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ABSTRACT By Wita Rianti

Leadership is the ability and readiness of a person to be able to influence, encourage, invite, monitor and if necessary, forcing others to accept that influence. Furthermore do something that could help to achieve a particular purpose and objectives. The school principal has a duty to organize and mobilize most of people (teachers) who have different attitudes, behaviors and also different backgrounds. To get a teacher who can help the task of leadership to be optimally, it requires a leader who is able to direct and change the behavior of subordinates to achieve organizational goals to the fullest. Teachers have a duty as a teacher who did the transfer of knowledge. In addition, teacher educators as well as transfer values as well as mentors who provide direction and guide students in learning. Job satisfaction is seen from his duties as teacher educators are professionals as well as the fit between the expectations of teachers in return provided by the organization. Teacher's performance will be optimal, when integrated with components of the school, both principal and an adequate infrastructure work. Teachers who have good performance certainly has his personal commitment that is reflected in a plenary personality and dedication. The level of teacher commitment lies in a line continuum, moving from the lowest to highest. Through the reform, the future of education should be oriented to provide a guarantee for the realization of human rights to develop the full potential and optimal performance. To answer the problem in this study, it has been tested with data processing using multiple linear regression. From the results of data processing have been successfully addressed the problems the hypothesis that there is significant influence between principal leadership to teacher performance, which amounted to 42.9% with a degree of influence (R square) of 18.4% which means that the principal's leadership contributed18.4% of teachers' performance in school. There is a significant influence on the performance of job satisfaction among teachers, which amounted to 46.7% with a degree of influence (R square) of 28.4% which means that job satisfaction accounts for 28.4% of the performance of teachers in schools. There is a significant relationship between principal leadership and job satisfaction on the performance of teachers, which is equal to 0.454 or 45.4% with a degree of influence (R square) of 0.206 or 20.6%, which means that principal leadership and job satisfaction contributed by 20 , 6% on the performance of teachers in schools. Keyword : Principal Leadership, Teacher Job Satisfaction, Teacher Performance

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