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Title Subtitle Edition Author Publication Date Catalogue Copy Short Description Contents Series ManagingAn Introduction to Theory

and Practice Dec-11 . . Now in its Third EditionEdition , this unique and esteemed text goes fro and Organizations EditionStewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger andThird , this unique and highly highly esteemed text g Third Now in its Tyrone Pitsis MANAGING PEOPLE IN ORGANIZATION PART ONE: Organizational Behaviour Student Text A Cross-Cultural Rabindra N Kanungo, ZeynepStudents with a good grasp of the complete conceptual framew Nov-12 Aycan and Manuel Mendonca Key Concepts in Organization Theory Ann L Cunliffe and John T Luhmantheory totheory to power andthis indispensable guide to the Oct-12 From agency agency power and politics, Key Concepts series From SAGE politics, this indispensable gu A Very Short, Fairly InterestingEditionChris GreyCheap Book About 'This book hasIntroduction: Why Studyingspot on my bookshelf a Third and Reasonably Nov-12 Studying Organizations carved itself aVery Short, Fairly Interesting & Chea permanent Organizations Matters The Handbook of Organizational Edition and Climate Second Culture Celeste P M Wilderom, Neal M Ashkanasy and Markoverviewoverview ofresearch,research, th 2011 The Second Edition providesONE: CULTURE, current current theory and The Second Edition provides an of CLIMATE AND MULTILEVEL A PART an F Peterson Understanding Organizational CultureMats Alvesson Second Edition Nov-12 The new The Second Edition of this groundbreaking text in organizational edition of thisThe Concept of Organizational Culture \Studies has groundbreaking text in Organizational Organizati The McDonaldization of Society 6 Sixth Edition George Ritzer 2010 As one ofThis revised and updated Sixth Edition of George Ritzer's classicT the most noteworthy and popular sociology books The Past, Pre An Introduction to McDonaldization \ of all time, Organizational Culture inSecond Edition A Cultural Analysis Workbook Action Gerald W Driskill and Angela Laird metaphor of methodCulture in Action are PLANNING \exam 2010 `Applying the Brenton PART ONE: CULTURAL ANALYSIS the an essential p Unique to Organizational acting, this workbook is various Intro Negotiation Closing Deals, Settling Disputes, and Making Team Decisions Hames'PARTcombines, in volume text material,material, pN David S Hames Dec-11 . David Hames' text combines in a THE FUNDAMENTALS \text Nature of David text ONE: single a single volume, The pertinent An Introduction to the SociologyEdition and Occupations With new, in-depth chapters on bothon both globalization and technolo Second of Work Volti Dec-11 . Rudi With new, in-depth before Industrialization and technology, The Work chapters globalization \ The Organization o The Sociology of Work Second Edition and Unpaid Work. Stephen Edgell's Edgell's book charts the'work' and explores all aspects a Continuity and Change in Paid Stephen Edgell Dec-11 Stephen book charts the rise of rise of 'work'Work: Work inall o The Historical Transformation of and explores pre Sociology Structures and Relationships ary Godwyn 2011Jody Hoffer Gittell study ofstudy of THE RELATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL FOf of Organizations M and . The sociological The sociological organizations encompasses both plannedplann PART ONE: organizations encompasses both and Understanding Identity and Organizations Kenny, Dec-11 An understanding Willmott management textbooks nod to in-groups, co Kate Andrea Whittle and Hugh of identity is fundamental to a complete understandin While conventional Introduction to Understanding Identity \ Introduct Making Sense of Management Edition Alvesson and Hughfirst edition of Making the agenda for currentCRITICALtothe revisedM A Critical Introduction Second Mats Apr-12 The Willmott as setting Sense of Management research, provide a fre As well PART ONE: INTRODUCING set out THEORY TO S Critical Management Studies A Student Text Suzette Dyer, Maria Humphries, Dale Fitzgibbonsand insightful, this text uses critical theory to Dec-12 Thought-provoking and Fiona Hurd The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning Margaret Malloch, Len Cairns, Karen EvansPARTBridget N O'Connor Cairns the field of workpl 2010 This Handbookthe past and ONE: THEORY overview hasand Margaretof th 'Over providesdecade, workplace \ Len a state-of-the art learning of become one Ma Understanding Social Practice Theory and Enterprise Rory Ridley-Duff and Mike Bull 12 chapters, the authors discuss and PERSPECTIVES theoretica 2011 . The emergence of social enterprises over the past 25 years has been an In PART ONE: THEORETICAL illustrate both ON SOCIA Key Concepts in Critical ManagementMark Tadajewski, Pauline as an introduction and as a quick and Is quickKey Concepts inConcep Studies 2011 Ideal Maclaran, Elizabethintroduction Martin Parker Ideal both as an Parsons and reference, reference, Key Studies Introduction: What a Critical Management Critical SAGE Key Concepts series Organizing & Organizations Fourth Editiontephen Fineman, Yiannis Gabriel and David Sims is wellEntering and Leaving \ Lifelong Lear S 2009 . Organizing andconversational tone\and insightful real-life examples intro With a Organizations Introduction loved by students and lecturers for Inter-organizational Relations 5 Volume SetSteve Cropper, Mark Ebers and Peter Smith Ring Nov-12 SAGE Library in Business and Manag Innovation and Knowledge Management Anderson2010Ana Cristina and knowledge management has gained considerable importa Four-VolumeNeil Set and Innovation Costa and knowledge management hasBusinessconsiderabl Innovation VOLUME ONE: INDIVIDUAL in gained and Manag SAGE Library CREATIVITY AND INNO Power Collection: Power and OrganizationsRPower and Politics Power theoryPOWER AND POLITICSof study Business \ to have a Eight-Volume Set Stewart Clegg Mar-12 Mark Haugaard as a burgeoning field \ VOLUME ONE and Manag SAGE Library in continues The Thre Power and Organizations Four-VolumeStewart R Clegg and Internationally renowned editors, Stewart Clegg and Mark Haugaard, hav Set Mar-12 Mark Haugaard InternationallyVOLUME ONE SAGE Stewartin Business MarkEmers renowned editors, Library Clegg and and Manag \ Foundations \ Richard M. Haug Power and Politics Four-VolumeMark Haugaard and Stewart R Cleggtheory as a burgeoning field Three-Dimensional Power De Set Mar-12 Power VOLUME ONE SAGE Library in Business and contin \ The of study has had, Manag Power, Politics, and Organizational Change Buchanan and`Many books onbooks on management Commands \technicaltechnical Ga Winning the Turf Game Second Edition David 2008 Richard `Many management are sanitized, cleanly The Terminology acc Badham When Necessity are sanitized, cleanly accounts of Encyclopedia of Power Keith Dowding2011 Power is Despite, or perhaps because of, its ubiquity,social sciences, inclu a central concept in many disciplines in the power has been ana Institutional Theory in Organization Studies Greenwood, Kerstin Institutional theoryRoy SuddabyPARTwork in Business and Manag Four-VolumeRoyston May-12 Institutional theory is aVOLUME wide-rangingChristinework had, and cont Set Sahlin-Andersson, is a ONE body of ONE:thatOliver wide ranging SAGE Library BEGINNINGS continue \ and body of has that \ John W Trust and Social Capital in Organizations Anderson and Ana Cristina Costa social capital have SAGE Library in Business and Manag 4 Volume SetNeil Oct-12 Trust and social capital have gained significant importance over the over4 Trust and gained significant importance last Critical Management Studies Four-VolumeMats Alvesson2011 Hugh Willmottlabour processHugh Willmott Library in Business and Manag Set and From Marxist AlvessonVOLUME ONE: CRITICALstructuralism and postmo Mats and theory, to radical two of the founding fathe SAGE are MANAGEMENT STUDIES: Complexity in Organization Studies Stig O Johannessen and Lesley Kuhn provides provides a coherent and essentialABOUT Manag Four-Volume Set Jan-12 This major work This major work a coherent and essential in Businessfor research VOLUME ONE: WAYS OF THINKING reference for SAGE Library reference and COMP Organizational NetworksFour-VolumeMartin Kilduff 2011Andrew V on the wealth VOLUME ofinto organizational Business andaccumF Set and Drawing Drawing on the wealth ONE SAGE into organizational life Manag Shipilov of insights insights Library in life accumulated ov \ Theoretical and Methodological Organizational Health and Well-BeingCary L Cooper 2011 The field The fieldandwork and well-being isLibraryOrganizational Health a Three-Volume Set of work of well-being is growing at a of inat a phenomenalobe Introduction \ SAGE growing Business and as rat Theories phenomenal rate, Manag Organizational DiscourseThree-Volume Set Grant, Cynthia Hardy and Linda L Putnam Studies David 2011 Work on Work on organizational ONE: THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENTS \ se organizationalVOLUME discourse studies in Business the past th discourse studies has mushroomed in and Manag SAGE Library has mushroomed in A Organizational Change Second Edition An Action-Oriented Toolkit Tupper F Cawsey, Gene Deszca and Cynthia Ingols practical tools for Our Complex Worldorga 2011 Bridging current theory with practical applications, the 'toolkit' combines Providing insights and Organizations in anyone involved in \ C Changing Change Management Third EditionProfessor Robert A Paton and James McCalman a popular text on changeorganizational guide A Guide to Effective Implementation 2008 This updated 3rd readers of ONE: the technological, DEFINITION OFand p Guiding edition through THE IMPACT AND management CHAN PART Organization Change Practice EditionW Warner Burke The Third Edition of this bestselling text continuesOrganization Change \ Theory and Third 2011 The Third Edition of this bestselling text continues clear how effe Sources for Understanding to make to make clear In Search of Change Maestros Pritam Singh and Asha Bhandarker said,change you wantyousee in to see in\theIn SearchIn Se 2011 Gandhi said, "Be the "Be the change Response Books Gandhi Change Maestros' Kaleidoscope Kumar Mangala to want the world." world." of C Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation Constantine Andriopoulos and would urge anyone with an interest in managing organizations 2008 I would urge anyone with anONE: SETTING THE SCENE: THE CHANGING LA 'I Patrick Dawson interest in managing organisations, whether PART Leadership heory and Practice Edition Peter G. Northouse Adopted Now with a new chapter on Trait universities\worldwide,Northou T Sixth Mar-12 at more than Introduction \ servant leadership, Peter G the ma 1,000 colleges and Approach Skills Approach \ S Introduction to Leadership Concepts and Practice Edition Second Peter G. Northouse Offering a straightforward introduction to the basicthe basic principles of 2011 Offering a straightforward introduction to principles of\leadersh Being a Leader \ Recognizing Your Traits Recogn Introduction to Leadership Interactive E-book Northouse Peter Northouse combines interactive e-book the basic principles of lead A Practical Approach Edition Second Peter G. 2011 This dynamic new an introduction to version mirrors the conten Theory and Practice of Leadership Roger Gill Dec-11 . . Praise For the first edition: 'At last The NaturemoreImportance of Leade Second Edition for students and leaders looking for a andbalancedand critical t Introduction: a well-written, holistic and insightf A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership ofand acclaimed book Introduction: quickly Second Edition Jackson and Ken Parry edition of thisedition You Buy ThisShort, Fairly InterestingWhyfav Brad 2011 The first The previous Should this popular and acclaimed became a St popular Very Book? \ quickly book & Chea Full Range Leadership Development Bruce J Avolio 2010 The Second Edition takes advantage of the updated updatedfor the Level Second Edition The Second Edition takes advantage of the support support for Validation \ Relationships \ Interconnected \ full ra Key Concepts in Leadership Jonathan Gosling, Ian Sutherland and Stephanie Jones of effective Leadership series can we un Sep-12 What areWhat are the The Eight Questions of effective leadership? How c the main characteristics SAGE Key Concepts \How main characteristics leadership? Purposive and Socially ResponsibleThat Shape a Socially Responsible LifeFrom the'ALarson of the best-selling books 'TeamWork'Aputs leadership i 7 Choices Leadership Frank M. J. LaFasto and Carl E.authors 2011 powerful, moving and Lifes Experiences \ and 'When Team Leveraging substantive book that Sense of Fairnes Globally Responsible Leadershipthe UN Global Compact What does a truly global managerForeword todayknow to lead responsibl Business According to Joanne Lawrence and Paul W. Beamish a truly global manager \ About Seriesknow toAbout Apr-12 What does Georg Kell today need to need Editors \ lead re Ivey Casebook the Women and Men in Management Gary N Powell2010 . The Fourth Edition of Sex, research-based strategies for both theof Sex S Fourth Edition Providing specific Gender and Work: On the Psychology compre Women and Men in Management offers a individu The Nature of Leadership Second Edition David Day and2011 Antonakis a team of leading expertsView to the leadershipThe Nature of John Written by Written by a team of leadingin leadership studies,Leadership The Leadership: A experts in Future \ studies, The N

Leading Project Teams Project Management and Team LeadershipTheEdition of Leading Project Teams offers anDirection accessibl The Basics of Second Edition Anthony Cobb2011 The Second Second Edition of Leading Project Teams offers an and Initia Introduction \ Determining the accessible introdu Dare to Lead Transformation of BankAnilBaroda 2011 Dare to Lead is the fascinatingSector of how An Overview K. Khandelwal to The of K Khandelwal Dare to Lead is the fascinating story of Books Public story Banks: Anil how Anil The Beginning Response K. Khandelwal transform Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership Johnson Casting Light or Shadow Craig E. Fourth Edition 2011 . The Fourth Edition ethical decision-making and text that have contribute Promoting retains the elements of the action throughSIDE deve Introduction \ PART ONE: THE SHADOW skill OF LE Quest for Mirage to Reality Exceptional Leadership Ravi Chaudhry2011 'In his book,his book, the Indian business ExceptionalRavi Chaudhry has st 'In the Indian Part 1 : Mirage of and leader Leadership Reinven business and thought thought leader Ravi Chaudh Response Books The SAGE Advances in Theory, Research and Practice Handbook of Educational Leadership English This fullyThis fully updatedEdition of The SAGE HandbookPART ONE: MUL Second Edition Fenwick W. 2011 updated Second Second EditionIntroduction \ of Educational L Fenwick W English of The SAGE Handbook of Edu Creative Leadership Drive Change Skills That Second Edition Gerard J. Puccio, Mary C. Murdock and Marie Mance 2011 Creative Leadership: Skills That Leadership and Creativity:thinking is an es Creative Leadership demonstrates how creative The Powerful C Change, Drive Change demonstrates how creative The SAGE Handbook of Leadership Alan Bryman, David Leadership pervades everyofONE: OVERVIEW PERSPECTIVES \ life, and its 2011 Collinson, Keiththe history aspect of organizational the newest, emerging 'From Grint, Brad Jackson and Mary Uhl-Bien social Keith Grin PART leadership studies, to and Leadership in Nonprofit OrganizationsSet A Reference Handbook Two-Volume Kathryn A Agard 2010 Leadership in Non-Profit Organizations tackles issues and leadership topi Leadership in Al Lyons \AlOrganizations tackles issues andon Lea Non-Profit Lyons \TeresaReference Series leader /f001SAGE Behrens \Fred DeJong \ Political andReference Handbook A Civic Leadership Two-Volume Richard A Couto Set 2010 This title,This title, partThomasSAGE Reference Series onRoss \Tomonprov within The SAGEThe Long \John Parrish \Sara Leadership Lea of Reference /f001SAGE Referencewill provide un Series on Leadership Series Zaniel Gender andReference Leadership A Women's Handbook Two-Volume Karen O'Connor Set 2010 This work is part of theSue Thomas \Peter Francia Leadership and provide Covering historical and contemporary on \Karen O'Connor, leade SAGE Reference Series barriers to women's Alixa /f001SAGE Reference Series on Lea Leadership in Science and TechnologyWilliam Bainbridge This two-volume set within the SAGEThe SAGE Reference Series on Leade A Reference Handbook Two-Volume Set Dec-11 This two-volume set within Reference Series on Leadership tack The Handbook for Teaching Leadership Knowing, Doing and Being Scott Snook,Nov-11 Bringing togetherKhuranainternational PART ONE: KNOWfrom across Anc Nitin Nohria andBringing together leading international across disciplines for disc Rakesh leading Thomas DeLong scholars scholars \ Deborah the Employment and Work Susanne M Bruyere and Linda Barrington in The SAGE Reference Series on Disability explores Aug-12 This volume in The SAGE Reference Series on Disability explores issues fa This volume Human Resource and Practice Theory Development David McGuire and Kenneth Molbjerg Jorgensen McGuire Foundations ofstudentsResource m 2010 The field Human Resource Development encourages Human and academ of Human Resource Development has emerged as one of the D David Leadership Four-VolumeDavid Collinson, Keith Grint andis a field in which so muchSAGE Libraryone-stop, definitive col Set 2011 Leadership Brad Jackson Taking an international perspective, thisThis BusinessFrontiers in VOLUME ONE: is written. \in one-stop, definitive 1947-1985 K. Lewin and Manag Training for Development Third EditionRolf P Lynton and Udai Pareek third the third edition of Rolf P. Lynton and Udai Pareek's bests 2011 This is the is edition 1: TRAINING: AIMS, CONTEXTS, CHOICES, AND DY This of Rolf P. Lynton and Udai Pareek's bestselling bo An Introduction to Human Resource Management 2010 . . This exciting new introductory text inapproach to provide Is HRM? \ HR Nick Wilton Moving beyond a prescriptive IN CONTEXT \ What an holistic ov PART ONE: HRM human resource management m Human Resource Management Skill Development and John R.Human Resource Management is a core HUMANintroductory hu Functions, Applications, Robert N. Lussier Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Developme Mar-12 Hendon PART ONE: 21ST CENTURY text for RESOURCE MA A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about HRM Irena Grugulis Nov-12 Engaging and entertaining inVery Short, Fairlythis is a book abou equal measure, Interesting & Chea International Human ResourceEditionAnne-Wil Harzing and. Ashly Pinnington itself firmly within the hugely successful Internationa Third Management 2010 . The eagerly-awaitedPART ONE: STRATEGIC, COMPARATIVE AND ORGA Positioning Third Edition of 'globalized' environment, this International and Comparative Employment Bamber, Russell D fifthEarlier editionsWailes book havefor all those interestedreferenc Fifth Edition Greg J Relations 2010 'This Lansbury and Nick of this edition is an Nick Wailes, Greg J Bamber and standard Lansbury indispensable tool become the Russell D in keepi Work Motivation Theory, Research, and Practice Jan-12 Work Motivation: History, providesResearch, and Practice provides of a Sc History, Second Edition P. Latham Gary Work Motivation Theory, unique behavioural scienceLife uniqu Introduction: 13 Critical Incidents in the framewo Human ResourceApplications, Systems Basics, Information and Future Directions Second Edition Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Human resource information systems (HRIS) have become a cru 2011 Human Resource Information Johnson (HRIS) haveTO HUMAN RESOURCE Thite and Richard D. Systems PART ONE: INTRODUCTION become a crucial focu ManagingToward a Globally Inclusive Michalle E Mor Barak Diversity Second Edition Workplace 2010 Winner of two prestigious awards THE GLOBAL CONTEXT 2006DIVERSITY Winner of two prestigious awards in its First Edition (the 2006 O PART ONE: in its First Edition (the FOR Outstandin ManagingLearning Activities EditionGary N Powell2011 . Managing a Diverse Workforce provides a comprehensive set1. Your Pie a Diverse Workforce Third Showing readers how to create an inclusive work environment a Introduction//Dimensions of Diversity \ of learnin Creating Effective TeamsFourth Editionusan A. Wheelan Creating Creating Effective Teams is a MembersguideLeaders, 4th and sus A Guide for Members and Leaders S Aug-12 Effective Teams: A Groups? \ practical Organizational Support fo Why Guide for Effective and for building Edition Group Dynamics for Teams EditionDaniel Levi 2010 Grounded in psychological research but with a very practical focusUnders Third The guide to improving readers' knowledge OFthe group dynam PART ONE: CHARACTERISTICS of TEAMS \ on org Employment Relations in the United States Law, Policy, and Practice Raymond Hogler2011 ; Paper This book presents an overview of the economic, political, and s Cloth This book2004 presents an overview of theEmployment Relations in social forc Contemporary economic, political, and Historical ManagingEmployment Relations in Globalizing India2011 Tremendous changes in global in global and economic environments have People at Work Subesh Das Tremendous changes and national national economic environm Convergences and Divergences in Employment Re Organization Development Accelerating Learning and Transformation2011TSVRamnarayan and T V Rao buildRao the foundation of theirTheoreticalrese Revised and Updated Edition S Ramnarayan and Rao S RamnarayanPart One:on build on the foundationextensive Fo and T V OD Concepts, Issues and of their exten Response Books Organization Development The Process of Second Edition Leading Organizational Change CoveringCovering classic andIs Organization Development? \ History of(O Donald L Anderson 2011 classic and contemporary organization development (OD) techn What contemporary organization development O Cases and Exercises in Organization Development &2011 DesignedDesigned forin organization development and change, this ischa Donald L Anderson Change for courses courses L. Anderson Introduction to Organization c Donald in organization development (OD) and a D Fundamentals of HumanFour-VolumeDavid McGuire, Thomas Garavan and Larry PART ONE: THE NATURE OFin Business and Manag Resource Development 2011 Encompassing management, psychology, economics, adultDefiningof hum Set Well-renowned editors reflect the Library HRD \ education and M Dooley SAGE multidisciplinary focus HRD: Public Sector Human Resource Management W IngrahamHuman Resource Management (HRM) isstretch, at of thewell-grounded in Four-VolumePatricia Set May-12 and Soonhee collection is a remarkable PART ONE: once Public to TO PRE 'This Kim VOLUME ONE SAGE Library significance Sector n \ of central LINKING PAST every Human Resource Management in Public Services May-12 This S. Bowman, Jonathanprovocative and thorough coverage of the com Paradoxes, Processes,Editionvan M. Berman, James book offers provocativeONE:thorough coverage R. Van complex issue Fourth and Problems E This book offers P. WestCONTEXT AND CHALLENGES \ The Pub PART and and Montgomery of the Wart Executive A Practitioner's Guide to CreatingUnny Guptan Executive CoachingCoaching is a high-value and Books About opportunity Coaching Sunil Excellence Dec-11 Executive is a What Executive Coaching Is All development op high-value learning learning and Response development Approache Industrial Relations Four-VolumeMarian Baird, Rae Cooper, Bradon Ellemworkbroad insightPERSPECTIVESof industrialindustrial Set 2011 This major work offersVOLUME a broad insight field the field of relations This major and Russell ONE: SAGE the into AND APPROACHES \ a offers D LansburyLibrary in Business and Manag into An Introduction to Coaching Janice Dexter, 2010 This is an'This text isIrving on a course delivered thereal postgraduate for Graham Dexterexcellent, no-nonsense The Foundationsto Models of Coaching \ and Judy based Coaching: introduction to \ field of coaching stu A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book Aboutto challenge, stimulate and inform, this bookthis book Perspectiv Bob Garvey 2011 Written Written to challenge, stimulate and inform, a Interesting & a cri Coaching andIntroduction: Why Developing takes a critical look Mentoring Very Short, Fairly Critical takes Chea Understanding the Essentials of Coaching Cox Nov-12 Elaine Making Sense of Coaching Angelique Du Toit Jan-13 Examining the transformational power of coaching this text chal A Critical Perspective of the Coaching Story \ Critic Coaching and Mentoring A Critical Text Simon Western Jul-12 CoachingBringing discussed as if it is a Coaching: ThecoachingOf The 'Wou is often a fresh and critical perspective to Merger and mentor Introduction : new 'profession' without adequate Motivational Careerand Behavioural Approaches Apr-12 Rhena Branch book lives up to its billing. It adds a new skills setTheory \ m Cognitive Counselling & Coaching Steve Sheward and Are you a career counsellor or coach in need of toCounselling to help En 'This Introduction to CBT Career the literature on CBT a Strategic Thinking Explorations around Conflict and Cooperation The Strategist Actor,andorder Kumar Strategyand'win' and search for powe Biswatosh Saha, Parthasarathi Banerjee in Appreciating Kakani andsearch for power, engag 2011 The Strategist Actor, to seek ato seek a the Strategist Strategy Ram in order 'win' Making Strategy Out StrategicEdition Ackermann and Colin Eden strategy Strategywhile at at the leading edge of theory and Mapping Second Success Fran 2011 . 'Demystifies and Ackermann remain theStrategic Management our und 'Eden making as Focus \ same time deepening is a Soc Business Transformation Strategies Oswald Manager A resource resource forStrategy in General Anand consultants,Business T The Strategic Leader as Innovation A J Mascarenhas 2011 A for industry professionals ResponseIntroduction to this corpo industry professionals Books this book on book and consultants, Strategy Theory and Practice Stewart R Clegg, Chris Carter,'The authors have successfully produced anunique and admirable 2011 . Lecturers - save KornbergerONE:Jochen Schweitzer The Context and Eme Martin time PART and here to request a e-inspection copy of by clicking INTRODUCTION \ Practising Text and Cases Strategy Sotirios Paroutis, Loizos Heracleous andis a Practisinggroundbreaking new textbook focusing w Nov-12 Practising Strategy Strategy is a Strategy: Foundations, Importance and C Practising Duncan Angwin groundbreaking new textbook focusing wholly on Essentials of Strategic Management Martyn R Pitt and Dimitrios Koufopoulos belief Essence of Strategyprinciples are moreare mor Mar-12 Built on the belief thatThe that strategic management principles straigh Built on the strategic management and Strategic Managemen Entrepreneurship An Innovator's Guide to Startups and Corporate Venturing preparespreparesONE: Create strategicTESTINGfocus, through Marc H Meyer2011Frederick Venturing students students to: - Create strategicYOUR VENTUR and Ventures Crane G PART to: - DEFINING AND market market focus,

Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2010 `A thoughtful and reflective account of "enterprise", offering meaningful Simon Down 'A thoughtful PART ONE: STUDYING ENTERPRISE, ENTREPRENEU and reflective account of "enterprise", offering me Encyclopedia of New Venture Management R Marvel New venture management often launched into highly dynamic environm Matthew Jul-12 New venturesLeslie Sekerkaall the skills obtained within the typic are requires Ethics \ Loykie Lomine Entrepreneur The SAGE Handbook of Family Business Melin, Mattias Nordqvist and Pramodita Sharma Leif Dec-12 International Entrepreneurship and Managing a Hisrich Venture Starting, Developing, Edition Second Robert D. Global . Combining robust narrativeONE: INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP A Mar-12 PART with a wide variety of interesting cases, Inte Doing Business in Emerging Markets S Tamer Cavusgil, Pervez N Ghauri and Ayse Akcal Doing Business in Emerging Markets has b Second Edition Nov-12 The Second Edition of Global Shift Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy This Sixth of Global Shift has been completely revised and updat Sixth Edition Peter Dicken 2010 . This sixth edition Edition has been completely revised and updated usin Introduction: Questioning Globalization: What in th Doing Business in Europe Second Edition Gabriele Suder Dec-11 . This new edition of Doing Business The New European Businessof the ke This new edition of Doing Business in covers all of the key topics Introduction: in Europe Europe covers all Environm ManagingConcepts, Policies and Practices Across Cultures Mohamed Branine Managing across Cultures introduces the concepts,concepts, policies and 2011 Managing Across Cultures introduces the \ policies andManaging PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Why Study practices International BusinessPractice Theory and Ehud Menipaz2011Amit Menipaz and . What is International Business provides students with a local or national international PART ONE:How does it differTO INTERNATIONAL BU business? INTRODUCTION from broad overview Understanding Global Cultures Through 30 J. Gannon and Rajnandini Pillai, Professor,and Diversity , Fifthauthorsin authorsAcknow Metaphorical Journeys Fifth Edition Martin Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, California Edition Cultures Martin J. Gannon May-12 In Understanding Global Cultures,Cultures University, ,San Marcos In Understanding Global Fifth State , Edition Depth: Martin Preface: Understanding Intercultural Communication Kathryn Sorrells Mar-12 . Intercultural Communication: Globalization and Socialin intercultural co DistinguishingPART ONE: COMMUNICATION, CULTUREintroduce itself among introductory texts Justice AND DIFF Intercultural Communication Edition James W. Neuliep . In this fully updated Fifth Edition author James W. NeuliepNeuliep provi A Contextual Approach Fifth Nov-11 In this fully updated Fifth Edition author Intercultural Communic Preface \ The Necessity of James W. provides a cl The Global Economic Crisis through an IndianKishore, Michael Global Economic Crisis through an Indianan IndianGlass isofGlass the o Adarsh Looking Glass Debabrata Patra and Parthathe through LookingCauses aboutCrisis 2011 The The Global Economicof RayCrisis Proximate Looking the is ab Origin Crisis The SAGE Handbook of Economic Geography Leyshon, Roger Lee, Linda McDowell and Peter Sunleyal Introduction \ in geographica Andrew 2011 What difference doespersuasive,think about the economy synthesis ofLO 'A powerful, it make to imaginative and relevant PART ONE: a Andrew Leyshon et Asian Business and Management Eight-Volume Set Michael A Witt May-12 Much of Thisexisting knowledge ONE SAGE Library in management has ev our major work presents a collection of seminal works onManag VOLUME about business and Business and Asian \ PART ONE: ALLIANCES, JOINT VEN International Communication Four-VolumeDaya Kishan Apr-12 International four-volume set plays a together classic publications with les Set Thussu This communication brings multifaceted role in the social, polit VOLUME ONE: INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIO SAGE Benchmarks in Communicatio Encyclopedia of Global Studies Four-VolumeHelmut K Anheier and Mark Juergensmeyer of GlobalisStudies is the reference work for the Set May-12 The Encyclopedia of Global Studies the reference work for the emergin The Encyclopedia The SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance Apr-12 Douglas Branson and definitive intellectual mapemerging discipline, theD Thomas Clarke and A timely and definitiveSir Adrian Cadbury Prefaceof\aThomas Clarke discip A timely intellectual map of a key key emerging and CorporatePrinciples and Issues Governance Donald Nordberg . OfferingExploring theat the commonly accepted board decisions behind 2010 a fresh look Introducing Corporate and view of what constitute orthodoxies, contexts Governance \ The Problems The SAGE Handbook of Governance Mark Bevir 2010 The study of governance "to govern" and the nounas a way Practice and D 'While the verb has Bevir to prominence Theory, of describing a Mark risen Governance as "government" are we Corporate Governance in India Jayati SarkarFeb-12 Corporate Governance Overview of Corporate Governancediscourse on to Corporate Governanceis an authoritative discourse on the state in India in India is an authoritative The Corpora SustainabilityIntroduction for Business cott T. Young An S Nov-12 Sustainability is the first survey text of its kind to offer a compre Key Concepts in Corporate Social Responsibility Suzanne Benn 2011Dianne Bolton key conceptsconcepts\in corporate the Bottom the autho and Introducing the Introducing the key in corporate social responsibility, of the Pyr Agency TheorySAGE Key Concepts series Business at social responsibility (C Strategic Corporate Sociala Global EnvironmentWerther, JrPresenting Chandlerof corporate STRATEGIC CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPOc Stakeholders in Responsibility Second Edition William B 2010 . and David the area PART ONE: social responsibility (CSR) as(CSR) as a Presenting the area of corporate social responsibility a constan Corporate Social Responsibility Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersonhas corporate social responsibility (CSR) become part of the Nov-12 Why The End of Corporate Social Responsibility Fleming and Marc T Jonesmuch-needed critique of Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocia Crisis and Critique Peter Aug-12 ProvidingProviding a much-needed critique of The End ofsocial responsibi a Preface \ Introduction: corporate Corporate (CSR SAGE Brief Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility 2011 DesignedDesigned as a PARTas a supplementalcourses in business business to serve to serve ONE: CORPORATE text for courses in ethics, c supplemental text for SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AN SAGE Brief Guide to Business Ethics 2011 DesignedDesigned forin business business ethics, Ethics and social respon for courses courses in ethics, Ethics? \ corporate the Individua What Is Business corporate social responsibility, co Organizational Ethics Second Edition E. Johnson Tools and Tactics for Organizational Transformation Craig Dec-11 Equipping students students to act as PART ONE: LAYING AN ETHICALethi Equipping so Introduction as change agents who encourage ethi they can act \ change agents who encourage FOU Business Schools and their Contribution to Society 2011 Alfons Sauquet Rovira Bernardsome of the most influential institutions in Mette Morsing and Business Businessare arguably Their Contribution to Society explores the schools Schools and Ramanantsoa Foreword \ Mette Morsing Green Business An A-to-Z Guide Nevin Cohen 2011 A global recession has dampened consumption Reference Series on Gree The SAGE and business investments Green Consumerism An A-to-Z Guide Juliana Mansvelt Via 150 signed entries, Green Consumerism: AnReference Series on a wid 2011 Via 150 signed entries, Green Consumerism offers a wide-rangin The SAGE A-to-Z Guide offers Gree Corporate Environmentalism and the John M Jermier Four-VolumeGreening of Dec-12 As awareness of global of global environmental problems spreads, Manag Set Organizations As awareness environmental problems spreads, the natural env SAGE Library in Business and the na New Directions in Business Ethics Four-VolumeAndy Crane and Dirk'When two of the leading thought leaders in businessBusiness and Manag Set Feb-12 Matten 'When two of the leading thought Library in business ethics best VOLUME ONE: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVESpick SAGE leaders in ethics pick the ON CorporateA Guide to Theory and Practice Cornelissen . . The Third EditionEdition ofONE:market-leading text has been fully upda Communication EditionJoep Third 2011 The Third of this market-leading text has TO CORPORATE COMM PART this INTRODUCTION been updated and exp Public Relations A Managerial Perspective Danny MossDec-11 . Taking a managerial perspective on the field of publicthis book explores and Barbara DeSanto a managerial perspective on the field, CONTEXTSthis boo Taking PART ONE: FRAMEWORKS AND relations, \ Barba Public Relations in India Responsibilites Vilanilam 2011 Public RelationsRelationsis a India is a Framework for PublicIndia TheRelat New Tasks and JV Public in India Conceptual review of the history of Public Grow A in review of the history of PR in Relations (PR) Ongoing Crisis CommunicationEditionW Timothy Coombs Crisis communication is the life\theNeed of communication throughoutKno Planning, Managing, and Responding Third 2011 This book emphasizes blood of for More Crisis Management th Preface A role crisis management: when comm Effective Crisis Communication Opportunity Ulmer,2011 This book provides practical W Seeger Communication: Defining Crisis Com Moving From Crisis to Edition Second Robert Timothy L Sellnow and Matthew advice on how to effectively manage and ove Providing theDefining Crisis advice on how to effectively mana reader practical Marketing Theory TextSecond Edition A Student Michael J Baker and Building on the popularity ofONE:first edition, OF MARKETING THEORY \ M 2010 Michael Saren on the popularity of the firstpublished in 2000, in 2000, Building PART the OVERVIEW edition published the Seco Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing Communications2010 . `BridgesPacked with case studies and first-hand examples edgeIntroduci Second Edition Hackley Approach Chris the academic gap between textbook and Promotion \ marketin Introducing Advertising and leading gathered from Marketing Critical Textbook A Nick Ellis, James Fitchett, Matthew Higgins,Introducing experts in the field, SarenTheory and P 2010 . . Written by a team ofto advancedthe HistoryMichael Marketing:Mark Ta Ideally suited Gavin Jack, Ming Lim,of marketing, this bookCritic renowned students of Marketing and A uses Cases in Marketing Management Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack and Cases Series, featuring is a unique is a co-publishing p 2011 The SAGE Text in Marketing Management IVEY Cases collection Market A Cases The Nature of Marketing Management \ of 40 cas Marketing Introductionecond Edition An S Rosalind Masterson .and Davidgood coursecourseONE: THIS IS MARKETING \ interesting Today 2010 . 'A very'APickton very good support that also offers students Marketing and up PART support that also offers students interesting Marketing and Society A Macro Approach Mark Peterson Dec-12 Going beyond the internal firm strategies of micro-marketing an ConsumerApplications inSecond Edition Behaviour Marketing Robert East, Sep-12 Wright and Marc Vanhuele Malcolm Contemporary Consumer Psychology Amanda Broderick Contemporary Consumer Psychology PART ONE: a cutting-edge textbook Nov-12 Contemporary Consumer Psychology is THE CONSUMER DECISIO Introduction \ is a cutting-edge textbook that prov ConsumerConsequences Second Edition Behavior and Culture Marketing and AdvertisingSecond Edition presents presents an empirically based model for Glob for Global Marieke de Mooij The 2010 The Second Edition an empirically-based model for integrating c Preface \ Consumer Behavior across Cultures: inte Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture Dale Southerton Three-Volume Set 2011 The three-volume Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture covers consuming s The three-volume Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture covers con Qualitative Consumer and Marketing Russell Belk,Dec-12 Fischer and Robert for students, scholars and marketing research practitio Research Eileen Designed V Kozinets PART ONE: INTRODUCTION \ Qualitative Research

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Marketing Strategy: The Thinking Involved is anBecoming atext that hold Preface : The Difference - innovative Marketing S Strategic Brand Management for B2BSharad Sarin 2010 This book aims to uncoverThinking About B2B Brands Brands and B2B M A Road Map for Organizational Transformation Markets This book aims to the hiddenResponse and unexploited power of 1 : uncover the hidden Books power of leveragin and unexploited Business-to-Business Marketing Edition Brennan,2010 . .Canning and Edition of McDowell SAGE Advanced Marketing Series th Second Ross Louise The Second Raymond thisONE: FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS-TO-BUS Drawing on their substantial experience of business-to-business PART bestselling B2B marketing textbook offers Social Marketing Influencing Behaviors Editionhilip KotlerDec-11 . The Fourth Edition of Foreword AlanMarketing is \ PARTtextbook for the Fourth for Good P and Nancy R LeeThe Fourth Edition of Social Andreasen the definitive textbook Social Marketing is the definitive ONE: UNDERSTA The SAGE Handbook of Social Marketing Gerard Hastings, Kathrynbenchmark handbook brings together together aForeword \ framewH 2011 This Angus and Carol BryantKotler and Nancy R. Lee systematic Gerardst This benchmark handbook brings a systematic framework and Philip Social Marketing 4 Volume SetCraig Leferbvre Dec-12 SAGE Library in Marketing Social Marketing Casebook Jeff French, RowenaSocial Marketing Casebook brings together together, forConceptstime, a c 2011 Merritt and Lucy Reynolds Social Marketing Casebook\brings for the first time a dedicated d Introduction Key Principles and the first of Socia Social Marketing to Protect the Environment What Works Doug McKenzie-Mohr, NancySocial Marketing Schultz andFostering Sustainable Behaviour \ R 2011 Social marketingPtakes Introduction \ the Environment showsthem to cam R Lee, Wesley to Protect principles and applies how social m key marketing Philip Kotler Health Communication Message Design Theory and Practice Hyunyi Cho Dec-11 This one of a kind text Theory-Based Message Design \ Gain and Loss Fra illustrates the importance of effective communica Hands-OnA Step-by-StepSecond Edition Social Marketing Guide Nedra Kline Weinreich 2010 Continuing the successSocial Marketingedition, \ NotHands-on Social Mar Building on the success of the first edition, Just Business as Usu of the previous Basics Hands-On Social Marketin Brief Guide to Marketing Ethics 2011 With keyWith key terms andONE: BUSINESS ETHICSethics presented in\a s terms and conceptsconcepts related to marketing ethics presen PART related to marketing \ Business Ethics Th Marketing Ethics Four-VolumeN Craig Smith and Patrick E Murphy field ofVOLUME ONE SAGE Librarylooks atMARKETING ET Set Sep-12 The burgeoning The burgeoning field of marketing ethicsthe Marketing and co marketing ethics looks at in moral issues issue : FOUNDATIONS OF the moral International Marketing Daniel W. Baack andPresenting an innovative, integrated approach, in INTERNATIONAL MARK Apr-12 Donald Baack Presenting anPART ONE: ESSENTIALS approach, in which market innovative, integrated OF which marketing conce Pricing Strategies A Marketing Approach Robert Schindler . This book makes basic pricing concepts more an Elementto business stud Dec-11 Demystifying Introduction: used in as accessible of the students the formulas Pricing pricing and showing Marketi Business-to-Business Marketing Four-VolumeNick Ellis, Mark Tadajewski and Andrew Pressey is the only INTRODUCING Marketing of busine Set 2011 This four-volume collection This four-volume collection is detailed survey ofsurvey VOLUME ONE: the only detailed business-to-bus SAGE Library in B2B MARKETING \ Political Marketing Three-Volume SetBaines 2011 'Political 'Marketing presents the ONE: POLITICAL MARKETING: CONCEPTS Paul The articles selected well represent how in Marketing develope VOLUME birth, maturation, the field has growth SAGE Library and continued CustomerCrafting Customer-Based BusinessBijapurkar Customer in the Boardroom? CraftingResponseCustomer and Where 'Cust in the Boardroom? Rama Strategy 2011 Customer in the Boardroom?CustomerBooks Business Business Thinking about Crafting Strategy Based Strategy Business Based Towards the Next Orbit Corporate Odyssey Subir Verma 2011 The global meltdown, the concomitant demise of legendary corporate be The global meltdown,\the concomitant demise of legendaryRout Papers Asha Bhandarker and Pritam Singh corp HandbookMulti-Item Measures for Marketing O Bearden, Richard G Netemeyer and KellyconciseONE:easy-to-use compilation of mu of Marketing ScalesEditionWilliam and Consumer Behavior Research Preface \LPART and INTRODUCTION \aIntroductio Third 2011 The Handbook of Marketing Scales, Third Edition represents clear, conc Representing a clear, Haws Legends in Marketing Eight-Volume Set C Krishnan Marketing as a discipline is closing in on 100 years of existence. DuringTy Jagdish Sheth Balaji 2010 Peter Sandman \JoAnn Valenti \Rae Tyson \Rae th /f001Legends In Marketing Legends in Marketing: Naresh Malhotra Nine-VolumeJagdish N Sheth011 Marketing as a discipline has been \ James Agarwal Volume Introduction Set 2 Volume One: Research Methodology:In Marketing a hundred yea VOLUME 1 in Legends Conjoint Analysis, Multidim existence for close to Legends in Marketing: Kent Monroe Jagdish N Sheth011 The Legends in Marketing series 1 \series captures the of the mostthe mo Seven-Volume Set 2 The Legends in Marketing Jaddish NessenceSet Introduction \ C VOLUME captures the In Marketing Legends Sheth essence of impor Legends in Marketing: Philip Kotler Jagdish N Sheth Nine-Volume Set Feb-12 The Legends in Marketing series 1Theory andNessence of the mostby: Rav Volume One: Marketingcaptures theOrientations. 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Americans are debat Public Economics and Policy: Essays inM Govinda Rao andBagchiRakshit is a commemorativeon Dr AmareshAmaresh His lifethe great Theory Honor of Amaresh This is a commemorative volume volume on Dr Bagchi, one of and wor 2011 Mihir This Sudipto Mundle Amaresh Bagchi: Bagchi, one of Music Business Handbook and EditionDavid Baskerville and Tim Baskerville of the Music Business BusinessMARKETPLACE Career G Ninth Career Guide 2010 The Ninth Edition Edition of the Music Handbook and Career Guide mai The Ninth PART ONE: MUSIC IN THE Handbook and \ Overvi Research Methods in Accounting Second Edition Malcolm Smith 2011 Updated Updated and expanded, the Second Edition of Research Method and expanded, the Secondand Overview \ Theory as Testable Ex Introduction Edition of Research Methods in Acco Accounting Theory Issues in a Political and Economic Environment extensive overview of accounting theory concepts and applic Conceptual Eighth Edition Harry I. 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