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The people will protect and complete their revolution

5 June 2012 The Revolutionary Socialists Waves of revolutionaries have thundered into the streets of Egypt, rejecting the shameful court rulings which have killed our martyrs for a second time, and directing a new blow at the military council. Perhaps this will remind the junta that the people will protect their revolution from those who dream of aborting it, and that the flood-tide of revolution is still rising. However military council and the remnants of the old regime who are spread throughout the media, the judiciary, the ministry of the Interior and the state institutions try to hide their manipulations behind the cover of their false democracy, the truth shines out like the sun. Mubaraks disciple, General Shafiq who escaped trial over his role in the Battle of the Camel and the cases of corruption at EgyptAir, and who avoided the Political Exclusion law which Parliament passed, is trying to recreate the old regime. Meanwhile weve seen businessmen spending hundreds of thousands on election propaganda and buying votes for him with the protection of the infallible Electoral Commission. The Muslim Brotherhood leaders try and push the revolutionary movement in the direction of implementing narrow and opportunistic goals, which began with their opening negotiations individually with Omar Suleiman before the downfall of Mubarak, and selling out the revolutionaries in the battles of Mohammed Mahmoud Street in order to win parliamentary seats. They attempted to dominate the Constituent Assembly although they previously fled from all initiatives aimed at resolving the conflict with the forces of the counter-revolution (starting with the military), and are today fleeing from the initiative of forming a civilian presidential council to complete the goals of the revolution. All of these and the cardboard political parties which drag along at the tail of the military council, face a new revolutionary wave which will crush them all as there is no room for compromises in the hour of battle. Either we have to be with the revolution and its goals to overthrow the former regime and build a regime of bread, freedom and social justice or accept defeat despite the sacrifice of blood and eyes by the martyrs and the injured. Therefore the Revolutionary Socialists Movement confirms its appreciation and support for all sincere initiatives to push forward the revolution through the formation of a revolutionary front which strives to achieve the revolutions goals, which must be built from the base in the poor neighbourhoods, the universities, the factories, the trade unions and in the provinces. In the light of current developments we raise the following to the top of our demands: 1. The re-trial of Mubarak and the symbols of his regime, including the military council for their crimes against the Egyptian people before and after the revolution and even today, in front of civil revolutionary courts formed by a law passed by parliament

2. We call on all revolutionary and national forces and the great Egyptian people to mobilise in the streets of Egypt to call for the application of the Political Exclusion law 3. No presidential elections until the Political Exclusion law is implemented and we call on the masses to boycott the elections if the law is not implemented. 4. We emphasize the importance of the formation of a civilian presidential council to lead the revolutionary front towards completing the revolution. 5. The return of the peoples looted money from the corrupt men of the Mubarak who are funding Shafiq, such as Ahmed Ezz, Farid Khamis, and Abu-al-Ainain and others, and the confiscation of their companies and their wealth for the benefit of the people. 6. The return to the state of the companies and banks which were privatised in suspicious deals 7. The setting of a minimum wage and minimum pension of at least 1500 LE and a maximum wage of no more than ten times the minimum. Glory to the martyrs! Victory to the revolution! All power and wealth to the people. The Revolutionary Socialists

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