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Application Form No.

Category: I / II / III / IV: ___________
Recommendations of Scrutiny Committee as:

TALENT SCHOLARSHIPS (Session 2008 - 2009)

Received on _____________
Checked by: Designation: Sign:
(For office use only)

Eligible/ Rejected/ Pending:

(For office use only)


Particulars of the Worker


i) Name with Parentage:

ii) Postal Address:

iii) Designation: vi) Name of Establishment (with complete Address):

iv) S. S. / EOBI Card No:

v) Factory Card No:

vii) Factory Registration No. (Under Factories Act 1934):

viii) Date of Registration:

Signature of Applicant (Worker):


Certificates from Industrial Unit / Mining Firm

1) 2)

Certified that the above particulars of the worker of our Industrial Unit / Mining Firm are correct. He / She joined this Establishment on _______________ and is working till date i.e. _____________ without any break in his / her service & falls within the definition of Worker as defined in Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971. Certified that above said industrial establishment / Mining Firm falls under the definition of Establishment as defined under Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 or Companies Profit (Workers Participation) Act, 1968 and is registered under Factories Act, 1934 and is situated in the province of Punjab .

(Verification / Attestation by the Employer)

Name: Office Stamp:

Signature: Dated:


Particulars of the Student

C.N.I.C: v) Registration / Roll No: xi) Total Numbers: xv) Under Roll No:

Note: - Signatures For are not acceptable

Signature (Student): Signature (Student):

Note: Condition of registration under Factories Act, 1934 is not mandatory for Mining Firms.

(Verified & countersigned by DOL/ACMLW)

Office Stamp:

i) Name with Parentage: iii) Name of Educational Institution (with complete Address): iv) Class / Course / Programme: vii) Date of Admission: x) Name of Previously Passed Exam: xiv) Year of Passing (Previous Exam):

viii) Present Status (Year / Semester): xii) Numbers Obtained: xvi) From (Board/University):


Certificates from Educational Institution

Certified that all the above particulars of the student admitted in our Educational Institution are correct and true to the best of my / our knowledge. This Institution is Registered with ____________________________________ & affiliated with ______________________________________ or Chartered with HEC (only for universities).

Signature (Head of Institute):

Office Stamp:
Note: - Signatures For are not acceptable

For Boarder Students Only

i) Hostel Name (with complete address): _______________________________________________ ii) Room No: iii) Date of Admission:

Signature (Hostel Warden):

Office Stamp:
Note: - Signatures For are not acceptable

Declaration by Worker & Student

i) We hereby certify that Policy & Instructions have been read & Application Form has been filled in and verified / certified by all concerning authorities and all required attested copies of documents have been attached along with this Application Form as per details given at back page & ii) We hereby solemnly declare that the above particulars are true to the best of our knowledge and we will be bound to refund the amount of Scholarship to PWW Board in case of any false information/statement or any forgery relating to this Application Form.

Signature (Worker):

ix) Ending date:

ii) Date of Birth:

vi) Duration of Course:

xiii) Percentage/GPA:



Policy, Eligibility Criteria & General Instructions for Award of Talent Scholarship
Punjab Workers Welfare Board awards Talent Scholarships to industrial workers and their children, who have obtained admission in the existing session / year as per following categories: Category-I Intermediate Certificate or equivalent course from Federal or Provincial Boards of Education or any other Institute recognized by the Federal / Provincial Governments having 45% marks in previously passed examination i.e. Matriculate examination and 1st year examination for 2nd year classes. (Rs.1,000/- and Rs.1,600/- per month respectively to day scholars and boarder students) Graduation degree (irrespective of 2 or 4 years) from any Government College or Private College / Institution duly registered and affiliated respectively with Government and any Public University, having 45% marks in previously passed Intermediate or 3rd years' exam as the case may be. (Rs.1,400/- and Rs.2,300/- per month respectively to day scholars and boarder students) Post Graduation Degree from any Government College or Private College / Institution duly registered and affiliated respectively with Government and any Public University having 45% marks in previously passed graduation examination and 3rd year's examination in case of 4th year. (Rs.1,900/- and Rs.2,900/- per month respectively to day scholars and boarder students) All expenses (viz-a-viz Admission Fee, Tuition Fee, Transport Charges, Hostel / Messing Charges, Registration Fee, Examination Fee, Library Fee, Lab Fee and Uniform (in case of Military or Cadet College) of Workers Children who get admission on merit in any Public / Private University / Engineering University / Medical College registered with Higher Education Commission, Pakistan Engineering Council and PMDC; Cadet College / Public Schools being run by Federal / Provincial Governments will be borne by Workers Welfare Fund, both for the Day Scholars & Boarder as the case may be. In addition to above expenses, an amount of Rs.2,300/- P.M. for Day Scholar and Rs.3,500/- for a Boarder. The students, who are getting free education, in Workers Welfare Schools or COMSATS Institute of IT, Lahore, Government Paramedics College, Faisalabad or any other university / institution on workers quota are not eligible.






ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. Student and Educational Institution - Definition & Registration The applicant must be regularly enrolled as a bonafied student according to above-mentioned Categories in a Government Institution or accredited Private Institution, registered with the Federal / Provincial Government and affiliated with Government University / Board / Directorate / Department or Higher Education Commission.

b) i)

Industrial Worker and Establishment - Definition and Registration Industrial establishment / Mining Firm as defined under Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 or Companies Profit (Workers Participation) Act, 1968 and registered under Factories Act, 1934 situated in the province of Punjab .

Note: Condition of registration under Factories Act, 1934 is not compulsory for Mining Firms.
ii) Workers Definition As defined under Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 and must be registered with EOBI or Social Security Institution. c) Workers' Service Limit. Worker should have at least three years continuous service (till last date of submissionof application form).


APPLICATION FORMS - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. DOCUMENTS The applicant will ensure that all the relevant attested copies of following documents, being essentially required, are attached with Application Form: i) Educational Certificates: a) for Cat-I & II. Certificate of previously passed examination as the case may be, with at least 45% marks e.g. for Intermediate part-I (matriculation passing certificate), for Intermediate part-II (intermediate part-I passing certificate), for Graduation part-I (intermediate passing certificate), for Graduation part-II (Graduation part-I passing certificate). for Cat-III & IV. Certificate of graduation for Master Level / Post Graduate Class (Part-I) and Certificate of previously passed part I or II / semester examination for graduation level classes with at least 45% marks (only for those classes / degrees where applicable). Educational Institution card of the Student. (For the students falling in category-IV), Certificate containing date wise detail of total payment of fee / dues & boarding / lodging / Messing charges (if Boarder) issued by Head of concerned Educational Institution along with attested copies of receipts of fee / dues etc. Notifications of registration of private institutions with Federal / Provincial Government & affiliation with Government University / Board / Directorate / Department or Higher Education Commission, required as per Sr. (2) a. Certificate regarding particulars of worker about service duly verified by the District Officer Labour (DOL) / Assistant Commissioner Mines Labour Welfare (ACMLW) . Factory card of worker. Computerized National Identity card of worker EOBI or Social Security Card (R-5) Payslips of the Worker regarding preceding 03 months Factory Registration Certificate Under Factories Act,1934 (Mine workers are exempted from this condition). Documentary proof of real child of worker in shape of: - Computerized National Identity Card or Form-B of student or Family Registration Certificate of worker Issued by NADRA .
Attestation of the enclosed copies of the documents at Sr. (i to iv) must be made by Head / Authorized officer of concerned Educational Institution and at Sr. (v to xi) by Head of concerned Industrial Unit, showing their full designations and name of Department / Section and in case of any forgery, it will be rejected and proceeded against under the provisions of criminal Laws / Rules.

b) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi ) Note:b) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)

Application Forms in the following cases (Sr. No. i to v & viii will stand rejected and in the case of Sr. No. vi, vii & ix will be kept pending till the completion of documents.
Scholarship already availed from Punjab Workers Welfare Board for the same class / session applied for. Two or more Application Forms, received for the same class / session (All Forms will be rejected). Scholarship application forms, received before announcement and after the due date. Application Forms pertaining to previous class / session. Duration of Course less than two years or one year according to mentioned Categories. Illegible and in-complete Forms in any respect.
Un-attested and non-provision of all the required attested copies of documents, to be attached with the Form.

Miscellaneous reasons for rejecting Form. Application without workers and workers child Computerized National Identity Card and Form-B issued by


SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY & SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORMS. Application Forms are available & to submit at / with the offices of concerned District Officers Labour (DOL) / Assistant Commissioners Mines Labour Welfare (ACMLW). Complete application form must reach there up to 31.01.2009. However students falling under category-IV can submit their applications at the time of admission through out the year. The Scrutiny Committees concerned will scrutinize the received application forms accordingly
and forward its recommendations to PWW Board for approval and release of cheques.

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