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Topic 1- Defining Development

Yunus: Micro credit Kingsbury: Aid serves western interests (sort poverty to reduce risk of terrorism)

Topic 2- Modernization
Bauer: Foreign aid encourages greed of elites. Food aid reduces local prices. Aid demotivates population Tonnies: Gem-ein-schaft (Gemienscahft)= Traditional/ kinship/ religion Ges-ell-schaft (Gesellschaft)= Modern/ selfish/ impersonal relationships Rostow: Stages of development (key words) 1. Subsistence/ Patriarchy/ Ascription 2. Western values/ Investment by TNCs 3. Reinvestment/ Exports/ Wages Trickle Down 4. Maturity/ Education/ Meritocratic 5. Consumption Parsons: Need socially mobile workforce Hoselitz:* Meritocratic education= western values- spreads ideas URBANIZATION: cities loosen traditional ties and spread cultural change

Topic 3- Dependency
Frank: West underdevelops nations World Capitalist System- Metropolis/ Satellite countries Wallerstein: World Systems Theory- must look at the world as a whole Countries move up/down a hierarchy Modern World System= Capitalism which is constantly evolving for profit Roberts + Hite: Solutions to dependency 1. Break away from it: Leave capitalism Leave at a weak time (recession/ war) Have a Socialist revolution

2. Associate or Dependent development Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) make goods that would usually be imported from West

Topic 4- Aid + Debt

Hancock: White, western administrators of World Bank and IMF lords of poverty FOR Aid Sachs: Benefits when it is practical, targeted and measurable Cassen: Bilateral aid: Improves infrastructure Creates rural health schemes Credit schemes People centered projects Hunt: 1. 2. 3. Future of aid: Decline importance Advance neo-liberal agenda Prevent failure of global market AGAINST Aid (See Bauer) Erixon: Aid is spent in the wrong way and supports bad economic practices

Topic 5- Population + Consumption

Malthus: 1798 Population increases faster than we can feed ourselves Natural checks Should delay from marriage and abstain from sex Harrison: Muslims and Catholics opposed to contraception Patriarchal control Adamson: Poverty= over population children are economic assets We should focus on over consumption of the West USA= 6% of world population consumes 40% of worlds resources

Topic 6- Gender
Mohanty: Western feminists dont understand situation of women in developing world Simply see them as poor, ignorant and uneducated

Foster- Carter: TNCs dont save women from patriarchy are just a different form of exploitation

Topic 7- Urbanization
(See Hoselitz*) Cohen + Kennedy:* Global Cities: In rich countries Headquarters of TNCs Global transport systems Political centers of power GLOBALIZATION: a set of mutually reinforcing transformations Concept of time and space Economic markets (production in multiple countries Increasing cultural interaction Shared problems

Topic 8- Globalization
(See Cohen + Kennedy) Cochrane + Pain World is one big society 1. Globalists Hyperglobalists Pessimistic globalists 2. Traditionalists 3. Transformalists Ritzer: McDonaldization 1. Efficiency- assembly line 2. Calculability- Max quantity/ min input 3. Predictability- Standardization 4. Control- deskilling with technology Spybey- But this IS globalization- they do incorporate local culture, they work together

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