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Successful Strategic Communications Plans Are Realistic, Achievable, and Flexible

By Arthur W. Samansky

dered by corporate management as part of the regular planning process, or are conceived by a communications executive seeking to establish a long-term "vision" or change the existing communications direction. But building a solid strategic communications plan (stratplan) can be arduous and, in some ways, frustrating: * There are numerous styles of stratplans, primarily because many, and maybe even most, communicators haven't had much experience in building them. * Given the sensitivity of stratplans, borrowing a successful one from a colleague at another company to use as a model, is unlikely at best. * And, even if obtained, the borrowed plan inadvertently may steer off-track the creative think-

Strategic communications plans: they are or-

ing necessary for the planner to build a plan suitable for the organization. For these and other reasons, planners, especially novices, spend considerable time trying to "re-invent the wheel." Often, the "wheel" doesn't come out round. To help resolve the dilemma, the following suggests a workable template for developing a successful stratplan. It uses media relations as the appropriate discipline in question. But the same outline, with obvious adjustments, applies to all other communications disciplines. The culture of the planner's organization, and instructions from the management committee overseeing the effort, may mean making adjustments to the proposed template. Nevertheless, the steps required to complete the proposed template are likely to make plan-customization for a specific organization easier to manage. The material gathered in the process, even if not used specifically in the plan, also will be helpful in discussing the plan with other communications disciplines and in front of senior management.

The Best Plans Are Roadmaps To Goals

The best stratplans are roadmaps to what a communications department or group plans to do, subject to clearly unforeseeable "traffic jams" and "detours." Moreover, despite the name - strategic plan - a good plan includes an outline of the tactics which will be employed to achieve the strategy. In addition, the plan should cover at least a year, either calendar, or fiscal, matching the organization's accounting year. Many plans are built to accommodate a rolling two, three or even five years. In multi-year plans, which enable communicators to show how programs will be built, expanded and
Public Relations Quarterly

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Arthur W. Samansky


leveraged, the first year plans must be "real," the second-year plans "realistic," and the out-years based upon best estimates of likely conditions.

Good Plans Have Clearly Stated Goals

Whether single-year or multi-year, the stratplan must have clearly stated goals and objectives against which the communicator and others can measure progress and achievement, and about which there isn't any question at yearend. The best plans: * are challenging but achievable; * are cost-effective in terms of dollars and human resources; * commit to specific action items, programs and deliverables (what actually will be produced) in a specific timeframe; * account for less than perfect conditions, and include worst-case scenarios; * are flexible enough to accommodate the unanticipated and unforecastable which may require programs to be accelerated, slowed, altered or postponed; and, * include an easy to follow timetable/grid.

detailed questions and prepare some very detailed answers. It is essential he or she not try to "fool" himself or herself or slip by with easy, off-the-top answers. The more refined and detailed the answer the better the plan will be and the more likely the success of achieving the objectives. To raise the questions and get the answers, it often is useful to pull together a free-form brainstorming session with the appropriate staff, using an outside facilitator, such as the unit's outside consultant, to help keep the brainstorming session
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Despite the name - strategic plan - a good plan includes

an outline of the tactics which will be employed.

focused, use the available time productively, and push all to participate. Through the meetings with business line heads, reviews of their plans and the brainstorming sessions, the designer of the plan should work within the following framework. 1. Corporate, economic, market and coinmunications environment review This section is akin to a situation analysis, but with more heft. In addition to the overarching review, it should include: * in priority order, the goals and- objectives which must be achieved in the year ahead; * how the goals fit with the corporation's overall growth plans and the business/communications environment; * whether the corporation or outside forces are controlling the message agenda; * whether current efforts are pro-active or reactive and if the strategy should be altered; and, * an indication of the level of media, regulatory, community, etc. interest in corporate issues/products/services and what impact this might have going forward. 2. Messages Cite, in bulletpoint fashion, key messages going forward, for the corporation as well as the various business lines. 3. Audiences Define the clients/customers/constituents the department reaches and needs to reach, and the types of media likely to be most effective in reaching these constituencies (print, broadcast, etc.) Include specific names of key news organizations. Keep the list tight. 4. Outline of programs

Stratplans Should Be Coordinated Across Communications Disciplines

The best plans also are coordinated with those of all the other communications disciplines in the company. It's counterproductive not to coordinate the plans of all communications disciplines. Changes in any one plan can, and generally do, have a cascading impact on what other disciplines are working toward. Negative effects can have serious company-wide consequences. A well-devised stratplan also has other critical benefits beyond laying out a roadmap. It: * forces communicators to actively consider "what-ifs" for the new year and beyond; * helps bring forward good ideas, or the start of ideas, and ways to leverage current year programs, for the future; and, * provides time for more study or funding, before testing and implementing in a future stratplan.

Two Key Steps Essential Before Words Are Put To Paper

Building a specific portion of this multi-discipline plan requires two key steps before the first words are put to paper. The first is to obtain from each business unit a copy of their business plan which will be supported through the specific communications discipline. A communications plan based upon limited information can easily result in failure. Second, the designer must ask a number of very
Summer 2003

State what media programs:

* are currently being planned, and * which will be continued/expanded/eliminated Specify which programs, using which specific tools, aimed at which media, will be implemented in what timeframe, to achieve which objective. Within this section, too, include what we have labeled a T.A.P.S. (Tools, Actions/Programs, Strategies) outline, showing which items will be employed to build on corporate strengths and overcome weaknesses. Include a timeline which graphically shows the program/activity, and indicate by placement of a marker whether the program is scheduled for the start, middle or end of the month in question. Be sure to check dates so as to avoid holidays, if necessary, including certain religious holidays. Holding an event on a holiday, especially a religious holiday, can cause enormous negative community reaction and media publicity. It also can affect clients, vendors and personnel.
5. Supporti7gprogram71s

12. Seek Synergies Coordinate the plan with other communications disciplines and look for areas where plans can be leveraged, and budgets can be shared for a specific task or program. The effort to build a plan along these lines clearly is hard work. But the end product re-enforces with senior-most management that the communications professionals are: an integral and important part of the team devoted to supporting the long-term corporate

* have a definite vision and a viable means of

successfully getting to the goal; and, * cost-effective)


Arthur Samansky is president of The Samansky Group, Old Bethpage, N.Y (, and author of "Building A Successful Strategic Communications Plan@.g" He can be contacted at

Indicate what training programs (e.g., speech training) will be added or increased (or eliminated) going forward and, in priority order, for which group or job title, to ensure personnel can carry out the plan. 6. Current Team Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the media team now, and how/if it should be altered to meet objectives. Discuss other issues which caused the department to miss any year-earlier objectives and/or are likely to cause stumbles going forward. 7. Staffing-needs to accomplish tasks Indicate realistic additional staffing needs, keeping in mind the current state of the business and the outlook as discussed in the opening analysis. 8. Budget Estimate the department's staff and non-staff costs for the next 12 months. Putting the budget issue last prevents a planner from shutting off or dismissing creative thinking. It's far easier to scale back an activity or substitute an activity for a more promising one to stay within budget.
9. Theme

Marketing Executives Cite Public Relations as Key Element of Brand Marketing and Reputation
The majority of marketing executives say public relations is the most important communications discipline for building brand reputation, generating word of mouth and pre-market conditioning, according to the PRWeek/Manning Selvage & Lee Marketing Management Survey. The survey, which polled 328 CMOs, marketing VPs, marketing directors and brand managers, focused on the value and contributions of PR in the marketing mix and how important integrated communications programs are today. When asked to rank the importance of advertising, public relations, direct marketing and the Internet against various marketing objectives, marketing executives said PR was most important for overcoming a crisis (83%), cultivating industry thought leaders (71%) and building a corporate reputation (67%). But PR's relevance extends beyond conventional lines: PR also was ranked most important for generating word of mouth (61%), pre-market conditioning (50%), and building a brand's reputation (48%). PR ranked equally important to advertising in stategy development, message development, and launching a new product. In contrast, advertising was viewed as most important for promoting an existing product or service, building awareness, and acquiring and growing customers. Direct marketing, on the other hand, was ranked most important for retaining customers and targeting niche audiences. "The days of PR as an isolated marketing tool are over," said Michael Marino, managing director and executive vice president of creative and strategic development at MS&L. "Clearly, marketing executives have high expectations of what PR can do - and it is up to us to deliver on that." Public Relations Quarterly

Theme the plan so that upon first sight all know what the department plans to accomplish. 10. PresentationFormat Prepare an executive summary of the entire plan, as well as a PowerPoint version (the concise slide format serves as a second check on the logic and fit of the overall plan, and provides a ready format for presentation to other corporate units and communications disciplines.) 11. Tiger Team Assemble a Tiger Team to find holes, and lack of logic or reality in the plan.



TITLE: Successful Strategic Communications Plans Are Realistic, Achievable, and Flexible SOURCE: Public Relat Q 48 no2 Summ 2003 WN: 0319601041011 The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in violation of the copyright is prohibited. To contact the publisher:

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