FANFICItsaHip HopWorldBaby

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Its a Hip-hop World, Baby!

by huntress


MEAN TO COPY THE TITLE OR STORY AT ALL! THE PLOT AND CHARACTERS ARE ALL ORIGINALLY FROM MY MIND! I GOT THE TITLE FROM ZICO AND U-KWON SAYING IT ALL THE TIME AND IT FITS RIGHT WITH MY STORY SO I HOPE YOU ALL UNDERSTAND! ---Characters: *Put your name where ~~~~~~ is. Do not be afraid of using first person! :) You: Kim ~~~~~~~. 17. Junior. Pretty badass since your brothers are. But you also have lots and lots of aegyo and cutesy sides. LOVES hip-hop. Loves to rap and is a pro at it. Hobby is going to underground hip-hop clubs and going against other rappers. Not afraid of much. Brave. Strong. Tough. Not girly except for the way you dress at times. Understanding. Sweet. Good cook. Loves to smile and have fun. Changed school many times (not because you are a bad rebel) but now goes to Downtown Seoul High School. Lee Seungri: (Actually a Kim but had to change his last name) 18, senior. Biological 5th brother. Attends school with you. More of a coward than you are. Loves to sing. Cocky at times and likes to pick fights with 3rd oldest. Kang Daesung: (Actually a Kim also) 20, 2nd year in college. Biological 4th brother. Goes to Kyunghee University. Sweet, calm, patient, quiet, kind. Loves to sing and is in a lot of musicals. Kwon Jiyong: (Actually a Kim too) 21. Biological 3rd brother. No college for him. Hottempered. Used to be in gang-related stuff. Troublemaker. Resents parents and the world, basically. No one can control him except Seunghyun. Loves to rap, too. Hip-hop/ gangster name is G-dragon. Dong Taeyang: (Also a Kim) 22. 4th year in college. Daejin University. Biological 2nd brother. Calm, most patient and level-headed. Referrees fights. Loves to sing. Choi Seunghyun: (Kim, too). 23. No college for him, too, but makes okay money. Looks very scary and cold but is a good guy. Played father for all of you. Had to drop out of high school to feed the family. Cares for each and every one of you a lot. Loves to rap also. Hip-hop name is TOP. Zico: 18. senior. Leader of Block B. No parents. Runs loose all the time. Great fighter but loves the hip-hop scene. Not scared of anything. Never met anyone who could beat him in free-style rapping. The rest of Block B: 18, senior except for P.O. who is a junior just like you. All orphans, runs free, rebels, gangsters that love hip-hop. Wild and rowdy but their loyalty is deep. Rumored to be best fighters. ---------Plot: You and your family have been on the run since you were only 7 years old. Your beloved mom passed away, leaving her 6 precious children in the care of her drunken, gambling husband. One day, your dad runs away with a huge gambling debt. Ever since then, you and your brothers have been on a run from the loan sharks and local gangsters. It was a disaster. TOP had to quit school. G-dragon got into a lot of fights and even agreed the loan sharks to enter their gang in order to free your family from the debts. However, that didn't work out and the 6 of you were on the run for your lives again. TOP changed all of your last names so that the loan sharks couldn't find you so easily. You moved more than 3 times in one month. The only conciliation you and you family have is HIP-HOP. You became infatuated by the scene where people fight, not with fists, but with their words. So you and your brothers fromed Big Bang. In your junior year, everything seems to go peacefully. You are finally starting to settle in at Downtown Seoul High School.

However, when 7 new strange boys who call themselves Block B enter your school and hip-hop scene, your life is about to take a crazy twist. Your world starts to become dangerous once again. But this time, you're in for a big surprise because something is starting to happen that you've never experienced before: L-O-V-E ----------- Copyright; 2011, DBSKGIRL4EVER All Rights Reserved. No printing or redistribution allowed. Do not post anywhere else. Do not plagiarize. CHAPTER 01 Orphans It was a rainy, gray day. 6 siblings were hiding behind the wall of their grungy apartment. The eldest, a 13-year-old boy with dark, wary eyes, peered over carefully so that he wouldnt get caught. The men with multiple tattoos wearing silver-chained necklaces and greasy black suits were still there. On each of their wrists was a bright colored tattoo of a dragon, representing their clan of merciless gangs and loan sharks. One man spat on the black asphalt. His saliva mixed with the rain and went down the drain. The sound of shattering glass made the youngest, a 7-year-old girl in braids and overalls, drop the lollipop that her 4tholdest brother had given to comfort her. Whats that, oppa? She fretfully looked up. Shh. The 2ndoldest pulled her close and patted her head. Hyung, let me go kick their asses. I can do it. The hot-tempered 3rdoldest snapped. The oldest glared at him, Do you want to get killed. Shut up and stay put." The hot-tempered one crossed his arms and glowered. He could tackle all of those men down, or so he thought. He momentarily forgot about the knives and guns these men had. One man came out. Seunghyun waved his siblings to sit back against the wall. Seungri was shaking so badly. He was on the verge of peeing in his pants. Fuck, The man cursed. I cant find anyone. The house is empty. The whole family disappeared. Shit. And I thought we would at least get some money back by selling that little girl. Jiyong snarled under his breath. Seunghyun put a finger to his lips. What do we do now? The men asked. Well keep searching for them. They cant run forever. The head dog spat on the ground and left. His men followed him. The siblings heard the sound of car doors closing and the engines starting. Now. Seunghyun whispered. Go! Go! Go! He hurriedly waved his siblings on. Jiyong, carry ~~~~~~~. Seunghyun said. Where are we going, oppas? You asked. Leaving this shithole forever. Jiyong snapped as he whisked you up in his arms. For an 11-year-old, he had a foul mouth. You looked back at your apartment and reached out *Our home* The sound of sneakers slapping in puddles and the ragged breaths of your brothers was all that you could hear. The 6 of you arrived at the train station. No trains were moving at this hour but at least you had shelter for the moment.

The 6 of you huddled together by the inner walls where no one could ever see any of you. Seungri miserably shivered. Daesung pulled his jacket off and gave it to him. You tugged on Seunghyuns jacket, Oppa, what are we doing here? Wheres daddy? We have no daddy. Jiyong spat. *No daddy? Whats going on?* You were so confused. So were really orphans now? Your bottom lip trembled as tears threatened to spill out. Seunghyun took his jacket off and put it over you. He pushed your head onto his shoulder, Sleep. We have a long day tomorrow. I miss mommy. You started to cry. The boys dismally lowered their heads. They missed their mother, too. Seunghyun wiped your tears away, Sleep. Your eyelids grew heavy and they started to close. The last thing you remember was Jiyong putting his jacket over you. *What lies ahead of us now?* You drowsily wondered. CHAPTER 02 Going to Mommy You woke up to the sound of trains. Your eyes fluttered open and you rubbed your groggy eyes. Shiiit. Jiyong drawled as he stretched his arms and sore back. Seunghyun fluidly put his jacket on, Get up, guys. We gotta go. Where? Daesung asked. Truthfully, Seunghyun didnt know. But it had to be far, far from this place where the gang was. Hurry up before more people come. Seunghyun urged. Everyone reluctantly got up. You pulled Seungri up, Come on, oppa. He mumbled something and rubbed his dark eyes. Come on. Youre her big brother. Be stronger. Taeyang lightly punched his arm. Follow me. Seunghyun said. Take my hand. Daesung held it out. You took it and squeezed it comfortingly. Seunghyun poked his head out and looked around. He didnt have enough money to buy tickets for all of you. The only way to get on the train was to sneak on. Seunghyun glanced around to make sure security wasnt around. When it was clear, he waved all of you forward. The 6 of you went onto the platform. The police! Daesung whispered. Act natural, dickhead. Jiyong mumbled. Seungri turned pale as a ghost. He nervously fidgeted and his eyes darted around everywhere but the police. You leaned against Daesung tiredly. The two men in blue uniform queerly looked at you 6. They started talking and pulled out their walkie-talkies. Shit. Jiyong hissed. The sound of a train made all of you look up. Move towards the train quickly. Seunghyun ordered. The 6 of you casually shuffled towards the train. Hey, you kids. The policemen called. Suddenly, Seungri gasped, HYUNGS! ITS THEM! They whipped their heads up to see the gang running towards you. AWWW, SHIT! Jiyong whisked you up in his arms and started running. GO GO GO! Seunghyun ordered. The 6 of you scrambled towards the oncoming train. FREEZE!

STOP YOU LITTLE BRATS! Both the police and the gang chased your tails. Your right pink sneaker fell off. AHH, Jiyong oppa! My shoe! You squirmed and reached out. Its lost already! He snapped. Daesung ran back to get your sneaker but the gang was right there. *Shit!* He had no choice but to leave the shoe. The doors to the train were about to close. The 6 of you slipped in right before it closed. The train took off and you were all safe. The 6 of you sighed in relief. Seungris knees went weak and he sank onto the ground. Take that, you fucking bastards! Jiyong put up his middle fingers. The gang furiously glared at him. Lets go sit. Seunghyun pulled Seungri up. Tiredly, the 6 of you followed him into the next compartment and sat down. My shoe You frowned at your right foot. Your white stocking was dirty now. Sorry. I tried. Ill buy you a new one. Daesung promised. Taeyang looked at Seunghyun, Where are we going now, hyung? How about we go visit mom? He asked. You brightened, Mommy?! Seunghyun wearily smiled and nodded while stroking your tangled hair. YAY! You jumped up and down. Quiet down! Jiyong hissed. But you kept clapping and dancing in your seat, Were going to see mommy~ Were going to see mommy~ Daesung and Taeyang laughed. Jiyong rolled his eyes and pulled his hood over his head. Seungri was knocked out already. Are you that happy? Seunghyun murmured. You beamed and nodded, Very happy! The woman came around with a cart selling snacks. Anything for the kiddies? She beamed. Your eyes glittered at the food. Seungri opened his eyes and licked his lips. None of you had had any food since yesterday lunch and it had been nothing but milk and stale bread. Seunghyun saw how hungry his siblings looked. He took out the little money he had. It was enough to buy 5 boiled eggs. Ill take 5. Seunghyun said. The woman took the money and handed him 5 eggs. Here. He handed it to you and your brothers. YAY! You cheered. This is so fun! Its like a field trip! Taeyang and Daesung cracked the eggs on each others heads and laughed. Jiyong slammed the egg into the window and opened the shell. Seungri hungrily wolfed his down. You bit yours and blinked up at Seunghyun, Big oppa, why arent you eating? His stomach grumbled but he ignored it, Im not hungry. Still, you should eat. You held your half-eaten egg up. Seunghyun softly smiled and shook his head, Im okay. You eat a lot. He patted your head. Beaming, you finished your egg. Seunghyun brushed the egg yolk off your lips with his thumb. Seungri started to choke on his egg. Aigoo. Taeyang clapped his back. Seunghyun rested his head and looked out the window. *Mom, were coming to you. I hope youll be happy to see us.* CHAPTER 03 By the Cemetery

Seunghyun opened his eyes. His siblings were all asleep. Your head was resting on his shoulder. He looked around *Where are we?* Seunghyun noticed the familiar setting. Get up, guys. He shook his brothers, Were here. We have to get off at the next stop. Seunghyun gently shook you, ~~~~~~~~~~~ wake up. We have to go. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up. Ah, Jeez. Jiyong stretched. You took Seunghyuns hand. He squeezed your hand. The train stopped and the 6 of you got out. Ah, the sun. Daesung whined. Seungri was already dead to the world. The station was thick with people. Stay close so that you wont get lost. Daesung, take ~~~~~~~s other hand. Seunghyun ordered. Daesung did as told. Seunghyun glanced back. Seungri was lagging. Jiyong. Seunghyun said. He rolled his eyes and dragged Seungri over by the back of shirt, Come on, you slug. Keep up! The 6 of you made it out of the train station. Do you remember where mom was buried? Taeyang asked. Yeah, but we have to walk. I dont have any money. Seunghyun said. It was a long way to the cemetery. You grew tired but tried your best to keep up. Jiyong had to keep cursing so that Seungri would keep up. Finally, you grew tired and sat on the floor, My feet hurt. Mine, too. Seungri sat next to you. Its just a little more. Seunghyun said. Still, you didnt get up. He bent down, Come on. Get on my back. You stood up. Daesung helped you onto Seunghyuns back. Seunghyun lifted you up. Carry me, too, hyung. Seungri begged. Not a chance. Get up! Jiyong yanked him up. Seungri sighed and trudged up the hill. Seunghyun glanced back at you, Better? Mmhmm. You hugged his neck. But you pouted, Oppa, you must be tired, though. Mianhae. He shook his head, No~ Oppa isnt tired at all. You beamed and squeezed his neck, Of course not cause youre my big, strong brother, right? Seunghyun smiled and nodded. The two of you laughed. Another 20 minutes had passed. Ill carry her now, hyung. Taeyang lifted you off of Seunghyun. He stared to carry you bridal style. You snuggled against his skinny chest as you hugged his neck. Were finally here. Seunghyun said. You opened your eyes and looked up. You remembered the pearly white gates that looked just like the gates of Heaven. Your eyes lit up at the memory. You squirmed and Taeyang let you down. MOMMY! You ran in. Even Seungri perked up a bit. You stopped and looked around in confusion, Eh? Where is it again? This way. Seunghyun motioned you over. You ran over. The 6 of you stopped in front of the gravestone. KIM MI RA. Mommy! You hugged the stone, We came! Arent you happy?! Seunghyun and Taeyang softened. It touched them to see such a cute, little girl hugging the stone as if it really was their mom. Seungri blankly blinked. Tears were already falling down Daesungs face. Lets all say hello to mom. Seunghyun put his hand on Daesungs and your shoulder. He bent you down in 90 degrees and bowed along with you, Annyeonghasayo, umma. Everyone paid their respects except for Jiyong. He was standing far away with a sad, bitter face. Jiyong. Come and greet mom. Seunghyun called. Everyone stared at him.

What mom? Shes dead. He muttered. You gasped with wide eyes. Kim Jiyong. Seunghyun growled. What? Its true. You all are acting like shes still alive but you need to face the facts. SHES DEAD. Shes no fucking help to any of us in this situation at all. He snapped. Before Seunghyun could scold him, you stormed over. You shoved him with your small, weak hands, How can you say that about mommy, oppa?! Youre bad! Mommy will be disappointed in you! Dead people dont have feelings. Jiyong muttered. You started to cry, Why are you being so mean to mommy? Because she left us first. Angry tears welled up in his eyes, She left us all alone to fend for ourselves. Were just kids and yet she just died like that. She left us with a deranged, drunken man who spent all the money on gambling and left us to starve. And now were running for our lives but what can mom do about it now, huh? You tell me. You know what she can do? Absolutely nothing. Jiyong spat, Mom is a fucking coward. She left before us so that she didnt have to be included in this catastrophe. If she loved us at all, she wouldnt have gone first. She had no choice, you meanie! You bawled. I hate you, Jiyong oppa! Youre such a bad person! You kept hitting him but he just stood there with hot tears spilling down his face. Thats enough. Seunghyun came over. Taeyang pulled you back and cuddled you in his arms. Seunghyun gazed at Jiyong and softly spoke, Still, its not right, Jiyong. Mom loved you a lot. I remember. Come and say hello. Jiyong pulled away, Whatever. He walked away and sat in the grass. You wouldnt stop crying. Daesung wiped your tears away, Shh, stop crying. Seungri was silently crying, too. Soon, the 6 of you were lying down in the grass. You had fallen asleep crying. Seunghyun wiped the rest of your tears away and lightly patted your tummy. You lulled into a deep slumber and dreamt about your mom: the kind and loving woman who endlessly spilled love for her beautiful children. Seunghyun sighed and looked at the gravestone. *Mom, please give me courage. I need to be strong to lead all my brothers and sister to a good life. I dont know if I can do that. Please watch over us in heaven, mom. Keep us safe. As long as were together, I know everything will be okay.* CHAPTER 04 Orphanage The sound of walkie-talkies made Seunghyun abruptly wake up. He sat up to see policemen around them. *Shit.* Guys, wake up! In panic, he shook his siblings. The boys sat up blearily, What? Their eyes rounded in full alarm when they saw the uniformed men. Oppa, whats going on? You asked. Lets run for it! Jiyong said. But it was impossible. They were surrounded. One officer came over, Kids, where are your parents? Theyre coming back. They just went somewhere. Seunghyun said. Daesung eagerly nodded, Yeah, they told us to stay and wait. Hmmm. The officers raised their eyebrows at each other. Not a good sign. We actually got a report of 6 runaway kids on a train. *Uh-oh.* All of you thought. Come with us, kids. The officers said.

Without a choice, the 6 of you went with him. You, Seunghyun, and Daesung got in one car. You squeezed Seunghyuns hand, Oppa, where are they taking us? He had no idea either. The police cars stopped. All of you got out. Ah, hell no. Jiyong said. The 6 of you stared at the orphanage. You will stay here least until your parents come back. The officer said. Hyung. Daesung gulped. Seunghyun clenched his hand into a fist. He didnt want any of you to be raised in an orphanage. Also, if any of you got adopted without each other, it would mean separation forever. The officers urged all of you in. The warden, a lady in her mid-30s, came over. You looked around. Small children around your age were playing in the playground. Some curiously stared at you. You moved closer to Seunghyuns side. The policemen and warden talked for a while. Then the officers left and you were left alone. The warden smiled, Welcome to your new home! Hell no. Jiyong muttered. She frowned, Young man, we do not use such language here. Like I care. He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. The warden bent down and smiled at you, Such a pretty girl. Are you youngest? You nodded. I see youre missing a shoe. I can get you a new pair. Come. She took your hand but you wouldnt move from your brothers side. Dont worry. Theyll still be here. The 6 of you will stay for a long time. The warden led you away. CHAPTER 05 HELL Orphanage Life in the orphanage was, to put it lightly, HELL. The kids there were so mean since you were the newest. Seunghyun was busy trying to make a plan to get away. Seungri became a social outcast. Taeyang and Daesung tried their best to help you and Seungri adjust. Jiyong, of course, didnt get along with anyone. He had temper problems, which led him to be locked up in the Time-Out Room. Mealtimes were horrible. You had a hard time eating with the kids rowdily reaching for side dishes. Sleeping hours were worst. The girls room was so crowded and you had to be separated from your brothers. You cried yourself to sleep all the time. Morning came and the warden woke everyone up. With puffy eyes, as usual, you came out of the room. The first thing Seunghyun did when he woke up was to search for you. Aigoo, did you cry again? He asked. Your bottom lip trembled and you nodded. Taeyang poked your head, Babo, were just next door. I want to go home. You started to bawl. Seunghyun got on his knee in front of you and wiped your tears away, Stop crying. Why would you cry when all your oppas are here? Seungri came over rubbing his eyes, Whats going on? Daesung and Jiyong joined the family reunion. Jiyong sighed, Again, ~~~~~~~~~, seriously? Youre such a crybaby. Seunghyun threw him a look. Daesung hugged you and patted your head in comfort.

You sniffled and hugged his waist. Lets go eat. Seunghyun urged all of you foreword. You sat between Taeyang and Seungri. Taeyang fed you, Ah. You opened your mouth. You reached for the water but some kid snatched it away. Hey, thats my sisters. Jiyong sneered. Frightened, the kid put the water down. Jiyong put the water in front of you, Protect what is yours. Dont let anyone steal it away. You glanced at Taeyang uneasily who nodded. You took the cup and drank the water. After breakfast, everyone piled to the bathrooms to wash. There were only 2 and it was hectic. Everyone wanted to use the warm water. You and Seungri brushed your teeth in the corner. You put bubble on his nose and giggled. He blinked and wiped it away. Seunghyun called you over. After you spat and rinsed, he washed your face for you. You giggled as he scrubbed your face and tickled your sides. He smiled, Okay, youre done. Come here, Seungri. Taeyang patted your face dry. Daesung came over with lotion. Whered you get that, oppa? You asked with wide eyes. I got some from the wardens room. He sheepishly said. You STOLE that? You stared at him. Daesung turned crimson, Of course not! J-just borrowed. Come on. Girls skin should be soft. He put some on your hand and you patted it on your tiny face. Your brothers laughed at the sight. The day went by fast. You and Seungri played together on the playground until it was lunchtime. After another frenzied mealtime, you had to play inside. Oppa, where do you think daddy is? You asked Seungri. He shrugged, I dont know. Dont you miss him? You asked. Not really. He wasnt a good dad. Seungri said. *Thats true but still dad is a dad.* You thought. Suddenly, a bully snatched the toy away from you. Hey, I was playing with that! You reached out. The bully held it away and sneered, It doesnt matter. I was here way before you so I can do whatever I want! He shoved you and you fell back into Seungris arms. ~~~~~~~~~~~! You okay? Seungri asked and fretfully looked up at the bully. What are you looking at, punk? The bully stepped towards him. Both of you flinched. Jiyong appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his arm, Thats my brother and sister youre messing with. The bully was intimidated for a second but stepped up to him, So what? Muh? Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows. The bully shot, You and your brothers and sister are nothing but a load of trashbags- Jiyong shoved him hard. The bully landed on the ground and actually started to cry. The warden came over, What is going on?! She put her hands on her hips and eyed Jiyong, Is it you again? Come here. She dragged him to the time-out room and locked him up. It was dinnertime. You glanced around to make sure the warden wasnt looking. You took some of the dinner and snuck to the time-out room. Jiyong oppa. You whispered. He looked up. The room was dark already. Oppa. He heard his sister call again. Jiyong crawled towards the door, ~~~~~~~, what are you doing here? Go eat. But youre hungry. You whimpered. No, Im not. I wont eat any of the food that bitch makes. He determined. Still, you have to eat. You tried to sneak the food under the door but it was too small. ~~~~~ what are you doing here?! A voice snapped. You gasped and looked up. *Shit, she got caught.* Jiyong squeezed the doorknob. I- I- You mumbled. Go back to dinner. The warden narrowed her eyes at you. Cant you let my brother go now? He learned his lesson and hes sorry. You begged. *No, Im not.* Jiyong thought. She put her hands on her hips, Do you want to be in the time-out room, too? *Nasty bitch.* ~~~~~~, just go back. He ordered.

But- NOW. Jiyong ordered. You sighed and trudged back to the table. Where did you go? Taeyang asked. To see Jiyong oppa. Tears welled up in your eyes, I dont like the warden. Your brothers were quiet. None of them did. Eat. Seunghyun gently said. No, I dont want to. You had lost your appetite. You just kept crying for poor Jiyong alone and hungry in the dark. CHAPTER 06 Running Away It was almost bedtime. The 5 of you were anxiously waiting for Jiyong to be released. Finally, he came out, haggard, cold, and hungry. Oppa! You ran over and hugged his waist as tightly as possible. You started to cry, relieved to see him again. Im okay. Jiyong patted your head. The two of you sat down. Arent you hungry? Seunghyun asked, concerned. Id rather starve than eat something that woman cooked. God, I hate her so much. Jiyong muttered. You were still holding onto his waist. Hyung, Taeyang seriously whispered, I dont think any of us can take any of this anymore. I dont want to see Jiyong going back into that room again and I hate seeing ~~~~~~~s red eyes every morning. We dont belong here. We need to leave here as soon as possible. Dont you think I know that? But I dont know how to. If we get caught, there will be more trouble. Seunghyun muttered. Still, hyung, we have to do something. Even Daesung was pushing him. Seungri nervously looked at the faces of his elder hyungs. Time to sleep. The warden said. You squeezed Jiyong tighter, I dont want to go to sleep. You have to. Come on. Taeyang picked you up and carried you to the girls room. You hugged his neck, looked into his eyes, and whispered, Oppa, cant I just sleep with you today? No, He shook his head, Youll get in trouble by the warden. I hate the warden. You copied Jiyongs words. Hate is not a good word. Taeyang gently chided. Wheres your blanket? You pointed to the one in the far corner. Taeyang gently laid you down and pulled the covers over you. He lightly patted your belly while humming a lullaby. You giggled. Whats so funny? Taeyang asked. Seunghyun oppa is like our daddy while you are like our mommy. You giggled again. Muh? You- Taeyang began to tickle you. You thrashed while laughing. The warden came by, Taeyang, what are you doing here? You should be in the boys room. Going. Taeyang replied. He looked at you and softly smiled, Sweet dreams. Taeyang curled your hair behind your ear, Dont cry, okay? Oppas are right next door. If you have nightmares, knock on the door and Ill come. You nodded. Good night. Taeyang bent down and kissed your forehead.

You waved. His heart wrenched as he watched his little sister alone in the big room full of strange girls. Taeyang sighed and went to the boys room. He lay in his spot next to Seunghyun. Is ~~~~~~~ asleep? He asked. I hope she can. Taeyang mumbled. The lights turned off and all was dark. Seunghyun stayed wide awake. He kept thinking and thinking. Finally, he turned to Taeyang and shook him, You sleeping? Taeyang opened his eyes, No. Tell the boys were leaving tonight. Seunghyun said. Taeyangs eyes brightened. He turned over and shook Jiyong who curiously opened his eyes. Taeyang whispered in his ear. Jiyong nodded and told Daesung who passed the message onto Seungri. Do you think we can successfully get out of here, hyung? Taeyang whispered. I hope so. Was all Seunghyun could say. CHAPTER 07 Great Escapade It was 2 in the morning. Seunghyuns eyes popped open. His heart began to accelerate at the thought of what they were going to do right now. *Its time.* Seunghyun shook Taeyang. He opened his eyes and blinked. Wake them up. Were leaving now. Seunghyun whispered. Taeyang nodded and started to wake up his brothers. Seunghyun got up and snuck over to the door. He opened the door as quietly as possible and looked out. The hallway was dark and empty. Seunghyun snuck next door to the girls room. He tip-toed carefully over the girls bodies and made his way over to you. Seunghyun gently shook you, ~~~~~~~~~-ah, wake up. Mmm, oppa. What are you doing here? You groggily rubbed your eyes. Sh. He put a finger to his lips, Were getting out of here. Really?! Your eyes widened. Seunghyun nodded, So come on. He took your pink hello kitty backpack and started stuffing some of your clothes inside. You stuck a Barbie in there, too. Seunghyun slipped your jacket on you and put the backpack on you. He zipped up your jacket to make sure you wouldnt get cold. Ready? Seunghyun asked. You nodded. He took your hand and led you across the bodies. You accidentally tripped against a girl. You gasped and looked up at Seunghyun with wide, panicky eyes. He darted a look at the girl. She stirred for a moment but went back to sleep. You sighed in relief. Seunghyun and you quickly left the room. You only saw 3 of your brothers waiting in the front. Wheres Jiyong?! Seunghyun asked. Meanwhile, Jiyong was in the wardens room. The warden was deeply asleep in her cozy bed. Jiyong snuck over to her purse. He dug through it to search for her wallet. *Bingo!* His eyes sparkled. Jiyong took it out. Before he could open, he heard the warden mumble. His entire body froze. *Shit.* Jiyong dared a glance back. The warden was shifting in her sleep. Beads of sweat ran down his forehead. *Dont wake up!* As if he had hypnotized her,

she stopped moving and went right back to sleep. Jiyong sighed in relief. With trembling hands, he grabbed all the money in her wallet and shoved the empty wallet back into her purse. Jiyong quickly fled out the door. Seunghyun was about to go back in when Jiyong came out. Seunghyun sighed in relief, Kim Jiyong- What are we waiting for?! Lets go! Jiyong grabbed your hand. The brothers looked at each other and followed him. The 6 of you ran and never looked back. CHAPTER 08 HIP-HOP You didnt know how long you had been running for. The 6 of you were far away from the orphanage now. All you could see were shacks now. Im tired. You whined. Just a little more. Seunghyun tugged on your hand. Seungri fell onto the ground. Everyone stopped and looked back. Go without me. I cant go anymore. Seungri lay down. Jiyong rolled his eyes and jabbed Seungris leg with his foot, Get up! Shh, I hear something. Daesung said. Everyone shut up. Ears perked up. Do you hearmusic? Taeyang asked, confused. Even Seungri stood up. All of you warily went to the shack in the far left. 6 heads poked into the building. It was filled with cheering women and men in their 20s. Some were drinking and others were socializing. There was a rap battle going on. It was an underground hip-hop club. Whoa All of you were awed by what was going on. Jiyong and you were interested the most. Can we go in?! Daesung asked. Lets go. Jiyong led the way. Hey, be careful. Seunghyun hissed. You saw the rappers and headed towards them. ~~~~~~~~~~! Taeyang scolded and grabbed your hand, causing you to be yanked back. You cant just run off like that! I wanna see. You pouted and made grabbing motions towards the stage. Taeyang sighed and walked you over to the stage. Waaa You looked up in awe. The rappers wereamazing. How did they just spit out words like that? Their lips moved so fast and their words were so powerful. Jiyong watched next to you. Taeyang clapped him on the shoulder, Watch ~~~~~~~, araso? Yeah. Jiyong didnt even look. Taeyang left to look for the rest. Theyre so cool, huh, oppa?! You admiringly squealed. Yeah Jiyong agreed. He, too, loved hip-hop. He loved to rap himself and used to rap in the shower all the time. You started to walk off but Jiyong grabbed the loop of your backpack and yanked you back without even looking. Stay here. Its gonna be a bitch to find you. You made a face and crossed your arms. You looked up to see Seunghyun coming your way. You brightened and ran over, Oppa! You hugged his arm and bounced up and down, Arent they so awesome? Yeah, they are. Seunghyun also loved to rap. Hyung, Im hungry. Seungri said. Why you? Jiyong is the one that didnt eat. Taeyang stated. Still. Seungri mumbled. Jiyong pulled out a handful of bills from his pocket and gave him $20. Go get something to eat. All of you gasped at the money. Thanks, hyung! Seungri giddily ran off.

Whered you get that?! Seunghyun hissed. Jiyong casually shrugged. Before Seunghyun could ask more questions, Jiyongs attention was fixed back onto the rappers. Seunghyun sighed and let it go for now. Seungri came back with food. He shared with you and the others. Seungri stuck a fry into your mouth. Yummy, huh? With food, he was hyper and energetic. You giggled and nodded. The 6 of you were happily eating and watching when a few rappers noticed you. Hey, what are you kids doing here? They started heading over. Shit! Jiyong cursed. Seungri dropped his fries. All of you scrambled towards the exit but you were blocked. How did you get in? The rappers asked. One grasped your arm, A little girl? Jiyong acted on instinct and snatched your arm away. He protectively stood in front of you with a fierce growl, Dont TOUCH my sister! The boy looked at him amused, Damn boy. Why are you all in here? One man asked while grabbing onto Seungri and Daesung. Seunghyun pulled his brothers away and securely put you all behind him. His dark eyes penetrated the man, We like hip-hop so we were just watching. And we paid for the food with our own money. Theres nothing wrong with that. *Or whoevers it was that Jiyong stole from.* You like hip-hop? The man raised an eyebrow. Seunghyun nodded. The man smirked, All right then. Rap. He pushed all of you on the platform. The music stopped and everyone was staring at all of you. You got stage fright and hid behind Daesung. Come on. The man crossed his arms, Rap. Jiyong and Seunghyun looked at each other. Scared? The rappers laughed. Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows. No one could call him a coward. He snatched the mic and put it to his lips. The moment he opened his mouth, jaws dropped onto the floor. How could an 11-year-old rap so well?! Jiyong tossed the mic to Seunghyun. He caught it and rapped his own rhymes. On top of that, Taeyang, Daesung, and even Seungri danced. You clapped proudly. When they were done, the audience wildly cheered. Man, boys, you got some swag! The rappers ruffled their hairs. Jiyong was grinning like crazy. Seunghyun laughed and hi-fived them. One of the rappers put you on his shoulder. You giggled in happiness. My name is Teddy, by the way. The man grinned. Seunghyun introduced all of you. You kids must be starving. Sorry we made you drop your fries. Have whatever you want. Its on me. Teddy said. Really?! All right! Seungri grew excited. Everyone laughed. All night long, you and your family ate and talked together with Teddy and his friends. Soon, you had fallen asleep on Seunghyuns lap. Seungri yawned and rubbed his eyes. Teddy lightly stroked your hair with a soft, sympathetic gaze, Do you kids have some place to go for the rest of the night? Seunghyun shook his head. You guys can rest at my place. Come on. Teddy led all of you into his van. It stopped at a small condo. Its not much but its better than outside, right? Teddy smiled. Your sister can sleep on the bed. Seunghyun carefully lay you down. He pulled your backpack and jacket off. Seunghyun smoothed your hair with an affectionate smile. *Poor thing must have been so tired.* He kissed your forehead and went to catch up on some sleep. CHAPTER 09

Back to Seoul It was 11 in the morning when Seunghyun woke up. He woke up all his brothers and told them to get ready. Cant we stay? Seungri pouted. No. So hurry up and wash. Seunghyun didnt want to burden anyone. He went into the room and shook you gently, ~~~~~~wake up. We gotta go. Already? You mumbled sleepily. Come on. You can sleep on the train. Seunghyun pulled you up. You washed with your brothers. Seunghyun put your jacket and backpack back on. Teddy came into the condo and his smile fell, Leaving already? Yeah, Seunghyun stood up and took your hand, We should go find our home. You guys can stay here, if you want. Teddy offered. Seungri brightened but Seunghyun shook his head, No thank you. We need to go. He bowed, Thank you for everything. You sleepily bowed, too. No problem. If you must go, you should go. Teddy lightly patted your head. Instead, let me give you a ride. Where do you need to go? The train station. Seunghyun said. All of you piled into the van. Teddy dropped you off at the train station. Keep safe. If you ever need anything, dont hesitate to come back. Teddy shook hands with all of you. Be happy, little girl. Teddy kissed your cheeks and you turned red. Taeyang took your hand and all of you bowed. The 6 of you went into the train station and bought tickets back to Seoul. Do you have a plan, hyung? Taeyang asked. Not yet. Seunghyun admitted. Hours later, the train stopped at Seoul. All of you got out and looked around, dumbfounded. What now? Jiyong asked. Lets visit our old home. Seunghyun said. Daesungs and Seungris eyes widened in fear, Is that safe? Well check. Lets get some of our clothes and belongings. He said. So the 6 of you took the bus back to your hometown. Seunghyun made all of you hide behind a wall. Ill go check. When I signal, come. Ill go with you, hyung. Taeyang followed him. They warily checked the apartment building. Anxiously, you gripped Seungris jacket. Taeyang and Seunghyun nodded and made an OK sign. All of you crept out. Like little mice, the 6 of you went up the stairs and went into your old apartment. You gasped. It was a mess. It looked like a tornado had come and ruined everything. You saw a picture of your mom on the ground and picked it up. You blew the dust off and tucked the picture safely in your pocket. I dont feel safe about being here. Daesung anxiously said. Get your stuff and were out of here. Seunghyun said. You went into the room you had shared with Seungri. You packed all your toys into your backpack. Taeyang came in and chuckled, ~~~~~~~~~~, you cant take all of that. You pouted, But theyre mine. Taeyang took the toys out all except for one doll. He packed your clothes in there instead. Ready? Seunghyun called. Yeah. Come on, ~~~~~~." Taeyang left. You were about to leave when something crunched underneath your feet. Your mom's ring was amongst the many broken pieces of glass. You picked it up and put that in your pocket also. Hurry up! Jiyong hollered.

Coming! You ran out. All of you were ready to go when someone came through the door. Seunghyun gasped and stepped back. Fuck. I knew this was going to happen. Jiyong growled. The loan sharks grinned, Where do you think youre all going? Not good. Seungri squeaked. CHAPTER 10 Fight for Life You started shaking. The men were so BIG. The leader Goo Junyup, a man with a scar next to his right eye and a toothy grin, approached all of you. You and your brothers huddled together while the men surrounded you. Did you think you can escape the Dragon gang? Please. Youre just little kids. What can kids do, huh? He poked your brothers. Jiyong nastily glared at him. I told you. You cant run forever. Now youve fallen into our trap. The first thing Im going to do is.. Junyup leaned over you, Sell you. You fretfully stared at him with your big eyes. Youre cute enough. Men will pay big bucks to play with you. Junyup cackled evilly. Disgusting bastard. Jiyong cursed. His fists shook with anger. Take them away. Junyup said. Jiyong and Seunghyun looked at each other. They nodded. Right when the men reached for you, Jiyong and Seunghyun screamed and tackled the men. On cue, Taeyang and Daesung grabbed the broken pieces of wood on the ground and started hitting the men. They were so shocked by the surprise attack that they couldnt do anything. GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AND SEUNGRI! GET OUT OF HERE! Taeyang yelled. You and Seungri dodged the big men and scrambled out the door. Seungri reached his hand out. You grabbed it and the two of you raced down the stairs. Your legs felt like jelly. It was a miracle how the two of you had managed to run out of the apartment. AH! Daesung yelped as he fell onto the floor. The broken glass pierced his arm. DAESUNG! Taeyang yelled. YOU ASSHOLE! Jiyong attacked the man who had dared hurt his brother. Seunghyun and Taeyang helped Daesung up, You all right? Daesung miserably nodded. Taeyang, take him. Go! Seunghyun urged. Taeyang nodded and led Daesung away. Argh! Jiyong was punched in the mouth. IVE HAD ENOUGH! Junyup pulled out his gun and started loading it. GO GO GO! Seunghyun dragged Jiyong out the door. BAM! BAM! BAM! The sound of bullets piercing the walls filled the air. You, Seungri, Daesung, and Taeyang looked up in horror. OPPAS! You tried to run but Taeyang held you back. No! You cant go! You started crying, What if something bad happened?! Just then, Jiyong and Seunghyun came running out. RUN! Jiyong yelled. Seunghyun picked you up. Taeyang helped Daesung. The 6 of you ran for your lives. After running for like what seemed like forever, you were in a different town. Your brothers slowed down to catch their breaths. Jiyong glared at Seunghyun, Whose genius idea was to go back to our old home?! He guiltily stayed quiet. Hey, at least we all made it safe. Taeyang said. Jiyong yanked Daesungs injured arm up, You call this safe?! Ow, hyung. He winced.

Mianhae. Seunghyun softly said. Its all my fault. Im a horrible brother. Your bottom lip trembled and tears spilled down your face. Dont say that, oppa. Youre the best brother anyone could have. You hugged his neck. Seunghyun wrapped an arm around you and patted your head. CHAPTER 11 Safe Haven It was night. The 6 of you were still in that same spot sitting against the wall. Seungris tummy kept growling. Will you shut up?! Jiyong snapped. Its not something I can control. Seungri mumbled. Oppa, Im coldand hungry. You sniffled. Seunghyun sighed. All the money had been spent on the bus and train fares. He was thinking of what to do when an elderly ahjumma came out of her restaurant with trash. Ummaya! She jumped when she saw the 6 of you. You all blinked at her. What are you kids doing here? Shouldnt you be going home? The ahjumma asked. None of you replied. Go on or youll starve out here in the cold. She turned around when she heard a stomach growl. Jiyong gave Seungri a dirty look. He bit his lip and covered his stomach. The ahjumma turned around and softened. *Something tells me these 6 do not have parents.* Come inside. She walked away. The 6 of you looked at each other and warily got up. You entered her empty restaurant that smelled like delicious beef soup. Seungri closed his eyes and savored the scent. The 6 of you awkwardly stood around. Well what are you doing? Sit down. The ahjumma said. You and your brothers looked at each other and did as told. Minutes later, she brought a tray of yummy beef soup, rice, and kimchi. Seungri licked his lips. Mianhaeyo ahjumma but we have no money. Seunghyun said. Im not asking you to pay. Go on and eat. She walked away to give you privacy. Can we eat, hyung, please?! Seungri begged. Seunghyun hesitated before nodding. Seungri began to eat with glee. Taeyang put the rice in the soup for you. You gingerly took the spoon and started to eat. Despite his injured arm, Daesung ate very well. Hyung, eat. Taeyang urged. Seunghyun nodded and picked up his spoon. Only when he took the first bite did he realize how famished he was. In no time the bowls were licked clean. The ahjumma came back. Can I have seconds?! Seungri asked. Kim Seungri! Seunghyun hissed. He ducked in shame. Of course. Ill get all of you seconds. The ahjumma got more food. Seunghyun sighed, Im sorry. The ahjumma smiled and shook her head as she stroked your hair, Kids need to eat. You should eat up, too, young man. And you, what happened to your arm? Huh? Oh. Daesung sheepishly smiled. The ahjumma clucked her tongue and fetched the first aid kit. She neatly fixed his arm up. Thanks. Daesung smiled widely. No problem. She smiled back. So, where are you kids from? Around here. Seunghyun vaguely replied. Where are your parents? She questioned. All of you remained quiet. *Just as I thought.* Any place to stay for the nightor every night, in that case? The

ahjumma asked. All of you shook your heads dismally. The ahjumma studied all of your dirty, weary faces. She made a choice and stood up with a bang of the table. Thats it. The 6 of you jumped in shock. I needed a garbage boy and someone to clean up the floors. Ill give you room and board if you clean for me. How about it? Its a good deal. The ahjumma said. All of you brightened and looked at the oldest. Seunghyun thought about it and nodded with a grateful smile, Yes, ahjumma. We would like that. Thank you very much. She beamed, Good. Follow me. The ahjumma locked up her shop and led you across to her home. Upstairs was a oneroom house. I stay below so if you need anything, just call. Come out by 10 tomorrow to help clean the restaurant. Have a good night. She left. All of you started cheering at once. Now we have a place to stay! We dont have to run anymore! The ahjumma heard that and smiled, happy that she could have helped. All of you took clean showers that night. You sat on the floor in your pajamas while Taeyang brushed your long hair. Daesung and Seungri were rolling on the warm blankets in joy. Jiyong was watching TV while Seunghyun was making plans for tomorrow. Then Seunghyun realized what time it was, We should go to sleep. He ordered Jiyong to turn the TV off and for Taeyang to turn the lights off. All of you lied down together. You were between Jiyong and Seunghyun. Seunghyun glanced across at Daesung, How is your arm? Okay! He beamed. Seunghyun smiled. You giggled with joy. Taeyang sat up on his elbow and glanced at you, Why you laughing? Because Im so happy. Your brothers smiled at that. You turned to Seunghyun, Oppa, we dont have to run anymore now, right? We have a home now and we can stay together here, right? Just the six of us? He smiled and nodded, Yes, we can stay here just the six of us. Yay! You cheered. Sleep, will you? Still, Jiyong was smiling. You stuck your tongue out. You! Jiyong rolled you up in the blankets and tickled you. You squealed with laughter as you squirmed about. Shh, guys. Ahjumma is sleeping downstairs. Seunghyun put a finger to his lips with a smile. Jiyong stopped tickling you and you kicked the blankets off. You started humming and mumbling made-up words as if you were rapping ~~~~~~~~ sleep. Jiyong sleepily mumbled. You willingly stopped singing and closed your eyes. Taeyang, lets go help clean the restaurant tomorrow. Seunghyun murmured drowsily. Okay, hyung. He whispered back. Dont leave me out. Jiyong grumbled. Ill go, too. Daesung said. Ill help. Seungri added. Dont forget me~ Wherever oppas go, I go, too. You sing-songed. Your brothers laughed and rolled around to look at you. A smile appeared on your sleepy face. Aigoo~ Jiyong cupped your jaw and squished it. Owwie, Jiyong oppa~ You pushed his hand away. I love you, baby sister. He whispered in your ear. You smiled, I love oppas, too

CHAPTER 12 Keep on Running BANG! CRASH! GET THOSE DAMN KIDS! Junyup roared in fury. The men scrambled after you and your brothers. AW, not again! 14-year-old Daesung groaned. Hurry up! I cant carry you anymore! 15-year-old Jiyong snapped. Im coming! You caught up with 12-year-old Seungri. This way! 17-year-old Seunghyun shouted. 16-year-old Taeyang waved you forward. One of the loan sharks popped out of nowhere. AH! You screamed in surprise. Seungri froze, glued onto the ground. The loan shark reached for you. Jiyong came out of nowhere and kicked him into the wall. He glared at Seungri, Snap out of it! Youre her big brother! Youre supposed to take care of her! How am I supposed to trust her with you now?! Damn! Jiyong grabbed your hand and ran off. Seungri came back to his senses and followed. The 6 of you darted into a dark arcade. Seunghyun looked around. Are they coming? Taeyang whispered. Seunghyun shook his head, No. Theyre gone. The 6 of you sighed in relief. SoI guess we cant go back to our home anymore? Daesung guessed. Nope. Seunghyun said. Darn! And my new Nikes are there. Seungri sourly said. You heaved a sigh. This was the 3rdtime you had to move this month and you were sick of it. Hopefully, you wouldnt have to change schools either. I wonder when we can be like a normal family and not have to run away anymore. Daesung longingly sighed. Jiyong thoughtfully stared at the computer screen. Lets go look for an inn. Seunghyun got up. CHAPTER 13 onwards Luckily, you and your brothers didnt have to switch schools and Seunghyun didnt have to quit his job at the local market. The 6 of you had found a temporary apartment to stay at. The bell rang at Anyang Middle School. You and Seungri came out in the front and waited for Daesung. After meeting up with him, the two of you had to go meet up Jiyong and Taeyang at Anyang High School right next door. You looked around and your eyes brightened. *Jiyong oppa!* Of course, being the rebel he was, his shirt wasnt tucked in properly and his tie was loose. His pants were baggy and hair was styled into an attractive disarray. You were about to call his name but stopped as he approached a black car. *Who is that? Does oppa know them.* You tilted your head in wonder. Jiyong tipped his head and chewed his gum. The window opened and an arm stretched out. You gasped when you saw the dragon tattoo. No You whispered. What? Seungri asked. You shook him with trembling hands, Oppa, look! Thats Jiyong oppa!

Seungri looked up and his eyes widened. Why is he with the loan sharks?! You asked. He didnt know either. The door opened and Jiyong went in. Eyes wide, you started chasing the car but it was too fast. Taeyang and Daesung came out now. Whats going on? Its Jiyong oppa! You panicked. What? They asked, confused. You started telling them everything you saw. Their eyes rounded in shock. We have to tell Seunghyun oppa! Hurry! You pulled on their arms. The 4 of you hurried to the market where he was working. Seunghyun smiled when he saw all of you, Now you come? But wheres Jiyong? Hyung, hes in trouble. Taeyang said seriously. The smile fell off his face, What did he do this time? ----------Im home. Jiyong entered the apartment. He stopped when he saw all of you sitting on the floor with serious expressions. Whats going on? Jiyong asked, confused. Where have you been? Seunghyun whispered. Out with my friends. Jiyong smoothly lied. Seunghyun glared at him, Lie! TELL ME WHERE THE HELL YOU'VE BEEN RIGHT NOW! Whats wrong with you? Jiyong sneered. Seunghyun stood up and shoved his chest, What the hell is wrong with you? You scrambled up and pushed him back, Oppa, please I dont understand why youre pms-ing all of a sudden! Jiyong snapped. Who told you to join hands with the Dragons, huh?! Seunghyun snapped. Jiyongs expression fell but he quickly went into defense, Im not holding hands with them- Then why the fuck are you hanging out with them, huh?! Are you a gang now huh?! Why are you hanging out with them?! Seunghyun kept pushing off. AISH! ENOUGH! Jiyong shoved him away. Oppa! You said, upset. Hey, calm down. Taeyang intervened. Jiyong pushed him away, too. He resentfully glared at Seunghyun, Im doing what youre not doing. What did you say? Seunghyun snarled. Instead of running away like cowards all the time, Im trying to pay back the damn loan sharks so that theyll leave us the hell alone. Jiyong growled. BY BECOMING ONE OF THEM?! Seunghyun yelled so fiercely that it hurt your ears. Seungri uneasily glanced between his fighting brothers. Daesung whimpered. He hated fights. IF I CAN FREE US FROM DEBT, THEN YES! Jiyong shot back. Seunghyun grabbed his collar. Oppa, no! You tried to pry them loose. He glared at Jiyong, I didnt quit school and work my ass off for you to become a gang member. You didnt quit school and work your ass off to get rid of our debt either. Jiyong snarled. Oppa, please stop! You begged with tear-filled eyes. Seunghyun glowered at him, Do you think mom will be proud of you in heaven? Jiyong was speechless at that. Seunghyun continued to send him into a guilt-trip, Will mom be happy seeing her son work for a bunch of life-ruining bastards? Do you honestly want to become one of them? Did you forget what they had wanted from us? They were going to sell our sister for goddsake! Jiyongs eyes darted your ways for a second. You gulped. Dont do it, Jiyong. Im warning you. Dont choose the wrong path in life. Seunghyun

pleadingly growled. Jiyong looked away in contemplation. Then he pushed Seunghyun away and locked himself in the room. Seunghyun was about to go after him but you squeezed his waist. Oppa, please don't. You begged as tears fell down your face. You hated it when your brothers fought. Seunghyun resignedly sighed *Did I do such a bad job of taking care of our family, mom? I thought I did pretty well but seeing Jiyong do this makes me think twice. What gave him the idea that he needed to join a gang for our family to survive?* -------Another week had passed. There was so much tension between Jiyong and Seunghyun. It was like walking over eggshells at home. One Friday after school, you met up with Taeyang, Daesung, and Seungri. You sighed, No Jiyong oppa, again? That jerk ran away right after class. Taeyang muttered. Excuse me but the jerk is right here. A voice said. You gasped, Jiyong oppa! Youre here! The boys stared at him as if he was a ghost. What are you doing here? Taeyang asked. Dont I belong here? Jiyong shrugged. What about the Dragons? Taeyang asked. I quit. Jiyong said. You quit? Taeyang asked in disbelief. Jiyong nodded. You smiled and hugged him, Im proud of you, oppa! His ears turned red. Can we go already? He asked. Lets go! Daesung grinned. Laughing and talking, the 5 of you headed home. Out of nowhere, a black van stopped in front of you. You blinked, What- In one fluid moment, Jiyong was yanked into the van. Oppa! You screamed. JIYONG! Taeyang tried to help but he was kicked back. The van raced off. What do we do?! You panicked. Taeyang held out an arm and a cab stopped. Daesung and I will go after the van. You two go tell Seunghyun hyung now! Taeyang and Daesung left. Come on, oppa. You urged. You and Seungri ran to the market. Seunghyun was just ending work. Wheres Jiyong? Did he go to the Dragons again? He cautiously asked. No! He was forced! You blurted. What? Seunghyun asked. Seungri told him what had happened. Seunghyun whipped out his phone and called Taeyang, Where are you? Okay, dont go in yourself. Ill be there. Araso. Where is Jiyong oppa? You anxiously asked. At a garage outside of town. Seunghyun grabbed a cab. You and Seungri tried to follow but he held out his hand, Stay here and pack. But- Before you could argue, he was gone. Come on, ~~~~~~. Lets go pack. Seungri said. But you wouldnt move. Come on. He said. Im going to follow. You blocked the next cab. Seungri grabbed your wrist and sneered, You crazy?! Seunghyun hyung said to stay here! Im going! You yanked your wrist away, You can stay here, oppa. You went inside. Seungri groaned, What did I ever do to deserve a sister like you? He sighed and went into the cab. Please follow that taxi. You pointed. The taxis arrived at the garage. Seunghyun got off and ran over. Taeyang and Daesung were waiting at the entrance. Whats going on? Seunghyun asked. Taeyangs knuckles were white in rage. He had witnessed Jiyong getting beaten but couldnt do anything.

Call the police. Seunghyun told Daesung. Meanwhile, Im going in. He darted inside. Taeyang followed, ready to avenge his brother. You think you can quit the Dragons, huh? You didnt even pay half the debt back yet, you little son-of-a-bitch! Junyup raised a bat over Jiyong. Suddenly, someone grabbed the bat. Hyung Jiyong mumbled, half-conscious. DONT. HIT. MY. BROTHER. Seunghyun seriously growled. When he was mad, it was very frightening. His eyes became even darker and his deep voice became darkly low. Stunned, Junyup stared at him. Jiyong, gwenchana?! Taeyang helped him up. You two just walked into the lions den. Junyup smirked and snapped his fingers, Gather them. Seunghyun, Taeyang, and Jiyong were back to back. They were surrounded. Seunghyun made the first move and kicked one man down. A brutal fight broke out. YAHHH! Daesung ran in to help. You and Seungri had just arrived at the scene. You gasped, Oppas! Seungri stared at everyone in fright. You pushed him, Go help! But he was froze. You sighed *I shouldve known.* One man grabbed a bat and slyly tried to hit Seunghyun with it. NO! You ran in and bit his arm. ARGH! YOU LITTLE BITCH! He threw you off and you crashed into the wall. Your brothers looked up, shocked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-AH! Taeyang and Seunghyun shouted. Jiyong grew furious. At the sight of his hurt sister, his blood broiled and adrenaline rushed through his veins. YOU BASTARD! Jiyong attacked the man who had dared hurt his sister. Another man came over and grabbed your hair, Where the hell did you come from? Nasty bitch. Ahhh. You whimpered in pain. Seungri ran over and punched him with all his might, Leave my sister alone, you bully! In one easy push, Seungri was on the ground. Come here. The man lifted you off the ground by your hair. Oppa! You cried out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Seunghyun kicked the man he was fighting with and ran over. Seunghyun wrenched you away from the man and kicked him in the chest. Daesung scrambled over and cupped your face, You okay? You sniffled and nodded. You little assholes! A man came over with a chair. He raised it over you and Seungri. Daesung protectively put his arms out. B efore the chair could come tumbling down, the sound of sirens were heard. The police! The gang panicked. Junyup spat on the ground. This isnt over yet! He sneered. He and his men disappeared. We should get out of here, too. Can you walk, Jiyong? Seunghyun asked. He nodded. Seunghyun put his arm around his neck and helped him out. Daesung helped Seungri up. Taeyang got down and lifted you onto his back. The 6 of you were walking down the empty road. Taeyang lightly shrugged so that your head would bounce. Babo, who told you to come? I didnt. I specifically ordered them to stay. Seunghyun threw you a look. You flinched, Mianhae, but I couldnt just stand by while Jiyong oppa was getting hurt! A small smile crept up on his bruised lips. Where are we going now? Daesung asked. Where else? To a new home. Seunghyun said. Can we go to Seoul? Seungri asked. You guys wanna go there? Seunghyun asked. Everyone nodded. He smiled, Then Seoul it is. -----6 years had passed. The 6 of you had to run away a few times since then. But when you entered high school, Seunghyun legally changed all of your last names for better

protection. (Except for yours. The bureau told him there were a lot of your names around so it might be safer). Ever since then, the Dragons had had a hard time finding any of you. Now, you and your brothers lived in a narrow but big enough 2 story-house in downtown Seoul. Seunghyun worked as a manager of a restaurant while Jiyong taught dance part time and worked at a fashion store part time. Taeyang and Daesung went to college with their own part time jobs. You and Seungri were forbidden to take jobs and just had to study, study, and study. But you had more important things in mind than studying. Seungri, now 18, anxiously glanced around the Anyang underground hip-hop club. You pulled the lollipop out of your mouth to cheer for the teams. Seungri shook you, Yah, we cant be here. Its not safe. Lets go back to Seoul, please? You pulled away, Relax, big bro. Have a little fun. Aww, He slapped his face, Hyungs are going to kill me if they find out we didnt go to the library after school but here instead! Exactly. If. You winked. Seungri sighed and shook his head, What big sin had I caused in my past life that made me become stuck with a sister like you? You ignored him and continued to bounce along to the crowd. Your hands itched to grab the mic and start spilling your own rap. Anyone wanna go against me? A boy in a green cap asked. I will! You raised your hand eagerly. Yah! Seungri hissed. But you were already up on the stage. The boy tossed the mic at you, Ladies first, yeah? You thought about it then threw the mic back, How about losers first? OHHH! The crowd laughed. The boy smirked and shrugged, All right. Cool. He started rapping about how little girls should stay at home. You crossed your arms and watched. He was good but you had seen better. (Like, Teddy). The boy tossed the mic at you. Lets see what you got, little girl. You tapped the mic and started rapping, ( I didn't make these lyrics up! These are actually 2ne1's lyrics!!!) Confidence is good, you're fair. But it's embarrassing where you're weak. Please show me some strong charms. I like bad boys, soldier type. It's okay if you're not too tall, like Napoleon. Like a bad boy who'll take over the world, don't hide like a coward. That's right, the one I need is a black knight. The more you rapped, the more confident and powerful you felt. You had missed this feeling. Hey boy to the left to the left. Pretty boy who's full of it, move to the left. I feel it all day, smiles without sincerity. Your style isn't appealing. Outside, you're a tough gangster boy, But at home, you're a broke mama's boy. It's weak, a weak plant in a green house. Pretty boys are so out of style. We have to hurry, I can't feel the regret. I'd rather it be you than miss out. Inside the tension, my mind feels like its in a trance. Wake up, I've won the game.

The crowd went crazy at your rap. Random girls hugged you and guys hi-fived you. Pretty impressive. Your opponent smirked, But can you handle this? Before he could give you another taste of his rap, the back doors burst open and familiar looking men came in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Seungri panicked. Maybe next time! You threw the mic at the boy and hopped off the stage. You and Seungri made a run for it. STOP! The men yelled. You thought fast and pulled down the garbage behind you. Ugh! Some of the men slipped on banana peels and flattened milk cartons. Cackling, you ran faster. Long time ago, you wouldve been scared and traumatized. But now, youve grown a lot stronger. You had a quick mind for these kinds of situations and the first rule was to NOT PANIC. Got you! A man appeared out of nowhere. Oh shit! Seungri jumped. You frowned, grabbed a trash can lid, and slammed it into the mans face. ARGH! He fell down. Seungri stared at him with a pale face. Come on, you wimp. You grabbed his hand and ran off. The two of you hopped onto a bus and sat in the back. Through the window, you could see the men slowing down. You stuck your tongue out and shot them your middle finger. They glowered resentfully at you. You turned back around and settled back with a satisfied smile. Why are we on the bus to Jamsil? We dont live there. Seungri said, confused. You rolled your eyes, Because if we take the bus to Seoul, theyll know where we live. Were trying to outwit them. Ohhh. He nodded in understanding. You tapped his head, Think for once, oppa. I always do. Seungri muttered. His phone began to ring. He saw the caller id and turned pale. Who is it? You asked. Seungri gulped, Someone scarier than the gangSeunghyun hyung. --After a nice, hot shower, you skipped downstairs rubbing your wet hair with the towel. You swung your wet hair and water slapped onto Jiyong. Watch it! He hissed. Oh. You blinked. When did you come home? A while ago. Jiyong mumbled as he wiped the drops of water off his room. You shook your head. YAH! Jiyong yanked the towel and threw it over your head. Psh. You pouted. You glared at him as he went upstairs to take a shower. Someone came behind you and started rubbing your hair dry. You glanced back and smiled, Hi, mommy. Taeyang pushed your head, You can dry your own hair. You giggled and grabbed his waist from behind, Araso, araso~ I wont call you mommy. Taeyang smiled and turned around. He started drying your hair for you. He asked you how your day was and you told him everything except for the visit to Anyang. Wheres the ramen! Daesung asked. You walked into the kitchen. Ramen, again? You put your hands on your hips. Then what? He scratched his head. Ill make fried rice. You took the pan out. Daesung grinned, Thanks. No problem, oppa. You replied. The door opened and Seunghyun came in. I smell something good. He poked his head

into the kitchen and smiled, Youre cooking. Yeah. I dont want burnt ramen again. You snickered. Not my fault. Daesung whimpered from upstairs. Im going to take a shower. Seunghyun went upstairs. In half an hour, the food was ready. Taeyang oppa, can you call the others? You asked. He went upstairs and called everyone else down. The 6 of you sat at the table. Mmmm smell~ I love it when ~~~~~~~ cooks~ Daesung grinned happily. You beamed, happy to have made your 4thbrother happy. Seunghyun took a bite of the food and casually asked, So. Seungri told me that you had an interesting day. You threw Seungri a dirty look *Betrayer!* Not too much. Just the usual. Studying and what-not. You coolly fibbed. Lie. Seunghyun shot you a look and you flinched. His cold eyes always sent shivers down your spine. You know youre becoming a lot like Jiyong now. He stated. Jiyong put his spoon down, Why you gotta bring me into this? You sighed, It was nothing, oppa. Nothing? Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, You couldve gotten hurt or much worse died. They didnt catch us. You mumbled. Jiyong slapped the back of Seungris hand, Fool! What were you doing while they were chasing her?! Its not Seungri oppas fault. Besides, I can take care of myself. You protested. Yeah, right. Jiyong snorted. You made a face. From now on, I want you two to send me an evidence snapshot in the library after school. I have to get it within 10 minutes of when school ends, araso? Seunghyun ordered. Oppa. You whined. Thats the end of that conversation. He started to eat again. You pouted and poked your food. After dinner, Seungri washed the dishes. You went upstairs and spent time in your own room. Close to midnight, you felt sleepy and headed to bed. There was a knock on the door. Come in. You said. Taeyang opened the door, Were you sleeping? I was about to. Whats up? You asked. Why? I cant tuck you in anymore cause youre 17? Are you too old for my lullaby now? He teased. You chuckled, I will never be too old for your lullaby. You lay down and rested your hands on your stomach. Taeyang fixed the covers over you and smoothed your long hair back as he sang a sweet lullaby. It was the same one your mom had sang to you when you were little. Before you could cry at the memory, Taeyang asked, Are you mad at Seunghyun hyung? Huh? You opened your eyes. You know, cause he told you to take a picture of you at the library. He reminded. Oh. You grumbled. Dont be mad. Hes overprotective because he cares for you a lot. If he loses any of us, itll be traumatic for him. Taeyang explained. You softened, I know. Thats why I didnt throw a tantrum. He chuckled and pinched your cheek, Thats my sister. You beamed. Go to sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday so you can sleep in. Taeyang said. You requested, Stay until I fall asleep, okay, oppa? He nodded. You closed your eyes. Your breaths became even and when he passed a hand in front of your face, you didnt move. Taeyang was about to leave when he saw the ring on your finger. He noticed that it was your mothers ring. Taeyang softly ran a finger over it. *Mom, its been a while since weve visited you. We miss you. ~~~~~~ still thinks of you a lot.* He gazed at you.

*Come to think of it, shes starting to look like more like you now.* Taeyang bent down, softly kissed your forehead, and left the room. -----Your eyes opened. It was morning already. You stretched while humming into your pillow. *What time it is?* You grabbed your clock. It was 11 a.m. *I slept in all right.* You chuckled and got out of bed. *Did oppas go to work?* You opened the door to Daesungs and Taeyangs room. They were still deeply asleep. *Oppas dont have work this morning, I know.* You opened Jiyongs room. Seungri used to share with him but they fought a lot so he moved to the attic. You shook Jiyong, Oppa, wake up. After a while, he mumbled, What? You have work today, dont you? You asked. No. He pushed your hands away and buried himself under the blankets. You pouted and poked your head into Seunghyuns room. The curtains were drawn and the room was dark. A hood was pulled over his head. You tip-toed back out to make breakfast. When you were done, you climbed up the ladder to the attic. Surprisingly, the attic was very clean and organized. For a guy, Seungri was very well-kept. You shook him, Oppa, come and eat. Later. He mumbled. Come on. Its almost 12. You dragged him out of bed. Groggily, he followed you. Wake up Jiyong and Seunghyun oppas and Ill wake up Daesung and Taeyang oppas. You offered. Seungri gave you a crazy look, You walk me to wake up angry bears?! No way! You do it! He darted into Taeyangs and Daesungs room. Coward. You muttered under your breath. You went into Jiyongs room and poked him, Oppa. What now?! He snarled. I made breakfast. Come and eat. You said. No. Jiyong said. You furrowed your eyebrows in determination. You were pretty stubborn, too, Come on! NO! He yelled from the pillow. Fine! Youre going to regret it when I get kidnapped by the Dragons and get sold to prostitution. Then youll be thinking I wish I had gotten up that day to eat my little sisters breakfast! You crossed your arms. ARGH! Jiyong sat up, IM UP, GODDAMIT! You beamed and waved, Hurry up! Giddily giggling, you skipped to the last room. You gently shook Seunghyun, Big oppa~ Hmm what? He groggily turned. Lets eat breakfast! You said. Seunghyun grabbed his alarm clock and looked at it. It took a while for his eyes to adjust. He chuckled, You mean lunch? Yeah, lunch now. You chuckled. Araso. Seunghyun ruffled your hair, Ill be right out. You went to the kitchen. Daesung, Taeyang, and Seungri were already there. Daesung gave you a big yawn. Soon, Jiyong and Seunghyun joined. Lets eat! You clapped. Everyone ate but Jiyong resentfully poked his food. Do oppas have work today? You asked. Yes. Later. They replied. You pouted, I really wanted to go to the underground hip-hop club with oppas. We havent competed in forever. We can go tomorrow night since we dont have work. Seunghyun promised. Yay! You clapped with glee. You better brush up on your rap skills. Jiyong said. My skills are perfect, thank you very much. I learned from the best. You beamed at Seunghyun. He chuckled and patted your head. Jiyong rolled his eyes, I dont understand why you wont learn from me. Because you yell at me! You snapped.

Cause youre slow. Jiyong pointed out. You opened your mouth to protest but Taeyang intervened, Thats enough. Finish eating. Jiyong looked at you. You stuck your tongue out at him and quickly shoved food into your mouth. Jiyong smirked and shook his head. *Seunghyun hyung is right. Shes becoming more and more like me. That could be both a bad and good thing.* ------Im so bored! You lamented on your bed. You sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Your head was falling off the edge of the bed. There was a knock on the door. Yeah, Seungri oppa? He was the only one home. Seungri poked his head in, Seunghyun hyung left money for pizza. What kind of pizza do you want? You quickly scrambled up with a wicked smile, Instead of using that money on pizza, how about we use it on something else? Huh? Seungri blinked. In half an hour, the two of you were under the Hankang bridge where the real underground hip hop artists thrived. Why did I let you drag me into this?! Seungri slapped his forehead. Seunghyun hyung is going to KILL me! If Jiyong oppa doesnt kill you first. You added. Seungri groaned. You looked around and spotted the stage. You brightened like Christmas lights. Come on, oppa! You took his hand and dragged him through the thick crowd of dancers. You looked up at the stage in awe, WowThis is my world here. Seungri anxiously looked around. But he spotted a pretty female dancing sexily in shorts and tank top. She met eyes with him and winked. He couldnt take his eyes off of her. Pretty soon, you were left on your own. Anyone wanna go against Lee? The MC asked. You raised your hand. He grinned, Cute girl. Okay. Youre up. He took your hand and lifted you onto the stage. Name? You gave him your name. Okay, lets go! The MC said. The guy named Lee went first. You listened patiently and beat him with the same rhyme you used against the green-cap guy in Anyang. Once again, the crowd went wild. Flustered, Lee went again but this time, you beat him with lyrics about his style. Everyone cracked up. The MC held up your wrist, Man this girl is bomb! You grinned happily. Who will go up against this amazing girl? He asked. The crowd was silent. Then someone came up. It was actually a group. I will. A voice full of confidence said. You turned your head. Out of the shadows a tall guy with sharp, slit eyes and a self-assured smirk stepped out. He was wearing a white shirt with a silver chain necklace. Full of swagger, he wore 2 navy blue caps on his head. You were used to crazy styles because of Jiyong but this was far enough. *What kind of a bullshitting idiot wears 2 hats at once?* The guy didnt look away from you. Instead, he seemed to be searching through your soul to figure out who you were. You straightened up with a defiant look. You wouldnt let this bozo look over you. Another smirk came on his face. Who will go first? The MC asked. Losers first? The guy smirked. Your jaw turned rigid. *No way. Hes using my line! Stealer!* You sweetly smiled, Then you should go first. The smile slipped off his face. Behind him, his friends cracked up. OH SHIT! Everyone said.

The guy smirked, You arent a normal girl, are you? Dont assess me already. Your lips were smiling but your eyes were hard. Fine. Ill go first. The guy took the mic. His rap skills made your jaw fall open. Im a man with endless creativity. Im a survivor of the law of the jungle. Keep supplying the beats, Im going crazy with the groove. Make sure your two ears hear this right, oh! Zico a.k.a. Zicova I already razed this place to the ground. Gotta reconstruct this entire shabby place. You wouldnt be wrong to call me a psycho. Im hip hop from head to toe. Theres a real difference between the real and the fake, do you know what? Dont overestimate me, but dont underestimate me either. All of those little puppies that follow me around, cant stop it, we could be rapping the same thing but I still stand out. Even if the themes are the same, I still make it sound fresh. (From Zico's mixtape) WHOO! The crowd cheered louder than ever. Yeah, man! His friends slapped him hifives. The jerk named Zico smirked at you as if saying Beat that. *Fuck you. I aint going to lose.* You snatched the mic and began your fiery lyrics, Ridin down Seoul City, black on black Lamborghini. Haters cant never see me. Come and get me, too slow. Im bout that paper chasing Body, fly face amazing. Burn burn keeps it blazin, Too hot to handle, You held out your hand. Curious, Zico reached for it. You yanked it back with raised eyebrow, cant touch this. Holy shit, man! His friends snickered in the back. Zico raised an eyebrow. He was starting to get ticked off. You think you with it with it. But you cant hit it hit it. You know I got it got it. Cuz Im so bout it bout it. I let them hoes know, You pointed to him, I run the show show. We get it poppin and we stick you for your dough dough. (Can't nobody-2ne1) You finished your rap with a petulant expression. *Hows that, two-caps?* Zico and your burningly glared at each other. -----The MC became uneasy. Round of applause for both these troopers! The crowd applauded. He added, I hope you two will come to the competition tomorrow. You tossed the mic and stormed off the stage . Zico went after you. He grabbed your wrist and spun you around, What the hell was that back there? You yanked away and glared at him, I should be asking you the same thing. Hey, I was all fun and games until you turned all cat woman on me. Zico snapped. Before you could argue, he asked, Are you always this bitchy or did you act that way because you grew insecure of my rap? You blinked at him, stunned. *Hold up. I know he didnt just call me a bitch and insecure.* You stepped up to him, Mind saying that to my face again? Zico leaned in so close that you felt his breath on your lips. Bitch. He hissed. *THATS IT!* You punched him. HOLY FUCK! His friends surrounded him, You all right, man? Zico stared at the blood on his nose. *Bitch really punched me?!* You started to walk

away but he grabbed your arm ,Yah- Let go of me. You sneered as you tried to yank away. His friends surrounded you. We cant let you leave without an apology. At that moment, Seungri was searching for you. *Where did she disappear to?* He finally saw you getting pushed around by 7 guys. His eyes widened *What did she do now?! Crap!* Seungri took out his phone. ----------Jiyong pulled the car over and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Daesung opened the door, Oh! Jiyong hyung! What about Taeyang hyung? Seunghyun hyung is gonna pick him up. Jiyong started the engine again, Put your seatbelt on. Okay! Daesung cheerfully clipped it on. I wonder what our princess is up to. Jiyong smirked at the thought of you. *As long as shes not in any sort of trouble.* As soon as he started driving, his phone rang. Daesung, get my phone. Its in my pocket. Daesung pulled it out and answered, Hello~ Jiyong hyungs cell phone imnida! Jiyong rolled his eyes. Oh, Seungri! Daesung said. Hang up. Jiyong said. But Daesungs eyes rounded, What?! Whats wrong? Jiyong asked. Daesung held the phone out, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wae? Jiyong pulled over right away and answered, What happened? Seungri told him. MUH?! DIDNT I TELL YOU TO STAY HOME?! GODDAMIT, KIM SEUNGRI! IF EVEN ONE HAIR IS HURT ON HER, ILL HOLD YOU PERSONALY RESPONSIBLE! Jiyong hung up and yanked on the stick shift. ~~~~~~~~~~ is in trouble, huh? Daesung gulped. Fuck. Jiyong muttered under his breath before doing a swift u-turn that made the tires screech. He sped over 80 mph towards the bridge. -----I said let go of me you jerk. You snapped. Zico smirked, You got some temper, dont you? Seungri ran over, Hey, lets calm down. Let go of her, man. He tried to pull you away. Jaehyo grabbed his collar, And who the hell are you? Her brother. Seungri tried hard not to quiver. Hey, douchebag, let my brother go before I sock you, too. You glared at him. Damn, this girl puts the capital F in Feisty! U-Kwon laughed. *More like the capital B in Bitch.* Zico thought. Before anything could happen, bright headlights blinded them all. What the hell! They hissed. The doors opened and two people stepped out. You blinked through the light and gasped with wide eyes, J-jiyong oppa! *Oh crap. Now theyre really dead.* You started to feel sympathetic for the boys. Jiyong strode over and easily yanked you out of his grasp. He shoved Zico with a dangerous snarl, Hands off my sister, dick. How many brothers does she have? The boys murmured. You okay? Daesung asked. You nodded and rubbed your raw, red wrist. You had to admit. Zico had an iron grip. What is your big deal, huh? Picking on little girls half your height, huh? Jiyong snapped as he shoved Zico again. Hey, she was the one that acted like a bitch first. See this? Zico pointed to his nose. She punched me!

You better take your words back before I punch you! Jiyong snapped. Zico blinked at him in disbelief, Now I know where she got her temper from. Muh? You could tell things were going to get nasty. You grabbed his arm, Come on, oppa. Lets go home. He wouldnt budge. Come on! Seunghyun oppa will be home soon. You pulled on his arm. Jiyong snorted. You better watch yourself. I catch you twice and thats your death day. Araso? He spun around, grabbed your wrist, and dragged you away. IN THE CAR! Jiyong barked. Daesung and Seungri quickly hopped inside. Jiyong pushed you into the back and got in the driver seat. He glared at Zico and stepped on the gas. The car zipped backwards. With a swerve, the car sped off. Damn. Feisty family. U-Kwon swiped his thumb across his bottom lip. Zico shook his head and walked away. *I better not see her again. I dont hit girls but I will throw a bitch down.* No one said a word in the car. You warily peeked at Jiyong. You were about to say something but Daesung shook his head and put his finger to his lips. You got it and sank back in your seat. Jiyong pulled into the garage. Seunghyuns car was nowhere in sight. You sighed in relief. You, Daesung, and Seungri scurried into the house. Jiyong came in and put the keys down. You were tip-toeing towards the stairs when he suddenly called, ~~~~~~~. You flinched *Uh-oh.* Y-yes? You looked up. Jiyong turned around and looked straight into your eyes. W-what oppa? You asked. Daesung was getting ready to defend you. But to everyones surprise, Jiyong said, Good job. W-what? You blinked, shocked. Hyung. Seungri said, stunned. You remembered the self-defense I taught you. Jiyong said, almost pleased. You started to smile but quickly tried to hide it, Yeah Next time he tries something with you, I want you to kick him in the balls, araso? He asked. You just had to smile this time, Araso! He smirked back. The door opened and the oldest brothers came in. Did you all just get home? Seunghyun blinked. Your eyes widened *Seugnhyun oppa wont let me down this easily!* But fortunately, Jiyong covered up for you, Yeah, Daesung and I just came home. The maknaes havent eaten yet so I think we should all call for pizza. Wheres the money I gave you? Seunghyun asked. They gave it to me. Jiyong smoothly lied. You sighed in relief *Thank God for Jiyong oppa!* ---You loved Sundays best because none of your family had work or school. You, Taeyang, and Daesung went to the market. Jiyong helped you brush up on your rap skills and Seungri taught you some beastly dance moves. Dinner! Seunghyun called. Laughing and teasing each other, you and Seungri went to the kitchen. Chinese food was the menu today. Daesung oppa, pass me the chow mein noodles. You held out your hand. He gave you the box. Taeyang poured you a glass of water. You took a long sip. Seunghyun began, So I was thinking today after we eat we can go to the underground hip hop club- PFFT! Water sprouted everywhere. YAH! Jiyong yelled.

Taeyang handed you napkins. S-sorry. You wiped your lips, T-today? Seunghyun nodded with a smile, You wanted to go, right? Y-yeah, but- Great, then well go after dinner. He began to eat. You bit your lip and glanced at Seungri who shrugged. You started to clean up but Seunghyun took your dishes, Ill take care of this. Go and change. You went upstairs. Seungri oppa! You grabbed his leg as he was crawling up to the attic. Yah! His legs dangled like a pathetic dogs. He fell onto the ground with an oof. You ignored his pain and stooped down in front of him, What do we do?! What if that swag boy is there again?! Then were all screwed! You looked so worried. Seungri patted your shoulder, Dont worry. I bet Jiyong hyung scared him off. I mean, come on, who wouldnt be intimidated by him, right? You slowly nodded. See? No worries. So go get ready. And quit pulling on my leg when I get up there. Seungri hopped up and scrambled up the ladder. You sighed and went into your room to change. *Oh please dont let two-caps be there! * -----The 6 of you arrived at the hip hop club. You uneasily looked around for any sign of Zico. Happy, huh? Seunghyun grinned. You gave him a weak smile and nodded. You started to look around again. Relax. Hes not around. Seungri put an arm around you. Your heartbeat slowed down. He bobbed his head and looked around, hoping to find the girl he had danced with last night. Seungri did a double take and his eyes rounded in panic, SHIT! What? You asked. He turned you in the direction of ZICO! His gang was happily chatting up some girls. Zico turned his head and looked around. Eep! You ducked behind Taeyang. Whats going on with you two? He raised an eyebrow. Nothing! You and Seungri ran off. Jiyong oppa! What? He asked, annoyed. You tugged on his arm, Make Seunghyun oppa go home. Why? Jiyong asked. Because HES here! You pointed. Jiyong turned his head. His eyes narrowed *Him, again.* What do we do? Seungri gulped. You, Jiyong looked at you, Stay away from him. If he bothers you, either kick him in the balls or call me. And you, Jiyong looked at Seungri and smacked his head, Quit being a coward! Youre the big brother, goddamit. Seungri frowned and rubbed his head. Welcome ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is the hip-hop battle of all time! Come and sign your group up! The MC from yesterday called. You walked over to the sign-up table in interest. Daesung, Seunghyun, and Taeyang were signing up. BIG BANG: TOP, G-dragon, Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri, ~~~~~~. Its you again. A voice said. You looked up and gasped. Zico looked you up and down. *Damn. She looks pretty cute today.* Yesterday, you had been wearing shorts but today you were wearing a miniskirt. His eyes ran up and down your smooth, lengthy legs. He had to admit. You were attractive, in a feisty, bitchy sort of way. Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, You know him? Know me? Zico chuckled, Id say she knows me well enough to punch me. Seunghyun gave you a puzzled look. Jiyong came over, Hey, dick. Take a hike. He jabbed his thumb the other way.

Zico smirked, So your family is competing? Should be interesting Laughing, he and his friends walked away. Ignore him. Daesung rubbed your shoulders. The 6 of you watched the rap, dance, and vocal battles. Seungri and Daesung were in the dance team. Taeyang sang. You, Jiyong, and TOP rapped. All right! We have our final contestants! Big Bang vs. Block B! The 6 of you looked at each other *Who?* Zico and his gang came up. *Oh hell no. Why do our paths always cross?* You groaned inside your mind. Zico smirked, We meet again. You crossed your arms, ticked off. Seunghyun furrowed his eyebrows, I would appreciate if you didnt act like you know my sister. But I do know her. Zico blinked. Shes a bitch. His friends laughed like hyenas. You stepped up but Taeyang held you back. Ill make you eat your words today. Jiyong snapped. He grabbed the mic and spat, From head to toe, different swagger. To follow up here, this styles mine. Today, stand in line pretty ladies. Everyone only looks at me, whats love. Dont fight and slowly come come and Im tired from being like this, and I know I was born well. Too fast to live too young to die. Even though my bodys young, my voice is Gulliver. Even though my age is young, this floors Sullivan. I make my rounds once a warrior. My name is G G G G baby baby GD GD baby baby. You want fame? Playing this stupid little game. You should check your girls phone. Its my face on the frame. (G-dragon-The Leaders) OHHH! The crowd oohed. Everyone laughed and cheered, GD GD GD! Jiyong triumphantly smirked. Zico twirled his mic and put it to his lips, Good but not enough. Attention, let me excuse myself for a moment. I will be catching some guys in those leading groups. They might feel a bit tied up since I'm popping out of nowhere. Watch your mouth! my next target is you. Making fools out of fakes is my career. Working hard doesn't satisfy me, I'm fearless all around. Who dares to take me up? The results are already obvious. It's like Seung Jin VS O'Neal. I've got thorns spiked in my words, my rhymes are strong. All they hear are my adlibs and they're already saying, "Amazing!" Anyone that gets the meaning behind my words. The more you talk shit and try to use sarcasm, the worth of your ransom goes up. It's obvious that you're getting worked up. Going overboard and making a fool out of yourself. I'll just give you a chilling smile. Keep rowing your boat while you can make money. I'm already at the root of this four beat rhythm game. Use every energy to spit out what I have written. (Zico-Attention) Jiyong had to admit. This guy was good. Now people were chanting Zico. He laughed and hi-fived the people around him. You furrowed your eyebrows in disgust. You didnt like how he humiliated your brother.

You snatched the mic from him. His smile disappeared instantly. Just say what you gotta say. How can you be uncool to the very end? Fianc? Beyonce. I'm walkin' out of destiny. Not pitifully alone, but a glamorous solo. That's my way. I gave it my all, so I don't have regrets. Pretending like you're more sad. Pretending you're cool to the end. All you do is act a fool. YOU AINT SHIT WITHOUT YOUR CREW. You pushed his cap over his face. OH SHIT! The crowd laughed and threw their arms up in the air. Zico straightened his cap and glared at you. You smirked and blew him a kiss, I don't have time, I gotta go. So long, good bye, adios I don't want to see your ugly face again no more. (2ne1-Go Away) BIG BANG! The audience chanted. Thats our sister! Daesung proudly claimed. You laughed as Taeyang and Seunghyun hugged and ruffled your hair. And the winner is BIG BANG! The MC said. YEAH! EVERYONE RAISE YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! Seunghyun bellowed into the mic. WOO! The crowd jumped up and down in excitement. Were BIG BANG! The 6 of you held out your hands and laughed. You looked at the disappointed Block B. You met eyes with Zico. You almost felt sorry for him. Almost. You smirked and looked away. Zico gritted his teeth and left the stage *She always humiliates me.* That night, you and your brothers celebrated the victory by grabbing snacks and having a movie night in the living room. Daesung was doing a pretty good impression of you. Everyone cracked up. Laughing, he sat down on the sofa. You were seriously awesome today. Daesung held out his hand. You gave him a handshake and smiled. Whered you learn to rap like that? Taeyang asked. You looked at Jiyong. He smirked, Now youre thanking me? You beamed and put your hand in the middle, Big Bang forever! All of you put your hands in the middle and shouted, BIG BANG! The 6 of you burst into laughter again. You started dozing off and woke up in the middle of the movie credits. You looked around. All of your brothers were asleep. Seungri was on the floor sleeping next to Daesung. Taeyang was asleep on the armchair with his hood hiding his face. Seunghyun and Jiyong were asleep next to you with their heads tilted your way. You softly smiled *This is the family that I love. Without them, I couldnt do anything.* You slipped your hand into Seunghyuns and rested your head on Jiyongs. He unconsciously nuzzled your head. Smiling, you closed your eyes and drifted back to sleep. --------

Monday morning, Seunghyun dropped you and Seungri off at school. See you later, oppa. You waved. Dont forget to send me the library pictures. He raised an eyebrow. You pouted. You had hoped he had forgotten. You shut the door and you and Seungri entered the school. Downtown Seoul High School wasnt a very good school. It seemed like only delinquents or the dumbest of the dumbest went to your school. Also everybody was already friends with each other that no one was interested in befriending you or your brother. It didnt matter since the two of you had each other. It had always been like that. Because you had to run away so often, it was hard to make real friends. Thats why your closest and best friend was Seungri. You went to your locker. Right when you shut it, the bell rang. Ill see you lunch, oppa. You waved. He waved and ran off. You went into your classroom and went to your seat in the back by the window. Mr. Park, a tired-looking man, came in, We have one new student today. Come in. Uninterested, you looked out the window. Yo, my name is Pyo Jihoon. A unique, deep voice said. *Wait a minutethat voice* You turned your head and gasped. It was two-caps friend! P.O.! Jihoon, sit in the empty seat in the back. Mr. Park instructed. P.O. headed towards you. You quickly put your backpack in the seat. He raised an eyebrow. ~~~~~~~. Mr. Park warned. You sighed and took your backpack away. P.O. sat down and put his backpack away. *He probably doesnt recognize me.* You thought. P.O. took out a piece of paper and wrote something. He elbowed you. You defensively frowned *What does he want?* P.O. nodded at his paper. You looked down. Nice to see you again, bitch. Your jaw dropped open. P.O. snickered and lay back in his seat. *Jerk!* You crumpled up your paper and squeezed it inside your tense fist. When the bell rang, you shot out the door. *Must find Seungri oppa!* You raced through the students. You turned the corner. BAM! Whoa. He said. Sorry. You said. You know how to apologize? You could hear the smirk. You looked up and your eyes widened *OMG.* Zico was right in front of you. Behind him were his friends. W-what are you doing here?! You asked. What else would I do in school? Zico pointed to his uniform. *Dont tell meHES GOING TO MY SCHOOL!* You thought. *This is the one time I wish I can move schools!* ~~~~~~~~~~~~! Seungri raced over. He skidded to a stop and gasped at the sight of Block B. Hey, classmate. Zico smirked. Seungri gulped. He yanked you towards him and whispered in your ear, Theyre the new students! I think I know that by now, thanks. You gritted your teeth. Zico smirked and reached out. He touched your nametag, Kim ~~~~~~~~. I didnt know you were in high school. You slapped his hand away, I didnt know your rude ass was in high school, either. I thought with your mind level you were stuck in elementary.

Jaehyo chortled. Zico shot him a look. Sorry. He kept a straight face again. P.O. came over and slung an arm around your neck, Guess what, hyungs? Shes my new desk partner. Oh ho ho. U-Kwon chuckled. Everyone laughed. You pressed your lips in a firm line. You grabbed P.O.s arm and flipped him over onto his back. He blinked in shock. His friends gaped at you. You nasty bitch- U-Kwon stepped towards you with a glower. He was an easy-going, playful guy until someone hurt his friend. Seungri pulled you safely back, Hey, it was an accident, right? He shot you a look. No, not at all. You honestly replied. ~~~~~~! Seungri hissed. The bell rang. I hope we wont run into each other again. Zico growled. Stay out of my way and Ill happily stay out of yours. You sneered. Jiyongs attitude was reflecting on you. You walked away. Seungri caught up with you, What do I do?! My next class is with them! Defend yourself. You growled. You know I cant! He miserably whined. Zico watched you walk away. Lets go. His friends left. B-Bomb helped P.O. up. Zico raised an eyebrow in curiosity. *For some strange reason, that bitch interests me. Theres something about her thatsrefreshing. Shes not like other girls. That, I know for sure.* ------When school ended, you wearily trudged to the front of the school. You waited by the gates for Seungri. You pulled out a comforting lollipop. You had just unwrapped it when motorcycles flew by. A hand lifted your skirt up. UMMAYA! You squealed. You dropped the lollipop to pull your skirt back down. You looked up to see Block B minus Zico racing out the gates. NICE UNDERWEAR, MISS BITCH! Jaehyo winked. U-Kwon cackled and B-Bomb smirked. Kyung winked and waved. DAMMIT! You screamed, startling the students around you. You were steaming by the time Seungri came out. What happened to you? He blinked. You looked up and saw Zico. He was leisurely coming down the walkway sucking on a lollipop. You looked at your broken lollipop on the floor and fumed even more. You snapped your head up and met eyes with Zico who had just throw his leg over his motorcycle. Blinking slowly, almost as if to taunt you, he sank onto the seat. You pointed right at him fearlessly, Ask swag boy. The swag stands for SHITTY WILD ASSHOLE GUY. You stormed off. Seungri blinked at Zico. Zico shrugged, Your sister got issues. Seungri warily ran to catch up with you. *Shitty Wild Asshole Guy. Funny.* Zico smirked and shook his head. He started the engines and sped off. You and Seungri arrived at the library. You received a video call. It was Seunghyun. You checked the time. It was 3:10 p.m. *On the dot.* You slid open your phone. Yes? You mumbled. Show me where you are at. He ordered. You sighed and rotated your phone. Happy? You muttered. Yes. Seunghyun smiled then frowned, Whats wrong with your face? Why? Do I look bitchy to you, too? You grumbled. Bitchy? Seunghyun was confused.

Seungri took the phone from you, Hyung, well tell you later. Shes not in a very good mood right now. He uneasily glanced at you. You threw your books out and he jumped. You clutched onto the edges of your notebook. *Watch out, Block B. Ill crush you like little ants!* Seungri gulped. *Sometimes, I think shes scarier than Seunghyun hyung.* ----------You didnt finish your dinner and went to bed early. Your brothers thought it was strange but let it go. You couldnt sleep and just stared up at the ceiling. There was a gentle knock on the door. Come in. You mumbled. Seunghyun poked his head in, Are you sleeping? Obviously not. You bitterly said. Seunghyun came in and sat on the edge of your bed. He carefully hedged, I heard you had a bad day today. You stayed quiet. Is it true? Seunghyun asked. Sorta. You mumbled. Seunghyun sighed and pulled you up, Come on. You can tell oppa anything. What happened at school today? You finally told him what they were bothering you about. On top of that, after school, they saw my underwear! You complained, mortified. Seunghyun stayed quiet. I hate them. Can we move houses or schools at least? You asked. You really want to move again? He chuckled. You sighed, No. But I dont know what to do anymore. We can do this two ways. Seunghyun said. You looked at him, curious and interested. He held up a finger, 1stway. We get Jiyong to kill them. Your eyes widened, Muh? Why? You dont think he can? Seunghyun raised an eyebrow. Jiyong! He called. The door opened, What? You wanna go kill a couple guys for ~~~~~~~? They called her a bitch, underestimated her female independence, and saw her underwear. Seunghyun said. You couldnt believe they were talking so calmly about this. Sure. Just let me go get my knife. Jiyong shut the door. NO, OPPA! You scrambled up but Seunghyun pushed you back down, 2ndway. You ignore them. Act like they never existed. If they bother you, dont give them the time of day. Theyll get sick of it eventually and leave you alone. You listened carefully. So what do you choose? He asked. I guess the 2ndalthough the 1stdoes sound like a good option. You muttered. Seunghyun laughed and wrapped his arms around you. Youre too sweet to ask us to do something like that. You started to smile. The door opened and Jiyong came in, Im ready to go. Seunghyun and you pulled apart. He smiled, No need anymore. She changed her mind. You sure? Jiyong eyed you. You nodded. All right then. Tell me whenever you change your mind. He left. You curiously tilted your head to the side, Jiyong oppa doesnt really own a knife, does he? Oh you never know with Jiyong. Seunghyun winked. -----You took Seunghyuns advice and tried to ignore Block B as much as possible. P.O. would always write little notes and push them your way. Instead of reading them, you just dusted them off your desk. Block B would always greet you as Miss Bitch. Instead of coming back with a snappy

comeback, you looked straight ahead and did not say a word. When they taunted you in the cafeteria, you just ate your food. Seungri worriedly glanced between you and them. Do you want me to call Jiyong hyung? I dont want him to turn into a murderer. You said. Huh? He was confused. You tossed the rest of your lunch away and left. Block B went boo as you left. Seungri gave them dirty looks. This was far too much. One more wrong move and he would tell Jiyong. Before your next class, you went to your locker. You heard rowdy voices heading your way *Oh no. Whatever. Ignore them.* Oh, look, its Miss Bitch! Jaehyo pointed. The guys surrounded your locker. U-Kwon smiled down at you, You know if you werent so bitchy, Id actually make out with you. You bit your lip from snapping a mean comeback at him. Aww, why arent you saying anything today? Kyung pouted. Come on, you mad? Were just calling you a bitch cause you are one. Block B laughed loudly as if that was the funniest thing ever. You slammed your locker shut loudly. Oh shit. B-Bomb jumped. Taeil blinked at you. They were expecting you to throw a fit. But surprisingly, you just walked away. Block B shrugged and hi-fived each other for making your day hell again. But Zico just watched you. *Whats wrong with her lately? Why isnt she saying or doing anything? Its like were ghosts to her.* At 3, the bell rang for the end of school. You sighed in relief that another torturous day was over and started to pack up. Seungri was already at the gate. A familiar car pulled over. Oh. He blinked and straightened up. The door opened. Daesung smiled. Get in. Jiyong hollered. Seungri brightened, Hyungs! What are you doing here?! We both got off work early so we thought wed get you guys a treat. Daesung grinned. Awesome! No library?! Seungri went in. Nope. Daesung smiled. Jiyong looked around, Wheres ~~~~~~? Probably still packing. Seungri said. Just then, you came out. Jiyong brightened. He was about to honk but stopped when he saw Block B behind you. They were laughing and teasing you as always. You just looked at the ground and didnt respond. What are they doing to her? Daesung whined. Seungri frowned, Theyve been doing that this whole week. Jiyong glared at him, And you didnt do anything about it? Seungri sank back in his seat with a guilty expression. Jiyong shook his head. Block B laughed and hopped onto their motorcycles. Yah. Zico called. You just kept walking. *Thats it.* The way you were ignoring him was driving him crazy. Zico ran over and grabbed your arm. He pulled you back and blocked your path. What the hell is he doing?! Jiyong snarled. *I can tell this isnt going to end prettily.* Seungri thought. Zico looked into your eyes, Hey, dont you have any pride? Why arent you defending yourself when my friends call you names? You tried to leave but he held you back. Quit ignoring me, damn it! You deeply exhaled to control your temper. You looked hard at him, What do you want

me to do then? Act like your old self! The way youre acting all depressed now is making me anxious, shit! Zico snapped. Like my old self? You raised an eyebrow. He nodded. *Fuck Seunghyun oppas way. Im following Jiyong oppas advice.* You put your hands on his wide shoulders. What- Zico blinked at you. You bent him over and kneed him right where the sun didnt shine. OOO! Your brothers winced from the car. *FUCK!* Zico doubled over. You dusted your hands, You regret your words now, dont you? You tossed your way and strutted off. You got into the car. Yeah, baby! Daesung hi-fived you. You smiled. Jiyong lovingly stroked your hair with an affectionate smile, Im proud of you. You finally started to laugh. Zico deadly glared at you *THAT ROTTEN BITCH!* He watched the car drive away. His expression slowly started to loosen up and he blinked. *Actuallythat was kind of attractive. What the hell? Since when have I had a thing for bad girls?* ------Saturday night, you were home all alone. Taeyang, Jiyong, and Seunghyun were at work. Daesung and Seungri had gone out to see a movie. They invited you all along but you didnt like morbid movies that fucked with your brain. Your life was complicated enough. *What should I do? Its too early to sleep and its not like I have any friends to go out with. But who says you have to go out with friends?* You stood up and went to chance. An hour later, you were at the Hankang underground hip-hop club. You leisurely bobbed your head along to the beat. Today, you were just here to watch and enjoy hip-hop. You watched the b-boys dance and cheered along with the crowd. Being here made you feel tons better. A smile gradually came on your face. Your heart felt light and happy. Just then, someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and all the happiness disappeared. Annoyance replaced it instead. Surprise I find you here again. Zico raised an eyebrow with a slight smile. You crossed your arms, You dont own the place. *Thats more like it.* Zico smirked. He put his hands in his pockets, You gonna rap today? No. You said. Why not? Zico asked. Backing down cause you saw me? You wish. You scoffed. Is there any day that youre in a good mood? He asked, amused. Yeah, Im in a good mood on the weekends, when I dont see you. But now that I saw you, it just blew up. Thank you for wrecking up my happy days. You gave him a sarcastic smile and walked away. Zico watched you with slight admiration. His friends came over, Rapping is gonna come next. You gonna go up? Yup. Zico headed to the stage. We have Zico of Block B returning! The MC grinned. Some people recognized him and started to cheer. Are you solo today or will you go against someone? The MC asked. Yeah, Im going to against her. Zico pointed. The spotlight came on you. You blinked in surprise. The MC brightened, Its ~~~~~~ from Big Bang! People started to cheer loudly. What- but- Before you could protest, the crew pulled you up on stage. You looked at Zico *What is he up to? Cant he go a day without humiliating me?*

Ill go first. Zico put the mic to his lips as he gazed at you. But this time, his eyes werent full of mischief. It was softer, somehow. Wherever my destination is, it's pretty ladies. I pick a route where I'm likely to bump into you. But today, it doesn't feel like luck's on my side. I stop in my tracks and just sigh. While in denial, I try to get up and leave .But the minute I turn my gaze, shit! The world freezes and I'm stiff like a statue. A+ 100 points out of 100. Girl~ how can you be so pretty? Your walking is like a runway pose. What could I say to you? The weather's quite nice today, or is that overdoing it? Uh~ This is an opportunity given by God. So hurry up and turn around so I can talk to you naturally. Time it right, eye contact. (Zico & Kyung- Turn Around) The crowd roared. You blinked at the lyrics. They werent cocky or spiteful at all. They were just downrightsweet. Is that a love confession? The MC teased. You remained suspicious. *Just what is he getting at?* Do you have a response to that? He asked. You paused then put the mic to your lips. Zico hopefully gazed at you. In order for you to never have thoughts on looking at someone too much Ill steal both your eyes gazes and spill them in my heart. Wanna flow with me? I can do that. Wanna dance with me? You cant do that. Don't mistake me to be the same as other girls. Who am I? You put your hand against the ear. The crowd shouted, BIG BANG! You smiled and continued, You're gonna pay for seeing me as easy, just because I'm young. I could easily take away your heart in a moment, like 1 2 3 4. Now a bit more truthfully, please stop your games. Time is the issue, boys, boys. Gonna make you mine mine. (2ne1- Pretty Boy) The crowd cheered at your lyrics. You coyly smiled at Zico who couldnt take his eyes off of you. Is that a rejection or acceptation? The MC asked. You looked into Zicos eyes and replied, Neither. Then you walked away. ----Zicos heartbeat started to beat faster. He watched you walk away. He couldnt see or hear anything but you. Nothing seemed to matter to him now except you. Zico swiftly jumped off the stage and ran after you. You walked towards the streets and stopped at the bus stop. Zico slowed down. He looked around. There was no excuse for following you but he couldnt stop now. As casually as possible, Zico approached you. You glanced at him. Zico quickly looked away. He stood a few feet away from you and put his hands in his pockets. *Aish. This is awkward.* You didnt pay attention and just waited for the bus. Zico opened his mouth to start conversation but stopped when the bus arrived. You hopped on and scanned your bus card. Zico stuffed a dollar into the slot and followed you. You sat next to the window. He looked around and said, Hey. You looked up at him. Can I sit here? He asked.

You paused then shrugged. You looked out the window once again. *At least she didnt say no.* With a quiet sigh of relief, Zico sat next to you. The left side of is body was heated up by your presence. *Shit. Something is definitely wrong with me.* Zico glanced at you. You didnt even acknowledge his presence, which drove him crazy. Where are you getting off? He asked. Seoul. You vaguely said. Yeah, Seoul where? Zico asked, annoyed. Before you could answer, your phone rang. Seunghyun oppa. You said. Zico stiffened and listened in. Yeah, I just went out for some fresh air. Im safe, dont worry. Im on my way home. Araso. Bye. You hung up. Your brother? Zico asked. You nodded. So where are you getting off? He asked. You raised an eyebrow. What? Zico innocently blinked. Psycho. You said. What?! He yelped. You pressed the button and the bus stopped. You slipped past him and hopped off the bus. Zico quickly scrambled off after you. You went up the hill and he followed. *This is where she lives?* Zico wondered. You spun around. He coughed and pretended to be interested in the structure of a house. You raised an eyebrow *Strange.* You started walking again. Zico sighed and followed you. Abruptly, you stopped. He froze. You know You glanced to the side, If my brothers catch you, youre dead. You do know that, dont you? You started walking again. Zico rolled his eyes and followed. Your funeral. You muttered. But you couldnt take it anymore. You whirled around and stormed towards him, Why are you stalking me?! Im not stalking you! Zico protested. Then why are you following me everywhere?! You snapped. I DONT KNOW! He yelled. You blinked at him *What kind of an answer is that?* Zico sighed, I dont know okay. I just went where my heart told me to go. You started to soften a bit then quickly frowned, What kind of a stupid, cheesy line is that? Quit watching melodramas. You stalked off. *What kind of a girl brushes off a sincere confession like that?!* Even more interested now, Zico ran after you. Dont taste my patience! You snarled. He held his hands out, Whoa, calm down. Im not going to try anything on you. Then? You crossed your arms. I just want to see that you get home safe. Thats not so bad, right? Zico asked. You suspiciously eyed him, Why? You hate me. I never said that. He claimed. You sighed and gave up. You started to walk and Zico walked with you. Do you go to the underground hip hop club every weekend? No. You replied. Why not? It seems like you enjoy it a lot. He said. *Because my life is in danger and if I get caught up in one place for too long, those dragon bastards might find out. Speaking of dragons* You suddenly grabbed his wrist. Hey! Whats the big deal?! Zico asked. But he stopped when he saw you examining his wrists. You took his other wrist and pulled up his watch. You were checking for a tattoo of a dragon. Zico didnt know what you were doing but your touch made electric sparks zip up his arm. He softly gazed at you, almost becoming mesmerized. But you dropped his wrists and the moment ended. Zico snapped out of his trance. What was that for? I just wanted to check something. You walked away and he followed. I spot my brother over there. You should go now. Seriously. You gave him a look. Worrying about me? He lightly smirked. You rolled your eyes and walked away but he grabbed your wrist, Aiight, girl. Calm down. Let go. You wanna end up like your little friend? You mention P.O.

Ill just drag you down with me. Zico threatened back. You glared at him. Okay, okay, look. I dont want any hostility. Justdo you think we can be friends? He asked. Huh? You were so shocked by his sudden request. Zico coolly shrugged, Lets just put all the vendetta behind us and become friends. We have a lot more in common than you think. Oh yeah? Like what? You crossed your arms. Like our love for hip-hop. We go to the same school. We both have tempers. And we both likelollipops? Zico was just guessing the last one. You thought about it. *Thats true I guess* So what do you say? Friends? Zico held his hand out. You stared at his hand in thought. Before you could make a decision, your phone rang. Hello? You answered, Yeah, oppa. Im here. You glanced at Zico and ran off. His hand still hung in mid-air. You hung up and ran over, Oppa! Seunghyun saw you and sighed in relief. He held out his arm. You wrapped your arms around his waist. You all right? Seunghyun asked. You nodded. Good, lets go in. He led you towards the house. You glanced back to see if Zico was still in the shadows. *Should I just have said yes?* Zico put his hand down and watched you and Seunghyun go inside. A small smirk/smile came on his face. *Girl likes to play hard to get. But she should know Im not a quitter. Two can play this game. Lets see who loses first.* ----It was Friday already. Zicos effort to befriend you was on hiatus for a moment. You wouldnt even let him bring up the subject matter again. The bell rang for the end of school. *Thank God.* You were getting ready to go home when Mr. Park said, The two in charge of cleaning today is Pyo Jihoon and ~~~~~~~~~~. What?! Your mouth opened in outrage. Come check with me before you leave. He left. You stared at P.O. who started pulling up his sleeves. He held his hand out, Lets work together bitch to make this classroom a nicer place. You narrowed your eyes at him and slapped his hand away. You texted Seungri: I have to clean up the classroom today. Wait at the library for me. You put your phone away and grabbed the mop. Suddenly, the doors burst open. P.O., lets go! His friends piled inside. Cant. Cleaning duty. He replied. Well, well, well, look who has to stay behind. Jaehyo smirked with a raised eyebrow. You were ready to shove the broom in his face. Just make her do all the work. B-Bomb said. You put your hand on your hip and eyed them, Like I would let that happen. We both have to clean the room. You sure know how to bring a man down. B-Bomb said. Its no problem. Well just stay. We have to wait for Zico anyways. U-Kwon hopped up and sat on a desk. He pulled out his phone and started texting away. You tried to mop the floor but the boys feet kept getting in the way. Excuse me. You said. Excused, bitch. Jaehyo said, his eyes on the phone. You pressed your lips into a thin line, Im serious. Move. They lifted up their feet just a couple inches off the ground. You rolled your eyes *Whatever.* You began to shove your way through them. Hey! They protested. Damn, woman! Kyung scowled. You ignored them. You put the mop away and tied up your hair. You bent down to pick up the rag but stopped. Your moms ring couldnt be tainted. You carefully slipped it out and put it at your desk. You took the rag and wrung the water out of it.

While you cleaned the windows, P.O. dusted off the chalkboard. U-Kwon spotted a sparkly object on a desk. *Hmm? Whats that?* He walked over and picked it up. Oooh, a ring. He smirked. What is it? Jaehyo and Taeil came over. Let me see. Kyung took it from them. B-Bomb stared at it also. It looks like junk. Kyung bit it to see if it was real. You heard talk behind you and rolled your eyes. *What are they up to now?* You furrowed your eyebrows *What are they surrounding?* You walked over and saw the glint of a silver object. Your eyes widened as you gasped. HEY! You yelled. The boys stopped and glanced back. THATS MINE! GIVE IT BACK! You strode over. Jaehyo quickly snatched the ring and held it up. Give me my ring back! You shouted. How do we know its really your ring? You couldve just wanted it. He stuck his tongue out. You glowered at him, Im serious. Give it back to me- Before you could reach for it, Jaehyo threw it. You gasped. U-Kown quickly caught it. You ran over to him, Give it back. U-Kwon smirked and hid the ring, Give me a kiss and Ill give it back to you. You shoved him, Im serious! Give it back! Ill take that as a no. He shrugged and passed the ring to Kyung. The boys were having fun playing monkey-in-the-middle now. Suddenly Zico came in. He blinked when he saw his friend throwing around an object as you jumped up and down to retrieve it. *What the-* Got it! Jaehyo grabbed it. You were pissed off to the max now. You grabbed his collar, YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH! GIVE MY RING BACK TO ME AT ONCE! And if I dont? Jaehyo taunted. Then Ill KILL you. You seriously said. Zico walked over to get the ring for you. But at that moment, Jaehyo threw the ring. Kyung couldnt catch it and it flew out the window. NO! You screamed. Oops Kyung said. Jaehyo! Zico barked. You ran over, shoved Kyung out of the window, and looked out the window. The ring was nowhere to be seen. All you could see was green grass everywhere. *No. Mom.* You ran out the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Zico ran after you. You fled out the entrance and hurriedly sped over to the grass. You got on your hands and knees and started to frantically search for the precious remnant of your mother. Zico ran over and grasped your arm, Its useless. You cant find it now- Let go! You snarled and yanked away. He blinked in surprise. You dont understand. T-that was my mothers. Tears welled up in your eyes. *Oh shit.* His eyes rounded at the situation. You wiped your tears away and kept searching. Zico got down next to you and started looking also. But it was hopeless. You couldnt find the ring anywhere. Frustrated, you curled up into a ball and started sobbing. *Moms ring is gone. Otoke?* Zico felt really bad. He gently touched your shoulder, Hey You harshly shrugged his hand away and tearfully glared at him, You want to be friends with me? H-huh? Zico blinked. Then stay the hell away from me. I want you and your friends to never appear in front of me again! Bursting into tears, you ran away. Zico wanted to go after you but his legs wouldnt move. He felt numb and sad all over.

*Shit.* Zico glared up at the window. He cracked his knuckles and stormed back into the school. Block B was laughing and hi-fiving each other in the classroom. Ahn Jaehyo. Zico spat the name in disgust. The pretty boy looked up, What? Bite your jaw. Zico edgily warned. What? Jaehyo was confused. BAM! Zico slammed his fist into Jaehyos face. He flew onto the ground with a bleeding lip. Eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Jaehyo wiped the blood from his lips and shot up with malicious eyes, What the fuck was that for?! For stooping that low to hurt a girl. That was her moms ring goddamit. What the hell were you thinking? Zico viciously snarled. Jaehyo finally had nothing to say. The boys lowered their heads in guilt. Zico shook his head, Imbecile. He left the room. You had just arrived at the library. Seungri was yawning and stretching when he spotted you. He brightened and waved but stopped. *Is shecrying?!* Oh no. Seungri ran over. He pulled you out and grasped your shoulders, Whats the matter? Why are you crying?! You just bawled and hugged him, Oppa, otokae? Umma will hate me. Seungri didnt understand any of your blubbering. Instead, he wrapped his arms around you and stroked your hair. There, there. Dont cry. Itll be okay. ----That night, you were lying in your bed, numb and sad. You could hear the rain drizzling on your window. There was a knock on the door. You didnt even reply but it opened anyways. Seungri came in wearing an apron and holding a tray. ~~~~~~~, eat dinner. You shook your head. Come on. You have to eat a little bit. Ill feed you. Say ah~ He held the food to your lips. You turned on your other side and pulled the blanket over your head. Seungri sighed and left with the food. Your older brothers came home after hearing the news from Seungri. They shook the rain off their jackets. Where is she? Daesung asked as he folded the umbrella. Is she in her room? Taeyang asked. Seungri glumly nodded, She wont even eat. Seunghyun stared at the tray. What exactly happened? Jiyong asked. Im going to go see her. Taeyang headed upstairs while Seungri began to tell the details. Taeyang knocked on your door. Hearing nothing, he went inside. He sat on the edge of your bed and gently placed a hand over the blanket, ~~~~~, Taeyang oppa is home. Wont you look at me? You didnt move. Come on. Show me your face. Taeyang soothingly mumbled as he gently pried the blanket off of you. His face fell when he saw tears on your face. I heard what happened. His gaze shifted to your hand and he gently grasped it. Your finger was bare and empty. Your bottom lip trembled, I lost it. Its not your fault. Taeyang said. Umma will hate me. You croaked. Dont say that. He lightly scolded. You put an arm over your face and started to sob, I hate them. They took my ring and threw it out the window. But its my fault, too. Why did I take it off in the first place? Now I lost moms ring. I dont have anything of hers except the picture. Why would they do something hurtful like that? I meant it when I said give it back. That was my most prized treasure and not its gone. I hate myself. Taeyang hated to see you cry. He felt so bad to see you helpless and miserable like this.

Taeyang pulled your arm away and bent down. He rested his forehead on yours and sighed. Mianhae. You kept crying with an aching heart. Outside, Seunghyun and Jiyong had been listening. Their hearts wrenched at your cries. Fuck. Jiyong muttered under his breath and spun around. Seunghyun caught his arm as he passed by. I know what youre going to do. He lowly murmured. Dont do it. They hurt her. Jiyong whispered. I know but violence isnt the answer. Seunghyun said. Jiyong yanked his arm away and shouted, NO! VIOLENCE IS THE ANSWER, HYUNG! I WANT TO HURT THEM AS MUCH AS THEY HURT HER! I WANT TO HURT THEM EVEN MORE! DO YOU HEAR HER CRIES? Seunghyun slightly flinched when he heard your sob. You expect me, her older brother, to just stand by and watch. I- I cant. Jiyong blocked his hears, Her cries are driving me insane. He took a step and Seunghyun loudly growled, You take another step to the front door and you can forget about ever stepping foot into this house, Kim Jiyong. Jiyong glared scathingly at him. Seunghyun glared right back, I mean it. Im not going to watch any of my siblings go to prison. Jiyong curled his hand into a fist. GAH! He punched the wall, leaving a hole. Daesung had just come up and he froze in shock. Jiyong went into his room and slammed the door shut. Seunghyun sighed. Daesung came over worriedly, Hyung, is everything okay? I hope it will be. He left. Daesung went into your room to comfort you. --------------Mud was everywhere. On the grass, on his pants, on his jacket, on his face, on his fingers. *Shit.* Zico wiped the water off his face with the clean part of his jacket. He fixed the hood over his head and glanced around. For the past 5 hours, he had been searching for your moms ring. *Why did it have to fucking raintoday?* What the hell am I doing out here? Zico asked himself out loud. But no one heard him. He was alone in the dark, dreary school. *She hates me so whats the point of getting the ring back for her?* Zico sighed. Still, he wanted to try. He felt like he owed it to you. *Fucking Jaehyo. Its all your fucking fault. Damn you and your bad aim.* Zico started to look for your ring again. He slipped on the mud and landed hard on his ass. FUCK, MAN! Zico grumbled, annoyed. He was about to get up when he felt something hard by his finger. *What-* Zico turned his head. A tiny, silver object speckled with mud was lying in the dirt. His eyes rounded. *No way. It cant be.* Zico snatched it up. He held it up and pulled out his cell phone to get some light. His face brightened *ITS THE RING! I ACTUALLY FOUND IT!* YES! WAHOO! Zico jumped up and down in joy. Grinning, he tucked the ring safely into the pocket of his jeans. *Now all I have to do is give the ring back to her and ask her for her forgiveness. Hopefully, shell reconsider being my friend.* ----You slept in until the afternoon. Your brothers didnt wake you up. You needed the sleep since you hadnt fallen asleep until late after crying. When you woke up, no one was home but Seungri and he was in the attic. You groggily went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You were a complete mess. Your eyes were puffy and red. Your hair was sticking out in all sorts of

places and tear-stains paled your cheeks. *I better take a shower.* You sighed and shut the door. After a hot shower, you changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs. You pulled out ice and put them in a zip-lock bag. You sank into the chair and put the ice bag over your eyes with a tired sigh. Your phone beeped with text messages. You flipped it open. Are you awake? Seunghyun. Still crying? Jiyong. Smile, princess! I <3 YOU! : ) Daesung. Forget about everything and have a good day. Remember: no matter what, oppas will always love you. Taeyang. A smile cracked on your face. *I can smile because of oppas.* You saw the dirty dishes in the sink. You took a deep breath and stood up. *Time to start the day.* Outside your house, Zico had been waiting for 3 hours. He didnt have your number so he couldnt call. And he was slightly intimidated to ring your doorbell. He didnt want to face your 5 brothers at once, especially the tall one with those dark eyes that could just kill anyone by glaring at them. Zico looked at your ring in his palm and anxiously sighed. *Damn. Will she ever come out? Is there a way that I can sneak in? But which one is her room? I dont want to climb into a room only to find out its her brothers.* Just then, he heard the door open. Zico quickly ducked behind the wall. He peeked out. To his relief, it was just you. You came out with the trash bag. You put it into the garbage can and dusted your hands. You were about to back in when someone called your name. You turned your head and your eyes rounded in surprise. Zico smiled, You finally came out! I was wondering if I had to sneak in or what not! You just gave him a resentful look and headed in. Wait, wait, wait! He darted into the gates and blocked your path. You stiffened. Get out before I scream. Come on. Give me a chance- My brothers are all home. One scream and youre dead. You fibbed. Zico stopped talking. You passed by him. He grabbed your wrist. Let go! You struggled but he held fast onto you. Before you could scream, Zico flattened your palm. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, What- He pressed something into your hand and looked into your eyes, I found it. *What?* You gave him a confused look. Zico released your hand. You looked down at your hand. Your eyes widened *THE RING! But how!* You looked up to see Zico walking away. You ran after him, Wait! He turned around. Follow me. You walked past him and led him to the bench at the playground. The two of you sat on opposite ends. You kept gazing at your ring. *Is this a dream come true? I cant believe I got it back.* You tenderly touched the ring. Zico cleared his throat, Um, I guess it really does mean a lot to you. Its the only thing I have of my moms. You whispered. *Did she die or run away?* He wondered. You looked at him, Did you find this? Who else wouldve found it? *Definitely not Jaehyo.* Zico thought. Thank you. You whispered. He blinked in surprise. You were smiling a bit. Sincerity was in your eyes. I thought I would never get this back. I was really miserable last night. You cradled the ring with a loving smile. Zico softened, No problem He turned to you with a sigh, Look, wanted to apologize for my friends childish behavior yesterday. My friends arent bad guys. Really. They just need some time to getting used to. When I saw Jaehyo throw that ring out the window, I swear, I wanted to kill him for you. Instead, I punched him for you hard and I wasted

6 hours of my life getting that back for you. So when you see him on Monday, please dont kill him. Forgive him just this once, please? You thought about it. No? Zico hopelessly asked. You looked at the ring, looked up at him, and then smiled. Okay. His eyes widened, Sseriously?! You had never been so agreeable before. You nodded, Ill forgive him just this once. Just let him know that its because of you that Im forgiving him. You stood up and walked away. Zico blinked, Wow *If I had known she wouldve done that, I wouldnt have freaked out this morning.* He ran after you, Hey, wait. You turned around. So, um, Zico coughed into his fist and put his hands back in his pockets, The friend thingyou know about never wanting to see me againare you going to take that back? You blinked. His shoulders deflated, Or does that still stand by? A furtive smile came on your lips, I dont know. I still have to see about that one. You left. His jaw dropped. *Still?!* You shut the door and leaned against it. You looked down at the ring and chuckled. You bit your lip to keep the smile from growing on your face and glanced out the window. Zico was frustratingly scratching his head. You chuckled. *That guy isnt so bad after all. Just maybewe can be friends.* -------It was Monday. Bye, oppas! You waved at Taeyang and Daesung. They smiled and waved back. They were glad you were smiling again. You and Seungri entered the school. You headed to your locker. Humming a tune, you twirled the lock open. Suddenly, you heard a commotion behind you. Footsteps were heading your way. You turned around. Omo! You jumped as Jaehyo crashed into the lockers. You blinked *Whats going on?* Jaehyo looked sheepish. He couldnt even meet your eyes. The rest of Block B came over. Zico raised an eyebrow, What are you doing, Jaehyo? Come on. Do it. *Do what?* You wondered. Im sorry. Jaehyo apologized. You blinked. Say it louder. She cant hear you. Zico said. Im sorry I threw your mothers ring out the window! Jaehyo blurted loudly. Zico tapped the back of Jaehyos knees with his shoe. Get down and mean it. Jaehyo sighed and got down on his knees in front of you. Everyone was staring now. Jaehyo turned red but didnt get up. He lowered his head, Mianhae. I wont do something like that ever again. You were too stunned to speak. Haha. Loser. U-Kwon chuckled. You guys, too. Zico said. What?! U-Kwon blinked. Zico gave him a death look and nodded at the floor. U-Kwon sighed and got on his knees. One by one, Block B dropped on their knees around you. You uneasily looked around, confused and bewildered. P.O. was the only one standing. Er, hyung, I was cleaning that day- Get down. Zico said. With that one command, P.O. sank onto the floor. Zico leaned against the lockers and crossed his arms, Now apologize. Mianhae! They chorused.

Louder! Zico ordered. MIANHAE! Block B shouted. You turned red in mortification, Okay, I got it. Get up! Please! They got up and dusted the dirt off their uniform pants. Go. Zico nodded. Grumbling, Block B dispersed to their classrooms. Zico looked at you. You shook your head, I cant believe you. Zico shrugged, I can make them do worse. Thats the power of a leader. He started grinning. You lost it. You started to laugh loudly. Weirdo. You shook your head while laughing. Zico grinned and held out his hand, Were cool, now? You tapped your lips in contemplation. Then you smiled and slipped your hand into his, Yeah. He squeezed your hand, Can we be friends, too? Dont push it. You teased. But his eyes were serious, Please? You softened. You could tell he was being sincere. You smiled genuinely and nodded, Yes. We can be friends. Zico grinned and shook your hand. You laughed and playfully pushed him, Again. You weirdo. Whats so great about being friends with me? *Because friendship leads to trust and trust can lead to so much more. I want to explore all the possibilities with you. Ive never met a girl that makes my heart beat the way you do.* Zico smiled. ----------It was another boring Saturday night. Your elder brothers were out working while Seungri had fallen asleep early. Your mind was too excited to sleep. *What to do? What to do?* Suddenly, you perked up. You remembered your classmates talking about a brand new club that had opened. It wasnt too far from your house. Giddily, you started to get ready. In half an hour, you were at club Hypnotica. There were so many people that the bouncers didnt even bother checking ID. *Just my luck! I can tell itll be a good night!* You were amazed by everything. It was your first time at a night-club. It was totally different from a hip-hop club. You were looking around when someone pressed closely against you from behind. Youre not over 21. A voice hissed in your ear. You stiffened. *Uh-oh.* You slowly turned around and looked up. Your jaw dropped at who you saw. You shouldve seen your face! Zico cracked up. Jerk! You punched his shoulder. Ouch, okay. That actually hurt. Remind me not to joke with you anymore. He rubbed the sore spot. What are you doing here? You asked. Everyone is here. Including you. Who isnt old enough. Zico pointed out. You arent either. You said matter-of-factly. Yeah, but I look older than you. You look like- like- Like what? You zoomed towards him, as if daring him to go on. Zico looked you from bottom to top and slightly melted *HOT.* You were saying? You raised an eyebrow. Wanna dance? He grasped your wrist and tugged you to the dance floor. Hey! Thats not what you said! You protested. Zico and you were smack dab in the center of the dance floor. You uncomfortably

glanced around at the rubbing bodies. Whats wrong? Queen of Rap doesnt know how to dance? He teased. I do! You blurted. I just- never danced with so many people before. You stepped back from a crowd of grinding bodies. Zico grabbed your waist and pressed you closely against him. You gasped, What are you doing?! Relax. Im just teaching you how to dance. He said. I told you! I already know how to! You snapped. Then dont be afraid and just show me. Zico dared. You hesitated at first but slowly, your hidden moves started coming out. *Damn. Shes good.* Zico licked his bottom lip. He came so close to you that you could feel his breath on your lips. Um, You uneasily stepped back, Friends dont dance so closely. I might have a trouble with the definition of friend. Zico naughtily whispered. Before you knew it, the two of you were grinding against each other. Out of nowhere, someone touched your butt from behind. You gasped and spun around. Hey, baby! U-Kwon grinned. You glowered at him, I thought my nickname was bitch. That long changed. U-Kwon waved it over, Now Ill call you baby. I saw your dance moves across the floor and damn I could not resist. Your body was calling out for me. He reached for your waist. You slapped his hands away. U-Kwon pouted, Come on, woman! I threw away my pride for you by kneeling in front of you! Do you really have to kick a man when hes down? You couldnt help but laugh. He grinned, Im funny, huh? Yeah, hilarious. Then you shoved him into the crowd and he became lost in the dancing bodies. You cracked up. I wanna dance with the bi- P.O. stopped when he saw your expression. Behind you, Zico was slitting his throat with a glare. P.O. gulped, Beautiful girl. You glanced back. Zico innocently shrugged, as if saying I dont know what happened to my friends that suddenly made them into angels. Lets dance! I want you lots! Kyung started skipping around in a circle. *Okay, Block B are actually fools.* You chuckled. Your built-up resentment started to fade away. You began to dance with all of them. Taeil, especially, was fun to dance with. He wasnt a good dancer but he was easily embarrassed, which caused you to grab your stomach in laughter. You turned around and were face to face with Zico. He smiled and slid closer to you. A smile came on your lips and you began to dance with him one-on-one. Before things could cross the friendship line again, you spotted familiar big men in black attire. A flash of a dragon on their wrist made your blood freeze. *DRAGONS!* -----Your entire body froze. You couldnt do anything but stare at the men, traumatized. Your legs turned to jelly and your hands began to shake. Zico looked at you in concern, You all right? He glanced back but all he could see were men in black suits, a common sight for him. One of them turned around. You gasped and reflexively ducked behind Zico. You grabbed onto his jacket and made sure it covered your face. Zico blinked, surprised by your sudden burst of action. Whats going on? Why are you hiding? N-no reason. You stammered. You peeked up. One man looked your way. You squealed and started making a beeline for the exit.

*What the hell?* Puzzled, Zico followed you. He caught your arm before you could leave. Whats wrong? Nothing- Then why are you trying to leave already? Zico impatiently asked. You bit your lip anxiously. You couldnt tell him. At least, not now. You looked around. The men were searching through the crowd. *Shoot!* You just yanked Zico out the door with you. Yah! He was shocked. Nevertheless, you kept a firm grip on him and kept running. Where are we running to?! Zico was beyond confused now. I dont know! Just keep running! Your heartbeat was thumping as hard as your footsteps on the concrete. The two of you turned into a dark corner and stopped. Zico bent over to catch his breath. You glanced over the corner to see if the men were following. To your relief, they werent. You sighed in relief and sank against the wall. What was that all about? Zico frowned. You lightly shrugged, I was tired of the club. So we ran away like someone would kill us? He raised an eyebrow. *Not you. Me.* You innocently beamed, Running is good for you. So what now? Zico rubbed the back of his neck. Um, I think Ill head home. You said. What?! He yelped. You can go back to the club. You headed towards the bus stop. Zico rolled his eyes *Like I want to without you.* He followed you, Wait up. You stopped. Ill take you home. Zico offered. You wouldve declined but you would feel better if someone would be able to protect you. The two of you took the bus to your neighborhood. You stopped a few yards from your house. You can go now. Yeah, just diss me like that. Zico rolled his eyes. You laughed, Thanks for taking me home, Zico. No problem. What are friends for? He smiled and shrugged. You warmly smiled. *So this is what it feels like to have a friend. I missed out on a lot.* See you on Monday. You waved. Zico made sure you safely went inside before disappearing. ------The next day, you were out shopping with your family. It was a fun time and you were especially happy. The 6 of you hadnt relaxed like that in a while. Still, Seunghyun was always paranoid. He didnt feel comfortable in large groups in broad daylight. Jiyong took you to the new shop where he had been promoted to a manager. Hello, manager-nim. The female workers bowed. Jiyong nodded. They all giggled and watched him with interest. *Wow. I never knew oppa was popular with the girls.* You thought. Hey, come here. Jiyong wiggled his finger. You snapped out of your thoughts and came over. He held a pink hoodie with a skull out, Try this. Jiyong gave you a few more sweaters and skirts. Wear those and come out. The fitting room is there. He nodded. As you changed, you heard the girls ask, Manager oppa, is that your girlfriend? No, my sister. Oh! Shes so pretty! They giggled. You rolled your eyes. *Youre only saying that because you found out Im his sister.* You came out in the pink hoodie and a frilly denim mini skirt. Jiyong straightened up and looked you up and down. Taeyang and Daesung came in. Daesung gasped and a gleeful smile lit up his face, Omo! You look so cute! Skirt is too short. Taeyang argued.

Girls these days wear that all the time. Jiyong waved it away, Try on the next one. You felt like a Barbie as your brothers oohed and ahhed over the outfits. They put their thumbs up for good and thumbs down for bad. Jiyong paid with the clothes with his manager specialty. He gave you the bag and told the workers to do a good job and to close at 10. They nodded, Neh~ Bye! You perkily skipped out of the store. Whoa. What did Jiyong hyung buy for you? Seungri asked. You excitedly showed him. He pouted, No fair, hyung. How come you didnt get me anything? Jiyong rolled his eyes, The shop only sells girl outfits, moron. Taeyang laughed, Dont worry, Seungri. Ill buy you something later. He grinned. You showed the clothes to Seunghyun, Arent they pretty?! He gave you a feeble smile but his eyes were alert. Something was wrong. It felt like someone was watching them. Thats when Seunghyun noticed the man in the far distance behind a wall wearing sunglasses. He was looking your way and talking on his phone. *Not good.* Seunghyun casually gathered you guys. We gotta go. Theyre watching. Who? Seungri asked ignorantly. The Dragons. Seunghyun hissed. At their name, your heart dropped. You gulped. *I saw them yesterday toodid they follow me?* Jiyong narrowed his eyes and surreptitiously glanced back. I see two more. What do we do?! Seungri panicked. Listen and quit shaking. Seunghyun snapped as he gripped onto the back of Seungris neck. We all separate- No! I wanna go with ~~~~~~~~~! Seungri grabbed your hand. Jiyong yanked the two of you away, Man up, Seungri, goddamit! Shes your little sister! Shes supposed to follow you! Hyung. Seungri whimpered. Scatter and go to different places. DO NOT GO HOME or they will find out. At 10 p.m. we meet under the Gangnam Bridge where we stayed before. You remember, right? Seunghyun asked. Everyone nodded. Good. Seunghyun nodded. Ill take this for you. Jiyong took your bag. Seunghyun carefully glanced to the side, At 3 then. 1. Muscles tensed. 2. Legs became ready to run. 3! He yelled. The 6 of you shot off like bullets. Heart racing, you ran down the wide street. You glanced back. 2 Dragons were following you. Squealing, you quickened your pace. *Otoke?! Mom help me!* You purposely twisted down confusing alleys. For the moment, the Dragons became confused. They stopped and scratched their heads. You didnt slow down and kept running. You had to be FAR, FAR away from then. You had just turned the corner when you bumped into someone. AHHH! You screamed. HOLY SHIT! A voice hissed defensively. *That voice.* You looked up and your eyes widened, Zico?! ~~~~~~~? He blinked. W-what are you doing here? You asked. I live in this neighborhood. Zico raised an eyebrow. What are you doing here? You glanced around like a panicky hen. You saw a flash of black . Without thinking, you pushed Zico into a shop.

What are we doing inside the sauna?! He snapped. *Huh? Sauna?* You looked up. WELCOME TO PARAN BATH HOUSE! It clicked in your mind and you almost became giddy. *Thats it! Theyll never suspect Im in here!* One set please! You paid the woman. She handed you towels and sauna clothes with a pair of keys. Thank you! You turned to go but Zico grabbed your wrist, Are you seriously going in there?! Watch me. With a swift turn, you went into the woman section. Zico shook his head. *This girl is unpredictable.* -----You changed into the pink sauna clothes and entered the unisex section of the sauna. You were used to the sauna because your brothers and you had slept there plenty of times while running from the Dragons. *I havent been here in months.* You smiled and stretched. You put your hair into a ponytail and went into one of the empty warm rooms. You lay on your stomach and looked through a forgotten magazine. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed your shoulder. Swiftly, you grabbed the arm and smacked the person down onto his back as you straddled him down. Damn, girl. Zico hissed. You blinked, surprised, Z-Zicow-what are you doing here? Ill answer your question after you get off of me. He mumbled. Your face reddened. You quickly scrambled off. What are you doing here? Zico sat up as he rubbed his sore back, You came in here so I decided to follow. Stalker. You muttered. Weirdo. Zico shot back. You looked at him. He sighed, Honestly, do you know how random you are? You just bump into me in my neighborhood out of nowhere, push me into a sauna, and just leave me stranded. Did you think I would let you go so easily? You snorted and crossed your arms. You checked him up and down and you chortled. What? Zico raised an eyebrow. Whats so funny? Zico in PINK! You pointed and started guffawing loudly. This is the only clothes they gave me! He flushed to match his face, Besides, whats wrong with pink? You chuckled, Youre right. Real men wear pink. You winked at him, causing his heart to flutter. You patted your stomach, Hey, should we play rock-paper-scissors? You held out your fist, Loser has to go buy snacks. Fine. Zico smirked and held his fist out, But just so you know, Im the king of this game. ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS! You held out paper and he held out a rock. His face fell. Smirking triumphantly, you cupped your ear and leaned towards him, What was that about king? Shut up. He muttered. You snickered and pushed him arm, Now go buy snacks, loser king. I want eggs and rice punch! Mumbling something about pink being bad luck, Zico left. Chuckling, you shook your head. You leaned against the wall and waited for him. Minutes later, Zico came back with the food. You happily took a sip of the rice punch. He watched you with a shameful, awed cringe and shook his head, Good? Yup! Especially since its with someone elses money. You beamed. Zico rolled his eyes and shook his head. You giggled and sipped your drink again. Zico took an egg and boldly laid his head in your lap. Hey! You yelped. Zico smiled up at you, which made your heart flutter somehow. He held up the egg and

rapped, Take a chance, follow me now. Are you scared I might be a bad guy? Judge me before you taste me. Turn around before you get embarrassed. Show me a smile and stop right there. (Block B- Freeze) You blinked for a second before smiling and cracking an egg on his head. OW, SHIT! Zico hissed and rubbed his forehead. Hey boy, to the left, to the left. Pretty boy whos full of it, move to the left. Outside youre a tough gangster boy but at home, youre broke mamas boy. You shoved him off your lap mercilessly, Youre too P-R-E-T-T-Y. Dont just rely on your pretty face to steal a girls heart. Youre not for me. Im not for you. (2ne1-Pretty Boy) Zico sat in front of you, Im pretty? You searched his face and slightly melted. *No, yourehot.* But you wouldnt say that even if a Dragon threatened you with a knife at your throat. You just started to pick the shell off your egg. And second of alldo you really believe that? Zico asked. Huh? Confused, you looked at him. He came closer, You knowabout the part you not being for me and me not being for you His gaze shifted to your lips. You gulped as your heartbeat quickened. *Whats wrong with me? A Dragon isnt here and my heart is reacting this way!* Zico started to lean in. Before he could do anything to your lips, you slammed the egg onto his forehead again. FUCK! Zico grabbed his forehead, YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THAT! Your fault. Chuckling, you started to eat the egg. Yummy! Zico sighed *Impossible girl.* After a full snack, you lay down and looked up at the ceiling. Zico took one of the pillows and lay next to you. He turned his head and gazed at you. Cautiously, he shifted closer. You didnt say anything and he relaxed. His elbow was touching yours now. Zico looked at you. You shut your eyes to rest. Are you gonna sleep? He asked. Yeah You drifted off. Your even breaths indicated that you were in dreamland already. Zico sat up halfway on his elbow and gazed at you. His expression softened. *How could such an aggressive girl look so innocent in her sleep?* As gently as possible, he pushed the pillow. Before your head could land with a thud on the hard floor, Zico pushed his arm in and your head rested on it. He sighed in relief and smiled. Zico continued to gaze at you. Just watching you made him the happiest person on earth. Zico reached out and tenderly stroked your cheeks. His fingers lingered on your cherry pink lips. His eyelids lowered and he moved closer to you. Tenderly, he pressed his lips against your cheek. Seconds later, Zico pulled back and affectionately smiled. Then he lay back on the floor and closed his eyes. While feeling your warmth by his side, he, too, fell asleep. ------All of a sudden, your eyes fluttered open. You gasped and sat up. You looked at the clock on the wall and calmed down. *Its only 6:30.* You glanced to your side. Zico was asleep. You blinked at his outstretched arm. *How did I end up sleeping on his arm?* You shot him a suspicious look then broke out into a chuckle.

You softly gazed at him. *Hes really good-looking.* You gently swiped your fingertip over each of his facial features. Zico slightly jolted in his sleep and you jumped. *Whew, that was close.* You quietly got up and headed to the door. You were about to open it when you spotted familiar figures from the window. You loudly gasped *THEYRE HERE!* The Dragons were in their black suits looking around. People gave them queer looks. They turned around. You quickly pressed yourself against the wall. *How did they know?! I thought they wouldnt come in here* You were going to be sick. You patted your pockets for your cell phone but realized it was in the locker. *Darn! What do I do now?!* Just then, Zico woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Were you going to ditch me again? You didnt answer. Zico furrowed his eyebrows *Something is wrong.* He came over, Whats the matter? Your pale face gave nothing away. Zico eyed you, You knowyou look just like last night at the club He looked outside. Strangely, some men were going against the dress code and were wearing the same black suits as last nightEverything registered into his mind at once. Zico stared at you, Theyre after you Your bottom lip trembled. Why? He whispered. I dont have time to explain. You reached for the doorknob but he grabbed your hand. I have to get out of here! You hissed. First, tell me why. Zico gave you a hard look. You desperately sighed, I will, okay? But not in here. When were out there. So if youre not going to help, can you just let me go? His eyes shifted to the window and his jaw tightened, Theyre coming. Your eyes widened, Muh?! Zico swiftly pulled the towel over your head and pushed you up against the wall. Ow! You yelped. What are you doing?! He pressed himself closely against you with his hands on your hips. *OMG! WHAT IS GOING ON?!* You were about to have a heart attack. You pervert- You struggled. Keep still. Zico hissed. Im trying to save your life. You stopped *What?* He angled his face so that it seemed like he was about to kiss you. You actually squeezed your eyes tightly. *What kind of heroic plan is this?!* The door burst open and cool air swept in. You gulped *Caught.* You glanced down to see black dress shoes. You were starting to shake badly. Zico gripped onto your hips tightly, as if to calm you down. His lips lightly brushed against your cheeks. You were too scared to be annoyed that he would use the opportunity to do skinship with you. Still, you felt comforted that he was near you. Zico was whipped away. What the hell, man?! He snarled. Cant a man get some privacy with his girl? You kept still with the towel over your face. The men suspiciously looked at you, looked at his fierce face, and left with a dark mutter, Kids these days. When the door slammed shut, you sank onto the ground in relief. Now isnt the time. Come on. We gotta get you the hell out of here. Zico grabbed your arm and yanked you up. He looked out the window then opened the door. The Dragons were nowhere in sight. Zico looked at you. You were blankly staring into space. Yah, yah. He lightly tapped your cheeks, Focus. You cant pass out on me now. You shook your head to snap out of your daze. I want you to change as quick as possible. Come meet up with me in the front, araso? Zico asked. You nodded. Lets go. He grabbed your hand and led you out.

Zico pushed you to the womens section and darted into the mens to change. -----With shaking hands, you pulled off the pink clothes and changed into your own clothes. You grabbed the key and ran to the exit. You glanced about. Seeing no one suspicious, you crept outside. You returned the key to the lady and crept outside. *Come on, Zico. Hurry up.* You anxiously glanced around as you hugged yourself. Then a huge hand grasped your shoulder, GOTCHA! You whirled around and gasped. *Dragon!* It was frightening seeing them up so close. The man smirked, Finally after 10 years! The others ran over. They grabbed your arms and started to drag you away. Let go of me! You screamed and struggled. HELP! SOMEBODY HELP- A fat man cupped a hand over your mouth and hissed, SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU LITTLE BITCH! He started to pull out a handkerchief with chloroform. You screamed through his mouth and struggled. Before he could put the handkerchief over your mouth, someone kicked him and he flew into the wall. Zico protectively stood in front of you with a death glare. Your eyes widened, Zico Who is this? I thought she had 5 brothers. The Dragons muttered. Without a warning, Zico kicked the one in the middle. The others blinked in shock. Go! Zico grabbed your hand and the two of you ran away. STOP RIGHT THERE! The Dragons began to chase after you. Zico glanced back to see the men almost catching up. *Aish. This cant do.* He pushed you, Run first. What? You stopped, confused. He was running TOWARDS the Dragons. Your eyes widened in horror, NO- But Zico was already kicking ass. He flew into the wall and spin-kicked a man in the face. He grabbed one man around the neck with his iron grip and kicked another into the wall. *Whoa* You stared at him. *He can fight, too?!* Zico flipped the man onto his neck and looked up at you with a fierce glare, WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE?! RUN! *Oh. Right.* You quit admiring him and started running. One Dragon fled towards you but Zico grabbed the back of his shirt, Oh no you wont. Zico swung him around and released him. Oof! He crashed into the wall with a bleeding nose. Zico saw the men on the ground. They were starting to get up again. He dusted off his hands and ran off. You stopped and glanced back to see if Zico was coming. He appeared out of nowhere and grabbed your hand. You gasped in surprise. Did you not hear what I said?! I told you to run! He rolled his eyes and dragged you away. What was that back there?! How come you know how to fight?! You asked, incredulous. The two of you arrived at the dead end. Your ears picked up the shuffling of feet not too far behind. Zico put his hands together and waved you over. You put one foot on his hands and pushed yourself off the ground. Zico flew you over the fence and gave you a look from the other side, For your information, I know how to do everything. You rolled your eyes, Show-off. The men skidded to a stop and pointed, There they are! Hurry! You squealed. Zico grabbed the top of the fence with one hand and easily hopped over. The two of you glanced back then took each others hands and ran for your lives. The Dragons pathetically scrambled over the fence. Shit! Dont they ever quit?! Zico asked.

Please. They chased me for 10 years. You rolled your eyes. He stared at you, Seriously? You nodded. *I have to find out why today. But now-* Zico glanced back. The men were gaining speed. You abruptly shouted, LEFT! You and Zico swiftly turned. You spotted garbage cans and yanked them down behind you. The cans rolled and crashed into the men. Those that survived that slipped over the dirty trash. Nice. Zico grinned impressively. You beamed, pleased. He held out his hand and you slapped him a hi-five. At the right moment, a bus stopped in front of you. You and Zico quickly hopped on and it drove away. You glanced back to see the men stomping their feet in disappointment. You kissed your middle finger and waved, ADIOS, SUCKERS! Zico raised an eyebrow in amusement. You burst into laughter and he started to laugh along. He admiringly smiled at you *I have a feeling life with you wont be boring at all.* -----------You and Zico got off at a random city. The two of you came to an empty park. You sank onto the bench, I need to sit for a while. Zico would never admit but he was weary also. He sat down next to you and touched his sore legs. *Fuck. Ive never run like that my entire life.* Zico looked at you massaging your own legs. His expression softened *But then again, she probably ran like this her entire life.* So are you going to tell me now? Hmm? You looked up. You promised to tell me why theyre after you, remember? Zico reminded. Oh. You became quiet. Yeah. Oh. So whats the deal? He turned to you. You didnt start speaking right away. Come on. Zico lightly poked you, You promised. I want to know why I saved your ass tonight. Araso, Ill tell you. You took a deep breath, Im in debt. Muh? He blinked. Well, to put it more correctlymy father is in debt. You began your story from your first runaway when you were 7 until this very moment when you are 17. And to this day, after 10 years, they keep hunting me and my family down. You shrugged casually but tears were welling up in your eyes. Zico was stunned. You didnt seem like someone who had such a difficult life. You were always so strong and bright. *Damn those fuckers. Why cant they just leave her alone?* A tear fell down your cheek. Zico softened. He reached out and gently stroked your tear away. Im sorry. I cant imagine how that would be. Ive had a hard life, too, but its nothing compared to you. You must have been traumatized. You sniffled and wiped your tears away, Its okay. My brothers were with me through it all. Id rather go through all this crap with them than not have brothers like them at all. Theyre my everything. You smiled. He smiled back *At least you have family. I have no one but my friends and now you.* You checked the time and gasped, Im late! I told my brothers I would meet up with them at 11 at Gangnam Bridge! Ill take you there. Its not safe for you to go anywhere alone. Zico said. The two of you took a bus. You led the way to your hideout. Your brothers were all there already. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Daesung blurted. Seunghyun ran over. He caught you in a tight embrace and sighed in relief, Youre all right. I was so worried about you. You squeezed his waist, Im okay, oppa.

What the HELL is HE doing here?! Jiyong snarled. *Uh-oh!* You had forgotten that Zico was here. You bastard! Did you stalk her all the way here?! Jiyong stormed towards him. You came between them with your arms protectively stretched out. Move! He snapped. No. You boldly said. Kim ~~~~~~~~~~! Jiyong barked. I wont let you hit him. He saved my life. You stated. Saved your life? How? Daesung asked, confused. You explained what had happened. Your brothers gaped at you, shocked. So you see? Without his help, I wouldnt have made it out. They stared at Zico. Jiyong yanked you towards him, I dont care. I still dont trust him! He glared at Zico, Did you forget? He made you cry before. Zico sighed, Look, back then- Shut your mouth. Jiyong punched him. Oppa! You shrieked. Zico wiped the blood off his lips. Yet, he didnt fight back. Were going home. Jiyong pulled you away. You helplessly glanced back at Zico. Your brothers warily glanced at him and followed Jiyong. Seunghyun paused and looked back, Hey. Zico looked up. Thanks. Seunghyun left. *At least she has one nice brother.* Zico licked the blood off his lip. You and your brothers arrived at home. Oppa, what was that for? You didnt have to punch him. Now I feel bad. You pouted. I wanted to do more than punch him, believe me. Jiyong muttered. You sighed, He saved me. Whats your true motive for defending him? Taeyang leaned against the wall. 5 pairs of eyes probed your mind. You gulped and looked away as your face reddened. Her face is turning red! Daesung accused. *Darn him for being so observant.* ...Are youdating him? Seunghyun carefully asked. Daesung gasped. Jiyong gaped at you. Taeyang glanced between you and Seunghyun. Uh-oh Seungri said. They had never imagined their little sister having another guy in her life besides them. NO! You blurted. They all sighed in relief. Butwe are friends. You admitted. Seunghyun sighed, I guess thats good. He knows our situation so hell be able to protect you, right? You eagerly nodded. You must be tired. Go up and rest. *Finally!* You skipped up to your bedroom. You took a nice, long shower and wore your pajamas. You lay in bed and thought of the days events. You remembered Zicos lips brushing against your skin and blushed madly. *Seriously, whats wrong with me lately? * ------On Monday morning, you were at your locker when someone knocked on the locker above yours. You looked up at the familiar hand and turned your head. You couldnt help but brighten when you saw him. Zico! Finally. A positive response. He chuckled. Are you all right? You asked in genuine concern. Before he could answer, you reached out and placed a hand on his cheek. His whole body fired up and his heart threatened to jump out of his chest. He swallowed hard and stared at you. You examined his lip. My brother punches hard. It must have hurt a lot. You sympathetically pouted. Zico cleared his throat and straightened up, I can handle it. Quit acting tough. You slapped his stomach and he doubled over, Oof!

You giggled. Sheesh. Zico rubbed his abdomen, Okay, now I know where you got your attitude from. You beamed proudly, My Jiyong oppa does kick ass, huh? Zico rolled his eyes. He slightly titled his head and examined your face, You mostly look like your oldest brother. Hmm? Seunghyun oppa? You blinked. Zico nodded, Your eyes are just like this. Dont say that. You covered your eyes, His eyes are so scary. They could kill someone. He chuckled. You peeked through your fingers and put your hands down, Thats strange. Most people say I look like my 2ndbrother Taeyang oppa. Zico nodded in understanding. But he told me I look like our mom You whispered. He looked at you. You softly smiled, Each and every day, Im starting to resemble her more and more. Your mom must be really beautiful. Zico blurted without thinking. You looked at him. He froze with wide eyes. *SHIT! Did I just say that? Fuck, Zico! Do you ever think-* But you warmly smiled, Thanks. I think she is, too. His regret disappeared at once. The bell rang. I should go to class. You shut your locker, waved, and left. Feeling numb (in a good way) because of your smile, he headed to class, too. ----A couple weeks passed by peacefully. One Saturday night, your older brothers were out working and you were stuck home alone. Of course, Seungri was no fun. He was too busy playing computer games in his room. You called your brothers, asking if they could come home soon but they all guilty replied that they couldnt. You sulked in your room. Suddenly, your phone rang. It was an unknown number. Hello? You warily answered. Relax. Its just me. A familiar voice said. Zico? You blinked. Howd you get my number? I have my ways. He mysteriously justified. Thats just creepy. You said. Zico laughed, What are you doing? Nothing. You muttered. Zico heard the annoyance in your voice. You wanna come out? He asked. You sat up in interest, To where? To the hip-hop club, of course. We can have another epic battle where this time I win your ass. Zico grinned. Pft. In your dreams. Your heart raced fast in excitement. So you wanna go or what? He asked. Mmm. Ill call you back. You hung up and dialed Jiyongs number. But you thought twice and called Seunghyun. You calmly explained your situation and put him in a guilt trip. That did the trick and he led you go, as long as you came home by your curfew. Giddily, you called Zico back and promised him to be there. You quickly began to change into your cleanest white shirt and denim shorts that showed off your long, slender legs. You tied your sneakers and ran out the door without even a goodbye to your maknae oppa. *He probably wont even notice that Im gone.* You took the bus and arrived at the outdoor club. You searched for Zico. Boo. Someone whispered in your ear. You spun around. Zico smiled with his hands in his pockets, You made it. You dont know why your heart felt so full. I did. You breathed. You ready to battle? Zico winked. I should be asking you that. You mocked. He took

your hand. Laughing, the two of you headed to the stage. Finally you two came back! We missed you! The MC grinned. Zico tossed a spare mic at you. Me first or you first? You gave him a look, Do you really have to ask? Zico chuckled, Fine. He tapped the mic and spoke, EY, YO LISTEN UP! Everyone stopped dancing and looked up. Im just going to make it short and real and say whats on my mind. Zico looked at you and rapped, I sleep to the thought of you, and wake up thinking of you. I even become jealous of your brothers. Will you come to understand my heart? The words were sweet and melted your heart. These lyrics were totally different from the ones he usually rapped. Youve changed my emotions back to when I was an adolescent. My feelings have been caught. I feel so hot, hot, hot. Youve heated up my heart. Now Ive put everything else aside except you. Marriage? Oh, what the heck, lets do it. I grow and even tighter bond with you, Im in love. (Block B- U Hoo Hoo) AWW! The crowd cooed. Zico lowered the mic and just looked into your eyes. You didnt look away but just softly gazed back. What will her response be this time? Rejection like last time? The MC lightly teased. You put the mic to your lips and with your hearts flow, When I encounter you my heart becomes like a rollercoaster ride. It shakes like crazy and finally it comes to its proper place. Up and down. Yes, I'm going down. Our relationship spins and spins everyday without rest. It's confusing and crazy. When I'm by your side I just smile without any thought But if I'm apart from you for even awhile, I become sad, I must be crazy. Tell me why. Why in the world are we like this? Are your thoughts the same as mine? Bring it. (2ne1- Please Don't Go) Yeah~ The crowd whistled. Oh! Its an unexpected twist! Is Big Bangs ice queen finally accepting? The MC eagerly asked. A playful smile tingled on your lips with a mischievous sparkle in your eyes, My answer is the sameneither. Zico gaped at you, Hey- Giggling, you ran off. Yah! He dropped the mic and followed you. ----------------The MC laughed and raised his arm, HANDS UP AND GET YOUR DRINKS UP! The crowd screamed with exhilaration and started to jump and down to the beat. Music blasted off the speakers. Bodies rolled together on the cement floor. Zico caught your arm and spun you around. Again, WHAT WAS THAT BACK THERE?! You tried to put on a straight face, I thought I was pretty clear. Youre so abstract, Im starting to think youre Picasso. He crossed his arms with a sulk. You chuckled. You heard your favorite jam and brightened, Time to dance! You ran

off. Zico sighed and shook his head. You went in through the thick crowd and started dancing with everyone. You spun around and saw U-Kwon. You stopped and blinked, Whoawhered you come from? Kyung burst out from the crowd, Wherever a party is at, Block B will be there! You laughed as the 6 of them surrounded you. P.O. bobbed his shoulders up and down. He wiggled his eyebrows with a smile. You smiled back and bumped shoulders with him. U-Kwon came over and put his arm around your waist. He started to grind on you right away. You covered your face in embarrassment. Yah, YAH! Zico pushed his head away. He glared at U-Kwon, Sleazy bastard. U-Kwon shrugged and hit on another girl. You laughed. Dont laugh! He was being a pervert! You shouldve socked him like you socked me! Zico snapped. What? You did the same thing to me last time. You pointed out then regretted. Both of your faces turned red. You and Zico looked away, embarrassed. Why arent you dancing?! Block B asked. You and Zico looked at each other and chuckled. *Were such babos.* His body was moving to the beat. A smile came on your face and you swayed to match his rhythm. Smiling knowingly, Zico moved closer. The two of you were dancing just as hotly, if not more, as that night in the club. You looked up at him and smiled. But it faded when you spotted familiar burly bodies in black heading towards the crowd. *Oh no!* You stiffened. Whats up? Zico asked. You quickly pulled him down and whispered in his ear. He spun his head and spotted the Dragons. *Shit. Why do they always ruin our moments?* U-Kwon. Zico hissed. He looked up. Zico nodded for him to come over. Hold up, babe. U-Kwon told the girl and came over, Wae? Zico leaned in and quickly talked in his ear. U-Kwon remained calm and casual but his were on alert. He suggested something to Zico who nodded and pulled back, Can you do that for me? U-Kwon winked and nodded, Trust us. He saluted at you, See you later. U-Kwon moved through the crowd and searched for Block B. He told them and they nodded in confirmation. There. The Dragon looked right at you and pointed. You gasped and froze. We should go now. Zico gently pushed you. The two of you stated to make a run for it. Yah! The Dragons started going through the crowd. Block B casually closed in, bringing everyone closer to block the path. Move! The Dragons barked but the music was too loud for everyone to hear. Instead, the crowd became even louder. There was hardly space for anyone to move. Jaehyo glanced up with his sharp eyes and smirked. *Theyll never get through at this rate.* He bobbed his head up and down as he grinded hips with a new girl. PUT YOUR HANDS UP! P.O. yelled all over the place. YEAH! The energized crowd screamed. Since everyone was waving their arms in the air, it became hard for the Dragons to see where you were going. Aish! Move! The Dragons used force to push everyone away. Hey! People complained. On cue, U-Kwon shuffled out. He acted drunk as he spun and danced around, HANDSHIC- UP! U-Kwon met eyes with a Dragon and smirked lazily, Put your hands up, mister! Fuck, this guys drunk! He snarled.

Come on! Dont be a party pooper! U-Kwon grabbed his wrist and raised it in the air. Dont you dare touch me! The man snapped and harshly yanked away. U-Kwon innocently blinked and held his hands out, Whoawhat crawled and died in your pants? You- The man raised his fist. Another stopped him, Dont waste your time on a drunk ass. Lets go! We have to find her! The Dragons rushed off. Nice acting. B-Bomb snickered. U-Kwon grinned, Think I can replace Hyun Bin in the future? Okay, youre not that good. Jaehyo said. Damn. Ha Ji Won is hot. U-Kwon snapped his fingers. Block B cracked up. I wonder where they went. B-Bomb wondered. U-Kwon smirked, Lets not go home tonight. Just party all night here. *And let the kiddies have fun alone.* Fine with me. Block B dispersed immediately to go dance some more. U-Kwon smiled as he walked away *You better thank me later, Woo Jiho.* ----You and Zico were still running. You glanced back, afraid that the Dragons were following. You think they stopped? He asked. You shook your head. Zico thought back to U-Kwons advice. Take her to our place. *Maybe I really should. Theyll never know.* Come on. I have a place we can hide out for a while. Zico grasped your hand and led you back to the neighborhood where the sauna was. Were going back to the sauna? You asked, confused. Nowere going to my house. He said. What? You blinked. *To put it more correctly, Block Bs home.* Zico stopped in a dark, empty alley. You started to get creepy vibes from the fog. All you could hear was the drip-drip from a pipe somewhere. Zico stopped in front of a big building. You looked up at the warmly lit light, Thats your house? Nothis is. Then he opened the door to the garage below. You blinked *What?* Zico stepped inside and turned the lights on, Welcome to Block Bs Lair! Warily, you came inside and looked around. A big enough kitchen was in the left corner. You saw a ping pong table, pool table, and foosball table lined up in the living room. There was also a dark gray beat-up sofa with all the stuffing coming out. A mediumsized TV stood in front of the broken coffee table. There were only two desks in the back with one computer. Seven beds crowded the vacant space. Papers, magazines, and food wrappers covered the floor. Zico turned red and started picking them up. Sorry. I wasnt expecting bringing a girl home tonight. You raised an eyebrow, You must bring girls home often. No! I didnt mean it like that! I- Argh. He slapped his forehead. You chortled. Zico sighed and tossed the trash away. Um, nice place. You commented. Zico rolled his eyes, Right. Just go ahead and say it. Its a shithole. He shut the wide door and chained it up. No, its very comfortable and You picked up a collage of girls in bikinis. Some were in nothing at all. You raised an eyebrow, Ander, creative. Zico snatched the collage away with a red face *Damn you Jaehyo! Dont leave your artwork out for everyone to see!* He shoved it under one of the beds. Which one is your bed? You asked. Guess. Zico challenged. You examined them. Well, it cant be the Hello Kitty one. All was silent. Right? You looked at him.

Zico sighed, Please dont laugh. Ohmygodso that is your bed? You asked. He unwillingly nodded. Your lips tingled. A bubble of laughter was threatening to come out. Zico glared at you, I told you not to laugh! Im not! Its just You walked over and picked up a Hello Kitty pillow. You smiled and wrinkled up your nose as you held it out, I cant imagine you sleeping with this. What happened to Zico a.k.a. Zicova I already razed this place to the ground. Gotta reconstruct this entire shabby place. You wouldnt be wrong to call me a psycho. Im hip hop from head to toe. You mocked him. Stop. He frowned. Still, you were having fun, I was right after all. Outside youre a tough gangster boy but at home, youre broke mamas boy. You were cracking up and rolling on his bed now. Yah! Zico yanked the Hello Kitty away with a pout, You said real men wear pink. Yeah, wear. Not sleep in them. Amused, you pointed to the covers. Get off then. Zico grabbed your hand and yanked you up but you clung onto his bed, No! Im starting to like it here actually! He let you go. You scrambled onto the bed and curled up on your side. You could smell the scent of his boyish shampoo on the pillow and smiled. You tenderly touched the covers. I wish this could be my bed. Zico softened. You saw a book by the window and sat up. Whats this? You picked it up. It was his trigonometry book. Omo! You actually read this thing?! He turned red, Hey, I gotta graduate sometime. Gimme that- But you held it away and opened it. I can just imagine you trying to remember the formulas. You started to beatbox and rap, Yo, yo! Check it! SOHCAHTOA, baby! Sine is opposite over hypotenuse. Cosine is adjacent over hypotenuse. And last but not all Trig is over Adjacent! Quit teasing me and GIMME THAT! Zico lunged for it. Laughing, you held it away, Cant get it~ Cant get it- Whoa! You yelped as he pushed you down flat onto his bed and straddled you on top. You blinked at how close his face was to yours. I told you to stop it! Do I look easy to you? Zico snarled. You searched his fierce face. *Noyou actually look kind of sexy right now. Wait, what am I thinking?! Snap out of it!* Zico realized what he was doing and his annoyance vanishes. His heartbeat began to beat fast again. Um, You looked away. Zico looked at you. His bang covered one eye as he gazed down at you. I- I wonder if Seungri oppa studies trig, too. But I mean, he does nothing but play games all day. I doubt he even knows any formulas. So good for you haha! You meaninglessly blabbered on and on. Your awkward laughter filled the room. Zico gave you a confused, Why do you do that? What? You blinked. Call Seungri oppa but not me? He questioned. You rolled your eyes, Cause you dork ass, hes my brother. I know that. Zico snapped in irritation then softened, But Im the same age as him. Im a high school senior also. Im older than you. So why do you call him oppa and not me? Cause um Zico oppa doesnt really sound legit to me. You lamely said. Jiho oppa. He claimed. You blinked, Muh? My real name is Woo Jiho. Zico confessed. Woo Jiho. You thoughtfully whispered. Add oppa in there. He said. You turned red, No way! Why not? Zico asked.

Cause its weird! You blurted. Now get off me! You tried to get up but he pushed you back down. What?! You were desperate to get out of this awkward situation. Call me oppa. Just once, please? Zico whispered. Why? You whimpered. I just want to hear you say it once. He curled a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. You bit your lip. Just one time. Zico pleaded. You sighed *Fine. What harm can it do?* You looked up into his eyes and took a deep breath, Jihooppa. His heart fluttered, Again. You said just once! You said. I couldnt hear you properly. Zico claimed. You exhaled and looked at him. Jiho oppa. You felt braver the second time. His heart started to melt. His eyes softened. The cold chain around his heart started to unlock and his heart began to open up. Jiho oppa. You said again, without being asked to. The more you said it, the braver you felt. You liked the way his name fit on your lips. Jiho oppa. You said it over and over again. Every time you said it, a burst of warm, strong feelings spilled out of his heart and spread throughout his body. He shivered as a thrilling, some-what magical trickle went down his spine. *Ive never ever experienced these emotions before. Theyre so new and warmI like them. I hope they stay forever.* Woo Jiho oppa. Not bad. You giggled. You looked up and your face slightly fell. Zico was gazing so intently at you with eyes that were full with affection. Zico, are you okay- He lowered his head and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened. Every single thought flew out of your mind. Your mind became blank. Your eyes shifted to the face that was kissing you. Your heart was beating so fast and loud. Bells seemed to be ringing in your head. It was like your body and mind were trying to tell you something. You softened. *I fell in love with him, didnt I? A part of me knew itbut now I know it for sure.* Your eyes slowly fell close and you started to kiss him back. Zico felt you responding and deepened the kiss. Just like his lyrics, all he could see, hear, and feel was you. Nothing else mattered to him now. Nothing ever mattered to him so much before. *I finally found the one person I was meant to love.* Slowly, Zico pulled back and opened his eyes. You gazed at him, patiently wondering what he would say. Then he said it. The three words that only your brothers had told you before. But with him, it was different. Everything was different now. I love you. Zico whispered. Your heart felt like it would burst in happiness. You wanted to scream, jump up and down, and cheer loudly. But all you did was tenderly smile back and whisper, I love you, too, Jiho oppa. Zico slipped his warm tongue into your mouth and kissed you softly, deeply, and longingly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you as securely as possible. *Never will I let you go now. Youre my love and I will protect you until the end.* *If time stopped right at this moment, I wouldnt mind.* You slipped your hands up his fine arms and across his broad shoulders. You wound your arms around his neck and softly stroked his hair. ------You and Zico were asleep on his Hello Kitty bed. Your andhis heads were curled towards each other. His arm was wrapped underneath you and you were snuggled against his side. The sound of the door crashing open made your eyes fly open.

Whoayou seriously followed my advice?! You dog! U-Kwon grinned. You were so confused *What are they doing in my room? Waitthis isnt my room. OH NO!* You scrambled up in a panic state. Zico rubbed his eyes and sat up. Jaehyo elbowed him with a wink, So you did the dirty? I have my clothes still on, you moron. Zico shoved him. Is it morning? You squeaked. Yup. Exactly 7:30 a.m. P.O. said. *I AM SO DEAD!* You were too scared to check your phone. I gotta go. You scrambled up. Wait. Zico got up and ran after you. He grasped your arm, Whats wrong? I AM GOING TO BE MURDERED! You yelped. Zico furrowed his eyebrows, What? He looked around, Calm down, babe. The Dragons arent around- DRAGONS ARENT THE PROBLEM! You wrapped your hands around your throat with wide eyes, My brothers! His eyes widened, Oh shitthat is a problem. You fled. Zico ran after you. You arrived at your house and burst in through the doors. Zico darted in and skidded to a stop. Whoa As suspected, it was a mess. Your brothers were all in the living room. Dark circles hung on their eyes. Papers filled the floor with phone numbers, missing fliers, and plans. ~~~~~~~~~! Seungri shouted. Heads shot up. Your brothers stared at you. You meekly laughed and waved, HiIm late, huh? All hell broke loose. Jiyong was beyond furious. He stormed over, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! You cringed and stepped back. Zico swiftly stood in front of you, blocking Jiyong from shaking you hard. Jiyong glared dangerously at him, Move. Get mad at me, not her. Its my fault. He boldly said. OH LIKE THAT MAKES IT BETTER! Jiyong punched him. Zico fell onto the floor. His hand curled into a shaking fist *I swear if he wasnt her brother I wouldve KILLED him!* Zico! You helped him up worriedly, Are you okay? You glared at Jiyong, That was unnecessary! Move so I can hit him again. Jiyong raised his fist. You defensively stood in front of Zico with your arms out. You defiantly stared him down, If youre going to him, you have to hit me, too. Kim ~~~~~~~~~~! Jiyong was shocked. But you were stubborn. You werent going down easily. Calm down, Jiyong. Taeyang pulled him away. Too calmly, Seunghyun came over, Where have you been? You guiltily looked at the ground. Tell me. He furrowed his eyebrows. A-at a friends house. You mumbled. Seunghyun raised an eyebrow and looked at Zico, This friend? You numbly nodded. All was silent then Seunghyun swung his fist and punched Zico in the face. OPPA! You cried in outrage. Zico actually spit blood this time. You fiercely glared at your brothers, The next one to hit him has to go through me! --------

Jiyong stared at you, Are you out of your mind?! He strode towards you. Yah, Taeyang held him back but he whipped away. Do you have any idea how much we were worried about you? We thought the loan sharks took you away! Jiyong gripped his chest as angry tears filled his eyes, Have you ever been in our position? Staying up all night, going insane, imagining all sorts of things that could have happened to your one and only sister. You guiltily bit your lip. He shook his head, You have no idea. YOU DONT WHAT HELL WEVE GONE THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOUR ONE CARELESS MISTAKE! Taeyang whipped him back and hissed, I said THATS ENOUGH! Tears fell down your face. Mianhae, oppas. You whispered. Go to your room. Seunghyun whispered. Without another word, you went upstairs. Zico felt so bad for you. Look, its not her fault- You should go. Seunghyun coldly said. But- Now isnt the time. He shot Zico a withering look. Zico stepped back, scratched the back of his head, and left. *I hope shell be okay.* You were sitting on your bed sniffling and crying. It was all your fault and you knew it. There was a gentle tap on the door. Daesung poked his head in. Are you okay? He whispered. You didnt reply. Daesung came in and sat next to you. He put an arm around you and comfortingly patted your shoulder, Dont cry. You cried even more at his consolation. Shh. Daesung patted your head. Taeyang came in. Startled, Daesung straightened up. Er, I should go. He patted your knee, gave you a weak fighting, and left. Taeyang came in and sat on your chair, Do you know what you did wrong? You fervently nodded, I do. I know that its all my fault. I just lost track of time- You sighed, Im a horrible sister. You probably all hate me. Taeyang softened. He scooted closer, Look, none of us hate you. Family can never hate each other. I thought I told you that. You kept your head down. Hey, look at me. Taeyang cupped your chin and gently tilted your face up. He wiped the tears off your cheeks and curled a strand of your hair behind your ear. At least youre safewait His eyes narrowed at your lips. What? You blinked. Why are your lips swollen? Taeyang asked. You turned red and pushed his hand away as you ducked your head, Nnothing. Hmm His brotherly guts told him that it was everything but nothing. You should go apologize to Jiyong and Seunghyun hyung. You looked at him. They were worried sick about you last night. Taeyang stated. They didnt get any sleep at all. Jiyong looked around the cities while Seunghyun went to all the police stations. I honestly thought I had to drag Jiyong to the mental hospital with the way he was screaming and cursing. If you hadnt returned by this morning, he was planning to confront the loan sharks himself. You shuddered at the thought. I know youre hurt that Seunghyun hyung and Jiyong yelled at you but its only because they care for you so much. Taeyang said. How come youre not yelling at me? Cause you dont care? You lightly joked. A small smile came on his face, No, its because I care the most. You crawled onto his lap and hugged his neck, Mianhae, oppa. Ill never do something so stupid again. Taeyang patted your sides, Im okay so go apologize to the others. He sniffed your hair and frowned, And you might want to put perfume on. You smell like a boy.

You pulled back and flushed pink *Zicos scent.* You got up, sprayed a floral scent on you, and left. ------You crept downstairs. Daesung and Seungri were cleaning up. You squeezed Daesungs shoulder, Mianhae oppa. You dont have to be! As long as youre safe! He cheerfully beamed. You smiled back. Seungri was grumbling as he was sweeping the floor. You squeezed his arm, Mianhae, maknae oppa. He forgave you instantly, Next time you run away, take me, too. You chuckled and lightly whacked his arm. Seungri laughed along. You squeezed his arm again and crept towards the kitchen. Jiyong was standing at the sink looking out the window. You swallowed guiltily. You took a deep breath and crept towards him. You opened your mouth but didnt know exactly what to say. So you just wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and rested your chin on his shoulder. Are you still mad at me, Jiyong oppa? You whispered. He looked away with a taut jaw. Mianhae. You sincerely apologized. I know I worried you a lot. I wont do it ever again. Jiyong pulled away, Goddamit. You dont know exactly what you did wrong. He glared at you. You looked at the ground guiltily. Easy, Jiyong. Taeyang eyed him and left. Jiyong ignored him. Do you really want to see oppa go crazy? Why didnt you come home last night?! I fell asleep. You whispered. You were never irresponsible like this before you met him! Honestly, what happened to you? You changed a lot. Are you still my sister who waited in front of the time-out room for me for hours till no end? Jiyong snarled. You winced at the accusation. He shook his head in rage, You know what pisses me off more? That you took his side in front of us. Were your blood brothers. Guys come and go but not family. Were with you for life. Yet, you defended him like were the ones that did wrong! Thinking back now, you felt guilty more than ever. You love him that much? Go to him. Im through. If you dont want me as brother, I dont want you as a sister either. Jiyong stormed off. Crying, you dropped onto the floor. Jiyong froze at your cries. *Damn.* His heart constricted in agony. Your tears drove him mad and sad. He closed his eyes and tried to leave but your cries became more pitiful. *Fuck.* Taeyang came over. He saw you sobbing on the floor. He darkly eyed Jiyong, You really want to hurt her like that? You were the one that was worried the most last night, Kim Jiyong. Dont you dare upset her now. If you really cared for her, you would just be happy she came home safe. Taeyang left. Jiyongs shoulders fell *Hes right.* He went back into the kitchen. You were still bawling. Jiyong bent down and softly gazed at you. You tearfully looked at him. Come here. Jiyong cupped the back of your head and drew you into his chest. You cried against his shoulder. You take another persons side in front of me again and I wont forgive you then. He whispered. You nodded and clung onto him. Jiyong softly stroked your hair, I take everything back. No matter how irresponsible, foolish, and irritable you are, Ill always want you as a sister. You just have to understand me. The thought of you in danger drives me insane. You know how much I love you. Forgive me.

You closed your eyes as a tear dropped down your face. I love you, too, Jiyong oppa. Im sorry. Seunghyun had watched the whole thing. He softly smiled and turned to go. Daesung skipped to the kitchen for water but Seunghyun stopped him. Dont disturb them. Daesung looked in and blinked, Oh. Im going to work. Seunghyun left. ------------That night, Zico was lying in his bed calling you for the umpteenth time. He flipped onto his stomach and growled, Pick up, dammit. Ha, she ditched you. You probably weren't good enough for her last night. U-Kwon snickered. Zico threw his hello kitty pillow at him. Oof! U-Kwon went down. Zico couldnt stand it anymore. He got on his motorcycle and headed to your house. Zico looked up at your house and called you again. *Come on. Pick up or I have to go in.* You didnt answer. Zico sighed and got off his motorcycle. He headed to your door and reached out to ring your doorbell. Suddenly, the door opened. *Oh shit!* Zico dodged into the bushes. Ill bring ice cream so wait! Daesung called and left. *That was close. Damn. Isnt there another way?* Zico looked around and tried to guess which one was your room. He picked up several pebbles and started throwing it at each of the windows. There was no response. Determined, Zico threw the rocks again. Finally, one window swung open. He ducked under the roof and looked up. You poked your head out with a frown. *Who keeps doing that?!* Zico brightened when he saw you. He darted out of his hiding spot, Yah! Your eyes widened, Zico! What are you doing here?! Well you arent answering your phone. Is it just an accessory? He scowled. My brother took my phone away. You sheepishly answered. *Figures.* Can you come down? Zico asked. You blinked, Now? He nodded. Um, hold on. You shut the window. Thankfully no one was home but Seungri right now. Daesung had gone out but he would be back soon. Quietly, you crept downstairs. Stop right there. *Oh snap!* You froze and slowly turned back. Seungri raised an eyebrow, Where are you going again? Youre going to get us both in trouble. Just out for 15 minutes. At the park. I promise Ill be back soon. You started to go but he said, Wait. You stopped. Seungri went into his room and came back with something. Here. Since Jiyong oppa took your phone away. When I call you, you better come running. He gave you his phone. You warmly smiled, Thank you, Seungri oppa. Hurry and go. He said. You waved and ran off. You darted out of the house and looked around. Im here. Zico waved. You ran over, How did you even think of coming here? I had to. I was worried. He said. You smiled, touched. Lets go over to the park before your brothers catch us. Zico suggested. The two of you went across the street and sat on a bench under a streetlamp. I feel like Romeo & Juliet. He muttered. You giggled, Who are you? Juliet? Very funny. Zico rolled his eyes. You laughed again. He softened, Im glad youre smiling. I thought with what happened this morning, they wouldve locked you up forever. Then I wouldve been Rapunzel and let my long hair down for you. You playfully

tossed your long hair and laughed while shaking your head, No, everything went surprisingly well. The only bad thing is I lost my cell phone. Thats good. Zico said. You beamed, Yeah, my brothers arent bad at all. Families always forgive and forget, right? I wouldnt know. I dont have a family. He shrugged. Your smile fell, Youdont? Not even any siblings? The only family I know are my friends. The 7 of us have been together since middle school when we ran away from the orphanage. Just like you. Zico gave you a small smile. *Except I ran away with my real family.* You dont remember anything about your parents? Zico did but didnt want to think of them. I tend to erase bad memories. *Poor Zico.* You thought sympathetically. You didnt even want to think of life without your brothers. Dont give me that sympathetic look. Zico lightly pushed your head. Im happier than I have ever been. Especially now since I have you with me. You softly smiled. He took your hand and laced his fingers through yours. Your hand is so tiny, baby. No, its not. You just have freakishly large hands- and wait up, baby?! You snatched your hand away with an accusing look, Since when have I become baby? I thought the feelings were mutual. Zico took your hand again, You call me oppa and Ill call you baby. I definitely dont remember that. You said. Thats what couples do, babo. Call each other pet names. Zico made a face. Oh, so were a couple now, are we? You playfully said. Zico smiled and shrugged, Only if you want to be. Im not forcing you. You laughed and lightly whacked his arm, Youre so silly, Zico. He caught your hand, Call me Jiho oppa again, please. And if I do that? You asked. Ill give you a kiss. He promised. Oh what a prize. You sarcastically said. Fine, fineIll give you two. Zico offered. You laughed and shook your head. Please? He asked. You cleared your throat and called, Jiho oppa. Yes, baby? He came closer. You sincerely smiled as you looked into his eyes, Saranghae. I love you, too, baby. Zico whispered and pressed his lips against yours. Just when his tongue had glided over your bottom lip, Seungris phone rang. You jumped, Uh-Oh. You picked up, Yes? Daesung hyung is on his way. You better get your butt over. He said. Coming~ You hung up with a pout, I have to go. Zico lightly pinched your cheeks, Ill see you tomorrow at school. Do you want me to pick you up? No, my brothers will just throw a morning tantrum. Ill just see you at school. You said. Araso. Zico took your hand. Swinging hands, the two of you walked to your house. You turned to him, See you tomorrow. Go home safely. Dont worry about me. Zico bent down to kiss you. The kiss lasted longer than expected. You had to gently push him away, My brother will be here. Fine, fine. Zico got on his motorcycle. Wear your helmet. You chided. He rolled his eyes and pushed it on his head, Happy? You giggled and nodded. Zico smiled and waved. He started his engine and sped off. You watched him disappear around the corner. You happily skipped into the house. You gave Seungri his phone back with a big thanks. You went into the kitchen for some water. You heard the front door open and poked your head out, Daesung oppa- oh!

Seunghyun looked up, Were you waiting for Daesung? Mmhmm. You nodded. It was still awkward between you two. You took a step, Seunghyun oppa. About last night, Im sorry. Ill be more responsible now. I wont worry you and the other oppas anymore. So will you stop being mad at me? He softened, I was never mad at you. Just really worried. You hugged his waist, Mianhae, big oppa. You gave him your signature aegyo pout. Seunghyun had to laugh. Aigoo. I cant live cause of you. He pinched your cheek and you giggled. The door opened. DAESUNG IS HERE~ AND IVE GOT BASKIN ROBBINS!` He happily held it out. Ice cream! Seungri raced downstairs from the attic. Go get 4 spoons! Lets eat all this up before Taeyang and Jiyong hyungs get home! Daesung said. You laughed, Okay. You skipped into the kitchen and grabbed 4 spoons. You, Seungri, Seunghyun, and Daesung sat around the living room and enjoyed the cool, creamy ice cream. All of you laughed at Daesungs jokes. Seunghyun smiled and affectionately ruffled your hair. Beaming as you bit onto the edge of your spoon, you leaned your head against Seungris shoulder. *At least I have a family, not like Zico. Even though we argue sometimes, Im so blessed to have them by my side. I love you, my oppas.* -------The next morning, Seunghyun dropped you and Seungri off at school. Bye, oppa! You waved. He waved back and drove off. You and Seungri split up to go to your lockers. As you were getting your books out, someone wrapped an arm around your waist from behind. You glanced back and Zicos face appeared next to yours. Getting ready for class? You should, too. You tapped his nose but your heart fluttered when he squeezed your waist. Good morning, baby. Zico mumbled and kissed you. You smiled through his lips. The bell rang and he broke the kiss with a sigh. Let me walk you to class. Zico took your hand and led you to your classroom. Students looked up in surprise, Theyre going out? They shrugged it off after a while. P.O. looked up and blinked at your intertwined hands. Ill see you at lunch, yeah? Tell P.O. to lead you there. Zico gave him a stern look, Behave. P.O. made a face and Zico left. So you and leader hyung, huh? He asked. You smiled and nodded. Swe-et. He made it into two syllables with a nod. At lunch, P.O. led you to the cafeteria. We get food and eat out in the back. You and P.O. got your foods and went behind the gym where a lonely bleacher was. All of Block B were there, laughing and chatting. Zico saw you and brightened. Babe! He hopped off and ran over. You smiled and waved. Zico ran over and took your tray. He kissed your cheek and asked how your classes were. Damn. They look pretty comfortable now. Remember when she wanted to kill him? UKwon snickered. I remember when she wanted to kill me. Jaehyo said. "She probably still does." U-Kwon teased. Zico took your hand and led you over. I dont think youve been properly introduced. ~~~~~~ these are my friends Kyung, Yookwon, Minhyuk, Taeil, Jaehyo, and Jihoon. And guys, this is my girlfriend ~~~~. Hi! Kyung waved. It feels weird. Weve known each other for a while already. Taeil scratched his head.

So now what do we call you, leaders girl? Kyung asked. How about Zicos chick? U-Kwon asked. Zicos property! B-Bomb said. They laughed and hi-fived each other. You raised an eyebrow, How about just ~~~~~? Ohhh. Independent woman. They snickered. Zico slung an arm around your neck and kissed your temple, I like that. Blech! Too much sweetness! His friends pretended to faint or puke. You and Zico laughed. Suddenly, your phone rang. (You were thankful to Seunghyun for getting your phone back). Yeah, oppa? You asked. Where are you? You heard Seungri pout. Come out to the back of the gym! You said. He came but froze when he saw you with Block B. You brightened, Oppa! You ran over. Im going in- Seungri tried to go but you grabbed his arm and dragged him over, Youre not going anywhere! You belong by my side! You pulled Seungri over and proudly swung your arm around his neck, This is my maknae oppa Seungri! If any of you mess with him, youll have to answer to me. And me. Zico said. Welcome to the family! Kyung held his arms out. Right Seungri still felt uneasy. Sit, sit! You pushed him into the bleachers. Seungri awkwardly sat by you. U-Kwon started a conversation. Pretty soon, he was starting to come out of his shell. You and Zico watched the boys talk. You chuckled, Theyre getting along better than I thought. Yeah. Zico smiled and pressed his lips to the back of your head. *Were getting along better than I thought, too. When I met you, I never imagined we would be falling love. And yet, here we are. Together.* He laced his long fingers through yours and gave your hand a gentle, loving squeeze. -----Weeks passed by. There were so signs of Dragons anywhere, so that was a good sign. You had hoped they wouldve given up. But even if they hadnt, you felt happy and sturdy with Zico by your side. Your relationship with him grew stronger day by day. Each and every day you spent with him was a special memory. You got permission from Seunghyun to let him take you home after school. On the weekends, Zico would take you out on cute, fun dates. Seungri wasnt alone since he had U-Kwon, Kyung, and B-Bomb. One Saturday night, you skipped into the home after watching a movie with Zico. Jiyong was coming from the kitchen. Were you out with him again? You warily nodded. You were afraid he would yell at you to stay away. But surprisingly, Jiyong didnt yell. He just looked sort ofsad. Jiyong whispered, Just be carefulI dont want any of you to get hurt. He headed upstairs with a heavy back. *Any of us get hurt? What does that mean?* You scratched your head and skipped into the kitchen. Umma~ OH! You blinked Seunghyun oppa! What are you doing? He wiped his hands on the towel and raised an eyebrow, So you really call Taeyang umma? You giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist, And I call you appa. Seunghyun rolled his eyes with a light smirk. You pulled away and fixed the pink apron on him, Looking good, oppa. Very full of swag. You nodded. Get out. Seunghyun lightly pushed you and you giggled. Are you making dinner? You asked. Im just grilling the meat. Seunghyun started to grill the pork and beef. You sat at the table and watched. Where have you been all day? He asked. Out. You vaguely replied.

With that Zico kid again? Seunghyun asked. You sheepishly nodded. You two seem close. Are you two dating? He questioned. Mmm yeah You admitted. Youre all grown up now, huh? I never thought I would see the day that you would get a boyfriend. Huh. I wonder what umma would say. Seunghyun chuckled. You softly smiled and rested your chin on your arms. You glanced up at him, Have you ever been in love, Seunghyun oppa? Me? No. Weve never stayed in one place for too long for me to get to know a girl enough to love her. He said. So none of the other oppas had girlfriends? You blinked. None exceptwell, you cant really call her a girlfriend Seunghyun contemplated. You jolted up, Her? Seunghyun glanced around, I dont know if Jiyong wants you to know this. Hes never told anyone and I barely found out Jiyong oppa had a girl?! You yelped. Seunghyun put a finger to his lips. He put the fire on low and sat down to tell you. Remember 2 years ago when we lived in Daegu for a while? You nodded. Wellwhen we had to leave do you remember Jiyong crying on the subway? Seunghyun asked. You nodded again. He gave you a meaningful look. Your eyes widened, That was because of the girl? I just thought he was upset we got caught again. Seunghyun shook his head, It was because he had to leave her. Ive never seen Jiyong love any girl that much except you. None of you noticed because all of you were so young. But I knew the look in my brothers eyes. Every night, he would look at this ring on his finger and smile. And you know its rare that Jiyong smiles. You paused then asked, Whats her name? If I remember correctly, it is Park Minyoung. He replied. Park Minyoung. You whispered. What happened? They were on a date one day and the Dragons found them. They knew that Jiyong loved Minyoung. So the next daythey went to her home Seunghyun swallowed hard. Oh no. Your face fell. Seunghyun shook his head, I could only imagine what they did to her that caused Jiyong to leave her forever. He didnt want her to be caught up in his mess. It was hell for him to leave her behind and never look back. You felt so bad. You remembered Jiyongs cries that night. You wondered why he had been so distressed. Now you knew. Thats why Jiyong is worried about your relationship with Zico. Seunghyun whispered. You looked at him. He softly gazed at you, Its hard when you cant love someone because of the situation you were put in for something you didnt do. Thats one reason why Jiyong resents our dad so much. Im sure your story is different since Zico is a guy who can take care of himself. But stillif that day ever comes when you have to leave Zico because he will be hurtyoull understand Jiyong. Its painful for both parties. Seunghyun got up and went back to cook. *No wonder he told me to be careful.* You left the kitchen and went upstairs. You were about to knock on Jiyongs bedrooms when you heard his soft cries. Panicking, you opened the door. You stopped when you saw him sitting on the edge of a bed with his head lowered. On his hand, he was dangling a necklace with a ring at the end. His tears hit the floor as he gripped the ring. Minyoung-ah Your heart broke. You had never seen Jiyoung so vulnerable. It was scary what love could do to you. Silently, you stepped back out and shut the door. Your own tears fell down your face. *Poor oppa.*

---Weeks passed by. Every time you saw Jiyong, it was different now. Behind your bright smile was pity. You couldnt help but think what would you do if something so terrible happened to your lover? One Saturday, you were out at the market with Zico. The two of you had lost in a foosball game and had to buy ice cream for Block B. Holding hands, the two of you walked towards his home. Suddenly, you felt the hair on your back go up. You casually glanced back to see a dark shadow. *Not good.* Zico tugged your hand to turn towards his house but you froze. Whats wrong, babe? He asked. We have to run. You whispered. What? Zico asked, confused. But the expression on your face said it all. This way. He pulled on your hand. You heard the sound of shoes running. Run! You yelled. You and Zico fled down the alley. We have to split up. You said. No way! He snarled. You stopped running. Im serious. If you keep running after me, theyll go after you, too. You turned to go another path but Zico grabbed your wrist and yanked you back. No matter what were sticking together. Im not leaving you alone to fend for yourself. He snapped. Come on. Zico tugged you and numbly you followed him. After some hectic running, you had lost the Dragons. You and Zico came back to his home. Finally! U-Kwon took the bag and frowned, Hey! The ice cream melted! Taeil took the bag, We can just freeze it up again. What took you two so long? Jaehyo asked. We ran into some trouble. Zico said. Is that codeword for something else? Jaehyo wiggled his eyebrows. Zico slapped him with the cushion. Wanna play? P.O. held out the pool stick. You gave him a small smile and shook your head. You sat on Zicos bed and hugged the Hello Kitty cushion. Zico came over, Lucky pillow. He sat next to you on the bed and held out his hand, Come here. You put the pillow aside and took his hand. You settled in between his legs and leaned your back on his toned chest. Zico wrapped his arms around you and propped one knee up. He kissed your temple and ran his fingers through your hair. You spaced out; thinking what could have happened if the Dragons had found this place. *This place would get trashed and Block B would be homeless.* Your eyes swept across the room. U-Kwon and B-Bomb were playing video games. P.O. and Kyung were playing pool. Taeil was in the kitchen making food. Jaehyo was lazily lying on the sofa and looking at a playboy magazine. The thought of any one of them getting hurt pained your heart. That was how close you had gotten to them. They had become one of the most important people in your lives. They were the friends you had never had and you hated to think of them getting tortured by the Dragons. Zico tenderly kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear, Ill do anything to protect you, baby. I love you. *I love you, too.* You snapped to reality as your stomach sank. *What the hell am I doing here? How can I be so selfish? Im on the run and here I am, dragging people into my world. I dont want them to end up like Minyoung unnie. Especially not Zico. To see him bloodied and bruised or worse dead* You flinched painfully.

You quickly stood up. Zico blinked at you, surprised, Whats wrong? I- I have to go. You stiffly strode out. Leaving so soon? U-Kwon asked with his eyes glued on the screen. What about the ice cream? Taeil innocently blinked. See you soon! P.O. waved. *No, you wont see me.* You stormed out. -----Zico ran after you and grabbed your arm, Where are you going all of a sudden? Home. You whispered. He frowned, Why? Did something happen? Did one of the guys upset you? You shook your head. Then? Did I do something wrong? Zico asked. You shook your head again. Come on, babe. Look at me. He turned you fully to him. I want to stop. You blurted. What? Stop what? Zico asked, confused. You looked into his eyes, Us. Usas in I want to break up. You said. You felt him stiffen. His eyes hardened. Breakup? It was like the idea was new to him. You carefully began, Ive been thinking about this for a while and this isnt a good idea. What exactly isnt a good idea? Zico dryly asked. You and I being out like this. I cant afford to expose my home or yours. You stated. Zico was bewildered, Okay, what the hell are you saying? I dont understand why youre being like this all of a sudden- I just want us to end, okay?! You snapped. Zico blinked at you for a couple seconds. His eyes narrowed, You werent like this a couple hours ago. What is this really about? Did I upset you- You didnt do anything! You cried out in frustration. You glanced around, feeling more anxious by the second. Look, You seriously looked into his eyes, I just realized that you and I arent going to work. I dont know what made me think I could fall in love but that was a foolish mistake. We should just end things here before things get even more out of control- BULLSHIT! Zico snarled. THIS IS FUCKING UNTRUE! WE ARE NOT BREAKING UP FOR A STUPID REASON! I NEED A VALID EXPLANATION IF YOU WANT ME TO LET YOU GO AND NOTHING WORKS- IM NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU! You yelled. He froze. The pain in his eyes made you want to take back your words. Lie. Zico whispered. Its true. You stiffly crossed your arms. Bullshit. He whispered over and over again. Im too young to know what true love is, Zico. You didnt know where all these lies were coming from. But if it would protect him, you would do it. Zico just stood there with a shocked, hurt expression. You sighed, Im tired of all this. I cant run with you anymore. I have to watch out for myself and my brothers. I dont want to watch your back, too. I can take care of myself- You dont know these guys as well as I do. They are capable of terrible things that you cant even imagine. You snapped. Zico remained silent. Lets just end things here, okay? You begged. You lived well without me before and I lived well before you. So lets just go back and pretend this never happened. You

turned to go but Zico grabbed your wrist, Please- Dont. You hissed. Do you want me to move away from here? I can and I will. Zico froze. He would rather have you here than leave his side forever. His hand helplessly dropped by his side. You ran away. When you reached the bus stop, you finally let your tears fall. *So this is how Jiyong oppa felt.* You put a hand over your ripped heart *It hurts. It hurts a lot.* When you came home, Jiyong was the only one home. He came out of the kitchen, The others went to see a movie. They called you but you wouldnt answer- Jiyong froze when he saw your swollen eyes. Im going to rest. You whispered and headed towards the stairs. Jiyong grabbed your wrist and furrowed his eyebrows, Yah, what's with you? Its nothing. You mumbled. Look at me. Jiyong grabbed your chin and turned your face to him. Your bottom lip trembled. Did that boy hurt you?! Jiyong snarled. NoI hurt him. You whispered. What? He asked, baffled. You looked into his eyes and whispered, I did the same thing you did to Minyoung unnie. That would mean more to him than anyone else. His eyes widened in shock, How? Tears started rapidly falling down your face again. Jiyong softened. He could feel your pain. Come here. Jiyong gently pulled you into his arms. You broke down again. Seunghyun oppa was right. It hurts a lot. I know, I know. Jiyong comfortingly whispered as he cradled you side to side. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling *Why do we have to live like this? We have to distance ourselves from the people who want to love us. Its not fair at all.* -------Your brothers knew what you were going through so they made sure to clear out of your way. They didnt even force you to go to school on Monday. Zico came by and saw that your seat was empty. With a sigh, he went back to his friends. Finally on Thursday you came back. P.O. tried to talk to you but you wouldnt even look at him. Zico watched you from far away. He wanted to approach you so badly but he was scared you would never come back to school then. He curled his hand into a fist *Why would you hurt us both this way?* The week passed by quickly. It was Saturday night and you were just numbly lying in bed on your stomach. There was a knock on the door. You looked at it. It slowly opened and a sock puppet poked its head in. You blinked in interest. Hiii princess~ A nasally voice that clearly belong to Daesung greeted, Your brothers wanted to tell you that they love you so much and they wish to see your beautiful smile again. You couldnt help but chuckle. She laughed! Daesung and Taeyang poked their heads in with big grins. Oppas. You shook your head and sat up. What are you doing? Its Saturday night. Youre just going to stay home? Taeyang lightly touched your cheek. You nodded. Aww, come on! Its Saturday night! You should be out and partying! Daeung acted like a diva, which made you smile. If she hadnt smiled, just know that I wouldve kicked your ass. Dont ever do that when were alone. Taeyang warned. Daesung spun around happily. You even laughed. Come on, lets go out. Just us three. Well go to your favorite place. They pulled you up. What about the other oppas? You asked. Seungri said he wants to stay home. Jiyong and Seunghyun hyung will be home late.

Taeyang replied. Lets go! Daesung pulled you out the door before you could say no. As Taeyang drove and Daesung rambled on and on, you gazed out the window blankly. The car finally stopped. Daesung opened the door, Were here~ You got out and froze. It was the underground hip-hop club. Your favorite place. Taeyang smiled. I- I cant. You started to go back in but Daesung stopped you, Come on! We came this far! You cant go back now! But what if hes here? You whispered. Daesung and Taeyang glanced at each other. Ill go check. Daesung left. In minutes he was back, breathless, Nope! No sign of them! So lets go have fun! You were still unconvinced. Come on! Daesung tugged on your arm. Taeyang slung an arm around your neck and rubbed your bare arm comfortingly. First sign of him and well bolt. He promised. As you watched the rappers and dancers battle, you began to feel a bit better. It took your mind off all the pain. Who wants to come up?! The MC asked. Go. Taeyang nudged you. Show them what you got. Youll feel better once you let out your feelings. Daesung gently said. You paused then got up. You headed to the stage. The MC grinned, Long time no see! Here ya go, honey. He handed you a mic. You looked at your opponent. You opened your mouth but someone said, STOP. All heads turned. I want to go against her. Zico came up on stage. Your eyes widened and heart thumped hard. *I thought he wasnt here.* *Uh-oh.* Daesung and Taeyang glanced at each other. Confused, your ex-opponent got off stage. Zico snatched the mic and looked at you with his piercing, cold eyes, Ill go first. You swallowed hard. He opened his mouth and spat out what had been bothering him since that day you left him, Do you mean what you said? We didn't even talk it over, you got tired of it on your own. You're telling me that it's over based on your own judgment? Please, don't make me laugh. I quit drinking for you, I'm the one that matched myself to you. And you're throwing me away now? Think about it for one more day and call me tomorrow. We're barely half way there in this tedious break. Why, why, why are you being like this? I'd rather you cry, complain, and ask for the impossible. Why, why, why are you asking to break up? This can all be resolved if you think about it one more time. Why, why, why does it have to be now? (Zico/Kyung/Mino/Hanhae- It's not over) All heads turned to you. Okay. And your turn? The MC meekly asked. Y ou blinked a couple times to organize your thoughts then took a deep breath. You looked into Zicos eyes and tried to act as serious and cold-hearted as possible, Love doesn't exist. Its over. It's useless to kneel down and cry. I think this is the end between us. You haven't done anything wrong. It's just that before something blinded me, just looking at you made my heart tremble. But now just listening to you breathe makes me uncomfortable. Although I feel bad, letting it all out comforts me.

With you, I felt like a puzzle that was forced to be fit. It felt like a boring, long trip. What else should I do to make you leave me. Ive already erased you. You're no longer in my heart. Just curse and blame me. Please throw away a person like me. I don't care if you curse or blame me. Our love is completely over. (Miss S- Over) All was silent. Zico looked at you, broken and crushed. Before you could cry, you left the stage. Zico just stood there. The mic dropped from his hand and rolled off the stage. Ahem, okay mood change! The MC quickly urged for music to fill the air. Zico couldnt hear or see anything. Everything was black. He couldnt believe you had just said those words to him. * Does she mean what she say? Is our love really over?* U-Kwon came up on stage and gently touched his shoulder, Zico Zico shrugged his hand off and ran after you. ------You were far away from the underground club now. You knew it wasnt safe to be somewhere dark by yourself but you wanted to be alone. No one could comfort you at this point. Seeing him again made your heart crush in misery. You wrapped your arms around yourself as tears fell down your cheeks. *Everything will be fine. Its just a crush. Youll get over it.* Even though you were lying to yourself, it didnt work. Sniffling, you wiped your tears away. You turned around and froze. Caught you in a trap. The Dragons grinned. You gulped. Your legs turned to mush and your mind became blank. You started shaking in fright. *Stupid! Why did I come out here alone?!* You stepped back. Ah, ah, ah. Running will just make things harder. Besidesdont you want your brother back? A Dragon asked. You stopped. Your eyebrows furrowed in suspicion, Whatdo you mean? Didnt you hear the news already? He casually ran his fingers through his black hair, We got your maknae oppa. Your heart squeezed in pain, W-what? Why? Dont believe me? The man held out his phone. A video was playing. Seungri was on the ground groaning and screaming in pain as the Dragons brought bats down on him. It was dark but his blood glistened under the moonlight. Seungri oppa You whispered. The Dragons laughed. See that? We got him real good. Your hands shook again, but this time it was out of anger. The fear vanished and all you wanted was revenge. *Bastards.* You curled your hands into fists. The Dragon opened their car door, Now come with us willingly or things will turn very complicated for your brother. You swallowed hard. Then you took a step forward. They pushed you into the van and it sped off. Meanwhile, Zico was searching for you. *Goddamit, whered she go?* He touched his head and spun around. Zico went a little farther and stopped. He spotted you with men in black suits. They told you something and you went pale. One of them opened the door. No His eyes widened in realization. Then you did the inevitable. You followed them. NO! Zico started running but it was too late. The van was gone in a cloud of dust.

*SHIT.* Zico raced back to the club. He looked around and finally spotted your brothers talking. Zico ran over, Now isnt the time to be chatting! Muh? They blinked. ~~~~~~WAS KIDNAPPED! THE FUCKING LOAN SHARKS CAME AND SNATCHED HER AWAY! Zico shouted. Taeyang and Daesung turned pale like you. Taeyang quickly whipped out his phone and called Jiyong. What?! His eyebrows furrowed, How can that be?! Daesung desperately shook him, What happened? Taeyang stared at him, They broke into the house and took Seungri. No Daesungs face fell. Well be right there. Taeyang got up. Im going to look for ~~~~~~. Let me know if you find her. Zico exchanged numbers with them. They nodded and left. Whats going on? Kyung asked. Block B gathered around now. ~~~~~~~~~ was kidnapped. Zico said. What? They stared at him. Im going to find her. He got on his motorcycle. Wait, well go with you, too. They hopped on. Together, they scattered to find you. ---------Ah! You yelped as you were shoved into a dark garage full of sack of flours that were actually full of drugs. You bit your lip and looked at your scratched palm. Its been a long time. A voice hissed. You looked up and gasped with widened eyes. It was him. The man you had hoped to never meet as long as you were alive. Junyup grinned, Whats the matter with you? You look like you saw a ghost. His cold cackle made a shiver run down your spine. W-wheres my brother? You asked, trying to keep as calm as possible. Junyup snapped his fingers. Out of the shadows, two men dragged Seungri over. Oppa! You shouted, horrified. They just dumped him in front of you. Seungri oppa! Tears falling down your face, you crawled over to him and turned him onto his back. He looked terrible. There was blood all over his face. One eye was so swollen that he couldnt open it at all. His lips were bruised and bloodied. He was shaking so hard that he was at the point of convulsion. Oppa! Sobbing, you helped him up and leaned him against the stack of sacks. You reached out but couldnt touch his face. Seungri tried to open one eye, ~~~~~~~ He started coughing badly. Dont talk. You choked on your tears. You scathingly glared at Junyup, What did you do to my brother?! What I shouldve done years ago. He smirked. Did you think you could run forever? You six were always at the palm of my hand. I let you run around for a bit and you think youre all that, huh? Junyup slapped you across the face. Seungri weakly put an arm out, No, dont hurt her Tears welled up in your eyes. You flashed a glare at Junyup, Im not that weak little girl you remember anymore. I can KILL you if I really wanted to. The room filled with mocking laughter. Junyup bent down in front of you, Are you serious? He snatched your chin and you hatefully glowered at him. Mmm youre right. Youre not the same. You can be worth so much more. Or maybe Ill just keep you for myself. You spit in his face. ARGH! YOU FUCKING BITCH! Junyup slapped you again. This time, your lip split open. Seungri tried to help. Please dont hit her. Hit me instead. Junyup smirked, I will but in front of the rest of your brothers. 2 down. 4 to go. He stood up and motioned for everyone to leave. The door slammed shut.

You and Seungri were alone in the cold, dim room. Seungri oppa, gwenchana? You asked. He managed to nod and open his eyes. Seungri gently cupped your face and wiped the blood from your lips. Mianhaefor not being a strong enough brother. The hyungs wouldnt have gotten caught. You shook your head, Dont say that, oppa. Well get out of here. I promise. You squeezed his hand and looked around for an exit route. *We need to leave and warn the others.* ------Zico sped down the trail and stopped. He pulled his helmet off and looked around. *Damn. I thought I saw their van go this way.* Zico heard a couple voices. He turned the engine off of his motorcycle to listen better. Zico hung his helmet on the handlebar and snuck over. The men in black suits and dragon tattoos were lighting cigarettes and murmuring something. They nodded and went into the van. His eyes widened *Thats it! Thats the van!* The van left. Zico came out of his hiding spot and darted towards the garage. Meanwhile, you were looking for a way out. You tried to slide the door open but it was locked from the outside. *Dang! What do we do now?!* You thumped on the door and screamed for help. Its no use. Seungri grumbled, This place is deserted. Before you could give up hope, you heard the chains rattle from outside. Your eyes widened in fear *Oh no.* You stepped back as the door slid open. You expected to see Junyup but was shocked to see Zico instead. Your eyes widened, Zico! What are you doing here?! Zico? Seungri mumbled and looked up hopefully. Zico glanced at your brother and looked back at you, I came to spring you, of course. Why the hell did you follow them? They had my brother. You mumbled. You couldve called for help. Goddamit, you always try to solve things yourself. Thats why you broke up with me in the first place, isnt it? Zico snapped. You stayed quiet. Lets get the hell out of here. He pushed past you and wound Seungris arm around his neck. Seungri flinched as Zico helped him up. You coming? Zico asked. You snapped out of your daze and followed. Before you could go two steps, a rush of footsteps came to the door. You gasped with wide eyes. The Dragons were really back this time. *Shit.* Zico thought. Seungris hope deflated like a flat tire. You swallowed hard. Junyup came over, We have a visitor here. Oh, so youre ~~~~~~s boyfriend. I was going to go after you next if she didnt willingly come along. He laughed. You stiffened *I knew it.* Zico glared at him resentfully. Take your brother. He growled dangerously. You took Seungri and walked to the side. You worriedly watched the men surround Zico. He circled around and eyed the men through his bang. Zico flexed his fingers and tightly curled his hand into a fist. Out of nowhere, one man sped towards to attack. But Zico was fast and kicked him in the chest on time. A wild fight broke out. You fearfully gulped. What if something happened to him? You wouldnt be able to live with it. It seemed as if Zico was beating them at first but then endless men appeared with

weapons. Zico was all on his own without anything. Even though he was a good fighter, no one be able to beat that. Zico landed on the ground and touched his bruised rib with a painful wince. He struggled to get up but was kicked in the face. Zico! You screamed. He spat blood on the dirt floor. Junyup came through the men and looked carelessly at him on the floor. Junyup held out his hand. One of the men put a golf club in it. So you see why people shouldnt meddle into other peoples business. Ill teach you the same lesson I taught to Jiyongs girl. He raised the club. NO! You shot out and covered Zico protectively. The golf club stopped in midair. Junyup gave you a curious look. You spitefully glared at him, If you hit him, you have to go through me, too. No. Move. Zico tried to move you out of the way but you wouldnt budge. Aww, how sweet. Your brother couldnt even protect that Minyoung girl and here you are, trying to protect your lover. Junyup crooned, unimpressed. Die! You spat. You deserve to burn in the deepest pits of hell. You growled with gritted teeth. Junyup furrowed his eyebrows, displeased. I will not let you talk that way to me. Before everyone else, you should learn your lesson first. He raised the club. No! Zico grabbed you and shielded you with his body. Before the club could land on both of you, 6 motorcycles zoomed in without warning. Shocked, the men scattered. Get up! U-Kwon stopped his motorcycle and held his hand out. Zico grabbed it and quickly scrambled up. Using the distraction, Zico ran over to Seungri and put him on the back of Taeils motorcycle. Take him to the hospital. Taeil nodded and raced off with Seungri. Zico grabbed your waist and put you on the back of P.O.s motorcycle. You shook your head with wide eyes, I dont want to go- You have to. Zico snapped. I dont want to leave without you. You blubbered tearfully. Zico softened, So you do love me after all. Of course I do, you babo. You bawled as you weakly punched his shoulder. I love you, too. He whispered and kissed your forehead. ARGH! STOP THEM! Junyup barked. Go! Zico told P.O. Zico! You reached out but the motorcycle swept off. You had no choice but to cling onto P.O. You felt numb from the cold and worry. *I hope the rest of Block B will be okay. I have to contact my oppas soon-* You looked up as a familiar car passed by. Momentarily, you saw the faces of Jiyong, Taeyang, Daesung, and Seunghyun. Your eyes rounded *Nodont tell methey came themselves.* You stared at the back of the car. The license plate belonged to Seunghyun. For a minute, you couldnt believe it. Then you started to scream and struggle, P.O., stop the motorcycle! What? He asked, confused. LET ME GO! MY BROTHERS ARE IN DANGER! -------The car skidded to a horizontal stop. The doors opened and slammed shut as the rest of your brothers came out. There. Taeyang said. The 4 of them raced inside. Their eyes widened in chaos. *What the?* They were so bewildered to see Block B in a fight with the Dragons. Jiyong grabbed Zico as he ran by.

His eyes widened in surprise. What are you doing here?! Wheres ~~~~~~?! Jiyong snapped. I sent her away with Seungri! What are you 4 doing here?! Zico stated. We came to save her! Jiyong shouted. Well youre a bit too late. Zico gritted his teeth and punched a Dragon in the gut. He turned back to your brothers, You should leave before- Ugh! U-Kwon, B-Bomb, Kyung, and Jaehyo crashed onto the floor, defeated. Junyup held up his gun, Ive had ENOUGH. All of you step inside right now. Without a choice, the 9 of them shuffled into the room. They grouped together and glared at the men. You shouldnt have come. Zico shook his head. You shouldnt have either. This isnt your business. Jiyong hissed. ~~~~~~ is my business! Zico snapped. Jiyong had no comeback this time. The maknaes managed to escape but its fine with me. Ill have the 9 of you instead to work for me. Junyup cackled. They stiffened. Zico didnt care. As long as you werent involved, he was fine. Junyup approached Jiyong, Youre the biggest betrayer yet. How dare you run away from the family. Junyup slapped him with the back of his hand. His sharp ring left a thin cut on Jiyongs cheek. Seunghyun, Daesung, and Taeyang stepped up furiously. Before they could do anything, Jiyong spat in Junyups face. The Dragons stepped forward but he held his hand out. Junyup chuckled and wiped the spit away with his handkerchief. He smirked, amused, Like sister, like brother. You better watch it Jiyong or Ill bring your sister back and rape her in front of you. Jiyong twitched in fury. You fucking bastard- He raised his fist. Junyup punched him in the guts, causing him to double over. Jiyong! Taeyang caught him. Jiyong first. Junyup told his men. They dragged him away from Taeyang. Jiyong! Seunghyun, Taeyang, and Daesung tried to help but they were blocked. Right in front of all of them, Junyup beat Jiyong with the golf club. STOP IT! Taeyang yelled. YOU BASTARDS! LEAVE HIM ALONE! Daesung cried. Junyup! Stop this right now! Leave my brothers alone! Just take me instead! Ill do whatever you ask me to! Seunghyun was begging now. Junyup ignored them and just hit Jiyong harder. When he was at the brink of unconsciousness, Junyup stopped. The men dragged Jiyong back to his brothers. Hyung! Daesung whimpered. Seunghyun pulled Jiyong into his arms and tapped his cheek, Kim Jiyong, wake up, huh? Its hyung. Hyung He tried to open his eyes, Mianhae. Theres nothing you have to be sorry for! Seunghyun furiously cried. Next. Bring me the boyfriend. Junyup eyed Zico. He fearlessly glared right back. The men dragged him over. Zico twisted out of their grasps. Oh, a fighter, huh? Tie him up. Junyup ordered. The men tied his wrists and fixed the other end of the rope onto the ceiling so that his arms were raised. You regret stepping in now, dont you? Junyup smirked as he played with the club. I hope you burn in hell. Zico snarled rebelliously. The smirk vanished from Junyups face. He narrowed his eyes, Oh really? Then Ill drag you down with me. SMACK! *Fuck!* Zico shut his eyes. It felt like one of his ribs had cracked open. WHACK WHACK WHACK! The beating continued. Zico felt the excruciating pain all over his body. He could hear his friends in outrage.

ZICO! WOO JIHO! LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLES! ILL KILL YOU ALL! Blood seeped down his forehead. He was starting to lose consciousness. His breathing was starting to slow down. Junyup raised his club. Zico closed his eyes with a last breath *~~~~~~Im so glad youre not here* He almost smiled at the thought. From a faint distance, Zico heard an angelic voice scream NO. Junyup slammed the club towards him. But he felt nothing. There was absolutely no pain at all. *Am I dead?* Zico wondered. Thats when he heard people screaming your name. -----NO! ~~~~~ WAKE UP! OH GOD, IS SHE DEAD?! *~~~~~? Dead? What are they talking about? Oh shithell noplease dont tell me* His eyes shot open and he looked down. You were standing so still with your arms around his waist. It seemed like you were just hugging him. But then he saw the blood coming down your head. No~~~~~~~ Zico whispered fearfully. Slowly, you looked up and met eyes with him. A tear trailed down the corner of your eye as you sadly gazed up at him. Zico You whispered. Bit by bit, your grip started to loosen. No, dont you dare! He hissed. Mianhae You started falling towards the ground. Without anyone to catch you, you crumpled onto the floor. Zico stared at you, shocked. His chest hurt and he really couldnt breathe. His whole world had crashed right in front of him. FUCK YOU! Jiyong didnt know where the adrenaline came from but he needed it. He kicked a Dragon and tackled Junyup to the ground. All hell broke loose once again. ARGH! FUCK! DAMMIT! Zico tried to pull lose. His wrists were raw and bleeding but he didnt give a damn. Zico! Kyung ran over. Hurry up and untie me! He hissed. Kyung did as told. Zico was finally free. He quickly picked you off the ground. You felt so limp and broken in his arms. Baby, open your eyes. Please. Zico begged. Your eyes slowly began to open. Zico was relieved but furious. You babo! Why did you come back?! I told you to leave! Mianhae You whispered with half-lidded eyes. Im not asking for an apology, dammit! Zico said, frustrated. StillI dont regret it. I saved you, didnt I? You looked up at him. Zico softened and gazed down at you. Tears welled up in your eyes. Its all my fault. I dragged you into this. Im so sorry. Tears started blurring his own vision. He tried hard not to let them drop as he wiped your tears away, You have nothing to be sorry about. This is why I said we cant be. You whimpered painfully. Dont ever say that. Thats a stupid reason. Zico growled. Daesung and Taeyang ran over, Gwenchana?! Oppasare you okay? You mumbled. Of course. Are you?! Taeyang asked. I amactually Your shoulders slumped and your eyes started to close again, I feel kind of sleepyand cold

No, dont close your eyes! Come on. Taeyang cupped your face and made you look at him. You cant go to sleep now. Please dont close your eyes. But you couldnt help it. It was like a potent sleeping pill had shut down your system. Mianhae. You whispered before fully losing consciousness. ~~~~~! Daesung cried out. Taeyang shook you, YAH! KIM ~~~~~~~~~! NO! OPEN YOUR EYES! COME ON, BABE! Zico pleaded. Seunghyun and Jiyong ran over, What happened?! Hyung! She wont open her eyes! Daesung bawled. Oh no you wont. Jiyong shook you hard, YAH! OPEN YOUR EYES RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR YOU WONT BE MY SISTER ANYMORE! But no threats or begging could wake you up right now. I got you right where I wanted all of you. Junyup staggered over. He bent down and picked up a bat. Before he could throw it down, a loud voice shouted, FREEZE! POLICE! Junyup turned pale. The police tackled him and handcuffed him. He glared at you and your brothers before being dragged away. The cops surrounded the place and started taking the Dragons away. A tall cop approached your brothers, Long time no see, boys. *That voice.* Seunghyun sat up. Slowly, the 5 of them looked up and gasped. TEDDY HYUNG! Jiyong yelped. Hyung Seunghyun whispered, awed. How? Teddy smiled that familiar warm and confident grin, Im Detective Park Hongjun. DETECTIVE?! Your brothers gaped at him. Zico was confused. *Whats going on? How come they know a cop?* Teddy peered at you and frowned, Poor thing got hurt. We better take her to the hospital. ----After the doctor stitched up your head in the surgery room, you were put into a room to rest. The air refresher produced fresh oxygen. Your eyes were closed and an IV was stuck on your arm. Your head was bandaged up firmly. Seunghyun, Taeyang, Daesung, and Zico came in to check on you. Jiyong and Seungri came in as soon as they had gotten fixed up. ~~~~~~ wake up. Jiyong shook her. Shh. Leave her alone. Taeyang murmured. What if she doesnt wake up?! Jiyong panicked. She will. The doctor said she was all right. Taeyang assured. Jiyong still frowned. Zico lightly stroked your hair and took your hand. *Thank you for making it out alive.* The door opened and Teddy stepped in. Hyung! Your brothers called. I signed all the papers. You just have to come to the police station later for witness statements. He said. Seunghyun came over, Teddy hyung, I dont understand Jiyong ran over, Hyung, youre really a cop?! Teddy smiled, Yes, I am. How? Your brothers were in awe. I guess I shouldve told you sooner but I am an undercover cop so it was difficult to. Besides, you 6 were just children. I never knew you had anything to do with the Dragon case. Teddy explained. Seungri put the puzzles together, Soif we had just stayed with youwe wouldnt have had to run for our lives No, Teddy shook his head, You wouldve been safe with me. Well that just sucks! Seungri crossed his arms and moped.

Hyungmianhae. Seunghyun whispered. Dont be. You did a great job as the oldest. Im so proud of you. Teddy lightly ruffled his hair. He pulled Jiyong close, too. I cant believe you all grow up so fast. 10 years just flew by, eh? I remember when you showed your rap skills to me at the shack. Teddy lightly tickled Jiyong who laughed, Hyung! We missed you. I missed you 6, too. I always thought about you all, especially when it rained. I wondered how you were all doing, if you were starving or cold. He smiled. Teddy spotted Zico who wouldnt leave your side once. Teddy nodded at him, Hey, is that your new brother? No. Jiyong scowled. Boyfriend. Seunghyun whispered. Ohhh, no wonder Jiyong is being edgy. Teddy chuckled. Just then, you stirred awake. Hyungs! She woke up! Daesung hollered joyfully. They all rushed over. ~~~~~~ are you okay?! Do you know who I am?! Seunghyun asked. You blinked at the faces and did a double take at a new but memorable one. Teddy oppa? Everyone sighed in relief. He grinned and ruffled your hair, Thats right. You remember me, little girl. Well, youre not little anymore but you are still pretty. You slightly blushed, W-what are you doing here? Long story. Teddy waved it away. You idiot! Whyd you run in like that and sacrifice your life for this douchebag?! Jiyong pushed Zicos shoulder, Was he more important than your brothers? Huh, huh? You weakly pushed his hand away, Dont hurt him. Jiyong rolled his eyes in a huffy manner, Defending him till the end, huh? Zico proudly smiled. Dont smile! Jiyong snapped. Oppa, stop. Besides, I came back for you. I saw your car pass by so I had to save you all. You wearily sighed. The nurse came in, Excuse me but the patient needs her rest. Only one can remain for the night. I will. Taeyang said. No, I will. Jiyong argued. Im her mom. Taeyang said. But- waitwhaaaa? Jiyong gave him a bewildered look as if Taeyang was the one that hurt his head. Well all go Seunghyun eyed Zico, And let him stay. HYUNG! Jiyong exploded. Come on. Seunghyun dragged him away. Sweet dreams, princess. Oppa will be back in the morning with Baskin Robbins! Daesung kissed your forehead and left. Seungri slunk after him. Taeyang sighed, Id hate to leave you but I can trust him, right? He anxiously eyed Zico. He nodded, Dont worry, hyungnim. Ill take care of her well. Bye, oppa. You croaked and waved. Taeyang waved and left. There was finally peace and quiet again. The nurse came back in, Would you like me to give you more morphine? Your head was aching a bit so you nodded. She injected the morphine into your IV. Within minutes, you fell back into a bottomless slumber. ----------Hours later, you woke up. You groggily rubbed your eyes. *What time is it?* It was only 4 in the morning. You saw a figure next to you and looked down . Zico was asleep with his head resting on his arms. You softened *I forgot he was here.* You reached out and lightly touched his hair. A pang of nostalgia hit your heart and you realized how much you had missed him.

Suddenly, Zico stirred awake. You pulled your hand back. He quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes, Did you just wake up? You nodded. Zico checked his watch, You should sleep some more. Its only 4. You stayed quiet. Do you want some water? He asked. You nodded. Zico went to the cabinet and poured water into a cup. He came back. You started to get up. Easy. Zico put his arm under your waist and gently helped you sit up. You took the cup and thirstily drank. Do you want more? He asked. You shook your head. Zico put the cup away and sat back down. It was quiet. He lightly touched your head, Does it still hurt? You shook your head. Dont tell me you turned mute. Come on. Talk. Zico teasingly poked you. You looked at him, You can go now. Your friends must be worried. Theyre fine. He waved it away. Still, Im okay alone. My brothers will be here soon anyways. You said. Zico studied you for a moment, Do you really want me to leave? You were quiet. Did you really mean it when you said our love is over? He asked. No! You blurted. Then why do you want me to go? The worst is over now, right? And yet, you still push me away. I dont understand you. Zico got up and walked around to calm down. Its not that. You desperately explained. I justI just feel so bad. Zico whirled around, For what?! Youre the one that ended up in the hospital to save my life! If anyone has to feel guilty right now, it should be me! Your shoulders deflated, Yeah, but it was me that broke up with you. He was quiet. I broke up with you, thinking that it was for your own good. I even said some pretty hurtful things to you. It seems ridiculous to just want you back now since everything is over. You explained. Zico sullenly crossed his arms, Is this about me or your pride? You opened your mouth and hesitated. Then you answered, Both. Goddamit! Zico punched the wall. I dont want to use you! You shouted, making yourself dizzy. You closed your eyes and touched your head. Instantly, Zico was by your side. Are you okay? Im so sorry, baby. He murmured. You shook your head and lightly pushed him away. No, I should be the one thats sorry. I cant believe I hurt you so many times in such a short amount of time. I must be stupid and crazy. Zico sat on the edge of your bed and nodded in amusement, Yeah, you are. Thanks. You muttered. Youre stupid for blaming yourself and youre even crazier because youre in love with me. Zico pointed out. You looked at him and softened. YeahI am You admitted. See? He chuckled. You couldnt help but laugh. Zico leaned towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Lets start over again, yeah? This time, nothing can separate us. Smiling, you wrapped your arms around his neck and drew him closer, Nothing and no one. Zico smiled and tilted his head to deeply kiss you. He pulled back and chuckled, You smell like the hospital. You made a face and smacked his shoulder, Then stop kissing me. Ow, woman. Theres a bruise there. Zico rubbed the sore spot. You felt sorry at once, Mianhae. Does it still hurt? No. Zico grasped your hand and squeezed it with a loving look, And I want to stop kissing you. Ever. He pressed his lips against yours once more. --------Bright and early in the morning, your brothers came to the hospital. The door burst open.

RISE AND SHINE, LOVELY PRINCESS- Daesung froze with the ice cream in the air. Seungri gasped with wide eyes. Taeyang blinked, stunned. Seunghyun and Jiyong came in last. Whats going on? Seunghyun curiously asked. Jiyong came to the front. Taeyang tried to cover his eyes but it was too late. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Jiyong roared furiously. In less than 2 minutes, Zico was on the cold, hard floor. Fuckkk! He hissed as he rubbed his aching back. You put your hand over your lips to stifle your giggles. *So much for letting no one break us apart.* --A few days later, you were discharged from the hospital. A month later, the stitches came off and you were as good as new. Graduation came and went. You were so proud of Seungri for graduating high school and getting accepted to a university. A week had passed since school had ended. All your brothers were home for the afternoon. You were in your room when the doorbell rang. Seungri and you came down. Ill get it. You skipped to the door, Who is it? You opened the door to find 7 luggages. *Huh?* You blinked. HELLO! Block B appeared out of nowhere. Wa! You put a hand over your chest in surprise. Seungri blinked in astonishment. WE GOT KICKED OUT OF OUR PLACE! CAN WE STAY AT YOURS?! Block B chorused, as if they had rehearsed it. Er You looked back. Whats going on? Taeyang, Seunghyun, Daesung, and Jiyong came out. They had the same reaction as you. HI, HYUNGNIM~ Block B sweetly beamed. Oh hell no. Jiyong stepped back. You looked at Zico who winked. You secretly giggled. *I have a feeling they werent kicked out but that it was more of a mutual agreement.* -------Life with Block B was interesting, to say the least. Knock Knock. Taeyang came in. He lightly shook you, ~~~~~ wake up. There is no school. You mumbled. Yeah, but you still have to eat breakfast. Come on. Taeyang shook you again before leaving. Yawning, you sat up and stretched. You walked towards the door and stopped. *Oh yeah. Zico lives here now.* You quickly brushed your teeth and washed your face. You ran a brush through your hair and made sure your clothes were presentable. Satisfied, you skipped downstairs. All your brothers except Seungri were awake. Morning! Daesung beamed. Good morning! You beamed. Call those lazy asses for breakfast. Jiyong muttered, still bitter about the new roommates. You giggled, Okay. Actually, on a second thought, Ill go. I wouldnt want any spits exchanged before breakfast. Jiyong eyed you and ran up the stairs. You turned red. Once, he had caught you and Zico kissing on his bed. That almost gave Jiyong a heart attack and Zico had almost been thrown out the window.

Still, you snuck upstairs to the cellar. Instead of one bed, there were 4 bunk beds. Block B and Seungri were deeply asleep. EVERYONE WAKE UP, DAMN IT! Jiyong ordered as he ruthlessly kicked and shook everyone. You gently shook Seungri, Oppa, lets eat. Come on. Grumbling, he sat up, hugging his pillow. Aigoo, maknae oppa is awake. Go downstairs~ You cooed. Rubbing his eyes, he left like a zombie. Shit! U-Kwon hissed as he landed on the floor on top of Jaehyo. GET OUT BEFORE I MAKE YOU! Jiyong yelled. I feel like were in the army. B-Bomb groaned. Worse. This is hell! P.O. whined. Chuckling, you went to the bottom bunk on the far left corner. You affectionately smiled at your boyfriends sleeping figure. You gently shook him, Zico, wake up. Mmm. Come on. Wake up or my brother will be over you. You warningly whispered. Id rather you be all over me. Zico suddenly snatched you. You gasped as he rolled you over and pinned you down. Woo Jiho, you crazy?! Jiyong oppa is right there! You yelped in panic. I dont care. I can take him on. Zico mumbled with his eyes closed. You rolled your eyes. He slightly pulled back and looked into your eyes. I love seeing you first thing every morning and the last thing every night. Your heart elated *Me, too.* Zico cupped your face and started to kiss you deeply. You were glad you had taken the time to brush your teeth. Hey, HEY! BASTARD! YOU WANNA DIE?! Jiyong kicked the bunk. It shook. Oppa! You squeaked. You! Get out before I disown you! He grabbed your hand and yanked you out. Doesnt matter. Shell just get married to me and become a Woo. Zico muttered as he sat up. I heard that. Jiyong eyed him. You chortled. You come with me. He pulled you out of the room. ---------The kitchen was noisy. It was hectic having 13 people living under one roof but you were used to it now. Hey, cutie pie. Lookin good. U-Kwon approvingly nodded. Zico smacked the back of his head. You look at my girl like that again and you can sleep outside. He looked at you and winked with a smirk and a lick of his lips. Jiyong smacked the back of HIS head. You look at my sister like that again and you can MOVE out. Zico scowled. You laughed and shook your head. Taeil oppa, please pass me the milk. You said. He willingly passed it along but P.O. caught it. Say the magic word. He stuck his tongue out. You just shoved his face and snatched the carton. Ow. Hmpf. P.O. pouted. You chuckled and poured the milk into your cereal. Im going to work. Seunghyun said. Me, too. Taeyang said. Bye, umma and appa! You waved. They gave you a stern look and you giggled. Aish. I gotta go, too. Jiyong unwillingly left. He poked his head back in, BEHAVE! We will~ Everyone chorused. Im going to catch up on some sleep. Daesung yawned and left. Me, too. Seungri followed him to his room and lay on Taeyangs bed. One by one, the boys scattered off. Only you and Zico were left. You started to put the dishes away. Smiling, Zico wrapped

his arms around your waist from behind. So what are we going to do today? Hmm, today? You turned around to face him. I dont knowWhat is on your mind? You traced a finger up his toned chest. A shiver went down his spine. I dont know but Im sure it involves a lot of kissing. Zico mumbled against your lips. You slightly pulled back, Do you want to know whats on my mind? He nodded. You leaned in and his heart skipped a beat with hope. Then suddenly, you pushed him away and squealed, SUMMER CLEANING! Waitwhat? Zico gave you a confused look. Its that time of year again where EVERYTHING has to be cleaned out! You will help me, right? Since youre my boyfriend and you love me so very much? You batted your lashes. He sighed, The things I do for you. Yup! So go throw these away. You gave him the garbage. Zico pouted but took the garbage. Good boy! You lightly cooed and patted his butt. You giggled and went to wash the dishes. U-Kwon was coming down. He saw Zico with the trash and pretended to lash a whip. Zico gave him a look, Shut up. U-Kwon laughed out loud. The cleaning lasted more than half the day. After cleaning, you and Zico went to the market. You were going to make curry. After buying all the ingredients for that, the two of you walked home hand-in-hand with ice cream cones. You held out your strawberry cone. Zico took a bite and he held out his chocolate cone. You took a bite and giggled. He smiled and wiped the cream off your lips. The two of you arrived at the house. Were home! You said. Everyone was home now. Where have you two been?! Jiyong asked. You innocently held out the bag of vegetables, Market. Hmm He suspiciously eyed Zico. Zico rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air, We had sex under the bridge, okay? Zico. You lightly scolded. Jiyong became purple in the face. You rolled your eyes and headed to the kitchen. You could hear Zico and Jiyong arguing in the living room. You sighed and shook your head, Those two will never change. Jiyong and Zico at it again? Taeyang guessed. You nodded. He chuckled, They both love you a lot. At this rate, it would be better if they loved me less. You grimly said. -------You were starting to wash the carrots when the doorbell rang. Jiyong and Zico were still going at it in the living room. You shook the water off your hands and went to the door. Who is it? You opened the door. *Eh? Who is this?* You had never seen this girl before. She was pretty but frail looking. Her hair was long and dark and she was wearing dress with sneakers. Her eyes were wet and round with anxiousness. You saw a familiar silver band around her finger. Your eyes widened *Wait, no, it cant be? Can it?* You hoped it was. Who is it? Block B surrounded the doorway. Ohhh pretty girl~ U-Kwon purred. Just my style! Jaehyo grinned. Whats going on? Who is here? Seunghyun asked. Everyone stared at the pretty girl who was on the verge of crying. Im sorry butis Kim Jiyong here? She whispered. At his name, he and Zico stopped fighting. The crowd parted and Jiyong came through.

His eyes widened in disbelief. His heart stopped for a moment. He thought he was in delusion. M-minyoung Jiyong whispered. Jiyong oppa Tears welled up in her eyes. They couldnt take their eyes off of each other. Zico appeared behind you and whispered, Who is she? You smiled, Oppas lover. Zico stared at her *He had a lover?* W-what are you doing here? Howd you find out? Jiyong asked, still shocked. A detective named Park Hongjun found me and told me you were finally safe. Minyoung replied. *Teddy hyung.* Jiyong felt a rush of gratitude. Was he telling the truth? Youre finally free from them now? Minyoung asked. Jiyong nodded, I was going to find you soon but you found me first. Oh, Jiyong oppa, Im so happy for you. Happy tears ran down her delicate face. Minyoung-ah. He whispered as he took her hands. His heart started beating fast, like it always did when he touched her. Jiyong yanked her into her arms and hugged her tightly. Minyoung buried her face in his shoulder and held tightly onto him. *This time, I wont ever let you go.* Jiyong vowed as he buried his face into her hair. Everyone watched the moving moment silently. Zico wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. You nestled your cheek against his and watched the beautiful reunion of Jiyong and Minyoung. Greatwhere will I sleep now? Daesung scratched his head. That question broke the mood and everyone started laughing. Its okay, hyung. We can put another bed in the cellar. Seungri winked. Or I can just move in with ~~~~~~~~. Zico murmured as he kissed your neck. Jiyong heard that and pulled out of the embrace. Over my dead body. Everyone laughed again. Jiyong put his arm around Minyoung and pulled her close. She smiled and met eyes with you. You beamed shyly, Hi, Im Jiyong oppas sister, ~~~~~~. Im so happy you two are together again. Minyoung kindly smiled and shook your hand, Thank you. Jiyong oppa was right. You are very pretty and you do look just like him. You blushed and looked at Jiyong who gave you a wink. I think were going to get along very well, unnie. You smiled. I think so, too. Minyoung beamed. Everyone rushed into the kitchen to get to know each other better. You and Zico remained behind. You were about to follow everyone but he held you back. Can I still sneak in and sleep with you? He asked. Youll get in big trouble by Jiyong oppa. You reminded. Like that ever stopped me. Zico smirked and encircled his arms around your waist. He lightly bumped foreheads with you, BesidesI think he has his own distraction now. Mmmyoure right. You chuckled and wound your arms around his neck. Zico pressed his lips against yours. You sweetly kissed him back. Heytwo people are missing. KIM ~~~~~~~~~~~~! GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN THE KITCHEN! I STILL HAVE EYES YOU KNOW! Jiyong yelled. You broke the kiss with a sigh, Coming! You hurried to the kitchen before Jiyong could assault Zico again. Zico rolled his eyes *I cant wait until he gets married and moves out.* He went into the kitchen to join the celebration.

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