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Institution of home schooling in Spain

Name: Ignacio Gonzlez Garrido Erasmus Student Date: 09/02/2012


What it is Homeschooling?.................................................................................3 History..3 History in Spain...4 Methodology Homeschooling.5 Legislation in Spain....6 Legislation in Catalua...7 Associations in Spain (ALE) .....8 Question about the homeschooling....9

Some experiences of people who have home schooled10 Bibliografy...12

What it is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home education or home based learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to attending public or private schools. Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of homeschooling parents in the United States are concern about the traditional school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and dissatisfaction with academic instruction at traditional public and private schools. Homeschooling may also be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling can be an option for families living in isolated rural locations, living temporarily abroad, and to allow for more traveling; also many young athletes and actors are taught at home. Homeschooling can be about mentorship and apprenticeship, where a tutor or teacher is with the child for many years and then knows the child very well. Homeschooling may also refer to instruction in the home under the supervision of correspondence schools or umbrella schools. In some places, an approved curriculum is legally required if children are to be home-schooled. A curriculum-free philosophy of homeschooling may be called unschooling, a term coined in 1977 by American educator and author John Holt in his magazine Growing Without Schooling. In some cases a liberal arts education is provided using the trivium and quadrivium as the main model.

History It is difficult to say exactly when home schooling started although the example of Alexander the Great being taught 'at home' by Aristotle more than 2,500 years ago is often cited as being the first case of home schooling. In fact it was not until late in the 19th century that states began passing legislation compelling parents to send their children to public schools and, up until this time, all children were home schooled. However, when we talk about home schooling today we are really talking about a movement away from the public schools and back into home schooling which was born in the mid 1960s out of the views of three people in particular. The first and perhaps most influential was John Holt who was an Ivy League graduate and teacher who was unhappy with the public school system and sought at first to reform it. Realizing however that this was an impossible task he advocated adopting a home schooling approach and wrote extensively on the subject over a period of more than twenty years. In 1964 John Holt wrote his first book entitled 'How Children Fail' and went on to coin the term 'unschooling' which eschews any form of structured education, including the use of curricula and schedules. In 1977 he also published the first edition of 'Growing Without Schooling', a bimonthly magazine for home schoolers.

The second modern advocate of home schooling was Raymond Moore who was a devout Christian and ex-missionary who saw in the public schools a philosophy which ran counter to his religious beliefs. Raymond Moore believed that education should be about much more than simply teaching facts and figures and focused his attention on many of the negative aspects of public schooling which he saw not least as being the violence seen in so many of our public schools. Moore advocated that parents should resume responsibility for the education of their children and, in particular, for the moral and spiritual education of their children, ensuring that children were prepared to enter into the adult world with a sound set of values on which to base their lives.

The third main player in the birth of the modern home schooling movement was Ayn Rand who was a novelist and philosopher. Although Ayn Rand did not write specifically on the subject of education (with the exception of a few essays) her wider views gave birth to the modern libertarian movement and views on a wide range of subjects including education.

Her views, expressed largely during the 1960s, were accepted widely and indeed out of them was born a political party this was, and remains, opposed to any form of state sponsored education system and, in particular, to any form of compulsory public education system. Libertarians however are not simply opposed to compulsory state education and negative in their approach, but also advocate the restoration of an education system which focuses on children as individuals and on developing a child's own innate creativity.

All three of these views on the subject of education grew together during the second half of the twentieth century and, despite the fact that they are three radically different philosophies, they all have as their basis a common theme - that the public school is failing and will continue to fail because it does not deliver a satisfactory quality of education in and environment which is safe and which encourages the child to learn. In addition, all three views clearly advocate putting both the intellectual and moral development of the child in the center of the educational stage.

History in Spain homeschooling

The History of Homeschooling in Spain is not clear. The current movement is due to its low growth and bad everything is still precarious. However, the first dates on homeschooling dating at the time of Franco, in which some parents preferred their children were not at school. There was even a law that allowed it. But when it was expanded in the late 80's and early 90's, especially in foreign families (Swedish, English ...). . Since 92 is appealed to the people who educated at home, and created a core homogeneous as the name was Growing up without school. It was with the expansion of the Internet when homeschoolig also fostered through forums and email, and can reach more people and more easily.

Growing without Schooling Association began to spread and began to create different branches. Until ALE (Asociacin Libre de Enseanza/Free Education Association) was formed. Of this, and because of its growth, it also created other associations. At first there was no contact with any administration, but after the founding of ALE since mid 2000, attempts to speak with management. They start the first contacts, discussions with the ministry of education of a proposal to discover and regulation, but no success, the answer given is that since the ministry is not going to play, it was up to each region. And since then sn has been around, except in Catalunya and the Pas Vasco, which have achieved some important steps to get that home education is legal. So, Where is now Spain? It can be said to be in the same place 10-15 years ago, there has been no progress, but the public is sensitized to the subject, though it is a complicated subject is always treated with respect, contrary to what might happen in other countries.

Methodology Homeschooling

Homeschools use a wide variety of methods and materials. There are different paradigms, or educational philosophies, that families adopt including unit studies, Classical education (including Trivium, Quadrivium), Charlotte Mason education, Montessori method, Theory of multiple intelligences, Unschooling, Radical Unschooling, Waldorf education, School-at-home, A Thomas Jefferson Education, and many others. Some of these approaches, particularly unit studies, Montessori, and Waldorf, are also available in private or public school settings. It is not uncommon for the student to experience more than one approach as the family discovers what works best for them. Many families do choose an eclectic (mixed) approach. For sources of curricula and books, "Homeschooling in the United States: 2003" found that 78 percent utilized "a public library"; 77 percent used "a homeschooling catalog, publisher, or individual specialist"; 68 percent used "retail bookstore or other store"; 60 percent used "an education publisher that was not affiliated with homeschooling." "Approximately half" used curriculum or books from "a homeschooling organization", 37 percent from a "church, synagogue or other religious institution" and 23 percent from "their local public school or district." 41 percent in 2003 utilized some sort of distance learning, approximately 20 percent by "television, video or radio"; 19 percent via "Internet, e-mail, or the World Wide Web"; and 15 percent taking a "correspondence course by mail designed specifically for homeschoolers." Individual governmental units, e. g. states and local districts, vary in official curriculum and attendance requirements.

The methodology of homeschooling Spanish parents who are too heterogeneous and would be difficult to establish a clear and concise guidelines, but what is clear is that the families have a flexible view of what should be education and learning. This idea is based on the conviction that it is precisely the homeschool adaptability to individual needs and pace of each child the great advantage over the traditional system. This individualized approach to learning pace of each student is obtained through flexibility.

According to a series of surveys conducted informally, the analysis can be drawn is that almost half of households used a methodology of a formal, tailored to different levels of knowledge acquisition that occur within the school system. Another important fact that emerges is that the difference in methodology is applied to meet the early learning stages. So a majority still an informal metodoloa, we might describe as unschooling, until the child reaches 6 to 8 years, as appropriate. From there the trend is the adoption of more formal methods, and the incorporation of distance education.

Legislation in Spain

Home schooling in Spain is not declared as unconstitutional. Being a current topic still in its infancy and there is a legal vacuum. Although it is subject to legal regulation. However in 2010 the Supreme Court agreed that parents could homeschool, but left is always a chance to review legislation and make home schooling was legal.

Thus, the Supreme Court established that judgment, referring to compulsory schooling and the possibility of a law regulating homeschooling that "this mean that, in view of Art. 27 EC can not be excluded other legislative options to incorporate some flexibility into the education system and, in particular basic education, without allowing leave to give satisfaction to the purpose which must govern its configuration rules (art. 27.2 CE) and others for their elements as defined by the Constitution (Article 27.4, 5 and 8 CE). However, concepts of what should be the features of that regime's alternative regulation of basic education to be compulsory under the Constitution is a question whose elucidation in the abstract exceeds duties of the Constitutional Court not to set himself up as a positive legislator ". Families who advocate home schooling, show the laws of the Spanish Constitution indicating why homeschooling should be allowed. These laws are: Article 27, 1. The freedom of teaching. 3. The public authorities guarantee the right belonging to the parents so that their children receive religious and moral instruction in accordance with their convictions. Article 10.

1. The dignity, the inviolable rights which are inherent, the free development of personality, respect for the law and the rights of others are the foundation of public order and social peace. 2. The rules relating to fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by the Constitution shall be construed in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties and agreements thereon ratified by Spain. Article 26 1. Elementary education shall be compulsory 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. PROTOCOL 1, ARTICLE 2 OF THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (1952) 'No one shall be denied the right to education. In the exercise of any function assumed in relation to education and teaching, the State shall respect the rights of parents to ensure such education and teaching in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions. ' CIVIL CODE Article 154. 1. Parental authority is exercised always to the benefit of children, according to their personality, and includes the following duties and powers: 2. Watch over them, keep company, feed them, educate them and provide them a comprehensive education.. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Some families have been "reported" to the social welfare departments not to enroll in school for their children. Was considered in these cases, the non-attendance as a sign of neglect or abandonment. Very few of these "complaints" has come to court. Most of the judges dismissed the case to check that there is no abandonment of obligations, but rather a greater zeal than usual. In most trials have taken place, the judgment was favorable to families. In the worst case, has "condemned" to parents to enroll in school. Common sense would threaten to withdraw the custody of the children having established that there is the alleged neglect. Such a thing has never happened. However, to feel so harassed, some parents have given up the intention to educate their children at home sometime in the hard process. In one case the complaint was directed against a group that provided education to children.


Furthermore, and as we said earlier, the ministry left this issue in the hands of each Autonomous Community for themselves should decide on home schooling. Thus, in one of these regions was more progress than others. Catalonia was the most advanced and July 10, 2009 departed New Catalan law of education. Article 55 contemplates the 'Education does not face' for compulsory education, exceptionally, under certain circumstances to be established at the time the 'Departament d'Ensenyament'.

Associations in Spain

In the last 25-30 years there have been several associations in Spain ready to get that home education is legal, however, the most important and currently makes the most important work is expensive ALE.

ALE (Asociacin Libre de Enseanza/ Teaching free Association)

ALE brings together families and individuals who believe that homeschooling is a responsible and appropriate option for their children.

They seek to achieve, in Spain, the very legality of enjoying the Home Education in other European Union countries and America (United Kingdom, France, USA, Canada ...), although this proposal because surprise, since it is widely believed that the best way is education in a different environment surrounded by family and peers. Appealing to basic rights in terms of freedoms recognized in our Constitution in Article 27, struggling to find ways to the diversity of educational responsibility.

ALE states that we live in a time of profound sociological change where the environment has lost its role as a transmitter of values and the school is overwhelmed by the need to offer a training curriculum and, simultaneously, address the lack of trainers "curriculum hidden "(values education, discipline, moral ...), we think that being an area school can not afford the fullest, no reason to rule out other educational possibilities. The parents and legal guardians are ultimately responsible for the education of our daughters and sons, believe in an education to acquire skills for responsible citizenship in a changing world, capable of managing personal conflicts, understand the vast amount of data and information that are characteristic of our time, but do not believe that this objective can be achieved by everyone through the same route. The Home Education is a valid alternative in a mature society, pluralist and genuinely democratic.

The objectives of this association are:

- Uphold the right of families to educate their children, so full and conscious, in the home.

- Providing information on this educational option to all those who are interested in it.

- Create support networks for families who educate their children at home.

- Claim the legal recognition of this educational option so that they can obtain, without penalty of age, presenting official transcripts of the evidence for free that exist in the classroom teaching (Graduate School, Baccalaureate General Test, Test Access to the University and others).

- To ensure an enriching exchange between homeschooling and educational institutions.

- Maintain contact with other groups inside and outside the Spanish state.

- Not linked, or be the spokesperson for any political movement, religious or educational.

QUESTION ABOUT THE HOMESCHOOLING Why do some families choose home education? Families who opt for home education do so for various reasons. Some wield pedagogical reasons, religious or ideological, others consider this the most appropriate alternative for the acquisition of knowledge and skills to their children. In any case, the guardians of these children, they choose this option because they believe they can offer equal or better education if not delegated to schools.

Is it true that if the child has a full socialization should go to school? This section will delve into the word "socialize", from the point of view of "learning to live in society." Historically people have been socialized in their immediate surroundings, the family (siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins ...), neighbors and friends. The children who are educated at home have more time to live with people of different ages and conditions, rather than be subjected to living with the same with one or a few adult references for most of the day and dosed in small recesses . Children educated at home tend to manifest more freely and spontaneously at any meeting. Most perform training activities (music, painting, computers, workshops, sports ...) with other people that are collaborative teams from the motivation and desire to do things. In U.S. studies showed that adults who were educated at home have communication skills, job level, economic and social well or better than those who were educated in schools. Therefore, this option does not create educational precisely misfits.

Do children with learning disabilities or easy to learn, be educated at home? Few educational institutions have the capacity to accommodate different learning styles of boys. When added together, learning disabilities dyslexia type, physical or psychological problems, the number of centers that can deal with these situations is very low. The same difficulties arise with having a learning level above the average of the class. Parents who choose not to provide schooling for these children may need expert advice, but in many cases, can help their children better than in school by providing individualized education, tailored to your pace, needs and abilities. How deschool my son/daughter? There is no procedure is not covered since this possibility in the current rules. In general, communicate in writing to the center where they enrolled as of the date will cause low in the center, to avoid being accused of Truancy. If you have decided to enroll the child in a remote, you will be notified in the same letter, that from the center receives a request for transfer of the file. The strategies to be followed depend on the autonomous region, and place of residence (small town, big city ...). It is very important to consult with families who have been unschooled their children in the same area. Should we follow the official curriculum? Depend solely on educational strategies the parents' choice. There are families who scrupulously follow the official syllabus. Others use them as reference, but give preference to the child's motivation for some issues and how to address it more attractive. Some families take advantage of the natural curiosity and do not follow any structured curriculum. In all cases, what prevails is a comprehensive education in which the idiosyncrasies of each family is transmitted to the sons and daughters. Yes we can advise on this documentation and file everything worked at home, with periodic reports, etc. in order to present in case of any legal problem. Do you need tutors, tutoring or distance learning courses? In principle no, but there are families that use this type of support. Is Homeschooling expensive? You can get a quality education at home while spending less than the school. If you buy the textbooks, not more expensive than when you go to school. Furthermore, the family can choose the most convenient (for content or price). For reading books can use the services of lending libraries. Teaching materials can be mainly household recyclables. While specific materials are bought, hardly exceed the amount which is required every year in school.


The information in quantity and quality, is available to all families in public libraries, toy libraries, museums, internet, radio, television ... Of course, families invest in education of the children as they deem necessary, including the time and dedication to be paternal and maternal detract from paid work.

Some experiences of people who have home schooled After two years of homeschooling by: Azucena When our first child desescolarizamos felt a mixture of tranquility (for doing what we thought best) and fear (for the answer would our environment). Today, two years later, we just have tranquility and peace of mind. Those of our environment that we do not understand or did not relate to us, were our friends, and to fear too much of themselves to not want to face the fact that we must remind ourselves to or bound to question. The others, who love us, they have been accepted. Some support us, and others, but do not opt for it, understand us, and above all the people who love us, accept and respect us, even the most reluctant at first. I think that's the way it always goes in life when you do something different, some the "sissies" and "hypocrites" dropped, but those who love you, take you on your way and strengthen you, and thanks to them homeschooling is also easier for us.

Reasons not to school by: Sybil No escolarizo my children for many reasons, not only by the quality of education, but for all that the school brings in values, customs and social polarization in addition to not share much of the agenda and feel that is an incredible mass manipulation . I do not consider healthy physical, mental, much less spiritual. I think the first thing you should do is search for oneness with the All and, from there, just be and allow us to give ourselves to others. Schools do not have that purpose, not even convey a lot of alternatives and personal insecurity. Just looking outside and thinking more of others than in our own Internal Teacher. The approach emerged, and before you were pregnant, the father, for his strong desire to emasculate no children. He is very fond of chess. I knew of world champions who have succeeded in life without going to school. I thought that was illegal and that, moreover, the weight of education would fall on me, scaring me. Now I see that is not I who are educated, but life itself. Education comes from within outward, not from outside to inside. I decided to leave it with me and feel, as fears were dispelled a few days, leave of question. The school seemed unnatural, a break. With them did not apply any method of teaching. Just try to live as pure as possible and irradiarles my Light. Since they were born with me all the places you go and in everything I do, whether social, labor, family, spiritual, associational, leisure, etc ... They learn from it what they want to learn when you want to learn. For example, on January 28 came to Crete, Greece and we are here in all about six weeks. During


this month I accompanied a natural birth at home, advice on breastfeeding, newborn care, feeding, etc ... I'm going to an Orthodox Church to help paint giant fresh icons, meditate a lot, collect olives, herbs and various wood . We read the Bible, play guitar, we buy and the beach, answer e-mail and letters, writing a book ... and do everything in their company. If they want they can also learn the language, geography and art and history, and mathematics (buying). They do not carry car but living here breathe art, history, sociology, botany and ethnology of the place. This is how I teach them something. Let's say that the teachings are not individual or independent but they go together, collectively. No language classes, music, art, mathematics, biology, geology, religion, history, gym ... But everything is integrated, is One How to search for oneness with the whole if not our own life is attached? Again, for me the most important thing is to feel connected with the Cosmos, they can be themselves and express love. We do not work with any educational material beyond that offers real-life world of adults, although we do have an encyclopedia, atlas and lots of good literature, spiritual, scientific and literary. I've never made any specific time to teach them anything. I try to answer all your questions when they arise and spend time when I claim it, whether to play, walk, write, read, meditate, talk, dance, painting, music, eating or whatever. Are equally involved in my life and our environment than I do. Equally involved in my love life, social, occupational, intellectual, associational, etc ... We have many deep and sincere friendship. They relate to them as with the numerous people who come to the farm independently, not because my children.

Nor do I evaluate the knowledge acquired for, verily, even if it seems a bit silly edge or I do not care. What matters is their internal balance and spirituality, and yet it is his way, not mine. From what I worry really is to be a perfect person, balanced and serene, full of light, love and divinity. From there, irradiarles and protect but not only them, but to all. I have not any account of institutionalized education. I tell you, do not share the theme of the schools or their concept of wisdom. For me the wisest not the most intellectual knowledge has but the one that domestic remedies have. Wisdom is in college, but in Being I have never been to inform my children of how physicists for schools not part of my way or seeking or transmission. On socialization have never felt any concern. Leila and Altair are very sociable and adapt to any situation. In turn, are very introspective independent and alone. That's enough. From what I have seen in other school children, is common to all of them know how to treat people of all ages, learn from everyone and love everyone, not just their age.


Think about their future than one who is confident and connected to the whole is actually "eat the world" is happy, you can work on anything and it does what you really want. I think, feel and see that this kind of teaching involves a lot of self-confidence for both parents and children.

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