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Unit 1 Back to School Lesson 1 Classmates

A Dan Im; your Ana My Dan meet Ana Nice; too B Maya My name is Maya. Jun Hi. Im Jun. Maya Nice to meet you, Jun. Jun Nice to meet you, too. C You Hello. My; is; Answers may vary. Luis Hi. name is Luis You Nice to; you Luis Nice to meet you, too.

Lesson 2 Hello.
A Great Fine Good OK Not bad. Not too good. B 1. You Good evening Ms. Gomez evening, (Answers may vary). How are You (Answers may vary.) How; you Ms. Gomez Not too good. 2. Mr. Clark afternoon, (Answers may vary.) How are you You (Answers may vary.). How about Mr. Clark Fine / Good / OK / Not bad

Lesson 3 After School

A5 6 3 1 2 4 B You Answers may vary.

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Pete Answers may vary; name is; to meet You you, too. Annie Answers may vary; are you You this is Pete; this is Annie Annie Nice to meet you Pete Nice to meet you, too.

Lesson 4 Names
A Maddie morning Mrs. Binks you Maddie thanks Mrs. Binks: thank you Maddie is Mrs. Binks to meet Arturo to; too Mrs. Binks do you Arturo A-R-T-U-R-O Mrs. Binks your Arturo No B A What your B Answers will vary. A How do you; your; name B Answers will vary.

Unit 2 Favorite People Lesson 6 Teachers and friends

A 1. A Whos B This is A his name B His name 2. A is B Whats; name A Her; is 3. A This; my B Whats her A name is Her; is B do you; her B Your dad this You This is my English teacher. Your dad his/her name You His/Her name is Mr./Ms. (Answers may vary.)

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Lesson 7 Favorite stars

Answers will vary.

Lesson 8 Birthday party

A 1. eleven 2. seven 3. eighteen 4. six 5. twelve 6. twenty 7. two 8. eight 9. nine 10. sixteen B 1. Shes 11. 2. Hes 12. 3. Hes 8. 4. Shes 6. 5. Shes 2. C 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False

Lesson 9 E-pals
A 1. Whos that? Whats his name? How old is he? Wheres he from? 2. Whos this? Shes from Canada, right? Whats her name? How old is she? 3. Whos that? Whats her name? Wheres she from? Shes fourteen, right? 4. Whos this? Hes from China, right? His name is Chen, right?

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How old is he? B 1. Hes; His 2. Shes; Her 3. Im; My; Answers may vary. 4. Answers may vary.

Unit 3 Everyday Things Lesson 11 What a mess!

A Dad this is Tracy thats Dad this is Tracy thats; thats Dad thats Tracy Thats; this is B 1. Thats Kojis hat. 2. This is Ms. Millers pen. 3. Thats Ms. Morenos backpack. 4. Thats Sun-hees pencil case. 5. This is Mr. Parkers notebook.

Lesson 12 Cool things

A 1. Kate a 2. Nick An Kate a 3. Nick a Kate an B 1. Q: Whats this? A: Its a cell phone. 2. Q: Whats that? A: Its a TV. 3. Q: Whats that? A: Its an alarm clock. 4. Q: Whats this? A: Its a video game. 5. Q: Whats this? A: Its an eraser. 6. Q: Whats that? A: Its an umbrella.

Lesson 13 Favorite things

A Brad these Tim these are Brad Theyre

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B 1. Q: What are these? A: Theyre posters. 2. A: Those are posters. 3. Q: Whats this? A: Its a poster. 4. A: Thats a poster. C 1. Q: What are these? A: These are T-shirts. A: Theyre T-shirts. 2. Q: What are those? A: Those are bicycles. A: Theyre bicycles. 3. Q: What are those? A: Those are comic books. A: Theyre comic books. 4. Q: Whats this? A: This is a snake. A: Its a snake.

Lesson 14 Where is it?

A 1. Q: Wheres A: Its on the dresser. 2. Q: Where are A: Theyre on the bed. 3. Q: Wheres A: Its on the desk. 4. Q: Where are A: Theyre under the bed. 5. Q: Wheres A: Its on the desk. 6. Q: Where are A: Theyre on the bed. 7. Q: Wheres A: Its in the wastebasket. B 1. Its not next to the bed. Its next to the dresser. 2. Theyre not under the bed. Theyre on the bed. 3. Its not on the desk. Its under the chair. 4. Theyre not in the wastebasket. Theyre on the chair. 5. Its not on his backpack. Its in his backpack. 6. Theyre not on the desk. Theyre on the bed. 7. Its not on his desk. Its on the dresser. 8. Theyre not on the chair. Theyre under the bed.

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Unit 4 Around Town Lesson 16

A 1. Pete are you; Are; at Kevin not; Im Pete Are you Kevin No, Im 2. Pete Are you Sandra I am. Im 3. Pete are Linda Im Pete you Linda No, B 1. Dan are; at Anna Yes, I am. Dan Are you Anna No, Im not. 2. Dan are you; Are you Jun Im; are you Dan Im

Lesson 17 Downtown
A [AK 01] B 1. No, its not. 2. Yes, it is. 3. No, its not. 4. Yes, it is.

Lesson 18 At the mall

1. Hes at the candy store. 2. No, theyre not. Theyre at the skating rink. 3. No, shes not. Shes with Yoshi. 4. Hes at the bank. 5. No, theyre not. Theyre in front of the skating rink. 6. Theyre at the bowling alley. 7. Yes, he is. 8. Theyre at the Internet caf. 9. No, they arent. Theyre at the book store. 10. No, she isnt. Shes in the shoe store. 11. No, he isnt. Hes with Jun. 12. Yes, she is.

Lesson 19 Any suggestions?

A Suggestions for others:

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Go to the beach. Go swimming. Have a soda. Go to a caf. Go to a movie. Have a sandwich. Suggestions for you + others: Lets play basketball. Lets sit down. Lets have a sandwich. Lets play volleyball. Lets go bowling. Lets go skating. B Note: Answers will vary. Here are some possible answers: 1. Lets have a sandwich. Lets go to a restaurant. 2. Have a soda. Go to a caf. 3. Lets play basketball. Lets go to a movie. 4. Go to the beach. Go swimming.

Unit 5 Family and Home Lesson 21 My family

A [AK 02] B 1. has two 2. have five 3. has one 4. has one 5. have three 6. has one 7. have three 8. has one 9. have no 10. have one

Lesson 22 Family reunion

Note: The order of the answers in Bs lines may vary. 1. Q: Whats she like? A: Shes pretty. Shes a little shy, too.

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2. Q: Whats he like? A: Hes friendly. Hes funny, too. 3. Q: Whats she like? A: Shes pretty. Shes smart, too. 4. Q: Whats he like? A: Hes short and thin. Hes friendly, too. 5. Q: Whats she like? A: Shes tall and thin. Shes a little crazy, too. 6. Q: Whats he like? A: Hes tall and thin. Hes handsome, too.

Lesson 23 My new city

A Dear Tyler, Thanks for your postcard! Were happy about the Martels. We miss our old house, but our new house is really nice, too. My new best friends are Mina and Ellie. Theyre sisters. Theyre really funny. Their family is originally from Brazil. Their mom is a little quiet, but shes really smart. Mina and Ellie have three brothers. Theyre six, eight, and nine. Theyre a little crazy, so their house is really noisy. I go to school with Mina and Ellie. Were on the same volleyball team. Our coach is really nice. His name is Mr. Lake. Our team isnt great. Our school has ten teams. Were number six. Write soon! Mary B 1. Theyre from Japan. 2. Our neighbors are nice. 3. Their names are Ben and Heather. 4. Were on the basketball team. 5. Theyre a little crazy.

Lesson 24 At home
A Note: The order of the answers will vary. Students need to write only seven sentences. Possible answers: 1. It has a garage. 2. It has a (big) yard. 3. It has a (big) kitchen. 4. It has a living room. 5. It has a dining room. 6. It has three bedrooms. 7. It has two bathrooms. 8. It has one big bedroom and two small bedrooms. 9. It has one big bathroom and one small bathroom. B Answers will vary.

Unit 6 At school

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Lesson 26 The Media Center

1. Theres a bed. 2. There are 20 books. 3. There are no pens. 4. Theres no screen. 5. There are two bookcases. 6. Theres a TV. 7. Theres no cassette player. 8. There are two chairs. 9. Theres a CD player. 10. There are three posters. 11. There are no comic books. 12. There are two cabinets. 13. Theres a printer. 14. Theres no wastebasket. 15. There are no boards. 16. Theres a backpack.

Lesson 27 Around school

A 1. Theo There are Pam Are there any Theo there are; Theres; theres Pam Is there a Theo there isnt; theres 2. Pam Is there a Theo there is; there are Pam are there any Theo there are; There are; Theres a B 1. Q: Are there any athletic fields? A: Yes, there are. 2. Q: Is there a language lab? A: No, there isnt. 3. Q: Is there a swimming pool? A: Yes, there is. 4. Q: Are there any baseball fields? A: No, there arent. 5. Q: Is there a gym? A: Yes, there is. 6. Q: Are there any basket ball teams? A: Yes, there are. 7. Q: Is there a tennis court? A: No, there isnt. 8. Q: Are there any cafs near the school? A. No, there arent.

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Unit 6 At School Lesson 28 School subjects

A Adam at; on Gloria at Adam at; on; at Gloria On Adam at; on Gloria At; at; on Adam on; at; at B Answers will vary.

Lesson 29 Spring Day

Note: The order of the answers in each number may vary. A 1. Its ten-ten. Its ten after ten. 2. Its one forty-five. Its a quarter to two. 3. Its eleven-thirty. Its half past eleven. 4. Its six twenty. Its twenty after six. 5. Its three fifteen. Its a quarter after three. B Note: The order of the questions and answers will vary. 1. Q: What time is the bike race? A: Its at 10:15. 2. Q: What time is lunch? A: Its at noon / 12:00. 3. Q: What time is the childrens concert? A: Its at 1:30. 4. Q: What time is the beach volleyball game? A: Its at 2:15. 5. Q: What time is swimming? A: Its at 4:45. 6. Q: What time is the picnic? A: Its at 6:00.

Unit 7 Around the World Lesson 31 People and Countries

1. Q: Is she A: No, she isnt. Shes; Singapore. 2. Q: Are they A: No, they arent. Shes; Canada; hes; England 3. Q: Is she

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A: Yes, she is. 4. Q: Are they A: No, they arent. Theyre from South Africa. 5. Q: Is he A: No, hes not. Hes; New Zealand. 6. Q: Is he A: No, he isnt. Hes; England. 7. Q: Is he A: Yes, he is. 8. Q: Is she A: No, she isnt. Shes; England. 9. Q: Is she A: Yes, she is. 10. Q: Are they A: Yes, they are. 11. Q: Are they A: No, they arent. Shes; the United States; hes; Belize 12. Q: Is he A: Yes, he is.

Lesson 32 Nationalities
1. Her name isnt Michelle Alvarez. Her name is Maria Alvarez. 2. Maria and Feliz arent Peruvian. Maria and Feliz are Mexican. 3. Feliz isnt short. Feliz is tall. 4. They arent at the beach. Theyre at the tennis court. 5. Soccer isnt their favorite sport. Tennis is their favorite sport. 1. Laura DeSouza isnt her name. Louisa DeSouza is her name. 2. Louisa isnt British. Louisa is Brazilian. 3. Music and art arent Louisas favorite subjects. PE and science are Louisas favorite subjects. 4. Angela isnt Louisas sister. Angela is Louisas best friend. 5. Angela and Louisa arent in front of the bank. Angela and Louisa are in front of the school.

Lesson 33 Holidays
1. When is Its in June.

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2. When is Its in August. 3. When is Its in January. 4. When is Its in October. 5. When is Its in February. 6. When is Its in December. 7. When is Its in July. 8. When is Its in September. 9. When is Its in May. 10. When is Its in November. 11. When is Its in April. 12. When is Its in March.

Lesson 34 Important Days

A Dear Mom and Dad, There are a lot of activities at Kent School in September. My first day of class is on September fourth. And theres a party on September seventh Then our soccer team has a big game on September fifteenth. This school is really fun. There are four movie nights in September. Theyre always on Friday. Theres a school picnic, too. Its on September twenty-fourth. And Parents Day is on September thirtieth. See you then! Love, Hiromi B Answers will vary.

Unit 8 Teen Time Lesson 36 Favorite places

A Pedro boring Pedro Whats it like? Kelly exciting; big (big; exciting); crowded B Answers will vary.

Lesson 37 Talent Show

1. Krista cant; Can they Alex Yes, they can.

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2. Marco can Nicole Yes, we can. Marco Can Nicole No, he cant; can 3. Alex Can you Krista No, I cant Alex He can 4. Nicole can you Marco No, I cant. 5. Alex Can Nicole Yes, I can. Krista No, I cant. Alex Can you Krista Yes, I can. Alex can; cant

Lesson 38 Teen Fashion

A 1. tie 2. T-shirt 3. shoes 4. pants 5. sweater 6. shorts 7. blouse 8. socks 9. jacket 10. skirt 11. shirt 12. sneakers B 1. Q: What color is the tie? A: Its blue and green. 2. Q: What color is the T-shirt? A: Its pink. 3. Q: What color are the shoes? A: Theyre black. 4. Q: What color are the pants? A: Theyre orange. 5. Q: What color is the sweater? A: Its yellow. 6. Q: What color are the shorts? A: Theyre pink and purple. 7. Q: What color is the blouse? A: Its red. 8. Q: What color are the socks?

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A: Theyre white. 9. Q: What color is the jacket? A: Its brown. 10. Q: What color is the skirt? A: Its yellow and green. 11. Q: What color is the shirt? A: Its blue. 12. Q: What color are the sneakers? A: Theyre red and white.

Lesson 39 Teen tastes

A Answers will vary. B Answers will vary.

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