Cyber Bullying Facts аnd Statistics - Advice Fоr thе Parents оf Victims

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Bullying Facts nd Statistics - Advice Fr th Parents f Victims

Some things nvr sm t change. m 61 years ld nd whn ws n school thr ws th dreaded bully tkng advantage f th children wh, fr n fault f thr wn, wr singled ut s targets. This menace stll lurks n th hallways nd playgrounds f ur schools. In publication titled "Bullycide: Death t Playtime" t s sd tht victim f bully commits suicide (Bullycide) n vr half hour nd tht 19,000 children attempt suicide vr year s direct result f depression caused b bng bullied. Parents nnt mk light f th situation. W nnt ust tll ur children t ignore th bully nd h will leave u ln. W must bm pro-active! Recent surveys indicate: *46 percent f boys nd 26 percent f girls hv hs physical abuse s result f bullying. *Every day vr 160,000 students r truant fr fear f bng bullied. *77 percent f ur kids stt tht t n time r nthr th wr subjected t th harassment f bully. *Males r mr lkl t b bullied thn females. *Male bullying usull tend t b f physical nature whrs females wh bully usull d s n th form f verbal harassment. How d w knw ur kids r bng bullied? There s th "Code f Silence" w ll knew s kids. hs mks t vr difficult fr us s parents t knw whn ur kids r bng bullied. Kids r afraid tht f th tll parents r teachers th r bng bullied tht th bullies will retaliate wth vn mr severe abuse. In addition kids d nt wnt t b identified s "rat". Some indicators tht u m lk ut for: *Bruises r torn clothing ntd nd th child s reluctant t explain why. *Your child shws signs f depression, lack f slf esteem r slf worth. *A sgnfnt nd unexplained drop n grade averages.

*They constantly m u reasons th feel th shuld nt g t school. *Your child ms hm wthut items th tk t school, gn wthut explanation. *Radical unexplained changes n ur child's behavior. How d u protect ur child frm bullying? This question s vr difficult t answer fr svrl reasons. *Every child s n individual nd unique n thmslvs. Wht works wth n child will nt nssrl work wth another. *As explained bv, children d nt wnt t break th "Code f Silence" nd will b reluctant t tll u f th r bng bullied. One thing tht m absolutely rtn f, t nl takes n traumatic bullying episode t us emotional damage t ur child nd ll parents nd t tk th problem f bullying wth extreme care nd immediacy.

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