C. Frederick Taylor

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1. ..Considered the father of scientific management. a. Robert Owen b. Walter Dill Scott c. Frederick Taylor d. Charles Babbage 2. .

school of thought upholds the process of Organizational transactions to be documented. a. Administrative Management b. Bureaucratic Organization c. Scientific management d. Human relations thought 3. Organizational roles that involve serving as a figurehead, leader, and liaison for an organization are called.. a. Interpersonal Roles b. Informational Roles c. Decisional Roles d. None 4. Organizations exist to help .. satisfy its needs a. Society b. Corporate c. Individual d. All the above 5. ................. is a process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing directions to coordinate activities of the organizations. a. Controlling b. Coordinating c. Leading d. Planning 6. ............ Charts help to summarize work activities and identify those tasks that should be performed simultaneously or sequentially. a. Gantt b. Specialization c. Quality circles d. Taylors

7. Hawthorne experiments were carried out in a. Rand Corporation b. Western electric c. Microsoft d. IBM 8. Abraham Maslows theory identifies.. sets of basic human needs a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 5 9. The belief that the techniques appropriate for a manager to use depend on the specific situation is a. Contingency theory b. Systems perspective c. Human relations d. Scientific school 10. A view of an organization as made up a number of interrelated elements is.. a. Modern management b. Classical thought c. Systems perspective d. Administrative school 11. Planning is a process that involves defining the organizations a. Goals b. Leadership c. Governance d. Sales 12. .forecast is a projection of the expected sales. a. Sales b. Market growth c. GDP d. National income

13. Keeping all options open approach at all times .. a. Contingency planning b. Strategic plans c. Procedural planning d. None 14. is the process in planning done for the purpose of continuous learning and improvement? a. TQM b. PCMM c. Controlling d. All the above 15. A .is an explicit statement that tells an employee what he or she can and cannot do. a. Procedure b. Standard c. Rule d. Regulation 16. approach in planning allows the lower and middle level managers to plan. a. Top down approach b. Horizontal planning c. Bottom up approach d. Judgmental planning 17. Planning is the .function of management a. Supportive b. Complementary c. Primary d. Secondary 18. method of forecasting ignores factors like sudden changes in consumer tastes and preferences, technical innovations, change in political climate, etc. a. Extrapolation b. Interpolation c. Judgmental d. Technical

19. Systematic approach in forecasting are derived from the a. Economic theory b. Inferences c. Mathematical theory d. All the above 20. Planning provides direction to .. a. Managers and non-mangers b. Managers only c. Top management d. Operations 21. The official structures and systems consciously designed by organizational members to accomplish organizational goals a. Formal organization b. Informal organization c. Classical organization d. All the above 22. The term organization structure describes the . Framework a. Social b. Organizational c. Functional d. Regional 23. One of the following is not a process of organizing a. Leading b. Division of work c. Establishing the relationships d. Delegating authority 24. ..is a means of dividing a large and complex organization into smaller, flexible administrative units. a. Departmentation b. Division c. Grouping d. Specification

25. structure organizations simultaneously integrate and use two or more organizational structures a. Team b. Matrix c. Vertical d. Virtual 26. According to .. Principle, a manager should be able to handle what number of employees under him should be decided. a. Controlling b. Authority c. Delegation d. Span 27. .is the capacity of a superior to make decision affecting the behavior of subordinates a. Responsibility b. Authority c. Delegation d. None 28. Delegation process involves ..distinct stages. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 29. ..states that for any given activity an employee should be made accountable to only one superior. a. Principle of unity of command b. Authority principle c. Scalar chain d. All the above 30. . is an act of trust, an expression of confidence. a. Delegation b. Authority c. Coordination d. Organizing

31. Staffing is concerned with the management of .in an organization. a. Human beings b. Machines c. Jobs d. None 32. .is the method of comparing subordinates actual performance to the standards that have been set a. Appraising performance b. Reward management c. Compensation management d. Balanced scorecard 33. A series of job-related questions that focus on how the candidate would behave in a given situation is called.. a. Behavioral interview b. Situational interview c. Stress interview d. All the above 34. . Is a method in which a group of interviewers questions the applicant a. Panel interview b. Situational interview c. Behavioral interview d. Stress interview 35. On the Job Training take place in a . Situation a. Normal working b. Class room c. Informal setting d. Absence of machines 36. ..is best described as the process from which managers learn and improve their skills not only to benefit themselves but also their employing organizations. a. Management Development b. Career development c. Human resource planning d. None

37. In this method a scale that lists a number of traits and a range of performance values for each trait that is used to identify the score that best describes an employees level of performance for each trait. a. MBO b. Graphic rating scales c. Paired comparison method d. Alternation ranking method 38. ..involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the progress made. a. Graphic rating scales b. Paired comparison method c. Management by objectives d. Management by exception 39. A ..is a move from the employees current position into a different position in a higher salary grade. a. Promotion b. Transfer c. Demotion d. Exit 40. One of the following methods is not Off the Job Training. a. Orientation training b. Management Games c. Role Playing d. Behavior Modeling 41. The order of direction vocally discuss and matter that had be instructed. a. Content b. Time c. People d. None

42. is the process by which individuals select a course of action among several alternatives, to produce a desired result. a. Innovation b. Decision making c. Problem solving d. Imagination 43. Basic decisions are one-time decisions demanding large investments, creativeness and good judgment on the part of managers. a. Routine b. Unique c. Programmed d. Un programmed 44. The concept of MBO was first given by Peter Drucker in the year ... a. 1956 b. 1970 c. 1954 d. 1980 45. Semantic is the study of meaning in . a. Language b. Action c. Words d. All the above 46. .. is a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals. a. Leading b. Motivation c. Controlling d. Planning 47. Theories that focus on what factors (needs) motivate people are . a. Content b. Contemporary c. Process d. All the above

48. Alderfer has provided an extension of... a. Herzberg theory b. Equity theory c. Maslows need hierarchy d. Vrooms theory 49. The need to dominate, influence and control people. a. Need for achievement b. Need for power c. Need for existence d. None 50. The probability that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance is.. a. Expectancy b. Valence c. Motive d. Reward 51. ..........................refers to the blending of all efforts and activities and forces operating within an organisation or enterprise. a. External coordination b. Internal co-ordination c. Both d. None 52. Control in management means setting standards, measuring ..and taking corrective action. a. Actual performance b. Projected performance c. Past performance d. None 53. Control is a process. a. Separate b. Distinct c. Continuous d. None

54. There are basic elements in a control system. a. One b. Four c. Two d. Three 55. .. Is also called real-time control a. Feedback b. Concurrent c. Feed forward d. All 56. Co-ordination is the integrating process in an orderly pattern of group efforts in an organization toward the accomplishment of ................ a. Common objective b. Primary objective c. Shared objective d. All 57. . is a process of gathering information about the completed activity. a. Feedback control b. Concurrent control c. Real time control d. None 58. Technique of coordination is. a. Communication b. Planning c. Chain of command d. Leading 59. Predictive control is also called the.. a. Feedforward control b. Concurrent control c. Real time control d. None

60. Coordination between different level of organization is. a. External coordination b. Customer coordination c. Internal coordination d. All 61.

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