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LA PASIVA se forma con be y el participio en pasado. Activa.Someone painted ti in 1992, pasiva-> It was painted in 1912.

tiempo Present simple Present continuos Present perfect simple past simple Past continuos Past perfect future simple future continuos Future Perfect Modales paint(s) is are painting has/have painted painted was / were painting had painted will paint will be painted Will have painted Can paint Should have painted activa pasiva IS / are painted is / are Benin painted has/have benn painted was / were painted was/were Being painted had been painted will be painted will be Being painted Will have been painted can be painted should have benn painted

USOS: La pasiva se usa cuando queremos centrarnos en la accion y cuando no sabemos o no nos importa quin ( who) o qu ( what ) la realiza. The sculpture was stolen last night Si queremos indicar el sujeto agente, lo ponemos al final detrs de la preposicin by The scream was painted by Edvard munch. My life was changad by this paintig Omitimos by + el sujeto agente cuando la accin es mas importante que la persona o cosa que la hace, cuando no sabemos quen la hace o es obvio. Is rice grown in asia? The library was built in the early nineteenth century. I0ven been robbed Las preguntas en voz pasiva llevan el sujeto detrs del primer verbo auxiliar. When will they seel the house? when will the house be sold? VERBS WITH TWO OBJECTS. Algunos verbos como give, teach, tell, send, lend, offer, promise, sell, buy, keep, make y show van seguidos de un complemento indirecto de persona o uno directo. My neighbour offered me a lift to work Estas oraciones se pasan a pasiva de dos formas. a) i was offered a lift to work b) a lift to work was offered to me. HAVE/GET something done -> Have / get + complemento + participio de pasado. A-You should have your eyes tested N-I have not had the computer fixed

I- Are you gettin your haird cut? Utilizamos esta estructura para expresar las cosas que encargamos a otras personas porque nosotros no podemos o no quermeos hacerlas.

TAREAS DOMESTICAS / DEPORTES - DO Make + suj `inp. Picassos Guernica was move to spain from nY. This painting can be interpreted. in a number of different ways The sculptura might be taken out of the country ONky two of the paintings in this exibition havent sold The art museum is been restore The restoration work will be complete CAN BE + P.P, YET-PRESENT PERFECT, AHORA-PRESENTE CONTINUO. Pasiva con aux modal. Aux + Be `PP. They must close the door. The door must he closed. sub+verb have+OBJECT+PP. Where was last year exhibition hold?. Are these persons beergused by anybody at the moment? Is the winner of the.. is going to be announce Graffiti is consider by some... Be clean at the taxplayer. Punisher, were send, have been cover, was ell, have been employed, were describe, will show, will ask. TRANSFORMING SENTENCES. Active: An art dealer bought the paintings -> The paintings were bought by an art dealer. Active: They will auction her works next friday.-> Her works will be auctioned next friday Lara and I missed the last bus. Lara suggested going by taxi Jeremy was still in bed at midday. His mum told him to wae up beaceuse it was 3oc. It was very hot in the car. I asked to open the windows. I had the hiccups. My friend sue suggested drinking some water. I found and mp3 in school,. My teacher told me to camy it to the last office. The presenter asked brian to tell the listeners about a rotter worrying trend on the internt. Brian told partent to be vigilant and make your childrens ware of the hamful effect of sprea. The presenter asked brian what types of rumors bloggers had spread. Briadn replied that one rumour fabley had descfribed a common drug as hamfull Presenter asked brian if anything could be done to stop that.

Madrid airpot wasnt design by calatrava. Lunch is serve in the cafe. Mobile phones must be turn off. The cta statues have benn seen by million.. this gallery is being closed for .. joe says he might have done during.. Chris isn here at ht.. he is having hes hair cut. We usuarrly have our eyes tested.. Cahy had a tooth removed at the.. I thint i will have new shelves fifted. otro ejercicio. Julio had her ears pierced last week. My sister hasnt had her weeding drees made myet. Im having a photo taken now. When did you have a tatto done? I will have my nails painted next day... OTRO EJERCICIO.Marina abramovic, have explore, was bron, moved, lives, has been rescue, includes, was film.. OTRO EJERCICIO.she looks as if shes had her.. extensions done... ive been told.. to get... should get... to look her best. ESTILO INDIRECTO. Se usa para expresar lo que han dicho otros sin repetir sus mismas palabras. E.D -> im leaving, she announced, e.I She announced that she was leaving. Imt tired of this game, vicky admmitted. Vicy admitted that she was tired of that game.

Directo this these here now today/tonight Yesterday The day before yesterday tomorrow The day after tomorrow Nex week / month Last week / Year Three hours ago that those there then


that day/that night the day before Two days before the next / following day Two days later the following week / month Thw week / the previous wekk Three hours before

I called you yesterday, he explained -> He explained that he had called me the day before REPORTING VERBS. para introducir estilo indirecto usabmos verbos como say, admit, mention, state, announce, declare, explain, warn y advise seguidos de that.

I want to go to the library he said - He said that he wanted to go to the library. Los verbos tell, beg, offer, invite, order y remind van seguidos de un complemento indirecto de persona. I havent invited andy to the party, sam told me. Sam told me that he had not invited andy to the party. REPORTED STATEMENTS. Las oraciones enunciativas en estilo indirecto tienen la siguiente estructura: Reporting verb + that + sujeto + verbo. You need to press this button, he explained -> he explained that i needed to press that button. Si el reporting verb va en pasado, el verbo retroduce un tiempo verbal. Cuando el reporting verb va en presente, no hay cambio de tiempo berbal. The bus will be late, he says. He says that the bus will be late. REPORTED COMMANDS, REQUEST AND SUGGESTIONS. Las ordenes y peticiones en estilo indirecto se suelen expresar con los verbos tell y ask y la estructura siguiente: Reporting verb + complemento indirecto + (not) to + infinitivo. Tidy up your room, mum said. Mum told me to tidy up my room. Please dont leave me alone billy said. Bill begged me not to leave him alone SUGGESTIONS. Las sugerencias se xpresan con el verbo suggest y -ing o cloused. Lets eat here, ed Said. Ed suggested that we eat there , ed suggested eating there. estilo directo presente simple -> I dont enjoy this job estilo indirecto Past simple-> she declared that se didnt enjoy that job Past continuous. He said he was going home Past perfect simple. She said that sue hadnt offered her a drink Past Perfect simple. She told me that hed just left the building Would. You promised me that you would always love me Could. She said that she couldent open that tin Might. He mentioned that he might called me later

Present continuous-> Im going home Past simple. Sue dident offer me a drink

Present perfect smple. Hes just left the building Future simle. I Will always love you

FCan, I cant open this tin

May. I May call you later

estilo directo

estilo indirecto

Have to / Must I have to finish this essay Had to. He said that he had to finish that essay

(wh-)+Aux+sub+verb-> where do you lve? What have you done this morning? The teacher ask me what i have that i done this mornig Julia told me she never said anytng, steve said he didnt wont speak to paul again, emeily confessed she had lied about my age, amy and fred said they have forgotten to phone caty. The teacher asked her students what they were going. TIm wondered who had started those rumours. Mark asked if anyone knew when the royal wedding was. The teacher told us to be quiet, sue suggested going for a picnic. Why dont you ask sally out. Kevin is go out with lisa. I fall for ellen.. Tey are diverced, they split up. Mike has fallen out with his parents. That arguments.. make up. Accrding to the stereotype... subconsciuous, hierachy... ego, social dynamics.
EJERCICIO WOORKBOOk. already made.. also doing.. didnt make.. already made otro. They said were going yo london next day. She said had never been to morocco. They said they hadnt see me at the concert. He said woulden be at school the next day. They said that they couldnt find a present. They said they dident came very often.

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