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Kim WL, Block C April 3, 2012

Kim 1
Ms. Kolnik

Kim 2


Table of Contents

Kim 3

Self-Reflection..4 Work Cited..5

Outline I. Self Reflection A. Qualitative B. Quantitative II. Conclusion

Kim 5


Kim 5

Before coming to the United States, I was described more as a shy and confident person.

Making friends was a difficult task to accomplish, even conversing with friends seemed to be very difficult. Being timid, overall, I tended to isolate myself from the social culture, as I feared of making mistakes and humiliating myself. However, after meeting a friend, my life changed, as I became closer to the society and people, interacting more with people, and began to stray away from my shy personality. In the summer of 2004, when I moved to Great Neck, New York, I saw my life getting more

and more exciting. Having moved from Korea to England, and then to the United States, I saw myself being given another life by God, assuming his intention of helping me come closer to the society, away from isolation. On the first day of school, as I held a strange mix of British and Korean accents, I stood out greatly among the American born students. Regardless, this did not create any social blockades for me, as the students did not seem to discriminate others based on their accent. During my first recess of the school, I met another Korean boy named Hyun, who seemed to be very friendly to me. Hyun, a third grader (I was in fourth), wore glasses, had long hair, and had a aggressive, yet generous attitude. Even though our friendship started with a simple dialogue, Hey, are you Korean? Yeah, you? Same, wanna hang out? Ok, our friendship bonded very closely together. My social life revolved around Hyun in many different aspects, as Hyun introduced many of my friends to me, and, also, as he altered my shy personality to a more outgoing personality. Furthermore, Hyuns academic achievement inspired me to do well in studying, and his interest in fashion also led me to develop an interest toward fashion. Resolving, conflicts between Hyun and I from time to time helped develop my realization of the beauty of forgiveness of friends.

Kim 5

Once having thought of my life as mundane, meeting Hyun changed my view towards life.

The shy, quiet person I once represented emerged as a social and outgoing character. With an improvement in social life followed improvements in my academic life, and with the growth of confidence came growth in the number of my friends. With the meeting of a single person, my life changed in its vigor, confidence, and motivation. Work Cited

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