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This report is based on the market research conducted on the Topic Customer Satisfaction on Vijay Karnataka a daily News paper at Bagalkot.

As the customers are treated as king of todays business world so its mandatory to see that our customer kings are satisfied. Hence the study is carried on Customer satisfaction. So whatever services are provided to the customer, his satisfaction is a must, otherwise within no time the Company will loose its customers. Now as in case of news paper depending on the information including national and international and local news people prefer the newspaper. So the study explores the needs and requirements of the customers so by the study that too by the survey one can get the clear picture about the satisfaction of customers towards the Vijay Karnataka news paper and one can know what are the additional things to be added so that customers will be delighted .



A survey on Customer Satisfaction on Vijaykarnataka a daily Newspaper at Baglkot.


1. To know the customer satisfaction level towards the Vijay Karnataka news paper. 2. To know the market share of the Vijay Karnataka news paper in the Kannada news paper industry. 3. To know why people prefer Vijay Karnataka news paper whether for: Its local news coverage. Price Advertisement 4. To know why people go for Vijay Karnataka news paper as a media for advertisement whether for its Circulation Reasonable price



The two types of methods used to collect the data, they are:-

1. Primary data 2. Secondary data

Primary data: It is one which is gathered especially for the project at hand through survey .Survey is a systematic collection of data directly from respondents and it will through personal interview .It can also be collected through questionnaire.

SECONDARY DATA: It is one which is gathered through -Published sources (magazines) -website.



1. 2.

The study is limited to the news paper readers of Bagalkot only. Time is the major constraint of the study. 3. Since sample is only 100, which is not a true representative of the population as a whole 4. Level of accuracy of the results of research is resticted to to the accuracy level with which the customers have given the answers and the accuracy level cannot be a prediction


The survey is not done throughout the census



It can be defined as the process of selecting a part of the target population and the selected sample should represent the whole population.


: All the people who read newspaper. : Customers of Vijay Karnataka Newspaper at Bagalkot


: Individual reader of newspaper.


: Questionnaire was held as a technique as the questionnaire can be administered in a well structured



Press is called the fourth estate the three other being the legislative and the judiciary. The press is supposed to play the crucial role of a watchdog to see that the foreside institutions functions fairly within the constitutional framework and serve the People for those welfare they created. The moment press ceases to perform this function, it looses its credibility.

India land of kings and emperors was then ruled even though in absence widespread education means of communication and transport. In somewhat the message of the rulers had to reach every corner of the territory. There was no press or newspaper . Ashoka the great Indian emperor had devised his only means of communication. He used to publish the imperial edicts on rocks and stone pillars. The news of the day was published in small pictures drawn on the walls of temples in ink or co lour, which could be removed easily. Even the moral code was proclaimed through the art of the monarch to his loving people. The establishment of the moghul empire in India ushered in a new area in the field of journalism. The moghul rule organized communication written newspaper of a kind, were in circulation. Aurangzeb one of the last and great Moghul emperors had to rule and administer vast territory. The Moghul emperor had an efficient system of information officers. They had maintained a bureau of intelligence In every provincial capital. News writers were appointed there.



HISTORY OF NEWSPAPERS: The newspaper can initially be defined as a written means of conveying current information. In this sense the first organized attempt to provide such a service occurred in ancient Rome, where new letters conveyed what was going on in the capital to the farther reach of the Roman Empire. During Julius Caesars reign their was also the Actadiurnadaily announcements of the Government and other activities that were posted in the capitals public place

The earliest printed news bulletins appeared in china, with a court gazette issued during the Tsang dynasty (618-906BC)and read primarily by government officials, although scholars were later added to its readership. A later significant development after cited by historians was the issuing of news letter by the

Fugger family of Germany, a powerful clan of merchants of bankers in the 15 th and 16th centuries. there agents operated in nearly every part of the known world and sent in reports of business of other affairs from their posts . The reports were combined and circulated by means of the news letters to all the units in fogger an organization. Newspaper history in India is inextricably tangled with political history," wrote A. E. Charlton (Wolseley 3). James Augustus Hicky was the founder of India's first newspaper, the Calcutta General Advertiser also known as Hicky's Bengal Gazette, in 1780. Soon other newspapers came into existence in Calcutta and Madras: the Calcutta


Gazette, the Bengal Journal, the Oriental Magazine, the Madras Courier and the Indian Gazette. While the India Gazette enjoyed governmental patronage including free postal circulation and advertisements, Hicky's Bengal Gazette earned the rulers' wrath due to its criticism of the government. In November 1780 its circulation was halted by government decree. Hicky protested against this arbitrary harassment without avail, and was imprisoned. The Bengal Gazette and the India Gazette were followed by the Calcutta Gazette which subsequently became the government's "medium for making its general orders" (Sankhdher 24-32). The Bombay Herald , The Statesmen in Calcutta and the Madras Mail and The Hindu, along with many other rivals in Madras represented the metropolitan voice of India and its people. While Statesman voiced the English rulers' voice, The Hindu became the beacon of patriotism in the South. The Hindu was founded in Madras as a counter to the Madras Mail. Patriotic movements grew in proportion with the colonial ruthlessness, and a vehicle of information dissemination became a tool for freedom struggle. In the struggle for freedom, journalists in the twentieth century performed a dual role as professionals and nationalists. Indeed many national leaders, from Gandhi to Vajpayee, were journalists as well. Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and Delhi were four main centers of urban renaissance which nourished news in India. It was only during and after the seventies, especially after Indira Gandhi's defeat in 1977, that regional language newspapers became prevalent. There were nationalistic echoes from the linguistic regional provinces. Bengal, Gujarat, Tamil, Karalla, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh produced dailies in regional languages. Hindi and Urdu were largely instrumental in voicing the viewpoints and aspirations of both Hindus and Muslims of the Northern provinces.


As communalism and religious intolerance increased before and after partition, Urdu remained primarily the language of Muslims, as Pakistan chose this language as its lingua franca. After partition, the cause of Urdu and its newspapers, suffered a setback as Hindu reactionaries began to recognize the association of Urdu with Islam and Pakistan. BASIC DATA

Official Country Name Region (Map name) Population: Language(s) Literacy rate Area GDP Number Newspapers of Daily

Republic of India East & South Asia 1,029,991,145 English, Bengali, Marathi 52.00% 3,287,590 sq km 456,990 (US$ millions) 398 30,772,000 Telugu

Total Circulation

Circulation per 1,000: Number of Non Newspapers: Total Circulation: Circulation per 1,000:

50 daily 98 7,774,000 13 35,624 (Rupees millions) 50.4 562 63,000,000 61.2 39,112,150 38.5 312 116,000,000

Total Newspaper Ad Receipts: As % of All Ad Expenditures: Number of Television Stations: Number of Television Sets: Television Sets per 1,000: Number of Cable Subscribers: Cable Subscribers per 1,000: Number of Radio Stations: Number of Radio Receivers:


Radio Receivers per 1,000: 112.6 Number of Individuals with Computers: 4,600,000 Computers per 1,000: 4.5 Number of Individuals with Internet Access: 5,000,000 Internet Access per 1,000: 4.9

BACKGROUND & GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS India is the world's largest democracy. Its mass media culture, a system that has evolved over centuries, is comprised of a complex framework. Modernization has transformed this into a communications network that sustains the pulse of a democracy of about 1.1 billion people. India's newspaper evolution is nearly unmatched in world press history. India's newspaper industry and its Westernizationor mondialisation as French would call itgo hand in hand. India's press is a metaphor for its advancement in the globalised world. The printing press preceded the advent of printed news in India by about 100 years. It was in 1674 that the first printing apparatus was established in Bombay followed by Madras in 1772. India's first newspaper, Calcutta General Advertise, also known as the Hicky'sBengal Gazette was established in January 1780, and the first Hindi daily, Samachar Sudha Varshan, began in 1854. The evolution of the Indian media since has been fraught with developmental difficulties; illiteracy, colonial constraints and repression, poverty, and apathy thwart interest in news and media. Within this framework, it is instructive to examine India's press in two broad analytical sections: pre-colonial times and the colonial, independent press (which may, again be classified into two: preceding and following the Emergency rule imposed by Indira Gandhi's



government in 1975). The post-Emergency phase, which continues at the present, may be the third independent phase of India's newspaper revolution (Jeffrey). THE NATURE OF THE AUDIENCE While a majority of the poor working people in rural and urban areas still remain oppressed and even illiterate, a significant proportion of peopleroughly about 52 percent of the population over 15 years of age were recorded as being able to read and write. That breaks down to 65.5 percent of males and an estimate of 37.7 percent of females. After the liberalization of the economy, the growth of industry, and a rise in literacy, the post-Emergency boom rekindled the world's largest middle class in news, politics, and consumerism. Since private enterprise began to sustain and pay off, mass communications picked up as a growth industry. In 1976, the Registrar of Newspapers for India had recorded 875 papers; in 1995 there were 4,453. Robin Jeffrey comments: "Newspapers did not expand simply because the technology was available to make Indian scripts live as they had not been able to live before. Nor did newspaper grow simply because more people knew how to read and write. They grew because entrepreneurs detected a growing hunger for information among ever-widening sections of India's people, who were potential consumers as well as newspaper readers. A race began to reach this audience advertising avenues were the prizes and these would come largely to newspapers that could convince advertisers that they had more readers than their rivals. Readers, meanwhile, were saying implicitly: 'We will read newspapers that tell us about ourselves and reflect our concerns." (48)



Common contenders for readership and advertising are: the National Herald, the Hindustan Times, Time, Illustrated Weekly, e Pioneer, and Film fare. DIVERSITY AND THE LANGUAGE PRESS Naresh Khanna summarizes the trends in circulatory growth and decline varied in regional language papers during 1998-2000: In the three-year period from 1998-2000, circulation of dailies in the country increased marginally from 58.37 to 59.13 million copies. This represents a growth of 1.3 percent on the basis of data published by the Registrar of Newspapers for India in its annual reports. In this time, two distinct groups of newspapers emerge the first including five languages that have collectively grown in copies. Amongst these newspapers, those in Malayalam and Bengali grew fastest at 12.9 percent and 12.8 percent respectively, while Hindi dailies grew by 5 percent and English dailies by 4.7 percent over the threeyear period. Although Marathi newspapers increased circulation by 2.75 percent over the three years it would seem that they are in danger of falling out of this group and perhaps entering the phase of stagnation and circulation decline (Khanna 2002). The second group of stagnating and declining circulations includes newspapers in seven languages with a combined circulation of 14.8 million copies in 2000. These dailies lost almost 1.8 million copies (10.62 percent) of their combined circulation in the last three years. Daily newspaper circulation plummeted most dramatically in Telugu, which fell from 2.28 million to 1.68 million copies, a fall of more than 26 percent. Urdu newspaper circulation fell by more than 12 percent and Tamil dailies' circulation declined by 10.8 percent with circulation of Gujarati dailies falling by 10.5 percent. Over the same period circulations of Oriya dailies declined by 2.8 percent and that of



Punjabi dailies by 3.2 percent. Although over the three years Kannada newspapers show an insignificant fall in circulation they seem to have entered a period of stagnation and decline of their own. It would seem that in spite of new editions being added by Hindi, English, Malayalam and Bengali dailies, the print media is losing its dominance of advertising market share to television, radio and outdoor media (Khanna 2002). India's language newspapers enjoy a relatively new entrepreneurial prowess. A mutually convenient relationship between the owners and capitalists keeps a financial balance between local/regional and national spheres in both private and public sectors. "Like coral in a reef, newspapers grew and died in a process inseparable from the creation of a 'public sphere' in the classical liberal sense. Individual proprietors sometimes brought to their newspapers a crusader's zeal for a particular cause or a diehard's loathing for a rival" (Jeffrey 105). The Second Press Commission in 1982 tried to liberate the press from the monopoly houses. In 1995 the Audit Bureau of circulations had 165 newspapers as members, with a combined circulation of about 16 million copies a day. The top ten newspapers control roughly 50 percent of daily circulations in all languages. Bennett Coleman and the Indian Express own roughly 20 percent of daily circulations (Jeffrey 108). While capitalists sustained national newspapers, the big houses, Dalmias, Jains, Goenka , monopolized and corrupted free journalism. The family and caste controlled small newspapers regionally maintain their freedom from big monopolies, thriving on their loyal supporters in north and south India. Diversity of ownership is reflective of cultural variation in India's multilingual landscape. Twenty-one newspapers control two-thirds of all circulations.



MAJOR LINES OF DEVELOPMENT: The two major developments in the history of world press have the struggle for control between government and press in every country, from the beginning to the present and the growth of mass circulation resulting from technological advances. At the beginning the idea of the press did not exist. Government everywhere saw the newspaper an instrument to be used in their own interests, an idea that persists in much of the world today.

PRESS IN INDIA: PRESS LAWS Much of India's legal framework is built upon its colonial legacy. Legal statutes and regulations have been undergoing certain changes as India's democracy grows. India's freedom came at a high cost. The country was divided. India's border conflicts with two hostile neighbors, which forced at least three large scale wars, eclipsed other political issues. The democratic process, corrupted by criminals, unscrupulous bureaucrats and politicians, created a social climate that widened social and economic inequality. Freedom of speech and expression is a constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right of the Indian people. Article 19 (1; a) ensures the implicit freedom but Article 19 (2) qualifies this in explicit terms. The Parliamentary Proceedings (protection of Publication) Act of 1977 and the Prevention of Publication of Objectionable Matter (Repeal Act) of 1977 further reinforce and restrict these freedoms. While constitutional guarantees ensure freedom of the press and expression, press and media are obligated by a self-regulatory system of ethics that protect individuals and organizations from



libelous behavior. "Freedom of the press is an institutional freedom," wrote Sachin Sen (19). The Press Council Bill of 1956, introduced in the Indian parliament, stipulated the establishment of the Press Council of India representing working journalists, the newspaper management, literary bodies and the Parliament. The Indian Press commission

accepted the following postulate: "Democratic society lives and grows by accepting ideas, by experimenting with them, and where necessary, rejecting themThe Press is a responsible part of a democratic society" (quoted by Sen 42). While The Central Press Accreditation Committee seeks to ensure quality and selfrenewal, The Press Council of India was established in 1966 to uphold editorial autonomy. Restrictions on free speech were imposed after Indira Gandhi's infamous Emergency rule. The Press Council of India was abolished after editor George Verghese's criticisms of the Indira government. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting carefully regulates the press and its liberties. The Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) was enforced to intimidate reputedly autonomous newspapers in the seventies. The Press Council, resurrected in 1979, has no legal standing to impose penalties. The Indian press, generally believed as "managed," is a self-restrained institution generally reluctant to take on the governmental policies. All India Radio (AIR) and its management exemplify this "managed" system. The credit for the bringing out the first full-fledged printed newspaper in



India goes to James Augustus Hicky. The first issue appeared on January 29, 1780 in Calcutta, bearing the title The Bengal Gazette or the Calcutta general advertiser. But before Hicky started his newspaper an attempt was made by William Bolts, a sincere servant of the East India Company, who had registered earlier to start a newspaper to give expressions to the difference existing between the opposing groups in the East India Company. But Bolts attempted to start a newspaper. Bengal Gazette was also called Hickys Gazette because Hicky was the founder, editor printer and promoter, all rolled in one-of that paper. It was a weekly paper .The paper was clumsily printed .The reading matter was less and the advertisements were more and there were comments on the personal affairs of individuals. When Hicky started his newspaper he announced his motives :I have no particular passion for the printing of newspaper, I have no propensity, I was not bred to a slavish life of hard work, yet I take pleasure in enslaving my body in order to purchase freedom for my mind and soul.Hickys Gazette was published in English language. This was the first regular newspaper in India Hickys first issue carried out news but not fresh and upto date like the newspaper of today. In those days of difficult transportation, for eign newspaper usually took months to reach Indian shore; subsequent issue of the Bengal Gazette enlightened the readers with comments on peoples domestic affairs, a species of service, which kept society gossiping. Hicky announced the policies of his paper and declared that this was a weekly political and commercial paper open to all parties, put influence by none. This paper was primitive one from the point of view of contents, printing and publication. But it has the significance of a historical newspaper with this first



newspaper in India started the era of Indian Journalism, which has developed as the agency for the saving of democracy in the country today. The history of Journalism in the pre independent period in India can perhaps be periodized as follows. The phase, 1780-1818, constitutes some kind of pre history, a preparatory phase. A GUIDE FOR NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS:


The Registrar of Indian newspapers, among these official and professional agencies, regulates and records the status of newspapers. Electronic news, Web sites, magazines and house publications, and a number of professional organizations (like Editors Guild of India, Indian Language Newspapers' Association, and All India Newspapers Editors' Conference etc.) enrich the self-renewal process of the news enterprise. Educational and training programs are gaining importance as professionalization. THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR The Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India, popularly known as RNI came into being on July 1, 1956, on the recommendation of the First Press Commission in 1953 and by amending the Press and Registration of Books Act (PRB Act) 1867. The functions of RNI involve both statutory and non-statutory functions. Statutory Functions The RNI compiles and maintains a register of newspapers containing particulars about all the newspapers published in the country; it issues certificates of registration to the newspapers published under valid declaration. It



scrutinizes and analyzes annual statements sent by the publishers of newspapers every year under Section 19-D of the Press and Registration of Books Act containing information on circulation, ownership, etc. The RNI informs the District Magistrates about availability of titles to intending publishers for filing declaration and ensures that newspapers are published in accordance with the provisions of the Press and Registration of Books Acts. It verifies under Section 19-F of the PRB Act of circulation claims, furnished by the publishers in their Annual Statements and Preparation and submission to the Government on or before September 30 each year, a report containing all available information and statistics about the press in India with particular reference to the emerging trends in circulation and in the direction of common ownership units. Non-Statutory Functions Non-statutory functions of the RNI include the formulation of a Newsprint Allocation Policyguidelines and the ability to issue Eligibility Certificates to the newspapers to enable them to import newsprint and to procure indigenous newsprint. The RNI assesses and certifies the essential needs and requirements of newspaper establishments to import printing and composing machinery and allied materials. From April 1998 to February 1999, RNI scrutinized 18,459 applications for availability of titles, of which 7,738 titles were found available for verification, while in the remaining applications, titles were not found available. During the same period, 2,693 newspapers/periodicals were issued Certificates of Registration (2,145 fresh CRs and 548 revised CRs) and circulation claims of 1536 newspapers/periodicals were assessed. Registrar of Newspaper for India (RNI) In starling a newspaper (daily or periodical) is



required to contact the District Magistrate or sub-divisional Magistrate in whose jurisdiction the place of the proposed newspaper is situated and file a declaration before him in the prescribed form. In declaration the publisher is to mention the title, language, periodicity and such other particulars of proposed newspaper as are asked for. He is also required to give a list of alternative titles in order of preference. The magistrate before authenticity the declaration has to make an enquiry from the registrar of newspaper for India whether the title(s) proposed are not same similar to that of any other publication published in same language throughout the country or in any other language in the same state. These titles proposed are checked against catalogue of existing title(s) maintained in registrar office. The magistrate in turn after getting information communicates to publisher about titles. After obtaining clearance from RNI District Magistrate authenticates declaration and sends an authenticated copy to office of registrar of newspapers for India. Declaration becomes void in case the newspaper does not commence publication within 6- weeks of the authentication and again a fresh declaration has to be filed. Each issue of newspaper is to have an imprint line containing the name of the publisher, printer, owner editor and the place of printing and publication of the paper. The name of editor is necessary to be given separately. Supply of copies:-Every publisher has to send a copy of each issue of his paper within 48 hours of its publication to the registrar of newspaper for India or other authorized officer at the places mentioned below depending on language in which the paper is published.



REGISTRATION: As soon as paper has stated publication of publisher is required to send a copy of first issue of publication to Registrar of newspaper for India at Press Villa Simila-1. On receiving first issue of paper and the copy of authenticates declaration from concerned district Magistrate, the office of Registrar of newspaper for India takes the Paper on its records and allots a registration number to it. A certificate of registration is


ANNUAL REPORT: Registrar of newspaper for India has to submit to Government each year a report on the state of press in country on the basis of the annual statements received from him and information obtained otherwise. It is in turn of newspaper publishers that information as complete as possible is made available to enable the Registrar to make this report up-to date and useful.

CIRCULATION CHECK: The press Registrar or any gazette officer authorized by him shall have access to any premises and to any information relating to the newspaper.

For benefit of publishers circulation work has been decentralized. The following gives the circulation officers in charge having their headquarters at:North Zone South Zone Western Zone Eastern Zone New Delhi Chennai Mumbai Kolkatta



There are 18-principle languages in which the newspapers are printed which are Mentioned in 8th constitution. Bombay samachar, Gujarathi daily published from Mumbai is oldest existing newspaper. Anand Bazaar Patrika: Bengali daily From Kolkatta is largest single edition newspaper of India is in second edition and Hindustan Times is in third place.

NEWSPRINT: Until 1994-95, newsprint allocation was regulated by the Newsprint Control Order (1962) and the Newsprint Import Policy announced by the government every year. Newspapers were issued Entitlement Certificates for importation and purchase from the scheduled indigenous



Newsprint mills. However, Newsprint Policy is modified every year depending upon the import policy of the government. Newsprint has been placed under 'Open General License' with effect from May 1, 1995, and all types of newsprint became importable by all persons without any restriction. Under the latest newsprint policy/guidelines for the import of newsprint issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, authentication of certificate of registration is done by the Registrar of Newspapers for India for import of newsprint, on submission of a formal application and necessary documentary evidence. DE-BLOCKING OF TITLES For the first time in the history of RNI, a massive work of de-blocking 200,000 titles was undertaken. As per the decision, all such titles of newspapers were certified till December 31, 1995, and those publications which had not registered with RNI have been de-blocked. The work of entering registered titles has been completed and the lists have been dispatched to state governments. Nearly 150,000 of unused titles have become available for allocation to other newspapers from January 1, 1999. PRINTING MACHINERY



The RNI is the sponsoring authority for the import of printing machinery and allied materials at the confessional rate of custom duty available to the newspapers. During April 1998-February 1999, applications of four newspaper establishments were recommended for import of printing machinery and allied equipment. CENSORSHIP Even though India is committed to the freedom of the press, censorship is not unknown to the media. With increased privatization and entrepreneurial advancements, colonial and bureaucratic censorship no longer exists. However, the nexus of criminal politics and unethical monopolies continue to threaten the freedom of press. Nehru famously said: "I would rather have a completely free press with all the dangers involved in the wrong use of that freedom than a suppressed or regulated press" (quoted by Kamath 272). After 1977 people's interest and involvement in regional and national affairs increased dramatically. This development helped promote the dualism of India's patriotic passions marked by linguistic chauvinism and national unity.

NEWS AGENCIES News agencies provide regularity and authenticity to news. K.C. Roy is credited with establishing the first Indian news agency, which became The Associated Press of India (API). However, it soon became a British-controlled agency unwilling to report about the national freedom movement. The Free Press of India News Agency came into existence under the management of S. Sadanand who had served Reuters. The United Press of India, The Orient Press, The Globe News Agency, The NAFEN News Agency,



The United News of India and a number of syndicates later came to serve the news business. The Non-aligned News Agencies Pool (NANAP), formally constituted in 1976 for the purpose of correcting imbalances in the global flow of information, is an arrangement for exchange of news and information among the national news agencies of non-aligned countries, including Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Its affairs are managed by a coordinating committee elected for a term of three years. India is at present a member of the coordinating committee. The cost of running the pool is met by the participating members. The Press Trust (PTI) continued to operate the India News Pool Desk (INDP) of the NANAP on behalf of the government of India. India continued to contribute substantially to the daily news file of the Pool Network. The reception of news into the Pool Desk during the year 1998-99 has been in the range of 20,000 words per day. INDP's own contribution to the Pool partners during the year has averaged 7,000 words per day. The organization and structure of Indian news agencies has been undergoing a controversial transformation for quite sometime. This represents a mutual mistrust between privately owned news agencies and governmental structures. Their autonomy, believed to be crucial for objectivity and fairness, is based on their role as cooperatives and non-profit groups. News agencies in general are



discouraged from taking any governmental favors. There is nothing in the Indian constitution, however, that can prevent government to nationalize its news agencies. There are four dominant news agencies in India: The Press Trust of India (PTI); the United News of India (UNI); the Hindustan Samachar (HS); and Samachar Bhatia (SB). ELECTRONIC NEWS MEDIA Most Indian newspapers, magazines, and media outlets are easily accessible through the Internet. Internet Public Library (IPL) is a concise Internet source for information on Indian newspapers. The Web site lists about 120 online newspapers for India with access to each of those papers for reading. The official Web site for the Library of Congress in New Delhi is also accessible on the Internet, where e-mail contact information is provided. This directory is published biennially. The directory includes newspapers published in India, the name and language of the newspapers, circulation, frequency of publication, and names and addresses for the publishers of each paper. Paper status is also included. Internet Public Library's list of India's contemporary newspapers exists to enable instant access to existing information resources. Among them in 2002 were 62 Indian newspapers that were available online



EDUCATION & TRAINING The first diploma in Journalism was offered at Aligarh Muslim University in 1938 by the late Sir shah Muhammad Sulaiman, a Judge in India (Wolseley 224). Later on, after partition, universities in Punjab, Madras, Delhi, Calcutta, Mysore, Nagpur, and Osmania offered courses at undergraduate levels. Professional education in India is largely a need-based enterprise. Journalists and other mass communicators can perform without specialized training and skills, and can succeed without advanced degrees. THE LEADING DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF INDIA

Newspaper Aj(10) Anand bazaar patrika Bartaman Daily Thanthi(12) Dainik Bhaskar(9) Dainik Jagran(8) Dinamalar(8) Eenadu(10) Gujarat Samachar(5) Hindustan Times(2) Indian Express(8) LokSatta(3) Malayala Manorama(8) Mathru Bhumi(6) Nav Bharat(7) Navabharat Times Punjabi Kesari(3) Sakal(4) Sandesh(5) The Economic The Hindu(8) The New Indian Times The Times of India

Language Hindi Bengali Bengali Tamil Hindi Hindi Tamil Telugu Gujarathi English English Marathi Malayalam Malayalam Hindi Hindi Hindi Marathi Gujarathi English English English English



WORLDS LARGEST DAILY NEWSPAPER: Newspaper Asahi Shimbun Bild Bild Zeitung Chunichi Shimbun Gongren Ribao Manichi Shumban Nikhan Keizai Peoples Daily Reference News Sikuan Ribao The Mirror/Daily Record The Sun Yomiuri Shimbun Nation Japan Austria Germany Japan China Japan Japan China China China Britain Britain Japan

Source: World press Trends

ORGANISATION PROFILE : Vijay Karnataka is one of the most known and fast moving newspapers in Kannada. The effective management made this organization into a big and successful



organization. The audit bureau of circulation (ABC) has given the number one circulation of India for Vijay Karnataka It was the dream of north Karnataka to have a Kannada daily newspaper taking care of events of the state in general and north Karnataka in particular. The dream became when Vijayanand printers and publishers was established to bring out the most wanted Kannada Daily newspaper Vijay Karnataka an enterprise and a venture by the renowned Vijayanand road lines limited. Vijay Karnataka is perhaps the first newspaper in the country and in the newspaper Industry to call itself a multi edition with 9 editions newspaper in a short span of less than 5 years. The editions are present region wise by almost combining 2 districts of Karnataka state. OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION:

To expand their market into other states. To modernize the organization by using the hi-tech machines in the production process

To increase the productivity To produce newspaper into different languages. To know the customer attitude towards print advertisement. To know the services the customers expect from the vijay Karnataka news paper.

To know the factors in guiding selection of newspapers for release of ads.

The 9 Vijay Karnataka publishing centers are



Bangalore Gulbarga Mangalore Gangavati Mysore Chitradurga Hubli-Dharwad Shimoga Bagalkot

DETAILS OF THE COMPANY: Name of the company Address of company : Vijayanand printers and publishers Bagalkot : Vijayanand printers and publishers No SPL 9 KSSIDC industrial Estate Bagalkot -587101 Phone-434101, 434105 Fax: 434106 Year of establishment at Bagalkot Type of unit Main raw material Printing capacity of machine Number of circulations : 27 November 2001 : Proprietorship : Paper : 20000/hour : 30000-vijay Karnataka 2800 -Vijay times Exclusive Managing Editor Registration office : Vishweshwar Bhat :Vijayanand Printers & Publishers



Giriraj annexe Circuit house road Hubli-580029.

BRIEF HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF VRL GROUP: The credit for the phenomenal growth of VRL goes to the VISION, ZEAL and EFFORT of founder and Chairman Vijay Sankeshwar. From a single truck in 1976, VRL has grown into a conglomerate having diversified into Vocational Education, Newspaper, Travel and Courier segments. VRL today embodies Symbol of Service with a fleet of 2,000 vehicles including state-of-the-art buses. The credit to a large extent goes to VRL for introducing comfortable buses at affordable rates for the common man. The Group has a wide network of branches spread over the entire nation. The simultaneous launch of Vijay Times editions from nine centers in December 2002 was a hallmark for the Group. The launch of a second Kannada daily by the Group broke new ground in the annals of Indian journalism. VRL in short epitomizes a success story evolved over years of commitment and dedication. Vijay Sankeshwar is ably supported by his dynamic son Sri Anand Sankeshwar as Managing Director and a team of dedicated staff headed by Chief Technical Officer Sri L Ramanand Bhat, Chief Executive Officer Sri K N Umesh and Director R P Raichur.

The Managing Director Shri V.B.Sankeshwar started as an individual transporter in



Janauary 1976 without any background and experience, initially for first 2 years he suffered heavy losses. Then by the end of 1977 he started a local transport between Hubli and Gadag .Due to personal management and effective service, business picked up and purchased one old lorry in 1978.

During his tenure, he observed activities of other well-known transporters and started first parcel service from Bangalore to Hubli,Gadag and Belgaum with to lorries, gradually the business picked up. Due to effective management and good co-operation from the staff, the turnover and the business increased. The total turnover and the business increased. The total turnover for different years as follows

Year 1980 1985 1990 1995 1999

Turnover(in lakhs) Rs.13.43 Rs.38.381 Rs.462.34 Rs.2284.92 Rs.6580.71

As can be seen from the turn over, there is a steady increase in the growth of the turn over of the company, in a span of 25 years their turn over has increased,50 folds which is a great achievement of an entrepreneur. The Managing Director who is also the member of parliament Shri V.B. Sankeshwar, who has been entrusted with the day today management.He is also awarded with :-

Sarige Ratna Award in 1978



Udyoga Ratna Award in 1994


The VRL group has diversified into the newspaper industry during october1999 Under the banner of Vijayanand printers and publishers.

OBJECTIVES: To serve Kannadigas and Karnataka in particular and the country in general To provide unbiased news well in time. To provide sumptuous reading material for the readers to update their knowledge and entertain them.



CORE VALUES: They strive for excellence in everything they think, say and do. The values that guide their thought and action are: Innovation and Continuous learning: They provide an environment of innovation and learning that fosters, in each one of them, a desire to excel and willingness to experiment. Truth and integrity: Their business practices are guided by highest ethical standards of truth, integrity and transparency. Respect for the individuals: They bring out the best in individuals by nurturing team spirit, individual development and self esteem spirit. Quality services: To provide quality service and product to the public.



To be the leading newspaper admired globally for its innovation and quality.


To be always the #1 newspaper that it is present and serve the Public.










STRENGTHS: More local news coverage. More editions{printing and publishing ) in a short period. The first paper which is introduced at lower price that is for Rs.1.50ps Vijay Karnataka is being named as the number one news paper by the Audit Bureau of circulation.

WEAKNESS: New to the field.

OPPORTUNITIES: There is a scope for expansion of the business. As it focuses on local news , here are more chances to make editions in uncovered areas. THREATS: The existing competition may hamper the progress of the unit.



OVERVIEW OF THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS OF VPP BAGALKOT: There are four departments of Vijay Karnataka in Bagalkot, they are; 1. Editing department. 2. Circulation department. 3. Production department. 4. Advertisement department.

EDITING DEPARTMENT: The news comes to editing department through various sources. Vijay Karnataka has appointed stringers for each Taluka and has appointed the agent at the village level. These agents and stringers send the news through: 1. Courier 2. Modem or internet. 3. Fax. The news is also received through reporters. Sometimes news is also collected through direct customer. After this the above collected rough information is edited and converted in the precise attractive manner to the readers. The information is then typed and the pagecians make the pages using DTP technology and send these pages to production department. The front page, last page(sports page),editorial page and special pages are received through e-mail from the Bangalore editorial department. The resident editor gives final approval to print.




It is the most important department, which takes care of all the activities of circulation. There are 4 members in the circulation department, out of them 2 members maintains all the accounts of each and every agent. The other 2 members controls the circulation work

The total number of agents is 280. This number is increasing very rapidly. At the time of appointing the agent deposit of Rs.100/-is taken/copy. If any of the agent does not follow the terms and condition those agents will be rejected. If any agent wants to increase or decrease their number of copies, the agent should inform in the written form only.

FUNCTIONS: 1. Receiving the printed papers from the production department. 2. Packing and refilling the order. 3. Dispatching as per requirements. 4. Suggestions from agents in distribution channel. 5. Appointing new agents 6. Receiving bills from the agents monthly through DD/Cash



RESPONSIBILITIES: Increase sales volume of paper Generates security deposits Designing the routes Maintenance of records relating to circulation.

Within just 120 days of its launching Vijay Karnataka has been able to achieve tremendous growth in terms of circulation. The present edition wise number of edition wise number of circulation is

Total number of circulations of leading papers in Bagalkot district:

Vijay Karnataka 30,000 Chart

Samyukta Karnataka 15,000

Prajavani 15,000

P ja a i ra v n

1 ,0 0 5 0

S m kta a yu K rn ta a a ka

1 ,0 0 5 0

S rie e s2 S rie e s1

V y ija K rn ta a a ka

3 ,0 0 0 0

100 00

200 00

300 00

400 00



PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Production department is one where the actual printing takes place. The raw materials used in production department are Paper Ink Plates

Papers: The raw paper for the production of the news papers are purchased from Mysore paper mills Bhadravati two sizes of papers are purchased.

1.70cm paper 2.35cm paper The 70cms papers are used for all the pages except central single page.

The 35cms paper is used for central single page. There are two qualities of paper in 70 cms: 49 GSM The paper is of top quality, this paper is used for first & last pages only. 45 GSM This paper is of lesser quality. This is used for all the pages, except first and last page.



INK: To print on the paper ink is transported from Hubli press, which is purchase from Hindustan InksKolhapur.

There are four types of inks used in printing they are Cyan Vallenta Yellow Black

The news items are rearranged by the paste up artists as per guidance of the editor, editor rearranges the news items. The plate makers make the final plates for printing by using advanced technology machines and these are sent to printing. The news on the plates are printed on the blankets which are inside the machine. Lastly the news on blankets are printed on the paper. The plates are purchased from Technology. Company Madras These are 25-35 plates are required /day.



MANPOWER: The man power of the production department is 34out of 34 members 18 are concerned for the printing department and remaining 16 members are for packing.

Production incharge Printers Assistant printer Paste up Department Electrician Helpers Packing Total

1 2 1 4 1 9 16 34

The persons in the printing department are almost all skilled persons except few helpers. These persons are at least ITI graduates and are having experience. The packing persons are inexperienced or unskilled persons. The capacity of the machine is 20000 copies/hour and the machines are purchased from Kolhapur. The actual printing starts at 11PM and completes at 2AM. But the supplements like Cini Vijaya and Saptahika Vijaya area printed at 6PM




Advertisement Department Chart Advertisement Manager

Scheduling Clerk Ad. Executives Billing Clerk FUNCTIONS: 1. Sell the space of the newspaper to advertisers and advertising agencies. 2. Inform the editions about space needed for the advertise. 3. Collection of the payment from the advertisers and concerned parties. 4. Sending bill to concerned parties.

TYPES OF ADVERTISEMENT: 1. Classed advertisements 2. Commercial advertisements 3. Corporate advertisements 4. Display advertisement 5. Family advertisement 6. Financial advertisement 7. Local advertisement 8. Penal advertisement



SALES PROMOTIONS: 1. Advertisement department sells the space of newspaper to advertisers and 2. Advertisement agencies. 3. Informing editions about the space needed for advertisement . 4. Collection of payment from Advertisement and concerned parties sending bills to concerned parties 5. Every day special pages/supplement with regular features.

SUPPLEMENTS : Vijay Karnataka is providing supplements three days for a week. They are as Follows: Supplements:Wednesday Friday Agriculture (Krishi Vijay) Business/Commerce (Vanijya Vijay)

- Cinema/entertainment (Cini vijay) Sports (Kreeda vijay) Youth (yuva vijay ) Religion, spiritual (Dharma vijay) Arts, culture (Kala vijay) Health(Arogya vijay) Women (Mahila vijay) Children (Putani vijay) Sunday special (Saptahika vijay)




1st Page

: Consists of national and international news, which are of most importance along with local news.

2nd and 3rd Page: Consists of local news i.e news from district and state level. 4th Page: Consists of articles and literature work. It is also used for educational purpose. 5th Page: 6th Page: Consists of regional important news. It is used for editorial purpose that is letter to editors answers to them etc. 7th Page: 8th Consists of national news, political development of the country etc. It usually consists of continued news and the news collected in later time of printing 9th page: It is used for regional news other than regional district i.e news from surrounding district 10th page: 11th page: Here it is used for publishing news regarding capital city Bangalore. It is used for commercial matter like market price for different commodities, share market information etc. 12th page: It is used for sports purpose; both National and International events and also local are covered in this section. Vijay Karnataka is serving the society namely in giving local news, state, national, international, science and technology issue. Commerce, trade and general issue. The attractive feature of Vijay Karnataka is to give much importance to give much Importance to international, national and also regional events and making it to reach a common man at every and comer of the state. The price envyingly is as low as Rs.2.00(with Sunday edition @ Rs.3.00 as compared to the higher prices of other



Kannada newspapers. :- Thus we can say Vijay Karnataka is economical paper to middle and low class people .


:- National , International, State level happenings, along with news of local importance.


:- Finance Business Stock exchange, share price charts, market rates of various commodities viewpoints on emerging trends and scenario of business, finance and commerce.

Culture, Fine Arts And Cinema Sports

:- Reasonable coverage of latest and contemporary aspects in the fields of culture, arts, music and cinema. :- Elaborate information of sports events of national ,international, and domestic levels



RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS WITH GRAPHS AND CHARTS 3. Why do you read Vijay Karnataka news paper (Rank 1 for the most important reason and so on) 1) News Coverage:
Rank 1 60 60% Rank 2 25 25% Rank 3 10 10% Rank 4 5 5%

60 No of Respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0


25 10

5 Rank 4

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

2) Local News : 1 33 33% 2 28 28% 3 19 19% 4 20 20%

35 30
No of Respondents

33 28 19 20

25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4



3) Price
1 40 40% 2 33 33% 3 19 19% 4 8 8%

40 35
No of Respondents

40 33

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 8 19

4) Advertisement:
1 28 28% 2 38 38% 3 14 14% 4 20 20%

40 35
No of Respondents

38 28 20 14

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1

4) Which part of your news paper you like the most



Political news Local news Ads Sports news Articles Others

36 24 22 8 7 3

36% 24% 22% 8% 7% 3%

40 35
No. of Respondents


30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Political new s Local new s Ads Sports new s Articles



7 3

5) Which do you choose Vijay Karnataka as a media for advertisement.

More Circulation Reasonable Price 68 32 68% 32%

No. of Respondents

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



M ore Circulation

Reasonable Price

6) Which supplement of the Vijay Karnataka paper you like most.

Krishi vijaya Mahila Vijaya Saptahika Vijaya 6 20 46 6% 20% 46%



Udyog Vijaya



50 45
No. of Respondents


40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

28 20

Krishi vijaya Mahila Vijaya Saptahika Vijaya Udyog Vijaya

7 ) Mahila Vijaya is popular because

It provides Beauty tips It provides Health tips It provides Kitchen tips 33 46 21 33% 46% 21%

50 45 No. of Respondents 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 It provides Beauty tips 33



It provides Health tips

It provides Kitchen tips

8 ) How do you rate Vijay Karnataka services

Extremely Good Very Good Neither Good / Bad 55 33 8 55% 33% 8%



Very Bad Extremely Bad

4 0

4% 0%

No. of Respondents


50 40 33 30 20 10 0 8 4 0
E xtrem ely G ood Very G ood N either G ood / B ad Very B ad E xtrem ely B ad

9) Express your level of satisfaction about the news provided by the Vijay Karnataka
Satisfied Most Satisfied NES / US MUS US
No. of Respondents

52 25 14 9 0

52% 25% 14% 9% 0%

50 40 30 20 10 0


25 14 9 0
S tisfie a d M ost S tisfie a d N S/ U E S MS U U S





S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Q3 (a) 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 Q3 (b) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 Q3 (c) 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Q3 (d) 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 Q4 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 3 3 3 5 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 Q5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Q6 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 Q7 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Q8 2 3 Q9 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 1



41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

3 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 3 2

1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 2 1

3 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2

2 1 5 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 3 2 1 4 2 1 5 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 4 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2

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1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

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83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

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3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3

1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2

4 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




1. 60% of the respondents read Vijay Karnataka because of its coverage. 2. 36% of the respondents prefer political news in Vijay Karnataka. 3. 68% of the respondents prefer Vijaya Karnataka for advertisement because of its circulation. 4. 46% of the respondents prefer Saptahika Vijaya supplement of Vijay Karnataka. 5. 46% of the respondents read Mahila Vijaya because it provides health tips. 6. 55% of respondents opinion is that Vijay Karnataka paper is extremely good. 7. 52% of the respondents are satisfied and 25% of the respondents are mostly satisfied. 14% of the respondents are neither satisfied or unsatisfied and 9% of the respondents are mostly unsatisfied. SUGGESTIONS It has to provide more job applications. It has to provide discovery oriented news along with regular supplements at reasonable price.



QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/mada Name Address Mobile No. Phone No. : ________________________________________________ : ________________________________________________ : _____________________ : _____________________

1. Annual Income Below 50,000 1,00,000-2,00,000 From 50,000 to 1,00,000 Above 2,00,000

2. How many of your family members read newspaper ______________ 3. Why do you read Vijay Karnataka newspaper (Rank 1 for the most important reason and 2 for the next and so on, News Coverage Local News Price Advertisement

4. Which part of your newspaper you like the most Political news Local news Ads Sports news Articles Others



5. Why do you choose Vijay Karnataka as a media for advertisement. More circulations Reasonable price

6. Which supplement of the Vijay Karnataka paper you like most Krishi Vijaya Saptahika Vijaya Mahila Vijaya Udyog Vijaya

7. For which of the following reasons is Mahila Vijaya popular It provides Beauty tips It provides Health tips It provides Kitchen tips

8. Overall, How do you rate Vijay Karnataka services Extremely Good Neither Good Nor Bad Extremely Bad Very Good Very Bad

9. Express your level of satisfaction about the news provided the Vijay karnataka. Satisfied Mostly satisfied Mostly Neither satisfied / Unsatisfied

10. Any other opinion about Vijay Karnataka newspaper.



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Thank you for your kind co-operation.




BIBILOGRAPHY 1. websites : www.polynter .com 2. Journals 3. company magazines



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