Portal Pier

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Detailed Design Consultancy Services for Ten Elevated Metro Stations and Viaduct between Baranagar (Km 4571.

00) to Barrackpur (Km 17200.00) in BaranagarBarrackpur Corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line Design of Normal Pier of Height 13m (RTL-Pile Cap top Level)


DESIGN FORCES: Pier 1 CASE Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Pier 2 CASE Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment V (t) 1036 732 958 755 ULS Check (top) ML (tm) 266 69 5 518 MT (tm) 1734 1430 2132 1454 ULS Check (Bottom) V (t) 1230 926 1152 1035 ML (tm) 809 271 290 1211 MT (tm) 542 786 1449 1031

V (t) 928 658 850 731

ULS Check (top) ML (tm) MT (tm) 260 1727 67 1374 14 2029 512 1439

ULS Check (Bottom) ML (tm) MT (tm) V (t) 1122 745 625 852 248 815 976 93 1601 1018 1159 682

Minimum Reinforcement and Spacing A) Minimum area of reinforcement required(Clause of IRS Concrete Bridge Code) Lesser of a) 1% of cross section b) 0.15 x P / fy Maximum Ultimate load on Pier, P = 1230 fy = 500 B) Minimum area of reinforcement required(Clause 16.2.2 of IRC:112) ) q ( ) Greater of a) b) Asmin = 0.002Ac Asmin = 0.1NED/fyd Maximum Design Axial Force, NED fyd

t Mpa

= =

1230 t 435 Mpa

C) Check for Spacing of Reinforcement Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm Diameter of Stirrups = 10 mm Maximum Permitted spacing as per Clause of IRS Concrete Bridge Code = 300 mm Maximum Permitted spacing as per Clause 16.2.2 of IRC:112 Code = 200 mm Type of pier used capsule with semi-circular edge Pier dimension in direction along the traffic = 3.4 m with architectural grooves Pier dimension in direction normal to traffic = 2.10 m with architectural grooves Structural Dimension of capsule type Pier with semi-circular edge = m 2.00 x 3.25 EquivalentRectangularpierdimensionconsidered(DxB)= 1.86 x 3.03 m Area of Structural Concrete = 5.64 Sqm Min As as per IRS code (%) = 0.065 Min As as per IRC code (%) = 0.200 Min As to be adopted (%) = 0.200 % of Steel provided = Total No of Vertical Bars = Maximum Diamter of Bar used = Perimeter at c/l of vertical bars = Spacing of Bar = Concrete Grade = 2.20 192 32 mm 8306 mm 43.3 mm M50 OK


Detailed Design Consultancy Services for Ten Elevated Metro Stations and Viaduct between Baranagar (Km 4571.00) to Barrackpur (Km 17200.00) in BaranagarBarrackpur Corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line Design of Normal Pier of Height 13m (RTL-Pile Cap top Level)

ULS Check Puz = d`=

17134 t 76 mm

d`/D = d`/B = pt/fck =

0.04 0.03 0.044

Pier 1 Top Section Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Pu or V ( t) 1036 732 958 755 ML (tm) 266 69 5 518 MT (tm) 1734 1430 2132 1454 *MuT/ *MuL/ Pu / (fckBD) (fckB2D) (fckBD2) 0.037 0.026 0.034 0.027 0.090 0.080 0.087 0.080 0.090 0.080 0.087 0.080 STATU S OK OK OK OK

Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment

# MuL # MuT ( tm ) ( tm ) 7687 6833 7431 6833 4730 4205 4573 4205

p/puz 0.060 0.043 0.056 0.044

n 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

(ML/MuL)n + (MT/MuT) 0.40 0.35 0.47 0.42


* Values has been taken from Chart 47 of SP16. #Moment Capacity corresponding to applied axial load' (tm) Pier 1 Bottom Section Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Pier 2 Top Section Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Pu or V ( t) 928 658 850 731 ML (tm) 260 67 14 512 MT (tm) 1727 1374 2029 1439 p/puz 0.054 0.038 0.050 0.043 *MuL/ *MuT/ Pu / (fckBD) (fckB2D) (fckBD2) 0.033 0.023 0.030 0.026 n 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.087 0.078 0.085 0.080 0.087 0.078 0.085 0.080 STATU S OK OK OK OK Pu or V ( t) 1230 926 1152 1035 ML (tm) 809 271 290 1211 MT (tm) 542 786 1449 1031 p/puz 0.072 0.054 0.067 0.060 *MuL/ *MuT/ Pu / (fckBD) (fckB2D) (fckBD2) 0.044 0.033 0.041 0.037 n 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.095 0.087 0.093 0.090 0.095 0.087 0.093 0.090 STATU S OK OK OK OK

# MuL # MuT ( tm ) ( tm ) 8114 7431 7943 7687 4993 4573 4888 4730

(ML/MuL)n + (MT/MuT)n 0.21 0.21 0.33 0.38

# MuL # MuT ( tm ) ( tm ) 7431 6662 7260 6833 4573 4100 4468 4205

(ML/MuL)n + (MT/MuT)n 0.41 0.35 0.46 0.42

Detailed Design Consultancy Services for Ten Elevated Metro Stations and Viaduct between Baranagar (Km 4571.00) to Barrackpur (Km 17200.00) in BaranagarBarrackpur Corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line Design of Normal Pier of Height 13m (RTL-Pile Cap top Level)

Pier 2 Bottom Section Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment Pu or V ( t) 1122 852 976 1018 ML (tm) 745 248 93 1159 MT (tm) 625 815 1601 682 *MuL/ *MuT/ Pu / (fckBD) (fckB2D) (fckBD2) 0.040 0.030 0.035 0.036 n 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.092 0.085 0.089 0.090 0.092 0.085 0.089 0.090 STATU S OK OK OK OK

Load Case Maximum Vertical Load Minimum Vertical Load Maximum Transverse Moment Maximum Longitudinal Moment

# MuL # MuT ( tm ) ( tm ) 7858 7260 7601 7687 4835 4468 4678 4730

p/puz 0.065 0.050 0.057 0.059

(ML/MuL)n + (MT/MuT)n 0.22 0.22 0.35 0.29

Therefore Provide 60 Nos 32 Dia bar for Pier 1 and Pier 2 throughout the section ( top to bottom ) Check for Crack Width Allowable Crack Width = Load Case IA Pier 1 Top IB IC IA Pier 1 Bottom IB IC IA Pier 2 Top IB IC IA Pier 2 Bottom IB IC V (t) 753 658 701 908 870 819 679 630 627 834 834 745 0.2 mm ML (tm) 171 180 3 516 516 186 167 174 8 475 475 169 MT (tm) 1374 1023 1623 263 555 1127 1367 1304 1554 318 318 1149

Max. Max. Tensile Comp. Crack Width (mm) STATUS Stress in Stress in 0.099 0 099 12.04 114 30 12 04 114.30 OK 0.020 9.28 79.78 OK 12.88 4.50 6.84 10.13 11.95 11.49 12.34 4.68 4.68 10.22 142.20 9.00 28.61 80.71 118.90 115.30 139.70 12.10 12.10 88.00 0.155 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.108 0.101 0.150 0.000 0.000 0.040 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

*For crack width calculation refer next page. Provision of Vertical Reinforcement Provide 96 96 96 96 Nos Nos Nos Nos 32 0 25 0 124332 2.20 Dia Bar at 1st Layer Equally spaced Dia Bar at 1st Layer Equally spaced Dia Bar at 2nd Layer Equally spaced Dia Bar at 2nd Layer Equally spaced Sqmm >=2.2, Hence OK

Ast Provided = % of Steel Provided =

Provision of Lateral Reinforcement For Confinement Zone Normalised axial force nk =NED/(AC fck) (Clause of IRC:112-2011) Length of plastic hinge required, Lh (Clause of IRC:112-2011) Longitudinal reinforcement ratio L Confined(core) concrete area, ACC Minimum reinforcement ratio w,req

= = = = =

0.04 Confinement of compression zone is not required 0 mm above pile cap

0.022 5.16 Sqm 0.044 [ 0.37 (Ac/ACC) nk+0.13 (fyd/fcd)(L-0.01)]

Detailed Design Consultancy Services for Ten Elevated Metro Stations and Viaduct between Baranagar (Km 4571.00) to Barrackpur (Km 17200.00) in BaranagarBarrackpur Corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line Design of Normal Pier of Height 13m (RTL-Pile Cap top Level)

(Clause of IRC:112-2011) Min. confining r/f reqd wd (Clause of IRC:112-2011) volumetric ratio w (Clause of IRC:112-2011) Reqd. confining reinf. Asp/sL (Clause of IRC:112-2011) Required max. spacing sL (Clause of IRC:112-2011) Required max. spacing sT (Clause of IRC:112-2011) Reqd. confining reinf. Asp/sT (Clause 17.2.2 of IRC:112-2011) For Normal Zone Min. diameter of transverse reinforcement Required max. spacing sL (Clause 16.2.3 of IRC:112-2011) Required max. spacing sT (Clause 16.2.3 of IRC:112-2011)

= = = = = =

0.120 [ Max ( ww,req ; 0.12)] for Rectangular Stirrups. 0.007 [ (fcd/fyd)wwd] for Rectangular Stirrups. 20754 Sqmm/m along Longitudinal Section 12499 Sqmm/m along Transverse Section 200 mm 200 mm and provided 1005 Sqmm/m [ 173.0 mm

So, min. link Dia shoud be 0 mm.]

req.= = =

8 mm 200 mm 300 mm and provided 259.6 mm

Details of lateral reinforcement provided Inner Longitudinal Outer Ties Stirrups Dia. (mm) Dia. (mm) No. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 Inner Transverse Ties Dia. No. (mm) 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 Ast (Sqmm/m) Long. Section N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3927 Trans. Section N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2356.19 Zone Confinement Transition 1 Transition 2 Transition 3 Normal

Spacing (mm) 200 200 200 200 200

Length of Status zone 0 0 0 0 8850 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ok

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