuS1 be a proLeln!
2. 8ecome a grazer - eaL mulLlple small
meals LhroughouL Lhe day
3. keep CarbohydraLes Lo a mlnlmum -
23-30 grams/day MAx lf you have
ulabeLes or MeLabollc Syndrome!!!
! Oil: coconut oil is BEST FOR EVERYTHING, extra virgin (best for cooking) olive oil,
! Spread: Ghee butter; RAW butter
! Avocado (eat one every day), coconut milk/cream (canned), oil,
Vegetables (organic fresh or frozen is best)
! ALL veggies are good especially lower carb, organic (broccoli, artichokes, asparagus, beets,
! STRICTLY LIMIT white potatoes and corn (corn is really a grain), eat sweet potatoes instead
Fruits (organic fresh or frozen is best)
! Stone fruits are BEST fruits with a pit
! LIMIT dried fruits (no sugar or sulfites), raisins, figs, dates, prunes; NO FRUIT JUICES!!!
Grains and Starchy Carbohydrates (organic is best, and whole grains and flours are best if
soaked for six to twelve hours before cooking) ***Brain-Based Therapy patients MUST stay
off Gluten!!!
! NO GRAINS is best!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, thats right, I said NO GRAINS!
! Gluten-FREE oats, rice, millet
! Pamelas Mix brand flour for baking, waffles, pancakes; use Quinua
! UDI bread is a good gluten free brand that makes bread and muffins but it is high carbs!
Sweeteners (NO Artificial and NO High Fructose Corn Syrup!!!)
! Unheated raw honey; LOCAL honey; date sugar; stevia; pure maple syrup; NO ARTIFICIAL
SWEETNERS!!!!!! (these kill you!)
Beans and Legumes (best if soaked for twelve hours)
! miso, lentils, tempeh, natto, black beans, kidney beans, navy beans, white beans, pinto beans,
red beans
! split peas, garbanzo beans, lima beans, broad beans, black-eyed peas
Nuts and Seeds (organic, raw, and/or soaked is best)
! RAW almonds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, almond butter, tahini,
! hemp or pumpkin seed butter, sunflower butter, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, hazelnuts,
Brazil nuts
Condiments, Spices, and Seasonings (organic is best MUST BE GLUTEN FREE)
! salsa (fresh or canned), tomato sauce (no added sugar), guacamole (fresh), NO soy sauce (use
Braggs Aminos)
! apple cider vinegar, raw salad dressings and marinades, herbs and spices (no added stabilizers)
! Herbamare seasoning, Celtic Sea Salt, sea salt, mustard, ketchup (no High Fructose Corn Syrup),
salad dressings (no canola oil)
! marinades (no canola oil), omega-3 mayonnaise, natural extracts such as vanilla or almond
! Reverse osmosis purified water; unsweetened herbal teas, raw vegetable or fruit juices, lacto-
fermented beverages (like Kombucha unless Candida/yeast/mold/fungus issues), coconut
! *Limit Carbohydrates to less than 50 grams/day or less
! *Detox Diets I recommend may severely limit some of the above for a period of time
! *Consider Coffee Enemas to flush out the intestinal tract and cleanse the body
! *Add ONLY supplements that Dr. Conners has instructed never buy things from
! *Study and meditate on Scripture daily, focus on what is good, holy and righteous;
keep away from the negative, bad thoughts and disease-oriented thinking.
! Focus on the PROCESS not the outcome.

undersLandlng lnflammaLlon
lnflammaLlon ls really a double-edged sword. lL ls a necessary componenL of heallng for ln lL
conLalns Lhe chemlcals of your lmmune response LhaL klll lnvaders and promoLe heallng. Whlle
lL ls beneflclal aL one level, lL ls also deLrlmenLal ln chronlc forms. Much llke mosL Lhlngs ls llfe,
balance ls Lhe key Lo success. ln cancer, Lhe chronlc lnflammaLlon of a 1h2 lmmune response
suppresses Lhe needed 1h1 response whlch ls largely responslble Lo conLrol Lhe cell growLh.

Alexander llemlng, Lhe dlscoverer of penlclllln, once sald, lf Lhe soll causes Lhe dlsease, Lhe
cure Lo Lhe dlsease also lles ln lL." We mlghL say, 1he cure for cancer lles ln Lhe cause of cancer,
namely, Lhe lmbalanced lmmune sysLem."
lor lnsLance, whlle 1nlalpha, naLural klller Cells (nkC), and Macrophages, some of Lhe pro-
lnflammaLory chemlcals of Lhe 1h1 (lmmedlaLe, klller-cell slde) lmmune response brlngs
L|ghtness]Darkness cyc|es:
Cod creaLed Lhe nlghL and sald LhaL lL was good. Man Lhen lllumlnaLed Lhe nlghL and sLayed up laLe
Lo be more 'producLlve' and add more sLress on hls adrenal sysLem. nlghL/darkness does many
good Lhlngs: lL ls when many hormones are produced llke melaLonln and prolacLln, Lhe precursors
Lo sex hormones and adrenal hormones, Lhe neuroLransmlLLers necessary for braln funcLlon, eLc.
?ou really nLLu Lo sLarL golng Lo bed, wlLh Lhe llghLs Cu1, by 9:00 every nlghL. lf you can'L fall
asleep rlghL away, llsLen Lo muslc or a book on Lape, buL be S1lLL ln Lhe uA8k. Lack of
sleep/darkness cycles ln your llfe can be a 8LCu8SC8 Lo auLolmmune dlsease for many reasons l'll
address ln my nexL book, l wanL my llfe back" comlng ouL soon.

8oLLom Llne: SLrlve for 9.3 hours sleep per nlghL ln fall Lhrough sprlng! lf you can'L sleep Lhe whole
Llme: pray, llsLen Lo muslc, llsLen Lo books - all rlghL braln acLlvlLles, buL make sure lL ls uA8k!!!
lnflammaLlon, lL also brlngs Lhe cure, Lhe correcLlon, Lhe sLlmulus LhaL leads Lo cancer
Also lL ls noLed LhaL whlle pro-oxldanLs produced ln Lhe body medlaLe lnammaLlon,
anLloxldanLs (such as gluLaLhlone) suppress Lhls response. lnammaLlon ls an lmporLanL parL of
Lhe body's response Lo boLh lnLernal and exLernal envlronmenLal sLlmull. 1hls response serves
Lo counLeracL Lhe lnsulL lncurred by Lhese sLlmull Lo Lhe body - survlval ls always Lhe body's
goal. When acuLe lnammaLlon, as seen ln a fever, ls manlfesLed for a shorL perlod of Llme, lL
has a LherapeuLlc consequence. Powever, when lnammaLlon becomes chronlc or lasLs Loo
long, lL can prove harmful and may lead Lo dlsease. lL's all abouL balance.

ro-CxldanLs vs. AnLl-CxldanLs
A slmllar relaLlonshlp exlsLs ln pro- vs. anLl-oxldanLs. lL seems we are overwhelmed wlLh
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe lmporLance of lncreaslng anLl-oxldanLs ln our dleL, Lhe LruLh be Lold: we
cancer care wlLhouL pro-oxldaLlon would prove frulLless. 1o undersLand Lhls, leL's dlscuss Lhe
A free radlcal ls a reacLlve molecule LhaL Lends Lo damage cell parLs so we Lend Lo Lhlnk LhaL Lhls
ls always 'bad'. nC1 Lrue. Powever, when unA ls damaged, Lhls can mean damaged genes buL
Lhls ls preclsely why our body repllcaLes cells and Lhe 'old' cell dles. lf Lhe genes conLrolllng cell
mulLlpllcaLlon are harmed, cell growLh can geL sLuck ln Lhe on" poslLlon and cause cancer - Lhls
ls an example of lmbalance.
Cancer cells are very acLlve reproduclng and growlng causlng an lncreased load of free radlcals
wlLhln Lhe cancer cell. Cancer cells are noL good aL handllng more free radlcals, slnce Lhey
already have more ln Lhem Lhan normal cells and Lhey Lend Lo spew Lhem ouL of Lhe cells
formlng a sllme layer LhaL makes lL more dlfflculL Lo peneLraLe. AL flrsL LhoughL, maybe lL would
be wlse Lo flood Lhe cancer wlLh anLl-oxldanLs. unLll we undersLand LhaL, aL Lhe rooL, Lhe
cancer ls growlng wlLhouL oxygen, fermenLlng lLs energy, we Lhen arrlve aL a dlfferenL soluLlon.
normally Lhe body makes energy Lhrough oxldaLlon and ls able Lo quench free radlcals
produced wlLh subsLances called anLloxldanLs. AnLloxldanLs lessen Lhe amounL of free radlcal-
lnduced ln[ury and brlng balance. 1hls 'Lug-o-war' conLlnues and may be lllusLraLed ln exerclse.
We go Lo Lhe gym and work our muscles, breaklng Llssue down ln Lhe presence of a depleLlng
supply of oxygen (almosL a seml-cancerous sLaLe) for muscles Lo 'recover' sLronger, blgger,
more LhrlfLy ln Lhelr use of oxygen, healLhler ln whaL we call 'beLLer shape'.
Cancer ls slmllar ln LhaL Lhe cells have creaLed a survlval mechanlsm Lo grow and Lhrlve ln a
hypoxlc envlronmenL. Slnce pro-oxldanL sLraLegles lncrease free radlcals, lL may beLLer seem
LhaL Lhe way Lo klll cancer cells ls by bombardlng Lhem wlLh pro-oxldanLs. 1hls would lead
Lo more free radlcals wlLhln cancer cells, and ln[ury and evenLual deaLh Lo Lhe cancer cells.
1he mechanlsm of many chemoLherapy drugs, as well as radlaLlon, ln desLroylng cancer cells ls
by causlng free radlcal lncrease wlLhln cancer cells. 1hls ls Lhe same mechanlsm ln many of Lhe
apopLogens (cancer klllers) ln a nuLrlLlonal approach.
Many nuLrlceuLlcals LhaL are normally consldered Lo be anLl-oxldanLs acLually have a pro-
oxldanL, cancer-kllllng effecL on cancer cells. Curcumln, for example ls [usL one anLl-oxldanL
LhaL acLs as a pro-oxldanL Lo a cancer cell. lL also ellclLs anLl-lnflammaLory beneflLs LhaL alde ln
breaklng down Lhe barrler for an lmmune assaulL on Lhe growlng cancer mass. Selenlum, LCCC
(from Creen 1ea LxLracL), hlgh dose vlLamln C and oLhers also acL llke Lhls. Some so-called
anLloxldanLs aL hlgh levels have oLher ways of kllllng cancer cells, llke lnhlblLlng cerLaln enzymes
(Curcumln lnhlblLs Lopolsomerase ll) LhaL hlnder normal apopLosls.
We have Lo be careful Laklng dogmaLlc sLances ln our nuLrlLlonal approach. 1he anLl-oxldanLs
are good for you so excess amounLs of anLl-oxldanLs musL be beLLer" lgnores Lhe very prlnclples
of healLh LhaL regulaLe homeosLasls - balance. Mlxlng dlfferenL nuLrlLlon can be
counLerproducLlve as well, for lnsLance, use of Curcumln along wlLh CluLaLhlone has shown Lo
be a very wrong approach. LxLenslve research wlLhln Lhe pasL half-cenLury has lndlcaLed LhaL
Curcumln, Lhe yellow plgmenL ln curry powder, exhlblLs anLloxldanL, anLl-lnflammaLory, and
pro-apopLoLlc (aldlng ln normal cell deaLh) acLlvlLles.
8ecenL sLudles have lnvesLlgaLed wheLher Lhe anLl-lnflammaLory and pro-apopLoLlc acLlvlLles
asslgned Lo Curcumln are medlaLed Lhrough lLs pro-oxldanL/anLl-oxldanL mechanlsm. Much
daLa has revealed LhaL 1nl-medlaLed nl-k8 (markers found Lo acceleraLe cancer) acLlvaLlon
was lnhlblLed by Curcumln - Lherefore Curcumln acLs Lo slow cancer growLh. CluLaLhlone,
normally a greaL anLl-oxldanL (some would argue LhaL lL ls Lhe body's greaLesL) reversed Lhe
lnhlblLlon - LhaL means LhaL CluLaLhlone negaLed Lhe cancer sLopplng beneflLs of Curcumln.
1hls ls [usL one example of whaL can go wrong wlLh Laklng Loo many supplemenLs!
Cellular pro-oxldanLs, called reacLlve oxygen specles (8CS), are consLanLly produced ln our
body. As sLaLed, excesslve 8CS can lnduce oxldaLlve damage ln Lhe cell and promoLe a number
of degeneraLlve dlseases lncludlng acceleraLed aglng. Cellular anLloxldanLs proLecL agalnsL Lhe
damaglng effecLs of 8CS and have long been Lhe sales-plLch of healLh pracLlLloners. Powever,
we cannoL lgnore normal balance, ln moderaLe concenLraLlons, 8CS are necessary for a number
of proLecLlve reacLlons. 8CS are essenLlal medlaLors of anLlmlcroblal phagocyLosls (kllllng blo-
Loxlns), deLoxlflcaLlon reacLlons carrled ouL by Lhe cyLochrome -430 complex (Lhe maln llver
deLox paLhway), and apopLosls whlch ellmlnaLes cancerous and oLher llfe-LhreaLenlng cells. Can
you say 'balance' agaln?
Lxcesslve lngesLlon of anLloxldanLs could dangerously lnLerfere wlLh Lhese proLecLlve funcLlons,
whlle Lemporary depleLlon of anLloxldanLs can enhance anLl-cancer effecLs of apopLosls. 1hls ls
[usL anoLher lesson agalnsL 'cookbook nuLrlLlon'. 1hls ls where pracLlLloners educaLed ln
klneslology may have an advanLage ln deLermlnlng Lhe correcL approach for Lhe paLlenL.
luncLlonal medlclne LesLlng measurlng 8CS basellnes may also prove effecLlve on deLermlnlng a
nuLrlceuLlcal aLLack, as each paLlenL ls dlfferenL.

A8Ln1 LssenLlal laLLy Aclds (uAs, ALAs, LAs & uPAs)
LssenLlal faLLy aclds have undergone exLenslve sLudles wlLh cancer and Lhelr poLenLlal anLl-
lnflammaLory effecLs on Lhe body. ln a recenL sLudy ouL of llnland, !yrkl vlrLanen, from Lhe
unlverslLy of LasLern llnland, analyzed blood levels of omega-3 faLLy aclds, as well as C-reacLlve
proLeln (C8) - a marker of lnflammaLlon, ln llnnlsh men, ages 42 Lo 60 years. 8esulLs showed
LhaL ls omega-3 levels lncreased, C8 levels decreased. Speclflcally, docosapenLanolc acld (uA)
and docosahexanolc acld (uPA) lncrease slgnlflcanLly, whereas no change ln levels of
elcosapenLaenolc acld (LA) or alpha-llnolenlc acld (ALA) were observed. 1he sLudy auLhors
conclude LhaL: "Serum [omega-3 polyunsaLuraLed faLLy aclds] and especlally Lhe long-chaln
[omega-3 polyunsaLuraLed faLLy aclds] concenLraLlon, a marker of flsh or flsh oll consumpLlon,
were lnversely assoclaLed wlLh serum [C-reacLlve proLeln] ln men."
LssenLlal faLLy aclds are a greaL anLl-lnflammaLory faL LhaL everyone needs Lo consume. Pow
much ls enough? llrsL undersLand LhaL farm-ralsed salmon and oLher flsh are nC1 a good
source of Cmega-3's. uo nC1 buy flsh LhaL are farm-ralsed, Lhese are fed prepared flsh foods
and noL naLural. 1o geL LlAs from food, eaL cold waLer, ocean caughL flsh LhaL are producLs of
Lhelr naLural envlronmenL. uC nC1 Lake supplemenLs of flsh oll, CnL? use A8Ln1 olls (whlch
are cold pressed seed olls - l llsL Lhe source Lo buy below). ?ou musL spend Lhe money and
purchase a good brand LhaL ensures llLLle Lo no conLamlnanLs and has a repuLaLlon for quallLy.
8ecause omega-3 faLLy aclds are ln shorLesL supply ln Lhe Lyplcal Amerlcan dleL and have been
so lmbalanced ln mosL people for decades, l always recommend you obLaln LlAs from a
A8Ln1 source. 1hls means Lhe olls are from unadulLeraLed sources LhaL are from sources LhaL
conLaln Lhe 'parenLs' of boLh Cmega-3 and Cmega-6. 1hese 'parenL essenLlal olls' (LCs) are
Llnolelc Acld and Llnolenlc Acld. 1hls ls one of Lhe slmplesL, safesL, yeL mosL effecLlve sLeps you
can Lake Lo quell chronlc lnflammaLlon ln your body. l also recommend LhaL everyone lnclude a
small handful of raw nuLs and seeds ln your dleL dally, especlally walnuLs, whlch are good
sources of LCs.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo have Lhe proper raLlo of omega-3 and omega-6 ln Lhe dleL and Lo leL Lhe body
make Lhem Lhrough uslng LCs. We know LhaL Cmega-3 faLLy aclds help reduce lnflammaLlon,
and mosL omega-6 faLLy aclds Lend Lo promoLe lnflammaLlon whlch, from Lhe ouLslde looklng
ln, lsn'L good. Powever, Lhere MuS1 be a proper balance beLween an lnflammaLory 'aLLack'
response and Lhe anLl-lnflammaLory 'clean-up'. LveryLhlng ln llfe ls abouL balance!
rof. 8rlan eskln ls a world-leadlng sclenLlsL speclallzlng ln parenL LlAs - Lermed LCs - and
Lhelr dlrecL relaLlonshlp Lo boLh cancer and cardlovascular dlsease. Pe currenLly spends Llme
advanclng Lhe sclenLlflc undersLandlng of Lhe role of essenLlal faLLy aclds ln Lhe body's
meLabollc paLhways, and has developed a means for allevlaLlng cancer's prlme cause, as
posLulaLed by nobel rlze-wlnner CLLo Warburg, M.u., h.u., by lncreaslng cellular oxygenaLlon
(1he Pldden SLory of Cancer, lrom an lmmune sLandpolnL, Lhere ls
a fundamenLal cancer / hearL dlsease connecLlon, whereby Lhe same physlologlc soluLlon helps
solve boLh condlLlons.
ur. eskln's proLocol, Lermed Lhe eskln roLocol" wlll lead Lo a new undersLandlng of how Lo
beLLer care for paLlenLs wlLh boLh cancer and hearL dlsease. 1he basls for eskln's currenL work,
grounded ln physlology - can be found ln hls semlnal work and peer-revlewed medlcal [ournal
arLlcles. Cllnlcal physlclans LhroughouL Lhe world have valldaLed rof. eskln's LlA
recommendaLlons. ln Lhe mosL exclLlng developmenL Lo daLe, ur. eskln's LheoreLlcal
concluslons were recenLly and compleLely valldaLed ln a physlologlcal experlmenL by preclse
lnsLrumenLaLlon capable of measurlng arLerlal compllance. 1hls experlmenL (lCWA experlmenL)
provlded Lhe flrsL concluslve cllnlcal proof and valldaLlon of rof. eskln's Lheory. eskln
pharmaceuLlcals have a paLenL pendlng on Lhe medlcamenL LhaL embodles Lhls developmenL.
What |s a arent Lssent|a| C|| (LC)?
1here are really only Lwo (2) essenLlal faLLy aclds, LA (parenL omega-6) and ALA (parenL omega-
3). 1hey MuS1 come from food. 1o work properly, Lhey CAnnC1 be heaLed, chemlcally
processed, and MuS1 be organlcally ralsed Lo guaranLee full physlologlc funcLlonallLy.
1he Lyplcal Amerlcan dleL Lends Lo conLaln 13 - 30 Llmes more omega-6 faLLy aclds Lhan omega-
3 faLLy aclds - and Lhey are all adulLeraLed! A 1:1 raLlo of parenL omega-3 : parenL omega-6
would be perfecL buL noL very pracLlcal lf you Lhlnk you are geLLlng from your currenL food
1he MedlLerranean-Lype dleLs have a healLhler balance beLween omega-3 and omega-6 faLLy
aclds. l prefer even a more-sLrlcL aleo-Lype dleL for mosL people, ellmlnaLlng gralns, 'bad'
carbohydraLes, graln-fed meaLs, and obLalnlng mosL of your nuLrlLlon from your vegeLables,
[ulclng, and sLone frulLs. Many sLudles have shown LhaL people who follow Lhls dleL are less
llkely Lo develop hearL dlsease and have a much greaLer chance of survlvlng cancer.
eople who follow an AnLl-lnflammaLory dleL Lend Lo have hlgher PuL or good" cholesLerol
levels, whlch help promoLe hearL healLh. lnulL Lsklmos, who geL hlgh amounLs of omega-3 faLLy
aclds from eaLlng faLLy flsh (and even blubber), also Lend Lo have lncreased PuL cholesLerol and
decreased Lrlglycerldes (faLs ln Lhe blood). ?es, Lhey eaL faL and are healLhler, have less faL ln
Lhelr blood and llver, and have less cancer! llnally, walnuLs (whlch are rlch ln alpha llnolenlc
acld or AnA, whlch converLs Lo omega-3's ln Lhe body) have been reporLed Lo lower LoLal
cholesLerol and Lrlglycerldes ln people wlLh hlgh cholesLerol levels.
MosL cllnlcal sLudles examlnlng parenL omega-3: parenL omega-6 faLLy acld supplemenLs for
auLolmmune dlsorders have focused on rheumaLold arLhrlLls (8A), an auLolmmune dlsease LhaL
causes lnflammaLlon ln Lhe [olnLs. A number of small sLudles have found LhaL lL helps reduce
sympLoms of 8A, lncludlng [olnL paln and mornlng sLlffness by reduclng Lhe acuLe lnflammaLlon.
LaLlng foods rlch ln LCs seems Lo reduce Lhe rlsk of colorecLal cancer accordlng Lo research
and observance. lor example, Lsklmos, who Lend Lo have a hlgh faL dleL as descrlbed above, buL
end up eaLlng hlgh amounLs of LCs, have a low raLe of colorecLal cancer. Anlmal sLudles and
laboraLory sLudles have found LhaL omega-3 faLLy aclds prevenL worsenlng of colon cancer as
well. rellmlnary sLudles suggesL LhaL Laklng LCs dally may help slow Lhe progresslon of colon
cancer ln people wlLh early sLages of Lhe dlsease. AlLhough noL all experLs agree, women who
eaL foods rlch ln LCs over many years may be less llkely Lo develop breasL cancer.
opulaLlon based sLudles of groups of men suggesL LhaL a 'good' faL dleL lncludlng LCs help
prevenL Lhe developmenL of prosLaLe cancer. 1he blggesL Lhlng Lo remember abouL good olls
and cancer ls Lhe anLl-lnflammaLory beneflLs. 8emember, rapldly reproduclng cells (cancer)
glve off a large amounL of acldlc wasLe LhaL form an lnflammaLory 'sllme' layer around Lhe
growlng mass LhaL proLecLs lL and prevenLs your lmmune sysLem from kllllng lL. AnyLhlng one
can do Lo decrease Lhls 'sllme' layer wlll have beneflLs ln allowlng your body Lo klll Lhe cancer
LCs and Cancer
1he hls book, 1he Pldden SLory of Cancer", ur. eskln deLalls Lhe molecular blochemlsLry of
why cancer develops and shows LhaL no 'geneLlc cause' wlll ever be found Lo Lhe ma[orlLy of
cancers. 8emember LhaL cancer ls noL a forelgn lnvader, buL ls raLher a prlmlLlve defense
mechanlsm for survlval ln a very unhealLhy envlronmenL. Medlcal research undersLood LhaL
cancer comes from wlLhln our own bodles, buL Lhey vlewed our bodles' cells as belng somehow
geneLlcally programmed Lo Lurn on Lhemselves." 1hls ls where Lhey make Lhelr mlsLake: 1he
body ls noL Lurnlng on lLself, lnsLead, lL ls sLruggllng Lo survlve ln Lhe only way lL can," wrlLe
eskln. Cancer cells survlve by maklng energy uslng fermenLaLlon.
MosL cancers are noL and have never been geneLlc ln orlgln. WhaL ls correcL ls LhaL Lhe
cancerous Llssue ls surrounded by unhealLhy, oxygen-deprlved Llssue LhaL has allowed Lhe
unconLrolled growLh Lo Lake place. Powever, lL geLs worse. Many Llssues are oxygen deprlved
along wlLh Lhe cancerous ones - lL ls nC1 a local problem, lL ls a sysLemlc problem. Pomer
MacaplnLac, M.u., chalr and professor of nuclear medlclne aL 1he unlverslLy of 1exas M.u.
Anderson Cancer CenLer for sLaLlng Lhls LruLh: 8reasL cancer ls noL a local problem. lL ls a
sysLemlc [whole body] dlsease."
Cne MA!C8 reason LhaL our Llssue becomes oxygen deflclenL and more acldlc ls slmple: by
eaLlng adulLeraLed olls and faLs from Lhe food processlng lndusLry and from your supermarkeL's
cooklng oll secLlon! 1hese adulLeraLed olls have a long shelf-llfe buL have losL Lhelr oxygenaLlon
ablllLy. 1hey sLarLed ouL conLalnlng Lhe funcLlonal, vlLally needed oxygen-Lransferrlng LCs
(arenL LssenLlal Clls), buL Lhey were rulned by processlng and reflnlng. ?our body can'L make
Lhem on lLs own, Lhey MuS1 come from food. We are glvlng ourselves cancer by eaLlng
common, everyday processed foods! 1ransfaLs are only Lhe Llp of Lhe lceberg" of Lhe meLhods
used by food processors Lo obLaln long shelf-llfe and ruln Lhe oxygenaLlon capablllLy of faLs.
LCs work llke Llny magneLs" drawlng oxygen lnLo all cells, Llssues, and vlLal organs.
D|etary Sources:
lanL and nuL olls are Lhe prlmary dleLary source of LCs. ALA ls found ln flaxseeds, flaxseed oll,
canola (rapeseed) oll, soybeans, soybean oll (8u1 do nC1 Lake canola oll or soy producLs wlLh
cancer!!), pumpkln seeds, pumpkln seed oll, purslane, perllla seed oll, walnuLs, and walnuL oll.
1aklng a supplemenL ls really necessary unless you eaL a perfecL dleL. l use CnL? ur. eskln's
roLocol now (l was under Lhe same mls-undersLandlng as mosL oLher nuLrlLlonlsLs regardlng
flsh oll) and CnL? recommend Llfe SysLem lnLernaLlonal's producL. Llfe SysLems lnLernaLlonal
arenL LssenLlal Clls (LCS) are organlcally produced, cold-pressed seed olls conLalnlng
parenL" omega 6 and parenL" omega 3. 1hey are lnflnlLely beLLer Lhan flsh oll supplemenLs.
llsh olls are noL as pure or as effecLlve as organlc, wlldcrafLed seed olls and can even be
harmful. 1hese LCS are produced Lo very speclflc, hlgh sclenLlflc sLandards. ?ou may order
you own LC supplemenLs aL Llfe SysLems lnLernaLlonal's webslLe:
l have absoluLely nC flnanclal Lles Lo Lhls company!

Chronlc lnflammaLlon
Chronlc lnflammaLlon ls Lhe real problem. lL almosL always lurks beneaLh Lhe surface of nearly
every chronlc dlsease lncludlng dlabeLes, cancer and every auLolmmune dlsorder. MosL of Lhe
Llme you can'L see or feel lL, buL Lhls low-grade, consLanL Lype of lnflammaLlon lncreases Lhe rlsk
of every leadlng cause of deaLh.
1o undersLand and Lherefore conLrol lnflammaLlon ls a ma[or key Lo conquerlng cancer. l have
ofLen sald LhaL cancer ls a 1h2 domlnanL dlsorder LhaL lmposes a 1h1 lmmune suppresslon.
?our 1h1 sysLem ls Lhe maln 'klller' porLlon of your lmmune response LhaL also helps 'klll' cells
LhaL are supposed Lo dle and be cleaned ouL of Lhe body. lf Lhe 1h1 sysLem ls suppressed,
cancer has a beLLer chance Lo prollferaLe.
8oLh sldes of Lhe lmmune sysLem flre lnflammaLlon. 1he 1h1 sysLem creaLes a more acuLe
lnflammaLlon where Lhe 1h2 sysLem enables a slower, more lnsldlous lnflammaLlon LhaL may
largely go unnoLlced by Lhe paLlenL. lL ls common for a person wlLh a 1h2 domlnanL
auLolmmune condlLlon Lo be compleLely unaware of Lhelr problem and blame sLlffness,
arLhrlLls, braln fog, and oLher chronlc lnflammaLory sympLoms on 'old age' or worse, allowlng a
docLor Lo glve Lhem a medlcaLlon LhaL suppresses Lhe sympLoms and Lhe problem conLlnues.
LeL's look aL a common condlLlon ln Amerlca: hlgh cholesLerol. Mllllons are dlagnosed wlLh Lhls
every year and placed on some sLaLln drug LhaL readlly lowers Lhelr numbers and glves Lhe
paLlenL a false sense of vlcLory. Was Lhe reason why Lhe llver was produclng an excess amounL
of cholesLerol addressed? WhaL causes your body Lo make cholesLerol?
CholesLerol ls a necessary lngredlenL Lo llfe, lL ls Lhe precursor Lo all your hormones lncludlng
vlLamln u. Slde noLe: Slnce vlLamln u ls cruclal ln apopLosls (normal cell deaLh LhaL ls nC1
happenlng ln cancer) and every cancer paLlenL ls arguably low ln serum vlLamln u levels Anu
slnce cholesLerol ls Lhe precursor Lo vlLamln u producLlon, do you Lhlnk Lhere ls a correlaLlon
beLween Lhe 80 bllllon dollar per year LlplLor lndusLry and our rlse ln cancer raLes? lL doesn'L
really Lake a rockeL sclenLlsL Lo flgure some of Lhls sLuff ouL!
Lxcess cholesLerol lsn'L good elLher, buL why ls Lhe body maklng Loo much? l Lhlnk LhaL 1PlS ls
Lhe Lype of quesLlon LhaL musL be asked! ?our body makes cholesLerol for numerous reasons
buL one ls ln response Lo lnflammaLlon. See Lhe connecLlon? lf a person has chronlc
lnflammaLlon Lhey can have elevaLed cholesLerol. llnd Lhe source of lnflammaLlon!

vlclous Cycles
lllness ls an ouLcome of vlclous cycles. Pere's [usL one posslblllLy: A person ls exposed Lo a hlgh
amounL of Loxlns ln Lhelr llfeLlme, some of whlch seLLle ln Lhelr Llssue. An lmmune response
from a compleLely normal response, leL's say Lo an lnfecLlon of some sorL, causes a splke ln Lhe
1h1 sysLem Lo klll Lhe lnfecLor. 1hls 1h1 lmmune response carrles a slurry of dlfferenL chemlcals
LhaL are [usL looklng for someLhlng Lo klll (because LhaL ls Lhe only Lhlng your lmmune sysLem
does). lf Lhe lnfecLlon ls easlly quenched, excess 1h1 cyLoklnes may 'flnd' a Loxln lodged ln your
Llssue LhaL Lhe lmmune sysLem was never supposed Lo 'Lurn on' agalnsL. lf Lhese chemlcals
lnlLlaLe a response agalnsL such a Loxln, we have a problem. Slnce Lhe lmmune sysLem only kllls
Lhlngs, lLs aLLempL Lo 'klll' a Loxln wlll slmply resulL ln a consLanL, ramped-up response LhaL
desLroys local Llssue and leaves lnflammaLory cyLoklnes LhaL choke-off deLoxlflcaLlon paLhways
and clog exLracellular spaces. 1hls ls really Lhe deflnlLlon of an auLolmmune dlsease!
lf Lhe subsequenL lmmune response ls domlnanL ln 1h1 chemlcals, lL ls called a 1h1 domlnanL
auLolmmune condlLlon and ls marked by more acuLe desLrucLlon and ofLen leads Lo a greaLer
number of sympLoms for Lhe paLlenL LhaL may cause Lhem Lo seek help and recelve a dlagnosls.
A greaLer number of 1h2 chemlcals leads Lo a 1h2 domlnanL auLolmmune response LhaL can be
[usL as desLrucLlve buL ls ofLen slower ln process and more lnsldlous, leavlng Lhe paLlenL wlLh
dlffuse, lower-grade sympLoms LhaL may go undlagnosed and undeLecLed. 1he 1h2 response
sLlll breeds chronlc lnflammaLlon and chronlc lnflammaLlon down-regulaLes cell recepLors
agalnsL Lhlngs LhaL alde ln normal cell deaLh (llke vlLamln u recepLors LhaL are supposed Lo help
old cells dle and noL become cancerous).
We are lefL wlLh a breedlng ground for cancer!
l could glve a hundred dlfferenL example of 'vlclous cycles' buL Lhe lmporLanL Lhlng Lo
undersLand ls LhaL LvL8? dlsease ls a producL of one. lallure for you and your docLor Lo 'dlg
back' and flgure ouL Lhe vlclous cycle LhaL has lead you Lo your problem ls [usL W8CnC. 1o glve
Lhe paLlenL a label of cancer or any dlsease for LhaL maLLer, wlLhouL flndlng Lhe reason lL ls
Lhere ls malpracLlce ln my book. l LhoughL LhaL Lhls ls whaL a docLor was supposed Lo do. Any
educaLed lndlvldual can 'google' Lhelr sympLoms and compare Lhelr lab resulLs Lo paLLerns Lo
reach a reasonable dlagnosls, lL's WP? Lhe problem exlsLs LhaL musL be solved!
8alanclng hormones wlLh ulM?
Many cancers, dlseases, and [usL overall dlscomforL are drlven by lmbalances ln hormones. 1he
reasons are many buL exposure Lo esLrogens ln our envlronmenL ls by far Lhe greaLesL cause of
hormone dysregulaLlon. A nuLrlLlonal supplemenL called ulM, or dllndolylmeLhane, ls a naLural
compound found ln cruclferous vegeLables LhaL promoLes beneflclal esLrogen meLabollsm ln
boLh women and men. Cruclferous vegeLables such as broccoll, caullflower, cabbage, and
8russels sprouLs are rlch ln dllndolylmeLhane. ulM affecLs esLrogen meLabollsm by promoLlng
Lhe excreLlon of xenoesLrogens, whlch are bad esLrogens" we encounLer Lhrough pesLlcldes ln
our dleL, food laced wlLh hormones, and from polluLlon ln Lhe envlronmenL.
ulM ls lncreaslng ln popularlLy as a naLural Lherapy due Lo medlcal research showlng lLs poslLlve
effecLs on aberranL cells and healLhy esLrogen meLabollsm. SclenLlsLs aL uC 8erkeley dlscovered
LhaL ulM ls also a poLenL modulaLor of Lhe lmmune sysLem - meanlng LhaL lL can help balance a
1h1/1h2 domlnance. ulM, comblned wlLh Lhe medlclnal mushrooms ln some nuLraceuLlcal
formulas we use acL LogeLher Lo enhance and supporL Lhe lmmune sysLem.
CLher nuLrlenLs lncludlng CuerceLln, 1urmerlc (Curcumln), AsLragalus, ScuLellarla barbaLa, add
Lo Lhe effecLlveness of ulM ln boLh clearlng xenoesLrogens and balanclng Lhe lmmune sysLem.
noL all cancers are hormonally drlven buL use of ulM can beneflL everyone slnce our exposure
Lo envlronmenLal hormones ls ublqulLous.
ulLlmaLely, when deallng wlLh hormone lssues, auLolmmune dlsease, or cancer, correcLlng Lhe
CAuSL ls Lhe flrsL sLep. 8e wlse and consume only grass-fed organlc meaL when posslble, sLay
away from dalry producLs, and sLop uslng plasLlcs ln conLacL wlLh food or drlnk. lL may be
lmposslble Lo LoLally ellmlnaLe xenoesLrogens buL we can cerLalnly llmlL exposure.
AnLl-lnflammaLory loods
rocessed sugars and oLher hlgh-glycemlc sLarches lncrease lnflammaLlon, [usL as Lhey ralse
blood sugar and feed cancer cells, accordlng Lo an arLlcle ln Lhe Ametlcoo Iootool of cllolcol
WhaL we eaL ls elLher pro-lnflammaLory or anLl-lnflammaLory lnslde your body. Pere are 11 of
Lhe besL anLl-lnflammaLory foods (because l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe besL way Lo geL your nuLrlLlon ls
Lhrough your food):
1. Cold-waLer flsh, lncludlng salmon, conLaln 'whole food' anLl-lnflammaLory faLs. Wlld salmon
have more of Lhese super-healLhy faLs Lhan does farmed salmon so never buy farm-ralsed flsh
of any klnd s Lhey are fed processed, flsh-food. Shopplng Llp: All salmon from Alaska ls wlld,
whereas ALlanLlc salmon ls usually farmed. LaL flsh - wlld-caughL, cold waLer flsh buL don'L buy
Lhe flsh olls, geLLlng A8Ln1 omegas from cold-pressed seeds lS 8LS1!
2. Crass-fed beef and oLher anlmal foods LhaL are organlcally ralsed. As opposed Lo LradlLlonal,
graln-fed llvesLock, meaL LhaL comes from anlmals fed grass conLalns anLl-lnflammaLory
omegas, buL ln lower concenLraLlons Lhan cold-pressed seed olls. lree-range llvesLock LhaL
graze ln pasLures bulld up hlgher levels of omega-3s. MeaL from graln-fed anlmals has vlrLually
no omega-3s and plenLy of poor quallLy saLuraLed faL.
Cooklng Llp: unless lL's ground, grass-fed beef may be Lougher, so slow cook lL.
3. Cllve oll and CoconuL oll. Cllve oll ls a greaL source of olelc acld (omega 9), anoLher anLl-
lnflammaLory oll. 8esearchers wroLe ln Lhe CcLober 2007 !ournal of Lhe Amerlcan College of
nuLrlLlon LhaL Lhose who consume more olelc acld have beLLer lnsulln funcLlon and lower blood
sugar. CoconuL oll ls 8LS1!
Shopplng Llp: CpL for exLra-vlrgln ollve oll, whlch ls Lhe leasL processed, and use lL lnsLead of
oLher cooklng olls. CLher "cold-pressed" or "expeller-pressed" olls can be good sources, Loo.
use CoconuL oll whenever cooklng aL hlgher LemperaLures as lL ls more sLable Lhan ollve oll.
4. Salads. uark-green leLLuce, splnach, LomaLoes, and oLher salad veggles are rlch ln vlLamln C
and oLher anLloxldanLs, nuLrlenLs LhaL dampen lnflammaLlon.
SuggesLlon: CpL for ollve oll-and-vlnegar salad dresslng (vlnegar helps moderaLe blood sugar),
and sklp Lhe crouLons - gralns are vL8? pro-lnflammaLory.
3. Cruclferous vegeLables. 1hese veggles, whlch lnclude broccoll, caullflower, 8russels sprouLs,
and kale, are also loaded wlLh anLloxldanLs. 8uL Lhey also provlde one oLher lngredlenL -- sulfur
-- LhaL Lhe body needs Lo make lLs own hlgh-powered anLloxldanLs llke gluLaLhlone.
6. Cherrles. A sLudy ln Lhe Aprll 2006 !ournal of nuLrlLlon showed LhaL eaLlng cherrles dally can
slgnlflcanLly reduce lnflammaLlon. Cherrles are also packed wlLh anLloxldanLs and relaLlvely low
on Lhe glycemlc lndex. 1hey are one of Lhe 'sLone frulLs' (frulLs wlLh plLs) LhaL are greaL for
dlabeLlc and cancer paLlenLs.
1lp: lrozen cherrles are avallable all year long and make a LasLy LreaL when blended ln a
7. 8lueberrles. 1hese delecLable frulLs are chock-full of naLural compounds LhaL reduce
lnflammaLlon. 8lueberrles may also proLecL Lhe braln from many of Lhe effecLs of aglng. lrozen
blueberrles are usually less expenslve Lhan fresh -- and [usL as good for you.
8. 1urmerlc or Curcumln. 1hls splce conLalns a powerful, naLural anLl-lnflammaLory compound,
accordlng Lo a reporL ln Lhe AugusL 2007 8lochemlcal harmacology. 1here are perhaps a
Lhousand more sLudles ouL on Lhe beneflLs of 1urmerlc ln cancer and lnflammaLory dlsorders.
Curcumln has long been parL of curry splce blends, used ln souLhern Aslan culslnes and ls besL
asslmllaLed ln Lhe body when blended wlLh a good faL. 1herefore cooklng wlLh Lhls splce greaLly
lncreases lLs absorpLlon. When l recommend lL for a supplemenL (almosL every paLlenL wlLh
cancer musL be on Lhls) l use a brand LhaL ls pre-emulslfled ln a faL (coconuL oll) so lL ls more
readlly used by Lhe body.
1o use ln food: 8uy powdered curry splce (whlch conLalns hlgh amounLs of Lurmerlc and oLher
splces) and use lL as a seasonlng when pan-frylng chlcken breasLs ln coconuL oll.
9. Clnger. 1hls relaLlve of Lurmerlc ls also known for lLs anLl-lnflammaLory beneflLs, and some
research suggesLs LhaL lL mlghL also help conLrol blood sugar, heal Lhe sLomach and dlgesLlve
LracL, and help breakdown walls of lnflammaLlon LhaL surround cancer.
SuggesLlon: 8rew your own glnger Lea Lo slp beLween [ulces ([ulclng vegeLables ls a musL for
cancer). use a peeler Lo remove Lhe skln off a plece of glnger, Lhen add several Lhln sllces Lo a
cup of hoL waLer and leL sLeep for a few mlnuLes.
10. Carllc. 1he research lsn'L conslsLenL, buL garllc may have some anLl-lnflammaLory and
cerLalnly helps lncrease 1h1 responses LhaL are necessary Lo klll cancer cells. AL Lhe very leasL, lL
won'L hurL and makes for a LasLy addlLlon Lo food.
11. Creen Lea. Llke frulLs and vegeLables, green Lea conLalns naLural anLl-lnflammaLory
compounds. lL may even reduce Lhe rlsk of hearL dlsease and cancer. 1he LCCC compounds
found ln Creen 1ea exLracLs are absoluLely essenLlal for every cancer paLlenL. Creen 1ea ls
Lyplcally a 1h2 sLlmulanL excepL LhaL lL also ls one of Lhe only compounds LhaL reduce Lhe only
pro-lnflammaLory cyLoklne ln Lhe 1h2 reacLlon - lnLerleukln 6 (lL-6).
SuggesLlon: urlnklng Creen 1ea ls nC1 golng Lo glve one enough LCCC Lo reduce lL-6 levels buL
lL cerLalnly helps. l suggesL one Lake Creen 1ea LxLracL as a supplemenL.

noney-am|no 8ro||ed Sa|mon
1hls sweeL, Langy and salLy mlxLure does double-duLy as marlnade and sauce. 1oasLed sesame seeds
provlde a nuLLy and aLLracLlve accenL. Make lL a Meal: Serve wlLh genLly sLeamed broccoll and sauLeed
red peppers and zucchlnl sllces.
1 scalllon or green onlon, mlnced
2 Lablespoons 8ragg's brand Amlnos
1 Lablespoon rlce vlnegar
1 Lablespoon honey
1 Leaspoon mlnced fresh glnger
1 pound cenLer-cuL salmon fllleL cuL lnLo 4 porLlons
1 Leaspoon LoasLed or raw sesame seeds or pumpkln seeds

1. Whlsk scalllon, 8ragg's Amlnos, vlnegar, honey and glnger ln a medlum bowl unLll Lhe honey ls
dlssolved. lace salmon ln a sealable plasLlc bag, add 3 Lablespoons of Lhe sauce and refrlgeraLe,
leL marlnaLe for 13 mlnuLes. 8eserve Lhe remalnlng sauce.
2. reheaL broller. Llne a small baklng pan wlLh foll and coaL wlLh cooklng spray. 1ransfer Lhe
salmon Lo Lhe pan, sklnned-slde down. (ulscard Lhe marlnade.) 8roll Lhe salmon 4 Lo 6 lnches
from Lhe heaL source unLll cooked Lhrough, 6 Lo 10 mlnuLes. urlzzle wlLh Lhe reserved sauce and
garnlsh wlLh sesame seeds.

Curr|ed G|nger Soup
1 Leaspoon corlander seeds
1/2 Leaspoon yellow musLard seeds
3 Lablespoons coconuL oll
1/2 Leaspoon curry powder
1 Lablespoon mlnced peeled fresh glnger
2 cups flnely chopped red onlons
1 1/2 pounds organlc carroLs, peeled, Lhlnly sllced lnLo rounds (abouL 4 cups)
1 1/2 Leaspoons flnely graLed llme peel
3 cups organlc chlcken broLh
2 cups coconuL mllk
2 Leaspoons fresh llme [ulce
laln yogurL (for garnlsh)
Crlnd corlander and musLard seeds ln splce mlll Lo flne powder. PeaL Lhe coconuL oll ln heavy large poL
over medlum-hlgh heaL. Add ground seeds and curry powder, sLlr 1 mlnuLe. Add glnger, sLlr 1 mlnuLe.
Add nexL 3 lngredlenLs. Sprlnkle wlLh salL and pepper, sauLe unLll onlons begln Lo sofLen, abouL 3
mlnuLes. Add all Lhe chlcken broLh and coconuL mllk, brlng Lo boll. 8educe heaL Lo medlum-low, slmmer
uncovered unLll carroLs are Lender, abouL 30 mlnuLes. Cool sllghLly.
now you have a cholce:
1. LaL and en[oy as ls by addlng Lhe llme [ulce and a blL of salL and pepper or.
2. Worklng ln baLches, puree ln blender unLll smooLh. 8eLurn soup Lo poL. Add more broLh by 1/4
cups lf Loo Lhlck. SLlr ln llme [ulce, season wlLh salL and pepper. Ladle soup lnLo bowls. Carnlsh
wlLh yogurL and serve.

Ch|ck ea, Cum|n, and Cor|ander sa|ad
?ou can also make Lhls Lhe day before servlng Lo allow all of Lhe aromaLlc flavors Lo marlnaLe and blend
LogeLher. (makes 8 servlngs so you can have lL for lunch Lhe nexL day)
3 Lablespoons fresh squeezed lemon [ulce
2 Lablespoons whlLe-wlne vlnegar
2 garllc cloves, mlnced and mashed wlLh 1/4 Leaspoon sea salL
1 1/2 Leaspoons peeled and graLed fresh glnger rooL
1 Leaspoon ground cumln
1/4 Leaspoon drled hoL red pepper flakes
1/2 cup exLra vlrgln ollve oll
lreshly ground black pepper
lour 19-ounce cans chlck-peas, rlnsed and dralned well
llnely chopped green, red or yellow bell peppers
1hlnly sllced green scalllons
llnely chopped red onlon
1/2 cup flnely chopped fresh corlander
Lemon wedges
Mlxed organlc green leafy leLLuce (mlxed splnach and sprlng greens)
ln a bowl, whlsk LogeLher Lhe lemon [ulce, Lhe vlnegar, garllc, glnger rooL, cumln, cayenne, sea salL and
freshly ground pepper Lo LasLe. Add Lhe oll ln a sLream, whlsklng, and whlsk Lhe dresslng unLll lL ls
ln a large bowl sLlr LogeLher Lhe chlck-peas, Lhe bell peppers, scalllons, corlander, and Lhe dresslng and
chlll Lhe salad, covered, overnlghL.
Serve on leLLuce leaf and garnlsh wlLh lemon wedges.
u|noa-Avocado Sa|ad
1 cup qulnoa
2 cup waLer or organlc chlcken broLh
1 cucumber, chopped up
2 avocados, plLLed, sklnned and chopped
1/4 cup drled cranberrles
1/2 cup sllvered almonds
1 green onlon, flnely chopped
lresh corlander or parsley, flnely chopped
1he [ulce of one lemon
1/4 cup exLra vlrgln Cllve oll
1 Lablespoon apple clder vlnegar
Sea salL
uash of Cayenne pepper Lo LasLe
8lnse qulnoa and cook ln broLh ln a rlce cooker or sauce pan and walL unLll lL fluffs up, abouL 13-
20 mlnuLes (sLlrrlng occaslonally).
Whlsk LogeLher lemon [ulce, ollve oll, apple clder vlnegar, salL and cayenne pepper.
When qulnoa ls flnlshed cooklng, allow Lo cool sllghLly.
Add chopped cucumber, avocado, cranberrles, green onlon, herbs, and lemon [ulce, sLlrrlng Lo
comblne well.
Add more salL and pepper Lo LasLe, and chlll before servlng.
koasted koot Vegetab|es
1 - 2 -3 pound buLLernuL squash, peeled, seeded, cuL lnLo small pleces
Several large sweeL poLaLoes, peeled, cuL lnLo small pleces
1 bunch beeLs, Lrlmmed buL noL peeled, scrubbed, cuL lnLo small pleces
1 large red onlon, cuL lnLo small pleces (abouL 2 cups)
1 large Lurnlp, peeled, cuL lnLo small pleces (abouL 1 cup)
Several large carroLs, cuL lnLo small pleces
1 head of garllc, cloves separaLed, peeled
2 Lablespoons ollve oll
reheaL oven Lo 423l. Cll 2 large rlmmed baklng sheeLs. Comblne all lngredlenLs ln very large bowl, Loss
Lo coaL wlLh oll. ulvlde vegeLables beLween prepared baklng sheeLs, spread evenly. Sprlnkle generously
wlLh sea salL and pepper. 8oasL vegeLables unLll Lender and golden brown, sLlrrlng occaslonally, abouL 1
hour 13 mlnuLes. (Can be prepared 2 hours ahead, leL sLand aL room LemperaLure. 8ewarm ln 330l
oven 13 mlnuLes.)

lnflammaLory loods Lo Avold
1he followlng ls a llsL of lnflammaLory foods LhaL everyone could conslder elLher avoldlng
compleLely or llmlLlng Lo achleve maxlmum healLh. 1hough l llsL Lhese as no-no's" ln Lhe
cancer dleL secLlon, lL may be wlse Lo commenL on Lhem here:
uAl8? - (All pasLeurlzed dalry producLs) - AvClu
8LllnLu SuCA8S (whlLe sugar, brown sugar, confecLloners' sugar, corn syrup, processed
corn frucLose, Lurblnado sugar, eLc.) - AvClu
CPLMlCAL SuCA8 SWLL1LnL8S and A81lllClAL SuCA8 Su8S1l1u1LS - AvClu
MSC (Monosodlum CluLamaLe or Pydrolyzed vegeLable roLeln) - AvClu noLe: MSCs
can be 'hldden' ln foods under labels llke naLural and arLlflclal flavorlngs" so waLch ouL!
CAllLlnL - AvClu (excepL ln your coffee enema!)
8Lu MLA1 - 8educe or Avold (only eaL grass-fed meaLs)
8CCLSSLu lCCuS - 8educe or Avold
C8AlnS - especlally gluLen-conLalnlng gralns (wheaL, rye, barley, malL and spelL)
C1PL8 lCCuS 1C 8L CAu1lCuS Cl:
CfLen ln regards Lo 8heumaLold ArLhrlLls and some oLher auLolmmune dlsorders (lncludlng
cancers) l advlse some paLlenLs Lo avold Lhe nlghL Shade vegeLables. 1hls group of foods can be
easlly LesLed by avoldlng Lhe enLlre group for a week Lo a monLh whlle monlLorlng progress.
AfLer a perlod of avoldance, slowly allowlng Lhese foods back lnLo Lhe dleL, monlLorlng Lhe
effecL, wlll Lell you lf Lhese are foods LhaL your body can or cannoL LoleraLe. 1he only problem
wlLh LesLlng Lhls food group ls, for some reason you may noL reacL lmmedlaLely, Lhe reacLlon
could be 2-3 days laLer.
keep ln mlnd when avoldlng Lhls group of foods LhaL lf you are eaLlng processed foods, you are
noL llkely Lo be compleLely ellmlnaLlng Lhe nlghL shade vegeLables as Lhey are found ln mosL
processed foods and sauces.
nlghLshade vegeLables lnclude, eggplanL, all whlLe poLaLoes, all LomaLoes, bell peppers (noL
black pepper) and Lobacco.

WhaL do cancer cells feed on?
Anaeroblc (wlLhouL oxygen) meLabollsm prlmarlly consumes glucose as a fuel source. Cancer
cells resplre anaeroblcally, consumlng 7-8 Llmes more glucose Lhan normal cells. Slnce lL ls so
lnefflclenL compared Lo aeroblc meLabollsm, cancers have a voraclous appeLlLe for glucose Lo
susLaln Lhem. 1hls ls why excess consumpLlon of sugars Lends Lo promoLe cancer growLh.
lL ls less well known LhaL cancers have an equally voraclous appeLlLe for gluLamlne, an amlno
acld. 8rlefly, gluLamlne ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL "nlLrogen shuLLle" ln Lhe blood. lL brlngs Lhe
organlc nlLrogen Lo Lhe cancer cells so Lhey can use lL Lo make Lhe essenLlal amlno aclds and
Lhus proLelns requlred Lo make more cancer cells. As Lhe gluLamlne supply goes Lo zero, Lumor
growLh goes Lo zero.
ln order for cancer cells Lo survlve Lhey baslcally requlre Lhree condlLlons:
AvallablllLy of glucose
Anaeroblc surroundlngs - less oxygen
AvallablllLy of gluLamlne
Cne avenue Lo reduce Lhe growLh of cancer cells ls slmply Lo sLarve Lhelr food sources such as
glucose and gluLamlne-rlch foods, and Lhen lncrease Lhe amounL of oxygen ln Lhe blood, whlch
Lhey haLe.
A rlch dleLary source of gluLamlne ls red meaLs. 1hls ls why excess consumpLlon of red meaLs
and oLher concenLraLed sources of anlmal proLeln Lend Lo promoLe Lumor growLh. Slnce normal
cells also requlre boLh glucose and gluLamlne, reduclng Lhe lnLake of elLher Lo zero would have
an undeslrable ouLcome. ConsumpLlon ln moderaLlon (small quanLlLles), along wlLh frulLs and
vegeLables seems Lo be Lhe besL approach.
8ed meaLs (flsh and eggs ls beLLer ln small quanLlLles)
All dalry producLs excepL coLLage cheese
WheaL (whlch ls rlch ln gluLamlne)
All reflned sugar producLs
All reflned foods (whlLe flour producLs, whlLe rlce)
lrulL [ulces (homemade vegeLable [ulces are flne and hlghly encouraged ln Lhe Cerson
1herapy program whlch we hlghly recommend!)
lCCuS 1PA1 A8L ulSLASL-CAuSlnC ln CLnL8AL:
Plgh saLuraLed faLs (anlmal faLs)
1rans faLs from frled foods and hydrogenaLed faLs ln margarlne
All food addlLlves, colorlng agenLs and preservaLlves
WlLh regards Lo a cancer LreaLmenL, every food LhaL we eaL or drlnk can be caLegorlzed lnLo
several dlfferenL caLegorles:
1) loods LhaL feed and sLrengLhen Lhe cancer cells and/or Lhe mlcrobes ln Lhe cancer cells and
body. Lxamples would be: reflned sugar, reflned flour, soda pop, dalry producLs, eLc.
2) loods LhaL cause cancer (e.g. Lrans faLLy aclds [margarlne, lrench frles and vlrLually every
oLher processed food you buy], asparLame [uleL Coke, nuLraSweeL, Lqual, eLc.], MSC,
polyunsaLuraLed olls [e.g. corn oll], eLc.)
3) loods LhaL dlrecLly lnLerfere wlLh alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer (e.g. chlorlne, fluorlde,
alcohol, coffee, eLc.)
4) loods LhaL occupy and dlsLracL Lhe lmmunlLy sysLem from focuslng on kllllng Lhe cancer cells
(e.g. beef, Lurkey, eLc.)
3) loods LhaL conLaln nuLrlenLs LhaL klll Lhe cancer cells, sLop Lhe spread of cancer, or ln some
oLher way help LreaL Lhe cancer (e.g. purple grapes wlLh seeds and skln, red raspberrles wlLh
seeds, sLrawberrles wlLh seeds, broccoll, caullflower, several herbs, carroLs, plneapples,
almonds, eLc.)
Sugar and CluLamlne
l've sLaLed above LhaL Lhe Cancer uleL should decrease sugar and gluLamlne consumpLlon and
here are a few reasons. 8esearchers aL PunLsman Cancer lnsLlLuLe (PCl) aL Lhe unlverslLy of
uLah have uncovered new lnformaLlon on Lhe noLlon LhaL sugar "feeds" Lumors. 1he flndlngs
may also have lmpllcaLlons for oLher dlseases such as dlabeLes and MeLabollc Syndrome. 1he
research ls publlshed ln Lhe [ournal ltoceeJloqs of tbe Notloool AcoJemy of 5cleoces (lNA5).

"lL's been known slnce 1923 LhaL Lumor cells use a loL more glucose Lhan normal cells. Cur
research helps show how Lhls process Lakes place, and how lL mlghL be sLopped Lo conLrol
Lumor growLh," says uon Ayer, h.u., a PunLsman Cancer lnsLlLuLe lnvesLlgaLor and professor ln
Lhe ueparLmenL of Cncologlcal Sclences aL Lhe unlverslLy of uLah.

Clucose and gluLamlne are boLh essenLlal for cell growLh, and lL was long assumed Lhey
operaLed lndependenLly, buL Ayer's research shows Lhey are lnLer-dependenL. uurlng boLh
normal and cancerous cell growLh, a cellular process Lakes place LhaL lnvolves boLh glucose
(sugar) and gluLamlne (an amlno acld). Ayer dlscovered LhaL by resLrlcLlng gluLamlne
avallablllLy, glucose cannoL be well uLlllzed by cancer cells. "LssenLlally, lf you don'L have
gluLamlne, Lhe cell ls shorL clrculLed due Lo a lack of glucose, whlch halLs Lhe growLh of Lhe
Lumor cell," Ayer says.

1he research, spearheaded by Mohan kaadlge, h.u., a posL-docLoral fellow ln Ayer's lab,
focused on MondoA, a proLeln LhaL ls responslble for Lurnlng genes on and off. ln Lhe presence
of gluLamlne, MondoA blocks Lhe expresslon of a gene called 1xnl. 1xnl ls LhoughL Lo be a
Lumor suppressor, buL when lL's blocked by MondoA, lL allows cancer cells Lo Lake up and uLlllze
glucose as lLs prlmary energy source, whlch ln Lurn drlves Lumor growLh.
Ayer says Lhe nexL sLep ln hls research ls Lo develop anlmal models Lo LesL hls ldeas abouL how
MondoA and 1xnl conLrol cell growLh. "lf we can undersLand LhaL, we can break Lhe cycle of
glucose uLlllzaLlon whlch could be beneflclal ln Lhe LreaLmenL of cancer," Ayer says.
So, make sure you are noL Laklng any gluLamlne ln your supplemenLs. Slnce Lhls ls an amlno
acld, you would mosL llkely flnd lL ln a proLeln powder. AnoLher common source of gluLamlne
would be ln producLs Lo heal Lhe guL. CluLamlne ls a prlmary player ln lnLesLlnal heallng and
Lhough heallng lnLesLlnal permeablllLy lssues (leaky guL syndrome) ls lmporLanL for cancer
paLlenLs, do nC1 use a producL wlLh gluLamlne!

8A (blsphenol A)
More Lhan 130 sLudles have llnked 8A (blsphenol A) Lo breasL cancer, obeslLy, and oLher
dlsorders," concludes a reporL from resldenL Cbama's 2010 Cancer anel.
8ecause 8A ls a chemlcal compound LhaL ls pracLlcally lnescapable ln modern Amerlcan llfe. lL
ls used ln vlrLually every plasLlc conLalner, plasLlc boLLles, and coffee cup llds where lL ls known
Lo break down and conLamlnaLe Lhe llquld conLenLs. lL ls sprayed lnslde of Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of
our counLry's canned goods, and has rouLlnely been deLecLed ln sLaggerlng levels ln Lhe food lL
ls supposed Lo be proLecLlng. Cash reglsLer and credlL card recelpLs are covered ln 8A whlch
glve Lhem Lhe sllppery feel. ln facL, 92 of Lhe food and drlnks ln Lhe u.S. LhaL come ln plasLlc or
meLal packaglng conLaln 8A. lf you eaL An? prepared foods, even rlce and beans LhaL come ln
plasLlc bags, you are belng exposed.
Why are Lhey bad? 8A's mess wlLh your hormones! Lven small amounLs of 8A can acL as
endocrlne dlsrupLors," alLerlng your body chemlsLry ln alarmlng ways.
Pundreds of lndependenL peer-revlewed sclenLlflc sLudles have found harm from low doses of
8A," Laura vandenberg, a 8A researcher aL 1ufLs unlverslLy sald ln a recenL sLaLemenL.
1he problem ls LhaL Lhey are everywhere - you can run buL you can'L hlde from 8A's. 8uL lL can
be removed from our socleLy. !apan quleLly sLopped uslng 8A ln Lhe 90's. Canada has banned
lL from lnfanL Loys and boLLles, as have a handful of u.S. sLaLes. SenaLor ulane lelnsLeln has
now proposed a much hefLler ban of 8A LhaL exLends Lo all food and drlnk conLalners used ln
Amerlca buL don'L expecL Lhe chemlcal companles, who proflL exLenslvely from lLs use Lo quleLly
l Lhlnk Lhe ouLlook ls LhaL lL's golng Lo be a sLruggle," lelnsLeln sald of Lhe prospecLs for
passage of Lhe ban. 1here's no quesLlon abouL lL. 1here are powerful lnLeresLs LhaL don'L wanL
us Lo pass Lhls blll."
WhaL Lo do unLll a ban wlll someday be enacLed? Pere are a few suggesLlons adapLed from Llsa
larlno, a wrlLer for MSn PealLh & llLness:
L|m|t canned foods & beverages. 1he epoxy llners of meLal food and beverage cans mosL llkely
conLaln 8A. vom Saal especlally recommends avoldlng canned foods LhaL are acldlc (LomaLoes,
LomaLo-based soups, clLrus producLs, and acldlc beverages llke soda) and canned alcohollc
beverages, slnce aclds and alcohols can exacerbaLe Lhe leachlng of 8A.
1he good news: Many foods and beverages can be purchased ln glass conLalners (ollve oll, and
LomaLo pasLe) or frozen (llke vegeLables).
Don't store foods |n p|ast|c. Class food sLorage conLalners are lnerL and Lhere are plenLy of
wonderful yrex conLalners on Lhe markeL. !usL be sure Lo wash Lhe llds, whlch are made of
plasLlc, by hand.
I||ter your dr|nk|ng and cook|ng water. Slnce deLecLable levels of 8A have been found ln Lhe
waLer, vom Saal recommends removlng lL uslng a reverse osmosls and carbon fllLer, whlch
generally can be found for less Lhan $200. ln Lhe long run, lL's cheaper Lhan buylng boLLled
waLer, whlch lsn'L LesLed for 8A," he says. lf you buy boLLled waLer, you are defeaLlng Lhe
purpose lf you sLore lL ln a plasLlc conLalner. We have 8A-free plasLlc waLer boLLles aL our
offlce. l belleve l ordered Lhem off of
I||ter your shower and tub water. Accordlng Lo vom Saal, Lhe relaLlvely small 8A molecules
can easlly be absorbed Lhrough Lhe skln. 8A can be removed from Lhe waLer by addlng
ceramlc fllLers Lo showerheads and Lubs. !usL be sure Lo change Lhem regularly or Lhey [usL
dump conLamlnaLes.
Don't transport beverages |n p|ast|c mugs. lnsLead, opL for an unllned sLalnless sLeel Lravel
mugs or glass mugs/conLalners. 1hls ls especlally lmporLanL when LransporLlng hoL beverages,
llke coffee or Lea.
L|m|t use of hard p|ast|c water bott|es. 1hose colorful llghL-welghL plasLlc boLLles may be greaL
for hlklng, buL unforLunaLely, Lhey are made of polycarbonaLe plasLlc. lor everyday use when a
llLLle exLra welghL lsn'L an lssue, choose a sLalnless sLeel waLer boLLle, and make sure lL's
unllned-some meLal waLer boLLles conLaln a plasLlc llner LhaL may conLaln 8A. Agaln, use
sLalnless sLeel or glass.
M|n|m|ze hard p|ast|cs |n the k|tchen. Pard plasLlc sLlrrlng spoons, pancake fllppers, blenders,
measurlng cups, and colanders regularly come lnLo conLacL wlLh boLh food and heaL.
lorLunaLely, all of Lhese can easlly be replaced wlLh wooden, meLal, or glass alLernaLlves.
Sk|p the water coo|er. 1hose hard plasLlc flve-gallon [ugs LhaL many companles use Lo provlde
Lhelr employees and cusLomers wlLh pure" waLer are usually made of 8A-conLalnlng
polycarbonaLe. CpL for Lap waLer lnsLead.
If ou Must Use |ast|c
Avold uslng plasLlc sLorage conLalners for anyLhlng LhaL conLalns acld lngredlenLs, llke
LomaLoes or clLrus producLs.
Avold puLLlng any warm beverages or clLrus producLs ln plasLlc mugs or Lravel boLLles.
WalL for foods Lo cool Lo room LemperaLure before placlng ln plasLlc sLorage conLalners.
1ransfer foods Lo ceramlc or glass before placlng ln Lhe mlcrowave. Mlcrowavlng wlll
break down Lhe plasLlc, causlng lL Lo release 8A lnLo Lhe food.
Wash all plasLlc conLalners by hand. 1he harsher deLergenLs and hoLLer LemperaLure ln
Lhe dlshwasher wlll cause Lhe plasLlc Lo break down more qulckly.
1hrow away any plasLlc food sLorage conLalners LhaL are showlng slgns of age. lf Lhe
plasLlc looks hazy or warped, feels sLlcky," or has any vlslble llnes or cracks, lL ls
beglnnlng Lo break down and could be releaslng even more 8A.
Choose plasLlcs LhaL have Lhe recycllng number 2 and 3. 1hese are made ouL of far less
reacLlve polypropylene and polyeLhylene.
Lspec|a||y Ior k|ds
Choose 8A-Iree 8aby 8ott|es. 1here are several alLernaLlves Lo polycarbonaLe baby boLLles.
llrsL, Lhere's Lhe old-fashloned, lnerL glass baby boLLle. lf you prefer a plasLlc alLernaLlve, check
ouL 8orn-lree's new llne of 8A-free plasLlc baby boLLles.
As wlLh any plasLlcs, you should sLlll avold harsh deLergenLs, dlshwashers, and mlcrowaves.
Choose 8A-Iree S|ppy Cups. SLalnless sLeel slppy cups, llke Lhose by klean kanLeen, are a
greaL alLernaLlve Lo polycarbonaLe plasLlc slppy cups. klean kanLeen also offers a 8A-free
slppy-cup Lop adapLer.
lf you prefer a smaller, llghLer-welghL, LoLally plasLlc slppy cup, check ouL 8orn lree's llne of
colorful, 8A-free slppy cups.
Agaln, lL's sLlll wlse Lo avold exposlng plasLlcs Lo mlcrowaves, harsh deLergenLs, and
L|m|t |ast|c 1oys. unforLunaLely, polycarbonaLe plasLlcs are used Lo make Loys, whlch young
klds are so known for chewlng on. Slnce chewlng can break down Lhe plasLlc and release 8A
lnLo a Loddler's mouLh, mlnlmlzlng plasLlc Loys durlng Lhe chewlng sLage ls a good ldea.
Lspec|a||y for pregnant women
Pere's one more reason Lo keep Laklng LhaL follc acld. noL only does lL help prevenL blrLh
defecLs, lL may also help proLecL a developlng feLus from Lhe effecLs of Lhe 8A you'll lnevlLably
consume even lf you Lake sLeps Lo reduce exposure. ln pregnanL mlce, nuLrlLlonal
supplemenLaLlon wlLh follc acld has shown Lo proLecL feLuses agalnsL maLernal 8A exposure.
ualry and rbCP
An epldemlc rlse ln one under-publlclzed caLegory of cancers should sound an alarm for all
Amerlcans. 1here ls a powerful llnk Lo Lhe dramaLlc surge ln lymphaLlc cancer: Lhe 1994
approval of Lhe geneLlcally englneered bovlne growLh hormone (rbCP). 8efore 1993, lymphaLlc
cancers were comparaLlvely rare. 1oday, lf one adds up Lhe LoLal number of cancer deaLhs from
breasL, prosLaLe, lung, pancreaLlc, and genlLal cancers, Lhey do noL cumulaLlvely equal Lhe
number of deaLhs from lymphaLlc cancers.

Amerlcans annually consume nearly 180 bllllon pounds of dalry producLs LhaL wlll average ouL
Lo over 630 pounds per Amerlcan. Cheese, lce cream, yogurL, and mllk wlll be lngesLed from
hormonally-LreaLed cows - cows LreaLed wlLh rbCP. MosL people are unaware LhaL laboraLory
anlmals LreaLed wlLh rbCP experlenced enormous changes ln Lhelr lymphaLlc sysLems.

1he conLroverslal geneLlcally modlfled cow hormone was approved for human consumpLlon ln
lebruary of 1994. Cancer sLaLlsLlcs have recenLly been publlshed by Lhe u.S. Census 8ureau
comparlng deaLh raLes from cancer by sex and age groups ln 1980, 1990, and 1993. 1hese
daLa supporL evldence of a runaway plague. All of Amerlca became a laboraLory sLudy for rbCP,
whlch ls now ln Amerlca's lce cream, cheese, and plzza.

1here are small lncreases and decreases ln lymphaLlc cancer raLes from 1980 Lo 1990
dependlng upon sex and age group. WhaL happened ln 1993 represenLs the most dramat|c
short-term |ncrease of any s|ng|e cancer ln Lhe hlsLory of epldemlologlcal dlscovery and

8? SLx Anu ACL (1980 - 1993)
(ueaLhs per 100,000 populaLlon ln speclfled age group)
1980 1990 199S |ncrease 1980 1990 199S |ncrease
33-44 4.3 4.3 36.3 811 2.4 2.1 44.0 2093
43-34 10.2 10.9 143.7 1318 6.6 6.0 140.7 2343
33-64 24.4 27.2 480.3 1767 16.8 16.7 337.3 2141
63-74 48.1 36.8 1089.9 1919 34.4 39.3 690.7 1749
73-84 80.0 104.3 1842.3 1763 37.6 71.2 1061.3 1493
83+ 93.2 140.3 2837.3 2019 63.0 90.0 1249.1 1388

1he approval process for rbCP was Lhe mosL conLroverslal drug appllcaLlon ln Lhe hlsLory of Lhe
lood & urug AdmlnlsLraLlon (luA). ln order Lo address LhaL conLroversy, Lhe luA publlshed an
arLlcle ln Lhe [ournal SClLnCL (AugusL 24, 1990).

uaLa ln LhaL paper reveal LhaL Lhe average male raL recelvlng rbCP developed a spleen 39.6
percenL larger Lhan Lhe spleen of Lhe conLrol anlmals afLer [usL 90 days of LreaLmenL. 1he
spleens from rbCP-LreaLed females lncreased ln slze by a facLor of 46 percenL. 1hese are noL
normal reacLlons and porLray anlmals ln dlsLress. 1hese anlmals were "under aLLack" by Lhe
geneLlcally englneered hormone. 1he spleen ls Lhe flrsL llne of defense ln a mammal's lymphaLlc

Lab anlmals LreaLed wlLh rbCP developed lymphaLlc abnormallLles. 1hls same hormone causlng
changes ln lab anlmals was lnLroduced lnLo Amerlca's food supply ln 1994. As Amerlcans
conLlnue Lo lngesL geneLlcally englneered mllk and dalry producLs, lymphaLlc cancer raLes soar.
Amerlcans have become laboraLory sub[ecLs ln geneLlc englneerlng's experlmenL, and Lhe
resulLlng daLa lndlcaLes exLreme cause for concern.
Lesson: lf you sLay on Lhe Cancer uleL, you won'L have Lo worry abouL geneLlc modlflcaLlon of
dalry because you won'L be eaLlng dalry. Any dalry consumed, llke yogurL, musL be rbCP-free!
l could spend Lhe enLlre book Lalklng abouL dangerous Loxlns LhaL have lnfluenced cancer
growLh, buL l wanL Lo menLlon [usL one more: geneLlcally modlfles food (CMC).
Agaln, l am nC1 a consplracy LheorlsL, buL Lo Lhlnk Lhere are nC1 flnanclal Lles by ma[or
lndusLrles LhaL flnanclally beneflL from CMC and rbCP ls absurd! Pere ls a llsL for you:
1oby MoffeLL
uS Congessman u-C1
uennls ueConclnl
Legal Counsel
uS SenaLor u-AZ
MargareL Mlller
Chemlcal Lab
uep. ulr. luA,
8ush Sr,
Marcla Pale
ulrecLor, lnL'l
CovL. Affalrs
WhlLe Pouse
Senlor SLaff
Mlckey kanLor 8oard Member Sec. of Commerce CllnLon
vlrglnla Weldon v, ubllc ollcy
Core's Su8
!osh klng
ulrecLor, lnL'l
CovL. Affalrs
WhlLe Pouse
uavld 8eler
v, Cov'L &
ubllc Affalrs
Core's Chlef
olcy Advlsor
Carol 1ucker-
Consumer Adv
Llnda llsher
v, Cov'L &
ubllc Affalrs
uepuLy Admln
Lldla WaLrud
Manager, new
uSuA, LA
Mlchael 1aylor v, ubllc ollcy
uep. Commlss.
Pllary CllnLon
8ose Law llrm,
uS SenaLor,
SecreLary of SLaLe
8oger 8eachy
uanforLh CenLer
ulrecLor uSuA
lslam Slddlqul
Ag negoLlaLor
1rade 8ep

lrom: hLLp://
CeneLlcally Modlfled loods
CeneLlcally modlfled (CM) food has been around for decades. MosL corn and soy purchased ln
Lhe unlLed SLaLes ls CM food. roponenLs argue LhaL Lhere are no lll effecLs on humans wlLh
CM food buL l compleLely dlsagree. l'm noL ln Lhe mlnorlLy wlLh my bellef LhaL changlng Lhe
geneLlc sLrucLure of a food producL ls playlng wlLh dlsasLer. 8ecenL sLudles reveal LhaL CM corn
desLroys Lhe lnLesLlnal llnlng of mlce causlng absorpLlon problems and leaky guL syndrome.
WhaL ls lL dolng Lo our guL?

1oday's CMCs are based on addlng new genes Lo crops llke corn, soy, and coLLon ln order Lo
alLer Lhe way Lhe planLs funcLlon, make Lhem more LoleranL Lo dlsease and bugs, and able
companles Lo paLenL Lhe seed and creaLe an endless need for farmers Lo repurchase, year afLer
year. Cone are Lhe days of savlng seeds, lL's agalnsL Lhe law - MonsanLo owns Lhe paLenL. 1o
say LhaL our food supplles, laced wlLh Loxlns, fllled wlLh addlLlves, colorlngs and chemlcals, and
now geneLlcally alLered don'L negaLlvely affecL our bodles ls ludlcrous. 1hls book does noL
conLaln enough space Lo dlscuss Lhese Lhlngs ln deLall and l have recommended varlous books
for your personal research, buL lL sufflces Lo say LhaL removlng Lhese polsons from your dleL ls
of uLmosL lmporLance.
8oLLom llne: LaL only organlcally grown foods. uo your own research lnLo Lhe foods you puL
lnLo your mouLh and make sure Lhey are noL geneLlcally modlfled. lf we all creaLe a greaLer
demand for good food, Lhe supply wlll follow.
A book l hlghly recommend

LlecLromagneLlc llelds (LMls)
LlecLromagneLlc flelds (LMls) from power llnes, hlgh power llnes, normal home wlrlng, alrporL
and mlllLary radar, all Lypes of elecLrlcal subsLaLlons, elecLrlcal Lransformers, compuLers and
oLher home appllances have Lhe poLenLlal Lo dlsLurb human body cells. l belleve LhaL LMls can
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe cause of braln Lumors, oLher cancers lncludlng leukemla, a varleLy of blrLh
defecLs, mlscarrlages, and chronlc lllness of all sorLs.
ur. uavld CarpenLer, uean aL Lhe School of ubllc PealLh, SLaLe unlverslLy of new ?ork belleves
lL ls llkely LhaL up Lo 30 of all chlldhood cancers come from exposure Lo LMls. 1he
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency (LA) warns "1bete ls teosoo fot cooceto" ooJ oJvlses
ptoJeot ovolJooce".
MarLln Palper, Lhe LA's ulrecLor of Analysls and SupporL says, "l have never seen a seL of
epldemlologlcal sLudles LhaL remoLely approached Lhe welghL of evldence LhaL we're seelng
wlLh LMls. Clearly Lhere ls someLhlng here."
1he lnlLlal concern over posslble problems wlLh LMls exploded afLer aul 8rodeur wroLe a
serles of arLlcles ln Lhe new ?orker Magazlne ln !une 1989. Pls arLlcles had a caLalyLlc effecL on
sclenLlsLs, reporLers and concerned people LhroughouL Lhe world. ln november 1989, Lhe
ueparLmenL of Lnergy reporLed LhaL "lL has now become generally accepLed LhaL Lhere are,
lndeed, blologlcal effecLs due Lo fleld exposure."
1he LMl lssue galned more publlclLy ln 1990 when alarmlng reporLs appeared ln 1lme, Lhe Wall
SLreeL !ournal, 8uslness Week and popular compuLer publlcaLlons. A8C's 1ed koppel and C8S's
uan 8aLher boLh alred speclal segmenLs on LMls.
Cne promlnenL cardlovascular surgeon, ur. SLephen SlnaLra, Mu, has wrlLLen several books on
Lhe sub[ecL LhaL l recommend one read. Search for hls name on Amazon.
8y 1990, over one hundred sLudles had been conducLed worldwlde and aL leasL Lwo dozen
epldemlologlcal sLudles on humans lndlcaLed a llnk beLween LMls and serlous healLh problems.
ln response Lo publlc pressure, Lhe LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency (LA) began revlewlng
and evaluaLlng Lhe avallable llLeraLure and drafLed several reporLs.
1he LA recommended ln a 1990 reporL LhaL LMls be classlfled as a Class 8 carclnogen, sLaLlng
LhaL LMls are a probable human carclnogen and [olned Lhe ranks of formaldehyde, uu1,
dloxlns and C8s". AfLer Lhe 1990 LA drafL reporL was released, uLlllLy, mlllLary and compuLer
lobbylsLs forced a flnal revlslon dld nC1 classlfy LMls as a Class 8 carclnogen and Lhe followlng
explanaLlon was added:
AL Lhls Llme such a characLerlzaLlon regardlng Lhe llnk beLween cancer and exposure Lo LMls ls
noL approprlaLe because Lhe baslc naLure of Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween LMls and blologlcal
processes leadlng Lo cancer ls noL undersLood."
AfLer Lhe LA placaLed Lo Lhe varlous pressures (l never sald Lhey accepLed brlbes) Lhe reporL
also sLaLed: "ln concluslon, several sLudles showlng leukemla, lymphoma and cancer of Lhe
nervous sysLem ln chlldren exposed Lo supporLed by slmllar flndlngs ln adulLs ln several/
occupaLlonal sLudles also lnvolvlng elecLrlcal power frequency exposures, show a conslsLenL
paLLern of response LhaL suggesL a causal llnk."
When quesLloned abouL Lhe conLradlcLory naLure of Lhese sLaLemenLs, Lhe LA responded LhaL
lL was "noL approprlaLe" Lo use Lhe probable carclnogen label unLll lL could demonsLraLe how
LMls caused cancer and exacLly how much LMl ls harmful.
ower L|nes
LlecLrlcal generaLlng sLaLlons boLh creaLe and lose energy. 1he glanL power llnes LhaL LransmlL
Lhe hlgh-volLage elecLrlclLy Lo be down-graded aL local sLaLlons and Lransformers glve off an
enormous amounL of sLray elecLrlclLy LhaL dlsperses lnLo Lhe alr and Lravels Lhrough our bodles.
All power llnes radlaLe elecLromagneLlc flelds lnLo Lhe envlronmenL, how much are Lhe power
llnes near ?Cu8 home radlaLlng? 1he amounL of LMls comlng from a power llne depends on lLs
parLlcular conflguraLlon, Lhe age of Lhe wlres, oLher lnLerferences ln Lhe conducLlvlLy and even
your home, work or envlronmenL LhaL may conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe LMls aLLracLlon. ower companles
know whlch power llne conflguraLlons are besL for reduclng LMls buL mosL don'L feel Lhe
evldence supporLs cosLly changes ln Lhe way Lhey dellver elecLrlclLy.
An elecLrlcal subsLaLlon ls an assemblage of clrculL breakers, dlsconnecLlng swlLches and
Lransformers deslgned Lo hold and LransmlL elecLrlclLy Lo nelghborhoods. SubsLaLlons have
been blamed for causlng cancer clusLers among nearby resldenLs. aul 8rodeur wroLe abouL
several such cancer clusLers ln Lhe !uly 9, 1990 lssue of Lhe new ?orker Magazlne and l've
personally seen areas of speclflc clLles LhaL have hlgh lncldences of braln cancers.
A key componenL of a uLlllLy's elecLrlcal dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork depends upon numerous, small
Lransformers mounLed on power poles around Lown. A Lransformer looks llke a small meLal
Lrash can, usually cyllndrlcal, mounLed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe pole. Lven when elecLrlcal servlce ls
placed underground, you wlll ofLen see a meLal box (usually square} locaLed on Lhe ground near
Lhe sLreeL. Many people don'L reallze LhaL when Lhey see a Lransformer, Lhe power llne feedlng
Lhe Lransformer ls 4000 Lo 13,800 volLs and ls Lransformlng LhaL volLage down Lo a usable
(120v/240v) servlce for Lhe nearby homes.
LMls near a Lransformer can be qulLe hlgh, buL due Lo lLs small sLrucLure, Lhe fleld sLrengLh
dlmlnlshes rapldly wlLh dlsLance, as lL does from any polnL source. lor Lhls reason, havlng a
Lransformer locaLed near your home ls usually noL a ma[or source of concern, alLhough [usL Lo
make sure, everyone should measure Lhe fleld sLrengLh around lL. Cne can use a meLer called a
gauss-meLer Lo measure such LMl flelds.
our nome
WlLh our paLlenLs LhaL have a dlagnosls of cancer, we make a polnL Lo go Lo Lhelr home and
measure Lhe exLenL of LMls LhaL may be a conLrlbuLlng facLor ln Lhelr recovery. We noL only
wanL Lo measure LMls ln Lhelr home buL sources of envlronmenLal Loxlns llke chemlcals
gaslfylng off carpeLs or bulldlng maLerlals, hldden fungus or mold, Lo chemlcals used ln Lhe
home. l [usL belleve LhaL we CAnnC1 leave An? sLone un-Lurned!
lf your home has hlgh LMl readlngs, lL ls lmporLanL Lo deLermlne Lhe sources of Lhe LMl so LhaL
remedlal acLlon can be Laken - Lhls ls called C8CunulnC. Many Llmes a parLlcular room wlll
have hlgher LMl readlngs due Lo Lhe conflguraLlon of Lhe wlrlng, Lhe appllances ln Lhe home, or
someLhlng ouLslde LhaL area.
SomeLlmes, Lhe source of a hlgh magneLlc fleld ls lncorrecL/faulLy wlrlng/grounds. lf you
suspecL LhaL your home ls wlred lmproperly, obLaln Lhe servlces of a llcensed elecLrlclan.
Warnlng: uo noL Louch elecLrlc wlres, even lf you Lhlnk Lhe currenL ls Lurned off. lf you need Lo
dlsconnecL elecLrlcal clrculLs Lo deLermlne Lhe source of magneLlc flelds, you should call a
llcensed elecLrlclan.
1here are several Lechnlques LhaL we employ when we C8Cunu a home. 1he flrsL Lhlng Lo
undersLand ls LhaL each of us ls a unlque elecLrlcal condulL. We Lruly are llLLle anLennas walklng
around LhaL fllLer elecLrlcal lmpulses as energy. A curse undersLandlng of quanLum physlcs Lells
us LhaL everyLhlng, broken down Lo lLs smallesL componenL ls slmply energy vlbraLlng aL a
speclflc frequency. LMls dlsLurb our body's frequency.
Computers, L|ectr|c 8|ankets and Waterbeds
LMls radlaLe from all sldes of Lhe compuLer and can pose a serlous healLh rlsk. 1hus, you musL
noL only be concerned wlLh slLLlng ln fronL of Lhe monlLor buL also lf you are slLLlng near a
compuLer or lf a compuLer ls operaLlng ln a nearby room for lL ls a ma[or generaLlng source of
1he Swedlsh safeLy sLandard publlshed ln 1990, speclfles a maxlmum of 0.23 mC aL 30 cm from
a compuLer dlsplay. Many uS manufacLured compuLers have LMls of 3 - 100 mC aL Lhls same
dlsLance. Screens placed over monlLors do nC1 block LMls, even a lead screen wlll noL block
LLl and vLl (very low frequency) magneLlc flelds.
l know LhaL lL ls almosL lmposslble Lo llve wlLhouL a compuLer - l cerLalnly couldn'L! 1ry Lhls -
Lurn lL off and unplug lL when noL ln use.
Maybe one of Lhe worsL Lhlngs Lo own, elecLrlc blankeLs creaLe a magneLlc fleld LhaL peneLraLes
abouL 6-7 lnches lnLo Lhe body. lL ls noL surprlslng LhaL an epldemlologlcal sLudy has llnked
elecLrlc blankeLs wlLh mlscarrlages and chlldhood leukemla. !usL Lhrow lL away!
1hls ploneerlng work was performed by ur. nancy WerLhelmer and Ld Leeper, who orlglnally
dlscovered LhaL magneLlc flelds were llnked Lo chlldhood leukemla. Slmllar healLh effecLs have
been noLed wlLh users of many elecLrlc blankeLs and waLerbed heaLers wlll emlL LMls even
when Lurned off.
L|ectr|c C|ocks, I|uorescent L|ghts and App||ances
LlecLrlc clocks slLLlng on bedslde sLands across Amerlca have a very hlgh magneLlc fleld, as
much as 3 Lo 10 mC up Lo Lhree feeL away. lL's llke sleeplng ln an LMl equlvalenL Lo LhaL of a
power llne. 1hlnk abouL movlng all clocks and oLher elecLrlcal devlces (such as Lelephones and
answerlng devlces) aL leasL 6 feeL from your bed - or beLLer, nC1 ln Lhe room whlch you sleep.
lluorescenL llghLs produce much more LMls Lhan lncandescenL bulbs. A Lyplcal fluorescenL
lamp ln an offlce celllng have readlngs of 160 Lo 200 mg 1 lnch away - LhaL's horrlble.
Mlcrowave ovens and radar from mlllLary lnsLallaLlons and alrporLs emlL Lwo Lypes of radlaLlon -
- mlcrowave and LLl. All mlcrowave ovens leak and exceed safeLy llmlLs. ln addlLlon, recenL
8usslan sLudles have shown LhaL normal mlcrowave cooklng coverLs food proLeln molecules
lnLo carclnogenlc subsLances.
LlecLrlc razors and halr dryers emlL LMls as hlgh as 200 Lo 400 mC for Lhe sorL Llme Lhey are ln
use. 1here [usL are noL enough sLudles LhaL prove wheLher shorL-Lerm, hlgh LMl exposure ls
more or less damaglng Lhan chronlc exposure Lo a 2-3 mC fleld. Some LMl consulLanLs
recommend LhaL halr dryers noL be used on chlldren as Lhe hlgh flelds are held close Lo Lhelr
rapldly developlng braln and nervous sysLem can be a problem.
1e|ephones and Ce||phones
1elephones, especlally cordless Lelephones, can emlL surprlslngly sLrong LMls from Lhe
handseL. 1hls ls a problem because of course, we hold Lhe Lelephone so close Lo our head. lace
a Causs meLer rlghL agalnsL Lhe ear plece and Lhe mouLh plece before buylng a phone or beLLer
yeL, do nC1 use cordless phones ln your home. Cellphones have goLLen a Lon of press
regardlng LMls. Surprlse, surprlse, every sLudy LhaL produced LhaL show no lll-effecLs from
cellphones was pald for by Lhe cellphone lndusLry. Always read lnLo Lhe posslble blases of
sclenLlflc sLudles.
What to DC
ur. SlnaLra wroLe a book wlLh CllnLon Cber and MarLln Zucker LlLled LarLhlng". lL goes lnLo
deLalls on Lhe need for all of us Lo remaln 'grounded' wlLh Lhe earLh. l know Lo mosL readlng
Lhls book, Lhese concepLs sound more llke someLhlng ouL of Lhe hlppy generaLlon, buL lL makes
sclenLlflc sense. Croundlng or LarLhlng as spoken of ln Lhe book l referred Lo ls naLural and
slmple, and affecLs every aspecL of your physlology. When you ground yourself, you physlcally
add elecLrons Lo your body and Lhereby lncrease pP Lo Lhe Llssue - an lmporLanL concepL ln
Lhose wlLh cancer.
!ames Cschman, h.u., an lnLernaLlonally renowned experL on energy medlclne and auLhor of
Lnergy Medlclne, 1he SclenLlflc 8asls", descrlbes Lhe phenomenon of personal
groundlng/LarLhlng: 8ecenLly l aLLended a meeLlng on Lhe LasL coasL. Cne of my colleagues
came ln from Lhe WesL coasL. She had a bad case of [eL lag. l Lold her Lo Lake her shoes and
socks off and sLep ouLslde on Lhe grass for 13 mlnuLes. When she came back ln, she was
compleLely Lransformed. Per [eL lag was gone. 1haL ls how fasL LarLhlng works. Anyone can Lry
Lhls. lf you don'L feel well, for whaLever reason, [usL make barefooL conLacL wlLh Lhe LarLh for a
few mlnuLes and see whaL happens. Cf course, lf you have a medlcal problem, you should see a
docLor. 1here ls noLhlng LhaL comes close Lo LarLhlng for qulck rellef. ?ou can llLerally feel paln
dralnlng from your body Lhe lnsLanL you Louch Lhe LarLh."
1he human body ls mosLly waLer and mlnerals and ls Lherefore a good conducLor of elecLrlclLy
(elecLrons). 1he free elecLrons on Lhe surface of Lhe LarLh are easlly Lransferred Lo Lhe human
body as long as Lhere ls dlrecL conLacL. 8emember, you are slmply an anLenna. unforLunaLely,
synLheLlcally-soled shoes made of rubber and plasLlc acL as lnsulaLors so LhaL even when we are
ouLslde and walklng on Lhe ground, we are lnsulaLed from Lhe LarLh's elecLrlc fleld. When we
are ln homes and offlce bulldlngs, we are also unable Lo recelve Lhe LarLh's balanclng energles.

ls Lhls 'new age'? no, lL ls slmply physlcs. 1he LarLh's elecLrlc fleld ls malnly a conLlnuous dlrecL
currenL (uC) produclng fleld LhaL ls a glanL LransmlLLer of elecLrons. 8y comparlson, home wlrlng
sysLems ln Lhe u.S. use 60-cycle per second alLernaLlng currenL (AC) and oLher forms of man-
made envlronmenLal elecLromagneLlc flelds (LMls). Some people are [usL more senslLlve Lo
LMls Lhan oLhers. Cne person may develop cancer due ln parL Lo LMl exposure and anoLher
famlly member wlLh equal exposure appears unaffecLed. Agaln, Lhls ls [usL one more causaLlve
So whaL does one do? 1here are some slmple sLeps LhaL everyone can Lake (noL [usL people
wlLh cancer) Lo ground Lhelr home and Lhemselves. llrsL, sLarL wlLh looklng aL your fooLwear.
SLandard plasLlc/rubber or composlLe soles on your shoes do noL conducL Lhe LarLh's elecLrlc
energy and can conLrlbuLe Lo a hosL of lllnesses. ?ou need leaLher or hlde soles, whlch used Lo
be Lhe prlmary fooLwear maLerlals ln Lhe pasL. LeaLher lLself lsn'L conducLlve, buL Lhe fooL
persplres and Lhe molsLure permlLs conducLlon of Lhe energy from Lhe LarLh Lhrough Lhe
leaLher and up lnLo Lhe body. ln addlLlon, molsLure from walklng on damp ground or sldewalks
could permeaLe up lnLo Lhe leaLher-soled shoe. 1hlckness of Lhe sole can also be a facLor, and
speclflcally LhaL very Lhlck leaLher soles may noL allow Lhe molsLure Lhrough. Moccaslns are Lhe
besL Lype of naLural conducLlve fooLwear. LeaLher lsn'L qulLe as good as bare feeL on Lhe ground
buL cerLalnly much, much beLLer Lhan sLandard soles LhaL are lnsulaLlng.
1here are companles LhaL sell groundlng klLs and LarLhlng producLs around Lhe world.
8emember, Lhere ls a dlfference beLween personally groundlng yourself Lo Lhe earLh (LarLhlng)
and groundlng your home or offlce ln a proLecLlve measure agalnsL sLray LMls. ln our pracLlce,
we aLLempL Lo send a Leam ouL Lo Lhe home of every cancer paLlenL Lo make sure Lhelr house ls
as free from LMls as posslble. We also LesL for hldden mold, fungl, eLc. 1here are loLs of Lhlngs
LhaL can make you and keep you slck!
Croundlng your home lncludes physlcally checklng groundlng rods LhaL were supposed Lo be
lnsLalled Lo see lf Lhey are worklng properly, lnsLalllng new rods and connecLlons lf Lhls ls noL
done, uLlllzlng speclal volcanlc maLerlals called dragonlLe (lL's a ground basalL) Lo block sLray
LMls as well as oLher Lechnlques Lo 'clean' Lhe home. 1here are personal producLs LhaL can
help also llke groundlng maLs LhaL one can sLand on, maLLress pads, seaL cushlons, aLLachmenLs
Lo compuLers and oLher Lhlngs. 8uL sLarL slmply by unplugglng appllances LhaL are noL ln use,
sLop uslng some Lhlngs l wroLe abouL prevlously and geL Lhe elecLrlcal Lhlngs ouL of your
l hlghly recommend Lhe book LarLhlng Lo all my readers Lo help Lhem undersLand Lhe concepL.
lL ls easy Lo explaln Lo my MlnnesoLa paLlenLs who love Lo hunL. l ofLen hear men say
someLhlng llke, l [usL love Lo go slL ln Lhe woods nexL Lo a Lree. l don'L even care lf l see a deer,
l [usL love belng ouL ln Lhe woods." 1hey are groundlng Lhemselves, wheLher Lhey know lL or
noL. 1hey are recelvlng an abundance of elecLrons from Lhe earLh and alkallzlng Lhelr bodles
and decreaslng lnflammaLlon. 1hey are heallng.
1hls ls exacLly whaL Lhe 8llL llghL ls dolng for my paLlenLs wlLh cancer. 1he phoLons dlspersed
from Lhe 1esla Lube acL as elecLron donors and ground Lhe paLlenL by addlng elecLrons and
alkallzlng and heallng Lhe paLlenL. 1he more speclflc we can be Lo Lhe frequency of Lhe Llssue
LreaLed, Lhe body recelves Lhe more elecLrons.
So lL ls wlLh groundlng and LarLhlng. 1he more sLray LMls we can erase from Lhe envlronmenL
and Lhe more elecLrons we can recelve from Lhe earLh, Lhe healLhler one wlll become.

ChapLer 3
Cur lnLegraLlve Approach

competltloo bos beeo sbowo to be osefol op to
o cettolo polot ooJ oo fottbet, bot coopetotloo,
wblcb ls tbe tbloq we most sttlve fot toJoy,
beqlos wbete competltloo leoves off.

lranklln u. 8oosevelL

Why l uo WhaL l uo
Always ask Lhe reason why". lor anyone who has ever been ln my offlce LhaL's Lhe blg Lhree-
leLLer word wlLh Lhe blg quesLlon mark behlnd lL LhaL l Leach ad nausea. lf Lhere ls only one
Lhlng Lo learn from me, lL would be Lo ask, wby do l have Lhls problem?" l wanL you Lo become
a Sherlock Polmes of your own healLhcare, deslrlng Lo look deeper and say why?" never, ever,
LvL8 be saLlsfled wlLh a dlagnosls.
l am elghLh of nlne chlldren, born Lhe flfLh of flve boys wlLh four slsLers. lrom an early age as a
grade-schooler, even Lhough l always haLed school (Lhere were always Loo many Lhlngs Lo do aL
home or ouLslde) l always had a greaL love and curloslLy for sclence.
ln abouL 6
or 7
grade l sLarLed geLLlng horrlble headaches and body aches. My mom broughL
me Lo our famlly docLor aL LhaL Llme - a medlcal docLor - and he Look x-rays of my head and
neck. Pls concluslon was LhaL l was sufferlng from 'growlng palns'. l remember walklng ouL of
Lhe cllnlc afLer Lhe appolnLmenL and hearlng my mom say, Pe's crazy. lL doesn'L hurL Lo
grow!" We cllmbed lnLo Lhe car and LhaL was Lhe lasL Llme l would go Lo a medlcal docLor for
almosL 23 years.
My sympLoms were happenlng aL Lhe same Llme LhaL my moLher was delvlng lnLo naLural
healLh care, havlng soughL help for some lssues of her own. A few years earller she had
suffered from 8ell's alsy (a paralysls of cranlal nerve 7 - your faclal nerve - causlng one slde of
your face Lo droop). We llved ln a Lown wlLh a populaLlon of abouL 10,000, wlLh only one
chlropracLor ln pracLlce. My moLher soughL hls help and he compleLely cured her 8ell's alsy.
ln effecL, my moLher asked Lhe rlghL quesLlons, recelved Lhe rlghL answers and was able Lo solve
her problem. Slnce Lhen, boLh of my parenLs had become bellevers ln naLural healLh care and
wenL Lo Lhe chlropracLor for varlous lssues.
So, abandonlng Lhe medlcal docLor's growlng palns" dlagnosls, Mom broughL me Lo her
chlropracLor and my headaches and body aches were qulckly resolved. As my slbllngs and l
grew (and became lnvolved ln school aLhleLlcs), we conLlnued Lo pursue chlropracLlc care and
were always well cared for.
1he largesL Lurnlng-polnL ln my llfe (career-wlse) was when l was ln 10
grade. l noLlced l
excelled ln my sclence classes buL l desplsed Lngllsh class, especlally when lL came Lo readlng. l
would recelve A's" ln Lhe resL of my classes buL ln readlng l would be lucky Lo geL a C". l was
unable Lo keep pace wlLh my fellow sLudenLs and ended up belng place ln a remedlal Lngllsh
class - exLremely embarrasslng. l [usL could noL keep up, l couldn'L even read Lhrough a slngle
page wlLhouL forgeLLlng everyLhlng l [usL read.
l flnally wenL Lo a speclal klnd of chlropracLor, one who dld some klneslology work. AfLer some
neurologlcal LesLlng he dlagnosed me as havlng mlld dyslexla and spenL Llme Leachlng me some
speclflc braln-based Lheraples he knew aL Lhe Llme. WlLh Lhe chlropracLor's help, my dyslexla
was mlraculously correcLed (wlLhln abouL 3-3 monLhs), so much so LhaL l was accepLed ln an
Ponors class LhaL requlred more readlng Lhan l ever aLLempLed - l dld greaL and my llfe slowly
WlLh Lhe heallng l experlenced Lhrough Lhls chlropracLor, Lhe dlrecLlon of my llfe also changed.
l was absoluLely lnLrlgued. l LhoughL, l wanL Lo do Lhls - whaL he ls dolng", and from LhaL polnL
on l was commlLLed. 8y Lhe Llme l was a [unlor ln Plgh School l had my posL-graduaLe schoollng
lald ouL - exacLly whaL courses l needed Lo Lake Lo become a docLor llke hlm. l wanLed Lo flgure
people ouL, l wanLed Lo help people who dld noL have an answer or worse, dldn'L even reallze
Lhey had a problem. l LhoughL LhaL Lhere musL be oLhers ouL Lhere llke me, oLhers who dldn'L
know LhaL whaL Lhey were sLruggllng wlLh was even a problem. l'm sure Lhere are oLhers, who
Lhlnk LhaL, llke me, Lhls ls [usL Lhe way LhaL l am - l'm [usL a horrlble reader, l'm [usL sLupld, l'm
[usL faL, l've [usL been dealL wlLh _______". We can easlly Lhlnk LhaL we are [usL sLuck" wlLh a
faLe ln llfe wlLhouL any posslblllLy Lo change. 1haL's whaL l once LhoughL, buL l was wrong.
l wenL lnLo my whole fleld - my endeavor/everyLhlng LhaL l do - parLly based on Lhe experlences
l had back Lhen. l have a deslre Lo help people, Lo dlg and flgure ouL Lhe coose, even afLer
people and paLlenLs and oLher medlcal professlonals have glven up and [usL seLLled on a label.
1hose experlences are whaL broughL me Lo where l am Loday - wlLh a relenLless drlve Lo flnd
Lhe answers.
1here ls anoLher Lhlng LhaL drlves me: My relaLlonshlp wlLh !esus ChrlsL. ?ears ago l commlLLed
myself Lo Plm and Lhough l sLumble dally and ofLen fall mlserably ln my walk, Pe ls falLhful,
always good, and chooses Lo use me from Llme Lo Llme. l belleve LhaL Cod ls soverelgn, holy,
and senL Pls Son Lo become sln and Lhe sacrlflce on my behalf. l am forglven, noL because l am
good, buL because Pe ls good. So l'll be honesL, Lhls ls a professlon LhaL l chose buL how l
pracLlce ls whaL Pe chose for me. lL really wasn'L my deslre Lo Lake care of paLlenLs dlagnosed
wlLh cancer, lL was Cod's.
Cn average, our paLlenLs have been Lo a mulLlLude of docLors, boLh LradlLlonal and alLernaLlve,
and [usL can'L seem Lo flnd saLlsfacLory answers Lo Lhelr problems. We are based ln MlnnesoLa
and many of our paLlenLs have been Lo Lhe Mayo Cllnlc, even totoeJ owoy from Mayo because
Lhere's noLhlng lefL LhaL can be done Lo help Lhem. lL ls Lhen, l belleve, LhaL Cod ofLen sends
Lhem Lo us.
l have Lo be honesL ln LhaL someLlmes l wlsh Pe wouldn'L because lL geLs Lo be a llLLle
excruclaLlng. ueaLh has noL been a sLranger ln our cllnlc. Many of our paLlenLs are seemlngly
LeeLer-LoLLerlng on Lhe edge of leavlng Lhls world, and lL's a dose of reallLy when some of Lhem
do. lL ls hearLbreaklng and ln many ways lL makes me furlous. 8uL lL ls also Lhls reallLy LhaL [usL
drlves me. lL makes me a beLLer person, lL makes me a beLLer docLor and lL forces me Lo do
everyLhlng l can Lo flgure my paLlenLs ouL.
My bellef sysLem ls Lhls: lf Cod brlngs a paLlenL Lo me, Pe's golng Lo have Lo glve me Lhe
wlsdom Lo flgure hlm/her ouL." And lL's noL llke Cod speaks Lo me audlbly and Lells me whaL's
wrong, because Pe doesn'L. Pe makes me sLudy and Pe makes me work and Pe makes me dlg.
My purpose as a docLor has always been Loward consLanL, never-endlng lmprovemenL. l
belleve l can olwoys be beLLer Lhan l am rlghL now. I can say lL ls Cod's glfLedness for me -
because l en[oy lL and lL ls my absoluLe passlon - buL lL ls also a serlous challenge. Lvery day l
am faced wlLh knowlng people are placlng Lhelr llves, and Lhe llves of Lhelr loved-ones, ln my
care. 8uL l do love a good challenge.
lL ls acLually klnd of borlng for a paLlenL Lo come Lo me and say l fell down and hurL my knee."
lL's borlng because we already koow Lhe cause and we can flx lL. lL's borlng. lL ls way more
exclLlng for a paLlenL Lo come Lo me and say, l have sLage 4 cancer, Lhe docLor senL me home
Lo dle, l have Lwo weeks lefL Lo llve, l have never , LvL8, dug ln Lo Lhe posslble reasons WP? l
have lL, l've [usL followed Lhe medlcal rouLe Lo Lhe 1", lL hasn'L worked, and now l'm here."
Cbvlously, lL's noL good" conslderlng whaL Lhe person ls deallng wlLh, buL lL ls exclLlng LhaL
he/she ls ln our offlce and LhaL we have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo seek Cod's face and flnd some
answers. 1hose are Lhe cases LhaL l llke: Lhe more dlfflculL, Lhe beLLer.
1hls pasL weekend l held a semlnar for docLors called "1he Cancer Symposlum" whlch conslsLed
of me lecLurlng, Leachlng, and ofLen pleadlng wlLh docLors Lo learn how Lo properly supporL
paLlenLs wlLh cancer. l crammed as much of my lasL 23 years of Lralnlng lnLo 13 hours of
endless speaklng. uocLors from around Lhe counLry - Lhe besL of Lhe besL - flew Lo MlnnesoLa
rlghL aL Lhe Llme our LemperaLures dlpped Lo zero degrees. lL dldn'L even faze Lhem!

l love Lo Leach (as l'm sure you could Lell by Lhe conLenL on our webslLe as well as Lhls book) buL
Lwo sLralghL days of Lalklng was exhausLlng. 8uL lL was so necessary! We need more docLors
wlLh Lhe knowledge Lo help people wlLh cancer. lL seems LhaL a search of Lhe lnLerneL elLher
reveals pharmaceuLlcal companles adverLlslng Lhelr drugs wlLh preLLy buLLerflles and smlllng
supermodels as lf chemoLherapy ls glamorous, or "non-proflL" organlzaLlons LhaL ralse
hundreds of mllllons of dollars for cancer yeL do very llLLle Lo help any lndlvlduals buL
We nLLu an lnLegraLlve approach. SomeLlmes chemo, radlaLlon or surgery lS necessary Lo
'debulk' a rapldly growlng Lumor, buL nCnL of Lhem wlll klll clrculaLlng Lumor cells (C1Cs) or
cancer sLem cells. Lvery paLlenL wlLh cancer, even Lhose who have been declared "cancer free"
by Lhelr oncologlsLs S1lLL have C1Cs and cancer sLem cells. 1hls ls why lL comes back!!!
An lnLegraLlve approach Lo cancer - one LhaL addresses rooL causes, requlres llfesLyle changes,
and develops a game-plan LhaL ls reallsLlc and self-manageable ls necessary, absoluLely
necessary, for ulLlmaLe paLlenL success. l know we are all golng Lo dle buL lL [usL slckens me Lo
see Lhe sLaLlsLlcs of whaL's golng on wlLh LradlLlonal cancer LreaLmenL alone. "We've done all
we can," seems Lo be Lhe manLra of Lhe oncology deml-gods when 'all Lhey
can' conslsLenLly falls shorL. l am so ofLen remlnded of Lhe movle aLch Adams, abouL a young
man of Lhe same name as Lhe LlLle, sLruggllng wlLh hls ldenLlLy, depressed and afrald, checked
hlmself lnLo a hosplLal flnally reallzed hls purpose ln llfe when he helped fellow paLlenL - he
wanLed Lo be a docLor and help oLhers.
aLch wenL Lo Lhe Mu LhaL governed Lhe psychlaLrlc lnsLlLuLlon Lo demand he be dlscharged Lo
follow hls 'calllng'. 1he docLor, who ruled wlLh a callous dlsposlLlon LhaL would raLher drug a
paLlenL lnLo obllvlon Lhen llsLen Lo Lhem and feel Lhelr paln was obsLlnaLe abouL leLLlng aLch
go, "whaL ls lL LhaL you Lhlnk you wanL Lo do wlLh your llfe," he sneered. "l wanL Lo help people,
l wanL Lo be a docLor," aLch proudly sLaLed. "?ou can'L be a docLor," Lhe Mu soured, "l'm a
docLor." "?eah, buL you SuCk aL lL," aLch pounced back wlLh a slmple honesL concluslon.
8obln Wllllams was brllllanL ln hls performance and lf you haven'L seen Lhe movle, do so. 1haL
llne, "?eah buL you SuCk aL lL" has resounded ln my head for years. l do nC1 wanL Lo be LhaL
klnd of docLor buL l've personally experlenced dozens of Lhem! lf you've "done all you can do"
Lhen MA?8L Lhere ls SCMLCnL LLSL who can uC MC8L!!!
!usL anoLher '8eason' why l do Lhls
Whlle l am wrlLlng Lhls book, l have a sweeL, llLLle angel of a glrl - 7 years old, wlLh
MedulloblasLoma. She had surgery Lo debulk (remove all LhaL Lhe surgeon could) Lhe Lumor
before her parenLs broughL her Lo see me. MedulloblasLoma ls a prlmary, Lyplcally aggresslve
cancer ln Lhe fourLh venLrlcle of Lhe braln, [usL ln fronL of Lhe cerebellum - a horrlble braln
cancer LhaL usually aLLacks young chlldren.

1he surgeon belleved he 'goL all Lhe cancer', 8u1, Lhe Cncology ueparLmenL aL Lhe unlverslLy of
MlnnesoLa demanded LhaL she sLlll do luLL skull and splne radlaLlon Anu luLL chemo wlLh 3
chemo drugs (AuuL1 chemo drugs!!!!!!!).
1he parenLs were ln shock and slmply requesLed some Llme Lo Lhlnk abouL lL. 1haL lmmedlaLely
prompLed Lhe CncologlsLs Lo call CS (Chlld roLecLlve Servlces) who would forclbly remove Lhe
chlld from Lhe parenL's cusLody should Lhey noL proceed wlLh Lhe demands of Lhe deml-gods of
medlclne. ls lL 8LALL? ln Lhe 'chlld's besL lnLeresL'?
l flnd lL amazlng LhaL CS puLs abused klds back lnLo Lhe home of Lhe abuser because Lhey wenL
Lhrough a few weeks of 'anger managemenL Lralnlng' and yeL Lhey can remove a chlld from
lovlng parenLs because Lhe pharmaceuLlcally-conLrolled monopoly demands blood. lf a parenL
dares Lo ask, "Pold on, we have Lo Lhlnk abouL LhaL...", we lnsLanLly become a pollce-sLaLe
where 'blg broLher' knows beLLer Lhan us lower-llfe forms who are unable Lo make a raLlonal
declslon. l am afrald of whaL Lhls counLry has become!
AfLer speaklng Lo a new oncologlsL who promlsed Lo 'work wlLh her', and Lhen Lwo weeks of
ad[uncLlve care aL my offlce whlch lncluded use of a 8lfe machlne aL home (whaL we do for all
paLlenLs LhaL come Lo us wlLh cancer) Lhe parenLs agreed Lo some medlcal LesLlng Lo see lf Lhere
was any progresslon. An M8l of her braln and mlcroscoplc LesLlng of her cerebral-splnal fluld
was nexL. rlor Lo Lhe LesL, Lhe new oncologlsL called me Lo ask lf l'd help encourage Lhe
parenLs Lo proceed wlLh Lhe radlaLlon and chemoLherapy because she was afrald LhaL lf Lhe
LesLlng came back clean, Lhe parenLs would be agalnsL proceedlng. l cannoL even come close Lo
enLerlng lnLo Lhose declslons and asked Lhe oncologlsL lf she was Lrylng Lo enLrap me, for l am
noL an oncologlsL and do noL LreaL cancer. She undersLood, buL felL LhaL l could help lnfluence
Lhe parenLs. l asked some very polnLed quesLlons lncludlng why she would wanL Lo progress
wlLh such harsh LreaLmenL whlch, she was honesL abouL, would produce some poLenLlally
horrlble slde-effecLs. lL all came down Lo proLocol.
l'm all for proLocols as long as Lhey work. ur. CncologlsL assured me LhaL 63 of
MedulloblasLoma paLlenLs had a 3 year survlval raLe aL Lhelr faclllLy and accordlng Lo her, Lhe
paLlenL had a ZL8C percenL survlval should Lhe parenLs noL follow Lhelr proLocol. Zero percenL
ls preLLy bad, so l asked Lhe same quesLlon several dlfferenL Llmes ln dlfferenL ways and
recelved Lhe same answer - ln her professlonal experlence, Lhe paLlenL had a zero percenL cure
raLe lf Lhelr proLocol was noL followed!
1he nexL loglcal quesLlon was, Pow many MedulloblasLoma paLlenLs have you had LhaL dld
nC1 follow your LreaLmenL?" So l asked lL. Ch, none," was her answer. Lxcuse me, dld you
[usL say oooe? l'm no maLhemaLlclan buL Lo clalm LhaL a parenL ls abuslve for decldlng Lo nC1
follow your recommendaLlons LhaL you clalm Lo have a 37 deaLh raLe and nC1 have any 8LAL
paLlenLs LhaL have opLed-ouL as a comparlson ls uLLerly ludlcrous. Pow can Lhey say Lhere ls a
zero percenL survlval raLe lf you do noL follow recommendaLlons when Lhey've never had
anyone noL follow Lhose recommendaLlons? uoesn'L LhaL make lL a 100 percenL survlval raLe?
1hese are Lhe 8u88L8 nuM8L8S used Lo manlpulaLe you lnLo dolng someLhlng! l am slck over
Lhls!!!!! l ended my conversaLlon wlLh ur. CncologlsL (and l aL leasL glve her credlL for belng
nlce and Lalklng Lo me) afLer she sald someLhlng llke, l belleve ln praylng Loo and l belleve ln
mlracles, buL mlracles are few and far beLween." l answered, Maybe you should come Lo my
offlce because l see Lhem every day."
1he LesLs came back and Lhere were nC Lraces of anyLhlng on Lhe M8l or Lhe CSl!!!! Purrah!!!!!
lL was a shorL-llved celebraLlon, CS ls aL Lhe door and demandlng cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe powers
LhaL be. Pundreds of hours ln prayer, dozens of prayer-chalns and mulLlple conversaLlons wlLh
aLLorneys leaves Lhe parenLs wlLh llLLle cholce: elLher do whaL Lhe esLabllshmenL Lhlnks ls besL
or lose conLrol of Lhelr chlld.
1he parenLs felL Lhey had nC CPClCL. Well...Lhls pasL weekend she had her flrsL 3-day, ln-
hosplLal, chemo-assaulL and she ls nCW ln my offlce - SlCk, havlng SLlZu8LS (whlch were CCnL
for lasL 3 weeks slnce sLarLlng here), and CCMLL1LL? MlSL8A8LL.

Per mom ls beslde herself!!!!!!!!!! l am ln Lears wrlLlng Lhls and Lhls poor, llLLle sweeLhearL of a
chlld suffers aL Lhe hands of almlghLy medlclne. We are Lrylng Lo do everyLhlng we can Lo
proLecL her llLLle body from Lhe effecLs of Lhe powerful drugs. !usL please pray!!!
undersLand, l am nC1 saylng LhaL l know whaL Lhe 8LS1 Lhlng Lo do ln Lhls case ls. l AM SA?lnC
LhaL Lhe oncologlsLs wlLh Lhelr rubber numbers ALSC do nC1 know. Why can'L we leL everyone
(all professlonals) glve Lhelr 8LS1 recommendaLlon based upon experlence, research daLa, and
cllnlcal cerLalnLy and Lhen LL1 1PL A8Ln1S uLCluL.
l know Lhere are Lhose who wlll argue LhaL Lhe parenLs [usL are noL smarL enough Lo make such
a Lough declslon so Lhe governmenL musL do lL for Lhem. Pogwash!
I'm rem|nded of the Apost|e au| when he heard that new be||evers were requ|red by some
to be c|rcumc|sed |n order to fo||ow Chr|st. ne was outraged:
Look out for those dogs
[Iuda|zers, |ega||sts], |ook out for those m|sch|ef-makers, |ook out for those who mut||ate the
f|esh," (h|||pp|ans 3:2)
Cur purpose as a c||n|c ls Lo be a blesslng Lo Lhe people who come Lo us. We belleve we have a
responslblllLy Lo every person we accepL as a paLlenL, a responslblllLy Lo dlg and flgure each
person ouL. We may noL 5Olv Lhe problem (l wanL Lo be very clear abouL LhaL), buL for Lhe
mosL-parL we can flgure ouL whaL's golng on or flnd someone who can.
1hese are Lhe Lypes sLorles we hear on a falrly regular basls slnce we commlLLed Lo Lhls Lype of
work and qulLe frankly, Lhey drlve me! We are ln a baLLle, noL agalnsL cancer buL agalnsL an
enemy. Cancer ls an ouLcome, cancer ls awful and devasLaLlng buL lL ls noL our enemy. Cur
enemy ls allve and acLlve and deslres Lo klll, sLeal and desLroy. Cur advocaLe ls also allve and
well, Pe ls more powerful Lhan anyLhlng Lhe enemy can Lhrow agalnsL us and wlll always,
ulLlmaLely have vlcLory! 1he baLLle may be flerce, buL Lhe vlcLory ls secure.
lnLegraLlve 1heraples l may 8ecommend
llrsL, leL me agaln make one Lhlng perfecLly clear - l do noL LreaL cancer! ln LruLh, l don'L LreaL
anyLhlng. My 'scope of pracLlce' allows me Lo 'LreaL subluxaLlons', Lhe lnLerferences ln nerve
conducLlon LhaL can dlsrupL homeosLasls. l do noL LreaL dlseases, don'L dlagnosls, nor do l
deslre Lo glve any paLlenL a label of ooy dlsorder. My feellng ls Lhls - lf more docLors looked aL a
paLlenL wlLh wonder and curloslLy, seeklng desperaLely Lo flgure ouL WP? Lhey are manlfesLlng
such sympLoms, worked vlgllanLly Lo Lrace back and correcL Lhe mechanlsms LhaL broughL Lhem
Lo such a sLaLe - l Lhlnk we'd geL more slck people well. 1haL's my goal!
Cancer ls a dlsease LhaL slck people geL, l Lake slck people and do everyLhlng l can Lo help Lhem
geL beLLer and someLlmes Lhe cancer, or MS, or selzures, or headaches, or AuLlsm - goes away.
lL's klnd of llke Lhe farmer who had a horrlble problem wlLh raLs LhaL were lnfllLraLlng hls barn
from a glanL Lrash heap near Lhe souLh pasLure. Pe would spend all afLernoon slLLlng on hls
LracLor wlLh hls 22-gage rlfle walLlng for Lhe llLLle buggers Lo presenL Lhemselves and he would
gun Lhem down. Several weeks and dozens of hours 'hunLlng' laLer, he asked a young man aL
Lhe feed mlll lf he wanLed Lo earn some exLra money slLLlng on hls LracLor shooLlng raLs. 1he
nexL day Lhe young man pald a vlslL and accessed Lhe slLuaLlon. AfLer abouL 13 mlnuLes he gave
Lhe farmer a proposlLlon, lf l can geL rld of all Lhe raLs, wlll you pay me $100?" 1he farmer
agreed and Lhe young man Look Lhe farmer's LracLor, dug a blg hole and burled all Lhe garbage,
desLroylng Lhe very envlronmenL LhaL 'fed' and nourlshed Lhe raL populaLlon. 1he raLs were
gone forever.
So lL ls wlLh every dlsease. We can chase Lhe llluslon of desLrucLlon or creaLe a healLhy
envlronmenL LhaL promoLes self-heallng. Cancer ls no dlfferenL. 1he purpose of care ls Lo
deLoxlfy Lhe body, creaLe a healLhy envlronmenL, and sLlmulaLe Lhe body's lmmune funcLlon. ls
cancer 'curable'? Cnly you can answer LhaL. My [ob ls Lo help access Lhe dysfuncLlons LhaL
promoLed/allowed Lhe dlsease (whaLever name your prevlous docLors have glven Lo lL) and Lo
asslsL Lhe correcLlon of LhaL. l am currenLly enrolled ln a lellowshlp ln lnLegraLlve Cancer
1herapy Lhrough 1he Amerlcan Academy of AnLl-Aglng Medlclne and SouLh llorlda School of
Medlclne where l am prlvlleged Lo crunch ldeas wlLh Lhe brlghLesL mlnds ln oncology.

Learnlng Lo ask beLLer quesLlons ls your flrsL sLep Lo success. Cnce a paLlenL recelves Lhe
dreaded dlagnosls, Lhere ls a fearful sLlgma LhaL seems almosL sLamped on Lhe braln LhaL causes
many Lo follow LradlLlonal approaches and surrender all responslblllLy Lo a professlon LhaL has
been less Lhan successful ln Lhelr LreaLmenL. Agaln, Lhe LruLh ls: accordlng Lo Cncology, a peer
revlewed medlcal [ournal, Lhe average cancer paLlenL ls worLh nearly $300,000 Lo Lhe hosplLal
and docLors who land Lhe blg flsh. l haLe Lo palnL such a grlm plcLure and musL make lL perfecLly
clear LhaL l am nC1 agalnsL all chemoLherapy or radlaLlon, buL Lo lgnore and ofLen negaLe
approaches LhaL promoLe changlng Lhe paLlenL's lnLernal envlronmenL ls malpracLlce.
A november, 2011 arLlcle by karol Slkora publlshed ln 8rlLaln's 1he 1elegraph reporLs:
Much of Lhe Lechnology ls changlng so fasL LhaL lL has become a very challenglng fleld for
cllnlclans aL Lhe fronLllne. And paLlenLs are ofLen lefL bewlldered and frlghLened by Lhe
dlscrepancy beLween whaL ls belng offered Lo Lhem and whaL Lhey read and can flnd on Lhe
1hls week's reporL from 1he LanceL Cncology Commlsslon on Lhe cosL of cancer care ln hlgh-
lncome counLrles, wrlLLen by a serles of experLs, paLlenL advocaLes and economlsLs, provldes a
sLark concluslon. CulLe slmply, no healLhcare sysLem can afford Lo pay for Lhe huge lncreases
lnvolved ln prolonglng cancer paLlenLs' llves for a few weeks. We are Lruly aL a crossroads."
1hough l am saddened LhaL Lhe pharmaceuLlcal companles may be 'prlclng Lhemselves ouL of
Lhe markeL', lL [usL may be Lhe besL Lhlng LhaL ever happened Lo Lhe paLlenL. My personal bellef
ls LhaL lf every paLlenL had Lo pay ouL-of-pockeL for every medlcal blll accumulaLed, Lhey would
make wlser declslons regardlng Lhelr care and more carefully access ouLcomes. As an
'alLernaLlve docLor' l've spenL 23 years under Lhe scruLlny of each poLenLlal paLlenL as Lhey
carefully make Lhelr declslon as Lo wheLher 'Lhls Lype of care' besL sulLs Lhem slnce Lhey wlll be
fooLlng Lhe blll, noL Lhe lnsurance company.
1hough we llve ln a caplLallsLlc socleLy where Lhe markeL dlcLaLes goods and servlces, medlcal
care ln Amerlca ls more of a soclallsLlc endeavor. 1he markeL doesn'L declde whaL care ls besL,
Lhe lnsurance company does. Would Lhe average paLlenL sLlll follow Lhrough wlLh surgery,
chemo and radlaLlon for Lhelr cancer lf Lhey had Lo flnd Lhe $300,000 - 900,000 for Lhe care?
My hearL crles Lo hear young and old dylng from cancer LhaL have never even aLLempLed
alLernaLlve approaches. Surely we all wlll dle, some of cancer. Cod's soverelgnLy does noL
preclude Lhe need Lo seek for knowledge you may noL possess. 1here ls wlsdom ln a mulLlLude
of counselors.
8elow are brlef descrlpLlons of some alLernaLlve approaches for paLlenLs dlagnosed wlLh cancer
LhaL we use ln our offlce. l do nC1 suggesL a 'shoLgun' approach Lo cancer or any dlsease! l LesL
paLlenLs ouL wlLh a Lechnlque called Applled klneslology, LhaL, alLhough noL perfecL, has been a
Cod-send Lo flnd Lhe exacL nuLrlLlonal approach LhaL a person's body wlll besL respond Lo. l
commonly hear paLlenLs say LhaL Lhey are 'so confused' wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon ouL Lhere and
Lhey don'L know who Lo belleve. 1he LruLh ls LhaL all Lhese approaches uC work for SCML
people. Whlch approach ls golng Lo be besL for ?Cu? 1haL's Lhe quesLlon you wanL Lo answer,
LhaL's Lhe quesLlon we Lry Lo help you flnd peace wlLh. l have LesL klLs and supplles for Lhese
and many more 'cancer cures'. usually a person may LesL ouL poslLlve on [usL one or Lwo, you
do noL wanL Lo guess aL Lhe besL LreaLmenL. 1here's Loo much aL sLake Lo be playlng LhaL game.
Cerson 1herapy
ur. Max Cerson fled soclallsL Cermany ln Lhe early 20
cenLury Lo brlng hls naLural meLhod of
heallng Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes. Pe LreaLed many hundreds of paLlenLs - prlmarlly Lhose wlLh
cancer - and conLlnued Lo develop and reflne hls Lherapy up unLll hls deaLh ln 1939, aL Lhe age
of 78. Cne of hls mosL famous paLlenLs was ur. AlberL SchwelLzer, whom Cerson cured of
advanced dlabeLes when SchwelLzer was 73. SchwelLzer laLer reLurned Lo hls Afrlcan hosplLal,
won Lhe nobel rlze, and worked pasL age 90. SchwelLzer dlrecLly commenLed abouL Cerson ln
hls wrlLlng, "l see ln ur. Cerson one of Lhe mosL emlnenL genluses ln Lhe hlsLory of medlclne."
ln May of 2003, ur. Cerson was flnally recognlzed as a ploneer ln hls fleld when he was
lnducLed lnLo Lhe CrLhomolecular Medlclne Pall of lame ln CLLawa, Canada. Pe [olned seven
oLher glanLs of medlclne whose semlnal work has been lnfluenLlal ln Lhe medlcal and sclenLlflc
worlds, and are consldered ploneers ln Lhelr respecLlve flelds.
Cne facL always haunLed Cerson: lL ls rare Lo flnd cancer, arLhrlLls, or oLher degeneraLlve
dlseases ln culLures consldered "prlmlLlve" by WesLern clvlllzaLlon. ls lL because of dleL? 1he
facL LhaL degeneraLlve dlseases appear ln Lhese culLures only when modern packaged foods and
addlLlves are lnLroduced would cerLalnly supporL LhaL ldea. Max Cerson sald, "SLay close Lo
naLure and lLs eLernal laws wlll proLecL you." Pe consldered LhaL degeneraLlve dlseases were
broughL on by Loxlc, degraded food, waLer and alr.

WhaL has come Lo be known as Cerson 1herapy" ls really a dleL, regeneraLlng Lhe body Lo
healLh, supporLlng each lmporLanL meLabollc requlremenL by floodlng Lhe body wlLh nuLrlenLs
from almosL 20 pounds of organlcally grown frulLs and vegeLables dally. MosL ls used Lo make
fresh raw [ulce, one glass every hour, 13 Llmes per day. We uLlllze and recommend a 'modlfled
Cerson approach' LhaL encompasses a smaller number of [ulces comblned wlLh oLher Lheraples
llsLed ln Lhls secLlon. Consumlng raw, [ulced vegeLables doubles oxygenaLlon and lncreases pP,
as oxygen deflclency ln Lhe blood conLrlbuLes Lo many degeneraLlve dlseases (and obvlously
cancer). 1he meLabollsm ls also sLlmulaLed Lhrough Lhe addlLlon of Lhyrold, poLasslum and
oLher supplemenLs, and by avoldlng heavy anlmal faLs, excess anlmal proLeln, sodlum and oLher
Loxlns found ln processed foods.
uegeneraLlve dlseases render Lhe body lncreaslngly unable Lo excreLe wasLe maLerlals
adequaLely, commonly resulLlng ln llver and kldney congesLlon and evenLual fallure. 1o prevenL
Lhls, Lhe Cerson 1herapy uses lnLenslve deLoxlflcaLlon Lo ellmlnaLe wasLes, regeneraLe Lhe llver,
reacLlvaLe Lhe lmmune sysLem and resLore Lhe body's essenLlal defenses - enzyme, mlneral and
hormone sysLems. WlLh generous, hlgh-quallLy nuLrlLlon, lncreased oxygen avallablllLy,
deLoxlflcaLlon, and lmproved meLabollsm, Lhe cells - and Lhe body - can regeneraLe, become
healLhy and prevenL fuLure lllness.
l do noL recommend a compleLe Cerson proLocol for many of my paLlenLs. 1he lnLenslLy of
[ulclng 13 glasses of [ulce each day ls daunLlng for mosL and noL always necessary. We
recommend a 'modlfled Cerson 1herapy' whlch Cerson dle-hards mlghL call heresy. 8uL
remember, l have been Lralned ln lnLegraLlve cancer Lherapy and uLlllze many dlfferenL
Lechnlques, noL [usL one. l also have some phllosophlcal problems wlLh my paLlenLs Lled Lo a
[ulcer all day long. l never wanL an lll paLlenL Lo become so consumed ln Lhelr heallng LhaL Lhey
Lhen make heallng an ldol and desLroy Lhelr relaLlonshlps and quallLy of llfe Lhey lronlcally seek
Lo reLaln. l also wanL my paLlenLs Lo work, volunLeer, and llve llfe for oLhers. Agaln, Lhere ls a
reason Lhls book ls LlLled SLop llghLlng Cancer." l wanL you Lo focus less on your cancer and
more on LllL. 8alance ln everyLhlng ls Lhe key!
8lfe LlghL lrequency 1echnology
osslbly Lhe mosL lmpresslve meLhod of deLoxlflcaLlon ever developed, Lhls Lechnology was
developed ln Lhe 1920s and 1930s by one of Lhe Lrue genluses of Lhe 20Lh CenLury, a
mlcroblologlsL named ur. 8oyal 8lfe. lL lnvolved almlng speclflc sound frequencles (plggy-
backed onLo a parLlcular carrler wave for deep peneLraLlon) aL cancer paLlenLs Lo klll Lhelr
cancer. 1he LreaLmenL was so easy and non-Loxlc, lL merely lnvolved lylng or slLLlng ln fronL of
Lhe llghL. uocumenLed cancer recoverles LhaL resulLed were phenomenal. Powever, Lhls
approach was flnally suppressed Lo Lhe polnL where lL became vlrLually lmposslble Lo flnd a Lrue
8lfe Machlne LhaL used Lhe exacL same Lechnology and speclflcaLlons of Lhe orlglnal creaLor.
Slnce many machlnes are belng produced Loday LhaL clalm Lo be auLhenLlc, yeL are noL Lruly
effecLlve, lL ls lmporLanL for cancer paLlenLs Lo know abouL Lhe hlsLory and lssues revolvlng
around Lhls parLlcular LreaLmenL approach (belleve me, l Lrled many!).
1he reason why 8lfe had hls cllnlcs shuLdown by Lhe AMA and Lhe luA was because he was
clalmlng LhaL Lhe llghL frequency kllled cancer cells". 1hough Lhls was hls bellef aL Lhe Llme
(and no one could deny hls success raLe) lL ls nC1 Lhe currenL undersLandlng of how llghL
frequency works. We belleve LhaL slnce llghL ls a phoLon, a parLlcle on a waveform, lL has
dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs Lhan oLher waveforms. LveryLhlng, on a quanLum physlcs level, ls made
up of energy vlbraLlng aL a speclflc frequency. 8ombardlng cancer or any oLher parLlcle (Loxlns,
vlrus, eLc.) wlLh lLs own frequency slmply vlbraLes lL, maklng lL recognlzable Lo one's own
lmmune sysLem for desLrucLlon. 8llL Lechnology does noL klll cancer, lL allows your body Lo
recognlze lL and do lLs [ob ln brlnglng you back Lo healLh.
We recommend Lhe 8lfe machlne Lo all serlously lll paLlenLs. Powever, Lhe frequencles we
program Lhe unlLs wlLh are unlque Lo each person. A 8lfe machlne ls nC1 maglc, lL ls a Lool.
Llke any Lool, lL can be used by a skllled crafLsman or a weekend mechanlc. l prefer LhaL Lhe
programs be as speclflc as posslble for Lhe condlLlon Lhe paLlenL ls deallng wlLh. We uLlllze
several speclallzed Lechnlques Lo deLermlne Lhe programs LhaL we seL for paLlenLs. MosL
people have seven dlfferenL overnlghL programs and several dayLlme programs dependlng on
our flndlngs on examlnaLlons. l nLvL8 recommend LhaL Lhe 8lfe be used excluslve Lo
everyLhlng else necessary Lo achleve opLlmal healLh. lf a person refuses Lo change llfesLyle
hablLs, follow Lhelr dleL we layouL, and Lake Lhelr speclflc supplemenLs, Lhe 8lfe wlll do llLLle

See Lhe secLlon on Lhe 8lfe for more lnformaLlon or vlslL our webslLe aL
Poxsey 1herapy
CurrenLly, Lhls herbal approach Lo cancer Lherapy, lnvolvlng an lnLernal Lonlc, a Loplcal salve,
and a Loplcal powder, can be obLalned ln lLs orlglnal form from Mexlco. 8uL for decades lL was a
Lhrlvlng cancer Lherapy ln Lhe u.S. lL was Lhe flrsL wldely used non-Loxlc cancer approach, buL
was so heavlly opposed by Lhe Amerlcan Medlcal AssoclaLlon LhaL lL was flnally forced ouL of
Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln Lhe 1930's. Melanomas and lymphomas are consldered Lhe besL
responders Lo Lhls herbal approach.
Poxsey 1herapy ls a mlxLure of herbs, was flrsL markeLed as a purporLed cure for cancer ln Lhe
1920s by Parry Poxsey, a former coal mlner and lnsurance salesman, and norman 8aker, a
radlo personallLy. Poxsey clalmed LhaL he Lraced Lhe LreaLmenL Lo hls greaL-grandfaLher, who
observed a horse wlLh a Lumor on lLs leg cure lLself by grazlng upon wlld planLs growlng ln Lhe
meadow. !ohn Poxsey gaLhered Lhese herbs and mlxed Lhem wlLh old home remedles used for
cancer. Among Lhe clalms made ln hls book, he purporLs hls Lherapy alms Lo resLore
"physlologlcal normalcy" Lo a dlsLurbed meLabollsm LhroughouL Lhe body, wlLh emphasls on
purgaLlon, Lo help carry away wasLes from Lhe Lumors he belleved hls herbal mlxLures caused Lo
Cver Llme, people soughL ouL Poxsey for Lhe LreaLmenL of Lhelr cancer and he opened 17 cllnlcs
LhaL he would evenLually be closed by Lhe luA. uogged ln many sLaLes by legal Lrouble for
pracLlclng medlclne wlLhouL a llcense (he wasn'L a docLor), Poxsey frequenLly shuL down hls
cllnlcs and reopened Lhem ln new locaLlons. ln 1936, Poxsey opened a cllnlc ln 1exas whlch
became one of Lhe largesL prlvaLely owned cancer cenLers ln Lhe world. AL one polnL ln Lhe
1930s, Poxsey's gross annual lncome reached $1.3 mllllon from Lhe LreaLmenL of 8,000

no one can doubL Lhe success he had ln LreaLlng cancer paLlenLs and he won Lhe
respecL of several heavy crlLlcs afLer successfully LreaLlng Lhelr famlly members, buL Poxsey
made some crlLlcal errors. Pls ego was hls downfall. Pe clalmed Lo 'cure cancer' and sLuck Lo
hls sLaLemenLs of 'cure' desplLe whaL Lhe AMA and luA dld Lo shuL hlm up. Pe may have
'cured' many cancer paLlenLs buL nC CnL can clalm a 'cure' regardless of how a paLlenL
responds. Lgo and prlde ls Lhe downfall of many.
1he LruLh: 1he Poxsey formula ls a greaL deLoxlflcaLlon Lool whlch we make good use of wlLh
many of our paLlenLs. Cne does noL need Lo go Lo Mexlco Lo uLlllze Poxsey proLocols.

A cold herbal Lea, Lsslac was flrsL obLalned from a naLlve Amerlcan healer ln Canada. 8ased on
age-old LradlLlons, Lhls comblnaLlon of herbs has proven successful for Lhousands of people
wlLh cancer over many decades. lL was evenLually rlgorously LesLed and endorsed ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes by resldenL kennedy's personal physlclan, ur. Charles A. 8rusch. As Lhe sLory goes,
many herbal supplemenLs began wlLh Lrlal and error cures:
lo 1922, o kloJbeotteJ ootse of nolleyboty, Oototlo, ootlceJ
o femole potleot wltb o sevetely scotteJ ooJ JlsflqoteJ bteost.
Askloq tbe womoo oboot bet scots, 5be wos tolJ oo omozloq
stoty of bow yeots eotllet tbe womoo boJ beeo JloqooseJ
wltb bteost coocet. coooJloo Joctots boJ tolJ tbe womoo sbe
most bove bet bteost temoveJ lmmeJlotely. nowevet, lo
Jespetotloo, tbe womoo totoeJ to o mote oototol toote tbot
boJ beeo tolJ to bet by oo Ojlbwo loJloo meJlcloe moo.
1be loJloo meJlcloe moo tolJ bet of o comblootloo of betbs
to btew loto o teo ooJ Jtlok Jolly. ne tolJ bet tbls woolJ cote
tbe coocet lo bet bteost ooJ oot tepolte lt to be temoveJ.
5be JlJ os tbe meJlcloe moo losttocteJ ooJ os sbe sot tellloq
bet ootse tbe stoty yeots lotet, sbe obvloosly boJ oot boJ tbe
sotqety ooJ yet sbe boJ oo tecotteoce of tbe coocet!
1be ootse oskeJ tbe potleot fot tbe fotmolo fot tbe teo ooJ
wtote lt Jowo bot oevet teolly potsoeJ mokloq lt. A few yeots
lotet wbeo bet ooot wos JloqooseJ wltb loopetoble coocet,
keoe beqoo qlvloq tbe teo to bet ooot. Aftet two mootbs of
Jtlokloq tbe teo Jolly, 1be ooot tollleJ ooJ llveJ oo
oJJltloool 21 yeots wltb oo tecotteoce of coocet jost os tbe
loJy wltb bteost coocet boJ Jooe!
lo bet Jeslte to belp tbe slck, tbe ootse beqoo to qlve tbe
teo to otbets wltb wooJetfol tesolts. leople wltb votloos kloJs
of coocet, Jlobetes ooJ mote seemeJ to lmptove wltb tbe ose
of tbls teo. 5be JeclJeJ tbe oolpoe comblootloo of tbese
pottlcolot betbs somebow seemeJ to coose tbe Jlffeteot otqoos
lo tbe boJy to "ootmollze" belploq tbe boJy's owo lmmooe
system to flqbt ooJ "cottect" wbotevet wos wtooq.
1bls omozloq fotmolo, moJe op ooly foot slmple betbs, ls
belleveJ to ootmollze boJy systems by cleoosloq tbe blooJ,
potqloq toxlc bollJ op, ptomotloq cell tepolt ooJ olJloq lo
effectlve osslmllotloo ooJ ellmlootloo. wblle locteJlbly
slmple, wbeo combloeJ wltb eocb otbet, tbese foot betbs ooJ
tbelt sepotote loJlvlJool effects ote qteotly eobooceJ.
1be ootse JeclJeJ to colleJ tbe teo "ssloc," bet lost
oome spelleJ bockwotJs. As tlme weot oo, keoe colsse
cootlooeJ to "tteot" tbose cooslJeteJ tetmloolly lll wltb
vety posltlve tesolts. neoltb offlclols vocllloteJ bock ooJ fottb
betweeo o love/bote ottltoJe towotJ bet. wblle sbe oevet
opeoly clolmeJ tbe teo woolJ cote All coocets lt JlJ seem
to bove o Jeflolte effect oo mooy ooJ lt ooJeolobly ptomoteJ
welloess, qeoetol qooJ beoltb ooJ stteoqtbeoeJ tbe lmmooe
net Jeslte wos to moke tbe teo ovolloble to evetyooe. 5be
opetoteJ o coocet 1teotmeot cllolc lo coooJo osloq bet
teo fot mooy yeots, bot oevet cbotqloq fot ooy setvlces.
5be oseJ tbe betbol teo betself evety Joy ooJ floolly JleJ lo
1978 ot tbe oqe of 90.
net Jeslte wos oevet fot floooclol qolo bot totbet tbot tbe
fotmolo fot tbls olJ loJloo betbol teo coolJ be oseJ to belp
mookloJ. keoe JlJ oot woot to "sell" bet fotmolo to Jtoq
compooles sloce sbe JlJ oot woot lt to qet tleJ op lo
boteooctotlc "teJ tope" ot "sbelveJ" ooJ JlscteJlteJ
llke so mooy otbet "oototol" temeJles. nowevet, os
sbe qtew olJ, sbe floolly solJ tbe tlqbts to tbls fotmolo fot
ooly 51. 5be JlJ tbls boploq tbe teo coolJ be JevelopeJ
ooJ moJe eoslly ovolloble to tbe pobllc. Now mooy
compooles ote osloq o comblootloo foot betb fotmolo
ooJ mokloq lt ovolloble to evetyooe.

Lsslac ls currenLly mass-produced ln a varleLy of forms and by a varleLy of companles. Many
people have conLlnued Lo experlence success wlLh lL for cancer, buL as wlLh any mass-produced
herbal LreaLmenL, flndlng a good quallLy producL ls exLremely lmporLanL. Comblnlng Lsslac wlLh
some oLher alLernaLlve cancer approaches has also proven helpful for many cancer paLlenLs.
(Powever, lL cannoL be comblned wlLh roLocel)

LaeLrlle -817
1hls alLernaLlve LreaLmenL for cancer ls posslbly Lhe mosL mlsundersLood by Lhe publlc, as a
resulL of masslve mlslnformaLlon propagaLed by Lhe cancer lndusLry and press decades ago.
Powever, lL ls sLlll belng successfully used Lo LreaL cancer ln Mexlco as well as ln a few places ln
Lhe u.S. lnLravenous LreaLmenLs along wlLh oLher nuLrlLlonal supplemenLaLlon (and someLlmes
oLher ad[uncLlve LreaLmenLs) ls usually comblned for besL resulLs.
1he fo||ow|ng was adapted from webs|te on Laetr||e:
now It Works
LaeLrlle (l.e. amygdalln or vlLamln 817) Lherapy ls one of Lhe beLLer known alLernaLlve cancer
LreaLmenLs. lL ls very slmple Lo use and ls very effecLlve lf used ln hlgh enough doses and lf Lhe
producL ls of hlgh quallLy and lf lt ls combloeJ wlLh an effecLlve cancer dleL and key
supplemenLs (ln oLher words, you need Lo do your homework Lo maxlmlze lLs beneflLs).
LaeLrlle ls Lheorlzed Lo work by LargeLlng and kllllng cancer cells and bulldlng Lhe lmmune
sysLem Lo fend off fuLure ouLbreaks of cancer. lL lnvolves a sLrlcL dleL (as do all cancer
LreaLmenLs) and several supplemenLs.
now to Cbta|n Laetr||e or V|tam|n 817
1he luA has made Lhe purchase of laeLrlle supplemenLs dlfflculL Lo obLaln, even Lhough lL ls a
perfecLly naLural and safe supplemenL. ln order for a docLor Lo use laeLrlle supplemenLs, Lhey
musL have a paLlenL slgn a sLaLemenL LhaL Lhe LreaLmenL ls solely for deLoxlflcaLlon and nC1 Lo
cure cancer. ln oLher words, all LreaLmenL for cancer", nC1 [usL LaeLrlle, are effecLlvely lllegal
unless one ls an oncologlsL.
lorLunaLely LaeLrlle ls avallable over Lhe lnLerneL elLher as aprlcoL kernels, pllls, or ln some
cases ln llquld form. l personally belleve LhaL Lhe aprlcoL kernels are Lhe besL form as Lhey are ln
more of a 'whole food' form.
ln Lhe mlddle of a peach or aprlcoL ls a hard shell. lf you break open Lhe hard shell wlLh a "nuL
cracker," pllers or hammer, you wlll flnd a small seed/kernel ln Lhe mlddle LhaL looks llke an
almond. Powever, lL ls much sofLer Lhan an almond and cerLalnly does noL LasLe llke an almond
(lL ls blLLer and noL very LasLy). lL ls Lhls seed LhaL ls rlch ln naLural laeLrlle.
lf you search for "aprlcoL kernels" (use Lhe quoLes) on Coogle you wlll be able Lo flnd a loL of
vendors of aprlcoL kernels. 8e advlsed, however, LhaL aprlcoL kernel slLes cannoL legally make
any medlcal clalms abouL laeLrlle belng used Lo LreaL cancer.
MosL experLs wlll recommend a da||y dose of aprlcoL kernels from beLween 24 kernels a day up
Lo 40 kernels a day, spread LhroughouL Lhe day. lor a person ln remlsslon, 16 aprlcoL kernels a
day should be used as a mlnlmum.
CLher Lhlngs rlch ln laeLrlle are mllleL graln and buckwheaL graln. 8reads made wlLh Lhese
gralns, however, generally do noL conLaln a hlgh percenLage of mllleL or buckwheaL or else Lhey
would be Loo hard.
Also, Lhe seeds of berry planLs, such as red and black raspberrles are rlch ln laeLrlle. 8ed
raspberrles also have a second cancer klller ln Lhelr seeds: Lllaglc Acld, a phenollc. AbouL four
dozen foods have Lllaglc Acld, buL 8ed 8aspberrles have Lhe hlghesL concenLraLlon.
SLrawberrles also have Lllaglc Acld.
1hls means LhaL when you buy berry [elly or [am, make sure you buy preserves LhaL have Lhe
seeds. 8aslcally, Lhe seeds of any frulL, excepL clLrus frulLs, have laeLrlle. l have always eaLen
apples lncludlng Lhe core and seeds, lL's Lhe besL parL!
Cf course, aprlcoL kernels are Lhe besL source of laeLrlle. 1hose who do noL yeL have cancer
mlghL wanL Lo planL a few aprlcoL or peach Lrees ln Lhelr back yard for a long Lerm source of
laeLrlle. 1he kernels can be frozen whlle sLlll ln Lhe shell.
1he 1heory
When Lhe laeLrlle compound molecule comes across a cancer cell, lL ls broken down lnLo 2
molecules of glucose, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanlde and 1 molecule of benzaldehyde. ln Lhe
early days of laeLrlle research lL was assumed LhaL Lhe hydrogen cyanlde molecule was Lhe
ma[or cancer cell kllllng molecule, buL now lL ls known LhaL lL ls Lhe benzaldehyde molecule LhaL
ls by far Lhe ma[or reason Lhe cancer cell ls kllled.
1he reason laeLrlle Lherapy Lakes so long Lo work, ln splLe of Lhe marvelous deslgn of Lhe laeLrlle
molecule, ls because lf Lhe laeLrlle molecule musL chemlcally reacL wlLh Lhe enzyme of a non-
cancerous cell (l.e. rhodanese), before lL reacLs wlLh Lhe enzyme of a cancerous cell (beLa-
glucosldase), Lhe rhodanese wlll break aparL Lhe laeLrlle molecule ln such a way LhaL lL can no
longer klll a cancer cell. 1hus you have Lo Lake enough laeLrlle molecules, over a long enough
Llme, LhaL enough laeLrlle molecules colncldenLly (as far as we know) hlLs all of Lhe cancer cells
1he 8as|c 1reatment |an
1he speclflc Lherapy LhaL l dlscuss comes from Lhe 8lnzel book: Allve and Well. 1here are oLher
sources of a laeLrlle dleL, buL l would compare any oLher dleL wlLh Lhe 8lnzel dleL lf you wanL Lo
use anoLher dleL.
As wlLh any cancer LreaLmenL, Lhe place Lo sLarL ls wlLh Lhe "dleL," meanlng Lhe foods you can
and cannoL eaL. 1he 8lnzel dleL ls very slmllar Lo Lhe 8aw lood dleL. 1hls ls lnLeresLlng because
he was LaughL by ur. krebs hlmself, Lhus Lhe laeLrlle dleL probably daLes back over 60 years.
I1 IS CkI1ICAL to take the pancreat|c or proteo|yt|c enzymes dur|ng the |aetr||e therapy!!
noLe LhaL zlnc ls also one of Lhe mosL crlLlcal parLs of Lhls Lherapy:
"2loc ls tbe ttoospottotloo mecboolsm fot loettlle ooJ olttlloslJes lo tbe boJy.
8locbemlsts ooJ teseotcbets bove foooJ tbot yoo coo qlve loettlle to o potleot ootll lts
comloq oot of tbe eots of tbe potleot, bot, lf tbot potleot JlJ oot bove sofflcleot level of
2loc, oooe of tbe loettlle woolJ qet loto tbe tlssoes of tbe boJy. 1bey olso foooJ tbot
ootbloq beols wltblo tbe boJy wltboot sofflcleot vltomlo c. 1bey olso foooJ tbot
moqoeslom, seleolom, vltomlo A, ooJ 8, oll ployeJ oo lmpottoot pott lo molotololoq tbe
boJy's Jefeose mecboolsm. 1bls ls wby lts lmpottoot to ooJetstooJ tbot coocet ls best
tteoteJ wltb o totol oottltloool ptoqtom cooslstloq of Jlet, vltomlos, mloetols, loettlle
ooJ poocteotlc eozymes."
Warn|ng #1 - Laetr||e May Cause Low 8|ood ressure
1hls ls an lmporLanL message l (cancerLuLor) recelved by emall: "LaeLrlle lngesLlon may
occaslonally cause a Lemporary low blood pressure reacLlon due Lo formaLlon of LhlocyanaLe, a
powerful blood pressure lowerlng agenL. ln meLabollsm, nlLrlloslde ls hydrolyzed Lo free
hydrogen cyanlde, benzaldehyde or aceLone and sugar. 1hls occurs largely Lhrough Lhe enzyme
beLa-glucosldase produced by lnLesLlnal bacLerla as well as by Lhe body. 1he released PCn
[hydrocyanlde] ls deLoxlfled by Lhe enzyme rhodanese Lo Lhe relaLlvely non-Loxlc LhlocyanaLe
normally, lowerlng blood pressure ls noL an lssue, however, for Lhose who are already Laklng
blood pressure medlcaLlons, or have hearL lssues whlch would be made worse by a drop ln
blood pressure, be advlsed LhaL laeLrlle can lower blood pressure.
Warn|ng #2 - roteo|yt|c Lnzymes may act as 8|ood 1h|nners
8ecause many people on laeLrlle also use proLeolyLlc enzymes (l.e. pancreaLlc enzymes), lL ls
lmporLanL Lo know LhaL proLeolyLlc enzymes are blood Lhlnners. roLeolyLlc enzymes, such as
vlLalzym, should NC1 be used ln con[uncLlon wlLh prescrlpLlon blood Lhlnners unless Lhe
medlcal docLor undersLands Lhey are belng used.
Also, hlgh doses of proLeolyLlc enzymes should noL be Laken, [usL as Loo hlgh of a dose of any
blood Lhlnner should never be Laken. See the bott|e for max|mum doses.
Warn|ng #3 - Do Not 1ake Laetr||e w|th rob|ot|cs
lrom an emall: "lL was our experlence LhaL Laklng laeLrlle wlLh hlgh sLrengLh probloLlcs may also
lncrease Lhe amounL of free hydrogen cyanlde and Lhus could creaLe adverse slde effecLs."
Space ouL probloLlc use aL leasL 30 mlnuLes from eaLlng any aprlcoL kernels.
Warn|ng #4 - Comb|n|ng Laetr||e W|th Cther A|ternat|ve Cancer 1reatments
Whenever a person comblnes Lwo or more alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs LogeLher, lL ls crlLlcal
Lo do your homework. lor example, vlLamln C should be Laken wlLh laeLrlle, however, hlgh-
dose vlLamln C should not be Laken wlLh roLocel, gravlola, hydrazlne sulfaLe, eLc.
ln oLher words, lf you are Laklng a second or Lhlrd alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenL wlLh laeLrlle, or
lf laeLrlle ls belng used Lo supplemenL anoLher LreaLmenL, be careful Lo waLch Lhe warnlngs on
each LreaLmenL.
L|qu|d Laetr||e and Laetr||e 1ab|ets
LaeLrlle can also be purchased ln llquld form and LableL form usually from Mexlco. LaeLrlle ls a
very popular LreaLmenL ln Mexlco especlally aL cancer cllnlcs. 1aklng both laeLrlle LableLs and
aprlcoL seeds are Lhe mosL common form of Laklng laeLrlle, buL It |s necessary to "bu||d-up" to
therapeut|c doses over a severa| week per|od!
unforLunaLely l cannoL glve Lhe u8L of a company whlch sells Lhls producL because of luA
persecuLlon of llquld laeLrlle. 8uL lf you copy and pasLe Lhe llne aL Lhe end of Lhls paragraph lnLo
Coogle you mlghL be able Lo flnd a vendor of Lhe llquld and LableL form. ersonally, l do nC1
use Lhe llquld form. ln Mexlco laeLrlle ls called: Amlgdallna. Amlgdallna aprlcoL Mexlco

l-6 works by lncreaslng your body's naLural klller Cell acLlvlLy. 1hese nk cells have Lwo
prlmary roles: 1hey LargeL cells LhaL have made slgnlflcanL change and become cancerous as
well as LargeLlng enemy lnvaders llke vlrus, bacLerla, fungus and molds. 1he nk cells are a parL
of Lhe 1h1 lmmune sysLem, whlch ls commonly depressed ln cancer paLlenLs. 8lll Sardl ln hls
arLlcle enLlLled, 1he Cverlooked Cancer Cure from !apan" wrlLes: (adapLed)
naLure's mosL effecLlve lron-chelaLlng molecule ls lnoslLol hexaphosphaLe (l6), found naLurally
ln seeds and bran. l6 ls a selecLlve agenL agalnsL cancer cells. 8ecause cancer cells are hlgh ln
lron conLenL, l6 dlrecLs mosL of lLs aLLenLlon Lo abnormal cells slnce l6 acLs as a selecLlve lron
chelaLor. l6 selecLlvely removes lron from Lumors cells (sLeallng one of lLs ma[or food sources),
whlch deprlves Lhem of Lhelr prlmary growLh facLor. l6 does noL remove lron from red blood
cells whlch are LlghLly bound Lo hemoglobln. unllke cancer drugs, healLhy cells are noL affecLed
wlLh l6, so l6 has very low LoxlclLy. [uellllers CL, 8rlLlsh ! PaemaLology 117: 377-87, 2002]
1here have been numerous lab dlsh and anlmal sLudles LhaL concluslvely prove l6 ls an
effecLlve and non-Loxlc, anLl-cancer molecule. 8uL Lhe naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe has never seen
flL Lo conducL a human Lrlal even Lhough l6 made lL on a llsL of promlslng anLl-cancer agenLs.
[lox CP, ComplemenLary 1herapy Med 10: 229-34, 2003]
As an alLernaLlve Lo chelaLlng drugs, l6 has been shown Lo deslrably alLer Lhe expresslon of
proLelns produced by Lhe p21 and p33 genes (Lhese are cancer suppresslng genes) LhaL conLrol
cancer growLh, buL goes unused as a cancer LreaLmenL. [Saled l1, AnLlcancer 8esearch 18:
1479-84, 1998]
l6 enhances Lhe anLl-cancer effecLs of Adrlamycln and 1amoxlfen, Lwo commonly used cancer
drugs. [1anLlve[kul k, 8reasL Cancer 8esearch 1reaLmenL 79: 301-12, 2003] Powever, lL goes
lgnored by cancer docLors even Lhough lL's known Lo help chemoLherapy!
Whlle uesferal, an lron-chelaLlng cancer drug, has a modesL effecL because of lLs poor ablllLy Lo
geL lnslde Lumor cells and remove lron, l6 ls found ln every cell ln Lhe body and ls essenLlal for
llfe. 8y vlrLue of lLs ublqulLous presence ln llvlng human cells, lL ls non-Loxlc. [8lchardson u8,
CrlLlcal revlew Cncology PemaLology 42: 267-81, 2002]
ln 2001 lood and urug AdmlnlsLraLlon researchers reporLed LhaL 8 of 12 chelaLlng agenLs LesLed
were muLagenlc (caused gene muLaLlons). Among Lhe four, non-Loxlc chelaLors were l6.
[WhlLLaker , LnvlronmenLal and Molecular MuLagenesls 38: 347-36, 2001]
1he obvlous cholce among avallable lron chelaLors ls lnoslLol hexaphosphaLe (l6). l6 meeLs all
Lhe requlremenLs for a safe lron chelaLor Lo LreaL cancer. lL peneLraLes lnslde cells. lL ls non-
Loxlc, lnexpenslve, and very effecLlve. lL's [usL noL a drug.
ur. aul LggleLon of Cxford unlverslLy demonsLraLed Lhe l6 also asslsLs our lmmune sysLem ln
our baLLle agalnsL enemles by lncreaslng Lhe oxldlzlng agenLs wlLhln neuLrophlls Lo ald ln
desLrucLlon of cancer and dlsease.
lp6 summary:
o l6 lnhlblLs cell prollferaLlon, helps sLop cancer growLh
o l6 lnhlblLs cell progresslon
o l6 lnhlblLs meLasLasls by lnLerferlng wlLh C1C (clrculaLlng Lumor cell) adheslon,
mlgraLlon, and lnvaslon (lL lnhlblLs MM-9 secreLlon)
o l6 lnduces apopLosls ln many cancer cell llnes
o l6 lnhlblLs Anglogenesls (new blood vessel growLh Lo cancer) by:
o lnhlblLlng growLh and dlfferenLlaLlon of endoLhellal cells
o lnhlblLs secreLlon of vLCl (vascular endoLhellal growLh facLor)
o 8locklng flbroblasL growLh facLor

ur. kelley's Lnzyme 1herapy
ur. kelley made mosL of hls dlscoverles when he cured hlmself of meLasLaLlc pancreaLlc cancer
afLer he was glven Lwo monLhs Lo llve. Pe sLudled ur. 8ard's work (publlshed ln Lhe early
1900's) and dlscovered Lhe beneflLs of hlgh dose enzyme Lherapy. 1he wonderful Lhlng abouL
Lhls Lype of Lherapy ls LhaL, noL only does lL WC8k buL also lL has nelLher slde affecLs nor
conLralndlcaLlons. 1wo physlclans ln new ?ork (who have been some of M? Leachers ln
Lhe lnLegraLlve Cancer 1herapy lellowshlp program), ur. Conzalez and ur. lsaacs, are worklng
LogeLher Lo LreaL cancer paLlenLs wlLh Lhls approach and are havlng greaL resulLs. 1he LreaLmenL
cenLers around Laklng hlgh doses of speclal enzymes LhaL could once only be goLLen from Lhese
physlclans - we now have full access Lo Lhls approach! 1hough l do nC1 advocaLe all of ur.
Conzalez's work, Lhe enzyme porLlon of hls Lherapy derlved from ur. kelley's work ls one LhaL
we readlly lncorporaLe, lnvolvlng sLrlcL dleL based on SympaLheLlc or arasympaLheLlc
domlnance, hlgh-dose enzymes, and regular coffee enemas. Whlle we do noL adhere Lo ur.
Conzlez' 'mega-vlLamln' approach, we do belleve enzyme Lherapy has proven lLself cllnlcally.

undersLand, lf we have Lhe ablllLy Lo LesL Lhe paLlenL on Lhe correcL supplemenLaLlon and
dosage, we can greaLly reduce Lhe amounL of supplemenLs and Lhereby Lhe cosL of Lhe care. lL
ls common Lo see our paLlenLs wlLh prevlously dlagnosed cancer Lo be on no more Lhan a few
ur. nlcholas Conzalez's Lnzyme 1herapy
ur. Conzalez was one of my lnsLrucLors ln Lhe lellowshlp program Lhrough Lhe Amerlcan
Academy of AnLl-Aglng Medlclne. Pe ls feaLured ln Suzanne Sumers book on cancer and on Lhe
1v program 20/20. 1hls lnLervlew ls excerpLed from Lhe november 1999 C||n|ca| ear|s News:
kltk nomlltoo. wbot ls yoot eJocotloool bockqtoooJ ooJ cotteot posltloo?
nlcholas !. Conzalez: l graduaLed from 8rown unlverslLy, hl 8eLa kappa, Magna Cum Laude
wlLh a degree ln Lngllsh llLeraLure. l dld my premedlcal work as a posLgraduaLe sLudenL aL
Columbla unlverslLy, and recelved my medlcal degree from Cornell unlverslLy Medlcal College
ln new ?ork. l subsequenLly compleLed a year of lnLernshlp ln lnLernal medlclne, and a
fellowshlp ln lmmunology.
kn. wbete JlJ yoo come op wltb tbe lJeo ot oll to ose poocteotlc eozymes lo coocet ooJ wbot ls
tbe tbeotetlc mecboolsm?
n!C: l dldn'L come up wlLh Lhe ldea Lo use pancreaLlc enzymes Lo LreaL cancer. 1he ScoLLlsh
embryologlsL, !ohn 8eard, who worked aL Lhe unlverslLy of Ldlnburgh aL Lhe Lurn of Lhe
cenLury, flrsL proposed ln 1906 LhaL pancreaLlc proLeolyLlc enzymes, ln addlLlon Lo Lhelr well-
known dlgesLlve funcLlon, represenL Lhe body's maln defense agalnsL cancer. Pe furLher
proposed LhaL pancreaLlc enzymes would mosL llkely be useful as a cancer LreaLmenL. uurlng
Lhe flrsL Lwo decades of Lhls cenLury, a number of physlclans, boLh ln Lurope and ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes, used ln[ecLable pancreaLlc enzymes Lo LreaL advanced human cancer, ofLen Llmes
(dependlng on Lhe quallLy of Lhe producL) wlLh greaL success. l have collecLed a number of
reporLs from LhaL Llme ln Lhe ma[or medlcal [ournals documenLlng Lumor regresslon and long-
Lerm survlval ln paLlenLs LreaLed wlLh enzyme Lherapy. ln my flrsL arLlcle, l menLloned LhaL ln
1911, ur. 8eard publlshed a monograph enLlLled 1he Lnzyme 1herapy of Cancer, whlch
summarlzed hls Lherapy and Lhe supporLlng evldence. [Avallable Lhrough new Sprlng ress]
AfLer ur. 8eard's deaLh ln 1923, Lhe enzyme Lherapy was largely forgoLLen. erlodlcally,
alLernaLlve LheraplsLs have redlscovered ur. 8eard's work, and used pancreaLlc proLeolyLlc
enzymes as a LreaLmenL for cancer.
l began researchlng Lhe use of oral pancreaLlc proLeolyLlc enzyme Lherapy as a LreaLmenL for
cancer afLer compleLlon of my second year aL Cornell unlverslLy Medlcal College ln 1981. My
research advlsor aL Lhe Llme supporLed and dlrecLed my early work, and laLer supporLed me
durlng my formal lmmunology fellowshlp. ln Lerms of Lhe LheoreLlcal foundaLlon, Lhe exacL
mechanlsm of acLlon has never been demonsLraLed. AfLer 8eard's deaLh, Lhe enzyme Lherapy
was largely forgoLLen and cerLalnly never generaLed any slgnlflcanL research efforL unLll
recenLly wlLh Lhe fundlng of my work. 1here are several sLudles from Lhe 1960s showlng, ln an
anlmal model, LhaL orally lngesLed pancreaLlc enzymes have an anLl-cancer effecL, and mlghL
work Lhrough lmmune modulaLlon, buL Lhese sLudles were prellmlnary and were never
followed-up. ur. 8eard belleved enzymes had Lo be ln[ecLed Lo prevenL desLrucLlon by
hydrochlorlc acld ln Lhe sLomach. Powever, recenL evldence demonsLraLes LhaL orally lngesLed
pancreaLlc proLeolyLlc enzymes are acld sLable, pass lnLacL lnLo Lhe small lnLesLlne and are
absorbed Lhrough Lhe lnLesLlnal mucosa lnLo Lhe blood sLream as parL of an enLeropancreaLlc
recycllng process.
lL ls clear from our exLenslve cllnlcal experlence LhaL pancreaLlc proLeolyLlc enzymes have a
profound anLl-neoplasLlc effecL, buL we do noL know how Lhey work. We have noL had Lhe
resources Lo supporL baslc sclence research, buL wlLh approprlaLe fundlng we do noL belleve lL
would dlfflculL Lo seL up anlmal models Lo explore Lhe molecular acLlon of Lhe enzymes agalnsL
cancer cells.
kn. wby JlJ yoo cboose o veqetoble-boseJ Jlet, low lo teJ meot ooJ pooltty, wltb o llttle flsb
ooJ occosloool Jolty ptoJocts?
n!C: We dlvlde paLlenLs lnLo dlfferenL meLabollc caLegorles, dependlng on each paLlenL's
parLlcular geneLlc, blochemlcal and physlologlcal make-up. ln Lhls model, paLlenLs wlLh solld
eplLhellal Lumors, such as Lumors of Lhe lung, pancreas, colon, prosLaLe, uLerus, eLc. do besL on
a largely planL-based dleL. Such paLlenLs have a meLabollsm LhaL funcLlons mosL efflclenLly wlLh
a speclflc comblnaLlon of nuLrlenLs LhaL are found ln frulLs, vegeLables, nuLs, whole gralns and
seeds, and wlLh mlnlmal Lo no anlmal proLeln.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, paLlenLs wlLh Lhe blood or lmmune based mallgnancles such as leukemla,
myeloma and lymphoma do besL on a hlgh-anlmal proLeln, hlgh-faL dleL. Such paLlenLs do
exLremely well wlLh a dleL based on anlmal producLs wlLh mlnlmal Lo moderaLe amounLs of
planL based foods, Lhe parLlcular deslgn of Lhe dleL agaln dependlng on Lhe lndlvldual paLlenL's
meLabollc make-up. We flnd paLlenLs wlLh pancreaLlc cancer always do besL wlLh a largely
planL-based dleL LhaL emphaslzes frulLs, vegeLables and vegeLable [ulce, nuLs, seeds and whole
gralns. Allowed proLeln lncludes flsh one Lo Lwo Llmes a week, one Lo Lwo eggs dally and yogurL
dally, buL no oLher anlmal proLeln. ln our Lherapy, we use dleLs speclflcally because of Lhe effecL
of food on Lhe auLonomlc nervous sysLem. 1hls sysLem conslsLs of Lhe sympaLheLlc and
parasympaLheLlc branches and ulLlmaLely conLrols all aspecLs of our physlology, lncludlng
lmmune funcLlon, cardlovascular acLlvlLy, endocrlne funcLlon and Lhe enLlre acLlon of our
dlgesLlve sysLem. 1he sympaLheLlc and parasympaLheLlc sysLems have opposlng acLlons on Lhe
LargeL organs and so can ad[usL our physlology dependlng on needs and demands, enabllng our
bodles Lo reacL Lo any slLuaLlon, condlLlon or sLress. We belleve dlsease, whaLever Lhe form,
occurs because Lhere ls an lmbalance ln auLonomlc funcLlon. lor example, we flnd solld Lumors,
such as Lumors of Lhe breasL, lung, pancreas, colon, uLerus, ovarles, llver, eLc occur only ln
paLlenLs who have an overly sLrong sympaLheLlc nervous sysLem and a correspondlngly weak,
lneffecLlve parasympaLheLlc nervous sysLem. We belleve LhaL blood-based cancers, such as
leukemla, lymphoma and mulLlple myeloma, only occur ln paLlenLs LhaL have an overly
developed parasympaLheLlc nervous sysLem, and a correspondlngly weak sympaLheLlc nervous
sysLem. revlous research, such as ur. lrancls oLLenger's research durlng Lhe 1920s and 1930s
proposed LhaL much lf noL all dlsease has auLonomlc lmbalance as aL leasL one of Lhe ma[or
We have found LhaL speclflc nuLrlenLs and foods have speclflc, preclse and predlcLable effecLs
on Lhe auLonomlc nervous sysLem. lor example, a vegeLarlan dleL emphaslzes fresh frulLs and
vegeLables, parLlcularly leafy greens, and conLalns large doses of mlnerals such as magneslum
and poLasslum. lL has been shown ln many sLudles LhaL magneslum suppresses sympaLheLlc
funcLlon, whlle poLasslum sLlmulaLes parasympaLheLlc acLlvlLy. lurLhermore, a largely
vegeLarlan dleL Lends Lo be very alkallnlzlng, and Lhe neurophyslologlc research documenLs LhaL
ln an alkallnlzlng envlronmenL, sympaLheLlc acLlvlLy ls reduced and parasympaLheLlc acLlvlLy
lncreased. So, whaLever oLher effecL a vegeLarlan dleL has, ln Lerms of auLonomlc nervous
sysLem funcLlon, such a dleL wlll reduce sympaLheLlc acLlvlLy and sLlmulaLe Lhe parasympaLheLlc
A meaL dleL ls loaded wlLh mlnerals such as phosphorous and zlnc, whlch Lend Lo have Lhe
opposlLe effecL. A hlgh-meaL dleL sLlmulaLes Lhe sympaLheLlc sysLem and Lones down
parasympaLheLlc acLlvlLy. lurLhermore, such a dleL ls loaded wlLh sulfaLes and phosphaLes LhaL
ln Lhe body are qulckly converLed lnLo free acld LhaL ln Lurn sLlmulaLes Lhe sympaLheLlc nervous
sysLem whlle suppresslng parasympaLheLlc acLlvlLy.
So, by Lhe careful use of dleL, we are able Lo effecL ma[or changes ln auLonomlc funcLlon, and
brlng abouL balance ln a dysfuncLlonal nervous sysLem. We flnd, furLher, as Lhe auLonomlc
sysLem comes lnLo greaLer harmony and balance, when Lhe auLonomlc branches are equally
sLrong, all sysLems - from Lhe lmmune sysLem Lo Lhe cardlovascular sysLem - work beLLer
regardless of Lhe underlylng problem. ln essence, we are uslng dleL Lo brlng abouL greaLer
physlologlcal efflclency. lor cancer paLlenLs, long experlence has LaughL us LhaL lL ls noL enough
Lo load paLlenLs wlLh enzymes, Lhe quesLlon of auLonomlc lmbalance musL also be addressed. ln
Lerms of pancreaLlc paLlenLs speclflcally, a planL-based dleL provldes all Lhe nuLrlenLs Lo correcL
auLonomlc dysfuncLlon.
kn. coo yoo Jesctlbe tbe vltomlo ooJ mloetol sopplemeot teqlmeo yoo oseJ? wos lt meqoJoses
ot o boslc oottltloool soppott?
n!C: All of our paLlenLs, wheLher Lhey have cancer or some oLher problem, consume speclflc
comblnaLlons of vlLamlns, mlnerals, Lrace elemenLs, amlno and faLLy aclds, and anlmal-derlved
glandular and organ concenLraLes. We use such supplemenLs very speclflcally, ln very preclse
doses and comblnaLlons as we use dleL, Lo manlpulaLe auLonomlc funcLlon and Lo brlng abouL
balance Lo an lmbalanced sysLem. CerLaln vlLamlns, mlnerals and Lrace elemenLs, such as many
of Lhe 8 vlLamlns and, as menLloned above, magneslum and poLasslum, Lone down Lhe
sympaLheLlc nervous sysLem and sLlmulaLe Lhe parasympaLheLlc nerves. CLher nuLrlenLs,
parLlcularly calclum, phosphorous and zlnc, sLlmulaLe Lhe sympaLheLlc sysLem buL weaken Lhe
parasympaLheLlc sysLem. 8y Lhe use of preclse comblnaLlons of vlLamlns, mlnerals and Lrace
elemenLs, along wlLh dleL, we are able Lo brlng abouL balance Lo Lhe auLonomlc sysLem. And,
agaln, when Lhe auLonomlc branches come lnLo balance, Lhe paLlenLs, whaLever Lhe underlylng
dlsease, do beLLer.
kn. wbot ls tbe tole of coffee eoemos lo tbls pottlcolot tteotmeot ooJ wbot ls tbe blstoty of
coffee eoemos lo ttoJltloool meJlcloe?
n!C: When l flrsL began my research efforLs, l was very surprlsed Lo flnd LhaL Lhe coffee
enemas, ofLen porLrayed as one of Lhe mosL blzarre aspecLs of alLernaLlve medlclne, came rlghL
ouL of Lhe Merck Manua|, a revered compendlum of orLhodox LreaLmenLs. When l was
compleLlng my lmmunology fellowshlp, l had an lnLeresLlng correspondence wlLh Lhe Lhen
edlLor of Lhe Merck Manua|, who conflrmed LhaL Lhe coffee enemas had been advocaLed ln
Lhe Merck Manua| from abouL 1890 rlghL up unLll 1977, when Lhey were removed more for
space conslderaLlons Lhan anyLhlng else. MosL nurslng LexLs for Lhe beLLer parL of Lhe cenLury
recommend coffee enemas. arLlcularly durlng Lhe 1920s and 1930s coffee enemas were used
ln Lhe uS and abroad Lo LreaL a varleLy of condlLlons, and l have puL LogeLher a llbrary of arLlcles
from LhaL Llme dlscusslng Lhe wlde ranglng effecLs on paLlenLs. Coffee enemas were frequenLly
recommended because paLlenLs, whaLever Lhelr underlylng problem, Lended Lo feel beLLer afLer
a coffee enema. l have followed Lhousands of paLlenLs over Lhe years who have done coffee
enemas ln some cases for decades: vlrLually all paLlenLs reporL an lncrease sense of well-belng. l
have done Lhem myself dally slnce flrsL learnlng abouL Lhem ln 1981.
1here ls research golng back Lo Lhe earller parL of Lhe cenLury LhaL lndlcaLed LhaL coffee enemas
sLlmulaLe more efflclenL llver funcLlon and gallbladder empLylng, and we belleve LhaL ls Lhe
prlmary LherapeuLlc beneflL. arLlcularly wlLh cancer paLlenLs, who ofLen have a very large
Lumor burden, as Lhe body repalrs and rebullds and as Lumors break down, enormous amounLs
of Loxlc debrls can be produced, much of whlch musL be processed ln Lhe llver. 1he coffee
enemas seem Lo enhance Lhls processlng of Loxlc meLabollc wasLe. lnLeresLlngly enough,
ln nosp|ta| ract|ce (AugusL 13, 1999 page 128), a very orLhodox [ournal of lnLernal medlclne, l
read a summary of an arLlcle showlng coffee seems Lo enhance gallbladder and llver funcLlon.
kn. ls lt posslble tbot tbe posltlve effects ftom tbe coffee eoemos ote o tesolt of o "coffeloe
blqb" vetsos o metobollc beoeflt?
n!C: 1he lssue of caffelne hlgh ls ofLen ralsed. l don'L belleve Lhls ls Lhe case aL all. llrsL,
paLlenLs almosL unlversally reporL a relaxlng effecL, noL Lhe sLlmulaLlon you flnd wlLh coffee
Laken orally. Many paLlenLs, ln facL, fall asleep whlle dolng Lhe enemas. l, myself, have never
been able Lo LoleraLe drlnklng coffee because coffee, when drunk, causes ln me an
ampheLamlne llke response. Powever, l always feel relaxed when l do a coffee enema and
ofLen fall asleep. SomeLhlng compleLely dlfferenL ls golng on wlLh Lhe enemas.
kn. coo yoo Jesctlbe yoot stoJy ooJ tbe boslc tesolts?
n!C: ln !uly 1993, Lhe Lhen AssoclaLe ulrecLor for Lhe Cancer 1herapy LvaluaLlon rogram aL Lhe
naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe, ur. Mlchael lrledman, lnvlLed me Lo presenL selecLed cases from my
own pracLlce as parL of an nCl efforL Lo evaluaLe non-LradlLlonal cancer Lheraples. l prepared
for presenLaLlon 23 cases wlLh poor prognosls or Lermlnal lllness who had elLher en[oyed long-
Lerm survlval or Lumor regresslon whlle followlng my program. AfLer Lhe sesslon, ur. lrledman
suggesLed we pursue a plloL sLudy of our meLhods ln 10 paLlenLs sufferlng lnoperable
adenocarclnoma of Lhe pancreas, wlLh survlval as Lhe endpolnL. 8ecause Lhe sLandard survlval
for Lhe dlsease ls so poor, an effecL could be seen ln a small number of paLlenLs ln a shorL
perlod of Llme.
nesLec (Lhe nesLle CorporaLlon) agreed Lo fund Lhe Lrlal, whlch began ln !anuary 1994. 1he
sLudy has been compleLed and was publlshed ln Nutr|t|on and Cancer, !une, 1999,33(2). Cf 11
paLlenLs followed ln Lhe Lrlal, elghL of 11 suffered sLage four dlsease. nlne of 11 (81) llved one
year, flve of 11 llved Lwo years (43), and four of 11 llved Lhree years (36). 1wo are allve and
well wlLh no slgns of dlsease, one aL 3.3 years and one aL 4.3 years. ln comparlson, ln a recenL
Lrlal of Lhe newly-approved drug gemclLablne, of 126 paLlenLs wlLh pancreaLlc cancer noL a
slngle paLlenL llved longer Lhan 19 monLhs.
As a resulL of Lhe plloL sLudy, Lhe naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe approved $1.4 mllllon over flve years
for a large scale, randomlzed cllnlcal Lrlal comparlng my nuLrlLlonal Lherapy agalnsL gemclLablne
ln Lhe LreaLmenL of lnoperable pancreaLlc cancer. 1hls sLudy has full luA approval and ls belng
conducLed under Lhe ueparLmenL of Cncology and Lhe ueparLmenL of Surglcal Cncology aL
Columbla resbyLerlan Medlcal CenLer ln new ?ork. 1he Lrlal ls Lhe ouLgrowLh of a
Congresslonal hearlng lasL summer encouraglng lnLenslve governmenL evaluaLlon of promlslng
alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs, and ls currenLly up and runnlng.
kn. wete tbete ooy slJe effects to tbls blqb Jose (1J0 ooJ 160 copsoles pet Joy) of poocteotlc
eozymes? lt seems llke tbot woolJ coose some slqolflcoot qosttolotestlool lttltotloo.
n!C: 1he only slde effecLs l have noLlced ln 12 years of LreaLlng cancer paLlenLs wlLh hlgh dose
porclne-based pancreaLlc enzyme Lherapy are lnLesLlnal gas, occaslonal bloaLlng, and occaslonal
lndlgesLlon. lrankly, Lhe slde effecLs Lend Lo be very mlnlmal. 1he enzymes we use are made
especlally for my paLlenLs ln new Zealand. l belleve mosL pancreaLlc enzymes avallable elLher as
a prescrlpLlon or over Lhe counLer ln healLh food sLores are noL effecLlve agalnsL cancer. We
acLually had Lo develop a manufacLurlng process Lo produce whaL l Lhlnk are Lhe approprlaLe
enzymes, and Lhey are noL avallable excepL Lo my paLlenLs. unLll we prove Lhe beneflL of my
work, l don'L Lhlnk lL ls approprlaLe Lo mass markeL Lhe enzymes. l also don'L Lhlnk lL
approprlaLe for cancer paLlenLs Lo Lry and LreaL Lhemselves.
kn. now complloot wete yoot potleots to tbls teqlmeo?
n!C: ancreaLlc cancer paLlenLs are noLorlously medlcally unsLable, and some paLlenLs ln Lhe
sLudy were so weak Lhey had dlfflculLy complylng fully aL Llmes, alLhough many of Lhe paLlenLs
dld comply well. Cenerally, we flnd LhaL Lhe beLLer Lhe compllance, Lhe beLLer Lhe effecL of Lhe
LreaLmenL. aLlenLs ln Lhe Lrlal came from all over Lhe counLry, and because our approach ls sLlll
alLernaLlve, paLlenLs were noL allowed Lo conLlnue Lhe LreaLmenL when hosplLallzed. ln Lhe
Columbla sLudy, all paLlenLs are golng Lo be LreaLed aggresslvely for underlylng medlcal
problems and wlll be encouraged Lo conLlnue Lhelr Lherapy aL all Llmes.
kn. wbot woolJ yoo llke to see lo tbe fotote wltb teqotJ to evolootloq tbls ptotocol os fot os
stoJles qo?
n!C: As above, we are lnvolved ln a large scale, nCl-funded, luA-approved randomlzed cllnlcal
Lrlal aL Columbla unlverslLy.
kn. wbot feeJbock bove yoo qotteo ftom tbe ttoJltloool oocoloqy commoolty wltb teqotJ to
yoot wotk?
n!C: 1he aLLlLude ls changlng, for example, l have senL you a very supporLlve arLlcle abouL my
work LhaL appeared ln Lhe magazlne In1ouch, a news sLyle magazlne LhaL ls senL Lo more Lhan
90,000 orLhodox physlclans, lncludlng all oncologlsLs ln Lhls counLry. 1he oncology
newspaper Cnco|ogy News Internat|ona| had a very nlce plece abouL my research efforLs, and l
have senL you a copy of LhaL sLory. l have also senL a copy of a press release ln supporL of our
work senL ouL from Congressman uan 8urLon, Chalrman of Lhe CommlLLee on CovernmenL
APCC (AcLlve Pexose CorrelaLed Compound) ls a supplemenL made from medlclnal mushrooms
LhaL have been fermenLed ln rlce bran. lL ls currenLly belng used ln 700 hosplLals and cllnlcs ln
!apan Lo LreaL a wlde range of healLh condlLlons, from mlnor allmenLs such as colds and flu, Lo
serlous dlseases such as cancer, hepaLlLls, dlabeLes, and cardlovascular dlsease.
APCC works as a 1h1 sLlmulaLor (lncreaslng Lhe sLrengLh of your lmmune sysLem). 1he common
underllnlng facLor ln ALL cancers ls a compromlsed lmmunlLy. As a blologlcal response modlfler,
APCC Lurns Lhe dlal up on your naLural lmmune response, helplng you flghL all klnds of LhreaLs
Lo your healLh.
kemember the key |ayers of the 1h1 Immune kesponse: our I|rst L|ne of Defense
Cytok|nes: Chemlcal messengers LhaL help lmmune cells communlcaLe and coordlnaLe
an lmmune response
Natura| k|||er (Nk) ce||s: Speclallzed whlLe blood cells (W8Cs) LhaL recognlze and desLroy
lnfecLed or abnormal cells by ln[ecLlng granules lnLo Lhem, causlng Lhem Lo explode
Macrophages: W8C LhaL engulf and lngesL bacLerla, vlrus, and oLher cellular debrls
Dendr|t|c ce||s: W8C LhaL presenL forelgn subsLances Lo 8 and 1 cells, lnlLlaLlng an
adapLlve response
roven 8enef|ts of AnCC
lo vlvo and human cllnlcal Lrlals have shown LhaL APCC lncreases Lhe 1h1 lmmune response, by:
lncreaslng Lhe producLlon of cyLoklnes
lncreaslng Lhe acLlvlLy of nk cells by as much as 300-800
lncreaslng populaLlons of macrophages, ln some cases doubllng Lhem
lncreaslng Lhe number of dendrlLlc cells
lncreaslng Lhe number of 1 cells by as much as 200
APCC has been used ln !apan wlLh greaL success ln cancer paLlenLs. uaLa from Lhe LreaLmenL of
over 100,000 lndlvlduals wlLh varlous Lypes of cancer have shown APCC LreaLmenL Lo be of
beneflL ln 60 of cases. 1haL doesn'L mean Lhe cancer dlsappeared, lL means lL helped. APCC
has been shown Lo be parLlcularly effecLlve for llver, lung, sLomach, colon, breasL, Lhyrold,
ovarlan, LesLlcular, Longue, kldney and pancreaLlc cancers.
Cne landmark APCC Lrlal enrolled 269 paLlenLs wlLh llver cancer. lollowlng surgery, abouL half
of Lhe paLlenLs Look APCC and abouL half dld noL. 1he resulLs were dramaLlc: AL Lhe end of Lhe
Len-year sLudy, only 34.3 of Lhe APCC paLlenLs experlenced a recurrence ln Lhelr cancer,
compared wlLh 66.1 of Lhe conLrol group LhaL dld noL Lake APCC. Slmllarly, whlle 46.8 of Lhe
paLlenLs ln Lhe conLrol group had dled aL Lhe end of Len years, less Lhan half LhaL amounL -
20.4 of Lhose ln Lhe APCC group had. AnoLher sLudy found LhaL APCC noL only prolonged
survlval of advanced llver cancer paLlenLs, lL also lmproved varlous parameLers of quallLy of llfe,
lncludlng menLal sLablllLy, general physlcal healLh sLaLus and Lhe ablllLy Lo have normal
Medlclnal Mushrooms
Slnce we are Lalklng abouL mushrooms, l musL Lell you LhaL l love Lo use Lhem Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe
lmmune sysLem. Pere are some of my favorlLes:
Agar|cus Mushroom
Agarlcus mushroom ls a 8razlllan ralnforesL herb LhaL ls among Lhe premler lmmune sysLem
Lonlcs of all known naLural subsLances. lL ls Lhe rlchesL source ln Lhe world of a Lype of
polysaccharlde known as beto-qlocoos (see sectloo oo tbls), whlch has been solldly esLabllshed
Lo be among naLure's mosL poLenL lmmune poLenLlaLlng subsLances. Agarlcus has Jooble-
Jltectloo octlvlty on Lhe lmmune sysLem. ln oLher words, lL may be used Lo bolsLer a deflclenL
lmmune sysLem, as occurs ln cases lnvolvlng lnfecLlons, or Agarlcus may be used Lo moderaLe
an excesslve sysLem, as occurs ln cases of auLolmmune dlsease and allergles. 1hls means lL ls an
lmmune modulaLor". ln cancer paLlenLs, lL helps suppress a hyper-acLlve 1h2 sysLem and
lncrease a 1h1 response! Agarlcus may Lherefore be used by anyone. ln !apan, Agarlcus ls
consldered a cure-all" herb.
Cordyceps Mushroom
Cordyceps ls one of Lhe 'ma[or players' of Lhe Chlnese Lonlc herbal sysLem and ls a 'hlL' ln
deallng wlLh cancer. lL ls an exLremely effecLlve and powerful llfe-enhanclng agenL, boosLlng
energy and vlLallLy. 8ecause lL ls rare, poLenL and hlghly Lreasured, llke ueer AnLler, 'good
cordyceps' can be expenslve. lL ls a mushroom LhaL consumes Lhe body of a parLlcular Lype of
caLerplllar ln mounLalnous reglons of Chlna, Mongolla, and 1lbeL. lL has enormous renown as a
'superLonlc' ln Chlnese herbal clrcles, and ls sald Lo bulld sexual and physlcal power, menLal
energy, Lhe lmmune sysLem and ls unlversally belleved ln Lhe CrlenL Lo prolong llfe.
Cordyceps ls used Lo sLrengLhen and sLablllze Lhe body and mlnd aL a fundamenLal level. lL ls
sald Lo be able Lo lncrease Lhe prlmary moLlve force for llfe acLlvlLles" whlch can be losL
followlng a grlm dlagnosls. Some people walk lnLo my offlce wlLh a compleLe loss of hope,
cordyceps ls one Lool LhaL can glve people a renewed deslre Lo llve. 8ecause lL conLalns
boLh lo and ooq (Chlnese medlclne for a balance ln force) lL can be used by anyone safely and
over a long perlod of Llme. lL replenlshes Lhe deep energy expended as a resulL of excesslve
exerLlon, adapLlng Lo exLreme sLress (Lhe real klller ln cancer paLlenLs) or from aglng.

Cordyceps ls also used for Lhe purposes of sLrengLhenlng Lhe kldney funcLlons and kldney
deLoxlflcaLlon, whlch also lncludes sexual funcLlon, braln power (decreaslng 1h17 acLlvlLy LhaL
causes lnflammaLlon ln Lhe braln), sLrucLural lnLegrlLy and heallng ablllLy. ConslsLenL use of
Cordyceps helps Lo sLrengLhen Lhe skeleLal sLrucLure, and speclflcally beneflLs Lhe lower back
reglon, Lhe knees and ankles. lL can be greaL for paLlenLs wlLh meLasLaLlc dlsease Lo Lhe bones.
Cordyceps ls also a ma[or Lung Lonlc. lL can be used Lo sLrengLhen resplraLory power ln Lhose
who requlre exLra energy ln order Lo perform physlcal work (e.g. labor, sporLs or exerclse) or lL
can be used by Lhose who suffer from deflclency of Lung sLrengLh due Lo cancer, asLhma,
MesoLhelloma, eLc. lL ls especlally beneflclal Lo Lhose who suffer chronlc Lung weakness wlLh
cough, wheezlng or shorLness of breaLh. lL ls hlghly regarded ln Chlna as a Lonlc for Lhose who
are recoverlng from an lllness or an operaLlon, or afLer glvlng blrLh. ln Lhese cases, Lhe
Cordyceps helps Lhe paLlenL more qulckly recover Lhelr physlcal power, Lo lmprove Lhelr
appeLlLe, and Lo proLecL Lhe body from lnfecLlon.
Ma|take Mushroom
MalLake mushroom has galned a place ln Lonlc herballsm due Lo lLs broad specLrum Lonlc
beneflLs slmllar Lo Agarlcus and 8elshl. Llke Agarlcus, lL ls prlmarlly beneflclal Lo Lhe lmmune
sysLem, havlng double-dlrecLlon acLlvlLy on Lhe enLlre lmmune sysLem. lL ls ofLen called Lhe
klng of mushrooms" and Lhough only a legend, lL has been sald LhaL !apanese monkeys who
commonly consume large quanLlLles of MalLake have no know cancer and oLher dlseases.
Cllnlcally, MalLake has proven lLself Lo be an effecLlve Lool for cancer paLlenLs. ln laboraLory
LesLs, powdered MalLake lncreased Lhe acLlvlLy of Lhree Lypes of 1h1 lmmune cells -
macrophages, naLural klller (nkC) cells, and 1 cells by 140, 186, and 160 percenL, respecLlvely. A
Chlnese cllnlcal sLudy esLabllshed LhaL MalLake LreaLmenL reduces Lhe recurrence of bladder
surgery from 63 Lo 33 percenL. 8esearchers have found LhaL MalLake, when comblned wlLh Lhe
sLandard chemoLherapy drug mlLomycln (MuLamycln), lnhlblLs Lhe growLh of breasL cancer
cells, even afLer meLasLasls. (noLe: mosL sLudles on alLernaLe producLs llke Lhls MuS1 be done
ln con[uncLlon wlLh sLandard pharmaceuLlcal drugs" Lo geL fundlng!)
MalLake also proLecLs Lhe llver. Chlnese docLors conducLed a conLrolled Lrlal wlLh LhlrLy-Lwo
paLlenLs who had chronlc hepaLlLls 8. 1he recovery raLe was 72 percenL ln Lhe MalLake
LreaLmenL group, compared wlLh 37 percenL ln Lhe conLrol group. PepaLlLls anLlgens
dlsappeared ln more Lhan 40 percenL of Lhe MalLake paLlenLs, lndlcaLlng Lhe vlrus had been
purged from Lhe llver. LaboraLory sLudles also show LhaL MalLake proLecLs llver Llssue from
hepaLlLls caused by envlronmenLal Loxlns such as carbon LeLrachlorlde and paracemaLol. 1hese
compounds go Lhrough a Lwo-sLep process ln Lhe llver ln whlch Lhey are flrsL acLlvaLed lnLo Loxlc
forms and Lhen deacLlvaLed lnLo harmless forms. Slnce MalLake helps Lhe llver handle chemlcal
polsons ln boLh sLeps, lL proLecLs Lhls organ agalnsL a broad range of poLenLlal Loxlns. llnally,
MalLake provldes nuLrlLlonal supporL by enhanclng Lhe colon's ablllLy Lo absorb mlcronuLrlenLs,
especlally copper and zlnc.
ke|sh| Mushroom
8elshl mushroom (CoooJetmo loclJom) ls Lhe mosL revered herbal subsLance ln Asla, ranklng as
Lhe ellLe subsLance for Lhe aLLalnmenL of radlanL healLh, longevlLy and splrlLual aLLalnmenL. lL
ranks ln Asla wlLh Clnseng, ueer AnLler, 8hodlola, and Cordyceps as a pre-emlnenL Lool ln Lhe
aLLalnmenL of radlanL healLh. lL has malnLalned LhaL poslLlon for aL leasL 3000 years, and lLs
repuLaLlon and value are only lncreaslng. numerous legends provlde a rlch and exLenslve
record of 8elshl ln Aslan socleLy.
8elshl has LradlLlonally been used as (and recenL sLudles conflrm Lhe beneflLs) an anLl-aglng
herb, and has been used for many dlseases and dlsorders as well. lL has long been a favorlLe
Lonlc by Lhe Chlnese 8oyal famlly and vlrLually anyone who could obLaln lL. 8elshl was
parLlcularly revered by Lhe followers of Lhe 1aolsL LradlLlon as Lhe "Lllxlr of lmmorLallLy". 1aolsLs
have conLlnuously clalmed LhaL 8elshl promoLes calmness, cenLeredness, balance, lnner
awareness and lnner sLrengLh. 1hey have used lL Lo lmprove medlLaLlve pracLlces and Lo proLecL
Lhe body, mlnd and splrlL so LhaL Lhe adepL could aLLaln boLh a long and healLhy llfe and
splrlLual lmmorLallLy" (enllghLenmenL). uue Lo lLs rarlLy ln Lhe pasL, Lhe common people could
rarely obLaln a 8elshl mushroom, and lL was popularly revered as a greaLer Lreasure Lhan any
8elshl ls sald Lo be capable of bulldlng body reslsLance, and Lo be powerfully deLoxlfylng Lo Lhe
cells and Llssues. 8elshl ls sllghLly sedaLlve on an lmmedlaLe basls buL bullds energy over Llme, lL
ls unlversally belleved ln Asla Lo prolong llfe and enhance lnLelllgence and wlsdom. Slnce 8elshl
has been known Lo have many funcLlons, lL has been Lhe sub[ecL of a greaL deal of research ln
recenL years. lL ls absoluLely safe for everyone and ls compleLely non-Loxlc.
use ln cancer paLlenLs cenLers around 8elshl as a profound lmmune modulaLor. lL has been
found Lo slgnlflcanLly lmprove Lhe balance of Lhe lmmune sysLem wheLher Lhe lmmune sysLem
ls deflclenL or excesslve. Many chemlcal consLlLuenLs play a role ln 8elshl's lmmune modulaLlng
capaclLy. 1he polysaccharlde componenLs ln parLlcular seem Lo play an lmporLanL role ln
aLLacklng cancerous cells, whlle slmulLaneously sLrengLhenlng Lhe body's overall lmmune
funcLlons. 1he polysaccharldes appear Lo help Lhe body aLLack mlcroblal lnvaders such as
vlruses, bacLerla and yeasL.

AnoLher group of chemlcals found ln 8elshl known as Lhe ganoderlc aclds help flghL auLo-
lmmune dlseases by lnhlblLlng hlsLamlne release, lmprovlng oxygen uLlllzaLlon and lmprovlng
llver funcLlons. Canoderlc aclds are also poLenL anLloxldanL free-radlcal scavengers.
oly MvA
alladlum Llpolc Acld Complex (dLA) ls Lhe mosL acLlve lngredlenL ln a dleLary supplemenL
called oly-MvA. ln Lhe palladlum llpolc acld complex, Lhe elemenL palladlum ls covalenLly
bound Lo Lhe anLl-oxldanL alpha-llpolc acld, a poLenL 'cancer klller'. ln addlLlon Lo dLA, Lhe
proprleLary blend of oly-MvA ls formulaLed wlLh mlnerals, vlLamlns and amlno aclds such as
molybdenum, rhodlum, ruLhenlum, Lhlamlne, rlboflavln, cyanocobalamln, aceLyl cysLelne, and
formyl meLhlonlne (CarneLL 1993, 1997, 1998). ur. Merrlll CarneLL lnvenLed oly-MvA. Pls
lnqulry and screenlng of Lhousands of organo-meLalllc compounds led Lo Lhe dlscovery of Lhe
non-Loxlc supplemenL and found lL Lo have poLenL chemoLherapeuLlc properLles.

oly-MvA, ls noL merely a cockLall of dlfferenL nuLrlenLs, lL ls PCW Lhey are puL LogeLher LhaL
makes Lhem work dlfferenLly. Alpha-llpolc acld (ALA) ls a greaL nuLrlenL by lLself worklng lL help
llver deLox paLhways and dozens of oLher meLabollc funcLlons buL Lhere ls really no free ALA or
free palladlum ln oly-MvA. 1hey are bound LogeLher LhaL makes Lhem funcLlon dlfferenLly and
1PlS ls whaL makes lL a speclal producL. 1hls compound was synLheslzed by ur. CarneLL Lo
creaLe a 'meLalllc bloorganlc molecule' LhaL demonsLraLes enhanced faL and waLer-solublllLy.
lurLhermore, lL ls prepared ln a unlque fashlon so lL does noL produce Loxlc producLs upon
consumpLlon. 1hls ls unllke many oLher chemoLherapeuLlcs, whlch breakdown, accumulaLe ln
Llssue and evenLually become Loxlc.
lLs unlque properLles appear Lo be Lhe key Lo lLs physlologlcal effecLlveness. When glucose
enLers a cell, lL ls broken down under anaeroblc condlLlons (absence of oxygen ln glycolysls)
lnLo pyruvaLe. yruvaLe subsequenLly enLers Lhe mlLochondrla, and ls qulckly oxldlzed, ln Lhe
presence of alpha-llpolc acld (ALA), Lo aceLyl-CoA so LhaL lL can enLer Lhe ClLrlc Acld Cycle and
produce even more energy. ln aeroblc resplraLlon, aceLyl-CoA ls Lhen channeled lnLo Lhe
krebs/ClLrlc Acld Cycle Lo creaLe Lhe reduced forms of nlcoLlnamlde adenlne dlnucleoLlde
(nAuP) and flavln adenlne dlnucleoLlde (lAuP2). nAuP and lAuP2 donaLe Lhelr elecLrons Lo
Lhe elecLron LransporL chaln Lo make Lhe hlgh energy molecule A1. 1hls ls how your body
makes energy.
8ecenL sLudles ln lndla (Sudheesh eL al., 2009) have demonsLraLed alladlum Llpolc Acld
Complex's ablllLy Lo faclllLaLe aeroblc meLabollsm, whlch ls responslble for A1 producLlon ln
healLhy cells. 1he energy needs of Lhe body are supplled by spllLLlng A1 lnLo adenoslne
dlphosphaLe (Au) and a free phosphaLe (Crlffln eL al. 2006). SLudles have demonsLraLed LhaL
oly-MvA provldes elecLrons Lo unA, vla Lhe mlLochondrla.
LeL's slmpllfy: oly-MvA helps energy producLlon by provldlng elecLrons Lo speed producLlon.
Whenever anyLhlng lncreases elecLrons Lo your body, lL lncreases pP as well. 1haL's all good!

LlecLrons are losL ln normal cells as a resulL of oxldaLlve damage from radlaLlon and
chemoLherapy (CarneLL and CarneLL 1996) - LhaL's 8Au and exacLly how polsons work. oly-
MvA elecLron Lransfer provldes an addlLlonal energy source Lo normal cells LhaL lncreases pP
and overall healLh. Powever, cancer cells are meLabollcally challenged, and funcLlon ln a
hypoxlc (wlLhouL oxygen) envlronmenL. Slnce Lhere ls less oxygen and more free elecLrons ln
Lhe cancer cell, generaLlon of free radlcals occurs aL Lhe Lumor mlLochondrlal membrane
(AnLonawlch eL al. 2004). 1hls acLlvaLes apopLosls by faclllLaLlng Lhe release of cyLochrome C
from Lhe lnner mlLochondrlal membrane, allowlng Lhe formaLlon of an apopLoLlc complex ln Lhe
cyLoplasm. 1hls complex, resulLs ln Lhe subsequenL acLlvaLlon of enzymes LhaL desLroy Lhe
mallgnanL cells. AL slgnlflcanLly hlgher concenLraLlons of oly-MvA necrosls becomes apparenL
ln Lhe mallgnanL cell. Clven LhaL normal cells are rlchly oxygenaLed, oly-MvA ls nonLoxlc Lo
Lhem and Lhey acLually beneflL from Lhe energy boosL (AnLonawlch eL. al 2006).

So, oly-MvA appears Lo be a 'selecLlve' meLabollc modulaLor as lL lncreases Lhe apopLoLlc
funcLlon of cancer cells (helps Lhem undergo normal cell deaLh) and helps normal cells Lhrlve.
8uL, llke every 'cancer klller' dlscussed, lL [usL doesn'L work on everyone. SomeLlmes (mosL of
Lhe Llme) a comblnaLlon of dleL, 1h1 sLlmulaLors and speclflc 'klllers' are necessary.

8urzynskl's AnLlneoplasLons
AL hls professlonal cllnlc ln PousLon, 1exas, ur. SLanlslaw 8urzynskl heads an lmpresslve Leam of
physlclans where Lhey LreaL cancer paLlenLs wlLh an lnnovaLlve non-Loxlc approach called anLl-
neoplasLon Lherapy." 1hls LreaLmenL ls unlque and can only be obLalned aL Lhls cllnlc and one
oLher locaLlon ln Mexlco. lL ls Lhe mosL expenslve alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenL (averaglng
around $9,000 per monLh), buL boasLs a good Lrack record for many Lypes of cancer. lor a
number of years now, Lhe luA has been supervlslng cllnlcal Lrlals aL Lhe 8urzynskl Cllnlc, and
Lhls resLrlcLs Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of anLl-neoplasLon Lherapy Lo only cerLaln cases. Powever,
anyone wlLh cancer can call Lhe cllnlc, seL up a consulLaLlon, and flnd ouL lf Lhey quallfy for
enLerlng a Lrlal. lf noL, 8urzyndkl's group offers some oLher lnnovaLlve meLhods for LreaLlng
cancer as well. l recenLly heard hlm speak aL a semlnar and was lmpressed wlLh hls passlon Lo
help people.
l have meL ur. 8 aL my lnLegraLlve Cancer 1herapy lellowshlp meeLlngs and Lhough l am
convlnced LhaL hls approach has proven beneflclal ln some cases, nC Lherapy ls an 'end-all' or
'perfecL flL' for everyone.
1hls unlque, llquld formula ls one of Lhe easlesL and leasL expenslve alLernaLlve approaches Lo
cancer, yeL may be one of Lhe mosL successful. roLocel ls non-Loxlc and, because lL ls so easy Lo
use, ls ofLen ldeal for admlnlsLerlng Lo small chlldren or elderly wlLh cancer. lL was developed by
a chemlsL Lo lnLerfere wlLh Lhe anaeroblc (wlLhouL oxygen) funcLlon of cancer cells. 1he facL
LhaL cancer cells obLaln Lhelr energy prlmarlly Lhrough anaeroblc means (glycolysls) was proven
ln Lhe 1930s and 1940s by Lwo-Llme nobel rlze-wlnner, CLLo Warburg. Slnce all healLhy cells ln
Lhe body use aeroblc funcLlonlng, roLocel leaves healLhy cells unharmed. ln 1990, Lhe naLlonal
Cancer lnsLlLuLe LesLed Lhls formula (under lLs prevlous name of Cancell), and Lhe resulLs
showed lL Lo work beLLer Lhan chemoLherapy on a large varleLy of cancer cells llnes. A greaL
book Lo help undersLand roLocel ls CuLsmarL ?our Cancer, Lhe only source ln prlnL Lo presenL
Lhe hlsLory, Lheory, and correcL usage of roLocel, and lL also presenLs 16 lnsplrlng LesLlmonlals
from cancer paLlenLs who used lL successfully Lo flghL Lhelr cancer.
We sell and recommend Lhe book below abouL a paLlenL who used roLocel wlLh greaL success:

8udwlg ueLox
llaxseed oll and coLLage cheese, comblned ln Lhe rlghL way, ls Lhe malnsLay of Lhls dleLary
approach Lo cancer. ueveloped by Lhe brllllanL Cerman blochemlsL, ur. !ohanna 8udwlg, lL has
been used very successfully by Lhousands of cancer paLlenLs. ur. 8udwlg was one of Cermany's
Lop blochemlsLs as well one of Lhe besL cancer researchers LhroughouL all of Lurope. She was
born ln 1908 and seven Llmes she was nomlnaLed for Lhe nobel rlze. ur. 8udwlg clalmed Lo
have had over a 90 success raLe wlLh her dleL and proLocol wlLh all klnds of cancer paLlenLs
over a 30 year perlod. 1hls approach ls based on Lhe facL LhaL flaxseed oll ls one of Lhe hlghesL
sources of omega-3 and omega-6 faLLy aclds and coLLage cheese ls one of Lhe hlghesL sources of
sulfur-based proLelns. 1aken LogeLher, Lhe faLLy aclds blnd Lo Lhe sulfur-based proLelns, whlch
resulLs ln opLlmum LransporL of Lhe faLLy aclds Lo cancer cells.
1he underlylng concepL ls LhaL Lhe omega-3 and omega-6 faLLy aclds repalr Lhe damaged cell
walls and chemlcal communlcaLlon of Lhe cancer cells Lo Lhe polnL where Lhey normallze.
uleLary resLrlcLlons and exLra supplemenLaLlon ls also recommended. eople wlLh many
dlfferenL Lypes of cancer have responded well Lo Lhls meLhod, buL prosLaLe cancer appears Lo
show a parLlcularly good response Lo Lhls approach.
ulrecLlons from 1he 8udwlg CenLer:
Cenerally, each Lablespoon of llaxseed Cll (lC) ls blended wlLh 2 or more Lablespoons of low-
faL organlc CoLLage Cheese (CC) or quark.

Note: Whenever 1ablespoons are menLloned lL ls Lhe sLandard uS Lablespoon whlch ls Lhe
equlvalenL of Lhe 8rlLlsh "desserL" spoon (Lhe 8udwlg CenLer ls ln Spaln).

1 uS 1ablespoon (1) = 13 ml and 1 8rlLlsh 1ablespoon ls 18 ml - 16 Lablespoons = cup and 4
Lablespoons = 1/4 cup.

1o make Lhe 8udwlg Muesll, blend 3 1ablespoons (8rlLlsh desserL spoons) of flaxseed oll
(lC) wlLh 6 1ablespoons low-faL(less Lhan 2) Cuark or CoLLage Cheese (CC) wlLh a
hand-held lmmerslon elecLrlc blender for up Lo a mlnuLe lf Lhe mlxLure ls Loo Lhlck
and/or Lhe oll does noL dlsappear you may need Lo add 2 or 3 1ablespoons of mllk (goaL
mllk would be Lhe besL opLlon). uo noL add waLer or [ulces when blendlng lC wlLh CC or
quark. 1he mlxLure should be llke rlch whlpped cream wlLh no separaLed oll. 8emember
you musL mlx CnL? Lhe lC and CC and noLhlng else aL flrsL. Always use organlc food
producLs when posslble.
now once Lhe lC and CC are well mlxed grlnd 2 1ablespoons of whole flaxseeds and add
Lo Lhe mlxLure. lease noLe LhaL freshly ground flaxseeds musL be used wlLhln 20
mlnuLes afLer belng ground or Lhey wlll become rancld. 1betefote Jo oot qtloJ op
floxseeJs obeoJ of tlme ooJ stote.
nexL mlx ln by hand or wlLh Lhe blender 1 Leaspoon of honey (tow ooo-posteotlzeJ ls
(CpLlonal) lor varleLy you may add oLher lngredlenLs such as sugar free apple sauce,
clnnamon, vanllla, lemon [ulce, chopped almonds, hazelnuLs, walnuLs, cashews (no
peanuLs), plne kernels, rosehlp-marrow. lor people who flnd Lhe 8udwlg Muesll hard Lo
Lake Lhese added foods wlll make Lhe mlxLure more palaLable. Some of our paLlenLs
have even added a plnch of CelLlc sea salL and oLhers puL ln a plnch of cayenne pepper
for a change
(CpLlonal) ur. Parvey ulamond who wroLe a book on Lhe lmporLance of "food
comblnlng" and oLher experLs recommend noL mlxlng frulL wlLh oLher foods (tbey soy to
eot ftolt oo lts owo oo oo empty stomocb ooJ wolt 10 mlootes befote eotloq otbet
fooJs) lf however you do noL have any dlgesLlon problems you may wanL Lo add varlous
frulLs, especlally berrles fresh or frozen. no more Lhan 1 cup of frulL should be added.
(CpLlonal) Add ground up Apr|cot kerne|s (no more Lhan 6 kernels per day). Cr you may
declde Lo eaL Lhese aprlcoL kernels on Lhelr own

Nausea - Some people geL nausea from Lhe ground flaxseeds, Lo counLer Lhls by Laklng a small
bowl of papaya lmmedlaLely afLerwards. Also puL a loL of papaya lnLo Lhe mornlng muesll Loo, lL
may be Lhere ls a speclal enzymes ln Lhe papaya LhaL quells Lhe nausea.

1he 8aslc 8ule wlLh Lhe 8udwlg dleL ls "lf CoJ moJe lt tbeo lts floe ooJ tty to eot lt lo tbe some
fotm tbot CoJ moJe lt". Pere are some foods LhaL many are noL sure of, buL Lhey are accepLed
on Lhe 8udwlg dleL:

SLevla, raw non-pasLeurlzed honey, daLes, flgs, berry and frulL [ulces serve as
Perbs ln Lhelr naLural form (pure noLhlng added)
All nuLs (raw unroasLed) are flne excepL peanuLs
All seeds good, sunflower seeds are very compleLe and fllllng
8aw un processed cocoa, shredded (unsweeLened coconuL) and rose hlp puree
Cup of black Lea ls accepLed (coffee beans are Loxlc and noL recommended)
Any flour ls permlsslble as long as lL's 100 whole graln. Corn ls generally belleved by
Lhe group Lo be an excepLlon because of mold/fungus and geneLlc manlpulaLlon
2 or 3 sllces of healLh food sLore plckles (no preservaLlves! - read label!)
lreezlng coLLage cheese /Cuark as well as frulLs and vegeLables ls okay.
vL8? lMC81An1: 1he flaxseed oll musL always be kepL ln Lhe refrlgeraLor. lL wlll keep
for 12 monLhs ln Lhe freezer. Arrange Lo purchase as dlrecL as posslble from a
manufacLurer (llke 8arlean's, cold pressed) and when lL arrlves puL lL rlghL away ln Lhe
urlnk only dlsLllled waLer or reverse osmosls waLer
nC hydrogenaLed olls, nC Lrans-faLs, (cold pressed sunflower seed oll ls a beLLer cholce
Lhan ollve oll)
nC anlmal faLs nC pork (plgs are Lhe cleaners of Lhe earLh and Lhelr meaL ls loaded wlLh
Loxlns. ham, bacon, sausages, eLc. should be avolded)
nC seafood (lobsLers, clams, shrlmp, and all flsh wlLh a hard shell are cleaners of Lhe sea
and are loaded wlLh Loxlns...)
WhlLe regular pasLa ls ellmlnaLed, as ls whlLe bread, (CluLen-free pasLa and bread ls a
beLLer cholce Lhan wheaL as many cancer paLlenLs have an lnLolerance Lo wheaL, whole
8ye, CaL, MulLlgraln bread ls good. Corn ls very dlscouraged because of mold and
geneLlc modlflcaLlon lssues).
nC lce cream or dalry producLs (oLher Lhan Lhe coLLage cheese and some cheese)
nC cane sugar, whlLe sugar, molasses, maple syrup, xyllLol, preservaLlves
nC processed foods (nC sLore boughL pasLrles), make your own wlLh our reclpes
nC Soy producLs (unless fermenLed or used for 2 or 3 weeks aL Lhe beglnnlng lf you
cannoL LoleraLe Lhe coLLage cheese)
Avold pesLlcldes and chemlcals, even Lhose ln household producLs & cosmeLlcs. Cood
old vlnegar, as well as baklng soda are excellenL household cleaners (look on Lhe
lnLerneL for more lnfo)
nC mlcrowave, nC 1eflon or alumlnum cooklng ware or alumlnum foll. We recommend
and provlde durlng your sLay aL 8udwlg CenLer enamel cooklng ware. SLalnless sLeel,
ceramlc, casL lron, glass and cornlng cooklng wear are flne.

Ceslum Plgh pP 1herapy
A Lruly lmpresslve approach Lo kllllng cancer, Ceslum Plgh pP 1herapy was orlglnally developed
by a brllllanL Amerlcan physlclsL named kelLh Aubrey 8rewer. Llke roLocel, lL LargeLs Lhe
anaeroblc aspecL of cancer cells, buL ln a dlfferenL way. Ceslum ls Lhe mosL alkallzlng, common
mlneral, and ls also readlly Laken up by cancer cells. 1he correcL usage of ceslum resulLs ln
alkallzlng cancer cells Lo deaLh," so-Lo-speak. uslng ceslum alone, however, wlll creaLe a
poLenLlally dangerous poLasslum deflclency ln Lhe body, so sufflclenL poLasslum musL always be
supplemenLed along wlLh ceslum. Crlglnally, a powdered form of ceslum, LhaL was dlfflculL for
Lhe body Lo process ouL, was used. 8ecenLly, a llquld lonlc form of ceslum and poLasslum has
been developed and ls Lhe only form LhaL l recommend. 1hls new developmenL provldes for
even more effecLlve and safe usage of Lhls powerful cancer LreaLmenL approach buL Lhls
approach MuS1 be done wlLh exLreme precauLlon. Ceslum ls a sLrong alkallne subsLance,
slmllar Lo lye (poLasslum or sodlum hydroxlde used ln maklng soap). ln Lhe powdered form lL
can be causLlc - don'L ever Lake ceslum chlorlde as a capsule. 8elng LhaL lL ls a sLrong alkallne
base, lL can Lhrow off a person's mlneral balance (especlally poLasslum levels) qulckly and Lhls
can dlsLurb hearL rhyLhm.
Make sure you use Lhls approach CnL? wlLh a docLor's supervlslon. ?ou musL geL your
poLasslum levels checked weekly whlle on Lhls - don'L sklp Lhls sLep! 8emember, Lhls book ls Lo
lnLroduce you Lo varlous opLlons, always check wlLh your docLor - l cannoL glve you a sLronger
warnlng here! 8uL, LhaL sald, under a docLor's sLrlcL supervlslon, ceslum chlorlde can be a greaL
proLocol for some people.

Paelln 931
uleLary lnfluence on dlsease and Lumor growLh has been Lhe sub[ecL of sclenLlflc lnvesLlgaLlons
for years. LlfesLyle hablLs affecL hormones and lmmune sysLem funcLlon and lL ls wldely
recognlzed LhaL breasL, ovarlan and prosLaLe cancers can be hormonally drlven. 1he reallLy ls all
cancers are hormonally drlven aL some level, and Lhe hormonal effecL on auLolmmune
dlsorders cannoL be lgnored. As l have sLaLed ln oLher chapLers, Lhe flucLuaLlons ln 1h1/1h2
domlnance LhaL ls a normal and proLecLlve durlng pregnancy and breasLfeedlng flows evenly
wlLh changes ln hormone levels LhaL sharply deflne boLh an lncrease or decrease ln sympLom
paLLerns women may experlence durlng pregnancy should Lhey be auLolmmune.
1hough Lhere are dlfferenL Lypes of esLrogens, a bulldup of whaL ls commonly known as 'bad'
esLrogens are classlfled as carclnogens and can cause and promoLe cancer ln boLh men and
women under cerLaln condlLlons. 1hese can be elLher from xenoesLrogens (comlng from Lhe
envlronmenL) or phyLoesLrogens (esLrogen-llke chemlcals common ln dleL), noL all
phyLoesLrogens are bad and noL every person reacLs Lhe same Lo Lhese. 1herefore lL ls
lmporLanL Lo recognlze Lhe relaLlonshlp and lnLeracLlon beLween esLrogens, xenoesLrogens,
phyLoesLrogens, esLrogen recepLors, cellular lmmunlLy and cancers. Armed wlLh Lhls knowledge
Lhe physlclan can beLLer manage and help prevenL boLh and lnflammaLory auLolmmune
dlsorders and cancer.

Pormone replacemenL Lherapy (P81) wlLh nCn-blo-ldenLlcal hormones, lncreases boLh cancer
occurrence and deaLh raLes. 1o undersLand Lhls, we need Lo recognlze LhaL boLh P81 and Lhe
exposure Lo xenoesLrogens (bad esLrogens from our envlronmenL), of whlch none of us can
escape, lncrease Lhe gene expresslon of Lhe esLrogen recepLors-alpha (L8-a) on cells. 1hls ls Lhe
recepLor slLe, or 'docklng porL' where esLrogens aLLach Lo enLer Lhrough Lhe cell membrane Lo
geL lnLo Lhe cell.
Cancers are always lnvolved wlLh Lhe L8-a recepLors. 1he gene expresslons of L8-a and
esLrogen recepLor-beLa (L8-b) ln healLhy 20-year-old females and Lhe gene expresslons ln four
classes of posLmenopausal women can be very dlfferenL. osLmenopausal women can have
lncreased L8-a slLes and decreased L8-b slLes ln Lhelr cells. l know Lhls sounds confuslng buL lL ls
very lmporLanL Lo undersLand. 1hese Lwo dlfferenL recepLors on Lhe cell membrane (L8-a and
L8-b) work very dlfferenL from each oLher, where Lhe L8-a ls a Lrue esLrogen recepLor, L8-b ls
As women age and move Lowards perlmenopause, ovarlan secreLlon of esLrogen slowly
decreases and adrenal secreLlon of esLrogen should 'Lake up Lhe slack'. Pere lles a ma[or
problem, women enLerlng perlmenopause wlLh adrenal lnsufflclency and hypoLhalamus-
plLulLary axls leslons are exposed Lo have exLreme flucLuaLlons ln esLrogen levels LhaL lead Lo
Lhe problem of havlng an lncrease ln Lhe amounL of L8-a slLes on Lhelr cell membranes wlLh a
concurrenL decrease Lhe oLher recepLor slLe called L8-b (LsLrogen recepLor beLa). 1o furLher
Lhe problem - Lhe greaLer Lhe exposure Lo xenoesLrogens, Lhe greaLer Lhe dlsparlLy beLween
Lhe numbers of L8-a and L8-b occurs. 1hls ls nelLher normal nor healLhy for several reasons and
worse when lL comes Lo leadlng Lo cancer because Lhe L8-b slLes funcLlon Lo sLlmulaLe
apopLosls. When you down-regulaLe recepLor slLes for apopLosls, bad Lhlngs happen!
1o make Lhlngs worse, we see LhaL use of non-blo-ldenLlcal P81, Lhe lncrease exposure Lo
xenoesLrogens, and use of progesLerone creams LhaL aromaLlze Lo free (bad) esLrogens and
androgens cause lncreases ln Lhe L8-a recepLor slLes, whlch lncreases cancer rlsk and up-
regulaLes Lhe L8-a recepLor slLes. 1he L8-b slLes on cells play a role ln lmmunlLy and kllllng of
cancer ln Lhe cells. Call Lhem Lhe 'good guys'.
l know Lhls all sounds mlghLy confuslng, buL sLlck wlLh me for a mlnuLe. 8esearch has shown
LhaL fermenLed soy phyLoesLrogens (fermenLed soy producLs) reduce Lhe L8-a slLes ln Lhese
paLlenLs - LhaL's CCCu! 8educlng L8-a on Lhe cells and up-regulaLlng your L8-b slLes reduces
your cancer rlsks of all Lypes and allows your 1h1 (lmmune klller cells) sysLem Lo klll cancer
cells! 8emember LhaL l sald Lhere are 'good' phyLoesLrogens and 'bad' phyLoesLrogens?
lermenLed soy ls a good phyLoesLrogen.
ln summary, cells have Lwo dlfferenL named esLrogen recepLor slLes, L8-a and L8-b. L8-a
recepLor slLes are Lhe ones LhaL recelve and 'process' esLrogens. lf Lhese slLes are up-regulaLed
and lncreased ln number, esLrogen LoxlclLy beglns and Lhe rlsk of cancer ln boLh men and
women lncreases dramaLlcally. 1he L8-b slLes (good guys) are acLually slLes where anoLher
hormone, 3-beLa adlol (adlol), aLLaches whlch Lhen up-regulaLes lmmunlLy and kllls cancer, you
do noL wanL Lhls slLe down-regulaLed, whlch ls whaL happens ln P81 and exogenous exposure
of xenoesLrogens. Compounds LhaL occupy Lhe L8-b recepLor slLe are anLl-esLrogenlc, regulaLe
lmmunlLy and klll cancer cells. Compounds LhaL go Lo Lhe L8-a slLe are carclnogenlc, esLrogenlc,
and lnvolved wlLh lncreased cancer rlsks.
l sald all Lhe above Lo lnLroduce Paelln-931, a fermenLed soy producL LhaL up-regulaLes Lhe L8-b
(good guys) and down-regulaLes L8-a (Lhe bad guys). lL's a greaL producL!
We need Lo undersLand LhaL fermenLed soy phyLoesLrogens are noL esLrogens, nor do Lhey acL
llke esLrogens. lermenLaLlon lmproves bloavallablllLy and ellmlnaLes undeslrable compounds
found ln non-fermenLed soy. All soy producLs are noL creaLed equal, and resulLs presenLed
hereln may noL be achleved wlLh unfermenLed or lower-quallLy, CMC soy producLs. 1hough
Lhere are several producLs on Lhe markeL, lL musL be emphaslzed LhaL self-medlcaLlng ls never a
good ldea. We suggesL one be LesLed for Lhe efflcacy and necesslLy of Lhls Lype of
supplemenLaLlon. More may be undersLood from my book, Pelp, My 8ody ls kllllng Me -
Solvlng Lhe connecLlons of auLolmmune dlsease Lo Lhyrold problems, flbromyalgla, lnferLlllLy,
anxleLy, depresslon, Auu/AuPu and more," avallable as a free download on our webslLe - or aL
CLher 8aslc 1h1 SLlmulanLs
lL ls very lmporLanL LhaL one does noL lncorporaLe any nuLrlLlonal supplemenLaLlon program
unLll Lhey are LesLed on several fronLs. llrsL, as sLaLed ln my book, Pelp, My 8ody's kllllng Me",
lnflammaLlon from an auLolmmune dlsorder may be elLher a 1h1 or 1h2 domlnanL process -
Lhey are LreaLed vL8? dlfferenLly. Cancer ls Lyplcally a 1h2 domlnanL dlsorder aL Lhe slLe of Lhe
cancer. ln our offlce, one of Lhe flrsL Lhlngs we may do ls Lo Lake paLlenLs off all Lhelr
supplemenLs. 1hey Lyplcally enLer wlLh a bag full of vlLamlns, mlnerals and maglc poLlons LhaL
Lhey heard would be Lhe cure for Lhelr allmenL. 1hey are dlsappolnLed, dlscouraged and have
spenL a small forLune 'guesslng' aL whaL mlghL work. l can'L blame Lhem, Lhey've been Lo
mulLlple docLors and mosL have begun ln-depLh lnvesLlgaLlons for Lhemselves, searchlng for
anyLhlng LhaL would brlng Lhem rellef.
l heslLaLe glvlng a llsL of any nuLrlLlon ln Lhls book slnce l know LhaL mosL readlng lL wlll, once
agaln, 'Lry' Lo do Lhls on Lhelr own. 1hls ls noL meanL Lo be a self-help book or a cookbook for
LreaLlng An? dlsease. l deslre LhaL you seek care from a quallfled docLor Lralned ln Carrlck
neurology, Applled klneslology and luncLlonal Medlclne. SomeLlmes a llLLle knowledge can be
dangerous, you wanL Lo do Lhls correcLly. So, l wlll glve you guldellnes, noL a LemplaLe. ln our
offlce we LesL paLlenLs on everyLhlng wlLh blood work, urlne, sallva, and klneslology so we don'L
'wasLe' Lhe paLlenL's money wlLh useless supplemenLs or wasLe Llme wlLh Lhlngs LhaL won'L
work. lL ls my bellef LhaL Loo many supplemenLs can be more harmful Lhan Loo llLLle.
undersLand, [usL because l llsL Lhe below supplemenLs ln cerLaln caLegorles dependlng on Lhe
cause of lnflammaLlon, l do noL pracLlce cookbook nuLrlLlon and Lhls book does noL advocaLe lL.
Seek a professlonal's help!
1h1 Dom|nant D|sorders
A 1h1 domlnanL auLolmmune dlsorder and a 1h1 domlnanL acuLe lnfecLlon are also LreaLed
dlfferenLly. An acuLe lnfecLlon wlll be a 1h1 response and Lhe 1h1 response should be
supporLed nuLrlLlonally - meanlng you would Lake 1h1 sLlmulanLs Lo ald Lhe body's aLLempL Lo
klll a paLhogen. 1here are some varlaLlons, so leL me glve you a few examples:
lf l geL a nasLy cold or flu, l wanL Lo supporL my lmmune sysLem wlLh 1h1 sLlmulanLs. lf l sLep off
of a curb and spraln my ankle, my body responds wlLh a prophylacLlc 1h1 response Lo klll any
secondary lnfecLlon and heal Lhe slLe of ln[ury, my ankle swells because of lL and l may even
have a fever. ln Lhls case, Lhe 1h1 response ls less Lhan necessary, assumlng l dldn'L break my
skln barrler and had no exposure Lo an anLlgen. 1aklng 1h1 sLlmulanLs may be lnapproprlaLe
and cause furLher lnflammaLlon, lce, a physlcal anLl-lnflammaLory would be Lhe besL cholce.
Lven a chronlc problem llke Lyme dlsease LhaL has now Lurned lnLo a 1h1 auLolmmune dlsorder
may be LreaLed wlLh 1h1 sLlmulanLs durlng Lhe prollferaLlon phases. lL geLs a blL compllcaLed
wlLh 1h1 domlnanL auLolmmune dlseases LhaL are drlven by a blo-Loxln. ?es, even cancer MA?
have a blo-Loxln as a cause. Agaln, everyone ls dlfferenL and noL all cancers are caused by one
Lhlng, lL ls usually an accumulaLlon of 'punches' LhaL knock Lhe body ouL, a blo-Loxln may be one
of Lhe punches.
ln general, paLlenLs wlLh 1h1 domlnanL dlsorders should noL be Laklng 1h1 sLlmulanLs.
undersLand also LhaL [usL because l llsL someLhlng ln one caLegory or anoLher, every paLlenL ls
dlfferenL and Lhelr parLlcular body Lype may reacL ln opposlLe ways. no approach or expenslve
research sLudy wlll be perfecL for ?Cu. ?ou are a unlque lndlvldual, LhaL ls why l rely on
approprlaLe LesLlng. 8elow ls a llsL of common 1h1 sLlmulanLs LhaL l LesL for ln paLlenLs LhaL are
1h2 domlnanL, have an acuLe 1h1 lnfecLlon, or may be 1h1 domlnanL auLolmmune wlLh a blo-
Loxln as Lhe anLlgen and lL ls ln lLs mulLlpllcaLlon/prollferaLlon phase:
1yp|ca| 1h1 st|mu|ants:
Gar||c - 1he beneflLs of garllc are greaL for many condlLlons and can be a sLrong 1h1 sLlmulanL
buL Lhe sLudles ln cancer paLlenLs are noL as poslLlve. Carllc ls noL a 'maln player' ln my book
regardlng cancer LreaLmenL wlLh works synerglsLlcally wlLh oLher nuLrlenLs llsLed here and bears
menLlonlng. Many sLudles showed LhaL organlc lngredlenLs of garllc are effecLlve ln lnhlblLlng
or prevenLlng cancer developmenL, whlch l belleve ls a funcLlon of 1h2 suppresslon.
V|tam|n C - LeL's clarlfy some nuLrlLlonal prlnclples flrsL: vlLamlns are noL lndlvldual molecular
compounds, Lhey are blologlcal complexes. 1he beneflclal acLlvlLy of vlLamlns only Lakes place
when all condlLlons are meL wlLhln Lhe envlronmenL, and when all co-facLors and componenLs
of Lhe enLlre vlLamln complex (found ln naLure) are presenL and worklng LogeLher.
vlLamlns cannoL be synLheslzed and/or lsolaLed from Lhelr complexes and sLlll perform Lhelr
speclflc llfe funcLlons wlLhln our body. 8oyal Lee, a genlus ln hls Llme, wroLe:
A vlLamln ls: "... a worklng process conslsLlng of Lhe nuLrlenL, enzymes, coenzymes,
anLloxldanLs, and Lrace mlnerals acLlvaLors."
- 8oyal Lee "WhaL ls a vlLamln?" Applled 1rophology, Aug. 1936
Legally, vlLamln C ls ascorblc acld, because when lL was dlscovered, LhaL was all LhaL was seen ln
Lhe mlcroscope of Lhe day. 8eallLy ls dlfferenL. Ascorblc acld ls an lsolaLe, a fracLlon, a dlsLlllaLe
of naLurally occurrlng, whole form vlLamln C. ln addlLlon Lo ascorblc acld, vlLamln C musL
lnclude ruLln, bloflavonolds, lacLor k, lacLor !, lacLor , 1yroslnase, Ascorblnogen, and oLher
componenLs LhaL lL ls found wlLh ln naLure.
lf any of Lhese parLs are mlsslng, as ln Lhe vlLamln C capsules you mosL commonly purchase,
llLLle Lo no real vlLamln acLlvlLy Lakes place ln your body. When some of Lhem are presenL, Lhe
body wlll draw on lLs own sLores Lo make up Lhe dlfferences, so LhaL Lhe whole vlLamln may be
presenL. Ascorblc acld ls descrlbed merely as Lhe "anLloxldanL wrapper" porLlon of vlLamln C,
ascorblc acld proLecLs Lhe funcLlonal parLs of Lhe vlLamln from rapld oxldaLlon or breakdown.
(Somer p 38 "vlLamln C: A Lesson ln keeplng An Cpen Mlnd" 1he nuLrlLlon 8eporL)
MosL of Lhe ascorblc acld ln Lhls counLry ls manufacLured aL a faclllLy ln nuLley, new !ersey,
owned by Poffman-La8oche, one of Lhe world's blggesL drug manufacLurers where ascorblc
acld ls made from a process lnvolvlng cornsLarch and volaLlle aclds. MosL vlLamln companles
buy Lhe bulk ascorblc acld from Lhls slngle faclllLy and creaLe Lhelr own labels, comblnaLlons,
clalms, formulaLlons, and unlque 'LwlsLs' Lo clalm Lo have Lhe superlor form of vlLamln C, even
Lhough lL all came from Lhe same place, and lL's really noL really vlLamln C aL all.
1hls ls really Lhe sLory of all Lhe vlLamlns. MosL are synLheLlc, manmade, creaLed ln a laboraLory
and yeL legally labeled as Lhe real vlLamln. 8y conLrasL, whole-food vlLamlns" are creaLed from
Lhe enLlre food LhaL conLalns Lhe nuLrlenL ln abundance. 1hey Lyplcally conLaln far less of Lhe
nuLrlenL on Lhe label buL Lhey are much more 'acLlve' and really work ln your body. Agaln, l'm
noL even saylng LhaL Lhere ls no beneflL ln ascorblc acld, l've seen hlgh-dose, lnLravenous
ascorblc acld Lherapy work for some cancer paLlenLs. WhaL l am say ls LhaL ascorblc acld ls nC1
Lhe whole vlLamln found ln naLure and may nC1 be Lhe besL cholce ln dally or LherapeuLlc use.
We use whole-food nuLrlenLs as ofLen as posslble and suggesL Lhe same.
Cat's C|aw (uncarla LomenLosa, uncarla gulanensls, una de CaLo, SamenLo, SavenLaro) ls an
herb LradlLlonally used by Lhe Ashnlnka lndlans of eru. 1he Lrlbe recognlzed Lwo dlfferenL
Lypes of Lhls planL (one was used LherapeuLlcally, Lhe oLher was rarely used). 1hls dlfference has
been verlfled phyLochemlcally and Lwo chemoLypes have been ldenLlfled: Lhe preferred
chemoLype conLalns predomlnanLly only penLacycllc oxlndole alkalolds (CAs) speclophylllne,
mlLraphylllne, pLeropodlne, lsomlLraphylllne and lsopLeropodlne, Lhe oLher chemoLype, whlch
was never used, conLalns predomlnanLly Lhe LeLracycllc oxlndole alkalolds (1CAs)
rhynchophylllne and lsorhynchophylllne ln addlLlon Lo Lhe CAs. 1he preference for Lhe CA
chemoLype CaL's Claw has been backed up by sclenLlflc research even Lhough Lhere has been
more Lhan enough puff made abouL 1CAs, we sLlll musL polnL ouL LhaL all CaL's Claw conLalns
some. l llke Lo use a producL LhaL uLlllzes Lhe synerglsLlc beneflLs of CaL's Claw wlLh a few oLher
herbs. Corlolus, Creen 1ea and Cllve Leaf exLracL blend well wlLh CaL's Claw.
CaL's Claw acLs as an lmmune sLlmulanL, lL alds Lhe 1h1 response. lL also has some anLl-
lnflammaLory acLlons as well and ls Lherefore a greaL beneflL Lo a blo-Loxln generaLed
auLolmmune dlsorder ln Lhe braln. 8ecause of lLs anLl-lnflammaLory beneflLs, lL can help braln
lssues llke depresslon, anxleLy, Auu/AuPu and Lhe llke.
CaL's Claw ls parLlcularly beneflclal ln LreaLlng Lyme dlsease. Lyme [usL may be Lhe mosL
mlsdlagnosed problem ln Amerlca leadlng Lo many auLolmmune dlsorders. uocLors are lncllned
Lo rule ouL Lyme dlsease based on Lhe negaLlve resulL of a laboraLory LesL LhaL are [usL plaln
poor! Slnce Lhere has been no rellable laboraLory LesL for Lyme, mosL cllnlclans are lll-equlpped
Lo dlagnose chronlc Lyme dlsease and l have had scores of paLlenLs LhaL were refused
LreaLmenL of acuLe Lyme due Lo a false negaLlve LesL. 1hese are Lhe paLlenLs who have suffered
needlessly for years, hopelessly losL ln Lhe maze of Lhe healLh care sysLem, looklng for answers
and endurlng Lhe skepLlclsm of pracLlLloners lnexperlenced wlLh auLolmmune dlsease.
WhaL has been needed for years has been a beLLer Lyme LesL or some oLher ob[ecLlve measure
Lo persuade pracLlLloners Lo conslder Lhe dlagnosls of chronlc Lyme dlsease.
8ecenLly, researchers ur. 8aphael SLrlcker and ur. Ldward Wlnger dlscovered LhaL chronlc Lyme
paLlenLs exhlblL a decrease ln a speclflc marker called Cu37+. WhlLe blood cells (a.k.a.
eukocyLes) are Lhe componenLs of blood LhaL help Lhe body flghL lnfecLlons and oLher dlseases.
WhlLe blood cells are caLegorlzed as elLher granulocyLes or mononuclear leukocyLes.
Mononuclear leukocyLes are furLher sub-grouped lnLo monocyLes and lymphocyLes.
1he maln lymphocyLe sub-Lypes are 8-cells, 1-cells and naLural klller (nk) cells. 8-cells (parL of
Lhe 1h2 response) make anLlbodles afLer Lhe 1-cells ln Lhe 1h1 response fall Lo desLroy Lhe
anLlgen ln 'round one'. 1-cells and nk cells are Lhe lnlLlal cellular aggressors ln Lhe lmmune
sysLem and are Lhe sub-group LhaL Lhe Cu37 markers are a plece of.
Cu markers are a parL of Lhe chemlcal slurry maklng up an lmmune response. Cu, whlch
sLands for clusLer deslgnaLlon", ls a glycoproLeln molecule on Lhe cell surface LhaL acLs as an
ldenLlfylng marker. Cells have Lhousands of dlfferenL ldenLlfylng markers, or Cus, expressed on
Lhelr surfaces, and abouL 200 or so have been recognlzed and named so far.
naLural klller cells have Lhelr own speclflc surface markers, Lhe predomlnanL nk cell marker ls
Cu36. 1he percenLage of Cu36 nk cells ls ofLen measured ln paLlenLs wlLh chronlc dlseases as a
marker of lmmune sLaLus, l.e., Lhe lower Lhe Cu36 level, Lhe weaker LhaL parLlcular porLlon of
Lhe lmmune sysLem. WlLh chronlc Lyme dlsease, ur. 8aphael SLrlcker and ur. Ldward Wlnger
dlscovered, Cu37 nk cells are lower Lhan lndlvlduals LhaL are healLhy and lower Lhan paLlenLs
sufferlng from oLher chronlc, auLolmmune dlsorders. 1hls makes measurlng Cu37 counLs a
greaL marker for Lhese chronlc paLlenLs who ofLen Lhlnk Lhey are golng crazy. 8elleve lL or noL,
Lhese chronlc and ofLen hldden dlsorders llke chronlc Lyme can be responslble for lowerlng Lhe
1h1 response enough Lo 'seL-up' cancer!
1he reason l bore you wlLh Lhe deLalls ls LhaL CaL's Claw has been shown Lo be a Lremendous
help Lo lncrease Cu37 values. Who knows whaL oLher dlseases may be helped wlLh lncreased
Cu37 markers. unforLunaLely, Lyme dlsease can be an underllnlng 'cause' of lmmune
dysfuncLlon LhaL can lead Lo cancer.
Arg|n|ne for Cancer
8raln cancer, especlally Lhe mosL prevalenL form known as glloblasLoma, can be devasLaLlng,
wlLh a dlsmal prognosls (medlcally speaklng) for Lhls parLlcularly Lumor. Many cancers develop
and progress due Lo a decreased lmmune funcLlon, allowlng slngle cancer cells Lo reproduce
and meLasLaslze Lo dlfferenL organs ln Lhe body. 1h1 lymphocyLes and cyLoklnes (Lhe 'klller' slde
of Lhe lmmune sysLem composed of dlfferenL Lypes of whlLe blood cell neuLrophlls and
speclallzed chemlcals) are responslble for desLroylng aberranL Lumor cells before Lhey have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo develop. 1hls ls whaL ls known as 'normal cell deaLh', cells dlvlde, and Lhe 'old
cell' dles, alded, ln parL, by Lhe 'klller cells' LhaL you're your body clean of posslble cancer
growLh. normally, lmmune response decllnes as we age, ln large parL due Lo excess sugar
consumpLlon (our poor dleLs acceleraLe Lhls process), sysLemlc lnflammaLlon (chronlc, even
sub-cllnlcal auLolmmune dlsorders) and poor cellular oxygenaLlon (made worse by sedenLary
llfesLyles). 8esearchers publlshlng ln Lhe [ournal cllolcol coocet keseotcb have found LhaL
naLural arglnlne (an amlno acld) supplemenLaLlon may reacLlvaLe cancer-flghLlng 1-cells ln
glloblasLoma paLlenLs, allowlng reacLlvaLlon of Lhe lmmune sysLem Lo flghL cancer progresslon.
Cool, now whaL do we need Lo learn from Lhls lnformaLlon? LaL foods LhaL conLaln hlgher
amounLs of arglnlne llke nuLs, seeds, beans, and flsh. 1hese are all Lhlngs we encourage cancer
paLlenLs Lo consume, Lhls ls parL of our cancer-reglmen 'snack food'. 8aw peanuLs, almonds,
walnuLs and hazelnuLs are greaL snack-braln-food LhaL lncreases arglnlne levels (as well as good
faL levels) and decreases lnflammaLlon. 1una, salmon and eggs all have hlgh arglnlne levels.

neuLrophlls, a Lype of whlLe blood cell necessary ln Lhls lmmune aLLack on cancer cells, are an
anclenL and nonspeclflc cell LhaL neuLrallzes lnvadlng bacLerla and vlruses. neuLrophlls are a
parL of Lhe 1h1 response Lo provlde a powerful lmmune response Lo knock ouL paLhogens. Low-
grade and ofLen sub-cllnlcal auLolmmune dlsorders as well as general obeslLy, sedenLary
llfesLyles, and lndlvlduals llvlng wlLh poor dleL and llfesLyle cholces, all develop chronlc,
sysLemlc lnflammaLlon.

Chronlc lnflammaLlon suppresses neuLrophlls and oLher 1h1 cyLoklnes (Lhe cancer klller slde of
Lhe lmmune sysLem) and Lhey become desenslLlzed Lo Lhe perslsLenL, sysLemlc lnflammaLlon
and acL less responslve Lo dlsease-causlng agenLs. Cancer cells Lhrlve ln an lnflamed cellular
envlronmenL and, lf lefL unchecked, lead Lo Lhe desLrucLlon of healLhy Llssue and unchecked
Lumor formaLlon. neuLrophlls sLop Lhe lmmune response by secreLlng an enzyme called
arglnase. 8esearchers have found LhaL paLlenLs wlLh glloblasLoma (as well as oLher cancers) do
noL exhlblL Lhe normal neuLrophll-medlaLed lmmune response and cancer cells grow and
spread unabaLed.
Agaln: Cancer Lends Lo be a 1h1 suppressed dlsorder!

SclenLlsLs from Lhe unlverslLy of Colorado Cancer CenLer found LhaL 1h1 cells are crlLlcally
dependenL on arglnlne for acLlvaLlon and funcLlon. 1hey were able Lo deLermlne LhaL Lhe lack of
arglnlne suppresses Lhe 'klller slde' of Lhe lmmune sysLem. 1he researchers concluded LhaL
"perslsLenL arglnase producLlon from neuLrophlls suppresses Lhe lmmune sysLem and keeps
cancers from becomlng lmmune LargeLs."

Arglnlne ls a well-researched, naLural compound (an amlno acld) largely assoclaLed wlLh helplng
lower blood pressure and lmproves boLh cardlovascular and braln healLh. 1he resulL of pasL
research demonsLraLes LhaL arglnlne ls a precursor Lo Lhe producLlon of frlendly nlLrlc oxlde
(enCS) and supporLs blood vessel relaxaLlon Lo effecLlvely lower ouL of range blood pressure
readlngs ln aL-rlsk lndlvlduals. Cancer prevenLlon can now be added Lo Lhe llsL of chronlc
condlLlons LhaL beneflL from regular arglnlne supplemenLaLlon and lL ls ALWA?S besL Lo geL
your nuLrlenLs from your lCCu.
LaL more 8AW seeds, nuLs, almonds, walnuLs, ocean-caughL cold-waLer flsh and organlc eggs.
uecrease lnflammaLory foods llke red meaL, dalry, sugar and gralns. 8e consclous of whaL you
eaL and even your LemperamenL. lorglve and forgeL, do whaL ls rlghL.
Cther 1h1 st|mu|ants to cons|der:
A recenL sLudy by McClll unlverslLy, MonLreal, Cuebec, Canada revealed sLarLllng good news
regardlng Lchlnacea and cancer. 1hey lnduced leukemla ln mlce and LreaLed Lhem wlLh Lhe
herb Lo sLudy lf Lchlnacea would lncrease naLural klller Cells (nkCs). 8emember, nkCs are parL
of Lhe flrsL llne of defense agalnsL dlsease and cancers. 1he concepL LhaL herbal compounds
could enhance nkCs has recenLly galned conslderable aLLenLlon and lndeed, excellenL revlews
on Lhe roles of nkCs ln Lumor combaL and Lhe role of such compounds ln modlfylng anLlLumor
responses, have been provlded by leadlng researchers.
So, Lhey lnduced leukemla ln mlce vla ln[ecLlon of a dose of leukemla cells known Lo
conslsLenLly resulL ln deaLh 3.3 weeks laLer and on Lhe same day as leukemla
lnducLlon, cblooceo was added Lo Lhelr dleL. A ConLrol Croup" of leukemla-ln[ecLed mlce also
consumed a regular dleL wlLh nC Lchlnacea added. 1he resulLs were mosL encouraglng. nkC
numbers by 9 days afLer Lumor onseL were very slgnlflcanLly elevaLed over conLrol". 1hree
monLhs afLer leukemla onseL-long afLer all conLrol (Lhose mlce wlLh nC echlnacea) leukemlc
mlce had dled-nkCs were recorded aL more Lhan twlce Lhe numbers presenL ln normal mlce of
ldenLlcal age, sLraln and gender (LhaL ls - Lhe mlce wlLh leukemla LhaL were glven Lchlnacea had
1WlCL Lhe nkCs Lhen normal mlce!!).
lurLhermore, Lhe sLudy reporLs, all Lhe oLher hemopoleLlc (blood cell) and lmmune cell
llneages ln boLh bone marrow and spleen ln Lhese long-Lerm, cblooceo-consumlng, orlglnally
leukemlc mlce were lndlsLlngulshable from Lhe correspondlng populaLlons of cells ln normal
mlce. Llfe span analysls lndlcaLed LhaL noL only had cblooceo exLended llfe span buL also Lhe
survlval advanLage provlded Lo leukemlc mlce by consumlng cblooceo dally was sLaLlsLlcally
slgnlflcanL. Cne-Lhlrd of all cblooceo-consumlng mlce LhaL survlved unLll 3 monLhs afLer
leukemla onseL wenL on Lo llve a full-llfe. We belleve LhaL furLher manlpulaLlon
of cblooceo dose/frequency/duraLlon reglmens could allow many more lf noL Lhe oLher full
Lwo-Lhlrds Lo go on Lo llve a full llfe."
Lchlnacea medlaLes lLs anLlneoplasLlc (cancer kllllng) acLlvlLy vla Lhe lmmune sysLem and has no
lnfluence on Lhe Lumor cells Lhemselves (lL sLlmulaLes Lhe nkC acLlvlLy). 8y sLlmulaLlng Lhe flrsL
llne of defense, l.e. nkCs, whlch are so effecLlve ln deLecLlng and kllllng Lumor cells lmmedlaLely
upon deLecLlon, Lhe value of Lchlnacea can be readlly seen.
Immune st|mu|ants
L|cor|ce root (G|ycyrrh|z|n)

AsLragalus, an anclenL lmmune boosLer, has been used for cenLurles Lo heal Lhe slck. A growlng
amounL of deLalled Cerman and Amerlcan research has conflrmed Lhe herb's powers, and
ldenLlfled an lmporLanL poLenLlal role ln cancer LreaLmenL. lor example:
8esearchers from Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas, PousLon, have reporLed LhaL cancer paLlenLs
recelvlng AsLragalus have Lwlce Lhe survlval raLe of Lhose only recelvlng placebos.
lL ls ofLen used ln con[uncLlon wlLh oLher herbs. ln a 1994 lLallan sLudy (Morazzonl,
8ombardelll) breasL cancer paLlenLs were glven a comblnaLlon of llgusLrum and
AsLragalus. aLlenLs glven Lhls mlx showed a decllne ln morLallLy from 30 Lo 10.
ln anoLher sLudy of paLlenLs wlLh advanced non-small-cell lung cancer all undergolng
chemoLherapy, Lhe group Laklng Lhe dual herb mlx showed an average llfe span lncrease
of 130.
AsLragalus doesnL merely enhance lnLerferon levels, Lhere ls sLrong sclenLlflc evldence
LhaL lL beneflLs llver funcLlon (ofLen lmpalred ln Lhe cancer sufferer). ln Chlna, AsLragalus
ls wldely used ln Lhe LreaLmenL of hepaLlLls. lL seems Lo reduce Loxln levels slgnlflcanLly,
boosL lnLerferon levels and lnhlblL vlral proLeln expresslon whllsL havlng llLLle or no
effecL on normal unA. (Zhang 1993, lan 1996)
1he luA ls currenLly conslderlng lL for approval as an anLl-cancer agenL, alLhough you shouldnL
hold your breaLh as Lhey have never glven approval Lo an herb ln Lhelr hlsLory! Agaln, LhaL
whlch cannoL be paLenLed, cannoL be proflLable.
8emember whaL l sald earller, mosL sLudles on alLernaLlves musL be 'ln con[uncLlon wlLh'
sLandard chemo, radlaLlon and surgery ln order Lo geL sLudy approval. ln keeplng, sLudles show
LhaL AsLragalus lmproves Lhe effecLlveness of 8adlo- and ChemoLherapy. (or maybe lL works
uLSl1L Lhe chemo?!?!)
Cne exLremely lmporLanL concluslon from several uS sLudles ls LhaL AsLragalus seems Lo help
Lhe lmmune sysLem dlfferenLlaLe beLween healLhy cells and forelgn cells, Lhereby boosLlng Lhe
body's LoLal 'cancer flghLlng sysLem'. Cne effecL of Lhls ls Lhe added beneflL of lmprovlng Lhe
effecLlveness of radloLherapy and chemoLherapy LreaLmenLs.
ln Chlnese hosplLals AsLragalus ls now rouLlnely used Lo help people recover from Lhe
negaLlve effecLs of radloLherapy and chemoLherapy.
Mu Anderson Cancer CenLer (1exas) researchers reporLed LhaL cancer paLlenLs
undergolng radloLherapy had Lwlce Lhe survlval raLes lf Lhey Look AsLragalus durlng Lhe
ln Lhe WesL some herballsLs rouLlnely provlde chemoLherapy and radloLherapy paLlenLs
wlLh AsLragalus, and aparL from boosLlng Lhe lmmune sysLem (whlch of course boLh
orLhodox LreaLmenLs damage) lL also seems Lo sLop Lhe spread of mallgnanL cancer cells
Lo secondary healLhy Llssues.

8eta-g|ucan mushroom
1he ueparLmenL of urology, new ?ork Medlcal College recenLly publlshed a sLudy enLlLled,
lnducLlon of apopLosls ln human prosLaLlc cancer cells wlLh beLa-glucan (MalLake mushroom
polysaccharlde)" LhaL was preLLy exclLlng. l always geL exclLed over currenL medlcal research
LhaL proves whaL herballsLs have already known for cenLurles. lL's even comlcal when Lhey
dlscovered" someLhlng LhaL we've been already uslng for decades and Lhe Chlnese have used
for Lhousands of years before ChrlsL.
1he purpose of Lhe sLudy was Lo explore more effecLlve LreaLmenL for hormone-refracLory
prosLaLe cancer". 1hey lnvesLlgaLed Lhe poLenLlal anLlLumor effecL of beLa-glucan, a
polysaccharlde of Lhe MalLake mushroom, on prosLaLlc cancer cells ln vlLro. 8eLa-glucans are
found ln a varleLy of sources and as l've already sLaLed, Lhey are a plvoLal complex found ln
Medlclnal Mushrooms.
1he above sLudy LreaLed human prosLaLe cancer C-3 cells wlLh varlous concenLraLlons of Lhe
hlghly purlfled beLa-glucan preparaLlon. 1he 'dose-response sLudy' (lncreased doses lncreased
resulLs) showed LhaL almosL compleLe (>93) cell deaLh was aLLalned ln 24 hours.
lnLeresLlngly, Lhey also slmulLaneously LesLed varlous anLlcancer drugs LhaL showed llLLle
poLenLlaLlon of Lhelr efflcacy". 1helr concluslon revealed, A bloacLlve beLa-glucan from Lhe
MalLake mushroom has a cyLoLoxlc (cancer kllllng) effecL, presumably Lhrough oxldaLlve sLress,
on prosLaLlc cancer cells ln vlLro, leadlng Lo apopLosls (cell deaLh)... Lherefore, Lhls unlque
mushroom polysaccharlde may have greaL a poLenLlal as an alLernaLlve LherapeuLlc modallLy for
prosLaLe cancer."
We use 8eLa-glucan alone as a supplemenL as well as ln Medlclnal Mushrooms, boLh are greaL
and really have no slde-effecLs. 1hey Lend Lo be 1h1 sLlmulaLors so a 1h1 domlnanL
auLolmmune paLlenL beLLer be cauLlous of uslng Lhem.
Magno||a (Magno|o|, nonok|o|)
Magnolla has long been used as an anLl-lnflammaLory agenL and now shows promlse ln blocklng
a paLhway for cancer growLh LhaL was prevlously consldered "undruggable," researchers have
A laboraLory led by !ack Arblser, Mu, hu, aL Lmory unlverslLy School of Medlclne, has been
sLudylng Lhe compound honoklol, found ln !apanese and Chlnese herbal medlclnes, slnce
dlscoverlng lLs ablllLy Lo lnhlblL Lumor growLh ln mlce ln 2003. "knowlng more abouL how
honoklol works wlll Lell us whaL klnds of cancer Lo go afLer," says Arblser, who ls an assoclaLe
professor of dermaLology. "We found LhaL lL ls parLlcularly poLenL agalnsL Lumors wlLh acLlvaLed
8as." 8as refers Lo a famlly of genes whose muLaLlon sLlmulaLes Lhe growLh of several Lypes of
cancers. AlLhough Lhe 8as famlly ls muLaLed ln abouL one Lhlrd of human cancers, medlclnal
chemlsLs have consldered lL an lnLracLable LargeL.
Ponoklol's properLles could make lL useful ln comblnaLlon wlLh oLher anLlLumor drugs, because
blocklng 8as acLlvaLlon would prevenL Lumors from escaplng Lhe effecLs of Lhese drugs," Arblser
says. "Ponoklol could be effecLlve as a way Lo make Lumors more senslLlve Lo LradlLlonal
chemoLherapy," he says. Agaln, sLudles for Magnolla cenLer around lmprovlng chemoLherapy
beneflLs ln order Lo geL approval of Lhe sLudy by Lhe luA.
Cne of Lhe effecLs of 8as ls Lo drlve pumps LhaL remove chemoLherapy drugs from cancer cells.
ln breasL cancer cell llnes wlLh acLlvaLlons ln 8as famlly genes, honoklol appears Lo prevenL 8as
from Lurnlng on an enzyme called phosphollpase u. lL also has slmllar effecLs ln lung and
bladder cancer cells ln Lhe laboraLory. hosphollpase u provldes whaL have come Lo be known
as "survlval slgnals" ln cancer cells, allowlng Lhem Lo sLay allve when ordlnary cells would dle.
undersLandlng Lhe physlology, one mlghL conclude LhaL Lhe effecL of Magnolla may be LhaL lL
sLops cancer cells from exLrudlng wasLe and forces Lhem Lo self-desLrucL.
8esearchers aL Lhe unlverslLy of lLLsburgh wanLed Lo learn how effecLlvely Magnolla kllls
cancer cells, and how and why lL Lrlggers cancer cell deaLh. When Lhey LreaLed several dlfferenL
Lypes of human prosLaLe cancer cells wlLh magnolol (Lhe magnolla compound) for 24 hours,
Lhey found LhaL Lhe compound boLh decreased Lhe number of cancer cells, and changed Lhelr
shape ln a way LhaL suggesLed Lhe cells were undergolng apopLosls (cell deaLh). 1he LreaLmenL
worked on many dlfferenL Lypes of prosLaLe cancer cells, regardless of Lhelr lnvaslveness. 1he
hlgher Lhe dose of magnolol, Lhe more slgnlflcanL Lhe damage lL caused Lo cancer cells (LhaL's
called 'dose dependanL'). Meanwhlle, magnolol LreaLmenL dld noL appear Lo harm healLhy
prosLaLe cells.
1he researchers Lhen Look Lhelr lnvesLlgaLlon a sLep furLher, looklng aL Lhe paLhways by whlch
magnolol affecLed prosLaLe cancer cells. lL ls very lmporLanL Lo undersLand how magnolol acLs
as an anLlcancer agenL," says lead auLhor ?ong Lee, hu, rofessor ln Lhe ueparLmenL of
Surgery and harmacology aL Lhe unlverslLy of lLLsburgh. lf we undersLand Lhe mechanlsms
of kllllng (paLhways, model of deaLh, eLc.), we can lmprove Lhe efflcacy of Lhe drug and avold
slde effecLs."
ur. Lee's Leam dlscovered LhaL magnolol alLers Lhe acLlvlLy of varlous proLelns LhaL are lnvolved
ln Lhe apopLosls process, ln order Lo promoLe cancer cell deaLh. lL also lnhlblLs growLh facLor
recepLors LhaL are Lyplcally produced ln larger-Lhan-normal amounLs by cancer cells Lo help
Lhose cells survlve. lLs ablllLy Lo desLroy cancer cells wlLhouL harmlng healLhy cells makes
magnolol a promlslng LreaLmenL sLraLegy. AlLhough Lhls sLudy focused on prosLaLe cancer, Lhe
LreaLmenL may also be useful for oLher Lypes of cancers," ur. Lee says.
Chlorella ls a slngle-celled freshwaLer alga LhaL has been used for cenLurles Lo promoLe heallng
and deLoxlflcaLlon. lL conLalns vlLamln C and caroLenolds, boLh of whlch are anLloxldanLs LhaL
block Lhe acLlon of free radlcals (unsLable molecules LhaL can damage cells). Chlorella ls also
reporLed Lo conLaln hlgh concenLraLlons of lron and 8-complex vlLamlns. lL ls wldely used ln
!apan for a varleLy of healLh condlLlons, buL agaln, Lhere are noL many sclenLlflc sLudles Lo
supporL lLs effecLlveness for prevenLlng or LreaLlng cancer or any oLher dlsease ln humans.
Accordlng Lo Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy's (ACS) webslLe, Chlorella ls promoLed as an herbal
remedy for a wlde range of condlLlons. roponenLs clalm lL kllls several Lypes of cancer, flghLs
bacLerlal and vlral lnfecLlons, enhances Lhe lmmune sysLem, lncreases Lhe growLh of "frlendly"
germs ln Lhe dlgesLlve LracL, lowers blood pressure and cholesLerol levels, and promoLes heallng
of lnLesLlnal ulcers, dlverLlculosls, and Crohn's dlsease. lL ls sald Lo "cleanse" Lhe blood,
dlgesLlve sysLem, and Lhe llver. Chlorella supporLers also say LhaL lL helps Lhe body ellmlnaLe
mold and process more oxygen. SupporLers sLaLe LhaL chlorella supplemenLs lncrease Lhe level
of albumln ln Lhe body. Albumln ls a proLeln normally presenL ln Lhe bloodsLream, and
promoLers clalm lL proLecLs agalnsL dlseases such as cancer, dlabeLes, arLhrlLls, AluS,
pancreaLlLls, clrrhosls, hepaLlLls, anemla, and mulLlple sclerosls. Chlorella ls sald Lo prevenL
cancer Lhrough lLs ablllLy Lo cleanse Lhe body of Loxlns and heavy meLals. Some Web slLes
descrlbe lL as Lhe perfecL food, saylng LhaL lL regulaLes blood sugar, kllls cancer cells,
sLrengLhens Lhe lmmune sysLem, and even reverses Lhe aglng cycle."
l hlghly recommend Chlorella as l belleve lL ls a greaL supporL for deLoxlflcaLlon and overall llver
supporL. 1he ACS webslLe adds Lhls dlsclalmer: Avallable sclenLlflc evldence does noL supporL
Lhese clalms. 8ecause of Lhls, Lhe u.S. lood and urug AdmlnlsLraLlon (luA) has warned Lhe
proprleLors of aL leasL one Web slLe Lo sLop maklng unproven sLaLemenLs abouL chlorella's
beneflLs." Ch broLher, pharmaceuLlcal companles can clalm anyLhlng Lhey wanL whlle Lhey geL
pald up Lo $13,000 per chemo LreaLmenL yeL a nuLrlLlonal producL made by Cod and sold for
less Lhan $30 for a monLh's supply needs Lo be sLlfled for maklng 'false clalms'. Clve me a

1here are [ust too many other nutr|ents to deta||:
Lemon 8a|m (Me||ssa off|c|na||s), C||ve Leaf extract, 8ar|ey Grass, Wheat Grass, kamut Grass,
Cat Grass, A|fa|fa Grass, Gynostemma Leaf, Ash|taba, Green 1ea, Ch|ore||a, nydr|||a,
Vert|c|||ata, Sp|ru||na, Duna||e||a sa||na, Lyc|um fru|t, Gynostemma Leaf Lxtract, Astraga|us,
koot Lxtract, o|ygonum Mu|t|f|orum Lxtract, 1|betan khod|o|a koot Lxtract, Ashwaganda
koot Lxtract, Asparagus koot Lxtract, ke|sh| Mushroom Lxtract, Cordyceps Mushroom
Lxtract, Agar|cus Mushroom Lxtract, Ma|take Mushroom Lxtract, 8rocco|| Seed Lxtract,
Iu|c|ng: 8russe|s Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot, Cau||f|ower, Ce|ery, Cucumber, Green 8e|| epper,
ka|e, Cn|on, Sp|nach, 1omato, Amaranth Sprout, Azuk| Sprout, Ch|a Seed Sprout, I|ax Seed
Sprout, Garbanzo 8ean Sprout, k|dney 8ean Sprout, Lent|| Sprout, M|||et Sprout, umpk|n
Sprout, u|noa Sprout, Sesame Seed Sprout, Sunf|ower Seed Sprout, Gar||c, G|nger, kombu
Lxtract, 8|adderwrack, Grapestone, Sea Iern, Sch|zandra, 8|ueberry, Lyc|um, Cherry, Acero|a
Cherry, apaya, Luohanguo, 8|tter Me|on, k|ce 8ran So|ub|es, Arab|noga|actan, App|e ect|n,
Gu|||n Sweetfru|t, |neapp|e Concentrate, 1ak|ng rob|ot|cs such as Lactobac|||us Ac|doph||us,
Lactobac|||us De|breuk||, Lactobac|||us 8u|gar|cus, Lactobac|||us |antarum

1yp|ca| 1h2 st|mu|ants:
1yplcally one does nC1 wanL Lo Lake 1h2 sLlmulanLs wlLh cancer, however, l would conslder
maklng an excepLlon wlLh Creen 1ea LxLracLs and 8esveraLrol, Lwo nuLrlenLs wlLh counLless
sLudles provlng Lhelr effecLlveness on cancer. 8alanced wlLh enough 1h1 sLlmulanLs,
lnflammaLlon wlll noL be a problem.
Cther 1h2 st|mu|ants one may want to avo|d:
Grape Seed Lxtract
nerba| barks (Cramp 8ark, |ne 8ark, and Wh|te W|||ow 8ark)

Immune modu|ators - th|ngs that shou|d be tested to he|p ba|ance e|ther s|de:
Andrograph|s (Andrographls panlculaLa, green chlreLLa, chua xln llan, senshlnren) -
Andrographls readlly crosses Lhe blood-braln barrler so lL can be very effecLlve ln modulaLlng
lmmune responses ln Lhe braln. lL ls a greaL anLl-splrocheLal agenL (kllls paraslLes) so can be
exLremely beneflclal Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe 1h1 sysLem. lLs beneflLs Lo reduce neuro-lnflammaLlon
may be one of lLs greaLesL alds, buL lL has been used for cenLurles by varlous culLures Lo LreaL
everyLhlng from malarla Lo pandemlc flu. lL ls very effecLlve for a varleLy of paraslLlc lnfecLlons
and was a prlmary LreaLmenL for syphllls prlor Lo anLlbloLlc use.
l belleve LhaL Lhe prlmary funcLlon of Andrographls ls ln down regulaLlng lnCS (cyLoklne
lnduclble nlLrlc oxlde synLhase - Lhe pro-lnflammaLory or 'bad' nCS LhaL geLs 'revved up' ln
auLolmmune dlsorders). When lnCS lncreases, Lhe 'good', anLl-lnflammaLory, eplLhellal nlLrlc
oxlde synLhase (enCS) geLs reduced. enCS ls necessary for vessel wall healLh and essenLlal Lo
keep healLhy barrlers llke Lhe blood-braln barrler, guL barrler, as well as arLerlole wall lnLegrlLy
ln hearL dlsease and sLrokes. 1hls, l belleve, ls why Andrographls has been proven Lo help heal
paLlenLs followlng hearL surgery, angloplasLy, and myocardlal lnfarcLlon. lL ls really one of Lhe
'good guys' ln heallng Lhe braln and oLher Llssues.
Iapanese knotweed (olygonum cuspldaLum, Chlnese knoLweed, Pu Zhang, ko[o, lLadorl,
Po[ang) - 1hough Lhls can acL as a greaL 1h1 sLlmulaLor and musL be LesLed ln lndlvldual
paLlenLs, !apanese knoLweed can work well Lo modulaLe Lhe lmmune response. SLudles have
revealed anLl-paraslLlc, anLlbacLerlal, anLlfungal, anLlcancer properLles as well as cenLral
nervous sysLem calmlng properLles. lL also proLecLs Lhe body agalnsL endoLoxln damage from
'dle-off' of blo-Loxlns kllled Lhrough oLher sources. CLher sLudles have shown lL Lo be anLl-
lnflammaLory and may be exLremely useful ln calmlng 1h17 lnflammaLlon ln Lhe braln as lL
crosses Lhe blood-braln barrler readlly.
Some blo-Loxlns (llvlng organlsms lnvadlng Lhe body) can release compounds called maLrlx
meLalloproLelnases (MMs, of whlch Lhere are several dlfferenL Lypes) LhaL desLroy our body's
Llssue. Many anLl-lnflammaLorles LhaL l hlghly recommend ln Lhls group have shown Lo help
clear Lhe body of Lhese MMs, buL only one, !apanese knoLweed, has proven Lo block several
Lypes of MM producLlon. lL also conLalns 8esveraLrol, by lLself a 1h2 sLlmulanL, buL ln
comblnaLlon wlLh Lhe whole herb, lL acLs Lo lnhlblL MM levels as well. CLher research has
shown LhaL lL lnhlblLs arachldonlc acld meLabollLes LhaL force Lhe CCx lnflammaLory paLhways
as well as lnCS (Lhe 'bad' nlLrlc oxlde LhaL causes lnflammaLlon ln Lhe braln). lL has also been
proven Lo lnLerfere wlLh nuclear facLor-kappa8, a chemlcal llnked Lo lnflammaLlon, auLolmmune
dlsorders and cancer. lL helps regulaLe normal cell deaLh (apopLosls) where LhaL has been
alLered (ln cancer), and [usL modulaLes Lhe lmmune response, especlally ln Lhe braln and splnal
knoLweed has also show Lo lncrease clrculaLlon Lo Lhe small vessels of Lhe eye, ear, [olnLs, hearL
and skln. l LesL all Cancer, Lyme, PepaLlLls C, and oLher blo-Loxlc paLlenLs on knoLweed. lL can
also work well for acuLe lnfecLlons.
A|pha L|po|c Ac|d (ALA) and D|hydro L|po|c Ac|d (DnLA) - Lhe sLudles on Lhls nuLrlenL are
abundanL, lL helps Loo many paLhways Lo be lefL ouL of nearly any nuLrlLlonal reglmen. lree
radlcal damage can promoLe Lhe acLlvlLy of a parLlcular cell proLeln called nl kappa 8. (nl-k8).
nl-k8 works Lo promoLe lnflammaLlon and geneLlc changes LhaL have been llnked wlLh Lhe
developmenL of cancer. SLudles aL Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla aL 8erkley have found LhaL when
cells are baLhed ln ALA, nl-k8 ls lnhlblLed Lhus prevenLlng cell muLaLlons from repllcaLlng.
8esearchers belleve LhaL Lhls has slgnlflcanL lmpllcaLlons ln lnhlblLlng Lhe formaLlon of
cancerous Lumors.
l Lyplcally recommend dlhydro-llpolc acld (uPLA). ALA and uPLA have been shown Lo affecL a
varleLy of blologlcal processes assoclaLed wlLh all oxldaLlve sLress lncludlng cancer. Several
recenL sLudles regardlng ALA and uPLA on colon cancer cells deLermlned LhaL ALA was able Lo
help lncrease apopLosls. Lxposure of cells Lo ALA or lLs reduced form (uPLA) lncreased caspase-
3-llke acLlvlLy (a funcLlon ln apopLosls) and was assoclaLed wlLh unA-fragmenLaLlon Lhrough a
pro-oxldanL mechanlsm LhaL ls lnlLlaLed by an lncreased upLake of oxldlzable subsLraLes lnLo
mlLochondrla of Lhe cell. 8aslcally, lL forces oxygenaLlon of Lhe cancer cells Lhereby causlng
Lhelr deaLh!
Curcum|n (turmer|c) - 1hls ls perhaps one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL nuLrlenLs ln cancer. 1he very
process of rapld cell dlvlslon ln cancer causes an enormous amounL of cellular wasLes Lo be
dumped lnLo Lhe maLrlx ouLslde of Lhe growlng cancer. 1hls exLracellular 'sllme' ls hlghly acldlc
and proLecLs Lhe growlng dlseased cells from your lmmune sysLem's aLLempL Lo klll Lhem.
Many belleve LhaL Lhls acldlc sllme ls really whaL needs Lo be defeaLed for Lhe cancer paLlenL Lo
lmprove. l belleve lL ls a huge parL of helplng your body's lmmune sysLem Lo klll Lhe cancer cells.
1hls ls where Curcumln comes ln! Plgh doses of Curcumln, pre-dlssolved ln a faL, acL as Lhe
sLrongesL anLl-lnflammaLory compound ln Lhe process of 'clearlng' Lhls sllme layer. 1hls ls Lhe
same mechanlsm ln ur. kelley's 'hlgh dose enzyme Lherapy' - Lhe enzymes llLerally dlgesL Lhe
acldlc sllme layer enabllng Lhe anLl-lnflammaLorles llke Curcumln Lo carry lL away and your
lmmune sysLem Lo klll Lhe cancer!
?ou need Lo use abouL 2-3 grams of Curcumln each day, spllL lnLo several smaller doses. lL also
musL be used elLher wlLh a faL (coconuL oll) or already emulslfled ln a faL (we use a producL llke
Cther Nutr|ents:
Llke all vlLamlns, lL ls cruclal LhaL your source of mlnerals ls an organlc, whole-food base.
SynLheslzed vlLamlns do nC1 acL Lhe same ln your body as lf you aLe food wlLh Lhe nuLrlenLs
and all Lhe cofacLors LhaL make Lhem work. 1he same ls Lrue wlLh mlnerals, elemenLal producLs
are harsh on your sysLem and noL easlly absorbed or uLlllzed. 1hlnk of lL Lhls way: Lhere are
mlnerals ln dlrL LhaL Lhe planL converLs Lo sLrucLural componenLs LhaL we Lhen eaL and our body
uses for all sorLs of Lhlngs. Should we eaL Lhe dlrL or Lhe planL? l Lhlnk we are supposed Lo eaL
Lhe planL, so Lake mlnerals LhaL are planL derlved.
1he problem ls LhaL mlnerals, ln sufflclenL quanLlLles, are no longer ln our food - because Lhey
are no longer ln Lhe soll. uue Lo hlgh cosLs, farmers can'L afford Lo use organlc ferLlllzers llke
composLlng, leLLlng soll resL, roLaLlonal farmlng and growlng cover crops. Along wlLh over-
farmlng Lhe same land Llme-and-Llme agaln, Lhe soll, and Lherefore our food, ls lacklng ln
sufflclenL quanLlLles of essenLlal mlnerals.
8e careful of so-called forLlfled" foods LhaL conLaln added mlnerals - [usL don'L buy Lhem. 1he
mlneral may be ln Lhere" buL Lhere are no guldellnes requlrlng food manufacLurers Lo use a blo
avallable (usable) form and you can beL Lhey used Lhe cheapesL forms posslble. Lven Lhough Lhe
mlneral ls added Lo Lhe producL, very llLLle of lL may acLually geL used by Lhe body and worse,
Lhey can be harmful. 1he proper form LhaL a mlneral needs Lo be ln ls one LhaL Lhe body
recognlzes, and ls Lermed Lruly-chelaLed. 1hls Lerm means LhaL an amlno acld ls bonded Lo Lhe
mlneral Lhe way mlnerals are ln proLeln foods llke meaL, chlcken, and flsh. 1he cell Lhen allows
Lhe proLeln-bound mlneral Lo pass Lhrough and ln order Lo geL uLlllzed by your body, mlnerals
need Lo geL lnLo Lhe cell. 1he popular colloldal mlnerals are Loo blg Lo enLer Lhe cell, [usL
because lL ls floaLlng ln llquld (Lhe deflnlLlon of a collold), doesn'L mean lL can be uLlllzed aL Lhe
cellular level.
1he Lype of chelaLlon as well as whaL Lhe mlneral ls chelaLed Lo are of uLmosL lmporLance and l
wlll noL bore you wlLh Lhe sclenLlflc deLalls. l use mlnerals chelaLed wlLh Lwo bonds (solldly or
Lruly chelaLed) Lo Lhe amlno acld glyclne. 1herefore Lhey are small enough Lo cross Lhe guL
barrler and easy Lo geL lnslde Lhe cell. 1here are several good nuLrlLlonal companles LhaL use
Lhls Lype of Lechnology, l use ueslgns for PealLh.
Chrysln ls a naLural flavone - a planL derlved nuLrlenL LhaL lnhlblLs aromaLlzaLlon. AromaLase ls
an enzyme responslble for a key sLep ln Lhe blosynLhesls of esLrogens from androgens. 1he
aromaLase enzyme can be found ln many Llssues ln Lhe body and even found ln some cancer
Llssues. lL ls an lmporLanL facLor ln sexual developmenL. Some bodybullders Laklng sLerolds also
Lake Chrysln Lo prevenL excess LesLosLerone converslon lnLo esLrogens, whlch can
cause gynecomasLla (men developlng breasLs). Chrysln, along wlLh several of Lhe Medlclnal
Mushrooms have been shown Lo be exLremely effecLlve ln reduclng aromaLlzaLlon.
numan Growth normone (nGn) and Growth normone St|mu|ators (do NC1 take e|ther)
PCP has been a blg hype ln Lhe professlonal aLhleLlc world and nuLrlLlonal companles have
been selllng PCP sLlmulaLors for years. PCP sLlmulaLes producLlon of lnsulln-llke growLh facLor
1 (lCl-1), a hormone LhaL has growLh-sLlmulaLlng effecLs on a wlde varleLy of Llssues. lL helps
Llssues grow, lncludlng bones and muscles.
ln addlLlon Lo lncreaslng helghL ln chlldren and adolescenLs, growLh hormone has many oLher
effecLs on Lhe body:
! lncreases calclum reLenLlon, and sLrengLhens and lncreases Lhe mlnerallzaLlon of bone
! lncreases muscle mass
! romoLes llpolysls (breakdown of faL)
! lncreases proLeln synLhesls
! SLlmulaLes Lhe growLh of all lnLernal organs excludlng Lhe braln
! lays a role ln homeosLasls (normal balance of everyLhlng)
! 8educes llver upLake of glucose
! romoLes gluconeogenesls ln Lhe llver
! ConLrlbuLes Lo Lhe malnLenance and funcLlon of pancreaLlc cells
! SLlmulaLes Lhe lmmune sysLem
ln paper, lL seems LhaL PCP would be greaL for cancer, buL lL's nC1! lL has been shown Lo
cause cancer cells Lo grow!!! l have never promoLed hormone Lherapy and Lhls ls anoLher
reason why l Lake LhaL sLance. Slmple: uon'L arLlflclally mess wlLh hormones. Also, do nC1 Lake
Lhe PCP sLlmulaLors lf you have cancer!!
More of IGI-1
1here have been recenL sLudles LhaL hlgher levels of lCl-1 can lncrease Lhe rlsk of dlfferenL
cancers. l already sLaLed above LhaL Laklng PCP or PCP sLlmulaLors wlll lncrease lCl-1, buL
dleLary conslderaLlons are lmporLanL as well. lCl-1's prlmary acLlon ls medlaLed by blndlng Lo
lLs speclflc recepLor ln Lhe cell membrane, Lhe lnsulln-llke growLh facLor 1 recepLor (lCl18),
presenL on many cell Lypes ln many Llssues. When lCl-1 docks lnLo Lhe lCl18, lL lnlLlaLes
lnLracellular slgnallng, lCl-1 ls one of Lhe mosL poLenL naLural acLlvaLors of Lhe Ak1 slgnallng
paLhway, a sLlmulaLor of cell growLh and prollferaLlon. 1haL's whaL lL's supposed Lo do -
sLlmulaLe C8CW1P. 8u1, lL also ls an exLremely poLenL lnhlblLor of programmed cell deaLh
So, - hlgher levels of lCl-1 = decreased deaLh of cells LhaL are supposed Lo dle
- lncreased lCl-1 = lncreased cancer growLh!
WhaL can you do abouL lL?
1. uon'L Lake PCP or naLural sLlmulaLors of PCP
2. WaLch your dleL! Sugar sLlmulaLe lCl-1 producLlon
3. SLop/decrease bad carbohydraLes oLher Lhan sugar (see Cancer uleL)
4. 8educe body faL - exerclse
3. CeL help for MeLabollc Syndrome (Lalk Lo your docLor)
MosL people have heard of melaLonln for aldlng sleep buL few have used lL as an lmmune
sysLem sLlmulanL. MelaLonln ls a hormone, released when blood levels of corLlsol (Lhe sLress
hormone) goes down - Lhls ls supposed Lo happen around 8:00pm - mldnlghL ln a normal
clrcadlan rhyLhm. AL Lhls Llme of Lhe day, corLlsol drops, Lhls Lrlggers release of melaLonln LhaL
wlll help you fall asleep. MelaLonln also Lrlggers a naLural up-regulaLlon of Lhe 1h1 response for
Lhe purpose of aldlng your lmmune sysLem ln kllllng all bacLerla overgrowLh ln your colon Lo
glve you a 'clean sLarL' Lhe nexL day. 1hls ls anoLher reason you MuS1 be movlng your bowel
every day!
1here ls reason Lo belleve LhaL Lhe chlef reason for melaLonln's poslLlve effecL on survlval ln
cancer paLlenLs ls an lmmune-sLlmulanL (1h1) effecL LhaL boosLs Lhe acLlvlLy of naLural klller
cells and cyLoLoxlc 1-cells. MelaLonln also acLs on dendrlLlc cells (speclallzed cells LhaL funcLlon
as anLlgen-presenLlng cells for 1-cells), ampllfylng Lhelr capaclLy Lo sLlmulaLe naLural klller cells
and cyLoLoxlc 1-cells. lL boosLs Lhe ablllLy of dendrlLlc cells Lo produce lnLerleukln-2, whlch helps
cancer-aLLacklng lmmune cells reach maLurlLy.
Pere's Lhe vlclous cycle: whaL happens when a person hears LhaL Lhey have a cancer dlagnosls?
uoes Lhelr sLress go up or down? Ch course, Lhelr sLress splkes, as does corLlsol and whaL does
LhaL do Lo melaLonln release? lL plummeLs! Conslder uslng melaLonln before bed (abouL an
hour before bed) up Lo 30 mg/day (sLarL slow and work your way up as needed). lf you are
sleeplng greaL and feel falrly sLress-free, Lhen you may noL need lL.
Peallng Lhe Cu1 ls always a prlmary lmporLance wlLh any chronlc lllness. robloLlcs heal
balance Lhe normal flora of Lhe lnLesLlnal LreacL and acL as lmporLanL lmmune-supporLlve
agenLs. 1hese lnLroduce llve, healLhy bacLerla lnLo Lhe gasLrolnLesLlnal LracL. 1he bacLerla LhaL
are chosen should supporL mulLlple sLralns of LacLobacllll and 8lfldobacLerla - lL ls wlse Lo
roLaLe dlfferenL quallLy brands. robloLlcs can sLlmulaLe Lhe lmmune sysLem because of Lhe
polysaccharldes ln Lhelr cell walls whlch acLlvaLe naLural klller cells and cyLoLoxlc 1-cells. 1hls ls
because Lhe dendrlLlc cells can recognlze Lhe bacLerlal polysaccharldes as forelgn maLerlal
produced by lnvadlng bacLerla and Lhey respond approprlaLely. lL can be wlse Lo Lake some
dlgesLlve enzymes along wlLh Lhe probloLlcs.
8elow ls my ?easL roLocol LhaL l glve paLlenLs ln my offlce LhaL are sLruggllng wlLh Candlda:

?easL overgrowLh (Candlda Alblcans) ls poLenLlally a serlous lssue. Much has been wrlLLen
(?easL ConnecLlon) LhaL LouLs Candlda as Lhe culprlL behlnd many llls. 1hls may or may noL be
Lrue. Powever, Candlda ls an opporLunlsLlc organlsm LhaL grows rapldly lf glven Lhe perfecL
condlLlon and may be Lhe cause of many problems lncludlng cancer.
Some reasons one geLs Candlda overgrowLh/damaged guL barrler:
1. use of anLlbloLlcs - anLlbloLlcs klll off all Lhe anLagonlsLs for Candlda and allow Lhe yeasL
Lo grow llke crazy. CreaLesL defense - aLLempL aL all cosLs Lo nC1 Lake anLlbloLlcs. lf
needed, Lake a good robloLlc supplemenL along wlLh lL.
2. CLher medlcaLlons and surgerles lnLerrupL Lhe normal flora
3. LaLlng a Lyplcal Amerlcan dleL desLroys Lhe guL llnlng
4. LaLlng any CMC (geneLlcally modlfled food) desLroys Lhe guL
3. AddlLlves, flavorlngs, exclLoLoxlns (llke MSC) desLroy Lhe barrler
6. Lven prolonged sLress lnLerrupLs Lhe lnLesLlnal balance
Ways Lo re-florlze Lhe guL (geL Lhe good, needed nuLrlenLs back):
1. 1ake robloLlcs orally Lhrough LableLs, powder, capsules. (1-3/day)
2. 1ake robloLlcs mlxed ln an organlc yogurL - open a capsule and mlx lnLo yogurL, leave
Lo slL on counLer 30-43 mlnuLes, eaL/drlnk, swlshlng around ln mouLh so some can be
absorbed Lhrough bucal mucosa (skln of cheeks). (1-3/day)
3. Women can mlx Acldophllus wlLh plaln yogurL, waLer down and douche wlLh lL. 1hls
same llquld/mlxLure reclpe can be used ln an enema for boLh men and women.
4. 8aslcally Lhls - Laklng robloLlcs orally along ls noL Lhe besL way Lo re-florlze, Loo much
geL kllled along Lhe way. ?ou wanL Lo geL Lhe robloLlcs lnLo every orlflce posslble. We
even have recommended LhaL people puL Lhem ln enemas.
***1he ldea ls Lo geL Lhls robloLlc lnLo as many orlflces as posslble so your body may absorb as
much as posslble.

M||k 1h|st|e
Mllk LhlsLle exLracL has been used for many decades ln Lhe LreaLmenL of llver dlsorders and as a
sLandard llver deLoxlflcaLlon herb. ApproxlmaLely 80 of Lhls exLracL conslsLs of sllymarln, and
ls belleved Lo be responslble for mosL of Lhe llver-proLecLlve acLlvlLy of sllymarln and mllk LhlsLle
exLracL. !usL wlLhln Lhe lasL decade, sclenLlsLs have learned LhaL slllblnln has conslderable
poLenLlal for prevenLlng and LreaLlng cancer - malnly Lhrough sLlmulaLlng llver deLox paLhways.

Mllk LhlsLle has also been shown Lo have growLh lnhlblLory effecLs on a wlde range of human
cancer cell llnes lncludlng cancers arlslng from Lhe prosLaLe, breasL, colon, lung, llver, bladder,
and cervlx. lL can suppress Lhe prollferaLlon of Lhese cells, whlle aL Lhe same Llme lncreaslng
Lhe raLe aL whlch Lhe dle. ln addlLlon, lL can senslLlze cancer cell llnes Lo Lhe kllllng effecLs of
cerLaln cyLoLoxlc chemoLherapeuLlc drugs. 1hus, Mllk LhlsLle may have poLenLlal boLh for
reLardlng Lhe growLh and spread of cancer and for boosLlng Lhe response of cancers Lo

1he mechanlsms responslble for Lhese effecLs have been sLudled mosL lnLenslvely ln human
prosLaLe cancer cells. Also noLe LhaL Mllk LhlsLle, Lhough lL may reLard Lhe growLh of cancers,
does noL lnfluence Lhe growLh of healLhy normal cells. 1he anLl-prollferaLlve effecLs of Mllk
LhlsLle on prosLaLe cancer cells have been Lraced Lo decreased funcLlon of Lhe epldermal growLh
facLor recepLor (LCl-8). 1hls ls a key medlaLor of growLh slgnals ln prosLaLe cancer and ln many
oLher Lypes of cancer. Mllk LhlsLle blnds Lo Lhls recepLor and prevenLs lL from lnLeracLlng wlLh
hormones LhaL acLlvaLe lL - some of whlch are produced by prosLaLe cancers. lurLhermore, Mllk
LhlsLle lnduces prosLaLe cancer cells Lo make more of a compound, known as lCl8-3, LhaL
blnds Lo and lnhlblLs Lhe acLlvlLy of lnsulln-llke growLh facLor-1 (lCl-1), a key growLh facLor for
many cancers.

Also, oLher sLudles have shown LhaL Mllk LhlsLle may suppress Lhe nl-kappa8 slgnallng
paLhway. 1hls effecL lncreases Lhe senslLlvlLy of cancers Lo cerLaln chemoLherapy drugs. 1he
lmpacL of orally admlnlsLered Mllk LhlsLle on Lhe growLh of human Lumors ln lmmune-deflclenL
mlce has been sLudled wlLh Lhree dlfferenL Lypes of Lumors - prosLaLe, lung and ovarlan. ln each
case, lL has been found Lo have a subsLanLlal and dose-dependenL suppresslve effecL on Lumor
growLh ln doses LhaL had no apparenL LoxlclLy Lo LreaLed anlmals.
Conslder uslng Mllk LhlsLle - l use a llquld form from MedlPerbs LhaL l llke buL Lhere are many
producLs LhaL conLaln Mllk LhlsLle as an ald Lo llver deLoxlflcaLlon.

|ease understand that I cannot poss|b|y ||st every benef|c|a|
nutr|ent |n th|s book. |ease don't wr|te me w|th comp|a|nts
8U1 p|ease do wr|te me |f someth|ng not ||sted here has
he|ped you. I am extreme|y 'open-m|nded' and des|re noth|ng
but to he|p others. If you have know|edge that I don't have - I
want to know about |t!
Lma|| my off|ce d|rect|y at: upperroomwcQgma||.com
I a|so am not so nave to be||eve that th|s book and |ts
contents w||| make everyone happy. We have those that hate
the fact that 'common peop|e' ||ke us are ab|e to know as
much as the 'e||te few' who contro| the purse str|ngs of
off|c|a|s |n the IDA and government. I |ook forward to the day
"Dr." Stephen 8arrett ||sts me on h|s "quackwatch" s|te, |t
wou|d be a badge of honor!

Should l urlnk Alkallne WaLer?
1he acld - alkallne balance ls conLrolled by a powerful bufferlng sysLem largely medlaLed by
calclum channels. Much has been wrlLLen abouL cancer and alkallzaLlon and lL has become a
popular bellef LhaL cancer cells cannoL grow ln an alkallne envlronmenL. LeL's Lry Lo undersLand
where Lhls lnformaLlon came from and how we can separaLe LruLh from flcLlon, Lhere wlll be
much Lo beneflL as far as healLh ls concerned.
lacL: 1he pP of Lhe body ls lmporLanL and needs Lo be malnLalned ln a seml-neuLral sLaLe Lo
achleve homeosLasls.
lacL: uleL does play an lmporLanL role ln malnLalnlng a neuLral pP
lacL: oor dleLs, lncludlng Lhe Lyplcal Amerlcan dleL, conLrlbuLe Lo lowerlng Llssue pP levels
(creaLe a greaLer acldlLy)
lacL: lncreased acldlLy (lower pP levels) ln Lhe cells and exLracellular spaces conLrlbuLes Lo
poorer cellular funcLlon and more slugglsh removal of exLracellular Loxlns
lacL: Cancer cells do have an acldlc 'sllme' layer LhaL surrounds Lhe growlng mass
llcLlon: Cancer cannoL grow ln an alkallne envlronmenL. 1hls ls noL Lrue. 1he reason LhaL
cancer has an acldlc layer LhaL surrounds lL ls because Lhe rapldly repllcaLlng cells are produclng
a vasL amounL of wasLe LhaL cannoL be cleared qulckly enough by Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem. 1hls
acldlc layer Lhen proLecLs Lhe growlng cells llmlLlng Lhe 1h1 lmmune cyLoklnes from maklng an
assaulL. ur. 1ulllo Slmonclnl, Lhe lLallan Mu who was lmprlsoned for ln[ecLlng sodlum
blcarbonaLe soluLlon lnLo cancer slLes has had some success ln breaklng down Lhe acldlc wall.
1here are [usL Loo many bufferlng sysLems Lo Lhlnk LhaL alkallzaLlon of Lhe sLomach can perform
Lhe same feaL.
1ruLh: ?ou have Lo undersLand physlology, pP of Lhe blood wlll always be malnLalned aL Lhe
expense of Lhe Llssue. A dleL hlgh ln carbs, addlLlves, flavorlngs, chemlcals, exclLoLoxlns, eLc.,
Lend Lo acldlfy Lhe sysLem, nC1 because Lhey are acldlc ln Lhemselves, buL because of whaL Lhe
body needs Lo do Lo deLoxlfy such garbage. Cur bodles do noL become alkallne because we
drlnk alkallne waLer any more Lhan we become acldlc because we eaL Lhlngs LhaL have a low
pP. Sure, soda pop ls acldlfylng Lo Lhe sysLem buL nC1 because lL ls acldlc (lL ls), lL ls acldlfylng
because of Lhe lncreased (and overwhelmlng) pressure Lhe accumulaLlon of poor food cholces
has on Lhe llver and cellular organelles.
Pow do we alkallze Lhe Llssue? ls LhaL a goal? ?es and no. Cur goal should be Lo deLoxlfy and
sLop Loxlfylng Lhe body by geLLlng back Lo Lhe way we were meanL Lo eaL. vegeLables and
whole frulL help Lo brlng balance back Lo Lhe sysLem and are alkallzlng Lo Lhe Llssue, nC1
because Lhey reglsLer hlgher on Lhe pP scale (lemons are exLremely acldlc) buL because of whaL
Lhey do lnSluL us. 1hey are fllled wlLh nuLrlenLs and enzymes LhaL alde heallng. undersLand, l
can desLroy a carroL by growlng lL convenLlonally wlLh ferLlllzers and pesLlcldes, process lL,
blanch lL, can lL and leL lL sLore on a grocers shelf for nlne monLhs and 1Plnk l'm dolng rlghL by
eaLlng vegeLables buL my carroL slde dlsh may now be equally acldlfylng Lo my sysLem and a can
of soda. lL ls boLh Lhe Lype and quallLy of food cholces LhaL elLher brlngs heallng or desLrucLlon.
Llve, raw, organlc food ls Lhe besL 'alkallzer'. 1hls ls why [ulclng (maklng your own home-made
carroL, apple, celery [ulce, eLc.) ls Lhe besL. lL ls a pre-dlgesLed bundle of nuLrlLlon LhaL alkallzes
your Llssue. lL also carrles an abundanL amounL of enzymes LhaL asslsL Lhe breakdown of Lhe
acldlc 'sllme' layer of cancer.
llcLlon: WhaL's wrong wlLh alkallne waLer, doesn'L LhaL help? nC, l am flrmly agalnsL drlnklng
alkallne waLer ln an aLLempL Lo alkallze Lhe Llssue. llrsL, lL can conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
hypochlorhydrla LhaL has seL-up your lll healLh ln Lhe flrsL place. Pypochlorhydrla ls probably
Lhe mosL common healLh problem ln Lhe modern world and ls characLerlzed as a decreased
sLomach acld producLlon largely caused by Lhe chemlcals ln food LhaL have lrrlLaLed Lhe
sLomach's acld produclng cells. SympLoms lnclude lncreased gas, CL8u, reflux, upseL sLomach,
eLc., and mosL people LreaL Lhe sympLoms wlLh anLaclds, rllosec, 1agameL or 8olalds. 1hese
medlcaLlons wlll relleve Lhe sympLoms buL are exacLly whaL nC1 Lo do. eople wlLh a deceased
sLomach acld are noL able Lo dlgesL Lhelr food and lL slLs ln Lhe sLomach longer, causlng upseL,
fermenLaLlon of carbohydraLes, and posslble regurglLaLlng whaL llLLle acld ls Lhere up Lhrough
Lhe esophagus causlng glvlng reflux. Agaln, you can negaLe Lhe sympLoms by uslng anLaclds or
you can flx Lhe problem by addlng dlgesLlve enzymes and PCl (ln supplemenL form) Lo Lhe dleL
wlLh each meal unLll Lhe sLomach cells have heals enough Lo Lake over Lhelr responslblllLy.
1here are several oLher reasons l do noL recommend alkallzlng your waLer buL wlll commenL on
[usL one more. Several recenL sLudles ln !AMA have polnLed ouL LhaL subcllnlcal, undlagnosed
P. ylorl lnfecLlons are far more common LhaL oLherwlse LhoughL. Cne sLudy sLaLed LhaL nearly
30 of Lhe world's populaLlon suffers from an undlagnosed P. ylorl lnfecLlon. P. ylorl can be
responslble for ulcers buL can also lnfllLraLe Lhe eplLhellal Llssue Lo cause auLolmmune
lnflammaLlon of Lhe cardlovascular Llssue and even slnuslLls and 8osacea. Alkallzlng a sLomach
LhaL ls meanL Lo glve Lhe lndlvldual a flrsL-llne defense agalnsL paLhogens, malnLaln a pP of
abouL 1.3 Lo dlgesL food, and qulckly do lLs [ob Lo move bolus Lhrough Lhe sysLem seems
WaLer urlflcaLlon
1here ls much Lo be sald abouL Loxlns ln our waLer buL leL's [usL Lake a common sense
approach. lf we are aLLempLlng Lo deLoxlfy polsons ln our body, lL only makes sense Lo ellmlnaLe
as many sources of Loxlc exposure as posslble. urlnklng waLer ls one source.
CuL of all Lhe Lypes of waLer purlflcaLlon, l llke 8everse Csmosls fllLraLlon besL. 8everse Csmosls
(8C) ls a process ln whlch dlssolved lnorganlc sollds (such as salLs, heavy meLals, eLc.) are
removed from a soluLlon (waLer ln Lhls case). 1hls ls accompllshed by household waLer pressure
pushlng Lhe Lap waLer Lhrough a seml permeable membrane. 1he membrane (whlch ls abouL as
Lhlck as cellophane) allows only Lhe waLer Lo pass Lhrough, noL Lhe lmpurlLles or conLamlnaLes.
1hese lmpurlLles and conLamlnaLes are flushed down Lhe draln. Cood 8C sysLems remove mosL
everyLhlng larger Lhan .001 mlcrons.

1hough 8C purlflcaLlon removes all 'bad' Lhlngs llke heavy meLals and conLamlnanLs, lL also
removes good mlnerals so you musL make sure you are Laklng a mlneral supplemenL lf you are
drlnklng 8C waLer. lL's a preLLy easy 'flx' and Lhe beneflLs of removlng all Lhe sLuff LhaL 8C does
far ouLwelgh Lhe negaLlve of havlng Lo Lake a mlneral supplemenL.
Llke everyLhlng, noL every 8C unlL ls creaLed equal. We use a unlL produced by LcowaLer
SysLems and lL seems Lo be Lhe besL LhaL l've researched. !usL don'L buy a super cheap one as
Lhe quallLy of Lhe membrane equals Lhe quallLy of fllLered waLer aL Lhe opposlLe end.

ueallng wlLh Speclflc roblems

Decreased |ate|et Counts
Low blood plaLeleL levels are called LhrombocyLopenla and can resulL ln excesslve bleedlng
when ln[ury occurs. lL ls common wlLh cancer paLlenLs, especlally lf Lhey've done some
chemoLherapy or radlaLlon as Lhelr body decreases producLlon. laLeleLs are Lhe Llny cells ln
your blood LhaL funcLlon Lo Lake parL ln Lhe cloLLlng process. Lach plaLeleL conLalns granules
LhaL enhance Lhe plaLeleLs' ablllLy Lo sLlck Lo each oLher and Lhe surface of a damaged blood
vessel wall. An adequaLe number of plaLeleLs prevenL hemorrhaglng from a rupLured blood
vessel. ?ou can naLurally lncrease your plaLeleLs Lo ensure Lhe prevenLlon of a leakage of red
blood cells and lessen Lhe chance of hemorrhage Lhrough dleL.

1hlngs you wanL Lo lncrease:
lresh frulLs
Creen leafy vegeLables
Cod Llver or flax seed oll
Mushroom capsules
lresh garllc
As sLaLed ln our Cancer uleL secLlon:
1. Avold reflned sugars, saLuraLed faLs, processed foods and gralns and aeraLed (carbonaLed)
beverages. 1hese foods cause Lhe plaLeleLs Lo fall.
2. SLay away from all dalry producLs, alcohol and food addlLlves.
3. Consume only healLhy organlc foods, frulLs and vegeLables. 1hls helps Lo sLlmulaLe your
lnLernal mechanlsm, whlch lncreases your plaLeleL counL. LaL LomaLoes and berrles, whlch are
loaded wlLh vlLamlns and mlnerals wlLh sLrong anLl-oxldanL properLles LhaL help you Lo lncrease
your plaLeleLs. Add many green leafy vegeLables Lo your dally dleL. 1hey Lend Lo lncrease Lhe
hemoglobln level of blood, Lackllng Lhe underlylng cause of low levels of plaLeleLs. 8ed foods
llke LomaLoes, cherrles, waLermelon, plums and berrles are helpful.
4. Wash all raw foods Lhoroughly Lo remove any paraslLes or vlruses LhaL could resulL ln
lowerlng your plaLeleL counLs. araslLlc anLlgens are mosL commonly Lhe cause of low plaLeleL
counLs. lf you can geL checked and LreaLed for blo-Loxln, paraslLlc, mycoLoxln dlsorders, do so
3. SLrengLhen your lmmune sysLem uslng parenL omegas (LCs). 1hese olls wlll also reduce
lnflammaLlon, lmprove your clrculaLlon and lncrease your raLlo of hlgh-denslLy llpoproLeln Lo
low-denslLy llpoproLeln levels.
6. 1ake a supplemenLal mushroom exLracL (noL mushrooms). Look for a capsule LhaL has Lhe
exLracL of shlaLake, marlLake and oLher mushroom varleLles LhaL help Lo balance ouL Lhe
lmmune sysLem.
7. Add plenLy of fresh garllc and supplemenL your dleL wlLh vlLamlns and mlnerals such as
Coenzyme C10, selenlum, zlnc, melaLonln, vlLamlns A, 8, u and L, Cmega-3, and lron
supplemenLs. 1hese wlll enhance your lmmunlLy and ablllLy Lo flghL dlseases.
8. apaya leaf powder or papaya leaf Lea ls a greaL naLural plaLeleL boosLer. 1he powder can
be mlxed lnLo waLer, [ulce or any shake and Lhe Lea can be used ln mllder condlLlons.

Cachexla ls Lhe Lerm we use for a 'wasLlng dlsorder' seen ln cancer paLlenLs when Lhelr body ls
llLerally eaLlng up Lhelr muscles ln order Lo produce glucose for Lhe growlng Lumor.
"cocbexlo ls tbe wostloq owoy of tbe coocet potleot's boJy. 1be petsoo ls teJoceJ to sklo
ooJ booes, wblle tbe coocet cootlooes qtowloq vlqotoosly. wbot ls boppeoloq ls tbot tbe
coocet locompletely metobollzes qlocose, totoloq lt loto loctlc oclJ ... 1bls loctlc oclJ (lf lt
teocbes tbe blooJstteom) ttovels to tbe llvet wbete lt ls coovetteJ bock loto qlocose by o
ptoceJote tbot coosomes oo eootmoos omooot of tbe boJy's eoetqy. 1bls boppeos ovet ooJ
ovet oqolo os tbe coocet qtows ooJ tbe test of tbe boJy wostes owoy. nyJtozloe 5olfote
blocks o key eozyme lo tbe llvet tbot ollows loctlc oclJ to be coovetteJ loto qlocose."
We read someLhlng lnLeresLlng aL Lhe end of Lhls quoLe: "nyJtozloe 5olfote blocks o key eozyme
lo tbe llvet tbot ollows loctlc oclJ to be coovetteJ loto qlocose." Pydrazlne SulfaLe was
developed by ur. !oseph Cold of Syracuse unlverslLy. lL helps meLabollze excess lacLlc acld
whlch causes an lmbalance and exLreme sLress on Lhe sysLem. 1hls lmbalance causes Lhe llver
Lo expend enormous amounLs of energy Lo converL Lhe lacLlc acld back Lo glucose only Lo be
reconverLed back Lo lacLlc acld ln cancer cell as lL uses Lhe glucose for energy. 1he body's
expendlLure of energy ln Lhls process evenLually resulLs ln lL wasLlng away and a 'sLeallng' of
muscle proLeln Lo keep up wlLh Lhe demand of glucose.

Pere ls anoLher way of looklng aL Lhls cycle:
"cocbexlo. lo o cbtoolc lofectloo/cbtoolc Jlseose, tbe potleot's tempetotote tlses, tbe
cu4 cooot Jtops below tbe cu8 cooot, ooJ tbe oppetlte wooes ootll tbe potleot Jevelops
potboloqlcol oootexlo. 1be boJy stlll oeeJs oootlsbmeot, so lt beqlos bteokloq Jowo lts
fot stotes, tbe ptocess of qlycoqeoesls, ooJ olso beqlos to bteok Jowo ptotelos (moscles)
to Jellvet tbese soqot ptecotsots, tbe ooes ptoJoceJ by qlycoqeoesls, to tbe boJy. 1be
metobollsm of tomot/coocet cells ls mocb less efflcleot tboo tbose of ootmol cells.
ootmol cells metobollze oetoblcolly, osloq oxyqeo, wblcb ls 15 tlmes mote efflcleot tboo
coocet cells tbot metobollze oooetoblcolly, tbtooqb o ptocess of fetmeototloo.
letmeototloo, beloq less efflcleot, tepoltes mocb mote soqot tboo oetoblcolly
metobollzloq cells. AJJltlooolly, tbe metobollsm tote of o tomot ls mocb blqbet tboo tbot
of ootmol cells, so tbe omooot of soqot oeeJeJ ls stlll qteotet. veotoolly tbe potleot Jles
ttyloq to feeJ tbe tomot. 5totvotloo ls tbe mojot coose of Jeotb lo coocet ooJ Alu5

ln shorL, when Lhe person qulLs eaLlng, Lhe body sLarLs Lo eaL lLself ln order Lo feed Lhe cancer
uest|ons and Answers About nydraz|ne Su|fate from 1he Nat|ona| Cancer Inst|tute:
1. What |s hydraz|ne su|fate?
Pydrazlne sulfaLe ls a compound LhaL has been sLudled as a LreaLmenL for cancer and for
cancer-relaLed anorexla (loss of appeLlLe) and cachexla (loss of muscle mass and body welghL).
2. What |s the h|story of the d|scovery and use of hydraz|ne su|fate as a comp|ementary
or a|ternat|ve treatment for cancer?
lL has been known slnce Lhe early 1900s LhaL hydrazlne compounds are Loxlc Lo anlmals and Lo
humans. More Lhan 400 hydrazlne-relaLed compounds have been LesLed for Lhelr ablllLy Lo klll
cancer cells. Cne of Lhese compounds, procarbazlne, has been used Lo LreaL Podgkln's
dlsease, melanoma, and lung cancer slnce Lhe 1960s.
ln vlew of procarbazlne's anLlcancer acLlvlLy, hydrazlne sulfaLe (a compound slmllar Lo
procarbazlne) was sLudled for lLs effecLlveness ln flghLlng cancer beglnnlng ln Lhe 1970s. SLudles
of hydrazlne sulfaLe as a LreaLmenL for cancer-relaLed cachexla also began durlng Lhls Llme.
Pydrazlne compounds have also been used Lo make rockeL fuel, as herblcldes (chemlcals LhaL
klll planLs), and as chemlcal agenLs ln boller and coollng-Lower waLer sysLems.
Many sclenLlsLs conslder hydrazlne sulfaLe and oLher slmllar subsLances Lo be cancer-causlng
agenLs and are concerned abouL Lhe safeLy of uslng Lhese compounds.
3. What |s the theory beh|nd the c|a|m that hydraz|ne su|fate |s usefu| |n treat|ng
1wo Lheorles have been suggesLed Lo explaln how hydrazlne sulfaLe acLs agalnsL cancer and
Pydrazlne sulfaLe may prevenL Lhe body from maklng sugar LhaL cancer cells
need Lo grow. lL has been suggesLed LhaL cachexla occurs because Lhe cancer ls
uslng Loo much of Lhe body's sugar, prevenLlng healLhy cells from geLLlng whaL
Lhey need Lo llve. 1hls causes Llssues Lo dle and muscle Lo wasLe away, and Lhe
paLlenL loses welghL.
Pydrazlne sulfaLe may block Lumor necrosls facLor-alpha (1nl-alpha). 1hls ls a
subsLance made by Lhe body's whlLe blood cells Lo flghL lnfecLlon and Llssue
damage. Plgh levels of 1nl-alpha have been found ln cancer paLlenLs. 1hese hlgh
levels of 1nl-alpha may cause loss of appeLlLe, Llredness, and Lhe breakdown of
muscle Llssue. As muscle breaks down, lL makes sugar LhaL Lhe cancer cells use Lo
grow. 8locklng Lhe 1nl-alpha mlghL sLop Lumor growLh and prevenL cachexla.
4. now |s hydraz|ne su|fate adm|n|stered?
Pydrazlne sulfaLe ls Laken by mouLh ln pllls or capsules. 1here ls no sLandard dose or lengLh of
LreaLmenL Llme.
1o read more on whaL Lhe nCl has Lo say, go Lo Lhelr webslLe:
8oLLom llne: uslng hydrazlne sulfaLe ls an opLlon lf a paLlenL ls wasLlng away. l don'L belleve
LhaL ls kllls cancer cells or should be a parL of a cancer reglmen unless Lhe paLlenL ls rapldly
loslng welghL and dwlndllng away. Make sure you see your docLor and Lalk Lo Lhem abouL Lhls
as Lhere are some negaLlve effecLs of hydrazlne and lL can lnLerfere wlLh some naLural
approaches as well. Cverall, Lhe 8LS1 LreaLmenL for cachexla ls Lhe Cancer uleL wlLh an
lncreased amounL of [ulclng.

lf Laklng Pydrazlne, you musL avold any foods LhaL conLalns 1yramlne, an monoamlno from Lhe
amlno acld 1yroslne, LhaL Pydrazlne acLs on by llmlLlng lLs breakdown. uo noL consume foods
conLalnlng Lyramlne, mosL of Lhese you shouldn'L be consumlng anyway!

Aged, fermenLed, or plckled foods, such as mosL cheeses (excepL coLLage cheese, cream
cheese, and fresh Mozzarella), lunch meaLs, hoL dogs, yogurL, wlnes and beers.
8arleygrass, whlch would exclude all barley supplemenLs,
ury and fermenLed sausage (bologna, salaml, pepperonl, corned beef, and llver),
plckled herrlng and salLed drled flsh, broad beans and pods (llma, fava beans, lenLlls,
snow peas, and soy beans),
MeaL exLracLs, yeasL exLracLs/brewer's yeasL, beer and ale, red wlne (chlanLl, burgundy,
sherry, vermouLh), sauerkrauL,
lrulLs such as oranges, Langerlnes, lemon, grapefrulL, bananas, avocados, canned flgs,
ralslns, red plums, raspberrles, plneapples,
CulLured dalry producLs (buLLermllk, yogurL, and sour cream),
Caffelne (coffee, Lea, and cola drlnks), whlLe wlne, porL wlnes, dlsLllled splrlLs,
Soy sauce, mlso, peanuLs, almonds,
8eef or chlcken llver, herrlng, meaL Lenderlzer, MSC (AccenL),
lckles, and pumpkln seeds.

lnLegraLlve Cancer 1reaLmenL lAC

WhaL ls Lhe deflnlLlon of an "lnLegraLlve LreaLmenL" for cancer?
A: 1he deflnlLlon for "lnLegraLlve cancer LreaLmenL" LhaL mosL pracLlLloners use ls "Lhe aLLempL
Lo 'marry' alLernaLlve, non-malnsLream LreaLmenL Lo Lhe paLlenL's currenL medlcal care lC8
1PL 8LS1 ln1L8LS1 Cl 1PL A1lLn1." Cenerally, Lhese are LreaLmenLs whlch are nC1 LaughL Lo
docLors ln medlcal schools (Lhus noL undersLood by mosL LradlLlonal docLors), nC1 adverLlsed ln
medlcal [ournals, and nC1 recommended by mosL physlclans Lo Lhelr paLlenLs. 1hey are also
generally nC1 covered by healLh lnsurance pollcles. none of Lhls, however, means Lhey are noL
effecLlve. ln facL, Lhey ofLen have a much hlgher documenLed efflcacy Lhan convenLlonal
C#2: Why are alLernaLlve, non-Loxlc approaches Lo cancer so ofLen more effecLlve Lhan
convenLlonal cancer LreaLmenLs?
A: 1he answer Lo Lhls quesLlon can be found ln Lhe "non-Loxlc" naLure of alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs.
All alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenL approaches are non-Loxlc when used correcLly. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, Lhe "malnsLream" medlcal esLabllshmenL ls commlLLed Lo chemoLherapy drugs and oLher
procedures such as radlaLlon LhaL are Loxlc by naLure. 1he long-Lerm Lrack records of numerous
successful alLernaLlve approaches show LhaL cancer can be mosL effecLlvely overcome by uslng
a non-Loxlc approach, and l belleve Lhls Lo be Lhe case for Lwo maln reasons:
1) 1he flrsL reason ls LhaL non-Loxlc approaches allow for "conLlnual" admlnlsLraLlon, or use,
whlle Loxlc approaches do noL. 1oxlc convenLlonal approaches cannoL be admlnlsLered ln a
"conLlnual" way because Lhey are so Loxlc LhaL conLlnual use would klll Lhe paLlenL before Lhe
cancer could. 8ecause of Lhls, Loxlc approaches are always admlnlsLered wlLh doses or
LreaLmenLs spaced ouL ln some way. Spaclng ouL LreaLmenLs, however, ls noL an effecLlve way
Lo baLLle cancer because cancer's besL aLLrlbuLe ls lLs ablllLy Lo grow new cells fasL. 1hls means
LhaL, ln-beLween Lhe Loxlc LreaLmenLs whlle your body ls recovery from Lhe LreaLmenL, Lhe
cancer cells may also recover somewhaL from Lhe LreaLmenL. And Lhose cells LhaL grow back Lhe
fasLesL are Lhe cells LhaL have some amounL of reslsLance Lo Lhe LreaLmenL. As a resulL, due Lo
Lhe Loxlc LreaLmenL lLself, many cancer paLlenLs evenLually have Lo deal wlLh mulLl-drug-
reslsLanL (or Mu8) cancer cells ln Lhelr bodles LhaL are even more dlfflculL Lo geL rld of Lhan Lhe
orlglnal cancer cells were.
ln oLher words, when a cancer paLlenL needs a few days or weeks for Lhelr body Lo recover
from Lhe Loxlc LreaLmenL belng glven Lhem, Lhe Mu8 cancer cells and cancer sLem cells may
also sLarL Lo recover durlng Lhls Llme. 1he cancer may even sLarL Lo grow fasLer Lhan before due
Lo Lhe body's lmmune sysLem havlng been weakened by Lhe Loxlc LreaLmenL. LvenLually, a
person's body may noL be able Lo recover aL all because Lhe lmmune sysLem and vlLal organs
have been Loo weakened by Lhe LreaLmenL lLself.
WlLh non-Loxlc LreaLmenL, however, Lhls vlclous cycle ls avolded. eople uslng a non-Loxlc
approach can safely do LhaL approach every day for monLhs or even years wlLhouL any
deLrlmenL Lo Lhelr body. lor example, people uslng 8lfe, roLocel, 8urzynskl's anLlneoplasLons,
ur. Conzalez's enzymes, Poxsey's herbal remedy, Ceslum Plgh pP Lherapy, eLc., can use Lhese
LreaLmenL approaches "24/7" for as long as Lhey need Lo unLll Lhelr cancer ls suppressed.
Moreover, once a cancer paLlenL uslng a non-Loxlc meLhod ls pronounced ln remlsslon, Lhey can
ofLen keep uslng Lhelr approach on a malnLenance level, lf Lhey choose, Lo ensure LhaL Lhelr
cancer wlll never re-develop. 1hls "conLlnual use" aspecL of non-Loxlc LreaLmenLs makes Lhem
much more effecLlve aL combaLlng someLhlng as fasL-repllcaLlng as cancer.
2) 1he second reason LhaL alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs are so ofLen more effecLlve Lhan convenLlonal
ones has Lo do wlLh Lhelr LACk of llfe-LhreaLenlng slde-effecLs. 1oxlc convenLlonal LreaLmenLs
can cause exLremely serlous negaLlve slde effecLs, such as damage Lo Lhe llver, kldneys, and
hearL, Lo Lhe polnL where Lhe slde effecLs Lhemselves may klll Lhe paLlenL! Many, many people
have dled from chemoLherapy and/or radlaLlon LhaL were used Lo LreaL Lhelr cancer. 8adlaLlon
Lo areas of Lhe chesL for breasL or lung cancer can cause severe hearL damage and Lhe paLlenL
may subsequenLly dle from hearL fallure. ChemoLherapy can brlng abouL kldney or llver fallure,
hearL aLLack, or may promoLe a faLal lnfecLlon or blood cloL. 1hen why Lo convenLlonal docLors
keep uslng lL? All l can Lhlnk of for Lhe answer Lo LhaL one ls LhaL 'follow Lhe money'.
Moreover, boLh chemoLherapy and radlaLlon can cause "secondary" cancers Lo develop laLer
on. (?es, many convenLlonal cancer LreaLmenLs are acLually carclnogenlc!) 1hus, even lf a
cancer paLlenL goes lnLo remlsslon as a resulL of Lhelr Loxlc convenLlonal LreaLmenL, Lhey may
elLher dle of a hearL aLLack or oLher organ fallure a few years laLer, or Lhey may develop a new
llfe-LhreaLenlng cancer LhaL could klll Lhem. 1wo of Lhe mosL common Lypes off secondary
cancers caused by convenLlonal LreaLmenL are llver cancer and leukemla. 1hus, wlLh Loxlc
convenLlonal approaches Lo cancer, Lhe LreaLmenL lLself can very ofLen klll Lhe paLlenL.
C#3: WhaL are Lhe mosL common mlsconcepLlons abouL alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs?
A: 1here are many wldespread mlsconcepLlons, buL Lhe Lhree mosL common ones are:
1) 1haL alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs are unsclenLlflc and are developed or admlnlsLered by quacks. l
for one would raLher be a 'quack' and a 'medlcal hereLlc' Lhan blndlng myself Lo Lhe
pharmaceuLlcal machlne LhaL deems lL necessary Lo desLroy lLs percelved compeLlLlon whlle lL
'owns' Lhe rlghL Lo klll people for money. ln my mlnd, a 'quack' LhaL helps people geL beLLer
beaLs a 'respecLed oncologlsL' who kllls people for money anyday!
2) 1haL alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs slmply lnvolve eaLlng organlc foods and Laklng loLs of lmmune-
boosLlng supplemenLs from Lhe local healLh food sLore. Cbvlously from Lhls book, you've
learned LhaL Lhere ls much more.
3) 1haL, lf alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs really worked, all docLors and cancer cllnlcs would be uslng
Lhem. l Lhlnk we've addressed whaL l feel abouL Lhls.
C#4: uo any experLs endorse alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs?
A: ?es, plenLy! Some alLernaLlve approaches Loday are acLually admlnlsLered by hlghly
acclalmed physlclans ln very professlonal seLLlngs. 8uL physlclans ln mosL u.S. sLaLes are noL
legally allowed Lo prescrlbe alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs Lo Lhelr paLlenLs. nor are Lhey
allowed Lo publlcly endorse any LreaLmenL noL approved by Lhe luA so, Lhe laws ln our counLry
have Lhelr hands Lled. Powever, over Lhe decades, numerous books and arLlcles endorslng
alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs have been wrlLLen by cerLaln physlclans, nobel rlze-wlnnlng
sclenLlsLs, physlclsLs, and oLher respecLed cancer researchers.
1he lellowshlp program LhaL l [usL graduaLed from ls LaughL by leadlng Mu's and cancer
researchers from Mu Anderson and ?ale. 8egardless of Lhe crlLlclsm ouL Lhere agalnsL
convenLlonal medlcal LreaLmenL, Lhere are plenLy of greaL Mu's who really care abouL Lhelr
paLlenLs and are wllllng Lo learn and Lry 'new' Lhlngs because Lhey Lruly deslre Lo see Lhe paLlenL
succeed. 1hls ls nC1 a baLLle agalnsL your Mu or your oncologlsL - even lf Lhey are exLremely
anLagonlsLlc. 1hls ls a baLLle agalnsL lgnorance and flnanclally blased organlzaLlons LhaL have a
PuCL flnanclal lnLeresL ln proLecLlng Lhe sLaLus quo.
C#3: Are Lhere any alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer LhaL are bogus?
A: 1here can be unscrupulous pracLlLloners ln any area of medlclne, convenLlonal or alLernaLlve.
eople should be very dlscernlng when lL comes Lo chooslng a cancer LreaLmenL approach or
pracLlLloner. lL ls lmporLanL Lo be dlllgenL and flnd a parLlcular meLhod, pracLlLloner, or cllnlc
LhaL has a genulne poslLlve Lrack record. Whenever posslble, conLacLlng oLher cancer paLlenLs
who succeeded wlLh LhaL parLlcular LreaLmenL or docLor ls recommended. l know a number of
books LhaL clalm ____ ls Lhe cause of ALL cancers, whaLever Lhey are clalmlng may acLually be
Lhe cause of SCML cancer, buL 'all' ls a preLLy sLrong word. 1here are many reasons one 'geLs
cancer' and everyone ls dlfferenL, care ls never a 'one slze flLs all' approach.
8e careful of anyone clalmlng Lhe ablllLy Lo Cu8L anyLhlng, noL [usL cancer! l would even add
LhaL you should be careful of anyone sLaLlng LhaL Lhey 18LA1 cancer - because Lhls very
phllosophy doesn'L make sense. Agaln, one needs Lo lmprove Lhe paLlenL, every aspecL, lf Lhe
dlsease ls ever golng Lo be 'cured' by Lhe paLlenL's own body. l uCn'1 18LA1 CAnCL8, l uCn'1
llCP1 CAnCL8, and l suggesL you Lake Lhe same sLance. Work on 'causes', work on achlevlng
homeosLasls, work on balanclng Lhe body and l Lhlnk your ouLcome wlll be beLLer!
C#6: Why ls lL so lmporLanL for people Lo know abouL alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer?
A: SLaLlsLlcs show LhaL approxlmaLely 1 ln 3 Amerlcans wlll develop llfe-LhreaLenlng cancer
some Llme ln Lhelr llfe. (And some researchers belleve Lhls reallLy ls closer Lo 1 ln 2 Amerlcans.)
unforLunaLely, Lhe convenLlonal LreaLmenLs for cancer (whlch lnclude surgery, radlaLlon,
chemoLherapy, hormone Lherapy, and a handful of oLher recenL drug Lheraples) offer a dlsmally
low chance for "real" recovery lf noL coupled wlLh some llfesLyle changes. ConvenLlonal cancer
medlclne, on Lhe oLher hand, deflnes "cured" as merely "allve 3 years afLer dlagnosls". 1hus, ln
mosL cases, convenLlonal docLors don'L even expecL Lo be able Lo brlng a cancer paLlenL back Lo
a normal sLaLe.
1he sad reallLy ls LhaL mosL people wlLh cancer wlll noL survlve Lhelr dlsease lf LreaLed Lhrough
convenLlonal medlclne alone. Cn Lhe oLher hand, many people Loday belleve LhaL cerLaln
alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer have hlsLorlcally been much more successful Lhan currenL
convenLlonal LreaLmenLs, and sLlll offer beLLer Lrack records for "real" recoverles. lL ls vlLally
lmporLanL LhaL anyone deallng wlLh a llfe-LhreaLenlng dlsease be Lold of Lhe MCS1 effecLlve
opLlons avallable Lo Lhem - and Lhls musL lnclude llfesLyle changes.
C#7: Pow ls "cure" deflned when deallng wlLh cancer?
A: ?ou would Lhlnk LhaL Lhe Lerm "cure" would be deflned Lhe same way ln all clrcles. 8uL, as
menLloned ln Lhe above answer, LhaL ls noL Lhe case. 1he Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy, Lhe luA, Lhe
naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe, and all oLher malnsLream organlzaLlons lnvolved wlLh recordlng or
publlshlng cancer sLaLlsLlcs deflne a cancer cure as "allve 3 years afLer dlagnosls." 1hus, lf a
cancer paLlenL courageously sLruggles Lhrough deblllLaLlng surgery, chemoLherapy and
radlaLlon, and evenLually dles a mlserable deaLh, full of cancer, 3 years and Lwo weeks afLer
Lhey were dlagnosed, LhaL person wlll be llsLed ln offlclal sLaLlsLlcs as "cured" slmply because
Lhey were allve flve years afLer dlagnosls! 8y uslng Lhls sLrange deflnlLlon of "cure", offlclal
cancer cure raLes puL ouL by Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy and oLher organlzaLlons make
convenLlonal medlcal approaches look much more successful Lhan Lhey really are.
Pere's a really sad sLaL: 1hey maln reason Lhe medlcal esLabllshmenL ls pushlng for early
deLecLlon ls LhaL Lhe chance of Lhe paLlenL llvlng for flve years lncreases and Lhey can boasL of
Lhelr LreaLmenL 'cure'. Pow can Lhey be so evll? MosL people wlll dlsbelleve me on Lhls polnL
because Lhey [usL cannoL grasp LhaL an esLabllshmenL would operaLe solely Lo manlpulaLe
sLaLlsLlcs for flnanclal galn. 1here ls a flLLlng quoLe LhaL sLaLes, l love caplLallsm, buL cerLalnly
noL every caplLallsL."
ln LruLh, Lhls sLrange re-deflnlng of Lhe Lerm "cure" ls noL only crlmlnal decepLlon, buL lL also,
proves LhaL convenLlonal medlclne (really Lhe pharmaceuLlcal machlne LhaL uses docLors llke
puppeLs) has such a poor ablllLy Lo brlng abouL real cancer recoverles LhaL Lhey musL resorL Lo
Lhls sorL of LacLlc Lo make Lhemselves look beLLer. And Lhls ls only one of many quesLlonable
LacLlcs used Lo fudge and manlpulaLe convenLlonal cancer sLaLlsLlcs Lo make Lhem look beLLer
and mlslead Lhe publlc.
ln Lhe fleld of alLernaLlve Lheraples for cancer, pracLlLloners Lend Lo avold Lhe word "cure" and
LreaL" alLogeLher because Lhey wlll geL ln Lrouble wlLh organlzed medlclne lf Lhey clalm Lhey
can do elLher. So, Lhey Lend Lo use words llke, "conLrol" cancer, or "long-Lerm recovery raLes".
1he LruLh ls, however, LhaL lf you look lnLo all of Lhe alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs LhaL have
been effecLlve of Lhe decades, Lhey hlsLorlcally had greaL Lrack records ln brlnglng abouL "real"
cures. 1hls means LhaL when people uslng alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs are referred Lo as
cured, Lhey are Lyplcally Lruly cancer-free and no longer sufferlng from Lhe dlsease.
l've sLaLed over and over LhaL we do noL LreaL cancer. l legally can'L! My medlcal docLor frlends
LhaL l graduaLed wlLh from Lhe lnLegraLlve Cancer 1herapy lellowshlp can'L LreaL cancer elLher!
We are all conflned by Lhe luA and sLaLe boards Lo leave cancer LreaLmenL Lo CncologlsLs.
1haL's perfecLly okay wlLh me, l have nC deslre Lo LreaL cancer, lL's fuLlle! l wlll gladly remaln
solldly aL my posL Lo polnL people ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon. 1here ls llLLle success ln LreaLlng
cancer, Lhere ls greaL success ln cleanlng Lhe envlronmenL LhaL allowed lL Lo grow.
C#8: lf alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer are so successful, why aren'L oncologlsLs and cancer
cllnlcs recommendlng Lhem?
A: MosL convenLlonal docLors and cancer cllnlcs do noL recommend alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for
cancer for a varleLy of reasons. 1he prlmary reason ls LhaL, ln mosL u.S. sLaLes, docLors are noL
legally allowed Lo recommend any LreaLmenLs for cancer LhaL Lhe luA has noL approved. Slnce
Lhe luA refuses Lo even conslder approvlng any LreaLmenL LhaL does noL brlng blg proflLs Lo Lhe
pharmaceuLlcal companles and oLher large lndusLrles Lhey are assoclaLed wlLh, Lhen any
LreaLmenL noL approved by Lhe luA ls auLomaLlcally called "alLernaLlve". lL can be a very serlous
legal Lransgresslon for mosL docLors lf Lhey Lry Lo recommend an alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenL,
even lf Lhey know LhaL LreaLmenL could glve Lhelr paLlenL Lhe besL posslble chance for recovery.
Many hlghly respecLed docLors have Lrled Lo pracLlce alLernaLlve approaches and losL Lhelr
medlcal llcenses as a resulL, or were even Lhrown ln [all. 1wo of Lhe mosL llberal sLaLes ln Lhe
u.S., where many of Lhe alLernaLlve Lheraples are belng pracLlced Loday, are nevada and
Arlzona. numerous physlclans who wlsh Lo pracLlce alLernaLlve cancer medlclne have moved Lo
one of Lhese sLaLes.
AnoLher reason ls LhaL mosL convenLlonal docLors don'L have an adequaLe undersLandlng of
alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer because Lhey have never been educaLed abouL Lhem and
Lhere are vlrLually no references Lo alLernaLlve medlclne ln Lhelr medlcal school Lralnlng or Lhelr
medlcal [ournals. 1hese, Loo, are conLrolled by pharmaceuLlcal companles. 1hlngs are changlng
Lhough, l currenLly Lraln wlLh many oLher llke-mlnded Mu's wlshlng Lo add alLernaLlve Lheraples
Lo Lhelr pracLlces.
Cne more lssue LhaL can be problemaLlc ls LhaL some docLors mlghL know abouL alLernaLlve
LreaLmenLs buL feel emoLlonally LhreaLened by Lhem. Lspeclally for oncologlsLs, acknowledglng
LhaL oLher Lechnlques probably would have worked beLLer for Lhelr Lermlnally lll paLlenLs Lhan
Lhe meLhods Lhey have been uslng can be qulLe palnful. lL may be easler for an oncologlsL or
oLher Lype of docLor Lo slmply deny Lhls reallLy Lhan Lo acknowledge LhaL many of Lhe paLlenLs
he or she LreaLed could have llved raLher Lhan dled. l recenLly had a paLlenL LhaL survlved 3
years afLer dlagnosls and broughL lunch lnLo everyone ln our offlce Lo celebraLe. She had kepL
ln a relaLlonshlp wlLh her oncologlsL so she could sLlll recelve regular C1 scans Lo monlLor her
progress and vlslLed hlm rlghL before her 3 year annlversary. Pe proceeded Lo Lell her LhaL Lhe
oLher paLlenLs who had sLarLed wlLh her (and were ln a supporL group wlLh her) had all dled,
she was Lhe lone survlvor! She already knew LhaL lnformaLlon and she was Lhe only one who
refused Lhe chemo LreaLmenL and had 'gone an alLernaLe rouLe'. So, when Lhe oncologlsL
shared LhaL she was Lhe lone survlvor, she proceeded Lo Lell hlm whaL she had done dlfferenLly
Lo achleve such a greaL ouLcome. Surprlslngly, Lhe oncologlsL sLopped her lmmedlaLely saylng
LhaL lf she wanLed Lo remaln ln relaLlon wlLh hlm LhaL he dldn'L wanL Lo hear anyLhlng!
lL ls uLLerly appalllng! lf you were Lhe docLor LhaL had ALL your paLlenL ulL of your LreaLmenL,
would you wanL Lo flgure ouL lf Lhere ls anoLher way!?! lL's SlCk! 1PA1 ls nC1 a docLor, LhaL's a
murderer for hlre! Pe geLs pald - and a Lon more Lhan l do - Lo klLL LCLL and doesn'L even
wanL Lo know a beLLer way! l can'L even Lhlnk abouL Lhls wlLhouL geLLlng mad, so leL's move on.
LasLly, many docLors also suffer from Lhe "dlsbellef facLor" so common LhroughouL Lhe publlc.
1hls dlsbellef facLor Lends Lo be expressed by everyday people ln Lhe sLaLemenL, "lf Lhese
LreaLmenLs really work, why aren'L all docLors uslng Lhem?" Many docLors may feel Lhe same
way and express Lhelr dlsbellef as, "lf Lhese LreaLmenLs really work, why wasn'L l LaughL Lhem ln
medlcal school and why aren'L l readlng abouL Lhem ln my medlcal [ournals?"
C#9: Why can alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs for cancer have beLLer Lrack records Lhan convenLlonal
cancer LreaLmenLs?
A: 1o be honesL, noL all do. undersLand, l have my fooL ln alLernaLlve and LradlLlonal Lheraples
buL l am noL agalnsL ALL Lypes of chemoLherapy. Some alLernaLlve Lheraples uC have
documenLed cure raLes LhaL are beLLer Lhan convenLlonal LreaLmenLs, and oLhers offer mulLlple
case sLorles of people who had convenLlonal LreaLmenL fall Lhem and Lhen wenL on Lo use LhaL
alLernaLlve approach Lo achleve a compleLe recovery or aL leasL some help. We are never
legally speaklng of a cure, we speak of LreaLlng Lhe paLlenL Lo allow Lhe body Lo heal lLself.
1he slmple answer ls LhaL alLernaLlve LreaLmenLs, ln general, deal wlLh Lhe Lrue causes of
slckness and wlLh Lhe cancer paLlenL's whole body ln a non-Loxlc way. 1hls can be a much more
effecLlve way Lo compleLe rld a person of cancer Lhan convenLlonal medlcal LreaLmenLs, whlch
lnvolve Loxlc approaches and only LargeL Lhe "sympLoms" of cancer (Lhe Lumors Lhemselves).
C#10: WhaL causes cancer?
A: 1hls quesLlon ls really Loo blg Lo answer here buL l Lhlnk we've hlL on several polnLs ln Lhls
book. lease refer Lo my book on AuLolmmune ulsease, "Pelp. My 8ody ls kllllng Me," and one
of my favorlLe books on Cancer, "CuLsmarL ?our Cancer," ln whlch wlll aggress Lhls quesLlon ln
depLh. ChapLer 2 glves an overvlew of Lhls lssue, buL each LreaLmenL chapLer provldes an even
more ln-depLh undersLandlng of whaL causes cancer on Lhe cellular level.
C#11: Some people Lhlnk LhaL by Lhe Llme Lhey geL cancer Lhe medlcal esLabllshmenL wlll have
found a cure. ls Lhls a reasonable expecLaLlon?
A: l cannoL predlcL Lhe fuLure, buL l would say Lo Lhose people, "uon'L hold your breaLh!" 1he
malnsLream medlcal esLabllshmenL has been clalmlng Lo be acLlvely searchlng for a cure slnce
Lhe 1940's or so, and Lhey have been predlcLlng a cure rlghL around Lhe corner ever slnce whlle
Lhey've successfully squashed real success. 1he problem ls LhaL convenLlonal medlclne has been
looklng for a cure ln Lhe wrong places. 1hey're looklng for Lhlngs LhaL can be paLenLed and
Lherefore flnanclally markeLed, Lherefore Lhey focus on drugs LhaL are Loxlc Lo Lumors and,
slnce Lhese drugs are also Loxlc Lo Lhe resL of Lhe body, lL ls lmposslble Lo use enough of Lhe
drug Lo geL rld of every lasL cancer cell ln a paLlenL wlLhouL kllllng Lhem flrsL. lL ls well-known
LhaL, ln mosL cases, lf a docLor were Lo prescrlbe enough chemoLherapy or radlaLlon Lo a
paLlenL Lo klll every cancer cell ln a person's body, Lhe cancer would be gone buL so would Lhe
1he blggesL problem ls LhaL organlzed medlclne ls governed by Lhe power of Lhe blg
pharmaceuLlcal companles. 1he pharmaceuLlcal companles fund mosL of Lhe cancer research
belng done, even LhaL performed aL unlverslLles, yeL Lhey wlll only fund Lhe Lype of research
LhaL could posslbly resulL ln paLenLed drugs LhaL can brlng Lhem huge proflLs. 1helr goal ls Lo
make money, nC1 Lo LesL whaLever works, and sad Lo say, nC1 Lo cure cancer. Slnce Lhe luA ls
lnLrlcaLely lnvolved wlLh and conLrolled by Lhe pharmaceuLlcal companles, lL has now become a
waLchdog and sLrong arm of 8lg harma, raLher Lhan a proLecLor of Lhe Amerlcan publlc as lL
was lnLended Lo be. So, whlle Lhe pharmaceuLlcal lndusLry searches for proflLable "sllver
bulleLs" Lo LreaL cancer, Lhey are acLlvely and knowlngly lgnorlng Lhe arsenal of alLernaLlve
cancer LreaLmenLs LhaL already exlsL and have been proven effecLlve because Lhey CAn'1 MAkL
An? MCnL? l8CM 1PLM.
C#12: ls Lhere a "consplracy" Lo suppress alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenLs?
A: "Consplracy" ls probably noL Lhe besL word Lo use here. Money and power are behlnd Lhe
very real suppresslon LhaL has been golng on for decades, buL lL may noL be so organlzed as Lo
warranL Lhe Lerm "consplracy." 8ehlnd mosL of Lhe suppresslon lles Lhe power of Lhe
pharmaceuLlcal companles and Lhelr far-reachlng lnfluence. Some very enllghLenlng books have
exposed Lhe documenLed deLalls of how Lhls has happened, lncludlng "World WlLhouL Cancer,"
by C. Ldward Crlffln, and "1he Cancer lndusLry," by ur. 8alph Moss.
We all know LhaL Lhere are blg lndusLrles ln exlsLence Loday LhaL polluLe our alr and waLer. ?eL,
LhaL does noL mean Lhose corporaLlons are operaLlng under a "consplracy" Lo polluLe our
envlronmenL. 1hey are [usL dolng whaL corporaLlons do besL - proLecLlng Lhelr proflLs. ln Lhe
cancer lndusLry as well, corporaLlons proLecL Lhelr proflLs. unforLunaLely, Lhls pursulL can
lnvolve unscrupulous meLhods as well as lnfluenclng laws. 8uL lL lnvolves many dlfferenL people
ln poslLlons of power ln many dlfferenL organlzaLlons, and probably Lhe beLLer way Lo descrlbe
Lhe cancer LreaLmenL suppresslon would be Lo say LhaL varlous people and organlzaLlons are ln
"colluslon" Lo keep alLernaLlve approaches LhaL LhreaLen 8lg harma proflLs suppressed.
unforLunaLely, Lhe way Lhe whole medlcal approval sysLem ls seL up for LesLlng and accepLlng
new LreaLmenLs for cancer also supporLs Lhls suppresslon. 1he process noL only requlres
hundreds of mllllons of dollars Lo go Lhrough, buL lL ls only seL up for shorL-Lerm LesLlng of Loxlc
drugs. Any approach LhaL does nC1 flL LhaL mold wlll noL be LesLed effecLlvely. WhaL would
have happened lf, before alrplanes were developed, all sclenLlflc organlzaLlons had deLermlned
LhaL a flylng machlne MuS1 have wlngs LhaL flap llke blrds? Crvllle and Wllbur WrlghL's machlne
would noL have flL LhaL mold and would noL have passed Lhe LesLlng LhaL was seL up for flapplng
wlng conLrapLlons. We mlghL noL be flylng Lhe frlendly skles Loday lf LhaL had been Lhe case!
C#13: lf Lhe malnsLream cancer lndusLry has effecLlvely suppressed alLernaLlve cancer
LreaLmenLs before, whaL wlll keep Lhem from conLlnulng Lo do so?
A: 1here ls no doubL LhaL Lhey are cerLalnly sLlll Lrylng Lo suppress effecLlve alLernaLlve cancer
LreaLmenLs. 8ead Lhe book, "1he 8urzynskl 8reakLhrough," Lo flnd ouL [usL how recenLly Lhe
luA has Lrled Lo sLop non-Loxlc anLl-neoplasLon Lherapy for cancer. 8uL l do belleve LhaL Lhe
lnLerneL, whlch has only been avallable Lo Lhe publlc ln a wldespread way for a llLLle over a
decade, wlll save us. As long as noLhlng can sLop people from sharlng lnformaLlon Lhrough Lhe
World Wlde Web, we now have a chance Lo sLop Lhls deadly suppresslon by sharlng lnformaLlon
among ourselves!
l also Lhlnk LhaL Lhe general publlc ls becomlng more and more ready Lo uLlllze Lhelr power Lo
change leglslaLlon and Lo re-clalm Lhelr rlghL Lo medlcal freedom. 1he luA, ln parLlcular, has
sLrayed from lLs lnLended role of proLecLlng Lhe consumer publlc from unsafe LreaLmenLs Lo
becomlng a "waLchdog" and advocaLe for Lhe pharmaceuLlcal companles. lL ls up Lo us Lo
become aware of whaL ls happenlng and Lo change Lhls slLuaLlon. We have Lhe power lf we
choose Lo use lL!
C#14: lf l wanL Lo use an alLernaLlve cancer LreaLmenL approach, should l sLlll consulL wlLh a
convenLlonal oncologlsL flrsL?
A: ?es - LhaL's my legal oplnlon, you should always consulL wlLh a quallfled oncologlsL. noL for
Lhe purpose of asklng Lhe oncologlsL whaL he or she Lhlnks of Lhe alLernaLlve LreaLmenL you are
conslderlng, buL for oLher reasons - l'm noL an CncologlsL. As already menLloned, convenLlonal
surgery alone may be necessary for some cases and LhaL mlghL be an aLLracLlve opLlon for
cerLaln people. And, ln some cases where a person's cancer ls already very advanced when Lhey
are flrsL dlagnosed, someLlmes shorL-Lerm radlaLlon or shorL-Lerm chemoLherapy may be
necessary Lo glve Lhe paLlenL Llme for an alLernaLlve approach Lo work.
ln consulLlng wlLh a convenLlonal oncologlsL, lL ls also very lmporLanL Lo ask as many quesLlons
as posslble. ln ChapLer 21 of Lhe book, "CuLsmarL ?our Cancer," Lhe auLhor presenLs a llsL of
lmporLanL quesLlons you can ask Lo clarlfy your chances for recovery uslng Lhe LreaLmenL
course your oncologlsL ls recommendlng. 8y dolng so, you are glvlng yourself Lhe besL chance
for undersLandlng your opLlons. ln all cases, a comblnaLlon of convenLlonal Anu alLernaLlve
LreaLmenL may be your besL cholce.
LasL buL noL leasL, esLabllshlng a relaLlonshlp wlLh a convenLlonal docLor ls generally necessary
aL some polnL for assesslng your progress. Lven people uslng alLernaLlve approaches need
dlagnosLlc LesLs aL varlous lnLervals for Lhe purpose of assesslng how Lhey are dolng or for any
relaLed problems LhaL may occur.
1hus, convenLlonal medlcal experLs should always be consulLed. And every cancer paLlenL
should be as open Lo evaluaLlng whaL Lhey have Lo offer as Lhey are when lL comes Lo
evaluaLlng whaL alLernaLlve medlclne has Lo offer. Powever, Lhe approach you declde Lo use for
LreaLlng your cancer ls ?Cu8 declslon. 8y belng as lnformed as posslble, you wlll be glvlng
yourself Lhe besL chance for maklng Lhe besL posslble declslon.
C#13: Can l use a convenLlonal approach along wlLh an alLernaLlve approach aL Lhe same Llme?
A: As menLloned above, usually LhaL ls Lhe besL cholce. ?ou musL do your homework and be as
lnformed as posslble. 1hls lnvolves flndlng ouL, as besL you can, whlch approaches wlll offer you
Lhe besL chance for recovery and also flndlng ouL whaL all Lhe posslble damaglng slde effecLs of
Lhe convenLlonal LreaLmenL mlghL be. ?ou don'L wanL Lo add a convenLlonal approach LhaL
mlghL ln lLself LhreaLen your llfe lf you already have an alLernaLlve approach you belleve can
save you. (AdapLed from

ChapLer 6

A 1en SLep roLocol
lor ?ou and ?our uocLor

oo qolo stteoqtb, cootoqe ooJ cooflJeoce by
evety expetleoce lo wblcb yoo teolly stop to
look feot lo tbe foce.
~Lleanor 8oosevelL

A racLlcal, 1en-SLep roLocol for your docLor
l've probably glven you Loo much lnformaLlon ln Lhls book. Crlglnally l promlsed myself Lo keep
lL under one hundred pages Lo make lL more 'readable' buL Lhere ls so much more sLuff LhaL l
had Lo leave ouL Lo keep from golng even longer. So, Lhls chapLer ls Lo summarlze everyLhlng ln
10 easy sLeps for boLh you and your docLor. l pray LhaL you flnd someone LhaL can help you
walk Lhrough Lhls, LhaL wlll noL only gulde you buL hold your hand and love you, for we can
possess all lnformaLlon and wlsdom buL wlLhouL love we are [usL a loud, nolsy gong.
ln order Lo derlve Lhe greaLesL poLenLlal beneflL from any reglmen, boLh paLlenLs and physlclans
musL respecL and address as many of Lhe faceLs each lndlvldual's unlque cancer. Sadly, Lhe
malnsLream medlcal esLabllshmenL LreaLs Lhe ma[orlLy of cancer cases (as well as any oLher
dlsease) wlLh a "one slze flLs all" sLraLegy LhaL may deprlve many paLlenLs of a greaLer chance of
successful care.
My goals ln Lhls summary wlll:
Ald you and your physlclan ln deLermlnlng whlch Lheraples are mosL llkely Lo be
effecLlve for your unlque condlLlon. Slnce l undersLand LhaL nC1 everyone could
posslbly come and see me Anu l am noL golng Lo llve forever (aL leasL noL on earLh), you
may nC1 be able Lo flnd a compeLenL docLor Lo perform klneslology Lo 'LesL you' on Lhe
supplemenLs LhaL are perfecL for you. So, you and your docLor may use Lhls summary as
a LemplaLe.
Pelp you and your docLor LargeL mulLlple blochemlcal paLhways known Lo be aberranL ln
many cancers,
rovlde you a more Lhorough prognosLlc analysls (reason why) LhaL can help you and
your physlclan make lnformed declslons abouL how Lo proceed and,
LducaLe everyone abouL some poLenLlal slde effecLs assoclaLed wlLh convenLlonal
cancer LreaLmenL opLlons, and whaL Lhey can do Lo mlnlmlze rlsk.
My 1en Step rotoco| for eva|uat|ng someone w|th a d|agnos|s of cancer:
1. SLarL aL Lhe 8LClnlnnC - some homework for your docLor
2. LvaluaLlng for Lhe posslble Cancer klllers" - Lhelr use ln parLlcular cases
3. 8llL LlCP1 lrequency 1echnology - an absoluLe MuS1
4. Assume LhaL you PAvL ClrculaLlng 1umor Cells
3. lnhlblLlng Lhe cyclooxygenase Lnzymes (CCx-1 & CCx-2)
6. Suppresslng 8as oncogene expresslon
7. MalnLalnlng bone lnLegrlLy
8. lnhlblLlng anglogenesls
9. lnhlblLlng Lhe 3-llpoxygenase (3-LCx) enzyme
10. lnhlblLlng Cancer MeLasLasls
Cf crlLlcal lmporLance Lo LreaLmenL-naive paLlenLs ls lmplemenLlng as many of Lhese Len crlLlcal
sLeps as can safely be done concurrenLly wlLh convenLlonal Lherapy. ln newly dlagnosed
paLlenLs who have noL yeL been LreaLed, Lhe ob[ecLlve ls Lo eradlcaLe Lhe prlmary Lumor and
meLasLaLlc cells wlLh a mulLl-pronged "flrsL sLrlke Lherapy" so LhaL resldual Lumor cells are noL
glven an opporLunlLy Lo evolve survlval mechanlsms LhaL make Lhem reslsLanL Lo furLher
Step Cne: Start at the 8LGINNING
1he 8eglnnlng" ls really for your docLor: lL means Lo sLarL every paLlenL [usL as you would any
oLher, regardless of Lhelr prevlous dlagnosls.
ldenLlfy posslble auLolmmune dlsorder - do nC1 leL your docLor sklp Lhls
sLep and dlsmlss Lhls posslblllLy. As sLaLed ln greaLer deLall prevlously,
mosL cancer paLlenLs are 1h2 domlnanL auLolmmune (and mosL have nC
ldea and have never been dlagnosed as such). Pldden, subcllnlcal
auLolmmune dlsorders haunL Lhe paLlenL!
PCL - geL LesLed for and correcL hypochlorhydrla. A decrease ln sLomach
acld producLlon ls qulLe posslbly, Lhe mosL common condlLlon known Lo
Anemla - geL checked for and properly LreaL lron ueflclency Anemla, lollc
Acld Anemla (lf Lhls exlsLs, do nC1 [usL Lake regular follc acld - you MuS1
use 3-MeLhylLeLrahydrofolaLe), ernlclous Anemla, 812 Anemla.
Peal Lhe Cu1 - lnLesLlnal permeablllLy lssues (Leaky CuL) ls [usL abouL a
guaranLeed condlLlon lf you have cancer! 1reaL lL!
nuLrlenL ueflclencles
MeLabollc paLhway blockages and Llver ueLoxlflcaLlon paLhway blockages
- run an Crganlc Acld roflle and correcL Lhls!!!
ldenLlfy AnLlgens and correcL -
o Peavy MeLal 1oxlclLy lssues,
o lood senslLlvlLles,
o araslLes - mosL are subcllnlcal,
o CLher 8loLoxln - mold, fungus.lf you are noL checklng for Lhese
you may be CCMLL1LL? mlsslng Lhe boaL as Lo CAuSL!!!
o CLher Chemlcal LoxlclLles - envlronmenLal LoxlclLles are rampanL
Check and modulaLe 1h1/1h2 balance (add approprlaLe nuLrlLlon/dleL Lo
deal wlLh AnLlgen)
8un approprlaLe luncLlonal Medlclne LesLs lf necessary:
o Labs:
o 1. Cyrex Labs proflles - remove all food senslLlvlLles
o 2. CompleLe 8lood proflles - correcL anemla, eLc
o 3. ASl from ulagnosLechs - flx braln, guL eLc
o 4. Crganlx panel form MeLamaLrlx - flx blocked paLhways
o 3. uocLor's daLa provocaLlon LesL for Peavy MeLal 1oxlclLy -
chelaLe/correcL Lhe problem
o 6. Pormone/1oxln/oLher funcLlonal labs
1h17 balance - 1h17 ls an lnflammaLory cyLoklne common ln many
condlLlons buL more common Lo be elevaLed ln 8raln Cancers. lf you
have such a cancer, conslder uslng Cocurcumln (from Ayush Perbs)
^8raln lnflammaLlon " can be seen wlLh
nCS - Lhls sLands for nlLrlc oxlde synLhase. lnCS - lnduclble (or cyLoklne
lnduclble) nlLrous oxlde synLhase ls an lnflammaLory paLhway commonly
elevaLed ln eplLhellal cancers. 1he anLl-lnflammaLory proLocols ouLllned
elsewhere wlll help correcL Lhe lnCS levels buL Lhe nlLrlc oxlde
dlfferenLlaLlon ls worLh dlscusslon:
o lnCS - cyLoklne lnduclble nCS = pro lnflammaLory, desLrucLlve
o enCS - eplLhellal nCS - ln blood vessels, helps dlssolves plaques,
decreases lnflammaLlon, lncreases blood flow, helps heal CAL1
(CuL AssoclaLed Lymphold 1lssue), MAL1 (Mucosa AssoclaLed
Lymphold 1lssue)
o nnCS - neuronal nCS - ln mlcrogllal and gllal Llssue (Lhe braln)
10:1 concenLraLlon ln neuronal Llssue - very lmporLanL ln heallng
Lhe braln
8alance CorLlsol levels
Speclflc 1esLs -
o nl-k8 levels - nl-k8 promoLes Lhe growLh of cancer. Curcumln ls
an lnhlblLor of nl-kb, so, a person whose cancer ls expresslng hlgh
levels of nl-k8 mlghL conslder lncludlng Curcumln as parL of Lhelr
supplemenL program.
o CS1pl - Some cancers are able Lo produce CS1pl, whlch confers
reslsLance Lo mulLlple chemoLherapy drugs. Lllaglc acld-from
pomegranaLe-lnhlblLs CS1 Lherefore, supplemenLaLlon wlLh
Lllaglc acld may be wlse lf C1C analysls demonsLraLes over
producLlon of CS1pl.
1esL and correcL anyLhlng else!

Step 1wo: Lva|uat|ng for the poss|b|e "Cancer k|||ers"
1here are mulLlple reasons for cancer Lo sLarL and flourlsh and Lherefore Lhere are numerous
posslble faceLs Lo aLLack lL. 1he varleLy of nuLrlceuLlcals LhaL l have prevlously dlscussed ln Lhls
book ls whaL we wanL Lo address ln SLep 1wo. unforLunaLely, l do noL know of any way oLher
Lhan uslng klneslology (a muscle LesLlng procedure) from a very compeLenL and experlenced
pracLlLloner, buL leL's Lry Lo work Lhrough Lhls.
We know Lhere are:
1umor-promoLlng genes (oncogenes LhaL may be upregulaLed)
1umor suppressor genes (LhaL may be downregulaLed)
8ecepLors or docklng slLes on Lhe cell membrane where communlcaLlon wlLh proLelns
occur Lo ald Lhe cell Lo undergo apopLosls (LhaL may be blocked)
Cellular dlfferenLlaLlon-Lhe degree of aggresslveness of Lhe cancer cell (poorly
dlfferenLlaLed cancer cells are more aggresslve, whlle hlghly dlfferenLlaLed cells are less
lnflammaLory processes aL Lhe slLe of Lumor
1h2 domlnance aL Lhe slLe of Lumor
1oxlclLy sysLemlcally and aL Lhe slLe of Lumor growLh
Pypoxlc condlLlons ln Lhe mllleu

1hese lndlvldual varlaLlons-Lhe unlque blology of Lhe cancer cell-help Lo explaln why a
parLlcular Lherapy may be hlghly effecLlve for some cancer paLlenLs buL fall oLhers.
eople Lyplcally Lhlnk of Lhelr dlsease based on Lhe organ lL affecLs (e.g. lung cancer or colon
cancer). 1he problem wlLh LhaL raLlonale ls LhaL noL all cancers are Lhe same, even lf Lhey affecL
Lhe same organ. WlLh Lhe advenL of advanced molecular dlagnosLlc proflllng, Lhe speclflc
sLrengLhs and vulnerablllLles of each paLlenL's cancer can be ldenLlfled ln order Lo deslgn an
lndlvldually Lallored LreaLmenL program.
l have sLaLed repeaLedly LhaL one cannoL be uCCMA1lC abouL LreaLlng An? dlsorder. Lvery
person ls unlque as ls Lhelr condlLlon. lf l am golng Lo be a docLor LhaL requlres my paLlenLs Lo
flL lnLo M? box lnsLead of flLLlng a program around Lhem - my percenL of fallure wlll rlse. uon'L
leL Lhls happen Lo you!
When a person has cancer, Lhe physlclan confronLs a chaln of presslng quesLlons: WhaL Lype of
cancer ls lL? Where dld lL orlglnaLe? ls lL a hormonally drlven cancer? Whlch LreaLmenLs are
mosL llkely Lo be effecLlve?
Cancers have LradlLlonally been LreaLed as follows: lf one Lherapy proves lneffecLlve, Lhen Lry
anoLher unLll a successful Lherapy ls found or all opLlons are exhausLed. klneslology (properly
performed) helps Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe need for Lhls Lrlal-and-error meLhod by provldlng
lndlvlduallzed lnformaLlon Lo help deLermlne Lhe opLlmal Lherapy before lnlLlaLlng LreaLmenL.
Powever, here are some baslc guldellnes Lo help deLermlne a course of acLlon:
lf you have a PL81/2 poslLlve cancer - conslder a fermenLed soy producL llke Paelln 931
and some of Lhe remler 8esearch Lab producLs wlLh fermenLed soy, Medlclnal
lf you have rosLaLe, 8reasL or Colon Cancer - conslder roLocel, CaLs Claw, Medlclnal
Mushrooms, l6.
lf you have any of Lhe skln cancers - conslder my speclal mlxLure of LsLerlfled laLLy Acld
Cream (LlAC) from Pope Sclence mlxed wlLh 1 Lablespoon of Cocurcumln (from Ayush
Perbs) - use llberally as an olnLmenL everyday
lf you have a 8raln Cancer - conslder anLl-lnflammaLory producLs for sure, also conslder
8urzynskl's AnLlneoplasLons, roLocel, Arglnlne, Medlclnal Mushrooms.
lf you have ancreaLlc Cancer - conslder Plgh Lnzyme Lherapy, l6, Ceslum Chlorlde .
lf you have Llver Cancer - conslder 8eLa Clucans, l6, oly-MvA, Medlclnal
lf you have 8lood-born cancers or 8one Cancers - conslder LaeLrlle, Creen 1ea.
WlLh any cancer you can conslder some of Lhe less expenslve producLs llke vlLamln u3,
Lsslac 1ea, Poxsey, l6, 8eLa Clucan, Medlclnal Mushrooms .
l have SuCP a dlfflculL Llme wrlLlng Lhls porLlon of Lhe book because 1PlS ls Lhe blggesL hurdle
for a paLlenL Lo overcome - 1here ls SC much Lo conslder, where do l sLarL and whaL should l
now to Imp|ement Step 1wo
lf you CAnnC1 deLermlne wlLh a reasonable degree of lnner peace whlch of Lhe above
nuLrlceuLlcals Lo Lake - don'L Lake any. lL's CkA?. uo everyLhlng else ln Lhese Len sLeps and
you've covered 90 of your 'bases'.
lf you have Lhe ablllLy Lo geL LesLed for parLlcular producLs, do so. My favorlLes are easy Lo see -
Medlclnal Mushrooms, 8eLa Clucans, Creen 1ea, vlLamln u3, Curcumln, Modlfled ClLrus
ecLln. - you [usL cannoL go wrong wlLh Lhese
Step 1hree: kIIL LIGn1 Irequency 1echno|ogy
1hls ls nC1 a sLep Lo omlL! l honesLly belleve LhaL you would noL be readlng Lhls book lf lL were
noL for 8lfe Lechnology - because l wouldn'L have wrlLLen lL. l have seen WA? Loo many
mlracles from paLlenLs who were compleLe skepLlcs Lo dlsmlss Lhe overwhelmlng evldence of lLs
efflcacy. As sLaLed prevlously, you cannoL Lake shorLcuLs, you need Lo geL a good unlL. Lvery
paLlenL LhaL comes Lo me for care goes home wlLh a 8lfe unlL. We program lL speclflcally for
Lhem based on Lhree parameLers:
We creaLe programs based on Lhelr dlagnosls from Lhe oncologlsL. 1yplcally Lhls ls from
Lhe paLhology reporL.
We creaLe programs based on whaL l flnd ln my examlnaLlon.
We creaLe programs based on whaL we flnd on Lhe scan we perform.
1he 'programs' LhaL we creaLe are ln several 'Llmed' componenLs. l requlre paLlenLs Lo sleep
wlLh an overnlghL bulb so every paLlenL wlll have a seL of seven 'overnlghL seLs' labeled Sunday
Lhrough SaLurday. 1hls way, a person can geL ready for bed, open Lhe 8lfe program on Lhelr
lapLop compuLer connecLed Lo Lhe 8lfe machlne, selecL Lhe approprlaLe nlghL seL and hlL 'run'.
1hey Lhen snuggle lnLo bed wlLh Lhelr nlghL Lube and geL LreaLed all nlghL long. Snuggle up Lo
your slgnlflcanL oLher and Lhey Loo geL Lhe beneflLs of an lncreased pP and a healLhler body -
lL's a wln-wln!
We also wlll creaLe some speclflc dayLlme programs LhaL can help a person overcome
secondary effecLs of radlaLlon, chemoLherapy, and/or surgery lf Lhey are golng Lhe LradlLlonal
rouLe as well. Secondary programs for oLher condlLlons are ofLen creaLed dependlng of Lhe
paLlenL's parLlcular clrcumsLance. ln our offlce, we charge a securlLy deposlL for a 8lfe machlne
LhaL ls rolled lnLo a purchase prlce should Lhe paLlenL declde Lo do so. My LhoughL ls Lhls: lf you
come Lo me wlLh a llLeral deaLh senLence from your oncologlsL (a usual paLlenL ln my offlce) and
you are dolng An? beLLer ln slx monLhs (our Lyplcal care plan), why wouldn'L you wanL Lo own
Lhe machlne? l assume you would and leL you purchase lL aL my cosL. lf l was dolng whaL l do
for Lhe money l'd have qulL a long Llme ago!
now to Imp|ement Step 1hree
llnd a docLor who knows as much abouL whaL l dlscussed ln Lhls secLlon who can gulde you
Lhrough Lhls paLh.
Step Iour: Assume you have C|rcu|at|ng 1umor Ce||s
ClrculaLlng 1umor Cells (C1Cs) can be LesLed and Lhere are more preclse LesLlng meLhods
developed every year. Powever, [usL assume LhaL lf you have had a prevlous dlagnosls of
cancer LhaL you have C1Cs. C1Cs are Lhe "seeds" LhaL break away from Lhe prlmary slLe of
cancer and spread Lo oLher parLs of Lhe body Lrylng Lo seL up a home and ralse a famlly.
undersLandlng clrculaLlng Lumor cells ls crlLlcally lmporLanL slnce lL ls Lhe prlmary way LhaL
cancer spreads Lo oLher parLs of Lhe body and ls very ofLen responslble for Lhe deaLh of a
person wlLh cancer.
PlsLorlcally, medlcal sclence has been focused on Lhe prlmary Lumor, aLLempLlng Lo desLroy Lhe
growlng mass. 1hey assumed LhaL lf Lhey could klll Lhe cancer, Lhey've won Lhe baLLle. ln my
oplnlon, Lhls assumpLlon ls foollsh aL besL. Why dld Lhe Lumor Lake hold and grow ln Lhe flrsL
place? Was lL [usL aberranL cells ln 1PA1 speclflc spoL or ls Lhere an lmbalance ln Lhe cellular
mllleu LhaL predlsposed you Lo Lhe process LhaL could predlspose you Lo a slmllar process
elsewhere ln your body lf noL correcLed? LeL's [usL use a llLLle common sense here!
?ou MuS1 LreaL your cancer as a S?S1LMlC condlLlon!!!
ln an lllumlnaLlng sLudy conducLed wlLh meLasLaLlc breasL cancer paLlenLs, researchers
compared Lhe geneLlc composlLlon of Lhe cancer cells LhaL had formed dlsLanL meLasLasls Lo Lhe
geneLlc composlLlon of Lhe correspondlng cancer cells ln Lhe prlmary breasL Lumor. 1he flndlngs
were alarmlng-ln 31 of Lhe comparlsons, Lhe geneLlc composlLlon of Lhe meLasLaLlc cancer
cells dlffered almosL compleLely from LhaL of Lhe prlmary breasL Lumors (kuukas[arvl eL al.
1997). Amazlngly, furLher analysls revealed LhaL none of Lhe palrs of prlmary breasL Lumors wlLh
lLs correspondlng meLasLaLlc cancer were ldenLlcal. 8ased on Lhese flndlngs, Lhe auLhors
remarked LhaL "becoose metostotlc cells ofteo bove o completely Jlffeteot qeoetlc composltloo,
tbelt pbeootype jbloloqlcol bebovlot], locloJloq oqqtesslveoess ooJ tbetopy tespooslveoess,
moy olso voty sobstootlolly ftom tbot seeo lo tbe ptlmoty tomots," leadlng Lo Lhelr concluslon
LhaL "tbe tesoltloq betetoqeoelty jqeoetlc votloblllty] of metostotlc bteost coocet moy ooJetlle
lts poot tespooslveoess to tbetopy..." 1o furLher supporL Lhe evldence LhaL meLasLaLlc cancer
cells can vary geneLlcally from Lhe prlmary Lumor, Lwo addlLlonal sLudles wlLh breasL cancer
paLlenLs have demonsLraLed LhaL C1C can be PL82 poslLlve whlle Lhe prlmary breasL Lumor can
be PL82 negaLlve (Meng eL al. 2004, Wulflng eL al. 2006).
1hls as well as oLher research suggesLs LhaL dlrecLlng LreaLmenL solely Lowards Lhe cancer cells
of Lhe prlmary Lumor can, ln some cases, be "barklng up Lhe wrong Lree". SLandard medlcal
LreaLmenLs (chemo, surgery, radlaLlon) deslgned Lo aLLack Lhe prlmary Lumor always fall Lo
desLroy Lhe clrculaLlng Lumor cells.
lease allow me Lo scream here: 1reaL Lhe L8SCn, noL Lhe cancer!!!
1here are several naLural supplemenLs LhaL have shown Lo be greaL 'blnders' Lo C1Cs and help
sLop growLh of new Lumor slLes. See below:
now to Imp|ement Step Iour
1he followlng Lhree novel compounds have shown efflcacy ln lnhlblLlng several mechanlsms
LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo cancer meLasLasls. lL ls especlally lmporLanL Lo conslder Lhese compounds
durlng Lhe perloperaLlve perlod (perlod before and afLer surgery), because a known
consequence of surgery ls an enhanced procllvlLy for meLasLasls. l hlghly recommend:
Modlfled ClLrus ecLln: 13 grams dally, ln Lhree dlvlded doses - conLlnue wlLh aL leasL 3
grams dally LhroughouL your llfe afLer you've beaL Lhe flrsL round. l use Lhe producL
ecLasol from LcoLugenlcs. lL comes ln a powdered form (whaL l suggesL - mlx lL lnLo a
small amounL of [ulce or add lL Lo a smooLhle) or capsules.
ClmeLldlne: 800 mg dally, ln Lwo dlvlded doses (l don'L recommend Lhls buL research
proves lLs beneflLs
Corlolus verslcolor, sLandardlzed exLracL: 1,200 - 3,600 mg dally - Corlolus verslcolor ls a
mushroom LhaL l love (buL l llke all Lhe Aslan mushrooms). ulfferenL nuLrlenLs,
polysaccharlde k (Sk) and polysaccharlde-pepLlde (S), are belng sLudled as posslble
complemenLary cancer LreaLmenLs - l use a mlxLure of Lhls and several oLher
l6 - has been shown help decrease adheslon properLles of C1Cs - conslder Laklng 2-6
capsules per day (l use Lhe producL from Pope Sclence)
8oLLom llne: ALWA?S assume you have cancer aLLempLlng Lo go crazy lnslde of you and you'll
beLLer manage lL and keep lL aL bay for your llfeLlme.
Step I|ve: Inh|b|t|ng the Cyc|ooxygenase Lnzymes - CCk-1 &
CCk-2 |nf|ammatory pathways
ConLrolllng lnflammaLlon plays a plvoLal role lnhlblLlng growLh boLh aL Lhe prlmary slLe and
posslble meLasLaLlc areas. 1here are many lnflammaLory paLhways ln Lhe body buL Lhe
cyclooxygenase (CCx-2) enzyme ls a parLlcular lnflammaLory paLhway LhaL has been Lhe focus
of research ln Lhe realm of oncology. lnlLlally, sclenLlsLs belleved CCx-2 was merely an lnduclble
response Lo lnflammaLlon buL lL ls now LhoughL LhaL Lhe CCx-2 paLhway performs blologlcal
funcLlons ln Lhe body, parLlcularly ln Lhe braln and kldneys as well as Lhe lmmune sysLem.
undersLand LhaL Lhere needs Lo be a balance beLween pro- and anLl-lnflammaLory acLlvlLles ln
Lhe body. CCx-2 becomes Lroublesome when upregulaLed (someLlmes 10- Lo 80-fold) by pro-
lnflammaLory sLlmull (subcllnlcal auLolmmune dlsorders, lnLerleukln-1, growLh facLors, Lumor
necrosls facLor, and endoLoxlns). When over-expressed, CCx-2 parLlclpaLes ln varlous paLhways
LhaL could promoLe cancer (l.e. anglogenesls), cell prollferaLlon, and Lhe producLlon of
lnflammaLory prosLaglandlns (Sears 1993, newmark 2000, ChakraborLl Ak 2010). 1hls ls why
S1L CnL ls so lmporLanL!!! ?ou MuS1 deal wlLh hldden auLolmmune condlLlons, anemlas,
heavy meLal LoxlclLles, mold lssues, eLc.
A growlng body of research has documenLed Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween CCx-2 and cancer:
An arLlcle ln Lhe [ournal coocet keseotcb showed LhaL CCx-2 levels ln pancreaLlc cancer
cells are 60 Llmes greaLer Lhan ln ad[acenL normal Llssue (1ucker eL al. 1999).
Solld Lumors conLaln oxygen-deflclenL or hypoxlc areas (a reduced oxygen supply Lo a
Llssue below physlologlcal levels). Pypoxla promoLes up-regulaLlon of CCx-2 and
anglogenesls, and esLabllshes reslsLance Lo lonlzlng radlaLlon (CaLely 2000).
WlLhln Lhe nonsLeroldal anLl-lnflammaLory drug (nSAlus) class ls a subclass referred Lo
as CCx-2 lnhlblLors (cyclooxygenase lnhlblLors). CCx-2 lnhlblLors were popularly
prescrlbed Lo relleve paln buL now have found a place ln oncology. lL began when
sclenLlsLs recognlzed LhaL people who regularly Lake nSAlus lowered Lhelr rlsk of colon
cancer by as much as 30 (8eddy eL al. 2000).
!AMA reporLed LhaL a 9.4-year epldemlologlcal sLudy showed LhaL CCx-2 upregulaLlon
was relaLed Lo more advanced Lumor sLage, Lumor slze, and lymph node meLasLasls as
well as dlmlnlshed survlval raLes among colorecLal cancer paLlenLs (Sheehan eL al. 1999).
WlLh more regular use of asplrln (a CCx-2 lnhlblLor), Lhe rlsk of dylng from Lhe dlsease
decreased (8rody 1991, knorr 2000). 1he [ournal Costtoeotetoloqy reporLed addlLlonal
encouragemenL, showlng LhaL Lhree dlfferenL colon cell llnes underwenL apopLosls (cell
deaLh) when deprlved of CCx-2, when lovasLaLln was added Lo Lhe CCx-2 lnhlblLor Lhe
klll raLe lncreased anoLher flve-fold (Agarwal eL al. 1999). 1he beneflLs observed wlLh
CCx-2 lnhlblLors exLend beyond colon proLecLlon Lo Lhe cardlovascular sysLem, where
Lhey help susLaln endoLhellal cell funcLlon (1su[ll eL al. 1998).
A groundbreaklng sLudy publlshed ln 2009 revealed LhaL breasL cancer paLlenLs LreaLed
wlLh CCx-2 lnhlblLors had a greaLly reduced rlsk of bone meLasLases. ln Lhls
lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe lncldence of bone meLasLases were recorded ln breasL cancer paLlenLs
who were noL LreaLed wlLh a CCx-2 lnhlblLor, as well as ln lndlvlduals who recelved a
CCx-2 lnhlblLor for aL leasL 6 monLhs followlng Lhe dlagnosls of breasL cancer. 1he
flndlngs were asLoundlng-Lhose who were LreaLed wlLh a CCx-2 lnhlblLor were 90
less llkely Lo develop bone meLasLases Lhan Lhose who were noL LreaLed wlLh a CCx-2
lnhlblLor (valsecchl ML 2009).
134 paLlenLs wlLh advanced lung cancer were LreaLed wlLh chemoLherapy alone or
comblned wlLh celebrex (a CCx-2 lnhlblLor). lor Lhose paLlenLs wlLh cancers expresslng
lncreased amounLs of CCx-2, LreaLmenL wlLh celebrex dramaLlcally prolonged survlval
(Ldelman 2008).
Celebrex slowed cancer progresslon ln men wlLh recurrenL prosLaLe cancer (ruLhl eL
al. 2006, Manola eL al. 2006).
Celebrex prevenLed welghL loss and lmproved quallLy of llfe ln lndlvlduals wlLh head
and neck cancers (Lal eL al. 2008).
8egular lnLake of C1C nSAlus produced hlghly slgnlflcanL composlLe rlsk reducLlons of
43 for colon cancer, 23 for breasL cancer, 28 for lung cancer, and 27 for prosLaLe
cancer. lurLhermore, ln a serles of case conLrol sLudles, dally use of a selecLlve CCx-2
lnhlblLor, elLher celecoxlb or rofecoxlb, slgnlflcanLly reduced Lhe rlsk for each of Lhese
mallgnancles. 1he evldence ls compelllng LhaL anLl-lnflammaLory agenLs wlLh selecLlve
or non-selecLlve acLlvlLy agalnsL cycloooxygenase- 2 (CCx-2) have sLrong poLenLlal for
Lhe chemoprevenLlon of cancers of Lhe colon, breasL, prosLaLe and lung. 8esulLs
conflrmlng LhaL CCx-2 blockade ls effecLlve for cancer prevenLlon have been Lempered
by observaLlons LhaL some selecLlve CCx-2 lnhlblLors pose a rlsk Lo Lhe cardlovascular
sysLem (Parrls 8L 2009).
1hls sLep addresses a naLural approach Lo lnhlblL CCx-2 ln Lhe cancer and Lhough Lhe above
sLudles concenLraLed on use of medlcaLlons, Lhe slde effecLs of Celebrex and nSAlus ls slmply
unnecessary when Lhere are naLural meLhods Lo perform Lhe same Lask. 1he rlsks assoclaLed
wlLh LradlLlonal nSAlus lnclude gasLrolnLesLlnal perforaLlon, ulceraLlon and bleedlng, and renal
and llver damage, so leL's be smarL abouL Lhls.
A sLudy publlshed ln 1he !ournal of LLhnopharmacology" ln 2002 revealed LhaL lnhlblLors of
prosLaglandln blosynLhesls and nlLrlc oxlde producLlon have been consldered as poLenLlal anLl-
lnflammaLory and cancer chemoprevenLlve agenLs. ln Lhls sLudy, we evaluaLed approxlmaLely
170 meLhanol exLracLs of naLural producLs lncludlng korean herbal medlclnes for Lhe lnhlblLlon
of prosLaglandln L
producLlon (for CCx-2 lnhlblLors) and nlLrlc oxlde formaLlon (for lnCS
lnhlblLors) ln llpopolysaccharlde (LS)-lnduced mouse macrophages 8AW264.7 cells. As a resulL,
several exLracLs such as Atlstolocblo Jebllls, clooomomom cosslo, clooomomom
looteltll, cotcomo zeJootlo, oqeolo cotyopbylloto, ltetocotpos sootollos, kebmoolo
qlotlooso and 1tlbolos tettesttls showed poLenL lnhlblLlon of CCx-2 acLlvlLy (>80 lnhlblLlon aL
Lhe LesL concenLraLlon of 10 g/ml). ln addlLlon, Lhe exLracLs of A. Jebllls, coesolplolo soppoo,
cotcomo looqo, c. zeJootlo, uopboe qeokwo and Motos olbo were also consldered as poLenLlal
lnhlblLors of lnCS acLlvlLy (>70 lnhlblLlon aL Lhe LesL concenLraLlon of 10 g/ml). 1hese acLlve
exLracLs medlaLlng CCx-2 and lnCS lnhlblLory acLlvlLles are warranLed for furLher elucldaLlon of
acLlve prlnclples for developmenL of new cancer chemoprevenLlve and/or anLl-lnflammaLory
1hese are novel agenLs (malnly herbal formulas) prove beneflclal ln blocklng boLh Cox paLhways
and lnCS paLhways. lor Lhls as well as oLher beneflclal reasons Lo add Lhese nuLrlenLs, l
commonly recommend Lhese herbs along wlLh Medlclnal Mushrooms. 1here's anoLher cool
sLudy LhaL showed Lhe beneflLs of blocklng Lhese paLhways ln skln Lumors: 8educLlon of uv-
lnduced skln Lumors ln halrless mlce by selecLlve CCx-2 lnhlblLlon"
(Carclnogenesls (1999) 20 (10):1939-1944.dol: 10.1093/carcln/20.10.1939)

now to Imp|ement Step I|ve:
1ake 3-12 LCs (arenL Cmegas) each day, (l prevlously dlscussed Lhe beneflLs of Lhese
- you may obLaln Lhe same LCs l use aL Cxygen 4 Llfe" ), and Lhlnk abouL:
Medlclnal Mushrooms l use a comblnaLlon of several LhaL are ALSC comblned wlLh:
LenLlnula edodes (ShllLake) Crlfola frondosa (MalLake) Canoderma lucldum
(8elshl) Agarlcus blazel (PlmemaLsuLake) Corlolus verslcolor (1urkey 1all) and
lnonoLus obllquus (Chaga), Anu
Llderberry Aronla & 8llberry LxLracLs, Anu
Magnolla Cfflclnalls 8ark, Anu
Morlnga Clelfera Leaf owder
A few oLhers.l use a proprleLary blend of all of Lhe above LhaL works greaL!

Step S|x: Suppress|ng kas Cncogene Lxpress|on
1he famlly of proLelns known as 8as" and 8af" play a cenLral role ln Lhe regulaLlon of cell
growLh - and ln cancer, Lhey suppress, or slow growLh. 1hey fulflll Lhls fundamenLal role by
lnLegraLlng Lhe regulaLory slgnals LhaL govern Lhe cell cycle and prollferaLlon, someLhlng grossly
ouL of balance ln a growlng Lumor. 1hls means LhaL 8as oncogenes help 'Lurn-on' normal cell
uefecLs ln Lhe 8as-8af paLhway can resulL ln unconLrolled cancerous growLh. MuLanL 8as genes
were among Lhe flrsL oncogenes ldenLlfled for Lhelr ablllLy Lo Lransform cells lnLo a cancerous
phenoLype (l.e. a cell observably alLered because of dlsLorLed gene expresslon). MuLaLlons ln
one of Lhree genes (P, n, or k-8as) encodlng 8as proLelns are assoclaLed wlLh upregulaLed
(lncreaslng) cell prollferaLlon (growLh) and are found ln an esLlmaLed 30-40 of all human
cancers. 1he hlghesL lncldences of 8as muLaLlons are found ln cancers of Lhe pancreas (80),
colon (30), Lhyrold (30), lung (40), llver (30), melanoma (30), and myelold leukemla
(30) (uuursma 2003, MlnamoLo 2000, vachLenhelm 1997, 8arLram 1988, 8os 1989,
MlnamoLo 2000, Psleh !S 2003, uabrlLz ! 2009).
1he dlfferences beLween oncogenes and normal genes can be sllghL. 1he muLanL proLeln LhaL
an oncogene ulLlmaLely creaLes may dlffer from Lhe healLhy verslon by only a slngle amlno acld,
buL Lhls subLle varlaLlon can radlcally alLer Lhe proLeln's funcLlonallLy. 8emember, proLelns are
[usL a long chaln of amlno aclds, one seemlngly small change changes everyLhlng. 1he 8as-8af
paLhway ls used by human cells Lo LransmlL slgnals from Lhe cell surface (Lhe membrane) Lo Lhe
cell nucleus. Such slgnals dlrecL cells Lo dlvlde, dlfferenLlaLe, or even undergo programmed cell
deaLh (apopLosls), Lherefore Lhe SlCnALS A8L lMC81An1.
A 8as gene usually behaves as a relay swlLch wlLhln Lhe slgnal paLhway LhaL lnsLrucLs Lhe cell Lo
dlvlde. ln response Lo sLlmull LransmlLLed Lo Lhe cell from ouLslde, cell-slgnallng paLhways are
Lurned on". ln Lhe absence of sLlmulus, Lhe 8as proLeln remalns ln Lhe "off" poslLlon. A
muLaLed 8as proLeln gene behaves llke a swlLch sLuck on Lhe "on" poslLlon, conLlnuously
mlslnformlng Lhe cell, lnsLrucLlng lL Lo dlvlde when Lhe cycle should be Lurned off (Clbbs eL al.
1996, Cllff eL al. 1996). So, Lhe quesLlon ls: Pow do you Lurn Lhls swlLch off"?
When we undersLand Lhe physlology behlnd your body's maklng 8as genes, we can begln Lo
undersLand how Lo manlpulaLe Lhem. 1he evenLs resulLlng ln maLuraLlon of 8as genes Lake
place ln Lhree sLeps, Lhe mosL crlLlcal belng Lhe flrsL-referred Lo as Lhe 'farnesylaLlon sLep'. A
speclflc enzyme, farnesyl-proLeln Lransferase (l1ase), speeds up Lhe reacLlon. Cne sLraLegy for
blocklng 8as proLeln acLlvlLy has been Lo lnhlblL l1ase. lnhlblLors of Lhls enzyme block Lhe
maLuraLlon of 8as proLeln and reverse Lhe cancerous LransformaLlon lnduced by muLanL 8as
genes (Cllff eL al. 1996).
A number of naLural subsLances lmpacL Lhe acLlvlLy of 8as oncogenes. lor example, llmonene ls
a subsLance found ln Lhe essenLlal olls of clLrus producLs. Llmonene has been shown Lo acL as a
farnesyl Lransferase lnhlblLor (l.e., lL Lurns off Lhe swlLch). AdmlnlsLerlng hlgh doses of llmonene
Lo cancer-bearlng anlmals blocks Lhe farnesylaLlon of 8as, Lhus lnhlblLlng cell repllcaLlon (8land
2001, AsamoLo eL al. 2002). Curcumln also lnhlblLed Lhe farnesylaLlon of 8AS, and caused cell
deaLh ln breasL cancer cells expresslng 8AS muLaLlons (klm eL al. 2001, Chen eL al. 1997).
!apanese researchers examlned Lhe effecLs of vlLamln L on Lhe presence of k-8as muLaLlons ln
mlce wlLh lung cancer. rlor Lo LreaLmenL wlLh vlLamln L, k-8as muLaLlons were presenL ln 64
of Lhe mlce. AfLer LreaLmenL wlLh vlLamln L, only 18 of Lhe mlce expressed k-8as muLaLlons
(?ano eL al. 1997). vlLamln L decreased levels of P-8as proLelns ln culLured melanoma cells
(rasad eL al. 1990). A sLudy conducLed aL Mercy PosplLal of lLLsburgh also showed LhaL dlallyl
dlsulflde, a naLurally occurrlng organosulflde from garllc, lnhlblLs p21 P-8as oncogenes,
dlsplaylng a slgnlflcanL resLralnlng effecL on Lumor growLh (Slngh eL al. 2000).
8esearchers aL 8uLgers unlverslLy lnvesLlgaLed Lhe ablllLy of dlfferenL green and black Lea
polyphenols Lo lnhlblL P-8as oncogenes. 1he 8uLgers Leam found LhaL all Lhe ma[or polyphenols
conLalned ln green and black Lea excepL eplcaLechln showed sLrong lnhlblLlon of cell growLh
(Chung eL al. 1999). lnvesLlgaLors aL 1exas A&M unlverslLy also found LhaL flsh oll decreased
colonlc 8as membrane locallzaLlon and reduced Lumor formaLlon ln raLs. ln vlew of Lhe cenLral
role of oncogenlc 8as ln Lhe developmenL of colon cancer, Lhe flndlng LhaL essenLlal faLLy aclds
modulaLe 8as acLlvaLlon could explaln why good omegas proLecL agalnsL colon cancer (ColleLL eL
al. 2001).
now to |mp|ement step s|x
Conslder Lhe followlng Lo lnhlblL Lhe acLlvlLy of 8as oncogenes:
Curcumln - abouL 2.3g/day elLher Laken wlLh a faL (use coconuL oll) or pre-emulslfled ln
a faL. 8ecenL sLudles also show greaLer beneflLs lf Laken wlLh black pepper.
Magnolla Cfflclnalls 8ark
LCs - 3-12/day wlLh meals
Creen 1ea LxLracL - l use remler research Labs llquld formula - 3 Lsp/day, or use a
sLandardlzed exLracL: 723 Lo 1,430 mg of LCCC dally
Aged Carllc LxLracL or whole Carllc cloves: 2,400 mg dally wlLh meals
vlLamln L - nC1L: lL MuS1 be whole food, conLalnlng ALL Lhe Locopherols Anu
ClLrus Cll exLracLs - grapefrulL seed, lemon, and oLhers. 1here are several of Lhese Lypes
of producLs on Lhe markeL
Step Seven: Ma|nta|n|ng 8one Integr|ty
undersLand LhaL some Lypes of cancer (l.e. breasL, prosLaLe, and mulLlple myeloma) have a
procllvlLy Lo meLasLaslze Lo Lhe bone. 1he resulL may be bone paln and weakenlng of Lhe bone
wlLh an lncreased rlsk of fracLures. 1hls usually sLarLs wlLh bone lnflammaLlon and osLeoclasLlc
acLlvlLy (bone breakdown).
aLlenLs wlLh breasL and prosLaLe cancer have been found Lo have a very hlgh lncldence of
osLeoporosls or osLeopenla even before Lhe use of Lheraples LhaL lower hormone levels (a usual
approach from medlcal clrcles). lf excesslve bone loss ls occurrlng (even ln paLlenLs wlLhouL
cancer), Lhere ls a release of bone-derlved growLh facLors, such as 1Cl-beLa-1, due ln parL Lo
hlgh levels of cyLoklne lL-6 (a 1h2, pro-lnflammaLory cyLoklne). rosLaLe cancer cells can
produce lnLerleukln-6 (lL-6), whlch ln lLself affecLs Lhe furLher breakdown of bone (Cafagna eL
al. 1997, Mousa 2002). 1hus, a vlclous cycle resulLs: bone breakdown, Lhe sLlmulaLlon of cancer
cell growLh, and Lhe producLlon of lnLerleukln lL -6 and oLher cell producLs, whlch leads Lo
furLher bone breakdown. ugh!
8ecenL sLudles reveal LhaL Creen 1ea polyphenols are essenLlal ln lnhlblLlng lL-6 levels and are
an absoluLe MuS1 for nearly LvL8? cancer paLlenL, regardless of Lype. A sLudy ln Lhe Iootool of
cllolcol Oocoloqy, 2007 ASCC Annual MeeLlng roceedlngs arL l. vol 23, no. 18S (!une 20
SupplemenL), 2007: 8114 reveals:
LplgallocaLechln gallaLe (LCCC) ls Lhe predomlnanL polyphenollc consLlLuenL of green Lea
leaves LhaL possesses anLlLumor, anLl-lnflammaLory, and anLloxldanL acLlvlLy. LCCC exerLs lLs
effecLs Lhrough poLenLlally mulLlple mechanlsms lncludlng lnhlblLlon of growLh facLor recepLor
slgnalllng. 1he compound ls currenLly under lnvesLlgaLlon ln a phase l/ll cllnlcal Lrlal
for LreaLmenL of paLlenLs wlLh early sLage chronlc lymphocyLlc leukemla aL Mayo Cllnlc." 1he
resulLs were lmpresslve: "LCCC lnhlblLed Lhe lo vltto growLh of human myeloma cell llnes by
lnduclng cell deaLh ln a Llme and dose-dependenL manner. lC
concenLraLlons were beLween
12,3 M and 30 M. lL-6 medlaLed growLh of lnA-6 cells was lnhlblLed aL slmllar doses. 1he
addlLlon of excess amounLs of lL-6 could noL proLecL from LCCC lnduced cyLoLoxlclLy." 1hey
auLhors furLher sLaLed, LCCC has growLh lnhlblLory acLlvlLy on myeloma cells. Speclflc
lnhlblLlon of slgnalllng paLhways LhaL regulaLe expresslon of anLl-apopLoLlc proLelns could be
one mechanlsm how LCCC exerLs lLs acLlvlLy."
AnoLher sLudy publlshed ln Lhe Iootool of Ametlcoo 5cleoce, 2011,7(8) revealed Lhe beneflLs of
caffelne added Lo green Lea (hlnL, enemas) even lmproved lL-6, 1nl-alpha (Lumor
necrosls facLor), and C8 levels: 1he addlLlon of caffelne Lo LCCC afLer 3 weeks showed
enhancemenL of Lhe effecL on 1nl-o, lL-6 and C8."
now to |mp|ement step Seven
1o supporL bone lnLegrlLy, Lhe use of bone-supporLlng nuLrlenLs ls hlghly recommended:
Creen 1ea LxLracL
Coffee Lnemas - help clear Lhe llver and decrease cyLoklne levels
CompleLe Mlneral Complex from an organlc, whole-food source LhaL ls properly
chelaLed - l use a producL from ueslgns for PealLh
LCs - 3-12/day
Step L|ght: Inh|b|t|ng Ang|ogenes|s (b|ood supp|y to the cancer)
Anglogenesls-Lhe growLh of new blood vessels-ls crlLlcal durlng feLal developmenL buL occurs
mlnlmally ln healLhy adulLs. LxcepLlons occur durlng wound heallng, lnflammaLlon, followlng a
myocardlal lnfarcLlon (whlch ls deslred), ln female reproducLlve organs, and ln paLhologlc
condlLlons such as cancer.
Anglogenesls ls a sLrlcLly conLrolled process ln Lhe healLhy adulL human body, a process
regulaLed by endogenous anglogenlc promoLers and lnhlblLors. ur. !udah lolkman, Lhe faLher of
Lhe anglogenesls Lheory of cancer sLaLed, "8looJ vessel qtowtb ls coottolleJ by o boloocloq of
opposloq foctots. A tllt lo fovot of stlmolotots ovet loblbltots mlqbt be wbot ttlps tbe levet ooJ
beqlos tbe ptocess of tomot ooqloqeoesls" (Cooke 2001).
1echnlcally, solld Lumors cannoL grow beyond Lhe slze of a plnhead (abouL one mllllon cells)
wlLhouL lnduclng Lhe formaLlon of new blood vessels Lo supply Lhe nuLrlLlonal needs of Lhe
Lumor (lolkman ! 1971). Slnce rapld vascularlzaLlon and Lumor growLh appear Lo occur
concurrenLly, lnLerrupLlng Lhe formaLlon of new blood vessels ls paramounL Lo overcomlng Lhe
mallgnancy - essenLlally cuLLlng off Lhe nuLrlenL supply-llnes.
1umor anglogenesls resulLs from a number of cellular processes lnlLlaLed by Lhe release of
speclflc anglogenlc growLh facLors. AL a crlLlcal phase ln Lhe growLh of a cancer, slgnal
molecules are secreLed from Lhe cancer cells Lo nearby endoLhellal cells ln an aLLempL Lo
acLlvaLe new blood vessel growLh and a sLronger supply-llne. 1hese anglogenlc growLh facLors
are chemlcal slgnals LhaL dlffuse ln Lhe dlrecLlon of preexlsLlng blood vessels, encouraglng Lhe
formaLlon of new blood vessel growLh. vLCl (vascular endoLhellal growLh facLor) and baslc
flbroblasL growLh facLors are expressed by many Lumors and appear Lo be parLlcularly
lmporLanL for anglogenesls.
A number of naLural subsLances, such as Curcumln, green Lea, n-aceLyl-cysLelne (nAC),
resveraLrol, grape seed-skln exLracL, and vlLamln u have anLl-anglogenlc properLles. luA has
approved an anLl-anglogenesls drug called AvasLln (bevaclzumab), buL lL has demonsLraLed
such severe slde effecLs and ofLen only medlocre efflcacy. Agaln, lf Lhere are naLural subsLances
LhaL do a beLLer [ob, Lhe only reason Lo use Lhe pharmaceuLlcal would be.well l guess Lhere
really lsn'L any reason Lo use Lhe drug.
now to |mp|ement Step L|ght
Several nuLrlenLs have demonsLraLed poLenLlal anLl-anglogenesls effecLs and should be
Creen Lea exLracL ln dosage sLaLed ln sLeps above - l use 3 Lsp/day of Lhe llquld
8L producL
Curcumln ln dosage sLaLed ln sLeps above - 1 - 3 grams per day
vlLamln u: 10,000 - 20,000 lu dally (dependlng on blood levels)
Crape exLracL (seed and skln): 130 - 300 mg dally
n-AceLyl cysLelne (nAC): 600 - 1,200 mg dally
Step N|ne: Inh|b|t|ng the S-||poxygenase (S-LCk) Lnzyme
As dlscussed above regardlng Lhe Cyclooxygenase-2 (CCx-2) Lnzyme, lnflammaLlon plays a
plvoLal role ln Lhe formaLlon and progresslon of cancer. 1he 3-llpoxygenase (3-LCx) enzyme ls
anoLher lnflammaLory enzyme LhaL can conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe formaLlon and progresslon of cancer.
Arachldonlc acld (AA)--a saLuraLed faL found ln hlgh concenLraLlons ln meaL and dalry
producLs-promoLes elevaLlon of Lhe 3-LCx enzyme. 8uL remember, mosL every sLudy reveallng
Lhe negaLlve effecLs of AA was performed wlLh processed (non-organlc, pasLeurlzed.) AA whlch
ls causLlc Lo your cells. 1hls Lype of arachldonlc acld ls meLabollzed by 3-LCx Lo 3-PL1L, a poLenL
survlval facLor LhaL prosLaLe cancer cells uLlllze Lo escape desLrucLlon. (MaLsuyama eL al. 2004,
Sundaram eL al. 2006, Myers eL al. 1999, nakao-Payashl eL al. 1992, Cohen eL al. 1991).
ln response Lo poor quallLy faL overload, Lhe body lncreases lLs producLlon of enzymes llke 3-
llpooxygenase (3-LCx) Lo degrade Lhem and rld Lhem from your body. noL only does 3-LCx
dlrecLly sLlmulaLe cancer cell propagaLlon (Chosh 2003, !lang eL al. 2006, ?oshlmura eL al. 2004,
Zhang eL al. 2006, Soumaoro eL al. 2006, Payashl eL al. 2006, MaLsuyama eL al. 2004, Poque eL
al. 2003, Pennlg eL al. 2002, ulng eL al. 1999, MaLsuyama eL al. 2003), buL Lhe breakdown
producLs LhaL 3-LCx produces from poor quallLy faL overload (such as leukoLrlene 84, 3-PL1L,
and hydroxylaLed faLLy aclds) causes Llssue desLrucLlon, chronlc lnflammaLlon, and lncreased
reslsLance of Lumor cells Lo apopLosls (programmed cell desLrucLlon) (Passan 2006, Sundaram
2006, Zhl 2003, englls 2000, 8ublnszLa[n 2003, Subbarao 2004, Laufer 2003).
Speclflc exLracLs from Lhe boswellla planL selecLlvely lnhlblL 3-llpoxygenase (3-LCx) (Safayhl
1997, Safayhl 1993). ln several well-conLrolled human sLudles, boswellla has been shown Lo be
effecLlve ln allevlaLlng varlous chronlc lnflammaLory dlsorders (klmmaLkar 2003, Ammon 2002,
Wallace 2002, CupLa 2001, CerhardL 2001, CupLa 1998, kulkarnl 1991, ark 2002, Llu 2002,
SyroveLs 2000). SclenLlsLs have dlscovered LhaL Lhe speclflc consLlLuenL ln boswellla responslble
for suppresslng 3-LCx ls Ak8A (3-C-aceLyl-11-keLo-8-boswelllc acld). 8oswellla-derlved Ak8A
blnds dlrecLly Lo 3-LCx and lnhlblLs lLs acLlvlLy.70 CLher boswelllc aclds only parLlally and
lncompleLely lnhlblL 3-LCx (Safayhl 1993, Saller 1996).
now to |mp|ement Step N|ne
uecrease Lhe consumpLlon of poor quallLy faLs such as graln-fed meaLs and pasLeurlzed dalry
producLs, along wlLh hlgh-glycemlc carbohydraLes (malnly gralns and whlLe poLaLoes).
Conslder supplemenLlng wlLh Lhe followlng nuLrlenLs Lo suppress 3-LCx enzyme acLlvlLy:
8oswella complex: (l use MedlPerbs, 8oswella Complex LableLs) 1-3 LableLs dally
LCs: 3-12 dally wlLh meals
Lycopene: 30mg dally wlLh meals
Curcumln - agaln, l use Cocurcumln from Ayush Perbs
Step 1en: Inh|b|t|ng Cancer Metastas|s
l know Lhls sLep ls really a dupllcaLlon of sLep four, buL l don'L care - lL's LhaL lmporLanL! 1he
surglcal removal of Lhe prlmary Lumor has been Lhe cornersLone of LreaLmenL for Lhe greaL
ma[orlLy of cancers. 1he raLlonale for Lhls approach ls sLralghLforward: lf you can geL rld of Lhe
cancer by slmply removlng lL from Lhe body, Lhen a cure can llkely be achleved. unforLunaLely,
Lhls approach does noL Lake lnLo accounL LhaL afLer surgery Lhe cancer wlll frequenLly
meLasLaslze (spread Lo dlfferenL organs). CulLe ofLen, Lhe meLasLaLlc recurrence ls far more
serlous Lhan Lhe orlglnal Lumor. ln facL, for many cancers, lL ls Lhe meLasLaLlc recurrence-and
noL Lhe prlmary Lumor-LhaL ulLlmaLely proves Lo be faLal (8lrd 2006).
Cne mechanlsm by whlch surgery lncreases Lhe rlsk of meLasLasls ls by enhanclng cancer cell
adheslon (uowdall 2002). Cancer cells LhaL have broken away from Lhe prlmary Lumor uLlllze
adheslon Lo boosL Lhelr ablllLy Lo form meLasLases ln dlsLanL organs. 1hese cancer cells llke Lo
be able Lo clump LogeLher and form colonles LhaL can expand and grow - baslcally, Lhey deslre
Lo Lravel LogeLher as a Leam . lL ls unllkely LhaL a slngle cancer cell wlll form a meLasLaLlc Lumor,
[usL as one person ls unllkely Lo form a Lhrlvlng communlLy. Cancer cells use adheslon
molecules-such as qolectlo-J-Lo faclllLaLe Lhelr ablllLy Lo clump LogeLher. resenL on Lhe
surface of cancer cells, Lhese molecules acL llke velcro by allowlng free-sLandlng cancer cells Lo
adhere Lo each oLher (8az 1987). 1hese free-sLandlng cancer cells are called clrculaLlng Lumor
cells (C1Cs) when Lhey are looklng for a home.
C1Cs ln Lhe bloodsLream also make use of galecLln-3 surface adheslon molecules Lo laLch onLo
Lhe llnlng of blood vessels. 1he adherence of C1Cs Lo Lhe blood vessel walls ls an essenLlal sLep
for Lhe process of meLasLasls for lf a cancer cell cannoL adhere Lo Lhe blood vessel wall, Lhey
wander Lhrough Lhe blood sLream lncapable of formlng meLasLases. 1hey'd become llke "shlps
wlLhouL a porL" evenLually desLroyed by whlLe blood cells. lf Lhe C1C's successfully blnd Lo Lhe
blood vessel wall and burrow Lhelr way Lhrough Lhe basemenL membrane, Lhey wlll Lhen uLlllze
galecLln-3 adheslon molecules Lo adhere Lo Lhe organ Lo form a new meLasLaLlc cancer (8az
8egreLLably, Lhough someLlmes necessary, research has shown LhaL cancer surgery lncreases
Lumor cell adheslon. 1herefore, lL ls crlLlcally lmporLanL for Lhe person undergolng cancer
surgery Lo Lake measures LhaL can help Lo neuLrallze Lhe surgery-lnduced lncrease ln cancer cell
adheslon - l llsL several ways below.
lorLunaLely, a naLural compound called modlfled clLrus pecLln (MC) can do [usL LhaL. ClLrus
pecLln-a Lype of dleLary flber-ls noL well absorbed ln Lhe lnLesLlne. Powever, modlfled clLrus
pecLln has been alLered so LhaL lL can be easlly absorbed lnLo Lhe blood and exerL lLs anLl-cancer
effecLs LhroughouL Lhe body. 1he mechanlsm by whlch modlfled clLrus pecLln lnhlblLs cancer
cell adheslon ls by blndlng Lo galecLln-3 adheslon molecules on Lhe surface of cancer cells,
Lhereby prevenLlng cancer cells from sLlcklng LogeLher and formlng a clusLer (nangla-Makker
2002). MC essenLlally 'chelaLes' Lhe C1Cs. lL can also lnhlblL clrculaLlng Lumor cells from
laLchlng onLo Lhe llnlng of blood vessels. 1hls was demonsLraLed by an experlmenL ln whlch
modlfled clLrus pecLln blocked Lhe adheslon of galecLln-3 Lo Lhe llnlng of blood vessels by an
asLoundlng 93. Modlfled clLrus pecLln also subsLanLlally decreased Lhe adheslon of breasL
cancer cells Lo Lhe blood vessel walls ln oLher experlmenLs (nangla-Makker 2002). Why doen'L
every oncologlsL recommend MC? l don'L know, ask yours! lL's relaLlvely lnexpenslve and
even llLLle bables can Lake lL.
Cne cancer Lrlal Look 10 men wlLh recurrenL prosLaLe cancer glvlng Lhem modlfled clLrus pecLln
(14.4 g per day). AfLer one year, a conslderable lmprovemenL ln cancer progresslon was noLed,
as deLermlned by a reducLlon of Lhe raLe aL whlch Lhe prosLaLe-speclflc anLlgen (SA) level
lncreased (Cuess 2003). 1hls was followed by a sLudy ln whlch 49 men wlLh prosLaLe cancer of
varlous Lypes were glven modlfled clLrus pecLln for a four-week cycle. AfLer Lwo cycles of
LreaLmenL wlLh modlfled clLrus pecLln, 22 of Lhe men experlenced a sLablllzaLlon of Lhelr
dlsease or lmproved quallLy of llfe, 12 had sLable dlsease for more Lhan 24 weeks. 1he auLhors
of Lhe sLudy concluded LhaL "Mcl (moJlfleJ clttos pectlo) seems to bove posltlve lmpocts
especlolly teqotJloq cllolcol beoeflt ooJ llfe poollty fot potleots wltb fot oJvooceJ sollJ
tomot"(!ackson 2007).
ln addlLlon Lo modlfled clLrus pecLln, a well-known over-Lhe-counLer medlcaLlon can also play a
plvoLal role ln reduclng cancer cell adheslon. ClmeLldlne-commonly known as 1agameL-ls a
drug hlsLorlcally used Lo allevlaLe hearLburn. A growlng body of sclenLlflc evldence has revealed
LhaL clmeLldlne also possesses poLenL anLl-cancer acLlvlLy.
ClmeLldlne lnhlblLs cancer cell adheslon by blocklng Lhe expresslon of an adheslve molecule-
called -selectlo-on Lhe surface of cells llnlng blood vessels (Llchbaum 2011). Cancers cells
laLch onLo L-selecLln ln order Lo adhere Lo Lhe llnlng of blood vessels (Llchbaum 2011). 8y
prevenLlng Lhe expresslon of L-selecLln, clmeLldlne slgnlflcanLly llmlLs Lhe ablllLy of cancer cell
adherence Lo Lhe blood vessel walls. 1hls effecL ls analogous Lo removlng Lhe velcro from Lhe
blood vessels walls LhaL would normally enable clrculaLlng Lumor cells Lo blnd.

AnoLher ma[or conLrlbuLor Lo cancer meLasLasls ls a dlmlnlshed lmmune funcLlon, prlmarlly LhaL
whlch occurs lmmedlaLely followlng a surglcal procedure such as removal of a prlmary Lumor or
afLer chemo/radlaLlon desLroy Lhe lmmune response. Speclflcally, surgery suppresses Lhe
number of speclallzed lmmune cells called naLural klller (nk) cells, whlch are a Lype of whlLe
blood cell Lasked wlLh seeklng ouL and desLroylng cancer cells.
1o lllusLraLe Lhe lmporLance of nk cell acLlvlLy ln flghLlng cancer, a sLudy publlshed ln Lhe
[ournal 8reasL Cancer 8esearch and 1reaLmenL examlned nk cell acLlvlLy ln women shorLly afLer
surgery for breasL cancer. 1he researchers reporLed LhaL low levels of nk cell acLlvlLy were
assoclaLed wlLh an lncreased rlsk of deaLh from breasL cancer (Llchbaum 2011). ln facL, reduced
nk cell acLlvlLy was a beLLer predlcLor of survlval Lhan Lhe acLual sLage of Lhe cancer! ln anoLher
alarmlng sLudy, lndlvlduals wlLh reduced nk cell acLlvlLy before surgery for colon cancer had a
330 lncreased rlsk of meLasLasls durlng Lhe followlng 31 monLhs (koda 1997)! ?lkes! lf you
are plannlng on surgery, you beLLer follow Lhls sLep below.
Cne fanLasLlc naLural compound LhaL can lncrease nk cell acLlvlLy ls Sk, (ptotelo-boooJ
polysoccbotlJe k) a speclally prepared exLracL from Lhe mushroom cotlolos vetslcolot. Sk has
been shown Lo enhance nk cell acLlvlLy ln mulLlple sLudles (llsher 2002, Carcla-Lora 2001).
Sk's ablllLy Lo enhance nk cell acLlvlLy helps Lo explaln why lL has been shown Lo dramaLlcally
lmprove survlval ln cancer paLlenLs. lor example, 223 paLlenLs wlLh lung cancer recelved
radlaLlon Lherapy wlLh or wlLhouL Sk (3 grams per day). lor Lhose wlLh more advanced SLage 3
cancers, more Lhan Lhree Llmes as many lndlvlduals Laklng Sk were allve afLer flve years (26),
compared Lo Lhose noL Laklng Sk (8). Sk more Lhan doubled flve-year survlval ln Lhose
lndlvlduals wlLh less advanced SLage 1 or 2 dlsease (39 vs.17) (Payakawa 1997).
ln a 2008 sLudy, a group of colon cancer paLlenLs were randomlzed Lo recelve chemoLherapy
alone or chemoLherapy plus Sk, whlch was Laken for Lwo years. 1he group recelvlng Sk had
an excepLlonal 10-year survlval of 82. Sadly, Lhe group recelvlng chemoLherapy alone had a
10-year survlval of only 31 (Sakal 2008). ln a slmllar Lrlal reporLed ln Lhe 8rlLlsh !ournal of
Cancer, colon cancer paLlenLs recelved chemoLherapy alone or comblned wlLh Sk (3 grams per
day) for Lwo years. ln Lhe group wlLh a more dangerous SLage 3 colon cancer, Lhe flve-year
survlval was 73 ln Lhe Sk group. 1hls compared Lo a flve-year survlval of only 46 ln Lhe
group recelvlng chemoLherapy alone (Chwada 2004). AddlLlonal research has shown LhaL Sk
lmproves survlval ln cancers of Lhe breasL, sLomach, esophagus, and uLerus as well (Ckazakl
1986, nakazaLo 1994, 1ol 1992). l llke Lo use Lhe whole food" form of Sk ln Lhe mushroom
lLself (Corlolus verslcolor). l have a loL of Lhls ln my Medlclnal Mushroom blend!
now to Imp|ement Step 1en
1he followlng Lhree novel compounds have shown efflcacy ln lnhlblLlng several mechanlsms
LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo cancer meLasLasls. lL ls especlally lmporLanL Lo conslder Lhese compounds
durlng Lhe perloperaLlve perlod (perlod before and afLer surgery), because a known
consequence of surgery ls an enhanced procllvlLy for meLasLasls.
Modlfled ClLrus ecLln: 13 grams dally, ln Lhree dlvlded doses
ClmeLldlne: 800 mg dally, ln Lwo dlvlded doses
Corlolus verslcolor, sLandardlzed exLracL: 1,200 - 3,600 mg dally
l6 - has been shown help decrease adheslon properLles of C1Cs - conslder Laklng 2-6
capsules per day (l use Lhe producL from Pope Sclence)

When you look aL everyLhlng as a whole, Lhese Len sLeps aren'L really LhaL confuslng. Many of
Lhe nuLrlenLs cross beLween sLeps and have a double or Lrlple purpose. l am nC1 ln favor of
glvlng huge numbers of nuLrlenLs and uLlllzlng a Lechnlque llke klneslology can help cuL down on
Lhlngs LhaL your body [usL doesn'L need rlghL now. When l Leach docLors abouL Laklng care of
people wlLh a cancer dlagnosls l Lry Lo glve Lhem Lhe 'blg plcLure', slmllar Lo whaL l've
aLLempLed here. l belleve lL's greaL Lo know how and why Lhlngs work as well as maklng every
aLLempL Lo slmpllfy Lhlngs LhaL can become complex. Walk Lhrough Lhese sLeps wlLh a quallfled
healLhcare professlonal, educaLe yourself and you'll feel more equlpped aL Laklng care of
yourself, and learn as much as you can so you can Lake Lhe fear ouL of your dlsease and remaln
ln Lhe drlver's seaL, noL Lhe vlcLlm.
uon'L leL lL go Lo your head buL knowlng Lhe above Len sLeps [usL mlghL of made you smarLer
Lhan your docLor. use your knowledge wlsely.

ChapLer 7

never Clve up
Always Clve ln

1beo l beotJ wbot soooJeJ llke o qteot
moltltoJe, llke tbe toot of tosbloq wotets ooJ
llke looJ peols of tbooJet, sbootloq.
nollelojob! lot oot lotJ CoJ Almlqbty telqos.
8evelaLlon 19:3-7

l make no apologles for my splrlLual bellef, for Lhls ls why l wroLe Lhls book. ?ou do noL
need Lo agree wlLh everyLhlng l say, buL no book on such grave a sub[ecL as cancer should
omlL Lhe eLernal perspecLlve. l am a ChrlsLlan wlLh a sLrong bellef LhaL Lhere ls only one
way Lo heaven as well as any Lrue [oy ln Lhls llfe, and LhaL ls Lhrough !esus ChrlsL.
l belleve LhaL Cod ls soverelgn, LhaL means Pe allows Lhlngs ln my llfe for reasons l may
never undersLand Lhls slde of heaven. Pe ls my heavenly laLher who loves me beyond my
undersLandlng and senL Pls Son Lo dle ln place of whaL l deserved. Pe called me, made me
Pls son, and l have glven myself Lo Plm and ln so dolng, should Pe allow me Lo 'geL cancer',
l musL loglcally seek posslble reasons Pe dld so.
uoes Pe deslre for me Lo be healed and be a wlLness of Pls power? uoes Pe deslre me Lo
flnd answers LhaL may help Lhousands of oLher Lo suffer less? uoes Pe deslre me Lo be a
wlLness of Pls grace and mercy LhroughouL my sLruggles? ls Pe calllng me home and uslng
cancer Lo do so? 1here are a mllllon posslble quesLlons LhaL a bellever may have, many
spoken ln frusLraLlon, some ln anger and confuslon, buL mosL whlspered sllenLly, ulLlmaLely
accepLlng Lhe wlll of Lhe Cne ln whom we place our LrusL. Cod doesn'L answer all our
quesLlons because, ln LruLh, we can'L handle Lhe answers. Cur [ob ls Lo walk ln falLh.
Lvery person, slck wlLh cancer or seemlngly sprlnglng wlLh healLh should conLemplaLe such
LhoughLs. lL's only human Lo ask, Why me, why do l have Lo geL cancer," when Lhe more
approprlaLe quesLlon may be, Why oot me?" l wanL oll LhaL Cod has for me and l am
maLure enough ln my falLh Lo undersLand LhaL lL's nC1 Lhe Lemporal Lhlngs Pe's concerned
abouL. Pe deslres me, Pe loves me, Pe wanLs me by Pls slde forever and ever and l glve
Plm permlsslon (Lhough Pe doesn'L need lL) Lo mold me and shape me, be lL ever so
palnful, more lnLo Lhe lmage of Pls Son. 1he Lemporal sllver of Llme we spend on earLh
pales ln comparlson Lo eLernlLy.
l am noL a docLor who belleves LhaL Cod deslres Lo heal all our wounds or cure every
cancer paLlenL. We all wlll dle, some of car accldenLs, some of old age, and oLhers of
cancer. Where we go afLer we dle ls of mosL concern. We musL surrender Lo Lhe facL LhaL
Cod ls Cod and we are noL. 1hls doesn'L mean LhaL we are Lo passlvely allow Lhe world and
lLs evlls Lo beaL us down, we are Lo keep flghLlng Lhe flghL whlle surrenderlng Lo Cod.
My prayer for you ls Lhls: 1haL when seemlngly all LhaL you've ever held dearly ls sllpplng
Lhrough your flngers, LhaL you leL go, glve up, and fall on your knees before your CreaLor
and admlL someLhlng llke, uear laLher, l'm losL and need ?ou Lo flnd me, l'm broken and
need ?ou Lo heal me, l'm hopeless and confused, Llred of Lrylng and unable Lo flghL on my
own any longer. l need ?Cu. lorglve me, change me, make me ?our chlld. 8enew me, for
?ou are my only hope."
1hls ls when Lhe heallng beglns. 1hls ls when Lhe peace LhaL passes all human
undersLandlng can flll you, comforL you, and snuggle you wlLh warmLh Lhrough Lhe chlll of
despalr. 1hls ls my prayer for you, noL LhaL your cancer goes away buL LhaL your cancer
drlves you Lo a relaLlonshlp wlLh your laLher LhaL ls new, refreshed, real and eLernal.
l pray for falLh Lo heal my doubL
1o undersLand ?ou work lL ouL
1o cleanse my hearL of selflsh sln
1o purlfy me deep wlLhln
1o sLop preLendlng, sLop Lhe games
SLop pralslng self and Cod Lhe same
1o see Lhe dungeons of my soul
1haL ChrlsL my only hope l'd know
l pray for able LhaL l am
1o sLand alone for Cod's own lamb
1haL 'Lll Lhe very end of breaLh
My LrusL remalns ln !esus' deaLh
l pray Lhrough all l may see clear
Ch, LhaL l may, Lord, persevere

Should you deslre Lo read more on Lhls sub[ecL, dare Lo read my book, ls Pell Lhe Cnly
ulfference.uemandlng SancLlflcaLlon ln Lhe reLenLlous Church" Lhrough WesLbow ress,
avallable aL
know LhaL l'll pray for you always!

I|na| kemarks
kegard|ess of what you choose about hea|thcare, I pray that you make w|se, rat|ona| dec|s|ons
based on facts (though often h|dden) and not fear. ou need to take respons|b|||ty and not hand
|t over to any pract|t|oner, convent|ona| or a|ternat|ve. Get adv|ce from many, we|gh |t a|| aga|nst
the|r b|ases, and pray for peace about your dec|s|ons.
Dr. kev|n Conners, DC, Ie||owsh|p |n Integrat|ve Cancer 1herapy and Ie||owsh|p |n Ant|-Ag|ng,
kegenerat|ve and Iunct|ona| Med|c|ne, both through the Amer|can Academy of Ant|-Ag|ng

Upper koom We||ness Centers, Vadna|s ne|ghts, MN & Du|uth, MN 6S1.739.1248
www.drkev| www.upperroomwe||
Statements conta|ned |n th|s book and ebook have not been eva|uated by the Iood and Drug
Adm|n|strat|on. 1h|s |nformat|on |s not |ntended to d|agnose, treat, cure or prevent any d|sease.
1h|s |nformat|on |s not to be used as a subst|tute for appropr|ate med|ca| care and consu|tat|on,
nor shou|d any |nformat|on |n |t be |nterpreted as prescr|pt|ve. Any person who suspects they
have a med|ca| prob|em or d|sease shou|d consu|t the|r phys|c|ans for gu|dance and proper
treatment. 1he |nformat|on here |s prov|ded for educat|ona| or genera| |nformat|ona| purposes
on|y, wh|ch |s |mp||c|t|y not to be construed as med|ca| adv|ce. No c|a|ms, guarantees, warrant|es
or assurances are |mp||ed or prom|sed.

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