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Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia. Cataloging in Publication Data. 615.1 Ind n Indonesia. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. National list of essential medicines 2008.-Jakarta : Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia, 2008. 1. Judul 1. DRUGS

CONTENT Page Foreword Content The decree of The Ministry of Health regarding National List of Essential Medicines 2008 Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III APPENDICES Appendix I Appendix II Changes of National List of Essential Medicines 2005 The Decree of Ministry of Health Number 239/MENKES/ SK/III/2008, 5 March 2008, regarding The Establishment of National Committee on Revision of The NLEM 2008 List of Participants of Technical Meetings and Plenary Session of National List of Essential Medicines 2008 Statement of Compliance Conflict of Interest Statement Assessment Form 88 100 INTRODUCTION National List of Essential Medicines 2008 Restricted Medicine List for Public Health Center 2008 i ii iii 1 19 63

Appendix III Appendix IV Appendix V Appendix VI Index

105 108 109 110 112

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER : 791/MENKES/SK/VIII/2008 REGARDING THE NATIONAL LIST OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINES 2008 THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Considers : a. in order to increase the quality of health services and to ensure the availability, equity, affordability of the essential medicines to the community at all levels, it is therefore, the National List of Essential Medicines should be revised; the National List of Essential Medicines which mentioned in the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 497/Menkes/SK/VII/2006 has to be revised according to progress of medical sciences, health technology, disease pattern and the health program respectively; Considering point (a) and (b), it is necessary to redetermine the National List of Essential Medicines by the Ministerial Decree; Law No. 23 year 1992 regarding Health (States Paper Year 1992 No. 100. Additional to States Paper No. 3495); Law No. 29 year 2004 regarding Medical Practice (State Paper year 2004 No. 116, Additional to State Papers of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4431); Law No. 32 year 2004 regarding the Regional Government Administration (State Paper year 2004 No. 125, Additional to State Paper No. 4437) as lastly changed by Regulation No. 12 year 2008 regarding the second changing on the Regulation No. 32 year 2004 regarding Regional Government (State Paper year 2008 No. 59, Additional State Paper No. 4844); Government Regulation No. 32 Year 1996 regarding Health Human Resource/ Health personnel (State Paper year 1996 No. 49, Additional to State paper No. 3637); Government Regulation No. 72 Year 1998 regarding the Security of the pharmaceutical product and Medical Devices (State Paper year 1998 No. 138, Additional to State Paper No. 3781); Government regulation No. 38 year 2007 regarding Division of governing administration of central government, Provincial Government, and local government in Municipality/District (State paper Year 2007 No. 82, Additional State Paper NO. 4737);


c. Refers to : 1. 2.





National List of Essential Medicines 2008



Presidential Regulation No. 9 year 2005 regarding the authority, function, Organizational Structure and duty of States Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia; Presidential Regulation No. 10 Year 2005 regarding Organization Unit and duty of the First Rank Officers of the States Ministries; The Regulation of Ministry of Health No. 085/Menkes/Per/I/ 1989 regarding the Compulsory of Generic products prescribing at public health facilities; The decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia no. 1575/Menkes/Per/XI/2005 regarding Organization and Management of the Ministry of Health as has been changed by the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 1295/Menkes/Per/XII/2007; The decree of the Minister of Health No. 189/Menkes/SK/III/ 2006 regarding the National Medicines Policy; The decree of the Minister of Health No. 239/Menkes/SK/III/ 2008 regarding The Establishment of The National Committee on Revision of The National List of The Essential Medicines 2008. Has decided

8. 9.


11. 12.

To Stipulate The First The Second The Third

: : : : THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH REGARDING NATIONAL LIST OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINES 2008. The National List of Essential Medicines 2008 as mentioned in the first dictum is attached in the Appendix hereto. The National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) is the list of the selected medicines that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population and are intended to be available within the context of functioning health systems. The implementation of NLEM is to increase the appropriateness, safety, rationalization of the medicine use and management and also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the available budget in order to expand, to distribute evenly and to increase the quality of health services for all community levels. The implementation of NLEM should be consistent and continuously in level of Health Service Units. With approval of this decree, therefore the Decree of Minister of Health No. 497/Menkes/SK/VII/2006 regarding the National List of Essential Medicines 2005, hereby cancelled and believed not to be applicable any more.

The Fourth

The Fifth The Sixth

: :

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


The Seventh

This decree shall be effective as of the date of stipulation. Stipulated in : Jakarta On Date : August 21, 2008. Minister of Health


National List of Essential Medicines 2008

The National Medicines Policy (2006) mandates the enforcement to enhance the quality of health services; to ensure the availability of safe, efficacious and good quality medicines in sufficient amount and type, affordability and accessibility of medicine particularly essential medicine for the whole community, to be governments responsibility. Essential medicine is selected medicine that mostly needed for health service, including diagnosis, prevention, therapy and rehabilitation, which enforced to be provided in health care units, according to their function and level. This revisions renewal applied a new approach, whereas the process of addition and deletion preceded with re-evaluation of existing list of previous National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) by The National Committee of NLEM, therefore there were deletion of obsolete medicines and addition of new medicines in consequence of science improvement. It needs the transparency of evaluating process which utilize scientific evidence and consider the pediatric formulation. NLEM revised regularly every three years; the last revision carried out in 2005. Current revision is conducted by The National Committee of NLEM, which legalized through The Decree of Minister of Health. Hopefully, by the prevailing of NLEM 2008, mandate of The National Medicines Policy could be applied better. A great thankfulness is given to all parties involved in the process of revision and formulation of NLEM 2008. Jakarta, August 2008 Director General Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices

Dra. Kustantinah, Apt. MAppSc. NIP. 140 100 965

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


The concept of Essential Medicine in Indonesia was first introduced with the publication of The National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) in 1978, followed by the National Medicines Policy document in 1983. The National List of Essential Medicines, named DOEN (NLEM) is revised periodically every 3-4 years. DOEN 2008 is a revised edition. The Governments commitment to do periodic revisions is a reputation of its own. In the year 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) has carried out the first phase of Good Governance on Medicines (GGM) program in Indonesia by conducting a survey on transparency of five pharmaceutical functions. One of them is the selection process of essential medicines, which from the aspect of transparency process is valued to be insufficient. From the meeting of the 30th WHO Essential Medicine List in Sri Lanka (2007), it was reiterated that the importance of transparency of the selection process both by expert panel members who do revisions, revision process, and revision methods which have got to be more rely on evidence based medicine (EBM), and the importance of the conflict of interest statement from expert panel members. Recalling some of the above mentioned issues, this years (2008) revision has been geared into its betterment. Because of it, the revision process this time is rather different from the earlier revision process, some of these improvements are as follows: 1. 2. The selection of expert panel members has been tightly scrutinized, including valuation against conflict of interest. Since the beginning of discussion, program managers who use medicines in the environment of the Ministry of Health have been included, not only during the plenary meeting. This endeavor is hoped to be a re-learning process to the internal of the Ministry of Health to fully understand the concept of essential medicines. Besides the opinion and experiences of expert panel members in this revision team, the utilization of evidence based medicine (EBM) data are important considerations. The entire discussion process gives great attention to medicines for children, including its formulation. The WHO essential medicines list for children has been used as one of the guidelines. The siding with the individual rights of children is also shown by electing pediatricians into the expert panel that numbered to 4 (four) persons. Revision of the medicines list has been holistic and total, meaning weighing all medicines listed in the NLEM 2005 including notes which may no longer be deemed fit. Earlier revisions were more in the evaluation of medicines which are suggested to be added on in the previous list.

3. 4.


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Transparency is also displayed with descriptions of arguments why a medicine must be deleted or be added from the NLEM 2005, or even be change of dosage form.


National Essential Medicines Essential medicines are chosen medicines which are most needed to cater to the diagnoses, prophylaxis, therapy, and rehabilitation, which are made available to the health service units in accordance to its functions and tiers. 1. Criteria of National Essential Medicines a. Selection Criteria Selection of essential medicines is based on these criteria: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Having got the most beneficial risk-benefit ratio. Guaranteed of quality, including stability and bio-availability. Practicality in storage and distribution. Practical in use and delivery, which are adjusted to man power and health services facilities. Advantageous in compliance and reception by patients. Having got the highest benefit-cost ratio based on direct and indirect expenses for the patient. If there is more than one choice which have the same therapeutic effects, then preference is made for: (8) medicines with effects which are known to have scientific data; medicines with pharmacokinetic data which are known to be most beneficial; medicines with better stability; easily obtainable; medicines that are most familiar. the compounded medicine is useful in the form of that combination only; combination medicines have got to show higher efficacy and safety than each individual component; ratio of the components of patent combination medicines are ratios which are fixed for a large number of patients who need those combination medicines; combination medicines have got to increase the benefit-cost ratio; combination antibiotics it must also prevent or lessen the occurrences of resistance or other disadvantageous effects.

Fixed combination medicines have to follow the following criteria: -

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


Criteria of Additions and Deletions 1. When addition of new medicines are considered, the existing old medicines with the same indications which may be obsolete should be taken into account, unless there is a strong reason to keep both of them. Medicines used in special program(s) are suggested by the program manager and will be assessed by general EM selection criteria. In the revision process, the entire medicine list in the NLEM (2005) is evaluated by the National Revisions Committee. Deletion of medicines which are seen as no longer effective may here be decided upon or a substitution may be done when another better medicine has been available.

2. 3.


Guidance on Evidence and Recommendation Proof of evidence and recommendations are adopted from the US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. The type of study should rely on scientific data, such as depicted in the list below, but the recommendation should depend on the overall judgement of all available data. Testimonials are not considered for assessment. STATEMENTS OF EVIDENCE Ia Ib IIa IIb III IV Data are obtained from meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials. Data are obtained from at least one randomized, controlled clinical trial. Data are obtained from at least one non-randomized and well designed clinical trial. Data are obtained from at least one quasi-experiment of another type of study that is well designed. Data are obtained from descriptive study that is well designed, like comparative study, correlation study, and case study. Data are obtained from reports or opinion of expert panels.


Application of Concept of Essential Medicines Essential medicines are the most basic medicines which are needed to cater for health services. If other than listed NLEM medicines are needed, a (Hospital) Formulary or another limited medicine list may be instituted. The NLEM may also be expanded into other documents as the needs arise.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) National List of Essential Medicines consists of selected, most needed medicines and made to be available at health services units in accordance with its functionality and its levels. NLEM are a national minimum standard to health services. Implementation of NLEM is meant to increase the efficacy, safety, rational use, and medicine management which altogether increase efficiency of available cost, which in turn extends coverage and increase average quality of medicine prescriptions. Application of this National Essential Medicines Policy must be done consistently, and continuously at all levels of health services units. Medicine dosage-form and strength, such as tablets, syrups, injections, and other forms, unit strength, dose, and size of package indicated in the NLEM are binding, in order to create standards. Sizes of packaging for each health service unit are based on logistics efficiency while distribution is related with common usage.


Therapeutic Guidelines Medication Guidelines should be systematically structured to help physicians to make a correct diagnosis and optimal medication for a certain kind of disease. Guidelines of medication should be suited for every level of health services units, such as guidelines in basic medication at Public Health Center and guidelines in diagnosis and therapy at local hospitals. Medication Guidelines consist of information about all kinds of diseases, especially sicknesses which are occurring frequently - with their respective complaints - and information about dosage form, unit strength, dose of medicines and length of time of medication.


Hospital Formulary A hospital formulary is a list of medicines which have been agreed upon by key hospital physicians and their inherent (medicine) information which are used in the hospital concerned. A national hospital formulary is written by the Medicine and Therapeutic Committee based on NLEM and elaborated upon by taking into account other medicines proven effective which are needed by specialties in the concerned hospitals. The creation of a hospital formulary has to be based on therapeutic guidelines. The implementation of a hospital formulary must be monitored and its report be used to carry out evaluation and revision so as to keep up with advancements of scientific knowledge and medical science.


Specialists Formulary Specialists formularies are books which are consist of comprehensive complete information on medicines needed by certain specialists of a hospital, to be used for patient care with special disease indications. Specialists formularies are written to increase compliance of hospital specialists towards their hospital formulary, that has been ranked very low until today. Certain

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specializations may have many sub-specializations, for example the field of obstetrics and gynecology as a specialization that has got many subspecializations, that special essential medicines list can be made for Obstetrics and Gynecology. The writings of a specialists formulary involve specialist professional association with its many sub-branches. With the involvement and active participation of specialists it is expected that they will feel that they are part of the association, so that rational medicine use can be positively applied. e. National Indonesian Medicine Information National medicine information consists of medicines which are on the market and are presented briefly, are relevant to physicians needs, pharmacists, and other health services workers. The National Indonesian Medicine Information is published by the Ministry of Health to guarantee objectivity, completeness, and unconfounding. Information on medicines that are covers indications, side-effects, dosages, how to use, and other important information which are most important for patients. The development of this book was based on more scientific data, related to benefits and actual medicine use. 3. Management and Medicine Use To improve rational medicine use, the use of essential medicines at health service units should follow treatment guidelines and proper medicine management be instituted. Effective medicine management is required to guarantee medicine availability in the right kinds and quantities while fulfilling quality standards. Important aspects of medicine management are as follows: Limitation of numbers and kinds of medicines based on an Essential Medicines List, using generic names, with a correct selection process; Bulk purchasing should be applied; Competitive, transparent purchases; Audit system and reporting from management report.

Application of Government Regulation Number 38 year 2007 on the coordination of the governance between the Central Government and the Provincial Government and other regional governments in order to synchronize its health management in the country. So, as with medicine management organizations, each state/city has got organizational structures and their own medicine management policies. This would open up basic differences in each state/city in carrying out medicine management. The cycle of medicine distribution is started at the time a medicine is delivered from the factory or distributor, and it ends at the time medicine consumption reports are handed in to the logistics unit. Effective medicine distribution should have a system design and sound management such as: constant medicine supply, taking care of the quality of medicines at the time of distribution process, minimizing medicines which are unused because of spoilage or being expired, with correct planning in accordance with each provinces medicine needs, use of inventory records which are accurate, rationalization of medicine depots, and supply of information to estimate medicine needs.

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With decentralization in place it is hoped that state government or city or provinces can sufficiently supply respective individual medicine needs. The central government, in this matter, the Ministry of Health only lends back-up support when state/city or province cannot fully supply the medicine needs. The NLEM is a base for planning and supply or logistics of medicines in local (district/province/city) and central government. Management and use of specialists medicines for certain situations, the government c.q. Directorate General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health can provide these through special channels (special access scheme) in accordance with The Decree of Minister of Health Number: 1379.A/Menkes/SK/XI/2002. 4. Communication, Information, and Education(CIE) CIE on essential medicines are a pre-requisite to improve the use of medicines and rational prescribing by health providers. CIE for health providers and the public in general to increase rational use of medicines and be maintained continuously should use the following links: a. b. c. d. Governmental organizations/private institutions. Related professional organization. Curriculum of education for health providers. Other possible channels.

Every listed medicine in NLEM must be accompanied by accurate information that is objective and understandable by health providers. This information covers indication, contraindication, dose, how to use, caution remarks, side-effects, medicine interaction, and dosage forms of preparations. 5. Research and Development Research and development should be done to support the selection process and improvement of the NLEM. Research and development are done in line with medical science and technology in the subjects of medicine, pharmacy, epidemiology, and education. The outcome or result of research and development are utilized as inputs in the revision process and improvement of NLEM periodically. 6. Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation are done to support the success of the application of the NLEM through mechanism and output evaluation of potential underlying problems and its effective solutions. This can be achieved through co-ordination, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of application of the NLEM by the Ministry of Health. Monitoring and evaluation are done gradually fitting to functions and levels. 7. NLEM Revisions NLEM has to be revised and perfected periodically. Revisions are not only for keeping up with the advancement of knowledge, but also for practical reasons in the use and dispensing which fits health providers and the health service facilities.

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Perfection of NLEM is done continuously with input of suggestions from health service units and health research, whether governmental or private, conveyed to the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. NLEM revisions are done periodically every 3 (three) years. 8. Quality Control Total medicine quality control covers the phases of product development, good manufacturing practices, monitoring of medicine quality in the distribution chain and their use, are important elements in applying the essential medicines concept. 9. Antibiotics Resistance Antibiotic resistance will increase, especially with first-line essential antibiotics, which are relatively inexpensive. This condition is dangerous, because ultimately the public will lose sensitive antibiotics that are potential in fighting infectious diseases which are newly occurring or recurring. The reason is because of irrational use of antibiotics by both of health providers or patients. In overcoming the problem of antibiotic resistance it takes the following efforts: a. b. Conducting surveillance of microbe resistance so that antibiotics resistance patterns are obtained. Surveillance of antibiotic use Surveillance of antibiotic use is done by research institutions, hospitals, and public health centers, province or district health offices and other health, education and research institutions. c. Containing antibiotic use by health providers by applying antibiotic prescription policy gradually, fitting to the conditions of patients and disease patterns, using first-choice antibiotics from the start, and reserving other antibiotics of subsequent choice for limited use. To provide communication, information and education towards all parties using antibiotics whether they be health workers, patients or the public in general about how to use antibiotics rationally and the danger, caused by irrational use of medicines.


10. Donated Medicines Donations in the form of money or medicines from another country, private organizations, or other international bodies can support the public health services in a country that needs it. In its operation, medicines donation must fulfill the requirements as described in WHO Guidelines for Medicines Donations 1999. Health services being used must fulfill a certain existing applicable guidelines/standards. This guideline covers general principles about selection of medicines, quality of medicines, shelf life, packaging and labeling, information and management.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008

Four main principles of donated medicines are: Donated medicines must provide maximum usefulness to recipient country. Understand the needs and respecting the authority of recipient country. Does not use double standards for the quality of donated medicines. Effective communication between donor country and recipient country.

Donated medicines are best received when they are in accordance with NLEM. In order for medicines supply and health logistics can help the operations of health workers, the types of medicines and health logistics must coincide with the disease patterns in Indonesia. For medicines which are not marketed in Indonesia acceptance must follow a special channel (special access scheme), in accordance with the existing applicable rule. B. Terminologies 1. Contents and Format of NLEM a. b. c. 2. The National Essential Medicine list is used as the basis for all units of (governmental) health services. One type if medicines can be used in several forms of preparations and one form of preparation can consist of a few dosage forms. In the NLEM, medicines are categorized according to class, subclass and sometimes sub-subclass therapy, which are in alphabetical order.

Nomenclature a. Medicine names are written according to the last edition of Indonesian Pharmacopoeia. If it does not appear in the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia then generic names are used. Medicines which are commonly used and do not have an INN (International Nonproprietary Name) are written with common names, for example oral rehydration salt. Combination medicines which do not have a generic name are given agreed names which are generic names for combinations and each is written with the effective ingredients, followed with dosage of each component. For some items which need a synonym are written within brackets.




National List of Essential Medicines 2008


Explanatory Notes a. Keywords (1) Dosage Forms Dosage forms or preparations are forms of medicines according to the production process in the form of usage, for example: capsule, enteric coated tablet, intravenous injection etc. (2) Dosage strength Strength of preparation is the content or percentage of effective components in ready made preparations. For dosage strength in the form of salt or its esther, salt or esther are written down within brackets, for example ethambutol tablet 250 mg (hydrochloride). As for dosages of effective components, the names of salts or esther (which are written within brackets) would be priored by the word as, for example: chloroquine tablet 150 mg (as phosphate). (3) (4) Packaging Packaging is the smallest container that contains the medicine. Package Size Package Size is the total number of preparation units or the smallest container in one standard packaging, for example 100 vials. b. Other Notes (1) Information in restricted columns are meant for medicines with certain restrictive notes: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (2) (3) (4) Monitoring of side-effects. Limitation of indications. Only for certain cases. Tight screening is required or medical expert considerations needed. Nature or medicine mechanism of action requires attention. Special treatment required. Special facilities needed. Combination with other medicine needed. Required for certain areas, like endemic areas. Uses in accordance with existing health program.

Writing of technical terms or foreign language words are written in italics. National Medicines Lists are medicine lists that are used by hospitals. NLEM for Public Health Center (primary health service units) in red colored paper.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


Abbreviations i.a. injection i.c. injection infiltr inj infusion sol inj i.m. injection IU i.v. injection liq p.v. injection rectal sol s.c. injection sacch sol supp : intraartherial injections : intracutaneous injection : infiltrated injection : infusion solution : injection : intramuscular injection : international unit : intravenous injection : liquid : paravertebral injection : rectal solution : subcutaneous injection : sacchets/bags/pouches : solution : suppository


Renewal of Revision Process Discussions were not conducted only limited to incoming requests, but revaluating the whole NLEM of 2005. This was done because the list was only updated during previous years and some old medicines have become obsolete or new and better medicines have become available. Also some uses of older medicines have been renewed and some have made other restrictions. Expert teams and consultants work together in the discussion that is divided into several groups based on therapeutic class. Consultants are responsible for EBM data in accordance with his/her competence. Besides information from consultants and expert team, the secretariat supported fully with among others, information from Cochrane review and WHO Library. From this process, although EBM information is not always totally accepted, but discussions are no longer based on level-4 evidence or expert team opinion only. Understanding the concept of essential medicines has to be re-socialized. Seemingly, the understanding of the essential medicines is withering and explanation about this concept is appreciated. Essential Medicine is a floor not a ceiling (WHO TRS 946), it is a minimum for health care. A medicine is essential when you cant do without it. The difference of essential medicines and program medicines will result in the availability of a specific medicine. This problem is overcome by socialization and special policies by the Ministry of Health relating to essential medicines and program medicines. In the revision process, from the start it has been planned to give attention to medicines for children. This policy is not only meant for harmony with the global policy, but Indonesia is consistently aiming at decreasing mortality of babies and children, so that it needs this emphasis. The involvement of four pediatricians, give sufficient contributions for this problem. Also the involvement of the Directorate of Child Health and other directorates are very intensive. The addition of medicines for children with dosage forms especially for children, like carbamazepine, is provided in the form of syrup. In the final discussion of the Plenary Meeting it has been agreed that 78 medicines has been deleted from NLEM 2005 and 48 were added to the new list of 2008. Changes in formulations

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(forms of preparations, dosages, packaging) was agreed for 21 medicines. It was found that 33 medicines were given short notes as important to be provided or supplied by the government through ways fitting with the existing applicable policies. The total number of medicines in the NLEM 2008 is 323 medicine items. 1. Revision Process Revision processes started by sending letters to government health services institutions (hospital types A, B, C, public health center) as well as several chosen private parties, special programs in the Ministry of Health and professional organizations. Three months later, from 114 installations to whom letters were sent to, 25 had responded. From those responses three had no suggestion, 22 were responding with request for additions to the list, and there was no one responding to delete medicines from the old list. Although in the letter sent, it has been informed that suggestion has got to come together with supporting data and functions, only 10 installations were sending supporting data. Besides suggestions from the installations, the expert team and consultants, may give suggestions with supportive data. This process is a yardstick in carrying out the assessment, it is needed to build transparency process and accountability in the future. The process consists of creation of a committee, criteria of recruitment of expert team members, tasks and obligations of expert team members, revision processes, holding discussion meetings and socialization of NLEM. 2. Committee Members a. Organization (1) Organizational structure is a National Committee consisting of: (a) Expert team (b) Consultants (c) Program manager and (d) Operational Secretariat Membership of National Committee lasts until a next committee is formed for the next NLEM revision meeting. The Committee is legalized by the Minister of Health by a Decree wherein its duties are stated. Names of expert team members and selected consultants are indexed without titles, only differentiated into MDs, general practitioner, specialists, or pharmacists. Not all therapeutic classes need to be represented as a member or consultant in the Committee. If an expert in a special field is needed, he/she can be invited to become a resource person to give an expert opinion in the revision process. They will not become a part of the expert team and also do not take part in decision making. Duties of expert team members and consultants listed in the Ministerial Decree are:



(4) (5)


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Expert Team members are evaluating medicines listed in NLEM 2005 and also evaluate suggested medicines which are applied for deletion or inclusion in the new list. Consultants are joining the discussions and may give scientific or practical inputs which may be needed to be useful to be taken into consideration by the expert team members. Expert team members and consultants together give technical/scientific justification to Ministry of Health through Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices to accept the new NLEM 2008 nationally, while assisting the Directorate of Rational Medicine Use in practicing its concept.




Program manager is a representative of a directorate in the Ministry of Health who owns special therapeutic programs and manages the logistics of medicines. The Operational Secretariat are Directorate of Rational Medicines Use, Directorate General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices.

(8) b.

The selection process of Expert Team and Consultants (1) Pre-requisites of Expert Team and Consultants (a) Have integrity and a high professional standard. (b) Expert team members and consultants are clinicians from several fields of specialization, Clinical Pharmacology, Dentistry, Pharmacists, physicians/health service units (public health center). (c) In order to get professional expert team members who are impartial, he or she must not represent professional associations, hospital departments, or other jobs which are potential in creating conflicts.

(d) Signing a letter of consent, acceptance and availability. (e) Willing to sign a conflict of interest statement. But somebody who has a conflict of interest can still be considered to become a member of the expert team, if integrity can be maintained. He/she may then not participate in a voting process. (2) Recruitment processes of Expert Team and Consultants: (a) The Secretariat sends a form of written availability and willingness, accompanied by his/her superior permission, 1 (one) month prior to the commencement of the Meeting. (b) He or she must submit the filled-in form 1 (one) week after receiving, together with a conflict of interest statement. (c) An acceptance and statement of willingness letter consists of: Explanation of job description of expert team. Schedule of material of discussion which have to be attended.

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Revision Methods a. Submission of medicines Revision processes is started by sending submission forms to several health service units (University Hospitals, Special Hospitals, chosen State Hospitals, Provincial Hospitals, Military/Police Hospitals, chosen Private Hospitals, Regional Hospitals, Public Health Center with beds). Provincial Health Units representative, public health center, and program managers (in the directorate of Ministry of Health). Submission Request Forms are sent 3 (three) months before the first Meeting. b. c. Compilation of Submissions Compiled submissions are categorized or grouped in therapeutic classes. Material of Revisions Material of Revisions are put in a matrix, which is put side by side with the WHO List 2007 and the latest NLEM 2005 edition. It is followed with the submitted medicines. Revised Materials will be handed to expert team members 1 (one) week before technical discussion meeting. Discussion Criteria Submissions to be discussed are suggestions which come with arguments and accompanied with scientific evidence. Methods of Revision Materials (1) Revision can be the whole assessment or one of the following processes: (a) Only assessment of submission requests. Deleting or accepting submissions. (b) Taking into account the whole NLEM and incoming requests. Deleting and adding essential medicines whether from requests or from expert team members and consultants opinion. Types of discussions meeting: (a) Preliminary Meeting consists of Information about the understanding of essential medicines (definitions, criteria, (approximate) number of essential medicines in NLEM etc). Implementation of NLEM (in relation with program medicines, guideline for procurement of PKD Medicines, DPHO- AsKes and others). NLEM Revision Procedure. Procedure in technical discussion (preparation of NLEM revision draft) and plenary meetings. Attendance: expert team, consultants, program managers, operational secretariat.




National List of Essential Medicines 2008

(b) Technical discussion meetings Discussion meetings of the pro and contra whether to accept or refute a submission. Discussion on benefit-risk of additions or deletions of essential medicines which are on the old list. Putting in focus those medicines which are submitted, but were not included in the WHO list. These were specially scrutinized. Suggestion to put food supplements into NLEM will not be considered. If the Expert Team fails to make a decision on some choices, a resource person outside the expert team members will be invited. Attendance for the meeting are: o Expert team o Consultants o Related program managers of Ministry of Health o Related resource persons. Result of technical discussion meetings is NLEM revision draft.


Plenary Meeting Aims at making agreements, formalizing, and socializing revised draft of the NLEM. Meeting Chairman is the head of the expert team. Formalization of NLEM draft to become the new revision is the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices task or someone who is appointed by the institute. When the result of plenary meeting has been legalized it may not be altered, except editorial revisions. Plenary meeting members should be responsible as part of the decision making process and are also expected in the active participation to deploy the new NLEM. Plenary meeting attendees are: o Those who attended the preliminary meeting and technical discussions; o Medical Committees of University Hospitals, Military/Police Hospitals, chosen Private Hospitals and other hospitals and medal schools who submitted suggestions for revision; o Attendees from Faculty of Medicine o Attendees from Faculty of Pharmacy; o Attendees from School of Nursery; o Provincial Health Office submitting revision suggestion(s);

National List of Essential Medicines 2008

o o

Professional organizations (IBI, IDI, PPNI, ISFI, specialists associations); Pharmaceutical Industries (BUMN and Pharmaceutical Wholesalers Association)


Explanation of changes made Medicine changes made in NLEM 2008 whether generic names or their formulations, based on therapeutic classes are as follows: 1. Analgesics, Antipyretics, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines, Medicines used to treat gout 1.1 Opioid Analgesics Sufentanyl in the form of citrate 50 mcg/ml, was taken out from the list, because of poor availability in the market. 1.2 Non-opioid Analgesics Methampyron i.m. inj. 250 mg/ml was taken out from the list for safety reason, where in the form of injection may cause anaphylactic shock. Suggestion to add ketoprofen supp. 100 mg and paracetamol supp. 120 mg and 240 mg were accepted, recalling that ketoprofen supp. is used for post-surgical patients who cannot yet receive oral medicine forms, while it is non-irritant to the stomach. While paracetamol supp. is needed to prevent febrile convulsion cases, post-surgery in children, in line with pediatric procedures. Availability and procurement of paracetamol supp., are limited to district level hospitals. 1.3 Anti-gout Colchicine tablets 500 mcg has been listed in NLEMs from the start. But with the availability of many NSAIDs, its efficacy is valued not much different from other NSAID medicines, while their safety is lower than colchicine. Thus colchicine was taken out from the list. The WHO Model List 2007 did not contain colchicines either. 2. Anesthetics 2.1 Local Anesthetics Lidocaine inj 5% + glucose 7.5% 2 ml amp was suggested to be added, especially for spinal anesthesia, in areas where bupivacaine are difficult to get. Besides, toxic effects against the heart is smaller. Lidocaine inj. 1% (HCl) + epinefrin 1 : 200,000 in packaging of 20 and 30 ml were deleted from the list, because the packaging is seen to be too large, so it would cause spoilage if not finished.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


General Anesthetics and Oxygen Suggested liquid isoflurane liq. 3 3.5 % 250 ml are accepted, because of advantages to the heart and are used for patients with specific certain conditions. Midazolam inj. i.v. 1 mcg/ml and i.v. inj. 5 mg/ml are choice medicine for patients with fragile vital signs, as sedative, hypnotic, and pre-anaesthetics. While liquid enflurane ih., btl 250 ml was taken out of the list with the reason being less advantageous if compared with isoflurane and halothane. While Thiopental powder. inj. i.v. 1,000 mg/ml was taken out from the list because of safety consideration.


Antiepileptic-Anticonvulsants Suggestion of addition in the dosage form of syrup and chewable tablet for pediatric patients are accepted. So, in this class were listed: fenitoin syrup 50 mcg/5 ml, carbamazepin 100 mg/ml bottle 120 ml, chewable tablets 100 mg. Phenobarbital tab 50 mg was added, because it was still effective and cheap.


Anti-infective In several previous revisions of NLEMs, cephalosporines were always suggested to be added, but only this time the National Committee, gave way to cephazolin with limitation to special use of surgery prophylaxis inj. 1 g/vial. Cephazolin is a chosen medicine for surgery prophylaxis to prevent surgical wounds infection. The same thing happens to Ceftriaxone inj. 1 g/vial, that is a chosen medicine for meningitis and is used for resistant cases of typhoid fever with chloramphenicol and cyprofloxacin. The delay of entry of cephalosporine antiinfectives is caused by the fast growing anti-infective resistance in hospitals, especially. Expert team agreed to accept the inclusion of vancomycine inj. 500 mg to overcome MRSA (methicillin resistant S. aureus) infection, a serious nasocomial infection. Amphotericine*) inj. i.v. vial 50 mg was requested and accepted for inclusion, because it is the only systemic antifungal, mainly for pulmonary fungal infection. In the list it was marked *) that means needing special expertise in its use. For anti-amoebic diloxanide furoate tab 500 mg was included, recalling the importance of treatment of cysts that does not show physical symptoms. In the anti-malarial case arthesunate inj. i.v. 60 mg/ml was added, that was valued to be having better efficacy compared to artemether inj., although from the side of usage artemether is more practical for public health center (primary health service units). In the antiviral protease inhibitor group lopinavir were added because they were needed for HIV/AIDS, although their prices are higher. In anti-tuberculosis medicines, besides a few single medicines are provided, listed were some combination medicines for use by program needs. But in the case of dosage forms, it was left to program needs, whether they be in the form of FDC (fixed dose combination), or combipack. Single preparations are maintained for use in health services which are not yet able to carry out direct observed treatment shortcourse (DOTS) program.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


Antineoplastic, Immunosuppressive and Medicines used in Palliative Care Chlormetin and levamisol were taken out of the list, because they were no longer in use as anticancer medicines, because of their efficacy and safety. Addition of daunorubicin HCl powder inj. was suggested and accepted by expert team, as well as chlorambucil tablet 2 mg and melfalan tablet 2 mg. Daunorubicin is a main medication in Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia that is often found in children. Chlorambucil is low priced, registered in Indonesia and is in accordance with the WHO Model List. Melfalan is a cheap medicine and is needed in the treatment of multiple myeloma.


Dental Medication and Oral Health From this therapeutic class many are evaluated as obsolete, even their uses are no longer being taught by Dental Schools, for example sulpha cones preparation and iodoform paste. There are some which are causing environmental damage, like the use of amalgam, because of that it is agreed upon that composite be used.


Cardiovascular Medicines In this therapeutic category a few changes in subclass or deletions of medicines were applied because they are no longer in production and are no longer available in the market like procainamide, reserpine, quinidine. In the subclass of antiarrythmic added were amiodarone and digoxin. In the antihypertension class sodium nitroprusid inj. was added to be used for its specific efficacy in surgery needing hypotension technique and septic shock.


Dermatological Medicines Many medicines were deleted because of obsolescence, for example gentian violet, liver oil ointment. These liquids like lotio kummerfeldi, if needed, can be entered into a hospital formulary. New additions which are accepted are permethrine as an antiscabicide that is less toxic to children, in place of Gamexan. Other addition is Liquor Veilli (diluted salicylic acid), a simple effective medicine for wet dermatitis.


Electrolytes and Nutrients Oral rehydration salt in 1000 ml sacchets are deleted from the list, because the packaging is too large, inefficient to store and it does not maintain freshness for long time. Only 200 ml sachets are available. In the case of parenteral nutrition liquid namely liquid nutrients i.v. all of them were deleted from the list. The National Committee, especially expert team and consultants, are well aware of the importance of this preparation, but compositions which are available in the market vary and were too many, with uses which may be different.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008

For children use and neonates in this therapeutic class liquid nutrients were added: glucose 4% + NaCl 0.18% infusion, and sodium bicarbonate inj. 1.4% isotonic. 23. Psychotherapeutic Medicines Alprazolam was deleted because valued to be non-essential and tend to cause overuse and dependence. In subclass therapy antidepression and antimania it was suggested addition of fluoxetine, sertraline and paroxetine. Fluoxetine cap/tab10 mg and cap/tab 20 mg were accepted as choice medicines for category SSRI. In the antipsychotic subclass racemic methylphenidat addition was suggested in the form of regular release and extended release to be used for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Although evidence has not fully supported, but all these times it has been a choice medicine for ADHD. Addition of chlozapine was accepted because it is a selected medicine for other resistant antipsychotic medicines. This medicine is effective but it is necessary to watch for agranulocytosis side effect. Periodic leucocytes counts must be taken. 28. Ear treatment, Nose, and Throat Important changes took place in looking at ear treatment, nose, and throat. Experts considered that treatment of ear infection does not need to use antibiotics or corticosteroids. Other than that antibiotic preparations in the form of nose or ear drops are not listed in the WHO Model List. D. Socialization of NLEM 2008 In applying essential medicines concept, NLEM 2008 must be spread to health service facilities in the entire Indonesia. Socialization can be in the form of printed books which are delivered to all health service units and publicized in electronic form.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


1.1 OPIOID ANALGESICS codeine fentanyl



1. ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDICINES, MEDICINES USED TO TREAT GOUT tablet 10 mg, bottle 250 tablets injection i.m./i.v. 0.05 mg/ml (citrate), box 5 ampoules @ 2 ml injection i.m./s.c./i.v. 10 mg/ml (HCl/sulfate), box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml tablet 10 mg (HCl/sulfate), bottle 30 tablets injection i.m./s.c./slow released i.v 50 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml injection 5 mcg/ml (citrate), box 5 vials @ 10 ml Authority required : Anesthetist




1.2 NON-OPIOID ANALGESICS acetylsalicylic acid (acetosal) tablet 100 mg, box 10 blisters @10 tablets tablet 500 mg, box 10 blisters @10 tablets ibuprofen tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 400 mg, bottle 100 tablets suppositoria 100 mg Restricted use : Post operative patients


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



methampyrone paracetamol

tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets syrup 120 mg/5 ml,bottle 60 ml suppositoria 120 mg suppositoria 240 mg coated tablet 200 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets

Restricted use : To reduce agranulocytosis


Restricted use : Only for acute arthritis, to be taken after meals, for one week and to be followed by other safer NSAID as needed.

sodium diclofenac

tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 50 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets

1.3. MEDICINES USED TO TREAT GOUT allopurinol tablet 100 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets Note : - Blocks uric acid production (in 35% of cases) - Not for acute attack


tablet 500 mg, bottle 100/1000 Note : - Increases uric acid renal tablets excretion (in 65% of cases) - Dosage 2 X tablet, increase water intake - Not for acute attack

2. ANESTHETICS 2.1 LOCAL ANESTHETICS bupivacaine p.v. injection 0.50% (HCl), box 5 vials @ 20 ml injection 0.5% (HCl) + glukosa 7.5%, box 5 ampoules @ 4 ml Restricted use : Only for spinal anesthesia

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



ethyl chloride lidocaine

spray, bottle 100 ml infiltr injection 1% (HCl), box 100 amps @ 2 ml p.v. injection 2% (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2ml gel 2%, tube 10 g spray 4%, bottle 50 ml injection 5% + glukosa 7,5 %, ampoule 2 ml

Note : Air tight package

Restricted use : Only for spinal anesthesia

2.2 GENERAL ANESTHETICS and OXYGEN halothane isoflurane ketamine inhalation liquid, bottle 50/250 ml inhalation liquid, bottle 250 ml i.v. injection 10 mg/ml (as HCl), box 10 vial @ 20 ml i.v. injection 50 mg/ml (as HCl), box 10 vial @ 20 ml i.v. injection 1 mg/ml i.v .injection 5 mg/ml inhalation, gas in tube inhalation, gas in tube injection 10%, box 5 ampoules @ 20 ml i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/ampoule (as sodium salt) (for dissolved in 20 ml WFI), box 25 ampoules Restricted use : Only for special conditions

midazolam nitrous oxide oxygen propofol thiopental

2.3 MEDICINES USED FOR PREOPERATIVE MEDICATION PROCEDURES atropine injection 1 mg/ml (sulfate), box 50 ampoules @ 1 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablet injection 5 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml i.m./s.k./i.v. injection 10 mg/ml (HCl/sulfate), box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml



3 ANTIALLERGICS and MEDICINES USED IN ANAPHYLAXIS chlorpheniramine tablet 4 mg ( maleate), bottle1000 tablets injection 5 mg/ml (maleate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml injection 5 mg/ml (as sodium phosphate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m. injection 10 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml s.c./i.m. injection 0,1% (HCl/bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml Note : - Drug of choice for anaphylactic reaction - Dosage 0,3 mg 0,5 mg i.m., may be repeated


diphenhydramine epinephrine (adrenaline)

4. ANTIDOTES and OTHER SUBSTANCES USED IN POISONING 4.1 SPECIFIC atropine i.m./i.v./s.c injection 1 mg/ml (sulfate), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml Restricted use : Caution on package: only for antidotes (large dose).

calcium folinic (leucovorin, Ca) tablet 1 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 15 mg, bottle 10 tablets injection 3 mg/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml calcium gluconate injection 100 mg/ml, box 24 ampoules @ 10 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




powder for injection 500 mg/ml (mesilate), box 10 vials @ 10 ml injection i.v. 10 mg/ml (as dihydrate), box 10 ampoules @ 10 ml injection 0.02 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml injection 0.4 mg/ml (HCl), box 5 ampoules @ 2 ml i.m. injection 10 mg/ml, box 10 vials @ 5 ml tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.v. injection 25%, box 10 ampoules @10 ml


methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) naloxone

protamine sulfate sodium bicarbonate sodium thiosulfate 4.2 NON-SPESIFIC active carbon apomorphine magnesium sulfate

activated powder, sacch 0.5 kg s.c. injection 5 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml powder, sacch 30 g

5. ANTIEPILEPTICS ANTICONVULSANTS carbamazepine tablet 200 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets chewable tablet 100 mg syrup 100 mg/5 ml, bottle 120 ml i.m./i.v. injection 5 mg/ml, box 100 ampoule @ 2 ml rectal sol 4 mg/ml, tube 2.5 ml i.v. injection 20%, ampoule 25 ml i.v. injection 40%, ampoule 25 ml


magnesium sulfate

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




tablet 30 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.m injection 50 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml i.v.injection 50 mg/ml (as sodium salt), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml capsule 30 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 250 capsules capsule 100 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 250 capsules injection 50 mg/ml (as sodium salt), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml syrup 50 mg/5 ml,bottle 120 ml tablet 250 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 50 tablets tablet 500 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 50 tablets syrup 250 mg/5 ml (as sodium salt), bottle 120 ml




6. ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES 6.1 ANTHELMINTHICS 6.1.1 Intestinal Anthelminthics albendazole tablet 400 mg, box 5 stripes @ 6 tablets Note : - For strongiloides. - Pediatric dose : 20 mg/kgBW


tablet 100 mg, bottle 100 tablets syrup 100 mg/5 ml,bottle 30 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



praziquantel pyrantel

scored tablet 300 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets scored tablet 250 mg (pamoate), bottle 250 tablets suspension 125 mg/5 ml (pamoate), bottle 30 ml


6.1.2 Antifilarials diethylcarbamazine scored tablet 100 mg (citrate), bottle 1000 tablets Note : For endemic area

6.1.3 Antischistosomals praziquantel tablet 600 mg, bottle 100 tablets Restricted use : - Only for Central Sulawesi - Only for South Kalimantan, for Fasciolopsis buski treatment

6.2 ANTIBACTERIALS 6.2.1 Beta Lactam medicines amoxicillin trihydrate scored tablet 500 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets dry syrup 125 mg/5 ml, bottle 60 ml i.m./i.v. powder for injection 250 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 10 vials i.m./i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 10 vials i.m. injection 1.2 millions IU/ml, box 25 vials @ 4 ml i.m. injection 2.4 millions IU/ml, box 25 vials @ 10 ml i.m./i.v. injection 10 millions IU/vial, box 25 vials


benzathine benzylpenicillin

benzylpenicillin crystal

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




powder for injection 1 g / vial, box 2 vials powder injection 1 g / vial, box 2 vials capsule 250 mg (as sodium salt), box 25 stripes @ 4 capsules scored tablet 500 mg (as sodium salt) syrup 62.5 mg/5 ml (as sodium salt), bottle 60 ml i.m./i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/vial (as sodium salt) (soluble in 5 ml WFI), box 20 vials tablet 500 mg (as potassium salt), bottle 1000 tablets tablet 250 mg (as potassium salt), box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets dry syrup 250 mg/5 ml (as potassium salt), bottle 60 ml powder for injection i.m. 3 millions IU/vial, box 100 vials powder for injection i.m. 1 million IU/vial, box 100 vials

Note : Prophylactics, to prevent operation wound infection

ceftriaxone dicloxacillin

phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V)

procaine benzylpenicillin

6.2.2 Other antibacterials Tetracycline doxycycline capsule 100 mg(hyclate/HCl), box 10 stripes @ 10 capsules Note : May be used for renal patients

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




i.v. injection 250 mg/3 ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 3 ml i.v. injection 50 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 vials @ 10 ml capsule 250 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 capsules capsule 500 mg (HCl), box 10 stripes @ 10 capsules


tetracycline Chloramphenicol chloramphenicol

capsule 250 mg, bottle 1000 capsules suspension 125 mg/5 ml (as palmitate), bottle 60 ml i.v. powder for injection 100 mg/ml (as succinate sodium), box 10 vials @ 10 ml Sulfa-Trimethoprim NLEM co-trimoxazole I (adult) combination of : sulfamethoxazole 400 mg trimethoprim 80 mg NLEM co-trimoxazole II (paediatric) combination of: sulfamethoxazole 100 mg trimethoprim 20 mg NLEM co-trimoxazole III combination of : sulfamethoxazole 80 mg/ml trimethoprim 16 mg/ml sulfadiazine trimethoprim
National List of Essential Medicines 2008

tablet, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets

tablet, bottle 100 tablets

i.v. injection, box 5 ampoules Note : @ 5 ml, box 5 vials @ 10 ml Minimized use

tablet 500 mg, bottle100 tablets scored tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablets





injection 150 mg/ml (as phosphate), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml capsule 250 mg (as stearate), bottle 100 capsules syrup 200 mg/5 ml (as ethyl succinate), bottle 60 ml

Note : Benefit for bone infections

erythromycin Aminoglycosides gentamicin injection 10 mg/ml (as sulfate) @ 2 ml injection 40 mg/ml (as sulfate), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml Quinolones ciprofloxacin scored tablet 500 mg (as HCl), Caution : box 10 blister @ 10 tablets Not for fist line treatment on gram possitive bacteria infection powder injection 500 mg/vial, box 1 vial Restricted use : Benefit for MRSA infection

vancomycin Specific Use metronidazole

tablet 250 mg, bottle 100/1000 tabs tablet 500 mg, bottle 100/1000 tabs suppositoria 500 mg, box 6 suppositoria infusion solution 5 mg/ml, bottle 100 ml tablet 500 mg, bottle 500 tablets Restricted use : Specific for ulcerative colitis


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



6.3.1 Antileprosy medicines clofazimine, micronized dapsone rifampicin



6.3 SPECIFIC ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES oily capsule 100 mg, bottle 100 capsules scored tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets capsule 300 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 capsules Restricted use : Only for tuberculosis and leprosy

6.3.2 Antituberculosis medicines ethambutol tablet 250 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets tablet 500 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 300 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets scored tablet 300 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets tablet 450 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets tablet 600 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets powder for injection 1000 mg/vial (as sulfate), box 100 vials caplet 150 mg; 75 mg tablet 150 mg; 50 mg Note : Dosage form and usage according to National Tuberculosis Program Restricted use : Only for tuberculosis and leprosy


pyrazinamide rifampicin


combination of : rifampicin isoniazid

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



combination of : rifampicin isoniazid ethambutol combination of : rifampicin isoniazid pyrazinamide combination of : rifampicin isoniazid pyrazinamide ethambutol

capl 150 mg tablet 150 mg tablet 400 mg capl 150 mg; 75 mg;450 mg tablet 75 mg; 50 mg; 300 mg tablet 400 mg; 150 mg; 500mg capl 150 mg; 450 mg tablet 75 mg; 300 mg tablet 400 mg; 500 mg tablet 275 mg; 250 mg; 500mg

Note : Dosage form and usage according to National tuberculosis program. Note : Dosage form and usage according to National tuberculosis program. Note : Dosage form and usage according to National tuberculosis program

6.3.3 Urinary Antiseptics NLEM co-trimoxazole I (adult) combination : sulfamethoxazole 400 mg trimethoprim 80 mg methenamine mandelate (hexamine mandelat) nitrofurantoine trimethoprim tablet, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets

enteric coated tablet 500 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets scored tablet 100 mg, bottle 100 tablets scored tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablets

6.4 ANTIFUNGAL MEDICINES 6.4.1 Systemic amphotericin ) griseofulvin, micronized i.v injection vial 50 mg/10 ml, vials @ 10 ml scored tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 tablets

Complementary list

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablet

Restricted use : Only for cronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, which are not responsive to nystatin and other fungicides, systemic mycosis infection (candidiasis, parakoksidioidomikosis etc)


coated tablet 500,000 IU/tablet, bottle 100/1000 tablets suspension 100,000 IU/ml, bottle 12 ml

6.4.2. Topical NLEM antifungal medicines combination of: benzoic acid 6% salicylic acid 3% miconazole nystatin ointment, pot 30 g

powder,2% (nitrate),sacch 20 g cream, 2% (nitrate), tube 10g vaginal tablet 100,000 IU/tablet, box 10 stripes @10 tablets liquid 25%, bottle 30 ml

sodium thiosulfate

6.5 ANTIPROTOZOAL MEDICINES 6.5.1 Antiamoebic and antigiardiasis medicines diloxanide metronidazole tablet 500 mg (furoate) tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



6.5.2 Antimalarial medicines For prophylaxis chloroquine



tablet 150 mg (as phosphate), bottle 1000 tablets For curative treatment NLEM antimalarial medicines combination of : pyrimethamine 25 mg sulfadoxine 500 mg artemether artesunate combination of : artesunate 50 mg amodiaquin 200 mg chloroquine tablet, bottle 500 tablets Restricted use : For specific area which already resistent to chloroquin (decided by District Health Offices)

injection 80 mg/ml, box 6 ampoules @ 1 ml injection i.v./i.m. 60 mg/ml, box 8 vials @ 1 ml tablet, box 2 blisters @ 12 tablets (combipack) box 3 blisters @ 8 tablets tablet 150 mg(as phosphate), bottle 1000 tablets syrup 50 mg/5ml, bottle 60 ml tablet 15 mg (as phosphate), bottle 1000 tablets tablet 222 mg (bisulfate), bottle 1000 tablets i.v. injection 25% (as HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml Restricted use : Only for severe malaria

primaquine quinine

6.6 ANTIVIRAL MEDICINES 6.6.1 Antiherpes medicines aciclovir scored tablet 200 mg scored tablet 400 mg

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



6.6.2. Antiretrovirals


RESTRICTION Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) lamivudine (3TC) tablet 150 mg stavudine zidovudine tablet 30 mg, bottle 60 tablets tablet 40 mg, bottle 60 tablets tablet 300 mg, bottle 60 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 100 tablets syrup 50 mg/5 ml, bottle 10ml i.v. infusion solution 200 mg/10 ml Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) efavirenz tablet 200 mg, bottle 90 tablets tablet 600 mg, bottle 30 tablets nevirapine tablet 200 mg, box 6 blisters @ 10 tablets Protease inhibitors lopinavir 7. ANTIMIGRAINE MEDICINES 7.1 FOR PROPHYLAXIS dihydroergotamine


tablet 2.5 mg (as mesilate), box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets scored tablet 40 mg (HCl) bottle 100 tablets


7.2 FOR TREATMENT OF ACUTE ATTACK ergotamine tablet 1 mg (tartrate), bottle 100 tablets

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



combination of : ergotamine 1 mg caffeine 50 mg

tablet, box 30/100 tablets


8. ANTINEOPLASTIC, IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVES and MEDICINES USED IN PALLIATIVE CARE 8.1 HORMONES AND ANTIHORMONES medroxyprogesterone acetate tablet 250 mg, bottle 50 tablets injection 200 mg/ml, box 1 vial 2.5 ml tablet 20 mg (citrate), bottle 30 tablets soft capsule 40 mg (undecanoate), box 5 stripes @ 4 capsules

tamoxifen testosterone

8.2. IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE MEDICINES azathioprine ciclosporin tablet 50 mg, bottle 100 tablets soft capsule 25 mg, bottle 50 capsules injection 50 mg/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 5 ml

8.3 CYTOTOXIC MEDICINES asparaginase powder for injection 10,000IU/vial, box 1 vial bleomycin powder for injection 15 mg/ampoule (as HCl), box 1 ampoule coated tablet 2 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 15 mg, bottle 10 tablets injection 3 mg/ml, box 5 ampoules @ 1/10 ml

busulfan calcium folinate (leucovorin, Ca)

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



chlorambucyl cyclophosphamide

tablet 2 mg coated tablet 50 mg, bottle 28 tablets i.v. powder injection 200 mg/vial, box 1 vial i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/vial, box 1 vial i.v. powder injection 1000 mg/vial, box 1 vial powder for injection 10 mg/vial, box 10 vial powder for injection 50 mg/vial, box 100 vial i.m./i.v./s.c powder injection 100 mg/vial, box 5 vials powder for injection 100 mg/vial, box 1 vial i.v. injection 0.5 mg/vial, box 1 vial 0.5 mg powder injection 20 mg/vial (HCl), box 1 vial @ 4 ml i.v. powder for injection 10 mg/vial (HCl), box 1 vial @ 5 ml i.v. powder for injection 50 mg/vial (HCl), box 1 vial @ 25 ml injection 20 mg/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 5 ml capsule 100 mg, bottle 10 capsules i.v. injection 50 mg/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 5 ml



cytarabine dacarbazine dactinomycin daunorubicin doxorubicin



National List of Essential Medicines 2008



melphalan mercaptopurine methotrexate

tablet 2 mg tablet 50 mg, bottle 25 tablets tablet 2.5 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 100 tablets powder for injection 50 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 1 vial i.v./i.m./i.t. powder for injection 5 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 1 vial capsule 50 mg (as HCl), bottle 100 capsules powder for injection 10 mg/vial (sulfate), box 1 vial i.v. powder for injection 1 mg/vial (sulfate), box 1 vial

Note : Storage at 2-8oC

procarbazine vinblastine vincristine

Caution : - Not for intrathecal use - Storage at 2-8oC Restricted use : Palliative Care Hospital

8.4 MEDICINES FOR PALLIATIVE TREATMENT morphine tablet 10 mg (sulfate), bottle 30 tablets

9. ANTIPARKINSONISM MEDICINES NLEM antiparkinsonism tablet, bottle 100 tablets medicines combination of : benserazide 25 mg levodopa 100 mg trihexyphenidyl tablet 2 mg (HCl), bottle 250 tablets

10. MEDICINES AFFECTING THE BLOOD 10.1 ANTIANAEMIA MEDICINES cyanocobalamine injection 500 mcg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



fe (II) sulfate 7 H20

coated tablet 300 mg, bottle 1000 tablets syrup, bottle 60 ml drops, bottle tablet 1 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets


folic acid

10.2 MEDICINES AFFECTING COAGULATION heparin sodium phytomenadione (vitamin K1) i.v./s.c. injection 5000 IU/ml, box 1 vial 5 ml coated tablet 10 mg, bottle 1000 tablets injection 10 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m injection 2 mg/ml, ampoule 1 ml

Dose : - New born baby dose 1 mg - Premature baby dose 0,5 mg Authority required

protamine sulfate warfarin

injection 10 mg/ml, box 10 vial @ 5 ml tablet 2 mg (as sodium/ potassium salt), bottle 100 tablets

11. BLOOD PRODUCTS and PLASMA SUBSTITUTES 11.1 BLOOD PRODUCTS factor VIII (consentrate) powder for injection 250 IU/vial Authority required : Used for the treatment of + solvent 10 ml, box 1 vial haemophilia A Authority required : powder for injection 1000 IU/vial + solvent 25 ml, Used for the treatment of box 1 vial haemophilia B powder for injection 500 IU/vial + solvent 10 ml, box 1 vial

factor IX complex

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



protein plasma fraction


Authority required : Right procedures needed

11.2 PLASMA SUBSTITUTES and PLASMA EXPANDERS hydroxy ethyl starch infusion solution 6%, bottle 500 ml infusion solution 10%, bottle 500 ml infusion solution, bottle 500 ml Restricted use : - Only for special cases - Need special facility and skill - Various combination in market could be used

NLEM plasma substitutes combination of: polygeline (equivalent 0.63 g nitrogen) 17.5 g sodium chloride 4.25 g potassium chloride 0.19 g calcium (bound at polypeptide) 0.125 g pyrogen free sterile water to 500 ml 12. DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS

12.1 RADIOCONTRAST MEDIA 12.1.1 Angiography meglumine amidotrizoate 12.1.2 Billigraphy sodium iopodate injection 65%, box 1 vial @ 50 ml capsule 500 mg, bottle 6 capsules

12.1.3 Histerosalpingography meglumine sodium injection 76%, amidotrizoate box 1 ampoule 20 ml 12.1.4 Myelography iohexole

injection 240 mg I/ml, box 1 vial 10 ml injection 300 mg I/ml, box 1 vial 10 ml injection 350 mg I/ml, box 1 vial 20 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




injection 0.408 g/ml, box 10 ampoule @ 10 ml injection 0.612 g/ml, box 10 ampoule @ 20 ml injection consist of 30.5 % iodium, box 1 ampoule @ 3 ml



12.1.5 Metabolism NLEM media contrast substance combination of : sodium bicarbonate 1.25 g simethicone 0.042 g barium sulfate granule, sacch, with anhydric acetic acid 10%

powder, sacch 200 g suspension 2.2%, bottle 250/450 ml suspension 55%, bottle 2 l suspension 65%, bottle 500 ml sol 59.7 %, bottle 120 ml

meglumine sodium amidotrizoate 12.1.6 Urograph iopamidole

injection 0.612 g/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 20 ml injection 0.755 g/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 20 ml i.v. injection 76%, box 1 ampoule @ 20 ml

meglumine sodium amidotrizoate 12.2 FUNCTION TEST 12.2.1 Renal sodium aminohypurate

i.v. injection 200 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule 10 ml

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12.2.2 Liver sodium bromsulphtalein 12.2.3 Miscellaneous fluorescein



i.v. injection 5%, box 1 ampoule 3 ml

eye drops 1% (sodium salt), bottle 5 ml eye drops 2% (sodium salt), bottle 5 ml injection 10%, box 1 ampoule @ 5 ml injection 20%, box 1 ampoule @ 5 ml i.c. injection 1:10, box 1 vial 2 ml

12.3 SKIN TEST tuberculin protein purified derivative

13. ANTISEPTICS dan DISINFECTANTS 13.1 ANTISEPTICS chlorhexidine hydrogen peroxyde sol 5.0% (gluconate), bottle 2.5 l concentrate solution, bottle 1000 ml For diluted Storage : - Storage in glass bottle with glass cap, air tight, saved from light. - For diluted until 3%.

policresulen (metacresol sulphonate and methanal condensate) povidone-iodine 13.2 DISINFECTANTS calcium hypochlorite chlorine base compound ethanol 70%
National List of Essential Medicines 2008

liquid, bottle 10 ml / 50 ml

solution 10%, bottle 1000 ml

powder, sacch 20 g powder (for 0.1% sol), bottle 100 g sol, bottle 100 ml /1000 ml

Samijaga program



paraformaldehyde saponificated cresol 50% (lysol)

tablet 1 g, bottle 100 tablets sol 5%, bottle 1000 ml liquid, bottle 1000 ml


14. MEDICINES and DENTAL MATERIAL USED FOR ORAL HEALTH 14.1 MEDICINES USED FOR DENTAL and ORAL HEALTH, NLEM dental anesthetics combination of: lidocaine HCl 2% epinephrine 1 : 80,000 calcium hydroxide chlorhexidine chlorphenol camphor menthol ethyl chloride eugenol fluorine lidocaine injection, box 20/50/100 ampoules @ 2 ml

paste, box 2 tubes liquid 0,2% (gluconate) liquid, bottle 10 ml spray 0.05-0.2 ml, bottle 100 ml liquid, bottle 10 ml tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 100 tablets injection 2% (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml paste 5% (HCl), tube 10 g spray 15% (HCl), bottle 60 ml suspension 100,000 UI/ml, bottle 12 ml concentrate liquid 5%, bottle 10 ml Note : For making dilutions Note : For making dilutions

nystatin sodium hypochlorite

14.2 DENTAL MATERIAL USED FOR ORAL HEALTH gelatin sponge cubicles 1x1x1 cm, tin 50 pcs

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glass ionomer ART (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) gutta percha points resin composite root canal filling surgical ginggival pack temporary filling 15. DIURETICS furosemide

powder bottle10 g sol, bottle 6 g (4.8 ml) cocoa butter 5 g box 120 sticks set paste, bottle set sol and powder, bottle 100 g


tablet 40 mg, bottle 250 tablets i.v./i.m. injection 10 mg/ml, box 25 ampoules @ 2 ml tablet 25 mg, bottle 1000 tablets infusion liquid 20%, bottle 500 ml tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets tablet 100 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets

hydrochlorothiazide mannitol spironolactone

16. HORMONES, OTHER ENDOCRINE MEDICINES and CONTRACEPTIVES 16.1 ANTIDIURETIC HORMONES desmopressin vasopressin spray i.m./s.c. injection 20 IU/ml, box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml

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16.2 ANTIDIABETIC 16.2.1 Oral Antidiabetic glibenclamide



tablet 2.5 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 5 mg, box 5 blisters @ 20 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets

glipizide metformin

16.2.2 Injectable Antidiabetic intermediate insulin regular insulin regular insulin : intermediate insulin (30 : 70) injection 100 IU/ml, box 1 vial @ 10 ml injection 100 IU/ml, box 1 vial @ 10 ml injection 100 IU/ml, box 1 vial @ 10 ml

16.3 SEX HORMONE and FERTILITY RELATED MEDICINES 16.3.1 Androgens testosterone oil injection 200 mg/ml (enantate), box 1 vial @1 ml

16.3.2 Estrogens conjugated estrogens ethinylestradiol

tablet 0.625 mg, box stripes 28 tablets tablet 0.05 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 100 tablets

16.3.3 Progestogens hydroxy progesterones i.m. injection 125 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule 2 ml

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norethisterone 16.3.4 Contraceptives

tablet 5 mg, bottle 30 tablets

RESTRICTION Oral Hormonal Contraceptives combination : pill levonorgestrel 150 mcg ethinylestradiol 30 mcg Injectable Hormonal Contraceptives medroxyprogesterone depot injection 150 mg acetate Intra-uterine Devices copper - containing device set / pcs Implantable Contraceptives levonorgestrel implant 2 rods (3-4 years)

Note : According to National Family Planning Program coordinated by National Family Planning Coordination Board (BKKBN)

16.4 THYROID and ANTITHYROID HORMONES lugol solution bottle 30 ml propylthiouracyl thyroxine sodium scored tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 0.1 mg, bottle 50 tablets

Note : Dilute before use

16.5 CORTICOSTEROID HORMONES dexamethasone tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets injection 5 mg/ml (as sodium phosphate), box 100 ampoule @ 1 ml hydrocortisone tablet 10 mg powder for injection 100 mg/vial (sodium succinate), box 100 vial @ 2 ml tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets


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17.1 ANTI-ANGINAL MEDICINES atenolol diltiazem HCl isosorbide dinitrate nitroglycerine



17. CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINES tablet 50 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 30 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets sublingual tablet 5 mg, bottle 60 tablets sublingual tablet 0.5 mg, bottle100/1000 tablets

17.2 ANTIARRHYTHMIC MEDICINES amiodarone tablet 200 mg, box 30 tablets injection 150 mg/3 ml, box 6 ampoule @ 3 ml digoxin tablet 0.0625 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 0.25 mg, bottle 100 tablets injection 0.25 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule @ 2 ml capsule 100 mg (phosphate), bottle 100 capsules injection 0.1% (as bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.v. injection 2% (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml tablet 10 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets i.v. injection 1 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 1ml Note : For intracardial or resusitation Pediatric dose : Tablet 0,0625 mg for pediatrics

disopyramide epinephrine (adrenaline) lidocaine propranolol

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tablet 40 mg (HCl), bottle 30 tablets injection 2.5 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml

Special use : For supraventricular arrhythmia.

17.3 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICINES atenolol captopril tablet 50 mg, bottle 50 tablets scored tablet 12.5 mg, box 10 stripes @ 6 tablets scored tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 6 or 10 tablets i.m. injection 0.15 mg/ml (HCl), box 1 ampoule 1 ml tablet 25 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 5 mg, box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 10 mg, box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 20 mg, CD box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets coated tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 or 1000 tablets tablet 10 mg injection, vial Caution : - Not for pregnant women - Having cough side effect Note : For severe hypertension

clonidine ) hydrochlorothiazide lisinopril

methyldopa nifedipine sodium nitroprusside *)

17.4 PLATELET ANTIAGGREGATION acetylsalicylic acid (acetosal) tablet 80 mg, box 10 blisters @ 10 tablets

Complementary list

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17.5 ANTI THROMBOTIC MEDICINES injection 750,000 IU/vial injection 1,500,000 IU/vial Restricted use : - Authority required - Need special facility and skill

17.6 MEDICINES USED IN HEART FAILURE captopril scored tablet 12.5 mg, box 10 stripes @10 scored tablets scored tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 scored tablets tablet 0.0625 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 0.25 mg, bottle 100 or 1000 tablets injection 0.25 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule @ 2 ml tablet 40 mg, box 20 stripes@ 10 tablets injection i.v./i.m. 10 mg/ml, box 25 ampoules @ 2 ml Caution : - Not for pregnant women - Having cough side effect


Pediatric dose : Tablet 0,0625 mg for pediatrics


17.7 MEDICINES USED for SHOCK ATTACK 17.7.1 Medicines used for Cardiogenic Shock dobutamine injection 50 mg/ml; vial 5 ml injection 25 mg/ml; ampoule 10 ml injection 40 mg/ml (HCl), box 5 ampoules @ 5 ml injection i.v. 0.1 % (as HCl/ bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml

dopamine epinephrine (adrenaline)

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17.7.2 Medicines used for Anaesthetic Shock ephedrine injection 50 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml norepinephrine injection 4 mg/ml, ampoule 2 ml

Note : Used as long acting vasopressor

17.8 LIPID-LOWERING AGENTS simvastatin scored tablet 10 mg, box 30 tablets

18. DERMATOLOGICAL MEDICINES 18.1 ANTIACNE MEDICINES retinoic acid cream 0.05%, tube 20 g

18.2 ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES silver sulfadiazine NLEM anti-infective medicines combination of : bacitracin 500 IU/g polymixin B 10,000 IU/g cream 1%, pot 500 g ointment, tube 5 g Special use : Large area burn wounds

18.3 ANTIFUNGAL MEDICINES NLEM antifungal medicines combination of : benzoic acid 6% salicylic acid 3% miconazole ointment, pot 30 g Note : General antifungal ointment

powder 2% (nitrate), sacch 20 g cream 2% (nitrate), tube 10 g liquid 25%, bottle 30 ml

sodium thiosulfate

18.4 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and ANTIPRURITIC MEDICINES betamethasone ointment 0.1% (as valerate), tube 5 g cream 0.1% (as valerate), tube 5 g

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hydrocortisone liquor veilli (salicylic acid solution 0,1 %) combination of : salicylic acid 0.1 % boric acid 0.5 % glycerine 10 %

cream 2.5% (acetate), tube 5 g solution


Note : - Fresh prepared (r.p.= recentus paratus) - For wet dermatitis

18.5 SCABICIDES and PEDICULICIDES permethrin 2-4 ointment, combination of : salicylic acid 2% sulfur precipitate 4 % 18.6 CAUSTIC MEDICINES silver nitrate sol 20%, bottle 10 ml Note : For hypergranulation cream 5 %, tube ointment, pot 30 g

18.7 MEDICINES AFFECTING SKIN DIFFERENTIATION and PROLIFERATION coal tar podophyllum resin sol 5 %, bottle 100 ml alcoholic sol 25 %, bottle 30 ml Authority required : - Should be applicated by practitioners - Should be cleaned 1-4 hours after used, make sure that no residues - Only for severe thickening, causing danger of absorptions - Not for pregnant women because of terratogenic effect - Not for use by patients - Not for take away home

salicylic acid

ointment 2%, pot 30 g ointment 5%, pot 30 g ointment 10%, pot 30 g

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urea 18.8 MISCELLANEOUS liquor carbonis detergents liquor faberi salicyl powder

cream 10 %, tube 40 g


suspension 2%, bottle 30 ml suspension 5%, bottle 30 ml liquid powder 2%, box 100 g

19. PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOLUTIONS NLEM haemodialysis solution NLEM peritoneal dialysis solution sol, bottle 1 gallon infusion sol, 24 bottle @ 1000 ml

20. ELECTROLYTE, NUTRITION SOLUTIONS, and OTHERS 20.1 ORAL oral rehydration salts combination of : sodium chloride potassium chloride trisodium citrate dihydrate anhydric glucose potassium chloride powder, 100 sacch each sacch for 200 ml water - Drink slowly to prevent vomiting - 1 sacchet to be dissolved in 200 ml water

0.52 g 0.30 g 0.58 g 2.70 g

ready-to-dissolve tablet 300 mg, air tight tube 10 tablets tablet 500 mg, ottle 1000 tablets

- Dissolve before use - Storage in air tight container

sodium bicarbonate

20.2 PARENTERAL calcium gluconate darrow glucose ana (DG ana) dextrose

i.v. injection 10%, box 24 ampoules @ 10 ml infusion sol, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 5 %, bottle 500 ml

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infusion sol 5%, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 10%, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 40%, bottle 25 ml infusion sol, bottle infusion sol 10%, bottle 100/500 ml infusion sol 20%, bottle 100/500 ml infusion sol 20 %, bottle 500 ml infusion sol, bottle 500 ml


half strength darrow glucose intralipid liquid

Restricted use : - Only for special cases - Need special facility and skill

mannitol NLEM nutritious solution combination of : glucose 5% sodium chloride 0.225 % nutritious solution combination of : glucose sodium chloride potassium chloride ringer lactate sodium bicarbonate

Note : For pediatric use

infusion sol, bottle 500 ml 4% 0.18 % i.v. injection 1 meq/ml, box 1 ampoule 10 ml infusion sol, bottle 500 ml i.v. injection 8.4%, bottle 25 ml injection 1.4% isotonik, bottle infusion sol 0,9%, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 3%, bottle 500 ml injection 15%, vial 50 ml Note : Need to check blood gas level Note : Need to check sodium level.

sodium chloride

20.3 MISCELLANEOUS water for injections

box, ampoule/vial @ 10 ml/20 ml

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21. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATION 21.1. LOCAL ANESTHETICS bupivacaine injection 0.5% (HCl), box 5 ampoules @ 20 ml tetracaine eye drops 0.5% (HCl), bottle 5 ml

21.2 ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS amphotericin eye ointment 3%, tube 3.5 g gentamicin idoxuridine oxytetracycline sulfacetamide eye ointment 0,3%, tube 3.5 g eye drops 0.3%, bottle 5 ml eye drops 0.1%, bottle 5 ml eye ointment 0.5%, tube 4 g eye ointment 1% (HCl), tube 3.5 g eye drops 15% (sodium), bottle 5 ml

21.3 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS betamethasone eye drops 1 mg/ml (sodium), bottle 5 ml 21.4 MYDRIATICS atropine eye drops 0.5% (sulfate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 1% (sulfate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 2% (as hydro bromide), bottle 15 ml


21.5 MIOTICS and ANTIGLAUCOMA MEDICINES acetazolamide tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 tablets i.m/i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 10 vials + 10 ampoules WFI @ 5 ml
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eye drops 2% (HCl/nitrate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 4% (HCl/nitrate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 0.25% (maleate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 0.5% (maleate), bottle 5 ml



21.6 MISCELLANEOUS combination of : hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 5 mg dextran (70) 1 mg glycerine 2 mg benzalkonium chloride 0.01% w/v sodium chromoglycate

sol 2%, bottle 5 ml

Note : For dry eyes syndrome

eye drops 2%, bottle 15 ml

22. OXYTOCICS and UTERIC RELAXANTS 22.1 OXYTOCICS methyl ergometrine coated tablet 0.125 mg (maleate), bottle 100 tablets injection 0.200 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml injection 10 IU/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml


22.2 UTERIC RELAXANTS magnesium sulfate injection 20%, box 10 vials @ 20 ml injection 40%, box 10 vials @ 20 ml

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23. PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC MEDICINES 23.1 MEDICINES USED in GENERALIZED ANXIETY and SLEEP DISORDERS diazepam tablet 2 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.m. injection 5 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml

23.2 MEDICINES USED in DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS amitriptyline coated tablet 25 mg (HCl), box 10 blisters @ 10 tablets fluoxetine capsule/tablet 10 mg, box 30 tablets capsule/tablet 20 mg, box 30 tablets tablet 200 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets Caution : - If possible, need to check blood concentration level - Safety windows is 0,8-1,2 mmol eq/l

lithium carbonate

23.3 MEDICINES USED for OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDERS clomipramine tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets

23.4 MEDICINES USED in PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS chlorpromazine coated tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets coated tablet 100 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets i.m. injection 25 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



clozapine )

tablet 25 mg, box 50 tablets tablet 50 mg, box 50 tablets

Caution : - Need to check blood leucocyte regularly (agranulocytosis) - Drug of choice in psychotic disorder treatment which already resistent to other antipsychotics.


tablet 2.5 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets i.m. injection 25 mg/ml (decanoate), box 10 vials @ 1 ml tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 1.5 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 2 mg, box 100 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets drops 2 mg/ml, bottle 15 ml/100 ml i.m. injection 2 mg/ml (HCl) box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m. injection 5 mg/ml (HCl) box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml injection 50 mg/ml (as decanoate) box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml (long acting) tablet 1 mg, box 5 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 2 mg, box 5 stripes @ 10 tablets Note : Second generation antipsychotic



23.5. MEDICINES USED for ADHD Authority required : (dl) methylphenidate*) regular release tablet 10 mg, box 30 tablets Need special skill extended release tablet 20 mg, box 30 tablets

Complementary list

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24. MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY-ACTING) and CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS 24.1 NEUROMUSCULAR INHIBITORS atracurium injection 25 mg/2,5 ml, ampoule 2.5 ml rocuronium succinylcholine i.v injection 10 mg/ml; vial 5 ml powder i.v./i.m. injection 100 mg/ vial (chloride), box 10 vials Authority required : - Restricted use (only for special cases) - Need special facillities and skill

24.2 MEDICINES USED for MIASTENIA GRAVIS injection 0.5 mg/ml (methyl neostigmine ) sulfate), box 50 ampoules @ 1 ml pyridostigmine tablet 60 mg (bromide), box 10 stripes/blisters @ 10 tablets

25. GASTROINTESTINAL MEDICINES 25.1 ANTACIDS and OTHER ANTIULCER MEDICINES NLEM antacid I chewable tablet, bottle 1000 combination of: tablets aluminium hydroxide 200 mg magnesium hydroxide 200 mg NLEM antacid II combination of : aluminium hydroxide 200 mg/5 ml magnesium hydroxide 200 mg/5 ml suspension, bottle 60 ml

Complementary list

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tablet 150 mg, box 3 stripes @10 tablets


25.2 ANTIEMETIC MEDICINES chlorpromazine coated tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets i.m. injection 25 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m injection 5 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 10 mg (as HCl), bottle 100 tablets injection 5 mg/ml (as HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml syrup 5 mg/5 ml, bottle 50 ml drops 0.1 mg/drop, bottle 10 ml Note : - Adult dose : - 1 tablet - Use - 1 hour before meals to get better efficacy



25.3 ANTIHAEMORRHOID MEDICINES NLEM antihaemorrhoid combination of : bismuth subgallate 150 mg hexachlorophene 2.5 mg lidocaine 10 mg zinc oxide 120 mg supp to 2 g suppositoria, box 100 supps

25.4 ANTISPASMODIC MEDICINES atropine tablet 1 mg (sulfate), tin 100 tablets i.m./i.v./s.c. injection 0.25 mg/ml (sulfate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m./i.v./s.c. injection 1 mg/ml (sulfate), box 50 ampoules @ 1 ml

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belladonna extract

tablet 10 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets


25.5 MEDICINES USED IN DIARRHOEA powder, 100 sacchs, oral rehydration salts each sacch for 200 ml of combination of : sodium chloride 0.52 g water potassium chloride 0.30 g trisodium citrate dihydrate 0.58 g anhydric glucose 2.70 g 25.6 CATARTIC MEDICINES bisacodyl

- Drink slowly to prevent vomitting - 1 sachet to be dissolved in 200 ml of water

suppositoria 5 mg, box 6 suppositoria suppositoria 10 mg, box 6 suppositoria liquid, bottle 100 ml


25.7 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDICINES sulfasalazine tablet 500 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets 26. MEDICINES ACTING ON RESPIRATORY TRACT 26.1 ANTIASTHMATIC aminophylline scored tablet 200 mg, bottle 1000 tablets injection 24 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @10 ml aerosol 100 mcg/puff, canister 15 ml aerosol 200 mcg/puff, canister 15 ml tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.v. injection 5 mg/ml (as sodium phosphate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml



National List of Essential Medicines 2008



ephedrine epinephrine (adrenaline)

tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets injection 0.1 % (as HCl/bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml tablet 2 mg (as sulfate), bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 4 mg (as sulfate), bottle 100/1000 tablets ih liquid 0.5 % , bottle 10 ml ih/aerosol 100 mcg/dose (as sulfate), tube 200/400 doses injection 50 mcg/ml (as sulfate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml respirator liquid for nebulizer 2.5 mg/2.5 ml NaCl, box 4x5 nebules



Note : For intermittent inhalation and first accute attack.

26.2 ANTITUSSIVES codeine dextromethorphan

tablet 10 ml (HCl/phosphate), bottle 250 tablets tablet 15 mg (HBr), bottle 1000 tablets syrup 10 mg/5 ml (HBr), bottle 60 ml

26.3 EXPECTORANT glyceryl guaiacolate

syrup 25 mg/5 ml,bottle 60 ml tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets liquid, bottle 200 ml concentrate liquid, bottle 1000 ml

obat batuk hitam (OBH)

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27.1 SERA and IMMUNOGLOBULINS antitetanus immunoglobulin (human) antidiphtheria sera (A.D.S) i.m. injection 500 IU, vial i.m. injection 10,000 IU/vial, box 10 vials @ 5 ml i.m. injection 20,000 IU/vial, box 10 vials @ 10 ml i.m. injection 100 IU/ml, box 10 vial @ 20 ml Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C

antirabies sera

Indication : - For post-exposure treatment in rabies area - Storage at 2-8 C

antitetanus sera (A.T.S)

Note : for prophylaxis : i.m. injection 1500 IU/ampoule, - Storage at 2-8 C box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml for curative treatment : i.m./i.v. injection 10,000 IU/ampoule, box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml i.m./i.v injection 20,000 IU/vial, box 10 vials@ 4 ml injection i.m., box 10 vial @ 10 ml i.m./i.v. injection, box 10 vial @ 5 ml Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Only for specific area - Storage at 2-8 C.

immunoglobulin sera snake antivenom sera snake antivenom special for snake from outside papua snake antivenom special for papua snake 27.2 VACCINES BCG vaccine

i.c. injection, box 5 ampoules @ 2 ml i.c. injection, box 5 ampoules @ 4 ml

Note : - Storage below 5 C

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diphtheria, pertusis and tetanus adsorbed vaccine (DPT) hepatitis B vaccine (recombinant) measles vaccine poliomyelitis vaccine rabies vaccine (human)

i.m injection, box 10 vial @ 5 ml injection 20 mcg/ml, box 1 vial 0.5; 1 ml s.c injection, box 10 vials (10 doses) @ 5 ml drops, box vial 10/20 doses s.k./i.c. powder for injection, box 7 vial @ 1 dose + 7 ampoules solvent @ 2 ml booster : box 5 ampoules @ 1 dose + 5 ampoules solvent @ 4 ml i.m.injection, box 1 vial 5 ml i.m. injection, box 10 vial @ 5 ml

Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Indication : - Storage at 2-8 C - Used for pre-exposure and post-exposure treatment in rabies area Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C

tetanus adsorbed vaccine (tetanus adsorbed toxoid) tetanus and diphteria adsorbed vaccine (TD)

28. MEDICINES USED FOR EAR, NOSE and THROAT carboglycerine ear drops 10 %, bottle 5 ml hydrogen peroxide concentrate liquid, bottle 1000 ml Note : - Storage in glass bottle with glass cap, air tight, save from light - For making dilution until 3%

lidocaine oxymetazoline

spray liquid 4% (HCl), bottle 50 ml nasal drops 0.025% (HCl), bottle 15 ml nasal drops 0.050 % (HCl), bottle 10 ml

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29. VITAMINS and MINERALS ascorbic acid tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets calcium gluconate calcium lactate ergocalciferol injection 100 mg/ml, box 24 ampoules @ 10 ml tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets capsule 50,000 IU, bottle 100 capsules suspension 10.000 IU/ml, bottle 60 ml soft capsule 200 mg, bottle 1500 capsules tablet 100 mg tablet 10 mg (HCl), bottle1000 tablets tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets tablet 5000 IU, bottle 1000 tablets soft capsule 50,000 IU, bottle 50 capsules soft capsule 100,000 IU, bottle 50 capsules soft capsule 200,000 IU (as palmitate), bottle 50 capsules tablet 50 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets tablet, bottle 1000 tablets Note : Therapeutic use for hypocalcemia (seldom needed in tropical countries)

iodine nicotinamide pyridoxine


thiamine vitamin B complex

National List of Essential Medicines 2008





1. ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDICINES, MEDICINES USED TO TREAT GOUT injection i.m./s.c./slow released i.v 50 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml Authority required : Used only for nursing Public Health Center (PHC)

1.2 NON-OPIOID ANALGESICS acetylsalicylic acid (acetosal) tablet 100 mg, box 10 blisters@10 tablets tablet 500 mg, box 10 blisters@10 tablets ibuprofen tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 400 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets syrup 120 mg/5 ml,bottle 60 ml suppositoria 120 mg suppositoria 240 mg tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 50 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets Restricted use : To reduce agranulocytosis

methampyrone paracetamol

sodium diclofenac

National List of Essential Medicines 2008






1.3. MEDICINES USED TO TREAT GOUT tablet 100 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets Note : - Blocks uric acid production (in 35% of cases) - Not for acute attack Note : - Increases uric acid renal excretion (in 35% patients) - Dosage 2 X tablet, increase water intake - Not for acute attack


tablet 500 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets

2. ANESTHETICS 2.1 LOCAL ANESTHETICS ethyl chloride lidocaine spray, bottle 100 ml infiltr injection 1% (HCl), box 100 amps @ 2 ml p.v. injection 2% (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2ml gel 2%, tube 10 g spray 4%, bottle 50 ml Note : Air tight package

2.2 GENERAL ANESTHETICS and OXYGEN ketamine i.v. injection 10 mg/ml (as HCl), box 10 vial @ 20 ml i.v. injection 50 mg/ml (as HCl), box 10 vial @ 20 ml inhalation, gas in tube i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/ampoule (as sodium salt) (for dissolved in 20 ml WFI), box 25 ampoules Authority required : Used only for nursing PHC Authority required : Used only for nursing PHC

oxygen thiopental


National List of Essential Medicines 2008

injection 1 mg/ml (sulfate), box 50 ampoules @ 1 ml




tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablet injection 5 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml i.m./s.k./i.v. injection 10 mg/ml (HCl/sulfate), box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml



3. ANTIALLERGICS and MEDICINES USED IN ANAPHYLAXIS chlorpheniramine tablet 4 mg ( maleate), bottle1000 tablets injection 5 mg/ml (maleate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml injection 5 mg/ml (as sodium phosphate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m. injection 10 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml s.c./i.m. injection 0,1% (HCl/bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml Note : - Drug of choice for anaphylactic reaction - Dosage 0,3 mg 0,5 mg i.m. may be repeated


diphenhydramine epinephrine (adrenaline)

4. ANTIDOTES and OTHER SUBSTANCES USED IN POISONING 4.1 SPECIFIC atropine i.m./i.v./s.c injection 1 mg/ml (sulfate), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml Restricted use : - Caution on package: only for antidotes (large dose) - Used only for nursing PHC

calcium folinic (leucovorin, Ca) tablet 1 mg, bottle 100 tablets sodium bicarbonate sodium thiosulfate tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.v. injection 25%, box 10 ampoules @ 10 ml

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4.2 NON-SPESIFIC active carbon magnesium sulfate

activated powder, sacch 0,5 kg powder, sacch 30 g


5. ANTIEPILEPTICS ANTICONVULSANTS diazepam i.m./i.v. injection 5 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml rectal sol 4 mg/ml, tube 2,5 ml phenobarbital tablet 30 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.m injection 50 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml i.v.injection 50 mg/ml (as sodium salt), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml capsule 30 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 250 capsules capsule 100 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 250 capsules injection 50 mg/ml (as sodium salt), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml Restricted used : Specific for continued treatment for patient who referred back to PHC


6. ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES 6.1 ANTHELMINTHICS 6.1.1 Intestinal Anthelminthics mebendazole tablet 100 mg, bottle 100 tablets syrup 100 mg/5 ml, bottle 30 ml pyrantel scored tablet 250 mg (pamoate), bottle 250 tablets suspension 125 mg/5 ml (pamoate), bottle 30 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



6.1.2 Antifilarials diethylcarbamazine



scored tablet 100 mg (citrate), bottle 1000 tablets

Note : For endemic area

6.2 ANTIBACTERIALS 6.2.1 Beta lactam medicines amoxicillin trihydrate scored tablet 500 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets dry syrup 125 mg/5 ml, bottle 60 ml i.m./i.v. powder for injection 250 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 10 vials i.m./i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 10 vials i.m. injection 1,2 millions IU/ml, box 25 vials @ 4 ml i.m. injection 2.4 millions IU/ml, box 25 vials @ 10 ml i.m./i.v. injection 10 millions IU/vial, box 25 vials tablet 500 mg (as potassium salt), bottle 1000 tablets tablet 250 mg (as potassium salt), box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets dry syrup 250 mg/5 ml (as potassium salt), bottle 60 ml powder for injection i.m. 3 millions IU/vial, box 100 vials powder for injection i.m. 1 million IU/vial, box 100 vials Restricted used : Not used for severe infection


benzathine benzylpenicillin

benzylpenicillin crystal phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V)

procaine benzylpenicillin

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



6.2.2 Other antibacterials Tetracycline oxytetracycline



i.v. injection 250 mg/3 ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 3 ml i.v. injection 50 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 vials @ 10 ml capsule 250 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 capsules capsule 500 mg (HCl), box 10 stripes @ 10 capsules

tetracycline Chloramphenicol chloramphenicol

capsule 250 mg, bottle 1000 capsules suspension 125 mg/5 ml (as palmitate), bottle 60 ml Sulfa-Trimethoprim NLEM co-trimoxazole I (adult) combination of : sulfamethoxazole 400 mg trimethoprim 80 mg NLEM co-trimoxazole II (paediatric) combination of: sulfamethoxazole 100 mg trimethoprim 20 mg sulfadiazine trimethoprim Macrolides erythromycin tablet, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets

tablet, bottle 100 tablets

tablet 500 mg, bottle100 tablets scored tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablets capsule 250 mg (as stearate), bottle 100 capsules syrup 200 mg/5 ml (as ethyl succinate), bottle 60 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


THERAPEUTIC CLASS, GENERIC NAME (INN) Specific Use metronidazole



tablet 250 mg, bottle 100/1000 tabs tablet 500 mg, bottle 100/1000 tabs

6.3 SPECIFIC ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES 6.3.1 Antileprosy medicines clofazimine, micronized dapsone oily capsule 100 mg, bottle 100 capsules scored tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets

6.3.2 Antituberculosis medicines ethambutol tablet 250 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets tablet 500 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 300 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets scored tablet 300 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets tablet 450 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets tablet 600 mg, box 10 stripes @10 tablets powder for injection 1000 mg/vial (as sulfate), box 100 vials Restricted use : Only for tuberculosis and leprosy


pyrazinamide rifampicin


Note : Special packaging

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



combination of : rifampicin isoniazid combination of : rifampicin isoniazid ethambutol combination of : rifampicin isoniazid pyrazinamide combination of : rifampicin isoniazid pyrazinamide ethambutol

caplet 150 mg; 75 mg tablet 150 mg; 50 mg

Note : Dosage form and usage according to National Tuberculosis Program Note : Dosage form and usage according to National tuberculosis program. Note : Dosage form and usage according to National tuberculosis program. Note : Dosage form and usage according to National tuberculosis program.

capl 150 mg tablet 150 mg tablet 400 mg capl 150 mg; 75 mg;450 mg tablet 75 mg; 50 mg; 300 mg tablet 400 mg; 150 mg; 500mg capl 150 mg; 450 mg tablet 75 mg; 300 mg tablet 400 mg; 500 mg tablet 275 mg; 250 mg; 500mg

6.3.3 Urinary Antiseptics NLEM co-trimoxazole I (adult) combination : sulfamethoxazole 400 mg trimethoprim 80 mg nitrofurantoine trimethoprim tablet, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets

scored tablet 100 mg, bottle 100 tablets scored tablet 200 mg, bottle 100 tablets

6.4 ANTIFUNGAL MEDICINES 6.4.1 Systemic griseofulvin, micronized nystatin scored tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 scored tablets coated tablet 500,000 IU/tablet, bottle 100/1000 tablets suspension 100,000 IU/ml, bottle 12 ml

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6.4.2. Topical NLEM antifungal medicines combination of: benzoic acid 6% salicylic acid 3% nystatin



ointment, pot 30 g

vaginal tablet 100,000 IU/tablet, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets

6.5 ANTIPROTOZOAL MEDICINES 6.5.1 Antiamoebic and antigiardiasis medicines metronidazole tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets

6.5.2 Antimalarial medicines For prophylaxis chloroquine tablet 150 mg(as phosphate), bottle 1000 tablets For curative treatment NLEM antimalarial medicines combination of : pyrimethamine 25 mg sulfadoxine 500 mg tablet, bottle 500 tablets Restricted use : For specific area which already resistent to chloroquine (decided by District/Municipality Health Offices)

artemether artesunate

injection 80 mg/ml, box 6 ampoules @ 1 ml injection i.v./i.m. 60 mg/ml, box 8 vials @ 1 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



combination of : artesunate 50 mg amodiaquin 200 mg chloroquine

tablet, box 2 blisters @ 12 tablets (combipack) box 3 blisters @ 8 tablets tablet 150 mg(as phosphate), bottle 1000 tablets syrup 50 mg/5ml, bottle 60 ml tablet 15 mg (as phosphate), bottle 1000 tablets tablet 222 mg (bisulfate), bottle 1000 tablets i.v. injection 25% (as HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml


primaquine quinine

Restricted use : - Only for severe malaria - Used only for nursing PHC

7. ANTIMIGRAINE MEDICINES 7.1 FOR PROPHYLAXIS dihydroergotamine tablet 2.5 mg (as mesilate), box 10 stripes@ 10 tablets

7.2 FOR TREATMENT OF ACUTE ATTACK ergotamine tablet 1 mg (tartrate), bottle 100 tablets combination of : ergotamine 1 mg caffeine 50 mg tablet, box 30/100 tablets

9. ANTIPARKINSONISM MEDICINES NLEM antiparkinsonism tablet, bottle 100 tablets medicines combination of : benserazide 25 mg levodopa 100 mg trihexyphenidyl tablet 2 mg (HCl), bottle 250 tablets

Authority required : Parkinsonism diagnostic has to be ensured

Authority required : Parkinsonism diagnostic has to be ensured

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



10.1 ANTIANAEMIA MEDICINES cyanocobalamine (vitamin B12) fe (II) sulfate 7 H20




injection 500 mcg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml coated tablet 300 mg, bottle 1000 tablets syrup, bottle 60 ml drops, bottle tablet 1 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets

folic acid

10.2 MEDICINES AFFECTING COAGULATION phytomenadione (vitamin K1) coated tablet 10 mg, bottle 1000 tablets injection 10 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m injection 2 mg/ml, ampoule 1 ml

Dose : - New born baby dose 1 mg - Premature baby dose 0,5 mg

12. DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS 12.2 FUNCTION TEST 12.2.3 Miscellaneous fluorescein eye drops 1% (sodium salt), bottle 5 ml eye drops 2% (sodium salt), bottle 5 ml injection 10%, box 1 ampoule @ 5 ml injection 20%, box 1 ampoule @ 5 ml i.c. injection 1:10, box 1 vial 2 ml

12.3 SKIN TEST tuberculin protein (purified derivative)

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13.1 ANTISEPTICS hydrogen peroxyde



13. ANTISEPTICS dan DISINFECTANTS concentrate solution, bottle 1000 ml Storage : - Storage in glass bottle with glass cap, air tight, saved from light - For diluted until 3%

povidone-iodine 13.2 DISINFECTANTS calcium hypochlorite ethanol 70% paraformaldehyde saponificated cresol 50% (lysol)

sol 10%, bottle 1000 ml

powder, sacch 20 g sol, bottle 100 ml /1000 ml tablet 1 g, bottle 100 tablets sol 5%, bottle 1000 ml liquid, bottle 1000 ml

Samijaga program

14. MEDICINES and DENTAL MATERIAL USED FOR ORAL HEALTH 14.1 MEDICINES USED FOR DENTAL and ORAL HEALTH, NLEM dental anesthetics combination of: lidocaine HCl 2% epinephrine 1 : 80,000 calcium hydroxide chlorphenol camphor menthol ethyl chloride eugenol fluorine injection, box 20/50/100 ampoules @ 2 ml

paste, box 2 tubes liquid, bottle 10 ml spray 0,05-0,2 ml, bottle 100 ml liquid, bottle 10 ml tablet 0,5 mg, bottle 100 tablets Authority required : For PHC in specific area Note : Air tight package

National List of Essential Medicines 2008




injection 2% (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml paste 5% (HCl), tube 10 g spray 15% (HCl), bottle 60 ml suspension 100.000 UI/ml, bottle 12 ml



14.2 DENTAL MATERIAL USED FOR ORAL HEALTH gelatin sponge cubicles 1x1x1 cm, tin 50 pcs glass ionomer ART (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) gutta percha points resin composite root canal filling temporary filling 15. DIURETICS furosemide powder bottle10 g sol, bottle 6 g (4,8 ml) cocoa butter 5 g box 120 sticks set paste, bottle sol and powder, bottle 100 g

tablet 40 mg, bottle 250 tablets i.v./i.m. injection 10 mg/ml, box 25 ampoules @ 2 ml

16. HORMONES, OTHER ENDOCRINE MEDICINES and CONTRACEPTIVES 16.2 ANTIDIABETIC 16.2.1 Oral Antidiabetic glibenclamide tablet 2,5 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



16.3.4 Contraceptives



16.3 SEX HORMONE and FERTILITY RELATED MEDICINES Note : According to National Family Planning Program coordinated by BKKBN Oral Hormonal Contraceptives combination : levonorgestrel ethinylestradiol pill 150 mcg 30 mcg Injectable Hormonal Contraceptives medroxyprogesterone acetate depot injection 150 mg Intra-uterine Devices Copper - containing device set / pcs 16.4 THYROID and ANTITHYROID HORMONES lugol solution bottle 30 ml propylthiouracyl scored tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets

Note : Dilute before use

16.5 CORTICOSTEROID HORMONES dexamethasone tablet 0,5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets injection 5 mg/ml (as sodium phosphate), box 100 ampoule @ 1 ml tablet 10 mg powder for injection 100 mg/vial (sodium succinate), box 100 vial @ 2 ml tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets Note : Second line used after dexamethasone



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17.1 ANTI-ANGINAL MEDICINES atenolol isosorbide dinitrate



17. CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINES tablet 50 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets sublingual tablet 5 mg, bottle 60 tablets

17.2 ANTIARRHYTHMIC MEDICINES propranolol tablet 10 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets i.v. injection 1 mg/ml (HCl), box 10 ampoules @ 1ml 17.3 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICINES captopril scored tablet 12.5 mg, box 10 stripes @ 6 tablets scored tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 6 or 10 tablets tablet 25 mg, bottle 100 tablets Caution : - Not for pregnant women - Having cough side effect


17.4 PLATELET ANTIAGGREGATION acetylsalicylic acid (acetosal) tablet 80 mg, box 10 blisters @ 10 tablets

17.6 MEDICINES USED IN HEART FAILURE captopril scored tablet 12.5 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 scored tablets scored tablet 25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 scored tablets tablet 0.0625 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 0.25 mg, bottle 100 or 1000 tablets injection 0.25 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule @ 2 ml Caution : - Not for pregnant women - Having cough side effect Pediatric dose : Tablet 0,0625 mg for pediatrics


National List of Essential Medicines 2008




tablet 40 mg, box 20 stripes @ 10 tablets injection i.v./i.m. 10 mg/ml, box 25 ampoules @ 2 ml


17.7 MEDICINES USED for SHOCK ATTACK, 17.7.1 Medicines used for cardiogenic shock epinephrine (adrenaline) injection i.v. 0,1 % (as HCl/ bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml

17.8 LIPID-LOWERING AGENTS simvastatin scored tablet 10 mg, box 30 scored tablets

18. DERMATOLOGICAL MEDICINES 18.2 ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICINES NLEM anti-infective medicines combination of : bacitracin 500 IU/g polymixin B 10,000 IU/g ointment, tube 5 g

18.3 ANTIFUNGAL MEDICINES NLEM antifungal medicines combination of : benzoic acid 6% salicylic acid 3% sodium thiosulfate ointment, pot 30 g Note : General antifungal ointment

liquid 25%, bottle 30 ml

18.4 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and ANTIPRURITIC MEDICINES betamethasone ointment 0.1% (as valerate), tube 5 g cream 0.1% (as valerate), tube 5 g cream 2.5% (acetate), tube 5 g


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



2-4 ointment, combination of : salicylic acid 2% sulfur precipitate 4 % 18.6 CAUSTIC MEDICINES silver nitrate



18.5 SCABICIDES and PEDICULICIDES ointment, pot 30 g

sol 20%, bottle 10 ml

Note : For hypergranulation

18.7 MEDICINES AFFECTING SKIN DIFFERENTIATION and PROLIFERATION coal tar podophyllum resin sol 5 %, bottle 100 ml alcoholic sol 25 %, bottle 30 ml Authority required : - Should be applicated by practitioners - Should be cleaned 1-4 hours after used, make sure that no residues - Only for severe thickening, causing danger of absorptions - Not for pregnant women because of terratogenic effect - Not for use by patients - Not for take away home

salicylic acid

ointment 2%, pot 30 g ointment 5%, pot 30 g ointment 10%, pot 30 g

18.8 MISCELLANEOUS liquor carbonis detergents liquor faberi salicyl powder

suspension 2%, bottle 30 ml suspension 5%, bottle 30 ml liquid powder 2%, box 100 g

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



20.1 ORAL oral rehydration salts combination of : sodium chloride potassium chloride trisodium citrate dihydrate anhydric glucose sodium bicarbonate 20.2 PARENTERAL glucose



20. ELECTROLYTE, NUTRITION SOLUTIONS, and OTHERS powder, 100 sacch each sacch for 200 ml water - Drink slowly to prevent vomiting - 1 sacchet to be dissolved in 200 ml water

0.52 g 0.30 g 0.58 g 2.70 g

tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets infusion sol 5%, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 10%, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 40%, bottle 25 ml infusion sol, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 0.9%, bottle 500 ml infusion sol 3%, bottle 500 ml injection 15%, vial 50 ml Note : - Need to check sodium level - Used only for nursing PHC

ringer lactate sodium chloride

20.3 MISCELLANEOUS water for injections

box, ampoule/vial @ 10 ml/20 ml

21. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATION 21.1. LOCAL ANESTHETICS tetracaine eye drops 0.5% (HCl), bottle 5 ml 21.2 ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS oxytetracycline sulfacetamide
National List of Essential Medicines 2008

eye ointment 1% (HCl), tube 3.5 g eye drops 15% (sodium), bottle 5 ml



21.4 MYDRIATICS atropine



eye drops 0.5% (sulfate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 1% (sulfate), bottle 5 ml

21.5 MIOTICS and ANTIGLAUCOMA MEDICINES pilocarpine eye drops 2% (HCl/nitrate), bottle 5 ml eye drops 4% (HCl/nitrate), bottle 5 ml 22. OXYTOCICS and UTERIC RELAXANTS 22.1 OXYTOCICS methyl ergometrine coated tablet 0.125 mg (maleate), bottle 100 tablets injection 0.200 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml injection 10 IU/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml


23. PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC MEDICINES 23.1 MEDICINES USED in GENERALIZED ANXIETY and SLEEP DISORDERS diazepam tablet 2 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.m. injection 5 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml

23.2 MEDICINES USED in DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS amitriptyline coated tablet 25 mg (HCl), box 10 blisters@10 tablets 23.3 MEDICINES USED for OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDERS clomipramine tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets

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23.4 MEDICINES USED in PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS chlorpromazine coated tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets coated tablet 100 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets i.m. injection 25 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml haloperidol tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 1.5 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 2 mg, box 100 tablets tablet 5 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets drops 2 mg/ml, bottle 15 ml/100 ml i.m. injection 2 mg/ml (HCl), box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m. injection 5 mg/ml (HCl), box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml injection 50 mg/ml (as decanoate), box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml (long acting) Note : - Second generation antipsychotic - Specific for PHC which integrated to mental health care

25. GASTROINTESTINAL MEDICINES 25.1 ANTACIDS and OTHER ANTIULCER MEDICINES chewable tablet, NLEM antacid I combination of: bottle 1000 tablets aluminium hydroxide 200 mg magnesium hydroxide 200 mg NLEM antacid II combination of : aluminium hydroxide 200 mg/5 ml magnesium hydroxide 200 mg/5 ml suspension, bottle 60 ml

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



25.2 ANTIEMETIC MEDICINES chlorpromazine



coated tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets i.m. injection 25 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m injection 5 mg/ml (HCl), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets Note : - Adult dose : - 1 tablet - Use - 1 hour before meals to get better efficacy


25.3 ANTIHAEMORRHOID MEDICINES suppositoria, box 100 supp NLEM antihaemorrhoid combination of : bismuth subgallate 150 mg hexachlorophene 2.5mg lidocaine 10 mg zinc oxide 120 mg supp to 2 g 25.4 ANTISPASMODIC MEDICINES atropine tablet 1 mg (sulfate), tin 100 tablets i.m./i.v./s.c. injection 0.25 mg/ml (sulfate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m./i.v./s.c. injection 1 mg/ml (sulfate), box 50 ampoules @ 1 ml belladonna extract tablet 10 mg, bottle 100/1000 tablets

25.5 MEDICINES USED IN DIARRHOEA powder, 100 sacchs, oral rehydration salts each sacch for 200 ml of combination of : water sodium chloride 0.52 g potassium chloride 0.30 g trisodium citrate dihydrate 0.58 g anhydric glucose 2.70 g
National List of Essential Medicines 2008

- Drink slowly to prevent vomiting - 1 sachet to be dissolved in 200 ml of water






liquid, bottle 100 ml

26. MEDICINES ACTING ON RESPIRATORY TRACT 26.1 ANTIASTHMATIC dexamethasone tablet 0.5 mg, bottle 1000 tablets i.v. injection 5 mg/ml (as sodium phosphate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets injection 0.1 % (as HCl/bitartrate), box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml tablet 2 mg (as sulfate), bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 4 mg (as sulfate), bottle 100/1000 tablets

ephedrine epinephrine (adrenaline)


26.2 ANTITUSSIVES codeine dextromethorphan

tablet 10 mg (HCl/phosphate), bottle 250 tablets tablet 15 mg (HBr), bottle 1000 tablets syrup 10 mg/5 ml (HBr), bottle 60 ml

26.3 EXPECTORANT glyceryl guaiacolate

syrup 25 mg/5 ml,bottle 60 ml tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets liquid, bottle 200 ml concentrate liquid, bottle 1000 ml

obat batuk hitam (OBH)

National List of Essential Medicines 2008






27.1 SERA and IMMUNOGLOBULINS antidiphtheria sera (A.D.S) i.m. injection 10,000 IU/vial, box 10 vials @ 5 ml i.m. injection 20.000 IU/vial, box 10 vials @ 10 ml i.m. injection 100 IU/ml, box 10 vial @ 20 ml Note : - Storage at 2-8 C

antirabies sera

Indication : - For post-exposure treatment in rabies area - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C

antitetanus sera (A.T.S)

for prophylaxis : i.m. injection 1500 IU/ampoule box 10 ampoules @ 1 ml for curative treatment : i.m./i.v. injection 10,000 IU/ampoule, box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml i.m./i.v injection 20,000 IU/vial, box 10 vials@ 4 ml i.m./i.v. injection, box 10 vial @ 5 ml

snake antivenom sera snake antivenom special for snake from outside papua snake antivenom special for papua snake 27.2 VACCINES BCG vaccine

Note : - Only for specific area - Storage at 2-8 C.

i.c. injection, box 5 ampoules @ 2 ml i.c. injection, box 5 ampoules @ 4 ml i.m injection, box 10 vial @ 5 ml injection 20 mcg/ml, box 1 vial 0.5; 1 ml

Note : - Storage below 5 C

diphtheria, pertusis and tetanus adsorbed vaccine (DPT) hepatitis B vaccine (recombinant)
National List of Essential Medicines 2008

Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C



measles vaccine poliomyelitis vaccine rabies vaccine (human)

s.c. injection, box 10 vials (10 doses) @ 5 ml drops, box vial 10/20 doses s.c./i.c. powder for injection, box 7 vial @ 1 dose + 7 ampoules solvent @ 2 ml booster : box 5 ampoules @ 1 dose + 5 ampoules solvent @ 4 ml i.m. injection, box 1 vial 5 ml i.m. injection, box 10 vial @ 5 ml

Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Indication : - Storage at 2-8 C - Use for pre-exposure and post-exposure treatment in rabies area Note : - Storage at 2-8 C Note : - Storage at 2-8 C

tetanus adsorbed vaccine (tetanus adsorbed toxoid) tetanus and diphteria adsorbed vaccine (TD)

28. MEDICINES USED FOR EAR, NOSE and THROAT carboglycerine ear drops 10 %, bottle 5 ml 29. VITAMINS and MINERALS ascorbic acid tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets calcium lactate pyridoxine tablet 500 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 10 mg (HCl), bottle1000 tablets tablet 25 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets tablet 5000 IU, bottle 1000 tablets soft capsule 50,000 IU, bottle 50 capsules soft capsule 100,000 IU, bottle 50 capsules soft capsule 200,000 IU (as palmitate), bottle 50 capsules


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



thiamine vitamin B complex

tablet 50 mg (HCl), bottle 1000 tablets tablet, bottle 1000 tablets


Minister of Health


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



Moved to other therapeutic subclass





tablet 250 mg, bottle 100 tablets i.m/i.v. powder for injection, 500 mg/vial (as sodium salt), box 10 vials + 10 ampoules water for injection @ 5 ml activated powder, sacch 0.5 kg tablet 0.25 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 0.5 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 5 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets tablet 200 mg, box 30 tablets injection 150 mg/3 ml, box 6 ampoules @ 3 ml i.v injection vial 50 mg/10 ml, vials @ 10 ml

2 3

active carbon alprazolam

Change of generic name

4 5

amiloride amiodarone

6 7 8 9 10

amphotericin *)

+ + + +

antitetanus i.m. injection 500 UI, vial immunoglobulin (human) artesunate atracurium benzoil peroxyde i.v/i.m injection 60 mg/ml, box 8 vials @ 1 ml injection 25 mg/2,5 ml, ampoule 2,5 ml gel 2.5%, tube 5 g gel 5%, tube 5 g

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

88 88



benzylpenicilin betamethasone bupivacaine carbamazepine cefazolin ceftriaxone chlorambucyl chloramphenicol chlorhexidine chlorhexidine chlormethine clomiphen clomipramine clozapine )



+ + + + + + +

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

eye ointment 1.000 IU/g, tube 5 g eye drop 1 mg/ml (sodium), bottle 5 ml infiltrate injection 0.25% (HCl), box 5 vial @ 20 ml chewable tablet 100 mg syrup 100 mg/5 ml, bottle 120 ml powder for injection 1 g / vial, box 2 vials powder injection 1 g / vial, box 2 vials tablet 2 mg ear drop 3 %, bottle 5 ml sol 1.5 % (gluconate), bottle 2.5 l sol 4.0 % (gluconate), bottle 2.5 l sol 5.0% (gluconate), bottle 2.5 l powder injection 10 mg/vial (HCl), box 1 vial tablet 50 mg (citrate), bottle 10 tablets tablet 10 mg (HCl), bottle 250 tablets tablet 25 mg, box 50 tablets tablet 50 mg, box 50 tablets

Complementary list

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89 89






Change of dosage strength and packaging +


tablet 10 mg (phosphate), bottle 250 tablet tablet 500 mcg, box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet, box 30/100 tablets 1 mg 50 mg capsule

26 27

colchicine combination of: ergotamine caffeine


combination of: extr. apii herba 92 mg extr. ortosiphonis folium 28 mg compound thymi syrup copper containing device daunorubicin desmopressin devitalization paste (non arsen) dextran 70 dextrose diethylcarbamazine digoxin

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

liquid, bottle 100 ml set / pcs powder injection 20 mg/vial (HCl), box 1 vial @ 4 ml spray paste, bottle Infus sol 6%, bottle 500 ml infusion solution 5 %, bottle 500 ml scored tablet 100 mg (citrate), bottle 1000 tablet tablet 0.0625 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 0.25 mg, bottle 100 tablets injection 0.25 mg/ml; box 1 ampoule 2 ml

+ + Change of dosage form + Change of dosage strength +

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

90 90



diloxanide disodium edetate dobutamine



+ +

38 39 40

tablet 500 mg (furoate) eye drop 0.35%, bottle 5 ml injection 50 mg/ml, vial 5 ml injection 25 mg/ml, ampoule 10 ml injection i.v. 10 mg/ml (chloride), box 10 vial @ 10 ml tablet 200 mg, bottle 90 tablets tablet 600 mg, bottle 30 tablets inhalation liquid, bottle 250 ml solutio 0.1 %, bottle 300 ml powder, bottle 100 g capsule 250 mg, bottle 100/1000 capsules syrup 250 mg/5 ml, bottle 60 ml i.a./i.v. injection 1 ml consist of 0,96 ml (equivalent with 0.48 g iodine), box 1 ampoule 10 ml implant 1 rods (3 yrs) syrup, bottle 60 ml i.m./i.v. injection 0.05 mg/ml (citrate), box 5 ampoules @ 2 ml capsule/tablet 10 mg, box 30 tablets capsule/tablet 20 mg, box 30 tablets

41 42

edrofonium efavirenz

Change of therapeutic sub-class and dosage form

43 44 45

enflurane etacridine (rivanol) ethosuccimide


ethyl ester from oleum iodized papaveris (iodized oil) etonogestrel fe (II) sulfate 7H2O fentanyl

47 48 49

+ Change of packaging +



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91 91



framicetin gamexan gelatin spons gentian violet haloperidol



Change of salt form

51 52 53 54 55

sterile kassa 1% (sulfate), box 10 pieces cream 1%, bottle 30 ml layer 5 x 7 x 1 cm sol 1%, bottle 10 ml i.m. injection 2 mg/ml (HCl) box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml i.m. injection 5 mg/ml (HCl) box 5 ampoules @ 1 ml tablet 25 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 10 mg cream 1% (acetate), tube 5 g eye drop 1%, bottle 5 ml injection 40 IU/ml, box 1 vial 10 ml injection 480 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule 10 ml paste inhalation liquid, bottle 250 ml injection 1mg/ml (HCl), box 1 ampoule 2 ml suppositoria 100 mg tablet 50 mg (HCl), box 4 bls @ 9 tablets

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

hydrochlorothiazide hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone acetate intermediate insulin iodine iodoform paste isoflurane isoprenaline ketoprofen levamisole

+ + + +

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

92 92



levertrane levonorgestrel levonorgestrel lidocaine lidocaine




67 68 69 70 71

ointment 5% pill 75 mcg, 150 mcg implant 6 rods (5 yrs) injection 5% + glucose 7.5 %, ampoule 2 ml injection 1% (HCl) + epinephrine 1 : 200,000, box 10 vials @ 30 ml injection 2% (HCl) + epinephrine 1 : 200,000, box 10 vials @ 20 ml liquor with menthol 0,1% liquor with menthol 0,5% solution

72 73

liquor faberi liquor veilli (salicylic acid solution 0.1 %) combination of : salicylic acid 0.1 % boric acid 0.5 % glycerine 10 % lisinopril


tablet 5 mg, box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 10 mg, box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 20 mg, box 3 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet 200 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 tablets tablet liquid, packaging as needed

75 76 77

lithium carbonate lopinavir lotio kummerfeldi

Change of dosage strength +

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

93 93



mannitol melphalan meningococcus polysaccharide A + C vaccine methampyrone




78 79 80

infusion sol 20%, bottle 500 ml tablet 2 mg powder injection, box 10 vials @ 10 dosage + 10 ampoules solvent @ 5 ml i.m. injection 250 mg/ml, box 25 vials @ 10 ml box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml sol 2 %, bottle 5 ml



methyl cellulose, changed to be combination of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 5 mg dextran (70) 1 mg glycerine 2 mg benzalkonium chloride 0.01% w/v (dl) methylphenidate )

Change of therapeutic subclass and the composition is written completely


regular release tablet 10 mg, box 30 tablets extended release tablet 20 mg, box 30 tablets tablet 4 mg, bottle 100 tablets syrup 5 mg/5 ml, bottle 50 ml drop 0.1 mg/drop, bottle 10 ml i.v. injection 1 mg/ml i.v. injection 5 mg/ml infusion sol, bottle 500 ml infusion sol, bottle 500 ml

84 85 86 87 88

methyl prednisolone metoclopramide midazolam NLEM nutritious solution I NLEM nutritious solution II

+ +

Complementary list

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

94 94





89 90 91 92

NLEM nutritious solution III infusion sel, bottle 500 ml NLEM nutritious solution IV infusion sel, bottle 500 ml NLEM nutritious solution V NLEM otic medicine combination of: neomycin sulfate 500 mg polymixin B sulfate 1.000.000 IU/100 ml neomycin nicotinamide norepinephrine infusion sel, bottle 500 ml ear drop, bottle 5 ml

93 94 95 96

tablet 500 mg, bottle 100 tablets tablet 100 mg injection 4 mg/ml, ampoule 2 ml

+ + +

nutritious solution infusion sol, bottle 500 ml combination of : glucose 4% sodium chloride 0.18 % oral rehydration salts pancuronium paracetamol patent blue V permethrin perphenazin powder, 100 sacch, each sacch for 1000 ml of water i.v. injection 2 mg/ml (bromide), box 10 ampoules @ 2 ml suppositoria 120 mg suppositoria 240 mg s.c. injection 2.5%, box 1 ampoule 2 ml cream 5%, tube tablet 4 mg (HCl), bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 16 mg (HCl), bottle 100/1000 tablets

97 98 99 100 101 102

+ +

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

95 95



phenobarbital phenol liquid phenytoin phytomenadione piridostigmine policresulen (metacresol sulphonate & methanal condensate) prednisolon procainamide propranolol propyliodone propylthiouracyl propranolol protein plasma fraction (including fibrinogen) quinidine reserpin



+ + + Moved to other therapeutic class + Change of dosage strength Dosage form and strength are deleted

103 104 105 106 107 108

tablet 50 mg, bottle 1000 tablets bottle 10 ml syrup 50 mg/5 ml, bottle120 ml i.m injection 2mg/ml, ampoule 1 ml tablet 10 mg (bromide), box 10 stripes/bls @ 10 tablets liquid, bottle 10 ml / 50 ml

109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

eye drop 0,5%, bottle 5 ml eye ointment 1%, tube 3,5 g injection 100 mg/ml (HCl) scored tablet 40 mg (HCl), bottle 100 tablets injection in oil 500-600 mg/ml, box 1 ampoule 20 ml tablet 100 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 10 mg, box 100 tablets tablet 40 mg, box 100 tablets

tablet 200 mg (sulfate), bottle 100/1000 tablets tablet 0,10 mg, bottle 1000 tablets tablet 0,25 mg, bottle 1000 tablets

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

96 96



resin composite retinol set



+ +

118 119

tablet 5000 UI, bottle 50 tablet soft capsule 100,000 UI, bottle 50 soft capsules injection 100,000 IU/ ampoule, box 100 ampoules @ 1 ml oily injection 100,000 IU/ampoule (as palmitate), box 100 ampoules @ 2 ml injection 40 IU/ml, box 1 vial 10 ml injection 100 IU/ml, box 1 vial 10 ml i.v. injection 10 mg/ml, vial 5 ml powder 65 - 75%, bottle 1 oz sol 40%, bottle 10 ml injection 1,4% isotonic cream 20 mg/g, tube 5 g injection, vial tablet 30 mg, bottle 60 tablets tablet 40 mg, bottle 60 tablets iv/i.m powder injection 500 mg/vial (chloride), box 10 vial injection 50 mcg/ml (citrate), box 5 vial @ 5 ml



121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129

regular insulin regular insulin : intermediate insulin (30 : 70) rocuronium silver amalgam silver nitrate sodium bicarbonate sodium fucidic sodium nitroprusside *) stavudin

+ + + + Change of therapeutic sub-class and dosage form Change of generic name

130 131

succinyl choline sufentanyl

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

97 97



sulfonic preparation sulpirid



132 133

cones, bottle 100 butir capsule 50 mg, box 10 stripes @ 10 capsules tablet 200 mg, box 2 stripes @ 10 tablets iv/i.m powder injection 500 mg/vial (chlorida), box 10 vial injection 100 mg/ml, box 100 ampoules 1 ml i.v. powder for injection 500 mg/ampoule (as sodium salt) (for dissolved in 20 ml WFI), box 25 ampoules crystal, sacch eye drop 1%, bottle 5 ml i.c. injection 1:10, box 1 vial 25 ml tablet 250 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 50 tablets tablet 500 mg (as sodium salt), bottle 50 tablets syrup 250 mg/5 ml (as sodium salt), bottle 120 ml powder injection 500 mg/vial, box 1 vial powder injection 10 mg/vial (bromide), box 20 vials

134 135 136

suxamethonium thiamine thiopental

137 138 139 140

trichloracetic acid tropicamide tuberkulin protein (purified derivative) valproate

Change of dosage form and strength

141 142 143

vancomycin vecuronium warfarin

tablet 2 mg (potassium salt), bottle Change of dosage 100 tablets strength

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

98 98






Change of therapeutic sub-class and dosage form


tablet 100 mg, bottle 100 tablets


zinc phosphate cement

Powder and liquid, set 30 g bottle 1 set

National List of Essential Medicine 2008

99 99

THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER: 239/MENKES/SK/III/2008 REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF THE NATIONAL LIST OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINES 2008 THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Considers : a. in order to enhance the quality of health services, the availability of a good quality, safe, effective and sufficient quantity of essential medicines is the responsibility of the government as authorized in the National Medicines Policy; as according to the point (a) above, it is necessary to support the implementation of rational use of medicines; as according to the progress of the medical sciences and health technology, disease pattern, health program and the improvement of public health status as a result of the currently health development, it is therefore, the National list of Essential Medicines should be revised; in order to revise the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM), it is necessary to establish The National Committee On Revision of the National List of Essential Medicines 2008 by Ministerial decree. Law No. 23 year 1992 regarding Health (State Paper year 1992 No. 100, additional to State Paper No. 4431); Government Regulation No. 27 year 1998 regarding Safety of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices (State Paper year 1998 No. 138, Additional to State Papers of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3781); Government Regulation No. 38 year 2007 regarding Division of Municipality/District Administrative (State of the Republic of Indonesian Paper year 2007 No. 82); The Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9 year 2005 regarding the locality, duty, function, structure of the organization and the job description of the States Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia; The Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 10 year 2005 regarding Organization Unit and duty of the First Rank Officers of the States Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia; The Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1575/Menkes/Per/XI/2005 regarding the Organization and Ethical Task of the Health Department of the Republic of Indonesia; The Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 189/MENKES/SK/III/2006 regarding The National Medicines Policy.

b. c.


Refers to

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


To stipulate

The First The Second

: :

The Third The Fourth

: :

Has decided THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH REGARDING THE ESTABLISMENT OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF THE NATIONAL LIST OF ESSENTIAL MECICINES 2008 To establish The National Committee on Revision of National List of Essential Medicines 2008 with organization structure as set forth in the appendix hereto; The responsibilities of National Committee of NLEM are as follows: a. The Steering Committee The Steering Committee is responsible to provide advice and direction of the revision according to prevailing laws and regulations; b. The Expert Team The Expert Team is responsible to evaluate the medicines in NLEM 2005 and to analyze the proposed medicines to be added to or deleted from the NLEM 2008. c. The Consultant The consultant is responsible to provide the technical support or scientific findings needed by the expert team. d. The Expert Team and The Consultant jointly provide the technical and the scientific support to the Ministry of Health vide Directorate General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices on implementing NLEM nationwide and to assist the Directorate of Rational Use of Medicine to execute its policy. e. The Members The Members are responsible to provide input needed for evaluation of NLEM 2005 and to analyze the proposed medicines to be added to or deleted from NLEM 2008. f. The Organizing Committee The Organizing Committee are responsible in recording, documentation and supplying the data, preparing the procedures and guidelines, and preparing the recommended draft of NLEM 2008, arranging the technical meetings and plenary session, preparing the draft documentations, and finalizing NLEM 2008 and its dissemination. The Revision of NLEM should be conducted during 2008; On implementing the duties of The National Committee of Revision of NLEM are responsible to the Ministry of Health vide Directorate General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices; and report the activities at least 1 (one) month after the termination of their task.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


The Fifth The Sixth The Seventh

: : :

The duty period of The National Committee of Revision of NLEM started since the stipulation date of this decree and terminated at the end of 2008. The budget of The National Committee of Revision of NLEM and activities is under Annual National Budget of Directorate of Rational Use of Medicine in the year of 2008; This decree shall be effective as of the date of stipulation, and there will be reconsideration or amendment as required if there are shortcomings of mistakes in the stipulation. Stipulated in : Jakarta On Date : March 5, 2008. Minister of Health

Dr. dr. SITI FADILAH SUPARI, Sp.JP (K) Circulation to: 1. The Coordinator Minister of the Public Welfare 2. The Minister of Home Affair 3. The Head of National Planning and Development Board 4. The Head of National Agency of Drug and Food Control 5. The First Ranks officers in the Ministry of Health. 6. The Head of Province Health Office all over the Republic of Indonesia. 7. The Directors of all Teaching Hospitals and Vertical Hospitals within the Ministry of Health all over the Republic of Indonesia. 8. The Head of Municipality or District Health Office all over the Republic of Indonesia. 9. Whom it may concern, to be implemented as required.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


APPENDIX : THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER : 239/MENKES/SK/III/2008 DATE : MARCH 5, 2008 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF THE NATIONAL LIST OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINES 2008 Steering Committee : 1. Director General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices 2. Head of National Agency of Food and Drug Control 3. Director General of Medical Services 4. Director General of Diseases Control and Sanitation 5. Deputy 1 of National Agency of Food and Drug Control Head of Authority : Director General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical devices Expert Team : Chairman Vice Chairman Members : Iwan Darmansjah (General Practitioner) : Rianto Setiabudy (General Practitioner) : 1. Abdul Muthalib (General Practitioner) 2. Asril Aminullah (General Practitioner) 3. Bambang Sudarmanto (Specialist) 4. Dede Gunawan (Specialist) 5. Djakaria (Specialist) 6. Gunawan (Specialist) 7. Hanafi Trisnohadi (Specialist) 8. Inge Sutanto (General Practitioner) 9. Nugroho Kampono (Specialist) 10. Omo Abdul Madjid (Specialist) 11. Robert Reverger (Specialist) 12. Sarwono Waspadji (specialist) 13. Silvia Desiree Fadiel (Dentist) 14. Sri Rezeki S. Hadinegoro (Specialist) : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Arini Setiawati ((Pharmacist) Atie W. Soekandar (General Practitioner) Engko Sosialine (Pharmacist) Irawan Mangunatmaja (Specialist) Iwan Dwiprahasto (General Practitioner) Kartono Muhammad (General Practitioner) Nani Sukasediati (Pharmacist) Pinky F. Riawan (General Practitioner) Sri Suryawati (Pharmacist)


National List of Essential Medicines 2008


Organizing Committee : Head : Director of Rational Use of Medicines Secretary : Zorni Fadia (General Practitioner) Seecretary I : Dita Novianti (Pharmacist) Members : 1. Secretary to Director General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical devices 2. Director of Public Medicines and Medical Supply 3. Director of Maternal Health 4. Director of Child Health 5. Director of Direct Communicable Diseases Control 6. Director of Animal Sourced Diseases Elimination 7. Director of Non-Communicable Diseases 8. Director of Epidemiologic Surveillance, Immunization and Dimension Health 9. Head of Sub Directorate of Standardization and Technical Assistance, Rational Use Medicines Directorate 10. Head of Sub Directorate of Promotion, Rational Use Medicines Directorate Secretariat : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Erie Gusnellyanti Liza Fetrisiani Prihadi Mulyono Anwar Wahyudi Nofiyanti Mulyati

Stipulated in : Jakarta On Date : March 5, 2008. Minister of Health


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Director General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices Head of National Agency of Food and Drug Control Director General of Medical Services Director General of Diseases Control and Sanitation Deputy I of National Agency of Food and Drug Control Secretary to Director General of Pharmaceutical Services and Medical Devices Director of Rational Use of Medicine Director of Public Medicines and Medical Supply Director of Maternal Health Director of Child Health Director of Direct Communicable Diseases Control Director of Non-Communicable Diseases Control Director of Animal Sourced Diseases Elimination Director of Epidemiologic Surveillance, Immunization and Dimension Health Director of Public Nutrition Director of Mental Health Services Director of Primary Medical Services Director of Specialist Medical Services Director of Public Hospital Dr. M Yunus Bengkulu Director of Public Hospital DR. M. Djamil Padang Director of Public Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin Director of National Public Hospital RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Director of Central Public Hospital Hasan Sadikin Bandung Director of Central Public Hospital Muh. Hussein Palembang Director of Public Hospital dr. Moewardi, Solo Director of Public Hospital dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta Director of Central Public Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makasar Director of Public Hospital Dr. Karyadi, Semarang Director of Public Cardiovascular Hospital Harapan Kita Director of Mental Hospital Cimahi Director of Provincial Public Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo Mojokerto-East Java Director of Provincial Public Hospital dr. Soetomo, Surabaya Director of Public Hospital Kab. Tangerang Director of Provincial Public Hospital Arifin Achmad, Pekanbaru Director of Central Public Hospital Sanglah - Denpasar Director of Siloam Karawaci Hospital, Banten Director of Sumber Waras Hospital, Jakarta Director of Husada Hospital, Jakarta Director of Public Hospital Yos Sudarso, Padang Director of PT. Indofarma Director of PT. Kimia Farma Director of PT. Phapros Health Directorate of National Army - POLRI

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

Head of Provincial Health Office in Nangroe Aceh Darusalam Head of Provincial Health Office in South Sulawesi Head of Provincial Health Office in DKI Jakarta Head of Provincial Health Office in West Java Head of Provincial Health Office in Central Java Head of Provincial Health Office in East Java Head of Provincial Health Office in West Kalimantan Head of Provincial Health Office in Central Kalimantan Head of Provincial Health Office in Western Southeast Nusa Tenggara Head of Provincial Health Office in Eastern Southeast Nusa Tenggara Head of Provincial Health Office in Papua Head of Provincial Health Office in Central Sulawesi Head of Provincial Health Office in North Sulawesi Head of Provincial Health Office in West Sumatera Head of Provincial Health Office in North Sumatera Head of District Health Office in Karang Anyar Head of District Health Office in Sleman Head of District Health Office in Surakarta Head of Public Health Center of Pajang, Surakarta Head of Public Health Center of Tebet, Jakarta Chairman of Indonesian Medical Doctors Association Chairman of Indonesian Midwives Association Chairman of Indonesian Pharmacologist Association Chairman of Indonesian Nursery Association Chairman of Indonesian Pharmacist Association Chairman of Indonesian Anesthesiologist and Reanimation Specialist Association Prof. dr. Iwan Darmansjah, SpFK. Prof. dr. Rianto Setiabudy, SpFK. Prof. dr. Abdul Muthalib, SpPD (K). Prof. dr. Djakaria, SpRad (K). Prof. dr. Nugroho Kampono, SpOG. Prof. Dr. dr. Hanafi Trisnohadi, SpKJ(K) Prof. Dr. dr. Inge Sutanto Prof. Dr. dr. Sarwono Waspadji, SpPD (K) Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Rezeki S. Hadinegoro,SpA (K) Prof. Dr. Arini Setiawati,PhD. Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M.MedSc, PhD. Prof. dr. Asril Aminullah, Sp.A (K) dr. Omo Abdul Madjid, SpOG. dr. Bambang Sudarmanto, Sp.A. dr. Dede Gunawan, SpS (K) dr. Robert Reverger, SpKJ (K) dr. Gunawan Darmansjah, SpAn. dr. Irawan Mangunatmadja , SpA.(K) drg. Silvia Desiree, SpKGA DR. Atie W. Soekandar, Sp.FK. DR. Sri Suryawati dr. Kartono Muhammad dr. Pinky F. Riawan Dra. Engko Sosialine, M. Biomed dr. Zorni Fadia dr. Abdullah Akhmad Dra. Detty Yuliati, Apt.

National List of Essential Medicines 2008


97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

Dita Novianti, S.Si, Apt, MM Erie Gusnellyanti, S.Si, Apt. dr. Djentot Fibihanindyo Putro Dra. Dara Amelia, Apt. Dra. Ema Viaza, Apt. Rohayati Rahafat, S.Si, Apt. Drs. Suhata Awan Yurianto Suprihandoyo Prihadi Mulyono Anwar Wahyudi Nofiyanti Mulyati


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



I, as undersigned below Name Address : :

declare as follows: 1. Disposed to be the Chairman/Vice Chairman/Expert/Consultant*) of The National Committee of NLEM (National List of Essential Medicines) 2008. 2. Disposed to attend Technical Discussion Meeting of NLEM Revision. 3. Disposed to sign Conflict of Interest Statement.

Jakarta, .......................................

*) Strike out the unnecessary statement

National List of Essential Medicines 2008



Indonesian National Essential Medicines Committee (2008)
For the evaluation of the Selection of Essential Medicines an evaluation committee is needed that would guarantee that its members are impartial and free from conflicts of interest that would biased the outcome of their choice(s) of medicines. Therefore all individuals chosen as National Committee Members are required to sign a statement as below, as consented: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No direct family members, including self, have important positions in or have stakes in the drug business so as to bias his/her selection. Committee Members, including Chairman and Consultants, should not solicit or receive money or gratuities that clearly indicate a form of bribery. Committee Members should refrain from presenting faked data in the form of publications or statements of dubious nature. In its deliberations members should use their intellectual judgment, instead of stating mere opinions without support of scientific data. When in the discussion of a subject, a member feels that he/she might have a conflict of judgment, he/she must acknowledge the chairman of the nature of its possible conflict. In the case of a serious conflict of interest, he/she will not be allowed to participate in a voting procedure. Committee Members may not deliberately leak important confidential issues of decision to a third party.


I, the undersigned below: Name: ......................................... Function: Chairman / Vice Chairman / Member / Consultant Declares that he/she understood the above statement and will obey the written rules above.

---------------------------------------Committee Member


National List of Essential Medicines 2008


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Summary Reason of deletion Public relation Comparation with similar medicine on the list Pharmacological characteristic Effectiveness evidence Safety evidence Benefit cost ratio Formulation The using of the medicine by international guidance Prevailing laws and regulatiuon which is supporting to delete the medicine Recommendation References


National List of Essential Medicines 2008



Application from Name of Institution : Address : Phone No/Facs :


Explanation : *) Based on trusted literature / reference *) Enclose the related literature / reference

.200.. Stamp / signature

Name NIP.


National List of Essential Medicines 2008


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